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Islamic Studies: Books

UK Libraries Quick Links*

The Art of Browsing

While technology and the creation of the online library catalog make searching for resources easier for us, nothing compares to browsing the stacks and finding materials you may have overlooked online. Broaden your horizons and expand your research the old-fashioned way--browse the following areas at UK libraries to find books on your subject:

  • B (Young Library - 4th Floor) Islamic Philosophy, Anthropology
  • BP, F, JC (Young Library - 4th Floor) Fiqh, Hadith, Quran Commentaries, Shiite, Sufism, Sunni Politics
  • HQ (Young Library - 4th Floor) Women in Islam
  • KBP (Law Library) Islamic Law
  • N (Fine Arts Library) Islamic Art and Architecture
  • NA (Design Library) Islamic Architecture
  • PK,PJ, PS (Young Library - 4th Floor) Arabic Literature (Fiction, Language, Poetry)  
  • Z (Young Reference - 2nd floor) Print Journal Indexes

Find Books and More Through InfoKat Discovery

InfoKat Discovery image

InfoKat Discovery allows you to quickly search multiple library resources simultaneously.

InfoKat Discovery searches the majority of UK resources, including books, journal articles, dissertations, government documents, archives and special collections, images, maps, videos, music and open access content.

BUT, InfoKat Discovery does NOT include ALL of the journal articles available through our databases--some databases are not included in InfoKat Discovery.

If you are doing very specialized searching or wish to limit your search to a particular database, you can select the database of your choice using the UK Libraries' Databases search.

The UK Libraries arranges books by Library of Congress (LC) call number. LC call numbers begin with letters of the alphabet. For example, most books on language and literature are in the range of P call numbers.

If Young Library is the location, check the Young Library map to determine the floor and wing for each call number. The P call numbers (language and literature) are split between the 4th floor and 5th floor.

If a book is located in another campus library, be sure to note the library location and call number. Check our list of library locations and the hours for each library.


Here are some great places to find electronic books, or "E-books," in the areas of Islamic Studies. (NOTE: Most E-books found in the collection below may also be found by searching InfoKat Discovery.)

Overview of InfoKat Discovery

Watch this short video for an overview and tips to get the most out of our discovery system, InfoKat Discovery. IKD includes our library catalog plus additional resources, including content from some (not all!) article databases and local digital collections.

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Selected Books