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BIO 155 Biological Research Skills Lab: Managing Citations

Introductory Biology Laboratory

EndNote Online

To access EndNote Basic, go to Web of Science Core Collection and click "EndNote" at the top of the page.

EndNote Online with Web of Science Citations

After you have registered and created an account for EndNote Online (also known as EndNote Basic) and/or logged in to EndNote Online, do a search in Web of Science Core Collection.

Send references to EndNote Online

  • Check the boxes beside the documents you would like to save in the list of results
  • Click on Save to EndNote Online
  • A pop-up box will appear: change the dropdown box beside Record Content to Full Record and click Send

Now, click on EndNote near the top of the page in Web of Science Core Collection. You should be taken to the My References page of EndNote Online.

Click on All My References in the sidebar on the left side of the page. Now, check the boxes beside the references you just sent, click on the dropdown arrow beside Add to group… and select New Group.

Name the new group using the pop-up box. You will see that the group has been added to My Groups in the sidebar.

Click on Format near the top of the page. You should be in the Bibliography section under Format.

  • For References, choose the group you just created
  • For Bibliographic Style, choose Ecology
  • For File Format, choose RTF (rich text file)
  • Now, e-mail it to yourself  *make sure pop-ups are allowed*

In-text Citations

When citing in the text, follow the format of the journal Ecology:  

1 author (Smith 1975)

2 authors (Jones and Smith 1975)

>2 authors (Brown et al. 1977)

If there are multiple authors that address one idea, divide each reference by a semicolon and list chronologically, then alphabetically: (Jones and Smith 1975; Smith 1975; Brown et al. 1977)

Citing Your Lab Reports

Below is the citation format you will use to create your bibliographies.  It follows the format of the journal, Ecology.




Journal Article:

One author

Last name, First initial. Second initial. Year. Article title. Journal title volume number: pages.

Abrams, P. A.  1987.  The functional responses of adaptive consumers of two resources.  Theoretical Population Biology 32:262-288.

Journal Article:

Two or more authors

Last name, First initial. Second initial., First initial. Second initial. Last name, and First initial. Second initial. Last name. Date. Title. 
Journal title volume number: pages.

Hjalten, J., K. Danell, and P. Lundberg.  1993.  Herbivore avoidance by association: vole and hare utilization of woody plants.  Oikos 68:125-131.

Book chapter

Last name, First initial. Second initial., First initial. Second initial. Last name, and First initial. Second initial. Last name. Year. 
Chapter title. Pages XXX-XXX in First initial. Second initial. Last name and First initial. Second initial. Last name. Book title. 
Publisher name, City of publication, State of publication, Country of publication.

Abrams, P. A., B. A. Menge, and G. G. Mittelbach.  1995.  The role of indirect effects in food webs.  Pages 371-395 in G. Polis and K. O. Winemiller, editors.  Food webs: integration of patterns and dynamics.  Chapman and Hall, New York, New York, USA.

Entire Book

Last name, First initial. Second initial., First initial. Second Initial. Last name, and First initial. Second initial. Last name. Year. Book title. Publisher name, City of publication, State of publication, Country of publication.

Drake, J. A., F. DiCastri, and R. H. Groves.  1989.  Biological invasions: a global perspective.  Wiley, New York, New York, USA.

Government Document

Last name, First initial. Second initial., First initial. Second initial. Last name, and First initial. Last name.  Document title. Report number. Government agency, Agency division, City of publication, State of publication, Country of publication.

Maschinski, J., H. D. Hammond, and L. Holter, editors.  Southwestern rare and endangered plants: proceedings of the second conference.  General Technical Report RM-GTR-283.  U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.