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PPL 201: Introduction to Public Policy

Introduction to UK Libraries

Introduction to UK Libraries is an interactive tutorial highlighting important resources and services such as research guides, printing, and more!

introduction to UK Libraries welcome screen

Scholarly/Peer Review

Learn how to identify the characteristics of scholarly articles in Introduction to Scholarly Articles in this six minute tutorial.

scholarly articles tutorial logo

How to Get Full-Text

When searching for journal articles, you will notice the View Now button on many of your search results. Clicking on the View Now button will lead you to the article itself, links to the full text of the article, or it will let you know that we do not have full text of the article.

If the full text is not available, you can search InfoKat Discovery for a print copy of the article. If we do not have a print copy, you can request an interlibrary loan (ILL). For articles, these usually arrive pretty quickly.

Have questions? Ask Us for help.

Instructions for Setting Up Google Scholar to Link to UK Full-text Holdings


Google Scholar logo


It's a good idea to check Google Scholar along with other databases. Follow these instructions to connect Google Scholar results to UK's full text holdings.

Academic Search Complete Search Results

This clickable image is focused on Academic Search Complete search results and provides pop-ups explaining each important element.


Academic Search Complete Search Results