Both and WorldCat (FirstSearch) are products of OCLC (Online Computer Library Center). and FirstSearch both offer access to OCLC's WolrdCat database with over 400 million holdings in over 16,000 libraries in 124 countries. Types of libraries include: research, academic, public, school, medical, law, corporate, government, special, state and national. is a free, publicly-available database and FirstSearch is subscription-based. The interfaces are different, and you can find information about searching each below. lets you search the collections of libraries in your community and thousands more around the world.
Your search results will list UK's holdings first. If we don't own the item, you can find out how close the nearest holding library is or click the link to ILLiad to request a loan or copy.
Go to the search box on any library homepage, then select the "Databases" tab to search for
Type search terms--title, subject, author--in the search box.
A free account will let you save searches, create lists, track updates on lists created by other account owners, write reviews. The list feature is great for sharing bibliographies.
Create a account.
Click here to access Search Guidelines for WorldCat.
Click on the link below to open the document "OCLC FirstSearch: The Basics"