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Social Work: New fy2023
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- Abusive policies : how the American child welfare system lost its way / Mical Raz.. The University of North Carolina Press. ebook
- ADHD medication : does it work and is it safe? / Walt Karniski.. Rowman & Littlefield. ebook
- American Indian health disparities in the 21st century / edited by Cornelius M. Dyke, Donald K. Warne.. Cambridge Scholars Publisher. ebook
- Anonymous people / a 4th Dimension production ; in association with The Morgan Le Fay Dreams Foundation & CT Community of Addiction Recovery ; produced and directed by Greg Williams ; written by Aaron Cohen, Greg Williams, Jeff Reilly, Bud Mikhitarian.. Kanopy Streaming; 4th Dimension Productions. streaming video
- Anonymous people / a 4th Dimension production ; in association with The Morgan Le Fay Dreams Foundation & CT Community of Addiction Recovery ; produced and directed by Greg Williams ; written by Aaron Cohen, Greg Williams, Jeff Reilly, Bud Mikhitarian.. Kanopy Streaming; 4th Dimension Productions. streaming video
- Aporophobia : why we reject the poor instead of helping them / Adela Cortina ; translated by Adrian Nathan West.. Princeton University Press. ebook
- Attachment : the fundamental questions / edited by Ross A. Thompson, Jeffry A. Simpson, Lisa J. Berlin.. The Guilford Press. ebook
- Barriers to rebuilding the African American community : understanding the issues facing today's African Americans from a social work perspective / Tywan Ajani.. Peter Lang Copyright. ebook
- Best boy / designed and photographed by Tom McDonough ; a film by Ira Wohl ; an Only Child Motion Pictures Production.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Best boy / designed and photographed by Tom McDonough ; a film by Ira Wohl ; an Only Child Motion Pictures Production.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Birthing Black mothers / Jennifer C. Nash.. Duke University Press. ebook
- Black lives matter vs. all lives matter : a multidisciplinary primer / edited by Abdul Karim Bangura.. Lexington Books. ebook
- The book proposal book : a guide for scholarly authors / Laura Portwood-Stacer.. Princeton University Press. ebook
- The Cambridge handbook of stigma and mental health / edited by David L. Vogel, Iowa State University, Nathaniel G. Wade, Iowa State University.. Cambridge University Press. ebook
- The challenge of right-wing nationalist populism for social work : a human rights approach / edited by Carolyn Noble and Goetz Ottmann.. Routledge. ebook
- Changing the way we die : compassionate end of life care and the hospice movement / Fran Smith and Sheila Himmel ; foreword by Joan Halifx, PhD.. Viva Editions. ebook
- Child-centered play therapy : a practical guide to therapeutic relationships with children / Nancy H. Cochran, William J. Nordling, Jeff L. Cochran.. Routledge. ebook
- Childhood 2.0.. Kanopy Streaming; Kinonation. streaming video
- Childhood 2.0.. Kanopy Streaming; Kinonation. streaming video
- The contagion next time / Sandro Galea.. Oxford University Press. ebook
- Detachment : an adoption memoir / Maurice Mierau.. Freehand Books. ebook
- Do right by me : learning to raise black children in white spaces / Valerie I. Harrison and Kathryn Peach D'Angelo.. Temple University Press. ebook
- Families we keep : LGBTQ people and their enduring bonds with parents / Rin Reczek and Emma Bosley-Smith.. New York University Press. ebook
- Foster care in America : a reference handbook / Christina G. Villegas.. ABC-CLIO. ebook
- Gen silent / Mad Stu Productions ; producers, Patricia Cornwell & Staci Gruber ; produced,directed and edited by Stu Maddux.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Gen silent / Mad Stu Productions ; producers, Patricia Cornwell & Staci Gruber ; produced,directed and edited by Stu Maddux.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Gender : the basics / Hilary M. Lips.. Routledge. ebook
- Getting over / Gravitas Ventures ; Upstart Film Collective in association with Franklin House.. Kanopy Streaming; Gravitas Ventures LLC. streaming video
- Getting over / Gravitas Ventures ; Upstart Film Collective in association with Franklin House.. Kanopy Streaming; Gravitas Ventures LLC. streaming video
- Good sex : transforming America through the new gender and sexual revolution / Catherine M. Roach, PhD.. Indiana University Press. ebook
- Grand challenges for social work and society / [edited by] Richard P. Barth, Jill T. Messing, Trina R. Shanks, and James Herbert Williams.. Oxford University Press. ebook
- The handbook of therapeutic care for children : evidence-informed approaches to working with traumatized children and adolescents in foster, relative and adoptive care / edited by Janise Mitchell, Joe Tucci, and Ed Tronick.. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. ebook
- The Heart Broken In Half - Street Gangs in Urban America. . ebook
- Homelessness in America : a reference handbook / Michele Wakin.. ABC-CLIO. ebook
- Homelessness in America : the history and tragedy of an intractable social problem / Stephen Eide.. Rowman & Littlefield. ebook
- How to Survive as a Child Welfare Social Worker.. Michaella Conteh. ebook
- Jane : an abortion service / a documentary by Kate Kirtz and Nell Lundy.. Kanopy Streaming; Women Make Movies. streaming video
- Just health : treating structural racism to heal America / Dayna Bowen Matthew.. New York University Press. ebook
- LGBTQ life in America : examining the facts / Melissa R. Michelson and Brian F. Harrison.. ABC-CLIO. ebook
- Little princes : one man's promise to bring home the lost children of Nepal / Conor Grennan.. William Morrow. print book
- Long days, short years : a cultural history of modern parenting / Andrew Bomback.. The MIT Press. ebook
- The man in the dog park : coming up close to homelessness / Cathy A. Small ; with Jason Kordosky and Ross Moore.. Cornell University Press. ebook
- Mastery of your anxiety and panic : therapist guide / Michelle G. Craske, David H. Barlow.. Oxford University Press. ebook
- Mixed methods research [electronic resource] : merging theory with practice / Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber.. Guilford Press. ebook
- Mothers of Bedford / directed & produced by Jenifer McShane.. Women Make Movies. streaming video
- Motivational interviewing in social work practice / Melinda Hohman.. Guilford Press. ebook
- The narcissist in you and everyone else : recognizing the 27 types of narcissism / Sterlin L. Mosley.. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. ebook
- The new sex wars : sexual harm in the #MeToo era / Brenda Cossman.. New York University Press. ebook
- Our children are your students : LGBTQ families speak out / by Tara Goldstein ; with contributions by Pam Baer, benjamin lee hicks, Yasmin Owis, Kate Reid, and Jenny Salisbury.. Myers Education Press. ebook
- Overcome : Stories of Women Who Grew Up In The Child Welfare System.. Great Plains Publications. ebook
- Parenting with an accent : how immigrants honor their heritage, navigate setbacks, and chart new paths for their children / Masha Rumer.. Beacon Press. ebook
- The politics of surviving : how women navigate domestic violence and its aftermath / Paige L. Sweet.. University of California Press. ebook
- Protecting children from domestic violence [electronic resource] : strategies for community intervention / edited by Peter G. Jaffe, Linda L. Baker, Alison J. Cunningham.. Guilford Press. ebook
- Racism, not race : answers to frequently asked questions / Joseph L. Graves, Jr. and Alan H. Goodman.. Columbia University Press. ebook
- Recognising adoptee relationships / Christine A. Lewis.. Routledge. ebook
- The science of marijuana.. The Great Courses; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Secondary data in mixed methods research / Daphne C. Watkins.. SAGE. ebook
- Self-care in social work : a guide for practitioners, supervisors, and administrators / Kathleen Cox and Sue Steiner.. NASW Press. ebook
- Sexuality in emerging adulthood / edited by Elizabeth M. Morgan and Manfred H. M. van Dulmen.. Oxford University Press. ebook
- Social work practice with transgender and gender expansive youth / edited by Jama Shelton and Gerald P. Mallon.. Routledge. ebook
- Social work speaks : National Association of Social Workers policy statements, 2021-2023 / Mildred C. Joyner, DPS, LCSW, President ; Angelo McClain, PhD, LICSW, Chief Executive Officer.. NASW Press. ebook
- Social workers' desk reference / edited by Lisa Rapp-McCall, Kevin Corcoran, Albert R. Roberts.. Oxford University Press. ebook
- Stigma and social support on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program / Laura Blount Carper.. Lexington Books. ebook
- Taken at birth [electronic resource] : stolen babies, hidden lies, and my journey to finding home / Jane Blasio.. Revell a division of Baker Publishing Group. ebook
- The thick dark fog / a film by Randy Vasquez ; produced by Jonathan Skurnik ; written and edited by Paul Freedman ; produced by Jonathan Skurnik, Randy Vasquez ; executive producer, Brian Wescott ; directed by Randy Vasquez ; a co-production of High Valle. Kanopy Streaming; New Day Films. streaming video
- Three identical strangers / Neon and CNN Films present ; a Raw production ; in association with Channel 4 ; directed by Tim Wardle ; produced by Becky Read ; producer, and developed by Grace Hughes-Hallett.. Neon; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Titicut Follies.. Kanopy Streaming; Frederick Wiseman (Zipporah). streaming video
- Tough guise 2 : violence, manhood & American culture / a Media Education Foundation production ; produced and directed by Jeremy Earp ; written by Jackson Katz and Jeremy Earp ; executive producer, Sut Jhally ; co-producer, Jason Young.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Tough guise : violence, media and the crisis in masculinity / directed by Sut Jhally ; produced by Susan Ericsson, Sanjay Talreja.. Media Education Foundation; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Trauma and expressive arts therapy : brain, body, and imagination in the healing process / Cathy A. Malchiodi.. The Guilford Press. ebook
- Trauma and mental health social work with urban populations : African-centered clinical interventions / edited by Rhonda Wells-Wilbon and Anthony Estreet.. Routledge. ebook
- Treating survivors of childhood abuse and interpersonal trauma : STAIR narrative therapy / Marylene Cloitre [and four others].. The Guilford Press. ebook
- Tres madres : structural therapy with an Anglo/Hispanic family / Golden Triad Films, Inc. presents ; featuring Harry Aponte, ACSW.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Understanding complex trauma and post-traumatic growth in survivors of sex trafficking : foregrounding women's voices for effective care and prevention / Heather Evans.. Routledge. ebook
- Violence against LGBTQ+ persons : research, practice, and advocacy / Emily M. Lund, Claire Burgess, Andy J. Johnson, editors.. Springer. ebook
- A war born family : African American adoption in the wake of the Korean War / Kori Graves.. New York University Press. ebook
- Who cares : the social safety net in America / Christopher Howard.. Oxford University Press. ebook
- Wrestling Ghosts - One Young Mother's Journey of Recovery. . ebook
- Wrongful conviction in sexual assault : stranger rape, acquaintance rape, and intra-familial child sexual assaults / Matthew Barry Johnson.. Oxford University Press. ebook
- Youth without family to lean on : global challenges and local interventions / edited by Shula Mozes and Moshe Israelashvili.. Routledge. ebook