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Self Emancipated and Enslaved People in Kentucky (SEEK)

The SEEK Project locates, collects, digitizes, and provides metadata for fugitive slave advertisements from Kentucky newspapers through a digital archive. SEEK is affiliated with the national Freedom on the Move project.

The SEEK Project

Workshop participants will use runaway advertisements and secondary resources to develop a digital humanities exhibit for inclusion in the SEEK platform.

Workshop Materials in Google Drive

Each participant has a folder containing newspaper ad collections and place to add bibliographies and other materials. Login required.

Spring 2024 Workshop


1. Interpretation: Learning from workshop participants’ interpretations of primary and secondary sources.

2. Communication: Learn how to teach new users how to understand the primary sources we’ve collected.

3. Presentation: Provide participants with a basic understanding of OMEKA and basic OMEKA skills so that they can present their findings.

► DAY ONE - FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 10:00 AM - 3:00PM

Mid-morning refreshments provided

10:15 am -12:00 pm

  • Basics of Slavery in Kentucky
  • Basics of Historic Newspapers in Kentucky
  • Researching Secondary Materials

Lunch Break

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

  • Basics of Runaway Advertisements
  • An Introduction to Omeka
  • Omeka Practice

Your Assignment: 

Using the collection you’ve been assigned, build an OMEKA exhibit.

  1. Read each of your advertisements.
  2. Identify three commonalities or three major differences between the ads.
  3. Identify three historical questions you have after reading them.
  4. With those three questions as your guide, develop a specific research topic.
  5. Submit the topic to Dr. Holden by Friday, April 12th at 5pm EST.
  6. Consult with Ms. Bartlett about secondary resources.
  7. Keep in mind: how could you teach an 8th grader about the topic you’ve identified?
  8. Begin design process.

► DAY TWO - FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 10:00 AM - 3:00PM


Arrive at Workshop Day Two with the following:

  • Clear Historical Topic
  • A set of secondary sources
  • A clear start on an OMEKA exhibit

You will work on your individual exhibit during the first part of the day, then present your work in the afternoon. A mid-morning snack and lunch will be provided.