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Sociology: New fy2023
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- 636 Yarmouk & al-Qadisiyyah—Islam Triumphs. . ebook
- Agents of change / California Newsreel presents ; Films with a Purpose ; a film by Frank Dawson & Abby Ginzberg ; produced and directed by Frank Dawson and Abby Ginzberg.. Kanopy Streaming; California Newsreel. streaming video
- Another way of living : the story of Reston, VA / directed and produced by Rebekah Wingert-Jabi ; a Storycatcher Productions Film in association with Reston Community Center.. Kanopy; Video Project. streaming video
- Anthropological theory for the twenty-first century : a critical approach / edited by A. Lynn Bolles, Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz, Bernard C. Perley, and Keri Vacanti Brondo.. University of Toronto Press. ebook
- Apollo's arrow : the profound and enduring impact of coronavirus on the way we live / Nicholas A. Christakis.. Little Brown Spark. ebook
- Belly of the beast / Idle Wild Films presents a co-production with ITVS ; a film by Erika Cohn ; directed & produced by Erika Cohn ; produced by Angela Tucker, Christen Marquez, Nicole Docta.. Women Make Movies; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- The birth of a nation / Triangle Film Corporation presents D. W. Griffith's immortal spectacle.. Triangle Film Corporation. streaming video
- Black disability politics / Sami Schalk.. Duke University Press. ebook
- Bring the war home : the white power movement and paramilitary America / Kathleen Belew.. Harvard University Press. ebook
- Broken : the failed promise of Muslim inclusion / Evelyn Alsultany.. New York University Press. ebook
- Butts : A Backstory / Heather Radke.. Avid Reader Press an imprint of Simon & Schuster Inc. ebook
- Butts : a backstory / Heather Radke.. Avid Reader Press an imprint of Simon & Schuster Inc. print book
- Climate change is racist : race, privilege and the struggle for climate justice / Jeremy Williams ; [foreword by Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu].. Icon Books Ltd. ebook
- The color of crime : racial hoaxes, white crime, media messages, police violence, and other race-based harms / Katheryn Russell-Brown.. New York University Press. ebook
- Colorblind Tools [electronic resource] : Global Technologies of Racial Power.. Northwestern University Press. ebook
- Community organizing and community building for health and social equity / edited by Meredith Minkler, Patricia Wakimoto.. Rutgers University Press. ebook
- Cosplay : a history / Andrew Liptak.. Saga Press an imprint of Simon & Schuster. ebook
- The Cuban sandwich : a history in layers / Andrew T. Huse, Bárbara C. Cruz, and Jeff Houck.. University Press of Florida. ebook
- Cults : inside the world's most notorious groups and understanding the people who joined them / Parcast's Max Cutler ; with Kevin Conley.. Gallery Books. ebook
- Demography of transgender, nonbinary and gender minority populations / Amanda K. Baumle, Sonny Nordmarken, editors.. Springer. ebook
- Digital paper : a manual for research and writing with library and internet materials / Andrew Abbott.. The University of Chicago Press. ebook
- Disability as diversity : developing cultural competence / Erin E. Andrews.. Oxford University Press. ebook
- Do police need guns? : policing and firearms : past, present and future / Richard Evans, Claire Farmer.. Springer. ebook
- Don't even think about it : why our brains are wired to ignore climate change / George Marshall.. Bloomsbury Publishing. ebook
- Dreamworlds 3 : desire, sex & power in music video / the Media Education Foundation presents ; written, narrated & edited by Sut Jhally.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- The emoji story / Emojigeddon presents ; Unlimited Liability Productions.. Kanopy Streaming; Utopia. streaming video
- Ethnic notions / produced, written & directed by Marlon Riggs.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Evaluating police uses of force / Seth W. Stoughton, Jeffrey J. Noble, and Geoffrey P. Alpert.. New York University Press. ebook
- Fen, bog & swamp : a short history of peatland destruction and its role in the climate crisis / Annie Proulx.. Scribner. ebook
- For they know not what they do / a film by Daniel Karslake ; a DK Works Pictures Productions.. First Run Features; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- From a taller tower : the rise of the American mass shooter / Seamus McGraw.. University of Texas Press. ebook
- Fundamentals of planning cities for healthy living / Avi Friedman and Alexandra Pollock.. Anthem Press. ebook
- Handbook for a post-roe America / Robin Marty.. Seven Stories Press. ebook
- Hate crime hoax : how the left is selling a fake race war / Wilfred Reilly.. Regnery Publishing a division of Salem Media Group. print book
- Hate groups : a reference handbook / David E. Newton.. ABC-CLIO an imprint of ABC-CLIO LLC. ebook
- The Heart Broken In Half - Street Gangs in Urban America. . ebook
- The Heart Broken In Half - Street Gangs in Urban America. . ebook
- The history and achievements of the Islamic golden age / with Eamonn Gearon.. Kanopy Streaming; The Great Courses. streaming video
- The invention of the white race. Volume one, Racial oppression and social control / Theodore W. Allen.. Verso. ebook
- The invention of the white race. Volume two, The origin of racial oppression in Anglo-America / Theodore W. Allen ; introduction by Jeffrey B. Perry.. Verso. ebook
- Jane : an abortion service / a documentary by Kate Kirtz and Nell Lundy.. Kanopy Streaming; Women Make Movies. streaming video
- Justice statistics : an extended look at crime in the United States 2022 / edited by Shana Hertz Hattis.. Bernan Press. ebook
- Killer of sheep / a Milestone Film release ; a film by Charles Burnett.. Milestone Film & Video. video DVD
- The last interview : Stuart Hall on the politics of cultural studies / Media Education Foundation ; producer & editor, Sut Jhally.. Media Education Foundation; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- The line : poverty in America / producer/director Linda Midgett.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Logan lucky / Fingerprint Releasing presents ; in association with Bleecker Street and Amazon ; written by Rebecca Blunt ; produced by Gregory Jacobs, Mark Johnson, Channing Tatum, Reid Carolin ; directed by Steven Soderbergh.. Kanopy Streaming; Bleecker Street. streaming video
- Lords of Chaos. . ebook
- Mickey Mouse monopoly / Media Education Foundation ; producer and writer, Chyng Feng Sun ; director and co-producer, Miguel Picker.. Kanopy Streaming; Media Education Foundation. streaming video
- Mickey Mouse monopoly / Media Education Foundation ; producer and writer, Chyng Feng Sun ; director and co-producer, Miguel Picker.. Kanopy Streaming; Media Education Foundation. streaming video
- Mickey Mouse monopoly : Disney, childhood & corporate power / Media Education Foundation ; produced and written by Chyng Feng Sun.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Mixed methods research [electronic resource] : merging theory with practice / Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber.. Guilford Press. ebook
- Moonlight / A24 ; Plan B ; Pastel ; director and screenwriter, Barry Jenkins ; story by Tarell Alvin McCraney ; produced by Adele Romanski, Dede Gardner and Jeremy Kleiner.. A24. streaming video
- Motherhood after incarceration : community reintegration for mothers in the criminal legal system / Melissa Thompson and Summer Newell.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. ebook
- The myth of race : the troubling persistence of an unscientific idea / Robert Wald Sussman.. Harvard University Press. ebook
- No more police : a case for abolition / Mariame Kaba and Andrea J. Ritchie ; with a foreword by Kandace Montgomery and Miski Noor for Black Visions.. The New Press. ebook
- Normal : real stories from the sex industry / a film by Nicola Mai.. Kanopy Streaming; Kareron. streaming video
- Of boys and men : why the modern male is struggling, why it matters, and what to do about It / Richard V. Reeves.. Brookings Institution Press. ebook
- Off the edge : flat Earthers, conspiracy culture, and why people will believe anything / Kelly Weill. Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill. ebook
- On this day in history sh!t went down / James Fell.. BFW Publishing. print book
- On this day in history sh!t went down. Number 2 / James Fell.. BFW Publishing. print book
- Once upon a time in Anatolia : = Bir Zamanlar Anadolu'da / Zeyno Film.. Kanopy Streaming; Cinema Guild. streaming video
- Orange-collar labor : work and inequality in prison / Michael Gibson-Light.. Oxford University Press. ebook
- The patriarchs : the origins of inequality / Angela Saini.. Beacon Press. ebook
- People like us : social class in America / a film by Andrew Kolker and Louis Alvarez ; The Center for New American Media and WETA Washington, D.C., in association with ITVS presents.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Plagues in the nation : how epidemics shaped America / Polly J. Price.. Beacon Press. ebook
- The Porn Factor.. Kanopy Streaming; Rendered Visible. streaming video
- The postmodern joy of role-playing games : agency, ritual and meaning in the medium / René Reinhold Schallegger.. McFarland & Company Inc Publishers. ebook
- Posttraumatic growth : theory, research and applications / Richard G. Tedeschi [and three others].. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. ebook
- Priced out / SydHonda Media in association with Northwest Documentary presents ; a Cornelius Swart film.. Kanopy Streaming; Collective Eye Films. streaming video
- Provisions : the roots of Caribbean cooking / Michelle Rousseau and Suzanne Rousseau.. Da Capo Press. ebook
- Public housing.. Frederick Wiseman (Zipporah); Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Q & A : voices from queer Asian North America / edited by Martin F. Manalansan IV, Alice Y. Hom, and Kale Bantigue Fajardo ; preface by David L. Eng.. Temple University Press. ebook
- Race, power & American sports : featuring Dave Zirin / a Media Education Foundation Production ; producers, Sut Jhally and Jeremy Earp ; editors, Sut Jhally and Jason Young ; director of photograpy, Daniel Mar racino ; additional camera, Andrew Killoy ; p. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Race : the power of an illusion / produced by California Newsreel ; in association with the Independent Television Service ; series creator /executive producer, Larry Adelman ; series co-producer, Jean Cheng.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Redistributing the poor : jails, hospitals, and the crisis of law and fiscal austerity / Armando Lara-Millán.. Oxford University Press. ebook
- Reimagining money : Kenya in the digital finance revolution / Sibel Kusimba.. Stanford University Press. print book
- Rough draft of history : a century of US social movements in the news / Edwin Amenta, Neal Caren.. Princeton University Press. ebook
- Sandy Hook : an American tragedy and the battle for truth / Elizabeth Williamson.. Dutton. ebook
- Seek you : a journey through American loneliness / Kristen Radtke.. Pantheon Books. print book
- Shirley Chisholm : champion of Black feminist power politics / Anastasia C. Curwood.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
- Shirley Chisholm : champion of Black feminist power politics / Anastasia C. Curwood.. The University of North Carolina Press. ebook
- Silent spring / Rachel Carson ; introduction by Linda Lear ; afterword by Edward O. Wilson ; [drawings by Lois and Louis Darling].. Houghton Mifflin. ebook
- O som ao redor = Neighboring sounds / produção, CinemaScópio ; filme, Kleber Mendonça Filho ; roteiro e direção, Kleber Mendonça Filho ; produção, Emilie Lesclaux.. FiGa Films; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- The southern way of life : meanings of culture and civilization in the American South / Charles Reagan Wilson.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
- Standoff : race, policing, and a deadly assault that gripped a nation / Jamie Thompson.. Henry Holt and Company. print book
- Status and culture : how our desire for social rank creates taste, identity, art, fashion, and constant change / W. David Marx.. Viking. ebook
- T'ain't nobody's bizness : queer blues divas of the 1920s.. Shoga Films. streaming video
- Taboo : 10 facts you can't talk about / Wilfred Reilly.. Regnery Publishing a division of Salem Media Group. print book
- Tacit racism / Anne Warfield Rawls & Waverly Duck.. The University of Chicago Press. ebook
- Tangerine / Magnolia Pictures ; Duplass Brothers Productions and Through Films present, in association with Cre Film and Freestyle Picture Co., a film by Sean Baker ; producers, Marcus Cox & Karrie Cox ; producers, Darren Dean , Shih-Ching Tsou ; written. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Thicker than water : the quest for solutions to the plastic crisis / Erica Cirino.. Island Press. ebook
- Through the prism of an intellectual life / Media Education Foundation ; editor, Sut Jhally ; video & audio mastering, Rikk Desgres.. Kanopy Streaming; Media Education Foundation. streaming video
- Tough guise 2 : violence, manhood & American culture / a Media Education Foundation production ; produced and directed by Jeremy Earp ; written by Jackson Katz and Jeremy Earp ; executive producer, Sut Jhally ; co-producer, Jason Young.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Tough guise : violence, media and the crisis in masculinity / directed by Sut Jhally ; produced by Susan Ericsson, Sanjay Talreja.. Media Education Foundation; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Tower.. Kino Lorber Edu; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Trash talk : anti-Obama lore and racism in the twenty-first century / Patricia A. Turner.. University of California Press. ebook
- Tree thieves : crime and survival in North America's woods / Lyndsie Bourgon.. Little Brown Spark. ebook
- Trust me / Wadi Rum Films.. Kanopy Streaming; New Day Films. streaming video
- Under the skin [electronic resource] : the hidden toll of racism on American lives and the health of a nation / Linda Villarosa.. Doubleday a division of Penguin Random House LLC. ebook
- United in anger : a history of ACT UP.. Kanopy Streaming; ACT UP Oral History Project. ebook
- Viral justice : how we grow the world we want / Ruha Benjamin.. Princeton University Press. ebook
- Viral justice : how we grow the world we want / Ruha Benjamin.. Princeton University Press. print book
- The viral underclass : the human toll when inequality and disease collide / Steven W. Thrasher ; [foreword by Jonathan M. Metzl].. Celadon Books. print book
- Walk the walk how three police departments defied the odds and changed police culture Neil Gross. Metropolitan Books Henry Holt and Company. print book
- The war on neighborhoods : policing, prison, and punishment in a divided city / Ryan Lugalia-Hollon and Daniel Cooper.. Beacon Press. ebook
- The way we eat : what food means / the Learning Seed.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
- Why American prisons fail : how to fix them without spending more money (maybe less) / Peyton Paxson, George H. Watson.. Carolina Academic Press. print book
- Why we kill : understanding violence across cultures and disciplines / edited by Nancy Loucks, Sally Smith Holt, and Joanna Adler.. Routledge. ebook
- Woke racism : how a new religion has betrayed Black America / John McWhorter.. Portfolio/Penguin an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC. print book
- Young Lakota / produced and directed by Marion Lipschutz & Rose Rosenblatt.. Kanopy Streaming; Cine Qua Non. streaming video