Periodicals, also known as serials, are publications with distinctive titles that are produced at regular or stated intervals with no determined publishing end date.
Articles tend to be more narrowly focused than books and, of course, they can bring you up to date on your subject since a book is static once it is published. Magazine and newspaper articles written for the general public to inform, entertain, or persuade can often give the best look at the social and political issues resonating within a population at a particular point in time and, as such, can represent valuable primary sources for historical research. Secondary articles, written by scholars and published in scholarly journals, are the building blocks for in-depth research and one of the primary means by which scholars and experts in a field pass on their theories, research and findings.
When searching for journal articles, you will notice the View Now button on many of your search results. Clicking on the View Now button will lead you to the article itself, links to the full text of the article, or it will let you know that we do not have full text of the article.
If the full text is not available, you can search InfoKat Discovery for a print copy of the article. If we do not have a print copy, you can request an interlibrary loan (ILL). For articles, these usually arrive pretty quickly.
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