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CLA 382-001: Greek & Roman Religion (Leite)

This is the class guide to Greek and Roman Religion

LIbrary Catalog

Young LIbrary

The Young Library is the main undergraduate library and houses the collection for social sciences and humanities. This library is a good source for materials for ancient Greek and Roman religion. The majority of the materials will be in the BL780-BL810 with materials on history and culture in the DE for Greco-Roman world, DF for Greek emphasis and DG for a Roman emphasis. There may be materials of interest housed in the PA Greek and Roman literature including contemporary reports on worship or festivals as well as materials in other areas reflecting viewing these religions through an anthropological lens. 

Lucille Caudill Little Fine Arts Library

With its emphasis on art and music, the Lucille Caudill Little Fine Arts Library collection is a rich resource for how Greek and Roman deities has been treated in art and in music over the years. There may also be some information on religious festivals in art such as Olympics, etc.

Key search terms

Library of Congress subject headings (LCSH) use the terms Greece -- Religion and Rome --Religion to identify books and other materials related to the Greek and Roman religions. However, many databases will use the terms Greek religion or Roman religion. The terms Cults -- Greek and Cults -- Rome will lead to descriptions of cultic practices. Emperor worship - Rome will lead to information on the veneration of the emperor in the Roman Empire.  Oracles, Greek would lead to information about the various oracles and the practices around them.

You can also search under Mythology, Greek or Mythology, Roman. However, that is more likely to lead you to stories about deities rather than about actual religious practices of the Greeks and Romans. And that is also likely to be true when looking under particular deities such as Zeus/Jupiter or Isis. They will often have qualifiers such as (Mythology), (Greek deity), (Roman deity), (Legendary character), etc. Examples would be Zeus (Greek deity), Sirens (Mythology), Diana (Roman deity) and Aeneas (Legendary character). 



Library of Congress Call Numbers for Browsing Print Collections

For Greece -- Religion check out  (BL781-BL790, PA25, BL722, BL730, BL793.M8 or B398.R4)

For Rome --Religion check out  (BL803-BL810, DG121, BL820.C8, BS2555.5, BL25)

For history, culture and civilization, see DE for the Greco-Roman World, DF for Greek Civilization and DG for Roman Civilization for information about how religion would play a role in the daily life of the people and the various city states. There may be some information about religious festivals under GT Manner and Customs, but most of information on ancient Greece and Rome culture tend to under history area.