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Social Work

Key information resources for research in clinical social work, social policy, child welfare, gerontology, mental and behavioral health, military behavioral health, leadership, and social work education. Expanded resources for conducting systematic review

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Best Bets for Military Social Work Research

Core Article Databases for Military Social Work 

Additional Article Databases for Military Social Work 

LibKey Nomad (your new BFF)

LibKey Nomad consults the UK Libraries holdings data to know if and where an article is available. If you use Google Chrome, you can install LibKey Nomad to the browser and access library collections (articles, journals, etc.) within one click. It even works when off campus!

LibKey Nomad also offers privacy safeguards, in that it:

  • doesn’t require a personal account;
  • doesn’t cache article requests or EZproxy credentials; and
  • is only active when a user is on the website of a scholarly publisher or database (i.e., PubMed, CINAHL).

Install the Extension

  1. Download the extension from the Chrome Web Store.
    • Screenshot of LibKey on Chrome Web Store
  2. Type in and select the University of Kentucky as your institution. 
    • Screenshot of LibKey Nomad Dashboard
  3. That's it - now explore sites, search databases, and access via journal websites. 
    • Screenshot of LibKey Nomad Selection Saved


Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Margie Ruppel
William T. Young Library

Spotlight: DSM

Therapist Guides and Workbooks

Research-based cognitive-behavioral treatment programs that have been tested in clinical trials. Series includes an online therapist guide and workbook for each disorder.

Access the collection.