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Demographic Resources in Music

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Composers, Performers & Repertory (Online)

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UK Libraries Databases

Subject Headings & Call Numbers


These links will launch searches in the Advanced Search:

For your own search:

  • Go to Advanced Search
  • Search for          Library Catalog
  • Search Filters    Subject contains   [type your terms here]
  • Material Types    All items   [or specific format]

Scores and AV are best searched by composer, performer, genre, and limiting to the material type Scores, Audio, or Videos, for example:

  • Go to Advanced Search
  • Search for          Library Catalog
  • Search Filters     Author/creator contains  Leo Brouwer
  • AND                   Subject contains   guitar
  • Materials Type    Scores


  •  ML3481     Hispanic American music


  •  M1668.4     Hispanic American music

Or try searching in an Advanced Author/Creator search set to "Contains" the composer's name and setting the Material Type to Scores.

Works in the Western art music tradition are not generally given separate call numbers that indicate ethnicity, gender, orientation, or place of birth. See the document below of an outline of the Library of Congress Classification System for scores: