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Third Iron: Browzine and LibKey: Browzine Bookshelf: Finding and Saving

Your bookshelf

You have the oTable with BrowZine bookshelfption of adding your favorite journals to your virtual bookshelf.  You can store up to 64 journals on My Bookshelf - 16 in each of the 4 colored "rooms."

  • Find journals
  • Save journals to your bookshelf
  • Save and send articles
  • Share citations through Twitter and Facebook


Share, send, and save articles

Click on the icon in the top right corner for your send, share, and save options.

Screenshot with icon in top right corner

Screenshot of share article options

Finding journals

Click on the blue BrowZine Library icon and search for a specific journal or browse by subject.

Mobile screenshot of subject menu

Save articles for later

Click on the file box icon next to the article you would like to save.

Screenshot with file box icon to right of article title

By clicking on the file box icon, you can save articles for later use. Click on the Saved Articles icon in the middle to view the selected articles.

Screenshot of Saved Articles view

Add journal to bookshelf

Click on the gold Add to My Bookshelf box to the right of the journal cover.

Next, place the journal where you want it on the bookshelf.

Mobile screenshot of bookshelf in drag and drop mode


Click on the X to delete journals from your bookshelf. Rearrange by dragging.

Using BrowZine with Evernote