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History: New fy2023
- The ABC of modern biography / Nigel Hamilton and Hans Renders.. Amsterdam University Press. print book
- Adam Smith's America : how a Scottish philosopher became an icon of American capitalism / Glory M. Liu.. Princeton University Press. print book
- Adventurer : the life and times of Giacomo Casanova / Leo Damrosch.. Yale University Press. print book
- African Americans, death, and the new birth of freedom : dying free during the Civil War and Reconstruction / Ashley Towle.. Lexington Books. print book
- The African diaspora : slavery, modernity, and globalization / Toyin Falola.. University of Rochester Press. ebook
- African founders : how enslaved people expanded American ideals / David Hackett Fischer.. Simon & Schuster. print book
- African interventions : state militaries, foreign powers, and rebel forces / Emizet F. Kisangani, Jeffrey Pickering.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- Afro-Atlantic Catholics : America's first Black Christians / Jeroen Dewulf.. University of Notre Dame Press. print book
- After coal : adaptation & development in Wales and Appalachia / director, Tom Hansell ; producers, Patricia Beaver, Tom Hansell.. publisher not identified. streaming video
- After one hundred winters : in search of reconciliation on America's stolen lands / Margaret D. Jacobs.. Princeton University Press. ebook
- After the ivory tower falls : how college broke the American dream and blew up our politics-- and how to fix it / Will Bunch.. William Morrow an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. print book
- Against the world : anti-globalism and mass politics between the world wars / Tara Zahra.. W W Norton & Company Inc. print book
- The age of the strongman : how the cult of the leader threatens democracy around the world / Gideon Rachman.. Other Press. print book
- Agent Sniper : the Cold War superagent and the ruthless head of the CIA / Tim Tate.. St Martin's Press. print book
- Aguirre, the wrath of God = Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes / Werner Herzog Filmproduktion ; written, produced, and directed by Werner Herzog.. Kanopy Streaming; Shout Factory. streaming video
- The alarmist : fifty years measuring climate change / Dave Lowe.. Victoria University Press. ebook
- America and the Holocaust : a documentary history / Rafael Medoff.. University of Nebraska Press; The Jewish Publication Society. print book
- America before 1787 : the unraveling of a colonial regime / Jon Elster.. Princeton University Press. print book
- American foreign policy : past, present, and future / Glenn P. Hastedt, James Madison University.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- American isolationists : pro-Japan anti-interventionists and the FBI on the eve of the Pacific War, 1939-1941 / Roger B. Jeans.. Rowman & Littlefield an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book
- American presidents and Israeli settlements since 1967 / Michael F. Cairo.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
- American republics : a continental history of the United States, 1783-1850 / Alan Taylor.. W W Norton & Company. print book
- Americans and the Holocaust : a reader / edited by Daniel Greene and Edward Phillips ; published in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.. Rutgers University Press. ebook
- The analysis of Gothic architecture : studies in memory of Robert Mark and Andrew Tallon / edited by Robert Bork.. Brill. print book
- And there was light : Abraham Lincoln and the American struggle / Jon Meacham.. Random House. print book
- As told by herself : women's childhood autobiography, 1845-1969 / Lorna Martens.. The University of Wisconsin Press. print book
- Asia and postwar Japan : deimperialization, civic activism, and national identity / Simon Avenell.. Harvard University Asia Center. print book
- Asian American histories of the United States / Catherine Ceniza Choy.. Beacon Press. print book
- Austrian reconstruction and the collapse of global finance, 1921-1931 / Nathan Marcus.. Harvard University Press. print book
- The Ballantines : building community issue by issue / John Peel.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- Beer : a global journey through the past and present / John W. Arthur.. Oxford University Press. print book
- Before the holocaust : antisemitic violence and the reaction of German elites and institutions during the Nazi takeover / Hermann Beck.. Oxford University Press. print book
- Between the sea & the lagoon : an eco-social history of the Anlo of southeastern Ghana, c. 1850 to recent times / Emmanuel Kwaku Akyeampong.. James Currey; Ohio University Press. print book
- Beyond baseball's color barrier : the story of African Americans in Major League Baseball, past, present, and future / Rocco Constantino.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- Birdsong / by Sebastian Faulks ; adapted by Rachel Wagstaff.. Samuel French. print book
- The bitter end : the 2020 presidential campaign and the challenge to American democracy / John Sides, Chris Tausanovitch, and Lynn Vavreck.. Princeton University Press. print book
- The Black athlete revolt : the sport justice movement in the age of #BlackLivesMatter / Shaun M. Anderson.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- Black Indians and freedmen : the African Methodist Episcopal Church and indigenous Americans, 1816-1916 / Christina Dickerson-Cousin.. University of Illinois Press. print book
- Black mercuries : African American athletes, race, and the modern Olympic games / David K. Wiggins, Kevin B. Witherspoon, and Mark S. Dyreson.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- Black snow : Curtis LeMay, the firebombing of Tokyo, and the road to the atomic bomb / James M. Scott.. W W Norton & Company. print book
- Black suffrage : Lincoln's last goal / Paul D. Escott.. University of Virginia Press. print book
- Black women in white : racial conflict and cooperation in the nursing profession, 1890-1950 / Darlene Clark Hine.. Indiana University Press. ebook
- The Bloomsbury handbook to the digital humanities / edited by James O'Sullivan.. Bloomsbury Academic. print book
- The books that made the European enlightenment : a history in 12 case studies / Gary Kates.. Bloomsbury Academic. print book
- A boxing legacy : the life and works of writer and cartoonist Ted Carroll / edited by Ian Phimister, David Patrick.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- Brexitland : identity, diversity and the reshaping of British politics / Maria Sobolewska, Robert Ford.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- Building students' historical literacies [electronic resource] : learning to read and reason with historical texts and evidence / Jeffery D. Nokes.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group; Routledge. ebook
- Bureaucracy, work and violence : the Reich Ministry of Labour in Nazi Germany, 1933-1945 / edited by Alexander Nützenadel ; translated by Alex Skinner.. Berghahn Books. print book
- By hands now known : Jim Crow's legal executioners / Margaret A. Burnham.. WW Norton & Company Inc. print book
- The capital order : how economists invented austerity and paved the way to fascism / Clara E. Mattei.. The University of Chicago Press. print book
- Capitalism : the story behind the word / Michael Sonenscher.. Princeton University Press. print book
- Capitalist peace : a history of American free-trade internationalism / Thomas W. Zeiler.. Oxford University Press. print book
- The Catholic Church and European state formation, AD 1000-1500 / Jørgen Møller, Jonathan Stavnskaer Doucette.. Oxford University Press. print book
- Changing the game : Title IX, gender, and college athletics / Kelly McFall and Abigail Perkiss.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
- Charlemagne in Italy / edited by Jane E. Everson.. D S Brewer. print book
- Charles Darwin, the Copley medal, and the rise of naturalism, 1862-1864 / Marsha Driscoll [and others] ; in consultation with Frederick H. Burkhardt.. University of North Carolina Press. print book
- Charlotte Gray : a novel / Sebastian Faulks.. Vintage International. ebook
- Che : a revolutionary life / Jon Lee Anderson and José Hernández ; translated by Megan McDowell.. Penguin Press. print book
- The Chevron doctrine : its rise and fall, and the future of the administrative state / Thomas W. Merrill.. Harvard University Press. print book
- Chicago, 1968 : policy and protest at the Democractic National Convention / Nicolas W. Proctor.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
- China and the Uyghurs : a concise introduction / Morris Rossabi.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- China in revolution : history lessons / Joseph W. Esherick.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- Chinua Achebe and the Igbo-African world : between fiction, fact, and historical representation / edited by Chima J. Korieh and Ijeoma C. Nwajiaku.. Lexington Books. print book
- The Chiwaya war : Malawians and the First World War / Melvin E. Page.. African Books Collective; Mzuni Press/Luviri Press. ebook
- Chocolate : a cultural encyclopedia / Ross F. Collins.. ABC-CLIO. ebook
- Christianity's American fate : how religion became more conservative and society more secular / David A. Hollinger.. Princeton University Press. ebook
- Christianity's American fate : how religion became more conservative and society more secular / David A. Hollinger.. Princeton University Press. print book
- "Civil disorder is the disease of Ibadan" : chieftaincy & civic culture in a Yoruba city / Ruth Watson.. James Currey; Ohio University Press. print book
- Civil war in Guangxi : the Cultural Revolution on China's southern periphery / Andrew G. Walder.. Stanford University Press. print book
- Civil War torpedoes and the global development of landmine warfare / Earl J. Hess.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- Claude McKay : the making of a Black Bolshevik / Winston James.. Columbia University Press. print book
- Coffeehouse culture in the Atlantic world, 1650-1789 / E. Wesley Reynolds, III.. Bloomsbury Academic. print book
- Collapse : the fall of the Soviet Union / Vladislav M. Zubok.. Yale University Press. print book
- Collapse : the fall of the Soviet Union / Vladislav M. Zubok.. Yale University Press. print book
- Colonial chaos in the southern Red Sea : a history of violence from 1830 to the twentieth century / Nicholas W. Stephenson Smith, [Northwestern University, Illinois].. Cambridge University Press. print book
- A commerce of knowledge : trade, religion, and scholarship between England and the Ottoman Empire, c.1600-1760 / Simon Mills.. Oxford University Press. print book
- Communist Poland : a Jewish woman's experience / Sara Nomberg-Przytyk ; edited by Holli Levitsky and Justyna Włodarczyk ; translated by Paula Parsky.. Lexington Books. ebook
- A companion to American agricultural history / edited by R. Douglas Hurt, Purdue University West Lafayette, IN.. John Wiley & Sons. ebook
- A companion to the Abbey of Le Bec in the Central Middle Ages (11th-13th centuries) / edited by Benjamin Pohl and Laura L. Gathagan.. Brill. print book
- The complete guide to open scholarship / Victoria Martin.. Libraries Unlimited an imprint of ABC-CLIO LLC. ebook
- Conceived in crisis : the revolutionary creation of an American state / Christopher R. Pearl.. University of Virginia Press. print book
- Confidence man : the making of Donald Trump and the breaking of America / Maggie Haberman.. Penguin Press. print book
- Confiscating the common good : small towns and religious politics in the French Revolution / Edward J. Woell.. Manchester University Press. print book
- Conflicts of colonialism : the rule of law, French Soudan, and Faama Mademba Sèye / Richard L. Roberts, Stanford University.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- The conquest of Mexico : 500 years of reinventions / edited by Peter B. Villella and Pablo García Loaeza ; preface by Matthew Restall.. University of Oklahoma Press. print book
- The Constitutional Convention of 1787 : constructing the American Republic / John Patrick Coby.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
- A continent erupts : decolonization, civil war, and massacre in postwar Asia, 1945-1955 / Ronald H. Spector.. WW Norton & Company Inc. print book
- Countdown to Pearl Harbor : the twelve days to the attack / Steve Twomey.. Simon & Schuster. ebook
- Critical elitism : deliberation, democracy and the problem of expertise / Alfred Moore, University of Cambridge.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- Critical race studies across disciplines : resisting racism through scholactivism / edited by Jonathan Chism, Stacie Craft DeFreitas, Vida Robertson, and David Ryden.. Lexington Books an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book
- Cross-border cosmopolitans : the making of a Pan-African North America / Wendell Nii Laryea Adjetey.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
- The crown and the courts : separation of powers in the early Jewish imagination / David C. Flatto.. Harvard University Press. print book
- Crucible : the long end of the Great War and the birth of a New World, 1917-1924 / Charles Emmerson.. PublicAffairs. print book
- Cultures colliding : American missionaries, Chinese resistance, and the rise of modern institutions in China / John R. Haddad.. Temple University Press. print book
- The currency of politics : the political theory of money from Aristotle to Keynes / Stefan Eich.. Princeton University Press. print book
- Dangerous ground : squatters, statesmen, and the antebellum rupture of American democracy / John Suval.. Oxford University Press. print book
- Danton. . ebook
- Data literacy in academic libraries : teaching critical thinking with numbers / edited by Julia Bauder.. ALA Editions. print book
- Daughters of the flower fragrant garden : two sisters separated by China's Civil War / Zhuqing Li.. WW Norton & Company Inc. print book
- The deadly truth : a history of disease in America / Gerald N. Grob.. Harvard University Press. ebook
- Dear Pyongyang.. Tidepoint Pictures; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- A decade of upheaval : the Cultural Revolution in rural China / Dong Guoqiang, Andrew G. Walder.. Princeton University Press. ebook
- Decolonizing African studies : knowledge production, agency, and voice / Toyin Falola.. University of Rochester Press. print book
- Degenerations of democracy / Craig Calhoun, Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar, Charles Taylor.. Harvard University Press. print book
- Democracy as discussion : civic education and the American forum movement / William M. Keith.. Lexington Books. print book
- Democracy by petition : popular politics in transformation, 1790-1870 / Daniel Carpenter.. Harvard University Press. print book
- Democracy erodes from the top : leaders, citizens, and the challenge of populism in Europe / Larry M. Bartels.. Princeton University Press. print book
- Democracy in crisis : Weimar Germany, 1929-1932 / Robert Goodrich. Reacting Consortium Press. print book
- Democracy's data : the hidden stories in the U.S. census and how to read them / Dan Bouk.. Farrar Straus and Giroux; MCD. print book
- Democratic justice : Felix Frankfurter, the Supreme Court, and the making of the liberal establishment / Brad Snyder.. WW Norton & Company. print book
- The demon in democracy : totalitarian temptations in free societies / Ryszard Legutko ; translated by Teresa Adelson.. Encounter Books. print book
- Demystifying scholarly metrics : a practical guide / Marc W. Vinyard and Jaimie Beth Colvin.. Libraries Unlimited an imprint of ABC-CLIO LLC. ebook
- Denaturalized : how thousands lost their citizenship and lives in Vichy France / Claire Zalc ; translated by Catherine Porter.. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. print book
- The deportation express : a history of America through forced removal / Ethan Blue.. University of California Press. print book
- Destination elsewhere : displaced persons and their quest to leave postwar Europe / Ruth Balint.. Cornell University Press. print book
- The development century : a global history / edited by Stephen J. Macekura, Erez Manela.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- Digital Black feminism / Catherine Knight Steele.. New York University Press. print book
- The divider : Trump in the White House, 2017-2021 / Peter Baker and Susan Glasser.. Doubleday. print book
- The divorce of King Lothar and Queen Theutberga : Hincmar of Rheims's De divortio / translated and annotated by Rachel Stone and Charles West.. Manchester University Press. print book
- Do everything : the biography of Frances Willard / Christopher H. Evans.. Oxford University Press. print book
- Double plays and double crosses : the Black Sox and baseball in 1920 / Don Zminda.. Rowman & Littlefield a wholly owned subsidiary of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book
- The downfall of the American order? / edited by Peter J. Katzenstein and Jonathan Kirshner.. Cornell University Press. print book
- Early modern streets : a European perspective / edited by Danielle van den Heuvel.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. print book
- Eastward of Good Hope : early America in a dangerous world / Dane A. Morrison.. Johns Hopkins University Press. print book
- The economic basis of public interest / by Rexford G. Tugwell.. Franklin Classics. print book
- An economist's guide to economic history / Matthias Blum, Christopher L. Colvin, editors.. Palgrave Macmillan. ebook
- The emancipation circuit : Black activism forging a culture of freedom / Thulani Davis.. Duke University Press. print book
- Empire unbound : France and the Muslim Mediterranean, 1880-1918 / Gavin Murray-Miller.. Oxford University Press. print book
- Empires of the Normans : conquerors of Europe / Levi Roach.. Pegasus Books Ltd. print book
- The end of ambition : the United States and the Third World in the Vietnam era / Mark Atwood Lawrence.. Princeton University Press. print book
- Environmental science and international politics : acid rain in Europe, 1979-1989, and climate change in Copenhagen, December 2009 / David E. Henderson and Susan K. Henderson.. University of North Carolina Press; Reacting Consortium Press. ebook
- Epidemic invasions : yellow fever and the limits of Cuban independence, 1878-1930 / Mariola Espinosa.. University of Chicago Press. print book
- Epidemic orientalism : race, capital, and the governance of infectious disease / Alexandre I. R. White.. Stanford University Press. print book
- Escape to the city : fugitive slaves in the antebellum urban South / Viola Franziska Müller.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
- Europe on the brink, 1914 : the July crisis / John E. Moser.. Reacting Consortium Press. print book
- European military rivalry, 1500-1750 : fierce pageant / Gregory Hanlon.. Routledge. print book
- Executive reorganization and reform in the New Deal : the genesis of administrative management, 1900-1939 / Barry Dean Karl.. Harvard University Press. print book
- The extraordinary life of an ordinary man : a memoir / Paul Newman ; based on interviews and oral histories conducted by Stewart Stern ; compiled and edited by David Rosenthal ; foreword by Melissa Newman ; afterword by Clea Newman Soderlund.. Alfred A Knopf. print book
- An eye for an eye : a global history of crime and punishment / Mitchel P. Roth.. Reaktion Books Ltd. print book
- G-man : J. Edgar Hoover and the making of the American century / Beverly Gage.. Viking an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC. print book
- Gathering blossoms under fire : the journals of Alice Walker 1965-2000 / edited by Valerie Boyd.. Simon & Schuster. print book
- Gay, Catholic, and American : my legal battle for marriage equality and inclusion / Greg Bourke.. University of Notre Dame Press. print book
- Gender history in China / edited by Masako Kohama and Linda Grove.. Trans Pacific Press; Kyoto University Press. print book
- Gendered citizenship : the original conflict over the Equal Rights Amendment, 1920-1963 / Rebecca DeWolf.. University of Nebraska Press. print book
- A genealogy of terror in eighteenth-century France / Ronald Schechter.. The University of Chicago Press. print book
- German railroads, Jewish souls : the Reichsbahn, bureaucracy, and the final solution / Christopher R. Browning, Peter Hayes, and Raul Hilberg.. Berghahn. print book
- German sports, doping, and politics : a history of performance enhancement / Michael Krüger, Christian Becker, Stefan Nielsen.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- The ghost at the feast : America and the collapse of world order, 1900-1941 / Robert Kagan.. Alfred A Knopf. print book
- Ginseng diggers : a history of root and herb gathering in Appalachia / Luke Manget.. University Press of Kentucky. ebook
- The girl at the Lion d'Or / Sebastian Faulks.. Vintage International. ebook
- The glory and the sorrow : a Parisian and his world in the age of the French Revolution / Timothy Tackett.. Oxford University Press. print book
- God save the USSR : Soviet Muslims and the Second World War / Jeff Eden.. Oxford University Press. print book
- Gods of thunder : how climate change, travel, and spirituality reshaped precolonial America / Timothy R. Pauketat.. Oxford University Press. print book
- The golden age of piracy in China, 1520-1810 : a short history with documents / Robert J. Antony.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- The golden thirteen : how Black men won the right to wear Navy gold / Dan C. Goldberg.. Beacon Press. print book
- The gospel of wellness : gyms, gurus, Goop, and the false promise of self-care / Rina Raphael.. Henry Holt and Company. print book
- The grammar of civil war : a Mexican case study, 1857-61 / Will Fowler.. University of Nebraska Press. print book
- Grass roots / Roscoe C. Martin.. Harper & Row. print book
- Greenwich Village, 1913 : suffrage, labor, and the new woman / Mary Jane Treacy.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
- The Grimkes : the legacy of slavery in an American family / Kerri K. Greenidge.. Liveright Publishing Corporation a division of WW Norton & Company. print book
- La Güera Rodríguez : the life and legends of a Mexican independence heroine / Silvia Marina Arrom.. University of California Press. print book
- La Guerra de Tres Años, 1857-1861 : el conflicto del que nació el estado laico mexicano / Will Fowler.. Crítica. print book
- The Iberian world, 1450-1820 / edited by Fernando Bouza, Pedro Cardim, and Antonio Feros.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Grouop. print book
- Illusions of progress : business, poverty, and liberalism in the American century / Brent Cebul.. University of Pennsylvania Press. print book
- The impossible office? : the history of the British prime minister / Anthony Seldon ; with Jonathan Meakin and Illias Thoms.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- In Asian waters : oceanic worlds from Yemen to Yokohama / Eric Tagliacozzo.. Princeton University Press. print book
- In Hitler's Munich : Jews, the revolution, and the rise of Nazism / Michael Brenner ; translated by Jeremiah Riemer.. Princeton University Press. print book
- In search of liberty : African American internationalism in the nineteenth-century Atlantic world / edited by Ronald Angelo Johnson and Ousmane K. Power-Greene.. The University of Georgia Press. print book
- In the shadow of Auschwitz : German massacres against Polish civilians, 1939-1945 / Daniel Brewing ; translated by Alex Skinner.. Berghahn. print book
- Indigenous continent : the epic contest for North America / Pekka Hämäläinen.. Liveright Publishing Corporation a division of WW Norton & Company. print book
- The information revolution in early modern Europe / Paul M. Dover, Kennesaw State University.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- Introduction to digital humanities : enhancing scholarship with the use of technology / Kathryn C. Wymer.. Routledge. ebook
- The invention of international order : remaking Europe after Napoleon / Glenda Sluga.. Princeton University Press. print book
- The invention of nature : the adventures of Alexander von Humboldt, the lost hero of science / Andrea Wulf.. John Murray. print book
- Invisible founders : how two centuries of African American families transformed a plantation into a college / Lynn Rainville.. Berghahn Books. ebook
- Laboratories against democracy : how national parties transformed state politics / Jacob M. Grumbach.. Princeton University Press. print book
- Last call at the Hotel Imperial : the reporters who took on a world at war / Deborah Cohen.. Random House. print book
- Last grave at Dimbaza / a film by Chris Curling, Pascoe Macfarlane ; produced by Nana Mahomo, Antonia Caccia, Andrew Tsehlana ; Morena Films, Ltd.. Distributed by Icarus Films. streaming video
- The last stand of the tin can sailors : the extraordinary World War II story of the U.S. Navy's finest hour / by James D. Hornfischer ; adapted by Doug Murray ; drawn by Steven Sanders ; color by Matt Soffe ; lettered by Rob Steen.. Dead Reckoning. print book
- The late colonial Indian Army : from the Afghan Wars to the Second World War / Pradeep Barua.. Lexington Books an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book
- Legacies of departed African women writers : matrix of creativity and power / edited by Helen O. Chukwuma and Chioma Carol Opara.. Lexington Books. print book
- Leonard Cohen : on a wire / Philippe Girard ; translated by Helge Dascher and Karen Houle.. Drawn & Quarterly. print book
- Lethal injection and the false promise of humane execution / Austin Sarat ; with Mattea Denney, Greene Ko, Nicolas Graber-Mitchell, Rose Mroczka, Lauren Pelosi.. Stanford Briefs an imprint of Stanford University Press. print book
- Liberalism in dark times : the liberal ethos in the twentieth century / Joshua L. Cherniss.. Princeton University Press. print book
- Liberia under Samuel Doe, 1980-1985 : the politics of personal rule / Yekutiel Gershoni.. Lexington Books. print book
- Life behind a veil : Blacks in Louisville, Kentucky, 1865-1930 / George C. Wright.. Louisiana State University Press. print book
- The life of Herbert Hoover / George H. Nash. [3], Master of emergencies, 1917-1918.. Norton. print book
- A life together : Lucas Alamán and Mexico, 1792-1853 / Eric Van Young.. Yale University Press. print book
- Limits of the numerical : the abuses and uses of quantification / edited by Christopher Newfield, Anna Alexandrova, and Stephen John.. The University of Chicago Press. print book
- Lineages of state fragility : rural civil society in Guinea-Bissau / Joshua B. Forrest.. Ohio University Press. print book
- Looking for an enemy : 8 essays on antisemitism / edited by Jo Glanville.. WW Norton & Company. print book
- Lost in transition : removing, resettling, and renewing Appalachia / edited by Aaron D. Purcell.. The University of Tennessee Press. print book
- Lourenço da Silva Mendonça and the Black Atlantic abolitionist movement in the seventeenth century / José Lingna Nafafé.. Cambridge University Press. ebook
- Love and sex in the time of the plague : a Decameron renaissance / Guido Ruggiero.. Harvard University Press. print book
- Luso-tropicalism and its discontents : the making and unmaking of racial exceptionalism / edited by Warwick Anderson, Ricardo Roque, and Ricardo Ventura Santos.. Berghahn. print book
- Lyman Trumbull and the second founding of the United States / Paul M. Rego.. University Press of Kansas. print book
- The magic lantern : the revolution of '89 witnessed in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin, and Prague / Timothy Garton Ash.. Vintage Books. ebook
- Making history : the storytellers who shaped the past / Richard Cohen.. Simon & Schuster. print book
- Making medicine : surprising stories from the history of drug discovery / Keith Veronese.. Prometheus Books. print book
- Maladies of empire : how colonialism, slavery, and war transformed medicine / Jim Downs.. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. print book
- The man who understood democracy : the life of Alexis de Tocqueville / Olivier Zunz.. Princeton University Press. print book
- The many lives of the first emperor of China / Anthony J. Barbieri-Low.. University of Washington Press. print book
- Marijuana in America : cultural, political, and medical controversies / James Hawdon, Matthew Costello, and Bryan Lee Miller, editors.. ABC-CLIO. ebook
- Martin Luther King : a religious life / Paul Harvey.. Rowman & Littlefield an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book
- Martin Luther King : a religious life / Paul Harvey.. Rowman & Littlefield an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. ebook
- The master in bondage : factory workers in China, 1949-2019 / Huaiyin Li.. Stanford University Press. print book
- The Maya and climate change : human-environmental relationships in the classic period lowlands / Kenneth E. Seligson.. Oxford University Press. print book
- The Maya apocalypse and its western roots / Matthew Restall and Amara Solari.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- Medieval fare : food and culture in medieval Iberia / Martha M. Daas.. Lexington Books. print book
- The memory of the Second World War in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia / edited by David L. Hoffmann.. Routledge. print book
- The methods and skills of history : a practical guide / Michael J. Salevouris with Conal Furay.. Wiley-Blackwell. print book
- Mexico in revolution, 1912-1920 Jonathan Truitt and Stephany Slaughter.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
- The Mississippi Valley's great yellow fever epidemic of 1878 / Khaled J. Bloom.. Louisiana State University Press. print book
- Model machines : a history of the Asian as automaton / Long T. Bui.. Temple University Press. print book
- Modernism versus Traditionalism : Art in Paris, 1888-1889 / Gretchen K. McKay ; Nicolas W. Proctor, and Michael A. Marlais.. University of North Carolina Press. print book
- Modernist diaspora : immigrant Jewish artists in Paris, 1900-1945 / Richard D. Sonn.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book
- A monetary and fiscal history of the United States, 1961-2021 / Alan S. Blinder.. Princeton University Press. ebook
- A monetary and fiscal history of the United States, 1961-2021 / Alan S. Blinder.. Princeton University Press. print book
- Money and empire : Charles P. Kindleberger and the dollar system / Perry Mehrling, Boston University.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- The money minders : the parables, trade-offs and lags of central banking / Jagjit S. Chadha, National Institute for Economic and Social Research.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- Monuments and memory-making : the debate over the vietnam veterans memorial, 1981-1982.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
- More than the Great Wall : the northern frontier and Ming national security, 1368-1644 / John W. Dardess.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- Morgenthau : power, privilege, and the rise of an American dynasty / Andrew Meier.. Random House. print book
- Murder in Amsterdam : liberal Europe, Islam and the limits of tolerance / Ian Buruma.. Penguin Books. ebook
- The murder of Emmett Till / Karlos K. Hill, David Dodson.. Oxford University Press. print book
- Mutinous women : how French convicts became founding mothers of the Gulf Coast / Joan DeJean.. Basic Books Hachette Book Group. print book
- My American girls : a Dominican story / by Aaron Matthews.. Filmakers Library. streaming video
- My brother, Muhammad Ali : the definitive biography / Rahaman Ali ; with Fiaz Rafiq ; [foreword by NFL legend Jim Brown].. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- The mystical presence of Christ : the exceptional and the ordinary in late medieval religion / Richard Kieckhefer.. Cornell University Press. print book
- Myth America : historians take on the biggest legends and lies about our past / edited by Kevin M. Kruse and Julian E. Zelizer.. Basic Books. print book
- Myth America : historians take on the biggest legends and lies about our past / edited by Kevin M. Kruse and Julian E. Zelizer.. Basic Books. ebook
- Palestine 1936 : the great revolt and the roots of the Middle East conflict / Oren Kessler.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- Panama in Black : Afro-Caribbean world making in the twentieth century / Kaysha Corinealdi.. Duke University Press. print book
- Pandora's box : a history of the First World War / Jörn Leonhard ; translated by Patrick Camiller.. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. print book
- Papyrus : the invention of books in the ancient world / Irene Vallejo ; translated from the Spanish by Charlotte Whittle.. Alfred A Knopf. print book
- Parachute infantry : an American paratrooper's memoir of D-day and the fall of the Third Reich / David Kenyon Webster.. Bantam Dell. ebook
- The paradox of democracy : free speech, open media, and perilous persuasion / Zac Gershberg and Sean Illing.. University of Chicago Press. print book
- Paradoxes of nostalgia : Cold War triumphalism and global disorder since 1989 / Penny M. Von Eschen.. Duke University Press. print book
- The parting of ways : a personal account of the thirties / Shiela Grant Duff.. Owen. print book
- Partisans : the conservative revolutionaries who remade American politics in the 1990s / Nicole Hemmer.. Basic Books. print book
- Pastoral care and community in late medieval Germany : Albert of Diessen's Mirror of priests / Deeana Copeland Klepper.. Cornell University Press. print book
- Patriarchy, honour, and violence : masculinities in premodern Europe / edited by Jacqueline Murray.. Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies. print book
- Patriot and priest : Jean-Baptiste Volfius and the constitutional church in the Côte-d'Or / Annette Chapman-Adisho.. McGill-Queen's University Press. print book
- Patriots, loyalists, and revolution in New York City, 1775-1776 / Bill Offutt.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
- Patterns of plague : changing ideas about plague in England and France, 1348-1750 / Lori Jones.. McGill-Queen's University Press. print book
- Paul Laurence Dunbar : the life and times of a caged bird / Gene Andrew Jarrett.. Princeton University Press. print book
- Perilous bounty : the looming collapse of American farming and how to prevent it / Tom Philpott.. Bloomsbury Publishing. print book
- A persistent revolution : history, nationalism, and politics in Mexico since 1968 / Randal Sheppard.. University of New Mexico Press. ebook
- The phantom public / Walter Lippmann.. Routledge. ebook
- Photographies en guerre / sous la direction de Mathilde Benoistel, Sylvie Le Ray-Burimi et Anthony Petiteau.. Réunion des musées nationaux - Grand Palais. print book
- Plagues upon the earth : disease and the course of human history / Kyle Harper.. Princeton University Press. print book
- Plotting Hitler's death : the story of the German resistance / Joachim Fest ; translated by Bruce Little.. Metropolitan Books. print book
- A pocket guide to writing in history / Mary Lynn Rampolla.. Bedford/St Martin's Macmillan Learning. print book
- The political economy of agricultural and food policies / Johan Swinnen.. Palgrave Macmillan. ebook
- Politics in the marketplace : work, gender, and citizenship in revolutionary France / Katie Jarvis.. Oxford University Press. print book
- Popular magazines and fiction in Shanghai, 1914-1925 : modernity, the cultural imaginary, and the middle society / Peijie Mao.. Lexington Books an imprint of The Roman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book
- Power shifts : Congress and presidential representation / John A. Dearborn.. The University of Chicago Press. print book
- Prelude to Pearl Harbor : ideology and culture in US-Japan relations, 1919-1941 / John Gripentrog.. Rowman & Littlefield an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book
- The presidency of Donald J. Trump : a first historical assessment / Julian E. Zelizer, editor.. Princeton University Press. ebook
- Presidential leadership in political time : reprise and reappraisal / Stephen Skowronek.. University Press of Kansas. print book
- The price of slavery : capitalism and revolution in the Caribbean / Nick Nesbitt.. University of Virginia Press. print book
- The price of time : the real story of interest / Edward Chancellor.. Atlantic Monthly Press. print book
- A primer for teaching digital history : ten design principles / Jennifer Guiliano.. Duke University Press. print book
- Proving ground : the untold story of the six women who programmed the world's first modern computer / Kathy Kleiman.. Grand Central Publishing Hachette Book Group. print book
- Proving pregnancy : gender, law, and medical knowledge in nineteenth-century America / Felicity M. Turner.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
- Punishing the black body : marking social and racial structures in Barbados and Jamaica / Dawn P. Harris.. The University of Georgia Press. print book
- Race and nation in the age of emancipations / edited by Whitney Nell Stewart, John Garrison Marks.. University of Georgia Press. print book
- Race and reckoning : from founding fathers to today's disruptors / Ellis Cose.. Amistad an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. print book
- Rats, cats, rogues, and heroes : glimpses of China's hidden past / Robert J. Antony.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- Realigners : partisan hacks, political visionaries, and the struggle to rule American democracy / Timothy Shenk.. Farrar Straus and Giroux. print book
- Recollections of a former slave / James L. Smith ; with an introduction by Rosalyn Howard.. Humanity Books. print book
- Red Clay, 1835 : Cherokee removal and the meaning of sovereignty / Jace Weaver and Laura Adams Weaver.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
- Remaking Appalachia : ecosocialism, ecofeminism, and law / Nicholas F. Stump.. West Virginia University Press. ebook
- Remaking Appalachia : ecosocialism, ecofeminism, and law / Nicholas F. Stump.. West Virginia University Press. print book
- The remaking of the Medieval world, 1204 : the fourth Crusade / John J. Giebfried and Kyle C. Lincoln.. University of North Carolina Press. print book
- Remember their sacrifice : stories of unheralded athletes of color / Arif Khatib, Pete Elman.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- Requiem for the massacre : a Black history on the conflict, hope, and fallout of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre / RJ Young.. Counterpoint. print book
- Resistance : the underground war against Hitler, 1939-1945 / Halik Kochanski.. Liveright Publishing Corporation a division of W W Norton & Company. print book
- Restoring the world, 1945 : security and empire at Yalta / Nicolas W. Proctor and John E. Moser.. Reacting Consortium Press. print book
- The return of Sara Baartman / narration written ... by Gail Smith ; produced and directed by Zola Maseko ; Black Roots Pictures.. Icarus Films. streaming video
- Reversing sail : a history of the African diaspora / Michael A. Gomez.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- The revolutionary : Samuel Adams / Stacy Schiff.. Little Brown and Company. print book
- Roadblock politics : the origins of violence in Central Africa / Peer Schouten.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- Rock and roll, desegregation movements, and racism in the post-Civil Rights era : an "integrated effort" / Beth Fowler.. Lexington Books. print book
- Rome : strategy of empire / James Lacey.. Oxford University Press. print book
- Roosevelt and the Hundred Days : struggle for the early New Deal / James E. Sargent.. Garland Pub. print book
- Running sideways : the Olympic champion who made track and field history / Pauline Davis with T. R. Todd.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- Safe area Goražde / by Joe Sacco.. Fantagraphics Books. print book
- Salafism and political order in Africa / Sebastian Elischer.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- The scientific imagination in South Africa : 1700 to the present / William Beinart, University of Oxford, Saul Dubow, University of Cambridge.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- Secret city : the hidden history of gay Washington / James Kirchick.. Henry Holt and Company. print book
- Seeing red : Indigenous land, American expansion, and the political economy of plunder in North America / Michael John Witgen.. University of North Carolina Press; Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture. print book
- A sensory history manifesto / Mark M. Smith.. The Pennsylvania State University Press. print book
- Serving herself : the life and times of Althea Gibson / Ashley Brown.. Oxford University Press. print book
- Setting slavery's limits : physical confrontations in Antebellum Virginia, 1801-1860 / Christopher H. Bouton.. Lexington Books. print book
- Sexuality and slavery : reclaiming intimate histories in the Americas / edited by Daina Ramey Berry and Leslie M. Harris.. University of Georgia Press. ebook
- Sexuality and slavery : reclaiming intimate histories in the Americas / edited by Daina Ramey Berry and Leslie M. Harris.. University of Georgia Press. print book
- Slavery and freedom in the Bluegrass State : revisiting My Old Kentucky Home / edited by Gerald L. Smith.. University Press of Kentucky. ebook
- Slavery and freedom in the Bluegrass State : revisiting My Old Kentucky Home / edited by Gerald L. Smith.. University Press of Kentucky. print book
- Slavery by another name / produced and directed by Sam Pollard ; written by Sheila Curran Bernard ; a production of tpt National Productions in association with Two Dollars & a Dream, Inc.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Slouching towards Utopia : an economic history of the twentieth century / J. Bradford DeLong.. Basic Books. print book
- Smallpox in Washington's Army : disease, war, and society during the Revolutionary War / Ann M. Becker.. Lexington Books. print book
- Smugglers, secessionists & loyal citizens on the Ghana-Togo frontier : the life of the borderlands since 1914 / Paul Nugent.. Sub-Saharan Publishers; James Currey; Ohio University Press. print book
- So long a letter / Mariama Bâ ; translated from the French by Modupé Bodé-Thomas ; introduction by Kenneth W. Harrow.. Waveland Press. print book
- Sociology in government : the Galpin-Taylor years in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1919-1953 / Olaf F. Larson and Julie N. Zimmerman ; assisted by Edward O. Moe.. Pennsylvania State University Press. print book
- Songs in dark times : Yiddish poetry of struggle from Scottsboro to Palestine / Amelia M. Glaser.. Harvard University Press. print book
- Songs of slavery and emancipation / Mat Callahan ; introductIon by Robin D.G. Kelley ; afterword by Kali Akuno.. University Press of Mississippi. print book
- Spear : Mandela and the revolutionaries / Paul S. Landau.. Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd; Ohio University Press. print book
- Speculative film and moving images by or about Black women and girls : watch it! / Karima K. Jeffrey-Legette.. Lexington Books. ebook
- Sports betting and bookmaking : an American history / Arne K. Lang.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- Stages of power : Marlowe and Shakespeare, 1592 / Eric S. Mallin and Paul V. Sullivan.. Reacting Consortium Press. ebook
- Stan Lee : a life / Bob Batchelor.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- State of innovation : the U.S. government's role in technology development / edited by Fred Block and Matthew R. Keller ; foreword by Peter Evans.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. ebook
- Stony the road : Reconstruction, white supremacy, and the rise of Jim Crow / Henry Louis Gates, Jr.. Penguin Press. ebook
- Stormy passage : Mexico from colony to republic, 1750-1850 / Eric Van Young.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- Streets of gold : America's untold story of immigrant success / Ran Abramitzky, Leah Boustan.. PublicAffairs. print book
- Supreme injustice : slavery in the nation's highest court / Paul Finkelman.. Harvard University Press. print book
- Survival on the margins : Polish Jewish refugees in the wartime Soviet Union / Eliyana R. Adler.. Harvard University Press. print book
- Taxpayers in revolt : tax resistance during the Great Depression / David T. Beito.. University of North Carolina Press. print book
- Tears, fire, and blood : the United States and the decolonization of Africa / James H. Meriwether.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
- That damned fence : the literature of the Japanese American prison camps / Heather Hathaway.. Oxford University Press. print book
- Things are never so bad that they can't get worse : inside the collapse of Venezuela / William Neuman.. St Martin's Press. print book
- The Third Reich in power, 1933-1939 / Richard J. Evans.. Penguin Press. print book
- The thirties : an intimate history / Juliet Gardiner.. HarperPress. print book
- This contested land : the storied past and uncertain future of America's national monuments / McKenzie Long.. University of Minnesota Press. print book
- This will not pass : Trump, Biden and the battle for America's future / Jonathan Martin & Alexander Burns.. Simon & Schuster Paperbacks. print book
- Three centuries of travel writing by Muslim women / Siobhan Lambert-Hurley, Daniel Majchrowicz, and Sunil Sharma, editors.. Indiana University Press. print book
- Tibet as I knew it : the memoir of Dr. Tsewang Yishey Pemba / Tsewang Yishey Pemba ; foreword by the Dalai Lama.. Lexington Books. print book
- Ticking power into performing acts of love : how tricksters through history have changed the world / Shepherd Siegel, PhD... Morgan James Publishing. print book
- Timeless Mexico : the photographs of Hugo Brehme / Susan Toomey Frost ; with a foreword by Stella de Sá Rego.. University of Texas Press. print book
- To reach the nation's ear : a history of African American public speaking / Richard W. Leeman.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- Tombeaux : autobiographie de ma famille / Annette Wieviorka.. Éditions du Seuil. print book
- The tragic science : how economists cause harm (even as they aspire to do good) / George F. DeMartino.. The University of Chicago Press. print book
- Transatlantic antifascisms : from the Spanish Civil War to the end of World War II / Michael Seidman.. Cambridge University Press. ebook
- Transatlantic antifascisms : from the Spanish Civil War to the end of World War II / Michael Seidman.. Cambridge University Press. print book
- Transforming Inner Mongolia : commerce, migration, and colonization on the Qing frontier / Yi Wang.. Rowman & Littlefield an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book
- Travellers in the Third Reich : the rise of fascism seen through the eyes of everyday people / Julia Boyd.. Elliott and Thompson Limited. ebook
- Travellers in the Third Reich : the rise of fascism through the eyes of everyday people / Julia Boyd.. Elliott and Thompson Limited. print book
- The trial of Anne Hutchinson : liberty, law, and intolerance in puritan New England / Michael P. Winship and Mark C. Carnes.. University of North Carolina Press. print book
- The trial of Galileo : Aristotelianism, the "new cosmology", and the Catholic Church, 1616-1633 / Michael S. Pettersen, Frederick Purnell Jr., and Mark C. Carnes.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
- The triumph of broken promises : the end of the Cold War and the rise of neoliberalism / Fritz Bartel.. Harvard University Press. print book
- The triumph of broken promises : the end of the Cold War and the rise of neoliberalism / Fritz Bartel.. Harvard University Press. ebook
- The Tuskegee Syphilis Study : the real story and beyond / Fred D. Gray.. NewSouth Books. ebook
- Twenty years of school-based mass shootings in the United States : Columbine to Santa Fe / Angelyn Spaulding Flowers and Cotina Lane Pixley.. Lextington Books an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book
- Two hundred years at the falls of the Ohio : a history of Louisville and Jefferson County / George H. Yater.. Filson Club. print book
- Warring genealogies : race, kinship, and the Korean War / Joo Ok Kim.. Temple University Press. print book
- Waterloo sunrise : London from the sixties to Thatcher / John Davis.. Princeton University Press. ebook
- We don't know ourselves : a personal history of modern Ireland / Fintan O'Toole.. Liveright Publishing Corporation a division of WW Norton & Company. print book
- West African challenge to empire : culture and history in the Volta-Bani anticolonial war / by Mahir Şaul and Patrick Royer.. James Curry; Ohio University Press. print book
- What happened to the vital center? : presidentialism, populist revolt, and the fracturing of America / Nicholas F. Jacobs and Sidney M. Milkis.. Oxford University Press. print book
- When good government meant big government : the quest to expand federal power, 1913-1933 / Jesse Tarbert.. Columbia University Press. print book
- When mortals play God : eugenics and one family's story of tragedy, loss, and perseverance / John Erickson.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- White trash : the 400-year untold history of class in America / Nancy Isenberg.. Viking. print book
- Whiteout : how racial capitalism changed the color of opioids in America / Helena Hansen, Jules Netherland, and David Herzberg.. University of California Press. print book
- Who's Black and why? : a hidden chapter from the eighteenth-century invention of race / edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and Andrew S. Curran.. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. print book
- Why governments get it wrong : and how they can get it right / Dennis C. Grube.. Macmillan an imprint of Pan Macmillan. print book
- Why White liberals fail : race and Southern politics from FDR to Trump / Anthony J. Badger.. Harvard University Press. print book
- Wild Style.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Witness to the age of revolution : the odyssey of Juan Bautista Tupac Amaru / Charles F. Walker, Liz Clarke.. Oxford University Press. print book
- Women at the Hague : the International Peace Congress of 1915 / Jane Addams, Emily G. Balch, Alice Hamilton ; introduction by Mary Jo Deegan.. Humanities Press. ebook
- Women in Song and Yuan China / Bret Hinsch.. Rowman & Littlefield an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book
- Women in Tang China / Bret Hinsch.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book
- Women who changed the world : their lives, challenges, and accomplishments through history / Candice Goucher, editor.. ABC-CLIO an imprint of ABC-CLIO LLC. ebook
- A world after liberalism : philosophers of the radical right / Matthew Rose.. Yale University Press. print book
- The world of sugar : how the sweet stuff transformed our politics, health, and environment over 2,000 years / Ulbe Bosma.. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. print book
- The world the plague made : the Black Death and the rise of Europe / James Belich.. Princeton University Press. print book