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EPE 703: Preparing Research Proposals: Getting Started

The goal of this seminar is to provide advanced graduate students with individualized guidance and direction on the preparation of successful research proposals. Spring 2010.


This research guide lists the major resources useful for research in Education. This is by no means an exhaustive list, so if you do not find what you need, please contact me either by e-mail, phone, or in person in the Education Library. This list may be updated periodically during the semester. Dr. Goldstein will notify you if there has been an update.

Library Assignment

1. Make sure you have an active library card. I can help you with this if you aren't sure. You will need your library card # to register for ILL.

2. Register for Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

3. Set up an account with EBSCOhost.

4. Explore the Education Library Home Page for more information about library services and accounts.

OPTIONAL: All UK students, faculty and staff can download Microsoft Office and Endnote for free (log in using linkblue).

Education Librarian

Profile Photo
Jeretta Robinson
227 Dickey Hall
University of Kentucky