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New Books & Media at UK Libraries

List of new books and media with clickable links and description for each title. Covers print and ebooks, as well as hardcopy and digital media. The site provides a master list, plus subject breakdown.

Sociology: New fy2023

A - Z

  1. 636 Yarmouk & al-Qadisiyyah—Islam Triumphs. . ebook
  2. Agents of change / California Newsreel presents ; Films with a Purpose ; a film by Frank Dawson & Abby Ginzberg ; produced and directed by Frank Dawson and Abby Ginzberg.. Kanopy Streaming; California Newsreel. streaming video
  3. Another way of living : the story of Reston, VA / directed and produced by Rebekah Wingert-Jabi ; a Storycatcher Productions Film in association with Reston Community Center.. Kanopy; Video Project. streaming video
  4. Anthropological theory for the twenty-first century : a critical approach / edited by A. Lynn Bolles, Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz, Bernard C. Perley, and Keri Vacanti Brondo.. University of Toronto Press. ebook
  5. Apollo's arrow : the profound and enduring impact of coronavirus on the way we live / Nicholas A. Christakis.. Little Brown Spark. ebook
  6. Belly of the beast / Idle Wild Films presents a co-production with ITVS ; a film by Erika Cohn ; directed & produced by Erika Cohn ; produced by Angela Tucker, Christen Marquez, Nicole Docta.. Women Make Movies; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  7. The birth of a nation / Triangle Film Corporation presents D. W. Griffith's immortal spectacle.. Triangle Film Corporation. streaming video
  8. Black disability politics / Sami Schalk.. Duke University Press. ebook
  9. Bring the war home : the white power movement and paramilitary America / Kathleen Belew.. Harvard University Press. ebook
  10. Broken : the failed promise of Muslim inclusion / Evelyn Alsultany.. New York University Press. ebook
  11. Butts : A Backstory / Heather Radke.. Avid Reader Press an imprint of Simon & Schuster Inc. ebook
  12. Butts : a backstory / Heather Radke.. Avid Reader Press an imprint of Simon & Schuster Inc. print book
  13. Climate change is racist : race, privilege and the struggle for climate justice / Jeremy Williams ; [foreword by Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu].. Icon Books Ltd. ebook
  14. The color of crime : racial hoaxes, white crime, media messages, police violence, and other race-based harms / Katheryn Russell-Brown.. New York University Press. ebook
  15. Colorblind Tools [electronic resource] : Global Technologies of Racial Power.. Northwestern University Press. ebook
  16. Community organizing and community building for health and social equity / edited by Meredith Minkler, Patricia Wakimoto.. Rutgers University Press. ebook
  17. Cosplay : a history / Andrew Liptak.. Saga Press an imprint of Simon & Schuster. ebook
  18. The Cuban sandwich : a history in layers / Andrew T. Huse, Bárbara C. Cruz, and Jeff Houck.. University Press of Florida. ebook
  19. Cults : inside the world's most notorious groups and understanding the people who joined them / Parcast's Max Cutler ; with Kevin Conley.. Gallery Books. ebook
  20. Demography of transgender, nonbinary and gender minority populations / Amanda K. Baumle, Sonny Nordmarken, editors.. Springer. ebook
  21. Digital paper : a manual for research and writing with library and internet materials / Andrew Abbott.. The University of Chicago Press. ebook
  22. Disability as diversity : developing cultural competence / Erin E. Andrews.. Oxford University Press. ebook
  23. Do police need guns? : policing and firearms : past, present and future / Richard Evans, Claire Farmer.. Springer. ebook
  24. Don't even think about it : why our brains are wired to ignore climate change / George Marshall.. Bloomsbury Publishing. ebook
  25. Dreamworlds 3 : desire, sex & power in music video / the Media Education Foundation presents ; written, narrated & edited by Sut Jhally.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  26. The emoji story / Emojigeddon presents ; Unlimited Liability Productions.. Kanopy Streaming; Utopia. streaming video
  27. Ethnic notions / produced, written & directed by Marlon Riggs.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  28. Evaluating police uses of force / Seth W. Stoughton, Jeffrey J. Noble, and Geoffrey P. Alpert.. New York University Press. ebook
  29. Fen, bog & swamp : a short history of peatland destruction and its role in the climate crisis / Annie Proulx.. Scribner. ebook
  30. For they know not what they do / a film by Daniel Karslake ; a DK Works Pictures Productions.. First Run Features; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  31. From a taller tower : the rise of the American mass shooter / Seamus McGraw.. University of Texas Press. ebook
  32. Fundamentals of planning cities for healthy living / Avi Friedman and Alexandra Pollock.. Anthem Press. ebook
  33. Handbook for a post-roe America / Robin Marty.. Seven Stories Press. ebook
  34. Hate crime hoax : how the left is selling a fake race war / Wilfred Reilly.. Regnery Publishing a division of Salem Media Group. print book
  35. Hate groups : a reference handbook / David E. Newton.. ABC-CLIO an imprint of ABC-CLIO LLC. ebook
  36. The Heart Broken In Half - Street Gangs in Urban America. . ebook
  37. The Heart Broken In Half - Street Gangs in Urban America. . ebook
  38. The history and achievements of the Islamic golden age / with Eamonn Gearon.. Kanopy Streaming; The Great Courses. streaming video
  39. The invention of the white race. Volume one, Racial oppression and social control / Theodore W. Allen.. Verso. ebook
  40. The invention of the white race. Volume two, The origin of racial oppression in Anglo-America / Theodore W. Allen ; introduction by Jeffrey B. Perry.. Verso. ebook
  41. Jane : an abortion service / a documentary by Kate Kirtz and Nell Lundy.. Kanopy Streaming; Women Make Movies. streaming video
  42. Justice statistics : an extended look at crime in the United States 2022 / edited by Shana Hertz Hattis.. Bernan Press. ebook
  43. Killer of sheep / a Milestone Film release ; a film by Charles Burnett.. Milestone Film & Video. video DVD
  44. The last interview : Stuart Hall on the politics of cultural studies / Media Education Foundation ; producer & editor, Sut Jhally.. Media Education Foundation; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  45. The line : poverty in America / producer/director Linda Midgett.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  46. Logan lucky / Fingerprint Releasing presents ; in association with Bleecker Street and Amazon ; written by Rebecca Blunt ; produced by Gregory Jacobs, Mark Johnson, Channing Tatum, Reid Carolin ; directed by Steven Soderbergh.. Kanopy Streaming; Bleecker Street. streaming video
  47. Lords of Chaos. . ebook
  48. Mickey Mouse monopoly / Media Education Foundation ; producer and writer, Chyng Feng Sun ; director and co-producer, Miguel Picker.. Kanopy Streaming; Media Education Foundation. streaming video
  49. Mickey Mouse monopoly / Media Education Foundation ; producer and writer, Chyng Feng Sun ; director and co-producer, Miguel Picker.. Kanopy Streaming; Media Education Foundation. streaming video
  50. Mickey Mouse monopoly : Disney, childhood & corporate power / Media Education Foundation ; produced and written by Chyng Feng Sun.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  51. Mixed methods research [electronic resource] : merging theory with practice / Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber.. Guilford Press. ebook
  52. Moonlight / A24 ; Plan B ; Pastel ; director and screenwriter, Barry Jenkins ; story by Tarell Alvin McCraney ; produced by Adele Romanski, Dede Gardner and Jeremy Kleiner.. A24. streaming video
  53. Motherhood after incarceration : community reintegration for mothers in the criminal legal system / Melissa Thompson and Summer Newell.. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. ebook
  54. The myth of race : the troubling persistence of an unscientific idea / Robert Wald Sussman.. Harvard University Press. ebook
  55. No more police : a case for abolition / Mariame Kaba and Andrea J. Ritchie ; with a foreword by Kandace Montgomery and Miski Noor for Black Visions.. The New Press. ebook
  56. Normal : real stories from the sex industry / a film by Nicola Mai.. Kanopy Streaming; Kareron. streaming video
  57. Of boys and men : why the modern male is struggling, why it matters, and what to do about It / Richard V. Reeves.. Brookings Institution Press. ebook
  58. Off the edge : flat Earthers, conspiracy culture, and why people will believe anything / Kelly Weill. Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill. ebook
  59. On this day in history sh!t went down / James Fell.. BFW Publishing. print book
  60. On this day in history sh!t went down. Number 2 / James Fell.. BFW Publishing. print book
  61. Once upon a time in Anatolia : = Bir Zamanlar Anadolu'da / Zeyno Film.. Kanopy Streaming; Cinema Guild. streaming video
  62. Orange-collar labor : work and inequality in prison / Michael Gibson-Light.. Oxford University Press. ebook
  63. The patriarchs : the origins of inequality / Angela Saini.. Beacon Press. ebook
  64. People like us : social class in America / a film by Andrew Kolker and Louis Alvarez ; The Center for New American Media and WETA Washington, D.C., in association with ITVS presents.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  65. Plagues in the nation : how epidemics shaped America / Polly J. Price.. Beacon Press. ebook
  66. The Porn Factor.. Kanopy Streaming; Rendered Visible. streaming video
  67. The postmodern joy of role-playing games : agency, ritual and meaning in the medium / René Reinhold Schallegger.. McFarland & Company Inc Publishers. ebook
  68. Posttraumatic growth : theory, research and applications / Richard G. Tedeschi [and three others].. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. ebook
  69. Priced out / SydHonda Media in association with Northwest Documentary presents ; a Cornelius Swart film.. Kanopy Streaming; Collective Eye Films. streaming video
  70. Provisions : the roots of Caribbean cooking / Michelle Rousseau and Suzanne Rousseau.. Da Capo Press. ebook
  71. Public housing.. Frederick Wiseman (Zipporah); Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  72. Q & A : voices from queer Asian North America / edited by Martin F. Manalansan IV, Alice Y. Hom, and Kale Bantigue Fajardo ; preface by David L. Eng.. Temple University Press. ebook
  73. Race, power & American sports : featuring Dave Zirin / a Media Education Foundation Production ; producers, Sut Jhally and Jeremy Earp ; editors, Sut Jhally and Jason Young ; director of photograpy, Daniel Mar racino ; additional camera, Andrew Killoy ; p. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  74. Race : the power of an illusion / produced by California Newsreel ; in association with the Independent Television Service ; series creator /executive producer, Larry Adelman ; series co-producer, Jean Cheng.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  75. Redistributing the poor : jails, hospitals, and the crisis of law and fiscal austerity / Armando Lara-Millán.. Oxford University Press. ebook
  76. Reimagining money : Kenya in the digital finance revolution / Sibel Kusimba.. Stanford University Press. print book
  77. Rough draft of history : a century of US social movements in the news / Edwin Amenta, Neal Caren.. Princeton University Press. ebook
  78. Sandy Hook : an American tragedy and the battle for truth / Elizabeth Williamson.. Dutton. ebook
  79. Seek you : a journey through American loneliness / Kristen Radtke.. Pantheon Books. print book
  80. Shirley Chisholm : champion of Black feminist power politics / Anastasia C. Curwood.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
  81. Shirley Chisholm : champion of Black feminist power politics / Anastasia C. Curwood.. The University of North Carolina Press. ebook
  82. Silent spring / Rachel Carson ; introduction by Linda Lear ; afterword by Edward O. Wilson ; [drawings by Lois and Louis Darling].. Houghton Mifflin. ebook
  83. O som ao redor = Neighboring sounds / produção, CinemaScópio ; filme, Kleber Mendonça Filho ; roteiro e direção, Kleber Mendonça Filho ; produção, Emilie Lesclaux.. FiGa Films; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  84. The southern way of life : meanings of culture and civilization in the American South / Charles Reagan Wilson.. The University of North Carolina Press. print book
  85. Standoff : race, policing, and a deadly assault that gripped a nation / Jamie Thompson.. Henry Holt and Company. print book
  86. Status and culture : how our desire for social rank creates taste, identity, art, fashion, and constant change / W. David Marx.. Viking. ebook
  87. T'ain't nobody's bizness : queer blues divas of the 1920s.. Shoga Films. streaming video
  88. Taboo : 10 facts you can't talk about / Wilfred Reilly.. Regnery Publishing a division of Salem Media Group. print book
  89. Tacit racism / Anne Warfield Rawls & Waverly Duck.. The University of Chicago Press. ebook
  90. Tangerine / Magnolia Pictures ; Duplass Brothers Productions and Through Films present, in association with Cre Film and Freestyle Picture Co., a film by Sean Baker ; producers, Marcus Cox & Karrie Cox ; producers, Darren Dean , Shih-Ching Tsou ; written. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  91. Thicker than water : the quest for solutions to the plastic crisis / Erica Cirino.. Island Press. ebook
  92. Through the prism of an intellectual life / Media Education Foundation ; editor, Sut Jhally ; video & audio mastering, Rikk Desgres.. Kanopy Streaming; Media Education Foundation. streaming video
  93. Tough guise 2 : violence, manhood & American culture / a Media Education Foundation production ; produced and directed by Jeremy Earp ; written by Jackson Katz and Jeremy Earp ; executive producer, Sut Jhally ; co-producer, Jason Young.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  94. Tough guise : violence, media and the crisis in masculinity / directed by Sut Jhally ; produced by Susan Ericsson, Sanjay Talreja.. Media Education Foundation; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  95. Tower.. Kino Lorber Edu; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  96. Trash talk : anti-Obama lore and racism in the twenty-first century / Patricia A. Turner.. University of California Press. ebook
  97. Tree thieves : crime and survival in North America's woods / Lyndsie Bourgon.. Little Brown Spark. ebook
  98. Trust me / Wadi Rum Films.. Kanopy Streaming; New Day Films. streaming video
  99. Under the skin [electronic resource] : the hidden toll of racism on American lives and the health of a nation / Linda Villarosa.. Doubleday a division of Penguin Random House LLC. ebook
  100. United in anger : a history of ACT UP.. Kanopy Streaming; ACT UP Oral History Project. ebook
  101. Viral justice : how we grow the world we want / Ruha Benjamin.. Princeton University Press. ebook
  102. Viral justice : how we grow the world we want / Ruha Benjamin.. Princeton University Press. print book
  103. The viral underclass : the human toll when inequality and disease collide / Steven W. Thrasher ; [foreword by Jonathan M. Metzl].. Celadon Books. print book
  104. Walk the walk how three police departments defied the odds and changed police culture Neil Gross. Metropolitan Books Henry Holt and Company. print book
  105. The war on neighborhoods : policing, prison, and punishment in a divided city / Ryan Lugalia-Hollon and Daniel Cooper.. Beacon Press. ebook
  106. The way we eat : what food means / the Learning Seed.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video
  107. Why American prisons fail : how to fix them without spending more money (maybe less) / Peyton Paxson, George H. Watson.. Carolina Academic Press. print book
  108. Why we kill : understanding violence across cultures and disciplines / edited by Nancy Loucks, Sally Smith Holt, and Joanna Adler.. Routledge. ebook
  109. Woke racism : how a new religion has betrayed Black America / John McWhorter.. Portfolio/Penguin an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC. print book
  110. Young Lakota / produced and directed by Marion Lipschutz & Rose Rosenblatt.. Kanopy Streaming; Cine Qua Non. streaming video