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Kentucky Federal Depository Libraries: KY FDL Community Description

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click mapKentucky Wesleyan CollegeMurray State UniversityWestern Kentucky UniversityLouisville Free Public LibraryUniversity of LouisvilleLindsey Wilson CollegeThomas More CollegeNorthern Kentucky UniversityKentucky State Law LibraryKentucky State UniversityUniversity of Kentucky Law LibraryUniversity of KentuckyCentre CollegeEastern Kentucky UniversityUniversity of the CumberlandsUnion CollegeMorehead State UniversityAshland Community & Technical CollegeHazard Community & Technical CollegeKentucky Federal Depository Libraries Information

Description of the Federal Depository Library Community in the Commonwealth of Kentucky

There are 19 federal depository libraries in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The oldest depository library in Kentucky is located at Centre College. The Grace Doherty Library has been a selective depository since 1884. The University of Kentucky has served as the regional depository library for the state since 1967, having been a selective depository since 1907. Louisville Free Public Library has been a selective depository since 1904 and, in 1988, became a Patent Depository Library. The depository community reaches the citizens of Kentucky through academic, public, and special libraries throughout the Commonwealth.

The depository library collections offer access to information in all subject areas from agriculture to zoology.  Two Kentucky depositories are serving as Centers of Excellence, a program initiated and supported by the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL).  The agencies collected by these centers are the WPA, Appalachian Regional Commission, and Smithsonian Institution at UK, and the Office of the Vice President at WKU.

In addition to housing and maintaining the publications of the United States Federal Government, various depository libraries maintain special collections of Kentucky state documents and other national and international publications. Many depository libraries also offer their patrons access to government information through electronic databases.

Kentucky Federal Depository Library Community Composition

Regional Depository:

University of Kentucky, Lexington, DR208
Contact: Amy Laub, Regional Depository Librarian
Regional Depository Services
William T. Young Library (Full Depository)
500 S. Limestone
Lexington, KY 40506-0456
Phone: (859) 218-6152
Public Service: (859) 218-2048
FAX: (859) 257-0505
Congressional District 6
Details, including policies

Selective Depositories:
Ashland Community & Technical College, Ashland, D219      
Contact: Sarah Klein
Documents Department
Mansbach Memorial Library (Selective Depository)
1400 College Drive
Ashland, KY 41101-3683
Documents: (606) 326-2015
Public Service: (606) 326-2169
FAX: (606) 326-2186
Congressional District 4
Details, including policies

Centre College, Danville, 0217A
Contact: Crystal N. Ellis
Documents Department
Grace Doherty Library (Selective Depository)
Danville, KY 40422-1394
(859) 238-5277
FAX: (859) 236-7925
Congressional District 6
Details, including policies

Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, D217
Contact: Linda Sizemore
Documents Section
John Grant Crabbe Library (Selective Depository)
Richmond, KY 40475-3121
(859) 622-1791
FAX: (859) 622-1174
Congressional District 6
Details, including policies

Hazard Community & Technical College, Hazard, D215   
Contact: Marlene Conley
Hazard Community College Library (Selective Depository)
1 Community College Drive
Hazard, KY 41701-2402
(606) 487-3146
FAX: (606) 439-1657
Congressional District 5
Details, including policies
Kentucky State Law Library, Frankfort, D207
Contact: Jennifer Frazier
Room 200
700 Capitol Avenue
Frankfort, KY 40601-3489
(502) 564-4848
FAX: (502) 564-5041
Congressional District 6
Details, including policies

Kentucky State University, Frankfort, D207A
Contact: Sheila Stuckey, Interim
Blazer Library (Selective Depository)
Documents Department
Frankfort, KY 40601-2355
(502) 597-6855
FAX: (502) 564-5068
Congressional District 6
Details, including policies

Kentucky Wesleyan College, Owensboro, D213A
Contact: Emily Shook
Library Learning Center (Selective Depository)
3000 Frederica Street
Owensboro, KY 42301-6057
(270) 852-3262
FAX (270) 926-3196
Congressional District 2
Details, including policies

Lindsey Wilson College, Columbia, D208A
Contact: Allison Rea
Katie Murrell Library (Selective Depository)
210 Lindsey Wilson Street
Columbia, KY 42728
(270) 384-8102
FAX: (270) 384-4188
Congressional District 1
Details, including policies

Louisville Free Public Library, Louisville, D214
Contact: Claudia Fitch
Government Documents Department
301 West York Street
Louisville, KY 40203-2257
Documents: (502) 574-1758
Public Service: (502) 574-1611
FAX (502) 574-1657
Congressional District 3
Details, including policies

Morehead State University, Morehead, D210
Contact: Mykie Howard
Camden-Carroll Library (Selective Depository)
Serials Department
Morehead, KY 40351
(606) 783-5116
FAX: (606) 783-5037
Congressional District 5
Details, including policies

Murray State University, Murray, D212
Contact: Cris Ferguson
Waterfield Library (Selective depository)
Government Documents Department
15th and Olive Streets
Murray, KY 42071-3309
(270) 809-2053
FAX: (270) 809-3736
Congressional District 1
Details, including policies

Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, D217B
Contact: Sara McFerron
W. Frank Steely Library (Selective Depository)
Documents Department
Nunn Drive
Highland Heights, KY 41099-6101
Reference: (859) 572-5457
(859) 572-1323
FAX: (859) 572-5390
Congressional District 4
Details, including policies

Thomas More University, Crestview Hills, D209
Contact: Dolores Clark
Documents Department (Selective Depository)
The Benedictine Library
Crestview Hills, KY 41017-3428
(859) 344-3615
FAX: (859) 344-3342
Congressional District 4
Details, including policies

Union College, Barbourville, D220
Contact: Lorraine Gess
Weeks - Townsend Memorial Library (Selective Depository)
Barbourville, KY 40906-1499
Documents/Public Service: (606) 546-1242
FAX: (606) 546-1239
Congressional District 5
Details, including policies

University of Kentucky Law Library, Lexington, D210A
Contact: Patty Alvayay
Law Library (Selective Depository)
Lexington, KY 40506-0048
Documents: (859) 257-2925
Public Service: (859) 257-8686
FAX: (859) 323-4906
Congressional District 6
Details, including policies

University of Louisville, Louisville, D211
Contact: Claudene Sproles
Belknap Campus
Ekstrom Library (Selective Depository)
2301 S. Third Street
Louisville, KY 40292-0001
Public Service: (502) 852-6747
FAX: (502) 852-8736
Congressional District 3
Details, including policies

University of the Cumberlands, Williamsburg, D209A
Contact: Whitney Taylor
Norma Perkins Hagan Memorial Library (Selective Depository)
821 Walnut Street
Williamsburg, KY 40769
Documents: (606) 539-4464
Public Service: (606) 539-4329
FAX: (606) 539-4317
Congressional District 5
Details, including policies

Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, D213
Contact: Susann deVries
Helm-Cravens Library (Selective Depository)
Documents Department
1 Big Red Way
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1067
Public Service: (270) 745-6125 / 6107
FAX (270) 745-6175
Congressional District 2
Details, including policies

Depositories by Type of Designation

Highest state appellate court  
Land grant colleges
Representative 12 
Law libraries