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This guide provides information about the University of Kentucky's institutional repository, UKnowledge.

What Is UKnowledge?

UKnowledge is a digital collection of unique scholarship created by University of Kentucky (UK) faculty, staff, students, departments, research centers, and administration. Read more...

UKnowledge Logo

UKnowledge Impact

More than 1.5 million publications were downloaded from UKnowledge in the past year by readers all over the world. Use the visualization below to explore readership by country and discipline. 

Structure of UKnowledge

UKnowledge is the University of Kentucky's institutional repository.  It showcases and provides access to the research and scholarship generated by the UK community.  Its internal structure mirrors the organizational structure of the university.  These links on the UKnowledge homepage introduce you to a variety of scholarly activities at UK:

Items in UKnowledge have been accessed around the world.  This slideshow fills you in on what people have to say about what they have downloaded.

Global Reach and Greater Impact for Contents on UKnowledge

As shown by the download-tracking map above, contents in UKnowledge are easily findable and accessible by anyone around the world. A variety of scholarly and creative materials are available for download via UKnowledge:


If you have any questions or suggestions for UKnowledge, feel free to contact the UKnowledge staff by e-mail.

Special Features of UKnowledge

UKnowledge tracks the download counts of available materials and refreshes the top 20 downloads every day.  It also shows where the downloads took place on a real-time readership activity map.

A new item is featured on the homepage every day.  If you are curious about what has been made available on UKnowledge, visit this page.  Here are the latest five items added to UKnowledge:

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