A vast amount of information is available to you from a wide variety of sources. Part of your job as a scholar is to choose the information that best and most reliably supports your research hypothesis. Fortunately, there are some standard criteria by which scholars have judged the quality of research and information available to them. One checklist of criteria, developed by librarians at Meriam Library at California State, Chico is cleverly called the CRAAP test. CRAAP stands for Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy and Purpose.
Use the checklist and decide "Is your information solid or is it....?
Most of us begin searching the WWW using a simple keyword search and a Web search engine like Google. We then look at page after page of search results-links to hundreds if not thousands of irrelevant or out-of-date pages or links that don't work at all. However, most Web search engines also provide special search tools for more targeted and precise searches. Google, for example, offers Advanced Searching, Google Scholar, and Google Books. Each of these searches has specific strengths and, in general, would be more appropriate for university level research. However, even when you use a special search to find information on your topic, when you use that information, the responsibility for analyzing and verifying the currency, relevance, authority,accuracy, and purpose of the information you find there is totally yours, not an editors or an editorial board. So be wary and cautious and very, very critical. Sometimes easy does not mean good.
The other way of using Web information is to use websites identified by others, particularly librarians and scholars. Many library research guides are available on the WWW that will have a section on free and interesting Web pages dealing with particular subject areas. For example, the resources listed below were extrapolated from a page on "Globalization" compiled by Specialists in the Business Reference Services Science, Technology & Business Division of the Library of Congress.