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Systematic Reviews: Data Management Page

Commonly Used Software at UK

Program Developer Cost Functions
Covidence The Cochrane Collaboration Free for first review up to 500 references
  • Import references, exclude and include articles
  • Automated backup and encryption
  • Built in checklists to reduce risk of bias
  • Seamless connection with programs like EndNote, RevMan, etc.
Rayyan Qatar Computing Research Institute FREE
  • Import article citations and track, include/exclude, label, and filter references
  • Invite collaborators and reviewers
  • Export extracted data to other programs for analysis
EndNote Clarivate Analytics Free for UK faculty, staff, and students
  • EndNote is a Citation Management program that allows users to manage citations and cite while writing in Word.
  • Import references from library database
  • Deduplicate references
  • Share library with multiple users
  • Since EndNote is not a SR program, it does not have automated blinding or exclusion/inclusion capabilities

Developed from: Augustus C Long Health Sciences Library. (N.A.). Software programs for preparing and maintaining systematic reviews