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Art & Art History

art information and art historical research

Browse the library shelves by subject

Library of Congress call numbers

This is the shelving system used at UK Libraries and most university libraries. It helps you know where to browse in the library shelves!


N = Visual arts (biggest section, a catch-all)

call numbers start with N 1… up to N 9211…

-> browse N 6537… for individual artists, alpha by last name


NB = Sculpture

call numbers start with NB 1… up to NB 1952…


NC = Drawing, Design & Illustration

call numbers start with NC 1… up to NC 1940…


ND = Painting

call numbers start with ND 25… up to ND 3416…


NE = Print media (i.e. printmaking)

call numbers start with NE 1… up to NE 3002…


NK = Decorative arts

call numbers start with NK 1… up to NK 9990…


NX = Arts in general (includes teaching art, exhibiting art, arts administration, others)

call numbers start with NX 1… up to NX 820…


TR = Photography

call numbers start with TR 1… up to TR 1050…


TT = Handicrafts/Arts and crafts (includes metalworking, woodworking, textiles, others)

call numbers start with TT 1… up to TT 999


Other favorites: AM = Museums; GT includes Fashion

dissertations & theses

artists' books guide

For more information about artists' books in the Lucille Caudill Little Fine Arts Library, see the

art call numbers


N1-(9211)  Visual arts


NA1-9428  Architecture


NB1-1952  Sculpture


NC1-1940   Drawing,  Design &  Illustration


ND25-3416    Painting


NE1-3002   Print media


NK1-9990  Decorative arts


NX1-820      Arts in general


TR1-1050    Photography


TT1-999     Handicrafts.  Arts and crafts