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Richardson Collection of Movable Books

This guide provides information on the Richardson Collection and movable books. Enjoy!

Notable Authors from the Collection

Bantock has authored 30 books, 11 of which have been on bestsellers lists. There are 14 of his titles in the Richardson collection.

Carter has 93 total publications, 40 of which are in the Richardson Collection. He has sold over 6 million copies.

There are 13 of Robert Crowther's 30+ publications in the Richardson Collection.

There are 13 of Hawcock's books in the Richardson Collection, including his most notable moveable books on the innovations of Leonardo da Vinci.

Reinhart has 35 pop-up publications and 22 of those titles are in the Richardson Collection. His website offers tutorials and templates for aspiring paper engineers to learn to make there own pop-up books.

Robert Sabuda has 29 pop-up publications and also illustrates/authors picture books. There are 24 of his pop-up books in the Richardson Collection.
