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MKT 625: Branding

Consumer Research

Industry Research

Company Research

Country Information

  • Statista Country Outlooks: Provides current key figures and forecasts on the economic and social development of a country. NOTE: Be sure to use the drop down menu under segment to find indicators under additional categories, like labor force and business environment. The charts and tables can all be downloaded as images or Excel spreadsheets. 

Other sources of country risk and market opportunities include:

  • Coface, a global credit insurer, has country risk analysis reports with grades. Use the drop down menu under "Economic Studies."  
  • Country Commercial Guides from the U.S. International Trade Administration include reports on market conditions, opportunities, regulations and business customs prepared by U.S. Embassies by professionals from the Commerce Department, State Department, and other U.S. federal agencies.
  • The Institute for Management Development (IMD) World Competitiveness Index ranks 64 countries on 334 competitiveness criteria. (All of the recommended countries for this assignment are in this index). Be sure to check out the individual country profiles - download in PDF to see everything on one page. 

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