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Kentucky State Action Plan for Federal Depository Library Services (1990): Ashland Community & Technical College

Mansbach Memorial Library, Ashland Community & Technical College

Type of Library


Library Director

Matt Onion

Selection Percentage


OCLC Symbol


KLN Symbol


KULS Symbol


Lending Policy

General Policy:

Other than for "Core" documents, multi-volume sets, and some standard serials, the library lends its government documents for varying loan periods with the o.k. of the documents librarian.


Other than for "Core" documents, multi-volume sets, and some standard serials, the library lends its government documents for varying loan periods with the o.k. of the documents librarian.

Photocopying Service

Paper: Cost per copy 10 cents
Fiche: Cost per copy 10 cents
Film: no charge

Reference Service

Type of services offered: Direct public service; mediated and independent searches of print and online sources; telephone queries; assistance to public in using the documents collection.

Electronic Services

Same as for reference services. Library has several networked computers for public searching via GPO-Access. High use CD-ROMs are installed on both the library LAN and stand-alone workstation.

History & Description

Date library became a depository: 1990

Type of designation: Representative

Special area(s) emphasized: Consumerism; Travel in National Parks; Healthcare for the consumer.

Some more popular documents on CD-ROM are installed on a stand-alone workstation made available to ACC Library by a donor of a special collection on learning disabilities.