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HIS 499: Gender, Sex, and Family in U.S. History

A senior seminar for history majors course research guide - Dr. Amy Taylor


In this guide, you'll find instruction and resources to support your research for HIS 499: Gender, Sex, and Family in U.S. History

You'll learn tips for developing and refining your topic, formulating research questions on your topic and where to find relevant resources for your research.

Use the tabs to the left side of this guide to navigate through all of the information. 

Please feel free to contact me at any time for research assistance and consultations.

Coordinator of Digital Scholarship & Data and History Liaison

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Jennifer Hootman
I am here to help you with your research! Please email me your questions or call to make an appointment for either an in-person or Zoom consultation.
(859) 218-2284
Subjects: History