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CME 455/456: AspenPlus

Fall 2023

Information about AspenPlus

AspenTech Logo

Find corporate information about Aspen software on the company's website.

Where to Access Aspen Plus

Aspen Plus is available to authorized UK students via the Virtual Den.

If you have questions about accessing Aspen Plus, please contact ITS Customer Services:
859-218-HELP (4357)


Tips for Searching

Looking for information about Aspen software can be challenging due to aspen's other meaning (as the name of a tree). To improve your search results, try putting "AspenPlus" in your search. Alternatively, you might try excluding tree-related terms from your search by adding NOT tree, for example, in library databases or -tree in an oneline search. If you run into any issues, please don't hesitate to let us know!

AspenPlus Resources