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Digital Humanities: Related Guides

This site provides an introduction to technologies, methodologies, resources, and scholarship in the digital humanities.

UK Libraries' DS-Related Research Guides

Alternative Textbooks
(Open Educational Resources)

This guide provides an overview of alternative textbooks (open educational resources) and offers assistance with finding, adopting, and creating them.
Data Sources Provided by UK Libraries
A guide to help you get started in your pursuit of datasets. UK Libraries provide many data sources across many disciplines.
Digital Mapping
This guide serves as an introduction to resources found at the University of Kentucky and online to help you explore the concepts, approaches, and technologies that shape GIS and mapping. Additionally, this guide provides an overview of various digital map collections, projects, and blogs that are relevant to mapping and geospatial technologies.
Open Access

This is a guide to issues in open access, author rights, copyright, open licensing, and scholarly communication.

Publishing, Research, & Scholarly Communication

This guide includes information about scholarly publishing, open access, journal evaluation, impact metrics, dissertation planner, author rights & copyright, and more.
Research Data Services

Resources and information to help you get started with data management, data preservation, and data sharing.

Research Impact Metrics
This is an introduction to different research impact metrics and tools for author disambiguation.