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CIS 110: Composition & Communication

This guide includes library help information specially tailored for students in CIS 110


This guide is designed to help you with library research associated with CIS 110.
If you have questions or need more information, please Ask Us!

Introduction to UK Libraries

Introduction to UK Libraries is an interactive tutorial highlighting important library research resources as well as services such as research guides, printing, and more.

introduction to UK Libraries welcome screen

Background Research

Conducting Background Research (1:06) is an important part of the overall research process. This quick video will give you tips on how to go about this part of the process.

Find Background Information

Begin with Gale Virtual Reference to help you learn more about your topic.

Guide for Developing a Research Question

Refer to this guide as you develop your research topic. Use background information to help you understand your topic and provide context.


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Stacey Greenwell
I'm here to help you! Email me your questions or schedule an appointment for an online or in person consultation.