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AAS 301: Introduction to the African Diaspora

A guide to the library resources for students in AAS 301 - Introduction to the African Diaspora. Spring 2020.

Academic Sources - General and Humanities

Academic Sources - Social Sciences

Keywords for People of African Descent Living in other countries

It's sometimes difficult to find the right word or phrase to use in searching for books or articles about people of African descent living in other countries.  Here are some ideas.

Combine the following words or phrases with the country you are searching for:

Blacks (ie Blacks -- France, Blacks -- Brazil)
Black People (or combine with country name, ie Black Germans or Black Brazilians)
Africans from particular countries (ie Angolans, Ghanians, Somalian etc)
Africans from particular ethnic groups (Yoruba, Hausa, Fulani, etc.)
Use the prefix "Afro-" (ie. Afro-Cuban, Afro-Latino, Afro-Decendants)
People of African Descent
Migrants/Immigrants/Asylum Seekers/Refugees
Slaves/Enslaved People

Some other useful seach strategies include combining the name of your country with the following terms:

African Diaspora
African Religions associated with the diaspora - Candomble, Santeria, Voodoo (and other various spellings), and others
African Culture associated with the diaspora - foods (moqueca baiana), music (reggae, samba), etc.
Black Lives Matter


How to Get Full-Text

When searching for journal articles, you will notice the View Now button on many of your search results. Clicking on the View Now button will lead you to the article itself, links to the full text of the article, or it will let you know that we do not have full text of the article.

If the full text is not available, you can search InfoKat Discovery for a print copy of the article. If we do not have a print copy, you can request an interlibrary loan (ILL). For articles, these usually arrive pretty quickly.

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