This guide was created to aid you in your research for your History 202 assignments by helping you identify:
A book for your critical book review which is available to you in the UK Libraries.
Other books on the same topic also available to you thereby allowing you to critically compare the treatment of the book you have chosen.
Biographical sources that may help you assess the qualifications and interests of the author of the book you have chosen-what education, experience, occupation, former works, ect., qualify this person to write on this topic. Are there circumstances that might have influenced the author's outlook-party affiliation, nationality, religion, school of historiography, etc?
Articles on the same or similar subjects to in order to respond to the questions posed in the assignment description.
Need more information about a topic but don't necessarily want an in-depth treatment like you'd get in a book or a scholarly article? Consider using one of the online database links below for background/context information. The articles in these reference sources are often written by individuals whose credentials and expertise qualify them as experts on the topic. Specialized reference sources can also help you develop your research outline--look at the table of contents and index headings and subheadings.