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List of new books and media with clickable links and description for each title. Covers print and ebooks, as well as hardcopy and digital media. The site provides a master list, plus subject breakdown.

Appalachian Studies: New fy2023

Appalachian Studies: New fy2023

  1. African American workers and the Appalachian coal industry / Joe William Trotter Jr.. West Virginia University Press. print book
  2. Against the current : paddling upstream on the Tennessee River / Kim Trevathan.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  3. Another Appalachia : coming up queer and Indian in a mountain place / Neema Avashia.. West Virginia University Press. ebook
  4. Appalachia, a regional geography : land, people, and development / Karl B. Raitz and Richard Ulack ; with Thomas R. Leinbach.. Routledge. ebook
  5. Appalachia's alternative to mainstream America : a personal education / Paul Salstrom.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  6. Appalachia's coal-mined landscapes : resources and communities in a new energy era / Carl E. Zipper, Jeff Skousen, editors.. Springer. print book
  8. Appalachia : the voices of sleeping birds / by Cynthia Rylant ; illustrated by Barry Moser.. Voyager Books. print book
  9. Archaeological perspectives on the Southern Appalachians : a multiscalar approach / edited by Ramie A. Gougeon and Maureen S. Meyers.. University of Tennessee Press. print book
  10. Backpacking Tennessee : overnight trail adventures from the Mississippi River to the Appalachian Mountains / Johnny Molloy.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  11. The ballad of Laurel Springs / Janet Beard.. Gallery Books an imprint of Simon & Schuster Inc. print book
  12. Becoming AppalAsian / Lisa Kwong.. Glass Lyre Press. print book
  13. Between heaven and Russia : religious conversion and political apostasy in Appalachia / Sarah Riccardi-Swartz.. Fordham University Press. print book
  14. Blooming fiascoes : poems / Ellen Hagan.. TriQuarterly Books / Northwestern University Press. print book
  15. Capitalist pigs : pigs, pork, and power in America / J.L. Anderson.. West Virginia University Press. print book
  16. Cas Walker : stories on his life and legend / edited by Joshua S. Hodge.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  18. Come kingdom : poems / Derrick Harriell.. Louisiana State University Press. print book
  19. Curing season : artifacts / Kristine Langley Mahler.. West Virginia University Press. print book
  20. Daffodil dreams : an Appalachia-inspired short story collection.. Mountain Girl Press. print book
  21. Day hiking the Daniel Boone National Forest : includes Natural Bridge and Cumberland Falls State Parks / Johnny Molloy.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  22. Dead weight : a memoir in essays / Randall Horton.. Northwestern University Press. print book
  23. Dictionary of Southern Appalachian English / Michael B. Montgomery & Jennifer K. N. Heinmiller ; foreword by Joan Houston Hall.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
  24. Disappearing Appalachia in Tennessee : a picture of a vanished land and its people / Harry Moore & Fred Brown.. History Press. print book
  25. Doing the word : Southern Baptists' Carver School of Church Social Work and its predecessors, 1907-1997 / T. Laine Scales and Melody Maxwell.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  26. Dying in the scarecrow's arms : poems / Mitchell L.H. Douglas.. Persea Books. print book
  27. Eerie Appalachia : Smiling Man, Indrid Cold, the Jersey Devil, the legend of Mothman and more / Mark Muncy and Kari Schultz.. The History Press. print book
  28. English lit : poems / by Bernard Clay.. Swallow Press/Ohio University Press; Old Cove Press. print book
  29. A familiar wilderness : searching for home on Daniel Boone's road / S.J. Dahlman.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  30. Family hiking in the Smokies : time well spent / Hal Hubbs, Charles Maynard, and David Morris.. University of Tennessee Press. print book
  31. Fieldnotes on ordinary love / Keith S. Wilson.. Copper Canyon Press. print book
  32. Fishing for chickens : a Smokies food memoir / Jim Casada.. The University of Georgia Press. print book
  33. Folk music in overdrive : a primer on traditional country and bluegrass artists / Ivan M. Tribe.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  34. From the front lines of the Appalachian opioid crisis : healthcare providers discuss opioids, meth and recovery / edited by Wendy Welch ; foreword by Lauren Sisler. McFarland & Company Inc Publishers. ebook
  35. Goodbye Gauley Mountain : an ecosexual love story / a film by Beth Stephens with Annie Sprinkle ; executive producer, Beth Stephens ; produced by Xandra Coe, Annie Sprinkle, Jordan Freeman ; directors, Beth Stephens with Annie Sprinkle ; Pollination Produ. Manufactured and distributed by Kino Lorber Inc; Alive Mind Cinema. video DVD
  36. The Harlan renaissance : stories of Black life in Appalachian coal towns / William H. Turner.. West Virginia University Press. print book
  38. Historic photos of Appalachia / text and captions by Kevin E. O'Donnell.. Turner Publishing Company. ebook
  39. Horace Kephart : writings / edited by George Frizzell and Mae Miller Claxton.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  40. Hungry town : a novel / Jason Kapcala.. West Virginia University Press. print book
  41. I am woman / by Yvonne M. Johnson.. Accents Publishing. print book
  42. In search of Appalachia / Nancy Brown Diggs.. Hamilton Books. ebook
  43. In the house of the serpent handler : a story of faith and fleeting fame in the age of social media / Julia C. Duin.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  44. Knoxville, Tennessee : a mountain city in the new South / William Bruce Wheeler.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  45. Last mountain dancer : hard-earned lessons in love, loss, and honky-tonk outlaw life / Chuck Kinder.. West Virginia University Press. print book
  46. Liars, damn liars, & storytellers : essays on traditional and contemporary storytelling / Joseph Sobol.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  47. Like light, like music / Lana K. W. Austin.. West Virginia University Press. print book
  49. Little sixty : a memoir of growing up Italian-American in Appalachia / by Lena Pellegrino Derosa.. AuthorHouse. print book
  50. Lost : a novel : a haunting in Appalachia / John Braxton Sparks.. Xlibris. print book
  51. Love Child's hotbed of occasional poetry : poems & artifacts / Nikky Finney.. TriQuarterly Books/Northwestern University Press. print book
  52. Lowest White boy / Greg Bottoms.. West Virginia University Press. print book
  53. Memoirs of the life, religious experience, ministerial travels, and labours of Mrs. Elaw / by Zilpha Elaw ; edited by Kimberly D. Blockett.. West Virginia University Press. print book
  54. A mere Kentucky of a place : the Elkhorn Association and the commonwealth's first Baptists / Keith Harper.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  55. Native Americans in central Appalachia : a bibliography / by Timothy Collins ; foreword by Albert J. Fritsch.. Appalachia--Science in the Public Interest. print book
  56. Offerings of desire : poems / Kelly Norman Ellis.. Willow Books. print book
  57. On dark and bloody ground : an oral history of the West Virginia mine wars / Anne T. Lawrence ; with a foreword by Catherine Venable Moore.. West Virginia University Press. print book
  58. On petrocultures : globalization, culture, and energy / Imre Szeman.. West Virginia University Press. print book
  59. On the black hand side / Gerald L. Coleman.. Iconiclast Press. print book
  60. Otto Wood, the bandit : the freighthopping thief, bootlegger, and convicted murderer behind the Appalachian ballads / Trevor McKenzie ; foreword by David Holt.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
  61. Past Titan Rock : journeys into an Appalachian valley / Ellesa Clay High ; with a foreword by Travis D. Stimeling.. West Virginia University Press. print book
  62. Peace in the mountains : northern Appalachian students protest the Vietnam War / Thomas Weyant.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  63. Perfect black / Crystal Wilkinson ; illustrated by Ronald W. Davis ; foreword by Nikky Finney.. University Press of Kentucky. ebook
  64. Poetic creation : language and the unsayable in the late poetry of Robert Penn Warren / John C. Van Dyke.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  65. Pop : an illustrated novel / Robert Gipe.. Ohio University Press. print book
  66. The primary that made a president : John F. Kennedy and West Virginia / Robert Rupp.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  67. Randy Wood : the lore of the luthier / Daniel Wile.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  68. Riparian : poetry, short prose, and photographs inspired by the Ohio River / Sherry Cook Stanforth, managing editor ; Richard Hague, co-editor.. Dos Madres. print book
  69. Riverbend Gap / Denise Hunter.. Thomas Nelson. print book
  70. Robert Penn Warren, shadowy autobiography, and other makers of American literature / Joseph R. Millichap.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  71. Roots music in America : collected writings of Joe Wilson / edited by Fred Bartenstein.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  72. Sacrilegion / L. Lamar Wilson.. Carolina Wren Press. print book
  73. Said-songs : essays on poetry and place / Jesse Graves.. Mercer University Press. print book
  74. Seeking home : marginalization and representation in Appalachian literature and song / edited by Leslie Harper Worthington and Jürgen E. Grandt.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  75. Slow violence in contemporary American environmental literature / by Erden El. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. print book
  76. A Smoky Mountain boyhood : memories, musings, and more / Jim Casada.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  77. So much to be angry about : Appalachian Movement Press and radical DIY publishing, 1969-1979 / Shaun Slifer.. West Virginia University Press. print book
  78. Soul culture : Black poets, books, and questions that grew me up / Remica Bingham-Risher.. Beacon Press. print book
  79. Sounds of tohi : Cherokee health and well-being in Southern Appalachia / Lisa J. Lefler and Thomas N. Belt (Cherokee) ; foreword by Pamela Duncan ; foreword by T.J. Holland (Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians) ; afterword by Tom Hatley.. The University of Alabama Press. print book
  80. Southern Appalachian farm cooking : a memoir of food and family / Robert G. Netherland.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  81. Southern progressivism : the reconciliation of progress and tradition / Dewey W. Grantham.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  82. The story of the dulcimer / Ralph Lee Smith.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  83. Swimming upriver : coming of age in Appalachia / Judy Harwood.. Outskirts Press. print book
  84. Tennessee Delta quiltmaking / Teri Klassen.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  85. The terra incognita reader : early writings from the Great Smoky Mountains / edited by Anne Bridges, Russell Clement, and Ken Wise.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  86. This is major : notes on Diana Ross, dark girls, and being dope / Shayla Lawson.. Harper Perennial. print book
  87. Through the mountains : the French Broad River and time / John E. Ross.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  88. To Emit Teal : poems / upfromsumdirt.. Broadstone. print book
  89. Transportation and the culture of climate change : accelerating ride to global crisis / edited by Tatiana Prorokova-Konrad.. West Virginia University Press. print book
  90. The true meaning of pictures : Shelby Lee Adams' Appalachia / Mercury Films presents ; produced by Nick de Pencier and Jennifer Baichwal ; directed by Jennifer Baichwal ; produced in association with TV Ontario and Bravo! Canada, a division of Chum Limite. Kanopy Streaming; Mercury Films Inc. streaming video
  91. Tuckaleechee Cove : a passage through time / Boyce N. Driskell and Robert J. Norrell.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  92. The tusk that did the damage / Tania James.. Alfred A Knopf. print book
  93. Two brown dots : poems / by Danni Quintos ; foreword by Aimee Nezhukumatathil.. BOA Editions Ltd. print book
  94. Under the aegis of a winged mind / Makalani Bandele.. Autumn House Press. print book
  95. A union for Appalachian healthcare workers : the radical roots and hard fights of Local 1199 / John Hennen.. West Virginia University Press. print book
  96. Voice for the hollers : a journey into solitude and solidarity in Appalachia / Jeanne McNulty.. Outskirts Press. print book
  97. Voices from the hills : selected readings of southern Appalachia / edited by Robert J. Higgs and Ambrose N. Manning ; afterword by Jim Wayne Miller.. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. print book
  98. Voices worth the listening : three women of Appalachia / Thomas Burton.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  99. Wheeling's Polonia : reconstructing Polish community in a West Virginia steel town / William Hal Gorby.. West Virginia University Press. print book
  100. Working it off in Labor County : stories / Larry D. Thacker.. West Virginia University Press. print book
  101. Writers by the river : reflections on 40+ years of the Highland Summer Conference / edited by Donia S. Eley and Grace Toney Edwards.. McFarland & Company Inc Publishers. print book
  102. Writing West Virginia : place, people, and poverty in contemporary literature from the Mountain State / Boyd Creasman.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  103. A year without months / Charles Dodd White.. West Virginia University Press. print book