The following databases have information that might be useful in your genealogical research. See also:
Includes full-text access to
Pennsylvania gazette (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Pennsylvania packet.
Godey's lady's book.
History of Woman Sufffrage.
Scenes from the life of Harriet Tubman.
Twelve years a slave.
For additional material, use the box to the left of the entry:
Select the format(s) you wish to see to get to citations and full-text material.
InfoKat Discovery is the primary way to find materials available in the UK Libraries.
A number of standard terms can be used to find genealogical-related material.
* Regimental histories and Registers can be applied to specific wars, geographic locations, and other primary terms:
United States - History - Civil War, 1861-1865 - Regimental histories.
New York (State) - Histor- Civil War, 1861-1865 - Registers.
Soldiers - New York (State) - Registers.
* Use a family name followed by the word 'family' as a subject phrase search, e.g., Grayson family
or search for specific people as a subject (last name first in a phrase search) to find resources about that person,
e.g., Peers, Valentine
* Look for books about specific communities and/or counties with the term 'history' to see if your ancestors are mentioned in those books, e.g.,
Maysville (Ky.) - History
Nicholas County (Ky.) - History
The Special Collections Research Center is a great source of genealogical research material, especially concerning Kentucky, including city directories, county histories, biographies, and business directories and guides.