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Off-campus Access to Library Resources

Manage Your References

Use these tools to help you organize and cite your references:

Journal Tools


This guide is intended to help locate general information in the field of biology.  The Science & Engineering Library is the primary library for assistance with biological research, the majority of the print collection is housed at the William T. Young Library. The Medical Center Library also houses information for biological research, as well.  The Finding Resources tab assists with locating books and articles.  The Databases tab links to several databases relevant to the field.

For further assistance with any of these tools, tailored research help, or EndNote training, please visit the Science & Engineering Library.  You can reach us by telephone at (859) 218-4841.

For more information on the Biology department at UK, visit its website.

Search Tips

Searching online seems complicated, but doesn't need to be.  To improve the quality of your search results, consider trying:

  • Wildcards/Truncation 
    • Using a wildcard searches more than one form of the word.
      • cell* searches cell, cells, cellular, etc.
      • Most common is asterisk (*), but symbols vary by database.
    • Two exceptions for UK Libraries are:
      • InfoKat Discovery uses a question mark (?)
      • Nexis Uni uses an exclamation point (!)
  • Boolean Operators - broaden/narrow searches
    • AND narrows a search
      • eukaryote AND cell division yields results about cell division in eukaryotes.
    • OR searches any of the terms
      • prokaryote OR eukaryote provides results that contain either or both words.
    • NOT excludes term(s) following NOT
      • meiosis NOT mitosis will provide results about meiosis that do not mention mitosis.

If you are not sure how something works, use the help or tips screen on the database, or contact staff at any campus library for assistance.

STEM Librarian, Biology & Chemistry Liaison

Profile Photo
Valerie Perry
William T. Young Library
(859) 218-4841
Subjects: Biology, Chemistry