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New Books & Media at UK Libraries

List of new books and media with clickable links and description for each title. Covers print and ebooks, as well as hardcopy and digital media. The site provides a master list, plus subject breakdown.

History: New fy2023

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  1. 21st century monetary policy : the Federal Reserve from the great inflation to COVID-19 / Ben S. Bernanke.. W W Norton & Company. print book
  2. 1368 : China and the making of the modern world / Ali Humayun Akhtar.. Stanford University Press. print book
  3. The 1960s cultural revolution : facts and fictions / Joel P. Rhodes.. ABC-CLIO an imprint of ABC-CLIO LLC. ebook
  4. The 1960s in sports : a decade of change / Miles Coverdale Jr.. Rowman & Littlefield an imprint of TheRowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book


  1. The ABC of modern biography / Nigel Hamilton and Hans Renders.. Amsterdam University Press. print book
  2. Adam Smith's America : how a Scottish philosopher became an icon of American capitalism / Glory M. Liu.. Princeton University Press. print book
  3. Adventurer : the life and times of Giacomo Casanova / Leo Damrosch.. Yale University Press. print book
  5. African Americans, death, and the new birth of freedom : dying free during the Civil War and Reconstruction / Ashley Towle.. Lexington Books. print book
  6. The African diaspora : slavery, modernity, and globalization / Toyin Falola.. University of Rochester Press. ebook
  7. African founders : how enslaved people expanded American ideals / David Hackett Fischer.. Simon & Schuster. print book
  8. African interventions : state militaries, foreign powers, and rebel forces / Emizet F. Kisangani, Jeffrey Pickering.. Cambridge University Press. print book
  9. Afro-Atlantic Catholics : America's first Black Christians / Jeroen Dewulf.. University of Notre Dame Press. print book
  10. After coal : adaptation & development in Wales and Appalachia / director, Tom Hansell ; producers, Patricia Beaver, Tom Hansell.. publisher not identified. streaming video
  11. After one hundred winters : in search of reconciliation on America's stolen lands / Margaret D. Jacobs.. Princeton University Press. ebook
  12. After the ivory tower falls : how college broke the American dream and blew up our politics-- and how to fix it / Will Bunch.. William Morrow an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. print book
  13. Against the world : anti-globalism and mass politics between the world wars / Tara Zahra.. W W Norton & Company Inc. print book
  14. The age of the strongman : how the cult of the leader threatens democracy around the world / Gideon Rachman.. Other Press. print book
  15. Agent Sniper : the Cold War superagent and the ruthless head of the CIA / Tim Tate.. St Martin's Press. print book
  16. Aguirre, the wrath of God = Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes / Werner Herzog Filmproduktion ; written, produced, and directed by Werner Herzog.. Kanopy Streaming; Shout Factory. streaming video
  17. The alarmist : fifty years measuring climate change / Dave Lowe.. Victoria University Press. ebook
  19. America and the Holocaust : a documentary history / Rafael Medoff.. University of Nebraska Press; The Jewish Publication Society. print book
  20. America before 1787 : the unraveling of a colonial regime / Jon Elster.. Princeton University Press. print book
  21. American foreign policy : past, present, and future / Glenn P. Hastedt, James Madison University.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  22. American isolationists : pro-Japan anti-interventionists and the FBI on the eve of the Pacific War, 1939-1941 / Roger B. Jeans.. Rowman & Littlefield an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book
  23. American presidents and Israeli settlements since 1967 / Michael F. Cairo.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
  24. American republics : a continental history of the United States, 1783-1850 / Alan Taylor.. W W Norton & Company. print book
  25. Americans and the Holocaust : a reader / edited by Daniel Greene and Edward Phillips ; published in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.. Rutgers University Press. ebook
  26. The analysis of Gothic architecture : studies in memory of Robert Mark and Andrew Tallon / edited by Robert Bork.. Brill. print book
  27. And there was light : Abraham Lincoln and the American struggle / Jon Meacham.. Random House. print book
  28. As told by herself : women's childhood autobiography, 1845-1969 / Lorna Martens.. The University of Wisconsin Press. print book
  29. Asia and postwar Japan : deimperialization, civic activism, and national identity / Simon Avenell.. Harvard University Asia Center. print book
  30. Asian American histories of the United States / Catherine Ceniza Choy.. Beacon Press. print book
  31. Austrian reconstruction and the collapse of global finance, 1921-1931 / Nathan Marcus.. Harvard University Press. print book


  1. The Ballantines : building community issue by issue / John Peel.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  2. Beer : a global journey through the past and present / John W. Arthur.. Oxford University Press. print book
  3. Before the holocaust : antisemitic violence and the reaction of German elites and institutions during the Nazi takeover / Hermann Beck.. Oxford University Press. print book
  4. Between the sea & the lagoon : an eco-social history of the Anlo of southeastern Ghana, c. 1850 to recent times / Emmanuel Kwaku Akyeampong.. James Currey; Ohio University Press. print book
  5. Beyond baseball's color barrier : the story of African Americans in Major League Baseball, past, present, and future / Rocco Constantino.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  6. Birdsong / by Sebastian Faulks ; adapted by Rachel Wagstaff.. Samuel French. print book
  7. The bitter end : the 2020 presidential campaign and the challenge to American democracy / John Sides, Chris Tausanovitch, and Lynn Vavreck.. Princeton University Press. print book
  8. The Black athlete revolt : the sport justice movement in the age of #BlackLivesMatter / Shaun M. Anderson.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  9. Black Indians and freedmen : the African Methodist Episcopal Church and indigenous Americans, 1816-1916 / Christina Dickerson-Cousin.. University of Illinois Press. print book
  10. Black mercuries : African American athletes, race, and the modern Olympic games / David K. Wiggins, Kevin B. Witherspoon, and Mark S. Dyreson.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  11. Black snow : Curtis LeMay, the firebombing of Tokyo, and the road to the atomic bomb / James M. Scott.. W W Norton & Company. print book
  12. Black suffrage : Lincoln's last goal / Paul D. Escott.. University of Virginia Press. print book
  13. Black women in white : racial conflict and cooperation in the nursing profession, 1890-1950 / Darlene Clark Hine.. Indiana University Press. ebook
  14. The Bloomsbury handbook to the digital humanities / edited by James O'Sullivan.. Bloomsbury Academic. print book
  15. The books that made the European enlightenment : a history in 12 case studies / Gary Kates.. Bloomsbury Academic. print book
  16. A boxing legacy : the life and works of writer and cartoonist Ted Carroll / edited by Ian Phimister, David Patrick.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  17. Brexitland : identity, diversity and the reshaping of British politics / Maria Sobolewska, Robert Ford.. Cambridge University Press. print book
  18. Building students' historical literacies [electronic resource] : learning to read and reason with historical texts and evidence / Jeffery D. Nokes.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group; Routledge. ebook
  19. Bureaucracy, work and violence : the Reich Ministry of Labour in Nazi Germany, 1933-1945 / edited by Alexander Nützenadel ; translated by Alex Skinner.. Berghahn Books. print book
  20. By hands now known : Jim Crow's legal executioners / Margaret A. Burnham.. WW Norton & Company Inc. print book


  1. The capital order : how economists invented austerity and paved the way to fascism / Clara E. Mattei.. The University of Chicago Press. print book
  2. Capitalism : the story behind the word / Michael Sonenscher.. Princeton University Press. print book
  3. Capitalist peace : a history of American free-trade internationalism / Thomas W. Zeiler.. Oxford University Press. print book
  4. The Catholic Church and European state formation, AD 1000-1500 / Jørgen Møller, Jonathan Stavnskaer Doucette.. Oxford University Press. print book
  5. Changing the game : Title IX, gender, and college athletics / Kelly McFall and Abigail Perkiss.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
  6. Charlemagne in Italy / edited by Jane E. Everson.. D S Brewer. print book
  7. Charles Darwin, the Copley medal, and the rise of naturalism, 1862-1864 / Marsha Driscoll [and others] ; in consultation with Frederick H. Burkhardt.. University of North Carolina Press. print book
  8. Charlotte Gray : a novel / Sebastian Faulks.. Vintage International. ebook
  9. Che : a revolutionary life / Jon Lee Anderson and José Hernández ; translated by Megan McDowell.. Penguin Press. print book
  10. The Chevron doctrine : its rise and fall, and the future of the administrative state / Thomas W. Merrill.. Harvard University Press. print book
  11. Chicago, 1968 : policy and protest at the Democractic National Convention / Nicolas W. Proctor.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
  12. China and the Uyghurs : a concise introduction / Morris Rossabi.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  13. China in revolution : history lessons / Joseph W. Esherick.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  14. Chinua Achebe and the Igbo-African world : between fiction, fact, and historical representation / edited by Chima J. Korieh and Ijeoma C. Nwajiaku.. Lexington Books. print book
  15. The Chiwaya war : Malawians and the First World War / Melvin E. Page.. African Books Collective; Mzuni Press/Luviri Press. ebook
  16. Chocolate : a cultural encyclopedia / Ross F. Collins.. ABC-CLIO. ebook
  17. Christianity's American fate : how religion became more conservative and society more secular / David A. Hollinger.. Princeton University Press. ebook
  18. Christianity's American fate : how religion became more conservative and society more secular / David A. Hollinger.. Princeton University Press. print book
  19. "Civil disorder is the disease of Ibadan" : chieftaincy & civic culture in a Yoruba city / Ruth Watson.. James Currey; Ohio University Press. print book
  20. Civil war in Guangxi : the Cultural Revolution on China's southern periphery / Andrew G. Walder.. Stanford University Press. print book
  21. Civil War torpedoes and the global development of landmine warfare / Earl J. Hess.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  22. Claude McKay : the making of a Black Bolshevik / Winston James.. Columbia University Press. print book
  23. Coffeehouse culture in the Atlantic world, 1650-1789 / E. Wesley Reynolds, III.. Bloomsbury Academic. print book
  25. Collapse : the fall of the Soviet Union / Vladislav M. Zubok.. Yale University Press. print book
  26. Collapse : the fall of the Soviet Union / Vladislav M. Zubok.. Yale University Press. print book
  27. Colonial chaos in the southern Red Sea : a history of violence from 1830 to the twentieth century / Nicholas W. Stephenson Smith, [Northwestern University, Illinois].. Cambridge University Press. print book
  28. A commerce of knowledge : trade, religion, and scholarship between England and the Ottoman Empire, c.1600-1760 / Simon Mills.. Oxford University Press. print book
  29. Communist Poland : a Jewish woman's experience / Sara Nomberg-Przytyk ; edited by Holli Levitsky and Justyna Włodarczyk ; translated by Paula Parsky.. Lexington Books. ebook
  30. A companion to American agricultural history / edited by R. Douglas Hurt, Purdue University West Lafayette, IN.. John Wiley & Sons. ebook
  31. A companion to the Abbey of Le Bec in the Central Middle Ages (11th-13th centuries) / edited by Benjamin Pohl and Laura L. Gathagan.. Brill. print book
  32. The complete guide to open scholarship / Victoria Martin.. Libraries Unlimited an imprint of ABC-CLIO LLC. ebook
  33. Conceived in crisis : the revolutionary creation of an American state / Christopher R. Pearl.. University of Virginia Press. print book
  34. Confidence man : the making of Donald Trump and the breaking of America / Maggie Haberman.. Penguin Press. print book
  35. Confiscating the common good : small towns and religious politics in the French Revolution / Edward J. Woell.. Manchester University Press. print book
  36. Conflicts of colonialism : the rule of law, French Soudan, and Faama Mademba Sèye / Richard L. Roberts, Stanford University.. Cambridge University Press. print book
  38. The conquest of Mexico : 500 years of reinventions / edited by Peter B. Villella and Pablo García Loaeza ; preface by Matthew Restall.. University of Oklahoma Press. print book
  39. The Constitutional Convention of 1787 : constructing the American Republic / John Patrick Coby.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
  40. A continent erupts : decolonization, civil war, and massacre in postwar Asia, 1945-1955 / Ronald H. Spector.. WW Norton & Company Inc. print book
  41. Countdown to Pearl Harbor : the twelve days to the attack / Steve Twomey.. Simon & Schuster. ebook
  42. Critical elitism : deliberation, democracy and the problem of expertise / Alfred Moore, University of Cambridge.. Cambridge University Press. print book
  43. Critical race studies across disciplines : resisting racism through scholactivism / edited by Jonathan Chism, Stacie Craft DeFreitas, Vida Robertson, and David Ryden.. Lexington Books an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book
  44. Cross-border cosmopolitans : the making of a Pan-African North America / Wendell Nii Laryea Adjetey.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
  45. The crown and the courts : separation of powers in the early Jewish imagination / David C. Flatto.. Harvard University Press. print book
  46. Crucible : the long end of the Great War and the birth of a New World, 1917-1924 / Charles Emmerson.. PublicAffairs. print book
  47. Cultures colliding : American missionaries, Chinese resistance, and the rise of modern institutions in China / John R. Haddad.. Temple University Press. print book
  48. The currency of politics : the political theory of money from Aristotle to Keynes / Stefan Eich.. Princeton University Press. print book


  1. Dangerous ground : squatters, statesmen, and the antebellum rupture of American democracy / John Suval.. Oxford University Press. print book
  2. Danton. . ebook
  3. Data literacy in academic libraries : teaching critical thinking with numbers / edited by Julia Bauder.. ALA Editions. print book
  4. Daughters of the flower fragrant garden : two sisters separated by China's Civil War / Zhuqing Li.. WW Norton & Company Inc. print book
  5. The deadly truth : a history of disease in America / Gerald N. Grob.. Harvard University Press. ebook
  6. Dear Pyongyang.. Tidepoint Pictures; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  7. A decade of upheaval : the Cultural Revolution in rural China / Dong Guoqiang, Andrew G. Walder.. Princeton University Press. ebook
  8. Decolonizing African studies : knowledge production, agency, and voice / Toyin Falola.. University of Rochester Press. print book
  10. Degenerations of democracy / Craig Calhoun, Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar, Charles Taylor.. Harvard University Press. print book
  11. Democracy as discussion : civic education and the American forum movement / William M. Keith.. Lexington Books. print book
  12. Democracy by petition : popular politics in transformation, 1790-1870 / Daniel Carpenter.. Harvard University Press. print book
  13. Democracy erodes from the top : leaders, citizens, and the challenge of populism in Europe / Larry M. Bartels.. Princeton University Press. print book
  14. Democracy in crisis : Weimar Germany, 1929-1932 / Robert Goodrich. Reacting Consortium Press. print book
  15. Democracy's data : the hidden stories in the U.S. census and how to read them / Dan Bouk.. Farrar Straus and Giroux; MCD. print book
  16. Democratic justice : Felix Frankfurter, the Supreme Court, and the making of the liberal establishment / Brad Snyder.. WW Norton & Company. print book
  17. The demon in democracy : totalitarian temptations in free societies / Ryszard Legutko ; translated by Teresa Adelson.. Encounter Books. print book
  18. Demystifying scholarly metrics : a practical guide / Marc W. Vinyard and Jaimie Beth Colvin.. Libraries Unlimited an imprint of ABC-CLIO LLC. ebook
  19. Denaturalized : how thousands lost their citizenship and lives in Vichy France / Claire Zalc ; translated by Catherine Porter.. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. print book
  20. The deportation express : a history of America through forced removal / Ethan Blue.. University of California Press. print book
  21. Destination elsewhere : displaced persons and their quest to leave postwar Europe / Ruth Balint.. Cornell University Press. print book
  22. The development century : a global history / edited by Stephen J. Macekura, Erez Manela.. Cambridge University Press. print book
  23. Digital Black feminism / Catherine Knight Steele.. New York University Press. print book
  24. The divider : Trump in the White House, 2017-2021 / Peter Baker and Susan Glasser.. Doubleday. print book
  25. The divorce of King Lothar and Queen Theutberga : Hincmar of Rheims's De divortio / translated and annotated by Rachel Stone and Charles West.. Manchester University Press. print book
  26. Do everything : the biography of Frances Willard / Christopher H. Evans.. Oxford University Press. print book
  27. Double plays and double crosses : the Black Sox and baseball in 1920 / Don Zminda.. Rowman & Littlefield a wholly owned subsidiary of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book
  28. The downfall of the American order? / edited by Peter J. Katzenstein and Jonathan Kirshner.. Cornell University Press. print book


  1. Early modern streets : a European perspective / edited by Danielle van den Heuvel.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
  2. Eastward of Good Hope : early America in a dangerous world / Dane A. Morrison.. Johns Hopkins University Press. print book
  3. The economic basis of public interest / by Rexford G. Tugwell.. Franklin Classics. print book
  4. An economist's guide to economic history / Matthias Blum, Christopher L. Colvin, editors.. Palgrave Macmillan. ebook
  5. The emancipation circuit : Black activism forging a culture of freedom / Thulani Davis.. Duke University Press. print book
  6. Empire unbound : France and the Muslim Mediterranean, 1880-1918 / Gavin Murray-Miller.. Oxford University Press. print book
  7. Empires of the Normans : conquerors of Europe / Levi Roach.. Pegasus Books Ltd. print book
  8. The end of ambition : the United States and the Third World in the Vietnam era / Mark Atwood Lawrence.. Princeton University Press. print book
  9. Environmental science and international politics : acid rain in Europe, 1979-1989, and climate change in Copenhagen, December 2009 / David E. Henderson and Susan K. Henderson.. University of North Carolina Press; Reacting Consortium Press. ebook
  10. Epidemic invasions : yellow fever and the limits of Cuban independence, 1878-1930 / Mariola Espinosa.. University of Chicago Press. print book
  11. Epidemic orientalism : race, capital, and the governance of infectious disease / Alexandre I. R. White.. Stanford University Press. print book
  12. Escape to the city : fugitive slaves in the antebellum urban South / Viola Franziska Müller.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
  13. Europe on the brink, 1914 : the July crisis / John E. Moser.. Reacting Consortium Press. print book
  14. European military rivalry, 1500-1750 : fierce pageant / Gregory Hanlon.. Routledge. print book
  15. Executive reorganization and reform in the New Deal : the genesis of administrative management, 1900-1939 / Barry Dean Karl.. Harvard University Press. print book
  16. The extraordinary life of an ordinary man : a memoir / Paul Newman ; based on interviews and oral histories conducted by Stewart Stern ; compiled and edited by David Rosenthal ; foreword by Melissa Newman ; afterword by Clea Newman Soderlund.. Alfred A Knopf. print book
  17. An eye for an eye : a global history of crime and punishment / Mitchel P. Roth.. Reaktion Books Ltd. print book


  1. The fall of Robespierre : 24 hours in revolutionary Paris / Colin Jones.. Oxford University Press. print book
  2. The families' Civil War : Black soldiers and the fight for racial justice / Holly A. Pinheiro Jr.. The University of Georgia Press. print book
  3. The farmer's lawyer : the North Dakota nine and the fight to save the family farm / Sarah Vogel.. Bloomsbury Publishing. print book
  4. The fed unbound : central banking in a time of crisis / Lev Menand.. Columbia Global Reports. print book
  5. Federal anti-Indian law : the legal entrapment of indigenous peoples / Peter P. d'Errico.. Praeger an Imprint of ABC-CLIO LLC. ebook
  6. The Federal Reserve : a new history / Robert L. Hetzel.. The University of Chicago Press. print book
  8. A field guide to white supremacy / edited by Kathleen Belew and Ramón A. Gutiérrez.. University of California Press. print book
  9. Fighting words : the bold American journalists who brought the world home between the wars / Nancy F. Cott.. Basic Books. ebook
  10. Film studies : an introduction / Ed Sikov. Columbia University Press. ebook
  11. The financial crisis of 2008 : a history of US financial markets 2000-2012 / Barrie A. Wigmore.. Cambridge University Press. print book
  12. Fire Island : a century in the life of an American paradise / Jack Parlett.. Hanover Square Press. print book
  13. Fixing stories : local newsmaking and international media in Turkey and Syria / Noah Amir Arjomand, Indiana University.. Cambridge University Press. print book
  14. Food culture in medieval Scandinavia / edited by Viktória Gyönkei and Andrea Maraschi.. Amsterdam University Press. ebook
  15. Forest diplomacy : cultures in conflict on the Pennsylvania frontier, 1757 / Nicolas W. Proctor.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
  16. Forged in war : Roosevelt, Churchill, and the Second World War / Warren F. Kimball.. HarperCollins e-books. ebook
  17. Forget the Alamo : the rise and fall of an American myth / Bryan Burrough, Chris Tomlinson, and Jason Stanford.. Penguin Press. print book
  18. Forging ties, forging passports : migration and the modern Sephardi diaspora / Devi Mays.. Stanford University Press. print book
  19. Forgotten ally : China's World War II, 1937-1945 / Rana Mitter.. Mariner Books. print book
  21. A frail liberty : probationary citizens in the French and Haitian revolutions / Tessie P. Liu.. University of Nebraska Press. print book
  22. Frankish manuscripts : the seventh to the tenth century / Lawrence Nees.. Harvey Miller Publishers. print book
  23. Free : a child and a country at the end of history / Lea Ypi.. W W Norton & Company Inc. print book


  1. G-man : J. Edgar Hoover and the making of the American century / Beverly Gage.. Viking an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC. print book
  2. Gathering blossoms under fire : the journals of Alice Walker 1965-2000 / edited by Valerie Boyd.. Simon & Schuster. print book
  3. Gay, Catholic, and American : my legal battle for marriage equality and inclusion / Greg Bourke.. University of Notre Dame Press. print book
  4. Gender history in China / edited by Masako Kohama and Linda Grove.. Trans Pacific Press; Kyoto University Press. print book
  5. Gendered citizenship : the original conflict over the Equal Rights Amendment, 1920-1963 / Rebecca DeWolf.. University of Nebraska Press. print book
  6. A genealogy of terror in eighteenth-century France / Ronald Schechter.. The University of Chicago Press. print book
  7. German railroads, Jewish souls : the Reichsbahn, bureaucracy, and the final solution / Christopher R. Browning, Peter Hayes, and Raul Hilberg.. Berghahn. print book
  8. German sports, doping, and politics : a history of performance enhancement / Michael Krüger, Christian Becker, Stefan Nielsen.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  9. The ghost at the feast : America and the collapse of world order, 1900-1941 / Robert Kagan.. Alfred A Knopf. print book
  10. Ginseng diggers : a history of root and herb gathering in Appalachia / Luke Manget.. University Press of Kentucky. ebook
  11. The girl at the Lion d'Or / Sebastian Faulks.. Vintage International. ebook
  12. The glory and the sorrow : a Parisian and his world in the age of the French Revolution / Timothy Tackett.. Oxford University Press. print book
  13. God save the USSR : Soviet Muslims and the Second World War / Jeff Eden.. Oxford University Press. print book
  14. Gods of thunder : how climate change, travel, and spirituality reshaped precolonial America / Timothy R. Pauketat.. Oxford University Press. print book
  15. The golden age of piracy in China, 1520-1810 : a short history with documents / Robert J. Antony.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  16. The golden thirteen : how Black men won the right to wear Navy gold / Dan C. Goldberg.. Beacon Press. print book
  17. The gospel of wellness : gyms, gurus, Goop, and the false promise of self-care / Rina Raphael.. Henry Holt and Company. print book
  18. The grammar of civil war : a Mexican case study, 1857-61 / Will Fowler.. University of Nebraska Press. print book
  19. Grass roots / Roscoe C. Martin.. Harper & Row. print book
  20. Greenwich Village, 1913 : suffrage, labor, and the new woman / Mary Jane Treacy.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
  21. The Grimkes : the legacy of slavery in an American family / Kerri K. Greenidge.. Liveright Publishing Corporation a division of WW Norton & Company. print book
  22. La Güera Rodríguez : the life and legends of a Mexican independence heroine / Silvia Marina Arrom.. University of California Press. print book
  23. La Guerra de Tres Años, 1857-1861 : el conflicto del que nació el estado laico mexicano / Will Fowler.. Crítica. print book


  1. Habit forming : drug addiction in America, 1776-1914 / Elizabeth Kelly Gray.. Oxford University Press. print book
  2. The Haitians : a decolonial history / Jean Casimir ; translated by Laurent Dubois ; with a foreword by Walter D. Mignolo.. University of North Carolina Press. print book
  3. Harriet Tubman : a reference guide to her life and works / Kate Clifford Larson.. Rowman & Littlefield. ebook
  4. Healing a divided nation : how the American Civil War revolutionized Western medicine / Carole Adrienne.. Pegasus Books Ltd. print book
  5. HEART LIKE A FAKIR : general sir james abbott and the fall of the east india company.. ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD. print book
  6. Hella town : Oakland's history of development and disruption / Mitchell Schwarzer.. University of California Press. print book
  7. Henry VIII and the Reformation Parliament / John Patrick Coby.. Reacting Consortium Press. ebook
  8. Hessians : German soldiers in the American Revolutionary War / Friederike Baer.. Oxford University Press. print book
  9. High minds : the Victorians and the birth of modern Britain / Simon Heffer.. Pegasus Books. print book
  10. High tension : FDR's battle to power America / John A. Riggs.. Diversion Books. print book
  11. Historicising ancient slavery / Kostas Vlassopoulos.. Edinburgh University Press. print book
  12. Historie of fatigue : from the middle ages to the present / George, Vigarello. Polity Press. print book
  13. History from the bottom up and the inside out : ethnicity, race, and identity in working-class history / James R. Barrett.. Duke University Press. print book
  14. A history of advertising : the first 300,000 years / Jef I. Richards.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  15. A history of Africa : combined volume / Toyin Falola, Timothy Stapleton.. Oxford University Press. print book
  16. Hitler's foreign policy : the road to World War II, 1933-1939 / Gerhard L. Weinberg.. Enigma. print book
  17. Hitler's girl : the British aristocracy and the Third Reich on the eve of WWII / Lauren Young.. Harper an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers. print book
  18. Hitler's soldiers : the German army in the Third Reich / Ben H. Shepherd.. Yale University Press. print book
  19. Holy War : the untold story of Catholic Italy's crusade against the Ethiopian Orthodox Church / Ian Campbell.. Hurst & Company. print book
  20. Homo Interior and Vita Socialis : patristic patterns and twelfth-century reflections / Ineke van 't Spijker.. Brepols. print book
  21. How the war was won : air-sea power and Allied victory in World War II / Phillips O'Brien.. Cambridge University Press. print book
  22. How the world became rich : the historical origins of economic growth / Mark Koyama, Jared Rubin.. Polity Press. print book
  23. Human empire : mobility and demographic thought in the British Atlantic world, 1500-1800 / Ted McCormick.. Cambridge University Press. print book
  24. Hybrid healing : Old English remedies and medical texts / Lori Ann Garner.. Manchester University Press. print book


  1. The Iberian world, 1450-1820 / edited by Fernando Bouza, Pedro Cardim, and Antonio Feros.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Grouop. print book
  2. Illusions of progress : business, poverty, and liberalism in the American century / Brent Cebul.. University of Pennsylvania Press. print book
  3. The impossible office? : the history of the British prime minister / Anthony Seldon ; with Jonathan Meakin and Illias Thoms.. Cambridge University Press. print book
  4. In Asian waters : oceanic worlds from Yemen to Yokohama / Eric Tagliacozzo.. Princeton University Press. print book
  5. In Hitler's Munich : Jews, the revolution, and the rise of Nazism / Michael Brenner ; translated by Jeremiah Riemer.. Princeton University Press. print book
  6. In search of liberty : African American internationalism in the nineteenth-century Atlantic world / edited by Ronald Angelo Johnson and Ousmane K. Power-Greene.. The University of Georgia Press. print book
  7. In the shadow of Auschwitz : German massacres against Polish civilians, 1939-1945 / Daniel Brewing ; translated by Alex Skinner.. Berghahn. print book
  8. Indigenous continent : the epic contest for North America / Pekka Hämäläinen.. Liveright Publishing Corporation a division of WW Norton & Company. print book
  9. The information revolution in early modern Europe / Paul M. Dover, Kennesaw State University.. Cambridge University Press. print book
  10. Introduction to digital humanities : enhancing scholarship with the use of technology / Kathryn C. Wymer.. Routledge. ebook
  11. The invention of international order : remaking Europe after Napoleon / Glenda Sluga.. Princeton University Press. print book
  12. The invention of nature : the adventures of Alexander von Humboldt, the lost hero of science / Andrea Wulf.. John Murray. print book
  13. Invisible founders : how two centuries of African American families transformed a plantation into a college / Lynn Rainville.. Berghahn Books. ebook


  1. Laboratories against democracy : how national parties transformed state politics / Jacob M. Grumbach.. Princeton University Press. print book
  2. Last call at the Hotel Imperial : the reporters who took on a world at war / Deborah Cohen.. Random House. print book
  3. Last grave at Dimbaza / a film by Chris Curling, Pascoe Macfarlane ; produced by Nana Mahomo, Antonia Caccia, Andrew Tsehlana ; Morena Films, Ltd.. Distributed by Icarus Films. streaming video
  4. The last stand of the tin can sailors : the extraordinary World War II story of the U.S. Navy's finest hour / by James D. Hornfischer ; adapted by Doug Murray ; drawn by Steven Sanders ; color by Matt Soffe ; lettered by Rob Steen.. Dead Reckoning. print book
  5. The late colonial Indian Army : from the Afghan Wars to the Second World War / Pradeep Barua.. Lexington Books an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book
  6. Legacies of departed African women writers : matrix of creativity and power / edited by Helen O. Chukwuma and Chioma Carol Opara.. Lexington Books. print book
  7. Leonard Cohen : on a wire / Philippe Girard ; translated by Helge Dascher and Karen Houle.. Drawn & Quarterly. print book
  8. Lethal injection and the false promise of humane execution / Austin Sarat ; with Mattea Denney, Greene Ko, Nicolas Graber-Mitchell, Rose Mroczka, Lauren Pelosi.. Stanford Briefs an imprint of Stanford University Press. print book
  9. Liberalism in dark times : the liberal ethos in the twentieth century / Joshua L. Cherniss.. Princeton University Press. print book
  10. Liberia under Samuel Doe, 1980-1985 : the politics of personal rule / Yekutiel Gershoni.. Lexington Books. print book
  11. Life behind a veil : Blacks in Louisville, Kentucky, 1865-1930 / George C. Wright.. Louisiana State University Press. print book
  12. The life of Herbert Hoover / George H. Nash. [3], Master of emergencies, 1917-1918.. Norton. print book
  13. A life together : Lucas Alamán and Mexico, 1792-1853 / Eric Van Young.. Yale University Press. print book
  14. Limits of the numerical : the abuses and uses of quantification / edited by Christopher Newfield, Anna Alexandrova, and Stephen John.. The University of Chicago Press. print book
  15. Lineages of state fragility : rural civil society in Guinea-Bissau / Joshua B. Forrest.. Ohio University Press. print book
  16. Looking for an enemy : 8 essays on antisemitism / edited by Jo Glanville.. WW Norton & Company. print book
  17. Lost in transition : removing, resettling, and renewing Appalachia / edited by Aaron D. Purcell.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
  18. Lourenço da Silva Mendonça and the Black Atlantic abolitionist movement in the seventeenth century / José Lingna Nafafé.. Cambridge University Press. ebook
  19. Love and sex in the time of the plague : a Decameron renaissance / Guido Ruggiero.. Harvard University Press. print book
  20. Luso-tropicalism and its discontents : the making and unmaking of racial exceptionalism / edited by Warwick Anderson, Ricardo Roque, and Ricardo Ventura Santos.. Berghahn. print book
  21. Lyman Trumbull and the second founding of the United States / Paul M. Rego.. University Press of Kansas. print book


  1. The magic lantern : the revolution of '89 witnessed in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin, and Prague / Timothy Garton Ash.. Vintage Books. ebook
  2. Making history : the storytellers who shaped the past / Richard Cohen.. Simon & Schuster. print book
  3. Making medicine : surprising stories from the history of drug discovery / Keith Veronese.. Prometheus Books. print book
  4. Maladies of empire : how colonialism, slavery, and war transformed medicine / Jim Downs.. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. print book
  5. The man who understood democracy : the life of Alexis de Tocqueville / Olivier Zunz.. Princeton University Press. print book
  6. The many lives of the first emperor of China / Anthony J. Barbieri-Low.. University of Washington Press. print book
  7. Marijuana in America : cultural, political, and medical controversies / James Hawdon, Matthew Costello, and Bryan Lee Miller, editors.. ABC-CLIO. ebook
  8. Martin Luther King : a religious life / Paul Harvey.. Rowman & Littlefield an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book
  9. Martin Luther King : a religious life / Paul Harvey.. Rowman & Littlefield an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. ebook
  10. The master in bondage : factory workers in China, 1949-2019 / Huaiyin Li.. Stanford University Press. print book
  11. The Maya and climate change : human-environmental relationships in the classic period lowlands / Kenneth E. Seligson.. Oxford University Press. print book
  12. The Maya apocalypse and its western roots / Matthew Restall and Amara Solari.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  13. Medieval fare : food and culture in medieval Iberia / Martha M. Daas.. Lexington Books. print book
  14. The memory of the Second World War in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia / edited by David L. Hoffmann.. Routledge. print book
  15. The methods and skills of history : a practical guide / Michael J. Salevouris with Conal Furay.. Wiley-Blackwell. print book
  16. Mexico in revolution, 1912-1920 Jonathan Truitt and Stephany Slaughter.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
  17. The Mississippi Valley's great yellow fever epidemic of 1878 / Khaled J. Bloom.. Louisiana State University Press. print book
  18. Model machines : a history of the Asian as automaton / Long T. Bui.. Temple University Press. print book
  19. Modernism versus Traditionalism : Art in Paris, 1888-1889 / Gretchen K. McKay ; Nicolas W. Proctor, and Michael A. Marlais.. University of North Carolina Press. print book
  20. Modernist diaspora : immigrant Jewish artists in Paris, 1900-1945 / Richard D. Sonn.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
  21. A monetary and fiscal history of the United States, 1961-2021 / Alan S. Blinder.. Princeton University Press. ebook
  22. A monetary and fiscal history of the United States, 1961-2021 / Alan S. Blinder.. Princeton University Press. print book
  23. Money and empire : Charles P. Kindleberger and the dollar system / Perry Mehrling, Boston University.. Cambridge University Press. print book
  24. The money minders : the parables, trade-offs and lags of central banking / Jagjit S. Chadha, National Institute for Economic and Social Research.. Cambridge University Press. print book
  25. Monuments and memory-making : the debate over the vietnam veterans memorial, 1981-1982.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
  26. More than the Great Wall : the northern frontier and Ming national security, 1368-1644 / John W. Dardess.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  27. Morgenthau : power, privilege, and the rise of an American dynasty / Andrew Meier.. Random House. print book
  28. Murder in Amsterdam : liberal Europe, Islam and the limits of tolerance / Ian Buruma.. Penguin Books. ebook
  29. The murder of Emmett Till / Karlos K. Hill, David Dodson.. Oxford University Press. print book
  30. Mutinous women : how French convicts became founding mothers of the Gulf Coast / Joan DeJean.. Basic Books Hachette Book Group. print book
  31. My American girls : a Dominican story / by Aaron Matthews.. Filmakers Library. streaming video
  32. My brother, Muhammad Ali : the definitive biography / Rahaman Ali ; with Fiaz Rafiq ; [foreword by NFL legend Jim Brown].. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  33. The mystical presence of Christ : the exceptional and the ordinary in late medieval religion / Richard Kieckhefer.. Cornell University Press. print book
  34. Myth America : historians take on the biggest legends and lies about our past / edited by Kevin M. Kruse and Julian E. Zelizer.. Basic Books. print book
  35. Myth America : historians take on the biggest legends and lies about our past / edited by Kevin M. Kruse and Julian E. Zelizer.. Basic Books. ebook


  1. Napoleon : a life told in gardens and shadows / Ruth Scurr.. Liveright Publishing Corporation a division of WW Norton & Company. print book
  2. Narratives of (dis)enfranchisement : reckoning with the history of libraries and the Black and African American experience / Tracey Overbey and Amanda L. Folk.. ALA Editions. print book
  3. Narratives of (dis)engagement : exploring Black and African American students' experiences in libraries / Amanda L. Folk and Tracey Overbey.. ALA Editions. print book
  4. The nature of slavery : environment and plantation labor in the Anglo-Atlantic world / Katherine Johnston.. Oxford University Press. print book
  5. Nature swagger : stories and visions of Black joy in the outdoors / Rue Mapp.. Chronicle Books. ebook
  6. Nature swagger : stories and visions of Black joy in the outdoors / Rue Mapp.. Chronicle Books. print book
  7. The Nazi menace : Hitler, Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin, and the road to war / Benjamin Carter Hett.. Henry Holt and Company. print book
  8. Nazis of Copley Square : the forgotten story of the Christian Front / Charles R. Gallagher.. Harvard University Press. print book
  9. The needs of others : human rights, international organizations, and intervention in Rwanda, 1994 / Kelly McFall.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
  10. Negotiation and resistance : peasant agency in high Medieval France / Constance Brittain Bouchard.. Cornell University Press. print book
  11. Never turn back : China and the forbidden history of the 1980s / Julian Gewirtz.. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. print book
  12. "No man knows this country better" : the frontier life of John Gibson / Gary S. Williams.. The University of Akron Press. print book
  13. No return : Jews, Christian usurers, and the spread of mass expulsion in medieval Europe / Rowan Dorin.. Princeton University Press. print book
  14. Noirs et Blancs contre l'esclavage : une alliance antiesclavagiste ambiguë aux États-Unis 1754-1830 / Marie-Jeanne Rossignol.. CIRESC; Karthala. print book
  15. Nuclear folly : a history of the Cuban Missile Crisis / Serhii Plokhy.. W W Norton & Company. print book


  1. An object of seduction : Chinese silk in the early modern transpacific trade, 1500-1700 / Xiaolin Duan.. Lexington Books. print book
  2. Ocean bound women : sisters sailing around the world in the 1880s - the adventures - the ship - the people / Anders Hallengren.. World Scientific. print book
  3. Olympic pride, American prejudice / directed by Deborah Riley Draper ; narrated and executive produced by Blair Underwood.. Autlook Filmsales; Coffee Bluff Pictures. streaming video
  4. On the frontiers of the Indian Ocean world : a history of Lake Tanganyika, c.1830-1890 / Philip Gooding, McGill University, [Montréal].. Cambridge University Press. print book
  5. On the rocks : straight talk about women and drinking / Susan D. Stewart.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  6. One hundred and sixty minutes : the race to save the RMS Titanic / William Hazelgrove.. Prometheus Books. print book
  7. The opium business : a history of crime and capitalism in maritime China / Peter Thilly.. Stanford University Press. print book
  9. Opium's orphans : the 200-year history of the war on drugs / P. E. Caquet.. Reaktion Books. print book
  10. Other monasticisms : studies in the history and architecture of religious communities outside the canon, 11th-15th centuries / edited by Sheila Bonde and Clark Maines.. Brepols. print book
  11. The other rights revolution : conservative lawyers and the remaking of American government / Jefferson Decker.. Oxford University Press. print book
  12. Our man in Tokyo : an American ambassador and the countdown to Pearl Harbor / Steve Kemper.. Mariner Books. print book


  1. Palestine 1936 : the great revolt and the roots of the Middle East conflict / Oren Kessler.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  2. Panama in Black : Afro-Caribbean world making in the twentieth century / Kaysha Corinealdi.. Duke University Press. print book
  3. Pandora's box : a history of the First World War / Jörn Leonhard ; translated by Patrick Camiller.. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. print book
  4. Papyrus : the invention of books in the ancient world / Irene Vallejo ; translated from the Spanish by Charlotte Whittle.. Alfred A Knopf. print book
  5. Parachute infantry : an American paratrooper's memoir of D-day and the fall of the Third Reich / David Kenyon Webster.. Bantam Dell. ebook
  6. The paradox of democracy : free speech, open media, and perilous persuasion / Zac Gershberg and Sean Illing.. University of Chicago Press. print book
  7. Paradoxes of nostalgia : Cold War triumphalism and global disorder since 1989 / Penny M. Von Eschen.. Duke University Press. print book
  8. The parting of ways : a personal account of the thirties / Shiela Grant Duff.. Owen. print book
  9. Partisans : the conservative revolutionaries who remade American politics in the 1990s / Nicole Hemmer.. Basic Books. print book
  10. Pastoral care and community in late medieval Germany : Albert of Diessen's Mirror of priests / Deeana Copeland Klepper.. Cornell University Press. print book
  11. Patriarchy, honour, and violence : masculinities in premodern Europe / edited by Jacqueline Murray.. Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies. print book
  12. Patriot and priest : Jean-Baptiste Volfius and the constitutional church in the Côte-d'Or / Annette Chapman-Adisho.. McGill-Queen's University Press. print book
  13. Patriots, loyalists, and revolution in New York City, 1775-1776 / Bill Offutt.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
  14. Patterns of plague : changing ideas about plague in England and France, 1348-1750 / Lori Jones.. McGill-Queen's University Press. print book
  15. Paul Laurence Dunbar : the life and times of a caged bird / Gene Andrew Jarrett.. Princeton University Press. print book
  16. Perilous bounty : the looming collapse of American farming and how to prevent it / Tom Philpott.. Bloomsbury Publishing. print book
  17. A persistent revolution : history, nationalism, and politics in Mexico since 1968 / Randal Sheppard.. University of New Mexico Press. ebook
  18. The phantom public / Walter Lippmann.. Routledge. ebook
  19. Photographies en guerre / sous la direction de Mathilde Benoistel, Sylvie Le Ray-Burimi et Anthony Petiteau.. Réunion des musées nationaux - Grand Palais. print book
  20. Plagues upon the earth : disease and the course of human history / Kyle Harper.. Princeton University Press. print book
  21. Plotting Hitler's death : the story of the German resistance / Joachim Fest ; translated by Bruce Little.. Metropolitan Books. print book
  22. A pocket guide to writing in history / Mary Lynn Rampolla.. Bedford/St Martin's Macmillan Learning. print book
  23. The political economy of agricultural and food policies / Johan Swinnen.. Palgrave Macmillan. ebook
  24. Politics in the marketplace : work, gender, and citizenship in revolutionary France / Katie Jarvis.. Oxford University Press. print book
  25. Popular magazines and fiction in Shanghai, 1914-1925 : modernity, the cultural imaginary, and the middle society / Peijie Mao.. Lexington Books an imprint of The Roman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book
  26. Power shifts : Congress and presidential representation / John A. Dearborn.. The University of Chicago Press. print book
  27. Prelude to Pearl Harbor : ideology and culture in US-Japan relations, 1919-1941 / John Gripentrog.. Rowman & Littlefield an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book
  28. The presidency of Donald J. Trump : a first historical assessment / Julian E. Zelizer, editor.. Princeton University Press. ebook
  29. Presidential leadership in political time : reprise and reappraisal / Stephen Skowronek.. University Press of Kansas. print book
  30. The price of slavery : capitalism and revolution in the Caribbean / Nick Nesbitt.. University of Virginia Press. print book
  31. The price of time : the real story of interest / Edward Chancellor.. Atlantic Monthly Press. print book
  32. A primer for teaching digital history : ten design principles / Jennifer Guiliano.. Duke University Press. print book
  33. Proving ground : the untold story of the six women who programmed the world's first modern computer / Kathy Kleiman.. Grand Central Publishing Hachette Book Group. print book
  34. Proving pregnancy : gender, law, and medical knowledge in nineteenth-century America / Felicity M. Turner.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
  35. Punishing the black body : marking social and racial structures in Barbados and Jamaica / Dawn P. Harris.. The University of Georgia Press. print book




  1. Race and nation in the age of emancipations / edited by Whitney Nell Stewart, John Garrison Marks.. University of Georgia Press. print book
  2. Race and reckoning : from founding fathers to today's disruptors / Ellis Cose.. Amistad an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. print book
  3. Rats, cats, rogues, and heroes : glimpses of China's hidden past / Robert J. Antony.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  4. Realigners : partisan hacks, political visionaries, and the struggle to rule American democracy / Timothy Shenk.. Farrar Straus and Giroux. print book
  5. Recollections of a former slave / James L. Smith ; with an introduction by Rosalyn Howard.. Humanity Books. print book
  6. Red Clay, 1835 : Cherokee removal and the meaning of sovereignty / Jace Weaver and Laura Adams Weaver.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
  7. Remaking Appalachia : ecosocialism, ecofeminism, and law / Nicholas F. Stump.. West Virginia University Press. ebook
  8. Remaking Appalachia : ecosocialism, ecofeminism, and law / Nicholas F. Stump.. West Virginia University Press. print book
  9. The remaking of the Medieval world, 1204 : the fourth Crusade / John J. Giebfried and Kyle C. Lincoln.. University of North Carolina Press. print book
  10. Remember their sacrifice : stories of unheralded athletes of color / Arif Khatib, Pete Elman.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  11. Requiem for the massacre : a Black history on the conflict, hope, and fallout of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre / RJ Young.. Counterpoint. print book
  12. Resistance : the underground war against Hitler, 1939-1945 / Halik Kochanski.. Liveright Publishing Corporation a division of W W Norton & Company. print book
  13. Restoring the world, 1945 : security and empire at Yalta / Nicolas W. Proctor and John E. Moser.. Reacting Consortium Press. print book
  14. The return of Sara Baartman / narration written ... by Gail Smith ; produced and directed by Zola Maseko ; Black Roots Pictures.. Icarus Films. streaming video
  15. Reversing sail : a history of the African diaspora / Michael A. Gomez.. Cambridge University Press. print book
  16. The revolutionary : Samuel Adams / Stacy Schiff.. Little Brown and Company. print book
  17. Roadblock politics : the origins of violence in Central Africa / Peer Schouten.. Cambridge University Press. print book
  18. Rock and roll, desegregation movements, and racism in the post-Civil Rights era : an "integrated effort" / Beth Fowler.. Lexington Books. print book
  19. Rome : strategy of empire / James Lacey.. Oxford University Press. print book
  20. Roosevelt and the Hundred Days : struggle for the early New Deal / James E. Sargent.. Garland Pub. print book
  22. Running sideways : the Olympic champion who made track and field history / Pauline Davis with T. R. Todd.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book


  1. Safe area Goražde / by Joe Sacco.. Fantagraphics Books. print book
  2. Salafism and political order in Africa / Sebastian Elischer.. Cambridge University Press. print book
  3. The scientific imagination in South Africa : 1700 to the present / William Beinart, University of Oxford, Saul Dubow, University of Cambridge.. Cambridge University Press. print book
  4. Secret city : the hidden history of gay Washington / James Kirchick.. Henry Holt and Company. print book
  5. Seeing red : Indigenous land, American expansion, and the political economy of plunder in North America / Michael John Witgen.. University of North Carolina Press; Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture. print book
  6. A sensory history manifesto / Mark M. Smith.. The Pennsylvania State University Press. print book
  7. Serving herself : the life and times of Althea Gibson / Ashley Brown.. Oxford University Press. print book
  8. Setting slavery's limits : physical confrontations in Antebellum Virginia, 1801-1860 / Christopher H. Bouton.. Lexington Books. print book
  9. Sexuality and slavery : reclaiming intimate histories in the Americas / edited by Daina Ramey Berry and Leslie M. Harris.. University of Georgia Press. ebook
  10. Sexuality and slavery : reclaiming intimate histories in the Americas / edited by Daina Ramey Berry and Leslie M. Harris.. University of Georgia Press. print book
  11. Slavery and freedom in the Bluegrass State : revisiting My Old Kentucky Home / edited by Gerald L. Smith.. University Press of Kentucky. ebook
  12. Slavery and freedom in the Bluegrass State : revisiting My Old Kentucky Home / edited by Gerald L. Smith.. University Press of Kentucky. print book
  13. Slavery by another name / produced and directed by Sam Pollard ; written by Sheila Curran Bernard ; a production of tpt National Productions in association with Two Dollars & a Dream, Inc.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  14. Slouching towards Utopia : an economic history of the twentieth century / J. Bradford DeLong.. Basic Books. print book
  15. Smallpox in Washington's Army : disease, war, and society during the Revolutionary War / Ann M. Becker.. Lexington Books. print book
  16. Smugglers, secessionists & loyal citizens on the Ghana-Togo frontier : the life of the borderlands since 1914 / Paul Nugent.. Sub-Saharan Publishers; James Currey; Ohio University Press. print book
  17. So long a letter / Mariama Bâ ; translated from the French by Modupé Bodé-Thomas ; introduction by Kenneth W. Harrow.. Waveland Press. print book
  18. Sociology in government : the Galpin-Taylor years in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1919-1953 / Olaf F. Larson and Julie N. Zimmerman ; assisted by Edward O. Moe.. Pennsylvania State University Press. print book
  19. Songs in dark times : Yiddish poetry of struggle from Scottsboro to Palestine / Amelia M. Glaser.. Harvard University Press. print book
  20. Songs of slavery and emancipation / Mat Callahan ; introductIon by Robin D.G. Kelley ; afterword by Kali Akuno.. University Press of Mississippi. print book
  21. Spear : Mandela and the revolutionaries / Paul S. Landau.. Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd; Ohio University Press. print book
  22. Speculative film and moving images by or about Black women and girls : watch it! / Karima K. Jeffrey-Legette.. Lexington Books. ebook
  23. Sports betting and bookmaking : an American history / Arne K. Lang.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  24. Stages of power : Marlowe and Shakespeare, 1592 / Eric S. Mallin and Paul V. Sullivan.. Reacting Consortium Press. ebook
  25. Stan Lee : a life / Bob Batchelor.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  26. State of innovation : the U.S. government's role in technology development / edited by Fred Block and Matthew R. Keller ; foreword by Peter Evans.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. ebook
  27. Stony the road : Reconstruction, white supremacy, and the rise of Jim Crow / Henry Louis Gates, Jr.. Penguin Press. ebook
  28. Stormy passage : Mexico from colony to republic, 1750-1850 / Eric Van Young.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  29. Streets of gold : America's untold story of immigrant success / Ran Abramitzky, Leah Boustan.. PublicAffairs. print book
  30. Supreme injustice : slavery in the nation's highest court / Paul Finkelman.. Harvard University Press. print book
  31. Survival on the margins : Polish Jewish refugees in the wartime Soviet Union / Eliyana R. Adler.. Harvard University Press. print book


  1. Taxpayers in revolt : tax resistance during the Great Depression / David T. Beito.. University of North Carolina Press. print book
  2. Tears, fire, and blood : the United States and the decolonization of Africa / James H. Meriwether.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
  3. That damned fence : the literature of the Japanese American prison camps / Heather Hathaway.. Oxford University Press. print book
  4. Things are never so bad that they can't get worse : inside the collapse of Venezuela / William Neuman.. St Martin's Press. print book
  5. The Third Reich in power, 1933-1939 / Richard J. Evans.. Penguin Press. print book
  6. The thirties : an intimate history / Juliet Gardiner.. HarperPress. print book
  7. This contested land : the storied past and uncertain future of America's national monuments / McKenzie Long.. University of Minnesota Press. print book
  8. This will not pass : Trump, Biden and the battle for America's future / Jonathan Martin & Alexander Burns.. Simon & Schuster Paperbacks. print book
  9. Three centuries of travel writing by Muslim women / Siobhan Lambert-Hurley, Daniel Majchrowicz, and Sunil Sharma, editors.. Indiana University Press. print book
  10. Tibet as I knew it : the memoir of Dr. Tsewang Yishey Pemba / Tsewang Yishey Pemba ; foreword by the Dalai Lama.. Lexington Books. print book
  11. Ticking power into performing acts of love : how tricksters through history have changed the world / Shepherd Siegel, PhD... Morgan James Publishing. print book
  12. Timeless Mexico : the photographs of Hugo Brehme / Susan Toomey Frost ; with a foreword by Stella de Sá Rego.. University of Texas Press. print book
  13. To reach the nation's ear : a history of African American public speaking / Richard W. Leeman.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  14. Tombeaux : autobiographie de ma famille / Annette Wieviorka.. Éditions du Seuil. print book
  15. The tragic science : how economists cause harm (even as they aspire to do good) / George F. DeMartino.. The University of Chicago Press. print book
  16. Transatlantic antifascisms : from the Spanish Civil War to the end of World War II / Michael Seidman.. Cambridge University Press. ebook
  17. Transatlantic antifascisms : from the Spanish Civil War to the end of World War II / Michael Seidman.. Cambridge University Press. print book
  18. Transforming Inner Mongolia : commerce, migration, and colonization on the Qing frontier / Yi Wang.. Rowman & Littlefield an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book
  19. Travellers in the Third Reich : the rise of fascism seen through the eyes of everyday people / Julia Boyd.. Elliott and Thompson Limited. ebook
  20. Travellers in the Third Reich : the rise of fascism through the eyes of everyday people / Julia Boyd.. Elliott and Thompson Limited. print book
  21. The trial of Anne Hutchinson : liberty, law, and intolerance in puritan New England / Michael P. Winship and Mark C. Carnes.. University of North Carolina Press. print book
  22. The trial of Galileo : Aristotelianism, the "new cosmology", and the Catholic Church, 1616-1633 / Michael S. Pettersen, Frederick Purnell Jr., and Mark C. Carnes.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
  23. The triumph of broken promises : the end of the Cold War and the rise of neoliberalism / Fritz Bartel.. Harvard University Press. print book
  24. The triumph of broken promises : the end of the Cold War and the rise of neoliberalism / Fritz Bartel.. Harvard University Press. ebook
  25. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study : the real story and beyond / Fred D. Gray.. NewSouth Books. ebook
  26. Twenty years of school-based mass shootings in the United States : Columbine to Santa Fe / Angelyn Spaulding Flowers and Cotina Lane Pixley.. Lextington Books an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book
  27. Two hundred years at the falls of the Ohio : a history of Louisville and Jefferson County / George H. Yater.. Filson Club. print book


  1. Warring genealogies : race, kinship, and the Korean War / Joo Ok Kim.. Temple University Press. print book
  2. Waterloo sunrise : London from the sixties to Thatcher / John Davis.. Princeton University Press. ebook
  3. We don't know ourselves : a personal history of modern Ireland / Fintan O'Toole.. Liveright Publishing Corporation a division of WW Norton & Company. print book
  4. West African challenge to empire : culture and history in the Volta-Bani anticolonial war / by Mahir Şaul and Patrick Royer.. James Curry; Ohio University Press. print book
  5. What happened to the vital center? : presidentialism, populist revolt, and the fracturing of America / Nicholas F. Jacobs and Sidney M. Milkis.. Oxford University Press. print book
  6. When good government meant big government : the quest to expand federal power, 1913-1933 / Jesse Tarbert.. Columbia University Press. print book
  7. When mortals play God : eugenics and one family's story of tragedy, loss, and perseverance / John Erickson.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  8. White trash : the 400-year untold history of class in America / Nancy Isenberg.. Viking. print book
  9. Whiteout : how racial capitalism changed the color of opioids in America / Helena Hansen, Jules Netherland, and David Herzberg.. University of California Press. print book
  10. Who's Black and why? : a hidden chapter from the eighteenth-century invention of race / edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and Andrew S. Curran.. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. print book
  11. Why governments get it wrong : and how they can get it right / Dennis C. Grube.. Macmillan an imprint of Pan Macmillan. print book
  12. Why White liberals fail : race and Southern politics from FDR to Trump / Anthony J. Badger.. Harvard University Press. print book
  13. Wild Style.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  14. Witness to the age of revolution : the odyssey of Juan Bautista Tupac Amaru / Charles F. Walker, Liz Clarke.. Oxford University Press. print book
  15. Women at the Hague : the International Peace Congress of 1915 / Jane Addams, Emily G. Balch, Alice Hamilton ; introduction by Mary Jo Deegan.. Humanities Press. ebook
  16. Women in Song and Yuan China / Bret Hinsch.. Rowman & Littlefield an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book
  17. Women in Tang China / Bret Hinsch.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
  18. Women who changed the world : their lives, challenges, and accomplishments through history / Candice Goucher, editor.. ABC-CLIO an imprint of ABC-CLIO LLC. ebook
  19. A world after liberalism : philosophers of the radical right / Matthew Rose.. Yale University Press. print book
  20. The world of sugar : how the sweet stuff transformed our politics, health, and environment over 2,000 years / Ulbe Bosma.. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. print book
  21. The world the plague made : the Black Death and the rise of Europe / James Belich.. Princeton University Press. print book