Kentucky State Law Library, Frankfort, D207
Contact: Jennifer Frazier
Room 200
700 Capitol Avenue
Frankfort, KY 40601-3489
(502) 564-4848
FAX: (502) 564-5041
Congressional District 6
Details, including policies
Type of Library
Law Library under the State Judiciary
Library Director
Jenifer Frazier
Selection Percentage
Less than 1%
OCLC Symbol
Circulation period is for one week, but all materials are immediate recall.
Photocopying Service
Paper: Cost per copy 10 cents
Fiche: Cost per copy 10 cents
Film: Cost per copy 10 cents
Reference Service
Type of services offered: Using and locating resources.
Electronic Services
CD-ROMs and Internet.
Type of designation: Selective
Special Collections: Kentucky legal materials.
Special Services: Primary patron population is state court judges and court staff.
Special area(s) emphasized: Law.