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Education Special Collections

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How Do I Find Rare Books and Print Collections?


Infokat Discovery - UK Libraries

Use UK Libraries' online catalog, Infokat Discovery, to find rare books and print collections from the Special Collections Research Center. Rare books and print collections contain printed material from numerous geographic locations in a variety of formats, including: monographs (books); newspapers; serials (periodicals); pamphlets; and broadsides. Look for the "Submit Request to Special Collections Research Center" link beneath items any items from SCRC to schedule in-person use in the Breckinridge Research Room or to order digital scans. 



Selected Education Rare Books and Print Collections in SCRC

Need help getting started? Check out the following suggestions to get an idea of what SCRC's rare books and print collections have to offer:

Where Do I Find Newspapers?

That's a complicated question! There are a number of ways to find newspapers at UK Libraries depending on when and where they were published. To learn more about finding newspaper sources at UK Libraries, check out the guide below.  

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