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Library Liaison Professional Development Toolkit

© University of Kentucky Libraries. Licensed with CC BY-NC 4.0.


Liaison teams provide instruction and instructional resources to their colleges and departments to help students navigate library resources and develop information literacy skills.

The level of this engagement varies depending on the type of research assignments given and the needs of individual courses. When working with faculty, you have the opportunity to support existing research assignments and offer advice in partnering to make research assignments more successful.

Below are resources to help familiarize you with teaching and learning at UK Libraries and to help build your instruction skills.

Baseline Knowledge

Advanced Knowledge


  • If you aren’t sure how to approach a class or even where to get started, reach out to other instructors at UK Libraries via the Educational Services Teams site or INFOLIT email listserv - many are happy to give advice or perhaps team teach, observe, etc. to help you. 
  • This spreadsheet includes opportunities for you to shadow other instructors or you can open up your sessions for others to shadow you.
  • Feel free to share any suggestions or updates to these materials and training.
