Goal: To maintain a comprehensive and dynamic collection development policy which assures citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky access to those federal documents, both current and retrospective, regardless of format, which are part of the Federal Depository Library Program.
Objectives: To accomplish this goal, each depository library accepts the responsibility to:
1. Ensure that its policy reflects the Federal Depository Library Program as outlined in the Guidelines for the Depository Library System, Section 4 (see Appendix A).
2. Develop a written collection development policy to address the needs of its user population and be responsive to the needs of the service area.
3. Establish, between depository libraries, a method for cooperative collection development and/or housing arrangements within a specific service area when appropriate.
4. Create a method for cooperation with non-depository libraries within a service area for the purpose of a) item selection; and/or b) housing arrangements.
5. Preserve the collection in a physical condition equal to other library materials as outlined in the Guidelines for the Depository Library System, Section 6 (see Appendix A).
6. Establish procedures for a regular review of collection development policy documents and cooperative agreements in response to changing needs.
Goal: To develop a means of bibliographic control and access which assures citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky the capability to identify and retrieve those federal documents, both current and retrospective, regardless of format, which are part of the Federal Depository Library Program.
Objectives: To accomplish this goal, each depository library accepts the responsibility to:
1. Maintain an adequate record of its holdings.
2. Provide, to the extent possible, bibliographic control and access for federal documents equal to that of other library holdings including, but not limited to, commercial publications and databases.
3. Encourage the integration of bibliographic records for the federal documents collection into the public catalog.
4. Contribute, when appropriate, federal periodicals holdings to union lists such as the Kentucky Union List of Serials (KULS).
Goal: To provide the most efficient and effective service possible to the citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky seeking access to and use of those federal documents, both current and retrospective, regardless of format, which are part of the Federal Depository Library Program.
Objectives: To accomplish this goal, each depository library accepts the responsibility to:
1. Ensure that service reflects the Federal Depository Library Program as outlined in the Guidelines for the Depository Library System, Section 9 (see Appendix A).
2. Provide the same degree of access to federal documents as is provided to other collections during the hours of operation.
3. Provide sufficient personnel to administer effective reference assistance.
4. Provide equally to all users the tools necessary for good reference service.
5. Use referrals between depository libraries via mail requests, telephone, telefacsimile, or other electronic means to facilitate and improve service.
6. Provide interlibrary loan service in compliance with the Interlibrary Loan Code of the American Library Association.
7. Encourage the personnel of depository libraries to participate in continuing education activities.
8. Encourage the utilization of technological innovations by the United States government and by the information industry.
Additionally, the Regional Depository Library accepts the responsibility to:
1. Provide consultation and reference service to the selective depository libraries in Kentucky via mail requests, telephone, telefacsimile, or other electronic means.
Goal: To seek adequate institutional support to acquire, process, house, service, and preserve those federal documents, both current and retrospective, regardless of format, which are part of the Federal Depository Library Program.
Objectives: To accomplish this goal, each depository library accepts the responsibility to:
1. Provide trained personnel to process and service the Federal documents collection.
2. Provide adequate accessible space for housing and preserving the Federal documents collection in a manner to facilitate its use.
3. Provide and maintain adequate equipment and supplies for the utilization of the federal documents collection.
4. Anticipate and plan to provide, to the extent possible, access to information which may be available only in a single format as a result of changing technologies.
Goal: To promote, among the citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, awareness of depository libraries and the availability and usefulness of federal documents, both current and retrospective, regardless of format, which are part of the Federal Depository Library Program.
Objectives: To accomplish this goal, each depository library accepts the responsibility to: 1. Publicize the depository collection through displays and announcements as stated in Section 9.5 of the Guidelines for the Depository Library System (see Appendix A).
2. Initiate and maintain contact with non-depository libraries and other groups in its service area to increase awareness and usefulness of federal government information.
3. Utilize public relations materials and techniques to inform regular and potential users of the availability and usefulness of federal government information
Goal: To assure the continued stability of the Federal Depository Library Program in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Objectives: To accomplish this goal, each depository library accepts the responsibility to:
1. Be familiar with and abide by the policies and procedures found in the document, Instructions to Depository Libraries (GP 3.26:D 44).
2. Be familiar with and abide by the policies and procedures established by the Regional Depository Library.
3. Be familiar with and implement the goals and objectives as defined in the Kentucky State Plan for Federal Depository Library Services.
4. Inform the Regional Depository Librarian of changes in depository library personnel, structure, policies, and/or procedures which might affect other depository libraries.
5. Inform the Regional Depository Librarian of specific training and continuing education needs.
6. Communicate to other depository libraries continuing education opportunities that might not be known because the programs are sponsored by non-depository sources.
7. Utilize the newsletter, Let's Talk Documents as a communication medium.
8. Encourage cooperation and referrals among depository libraries in reference work, solutions to problems, and clarification of policies and procedures.
9. Encourage depository library personnel to participate in the Government Documents Round Table of the Kentucky Library Association.
Additionally, the Regional Depository Library accepts the responsibility to:
1. Adhere to the Instructions to Depository Libraries, Chapter 2, which defines the Regional Depository Librarians' responsibility to conduct periodic visits to depository libraries, and to take an active role in the inspection process.
2. Provide training and guidance for personnel of depository libraries, as needed.
3. Provide continuing education workshops for personnel of depository libraries.
4. Ensure that all new depository librarians are made aware of the State Plan and encourage all depository librarians to make new depository personnel aware of this document.
5. Ensure that new directors of depository libraries are aware of the State Plan and the basic obligations and regulations governing depository libraries.
6. Inform depository libraries in a timely manner of changes in depository library personnel, structure, policies, and/or procedures which might affect them.