Contemporary AuthorsProvides biographical information on modern novelists, poets, playwrights, nonfiction writers, journalists, and scriptwriters. Sketches typically include personal information, addresses, career history, writings, work in progress, biographical and critical sources, authors' comments, and essays about their lives and work. The Revised Series contains updated and revised entries on current writers in fiction, general nonfiction, poetry, journalism, drama, motion pictures, television, and other fields.
Dictionary of Literary BiographyProvides more than 16,000 biographical and critical essays on the lives, works, and careers of the world-wide literary figures from all eras and genres. Includes the DLB main series, the DLB Documentary Series, and the DLB Yearbook Series. Access by keyword searching, author browsing, date of publication, subject collection (American literature, Asian literature, Australasian literature, British literature, Canadian literature, European literature, Latin American and Hispanic literature, Renaissance and Reformation, World literature, or DLB series. Search by full-text keyword or browse by author, volume title, publication date, subject grouping (American literature, Asian literature, Australasian literature, British literature, Canadian literature, European literature, Latin American and Hispanic literature, Renaissance and Reformation and World literature) or DLB series.
Something about the AuthorProvides insights into many countries' cultures, as authors from many countries are included. Provides illustrated biographical profiles of children's authors and artists, ranging from established award winners to authors and illustrators just beginning their careers. Entries typically cover personal life, career, writings, works in progress, adaptations, and additional sources. Also includes Something About the Author: Autobiography Series.
Biography, History, Humanities
Art IndexIndexing of over 600 periodicals, more than 13,000 art dissertations, and almost 200,000 art reproductions, providing examples of styles and art movements, including works by emerging artists. Includes a database-specific thesaurus and covers fine, decorative and commercial art, as well as folk art, photography, film, and architecture.
Arts and Humanities Citation IndexMultidisciplinary index covering the journal literature of the arts and humanities. In addition to searching by author, title keywords, subject terms and author addresses, you can also search by the specific references and works (e.g., art works, musical scores, books) the articles cite. Access via Web of Science Core Collection.
Biography and Genealogy Master Index (BGMI)Indexes current and retrospective reference sources that cover over 13 million individuals, both living and deceased. Sources include biographical dictionaries and who's whos, subject encyclopedias, volumes of literary criticism, and indexes.
Periodicals Archive Online (PAO)Journal backfiles / arts, humanities, social sciences / full-text from first volume to 2000. Completely full-text. Includes journals in foreign languages.
Music, Theatre, Performing Arts
A-R Music Anthology (ARMA)Extensive collection of music and articles designed expressly for music history courses. Instructors can adapt the contents of the Online Music Anthology as a music history textbook and anthology. Students can print out any of the all newly engraved scores for their classes or personal use.
Music & Performing Arts (Alexander Street Press)Combined searchable access to streaming audio, video, text in the following collections: American Music, Black Drama, Classical Music Library, Film Scripts, Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries, Theatre in Video, and Twentieth Century North American Drama. Choose from the tabs or drop-down categories to search across the databases.
Oxford Music OnlineA gateway to Oxford's music reference publications, offering users the ability to search Grove Music Online together with The Oxford Companion to Music and the Oxford Dictionary of Music, a total collection of more than 70,000 articles on music written and reviewed by subject experts and suitable for musical amateurs, professionals, and scholars alike. Please note: Database restricted to five simultaneous users
Social and Political Contexts of Literature
Annual ReviewsExcellent resource for social environment and literature, for example sociolinguistics.
Sociological CollectionGreat resource for social conditions and their influence on literature.
PAIS IndexThis database focuses on political, social, and economic conditions, foreign affairs, and human rights. Great for literature as a mirror of political and social conditions.
Worldwide Political Science AbstractsInternational focus on politics, social conditions, and human rights. Great resource for international perspectives on the interplay between political conditions and literature.
For example, search for "sociolinguistics", "politics AND literature", or "trauma AND poetry" and see the differences in database coverage.
Language Focus
Bibliography of Asian StudiesWestern-language database for research on East, Southeast, and South Asia. Covers a broad range of subjects with special focus on the humanities and social sciences.
Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)Abstracts and indexes the international literature in linguistics and related disciplines in the language sciences. The database covers various aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Documents indexed include journal articles, book reviews, books, book chapters, dissertations and working papers.
MLA International Bibliography with Full TextThe gold standard for language & literature research: MLA International Bibliography is the major index for publications on all languages and literatures, from the Middle Ages to the present. Indexes articles, books and dissertations. MLA regularly reviews over 4,400 journals for articles that fall within the work's scope.
Literature & Literary Criticism
Dictionary of Literary CharactersContains descriptions of characters in great literary works from the United States, Britain, and around the world.
Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and CriticismEncyclopedic guide to literary theory and discourse, including a comprehensive historical survey of the field's most prominent figures, schools, and movements. It includes entries on critics and theorists, critical schools and movements, and the critical and theoretical innovations of specific countries and historical periods.
Literary Criticism from Literature OnlineIncludes all critical indexing and full-text from Literature Online, including: (1) ABELL (The Annual Bibliography of English Language & Literature), (2) Full-Text Journals, (3) New Essays on the American Novel, (4) Cambridge Companions to Literature.
Literature OnlineSearchable full-text of over 350,000 works of English, American, and worldwide poetry, drama, prose together with full-text journals, author biographies and other critical and reference resources. Search or browse Authors, Texts, Criticism, and Reference Materials. Also includes Literary Criticism.
Theatre in VideoContains more than 250 filmed original productions as streaming video, many captured and recorded while performed for a live theatre audience. Also includes more than 100 film documentaries. Includes the BBC Shakespeare Collection. The collection begins in the 1930s. Both Broadway and off-Broadway productions are represented in each decade.
National Theatre CollectionFrom Shakespeare and Greek tragedy to contemporary literary adaptations, NTC features productions from the National Theatre, as well as the Young Vic, Donmar Warehouse, and Bridge Theatre. Drawing on 10 years of NT Live broadcasts, alongside high-quality recordings never previously seen outside of the NTs Archive, this collection currently contains 30 productions.
Music & Performing Arts (Alexander Street Press)Combined searchable access to streaming audio, video, text in the following collections: American Music, Black Drama, Classical Music Library, Film Scripts, Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries, Theatre in Video, and Twentieth Century North American Drama. Choose from the tabs or drop-down categories to search across the databases.
Historical Research
America: History and LifeThe premier database for research on the history of the United States and Canada. Please note: Subscription limited to six simultaneous users
Historical AbstractsThe premier database for researching the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present. Please note: Subscription limited to six simultaneous users.
Culture, Folklore, Social Customs
Human Relations Area File World Cultures (eHRAF)Cross-cultural database that contains over 350,000 pages of information on aspects of cultural and social life. Organized into cultures and ethnic groups. Full-text sources are subject-indexed at the paragraph level.
PAIS IndexIndexed coverage of issues in the public debate through highly selective coverage of a wide variety of sources, including journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference papers, publications of international agencies, microfiche, Internet material and more. The database includes a historical perspective on many of the 20th century's social and public policies such as Prohibition, the civil rights movement, McCarthyism, Vietnam and Watergate.
Sociological CollectionIndexing full-text articles from 500+ scholarly/peer-reviewed journals back to 1975 in all areas of sociology including social behavior, relationships and social structure. Updated daily.
Education Database (ProQuest)Education literature for education for all ages and levels. Strong resource for pedagogy, language teaching, and second language acquisition.
Teacher Reference CenterJournals and professional magazines for teachers and administrators. Good resource for language teaching and learning.
Multiple Topics: General Research
JSTORSearchable full-text journal backfile collection, going back to each journal's first issue. Covers all research topics. Individual titles are listed in the E-Journals Database.
Project MuseSearchable full-text access to over 300 humanities, arts, and social sciences journals from 60 scholarly publishers. (Johns Hopkins University Press).
Dissertations and Theses Global (ProQuest)Includes references to U.S., Canadian, British, and other European dissertations and theses, with detailed abstracts. Each dissertation published since July 1980 includes a 350-word abstract written by the author. Master's theses published since 1988 include 150-word abstracts. Many of the publications also provide the full-text of the first 24 pages. Most of the dissertations entered since 1997 are full-text.
Academic Search CompleteThis link opens in a new windowExcellent resource for starting research spanning multiple topics, with many full-text articles. This multi-disciplinary full-text database has more than 8,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals. Indexes and abstracts more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications including monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,400 journals.
Films and Still Images
Films on DemandEducational films covering many areas of study.
Art IndexArt Index is an art research database providing high-quality indexing for hundreds of national and international art periodicals, including 370 active indexed journals. In addition to indexed journals, Art Index includes information about more than 14,000 art dissertations and more than 229,000 image reproductions.(Please note our subscription allows 8 simultaneous users across any location. To help other researchers, please close the browser when you are finished using this database.)
Oxford Bibliographies in Art HistoryThe Oxford Bibliographies are authoritative lists of the published research in a wide variety of academic subject areas. The Oxford Bibliographies in Art History guide offers bibliographies on 150+ art history topics from "Adornment, Dress, and African Arts of the Body" to "Yuan Dynasty Art".
Oxford Art OnlineOxford Art Online provides online full-text access to two major art reference works: the Grove Dictionary of Art and the Benezit Dictionary of Artists. Our Oxford Art Online subscription offers access to the Grove Dictionary of Art, the foremost scholarly art encyclopedia ("Grove Art"). It provides global coverage of visual culture from ancient to contemporary times, described in encyclopedia-style entries that are written and vetted by expert scholars. (Please note our subscription allows 3 simultaneous users across any location. To help other researchers, please close the browser when you are finished using this database.)