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The I-LEARN Model

Guide which describes and provides example of a learning model to support student critical thinking and research skills

Applying Information

[Guide used in research study, Spring 2013. Link to current WRD 111 Guide for UK Students.]

Arrow with Apply written on it as part of a circle of arrowsNow that you have found information on your topic, consider how you are going to use it.

How will you construct new meaning from this information and communicate it effectively? 

It is helpful to read through all of your sources to make sure that you have the information you need.  As you read through them, you may find citations to other relevant sources.  Looking through the references in all of your sources can be helpful in finding these additional sources.

As you begin to use the information you found, it is critical to consider how you are using it.

About Plagiarism

At UK, plagiarism is a serious offense with consequences ranging from receiving a zero on an assignment to expulsion. 

"Plagiarism means taking the words and thoughts of others (their ideas, concepts, images, sentences, and so forth) and using them as if they were your own, without crediting the author or citing the source." (Source: Plagiarism: What Is It, UK Office of Academic Ombud Services)

MLA Handbook