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Artist Files in the Lucille Caudill Little Fine Arts Library: R

Ra - Ri

Ramsier, John

   Bridwell, Margaret.  "Ramsier:  Louisville's Favorite Miniaturist."

Ranard, John

Rao, Rama

Ray, Laura

Reardon, Gwen

Reascos, Edgar

Reeves, Richard Stone

Reid, Mary

Reinhardt, Siegfried

Reinking, John

Reitmeyer, Beth

Reitzfeld, Lucy Gould

Rennick, Deanna 

Rhema, Dan

Richards, Bill

Richards, Sam

Ridley, Edward

Ries, Christopher

Riggs, Kimberly

Riley, Bruce

Riley, Derrick

Ringo, Mara

Ritschel, Wolfgang


Roberts, Helm

Robinson, Cathy Mix

Robinson, Emil

Robinson, Jay

Robinson, Joseph

Roche, Diane

Rodgers, James

Rodin, Auguste

Rodriguez, Susan

Roe, Dawn

Rogers, George

Rollins, Martin

Rosenfeld, Laura

Ross, Dixie

Ross, Laura

Rouland, Orlando

Rowell, Bennie

Rowland, Wendy Bolton

Ru - Ry

Rudzik, Jill

Ruisdael, Jacob Isaacz. van

Rumph, Charles

Ruskin, John

Russell, Charles M.

Russell, Doug

Rutherford, Eric

Rutledge, Jeffrey

Rye, Reba