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Music Theory

A guide for undergraduate and graduate researchers of music theory

RILM : Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale


RILM Abstracts of music literature (1967 to the present) is a music bibliography featuring citations, abstracts, and indexes. Publications originate from 173 countries and are in 143 languages. There are currently over 840,000 records in RILM abstracts of music literature (1967 to present) on traditional music, popular music, and classical music. Coverage begins in 1967.

Journal Titles in RILM

Over 12,000 journals are indexed in RILM. Click here to see the list of Journal Titles in RILM.

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What Is RILM?

RILM is an abstracting index.

COVERAGE is from 1967 to the present. Coverage of conference proceedings goes back to 1835. 

FORMATS INDEXED include scholarly journals, dissertations & theses, Festschriften, symposium/conference proceedings, monographs, e-resources, dictionaries, newsletters, magazines, newspapers, facsimiles & editions of music, websites, CD-ROMs, program notes, reviews, recording notes,

SUBJECT AREAS include acoustics, analysis, anthropology, archaeology, architecture, art history, composition, dance, dramatic arts, ethnomusicology, iconography, jazz, librarianship, literature, mathematics, musicology, organology, pedagogy, perception, performance practice, performance studies, philosophy, physics, popular music, psychology, religion, sociology, theory, therapy, women's studies.

FULL TEXT may be available online for some materials. Look for the "View Now" icon or select the "Linked Full Text" option on the search page.

Tips for Searching RIPM

Search Strategy

Form/Symbols Used

Sample Search


Boolean Operators


mozart AND requiem


records with both terms




opera OR musical

records with at least one of the terms

    jazz NOT blues records that contain "jazz" but exclude "blues"




symphony, , symphonic, symphonisches, etc.

Wild Card : Alternate Spelling



schonberg, schönberg, schoenberg

Wild Card: Unknown Character



despres, desprez


“   ”

“figured bass”

the EXACT phrase; good for song titles


(   )

(nijinsky AND ballet) NOT stravinsky

items that exclude "stravinsky", but contain both "nijinsky" and "ballet"



machaut n5 virelai

results within 5 words of each other, any order



machaut w5 virelai

results within 5 words of each other, in order specified


Suggestions to help you get started:

  • Advanced Search   Start with this search mode
  • Boolean/Phrase   Use this default
  • Apply related words   Check this box to include true synonyms and plurals of your terms
  • Limits Set limits for  Publication Date, Language, Linked Full Text, Document Type


Types of Documents in RILM

AC - Article in a collection of essays
AD - Article in a dictionary
AE - Article in a Festschrift
AG - Article in a blog
AL - Article in a newsletter
AM - Article in a magazine
AN - Article in a newspaper
AP - Article in a periodical
AS - Article in a symposium/conference proceedings
AW - Article in an edition of music
EA - Article in a website, or on a CD-ROM

BC - Collection of essays
BE - Festschrift
BF - Facsimile or reprint edition
BG - Blog
BM - Monograph
BP - Periodical (thematic issue)
BS - Symposium proceedings
BT - Translation

MP - Motion picture
MR - Sound recording

CP - Program notes
CR - Recording notes
CS - Commentary apart from edition
CW - Edition of music

DD - Doctoral dissertation
DM - Non-doctoral thesis

MD - Technical drawing of instruments
ER - Electronic resource

RA - Review of an article
RB - Review of a book
RC - Review of a collection
RD - Review of a dissertation
RE - Review of a Festschrift
RF - Review of a facsimile or reprint
RM - Review of an edition of music
RN - Review of a technical drawing
RP - Review of a periodical
RR - Review of a recording
RS - Review of a symposium proceedings
RT - Review of a translation
RV - Review of a motion picture
RX - Review of an electronic resource