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Rawlinson, Richard. The Rawlinson Manuscript Collection at the Bodleian Library, Oxford, 1981.
Mulvey Roberts, Marie. Sex & Sexuality, 1640-1940. Part 1, Sources from the Bodleian Library, Oxford and the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, London Literary, Medical and Sociological Perspectives. Marlborough, Wiltshire, England: Adam Matthew Publications, 1998. (Microform Guide)
Pidduck, William. Sex & Sexuality, 1640-1940. Part 2 Romantic Friendships & Lesbian Relationships in Literature and History Literary, Medical and Sociological Perspectives. Marlborough, Wiltshire, England: Adam Matthew Publications, 2001. (Microform Guide)
The Suffragette Fellowship Collection from the Museum of London. Brighton, Sussex, England: Harvester Microform, 1985. (Microform Guide)
Munby, Arthur Joseph, and Hannah Cullwick. Working Women in Victorian Britain the Diaries and Letters of Arthur J. Munby (1828-1910) and Hannah Culwick (1833-1909) from Trinity College, Cambridge. Marlborough, Wiltshire, England: Adam Matthew Publications, 1993. (Microform Guide)