The Kentucky Department of Education provides services and resources to Kentucky's public school system, grades pre-school through 12. The department's responsibilities include data reporting, assistance to local school districts, assessment and accountability for school improvement, and implementation of state and federal education legislation. For other resources, see the department's website Site Map.
Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education
Data Portal and Research. The following pages include tables, graphs, reports and maps with data at the state and institutional levels.
Planning & Performance |
Other sites
The mission of the Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is to "provide effective and efficient leadership, education, advocacy and direct services to eliminate barriers and to meet the social, economic, educational, cultural and intellectual needs of deaf and hard of hearing Kentuckians."
The KCDHH acts as an advocate for deaf and hard of hearing persons on legislative issues as well as a consultant to the Governor, General Assembly, and various state and local governmental agencies concerning policies and programs that pertain to people with hearing loss.
The Kentucky Career Center connects Kentucky to employment, workforce information and training. The agencies ininvolved include the Office of Employment and Training, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Office for the Blind, and Office for Career and Technical Education.