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Kentucky Federal Depository Libraries: Louisville Free Public Library

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Louisville Free Public Library

Louisville Free Public Library, Louisville, D214
Contact: Claudia Fitch
Government Documents Department
301 West York Street
Louisville, KY 40203-2257
Documents: (502) 574-1617
Public Service: (502) 574-1611
FAX (502) 574-1657
Congressional District 3

Details, including policies

Type of Library


Library Director

James Blanton

Selection Percentage


OCLC Symbol


KLN Symbol


KULS Symbol


Lending Policy


The Library will accept Interlibrary Loan requests for documents. The Government Documents Collection is non-circulating, but some of the more popular titles such as health pamphlets and military history have been added to the circulating Dewey collection. Requests for documents in the non-circulating SuDoc collection will be filled if the document is not one that is heavily used for reference service.

Photocopying Service

Paper: Cost per copy 10 cents
Fiche: No charge 

Reference Service

Type of services offered:Information Services staff will assist patrons in using the documents collection. This assistance includes locating a document found in OPAC, using CD-ROM's, and finding information in the documents collection. The staff use the Government Documents Collection to answer reference questions.  Regular workshops are offered on patents and trademarks.

Electronic Services

Staff participate in KY Stats.  Some documents are linked to PURLs in the online catalog.   Links to government documents.

History & Description

Date library became a depository: 1904

Type of designation: Representative

Special collections: Federal census 1790 - present. CIS microfiche collection. ASI non-depository microfiche collection.

Special area(s) emphasized: Statistics, especially those useful to the business community. Congressional publications, laws, CFR.