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CIS 112: Accelerated Composition & Communication

This guide includes library help information specially tailored for students in CIS 112


This guide is designed to help you with library research associated with CIS 112.
If you have questions or need more information, please Ask Us!

Introduction to UK Libraries

Introduction to UK Libraries is an interactive tutorial highlighting important library research resources as well as services such as research guides, printing, and more.

introduction to UK Libraries welcome screen

Getting Started with your Research

Some tips to get you started:

  • Understand your assignment.  What kind of information do you need?  Peer-reviewed journal articles, newspaper articles, books?
  • Know your deadlines.  It is so much easier to do your research early so that you will have plenty of time to write your paper.
  • Develop your topic.  Narrowing your broad idea to a specific question you want to research will save you much time and effort.
  • Brainstorm keywords.  Think about keywords related to each aspect of your topic to help in searching.

If you run into any trouble at any point in your research process, you can always Ask Us for help. 

Another advantage to starting your research early: you can schedule a consultation with a librarian. Librarians are here to help you navigate the many resources available to you, and a consultation is a great opportunity to make sure you are looking in the right places. Librarians are glad to help!

Developing a Research Topic

Once you have selected an initial topic, the next step is to develop research questions. To begin:

  • Write down what you already know or don't know about the topic.
  • Using the information you wrote down, develop questions you'd like to answer when doing your research.
    • Use probing questions such as why? how? what if? should?
    • Avoid questions that can be answered with yes or no.

The one minute video below provides more tips.

Guide for Developing a Research Question

Refer to this guide as you develop your research topic. Use background information to help you understand your topic and provide context.


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Stacey Greenwell
I'm here to help you! Email me your questions or schedule an appointment for an online or in person consultation.