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Digital Humanities: Resources

This site provides an introduction to technologies, methodologies, resources, and scholarship in the digital humanities.

Curated list of resources

dh+lib - where the digital humanities and librarianship meet
This website grew out of stirrings on the ACRL Digital Humanities Discussion Group (DH DG) listserv and a desire to create a more public venue for discussion. It aims to provide a communal space where librarians, archivists, LIS graduate students, and information specialists of all stripes can contribute to a conversation about digital humanities and libraries.

Miriam Posner's Blog
Posner is an assistant professor of information studies and digital humanities at the University of California, Los Angeles. For tips on reverse engineering digital projects visit Posner's "How Did They Make That?" original post and video.

UK Libraries - Library Catalog

Search Query Link ("digital humanities;" Resource Type: Books; Date: 2015-2018)

For more results click on this link: Search Query

Open Access Books

Search Query Link ("digital humanities;" Year: 2015-2018)

For more results click on this link: Search Query

SPEC Kit 350: Supporting Digital Scholarship

  • Association of Research Libraries Digital Publications
Code4Lib Journal
The Code4Lib Journal is an open-access, online journal that exists to foster community and share information among those interested in the intersection of libraries, technology, and the future.

Digital Humanities Quarterly
Open-access, peer-reviewed, digital journal covering all aspects of digital media in the humanities.

Digital Scholarship in the Humanities
International, peer reviewed journal which publishes original contributions on all aspects of digital scholarship in the Humanities including, but not limited to, the field of what is currently called the Digital Humanities.

Frontiers in Digital Humanities
Open-access, peer-reviewed research from Digital History to Big Data.

Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities
Open-access, peer-reviewed journal. The Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities is concerned with the intersection of computing and the disciplines of the humanities, with tools provided by computing such as data visualization, information retrieval, statistics, text mining by publishing scholarly work beyond the traditional humanities.

Journal of Open Humanities Data
Peer-reviewed publications describing humanities data or techniques with high potential for reuse. Humanities subjects of interest to JOHD include, but are not limited to Art History, History, Linguistics, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Religious Studies, etc. Data that crosses one or more of these traditional disciplines are highly encouraged.

Programming Historian
Publishes open access, novice-friendly, peer-reviewed tutorials that help humanists learn a wide range of digital tools, techniques, and workflows to facilitate research and teaching. We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive community of editors, writers, and readers. Lesson Index.


Codecademy's catalog offers a variety of courses to learn technical skills through interactive lessons. Practice projects and quizzes are available for our Pro members. Mix of free and at cost material.  Full catalog.


Every course on Coursera is taught by instructors from universities and educational institutions. Courses include recorded video lectures, auto-graded and peer-reviewed assignments, and community discussion forums. When you complete a course, you’ll receive a sharable electronic Course Certificate. At cost.  Browse courses.

Library Juice Academy

Library Juice Academy offers a range of online professional development workshops for librarians and other library staff, focusing on practical topics to build new skills. Emphasis is on student interaction with instructors and with each other, supported by a variety of class assignments and reading materials. The instructors are librarians and LIS faculty who have developed specialized knowledge in the subjects they teach. Our workshops earn Continuing Education Units, and are intended as professional development activities. Workshops are taught asynchronously, so you can participate as your own schedule allows, within a four or six-week period.  Though LJA's target audience is librarians and library staff, registration is not restricted to those groups.  There are several courses that pertain to digital scholarship such as Creating Online Exhibits with Omeka, Introduction to XML, Introduction to Digital Humanities for Librarians, Metadata Design, Introduction to GIS and GeoWeb Technologies, Research Data Management, Introduction to Text Encoding, etc.  At cost. Courses. is an online learning platform that helps anyone learn business, software, technology and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals.  Made freely available for those with a Lexington Public Library card.  Courses listed by subject A-Z.

HASTAC Scholars Webinar - Digital Humanities and Projects in Asian American Studies (5/3/18)

  • Ray Pun is the first year student success librarian and doctoral student in educational leadership at California State University, Fresno. 
  • Victoria Pilato is the Digital Projects Librarian at Stony Brook University. She is also the liaison to the Philosophy and Religious Studies departments.
  • How does digital humanities intersect with research in Asian American Studies and history? This HASTAC webinar features librarians (including one HASTAC Scholar) who discuss their digital humanities projects relating to Asian American history and studies. Learn more about different tools, resources and case studies that enhance teaching, learning and research needs in this ethnic studies. Attendees also learn how to collaborate with their librarians to support digital humanities projects.

Paige Morgan - Reading and Engaging with Existing Digital Humanities Projects, ACRL/Choice Webinars (4/26/18)

  • Paige Morgan is the Digital Humanities and Scholarship Librarian at the University of Miami
  • While there is a lot of attention given to creating digital humanities (DH) projects, it is equally important to be able to read and engage with DH projects that already exist. This webinar is intended for library personnel in all areas who want to help researchers explore and engage with projects that are relevant to their fields of interest.  We will focus on learning to see the critical arguments and research questions that are driving the projects, as well as understanding the choices that project creators are making with the materials they use. Seeing these aspects more clearly can help to build bridges between the projects themselves and other scholarly resources, and can help researchers who are new to the digital humanities better understand how they might incorporate DH projects into their research or into the classroom alongside other library resources. In the course of the webinar, we’ll explore these aspects both in relation to big and small DH projects.  At the end of this webinar, attendees will be better equipped to introduce faculty and students to DH projects in the context of research and course support.

Joan K. Lippincott - Digital Scholarship and Libraries: Mission and Models (3/28/18)

  • Joan K. Lippincott, PhD, associate executive director of the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI)
  • Recording of the March 28, 2018, ACRL EBSS Spring Current Topics Discussion - ALA/ACRL

Joan K. Lippincott - Digital Humanities, University of Houston Libraries (2/23/17)

  • Joan K. Lippincott, PhD, associate executive director of the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI), spoke at the University of Houston Libraries on digital humanities and digital scholarship.

Jeffrey Schnapp - Digital Humanities, Serious Science (2/18/14)

  • What are the boundaries of the humanities? What are the new forms of production of knowledge? Professor of Romance Languages & Literature at Harvard Graduate School of Design, Jeffrey Schnapp, on new forms of knowledge and digital media.

Coalition for Networked Information (CNI)

Digital Humanities Now

  • Digital Humanities Now aggregates and selects material from our list of subscribed feeds, drawing from hundreds of venues where high-quality digital humanities scholarship is likely to appear, including the personal websites of scholars, institutional sites, blogs, and other feeds. We also seek to discover new material by monitoring Twitter and other social media for stories discussed by the community, and by continuously scanning the broader web through generalized and specialized search engines. Scholarship—in whatever form—that drives the field of digital humanities field forward is highlighted in the Editors’ Choice column. In addition to these Editors' Choice pieces, Digital Humanities Now also aggregates news items of interest to the field, such as jobs, calls for papers, conference and funding announcements, reports, and recently-released resources. You can find a complete archive of every News and Editors' Choice item ever published by DHNow in our index.


A web-based project management tool that helps teams keep track of projects and tasks.  Asana integrates with over 100  other products.  Tour Asana.  Pricing: There are free, premium, and enterprise options.


A web-based project management tool that organizes your communication, projects, and tasks.  Pricing: free 30 day trial and discounts for teachers, students, and nonprofitsRegularly $99/mo.


A visual web-based project management tool that helps you manage and organize projects and tasks.  Pricing: There are free, business class, and enterprise options.


A web-based project management tool which is a spreadsheet-database combination. It has the features of a database applied to a spreadsheet. There are drop-down menu, checkbox, and attachment features. Airtable also has a number of templates to use.  Pricing: There are free, plus, pro, and enterprise options.

Analytics Community of Practice Listserv

Our Analytics Community of Practice (ANALYTICS-COP) Listserv is a valuable resource to anyone at the University that will be working with the applications and data that we support. Through this mailing list we communicate important information such as upcoming presentations, workshops, and application (e.g., Tableau, SAP HANA, Business Objects, etc.) updates and outages.

Digital Scholarship Listserv

This university-wide interest group is designed to share information and foster collaboration related to Digital Scholarship at the University of Kentucky. This discussion forum is used to: organize talks / brown bags / lectures / invited speakers; share announcements of upcoming events and activities; send requests for information and collaboration; provide news of advancements in the field; share information on funding opportunities; send anything else of pertinence to Digital Scholarship at the University of Kentucky. This list is maintained by the University of Kentucky Collaboratory for Research in Computing for Humanities (RCH -  Subscription to the DigitalScholarship list is open to faculty, stuff and students at the University of Kentucky, but is subject to approval by the list owner(s).​