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New Books & Media at UK Libraries

List of new books and media with clickable links and description for each title. Covers print and ebooks, as well as hardcopy and digital media. The site provides a master list, plus subject breakdown.

Ebooks: all new fy2023

0 - 9999

  1. 2D nanomaterials for CO2 conversion into chemicals and fuels / edited by Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni, Karthik Kannan, Aboubakr M. Abdullah, Bijandra Kumar.. Chemistry
  2. 5-Minute Clinical Consult 2023 / edited by Frank J. Domino [and four others].. Medicine
  3. 25 essential skills & strategies for the professional behavior analysts [electronic resource] : expert tips for maximizing consulting effectiveness / by Jon S. Bailey & Mary R. Burch.. Psychology
  4. 37 words : Title IX and fifty years of fighting sex discrimination / Sherry Boschert.. Gender & Women's Studies
  5. 250 things a landscape architect should know / B. Cannon Ivers (ed.).. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  6. 636 Yarmouk & al-Qadisiyyah—Islam Triumphs. Sociology
  7. The 1960s cultural revolution : facts and fictions / Joel P. Rhodes.. History
  8. 3000 years of analysis : mathematics in history and culture / Thomas Sonar ; translated by Patricia Morton and Keith William Morton.. Mathematics


  1. Abusive policies : how the American child welfare system lost its way / Mical Raz.. Social Work
  2. Academic librarian burnout : causes and responses / edited by Christina Holm, Ana Guimaraes, and Nashieli Marcano.. Library & Information Science
  3. Academic librarian faculty status / compiled and written by Edgar Bailey and Melissa Becher.. Library & Information Science
  4. Academic publishing : processes and practices for aspiring researchers / David Coniam, Peter Falvey.. Library & Information Science
  5. Accidental conflict : America, China, and the clash of false narratives / Stephen Roach. Political Science
  6. Achieving durable disease resistance in cereals / edited by Richard Oliver.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  7. Achieving sustainable turfgrass management / edited by Michael Fidanza.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  8. Acquired tastes : stories about the origins of modern food / edited by Benjamin R. Cohen, Michael S. Kideckel, and Anna Zeide.. Anthropology
  9. ACT in Steps : a Transdiagnostic Manual for Learning Acceptance and Commitment Therapy / Michael P. Twohig.. Psychology
  10. Acting for the camera : back to one / Peter Allen Stone.. Theatre & Dance
  11. Actions speak louder : a step-by-step guide to becoming an inclusive workplace / Deanna Singh.. Business
  12. Adam Smith's America : how a Scottish philosopher became an icon of American capitalism / Glory M. Liu.. Business
  13. Adapting Spanish classics for the new millennium : the nineteenth-century novel remediated / Linda M. Willem.. Hispanic Studies
  14. ADHD medication : does it work and is it safe? / Walt Karniski.. Social Work
  15. Advanced statistics for testing assumed casual relationships : multiple regression analysis path analysis logistic regression analysis / Hooshang Nayebi.. Statistics
  16. Advances in conservation agriculture. Volume 3, Adoption and spread / edited by Amir Kassam.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  17. Advances in integrated weed management / edited by Per Kudsk.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  18. Advances in plant phenotyping for more sustainable crop production / edited by Achim Walter.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  19. Advances in precision livestock farming / edited by Daniel Berckmans ; [contributions by Mark Trotter [and twelve others]].. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  20. Advances in seed science and technology for more sustainable crop production / edited by Julia Buitink and Olivier Leprince.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  21. Advertising at the Edge of the Apocalypse. Communication
  22. Affirming LGBTQ+ students in higher education / edited by David P. Rivera, Roberto L. Abreu, Kirsten A. Gonzalez.. Psychology
  23. African American family life [electronic resource] : ecological and cultural diversity / edited by Vonnie C. McLoyd, Nancy E. Hill, Kenneth A. Dodge..
  24. The African diaspora : slavery, modernity, and globalization / Toyin Falola.. History
  25. African modernism and its afterlives / edited by Paul Wenzel Geissler, Nina Berre, Johan Lagae.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  26. After authoritarianism : transitional justice and democratic stability / Monika Nalepa.. Political Science
  27. After genocide : memory and reconciliation in Rwanda / Nicole Fox.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  28. After midnight : Watchmen after Watchmen / edited by Drew Morton ; foreword by Henry Jenkins ; afterword by Suzanne Scott..
  29. After one hundred winters : in search of reconciliation on America's stolen lands / Margaret D. Jacobs.. History
  30. Afterlives of data : life and debt under capitalist surveillance / Mary F. E. Ebeling.. Law
  31. Against the commons : a radical history of urban planning / Álvaro Sevilla-Buitrago.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  32. The alarmist : fifty years measuring climate change / Dave Lowe.. History
  33. All the lovers in the night / Mieko Kawakami ; translated from the Japanese by Sam Bett and David Boyd.. Asian Studies
  34. Ambiguous territory : architecture, landscape and the postnatural / edited by Cathryn Dwyre, Chris Perry, David Salomon ; foreword by Catherine Ingraham ; afterword by Peder Anker.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  35. America's national debt : examining the facts / Thomas Arndt.. Business
  36. American Indian health disparities in the 21st century / edited by Cornelius M. Dyke, Donald K. Warne.. Social Work
  37. American spies : espionage against the US from the Cold War to the present / Michael J. Sulick..
  38. Americans and the Holocaust : a reader / edited by Daniel Greene and Edward Phillips ; published in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.. History
  39. Analyzing US census data : methods, maps, and models in R / Kyle Walker.. Geography
  40. Anatomy of writing for publication for nurses / Cynthia Saver, MS, RN.. Medicine
  41. Andrea Cochran [electronic resource] : landscapes / Mary Myers ; foreword by Henry Urbach..
  42. Another Appalachia : coming up queer and Indian in a mountain place / Neema Avashia.. Appalachian Studies
  43. Anthropological theory for the twenty-first century : a critical approach / edited by A. Lynn Bolles, Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz, Bernard C. Perley, and Keri Vacanti Brondo.. Sociology
  44. Anti-racist leadership : how to transform corporate culture in a race-conscious world / James D. White ; with Krista White.. Business
  45. Antimatter : what it is and why it's important in physics and everyday life / Beatriz Gato-Rivera.. Physics
  46. Antisocial, narcissistic, and borderline personality disorders : a new conceptualization of development, reinforcement, expression, and treatment / Daniel J. Fox.. Psychology
  47. APA style & citations / by Joe Giampalmi, EdD..
  48. Apollo's arrow : the profound and enduring impact of coronavirus on the way we live / Nicholas A. Christakis.. Sociology
  49. Aporophobia : why we reject the poor instead of helping them / Adela Cortina ; translated by Adrian Nathan West.. Social Work
  50. Appalachia, a regional geography : land, people, and development / Karl B. Raitz and Richard Ulack ; with Thomas R. Leinbach.. Appalachian Studies
  51. Appalachian health : culture, challenges, and capacity / edited by F. Douglas Scutchfield and Randy Wykoff ; foreword by Alonzo Plough..
  52. Applied geostatistics for reservoir characterization [electronic resource] / Mohan Kelkar, Godofredo Perez ; book editor, Anil Chopra..
  53. Approaching architecture : three fields, one discipline / edited by Miguel Guitart.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  54. Appropriated interiors / edited by Deborah Schneiderman, Anca I. Lasc and Karin Tehve.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  55. Arab national project in Youssef Chahine's cinema [electronic resource] / Malek Khouri.. Arabic & Islamic Studies
  56. Arbitrary lines : how zoning broke the American city and how to fix it / M. Nolan Gray.. Geography
  57. The archaeology of Harriet Tubman's life in freedom / Douglas V. Armstrong..
  58. Archaeology, sexism, and scandal : the long-suppressed story of one woman's discoveries and the man who stole credit for them / Alan Kaiser..
  59. Architecture after COVID / Albena Yaneva.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  60. Architecture and film / edited by Mark Lamster..
  61. Architecture and ugliness : anti-aesthetics and the ugly in postmodern architecture / edited by Wouter Van Acker and Thomas Mical.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  62. Architecture in the age of artificial intelligence : an introduction to AI for architects / Neil Leach.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  63. The architecture of modern Italy. Volume 1, The challenge of tradition, 1750-1900 [electronic resource] / Terry Kirk..
  64. The architecture of modern Italy. Volume 2, Visions of Utopia, 1900 - present [electronic resource] / Terry Kirk..
  65. Architecture of the everyday / editors, Steven Harris, Deborah Berke..
  66. Architectures of spatial justice / Dana Cuff.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  67. The art of statistics : how to learn from data / David Spiegelhalter.. Statistics
  68. Artificial intelligence applied to satellite-based remote sensing data for earth observation / edited by Maria Pia Del Rosso, Alessandro Sebastianelli, and Silvia Liberata Ullo.. Geography
  69. Arts and cultural management : sense and sensibilities in the state of the field / edited by Constance DeVereaux.. Arts Administration
  70. Arts entrepreneurship : creating a new venture in the arts / Richard S. Andrews. Arts Administration
  71. Arts management, cultural policy, & the African disaspora / Antonio C. Cuyler, editor.. Arts Administration
  72. Astrophysical magnetic fields : from galaxies to the early universe / Anvar Shukurov, Kandaswamy Subramanian.. Physics
  73. At Berkeley - Life At UC Berkeley. English
  74. At Berkeley - Life At UC Berkeley.
  75. Atlas of inherited metabolic diseases / William L. Nyhan, Georg F. Hoffmann ; with contributors from Aida I. Al-Aqeel and Bruce A. Barshop.. Medicine
  76. Atmospheric architectures : the aesthetics of felt spaces / Gernot Böhme ; edited and translated by A.-Chr. Engels-Schwarzpaul.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  77. Atmospheric rivers / F. Martin Ralph, Michael D. Dettinger, Jonathan J. Rutz, Duane E. Waliser, editors.. Physics
  78. Attachment : the fundamental questions / edited by Ross A. Thompson, Jeffry A. Simpson, Lisa J. Berlin.. Social Work
  79. Augmented landscapes [electronic resource] / Smout Allen..
  80. Automation is a myth / Luke Munn.. Business
  81. The avatar faculty : ecstatic transformations in religion and video games / Jeffrey G. Snodgrass.. Psychology
  82. The avoidable war : the dangers of a catastrophic conflict between the US and Xi Jinping's China / Kevin Rudd.. Business
  83. AWHONN's perinatal nursing / edited by Kathleen R. Simpson, Patricia A. Creehan.. Medicine


  1. Back to the moon : the next giant leap for humankind / Joseph Silk.. Physics
  2. Backfire : how sanctions reshape the world against U.S. interests / Agathe Demarais.. Business
  3. The Baltimore rowhouse [electronic resource] / Mary Ellen Hayward and Charles Belfoure ; foreword by James Marston Fitch..
  4. Barriers to rebuilding the African American community : understanding the issues facing today's African Americans from a social work perspective / Tywan Ajani.. Social Work
  5. Basics in jazz arranging / Paris Rutherford.. Music
  6. Bayesian hierarchical models : with applications using R / by Peter D. Congdon.. Statistics
  7. Bayesian statistical modeling with Stan, R, and Python / Kentaro Matsuura.. Statistics
  8. Bayesian statistics for experimental scientists : a general introduction using distribution-free methods / Richard A. Chechile.. Statistics
  9. Beasts of burden : animal and disability liberation / Sunaura Taylor.. Gender & Women's Studies
  10. Beautiful users : designing for people / Ellen Lupton with contributions by Thomas Carpentier and Tiffany Lambert..
  11. Becoming a therapist : what do I say, and why? / Suzanne Bender and Edward Messner ; foreword by Nhi-Ha Trinh.. Psychology
  12. Becoming Hopi : a history / edited by Wesley Bernardini, Stewart B. Koyiyumptewa, Gregson Schachner, and Leigh Kuwanwisiwma.. Anthropology
  13. Beginning R 4 : from beginner to pro / Matt Wiley, Joshua F. Wiley.. Statistics
  14. Behavioral insights / Michael Hallsworth and Elspeth Kirkman.. Psychology
  15. Belabored : a vindication of the rights of pregnant women / Lyz Lenz.. Gender & Women's Studies
  16. Benchmarking library, information and education services : new strategic choices in challenging times / edited by David Baker, Lucy Ellis, Caroline Williams, Cliff Wragg.. Library & Information Science
  17. Berlin in the Cold War : the battle for the divided city / Thomas Flemming ; [translation, Penny Croucher]..
  18. Bernard Tschumi [electronic resource] : Zénith de Rouen, Rouen, France / Todd Gannon and Laurie A. Gunzelman, volume editors..
  19. Bernoulli's fallacy : statistical illogic and the crisis of modern science / Aubrey Clayton.. Mathematics
  20. Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology / edited by Jame Abraham and James L. Gulley.. Medicine
  21. Better by design : an introduction to planning, designing and developing library buildings.. Library & Information Science
  22. Beyond digital : design and automation at the end of modernity / Mario Carpo.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  23. Beyond spreadsheets with R : a beginner's guide to R and RStudio / Dr. Jonathan Carroll.. Statistics
  24. Beyond the garden : designing home landscapes with natural systems / Dana Davidsen.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  25. Bi : the hidden culture, history, and science of bisexuality / Julia Shaw.. Gender & Women's Studies
  26. The big con : how the consulting industry weakens our businesses, infantilizes our governments, and warps our economies / Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington.. Business
  27. The Big Myth : How American Business Taught Us to Loathe Government and Love the Free Market / Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. Conway.. Business
  28. Biological water : physicochemical aspects / Gertz I. Likhtenshtein.. Chemistry
  29. Birthing Black mothers / Jennifer C. Nash.. Social Work
  30. Black disability politics / Sami Schalk.. Sociology
  31. Black lives matter in US schools : race, education, and resistance / edited by Boni Wozolek.. Education
  32. Black lives matter vs. all lives matter : a multidisciplinary primer / edited by Abdul Karim Bangura.. Social Work
  33. Black performance theory / Thomas F. DeFrantz and Anita Gonzalez, editors ; foreword by D. Soyini Madison.. Theatre & Dance
  34. Black women and public health : strategies to name, locate, and change systems of power / edited by Stephanie Y. Evans, Sarita K. Davis, Leslie R. Hinkson, and Deanna J. Wathington ; afterword by Jasmine Ward.. Gender & Women's Studies
  35. Black women in white : racial conflict and cooperation in the nursing profession, 1890-1950 / Darlene Clark Hine.. History
  36. Blacks & blackness in Central America : between race and place / edited by Lowell Gudmundson & Justin Wolfe.. African American and Africana Studies
  37. Body image and eating disorders : an anthropological and psychological overview / Fabio Gabrielli, Ludes University, Lugano, Floriana Irtelli, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan.. Psychology
  38. The book proposal book : a guide for scholarly authors / Laura Portwood-Stacer.. Social Work
  39. Borderlands resilience : transitions, adaptation and resistance at borders / Edited by Dorte Jagetic Andersen and Eeva-Kaisa Prokkola.. Geography
  40. Boyhood. English
  41. Boyhood.
  42. Braiding sweetgrass : Indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge and the teachings of plants / Robin Wall Kimmerer..
  43. Breasts and eggs / Mieko Kawakami ; translated from the Japanese by Sam Bett and David Boyd.. Asian Studies
  44. Bring the war home : the white power movement and paramilitary America / Kathleen Belew.. Sociology
  45. Britain's black past / editor, Gretchen H. Gerzina..
  46. The broken promise of global advocacy : inequality in global interest representation / Marcel Hanegraaff and Arlo Poletti.. Political Science
  47. Broken : the failed promise of Muslim inclusion / Evelyn Alsultany.. Sociology
  48. Buddhist architecture in America : building for enlightenment / Robert Edward Gordon.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  49. Build the damn thing [electronic resource] : how to start a successful business if you're not a rich white guy / Kathryn Finney.. Business
  50. Building (in) the future [electronic resource] : recasting labor in architecture / Peggy Deamer and Phillip Bernstein, editors..
  51. Building students' historical literacies [electronic resource] : learning to read and reason with historical texts and evidence / Jeffery D. Nokes.. History
  52. Building time : architecture, event, and experience / David Leatherbarrow.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  53. The burnout challenge : managing mismatches in the workplace / Christina Maslach and Michael P. Leiter.. Business
  54. The business of birth : malpractice and maternity care in the United States / Louise Marie Roth.. Gender & Women's Studies
  55. Butts : A Backstory / Heather Radke.. Sociology


  1. C. Vann Woodward : America's historian / James C. Cobb..
  2. Las cadenas de la identidad : poéticas del desarraigo y el viaje en la obra de Andrés Neuman / Javier Ferrer Calle.. Hispanic Studies
  3. California burning : the fall of Pacific Gas and Electric--and what it means for America's power grid / Katherine Blunt.. Business
  4. The Cambridge companion to Roman law / [edited by] David Johnston, Edinburgh Law School.. Classical Studies
  5. The Cambridge handbook of political psychology / edited by Danny Osborne, University of Auckland, Chris G. Sibley, University of Auckland.. Political Science
  6. The Cambridge handbook of stigma and mental health / edited by David L. Vogel, Iowa State University, Nathaniel G. Wade, Iowa State University.. Social Work
  7. Campaigns, elections, and the threat to democracy : what everyone needs to know / Dennis W. Johnson.. Political Science
  8. Can legal weed win? : the blunt realities of Cannabis economics / Robin Goldstein and Daniel Sumner.. Business
  9. Cannibal capitalism : how our system is devouring democracy, care, and the planet - and what we can do about it / Nancy Fraser.. Business
  10. The capital order : how economists invented austerity and paved the way to fascism / Clara E. Mattei.. Business
  11. Capitalism and the death drive / Byung-Chul Han ; translated by Daniel Steuer.. Business
  12. Capitalism : the story behind the word / Michael Sonenscher.. Business
  13. The carbon dioxide revolution : challenges and perspectives for a global society / Michele Aresta, Angela Dibenedetto.. Physics
  14. Cardiac Nursing : The Red Reference Book for Cardiac Nurses/ Elizabeth M. Perpetua DNP, Patricia Keegan.. Medicine
  15. The caring city : ethics of urban design / Juliet Davis.. Geography
  16. Carmageddon : how cars make life worse and what to do about it / Daniel Knowles.. Public Policy & Administration
  17. Case formulation in emotion-focused therapy : co-creating clinical maps for change / Rhonda N. Goldman, Leslie S. Greenberg.. Education
  18. The cashless revolution [electronic resource] : China's reinvention of money and the end of America's domination in finance and technology / Martin Chorzempa.. Business
  19. The cashless revolution [electronic resource] : China's reinvention of money and the end of America's domination in finance and technology / Martin Chorzempa.. Business
  20. Casino life : psychology and culture of casino gambling / Dr. Phil Watts..
  21. Celebrity 2.0 : the role of social media influencer marketing in building brands / Stacy Landreth Grau.. Business
  22. Celebrity fashion marketing : developing a human fashion brand / Fykaa Caan and Angela Lee.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  23. Céline and Julie Go Boating - Céline et Julie vont en bateau.
  24. The challenge of right-wing nationalist populism for social work : a human rights approach / edited by Carolyn Noble and Goetz Ottmann.. Social Work
  25. Chance in physics, computer science and philosophy : chance as the foundation of the world / Walter Hehl.. Mathematics
  26. Changing the way we die : compassionate end of life care and the hospice movement / Fran Smith and Sheila Himmel ; foreword by Joan Halifx, PhD.. Social Work
  27. The chaos machine : the inside story of how social media rewired our minds and our world / Max Fisher.. Psychology
  28. Chapters from Gödel's unfinished book on foundational research in mathematics / Jan von Plato.. Mathematics
  29. Charlotte Gray : a novel / Sebastian Faulks.. History
  30. The chemical biology of nitrogen / Christopher T. Walsh.. Chemistry
  31. The chemical biology of phosphorus / Christopher T. Walsh.. Chemistry
  32. The chemical biology of sulfur / Christopher T. Walsh.. Chemistry
  33. A Cherokee encyclopedia / Robert J. Conley.. Anthropology
  34. Chief sustainability officers at work : how CSO's build successful sustainability and ESG strategies / Chrissa Pagitsas.. Business
  35. Child-centered play therapy : a practical guide to therapeutic relationships with children / Nancy H. Cochran, William J. Nordling, Jeff L. Cochran.. Social Work
  36. China and the International Astronomical Union : divorce, separation and reconciliation (1958-1982) / Thierry Montmerle, Yi Zhou.. Physics
  37. China's international communication and relationship building / edited by Xiaoling Zhang and Corey Schultz.. Political Science
  38. China's next act : how sustainability and technology are reshaping China's rise and the world's future / Scott M. Moore.. Business
  39. Chip War : the fight for the world's most critical technology / Chris Miller.. Business
  40. Chip War : the fight for the world's most critical technology / Chris Miller.. Business
  41. The Chiwaya war : Malawians and the First World War / Melvin E. Page.. History
  42. Chocolate : a cultural encyclopedia / Ross F. Collins.. History
  43. Christianity's American fate : how religion became more conservative and society more secular / David A. Hollinger.. History
  44. Cinematic style : fashion, architecture and interior design on film / Jess Berry.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  45. City forward : how innovation districts can embrace risk and strengthen community / Matt Enstice with Mike Gluck.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  46. Classical treatment of collisions between ions and atoms or molecules / Francois Frémont.. Physics
  47. The climate book : the facts and the solutions / Greta Thunberg.. Public Policy & Administration
  48. Climate change is racist : race, privilege and the struggle for climate justice / Jeremy Williams ; [foreword by Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu].. Sociology
  49. Climate-smart production of coffee : improving social and environmental sustainability / edited by Reinhold Muschler.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  50. Climatenomics : Washington, Wall Street, and the economic battle to save our planet / Bob Keefe ; foreword by Tom Steyer.. Business
  51. Climax change! : how architecture must transform in the age of ecological emergency / Pedro Gadanho.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  52. Clinical epidemiology : the essentials / Grant S. Fletcher.. Medicine
  53. The clocks are telling lies : science, society, and the construction of time / Scott Alan Johnston.. Physics
  54. Cloud empires : how digital platforms are overtaking the state and how we can regain control / Vili Lehdonvirta.. Business
  55. Coal, cages, crisis : the rise of the prison economy in Central Appalachia / Judah Schept.. African American and Africana Studies
  56. Cold war hothouses [electronic resource] : inventing postwar culture, from cockpit to playboy / Beatriz Colomina, AnnMarie Brennan, and Jeannie Kim, editors..
  57. Collective resistance to neoliberalism / Paul Almeida, University of California, Merced ; Amalia Pérez Martín, University of California, Merced.. Political Science
  58. The college administrator's survival guide / C.K. Gunsalus. Education
  59. The college devaluation crisis : market disruption, diminishing ROI, and an alternative future of learning / Jason Wingard.. Education
  60. The college devaluation crisis : market disruption, diminishing ROI, and an alternative future of learning / Jason Wingard.. Business
  61. Color atlas of common oral diseases / Robert P. Langlais, Craig S. Miller, Jill S. Gehrig.. Medicine
  62. The color of crime : racial hoaxes, white crime, media messages, police violence, and other race-based harms / Katheryn Russell-Brown.. Sociology
  63. The color pynk : black femme art for survival / Omise'eke Natasha Tinsley..
  64. Colorblind Tools [electronic resource] : Global Technologies of Racial Power..
  65. Communist Poland : a Jewish woman's experience / Sara Nomberg-Przytyk ; edited by Holli Levitsky and Justyna Włodarczyk ; translated by Paula Parsky.. History
  66. Community and public health nutrition / Sari Edelstein, PhD, RDN, Professor, Retired, Nutrition and Dietetics Department, Simmons College.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  67. The community-based PhD : complexities and triumphs of conducting CBPR / edited by Sonya Atalay and Alexandra McCleary.. Anthropology
  68. Community economies in the Global South [electronic resource] : case studies of rotating savings credit associations and economic cooperation / edited by Caroline Shenaz Hossein and Christabell P.J.. Business
  69. Community organizing and community building for health and social equity / edited by Meredith Minkler, Patricia Wakimoto..
  70. A companion to American agricultural history / edited by R. Douglas Hurt, Purdue University West Lafayette, IN.. History
  71. Comparative approaches to compassion : understanding nonviolence in world religions and politics / Ramin Jahanbegloo.. Political Science
  72. Compendium of terminology in analytical chemistry / edited by D. Brynn Hibbert.. Chemistry
  73. Complementary democracy : the art of deliberative listening / edited by Matt Qvortrup and Daniela Vancic.. Political Science
  74. The complete guide to open scholarship / Victoria Martin.. History
  75. Complicit : how we enable the unethical and how to stop / Max H. Bazerman.. Business
  76. The comprehensive guide : NFTS, digital artwork, blockchain technology / Marc Beckman.. Business
  77. The comprehensive guide : NFTS, digital artwork, blockchain technology / Marc Beckman.. Business
  78. Concepts and design of materials nanoarchitectonics / edited by Omar Azzaroni and Katsuhiko Ariga.. Chemistry
  79. Conflict is not abuse : overstating harm, community responsibility, and the duty of repair / Sarah Schulman.. Gender & Women's Studies
  80. The conservative counter-revolution in Britain and America 1980-2020 / Roger Brown.. Political Science
  81. Conspiracy : why the rational believe the irrational / Michael Shermer.. Psychology
  82. The contagion next time / Sandro Galea.. Social Work
  83. Contemporary public health : principles, practice, and policy / edited by James W. Holsinger Jr. and F. Douglas Scutchfield ; foreword by Eli I. Capilouto.. Medicine
  84. Contesting Castro : the United States and the triumph of the Cuban Revolution / Thomas G. Paterson.. African American and Africana Studies
  85. Cooked. Anthropology
  86. Cosmic origins : science's long quest to understand how our universe began / M. Mitchell Waldrop.. Physics
  87. Cosplay : a history / Andrew Liptak.. Sociology
  88. Counseling in a gender-expansive world : resources to support therapeutic practice / Douglas Knutson, Chloë Goldbach, Julie M. Koch.. Psychology
  89. Countdown to Pearl Harbor : the twelve days to the attack / Steve Twomey.. History
  90. Country capitalism : how corporations from the American South remade our economy and the planet / Bart Elmore.. Business
  91. Crash Landing : The Inside Story of How the World's Biggest Companies Survived an Economy on the Brink / Liz Hoffman.. Business
  92. Creating African fashion histories : politics, museums, and sartorial practices / edited by JoAnn McGregor, Heather Akou, and Nicola Stylianou.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  93. Crime, violence, and justice in Latin America / edited by Carlos Solar and Carlos A. Pérez Ricart.. Hispanic Studies
  94. Crimesploitation : crime, punishment, and pleasure on reality television / Paul Kaplan and Daniel LaChance.. Law
  95. The crisis of democratic capitalism / Martin Wolf.. Business
  96. Critical terms in Caribbean and Latin American thought : historical and institutional trajectories / edited by Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel, Ben. Sifuentes-Jáuregui, and Marisa Belausteguigoitia.. Hispanic Studies
  97. Critical thinking in biology and environmental education : facing challenges in a post-truth world / Blanca Puig, María Pilar Jiménez-Aleixandre, editors.. Biology
  98. The Cuban sandwich : a history in layers / Andrew T. Huse, Bárbara C. Cruz, and Jeff Houck.. Sociology
  99. Cults : inside the world's most notorious groups and understanding the people who joined them / Parcast's Max Cutler ; with Kevin Conley.. Sociology
  100. Cultural, existential and phenomenological dimensions of grief experience / edited by Allan Køster and Ester Holte Kofod.. Psychology
  101. Cultural policy / David Bell and Kate Oakley.. Arts Administration
  102. The culture transplant : how migrants make the economies they move to a lot like the ones they left / Garett Jones.. Business
  103. The currency of politics : the political theory of money from Aristotle to Keynes / Stefan Eich.. Business
  104. Current research in biology education : selected papers from the ERIDOB Community / Konstantinos Korfiatis, Marcus Grace, editors.. Biology
  105. Cyber defence in the age of AI, smart societies and augmented humanity / Hamid Jahankhani, Stefan Kendzierskyj, Nishan Chelvachandran, Jaime Ibarra, editors.. Mathematics


  1. Damaged : childhood trauma, adult illness, and the need for a health care revolution / Robert Maunder, MD, and Jonathan Hunter, MD.. Psychology
  2. Dance pedagogy for a diverse world : culturally relevant teaching in theory, research, and practice / Nyama McCarthy-Brown ; foreword by Takiyah Nur Amin.. Theatre & Dance
  3. Dancing on bones : history and power in China, Russia and North Korea / Katie Stallard.. Political Science
  4. Danton. History
  5. Danton.
  6. Dare to lead like a girl : how to survive and thrive in the corporate jungle / Dalia Feldheim.. Business
  7. Dark data : why what you don't know matters / David J. Hand.. Statistics
  8. The darker angels of our nature : refuting the Pinker theory of history & violence / edited by Philip Dwyer and Mark Micale.. Psychology
  9. Data cartels : the companies that control and monopolize our information / Sarah Lamdan.. Library & Information Science
  10. Data driven : truckers, technology, and the new workplace surveillance / Karen Levy.. Business
  11. The Data Literacy Cookbook / edited by Kelly Getz and Meryl Brodsky.. Library & Information Science
  12. Dead in the water : a true story of hijacking, murder, and a global maritime conspiracy / Matthew Campbell and Kit Chellel.. Business
  13. The deadly truth : a history of disease in America / Gerald N. Grob.. History
  14. The death of demographics : valuegraphic marketing for a values-driven world / David Allison ; with a foreword by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers.. Business
  15. A decade of upheaval : the Cultural Revolution in rural China / Dong Guoqiang, Andrew G. Walder.. History
  16. Decadent Literature in Twentieth-Century Japan : Spectacles of Idle Labor / by Ikuho Amano.. Asian Studies
  17. Decoded : the science behind why we buy / Phil Barden ; foreword by Rory Sutherland.. Business
  18. A decolonial ecology : thinking from the Caribbean world / Malcom Ferdinand ; translated by Anthony Paul Smith.. Anthropology
  19. Decolonizing design : a cultural justice guidebook / Elizabeth (Dori) Tunstall ; illustrated by Ene Agi.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  20. Decolonizing methodologies : research and indigenous peoples / Linda Tuhiwai Smith.. Anthropology
  21. Defuturing : a new design philosophy / Tony Fry.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  22. Deliberately divided : inside the controversial study of twins and triplets adopted apart / Nancy L. Segal.. Psychology
  23. Delinquent : inside America's debt machine / Elena Botella.. Business
  24. Democratization : a thematic approach / Stephen Noakes, Chris Wilson.. Political Science
  25. Demography of transgender, nonbinary and gender minority populations / Amanda K. Baumle, Sonny Nordmarken, editors.. Sociology
  26. Demystifying scholarly metrics : a practical guide / Marc W. Vinyard and Jaimie Beth Colvin.. History
  27. Design for a better world : meaningful, sustainable, humanity centered / Don Norman.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  28. Designing libraries for the 21st century / H. Thomas Hickerson, Joan K. Lippincott, and Leonora Crema, editors.. Library & Information Science
  29. Detachment : an adoption memoir / Maurice Mierau..
  30. Detention empire : Reagan's war on immigrants and the seeds of resistance / Kristina Shull..
  31. Developing animal feed products / edited by Navaratnam Partheeban.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  32. Developing smart agri-food supply chains : using technology to improve safety and quality / edited by Professor Louise Manning, Royal Agricultural University, UK.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  33. The Devil Never Sleeps: Learning to Live in an Age of Disasters.. Public Policy & Administration
  34. DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer : Principles & Practice of Oncology / Vincent T. DeVita, Steven A. Rosenberg, Theodore S. Lawrence.. Medicine
  35. Dialectología hispánica = The Routledge handbook of Spanish dialectology / editado por Francisco Moreno-Fernández y Rocío Caravedo.. Hispanic Studies
  36. The dialects of Spanish : a lexical introduction / Travis D. Sorenson.. Hispanic Studies
  37. Digital dentistry : a step-by-step guide and case atlas / edited by Arthur R.G. Cortes.. Medicine
  38. Digital influence mercenaries : profits and power through information warfare / James J. F. Forest.. Business
  39. The digital mindset : what it really takes to thrive in the age of data, algorithms, and AI / Paul Leonardi & Tsedal Neeley.. Business
  40. Digital paper : a manual for research and writing with library and internet materials / Andrew Abbott.. Sociology
  41. Dignity in a digital age : making tech work for all of us / Ro Khanna.. Business
  42. Dirt persuasion : civic environmental populism and the heartland's pipeline fight / Derek Moscato.. Geography
  43. Disability as diversity : developing cultural competence / Erin E. Andrews.. Sociology
  44. Disability pride : dispatches from a post-ADA world / Ben Mattlin. Education
  45. Dismantling everyday discrimination : microaggressions toward LGBTQ people / By Kevin Leo Yabut Nadal.. Psychology
  46. Disruptive space technologies and innovations : the next chapter / Scott Madry.. Physics
  47. The distracted couple : the impact of ADHD on adult relationships / edited by Larry Maucieri, PhD & Jon Carlson, PsyD, EdD ; [foreword by Pat Love, EdD]..
  48. Divided we fall : why consensus matters / Alice M. Rivlin.. Political Science
  49. Do police need guns? : policing and firearms : past, present and future / Richard Evans, Claire Farmer.. Sociology
  50. Do right by me : learning to raise black children in white spaces / Valerie I. Harrison and Kathryn Peach D'Angelo..
  51. Do the work! [electronic resource] : zero hunger / Julie Knutson..
  52. The doctrine of triangles : a history of modern trigonometry / Glen Van Brummelen.. Mathematics
  53. Documenting the future : navigating provenance metadata standards / Rhiannon Bettivia, Yi-Yun Cheng, Michael Robert Gryk.. Library & Information Science
  54. Don't even think about it : why our brains are wired to ignore climate change / George Marshall.. Sociology
  55. Dopamine nation : finding balance in the age of indulgence / Anna Lembke, M.D.. Psychology
  56. Doughnut economics : seven ways to think like a 21st century economist / Kate Raworth.. Public Policy & Administration
  57. Drawing attention : architecture in the age of social media / edited by Hamza Shaikh.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  58. Drawing the curtain : Cervantes's theatrical revelations / edited by Esther Fernández and Adrienne L. Martín.. Hispanic Studies
  59. Dreadful desires : the uses of love in neoliberal China / Charlie Yi Zhang.. Gender & Women's Studies
  60. Dream states : smart cities, technology, and the pursuit of urban utopias / John Lorinc.. Public Policy & Administration
  61. Drugs in pregnancy and lactation : a reference guide to fetal and neonatal risk [electronic resource] / Gerald G. Briggs, Craig V. Towers, Alicia B. Forinash.. Medicine
  62. The Druze : a new cultural and historical appreciation / Abbas Halabi..
  63. Dynamic time series models using R-INLA : an applied perspective / Nalini Ravishanker, Balaji Raman and Refik Soyer.. Statistics
  64. Dynamics of systems on the nanoscale / Ilia A. Solov'yov, Alexey V. Verkhovtsev, Andrei V. Korol, Andrey V. Solov'yov, editors.. Physics


  1. Ecocriticism / Greg Garrard.. ebook
  2. Ecocriticism and Chinese literature : imagined landscapes and real lived spaces / edited by Riccardo Moratto, Nicoletta Pesaro, Di-kai Chao.. ebook
  3. The economist's craft : an introduction to research, publishing, and professional development / Michael S. Weisbach.. ebook
  4. An economist's guide to economic history / Matthias Blum, Christopher L. Colvin, editors.. ebook
  5. Edible economics [electronic resource] : a hungry economist explains the world / Ha-Joon Chang.. ebook
  6. The education myth : how human capital trumped social democracy / Jon Shelton.. ebook
  7. Effective treatments for PTSD : practice guidelines from the international society for traumatic stress studies / edited by David Forbes, Jonathan I. Bisson, Candice M. Monson, Lucy Berliner.. ebook
  8. Einstein's fridge : how the difference between hot and cold explains the universe / Paul Sen.. ebook
  9. Elections in America : a reference handbook / Michael C. LeMay.. ebook
  10. Elements of design: Rowena Reed Kostellow and the structure of visual relationships / Gail Greet Hannah.. ebook
  11. The elephant in the universe : our hundred-year search for dark matter Govert Schilling. ebook
  12. Embracing change : alternatives to traditional research writing assignments / edited by Silke Higgins and Ngoc-Yen Tran.. ebook
  13. Embracing the Void [electronic resource] : Rethinking the Origin of the Sacred.. ebook
  14. Emil Fischer's "From my life" : English translation of "Aus meinem Leben" / David M. Behrman, Edward J. Behrman.. ebook
  15. Empire of eloquence : the classical rhetorical tradition in colonial Latin America and the Iberian world / Stuart M. McManus.. ebook
  16. Employment of persons with autism : a scoping review / Matthew Bennett, Emma Goodall.. ebook
  17. The encyclopedia of American food and drink / John F. Mariani.. ebook
  18. Encyclopedia of body adornment / Margo DeMello.. ebook
  19. Encyclopedia of junk food and fast food / Andrew F. Smith.. ebook
  20. Encyclopedia of the American Indian Movement / Bruce E. Johansen.. ebook
  21. Ending checkbox diversity : rewriting the story of performative allyship in corporate America / Dannie Lynn Fountain.. ebook
  22. The Enduring Struggle : the History of the U.S. Agency for International Development and America's Uneasy Transformation of the World / John Norris.. ebook
  23. Energy-smart farming : efficiency, renewable energy and sustainability / edited by Ralph Sims.. ebook
  24. Engaging populism : democracy and the intellectual virtues / Gregory R. Peterson, Michael C. Berhow, George Tsakiridis, editors.. ebook
  25. The entrepreneurs : the relentless quest for value / Derek Lidow.. ebook
  26. Entrepreneurship for the creative and cultural industries / Bonita M. Kolb.. ebook
  27. Environmental science and international politics : acid rain in Europe, 1979-1989, and climate change in Copenhagen, December 2009 / David E. Henderson and Susan K. Henderson.. ebook
  28. Ergodesign methodology for the product design : a human-centered approach / Marcelo M. Soares.. ebook
  29. Ernst Schröder on algebra and logic / Stephen Pollard.. ebook
  30. Eros the bittersweet : an essay / Anne Carson.. ebook
  31. Essential : how the pandemic transformed the long fight for worker justice / Jamie K. McCallum.. ebook
  32. Eternity in the ether : a Mormon media history / Gavin Feller.. ebook
  33. Evaluating police uses of force / Seth W. Stoughton, Jeffrey J. Noble, and Geoffrey P. Alpert.. ebook
  34. Evaluating the process to develop the dietary guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 : final report / Kathleen M. Rasmussen, Ann L. Yaktine, and Katherine M. Delaney, editors ; Committee on Evaluating the Process to Develop the Dietary Guidelines for America. ebook
  35. Ever smaller : nature's elementary particles, from the atom to the neutrino and beyond / Antonio Ereditato ; translated from the Italian by Erica Segre and Simon Carnell ; foreword by Nigel Lockyer.. ebook
  36. The everyday life of memorials / Andrew M. Shanken.. ebook
  37. Everything all at once : the software, videos, and architecture of MOS / Michael Meredith and Hilary Sample.. ebook
  38. Everything is possible : antifascism and the left in the age of fascism / Joseph Fronczak.. ebook
  39. Evidence-based eating : the best scientific evidence for nutritional and lifestyle choices / by W. Kenneth Ward.. ebook
  40. Experimental thinking : a primer on social science experiments / James N. Druckman, Northwestern University.. ebook
  41. Exporting capitalism private enterprise and US foreign policy / Ethan B. Kapstein. ebook
  42. Extreme cities : the peril and promise of urban life in the age of climate change / Ashley Dawson.. ebook
  43. Ecocriticism / Greg Garrard..
  44. Ecocriticism and Chinese literature : imagined landscapes and real lived spaces / edited by Riccardo Moratto, Nicoletta Pesaro, Di-kai Chao.. Asian Studies
  45. The economist's craft : an introduction to research, publishing, and professional development / Michael S. Weisbach.. Business
  46. An economist's guide to economic history / Matthias Blum, Christopher L. Colvin, editors.. History
  47. Edible economics [electronic resource] : a hungry economist explains the world / Ha-Joon Chang.. Business
  48. Edible economics [electronic resource] : a hungry economist explains the world / Ha-Joon Chang.. Business
  49. The education myth : how human capital trumped social democracy / Jon Shelton..
  50. Effective treatments for PTSD : practice guidelines from the international society for traumatic stress studies / edited by David Forbes, Jonathan I. Bisson, Candice M. Monson, Lucy Berliner.. Psychology
  51. Einstein's fridge : how the difference between hot and cold explains the universe / Paul Sen.. Physics
  52. Elections in America : a reference handbook / Michael C. LeMay.. Political Science
  53. Elements of design: Rowena Reed Kostellow and the structure of visual relationships / Gail Greet Hannah..
  54. The elephant in the universe : our hundred-year search for dark matter Govert Schilling. Physics
  55. Embracing change : alternatives to traditional research writing assignments / edited by Silke Higgins and Ngoc-Yen Tran.. Library & Information Science
  56. Embracing the Void [electronic resource] : Rethinking the Origin of the Sacred..
  57. Emil Fischer's "From my life" : English translation of "Aus meinem Leben" / David M. Behrman, Edward J. Behrman.. Chemistry
  58. Empire of eloquence : the classical rhetorical tradition in colonial Latin America and the Iberian world / Stuart M. McManus.. Classical Studies
  59. Employment of persons with autism : a scoping review / Matthew Bennett, Emma Goodall.. Psychology
  60. The encyclopedia of American food and drink / John F. Mariani.. Anthropology
  61. Encyclopedia of body adornment / Margo DeMello.. Anthropology
  62. Encyclopedia of junk food and fast food / Andrew F. Smith.. Anthropology
  63. Encyclopedia of the American Indian Movement / Bruce E. Johansen.. Anthropology
  64. Ending checkbox diversity : rewriting the story of performative allyship in corporate America / Dannie Lynn Fountain.. Business
  65. The Enduring Struggle : the History of the U.S. Agency for International Development and America's Uneasy Transformation of the World / John Norris.. Business
  66. Energy-smart farming : efficiency, renewable energy and sustainability / edited by Ralph Sims.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  67. Engaging populism : democracy and the intellectual virtues / Gregory R. Peterson, Michael C. Berhow, George Tsakiridis, editors.. Political Science
  68. The entrepreneurs : the relentless quest for value / Derek Lidow.. Business
  69. Entrepreneurship for the creative and cultural industries / Bonita M. Kolb.. Arts Administration
  70. Environmental science and international politics : acid rain in Europe, 1979-1989, and climate change in Copenhagen, December 2009 / David E. Henderson and Susan K. Henderson.. History
  71. Ergodesign methodology for the product design : a human-centered approach / Marcelo M. Soares.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  72. Ernst Schröder on algebra and logic / Stephen Pollard.. Mathematics
  73. Eros the bittersweet : an essay / Anne Carson..
  74. Essential : how the pandemic transformed the long fight for worker justice / Jamie K. McCallum.. Business
  75. Eternity in the ether : a Mormon media history / Gavin Feller..
  76. Evaluating police uses of force / Seth W. Stoughton, Jeffrey J. Noble, and Geoffrey P. Alpert.. Sociology
  77. Evaluating the process to develop the dietary guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 : final report / Kathleen M. Rasmussen, Ann L. Yaktine, and Katherine M. Delaney, editors ; Committee on Evaluating the Process to Develop the Dietary Guidelines for America. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  78. Ever smaller : nature's elementary particles, from the atom to the neutrino and beyond / Antonio Ereditato ; translated from the Italian by Erica Segre and Simon Carnell ; foreword by Nigel Lockyer.. Physics
  79. The everyday life of memorials / Andrew M. Shanken.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  80. Everything all at once : the software, videos, and architecture of MOS / Michael Meredith and Hilary Sample..
  81. Everything is possible : antifascism and the left in the age of fascism / Joseph Fronczak.. Political Science
  82. Evidence-based eating : the best scientific evidence for nutritional and lifestyle choices / by W. Kenneth Ward.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  83. Experimental thinking : a primer on social science experiments / James N. Druckman, Northwestern University.. Political Science
  84. Exporting capitalism private enterprise and US foreign policy / Ethan B. Kapstein. Business
  85. Extreme cities : the peril and promise of urban life in the age of climate change / Ashley Dawson.. Geography


  1. Fairy tales in contemporary American culture : how we hate to love them / Kate Christine Moore Koppy.. Russian Studies
  2. Families we keep : LGBTQ people and their enduring bonds with parents / Rin Reczek and Emma Bosley-Smith.. Social Work
  3. Fashion as creative economy : microenterprises in London, Berlin and Milan / Angela McRobbie, Daniel Strutt and Carolina Bandinelli. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  4. Fashion heritage : narrative and knowledge creation / Isabel Cantista, Damien Delille, editors.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  5. Fashion, identity, image / Paul Jobling, Philippa Nesbitt and Angelene Wong.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  6. Fashion narrative and translation : is vanity fair? / Rosanna Masiola.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  7. Fashion theory and the visual semiotics of the body / edited by Žarko Paić.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  8. Fashionable masculinities : queers, pimp daddies, and lumbersexuals / edited by Vicki Karaminas, Adam Geczy and Pamela Church Gibson.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  9. Fast facts [electronic resource] : multiple sclerosis / George D. Perkin, Jerry S. Wolinsky..
  10. Fast food and junk food : an encyclopedia of what we love to eat / Andrew F. Smith.. Anthropology
  11. Feasting and fasting : the history and ethics of Jewish food / edited by Aaron S. Gross, Jody Myers, and Jordan D. Rosenblum ; with a foreword by Hasia Diner and an afterword by Jonathan Safran Foer.. English
  12. Federal anti-Indian law : the legal entrapment of indigenous peoples / Peter P. d'Errico.. History
  13. The Federal Reserve : a new history / Robert L. Hetzel.. Business
  14. Feminism or death / Françoise d'Eaubonne ; translated and edited by Ruth Hottell ; with a foreword by Carolyn Merchant ; and an introduction by Myriam Bahaffou and Julie Gorecki ; translated by Emma Ramadan.. Gender & Women's Studies
  15. Fen, bog & swamp : a short history of peatland destruction and its role in the climate crisis / Annie Proulx.. Sociology
  16. A few good gays : the gendered compromises behind military inclusion / Cati Connell.. Psychology
  17. A field guide to grad school : uncovering the hidden curriculum / Jessica McCrory Calarco.. Business
  18. Fight like hell : the untold history of American labor / Kim Kelly.. Business
  19. The fight to save the town : reimagining discarded America / Michelle Wilde Anderson.. Business
  20. Fighting words : the bold American journalists who brought the world home between the wars / Nancy F. Cott.. History
  21. Film studies : an introduction / Ed Sikov. History
  22. Five stalks of grain / by Adrian Lysenko ; illustrated by Ivanka Theodosia Galadza..
  23. Fixing Social Security : the politics of reform in a polarized age / R. Douglas Arnold.. Business
  24. The flow of illicit funds [electronic resource] : a case study approach to anti-money laundering compliance / Ola M. Tucker.. Business
  25. Food Choices - How Our Diet Affects the Environment -.
  26. Food culture in medieval Scandinavia / edited by Viktória Gyönkei and Andrea Maraschi.. History
  27. Food deserts and food insecurity in the UK [electronic resource] : exploring social inequality / Dianna Smith and Claire Thompson..
  28. Food security issues and challenges [electronic resource] / Adriana Fillol Mazo and Miguel Ángel Martín López..
  29. Food security, poverty and nutrition policy analysis : statistical methods and policy applications.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  30. For a dollar and a dream : state lotteries in modern America / Jonathan D. Cohen.. Business
  31. For profit : a history of corporations / William Magnuson.. Business
  32. Foreign policy analysis : classic and contemporary theory / Valerie M. Hudson and Benjamin S. Day.. Political Science
  33. Forensic anthropology : an introduction / edited by Natalie R. Langley and MariaTeresa A. Tersigni-Tarrant..
  34. Forged in war : Roosevelt, Churchill, and the Second World War / Warren F. Kimball.. History
  35. Formidable : American women and the fight for equality, 1920-2020 / Elisabeth Griffith.. Gender & Women's Studies
  36. Foster care in America : a reference handbook / Christina G. Villegas.. Social Work
  37. Fragile victory : the making and unmaking of liberal order / James E. Cronin.. Political Science
  38. Framers : Human Advantage in an Age of Technology and Turmoil [electronic resource].. Business
  39. Frauds, myths, and mysteries : science and pseudoscience in archaeology / Kenneth L. Feder, Central Connecticut State University.. Anthropology
  40. Frauds, myths, and mysteries : science and pseudoscience in archaeology / Kenneth L. Feder, Central Connecticut State University.. Anthropology
  41. Free market : the history of an idea / Jacob Soll.. Business
  42. Freedom's mirror : Cuba and Haiti in the age of revolution / Ada Ferrer.. African American and Africana Studies
  43. Friendship in the Merovingian kingdoms : Venantius Fortunatus and his contemporaries / by Hope Williard..
  44. From a taller tower : the rise of the American mass shooter / Seamus McGraw.. Sociology
  45. From at-risk to at-promise : academic libraries supporting student success / Amy E. Vecchione and Cathlene E. McGraw.. Library & Information Science
  46. From breakthrough to blockbuster : the business of biotechnology / Donald L. Drakeman, Lisa N. Drakeman, Nektarios Oraiopoulos.. Business
  47. From great discoveries in number theory to applications / Michal Křížek, Lawrence Somer, Alena Šolcová.. Mathematics
  48. From the front lines of the Appalachian opioid crisis : healthcare providers discuss opioids, meth and recovery / edited by Wendy Welch ; foreword by Lauren Sisler. Appalachian Studies
  49. From the theater to the plaza : spectacle, protest, and urban space in twenty-first-century Madrid / Matthew I. Feinberg.. Hispanic Studies
  50. Fundamental aspects and perspectives of MXenes / Mohammad Khalid, Andrews Nirmala Grace, Arunachalam Arulraj, Arshid Numan, editors.. Chemistry
  51. Fundamentals of planning cities for healthy living / Avi Friedman and Alexandra Pollock..
  52. Fundamentals of sustainable urban design / Avi Friedman.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  53. Fundamentals success : NCLEX®-style Q&A review / Patricia M. Nugent, Barbara A. Vitale.. Medicine


  1. Galileo Galilei's "Two new sciences" for modern readers / Alessandro De Angelis.. Physics
  2. Gambling on development : why some countries win and others lose / Stefan Dercon.. Business
  3. Gaming sexism : gender and identity in the era of casual video games / Amanda C. Cote.. Psychology
  4. Gay bar : why we went out / Jeremy Atherton Lin.. Gender & Women's Studies
  5. Geek girls : inequality and opportunity in Silicon Valley / France Winddance Twine.. Gender & Women's Studies
  6. Gender and security in digital space : navigating access, harassment, and disinformation / edited by Gulizar Haciyakupoglu and Yasmine Wong.. Mathematics
  7. Gender queer : a memoir / by Maia Kobabe ; colors by Phoebe Kobabe.. Education
  8. Gender : the basics / Hilary M. Lips.. Social Work
  9. Gentrification is inevitable and other lies / Leslie Kern.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  10. Geography of home : writings on where we live / Akiko Busch..
  11. Gerhard Richter: 4 Decades - The Famous Painter's Early Work. Art
  12. Getting to diversity : what works and what doesn't / Frank Dobbin, Alexandra Kalev. Business
  13. Ghosting the news : local journalism and the crisis of American democracy / Margaret Sullivan. Public Policy & Administration
  14. Ginseng diggers : a history of root and herb gathering in Appalachia / Luke Manget.. History
  15. The girl at the Lion d'Or / Sebastian Faulks.. History
  16. The Girl I Am, Was, and Never Will Be [electronic resource] : A Speculative Memoir of Transracial Adoption..
  17. Globalists : the end of empire and the birth of neoliberalism / Quinn Slobodian.. Business
  18. The glory and the burden : the American presidency from the New Deal to the present / Robert Schmuhl. Political Science
  19. Going for cold : a biography of a great physicist, Kurt Mendelssohn / J.G. Weisend II, G. Terence Meaden.. Physics
  20. Going remote : how the flexible work economy can improve our lives and our cities / Matthew E. Kahn.. Geography
  21. Gold, oil, and avocados : a recent history of Latin America in sixteen commodities / Andy Robinson.. Business
  22. Good sex : transforming America through the new gender and sexual revolution / Catherine M. Roach, PhD.. Social Work
  23. Governing the EU in an age of division / Dalibor Rohac.. Political Science
  24. The Gracelin O'Malley trilogy : Gracelin O'Malley ; Leaving Ireland ; and, 'Til morning light / Ann Moore..
  25. Grammatology of images : a history of the a-visible / Sigrid Weigel and Chadwick Truscott Smith..
  26. Grand challenges for social work and society / [edited by] Richard P. Barth, Jill T. Messing, Trina R. Shanks, and James Herbert Williams.. Social Work
  27. The great displacement : climate change and the next American migration / Jake Bittle.. Education
  28. The great polarization : how ideas, power, and policies drive inequality edited by Rudiger L. Von Arnim and Joseph E. Stiglitz. Business
  29. The great reversal : how America gave up on free markets / Thomas Philippon.. Business
  30. Greed and guns : imperial origins of the developing world / Atul Kohli, Princeton University.. Political Science
  31. Greek and Latin poetry of late antiquity : form, tradition and context / edited by Berenice Verhelst, Universiteit Gent, Belgium ; Tine Scheijnen, Universiteit Gent, Belgium.. Classical Studies
  32. Green roof [electronic resource] : a case study / Christian Werthmann..
  33. Grid systems [electronic resource] : principles of organizing type / Kimberly Elam..
  34. Gropius : the man who built the Bauhaus / Fiona MacCarthy.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  35. Growing architecture : how to design and build with trees / Ferdinad Ludwig, Daniel Schönle ; with a preface by Sonja Dümpelmann.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  36. Growing Fairly [electronic resource] : How to Build Opportunity and Equity in Workforce Development / Stephen Goldsmith, Kate Markin Coleman.. Business
  37. Growing up human : the evolution of childhood / Brenna Hassett.. Education
  38. Growth for good : reshaping capitalism to save humanity from climate catastrophe / Alessio Terzi.. Business
  39. A guide to close binary systems / Edwin Budding and Osman Demircan.. Physics
  40. Guide to historic artists' homes & studios : a program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation / Valerie Balint.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  41. Guide to the psychology of eating / Leighann R. Chaffee, Stephanie P. da Silva.. Psychology


  1. Half-life of a secret : reckoning with a hidden history / Emily Strasser.. Physics
  2. Handbook for a post-roe America / Robin Marty.. Sociology
  3. Handbook of automata theory / edited by Jean-Éric Pin.. Mathematics
  4. The handbook of consensual non-monogamy : affirming mental health practices / edited by Michelle D. Vaughan, Wright State University, Theodore R. Burnes, Antioch University, Los Angeles.. Psychology
  5. Handbook of psychotherapy case formulation / edited by Tracy D. Eells.. Psychology
  6. Handbook of research ethics in psychological science / edited by Sangeeta Panicker & Barbara Stanley.. Psychology
  7. The handbook of therapeutic care for children : evidence-informed approaches to working with traumatized children and adolescents in foster, relative and adoptive care / edited by Janise Mitchell, Joe Tucci, and Ed Tronick..
  8. The hangover : a literary and cultural history / Jonathon Shears. [electronic resource].
  9. Happiness / Tim Lomas.. Psychology
  10. The Hard Parts : A Memoir of Courage and Triumph..
  11. Harriet Tubman : a reference guide to her life and works / Kate Clifford Larson.. History
  12. Hate groups : a reference handbook / David E. Newton.. Sociology
  13. Hate speech / Caitlin Ring Carlson.. Psychology
  14. Hats and headwear around the world : a cultural encyclopedia / Beverly Chico.. Anthropology
  15. HBR at 100 : the most influential and innovative articles from Harvard Business Review's first century.. Business
  16. Health Promotion: In A Public Context.
  17. Healthy buildings : how indoor spaces can make you sick--or keep you well / Joseph G. Allen, John D. Macomber.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  18. Healthy cities? : design for well-being / Tim Townshend.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  19. The Heart Broken In Half - Street Gangs in Urban America.
  20. The Heart Broken In Half - Street Gangs in Urban America.
  21. Heaven / Mieko Kawakami ; translated from the Japanese by Sam Bett and David Boyd.. Asian Studies
  22. Henry VIII and the Reformation Parliament / John Patrick Coby.. History
  23. Hidden geopolitics : governance in a globalized world / John Agnew.. Political Science
  24. Highway heist : America's crumbling infrastructure and the road forward / James T. Bennett.. Business
  25. Historic photos of Appalachia / text and captions by Kevin E. O'Donnell.. Appalachian Studies
  26. Historical dictionary of modern coups d'état / John J. Chin, Joseph Wright, David B. Carter.. Political Science
  27. Historical perspectives on sustainable fashion : inspiration for change / Amy Twigger Holroyd, Jennifer Farley Gordon, and Colleen Hill.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  28. A history of data visualization and graphic communication / Michael Friendly, Howard Wainer. Mathematics
  29. The history of evil in antiquity : 2000 BCE - 450 CE / edited by Tom Angier, Chad Meister, Charles Taliaferro.. Philosophy
  30. History of the plurality of worlds : the myths of extraterrestrials through the ages / Pierre Connes ; edited by James Lequeux.. Physics
  31. Home gardens for improved food security and livelihoods / edited by D. Hashini Galhena Dissanayake and Karimbhai M. Maredia..
  32. Homecoming : the path to prosperity in a post-global world / Rana Foroohar.. Business
  33. Homeless heritage : collaborative social archaeology as therapeutic practice / Rachael Kiddey.. Anthropology
  34. Homelessness in America : a reference handbook / Michele Wakin.. Social Work
  35. Homelessness in America : the history and tragedy of an intractable social problem / Stephen Eide.. Social Work
  36. House [electronic resource] : black swan theory / Steven Holl..
  37. House gods : sustainable buildings and renegade builders / Jim Kristofic.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  38. How antitrust failed workers / Eric A. Posner.. Business
  39. How big things get done : the surprising factors that determine the fate of every project, from home renovations to space exploration and everything in between / Bent Flyvbjerg with Dan Gardner.. Business
  40. How minds change : the surprising science of belief, opinion, and persuasion / David McRaney.. Psychology
  41. How religion evolved : and why it endures / Robin Dunbar.. English
  42. How the clinic made gender : the medical history of a transformative idea / Sandra Eder.. Psychology
  43. How to live with objects : a modern guide to more meaningful interiors / Monica Khemsurov & Jill Singer ; photographs by Charlie Schuck.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  44. How to make a new Spain : the material worlds of colonial Mexico City / Enrique Rodríguez-Alegría.. Hispanic Studies
  45. How to make an entrepreneurial state : why innovation needs bureaucracy / Rainer Kattel, Wolfgang Drechsler and Erkki Karo. Business
  46. How to read now : essays / Elaine Castillo.. Education
  47. How to Stop a Conspiracy : An Ancient Guide to Saving a Republic / Sallust.. Classical Studies
  48. How to Survive as a Child Welfare Social Worker..
  49. How will capitalism end? : essays on a failing system / Wolfgang Streeck.. Business
  50. Human diversity in education : an intercultural approach / Kenneth H. Cushner, Averil McClelland, Philip Safford, Hyla Cushner.. Education
  51. Human factors and ergonomics in practice : improving system performance and human well-being in the real world / edited by Steven Shorrock, Claire Williams.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  52. Human security : theory and action / David Andersen-Rodgers, California State University, Sacramento, Kerry F. Crawford, James Madison University.. Political Science
  53. Humanizing LIS education and practice : diversity by design / edited by Keren Dali and Nadia Caidi.. Library & Information Science


  1. The Illusion of Control Why Financial Crises Happen, and What We Can (and Can't) Do about It Jón Daníelsson. Business
  2. Imagining Latinidad : digital diasporas and public engagement among Latin American migrants / edited by David S. Dalton, David Ramírez Plascencia.. Hispanic Studies
  3. An immense world : how animal senses reveal the hidden realms around us / Ed Yong.. Education
  4. Implementing excellence in diversity, equity, and inclusion : a handbook for academic libraries / edited by Corliss Lee and Brian Lym ; with Tatiana Bryant, Jonathan Cain, and Kenneth Schlesinger.. Library & Information Science
  5. Improving integrated pest management in horticulture / Rosemary Collier.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  6. Improving soil health / edited by William R. Horwath.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  7. Improving the nutritional and nutraceutical properties of wheat and other cereals / edited by Trust Beta.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  8. In search of a theory of everything : the philosophy behind physics / Demetris Nicolaides.. Physics
  9. In search of Appalachia / Nancy Brown Diggs.. Appalachian Studies
  10. In the shadow of the Caesars : Jewish life in Roman Italy / by Samuele Rocca.. Classical Studies
  11. Income inequality in America : a reference handbook / Stacey M. Jones and Robert S. Rycroft.. Business
  12. Indexing of crystal diffraction patterns : from crystallography basics to methods of automatic indexing / Adam Morawiec.. Chemistry
  13. India is broken : a people betrayed, independence to today / Ashoka Mody.. Business
  14. The Indigenous paleolithic of the western hemisphere / Paulette F. C. Steeves.. Anthropology
  15. Indoctrination to hate : recruitment techniques of hate groups and how to stop them / Edward W. Dunbar, editor.. Psychology
  16. Information science : the basics / Judith Pintar and David Hopping.. Library & Information Science
  17. Innovation in the arts : concepts, theories, and practices / Jason C. White.. Arts Administration
  18. Inquiry-based practice in social studies education : understanding the inquiry design model / S.G. Grant, Kathy Swan, and John Lee.. Education
  19. Insights on fashion journalism / edited by Rosie Findlay and Johannes Reponen.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  20. Instructional design essentials : a practical guide for librarians / Sean Cordes.. Library & Information Science
  21. Integrated design in contemporary architecture [electronic resource] / Kiel Moe..
  22. Integrating meta-heuristics and machine learning for real-world optimization problems / Essam H. Houssein, Mohamed Abd Elaziz, Diego Oliva, Laith Abualigah, editors.. Mathematics
  23. Integrating pop culture into the academic library / edited by Melissa E. Johnson, Thomas Weeks, Jennifer Putnam-Davis.. Library & Information Science
  24. Interactive architecture [electronic resource] / Michael Fox and Miles Kemp..
  25. Interim leadership in libraries : building relationships, making decisions, and moving on / edited by Jennifer E. Knievel and Leslie J. Reynolds.. Library & Information Science
  26. Interiors in the era of Covid-19 : interior design between the public and private realms / [edited by] Penny Sparke, Eris Ioannidou, Pat Kirkham, Stephen Knott, Jana Scholze.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  27. International discourses of authoritarian populism : varieties and approaches / edited by Ludwig Deringer, Liane Ströbel.. Political Science
  28. Internet for the people : the fight for our digital future / Ben Tarnoff.. Business
  29. The interpersonal theory of suicide : guidance for working with suicidal clients / Thomas E. Joiner Jr. [and others].. Psychology
  30. Intersections of open educational resources and information literacy / edited by Mary Ann Cullen and Elizabeth Dill. Library & Information Science
  31. Into the fantastical spaces of contemporary Japanese literature / edited by Mina Qiao.. Asian Studies
  32. An introduction to cold and ultracold chemistry : atoms, molecules, ions and Rydbergs / Jesús Pérez Ríos.. Chemistry
  33. Introduction to Concept Mapping in Nursing : Critical Thinking in Action / Patricia Schmehl.. Medicine
  34. Introduction to digital humanities : enhancing scholarship with the use of technology / Kathryn C. Wymer.. History
  35. An Introduction to Japanese Society..
  36. An introduction to quantum mechanics : from facts to formalism / Tilak Sinha (Narasinha Dutt College, Howrah, India).. Physics
  37. Inventing mobility for all : mastering mobility-as-a-service with self-driving vehicles / Andreas Herrmann, Johann Jungwirth.. Geography
  38. The invention of the white race. Volume one, Racial oppression and social control / Theodore W. Allen.. Sociology
  39. The invention of the white race. Volume two, The origin of racial oppression in Anglo-America / Theodore W. Allen ; introduction by Jeffrey B. Perry.. Sociology
  40. Investigating Google's search engine : ethics, algorithms, and the machines built to read us / Rosie Graham.. Library & Information Science
  41. Invisible founders : how two centuries of African American families transformed a plantation into a college / Lynn Rainville.. History
  42. It came from the closet : queer reflections on horror / edited by Joe Vallese ; interior illustrations by Bishakh Som.. Gender & Women's Studies
  43. It's OK to be angry about capitalism / Bernie Sanders with John Nichols.. Business


  1. Japan in the Heisei era (1989-2019) : multidisciplinary perspectives / edited by Noriko Murai, Jeffrey Kingston, Tina Burrett.. Asian Studies
  2. The Johns Hopkins manual of gynecology and obstetrics / Betty Chou, editor.. Medicine
  3. The joy of statistics : a treasury of elementary statistical tools and their applications / Steve Selvin.. Statistics
  4. Junk food politics : how beverage and fast food industries are reshaping emerging economies / Eduardo J. Gómez.. Business
  5. Just get on the pill : the uneven burden of reproductive politics / Krystale E. Littlejohn.. Gender & Women's Studies
  6. Just health : treating structural racism to heal America / Dayna Bowen Matthew.. Social Work
  7. Justice statistics : an extended look at crime in the United States 2022 / edited by Shana Hertz Hattis.. Sociology


  1. Kengo Kuma [electronic resource] : selected works / Botond Bognar..
  2. Ketamine / Bita Moghaddam.. Psychology
  3. The kingdom of rye : a brief history of Russian food / Darra Goldstein.. Russian Studies
  4. The knights templar in Britain / Evelyn Lord.. History
  5. Knowings & knots : methodologies and ecologies in research-creation / Natalie Loveless, editor.. Art
  6. Knowledge games : how playing games can solve problems, create insight, and make change / Karen Schrier.. Education


  1. Landscape architecture as storytelling : learning design through analogy / Bob Scarfo.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  2. Landscape architecture for sea level rise : innovative global solutions / edited by Galen D. Newman and Zixu Qiao.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  3. Landscape of 21st century mathematics : selected advances, 2001-2020 / Bogdan Grechuk.. Mathematics
  4. Landscape patterns in a range of spatio-temporal scales / Alexander V. Khoroshev, Kirill N. Dyakonov, editors.. Geography
  5. Language and the rise of the algorithm / Jeffrey M. Binder.. Mathematics
  6. Larousse gastronomique : the world's greatest culinary encyclopedia / with the assistance of the Gastronomic Committee, President Joël Robuchon.. Anthropology
  7. The Latinx guide to graduate school / Genevieve Negrón-Gonzales and Magdalena L. Barrera.. Hispanic Studies
  8. Launchpad republic : America's entrepreneurial edge and why it matters / Howard Wolk, John Landry.. Business
  9. Le Corbusier [electronic resource] : homme de lettres / M. Christine Boyer..
  10. Leading dynamic information literacy programs : best practices and stories from instruction coordinators / edited by Anne C. Behler.. Library & Information Science
  11. The legitimacy clash challenges to democracy in multinational states / Alain-G. Gagnon.. Political Science
  12. Leonhard Euler and the foundations of celestial mechanics / Dora Musielak.. Physics
  13. The LGBTQ+ comics studies reader : critical openings, future directions / edited by Alison Halsall and Jonathan Warren..
  14. LGBTQ life in America : examining the facts / Melissa R. Michelson and Brian F. Harrison.. Social Work
  15. LGBTQIA+ inclusive children's librarianship : policies, programs, and practices / Lucy Santos Green, Jenna Spiering, Vanessa Lynn Kitzie, and Julia Erlanger ; foreword by Anastasia M. Collins.. Library & Information Science
  16. Libraries as dysfunctional organizations and workplaces / edited by Spencer Acadia.. Library & Information Science
  17. The library as playground : how games and play are reshaping public culture / by Dale Leorke and Danielle Wyatt.. Library & Information Science
  18. The life of the mind : on the joys and travails of thinking / James V. Schall..
  19. Like, comment, subscribe [electronic resource] : how YouTube drives Google's dominance and controls our culture / Mark Bergen.. Business
  20. Limitless : the Federal Reserve takes on a new age of crisis / Jeanna Smialek.. Business
  21. Literacy theory as practice : connecting theory and instruction in K-12 classrooms / Lara J. Handsfield ; foreword by Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar.. Education
  22. Liven up your library : design engaging and inclusive programs for tweens and teens / Valerie Tagoe and Julia E.Torres.. Library & Information Science
  23. The lives of fungi : a natural history of our planet's decomposers / Britt A. Bunyard.. Biology
  24. Long days, short years : a cultural history of modern parenting / Andrew Bomback.. Social Work
  25. Lords of Chaos.
  26. Losing the precious few : how America fails to educate its minorities in science and engineering / Richard A. Tapia.. Biology
  27. Lothar Meyer : modern theories and pathways to periodicity / Gisela Boeck, Alan J. Rocke.. Chemistry
  28. Lourenço da Silva Mendonça and the Black Atlantic abolitionist movement in the seventeenth century / José Lingna Nafafé.. History
  29. Love and freedom : transcending monogamy and polyamory / Jorge N. Ferrer.. Psychology
  30. Loving fanfiction : exploring the role of emotion in online fandoms / Brit Kelley.. Psychology


  1. Machiavelli for women : defend your worth, grow your ambition, and win the workplace / Stacey Vanek Smith.. Business
  2. Machine learning : architecture in the age of artificial intelligence / Phil Bernstein.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  3. Made in Madagascar : sapphires, ecotourism, and the global bazaar / Andrew Walsh..
  4. The magic lantern : the revolution of '89 witnessed in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin, and Prague / Timothy Garton Ash.. History
  5. The magic ring : systems thinking approach to control systems / Piero Mella.. Mathematics
  6. Making a collection count : a holistic approach to library collection management / Holly Hibner and Mary Kelly.. Library & Information Science
  7. Making Black girls count in math education : a Black feminist vision for transformative teaching / Nicole M. Joseph.. Mathematics
  8. Making our future : visionary folklore and everyday culture in Appalachia / Emily Hilliard.. Education
  9. Making the Irish American [electronic resource] : history and heritage of the Irish in the United States / edited by J.J. Lee and Marion R. Casey..
  10. The man in the dog park : coming up close to homelessness / Cathy A. Small ; with Jason Kordosky and Ross Moore.. Social Work
  11. Mao and markets : the communist roots of Chinese enterprise / Christopher Marquis and Kunyuan Qiao. Business
  12. Mapping community health : GIS for health and human services / edited by Christopher Thomas, Shannon Valdizon, Matt Artz.. Geography
  13. Marijuana in America : cultural, political, and medical controversies / James Hawdon, Matthew Costello, and Bryan Lee Miller, editors.. History
  14. Marketing and social media : a guide for libraries, archives, and museums / Lorri Mon and Christie Koontz.. Library & Information Science
  15. Marketing the arts [electronic resource] : challenging conventions / edited by Daragh O'Reilly and Finola Kerrigan..
  16. Martin Luther King : a religious life / Paul Harvey.. History
  17. Marxist politics / Md. Ayub Mallick.. Political Science
  18. Mastering Shiny : build interactive apps, reports, and dashboards powered by R / Hadley Wickham.. Statistics
  19. Mastering Spark with R : the complete guide to large-scale analysis and modeling / Javier Luraschi, Kevin Kuo, and Edgar Ruiz.. Statistics
  20. Mastery of your anxiety and panic : therapist guide / Michelle G. Craske, David H. Barlow.. Social Work
  21. The material limits of energy transition : thanatia / Alicia Valero, Antonio Valero, Guiomar Calvo.. Chemistry
  22. Math makers : the lives and works of 50 famous mathematicians / Alfred S. Posamentier and Christian Spreitzer.. Mathematics
  23. The mathematics of the gods and the algorithms of men : a cultural history / Paolo Zellini ; translated by Simon Carnell and Erica Segre.. Mathematics
  24. The matter of everything : how curiosity, physics, and improbable experiments changed the world / Suzie Sheehy.. Physics
  25. MD Anderson Surgical Oncology Manual / Barry W. Feig [and four others], editor.. Medicine
  26. Med-surg success : NCLEX-style Q&A review / Christi D. Doherty.. Medicine
  27. Media Literacy: Media Ethics.
  28. Mediating Alzheimer's : cognition and personhood / Scott Selberg.. Psychology
  29. Meet Me by the Fountain : An Inside History of the Mall / Alexandra Lange.. Business
  30. Megathreats : ten dangerous trends that imperil our future, and how to survive them / Nouriel Roubini.. Business
  31. Membrane computing models : implementations / Gexiang Zhang, Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez, Agustín Riscos-Núñez, Sergey Verlan, Savas Konur, Thomas Hinze, Marian Gheorghe.. Mathematics
  32. Mental health practice with LGBTQ+ children, adolescents, and emerging adults in multiple systems of care / edited by Cristina L. Magalhães, PhD, LMHC California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University, Richard A. Sprott, Ph. Psychology
  33. The messenger : Moderna, the vaccine, and the business gamble that changed the world / Peter Loftus.. Business
  34. Metabolic ecology : a scaling approach / edited by Richard M. Sibly, James H. Brown, and Astrid Kodric-Brown.. Biology
  35. Methods and data analysis for cross-cultural research / Fons J.R. van de Vijver, Kwok Leung ; editors, Velichko H. Fetvadjiev, Jia He, Johnny R.J. Fontaine..
  36. Microbial bioprotectants for plant disease management / edited by Dr. Jürgen Köhl and Dr. Willem J. Ravensberg.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  37. The middle out : the rise of progressive economics and a return to shared prosperity / Michael Tomasky.. Business
  38. Milestones in dance in the USA / Edited by Elizabeth McPherson.. Theatre & Dance
  39. Milked : how an American crisis brought together Midwestern dairy farmers and Mexican workers / Ruth Conniff.. Business
  40. Mismatch : how inclusion shapes design / Kat Holmes.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  41. Mitos e Imaginarios de España (1831-1879) / Marieta Cantos Casanave, editor.. Hispanic Studies
  42. Mixed methods research [electronic resource] : merging theory with practice / Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber..
  43. Modern epidemiology / Timothy L. Lash [and three others].. Medicine
  44. Modern insurgencies and counterinsurgencies : a global history / Kaushik Roy.. Political Science
  45. The modern presidency : six debates that define the institution / Michael Genovese.. Political Science
  46. Modern techniques in neuroscience research / Uwe Windhorst, Hakan Johansson, (Eds.).. Medicine
  47. Molecular mixed crystals / Miquel Àngel Cuevas-Diarte, Harry A.J. Oonk, editors.. Chemistry
  48. A monetary and fiscal history of Latin America, 1960-2017 / Timothy J. Kehoe and Juan Pablo Nicolini, editors.. Business
  49. A monetary and fiscal history of the United States, 1961-2021 / Alan S. Blinder.. History
  50. More judgment than data : data literacy and decision-making / Michael Jones.. Library & Information Science
  51. Motherhood after incarceration : community reintegration for mothers in the criminal legal system / Melissa Thompson and Summer Newell.. Sociology
  52. Motivational interviewing in social work practice / Melinda Hohman.. Social Work
  53. Moving forward : GIS for transportation / edited by Terry Bills, Keith Mann.. Geography
  54. Moving history / dancing cultures : a dance history reader / edited by Ann Dils & Ann Cooper Albright.. Theatre & Dance
  55. Mummies around the world : an encyclopedia of mummies in history, religion, and popular culture / Matt Cardin, editor.. Anthropology
  56. Muppets in Moscow : the unexpected crazy true story of making Sesame Street in Russia / Natasha Lance Rogoff.. Education
  57. Murder in Amsterdam : liberal Europe, Islam and the limits of tolerance / Ian Buruma.. History
  58. Murder in the rainforest : the Yanomami, the gold miners and Amazon / Jan Rocha.. Anthropology
  59. Mutual influence in situations of Spanish language contact in the Americas / edited by Mark Waltermire and Kathryn Bove.. Hispanic Studies
  60. My fourth time, we drowned : seeking refuge on the world's deadliest migration route / Sally Hayden.. Political Science
  61. My trade is mystery [electronic resource] : seven meditations from a life in writing..
  62. MYP : new directions / edited by Mary Hayden, Jeff Thompson and Judith Fabian..
  63. Mystery cults, theatre and Athenian politics : a reading of Euripides' Bacchae and Aristophanes' Frogs / Luigi Barzini.. Classical Studies
  64. Myth America : historians take on the biggest legends and lies about our past / edited by Kevin M. Kruse and Julian E. Zelizer.. History
  65. The myth of American inequality : how government biases policy debate / Phil Gramm, Robert Ekelund, and John Early.. Business
  66. The myth of bureaucratic neutrality : an examination of merit and representation / Shannon K. Portillo, Nicole Humphrey and Domonic A. Bearfield.. Political Science
  67. The myth of race : the troubling persistence of an unscientific idea / Robert Wald Sussman.. Sociology
  68. The myth of statistical inference / Michael C. Acree.. Mathematics


  1. Nanohertz gravitational wave astronomy / Stephen R. Taylor.. Physics
  2. The narcissist in you and everyone else : recognizing the 27 types of narcissism / Sterlin L. Mosley.. Social Work
  3. Narrativas del miedo : terror en obras literarias, cinemáticas y televisivas de Latinoamérica / [edited by] Marco Ramírez, David Rozotto, y Karem Langer.. Hispanic Studies
  4. National affects : the everyday atmospheres of being political / Angharad Closs Stephens.. Political Science
  5. National identity and partisan polarization / Eric M. Uslaner.. Political Science
  6. Natural palettes : inspiration from plant-based color / Sasha Duerr..
  7. Nature swagger : stories and visions of Black joy in the outdoors / Rue Mapp.. History
  8. Navigating the metaverse : a guide to limitless possibilities in a WEB 3.0 world / Cathy Hackl, Dirk Lueth, Tommaso Di Bartolo.. Business
  9. Neoliberalism and subjectivity in Latin America / Valerie Walkerdine, editor.. Political Science
  10. Netflix and streaming video : the business of subscriber-funded video on demand / Amanda D. Lotz.. Business
  11. The neuroethics of biomarkers : what the development of bioprediction means for moral responsibility, justice, and the nature of mental disorder / by Matthew L. Baum.. Psychology
  12. Neurointerventions and the law : regulating human mental capacity / edited by Nicole A Vincent, Thomas Nadelhoffer, and Allan McCay.. Psychology
  13. Neurolinguistics / Giosuè Baggio.. Psychology
  14. Neuromorphic computing and beyond : parallel, approximation, near memory, and quantum / Khaled Salah Mohamed.. Mathematics
  15. Neuropedia : a brief compendium of brain phenomena / Eric H. Chudler ; illustrations by Kelly Chudler.. Psychology
  16. Neuropsychology of everyday functioning / edited by Thomas D. Marcotte, Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe, Igor Grant.. Psychology
  17. The neutrino story : one tiny particle's grand role in the cosmos / Rabindra N. Mohapatra.. Physics
  18. The new goliaths : how corporations use software to dominate industries, kill innovation, and undermine regulation / James Bessen. Business
  19. New Haiti villages : Steven Holl Architects, Guy Nordenson and Associates, Matthias Schuler, Transsolar, Jean Henock Beauchamps & Araby Smyth / [Steven Holl ; with essays from Guy Nordenson and Rebecca Nixon of Guy Nordenson and Associates, Matthias Schul.
  20. New handbook for a post-Roe America : the complete guide to abortion legality, access, and practical support / Robin Marty ; introduction by Amanda Palmer.. Gender & Women's Studies
  21. New ideas from dead economists : the introduction to modern economic thought / Todd G. Buchholz.. Business
  22. The new sex wars : sexual harm in the #MeToo era / Brenda Cossman.. Social Work
  23. Niels Bohr : on the constitution of atoms and molecules / Helge Kragh, editor.. Physics
  24. Nitrate handbook : environmental, agricultural, and health effects / edited by Christos Tsadilas.. Chemistry
  25. No blank check : the origins and consequences of public antipathy towards presidential power / Andrew Reeves, Jon C. Rogowski.. Political Science
  26. No choice : the destruction of Roe v. Wade and the fight to protect a fundamental American right / Becca Andrews.. Gender & Women's Studies
  27. The No Club : putting a stop to women's dead-end work / Linda Babcock, Brenda Peyser, Lise Vesterlund, and Laurie Weingart.. Business
  28. No more police : a case for abolition / Mariame Kaba and Andrea J. Ritchie ; with a foreword by Kandace Montgomery and Miski Noor for Black Visions.. Sociology
  29. Nudging / Riccardo Viale.. Business
  30. Number theory and combinatorics : a collection in honor of the mathematics of Ronald Graham / edited by Bruce M. Landman, Florian Luca, Melvyn B. Nathanson, Jaroslav Nešetřil, and Aaron Robertson.. Mathematics
  31. The numerate leader : how to pull game-changing insights from statistical data / Thomas A. King.. Statistics
  32. Nutrition in clinical practice / David L. Katz [and five others].. Medicine
  33. Nutrition management of inherited metabolic diseases : lessons from Metabolic University / Laurie E. Bernstein, Fran Rohr, Sandy van Calcar, editors.. Medicine
  34. Nutrition research : concepts and applications / Karen Eich Drummond, Alison Murphy-Reyes, Natalie K. Cooke, Virginia C. Stage, L. Suzanne Goodell.. Agriculture, Food and Environment


  1. Obscene gestures : counter-narratives of sex and race in the twentieth century / Patrick S. Lawrence.. Psychology
  2. Of boys and men : why the modern male is struggling, why it matters, and what to do about It / Richard V. Reeves.. Sociology
  3. Off the edge : flat Earthers, conspiracy culture, and why people will believe anything / Kelly Weill. Sociology
  4. On life : cells, genes, and the evolution of complexity / Franklin M. Harold.. Biology
  5. On the scale of the world : the formation of black anticolonial thought / Musab Younis.. Political Science
  6. Once upon a time in the academic library : storytelling skills for librarians / edited by Maria Barefoot, Sara Parme, and Elin Woods.. Library & Information Science
  7. Online instruction : a practical guide for librarians / Emily Mroczek.. Library & Information Science
  8. Only EKG Book You'll Ever Need. Medicine
  9. Open educational resources / compiled and written by Mary Francis. Library & Information Science
  10. Optimal Bayesian classification / Lori A. Dalton and Edward R. Dougherty.. Statistics
  11. Optimising pig herd health and production / edited by Dominiek Maes, Joaquim Segales.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  12. Optimising poultry folk health / edited by Sjaak de Wit.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  13. Optimization of behavioral, biobehavioral, and biomedical interventions : the Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST) / Linda M. Collins.. Medicine
  14. Orange-collar labor : work and inequality in prison / Michael Gibson-Light.. Sociology
  15. Our children are your students : LGBTQ families speak out / by Tara Goldstein ; with contributions by Pam Baer, benjamin lee hicks, Yasmin Owis, Kate Reid, and Jenny Salisbury.. Social Work
  16. Overcome : Stories of Women Who Grew Up In The Child Welfare System..
  17. Overtime : America's aging workforce and the future of working longer / edited by Lisa F. Berkman and Beth C. Truesdale.. Business
  18. Overtourism : lessons for a better future / edited by Martha Honey and Kelsey Frenkiel.. Business
  19. The Oxford encyclopedia of politics and religion / edited by Paul A. Djupe, Mark J. Rozell, and Ted G. Jelen.. Political Science
  20. Oxford handbook of positive psychology and work / edited by P. Alex Linley, Susan Harrington, Nicola Garcea.. Political Science


  1. Paletó and me : memories of my Indigenous father / Aparecida Vilaça ; translated by David Rodgers.. Anthropology
  2. The Palgrave handbook of imposter syndrome in higher education / Michelle Addison, Maddie Breeze, Yvette Taylor, editors.. Arts Administration
  3. The Palgrave handbook of race and the arts in education / Amelia M. Kraehe, Rubén Gaztambide-Fernández, B. Stephen Carpenter, II, editors.. Art
  4. Palo Alto : a history of California, capitalism, and the world / Malcolm Harris.. Business
  5. Pandemic politics : the deadly toll of partisanship in the age of COVID / Shana Kushner Gadarian, Sara Wallace Goodman, Thomas B. Pepinsky.. Political Science
  6. Parachute infantry : an American paratrooper's memoir of D-day and the fall of the Third Reich / David Kenyon Webster.. History
  7. Parallel agile : faster delivery, fewer defects, lower cost / Doug Rosenberg, Barry Boehm, Matt Stephens, Charles Suscheck, Shobha Rani Dhalipathi, Bo Wang.. Mathematics
  8. Parasite.
  9. Parasite.
  10. Parenting with an accent : how immigrants honor their heritage, navigate setbacks, and chart new paths for their children / Masha Rumer.. Social Work
  11. The partisan next door : stereotypes of party supporters and consequences for polarization in America / Ethan C. Busby, Adam J. Howat, Jacob E. Rothschild, Richard M. Shafranek.. Political Science
  12. The patriarchs : the origins of inequality / Angela Saini.. Sociology
  13. Pentagons and pentagrams : an illustrated history / text by Eli Maor ; illustrations by Eugen Jost.. Mathematics
  14. Perfect black / Crystal Wilkinson ; illustrated by Ronald W. Davis ; foreword by Nikky Finney.. Appalachian Studies
  15. The performance of video games : enacting identity, history and culture through play / Kelly I. Aliano.. Psychology
  16. Performing arts center management / edited by Patricia Dewey Lambert and Robyn Williams.. Arts Administration
  17. Period : the real story of menstruation / Kate Clancy.. Gender & Women's Studies
  18. Permanent distortion : how the financial markets abandoned the real economy forever / Nomi Prins. Business
  19. A persistent revolution : history, nationalism, and politics in Mexico since 1968 / Randal Sheppard.. History
  20. Personality disorders and pathology : integrating clinical assessment and practice in the DSM-5 and ICD-11 era / edited by Steven K. Huprich..
  21. Persuasion in parallel : how information changes minds about politics / Alexander Coppock.. Political Science
  22. The phantom public / Walter Lippmann.. History
  23. The Philadelphia Negro [electronic resource] : a social study / W.E.B. DuBois ; with a new introduction by Elijah Anderson ; together with a special report on domestic service by Isabel Eaton..
  24. A philosophy of fashion through film : on the body, style, and identity / Laura T. Di Summa.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  25. Physics and evolution of supernova remnants / Jacco Vink.. Physics
  26. Physics of spin-orbit-coupled oxides / Gang Cao, Lance E. DeLong.. Chemistry
  27. Picking presidents : how to make the most consequential decision in the world / Gautam Mukunda.. Political Science
  28. Plagues in the nation : how epidemics shaped America / Polly J. Price.. Sociology
  29. The playbook : how to deny science, sell lies, and make a killing in the corporate world / Jennifer Jacquet.. Business
  30. Playing with the guys : masculinity and relationships in video games / Marc A. Ouellette.. Psychology
  31. Please scream quietly : a story of kink / Julie Fennell, Gallaudet University.. Psychology
  32. Pledge and promise : celebrating the bond and heritage of fraternity, sorority, and cooperative life at Purdue University / Angie Klink..
  33. Plundered skulls and stolen spirits : inside the fight to reclaim native America's culture / Chip Colwell.. Anthropology
  34. Political ecology : an integrative approach to geography and environment-development studies / edited by by Karl S. Zimmerer and Thomas J. Bassett..
  35. The political economy of agricultural and food policies / Johan Swinnen.. History
  36. The politics of surviving : how women navigate domestic violence and its aftermath / Paige L. Sweet.. Social Work
  37. Polyamory : a clinical toolkit for therapists (and their clients) / Martha Kauppi.. Psychology
  38. Populist parties and democratic resilience : a cross-national analysis of populist parties' impact on democratic pluralism in Europe / edited by Ben Crum and Alvaro Oleart.. Political Science
  39. Positive affect treatment for depression and anxiety : therapist guide / edited by Michelle G. Craske, Halina J. Dour, Michael Treanor, Alicia E. Meuret.. Psychology
  40. Positive affect treatment for depression and anxiety : workbook / Alicia E. Meuret, Halina J. Dour, Amanda G. Loerinc Guinyard, Michelle G. Craske.. Psychology
  41. Postcolonial realms of memory : sites and symbols in modern France / Etienne Achille, Charles Forsdick, Lydie Moudileno..
  42. The postmodern joy of role-playing games : agency, ritual and meaning in the medium / René Reinhold Schallegger.. Sociology
  43. Posttraumatic growth : theory, research and applications / Richard G. Tedeschi [and three others].. Sociology
  44. Pour le sport : physical culture in French and francophone literature / edited by Roxanna Curto and Rebecca Wines.. French & Francophone Studies
  45. Poverty, by America / Matthew Desmond.. Business
  46. The poverty paradox : understanding economic hardship amid American prosperity / Mark Robert Rank.. Business
  47. Power and prediction [electronic resource] : the disruptive economics of artificial intelligence / Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, Avi Goldfarb.. Business
  48. The power law : venture capital and the making of the new future / Sebastian Mallaby.. Business
  49. The power of crisis : how three threats--and our response--will change the world / Ian Bremmer.. Public Policy & Administration
  50. The power of plus : inside fashion's size-inclusivity revolution / Gianluca Russo.. Business
  51. The power of regret : how looking backward moves us forward / Daniel H. Pink.. Psychology
  52. The power of scarcity : leveraging urgency and demand to influence customer decisions / Mindy Weinstein.. Business
  53. The power of scarcity : leveraging urgency and demand to influence customer decisions / Mindy Weinstein.. Business
  54. Practical data science with R / Nina Zumel and John Mount.. Statistics
  55. A practical guide to competitive intelligence / edited by Zena Applebaum, Philp Britton, Alysse Nocklels.. Library & Information Science
  56. Practical marketing for the academic library / Stephanie Espinoza Villamor and Kimberly Shotick.. Library & Information Science
  57. Practical R 4 : applying R to data manipulation, processing and integration / Jon Westfall.. Statistics
  58. Practical statistics for data scientists : 50+ essential concepts using R and Python / Peter Bruce, Andrew Bruce, and Peter Gedeck.. Statistics
  59. The practice of clinical supervision [electronic resource] / Nadine Pelling, John Barletta, Philip Armstrong..
  60. Practicing social justice in libraries / edited by Alyssa Brissett and Diana Moronta.. Library & Information Science
  61. The pragmatist imagination [electronic resource] : thinking about "things in the making" / edited by Joan Ockman ; with a general introduction by John Rajchman and an afterword by Casey Nelson Blake..
  62. Precious Knowledge - Fighting for Mexican American Studies in Arizona Schools.
  63. Precious Knowledge - Fighting for Mexican American Studies in Arizona Schools. Education
  64. Prediction machines : the simple economics of artificial intelligence / Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, Avi Goldfarb.. Business
  65. The presidency of Donald J. Trump : a first historical assessment / Julian E. Zelizer, editor.. History
  66. Pressing onward : the imperative resilience of Latina migrant mothers / Jessica P. Cerdeña.. Hispanic Studies
  67. The price of time : the real story of interest / Edward Chancellor.. Business
  68. Primary care medicine : office evaluation and management of the adult patient / Allan H. Goroll, Albert G. Mulley, Jr.. Medicine
  69. Principles of neurobiology / Liqun Luo.. Medicine
  70. Principles of tissue engineering / edited by Robert Lanza, Robert Langer, Josph P. Vacanti, Anthony Atala. Medicine
  71. Printing the classical text / Howard Jones.. Classical Studies
  72. Probably Ruby : a novel / Lisa Bird-Wilson..
  73. The problem of democracy : America, the Middle East, and the rise and fall of an idea / Shadi Hamid.. Political Science
  74. Proceedings of topical issues in international political geography / Radomir Bolgov, Vadim Atnashev, Yury Gladkiy, Art Leete, Alexey Tsyb, Sergey Pogodin, Andrei Znamenski, editors.. Political Science
  75. Product design and development / Karl T. Ulrich, University of Pennsylvania, Steven D. Eppinger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Maria C. Yang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.. Engineering
  76. Product design and the role of representation : foundations for design thinking in practice / Eujin Pei, James Andrew Self.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  77. The progress illusion : reclaiming our future from the fairytale of economics / Jon D. Erickson... Business
  78. Promoting African American writers : library partnerships for outreach, programming, and literacy / Grace M. Jackson-Brown.. Library & Information Science
  79. Promoting pollination and pollinators in farming / edited by Peter Kevan, Susan Willis Chan.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  80. The prop building guidebook : for theatre, film, and tv / Eric Hart.. Theatre & Dance
  81. Protecting children from domestic violence [electronic resource] : strategies for community intervention / edited by Peter G. Jaffe, Linda L. Baker, Alison J. Cunningham..
  82. Provisions : the roots of Caribbean cooking / Michelle Rousseau and Suzanne Rousseau.. Sociology
  83. The psychology of belonging / Kelly-Ann Allen.. Psychology
  84. The psychology of climate change / Geoffrey Beattie and Laura McGuire.. Psychology
  85. The psychology of comedy / G. Neil Martin.. Psychology
  86. The psychology of conspiracy theories / Jan-Willem van Prooijen.. Psychology
  87. The psychology of dog ownership / Theresa Barlow and Craig Roberts.. Psychology
  88. The psychology of gardening / Harriet Gross.. Psychology
  89. The psychology of social media / Ciarán Mc Mahon.. Psychology
  90. The psychology of technology : social science research in the age of big data / edited by Sandra C. Matz.. Psychology
  91. The psychology of vampires / David Cohen.. Psychology
  92. The psychology of video games / Celia Hodent.. Psychology
  93. Puta life : seeing Latinas, working sex / Juana María Rodríguez.. Hispanic Studies
  94. Python for Geospatial Data Analysis : theory, tools, and practice for location intelligence / Bonny P. McClain.. Geography


  1. Q & A : voices from queer Asian North America / edited by Martin F. Manalansan IV, Alice Y. Hom, and Kale Bantigue Fajardo ; preface by David L. Eng.. Sociology
  2. Quantum marketing : mastering the new marketing mindset for tomorrow's consumers / Raja Rajamannar.. Business
  3. Queer adolescence : understanding the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual youth / Charlie McNabb.. Psychology
  4. Queer youth histories / Daniel Marshall, editor.. Education
  5. Queering architecture : methods, practices, spaces, pedagogies / Marko Jobst and Naomi Stead.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  6. Quinoa : food politics and agrarian life in the Andean highlands / Linda J. Seligmann..
  7. Quit [electronic resource] : the power of knowing when to walk away / Annie Duke.. Business


  1. R. Buckminster Fuller : world man / Daniel López-Pérez, editor, with contributions by Alejandro Zaera-Polo and Stan Allen..
  2. R data science quick reference : a pocket guide to APIs, libraries, and packages / Thomas Mailund.. Statistics
  3. R for marketing research and analytics / Chris Chapman, Elea McDonnell Feit.. Statistics
  4. R graphics cookbook : practical recipes for visualizing data / Winston Chang.. Statistics
  5. R in action : data analysis and graphics with R and Tidyverse / Robert I. Kabacoff.. Statistics
  6. R quick syntax reference : a pocket guide to the language, APIs and library / Margot Tollefson.. Statistics
  7. Racism, not race : answers to frequently asked questions / Joseph L. Graves, Jr. and Alan H. Goodman.. Social Work
  8. Radical care : leading for justice in urban schools / Rosa L. Rivera-McCutchen ; foreword by Jamaal A. Bowman.. Education
  9. Radical decadence : excess in contemporary feminist textiles and craft / Julia Skelly.. Art
  10. Randomness and elements of decision theory applied to signals / Monica Borda, Romulus Terebes, Raul Malutan, Ioana Ilea, Mihaela Cislariu, Andreia Miclea, Stefania Barburiceanu.. Statistics
  11. Rank-based methods for shrinkage and selection : with application to machine learning / A. K. Md. Ehsanes Saleh, Mohammad Arashi, Resve A. Saleh, Mina Norouzirad.. Statistics
  12. Raw deal : hidden corruption, corporate greed, and the fight for the future of meat / Chloe Sorvino.. Business
  13. Re-understanding media : feminist extensions of Marshall Mcluhan / Sarah Sharma and Rianka Singh.. Gender & Women's Studies
  14. Real estate finance in a nutshell / by Vada Waters Lindsey, Professor of Law, Marquette University Law School.. Law
  15. Reclaiming Two-Spirits : sexuality, spiritual renewal & sovereignty in Native America / Gregory D. Smithers ; foreword by Raven E. Heavy Runner.. Gender & Women's Studies
  16. Recognising adoptee relationships / Christine A. Lewis..
  17. Reconstructing satyr drama / edited by Andreas P. Antonopoulos, Menelaos M. Christopoulos, George W.M. Harrison.. Classical Studies
  18. Redesigning work : how to transform your organization and make hybrid work for everyone / Lynda Gratton.. Business
  19. Redistributing the poor : jails, hospitals, and the crisis of law and fiscal austerity / Armando Lara-Millán.. Sociology
  20. Reference and information sources and services for children and young adults / Lesley S.J. Farmer.. Library & Information Science
  21. Refining nature : the landscape architecture of Peter Walker / Scott Melbourne.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  22. Refocusing academic libraries through learning and discourse : the idea of a library / Mary K. Bolin.. Library & Information Science
  23. Regional integration in West Africa : is there a role for a single currency? / Eswar S. Prasad, Vera Songwe.. Business
  24. Reinventing fashion retailing : digitalising, gamifying, entrepreneuring / Eirini Bazaki, Vanissa Wanick, editors.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  25. Relativity principles and theories from Galileo to Einstein / Olivier Darrigol.. Physics
  26. Remaking Appalachia : ecosocialism, ecofeminism, and law / Nicholas F. Stump.. History
  27. Reproductive rights as human rights : women of color and the fight for reproductive justice / Zakiya Luna.. Gender & Women's Studies
  28. The Republican evolution : from governing party to antigovernment party, 1860-2020 / Kenneth Janda.. Political Science
  29. Research methods in deliberative democracy / edited by Selen A. Ercan, Hans Asenbaum, Nicole Curato, Ricardo F. Mendonça.. Political Science
  30. Resilient city : landscape architecture for climate change / Elke Mertens ; [translated by Julian Reisenberger].. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  31. Resist, organize, build : feminist and queer activism in Britain and the United States during the long 1980s / edited by Sarah Crook and Charlie Jeffries.. Gender & Women's Studies
  32. Resisting backsliding : opposition strategies against the erosion of democracy / Laura Gamboa.. Political Science
  33. Restarting the future : how to fix the intangible economy / Jonathan Haskel and Stian Westlake.. Business
  34. Retail in a new world : recovering from the pandemic that changed the world / by Eleonora Pantano and Kim Willems.. Business
  35. Rethinking communication geographies : geomedia, digital logistics and the human condition / André Jansson.. Geography
  36. Rethinking dwelling : Heidegger, place, architecture / Jeff Malpas.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  37. Rethinking global value chains and corporate social responsibility / Peter Lund-Thomsen, Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing Countries, Center for Business and Development Studies, Department of Management, Communication and Society. Business
  38. Revolution and dictatorship : the violent origins of durable authoritarianism / Steven Levitsky, Lucan Way.. Political Science
  39. Revolution? : architecture and the anthropocene / Susannah Hagan.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  40. The right place : how national competitiveness makes or breaks companies / Arturo Bris.. Business
  41. Right where we belong : how refugee teachers and students are changing the future of education / Sarah Dryden-Peterson.. Education
  42. The rise and fall of modern Japanese literature / John Whittier Treat.. Asian Studies
  43. Rising together : how we can bridge divides and create a more inclusive workplace / Sally Helgesen.. Business
  44. Risky business : why insurance markets fail and what to do about it / Liran Einav, Amy Finkelstein, and Ray Fisman.. Business
  45. Robbery : the tipping point between theft and violence / Amy Burrell.. Law
  46. Robust nonlinear regression : with application using R / Hossein Riazoshams, Habshah Midi, Gebrenegus Ghilagaber.. Statistics
  47. Roman law in context [electronic resource] / David Johnston.. Classical Studies
  48. Roman legends brought to life / Robert Garland.. Classical Studies
  49. Rooted jazz dance : Africanist aesthetics and equity in the twenty-first century / edited by Lindsay Guarino, Carlos R. A. Jones, and Wendy Oliver.. Theatre & Dance
  50. The roots of American individualism : political myth in the age of Jackson / Alex Zakaras. Political Science
  51. Rough draft of history : a century of US social movements in the news / Edwin Amenta, Neal Caren.. Sociology
  52. The Routledge companion to architectural drawings and models : from translating to archiving, collecting and displaying / edited by Federica Goffi.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  53. The Routledge companion to ecological design thinking : healthful ecotopian visions for architecture and urbanism / edited by Mitra Kanaani.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  54. The Routledge companion to the American landscape / edited by Chris W. Post, Alyson L. Greiner, and Geoffrey L. Buckley.. Geography
  55. Routledge encyclopedia of translation studies / edited by Mona Baker and Gabriela Saldanha.. Classical Studies
  56. The Routledge handbook of comparative territorial autonomies / edited by Brian C.H. Fong and Atsuko Ichijo.. Political Science
  57. Routledge handbook of conspiracy theories / edited by Michael Butter and Peter Knight.. English
  58. The Routledge handbook of health communication / edited by Teresa L. Thompson, Nancy Grant Harrington.. Medicine
  59. The Routledge handbook of methodologies in human geography / Sarah Lovell, Stephanie E. Coen and Mark W. Rosenberg.. Geography
  60. Routledge international handbook of financialization / edited by Philip Mader.. Business


  1. The sacred depths of nature : how life has emerged and evolved / Ursula Goodenough.. Biology
  2. Safe as houses : the more-than-human home / Rachel Armstrong.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  3. The safe library : keeping users, staff, and collections secure / Steve Albrecht.. Library & Information Science
  4. Saints and soldiers : inside internet-age terrorism, from Syria to the Capitol siege / Rita Katz.. Political Science
  5. Sanctions : what everyone needs to know / Bruce W. Jentleson.. Business
  6. Sandy Hook : an American tragedy and the battle for truth / Elizabeth Williamson.. Sociology
  7. Scarcity : a history from the origins of capitalism to the climate crisis / Fredrik Albritton Jonsson and Carl Wennerlind.. Business
  8. The scholarly communications cookbook / edited by Brianna Buljung and Emily Bongiovanni.. Library & Information Science
  9. Science and the Bible [electronic resource] : evidence-based Christian belief / Ted Burge..
  10. Screening #MeToo : rape culture in Hollywood / edited by Lisa Funnell and Ralph Beliveau.. Gender & Women's Studies
  11. Searching for trust in the global economy / Jeanne M. Brett, Tyree D. Mitchell.. Business
  12. Seaweed and microalgae as alternative sources of protein / edited by Xingen Lei.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  13. Secession and state creation : what everyone needs to know / James Ker-Lindsay and Mikulas Fabry.. Political Science
  14. Secondary data in mixed methods research / Daphne C. Watkins.. Social Work
  15. Securing social networks in cyberspace / edited by Al-Sakib Khan Pathan.. Mathematics
  16. Seeing red : Indigenous land, American expansion, and the political economy of plunder in North America / Michael John Witgen.. Anthropology
  17. Seeing us in them : social divisions and the politics of group empathy / Cigdem V. Sirin, Nicholas A. Valentino, José D. Villalobos.. Political Science
  18. Self-care for new and student nurses / Dorrie K. Fontaine, Tim Cunningham, Natalie May.. Medicine
  19. Self-care in social work : a guide for practitioners, supervisors, and administrators / Kathleen Cox and Sue Steiner.. Social Work
  20. Self-knowledge in ancient philosophy : the Eighth Keeling Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy / edited by Fiona Leigh.. Education
  21. Sexuality and slavery : reclaiming intimate histories in the Americas / edited by Daina Ramey Berry and Leslie M. Harris.. History
  22. Sexuality in emerging adulthood / edited by Elizabeth M. Morgan and Manfred H. M. van Dulmen.. Social Work
  23. Sexuality in Greek and Roman society and literature [electronic resource] : a sourcebook / Marguerite Johnson.. Classical Studies
  24. Shadow migration : mapping a life / Suzanne Ohlmann..
  25. The shame machine : who profits in the new age of humiliation / Cathy O'Neil ; with Stephen Baker.. Psychology
  26. The shape of sex : nonbinary gender from Genesis to the Renaissance / Leah DeVun.. Gender & Women's Studies
  27. She's Beautiful When She's Angry - The History of the Women’s Liberation Movement.
  28. Shirley Chisholm : champion of Black feminist power politics / Anastasia C. Curwood.. Sociology
  29. Silent spring / Rachel Carson ; introduction by Linda Lear ; afterword by Edward O. Wilson ; [drawings by Lois and Louis Darling].. Sociology
  30. Silk : the thread that tied the world / Anthony Burton.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  31. The sirens of Mars : searching for life on another world / Sarah Stewart Johnson.. Physics
  32. Slavery and freedom in the Bluegrass State : revisiting My Old Kentucky Home / edited by Gerald L. Smith.. History
  33. Slouching towards utopia [electronic resource] : an economic history of the twentieth century / J. Bradford DeLong.. Business
  34. So simple a beginning : how four physical principles shape our living world / Raghuveer Parthasarathy.. Biology
  35. Social future of academic libraries : new perspectives on communities, networks, and engagement / edited by Tim Schlak, Sheila Corrall, Paul J. Bracke.. Library & Information Science
  36. Social laser / edited by Andrei Khrennikov.. Mathematics
  37. Social work practice with transgender and gender expansive youth / edited by Jama Shelton and Gerald P. Mallon.. Social Work
  38. Social work speaks : National Association of Social Workers policy statements, 2021-2023 / Mildred C. Joyner, DPS, LCSW, President ; Angelo McClain, PhD, LICSW, Chief Executive Officer.. Gender & Women's Studies
  39. Social work speaks : National Association of Social Workers policy statements, 2021-2023 / Mildred C. Joyner, DPS, LCSW, President ; Angelo McClain, PhD, LICSW, Chief Executive Officer.. Social Work
  40. Social workers' desk reference / edited by Lisa Rapp-McCall, Kevin Corcoran, Albert R. Roberts.. Social Work
  41. Sold out : how broken supply chains, surging inflation, and political instability will sink the global economy / James Rickards.. Business
  42. Solid state batteries. Volume 1, Emerging materials and applications / Ram K. Gupta, editor.. Chemistry
  43. Solid state batteries. Volume 2, Materials and advanced devices / Ram K. Gupta, editor.. Chemistry
  44. Sometimes amazing things happen : heartbreak and hope on the Bellevue Hospital psychiatric prison ward / Elizabeth Ford, MD.. Psychology
  45. Somewhere sisters [electronic resource] : a story of adoption, identity, and the meaning of family / Erika Hayasaki..
  46. The song of the cell : an exploration of medicine and the new human / Siddhartha Mukherjee.. Education
  47. The soul of care : the moral education of a husband and a doctor / Arthur Kleinman.. Psychology
  48. Space-time geometries for motion and perception in the brain and the arts / Tamar Flash, Alain Berthoz, editors.. Mathematics
  49. Spatial complexity : theory, mathematical methods and applications / Fivos Papadimitriou.. Mathematics
  50. Special libraries : a survival guide / James M. Matarazzo and Toby Pearlstein with the assistance of Sylvia James ; introduction by Barbara Quint.. Library & Information Science
  51. Speculative film and moving images by or about Black women and girls : watch it! / Karima K. Jeffrey-Legette.. History
  52. Spiderweb Capitalism : how global elites exploit frontier markets / Kimberly Kay Hoang.. Business
  53. The splendors and miseries of martingales : their history from the casino to mathematics / Laurent Mazliak, Glenn Shafer, editors.. Mathematics
  54. Springer handbook of inorganic photochemistry / Detlef Bahnemann, Antonio Otavio T. Patrocinio, editors.. Chemistry
  55. Stages of power : Marlowe and Shakespeare, 1592 / Eric S. Mallin and Paul V. Sullivan.. History
  56. Stalker / Jon Hoel. [electronic resource].
  57. Standing room only : marketing insights for engaging performing arts audiences / Joanne Scheff Bernstein.. Arts Administration
  58. Star wars / Will Brooker..
  59. State of innovation : the U.S. government's role in technology development / edited by Fred Block and Matthew R. Keller ; foreword by Peter Evans.. History
  60. Statecraft and the political economy of capitalism / Scott G. Nelson, Joel T. Shelton.. Political Science
  61. States of confusion : how our voter ID laws fail democracy and what to do about it / Don Waisanen, Sonia R. Jarvis, and Nicole A. Gordon.. Political Science
  62. Status and culture : how our desire for social rank creates taste, identity, art, fashion, and constant change / W. David Marx.. Sociology
  63. Steven Holl/Simmons Hall [electronic resource] : MIT undergraduate residence / Todd Gannon and Michael Denison, volume editors..
  64. The Stiglitz report : reforming the international monetary and financial systems in the wake of the global crisis / Joseph E. Stiglitz and Members of a United Nations Commission of Financial Experts ; with an introduction by Miguel d'Escoto Brockman.. Business
  65. Stigma and social support on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program / Laura Blount Carper.. Social Work
  66. Still broke : Walmart's remarkable transformation and the limits of socially conscious capitalism / Rick Wartzman.. Business
  67. Stolen focus : why you can't pay attention, and how to think deeply again / Johann Hari.. Business
  68. Stony the road : Reconstruction, white supremacy, and the rise of Jim Crow / Henry Louis Gates, Jr.. History
  69. The story of architecture / Witold Rybczynski..
  70. The story of architecture / Witold Rybczynski.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  71. The story of proof : logic and the history of mathematics / John Stillwell.. Mathematics
  72. Straight talk about professional ethics / Kim Strom-Gottfried..
  73. Strategies, techniques, & approaches to critical thinking : a clinical reasoning workbook for nurses / Sandra Luz Martinez de Castillo.. Medicine
  74. Street food around the world : an encyclopedia of food and culture / Bruce Kraig and Colleen Taylor Sen, editors.. Anthropology
  75. Streets of gold : America's untold story of immigrant success / Ran Abramitzky, Leah Boustan.. Business
  76. A strength-based cognitive behaviour therapy approach to recovery : from trapped to liberated self / Daniel Wong Fu Keung, Rose Yu Wai Man and Viola Chan Yuk Ching.. Psychology
  77. Strongmen saviours : a political economy of populism in India, Turkey, Russia, and Brazil / Deepanshu Mohan, Abhinav Padmanabhan.. Political Science
  78. Stuck with tourism : space, power, and labor in contemporary Yucatan / Matilde Córdoba Azcárate. Anthropology
  79. A student handbook for writing in biology / Karin Knisely.. Biology
  80. Studying a study & testing a test : reading evidence-based health research / Richard K. Riegelman, Benjamin A. Nelson. Medicine
  81. Sturdevant's art and science of operative dentistry.. Medicine
  82. Styx. German
  83. Successful Black entrepreneurs : hidden histories, inspirational stories, and extraordinary business achievements : case studies by Harvard Business School / Steven S. Rogers, Harvard Business School, retired.. Business
  84. Suffer the little children : child migration and the geopolitics of compassion in the United States / Anita Casavantes Bradford.. Public Policy & Administration
  85. Sulfur-containing polymers : from synthesis to functional materials / edited by Xinghong Zhang, Patrick Theato.. Chemistry
  86. Superabundance : the story of population growth, innovation, and human flourishing on an infinitely bountiful planet / Marian L. Tupy and Gale L. Pooley.. Business
  87. Superconductivity and electromagnetism / Teruo Matsushita.. Physics
  88. Supporting people to live well with dementia : a guide for library services / Sarah McNicol.. Library & Information Science
  89. Survival kit for overseas living : for Americans planning to live and work abroad / L. Robert Kohls.. Education
  90. Sustainability : a history / Jeremy L. Caradonna.. Business
  91. The sustainability myth : environmental gentrification and the politics of justice / Melissa Checker.. Anthropology
  92. The sustainable intensification of smallholder farming systems / edited by Dr. Dominik Klauser and Dr. Mike Robinson.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  93. Sustainable : moving beyond ESG to impact investing / Terrence Keeley.. Business
  94. Sustainable online library services and resources : learning from the pandemic / Mou Chakraborty, Samantha Harlow, and Heather Moorefield-Lang, editors.. Library & Information Science
  95. Sustainable, resilient, free : the future of public higher education / John Warner. Education
  96. Suzuki : the man and his dream to teach the children of the world / Eri Hotta.. Education
  97. Sweet treats around the world : an encyclopedia of food and culture / Timothy G. Roufs and Kathleen Smyth Roufs.. Anthropology
  98. Symmetry and physical properties of crystals / Cécile Malgrange, Christian Ricolleau, Michel Schlenker.. Engineering


  1. Tacit racism / Anne Warfield Rawls & Waverly Duck.. Sociology
  2. Taken at birth [electronic resource] : stolen babies, hidden lies, and my journey to finding home / Jane Blasio..
  3. Teachable monuments : using public art to spark dialogue and confront controversy / edited by Sierra Rooney, Jennifer Wingate and Harriet F. Senie.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  4. Teaching Latin : contexts, theories, practices / Steven Hunt.. Classical Studies
  5. Teaching undergraduate political methodology / edited by Mitchell Brown, Shane Nordyke and Cameron G. Thies.. Political Science
  6. Test success : test-taking techniques for beginning nursing students / Patricia M. Nugent, Barbara A. Vitale.. Medicine
  7. Textile design theory in the making / edited by Elaine Igoe.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  8. Theater of Lockdown : Digital and Distanced Performance in a Time of Pandemic / Barbara Fuchs.. Arts Administration
  9. Theatrical scenic art / Emma Troubridge.. Theatre & Dance
  10. Theorizing race in the Americas : Douglass, Sarmiento, Du Bois, and Vasconcelos / Juliet Hooker.. Hispanic Studies
  11. Theory of agglomerative hierarchical clustering / Sadaaki Miyamoto.. Statistics
  12. There's nothing micro about a billion women : making finance work for women / Mary Ellen Iskenderian.. Business
  13. Thermally active surfaces in architecture [electronic resource] / Kiel Moe..
  14. Thicker than water : the quest for solutions to the plastic crisis / Erica Cirino.. Sociology
  15. Think black : a memoir / Clyde W. Ford.. Mathematics
  16. Thinking with type : a critical guide for designers, writers, editors, & students / Ellen Lupton..
  17. Thriving with Stone Age minds : evolutionary psychology, Christian faith, and the quest for human flourishing / Justin L. Barret with Pamela Ebstyne King.. Psychology
  18. The time-travelling economist : why education, electricity and fertility are key to escaping poverty / Charlie Robertson.. Business
  19. To tell a Black story of Miami / Tatiana D. McInnis..
  20. Tokyo before Tokyo : power and magic in the Shogun 's city of Edo / Timon Screech.. Asian Studies
  21. Too big for a single mind : how the greatest generation of physicists uncovered the quantum world / Tobias Hürter ; translated by David Shaw.. Physics
  22. Toward a new interior [electronic resource] : an anthology of interior design theory / Lois Weinthal, editor..
  23. Toyo Ito : forces of nature / Jessie Turnbull, editor..
  24. Tracing old Norse cosmology : the world tree, middle earth, and the sun from archaeological perspectives / Anders Andrén.. Classical Studies
  25. Trafficking data : how China is winning the battle for digital sovereignty / Aynne Kokas.. Business
  26. The tragic science : how economists cause harm (even as they aspire to do good) / George F. DeMartino.. Business
  27. Training and supervision in specialized cognitive behavior therapy : methods, settings, and populations / edited by Eric A. Storch, Jonathan S. Abramowitz, and Dean McKay..
  28. Trans men in the south : becoming men / Baker A. Rogers.. Gender & Women's Studies
  29. Transatlantic antifascisms : from the Spanish Civil War to the end of World War II / Michael Seidman.. History
  30. Transcultural Italies : mobility, memory and translation / edited by Charles Burdett, Loredana Polezzi, and Barbara Spadaro. [electronic resource].
  31. The transferring of America's youth / edited by Sheri Jenkins Keenan.. Education
  32. The transformative cinema of Alejandro Jodorowsky / George Melnyk.. Hispanic Studies
  33. Transformative language learning and teaching / edited by Betty Lou Leaver, Dan E. Davidson, Christine Campbell.. Russian Studies
  34. Transforming Hispanic-serving institutions for equity and justice / Gina Ann Garcia.. Hispanic Studies
  35. Transient magnetic fields / Neil R. Sheeley, Jr.. Physics
  36. Translation as citation : Zhuangzi inside out / Haun Saussy.. Asian Studies
  37. Transmaterial 2 [electronic resource] : a catalog of materials that redefine our physical environment / edited by Blaine Brownell..
  38. Transmedial character studies / Tobias Kunz and Lukas R.A. Wilde.. English
  39. The transmutations of chymistry : Wilhelm Homberg and the Académie royale des sciences / Lawrence M. Principe.. Chemistry
  40. Transpacific correspondence : dispatches from japan's black studies / Yuichiro Onishi, Fumiko Sakashita, editors.. Asian Studies
  41. Trash talk : anti-Obama lore and racism in the twenty-first century / Patricia A. Turner.. Russian Studies
  42. Trauma and expressive arts therapy : brain, body, and imagination in the healing process / Cathy A. Malchiodi.. Social Work
  43. Trauma and mental health social work with urban populations : African-centered clinical interventions / edited by Rhonda Wells-Wilbon and Anthony Estreet.. Social Work
  44. Travelers and Magicians. English
  45. Travellers in the Third Reich : the rise of fascism seen through the eyes of everyday people / Julia Boyd.. History
  46. Treating survivors of childhood abuse and interpersonal trauma : STAIR narrative therapy / Marylene Cloitre [and four others].. Social Work
  47. Tree of strangers / Barbara Sumner..
  48. Tree thieves : crime and survival in North America's woods / Lyndsie Bourgon.. Sociology
  49. Trends in teaching experimentation in the life sciences : putting research into practice to drive institutional change / Nancy J. Pelaez, Stephanie M. Gardner, Trevor R. Anderson, editors.. Biology
  50. The triumph of broken promises : the end of the Cold War and the rise of neoliberalism / Fritz Bartel.. History
  51. Tunisia since the Arab conquest [electronic resource] : the saga of a westernized muslim state / Jacob Abadi..
  52. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study : the real story and beyond / Fred D. Gray.. History


  1. Ultimate gig : flexibility, freedom, rewards / by John T. Fleming ; with Lauren Lawley Head.. Business
  2. Under the skin [electronic resource] : the hidden toll of racism on American lives and the health of a nation / Linda Villarosa.. Sociology
  3. Undergraduate research & the academic librarian : case studies and best practices. Volume 2 / co-edited by Merinda Kaye Hensley, Hailley Fargo, and Stephanie Davis-Kahl.. Library & Information Science
  4. Understandable economics : because understanding our economy is easier than you think and more important than you know / Howard Yaruss.. Business
  5. Understanding and fostering soil carbon sequestration / edited by Cornelia Rumpel.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  6. Understanding and improving crop photosynthesis / edited by Robert Sharwood.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  7. Understanding and improving the functional and nutritional properties of milk / edited by Thom Huppertz, Todor Vasiljevic.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  8. Understanding and offsetting financial barriers for Black students in science, engineering, and medicine : programs, partnerships, and pathways : proceedings of a workshop / Gilda A. Barabino, Theodore J. Corbin, Jr. and Paula Whitacre, rapporteurs ; Cato. Biology
  9. Understanding and optimising the nutraceutical properties of fruit and vegetables / edited by Victor R. Preedy and Vinood B. Patel.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  10. Understanding chipped stone tools / Brian Hayden.. Anthropology
  11. Understanding complex trauma and post-traumatic growth in survivors of sex trafficking : foregrounding women's voices for effective care and prevention / Heather Evans.. Social Work
  12. Understanding search engines / Dirk Lewandowski.. Library & Information Science
  13. United in anger : a history of ACT UP..
  14. Universal food security [electronic resource] : how to end hunger while protecting the planet / Glenn Denning..
  15. Unraveling : remaking personhood in a neurodiverse age / Matthew J. Wolf-Meyer.. Psychology
  16. Unseen Enemies - The Deadliest Infectious Diseases in Human History. Medicine
  17. Unworking : the reinvention of the modern office.. Business
  18. Urban play : make-believe, technology, and space / Fábio Duarte and Ricardo Álvarez.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  19. Urbanisms [electronic resource] : working with doubt / Steven Holl..
  20. US public opinion since the 1930s : Galluping through history / Richard Seltzer.. History
  21. Using ROI for strategic planning of online education : a process for institutional transformation / Kathleen S. Ives, Deborah M. Seymour.. Education


  1. Value and unequal exchange in international trade : the geography of global capitalist exploitation / Andrea Ricci.. Business
  2. The Venice Arsenal : between history, heritage, and re-use / edited by Luca Zan.. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  3. Vesta and Ceres : insights from the Dawn mission for the origin of the solar system / edited by Simone Marchi, Carol A. Raymond, Christopher T. Russell.. Physics
  4. Violence against LGBTQ+ persons : research, practice, and advocacy / Emily M. Lund, Claire Burgess, Andy J. Johnson, editors.. Social Work
  5. Violent appetites : hunger in the early Northeast / Carla Cevasco..
  6. Viral justice : how we grow the world we want / Ruha Benjamin.. Sociology
  7. Virtual and augmented reality for architecture and design / editors, Elisângela Vilar, Faculty of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal; Ernesto Filgueiras, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal; Francisco Rebelo, Faculty of A. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  8. Virtual storytimes : a practical guide for librarians / Rebecca Ogle.. Library & Information Science
  9. Visual Data Insights Using SAS ODS Graphics : a Guide to Communication-Effective Data Visualization / LeRoy Bessler.. Statistics


  1. Wallet activism : how to use every dollar you spend, earn, and save as a force for change / Tanja Hester.. Business
  2. The Walls manual of emergency airway management / Calvin A. Brown [and four others].. Medicine
  3. A war born family : African American adoption in the wake of the Korean War / Kori Graves..
  4. The war on neighborhoods : policing, prison, and punishment in a divided city / Ryan Lugalia-Hollon and Daniel Cooper.. Sociology
  5. Wasn't that a mighty day : African American blues and gospel songs on disaster / Luigi Monge..
  6. Waterloo sunrise : London from the sixties to Thatcher / John Davis.. History
  7. The wayfinding handbook [electronic resource] : information design for public places / David Gibson ; foreword by Christopher Pullman..
  8. We need to talk about inflation : 14 urgent lessons from the last 2,000 years / Stephen D. King.. Business
  9. W.E.B Du Bois's data portraits : visualizing Black America / Whitney Battle-Baptiste and Britt Rusert, editors..
  10. What is dark matter? / Peter Fisher.. Physics
  11. What's prison for? : punishment and rehabilitation in the age of mass incarceration / Bill Keller.. Public Policy & Administration
  12. What's your zip code story? : understanding and overcoming class bias in the workplace / CJ Gross ; foreword by Howard J. Ross.. Business
  13. What this awl means : feminist archaeology at a Wahpeton Dakota village / Janet D. Spector ; with essential contributions by Chris C. Cavender [and others].. Anthropology
  14. When McKinsey Comes to Town: The Hidden Influence of the World's Most Powerful Consulting Firm.. Business
  15. When women lead : what they achieve, why they succeed, and how we can learn from them / Julia Boorstin.. Business
  16. The white wall : how big finance bankrupts black America / Emily Flitter.. Business
  17. Whiteness / Martin Lund.. Psychology
  18. Who cares : the social safety net in America / Christopher Howard.. Social Work
  19. Who moved my neighborhood? : leading congregations through gentrification and economic change / Mark E. Strong ; foreword by Harold Calvin Ray.. Geography
  20. Why men win at work : and how we can make inequality history / Gill Whitty-Collins ; foreword by Andy Burnham.. Business
  21. Why those who shovel are silent : a history of local archaeological knowledge and labor / Allison Mickel.. Anthropology
  22. Why we kill : understanding violence across cultures and disciplines / edited by Nancy Loucks, Sally Smith Holt, and Joanna Adler.. Sociology
  23. Wine wars II : the global battle for the soul of wine / Mike Veseth.. Business
  24. Women and gender in higher education : looking forward, looking back / by Ann Wendle.. Education
  25. Women at the Hague : the International Peace Congress of 1915 / Jane Addams, Emily G. Balch, Alice Hamilton ; introduction by Mary Jo Deegan.. History
  26. Women in field biology : a journey into nature / Martha L. Crump and Michael J. Lannoo.. Biology
  27. Women talk money : breaking the taboo / edited by Rebecca Walker.. Business
  28. Women who changed the world : their lives, challenges, and accomplishments through history / Candice Goucher, editor.. History
  29. Wonder foods : the science and commerce of nutrition / Lisa Haushofer.. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  30. Wonder Women.
  31. Wonder Women.
  32. Work and the well-being of poor families with children : when work is not enough / Andrea L. Ziegert and Dennis H. Sullivan.. Education
  33. Workers of all colors unite : race and the origins of American socialism / Lorenzo Costaguta.. Political Science
  34. Working with AI : real stories of human-machine collaboration / Thomas H. Davenport, Steven M. Miller.. Business
  35. The world in the wave function : a metaphysics for quantum physics / Alyssa Ney.. Physics
  36. A world of insecurity : democratic disenchantment in rich and poor countries / Pranab Bardhan.. Political Science
  37. Worn out : how retailers surveil and exploit workers in the digital age and how workers are fighting back / Madison Van Oort.. Business
  38. Worse than nothing : the dangerous fallacy of originalism..
  39. Wrestling Ghosts - One Young Mother's Journey of Recovery.
  40. Wrestling Ghosts - One Young Mother's Journey of Recovery. Social Work
  41. Writing about architecture [electronic resource] : mastering the language of buildings and cities / Alexandra Lange ; with photographs by Jeremy M. Lange..
  42. Writing Appalachia : an anthology / Katherine Ledford, Theresa Lloyd..
  43. Writing the NIH grant proposal : a step-by-step guide / William Gerin, Pennsylvania State University, Christine Kapelewski Kinkade, University of California, Davis ; with contributions by Niki L. Page, Pennsylvania State University.. Medicine
  44. Wrongful conviction in sexual assault : stranger rape, acquaintance rape, and intra-familial child sexual assaults / Matthew Barry Johnson.. Social Work


  1. Yes to the city : millennials and the fight for affordable housing / Max Holleran.. Public Policy & Administration
  2. Your computer is on fire / edited by Thomas S. Mullaney, Benjamin Peters, Mar Hicks, and Kavita Philip.. Mathematics
  3. Yours in sisterhood : Ms. magazine and the promise of popular feminism / Amy Erdman Farrell. [electronic resource]. English
  4. Youth without family to lean on : global challenges and local interventions / edited by Shula Mozes and Moshe Israelashvili.. Social Work