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New Books & Media at UK Libraries

List of new books and media with clickable links and description for each title. Covers print and ebooks, as well as hardcopy and digital media. The site provides a master list, plus subject breakdown.

All new titles fy2023 master list

0 - 9999

  1. 1. Sonata in Mi minore : per violino e pianoforte / Giacomo Orefice.. music score (printed). Music
  2. 2D nanomaterials for CO2 conversion into chemicals and fuels / edited by Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni, Karthik Kannan, Aboubakr M. Abdullah, Bijandra Kumar.. ebook. Chemistry
  3. 4 by Agnès Varda [videorecording] / produced by Cini-Tamaris, Parc Film, Channel Four Films, Ministère de la Culture de la Republique Française; distributed by Criterion collection; directed by Agnès Varda.. video DVD. French & Francophone Studies
  4. 4 DIABLITOS. print book. Hispanic Studies
  5. 4 sketches : for brass quintet = pour quintette de cuivres = für Blechbläserquintett / Anthony Plog.. music score (printed). Music
  6. 5-Minute Clinical Consult 2023 / edited by Frank J. Domino [and four others].. ebook. Medicine
  7. 6 movements : for piano / Frederic Rzewski.. music score (printed). Music
  8. 6 trio concertans, op. 26 : for flute, violin and viola / Giuseppe Maria Cambini ; edited by Flavio Cappello.. music score (printed). Music
  9. 8 1/2 / Angelo Rizzoli presenta ; di Federico Fellini.. streaming video. Italian Studies
  10. 8 billion and counting : how sex, death, and migration shape our world / Jennifer D. Sciubba.. print book. Geography
  11. 12 études pour la main gauche seule = 12 etudes for the left hand for piano = 12 Etüden für die linke Hand : pour piano = for piano = für Klavier, opus 92 / Moritz Moszkowski ; edité par = edited by = herausgegeben von Philipp Marguerre.. music score (printed). Music
  12. The 12-hour art expert : everything you need to know about art in a dozen masterpieces / Noah Charney.. print book. Art
  13. 12 Lateinamerikanische Fantasien für Flöte solo = 12 Latin American fantasies for flute solo / Efrain Oscher.. music score (printed). Music
  14. 17 dream songs : for SAB choir / Heikki Sarmanto ; arranged by Risto Suurla.. music score (printed). Music
  15. 18 studies, opus 41, for flute solo / Andersen ; [edited by] Wummer.. music score (printed). Music
  16. 21st century monetary policy : the Federal Reserve from the great inflation to COVID-19 / Ben S. Bernanke.. print book. History
  17. 24 caprices-études : für Flöte solo op. 26 = 24 caprices-etudes : for flute solo / Theobald Boehm ; herausgegeben von Rien de Reede.. music score (printed). Music
  19. 25 essential skills & strategies for the professional behavior analysts [electronic resource] : expert tips for maximizing consulting effectiveness / by Jon S. Bailey & Mary R. Burch.. ebook. Psychology
  20. 25 million sparks : the untold story of refugee entrepreneurs / Andrew Leon Hanna ; art by Malak ; poetry by Asma.. print book. Business
  21. 25 Piazzolla tangos : for violin and piano / Astor Piazzolla.. music score (printed). Music
  22. 35 mélodies : for high voice and piano / Camille Saint-Saëns.. music score (printed). Music
  23. 37 words : Title IX and fifty years of fighting sex discrimination / Sherry Boschert.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  24. 43 bel canto studies : for tuba (or bass trombone) / Marco Bordogni ; [edited and compiled by Chester Roberts].. music score (printed). Music
  25. 60 selected studies for BB flat tuba / C. Kopprasch.. music score (printed). Music
  26. 70 acres in Chicago : Cabrini Green / Ronit Films presents ; producer/director, Ronit Bezalel ; writer/editor, Catherine Crouch ; executive producer, Judy Hoffman ; producer, Brenda Schumacher.. streaming video. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  27. 70 acres in Chicago : Cabrini Green / Ronit Films presents ; producer/director, Ronit Bezalel ; writer/editor, Catherine Crouch ; executive producer, Judy Hoffman ; producer, Brenda Schumacher.. streaming video. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  28. 73 advanced tuba studies / by Jaroslav Cimera.. music score (printed). Music
  29. The 99% invisible city : a field guide to the hidden world of everyday design / Roman Mars and Kurt Kohlstedt.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  30. 100 days.. streaming video. English
  31. 100% democracy : the case for universal voting / E.J. Dionne Jr. and Miles Rapoport ; with analysis by Cornell William Brooks, Allegra Chapman, Joshua Douglas, Amber Herrle, Cecily Hines, Janai Nelson, and Brenda Wright ; [with a foreword by Heather McGhe. print book. Law
  32. Der 100 psalm, op. 106 : for SATB chorus and orchestra / Max Reger ; edited by Christopher Grafschmidt and Claudia Seidl.. music score (printed). Music
  33. 100 small paintings Tomas Rajlich / concept Tomas Rajlich ; text Luuk Hoogewerf. print book. Art
  34. 250 things a landscape architect should know / B. Cannon Ivers (ed.).. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  35. 636 Yarmouk & al-Qadisiyyah—Islam Triumphs. ebook. Sociology
  36. 1000 chairs / Charlotte & Peter Fiell ; edited by Simone Philippi, Meike Nießen ; German translation, Klaus Binder, Jeremy Gaines ; French translation, Jacques Bosser.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  37. 1000 design classics / project editor, Josh Lee.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  38. 1368 : China and the making of the modern world / Ali Humayun Akhtar.. print book. History
  41. The 1960s cultural revolution : facts and fictions / Joel P. Rhodes.. ebook. History
  42. The 1960s in sports : a decade of change / Miles Coverdale Jr.. print book. History
  43. 2011 ≠ 1848 / Stan Douglas ; essays by Ma'an Abu Taleb, Erika Balsom, Samir Gandesha, George E. Lewis ; edited by Reid Shier = essais de Ma'an Abu Taleb, Erika Balsom, Samir Gandesha, George E. Lewis ; sous la direction de Reid Shier.. print book. Art
  44. 3000 years of analysis : mathematics in history and culture / Thomas Sonar ; translated by Patricia Morton and Keith William Morton.. ebook. Mathematics

A - Am

  1. A-B-A-B-A : a book of pattern play / by Brian P. Cleary ; illustrated by Brian Gable.. print book. Education
  2. À bout de souffle = Breathless / Janus Films ; Pretty Pictures ; directed by Jean-Luc Godard ; screenplay, Jean-Luc Godard ; produced by Georges de Beauregard.. streaming video. Philosophy
  3. À bout de souffle = Breathless / Janus Films ; Pretty Pictures ; directed by Jean-Luc Godard ; screenplay, Jean-Luc Godard ; produced by Georges de Beauregard.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  5. A is for Affrilachia / written by Frank X Walker ; illustrated by upfromsumdirt.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  6. A tres voces : for string trio / Tania León.. music score (printed). Music
  7. The ABC of modern biography / Nigel Hamilton and Hans Renders.. print book. History
  8. Abolition geography : essays towards liberation / Ruth Wilson Gilmore ; edited by Brenna Bhandar and Alberto Toscano.. print book. Geography
  9. The abominable crime / a film by Micah Fink.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
  10. ABOVE GROUND.. print book. Education
  11. The absolute realist : collected writings of Albert Renger-Patzsch, 1923-1967 / edited and translated by Daniel H. Magilow.. print book. Art
  12. Abstractions and embodiments : new histories of computing and society / edited by Janet Abbate and Stephanie Dick. print book. Mathematics
  13. Abusive policies : how the American child welfare system lost its way / Mical Raz.. ebook. Social Work
  14. The academic avant-garde : poetry and the American university / Kimberly Quiogue Andrews.. print book. English
  15. Academic librarian burnout : causes and responses / edited by Christina Holm, Ana Guimaraes, and Nashieli Marcano.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  16. Academic librarian faculty status / compiled and written by Edgar Bailey and Melissa Becher.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  17. Academic outsider : stories of exclusion and hope / Victoria Reyes.. print book. Education
  18. Academic publishing : processes and practices for aspiring researchers / David Coniam, Peter Falvey.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  19. Accidental conflict : America, China, and the clash of false narratives / Stephen Roach. ebook. Political Science
  20. Ach, wer bringt die schönen Tage : for flute, voice, and piano or harp : 1932 / Otto Luening.. music score (printed). Music
  21. Achieving durable disease resistance in cereals / edited by Richard Oliver.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  22. Achieving sustainable turfgrass management / edited by Michael Fidanza.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  23. Acht Gedichte : Opus 10 : für Singstimme und Klavier = Eight poems : op. 10 : for voice and piano / Richard Strauss ; herausgegeben von Annette Oppermann = edited by Annette Oppermann.. music score (printed). Music
  24. Jackie Karuti / texts by Wanja Kimani, Bojana Cvejić, Rosie Olang ́, James Muriuki.. print book. Art
  25. Acquired tastes : stories about the origins of modern food / edited by Benjamin R. Cohen, Michael S. Kideckel, and Anna Zeide.. ebook. Anthropology
  26. ACT in Steps : a Transdiagnostic Manual for Learning Acceptance and Commitment Therapy / Michael P. Twohig.. ebook. Psychology
  27. Acting for the camera : back to one / Peter Allen Stone.. ebook. Theatre & Dance
  28. Acting for the camera : back to one / Peter Allen Stone.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  29. Acting on cultural policy : arts practitioners, policy-making and civil society / Jane Woddis.. print book. Art
  30. Action! : how movies began / by Meghan McCarthy.. print book. Education
  31. Actions speak louder : a step-by-step guide to becoming an inclusive workplace / Deanna Singh.. ebook. Business
  32. Adagietto, SC 51 : for orchestra / Giacomo Puccini ; edited by Dieter Schickling.. music score (printed). Music
  33. Adaline Kent : the click of authenticity / edited by Apsara DiQuinzio ; contributions by Jeff Gunderson, Adaline Kent, Grace McCann Morley, Alexander Nemerov, and Elaine Y. Yau.. print book. Art
  34. Adam Smith's America : how a Scottish philosopher became an icon of American capitalism / Glory M. Liu.. print book. History
  35. Adam Smith's America : how a Scottish philosopher became an icon of American capitalism / Glory M. Liu.. ebook. Business
  36. Adapt as an architect : a mid-career companion / Randy Deutsch.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  37. Adaptation strategies for interior architecture and design / Graeme Brooker.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  38. Adapting performance between stage and screen / Victoria Lowe.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  39. Adapting Spanish classics for the new millennium : the nineteenth-century novel remediated / Linda M. Willem.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
  40. Adelmann of Liège and the Eucharistic controversy / [texts edited, translated and introduced] by Hans Geybels ; with a musicological study of the Rhythmus alphabeticus by Pieter Mannaerts.. print book. Philosophy
  41. ADHD medication : does it work and is it safe? / Walt Karniski.. ebook. Social Work
  42. Adjö : for soprano, flute and guitar : 1982/1985 / Kaija Saariaho.. music score (printed). Music
  43. Adjust the level of the sea / David Horvitz.. print book. Art
  44. The administrative state before the Supreme Court : perspectives on the nondelegation doctrine / edited by Peter J. Wallison and John Yoo.. print book. Law
  45. Adorno, aesthetics, dissonance : on dialectics in modernity / William S. Allen.. print book. Philosophy
  46. Adorno and Marx : negative dialectics and the critique of political economy / edited by Werner Bonefeld, Chris O'Kane.. print book. Philosophy
  47. Advanced sampling methods / Raosaheb, Latpate, Jayant, Kshirsagar, Vinod Kumar Gupta, Girish Chandra.. print book. Statistics
  48. Advanced statistics for testing assumed casual relationships : multiple regression analysis path analysis logistic regression analysis / Hooshang Nayebi.. ebook. Statistics
  49. Advances in conservation agriculture. Volume 3, Adoption and spread / edited by Amir Kassam.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  50. Advances in experimental political science / edited by James N. Druckman, Donald P. Green.. print book. Political Science
  51. Advances in integrated weed management / edited by Per Kudsk.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  52. Advances in plant phenotyping for more sustainable crop production / edited by Achim Walter.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  53. Advances in precision livestock farming / edited by Daniel Berckmans ; [contributions by Mark Trotter [and twelve others]].. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  54. Advances in seed science and technology for more sustainable crop production / edited by Julia Buitink and Olivier Leprince.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  55. An adventure in statistics : the reality enigma / Andy Field ; [illustrated by James Iles].. print book. Statistics
  56. Adventurer : the life and times of Giacomo Casanova / Leo Damrosch.. print book. History
  57. Advertising at the Edge of the Apocalypse. ebook. Communication
  58. Aelbianische musenlust - zehn opitzianische lieder : für eine singstimme und basso continuo / Constantin Christian Dedekind ; edited by Eleni Ioannidou with Reiner Zimmermann.. music score (printed). Music
  59. Aelita Andre, prodigy of colour / edited by Rosa Maria Falvo.. print book. Art
  60. Aerial environments on the early modern stage : theatres of the air, 1576-1609 / Chloe Kathleen Preedy.. print book. English
  61. An aerial view of New York City : showing how easily the weary traveler may reach the Herald Square Hotel wherein he will find the rest, comfort & hospitality to which he is entitled, even in this day and age / drawn by Richard Edes Harrison.. print map. Geography
  62. The aesthetic cold war : decolonization and global literature / Peter J. Kalliney.. print book. English
  63. The aesthetic life of infrastructure : race, affect, environment / edited by Kelly Mee Rich, Nicole M Rizzuto, and Susan Zieger.. print book. English
  64. Aesthetics of care : practice in everyday life / Yuriko Saito.. print book. Philosophy
  65. Aesthetics of excess : the art and politics of Black and Latina embodiment / Jillian Hernandez.. print book. Art
  66. The affinity of neoconcretism : interdisciplinary collaborations in Brazilian modernism, 1954-1964 / Mariola V. Alvarez.. print book. Art
  67. Affirming LGBTQ+ students in higher education / edited by David P. Rivera, Roberto L. Abreu, Kirsten A. Gonzalez.. ebook. Psychology
  68. The affordable housing reader / edited by Elizabeth J. Mueller and J. Rosie Tighe.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  69. Africa fashion / edited by Christine Checinska ; with contributions from Omoyemi Akerele, Amine Bendriouich, Gus Casely-Hayford, Summy Dolat, Bonnie Greer, Monica L. Miller, Elisabeth Murray, Njoki Ngumi, Hadeel Osman and Roslyn A. Walker.. print book. Art
  70. Africa is not a country : notes on a bright continent / Dipo Faloyin.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  72. African American family life [electronic resource] : ecological and cultural diversity / edited by Vonnie C. McLoyd, Nancy E. Hill, Kenneth A. Dodge.. ebook.
  73. African American literature in transition, 1980-1990 / edited by D. Quentin Miller and Rich Blint.. print book. English
  74. African American workers and the Appalachian coal industry / Joe William Trotter Jr.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  75. African Americans, death, and the new birth of freedom : dying free during the Civil War and Reconstruction / Ashley Towle.. print book. History
  76. The African diaspora : slavery, modernity, and globalization / Toyin Falola.. ebook. History
  77. African founders : how enslaved people expanded American ideals / David Hackett Fischer.. print book. History
  78. African interventions : state militaries, foreign powers, and rebel forces / Emizet F. Kisangani, Jeffrey Pickering.. print book. History
  79. African modernism and its afterlives / edited by Paul Wenzel Geissler, Nina Berre, Johan Lagae.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  80. African modernism in America / edited by Perrin M. Lathrop.. print book. Art
  81. African philosophy and enactivist cognition : the space of thought / Bruce Janz.. print book. Philosophy
  82. African rhythms for percussion : conga, tumba, djembe / Christian Bourdon.. music score (printed). Music
  83. African textiles / Duncan Clarke, Vanessa Drake Moraga, Sarah Fee ; foreword by MabatNgoup Ly Dumas.. print book. Art
  84. Afro-Atlantic Catholics : America's first Black Christians / Jeroen Dewulf.. print book. History
  85. Afro-Sweden : becoming Black in a color-blind country / Ryan Thomas Skinner ; foreword by Jason Timbuktu Diakité.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  86. After authoritarianism : transitional justice and democratic stability / Monika Nalepa.. ebook. Political Science
  87. After coal : adaptation & development in Wales and Appalachia / director, Tom Hansell ; producers, Patricia Beaver, Tom Hansell.. streaming video. History
  88. After dark / Liam Wong ; text by Evie Tarr.. print book. Art
  89. After Darwin : literature, theory, and criticism in the twenty-first century / edited by Devin Griffiths, Deana Kreisel.. print book. English
  90. After genocide : memory and reconciliation in Rwanda / Nicole Fox.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  91. After impressionism : inventing modern art / MaryAnne Stevens ; with contributions by Maria Alambritis [and seven others].. print book. Art
  92. After Marx : literature, theory and value in the twenty-first century / edited by Colleen Lye, University of California, Berkeley ; Christopher Nealon, Johns Hopkins University.. print book. English
  93. After midnight : Watchmen after Watchmen / edited by Drew Morton ; foreword by Henry Jenkins ; afterword by Suzanne Scott.. ebook.
  94. After one hundred winters : in search of reconciliation on America's stolen lands / Margaret D. Jacobs.. ebook. History
  95. After Steve : how Apple became a trillion-dollar company and lost its soul / Tripp Mickle.. print book. Business
  96. After the Bauhaus, before the Internet : a history of graphic design pedagogy / edited by Geoff Kaplan.. print book. Art
  97. After the ivory tower falls : how college broke the American dream and blew up our politics-- and how to fix it / Will Bunch.. print book. History
  98. After Thomas Kuhn : the structure of aesthetic revolutions / Oana Șerban.. print book. Philosophy
  99. AFTER UNIVERSAL DESIGN: THE DISABILITY DESIGN REVOLUTION. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  100. AfterGlow : new Nordic porcelain / edited by Catrine Danielsen, Bettina Køppe and Andreas Rishovd.. print book. Art
  101. Afterlives / Abdulrazak Gurnah.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  102. Afterlives of data : life and debt under capitalist surveillance / Mary F. E. Ebeling.. ebook. Law
  103. Afterlives : recovering the lost stories of looted art / Darsie Alexander and Sam Sackeroff ; essays by Julie Voss and Mark Wasiuta.. print book. Art
  104. The aftermath : the last days of the baby boom and the future of power in America / Philip Bump.. print book. Education
  105. Against marginalization : convergences in Black and Latinx literatures / Jose O. Fernandez.. print book. English
  106. Against the commons : a radical history of urban planning / Álvaro Sevilla-Buitrago.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  107. Against the current : paddling upstream on the Tennessee River / Kim Trevathan.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  108. Against the uprooted word : giving language time in transatlantic Romanticism / Tristram Wolff.. print book. English
  109. Against the world : anti-globalism and mass politics between the world wars / Tara Zahra.. print book. History
  110. The age of algorithms / Serge Abiteboul, Gilles Dowek.. print book. Mathematics
  111. The age of the strongman : how the cult of the leader threatens democracy around the world / Gideon Rachman.. print book. History
  112. Agent Sniper : the Cold War superagent and the ruthless head of the CIA / Tim Tate.. print book. History
  113. Agents of change / California Newsreel presents ; Films with a Purpose ; a film by Frank Dawson & Abby Ginzberg ; produced and directed by Frank Dawson and Abby Ginzberg.. streaming video.
  114. Aging moderns : art, literature, and the experiment of later life / Scott Herring.. print book. English
  115. Agnes Martin : independence of mind / editing: Chelsea Weathers, Megan Mulry.. print book. Art
  116. Agrotopias : an American literary history of sustainability / Abby L. Goode.. print book. English
  117. Aguirre, the wrath of God / Werner Herzog Filmproduktion ; written, produced, and directed by Werner Herzog.. streaming video. German
  118. Aguirre, the wrath of God = Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes / Werner Herzog Filmproduktion ; written, produced, and directed by Werner Herzog.. streaming video. History
  119. Aguirre, the wrath of God = Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes / Werner Herzog Filmproduktion ; written, produced, and directed by Werner Herzog.. streaming video.
  120. Ahead of all parting : for mezzo-soprano, bassoon, and harp / music by Jenni Brandon ; poetry by Rainer Maria Rilke and E.E. Cummings, interpreted and curated by Darrel Hale. music score (printed). Music
  121. Ai Weiwei : in search of humanity / edited by Dieter Buchhart, Elsy Lahner, and Klaus Albrecht Schröder ; with contributions by Dieter Buchhart [and four others].. print book. Art
  122. Ai Weiwei : the liberty of doubt / edited by Andrew Nairne, Elizabeth Brown ; contributions by John Tancock, James J. Lally, Ai Weiwei ; interviewee, Ai Weiwei, Andrew Nairne.. print book. Art
  123. Ain't I an anthropologist : Zora Neale Hurston beyond the literary icon / Jennifer L. Freeman Marshall.. print book. English
  124. Air / Monica Roe.. print book. Education
  125. Akala bi-alwānu qawsu quzaḥi = Eating the rainbow.. print book. Education
  126. Akt / Nude / Herausgeber, Stefan Bachmann.. print book. Art
  127. Al naharot bawel - psalm 137 : für soli, chor und orgel / Jacob Bachmann ; edited by Wolfram Hader.. music score (printed). Music
  128. Alabaster sculpture in Europe 1300-1650 / edited by Marjan Debaene ; with essays by Jessica Barker [and 13 others].. print book. Art
  129. Alain Locke and the visual arts / Kobena Mercer.. print book. Art
  130. Alain Wolff architectes / Herausgeber, Heinz Wirz ; Textbeiträge, Christophe Joud [and three others].. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  131. The alarmist : fifty years measuring climate change / Dave Lowe.. ebook. History
  132. Alasdair MacIntyre : an intellectual biography / Émile Perrau-Saussine; translated by Nathan J. Pinkoski; foreword by Pierre Manent.. print book. Philosophy
  133. Alberto Giacometti : toward the ultimate figure / edited by Émilie Bouvard.. print book. Art
  134. Albinéana / Cécile Huchard.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
  135. The Alcaic metre in the English imagination / John Talbot.. print book. English
  136. Alchemists of the future : Ars Electronica Futurelab : the first 25 years and beyond / Andreas J. Hirsch ; edited by Horst Hörtner, Roland Haring, Hideaki Ogawa.. print book. Art
  137. The alchemy of archiecture : memories and insights from Ken Tate / Ken Tate, Duke Tate.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  138. Aleksandr Rodchenko : photography in the time of Stalin / Aglaya K. Glebova.. print book. Art
  139. Alex Da Corte : Mr. Remember / edited by Lærke Rydal Jørgensen, Mathias Ussing Seeberg, William Pym, and Alex Da Corte.. print book. Art
  140. Alex Katz : gathering / edited by Katherine Brinson with Levi Prombaum ; with contributions by David Breslin, Katherine Brinson, Jennifer Y. Chuong, David Max Horowitz, Arthur Jafa, Katie Kitamura, Wayne Koestenbaum, Ewa Lajer-Burcharth, Kevin Lotery, Pru. print book. Art
  141. Alexis Smith : the American way / Anthony Graham, curator ; contributions by Cécile Whiting, Ariel Evans, and Elliott Hundley.. print book. Art
  142. Alfred Kubin : confessions of a tortured soul / editor, Hans-Peter Wipplinger.. print book. Art
  143. Alia Ali : project series 53.. print book. Art
  144. Aline MacMahon : Hollywood, the blacklist, and the birth of method acting / John Stangeland.. print book.
  145. Alive at the end of the world : poems / Saeed Jones.. print book. Education
  146. All about hand percussion : everything you need to know to start playing now! / Kalani.. print book. Music
  147. All the king's horses : Vitruvius in an age of princes / Indra Kagis McEwen.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  148. All the lovers in the night / Mieko Kawakami ; translated from the Japanese by Sam Bett and David Boyd.. ebook. Asian Studies
  149. All the Queens houses : an architectural portrait of New York's largest and most diverse borough / Rafael Herrin-Ferri.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  150. All this could be different / Sarah Thankam Mathews.. print book. Education
  151. Allegory and the poetic self : first-person narration in late medieval literature / edited by R. Barton Palmer, Katharina Philipowski, and Julia Rü̈themann.. print book. English
  152. Alleluia variation : for brass choir and percussion / William Bolcom.. music score (printed). Music
  153. Allergic / Megan Wagner Lloyd and Michelle Mee Nutter.. print book. Education
  154. Allergic intimacies : food, disability, desire, and risk / Michael Gill.. print book. Law
  155. Allie all along / Sarah Lynne Reul.. print book. Education
  156. Alltagssprachliche Metakommunikation im Englischen und Deutschen / Werner Welte, Philipp Rosemann.. print book. Philosophy
  157. An alternative history of photography / Phillip Prodger ; with contributions by Michael Aird [and 31 others].. print book. Art
  158. Alvar Aalto and the art of landscape / Teija Isohauta.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  159. Alvar Aalto and the future of architecture / Robert Cody and Angela Amoia.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  160. Always reaching : the selected writings of Anne Truitt / edited by Alexandra Truitt ; foreword by Miguel de Baca.. print book. Art
  161. I am Cuba / a Milestone Film release.. streaming video. English
  162. Am I my brother's keeper? : educational opportunities and outcomes for black and brown boys / Adriana Villavicencio ; foreword by David E. Kirkland.. print book. Education
  163. Am I too African to be American? Too American to be African? / a film by Nadia Sasso ; produced by Patience Dennis and 54 others.. streaming video. African American and Africana Studies
  164. Am I too African to be American? Too American to be African? / a film by Nadia Sasso ; produced by Patience Dennis and 54 others.. streaming video.
  165. Amazon : for flute, clarinet in B♭, violin, cello, and piano / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
  166. Ambiguous territory : architecture, landscape and the postnatural / edited by Cathryn Dwyre, Chris Perry, David Salomon ; foreword by Catherine Ingraham ; afterword by Peder Anker.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  168. America and the Holocaust : a documentary history / Rafael Medoff.. print book. History
  169. America before 1787 : the unraveling of a colonial regime / Jon Elster.. print book. History
  170. America challenged : the new politics of race, education, and culture / Rosalie Pedalino Porter.. print book. Political Science
  171. America in the French imaginary, 1789 -1914 : music, revolution and race / edited by Diana R. Hallman and César A. Leal.. print book. Music
  172. America's frozen neighborhoods : the abuse of zoning / Robert C. Ellickson.. print book. Law
  173. America's frozen neighborhoods : the abuse of zoning / Robert C. Ellickson.. print book. Business
  174. America's national debt : examining the facts / Thomas Arndt.. ebook. Business
  175. America's philosopher : John Locke in American intellectual life / Claire Rydell Arcenas.. print book. Philosophy
  176. America's war on drugs.. streaming video.
  177. American by birth : Wong Kim Ark and the battle for citizenship / Carol Nackenoff and Julie Novkov.. print book. Law
  178. American eloquence : language and leadership in the twentieth century / Roderick P Hart.. print book. English
  179. American experience. Dinosaur wars.. streaming video. Earth & Environmental Science
  180. American foreign policy : past, present, and future / Glenn P. Hastedt, James Madison University.. print book. History
  181. American furniture designers : 1900-2020 / Oscar P. Fitzgerald ; [foreword by Christopher Long].. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  182. American graphic : disgust and data in contemporary literature / Rebecca B. Clark.. print book. English
  183. American Indian health disparities in the 21st century / edited by Cornelius M. Dyke, Donald K. Warne.. ebook. Social Work
  184. American isolationists : pro-Japan anti-interventionists and the FBI on the eve of the Pacific War, 1939-1941 / Roger B. Jeans.. print book. History
  185. American literature in transition, 1770-1828 / edited by William Huntting Howell and Greta LaFleur.. print book. English
  186. American literature in transition, 1876-1910 / edited by Lindsay V. Reckson.. print book. English
  187. American made : paintings and sculpture from the DeMell Jacobsen collection / Elizabeth Heuer, Ph.D., principal author ; Jonathan Stuhlman, Ph.D., editor ; introduction by Elizabeth Heuer, Ph.D. ; collector's statement by Diane DeMell Jacobsen, Ph.D. ; no. print book. Art
  188. American midnight : the Great War, a violent peace, and democracy's forgotten crisis / Adam Hochschild.. print book. Political Science
  189. American presidents and Israeli settlements since 1967 / Michael F. Cairo.. print book. History
  190. American rascal : how Jay Gould built Wall Street's biggest fortune / Greg Steinmetz.. print book. Business
  191. An American renaissance : beaux-arts architecture in New York City / Phillip James Dodd ; photography by Jonathan Wallen ; foreword by Julian Fellowes ; essay by Richard Guy Wilson.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  192. American republics : a continental history of the United States, 1783-1850 / Alan Taylor.. print book. History
  193. American spies : espionage against the US from the Cold War to the present / Michael J. Sulick.. ebook.
  194. An American story / Kwame Alexander ; art by Dare Coulter.. print book. Education
  195. Americans and the Holocaust : a reader / edited by Daniel Greene and Edward Phillips ; published in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.. ebook. History
  196. Americans in Paris : artists working in postwar France, 1946-1962 / edited by Lynn Gumpert and Debra Bricker Balken ; introduction by Lynn Gumpert ; essays by Debra Bricker Balken, Rashida K. Braggs, Elisa Capdevila, and J. English Cook ; interviews by Bi. print book. Art
  197. Amkoullel, the Fula boy / Amadou Hampâté Bâ ; translated and with an introduction by Jeanne Garane ; with a foreword by Ralph A. Austen.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  198. Amor Mundi : the collection of Marguerite Steed Hoffman / edited by Gavin Delahunty.. print book. Art
  199. L'amour qui chante : mélodie : [pour] ténor / par Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
  200. Amoureux d'une étoile : chant et piano / Jules Massenet ; édition Jean-Christophe Branger.. music score (printed). Music
  201. Ampelmännchen stroll : for sextet : 2015 / Gilbert Galindo.. music score (printed). Music

An - Au

  1. Anacarnation and returning to the lived body with Richard Kearney / edited by Brian Treanor and James L. Taylor.. print book. Philosophy
  2. The analysis of Gothic architecture : studies in memory of Robert Mark and Andrew Tallon / edited by Robert Bork.. print book. History
  3. Analyzing US census data : methods, maps, and models in R / Kyle Walker.. ebook. Geography
  4. Anatomy of writing for publication for nurses / Cynthia Saver, MS, RN.. ebook. Medicine
  5. Ancient night / David Álvarez with David Bowles.. print book. Education
  6. Ancient Night. print book. Education
  7. And there was light : Abraham Lincoln and the American struggle / Jon Meacham.. print book. History
  8. Andante con espressione : for violin and piano / Florence Price ; edited by John Michael Cooper.. music score (printed). Music
  9. Andante e polacca : for bassoon and orchestra / Simplicio Gualco ; edited by Italo Vescovo.. music score (printed). Music
  10. Andante sostenuto e rondo à la zingarese, op. 23 : for flute and piano / Rudolf Tillmetz.. music score (printed). Music
  11. Andrea Cochran [electronic resource] : landscapes / Mary Myers ; foreword by Henry Urbach.. ebook.
  12. Angels in America at the British National Theatre : premiere, revival and transatlantic legacy, 1993-2018 / Emily Garside.. print book. English
  13. Angry me / words by Sandra V. Feder ; pictures by Rahele Jomepour Bell.. print book. Education
  14. Angry planet : decolonial fiction and the American third world / Anne Stewart.. print book. English
  15. Angst essen Seele auf = Ali, fear eats the soul / presented by Rainer Werner Fassbinder Foundation ; Tango-Film Produktion Nummer fünf ; ein Film von Rainer Werner Fassbinder.. streaming video. English
  16. Aniana del Mar jumps in / Jasminne Mendez.. print book. Education
  17. Anicka Yi : metaspore / edited by Fiammetta Griccioli and Vincente Todolí with Remina Greenfield.. print book. Art
  18. Animacies : biopolitics, racial mattering, and queer affect / Mel Y. Chen.. print book. English
  19. Animal liberation / Peter Singer.. print book. English
  20. Animals! here we grow / Shelley Rotner.. print book. Education
  21. Animals in the world : five essays on Aristotle's biology / Pierre Pellegrin ; translated by Anthony Preus.. print book. Philosophy
  22. Anita Klein : out of the ordinary : forty years of printmaking / with an appreciation by Hollie McNish ; poems contributed by Carol Ann Duffy, Hollie McNish, and Wendy Cope ; and texts by Rebecca and Vincent Eames and Mel Gooding.. print book. Art
  23. Anna Cassel : the saga of the rose / edited by Kurt Almqvist and Daniel Birnbaum ; essays, Kurt Almqvist and Hedvig Martin.. print book. Art
  24. Anne of West Philly : a modern graphic retelling of Anne of Green Gables / by Ivy Noelle Weir ; illustrated by Myisha Haynes.. print book. Education
  25. Années de pèlerinage, troisième année / Franz Liszt ; edited by Peter Jost.. music score (printed). Music
  26. Annie Morris : when a happy thing falls.. print book. Art
  27. Anniversary rag : for brass quintet / William Bolcom.. music score (printed). Music
  28. Anonymous people / a 4th Dimension production ; in association with The Morgan Le Fay Dreams Foundation & CT Community of Addiction Recovery ; produced and directed by Greg Williams ; written by Aaron Cohen, Greg Williams, Jeff Reilly, Bud Mikhitarian.. streaming video.
  29. Anonymous people / a 4th Dimension production ; in association with The Morgan Le Fay Dreams Foundation & CT Community of Addiction Recovery ; produced and directed by Greg Williams ; written by Aaron Cohen, Greg Williams, Jeff Reilly, Bud Mikhitarian.. streaming video.
  30. Another Appalachia : coming up queer and Indian in a mountain place / Neema Avashia.. ebook. Appalachian Studies
  31. Another day's begun : Thornton Wilder's Our Town in the 21st century / Howard Sherman.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  32. Another way of living : the story of Reston, VA / directed and produced by Rebekah Wingert-Jabi ; a Storycatcher Productions Film in association with Reston Community Center.. streaming video.
  34. Anri Sala : day still night again / Herausgeber, Thomas D. Trummer, Kunsthaus Bregenz.. print book. Art
  35. Anselm's argument : divine necessity / Brian Leftow.. print book. Philosophy
  36. Anthems I / Johann Friedrich Peter ; edited by Ryan M. Malone. music score (printed). Music
  37. Anthropocene : the human epoch / produced by Nicholas de Pencier ; written by Jennifer Baichwal ; directed by Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier, Edward Burtynsky.. streaming video.
  38. Anthropocene : the human epoch / produced by Nicholas de Pencier ; written by Jennifer Baichwal ; directed by Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier, Edward Burtynsky.. streaming video.
  39. Anthropological theory for the twenty-first century : a critical approach / edited by A. Lynn Bolles, Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz, Bernard C. Perley, and Keri Vacanti Brondo.. ebook. Sociology
  40. Anti-racist leadership : how to transform corporate culture in a race-conscious world / James D. White ; with Krista White.. ebook. Business
  41. Anti-racist leadership : how to transform corporate culture in a race-conscious world / James D. White ; with Krista White.. print book. Business
  42. Anti-racist scholar-activism / Remi Joseph-Salisbury and Laura Connelly.. print book. Education
  43. Antimatter : what it is and why it's important in physics and everyday life / Beatriz Gato-Rivera.. ebook. Physics
  44. Antisocial, narcissistic, and borderline personality disorders : a new conceptualization of development, reinforcement, expression, and treatment / Daniel J. Fox.. ebook. Psychology
  45. Antonii Contii I.C. ed edictum sive orationem Henrici Sacratissimi et Christianissimi Francorum Regis, de clandestinis matrimonijs, & sine pare[n]tum consensu contractis, liber.. print book.
  46. Antonio Canova in the Veneto : a guide / by Elena Catra and Vittorio Pajusco ; foreword by Vittorio Sgarbi.. print book. Art
  47. APA style & citations / by Joe Giampalmi, EdD.. ebook.
  48. Aphrochic : celebrating the legacy of the Black family home / Bryan Mason and Jeanine Hays ; photographs by Patrick Cline.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  49. Apocalypse ready : the manual of manuals, a century of panic prevention / Taras Young.. print book. Art
  50. Apocalyptic ruin and everyday wonder in Don DeLillo's America / Michael Naas.. print book. English
  51. Apollo's arrow : the profound and enduring impact of coronavirus on the way we live / Nicholas A. Christakis.. ebook. Sociology
  52. An apology for the life of Mr Colley Cibber, comedian and late patentee of the Theatre Royal : a modernized text / edited with an introduction by David Roberts.. print book. English
  53. Aporophobia : why we reject the poor instead of helping them / Adela Cortina ; translated by Adrian Nathan West.. ebook. Social Work
  54. Appalachia, a regional geography : land, people, and development / Karl B. Raitz and Richard Ulack ; with Thomas R. Leinbach.. ebook. Appalachian Studies
  55. Appalachia's alternative to mainstream America : a personal education / Paul Salstrom.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  56. Appalachia's coal-mined landscapes : resources and communities in a new energy era / Carl E. Zipper, Jeff Skousen, editors.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  58. Appalachia : the voices of sleeping birds / by Cynthia Rylant ; illustrated by Barry Moser.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  59. Appalachian ecocriticism and the paradox of place / edited by Jessica Cory and Laura Wright.. print book. English
  60. Appalachian health : culture, challenges, and capacity / edited by F. Douglas Scutchfield and Randy Wykoff ; foreword by Alonzo Plough.. ebook.
  61. Appealing because he is appalling : black masculinities, colonialism, and erotic racism / Tamari Kitossa, editor.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  62. L'appel du printemps : mélodie : mezzo-soprano ou baryton / Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
  63. Apple and Magnolia / Laura Gehl and Patricia Metola.. print book. Education
  64. Applied geostatistics for reservoir characterization [electronic resource] / Mohan Kelkar, Godofredo Perez ; book editor, Anil Chopra.. ebook.
  65. Applied linear regression for longitudinal data : with an emphasis on missing observations / Frans E.S. Tan, Shahab Jolani.. print book. Physics
  66. Applied regression analysis and generalized linear models / John Fox.. print book. Statistics
  68. Applying Jewish ethics : beyond the rabbinic tradition / edited by Jennifer A. Thompson and Allison B. Wolf.. print book. Philosophy
  69. Approaching architecture : three fields, one discipline / edited by Miguel Guitart.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  70. Appropriated interiors / edited by Deborah Schneiderman, Anca I. Lasc and Karin Tehve.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  71. Apropos of something : a history of irrelevance and relevance / Elisa Tamarkin.. print book. Philosophy
  72. Aquí hay dragonas : la violencia contra las otras y los otros en narrativas transmedia / Rodrigo Pardo Fernández.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  73. Arab national project in Youssef Chahine's cinema [electronic resource] / Malek Khouri.. ebook. Arabic & Islamic Studies
  75. The Arabic quilt : an immigrant story / written by Aya Khalil ; illustrated by Anait Semirdzhyan.. print book. Education
  76. Arbitrary lines : how zoning broke the American city and how to fix it / M. Nolan Gray.. ebook. Geography
  77. Archaeological perspectives on the Southern Appalachians : a multiscalar approach / edited by Ramie A. Gougeon and Maureen S. Meyers.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  78. The archaeology of Harriet Tubman's life in freedom / Douglas V. Armstrong.. ebook.
  79. Archaeology, sexism, and scandal : the long-suppressed story of one woman's discoveries and the man who stole credit for them / Alan Kaiser.. ebook.
  80. The architect and the city : ideology, idealism, and pragmatism / Alfredo Brillembourg & Hubert Klumpner, Urban-Think Tank ; edited by Erika Rosenfeld.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  81. Architects on dwelling / edited by Christopher Platt. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  82. The architectural imagination at the digital turn / Nathalie Bredella.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  83. Architectural terra cotta / Donald B. Corner and John Rowell.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  84. Architectural type and character : a practical guide to a history of architecture / Samir Younés and Carroll William Westfall.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  85. Architecture after COVID / Albena Yaneva.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  86. Architecture and development : Israeli construction in Sub-Saharan Africa and the settler colonial imagination, 1958-1973 / Ayala Levin.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  87. Architecture and film / edited by Mark Lamster.. ebook.
  88. Architecture and objects / Graham Harman.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  89. Architecture and ornament : an illustrated dictionary / Margaret Maliszewski-Pickart.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  90. Architecture and ugliness : anti-aesthetics and the ugly in postmodern architecture / edited by Wouter Van Acker and Thomas Mical.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  91. Architecture as a living act : Leonardo Ricci / Maria Clara Ghia.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  92. ARCHITECTURE CONSTRUCTED: NOTES ON A DISCIPLINE.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  93. Architecture for disquiet bodies / Didier Fiúza Faustino ; edited by Christope Le Gac ; copyediting and translations, Jane Michael.. print book. Art
  94. Architecture in abjection : bodies, spaces and their relations / Zuzana Kovar.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  95. Architecture in digital culture : machines, networks, and computations / Socrates Yiannoudes.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  96. Architecture in Mexico, 1900-2010 : the construction of modernity : works, design, art, and thought / Fernanda Canales.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  97. Architecture in the age of artificial intelligence : an introduction to AI for architects / Neil Leach.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  98. The architecture of modern Italy. Volume 1, The challenge of tradition, 1750-1900 [electronic resource] / Terry Kirk.. ebook.
  99. The architecture of modern Italy. Volume 2, Visions of Utopia, 1900 - present [electronic resource] / Terry Kirk.. ebook.
  100. Architecture of normal : the colonization of the American landscape / Daniel Kaven.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  101. The architecture of social reform : housing, tradition, and German modernism / Isabel Rousset.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  102. The architecture of suspense : the built world in the films of Alfred Hitchcock / Christine Madrid French ; foreword by Alan Hess.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  103. Architecture of the everyday / editors, Steven Harris, Deborah Berke.. ebook.
  104. Architecture's new strangeness : a 21st century cult of peculiarity / Kenneth M. Moffett, AIA.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  105. Architecture's theory / Catherine Ingraham.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  106. Architectures of life and death : the eco-aesthetics of the built environment / edited by Andrej Radman and Stavros Kousoulas.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  107. Architectures of spatial justice / Dana Cuff.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  108. Archives, recordkeeping and social justice / edited by David A. Wallace, Wendy M. Duff, Renée Saucier, and Andrew Flinn.. print book.
  109. The Arctic : a barometer of global climate variability / Neloy Khare, Rajni Khare.. print book. Physics
  110. Are children reliable witnesses? / Ben F. Cotterill.. print book. Law
  111. Ariel's ecology : plantations, personhood, and colonialism in the American tropics / Monique Allewaert.. print book. English
  112. Aristotle's Physics : a critical guide / edited by Mariska Leunissen.. print book. Philosophy
  113. Armadillo antics / Bill Martin, Jr. and Michael Sampson ; illustrated by Nathalie Beauvois. print book. Education
  114. Arms across America : waging third world war / produced by War Resisters League ; research by Judy Kowalok, Michael Marsh ; design by Rick Bickhart.. print map. Geography
  115. Around the bend : for trumpet and trombone / Elizabeth Raum.. music score (printed). Music
  116. Arrangements und etuden : für cornet à pistons / von Wilhelm Wurm, solist S. Majestät des Kaisers von Russland und Chef der Musik der Kaiserlichen Garde.. music score (printed). Music
  117. Arrows against the wind / Bullfrog Films presents ; a Land Beyond production ; produced and directed by Tracey Groome ; written by Tracey Groome & Liz Thompson.. streaming video. Anthropology
  118. Ars componendi sermones / Ranulph Hidgen [i.e. Higden] ; translated by Margaret Jennings and Sally A. Wilson ; introduction and notes by Margaret Jennings.. print book. Philosophy
  119. Ars memoratiua: Ad commemorandu[m] Terminos, Questio[n]es, Argume[n]ta siue Sermones quottas.. print book.
  120. Ars memoratiua: Ad commemorandu[m] Terminos, Questio[n]es, Argume[n]ta siue Sermones quottas.. print book.
  121. ARS22 : Eläviä kohtaamisia = Living Encounters / curators: Leevi Haapala, João Laia ; editors: Leevi Haapala, João Laia, Jari-Pekka Vanhala.. print book. Art
  122. Art along the rivers : a bicentennial celebration / Amy Torbert and M. Melissa Wolfe ; with contributions by Beth Rubin.. print book. Art
  123. Art and climate change / Maja and Reuben Fowkes.. print book. Art
  124. Art and the formation of early medieval England / Catherine E. Karkov.. print book. Art
  125. The art and thought of the Beowulf poet / Leonard Neidorf.. print book. English
  126. Art, borders and belonging : on home and migration / edited by Maria Photiou and Marsha Meskimmon.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  127. Art demonstration : Group material and the 1980s / Claire Grace.. print book. Art
  128. Art for coexistence : unlearning the way we see migration / Christine Ross.. print book. Art
  129. Art in motion : riding the Paris metro / Anaël Pigeat ; photographs by Philippe Garcia ; English translation (except for the Julian Opie interview), Chrisoula Petridis.. print book. Art
  130. Art maps and cities : contemporary artists explore urban spaces / Gloria Lanci.. print book. Art
  131. Art nouveau : art, architecture and design in transformation / Charlotte Ashby.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  132. The art of activism and the activism of art / Gregory Sholette.. print book. Art
  133. The art of collaboration & innovation / Albert Kahn Associates ; [edited by] Caitlin Wunderlich.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  134. The art of collaboration : Pickard Chilton / Michael J. Crosbie.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  135. The art of colour : the history of art in 39 pigments / Kelly Grovier.. print book. Art
  136. The art of computer programming / Donald E. Knuth.. print book. Mathematics
  137. The art of copying art / Penelope Jackson.. print book. Art
  138. The art of making theatre : an arsenal of dreams in 12 scenes / Pamela Howard with Pavel Drábek.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  139. The art of statistics : how to learn from data / David Spiegelhalter.. ebook. Statistics
  140. The art of Symeon Shimin / essays by Symeon Shimin, Josef Woodard, Charles Donelan ; edited and curated by Tonia Shimin.. print book. Art
  141. The art of the reprint : nineteenth-century novels in twentieth-century editions / Rosalind Parry.. print book. English
  142. The art of trumpet playing : the Thiecke method / revised and edited by Mel Broiles and Charles Colin.. music score (printed). Music
  143. The art of useless : fashion, media, and consumer culture in contemporary China / Calvin Hui.. print book. Business
  144. Art's properties / David Joselit.. print book. Art
  145. Art, science and the body in early Romanticism / Stephanie O'Rourke, University of St Andrews, Scotland.. print book. Art
  147. The Art Tatum collection / transcribed by Brent Edstrom ; text by Ronny S. Schiff.. music score (printed). Music
  148. Art, theory, revolution : the turn to generality in contemporary literature / Mitchum Huehls.. print book. English
  149. Art X fashion : fashion inspired by art / Nancy Hall-Duncan.. print book. Art
  150. Arte programmata : freedom, control, and the computer in 1960s Italy / Lindsay Caplan.. print book. Art
  151. Artful subversion : Empress Dowager Cixi's image making / Ying-chen Peng.. print book. Art
  152. Artifacts : fascinating facts about art, artists, and the art world / Phaidon.. print book. Art
  153. Artificial intelligence and architecture : from research to practice / Stanislas Chaillou.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  154. Artificial intelligence and data science in environmental sensing / edited by Mohsen Asadnia, Amir Razmjou, Amin Beheshti.. print book. Geography
  155. Artificial intelligence applied to satellite-based remote sensing data for earth observation / edited by Maria Pia Del Rosso, Alessandro Sebastianelli, and Silvia Liberata Ullo.. ebook. Geography
  156. The artist's studio : a century of the artist's studio, 1920-2020 / text by Dawn Ades, Iwona Blazwick, Inês Costa, Richard Dyer, Hammad Nassar, Candy Stobbs ; edited by Iwona Blazwick.. print book. Art
  157. Arts and crafts is cactus : the collection since 1945 / editors, Sabine Runde, Matthias Wagner K ; authors, Nora von Achenbach [and nine others].. print book. Art
  158. Arts and cultural management : sense and sensibilities in the state of the field / edited by Constance DeVereaux.. ebook. Arts Administration
  159. Arts entrepreneurship : creating a new venture in the arts / Richard S. Andrews. ebook. Arts Administration
  160. Arts entrepreneurship : creating a new venture in the arts / Richard S. Andrews.. print book. Arts Administration
  161. Arts management, cultural policy, & the African disaspora / Antonio C. Cuyler, editor.. ebook. Arts Administration
  162. Arts management, cultural policy, & the African disaspora / Antonio C. Cuyler, editor.. print book. Arts Administration
  163. Aru Shah and the city of gold / Roshani Chokshi.. print book. Education
  164. Aru Shah and the nectar of immortality / Roshani Chokshi.. print book. Education
  165. Aru Shah and the Tree of Wishes / Roshani Chokshi.. print book. Education
  166. As old as time : a twisted tale / Liz Braswell.. print book. Education
  167. As told by herself : women's childhood autobiography, 1845-1969 / Lorna Martens.. print book. History
  168. As we see it : artists redefining Black identity / Aida Amoako.. print book. Art
  169. Asanomusic : for solo bassoon (1968) / Paul Zonn.. music score (printed). Music
  170. Asia and postwar Japan : deimperialization, civic activism, and national identity / Simon Avenell.. print book. History
  171. Asian American histories of the United States / Catherine Ceniza Choy.. print book. History
  172. Asian American literature / Jinqi Ling.. print book. English
  173. Assuming asymmetries : conversations on curating public art in the 1980s and 1990s / edited by CuratorLab 2020/21, Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Anna Mikaela Ekstrand [and 11 others].. print book. Art
  174. Assuming responsibility : ecstatic eudaimonism and the call to live well / Jennifer A. Herdt.. print book. Philosophy
  175. L'Astrée. Trosième partie / Honoré d' Urfé ; Delphine Denis ; édition critique établie sous la direction de Delphine Denis ; par Jean-Marc Chatelain, Delphine Denis, Camille Esmein-Sarrazin, Laurence Giavarini, Frank Greiner, Françoise Lavocat et Sté. print book. French & Francophone Studies
  176. Astronomers and what they do. / Liesbet Slegers.. print book. Education
  177. Astrophysical magnetic fields : from galaxies to the early universe / Anvar Shukurov, Kandaswamy Subramanian.. ebook. Physics
  178. At Berkeley - Life At UC Berkeley. ebook. English
  179. At Berkeley - Life At UC Berkeley. ebook.
  180. At the center of all beauty : solitude and the creative life / Fenton Johnson.. print book.
  181. At the drop of a cat / written by Élise Fontenaille ; illustrations by Violeta Lópiz ; translated from French by Karin Snelson & Emilie Robert Wong.. print book. Education
  182. At the drop of a hat / Jon Huck.. print book. Art
  183. Atheism on trial : a lawyer examines the case for unbelief / W. Mark Lanier.. print book. Law
  184. Atheistic Platonism : a manifesto / Eric Charles Steinhart.. print book. Philosophy
  185. Athens on the frontier : Grecian-style architecture in the splendid valley of the West, 1820-1860 / Patrick Lee Lucas.. print book.
  186. Atlanta hip-hop / by Joseph Veazey.. print map. Geography
  187. The atlas of atlases / Philip Parker.. print book. Geography
  188. Atlas of design / NACIS ; edited by Timothy R. Wallace, Daniel P. Huffman.. print atlas. Geography
  189. Atlas of digital architecture : terminology, concepts, methods, tools, examples, phenomena / Ludger Hovestadt, Urs Hirschberg, Oliver Fritz (editors).. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  190. Atlas of inherited metabolic diseases / William L. Nyhan, Georg F. Hoffmann ; with contributors from Aida I. Al-Aqeel and Bruce A. Barshop.. ebook. Medicine
  191. Atmospheres of projection : environmentality in art and screen media / Giuliana Bruno.. print book. Art
  192. Atmospheric architectures : the aesthetics of felt spaces / Gernot Böhme ; edited and translated by A.-Chr. Engels-Schwarzpaul.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  193. Atmospheric rivers / F. Martin Ralph, Michael D. Dettinger, Jonathan J. Rutz, Duane E. Waliser, editors.. ebook. Physics
  194. Attachment : the fundamental questions / edited by Ross A. Thompson, Jeffry A. Simpson, Lisa J. Berlin.. ebook. Social Work
  195. Attack of the black rectangles / Amy Sarig King.. print book. Education
  196. Au revoir les enfants / ecrit et réalisé par Louis Malle ; une co-production, Nouvelles Editions de Films, M.K.2 Productions, Stella Film.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  197. Auden and the muse of history / Susannah Young-ah Gottlieb.. print book. English
  198. Augmented landscapes [electronic resource] / Smout Allen.. ebook.
  199. Augusta Savage : the shape of a sculptor's life / Marilyn Nelson ; afterword by Tammi Lawson.. print book. Education
  200. Aure : for violin and viola (2011) / Kaija Saariaho.. music score (printed). Music
  201. Aure : for violin and violoncello (2015) / Kaija Saariaho.. music score (printed). Music
  202. Austrian reconstruction and the collapse of global finance, 1921-1931 / Nathan Marcus.. print book. History
  203. Authorial personality and the making of Renaissance texts : the force of character / Douglas S. Pfeiffer.. print book. English
  204. Authority, cooperation, and accountability / Saba Bazargan-Forward.. print book. Philosophy
  205. Autistic intelligence : interaction, individuality, and the challenges of diagnosis / Douglas W. Maynard and Jason Turowetz.. print book. Education
  206. Autocracy rising : how Venezuela transitioned to authoritarianism / Javier Corrales.. print book. Political Science
  207. Autofiction and cultural memory / Hywel Dix.. print book. English
  208. Automated landscapes / edited by Merve Bedir, Ludo Groen, Marten Kuijpers, Víctor Muñoz Sanz, Marina Otero Verzier.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  209. Automation is a myth / Luke Munn.. ebook. Business

B - Bie

  1. Babel : or, The necessity of violence : an arcane history of the Oxford Translators' Revolution / R.F. Kuang.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  2. Baby animals.. print book. Education
  3. The baby on the fire escape : creativity, motherhood, and the mind-baby problem / Julie Phillips.. print book. Art
  4. Babylost : racism, survival, and the quiet politics of infant mortality, from A to Z / Monica J. Casper.. print book. Education
  5. Bach and tuning / Johnny Reinhard.. print book. Music
  6. Back to the moon : the next giant leap for humankind / Joseph Silk.. ebook. Physics
  7. Backfire : how sanctions reshape the world against U.S. interests / Agathe Demarais.. ebook. Business
  8. Backpacking Tennessee : overnight trail adventures from the Mississippi River to the Appalachian Mountains / Johnny Molloy.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  9. Bacurau / uma co-produção Brasil-França Cinemascópio, SBS Productions ; em co-produção com Globo Filmes, Simio Filmes, Arte France Cinema, Telecine, Canal Brasil ; filme Kleber Mendonça Filho, Juliano Dornelles ; produzido por Emilie Lesclaux, Saï. streaming video. Hispanic Studies
  10. Bad blood : staging race between early modern England and Spain / Emily Weissbourd.. print book. English
  11. Bad Mexicans : race, empire, and revolution in the borderlands / Kelly Lytle Hernández.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  12. Bad rabbit / Christopher Wool.. print book. Art
  13. Badiou by Badiou / Alain Badiou ; translated by Bruno Bosteels.. print book. Philosophy
  14. Ball of fire / Samuel Goldwyn presents.. streaming video.
  15. The ballad of Laurel Springs / Janet Beard.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  16. Ballade, pour flûte, orchestre à cordes et piano : (1939, 1941) / Frank Martin.. music score (printed). Music
  17. The Ballantines : building community issue by issue / John Peel.. print book. History
  18. Ballroom : a people's history of dancing / Hilary French.. print book. Philosophy
  19. The Baltimore rowhouse [electronic resource] / Mary Ellen Hayward and Charles Belfoure ; foreword by James Marston Fitch.. ebook.
  20. Bamboo contemporary : green houses around the globe / William Richards.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  21. Banal complexities = Tqydātādya : Kollaborative Kunst im öffentlichen Raum = collaborative art in public space / Margareta Klose & Nourhan Maayouf, Oscar Cueto & Bassem Yousri, Lisa Grosskopf & Soukaina Joual, Malek Gnaoui & Markus Hiesleitner ; Herausge. print book. Art
  22. Bande à part : on independent art institutions : essay, questionaire, statement / editing: Sarah Demeuse (managing editor), Rhea Dall, Prem Krishmanurthy, Chris Sharp.. print book. Art
  23. Bani Abidi : the artist who / [edited by Saira Ansari].. print book. Art
  24. Banjo Romantika : American bluegrass music and the Czech imagination / a film by Lee Bidgood and Shara K. Lange.. streaming video.
  25. Banjo Romantika : American bluegrass music and the Czech imagination / a film by Lee Bidgood and Shara K. Lange.. streaming video.
  27. Banksy / Alessandra Mattanza ; foreword by John Brandler.. print book. Art
  28. THE BAPTIST HARMONY / JASON RAY. print book. Music
  30. Barbara / a film by Christian Petzold.. streaming video. German
  32. Barbara Kasten : architecture & film (2015-2020) / edited by Stephanie Cristello.. print book. Art
  33. Bárbara Wagner [and] Benjamin de Burca : five times Brazil / edited by Margot Norton and Bernardo Mosqueira.. print book. Art
  34. Bård Breivik : war paint / Bård Breivik ; photographs by Anders Bergesen ; edited by Bård Breivik, Greger Ulf Nilson and Sune Nordgren.. print book. Art
  35. Bardengesang : aus der "Hermanns-Schlacht" von Klopstock : für Männerchor und Orchester = Bardic song : from "Hermanns-Schlacht" (Klopstock) : for men's chorus and orchestra : op. 55 / Richard Strauss.. music score (printed). Music
  36. Barn dances & jamborees across Kentucky / J. D. Wilkes; foreword by John Cohen.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  37. Barravento / Petrobas apresenta ; distribuição, Versatil Home Video ; realização, Paloma Cinematográfica, Tempo Glauber ; Rex Schindler, Braga Neto apresentam ; roteiro de Glauber Rocha, José Telles de Magalhães ; diálogos de Glauber Rocha, Luiz P. streaming video. English
  38. Barravento / Petrobas apresenta ; distribuição, Versatil Home Video ; realização, Paloma Cinematográfica, Tempo Glauber ; Rex Schindler, Braga Neto apresentam ; roteiro de Glauber Rocha, José Telles de Magalhães ; diálogos de Glauber Rocha, Luiz P. streaming video.
  39. Barriers to rebuilding the African American community : understanding the issues facing today's African Americans from a social work perspective / Tywan Ajani.. ebook. Social Work
  40. Barrioquinto / Demetrio Paparoni.. print book. Art
  41. Barry Sampson : teaching + practice / Brian Carter and Annette LeCuyer, editors.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  42. The baseball 100 / Joe Posnanski.. print book. Education
  43. Basics in jazz arranging / Paris Rutherford.. ebook. Music
  44. Basquiat Jaffe : crossroads / [text and photographs by Lee Jaffe ; foreword by Franklin Sirmans ; essay by J. Faith Almiron].. print book. Art
  45. Bassoon set : for solo bassoon / Adolphus Hailstork.. music score (printed). Music
  46. A bastard kind of reasoning : William Blake and geometry / Andrew M. Cooper.. print book. English
  47. En båt med blommor : för baryton och orkester, op. 44, 1925 / Hugo Alfvén ; text: Oscar Levertin.. music score (printed). Music
  48. La bataille d'Alger = The battle of Algiers / Casbah-Film présente ; un film de Gillo Pontecorvo ; scénario de Franco Solinas ; production Casbah Films, Igor Film ; produit par Yacef Saadi.. streaming video. English
  49. La bataille d'Alger = The battle of Algiers / Casbah-Film présente ; un film de Gillo Pontecorvo ; scénario de Franco Solinas ; production Casbah Films, Igor Film ; produit par Yacef Saadi.. streaming video.
  50. Bats : their biology and behavior / Tony Hutson.. print book. Biology
  51. Battle suite : for brass quintet / Samuel Scheidt ; edited and arranged by Philip Jones.. music score (printed). Music
  52. Battleship Potemkin / produced by the 1st Studio of Goskino ; supervised by J.M. Bliokh ; script by N.F. Agadzhanova-Shutko ; director, S.M. Eisenstein.. streaming video. Philosophy
  53. Bayes factors for forensic decision analyses with R / Silvia Bozza, Franco Taroni, Alex Biedermann.. print book. Statistics
  54. BAYESIAN COMPENDIUM.. print book. Statistics
  55. Bayesian hierarchical models : with applications using R / by Peter D. Congdon.. ebook. Statistics
  56. Bayesian methods in statistics : from concepts to practice / Mel Slater.. print book. Statistics
  57. Bayesian modeling of spatio-temporal data with R / Sujit K. Sahu.. print book. Statistics
  58. Bayesian networks : with examples in R / Marco Scutari, Jean-Baptiste Denis.. print book. Statistics
  59. Bayesian statistical modeling with Stan, R, and Python / Kentaro Matsuura.. ebook. Statistics
  60. Bayesian statistics for experimental scientists : a general introduction using distribution-free methods / Richard A. Chechile.. ebook. Statistics
  61. Be not afraid of life : in the words of William James / edited by John Kaag and Jonathan van Belle.. print book. Philosophy
  62. Bea Wolf / written by Zach Weinersmith ; art by Boulet.. print book. Education
  63. A bear, a bee, and a honey tree / words by Daniel Bernstrom ; art by Brandon James Scott.. print book. Education
  64. Bear is a bear / written by Jonathan Stutzman ; illustrated by Dan Santat.. print book. Education
  65. Beartown : a novel / Fredrik Backman ; translated by Neil Smith.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  66. Beasts of burden : animal and disability liberation / Sunaura Taylor.. print book. English
  67. Beasts of burden : animal and disability liberation / Sunaura Taylor.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  68. Beating the bounds : excess and restraint in Joyce's later works / Roy Benjamin.. print book. English
  69. The Beatryce Prophecy. print book. Education
  70. Le beau Serge / Gaumont présente une production Ajym-Films ; un film produit, écrit et réalisé par Claude Chabrol.. streaming video.
  71. Le beau Serge / Gaumont présente une production Ajym-Films ; un film produit, écrit et réalisé par Claude Chabrol.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  72. Beau travail / une coproduction La Sept ARTE, Tanaïs Com, SM Films ; produit par Jérôme Minet et Patrick Grandperret ; avec la participation du Centre National de la Cinématographie ; scénario, Jean-Pol Fargeau et Claire Denis ; un film de Claire Den. streaming video. Philosophy
  73. Beau travail / une coproduction La Sept ARTE, Tanaïs Com, SM Films ; produit par Jérôme Minet et Patrick Grandperret ; avec la participation du Centre National de la Cinématographie ; scénario, Jean-Pol Fargeau et Claire Denis ; un film de Claire Den. streaming video.
  75. Beautiful Colorado : baritone solo with piano accompaniment / Joseph De Luca.. music score (printed). Music
  76. Beautiful economics : a guide to gentle world domination : how to reboot the world with a new economic narrative / by Howard Collinge.. print book. Business
  77. Beautiful useful things : what William Morris made / Beth Kephart & Melodie Stacey.. print book. Education
  78. Beautiful users : designing for people / Ellen Lupton with contributions by Thomas Carpentier and Tiffany Lambert.. ebook.
  79. Beauty and the beast : (solo contrabass) / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
  80. Bebop riddle : (for solo 5-octave marimba) / Augusta Read Thomas.. music score (printed). Music
  81. Bebop riddle II : for violoncello and piano (2022) / Augusta Read Thomas.. music score (printed). Music
  82. Becky Suss / [essays by Michelle Millar Fisher and Peter L'Official ; interview by Helen Molesworth].. print book. Art
  83. Becoming a therapist : what do I say, and why? / Suzanne Bender and Edward Messner ; foreword by Nhi-Ha Trinh.. ebook. Psychology
  84. Becoming an expert witness in health care and litigation : a beginner's guide / Jeff G. Konin, Mark S. Ramey.. print book. Law
  85. Becoming AppalAsian / Lisa Kwong.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  86. Becoming great universities : small steps for sustained excellence / Richard J. Light and Allison Jegla.. print book. Education
  87. Becoming Hopi : a history / edited by Wesley Bernardini, Stewart B. Koyiyumptewa, Gregson Schachner, and Leigh Kuwanwisiwma.. ebook. Anthropology
  88. Becoming human : matter and meaning in an antiblack world / Zakiyyah Iman Jackson.. print book. English
  89. Becoming Pynchon : genetic narratology and V. / Luc Herman and John M. Krafft.. print book. English
  90. Bedae Venerabilis opera. Pars II, Opera exegetica. 3, In Lucae evangelium expositio ; In Marci evangelium expositio / cura et studio D. Hurst.. print book. Philosophy
  91. Bedtime for Bo / Kjersti Annesdatter Skomsvold & [illustrations by] Mari Kanstad Johnsen ; translated from Norwegian by Kari Dickson.. print book. Education
  92. Bee : a peek-through picture book / text by Patricia Hegarty ; illustrated by Britta Teckentrup.. print book. Education
  93. Beekeepers and what they do / Liesbet Slegers.. print book. Education
  94. Beer : a global journey through the past and present / John W. Arthur.. print book. History
  95. Beethoven the European : transcultural contexts of performance, interpretation and reception / edited by Malcolm Miller, Willam Kinderman.. print book. Music
  96. Before borders : a legal and literary history of naturalization / Stephanie DeGooyer.. print book. English
  97. Before Crips : fussin', cussin', and discussin' among South Los Angeles juvenile gangs / John C. Quicker and Akil S. Batani-Khalfani.. print book. Education
  98. Before modernism : inventing American lyric / Virginia Jackson.. print book. English
  99. Before the holocaust : antisemitic violence and the reaction of German elites and institutions during the Nazi takeover / Hermann Beck.. print book. History
  100. Beginning R 4 : from beginner to pro / Matt Wiley, Joshua F. Wiley.. ebook. Statistics
  101. Behavioral insights / Michael Hallsworth and Elspeth Kirkman.. ebook. Psychology
  102. Behemoth / ARTE France and INA present a film by Shao Liang.. streaming video.
  103. Behemoth / ARTE France and INA present a film by Shao Liang.. streaming video. Anthropology
  104. Behind the angel of history : the Angelus Novus and its interleaf / Annie Bourneuf.. print book. Art
  105. Behind their screens : what teens are facing (and adults are missing) / Emily Weinstein and Carrie James.. print book. Education
  106. Being Edie is hard today / written by Ben Brashares ; illustrated by Elizabeth Bergeland.. print book. Education
  107. Being human : philosophical anthropology through phenomenology / Robert E. Wood.. print book. Philosophy
  108. Being social : the philosophy of social human rights / edited by Kimberly Brownlee, David Jenkins and Adam Neal.. print book. Philosophy
  109. Belabored : a vindication of the rights of pregnant women / Lyz Lenz.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  110. Belief, agency and knowledge : essays on epistemic normativity / Matthew Chrisman.. print book. Philosophy
  111. Belly of the beast / Idle Wild Films presents a co-production with ITVS ; a film by Erika Cohn ; directed & produced by Erika Cohn ; produced by Angela Tucker, Christen Marquez, Nicole Docta.. streaming video.
  112. Belly of the beast / Idle Wild Films presents a co-production with ITVS ; a film by Erika Cohn ; directed & produced by Erika Cohn ; produced by Angela Tucker, Christen Marquez, Nicole Docta.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
  113. Beloved economies : transforming how we work / Jess Rimington, Joanna L. Cea.. print book. Business
  114. Ben Yokoyama and the cookies of chaos / by Matthew Swanson and Robbi Behr.. print book. Education
  115. Benchmarking library, information and education services : new strategic choices in challenging times / edited by David Baker, Lucy Ellis, Caroline Williams, Cliff Wragg.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  116. Beneath / Cori Doerrfeld.. print book. Education
  117. Benji, the bad day, and me / by Sally J. Pla ; illustrated by Ken Min.. print book. Education
  118. Berceuse : for flute and piano / Camille Fontaine.. music score (printed). Music
  119. Berlin in the Cold War : the battle for the divided city / Thomas Flemming ; [translation, Penny Croucher].. ebook.
  120. Bernard Tschumi [electronic resource] : Zénith de Rouen, Rouen, France / Todd Gannon and Laurie A. Gunzelman, volume editors.. ebook.
  121. Bernd & Hilla Becher / Jeff L. Rosenheim ; essays by Gabriele Conrath-Scholl, Virginia Heckert, Lucy Sante ; interview with Max Becher ; translations from German by Elisabeth Lauffer.. print book. Art
  122. Bernoulli's fallacy : statistical illogic and the crisis of modern science / Aubrey Clayton.. ebook. Mathematics
  123. Berry song / Michaela Goade.. print book. Education
  124. Bertha Maxwell-Roddey : a modern-day race woman and the power of Black leadership / Sonya Y. Ramsey.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  125. Best boy / designed and photographed by Tom McDonough ; a film by Ira Wohl ; an Only Child Motion Pictures Production.. streaming video.
  126. Best boy / designed and photographed by Tom McDonough ; a film by Ira Wohl ; an Only Child Motion Pictures Production.. streaming video. Social Work
  127. Best interests of the student : applying ethical constructs to legal cases in education / Jacqueline A. Stefkovich and William C. Frick.. print book. Law
  128. Best laid plans : women coming of age in uncertain times / Jessica Halliday Hardie.. print book. Education
  129. Best reading buddies / by Jane O'Connor ; cover illustration by Robin Preiss Glasser ; interior illustrations by Ted Enik.. print book. Education
  130. The best writing on mathematics 2021 / Mircea Pitici, editor.. print book. Mathematics
  131. The best years of our lives / Samuel Goldwyn presents ; screen play by Robert E. Sherwood ; produced by Samuel Goldwyn ; directed by William Wyler.. streaming video. English
  132. The best years of our lives / Samuel Goldwyn presents ; screen play by Robert E. Sherwood ; produced by Samuel Goldwyn ; directed by William Wyler.. streaming video.
  133. Bestiarium / Johan Creten ; sous la direction de Colin Lemoine.. print book. Art
  134. Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology / edited by Jame Abraham and James L. Gulley.. ebook. Medicine
  135. Better by design : an introduction to planning, designing and developing library buildings.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  136. Between heaven and Russia : religious conversion and political apostasy in Appalachia / Sarah Riccardi-Swartz.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  137. Between memory and invention : my journey in architecture / Robert A.M. Stern with Leopoldo Villardi.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  138. Between the sea & the lagoon : an eco-social history of the Anlo of southeastern Ghana, c. 1850 to recent times / Emmanuel Kwaku Akyeampong.. print book. History
  139. Between the state and the schoolhouse : understanding the failure of Common Core / Tom Loveless.. print book. Education
  140. Betye Saar : serious moonlight / edited by Stephanie Seidel.. print book. Art
  141. Beverages and sandwiches for your husband's friends / by One who knows.. print book. Special Collections
  142. Beverly / by Nick Drnaso.. print book. Arts Administration
  143. Beware of the crocodile / Martin Jenkins ; illustrated by Satoshi Kitamura.. print book. Education
  144. Beyond baseball's color barrier : the story of African Americans in Major League Baseball, past, present, and future / Rocco Constantino.. print book. History
  145. Beyond digital : design and automation at the end of modernity / Mario Carpo.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  147. Beyond pronouns : the essential guide for parents of trans children / Tammy Plunkett, foreword by Mitchell Plunkett.. print book. Education
  148. Beyond spreadsheets with R : a beginner's guide to R and RStudio / Dr. Jonathan Carroll.. ebook. Statistics
  149. Beyond the burrow / Jessica Meserve.. print book. Education
  150. Beyond the garden : designing home landscapes with natural systems / Dana Davidsen.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  151. Beyond the icon : Asian American graphic narratives / edited by Eleanor Ty.. print book. English
  152. Beyond the Voting Rights Act : the untold story of the struggle to reform America's voter registration laws / Gregory T. Moore.. print book. Law
  153. Bi : the hidden culture, history, and science of bisexuality / Julia Shaw.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  154. The Bible after Deleuze : affects, assemblages, bodies without organs / Stephen D. Moore.. print book. Philosophy
  155. Biennials as sites of historical narration : thinking through Göteborg International Biennal for Contemporary Art / edited by Lisa Rosendahl.. print book. Art
  156. BIG : architektur und baudetails = architecture and construction details / Herausgeberin/editor: Sandra Hofmeister ; Autorinnen und Autern/Authors: Sabine Drey [and fifteen others].. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  157. Big bang : imagining the universe / texts, Barbara Baert [and five others] ; translation, Helen Simpson, Sandy Logan.. print book. Art
  158. Big book of Ukrainian alphabet for kids : 130+ Ukrainian words with illustrations, translation, and pronunciation.. print book. Education
  159. The big con : how the consulting industry weakens our businesses, infantilizes our governments, and warps our economies / Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington.. ebook. Business
  160. The big con : how the consulting industry weakens our businesses, infantilizes our governments, and warps our economies / Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington.. print book. Business
  161. The big fix : 7 practical steps to save our planet / Hal Harvey and Justin Gillis, with Mark Silberg and Amanda Myers.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
  162. The big myth : how American business taught us to loathe government and love the free market / Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. Conway.. print book. Business
  163. The Big Myth : How American Business Taught Us to Loathe Government and Love the Free Market / Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. Conway.. ebook. Business
  164. BIG PICTURE PERSPECTIVES ON PLANETARY. print book. Philosophy
  165. Big picture perspectives on planetary flourishing / edited by Nicholas Hedlund and Sean Esbjörn-Hargens.. print book. Philosophy
  166. Big truck, little island / Chris Van Dusen.. print book. Education
  167. The big umbrella / Amy June Bates ; cowritten with Juniper Bates.. print book. Education
  168. The biggest little farm / a film by John Chester ; NEON and FarmLore Films present ; in association with Diamond Docs ; in association with Impact Partners and Artemis Rising.. streaming video.
  169. The biggest little farm / a film by John Chester ; NEON and FarmLore Films present ; in association with Diamond Docs ; in association with Impact Partners and Artemis Rising.. streaming video. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  170. Bíilukaa / Wendy Red Star.. print book. Art
  171. The bill of obligations : the ten habits of good citizens / Richard Haass.. print book. Law
  172. Bill Viola : icons of light / a cura di Kira Perov.. print book. Art
  173. Bill Viola in dialogue : selected writings & lectures / Bill Viola ; edited by Otto Neumaier and Thorsten Sadowsky.. print book. Art
  174. A billion black Anthropocenes or none / Kathryn Yusoff.. print book. English
  175. Billy Wilder speaks : conversations with Billy Wilder by Volker Schlöndorff / a film by Volker Schlöndorff and Gisela Grischow.. streaming video.
  176. Bindu's Bindis / by Supriya Kelkar ; illustrated by Parvati Pillai.. print book. Education
  177. Binge times : inside Hollywood's furious billion-dollar battle to take down Netflix / Dade Hayes and Dawn Chmielewski.. print book. Business
  178. BIOLOGICAL COGNITION.. print book. Biology
  179. Biological water : physicochemical aspects / Gertz I. Likhtenshtein.. ebook. Chemistry
  180. Biopolitics after neuroscience : morality and the economy of virtue / Jeffrey P. Bishop, M. Therese Lysaught and Andrew A. Michel.. print book. Philosophy
  181. Bird house / Blanca Gómez.. print book. Education
  182. The birdcatcher / Gayl Jones.. print book. Education
  183. Birds.. print book. Education
  184. Birdsong / by Sebastian Faulks ; adapted by Rachel Wagstaff.. print book. History
  185. Birdsong, speech and poetry : the art of composition in the long nineteenth century / Francesca Mackenney, University of Leeds.. print book. English
  186. Birgit Brenner : Jemanden Fragen / Herausgeberin, Susanne Pfleger ; Autorinnen, Susanne Kleine, Susanne Pfleger, Anke Sterneborg ; redaktion, Corinna Wolfien.. print book. Art
  187. Birnam Wood / Eleanor Catton.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  188. The birth of a nation / Triangle Film Corporation presents D. W. Griffith's immortal spectacle.. streaming video. Sociology
  190. Birthing Black mothers / Jennifer C. Nash.. ebook. Social Work
  191. Bit of everything : for solo flute and electronics / Allison Loggins-Hull.. music score (printed). Music
  192. The bitter end : the 2020 presidential campaign and the challenge to American democracy / John Sides, Chris Tausanovitch, and Lynn Vavreck.. print book. History

Bl - Bz

  1. Black : a handbook / by Tia Blassingame.. print book. Special Collections
  2. Black aliveness, or a poetics of being / Kevin Quashie.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  3. Black American portraits : from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art / edited by Christine Y. Kim and Myrtle Elizabeth Andrews ; texts by Hilton Als, Myrtle Elizabeth Andrews, Bridget R. Cooks, Ilene Susan Fort, Naima J. Keith, Christine Y. Kim, Dhyandra. print book. Art
  4. Black and female: essays / Tsitsi Dangarembga.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  5. Black and queer on campus / Michael P. Jeffries.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  6. The Black athlete revolt : the sport justice movement in the age of #BlackLivesMatter / Shaun M. Anderson.. print book. History
  7. Black bodies, white gold : art, cotton, and commerce in the Atlantic world / Anna Arabindan-Kesson.. print book. Art
  8. Black boy joy / edited by Kwame Mbalia.. print book. Education
  9. Black boy smile : a memoir in moments / D. Watkins.. print book. Education
  10. Black cake : a novel / Charmaine Wilkerson.. print book. Education
  11. BLACK CINEMA & VISUAL CULTURE: ART AND POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  12. Black dignity : the struggle against domination / Vincent W. Lloyd.. print book. Philosophy
  13. Black disability politics / Sami Schalk.. ebook. Sociology
  14. Black-eyed peas and hoghead cheese : a story of food, family, and freedom / by Glenda Armand ; illustrated by Steffi Walthall.. print book. Education
  15. Black female intellectuals in nineteenth century America : born to bloom unseen? / Rebecca J. Fraser.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  16. Black fundamentalists : conservative Christianity and racial identity in the segregation era / Daniel R. Bare.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  17. Black girls must die exhausted : a novel / Jayne Allen.. print book. Education
  18. The Black guy dies first : Black horror cinema from fodder to Oscar / Robin R. Means Coleman, PhD, and Mark H. Harris.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  19. Black identity viewed from a barber's chair : nigrescence and eudaimonia / William E. Cross Jr.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  20. Black Indians and freedmen : the African Methodist Episcopal Church and indigenous Americans, 1816-1916 / Christina Dickerson-Cousin.. print book. History
  21. Black liberation through the marketplace : hope, heartbreak, and the promise of America / Rachel S. Ferguson, Marcus M. Witcher.. print book. Business
  22. Black lives matter in US schools : race, education, and resistance / edited by Boni Wozolek.. ebook. Education
  23. Black lives matter vs. all lives matter : a multidisciplinary primer / edited by Abdul Karim Bangura.. ebook. Social Work
  24. Black mercuries : African American athletes, race, and the modern Olympic games / David K. Wiggins, Kevin B. Witherspoon, and Mark S. Dyreson.. print book. History
  25. The Black Monk.. streaming video. Russian Studies
  26. Black Moon : for bass voice and bass clarinet (2012) / Calliope Tsoupaki.. music score (printed). Music
  27. Black Orpheus : Jacob Lawrence and the Mbari Club / edited by Kimberli Gant and Ndubuisi Ezeluomba.. print book. Art
  28. Black Pedro Pan / Ricardo E. Gonzalez Zayas.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  29. Black performance theory / Thomas F. DeFrantz and Anita Gonzalez, editors ; foreword by D. Soyini Madison.. ebook. Theatre & Dance
  30. The Black period : on personhood, race, and origin / Hafizah Augustus Geter.. print book. Education
  31. Black Shakespeare : reading and misreading race / Ian Smith (Lafayette College).. print book. English
  32. Black snow : Curtis LeMay, the firebombing of Tokyo, and the road to the atomic bomb / James M. Scott.. print book. History
  33. Black suffrage : Lincoln's last goal / Paul D. Escott.. print book. History
  34. Black windsongs / Leon J. Carter, III.. print book. Special Collections
  35. Black women and public health : strategies to name, locate, and change systems of power / edited by Stephanie Y. Evans, Sarita K. Davis, Leslie R. Hinkson, and Deanna J. Wathington ; afterword by Jasmine Ward.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  36. Black women in white : racial conflict and cooperation in the nursing profession, 1890-1950 / Darlene Clark Hine.. ebook. History
  37. Blacks & blackness in Central America : between race and place / edited by Lowell Gudmundson & Justin Wolfe.. ebook. African American and Africana Studies
  38. Blancaflor : la heroína con poderes secretos : un cuento de Latinoamérica / Nadja Spiegelman & Sergio García Sánchez ; [con intruducción de F. Isabel Campoy ; traducción, María E. Santana y José M. Méndez].. print book. Education
  39. Blancaflor : the hero with secret powers : a folktale from Latin America / Nadja Spiegelman & Sergio García Sánchez ; [with an introduction by F. Isabel Campoy].. print book. Education
  40. Der Blaue Engel / ein Film der F. W. Murnau.. streaming video. German
  41. Blinder Fleck Nordwestbahnhof : biographie eines innenstadtnahen Bahnhofsareals / Michael Hieslmair, Bernhard Hachleitner, Michael Zinganel.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  42. Bliss montage / Ling Ma.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  43. Blodhov (bloodhoof) : monodrama for mezzo-soprano and eight instruments (2016-19) / Karin Rehnqvist.. music score (printed). Music
  44. Blood and diamonds : Germany's imperial ambitions in Africa / Steven Press.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  45. Blood at the root / by Dominique Morisseau.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  46. Blood! not just a vampire drink / by Stacy McAnulty ; illustrated by Shawna J.C. Tenney.. print book. Education
  47. The blood of Jesus / Amegro Films presents Cathryn Caviness and Spencer Williams in.. streaming video. English
  48. The blood of Jesus / Amegro Films presents Cathryn Caviness and Spencer Williams in.. streaming video.
  49. Bloodbath nation / Paul Auster ; photographs by Spencer Ostrander.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
  50. Bloody tyrants & little pickles : stage roles of Anglo-American girls in the nineteenth century / Marlis Schweitzer.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  51. Blooming fiascoes : poems / Ellen Hagan.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  52. The Bloomsbury handbook to the digital humanities / edited by James O'Sullivan.. print book. History
  53. Blue / Britta Teckentrup.. print book. Education
  54. Blue : a history of the color as deep as the sea and as wide as the sky / by Nana Ekua Brew-Hammond ; illustrated by Daniel Minter.. print book. Education
  55. Blue architecture : water, design, and environmental futures / Brook Muller.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  56. Blue Bison needs a haircut / written by Scott Rothman ; illustrated by Pete Oswald.. print book. Education
  57. A blue kind of day / by Rachel Tomlinson ; illustrated by Tori-Jay Mordey.. print book. Education
  58. The blue kite.. streaming video. Asian Studies
  59. BLUE LAKE FANTASIES. print book. Music
  60. Bluegrass paradise : Royal Spring and the birth of Georgetown, Kentucky / Gary A. O'Dell.. print book.
  61. Blueprints neurology / Frank W. Drislane, Alexandra Hovaguimian, Andrew W. Tarulli, Aimee K. Boegle, Courtney McIIduff, Louis R. Caplan.. print book. Medicine
  62. The Blunders : a counting catastrophe! / Christina Soontornvat ; illustrated by Colin Jack.. print book. Education
  63. Blur : for solo Bb clarinet and clarinet quartet (2021) / Lawrence Dillon.. music score (printed). Music
  64. Boaz Kaizman : Grünanlage = green area / Herausgeberin, Barbara Engelbach.. print book. Art
  65. Der Boden unter den Füssen = The ground beneath my feet / eine Produktion der Novotny & Novotny Filmproduktion ; ein Film von Marie Kreutzer ; Produzenten, Alexander Glehr, Franz Novotny ; Drehbuch und Regie, Marie Kreutzer.. streaming video. German
  66. Bodies are cool / by Tyler Feder.. print book. Education
  67. Body image and eating disorders : an anthropological and psychological overview / Fabio Gabrielli, Ludes University, Lugano, Floriana Irtelli, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan.. ebook. Psychology
  68. The boggart : folklore, history, place-names and dialect / Simon Young.. print book. Russian Studies
  69. Boîtes à valse : pour basson(s) et piano / Bruno Giner.. music score (printed). Music
  70. BON VENT: FOR SOLO VIOLIN (2018) / KAIJA SAARIAHO. print book. Music
  71. Bone music / Stephen Coates.. print book. Music
  72. BONE SOUP A SPOOKY TASTY TALE. print book. Education
  73. Bone soup : a spooky, tasty tale / Alyssa Satin Capucilli ; illustrated by Tom Knight.. print book. Education
  74. Book madness : a story of book collectors in America / Denise Gigante.. print book.
  75. The book of goose / Yiyun Li.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  76. The Book of imaginary beings : for two guitars / Leo Brouwer.. music score (printed). Music
  77. The book of minds : how to understand ourselves and other beings, from animals to AI to aliens / Philip Ball.. print book. Philosophy
  78. The book of the dead / Muriel Rukeyser ; with an introduction by Catherine Venable Moore.. print book. English
  79. The book proposal book : a guide for scholarly authors / Laura Portwood-Stacer.. ebook. Social Work
  80. The books of Jacob : or: A fantastic journey across seven borders, five languages, and three major religions, not counting the minor sects. Told by the dead, supplemented by the author, drawing from a range of books, and aided by imagination, the which be. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  81. The books that made the European enlightenment : a history in 12 case studies / Gary Kates.. print book. History
  82. Boomers / Bartolomé Seguí.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  83. Bootstrapped : liberating ourselves from the American Dream / Alissa Quart.. print book. Business
  84. Borderlands resilience : transitions, adaptation and resistance at borders / Edited by Dorte Jagetic Andersen and Eeva-Kaisa Prokkola.. ebook. Geography
  85. Boredom, architecture and spatial experience / Christian Parreno.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  86. Boris Lurie and Wolf Vostell : Art after the Shoah / edited by Eckhart J. Gillen, Daniel Koep, Kunstmuseum Den Haag ; in cooperation with Kunsthaus Dahlem, Ludwig Museum Koblenz, Ludwig Müzeum--Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest ; supported by Boris Lu. print book. Art
  89. Botanical poetics : early modern plant books and the husbandry of print / Jessica Rosenberg.. print book. English
  90. Botticelli and Renaissance Florence : masterworks from the Uffizi / edited by Cecilia Frosinini and Rachel McGarry.. print book. Art
  91. Botticelli's secret : the lost drawings and the rediscovery of the Renaissance / Joseph Luzzi.. print book. Art
  92. La boum 1 & 2 / Claude Pinoteau.. video DVD.
  93. Bound by convention : obligation and social rules / David Owens.. print book. Philosophy
  94. Bourbon 101 / Albert W. A. Schmid ; foreword by Chris Morris.. print book.
  95. Box broken open : the architecture of Ted Pappas / Tim Gilmore with Mark Pappas.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  96. The box in the woods / Maureen Johnson.. print book. Education
  97. A boxing legacy : the life and works of writer and cartoonist Ted Carroll / edited by Ian Phimister, David Patrick.. print book. History
  98. The boy who tried to shrink his name / by Sandhya Parappukkaran ; illustrated by Michelle Pereira.. print book. Education
  99. Boyhood. ebook. English
  100. Boyhood. ebook.
  101. Boys, childhood domestic abuse, and gang involvement : violence at home, violence on-road / Jade Levell ; with a foreword by Marianne Hester.. print book. Education
  102. Braiding sweetgrass : Indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge and the teachings of plants / Robin Wall Kimmerer.. ebook.
  103. The brain on youth sports : the science, the myths, and the future / Julie M. Stamm, PhD.. print book. Education
  104. Brains! : not just a zombie snack / Stacy McAnulty ; illustrated by Matthew Rivera.. print book. Education
  105. Brave [Graphic Novel] / Svetlana Chmakova.. print book. Education
  106. Brave every day / by Trudy Ludwig ; illustrated by Patrice Barton.. print book. Education
  107. Brazilian art song anthology : 25 songs for voice and piano / edited by Flavio Mello and Carol McDavit = Antologia da canção brasileira : 25 obras para canto e piano / edição de Flavio Mello and Carol McDavit.. music score (printed). Music
  108. Brazilian folk tunes for flute & guitar / 15 pieces edited and arranged by Julian Byzantine ; with accompanying CD.. music score (printed). Music
  109. Brazilian piano collection : 19 pieces / edited by John Crawford De Cominges and Tim Richards.. music score (printed). Music
  110. Breadcrumb : art in your sandwich / edited by Eliot Z. Felde and Cristina Ramos.. print book. Art
  111. Breaking away : how to regain control over our data, privacy, and autonomy / Maurice E. Stucke.. print book. Law
  113. The breaking news / written & illustrated by Sarah Lynne Reul.. print book. Education
  114. Breaking silence : the story of the sisters at DeSales Heights / Silent Heart Productions ; writer/director, Susan Pointon ; producer, Tommie Dell Smith.. streaming video.
  115. Breaking silence : the story of the sisters at DeSales Heights / Silent Heart Productions ; writer/director, Susan Pointon ; producer, Tommie Dell Smith.. streaming video. Education
  116. Breaking the promise of Brown : the resegregation of America's schools / Stephen Breyer ; introduction by Thiru Vignarajah.. print book. Law
  117. Breasts and eggs / Mieko Kawakami ; translated from the Japanese by Sam Bett and David Boyd.. ebook. Asian Studies
  118. Breath better spent : living Black girlhood / DaMaris B. Hill.. print book. Education
  119. Breathe / Scott Magoon.. print book. Education
  120. Breathers : Paul Chan / edited by Pavel S. Pyś ; with contributions by Vic Brooks, Pvel S. Pyś, and Paul Chan.. print book. Art
  121. Breathing aesthetics / Jean-Thomas Tremblay.. print book. English
  122. Breathing makes it better : a book for sad days, mad days, glad days, and all the feelings in-between / Christopher Willard and Wendy O'Leary ; illustrated by Alea Marley.. print book. Education
  123. Breathless : the scientific race to defeat a deadly virus / David Quammen.. print book. Education
  124. Bremer Sinfonie : für Orchester / Harald Genzmer.. music score (printed). Music
  125. Brexitland : identity, diversity and the reshaping of British politics / Maria Sobolewska, Robert Ford.. print book. History
  126. Brick by brick : architecture and interiors built with bricks / this book was conceived, edited, and designed by Gestalten ; edited by Robert Klanten and Andrea Servert ; introduction by Natalia Torija ; feature texts by Natalia Torija.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  127. A brief literary history of disability / Fuson Wang.. print book. English
  128. Brilliant Bea / by Shaina Rudolph and Mary Vukadinovich ; illustrated by Fiona Lee.. print book. Education
  129. Brimset : for two flutes and two percussionists : 1965 / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
  130. Bring the war home : the white power movement and paramilitary America / Kathleen Belew.. ebook. Sociology
  131. Britain's black past / editor, Gretchen H. Gerzina.. ebook.
  132. British activist authors addressing children of colour / Karen Sands-O'Connor.. print book. English

C - Chi

  1. C is for country / Lil Nas X ; illustrated by Theodore Taylor III.. print book. Education
  2. C. S. Peirce and the Deconstruction of Tradition : Reality As a Sign / by Gheorghe Jurj.. print book. Philosophy
  3. C. Vann Woodward : America's historian / James C. Cobb.. ebook.
  4. The cabinet of Dr. Caligari.. streaming video. English
  5. CADAVRE EXQUIS. print book. Art
  6. Las cadenas de la identidad : poéticas del desarraigo y el viaje en la obra de Andrés Neuman / Javier Ferrer Calle.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
  7. Calamity Jack / Shannon Hale, Dean Hale and [illustrations by] Nathan Hale.. print book. Education
  8. ¡CALAVERA ZUMBONA! [CAPTION TITLE]. print book. Hispanic Studies
  9. Calices : for violin and piano / Kaija Saariaho.. music score (printed). Music
  10. California burning : the fall of Pacific Gas and Electric--and what it means for America's power grid / Katherine Blunt.. ebook. Business
  11. Call and response / Christian Marclay and Steve Beresford. print book. Art
  12. Call her by her name : poems / Bianca Lynne Spriggs.. print book.
  13. Called to the camera : Black American studio photographers / Brian Piper with John Edwin Mason, Carla Williams, and Russell Lord ; foreword by Susan Taylor.. print book. Art
  14. Calling for explanation / Dan Baras.. print book. Philosophy
  15. Calling the Moon : 16 period stories from BIPOC authors / edited by Aida Salazar and Yamile Saied Méndez.. print book. Education
  16. Calling the wind : a story of healing and hope / Trudy Ludwig ; [illustrated by] Kathryn Otoshi.. print book. Education
  17. La cámara oscura = The camera obscura / CA, cine argentino ; Todo Cine Producciones ; Sophie Dulac Productions ; dirigida por María Victoria Menis ; productor, Héctor Menis ; guión, María Victoria Menis, Alejandro Fernández Murray.. video DVD. Hispanic Studies
  18. The Cambridge companion to American literature and the body / edited by Travis M. Foster.. print book. English
  19. The Cambridge companion to Chomsky / edited by James McGilvray, McGill University, Montreal.. print book. Philosophy
  20. Cambridge companion to global literature and slavery / edited by Laura T. Murphy. print book. English
  21. The Cambridge companion to K-pop / edited by Suk-Young Kim.. print book. Music
  22. The Cambridge companion to literature and economics / edited by Paul Crosthwaite, Peter Knight, Nicky Marsh.. print book. English
  23. The Cambridge companion to Plato / edited by David Ebrey, Richard Kraut.. print book. Philosophy
  24. The Cambridge companion to Roman law / [edited by] David Johnston, Edinburgh Law School.. ebook. Classical Studies
  25. The Cambridge companion to the essay / edited by Kara Wittman, Evan Kindley.. print book. English
  26. The Cambridge companion to the literature of the American Civil War and Reconstruction / edited by Kathleen Diffley, Coleman Hutchison.. print book. English
  27. The Cambridge companion to twentieth century literature and politics / edited by Christos Hadjiyiannis, Rachel Potter.. print book. English
  28. The Cambridge edition of early Christian writings. Volume 4, Christ : Chalcedon and beyond / edited by Mark DelCogliano.. print book. Philosophy
  29. The Cambridge handbook of political psychology / edited by Danny Osborne, University of Auckland, Chris G. Sibley, University of Auckland.. ebook. Political Science
  30. The Cambridge handbook of stigma and mental health / edited by David L. Vogel, Iowa State University, Nathaniel G. Wade, Iowa State University.. ebook. Social Work
  31. The Cambridge Heidegger lexicon / edited by Mark A. Wrathall.. print book. Philosophy
  32. The Cambridge history of the American novel / general editor: Leonard Cassuto ; associated editors: Clare Virginia Eby and Benjamin Reiss.. print book. English
  33. The Cambridge Kant lexicon / edited by Julian Wuerth, Vanderbilt University.. print book. Philosophy
  34. Cameraperson / Form Films presents a Big Mouth production ; a film by Kirsten Johnson.. streaming video.
  35. Camille Claudel 1915 / un film de Bruno Dumont.. streaming video. English
  36. Campaigns, elections, and the threat to democracy : what everyone needs to know / Dennis W. Johnson.. ebook. Political Science
  37. Campus emergency preparedness : meeting ICS and NIMS compliance / Maureen Connolly.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  38. Campus sexual violence : a state of institutionalized sexual terrorism / Sarah Prior and Brooke A. de Heer.. print book. Law
  39. Can college level the playing field? : higher education in an unequal society / Sandy Baum, Michael McPherson.. print book. Education
  40. Can legal weed win? : the blunt realities of Cannabis economics / Robin Goldstein and Daniel Sumner.. ebook. Business
  41. The Canadian pop music encyclopedia : a biographical index / by Jaimie Vernon.. print book. Music
  42. La canción artística argentina : obras completas para voz y piano = The Argentinian art song : complete works for voice and piano / Irma Urteaga ; prólogo, investigación y edición, Patricia Caicedo = prologue, research, and editing, Patricia Caicedo.. music score (printed). Music
  43. La canción artística Boliviana : Alquímia : ciclo de canciones / de Agustín Fernández = The Bolivian art song : Alquimia : a song cycle / by Agustín Fernández ; edited by Patricia Caicedo.. music score (printed). Music
  44. La canción artística colombiana : Jaime León : análisis y compilación de su obra vocal = The Colombian art song : Jaime León, analysis & compilation of his vocal works / [Jaime León] ; prólogo, investigación y edición = prologue, research, and e. music score (printed). Music
  45. La canción artística colombiana : Jaime León : análisis y compilación de su obra vocal = The Colombian art song : Jaime León, analysis & compilation of his vocal works / [Jaime León] ; prólogo, investigación y edición = prologue, research, and e. music score (printed). Music
  46. Canciones de amor : for soprano and string quartet (2019) / Roberto Sierra.. music score (printed). Music
  47. Cançons sentimentales : contralt, clarinet en si♭ i trio de corda = contralto, clarinet in B flat and string trio = contralto, clarinete en si♭ y trío de cuerda / Manuel Blancafort ; poemes i lletra, Octavi Saltor, Guerau de Liost = poems and lyrics, Oct. music score (printed). Music
  48. Cançons tradicionals catalanes : Veu i piano = Voice and piano = Voz y piano / Manuel Blancafort ; Lletra = Lyrics = Letra, Manuel Blancafort ; Revisió = Revision = Revisión, Miquel Villalba.. music score (printed). Music
  49. Caniba / a film by Verena Paravel and Lucien Castaing-Taylor.. streaming video.
  50. Caniba / a film by Verena Paravel and Lucien Castaing-Taylor.. streaming video. Art
  51. Cannibal capitalism : how our system is devouring democracy, care, and the planet - and what we can do about it / Nancy Fraser.. print book. Business
  52. Cannibal capitalism : how our system is devouring democracy, care, and the planet - and what we can do about it / Nancy Fraser.. ebook. Business
  53. Canti del sole : chamber orchestra / Bernard Rands.. music score (printed). Music
  54. Cantus omnis ecclesiasticus ad hebdomadæ maioris missas, passionem D.N.I.C., officia tenebrarum, lamentationes, benedictiones, processiones, &c. iuxta ritum S.R.E., collectus ad usum faciliorem cleri uniuersi cathedralium, collegiatarum, aliarumque eccles. music score (printed). Music
  56. Canzon per sonar A 4-5, II / Giovanni Gabrieli ; arranged by John Serry.. music score (printed). Music
  57. Canzona per sonare, no. 2 : from Canzoni per sonare con ogni sorte di stromenti (Venice, 1608), for four-part brass choir / Giovanni Gabrieli ; edited by Robert King.. music score (printed). Music
  58. The capital order : how economists invented austerity and paved the way to fascism / Clara E. Mattei.. print book. History
  59. The capital order : how economists invented austerity and paved the way to fascism / Clara E. Mattei.. ebook. Business
  60. Capitalism and the death drive / Byung-Chul Han ; translated by Daniel Steuer.. ebook. Business
  61. Capitalism : the story behind the word / Michael Sonenscher.. print book. History
  62. Capitalism : the story behind the word / Michael Sonenscher.. ebook. Business
  63. Capitalist peace : a history of American free-trade internationalism / Thomas W. Zeiler.. print book. History
  64. Capitalist pigs : pigs, pork, and power in America / J.L. Anderson.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  65. Capriccio concertante, e. 106 : for orchestra / S. C. Eckhardt-Gramatté ; edited by Brian McDonagh.. music score (printed). Music
  66. Capriccio für Tuba solo, 1980 / Krzysztof Penderecki.. music score (printed). Music
  67. Caprice, JSV 29 / Johan S. Svendsen ; utgitt av = edited by Bjarte Engeset & Jørn Fossheim.. music score (printed). Music
  68. Captain starfish / Davina Bell ; with illustrations by Allison Colpoys.. print book. Education
  69. Capture the moment : an architect's guide to travel sketching / Jim Lammers, FAIA.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  70. The carbon dioxide revolution : challenges and perspectives for a global society / Michele Aresta, Angela Dibenedetto.. ebook. Physics
  71. Cardiac Nursing : The Red Reference Book for Cardiac Nurses/ Elizabeth M. Perpetua DNP, Patricia Keegan.. ebook. Medicine
  72. Care aesthetics : for artful care and careful art / James Thompson.. print book. Philosophy
  73. Careful the spell you cast : how Stephen Sondheim extended the range of the American musical / Ben Francis.. print book. Music
  74. Caribbean art / Veerle Poupeye.. print book. Art
  75. The caring city : ethics of urban design / Juliet Davis.. ebook. Geography
  76. Carl vs. Karl : Jung and Marx, two icons for our age / by James P. Driscoll.. print book. Philosophy
  77. Carmageddon : how cars make life worse and what to do about it / Daniel Knowles.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
  78. Carmageddon : how cars make life worse and what to do about it / Daniel Knowles.. ebook. Public Policy & Administration
  79. Carnivals of ruin : Beckett, Ireland, and the festival form / Trish McTighe.. print book. English
  80. Carol Bove : collage sculptures / Catherine Craft.. print book. Art
  81. Carolee Schneemann : body politics / edited by Lotte Johnson with Chris Bayley.. print book. Art
  82. Carolyn Lazard : Hintertür / Kunstverein Braunschweig.. print book. Art
  83. Carrie Mae Weems : "a great turn in the possible" / Carrie Mae Weems ; [edited by Fundación MAPFRE].. print book. Art
  84. Carry you with me : ten years of portraits / LJ Roberts.. print book. Art
  85. Cartes et fictions (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle) / Roger Chartier.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
  86. Cas Walker : stories on his life and legend / edited by Joshua S. Hodge.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  87. Casa Sabrosa / Sebastião Moreira.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  88. Case formulation in emotion-focused therapy : co-creating clinical maps for change / Rhonda N. Goldman, Leslie S. Greenberg.. ebook. Education
  89. Cases in public relations management : the rise of social media and activism / by Patricia Swann.. print book.
  90. The cashless revolution [electronic resource] : China's reinvention of money and the end of America's domination in finance and technology / Martin Chorzempa.. ebook. Business
  91. The cashless revolution [electronic resource] : China's reinvention of money and the end of America's domination in finance and technology / Martin Chorzempa.. ebook. Business
  92. Casino life : psychology and culture of casino gambling / Dr. Phil Watts.. ebook.
  93. Cassiodorus : explanation of the Psalms / translated and annotated by P.G. Walsh.. print book. Philosophy
  94. Castaway modernism : Basel's acquisitions of "degenerate" art / editors, Eva Reifert, Tessa Rosebrock.. print book. Art
  95. Cat eyes and dog whistles : the five [crossed out] seven senses of humans and other animals / written by Cathy Evans ; illustrated by Becky Thorns.. print book. Education
  96. Cat eyes and dog whistles : the seven senses of humans and other animals / written by Cathy Evans ; illustrated by Becky Thorns.. print book. Education
  97. The Catalan art song = La canción artística en catalán : Signat l'amic del cor / a song cycle by Nicolás Gutiérrez ; on poetry by Carles Duarte i Montserrat and Màrius Sampere ; edited by Patricia Caicedo = ciclo de Nicolás Gutiérrez ; sobre poesi. music score (printed). Music
  98. Catalina incognito / by Jennifer Torres ; illustrated by Gladys Jose.. print book. Education
  99. Catch a cat burglar / Kate Temple, Jol Temple ; art by Shiloh Gordon.. print book. Education
  100. Categorical data analysis and multilevel modeling using R / Xing Liu.. print book. Statistics
  101. Category theory and applications : a textbook for beginners / Marco Grandis, Università di Genova, Italy.. print book. Statistics
  102. Caterpillar and bean / Martin Jenkins ; illustrated by Hannah Tolson.. print book. Education
  103. The Catholic Church and European state formation, AD 1000-1500 / Jørgen Møller, Jonathan Stavnskaer Doucette.. print book. History
  104. Catholicism : the pivotal players. Volume I / producer, Nanette Noffsinger ; director and editor, Matt Leonard ; a Word on Fire Catholic Ministries / Picture Show Films production.. video DVD.
  105. La Caula : sonata da camera : viola i piano = viola and piano = viola y piano / Jordi Cervelló. music score (printed). Music
  106. CB Hoyo : I didn't know how to name this / [texts by] Cesare Biasini Selvaggi and Jack Kyle Franklin.. print book. Art
  107. C.D. Broad : key unpublished writings / edited by Joel Walmsley ; with a foreword by Simon Blackburn.. print book. Philosophy
  109. Ce qui coule du geste : pour violon solo (2021) / Ondrej Adamek.. music score (printed). Music
  110. Celebrity 2.0 : the role of social media influencer marketing in building brands / Stacy Landreth Grau.. ebook. Business
  111. Celebrity fashion marketing : developing a human fashion brand / Fykaa Caan and Angela Lee.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  112. Céline and Julie Go Boating - Céline et Julie vont en bateau. ebook.
  113. Celsus in his world : philosophy, polemic, and religion in the second century / edited by James Carleton Paget, University of Cambridge; Simon Gathercole, University of Cambridge.. print book. Philosophy
  114. Censored art today / Gareth Harris.. print book. Art
  115. A center for victims of domestic violence in New Haven / Turner Brooks and Jonathan Toews.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  116. Certain concealments : Poe, Hawthorne, and early nineteenth-century abortion / Dana Medoro.. print book. English
  117. Certificate for the arrest of certain slaves. print book.
  118. Chagall / Ines Schlenker.. print book. Art
  119. Le chagrin et la pitie : chronique d'une ville franc̨aise sous l'occupation / un film de Marcel Ophuls ; a Milestone film release.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  120. Chains of being : infinite regress, circularity, and metaphysical explanation / Ross P. Cameron.. print book. Philosophy
  121. CHAKAIA BOOKER: THE OBSERVANCE. print book. Art
  122. The challenge of right-wing nationalist populism for social work : a human rights approach / edited by Carolyn Noble and Goetz Ottmann.. ebook. Social Work
  123. Chance encounters : temporary street art / by David Zinn.. print book. Art
  124. Chance in physics, computer science and philosophy : chance as the foundation of the world / Walter Hehl.. ebook. Mathematics
  125. Chance, logic and intuition : an introduction to the counter-intuitive logic of chance / Steven Tijms.. print book. Mathematics
  126. The chance to fly / by Tony Award winner Ali Stroker & Stacy Davidowitz.. print book. Education
  127. Change is required : preparing for the post-pandemic museum / edited by Avi Y. Decter, Marsha L. Semmel, and Ken Yellis.. print book. Arts Administration
  128. Changhwa, Hongryŏn = A tale of two sisters.. streaming video. English
  130. Changing light : for soprano and flute : (2005) / Kaija Saariaho.. music score (printed). Music
  131. Changing the commons : stories about placemaking / John Northmore Roberts.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  133. Changing the game : Title IX, gender, and college athletics / Kelly McFall and Abigail Perkiss.. print book. History
  134. Changing the way we die : compassionate end of life care and the hospice movement / Fran Smith and Sheila Himmel ; foreword by Joan Halifx, PhD.. ebook. Social Work
  135. The channeled image : art and media politics after television / Erica Levin.. print book. Art
  136. La chanson du printemps... : for string orchestra : 1999 / Marilyn Shrude.. music score (printed). Music
  137. Chant du cavalier. Paroles de Louis de Lyvron.. music score (printed). Music
  138. Chants d'Auvergne : a singer's guide to Auvergnat pronunciation / Elizabeth Brodovitch, Lori McCann.. print book. Music
  139. Les chants de Tyrtée et de Callinus / traduits en vers par Firmin Didot.. print book.
  140. The chaos machine : the inside story of how social media rewired our minds and our world / Max Fisher.. ebook. Psychology
  141. Chaos theory / Nic Stone.. print book. Education
  142. Chapters from Gödel's unfinished book on foundational research in mathematics / Jan von Plato.. ebook. Mathematics
  143. Chardonnay : for unaccompanied flute (2010) / Reena Esmail.. music score (printed). Music
  144. Charlemagne in Italy / edited by Jane E. Everson.. print book. History
  145. Charles Darwin, the Copley medal, and the rise of naturalism, 1862-1864 / Marsha Driscoll [and others] ; in consultation with Frederick H. Burkhardt.. print book. History
  146. Charles Howland letter. print book.
  147. Charles Peirce and modern science / T.L. Short.. print book. Philosophy
  148. Charlotte Gray : a novel / Sebastian Faulks.. ebook. History
  149. Charlotte Prodger : selected works / editors, Lynn Kost, Chris McCormack ; foreword, Konrad Bitterli ; essays, Jac Renée Bruneau [and six others].. print book. Art
  150. Charlotte the scientist finds a cure / by Camille Andros ; illustrated by Brianne Farley.. print book. Education
  151. Charred root of meaning : continuity, transgression, and the other in Christian tradition / Philipp W. Rosemann.. print book. Philosophy
  152. Chasing the ghost : nobelist Fred Reines and the neutrino / Leonard A Cole.. print book. Physics
  153. Le château du rêve : für Sopran & Klavier / Augusta Holmès ; herausgegeben von Christel Nies.. music score (printed). Music
  154. Chaucer in the eighteenth century : the father of English poetry / David Hopkins, Tom Mason.. print book. English
  155. Che : a revolutionary life / Jon Lee Anderson and José Hernández ; translated by Megan McDowell.. print book. History
  156. The chemical biology of nitrogen / Christopher T. Walsh.. ebook. Chemistry
  157. The chemical biology of phosphorus / Christopher T. Walsh.. ebook. Chemistry
  158. The chemical biology of sulfur / Christopher T. Walsh.. ebook. Chemistry
  159. Chemical information for chemists : a primer / edited by Judith N. Currano and Dana L. Roth.. print book. Chemistry
  160. CHERISH & PROTECT. print book. Special Collections
  161. A Cherokee encyclopedia / Robert J. Conley.. ebook. Anthropology
  162. Cherubino's leap : in search of the Enlightenment moment / Richard Kramer.. print book. Music
  163. Chester Himes : a rage in Harlem, internationally acclaimed writer.. streaming video.
  164. Chester Himes : a rage in Harlem, internationally acclaimed writer.. streaming video.
  165. Chester van Chime who forgot how to rhyme / by Avery Monsen ; illustrated by Abby Hanlon.. print book. Education
  166. Chetvŭrti kont︠s︡ert za piano i orkestŭr = Quatrie|me concerto pour piano et orchestre, [op. 48] / Pancho Vladigerov = Pantcho Vladiguerov ; prerabomka za dve piana om avmora = arrange| pour 2 pianos par l'auteur.. music score (printed). Music
  167. Les chevaux de Dieu / Les Films du nouveaux monde présentent une coproduction Ali n' productions, Les Films du nouveaux monde, Stone Angels, YC Aligator film, Artémis productions ; un film de Nabil Ayouch ; écrit par Jamal Belmahi ; produit par Nabil A. streaming video.
  168. Les chevaux de Dieu / Les Films du nouveaux monde présentent une coproduction Ali n' productions, Les Films du nouveaux monde, Stone Angels, YC Aligator film, Artémis productions ; un film de Nabil Ayouch ; écrit par Jamal Belmahi ; produit par Nabil A. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  169. The Chevron doctrine : its rise and fall, and the future of the administrative state / Thomas W. Merrill.. print book. History
  170. The Chevron doctrine : its rise and fall, and the future of the administrative state / Thomas W. Merrill.. print book. Law
  171. Chicago, 1968 : policy and protest at the Democractic National Convention / Nicolas W. Proctor.. print book. History
  172. Chichi to ran / Kawakami Mieko.. print book. Asian Studies
  173. The chicken who couldn't / by Jan Thomas.. print book. Education
  174. Chief sustainability officers at work : how CSO's build successful sustainability and ESG strategies / Chrissa Pagitsas.. ebook. Business
  175. Chiffre VI : für 8 spieler (1985) / Wolfgang Rihm.. music score (printed). Music
  176. Chiffre VIII : für acht Spieler (1985/1988) / Wolfgang Rihm.. music score (printed). Music
  177. The child as visual artist / Ellen Winner Boston College, Harvard Project Zero, Jennifer E. Drake Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York.. print book. Education
  178. Child care justice : transforming the system of care for young children / edited by Maurice Sykes and Kyra Ostendorf ; foreword by Barbara T. Bowman.. print book. Education
  179. Child-centered play therapy : a practical guide to therapeutic relationships with children / Nancy H. Cochran, William J. Nordling, Jeff L. Cochran.. ebook. Social Work
  180. Childhood 2.0.. streaming video.
  181. Childhood 2.0.. streaming video. Social Work
  182. Children and climate change / Ann V. Sanson, Karina V. Padilla Malca, Judith L. Van Hoorn and Susie E.L. Burke.. print book. Education
  183. Children crossing borders : Latin American migrant childhoods / edited by Alejandra J. Josiowicz and Irasema Coronado.. print book. Education
  184. CHILDREN IN APPALACHIA: PROCEEDINGS FROM THE 1990 CONFERENCE IN APPALACHIA, NOV. 6-7, 1990.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  185. Children in lockdown : learning the lessons of pandemic times / edited by Christopher Arnold and Brian Davis.. print book. Education
  186. Children of mercury : the lives of the painters / Spike Bucklow.. print book. Art
  187. Children of the state : stories of survival and hope in the juvenile justice system / Jeff Hobbs.. print book. Business
  188. Children's imagination / Paul L. Harris, Harvard University, Graduate School of Education.. print book. Education
  189. China and the International Astronomical Union : divorce, separation and reconciliation (1958-1982) / Thierry Montmerle, Yi Zhou.. ebook. Physics
  190. China and the Uyghurs : a concise introduction / Morris Rossabi.. print book. History
  191. China in revolution : history lessons / Joseph W. Esherick.. print book. History
  192. China's international communication and relationship building / edited by Xiaoling Zhang and Corey Schultz.. ebook. Political Science
  193. China's next act : how sustainability and technology are reshaping China's rise and the world's future / Scott M. Moore.. ebook. Business
  194. Chinese thought in a multi-cultural world : cross-cultural communication, comparative literature and beyond / written by Yue Daiyun ; translated by Meng Xiangchun, Ian Hunter, and Harry Kuoshu.. print book. English
  195. Chinese whispers : toward a transpacific poetics / Yunte Huang.. print book. English
  196. Chinua Achebe and the Igbo-African world : between fiction, fact, and historical representation / edited by Chima J. Korieh and Ijeoma C. Nwajiaku.. print book. History
  197. Chip War : the fight for the world's most critical technology / Chris Miller.. ebook. Business
  198. Chip War : the fight for the world's most critical technology / Chris Miller.. ebook. Business
  199. Chip war : the fight for the world's most critical technology / Chris Miller.. print book. Business
  200. The Chiwaya war : Malawians and the First World War / Melvin E. Page.. ebook. History

Chl - Com

  1. Chloe's Lunar New Year / by Lily LaMotte ; illustrated by Michelle Lee.. print book. Education
  2. Chocolate : a cultural encyclopedia / Ross F. Collins.. ebook. History
  3. Choices and remembrances : suite in one movement / Barbara Harbach.. music score (printed). Music
  4. Chokepoint capitalism : how big tech and big content captured creative labor markets and how we'll win them back / Rebecca Giblin and Cory Doctorow.. print book. Business
  5. Choosing brave : how Mamie Till-Mobley and Emmett Till sparked the civil rights movement / Angela Joy ; illustrated by Janelle Washington.. print book. Education
  6. Choosing well : the good, the bad, and the trivial / Chrisoula Andreou.. print book. Philosophy
  7. Choral works for TTBB voices / John Rutter.. music score (printed). Music
  8. The choreography of everyday life / by Annie-B Parson.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  9. Chris Killip, 1946-2020 / edited by Ken Grant and Tracy Marshall-Grant.. print book. Art
  10. Christ : through the Nestorian controversy / edited by Mark DelCogliano, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota.. print book. Philosophy
  11. Christian Marclay / edited by Jean-Pierre Criqui.. print book. Art
  12. Christianity's American fate : how religion became more conservative and society more secular / David A. Hollinger.. ebook. History
  13. Christianity's American fate : how religion became more conservative and society more secular / David A. Hollinger.. print book. History
  14. Christina Fernandez : multiple exposures / curated by Joanna Szupinska ; edited by Rebecca Epstein.. print book. Art
  15. Christine Corday : works 2001-2022 / Christine Corday ; [with essays by Taney Roniger and Leah Ollman].. print book. Art
  16. Christopher Lehmfuhl : Schlossplatz im Wandel = Schlossplatz in transition / mit einem Essay von Thomas Gädeke.. print book. Art
  17. Chronorama : photographic treasures of the 20th century / Pinault Collection ; Condé Nast Archive.. print book. Art
  18. Chryssa & New York / edited by Megan Holly Witko, Sophia Larigakis, and Michelle White.. print book. Art
  19. El Chupacabras / Adam Rubin, Crash McCreery.. print book. Education
  20. CIEL D'HIVER: FOR ORCHESTRA (2013) / KAIJA SAARIAHO. print book. Music
  21. La ciénaga = The swamp / Janus Films ; Nippon Film Developement & Finance, Inc. ; Fundación Octubre ; Romikin S.A. ; Wanda Visión ; Riofilme ; TS Productions ; Lita Stantic y 4K Films S.A. presentan ; un film de Lucrecia Martel ; producido por Lita Sta. streaming video. English
  22. La ciénaga = The swamp / Janus Films ; Nippon Film Developement & Finance, Inc. ; Fundación Octubre ; Romikin S.A. ; Wanda Visión ; Riofilme ; TS Productions ; Lita Stantic y 4K Films S.A. presentan ; un film de Lucrecia Martel ; producido por Lita Sta. streaming video.
  23. Cindy Sherman : tapestries / editor and exhibition coordinator Anne Mette Thomsen.. print book. Art
  24. Cinema in the guts : Marine Hugonnier / curator, Marta Ponsa ; editorial coordinator Lætitia Moukouri.. print book. Art
  25. Cinemaps : an atlas of great movies / maps by Andrew DeGraff ; essays by A.D. Jameson.. print book. Geography
  26. Cinematic style : fashion, architecture and interior design on film / Jess Berry.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  28. Circadian regulation : methods and protocols / edited by Guiomar Solanas, Patrick-Simon Welz.. print book. Biology
  29. Circe's lament : anthology of wild women poetry / edited by Bianca Lynne Spriggs and Katerina Stoykova-Klemer.. print book.
  30. Circle map : for orchestra and electronics / Kaija Saariaho.. music score (printed). Music
  31. The circles in the sky / Karl James Mountford.. print book. Education
  32. Circular narratives in modern European literature / Juan Luis Toribio Vazquez.. print book. English
  33. Circular : to the electors of the twelfth Congressional District of Kentucky.. print book.
  34. Círculos : (Circles) : for string quartet / Andersen Viana.. music score (printed). Music
  35. Citizenship on Catfish Row : race and nation in American popular culture / Geoffrey Galt Harpham.. print book. Music
  36. City forward : how innovation districts can embrace risk and strengthen community / Matt Enstice with Mike Gluck.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  37. City of the plague god / Sarwat Chadda.. print book. Education
  38. "Civil disorder is the disease of Ibadan" : chieftaincy & civic culture in a Yoruba city / Ruth Watson.. print book. History
  39. Civil procedure in a nutshell / Mary Kay Kane, Arthur R. Miller, Adam N. Steinman.. print book. Law
  40. Civil rights queen : Constance Baker Motley and the struggle for equality / Tomiko Brown-Nagin.. print book. Law
  41. Civil war in Guangxi : the Cultural Revolution on China's southern periphery / Andrew G. Walder.. print book. History
  42. Civil War torpedoes and the global development of landmine warfare / Earl J. Hess.. print book. History
  43. Clara Schumann studies / edited by Joe Davies.. print book. Music
  44. Class Notes of Jo McCown Ferguson.. print book. Law
  45. Classic kitchens for modern living : Sarah Blank Design Studio / Sarah Blank ; editorial, Georgia (Gina) Tsarouhas, Jeanette Wall, Rebecca Cross.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  46. Classical electrodynamics / John David Jackson.. print book. Physics
  47. Classical houses / Thomas Proctor ; foreword by Marc Appleton.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  48. Classical New York : discovering Greece and Rome in Gotham / Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis and Matthew M. McGowan, editors.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  49. Classical treatment of collisions between ions and atoms or molecules / Francois Frémont.. ebook. Physics
  50. Claude McKay : the making of a Black Bolshevik / Winston James.. print book. History
  51. Claude Monet, Joan Mitchell / edited by Suzanne Pagé, Angeline Scherf, Marianne Mathieu.. print book. Art
  52. Clavecin : anthologie de la musique baroque française.. music score (printed). Music
  53. Clay pop / introduction by Alia Dahl ; essay by Michael Lobel.. print book. Art
  54. Clay singing : solo percussion theater (2017) / Stuart Saunders Smith.. music score (printed). Music
  55. Clearwater rhapsody = Qing shui yao : for piano trio and erhu / Bright Sheng.. music score (printed). Music
  56. Cléo de 5 à 7 / Janus Films ; Ciné Tamaris presents; Rome Paris Films ; Georges de Beauregard, Carlo Ponti ; scénario et réalisation Agnès Varda.. streaming video.
  57. Cléo de 5 à 7 / Janus Films ; Ciné Tamaris presents; Rome Paris Films ; Georges de Beauregard, Carlo Ponti ; scénario et réalisation Agnès Varda.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  58. Cléo de 5 à 7 / Janus Films ; Ciné Tamaris presents; Rome Paris Films ; Georges de Beauregard, Carlo Ponti ; scénario et réalisation Agnès Varda.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  59. Cleveland in 50 maps / edited by Dan Crissman ; cartography by Evan Tachovsky and David Wilson.. print book. Geography
  60. The climate book / created by Greta Thunberg.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
  61. The climate book : the facts and the solutions / Greta Thunberg.. ebook. Public Policy & Administration
  62. Climate change, interrupted : representation and the remaking of time / Barbara Leckie.. print book. English
  63. Climate change is racist : race, privilege and the struggle for climate justice / Jeremy Williams ; [foreword by Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu].. ebook. Sociology
  64. Climate-smart production of coffee : improving social and environmental sustainability / edited by Reinhold Muschler.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  65. Climatenomics : Washington, Wall Street, and the economic battle to save our planet / Bob Keefe ; foreword by Tom Steyer.. ebook. Business
  66. Climax change! : how architecture must transform in the age of ecological emergency / Pedro Gadanho.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  67. Clinical epidemiology : the essentials / Grant S. Fletcher.. ebook. Medicine
  68. The clocks are telling lies : science, society, and the construction of time / Scott Alan Johnston.. ebook. Physics
  69. Clocks : for guitar / Joan Tower ; [suggested fingering by Sharon Isbin].. music score (printed). Music
  71. Cloud and wallfish / Anne Nesbet.. print book. Education
  72. Cloud empires : how digital platforms are overtaking the state and how we can regain control / Vili Lehdonvirta.. ebook. Business
  73. Cloud ethics : algorithms and the attributes of ourselves and others / Louise Amoore.. print book. Philosophy
  74. Cloudmoney : cash, cards, crypto, and the war for our wallets / Brett Scott.. print book. Business
  75. Clovis keeps his cool / Katelyn Aronson ; illustrated by Eve Farb.. print book. Education
  76. Cluster analysis and applications / Rudolf Scitovski, Kristian Sabo, Francisco Martínez-Álvarez, Šime Ungar.. print book. Statistics
  77. Co-curating the city: universities and urban heritage past and future. / edited by Clare Melhuish, Henric Benesch, Ingrid Martins Holmberg and Dean Sully.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  78. Co-production and co-creation : engaging citizens in public services / edited by Taco Brandsen, Trui Steen and Bram Verschuere.. print book. Arts Administration
  79. Co-production and public service management : citizenship, governance and public service management / Victor Pestoff.. print book. Arts Administration
  80. Coal, cages, crisis : the rise of the prison economy in Central Appalachia / Judah Schept.. ebook. African American and Africana Studies
  81. Coal, cages, crisis : the rise of the prison economy in Central Appalachia / Judah Schept.. print book. Law
  82. Cobalt red : how the blood of the Congo powers our lives / Siddharth Kara.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  83. Code black / directed by Ryan McGarry ; written by Ryan McGarry, Joshua Altman ; producer, Linda Goldstein Knowlton ; produced by C-Booth, LLC.. streaming video.
  84. Code black / directed by Ryan McGarry ; written by Ryan McGarry, Joshua Altman ; producer, Linda Goldstein Knowlton ; produced by C-Booth, LLC.. streaming video. Medicine
  85. Code breaker, spy hunter : how Elizebeth Friedman changed the course of two world wars / by Laurie Wallmark ; illustrated by Brooke Smart.. print book. Education
  86. Coded : art enters the computer age, 1952-1982 / Leslie Jones ; with contributions by Bronaċ Ferran, Patrick Frank, Tiffany Funk, Hannah B Higgins, Meredith Hoy, Jennifer King, Lisa Gabrielle Mark, Joel McKim, Britt Salvesen, Edward Shanken, Staci Steinb. print book. Art
  87. Codes guidebook for interiors / Katherine E. Kennon.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  88. The codes of gender : identity + performance in pop culture / produced by the Media Education Foundation ; written & directed by Sut Jhally.. streaming video. Education
  89. The codes of gender : identity + performance in pop culture / produced by the Media Education Foundation ; written & directed by Sut Jhally.. streaming video.
  91. Coffeehouse culture in the Atlantic world, 1650-1789 / E. Wesley Reynolds, III.. print book. History
  92. Cognition and practice : Li Zehou's philosophical aesthetics / Rafal Banka.. print book. Philosophy
  93. Cognitive development in infancy and childhood / Mary Gauvain.. print book. Education
  94. Coherentism / Erik J. Olsson.. print book. Philosophy
  95. Colchester fantasy / Eric Ewazen.. music score (printed). Music
  96. Cold war hothouses [electronic resource] : inventing postwar culture, from cockpit to playboy / Beatriz Colomina, AnnMarie Brennan, and Jeannie Kim, editors.. ebook.
  97. The cold war, the space race, and the law of outer space : space for peace / Albert K. Lai.. print book. Law
  98. Colin Rowe's gospel of modern architecture / Braden R. Engel.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  99. Collaborations in architecture and engineering / Clare Olsen and Sinéad Mac Namara.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  101. Collapse : the fall of the Soviet Union / Vladislav M. Zubok.. print book. History
  102. Collapse : the fall of the Soviet Union / Vladislav M. Zubok.. print book. History
  103. The collected writings of police chief August Vollmer : volume 1: 1914-1926 / August Vollmer ; edited by Willard M. Oliver.. print book. Geography
  104. Collective illusions : conformity, complicity, and the science of why we make bad decisions / Todd Rose.. print book. Education
  105. Collective memory of rural life in an original village in Mexico City / edited by Teresa Mora Vazquez.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  106. Collective resistance to neoliberalism / Paul Almeida, University of California, Merced ; Amalia Pérez Martín, University of California, Merced.. ebook. Political Science
  107. The collector and the collected : decolonizing area studies librarianship / editors, Megan Browndorf, Erin Pappas, Anna Arays.. print book. Library & Information Science
  108. The college administrator's survival guide / C.K. Gunsalus. ebook. Education
  109. The college devaluation crisis : market disruption, diminishing ROI, and an alternative future of learning / Jason Wingard.. ebook. Education
  110. The college devaluation crisis : market disruption, diminishing ROI, and an alternative future of learning / Jason Wingard.. ebook. Business
  111. Colonial chaos in the southern Red Sea : a history of violence from 1830 to the twentieth century / Nicholas W. Stephenson Smith, [Northwestern University, Illinois].. print book. History
  112. The colonial public and the Parsi stage : the making of the theatre of empire (1853-1893) / Rashna Darius Nicholson.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  113. Colonial racial capitalism / Susan Koshy, Lisa Marie Cacho, Jodi A. Byrd, and Brian Jordan Jefferson, editors.. print book. Business
  114. Color atlas of common oral diseases / Robert P. Langlais, Craig S. Miller, Jill S. Gehrig.. ebook. Medicine
  115. The color collector / by Nicholas Solis ; illustrated by Renia Metallinou.. print book. Education
  116. The color of crime : racial hoaxes, white crime, media messages, police violence, and other race-based harms / Katheryn Russell-Brown.. ebook. Sociology
  117. The color pynk : black femme art for survival / Omise'eke Natasha Tinsley.. ebook.
  118. Color the sky / words by David Elliott ; art by Evan Turk.. print book. Education
  119. Colorblind Tools [electronic resource] : Global Technologies of Racial Power.. ebook.
  120. Colsolatio solitudinis (the comfort of solitude) : for disklavier (2021) / Kyle Gann.. music score (printed). Music
  121. Come kingdom : poems / Derrick Harriell.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  122. The comedy of survival : literary ecology and a play ethic / Joseph W. Meeker.. print book. English
  123. A commerce of knowledge : trade, religion, and scholarship between England and the Ottoman Empire, c.1600-1760 / Simon Mills.. print book. History
  124. The common camp : architecture of power and resistance in Israel-Palestine / Irit Katz.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  125. Communist Poland : a Jewish woman's experience / Sara Nomberg-Przytyk ; edited by Holli Levitsky and Justyna Włodarczyk ; translated by Paula Parsky.. ebook. History
  126. Community and public health nutrition / Sari Edelstein, PhD, RDN, Professor, Retired, Nutrition and Dietetics Department, Simmons College.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  127. The community-based PhD : complexities and triumphs of conducting CBPR / edited by Sonya Atalay and Alexandra McCleary.. ebook. Anthropology
  128. Community economies in the Global South [electronic resource] : case studies of rotating savings credit associations and economic cooperation / edited by Caroline Shenaz Hossein and Christabell P.J.. ebook. Business
  129. Community engagement through collaborative writing : storytelling together / Lisa J. Hardy.. print book. English
  130. The community in avant-garde literature and politics / Zrinka Božić.. print book. Art
  131. Community in contemporary British fiction : from Blair to Brexit / edited by Sara Upstone and Peter Ely.. print book. English
  132. Community organizing and community building for health and social equity / edited by Meredith Minkler, Patricia Wakimoto.. ebook.
  133. A companion to American agricultural history / edited by R. Douglas Hurt, Purdue University West Lafayette, IN.. ebook. History
  134. A companion to the Abbey of Le Bec in the Central Middle Ages (11th-13th centuries) / edited by Benjamin Pohl and Laura L. Gathagan.. print book. History
  135. Comparative approaches to compassion : understanding nonviolence in world religions and politics / Ramin Jahanbegloo.. ebook. Political Science
  136. Compendium of terminology in analytical chemistry / edited by D. Brynn Hibbert.. ebook. Chemistry
  137. Complementary democracy : the art of deliberative listening / edited by Matt Qvortrup and Daniela Vancic.. ebook. Political Science
  138. The complete book of 2000s Broadway musicals / Dan Dietz.. print book. Music
  139. Complete flute works = Die Flötenwerke = Oeuvres complètes pur flute ; for flute and piano = für Querflöte und Klavier = pour flûte et piano / Lili Boulanger ; edited by / herausgegeben von Elisabeth Weinzierl and /und Edmund Wächter.. music score (printed). Music
  140. The complete guide to open scholarship / Victoria Martin.. ebook. History
  141. Complete method for the tuba / J.B. Arban ; transcribed and edited by Jerry Young & Wesley Jacobs.. music score (printed). Music
  142. The complete paintings / Frida Kahlo ; edited by Luis-Martín Lozano ; directed and produced by Benedikt Taschen.. print book. Art
  144. Complete songs. Volume 4, Four late song cycles : 26 songs for voice and piano = 26 mélodies pour chant et piano = 26 Lieder für Singstimme und Klavier / Gabriel Fauré.. music score (printed). Music
  145. Complete songs. Volume 4, Four late song cycles, La chanson d'Ève, Le jardin clos, Mirages, L'horizon chimérique : 26 songs for voice and piano = 26 mélodies pour chant et piano = 26 Lieder für Singstimme und Klavier / Gabriel Fauré.. music score (printed). Music
  146. Complicit : how we enable the unethical and how to stop / Max H. Bazerman.. ebook. Business
  147. Composite-based structural equation modeling : analyzing latent and emergent variables / Jörg Henseler.. print book. Statistics
  148. Composizioni pianistiche. Volume 2, "Hollywood" / Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco ; a cura di = edited by Angelo Gilardino.. music score (printed). Music
  149. Composizioni pianistiche. Volume 1, Firenze / Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco ; a cura di Angelo Gilardino.. music score (printed). Music
  150. The comprehensive guide : NFTS, digital artwork, blockchain technology / Marc Beckman.. ebook. Business
  151. The comprehensive guide : NFTS, digital artwork, blockchain technology / Marc Beckman.. ebook. Business
  152. The comprehensive plan : sustainable, resilient, and equitable communities for the 21st century / David Rouse and Rocky Piro.. print book. Geography
  153. Computational formalism : art history and machine learning / Amanda Wasielewski.. print book. Art
  154. Comrade sisters : women of the Black Panther party / [photographs by] Stephen Shames ; [text by] Ericka Huggins.. print book. African American and Africana Studies

Con - Cz

  1. Cooked. ebook. Anthropology
  2. Cooking for artists / Mina Stone.. print book. Art
  3. Coproduction : collaboration in music production / Robert Wilsmore and Christopher Johnson.. print book. Arts Administration
  4. The copy generic : how the nonspecific makes our social worlds / Scott MacLochlainn.. print book. Philosophy
  5. Copyright's broken promise : how to restore the law's ability to promote the progress of science / John Willinsky.. print book. Law
  6. Coquí in the city / Nomar Perez.. print book. Education
  7. Core data analysis : summarization, correlation, and visualization / Boris Mirkin.. print book. Statistics
  8. Cornelia Parker / edited by Andrea Schlieker ; with contributions by Jo Applin [and eleven others].. print book. Art
  9. Corona for strings (Corona II) : pour instruments à cordes (1962) / Toru Takemitsu.. music score (printed). Music
  10. Corpus Domini : dal corpo glorioso alle rovine dell'anima / a cura di Francesca Alfano Miglietti = Corpus Domini : from the glorified body to the ruins of the soul / curated by Francesca Alfano Miglietti.. print book. Art
  11. Corpus III : Cruor and other writings / Jean-Luc Nancy ; translated by Jeff Fort, Agnès Jacob, Robert St. Clair, Marie-Eve Morin, and Travis Holloway... print book. Philosophy
  12. Cosmic origins : science's long quest to understand how our universe began / M. Mitchell Waldrop.. ebook. Physics
  13. Cosplay : a history / Andrew Liptak.. ebook. Sociology
  14. A costume for Charly / by CK Malone ; illustrated by Alejandra Barajas.. print book. Education
  15. Cougar crossing : how Hollywood's celebrity cougar helped build a bridge for city wildlife / written by Meeg Pincus ; illustrated by Alexander Vidal.. print book. Education
  16. Councilwoman / a film by Margo Guernsey.. streaming video.
  17. Counseling in a gender-expansive world : resources to support therapeutic practice / Douglas Knutson, Chloë Goldbach, Julie M. Koch.. ebook. Psychology
  18. Countdown to Pearl Harbor : the twelve days to the attack / Steve Twomey.. ebook. History
  19. Counter gravity : the films of Heinz Emigholz / edited by Anselm Franke.. print book. Art
  20. Counter-texts : language in contemporary art / Kim Dhillon.. print book. Art
  21. Counting to bananas : a mostly rhyming fruit book / words by Carrie Tillotson ; pictures by Estrela Lourenço.. print book. Education
  22. Country capitalism : how corporations from the American South remade our economy and the planet / Bart Elmore.. ebook. Business
  23. Country capitalism : how corporations from the American South remade our economy and the planet / Bart Elmore.. print book. Business
  24. Courbet's landscapes : the origins of modern painting / Paul Galvez.. print book. Art
  25. La Courte paille : for medium/low voice and piano / Francis Poulenc.. music score (printed). Music
  26. COVID-19 and international political theory : assessing the potential for normative shift / Ruairidh Brown.. print book. Philosophy
  27. Crack-up capitalism : market radicals and the dream of a world without democracy / Quinn Slobodian.. print book. Business
  28. Crafting feminism from literary modernism to the multimedia present / Amy E. Elkins.. print book. English
  29. Crash landing : the inside story of how the world's biggest companies survived an economy on the brink / Liz Hoffman.. print book. Business
  30. Crash Landing : The Inside Story of How the World's Biggest Companies Survived an Economy on the Brink / Liz Hoffman.. ebook. Business
  31. Creating a character : the Moni Yakim legacy / Hominid Films.. streaming video. Theatre & Dance
  32. Creating a successful graphic design portfolio / Irina Lee.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  33. Creating African fashion histories : politics, museums, and sartorial practices / edited by JoAnn McGregor, Heather Akou, and Nicola Stylianou.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  34. Creating historic preservation in the 21st century / edited by Richard D. Wagner and de Teel Patterson Tiller.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  35. Creating place in early modern European architecture / edited by Elizabeth Merrill.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  36. Creating the urban dream : tackling the affordable housing crisis with compassion / Clay Grubb.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  37. Creative and non-fiction writing during isolation and confinement : imaginative travel, prison, shipwrecks, pandemics, and war / Ben Stubbs.. print book. English
  38. Creative evolution / Henri Bergson ; translated by Donald A Landes, with a foreword by Elizabeth Grosz.. print book. Philosophy
  39. Creative practice inquiry in architecture / edited by Ashley Mason and Adam Sharr.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  40. Creative product design with cultural codes / edited by Wang Ming-Feng.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  41. The creative writer's mind / Nigel Krauth.. print book. English
  42. Creativity & innovation : theory, research, and practice / edited by Jonathan A. Plucker.. print book. Education
  43. Credit repair / attorneys Amy Loftsgordon & Cara O'Neill.. print book. Law
  44. Creepy crayon! / words by Aaron Reynolds ; pictures by Peter Brown.. print book. Education
  45. The Creole Archipelago : race and borders in the colonial Caribbean / Tessa Murphy.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  46. Creole drama : theatre and society in Antebellum New Orleans / Juliane Braun.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  47. Creolizing practices of freedom : recognition and dissonance / Michael J. Monahan.. print book. Philosophy
  48. Crestwood Hills : the chronicle of a modern utopia / Cory Buckner.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  49. Crime, violence, and justice in Latin America / edited by Carlos Solar and Carlos A. Pérez Ricart.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
  50. Crimesploitation : crime, punishment, and pleasure on reality television / Paul Kaplan and Daniel LaChance.. ebook. Law
  51. Criminal cities : the postcolonial novel and cathartic crime / Molly Slavin.. print book. English
  52. Criminality and the common law imagination in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries / Erin Sheley.. print book. Law
  53. The crisis of democratic capitalism / Martin Wolf.. ebook. Business
  54. The crisis of democratic capitalism / Martin Wolf.. print book. Business
  55. Criss-cross : Daniel Buren / text, Giovanni Anselmo, Igor Antic, Anne Baldassari, Joël Benzakin [and thirty-nine others].. print book. Art
  56. Critical elitism : deliberation, democracy and the problem of expertise / Alfred Moore, University of Cambridge.. print book. History
  57. Critical phenomenology : an introduction / Elisa Magrì and Paddy McQueen.. print book. Philosophy
  58. Critical philosophy of race : essays / Robert Bernasconi.. print book. Philosophy
  59. Critical race studies across disciplines : resisting racism through scholactivism / edited by Jonathan Chism, Stacie Craft DeFreitas, Vida Robertson, and David Ryden.. print book. History
  60. Critical race theory : an introduction / Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic ; foreword by Angela Harris.. print book. Law
  61. Critical studies on Heidegger : the emerging body of understanding / David Michael Kleinberg-Levin.. print book. Philosophy
  62. Critical terms in Caribbean and Latin American thought : historical and institutional trajectories / edited by Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel, Ben. Sifuentes-Jáuregui, and Marisa Belausteguigoitia.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
  63. Critical theory and dystopia / Patrick McManus.. print book. English
  64. Critical thinking in biology and environmental education : facing challenges in a post-truth world / Blanca Puig, María Pilar Jiménez-Aleixandre, editors.. ebook. Biology
  65. Criticism and politics : a polemical introduction / Bruce Robbins.. print book. Philosophy
  66. Critique of critique / Roy Ben-Shai.. print book. Philosophy
  67. Crónicas de la conquista espiritual de América : antología / edición de Mercedes Serna y José Luis Villar.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  68. Cross-border cosmopolitans : the making of a Pan-African North America / Wendell Nii Laryea Adjetey.. print book. History
  69. Crossing a line : laws, violence, and roadblocks to Palestinian political expression / Amahl A. Bishara.. print book.
  70. The crossroads at midnight / Abby Howard.. print book. Education
  71. Crossroads : drawing the Dutch landscape : selections from the Harvard Art Museum and the Maida and George Abrams Collection / editedby Joanna Sheers Seidenstein and Susan Anderson ; with contributions by Susan Anderson [and 5 others] ; afterword by Georg. print book. Art
  72. The crown and the courts : separation of powers in the early Jewish imagination / David C. Flatto.. print book. History
  73. The crucible = Die Hexenjagd : an opera in four acts / based on the play by Arthur Miller ; libretto by Bernard Stambler ; music by Robert Ward ; German translation by Thomas Martin.. music score (printed). Music
  74. Crucible : the long end of the Great War and the birth of a New World, 1917-1924 / Charles Emmerson.. print book. History
  75. Cruel optimism / Lauren Berlant.. print book. Political Science
  76. Cruise book of maps : an authoritative and up-to-date guide with accompanying maps to gay establishments nationwide.. print book.
  77. Crush [graphic novel] / Svetlana Chmakova.. print book. Education
  78. Crying out loud : for large ensemble / Mark-Anthony Turnage.. music score (printed). Music
  79. Cryptography : the key to digital security, how it works, and why it matters / Keith Martin.. print book. Mathematics
  80. The Cuban sandwich : a history in layers / Andrew T. Huse, Bárbara C. Cruz, and Jeff Houck.. ebook. Sociology
  81. Cubism and the trompe l'oeil tradition / Emily Braun, Elizabeth Cowling ; with essays by Claire Le Thomas and Rachel Mustalish.. print book. Art
  82. Culinary guide / First Presbyterian Church, Paducah, Kentucky.. print book. Special Collections
  83. Culinary guide / First Presbyterian Church, Paducah, Kentucky.. print book.
  84. CULTIVATE ABUNDANCE MANDRAKE. print book. Special Collections
  85. Cults : inside the world's most notorious groups and understanding the people who joined them / Parcast's Max Cutler ; with Kevin Conley.. ebook. Sociology
  86. The cultural and historical heritage of colonialism : interrogating the postcolony / edited by Kenneth Usongo.. print book. English
  87. Cultural, existential and phenomenological dimensions of grief experience / edited by Allan Køster and Ester Holte Kofod.. ebook. Psychology
  88. Cultural heritage and the future / edited by Cornelius Holtorf and Anders Högberg.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  89. Cultural participation : the perpetuation of middle-class privilege in Dublin, Ireland / Kerry McCall Magan.. print book. Art
  90. Cultural policy / David Bell and Kate Oakley.. ebook. Arts Administration
  91. Cultural property : a legal research guide / by Rebecca Lutkenhaus.. print book. Law
  92. Culture and language at crossed purposes : the unsettled records of American settlement / Jerome McGann.. print book. English
  93. Culture and medicine : critical readings in the health and medical humanities / edited by Rishi Goyal and Arden Hegele.. print book. English
  94. The culture transplant : how migrants make the economies they move to a lot like the ones they left / Garett Jones.. ebook. Business
  95. Cultures and literatures in dialogue : the narrative construction of Russian cultural memory / Elena Bollinger.. print book. English
  96. Cultures colliding : American missionaries, Chinese resistance, and the rise of modern institutions in China / John R. Haddad.. print book. History
  97. Curating beyond the mainstream : the practices of Carlos Capelán, Elisabet Haglund, Gunilla Lundahl, and Jan-Erik Lundström / edited by CuratorLab 2020/2021 ; Anna Mikaela Ekstrand, Giulia Floris, Vasco Forconi, Edy Fung, Julius Lehmann, Maria Lind, Mar. print book. Art
  98. Curing season : artifacts / Kristine Langley Mahler.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  99. The currency of politics : the political theory of money from Aristotle to Keynes / Stefan Eich.. print book. History
  100. The currency of politics : the political theory of money from Aristotle to Keynes / Stefan Eich.. ebook. Business
  101. Current controversies in the philosophy of memory / edited by André Sant'Anna, Christopher Jude McCarroll, and Kourken Michaelian.. print book. Philosophy
  102. Current research in biology education : selected papers from the ERIDOB Community / Konstantinos Korfiatis, Marcus Grace, editors.. ebook. Biology
  103. The cursed carnival and other calamities : new stories about mythic heroes / edited by Rick Riordan ; with stories by Carlos Hernandez, Roshani Chokshi, Jennifer Cervantes, Yoon Ha Lee, Kwame Mbalia, Rebecca Roanhorse, Tehlor Kay Mejia, Sarwat Chadda, Gra. print book. Education
  104. Curve & flow : the elegant vision of L.A. architect Paul R. Williams / written by Andrea J. Loney ; illustrated by Keith Mallett.. print book. Education
  105. Cyber defence in the age of AI, smart societies and augmented humanity / Hamid Jahankhani, Stefan Kendzierskyj, Nishan Chelvachandran, Jaime Ibarra, editors.. ebook. Mathematics
  106. Czech arias for soprano : an anthology / compiled and edited by Kylie T. Gougler.. music score (printed). Music

D - Dh

  1. Dad bakes / Katie Yamasaki.. print book. Education
  2. DADI'S FAMILY DSL. print book. Anthropology
  3. Daffodil dreams : an Appalachia-inspired short story collection.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  4. Dakota modern : the art of Oscar Howe / general editors, Kathleen Ash-Milby and Bill Anthes.. print book. Art
  5. Dalí / Dawn Ades.. print book. Art
  6. Dali : une histoire de la peinture / directeurs d'ouvrage, Montse Aguer Teixidor et Laura Bartolomé Roviras.. print book. Art
  7. Damaged : childhood trauma, adult illness, and the need for a health care revolution / Robert Maunder, MD, and Jonathan Hunter, MD.. ebook. Psychology
  8. Dan Mitchell posters : pocket guide / texts by Dan Mitchell, Fredi Fischli, and Niels Olsen ; editing, Andreas Koller.. print book. Art
  9. Dance in the sun : for piano solo / Arnold Bax ; arranged by John Mitchell.. music score (printed). Music
  10. Dance pedagogy for a diverse world : culturally relevant teaching in theory, research, and practice / Nyama McCarthy-Brown ; foreword by Takiyah Nur Amin.. ebook. Theatre & Dance
  11. Dance pedagogy for a diverse world : culturally relevant teaching in theory, research and practice / Nyama McCarthy-Brown ; foreword by Takiyah Nur Amin.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  12. Dance vision : dance through the eyes of today's artists / Joshua Teal.. print book. Art
  13. Dances for solo tuba (or baritone) and three tubas / John Stevens.. music score (printed). Music
  14. Dancing down the barricades : Sammy Davis Jr. and the long civil rights era : a cultural history / Matthew Frye Jacobson.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  15. Dancing on bones : history and power in China, Russia and North Korea / Katie Stallard.. ebook. Political Science
  16. Dancing queen / by Kelly Starling Lyons ; illustrated by Nneka Myers. print book. Education
  17. Dancing : the pleasure, power, and art of movement / Gerald Jonas ; preface by Rhoda Grauer.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  18. Danger in the path of chic : violence in fashion between the wars / Lucy Moyse Ferreira.. print book. Art
  19. Danger zone : the coming conflict with China / Hal Brands and Michael Beckley.. print book. Political Science
  20. A dangerous business / Jane Smiley.. print book. Education
  21. Dangerous children : on seven novels and a story / Kenneth Gross.. print book. English
  22. Dangerous ground : squatters, statesmen, and the antebellum rupture of American democracy / John Suval.. print book. History
  23. Daniel Bryan indenture of orphans. print book.
  24. Dans la maison = In the house / un film de François Ozon ; Mandarin Cinéma présente ; en coproduction avec Mars Films, France 2 Cinéma, FOZ.. streaming video.
  25. Dans la maison = In the house / un film de François Ozon ; Mandarin Cinéma présente ; en coproduction avec Mars Films, France 2 Cinéma, FOZ.. streaming video. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  26. Danse d'Almées : pour chant & piano / Augusta Z. Holmès ; paroles de Louis de Lyvron.. music score (printed). Music
  27. DANSE DES FLOCONS / KAIJA SAARIAHO. print book. Music
  28. Danses für Harfe und Streichorchester / Claude Debussy ; herausgegeben von Peter Jost.. music score (printed). Music
  29. Danton. ebook. History
  30. Danton. ebook.
  31. Daoist resonances in Heidegger : exploring a forgotten debt / edited by David Chai.. print book. Philosophy
  32. Daphnis et Chloé : ballet et suites pour chœur et orchestre = Ballett und Suiten für Chor und Orchester = ballet and suites for choir and orchestra / Maurice Ravel ; herausgegeben von = edited by = éditée par Jean-François Monnard ; Klavierauszug vom. music score (printed). Music
  33. Dara Birnbaum : reaction / edited by Karen Kelly and Barbara Schroeder.. print book. Art
  34. Dare to know : prints and drawings in the age of Enlightenment / edited by Edouard Kopp, Elizabeth M. Rudy, and Kristel Smentek.. print book. Art
  35. Dare to lead like a girl : how to survive and thrive in the corporate jungle / Dalia Feldheim.. ebook. Business
  36. Dare to lead like a girl : how to survive and thrive in the corporate jungle / Dalia Feldheim ; [foreword by Sheryl Sandberg].. print book. Business
  37. Dark data : why what you don't know matters / David J. Hand.. ebook. Statistics
  38. DARK SCENES FROM DAMAGED EARTH. print book. English
  39. The darker angels of our nature : refuting the Pinker theory of history & violence / edited by Philip Dwyer and Mark Micale.. ebook. Psychology
  40. The darkness manifesto : on light pollution, night ecology, and the ancient rhythms that sustain life / Johan Eklöf ; translated from the Swedish by Elizabeth DeNoma.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
  41. Darrel Ellis : regeneration / Antonio Sergio Bessa, Leslie Cozzi ; with essays by Makeda Best [and four others] .. print book. Art
  42. Data and democracy at work : advanced information technologies, labor law, and the new working class / Brishen Rogers.. print book. Law
  43. Data cartels : the companies that control and monopolize our information / Sarah Lamdan.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  44. Data cartels : the companies that control and monopolize our information / Sarah Lamdan.. print book. Law
  45. Data cartels : the companies that control and monopolize our information / Sarah Lamdan.. print book. Business
  46. Data driven : truckers, technology, and the new workplace surveillance / Karen Levy.. ebook. Business
  47. The Data Literacy Cookbook / edited by Kelly Getz and Meryl Brodsky.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  48. Data literacy in academic libraries : teaching critical thinking with numbers / edited by Julia Bauder.. print book. History
  49. The daughter of Doctor Moreau : a novel / Silvia Moreno-Garcia.. print book. Education
  50. Daughters of the dust / American Playhouse Theatrical Films in association with WMG present a Geechee Girls production ; produced, written and directed by Julie Dash ; produced by Julie Dash, Arthur Jafa.. streaming video. English
  51. Daughters of the flower fragrant garden : two sisters separated by China's Civil War / Zhuqing Li.. print book. History
  52. Dave Brubeck and the performance of whiteness / Kelsey Klotz.. print book. Music
  53. David Baker's how to play bebop : for all instruments.. music score (printed). Music
  54. David Baker's how to play bebop : for all instruments.. music score (printed). Music
  55. David Baker's modern concepts in jazz improvisation : a comprehensive method for all musicians.. music score (printed). Music
  56. David Hartt : the histories / editor, Cole Akers.. print book. Art
  57. David Hockney : Joiner photographs.. streaming video. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  58. David Hockney : Joiner photographs.. streaming video.
  59. David Hovey / text David C. Hovey ; Cheryl Kent (editor); contributions by Helmet Jahn and Alec Marshall.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  60. David Manzur / Eugenio Viola.. print book. Art
  61. David Medalla : parables of friendship / edited by Steven Cairns, Fatima Hellberg, Bart van der Heide.. print book. Art
  62. David Yarrow : how i make photographs / David Yarrow. print book. Art
  63. Dawoud Bey & Carrie Mae Weems : in dialogue / Ron Platt and Kinshasha Holman Conwill.. print book. Art
  64. Day hiking the Daniel Boone National Forest : includes Natural Bridge and Cumberland Falls State Parks / Johnny Molloy.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  65. Dayanita Singh : book building / texts edited by Nayantara Patel and Simar Puneet.. print book. Art
  66. Dayanita Singh : dancing with my camera / edited by Stephanie Rosenthal ; managing editor, Louisa Elderton.. print book. Art
  67. De aquí como el coquí / Nomar Perez ; traducido por Farah Perez.. print book. Education
  68. De periculis novissimorum temporum / edition, translation, and introduction by G. Geltner.. print book. Philosophy
  69. De unione Verbi incarnati / Thomas Aquinas ; translation, introduction and notes by Roger W. Nutt (Ave Maria University) ; Latin text [edited] by Walter Senner, O.P., Barbara Bartocci, and Klaus Obenauer ; with a foreword by John F. Boyle.. print book. Philosophy
  70. Dead in the water : a true story of hijacking, murder, and a global maritime conspiracy / Matthew Campbell and Kit Chellel.. print book. Business
  71. Dead in the water : a true story of hijacking, murder, and a global maritime conspiracy / Matthew Campbell and Kit Chellel.. ebook. Business
  72. Dead weight : a memoir in essays / Randall Horton.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  73. The deadly truth : a history of disease in America / Gerald N. Grob.. ebook. History
  74. Dear Little One / Nina Laden ; illustrated by Melissa Castrillon.. print book. Education
  75. Dear Pyongyang.. streaming video. History
  76. Dear Zachary / an Oscilloscope Laboratories and MSNBC Films presentation.. streaming video. English
  77. Death and meaning / edited by Michael Hauskeller.. print book. Philosophy
  78. Death and the body in the eighteenth-century novel / Jolene Zigarovich.. print book. English
  79. Death by chance : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book.
  80. Death by chocolate : a Josiah Reynolds Mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book. Special Collections
  81. Death by deceit : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book. Special Collections
  82. Death by derby : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book. Special Collections
  83. Death by design : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book. Special Collections
  84. Death by drama : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book. Special Collections
  85. Death by haunting : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book. Special Collections
  86. Death by lotto : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book. Special Collections
  87. Death by magic : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book. Special Collections
  88. Death by malice : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book. Special Collections
  89. Death by poison : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book.
  90. Death by shock : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book.
  91. Death by stalking : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book. Special Collections
  92. The death of demographics : valuegraphic marketing for a values-driven world / David Allison ; with a foreword by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers.. ebook. Business
  93. The death of Stalin / written and directed by Armando Iannucci.. video DVD.
  94. Debt, law, realism : Nigerian writers imagine the state at independence / Neil ten Kortenaar.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  95. A decade of upheaval : the Cultural Revolution in rural China / Dong Guoqiang, Andrew G. Walder.. ebook. History
  96. Decadent Literature in Twentieth-Century Japan : Spectacles of Idle Labor / by Ikuho Amano.. ebook. Asian Studies
  97. Dechový kvintet, op. 10 = Wind quintet = Bläserquintett / Haas ; k vydání připravil Robert Simon = edited by Robert Simon = herausgegeben von Robert Simon.. music score (printed). Music
  98. Dechový kvintet, op. 10 = Wind quintet = Bläserquintett / Haas ; k vydání připravil Robert Simon = edited by Robert Simon = herausgegeben von Robert Simon.. music score (printed). Music
  99. Decimus Burton : gentleman architect / Paul A. Rabbitts.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  100. Decoded : the science behind why we buy / Phil Barden ; foreword by Rory Sutherland.. ebook. Business
  101. A decolonial ecology : thinking from the Caribbean world / Malcom Ferdinand ; translated by Anthony Paul Smith.. ebook. Anthropology
  102. Decolonizing African studies : knowledge production, agency, and voice / Toyin Falola.. print book. History
  103. Decolonizing design : a cultural justice guidebook / Elizabeth (Dori) Tunstall ; illustrated by Ene Agi.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  104. Decolonizing methodologies : research and indigenous peoples / Linda Tuhiwai Smith.. ebook. Anthropology
  105. Deconstructive constitutionalism : Derrida reading Kant / Jacques De Ville.. print book. Philosophy
  106. Deep down : a story from the heart of coal country / directed by Jen Gilomen and Sally Rubin.. streaming video.
  107. Deep down : a story from the heart of coal country / directed by Jen Gilomen and Sally Rubin.. streaming video. Geography
  108. Deep mapping the literary Lake District : a geographical text analysis / Joanna E. Taylor, Ian N. Gregory.. print book. English
  109. Deep time : a literary history / Noah Heringman.. print book. English
  110. Defender of walls : kingdom of walls book one / Tanya Bird.. print book.
  111. DEFINING A NATION: INDIA ON THE EVE OF INDEPENDENCE, 1945.. print book. History
  112. Defuturing : a new design philosophy / Tony Fry.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  113. Degas / Alexander Adams.. print book. Art
  114. Degenerations of democracy / Craig Calhoun, Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar, Charles Taylor.. print book. History
  115. Deifying a total darkness / upfromsumdirt.. print book.
  116. Deirdre Madden : new critical perspectives / edited by Anne Fogarty and Marisol Morales-Ladrón.. print book. English
  117. Déjà vu : for percussion quartet and orchestra / Michael Colgrass.. music score (printed). Music
  118. Deleuze and time / edited by Robert W. Luzecky and Daniel W. Smith.. print book. Philosophy
  119. Deliberately divided : inside the controversial study of twins and triplets adopted apart / Nancy L. Segal.. ebook. Psychology
  120. Deliberative agency : a study in modern African political philosophy / Uchenna Okeja.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  121. Delinquent : inside America's debt machine / Elena Botella.. ebook. Business
  122. The demands of justice : enslaved women, capital crime, and clemency in early Virginia / Tamika Y. Nunley.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  123. Democracy as discussion : civic education and the American forum movement / William M. Keith.. print book. History
  124. Democracy by petition : popular politics in transformation, 1790-1870 / Daniel Carpenter.. print book. History
  125. Democracy erodes from the top : leaders, citizens, and the challenge of populism in Europe / Larry M. Bartels.. print book. History
  126. Democracy in crisis : Weimar Germany, 1929-1932 / Robert Goodrich. print book. History
  127. Democracy's child : young people and the the politics of control, leverage, and agency / Alison L. Gash and Daniel J. Tichenor.. print book. Education
  128. Democracy's data : the hidden stories in the U.S. census and how to read them / Dan Bouk.. print book. History
  129. Democratic justice : Felix Frankfurter, the Supreme Court, and the making of the liberal establishment / Brad Snyder.. print book. History
  130. Democratization : a thematic approach / Stephen Noakes, Chris Wilson.. ebook. Political Science
  131. Democratize work : the case for reorganizing the economy / [edited by] Isabelle Ferreras, Julie Battilana, and Dominique Méda ; translated by Miranda Richmond Mouillot.. print book. Business
  132. Demography of transgender, nonbinary and gender minority populations / Amanda K. Baumle, Sonny Nordmarken, editors.. ebook. Sociology
  133. Demon Copperhead : a novel / Barbara Kingsolver.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  134. The demon in democracy : totalitarian temptations in free societies / Ryszard Legutko ; translated by Teresa Adelson.. print book. History
  135. Demystifying disability : what to know, what to say, and how to be an ally / Emily Ladau.. print book. Education
  136. Demystifying scholarly metrics : a practical guide / Marc W. Vinyard and Jaimie Beth Colvin.. ebook. History
  137. Denaturalized : how thousands lost their citizenship and lives in Vichy France / Claire Zalc ; translated by Catherine Porter.. print book. History
  138. Dentists and what they do / Liesbet Slegers ; English translation from the Dutch by Clavis Publishing, Inc.. print book. Education
  139. Depictions of home in African American literature / Trudier Harris.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  140. The deportation express : a history of America through forced removal / Ethan Blue.. print book. History
  141. The depth of the lake and the height of the sky / Jihyun Kim.. print book. Education
  142. Descartes et la question de la civilité : la philosophie de l'honnête homme / Frédéric Lelong.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
  143. Descartes in context : essays / Emanuela Scribano.. print book. Philosophy
  144. The deserted garden : for violin and piano / Florence Price.. music score (printed). Music
  145. Design and analysis of experiments and observational and studies using R / Nathan Taback.. print book. Statistics
  146. Design and the digital humanities : a handbook for mutual understanding / Milena Radzikowska and Stan Ruecker.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  147. Design emergency : building a better future / Alice Rawsthorn and Paola Antonelli.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  148. Design for a better world : meaningful, sustainable, humanity centered / Don Norman.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  149. Design for how people think : using brain science to build better products / John Walen.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  150. Design, history and time : new temporalities in a digital age / edited by Zoë Hendon, Anne Massey.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  151. Design history beyond the canon / edited by Jennifer Kaufmann-Buhler, Victoria Rose Pass and Christopher S. Wilson.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  152. Design in motion : film experiments at the Bauhaus / Laura A. Frahm.. print book. Art
  153. Design in the age of change / Gjoko Muratovski.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  154. Designing coffee shops and cafés for community / Lisa K. Waxman.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  155. Designing for interdependence : a poetics of relating / Martín Ávila.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  156. Designing innovative sustainable neighborhoods / Avi Friedman.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  157. Designing libraries for the 21st century / H. Thomas Hickerson, Joan K. Lippencott, and Leonora Crema, editors.. print book.
  158. Designing libraries for the 21st century / H. Thomas Hickerson, Joan K. Lippincott, and Leonora Crema, editors.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  159. Designing modernity : architecture in the Arab world 1945-1973 / edited by George Arbid and Philipp Oswalt.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  160. Designing our future : GIS for architecture, engineering & construction / edited by Kathleen Kewley, Micah Callough, Keith Mann.. print book. Geography
  161. Designing peace : building a better future now / Cynthia E. Smith.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  162. Designing spaces for children : a child's eye view / baukind - Architecture for Children, Nathalie Dziobek-Bepler.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  163. Designs for children : furniture, accessories & toys / Agata Toromanoff.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  164. Desperately seeking Shah Rukh : India's lonely young women and the search for intimacy and independence / Shrayana Bhattacharya.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
  165. Destination elsewhere : displaced persons and their quest to leave postwar Europe / Ruth Balint.. print book. History
  166. Destruction, ethics, and intergalactic love : exploring Y: the last man and Saga / Peter Admirand.. print book. English
  167. The destructionists : the twenty-five year crack-up of the Republican Party / by Dana Milbank.. print book. Political Science
  168. Detachment : an adoption memoir / Maurice Mierau.. ebook.
  169. Detention empire : Reagan's war on immigrants and the seeds of resistance / Kristina Shull.. ebook.
  170. Determining sample size and power in research studies : a manual for researchers / J.P. Verma, Priyam Verma.. print book. Statistics
  171. Detours : a decolonial guide to Hawaiʻi / Hōkūlani K. Aikau and Vernadette Vicuña Gonzalez, editors.. print book. Geography
  172. Detroit in 50 maps / Alex B. Hill.. print book. Geography
  173. Deux nouvelles mélodies oubliées : pour voix et piano / Jules Massenet ; edited by Jean-Christophe Branger.. music score (printed). Music
  174. Developing animal feed products / edited by Navaratnam Partheeban.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  175. Developing smart agri-food supply chains : using technology to improve safety and quality / edited by Professor Louise Manning, Royal Agricultural University, UK.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  176. The development century : a global history / edited by Stephen J. Macekura, Erez Manela.. print book. History
  178. Deviant design : the ad hoc, the illicit, the controversial / Craig Martin.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  179. The Devil Never Sleeps: Learning to Live in an Age of Disasters.. ebook. Public Policy & Administration
  180. DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer : Principles & Practice of Oncology / Vincent T. DeVita, Steven A. Rosenberg, Theodore S. Lawrence.. ebook. Medicine
  181. Devoted to the truth : four brilliant investigators / Hugo G. Walter.. print book. English
  182. Devotion to the name of Jesus in medieval English literature, c.1100-c.1530 / Denis Renevey.. print book. English
  183. D.H. LAWRENCE AND ATTACHMENT. print book. English

Di - Dz

  1. Dialectología hispánica = The Routledge handbook of Spanish dialectology / editado por Francisco Moreno-Fernández y Rocío Caravedo.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
  2. The dialects of Spanish : a lexical introduction / Travis D. Sorenson.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
  3. Dialogue on the threshold : Heidegger and Trakl / Ian Alexander Moore.. print book. Philosophy
  4. Diamonds are a girl's best friend / Roadside Pictures ; Jo Films ; directed by Sarah Knight ; produced by Barbara Ghammashi and Sarah Knight.. streaming video.
  5. Diamonds are a girl's best friend / Roadside Pictures ; Jo Films ; directed by Sarah Knight ; produced by Barbara Ghammashi and Sarah Knight.. streaming video. Education
  6. Diamonds in the rough : Zeni and the legacy of Japanese-American baseball.. streaming video.
  7. Diamonds in the rough : Zeni and the legacy of Japanese-American baseball.. streaming video. Education
  8. Diana, Princess of the Amazons / written by Shannon Hale & Dean Hale ; illustrated by Victoria Ying ; colors by Lark Pien ; letters by Dave Sharpe.. print book. Education
  10. Dickens and democracy in the age of paper : representing the people / Carolyn Vellenga Berman.. print book. English
  11. Dickens and Victorian psychology: introspection, first-person narration, and the mind / Tyson Stolte.. print book. English
  12. The dictator's dilemma at the ballot box : electoral manipulation, economic maneuvering, and political order in autocracies / Masaaki Higashijima.. print book. Political Science
  13. Dictionary of Southern Appalachian English / Michael B. Montgomery & Jennifer K. N. Heinmiller ; foreword by Joan Houston Hall.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  14. Die geistlichen Vokalkompositionen Johann Georg Albrechtsbergers / Dorothea Schroeder. print book. Music
  15. Die Unsichtbaren : wir wollen leben.. streaming video. Anthropology
  16. Different speeds, same furies : Powell, Proust, and other literary forms / Perry Anderson.. print book. English
  17. The digger and the duckling / Joseph Kuefler.. print book. Education
  18. Digital Black feminism / Catherine Knight Steele.. print book. History
  19. Digital dentistry : a step-by-step guide and case atlas / edited by Arthur R.G. Cortes.. ebook. Medicine
  20. Digital imaginaries : African positions beyond binaries / Richard Rottenburg, Oulimata Gueye, Julien McHardy, Philipp Ziegler (eds.).. print book. Art
  21. Digital influence mercenaries : profits and power through information warfare / James J. F. Forest.. ebook. Business
  22. Digital lethargy : dispatches from an age of disconnection / Tung-Hui Hu.. print book. Art
  23. Digital literature and critical theory / Annika Elstermann.. print book. English
  24. The digital mindset : what it really takes to thrive in the age of data, algorithms, and AI / Paul Leonardi & Tsedal Neeley.. ebook. Business
  25. Digital paper : a manual for research and writing with library and internet materials / Andrew Abbott.. ebook. Sociology
  26. Dignity in a digital age : making tech work for all of us / Ro Khanna.. ebook. Business
  27. Dim sum, here we come! / story and pictures by Maple Lam.. print book. Education
  28. A dios Momo = Good-bye Momo / producer, Raul Pochintesta, Fabrication Films ; screenwriter [and director], Leonardo Ricagni.. video DVD. Hispanic Studies
  29. Direct : the rise of the middleman economy and the power of going to the source / Kathryn Judge.. print book. Business
  30. Dirt cheap / Mark Hoffmann.. print book. Education
  31. Dirt persuasion : civic environmental populism and the heartland's pipeline fight / Derek Moscato.. ebook. Geography
  32. DIRTBAG, MASSACHUSETTS: A CONFESSIONAL.. print book. Education
  33. Disability as diversity : developing cultural competence / Erin E. Andrews.. ebook. Sociology
  34. Disability in medieval Christian philosophy and theology / edited by Scott M. Williams.. print book. Philosophy
  35. Disability in wonderland : health and normativity in speculative utopias / Amanda Martin Sandino.. print book. English
  36. Disability pride : dispatches from a post-ADA world / Ben Mattlin.. print book. Education
  37. Disability pride : dispatches from a post-ADA world / Ben Mattlin. ebook. Education
  38. Disappearing Appalachia in Tennessee : a picture of a vanished land and its people / Harry Moore & Fred Brown.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  39. Disappearing rooms : the hidden theaters of immigration law / Michelle Castañeda ; with illustrations by Molly Crabapple.. print book. Law
  40. The discerning narrator : Conrad, Aristotle, and modernity / Alexia Hannis.. print book. English
  41. Discovering Dune : essays on Frank Herbert's epic saga / edited by Dominic J. Nardi and N. Trevor Brierly ; foreword by Timothy O'Reilly.. print book. English
  42. Dismantling everyday discrimination : microaggressions toward LGBTQ people / By Kevin Leo Yabut Nadal.. ebook. Psychology
  43. Disposable city : Miami's future on the shores of climate catastrophe / Mario Alejandro Ariza.. print book. Education
  44. Disproportionate minority contact and racism in the US : how we failed children of color / Paul R. Ketchum, B. Mitchell Peck.. print book. Education
  45. Disruptive space technologies and innovations : the next chapter / Scott Madry.. ebook. Physics
  46. Dissident practices : Brazilian women artists, 1960s-2020s / Claudia Calirman.. print book. Art
  47. The distance of Irish modernism : memory, narrative, representation / John Greaney.. print book. English
  48. The distracted couple : the impact of ADHD on adult relationships / edited by Larry Maucieri, PhD & Jon Carlson, PsyD, EdD ; [foreword by Pat Love, EdD].. ebook.
  49. Dityramb / Ture Rangström.. music score (printed). Music
  50. Divertimento D-Dur für Orchester = re maggiore per orchestra : Opus 20 / Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari.. music score (printed). Music
  51. Divertissement in es-dur op. 80 : for orchestra / Nikolai Miaskovsky.. music score (printed). Music
  52. The divided states : unraveling national identities in the twenty-first century / Edited by Laura J. Beard and Ricia Anne Chansky.. print book. English
  53. Divided we fall : why consensus matters / Alice M. Rivlin.. ebook. Political Science
  54. The divider : Trump in the White House, 2017-2021 / Peter Baker and Susan Glasser.. print book. History
  55. A divine language : learning algebra, geometry, and calculus at the edge of old age / Alec Wilkinson.. print book. Mathematics
  56. The divorce of King Lothar and Queen Theutberga : Hincmar of Rheims's De divortio / translated and annotated by Rachel Stone and Charles West.. print book. History
  57. DNA : a legal research guide / by Joel Fishman, Pamela Marshall.. print book. Law
  58. Do everything : the biography of Frances Willard / Christopher H. Evans.. print book. History
  59. Do police need guns? : policing and firearms : past, present and future / Richard Evans, Claire Farmer.. ebook. Sociology
  60. Do right by me : learning to raise black children in white spaces / Valerie I. Harrison and Kathryn Peach D'Angelo.. ebook.
  61. Do the work! [electronic resource] : zero hunger / Julie Knutson.. ebook.
  62. The doctrine of triangles : a history of modern trigonometry / Glen Van Brummelen.. ebook. Mathematics
  63. Documenting the future : navigating provenance metadata standards / Rhiannon Bettivia, Yi-Yun Cheng, Michael Robert Gryk.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  64. Dog map of the world.. print map. Geography
  65. Dog says, cat says / written by Marilyn Singer ; illustrated by Sonia Sánchez. print book. Education
  66. Dog Squad / Chris Grabenstein ; illustrations by Beth Hughes.. print book. Education
  67. Doggerel life : stories of a Los Angeles griot / Ulysses Jenkins.. print book. Art
  68. Dogs / [text by Eva Steele-Saccio].. print book. Education
  69. Doing the word : Southern Baptists' Carver School of Church Social Work and its predecessors, 1907-1997 / T. Laine Scales and Melody Maxwell.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  70. Domenico Gnoli / a book conceived by Germano Celant.. print book. Art
  71. Domesticity under siege : threatened spaces of the modern home / edited by Mark Taylor, Georgina Downey and Terry Meade.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  72. Don't call me a hurricane / Ellen Hagan.. print book. Education
  73. Don't even think about it : why our brains are wired to ignore climate change / George Marshall.. ebook. Sociology
  74. Don't look away : art, nonviolence, and preventive publics in contemporary Europe / Brianne Cohen.. print book. Art
  75. Don't think for yourself : authority and belief in medieval philosophy / Peter Adamson.. print book. Philosophy
  76. Don't trust your gut : using data to get what you really want in life / Seth Stephens-Davidowitz.. print book. Education
  77. Donatello : the Renaissance / edited by Francesco Caglioti ; with Laura Cavazzini, Aldo Galli, Neville Rowley ; [exhibition curated by Francesco Caglioti ; texts, Francesco Caglioti, Laura Cavazzini, Aldo Galli [and three others]].. print book. Art
  78. Donna Haraway : story telling for earthly survival / Graphoui [and 5 others] ; a film by Fabrizio Terranova ; written & directed by Fabrizio Terranova ; producer, Ellen Meiresonne.. streaming video. Anthropology
  79. The door of no return / Kwame Alexander.. print book. Education
  80. Dopamine nation : finding balance in the age of indulgence / Anna Lembke, M.D.. ebook. Psychology
  81. Dorian unbound : transnational decadence and the Wilde archive / Sean O'Toole.. print book. English
  82. Dorit Margreiter : really! / edited by Matthias Michalka ; texts: Anette Baldauf [and nine others].. print book. Art
  83. Double plays and double crosses : the Black Sox and baseball in 1920 / Don Zminda.. print book. History
  84. Doubleplay : a concert etude for 2 marimba players on one instrument / Samuel Adler.. music score (printed). Music
  85. Doughnut economics : seven ways to think like a 21st century economist / Kate Raworth.. ebook. Public Policy & Administration
  86. The downfall of the American order? / edited by Peter J. Katzenstein and Jonathan Kirshner.. print book. History
  87. Dozens of doughnuts / written by Carrie Finison ; illustrated by Brianne Farley.. print book. Education
  88. Dr. No : a novel / Percival Everett.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  89. Dragging away : queer abstraction in contemporary art / Lex Morgan Lancaster.. print book. Art
  90. Tea Dragon. 3, The Tea Dragon tapestry / written & illustrated by Kay O'Neill ; lettered by Crank! ; edited by Ari Yarwood ; designed by Kate Z. Stone.. print book. Education
  91. Dragones y tacos / por Adam Rubin ; ilustrado por Daniel Salmieri ; traducido por Teresa Mlawer.. print book. Education
  92. Dragons, heroes, myths & magic : the medieval art of storytelling / Chantry Westwell.. print book. English
  93. Drapa : sorgemusik för stor orkester : 1929 / Ture Rangström.. music score (printed). Music
  94. Draper touch : the high life and high style of Dorothy Draper / Carleton Varney.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  95. Draping : art and craftsmanship in fashion design / Annette Duburg, Rixt van der Tol.. print book.
  96. Draussen : Hans Wewerka : Strassenszenen in Steinzeug = Outdoors : Hans Wewerka : Stoneware street scenes / editors: Nele van Wieringen, Norbert Pohlmann, Katharina Uhl ; authors: Norbert Eisold, Franziska Hell, Wolf Matthes, Katharina Uhl, Nele van Wieri. print book. Art
  97. Drawing architecture : conversations on contemporary practice / edited by Mark Dorrian, Riet Eeckhout and Arnaud Hendrickx.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  98. Drawing attention : architecture in the age of social media / edited by Hamza Shaikh.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  99. Drawing in the dark : Henry Moore's coalmining commission / Chris Owen.. print book. Art
  100. Drawing in the present tense / Claire Gilman and Roger Malbert ; with artist texts by Roger Malbert.. print book. Art
  101. Drawing the curtain : Cervantes's theatrical revelations / edited by Esther Fernández and Adrienne L. Martín.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
  102. Drawing thought : how drawing helps us observe, discover, and invent / Andrea Kantrowitz.. print book. Art
  103. Drawings / Tony Feher ; [essay by] Josh Pazda with Nancy Brooks Brody, Joy Episalla, Zoe Leonard, and Carrie Yamaoka.. print book. Art
  104. Dreadful desires : the uses of love in neoliberal China / Charlie Yi Zhang.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  105. A dream defaulted : the student loan crisis among black borrowers / Jason N. Houle, Fenaba R. Addo.. print book. Education
  106. Dream states : smart cities, technology, and the pursuit of urban utopias / John Lorinc.. ebook. Public Policy & Administration
  107. Dream street / written by Tricia Elam Walker ; collages by Ekua Holmes.. print book. Education
  108. Dreaming the land : aboriginal art from remote Australia / Marie Geissler.. print book. Art
  110. Dreamworlds 3 : desire, sex & power in music video / the Media Education Foundation presents ; written, narrated & edited by Sut Jhally.. streaming video.
  111. Dreamworlds 3 : desire, sex & power in music video / the Media Education Foundation presents ; written, narrated & edited by Sut Jhally.. streaming video. Sociology
  112. Drei duos, op. 1 : für viola und violoncello / Henry Griesbach ; edited by Yvonne Morgan.. music score (printed). Music
  113. Drei Etüden für Fagott und Klavier = Three etudes for bassoon with piano accompaniment / José Siqueira.. music score (printed). Music
  114. Drei Lieder nach Gedichten von Otto Julius Bierbaum : op. 29 (1895) / Richard Strauss ; englische Übersetzung von John Bernhoff. music score (printed). Music
  115. Drei melodisiche Klavierstücke = three melodic piano pieces, op. 15 / Mathilde Berendsen-Nathan ; herausgegeben von Isolde Weiermüller-Backes.. music score (printed). Music
  116. Dress-up day / Blanca Gómez.. print book. Education
  117. Dressing up : a history of fancy dress in Britain / Verity Wilson.. print book. Art
  118. Dreyfuss + Blackford : seventy years / project editor, Clare Jacobson.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  119. Drift : choreographing the future / with contributions by Marina Abramović, Coraly von Bismarck [and 16 others].. print book. Art
  120. Drinking from graveyard wells : stories / Yvette Lisa Ndlovu.. print book.
  121. Drive my car / presented by Culture Entertainment, Bitters End ; production company, C&I Entertainment ; directed by Ryusuke Hamaguchi ; produced by Teruhisa Yamamoto ; screenplay by Ryusuke Hamaguchi and Takamasa Oe.. video DVD.
  122. Driving the Samburu bride : fieldwork among cattle keepers in Kenya / Diane C. Perlov.. print book. Anthropology
  123. Drought, flood, fire : how climate change contributes to catastrophes / Chris Funk, University of California, Santa Barbara.. print book. Physics
  124. Drugs in pregnancy and lactation : a reference guide to fetal and neonatal risk [electronic resource] / Gerald G. Briggs, Craig V. Towers, Alicia B. Forinash.. ebook. Medicine
  125. The Druze : a new cultural and historical appreciation / Abbas Halabi.. ebook.
  126. Dry hole / by David Thomson.. print book. Art
  127. Ducks : two years in the oil sands / Kate Beaton.. print book. Education
  128. Duet for flute and tuba / Walter S. Hartley.. music score (printed). Music
  129. Duetto di primvera : for 2 violins / Jordi Cervelló.. music score (printed). Music
  130. Duns Scotus's doctrine of categories and meaning / Martin Heidegger ; translated by Joydeep Bagchee and Jeffrey D. Gower.. print book. Philosophy
  131. Dúo Ami : for flute and piano / Efrain Amaya.. music score (printed). Music
  132. Duo concertante : for oboe and pianoforte / Antal Doráti.. music score (printed). Music
  133. Duo : for clarinet and bass clarinet / David Baker ; Adapted by K. Tod Kerstetter.. music score (printed). Music
  134. Duos for flutes, op. 34 / Robert Muczynski.. music score (printed). Music
  135. Dúos para dos violines : L 83 - L 91 / Cayetano Brunetti ; editición crítica by Raúl Angulo Díaz.. music score (printed). Music
  136. Duplex architects : rethinking housing / Anne Kaestle, Dan Schürch ; editors, Ludovic Balland, Nele Dechmann ; authors, Hubertus Adam [and six others].. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  137. DXA NYC : ten years of building on history / contributors, Patrick Cullina, Gregory Rogove, Russell Shorto, Cas Stachelberg, Robert Tierney, Gregory Wessner, Judith Zilczer.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  138. Dying in the scarecrow's arms : poems / Mitchell L.H. Douglas.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  139. The dynamic cosmos : movement, paradox, and experimentation in the anthropology of spirit possession / edited by Diana Espírito Santo and Matan Shapiro.. print book. Philosophy
  140. Dynamic democracy : public opinion, elections, and policymaking in the American states / Devin Caughey and Christopher Warshaw.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
  141. Dynamic time series models using R-INLA : an applied perspective / Nalini Ravishanker, Balaji Raman and Refik Soyer.. ebook. Statistics
  142. Dynamics of systems on the nanoscale / Ilia A. Solov'yov, Alexey V. Verkhovtsev, Andrei V. Korol, Andrey V. Solov'yov, editors.. ebook. Physics
  143. Dyslexia in higher education : anxiety and coping skills / Amanda T. Abbott-Jones.. print book. Education

E - Ew

  1. These are the plunderers : how private equity runs--and wrecks--America / Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner.. print book. Business
  2. Each tiny spark / Pablo Cartaya.. print book. Education
  3. Eames : the architect and the painter / narration written by Jason Cohn; produced by Jason Cohn and Bill Jersey.. streaming video.
  4. Early modern streets : a European perspective / edited by Danielle van den Heuvel.. print book. History
  5. Early modern women writers engendering descent : Mary Sidney Herbert, Mary Sidney Wroth, and their genealogical cultures / Marie H. Loughlin.. print book. English
  6. The early thrillers of Dean Koontz : essays on the evolution of a writer, 1966-1997 / edited by Gary Hoppenstand and Garyn G. Roberts.. print book. English
  8. Earthcare : women and the environment / Carolyn Merchant.. print book. English
  9. Eastward of Good Hope : early America in a dangerous world / Dane A. Morrison.. print book. History
  10. Eat it : a cookbook / by Dana Crumb and Shery Cohen ; art by R. Crumb.. print book.
  11. Eb & Flow / Kelly J. Baptist.. print book. Education
  12. The ECAL manual of style : how to best teach design today? / edited by Jonathan Olivares and Alexis Georgacopoulos.. print book. Art
  13. Echoing forest III : pour flûte et piano / Fuminori Tanada.. music score (printed). Music
  14. The eclipse of classical thought in China and the West / James Gordley.. print book. Philosophy
  15. L'eclisse / un film di coproduzione, Interopa Film-Cineriz, Paris Film Production ; soggetto e sceneggiatura, Michelangelo Antonioni, Tonino Guerra ; hanno collaborato alla sceneggiatura, Elio Bartolini, Ottiero Ottieri ; prodotto da Robert e Raymond Haki. streaming video. Philosophy
  16. Ecocriticism / Greg Garrard.. ebook.
  17. Ecocriticism and Chinese literature : imagined landscapes and real lived spaces / edited by Riccardo Moratto, Nicoletta Pesaro, Di-kai Chao.. ebook. Asian Studies
  18. Ecocriticism and the island : readings from the British-Irish archipelago / Pippa Marland.. print book. English
  19. Ecocriticism in Malayalam / edited by G. Madhusoodanan ; [commissioning translator, Rayson K. Alex].. print book. English
  20. Ecofeminism and the sacred / edited by Carol J. Adams.. print book. English
  21. The economic basis of public interest / by Rexford G. Tugwell.. print book. History
  22. Economics for a fragile planet / Edward B. Barbier.. print book. Business
  23. The economies of serious and popular art : how they diverged and reunited / Hans Abbing.. print book. Art
  24. The economist's craft : an introduction to research, publishing, and professional development / Michael S. Weisbach.. ebook. Business
  25. An economist's guide to economic history / Matthias Blum, Christopher L. Colvin, editors.. ebook. History
  26. The economy of religion in American literature : culture and the politics of redemption / Andrew Ball.. print book. English
  27. Ed Atkins : drawings for children / Ed Atkins.. print book. Art
  28. Eddie the elephant has something to say / written by Alison Johns; illustrated by Tara Put; with foreword by Chelsea Hagen.. print book. Education
  29. The edge of each other's battles : the vision of Audre Lorde.. streaming video.
  30. The edge of each other's battles : the vision of Audre Lorde.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
  31. Edible economics [electronic resource] : a hungry economist explains the world / Ha-Joon Chang.. ebook. Business
  32. Edible economics [electronic resource] : a hungry economist explains the world / Ha-Joon Chang.. ebook. Business
  33. Edible economics : a hungry economist explains the world / Ha-Joon Chang.. print book. Business
  34. Editer, traduire, interpréter : essais de méthodologie philosophique / par P. W. Rosemann ... [et al.] ; sous la direction de Steve G. Lofts et Philipp W. Rosemann.. print book. Philosophy
  35. The education myth : how human capital trumped social democracy / Jon Shelton.. ebook.
  36. Education of nuns, feast of fools, letters of love : medieval religious life in twelfth-century lyric anthologies from Regensburg, Ripoll and Chartres / edition, translation, and introduction by David A. Traill (University of California, Davis) and Justin. print book. Philosophy
  37. Edward Hopper's New York / Kim Conaty, with essays by Kirsty Bell, Darby English, David Hartt, and contributions from David Crane, Jennie Goldstein, Melinda Lang, and Farris Wahbeh.. print book. Art
  38. Eerie Appalachia : Smiling Man, Indrid Cold, the Jersey Devil, the legend of Mothman and more / Mark Muncy and Kari Schultz.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  39. The effective museum : rethinking museum practices to increase impact / John W. Jacobsen.. print book. Art
  40. Effective treatments for PTSD : practice guidelines from the international society for traumatic stress studies / edited by David Forbes, Jonathan I. Bisson, Candice M. Monson, Lucy Berliner.. ebook. Psychology
  41. Egg marks the spot / by Amy Timberlake ; with pictures by Jon Klassen.. print book. Education
  42. Eggasaurus / written by Jennifer Wagh ; illustrated by Hallie Bateman.. print book. Education
  43. La règle du jeu = The rules of the game / fantasie dramatique de Jean Renoir.. streaming video.
  44. Die Ehe der Maria Braun = The Marriage of Maria Braun / Rainer Werner Fassbinder Foundation presents einen von Albatros-Produktion ; Michael Fengler und Trio-Film, Duisburg, sowie dem Westdeutschen Rundfunk produzierten Rainer Werner Fassbinder Film ; Dre. streaming video. German
  45. Eight saxophones : for double SATB saxophone quartet (2021) / Carter Pann.. music score (printed). Music
  46. Eighteenth-century art worlds : global and local geographies of art / edited by Stacey Sloboda and Michael Yonan.. print book. Art
  47. Eighth grade / A24 and IAC Films present ; a film by Bo Burnham ; produced by Scott Rudin, Eli Bush, Lila Yacoub, Christopher Storer ; written and directed by Bo Burnham.. streaming video.
  48. Eikoh Hosoe : pioneering post-1945 Japanese photography / edited by Yasufumi Nakamori ; translator (unless otherwise noted), Lili Selden ; text editor, Louis Rogers.. print book. Asian Studies
  49. Einstein's fridge : how the difference between hot and cold explains the universe / Paul Sen.. ebook. Physics
  50. Either/or / Elif Batuman.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  51. El Anatsui : the reinvention of sculpture / Okwui Enwezor, Chika Okeke-Agulu.. print book. Art
  52. El Sebou' : Egyptian birth ritual / a film by Fadwa El Guindi.. streaming video. English
  53. El Sebou' : Egyptian birth ritual / a film by Fadwa El Guindi.. streaming video.
  54. Elections in America : a reference handbook / Michael C. LeMay.. ebook. Political Science
  55. Elegant design : a designer's guide to harnessing aesthetics / Luca Iandoli and Giuseppe Zollo.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  56. Elegie und Reigen : für kleines Orchester : Opus 45 / Hans Pfitzner.. music score (printed). Music
  57. Elements of architecture : assembling archaeology, atmosphere and the performance of building spaces / edited by Mikkel Bille and Tim Flohr Sørensen.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  58. Elements of design: Rowena Reed Kostellow and the structure of visual relationships / Gail Greet Hannah.. ebook.
  59. The elements of graphic design : space, unity, page architecture & type / Alex W. White.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  60. The elephant in the room / Holly Goldberg Sloan.. print book. Education
  61. The elephant in the universe : our hundred-year search for dark matter Govert Schilling. ebook. Physics
  62. Elf Sonaten für Flöte und Basso continuo = Eleven sonatas for flute and basso continuo / Händel ; herausgegeben von Hans-Peter Schmitz ; Continuo-Aussetzung, Max Schneider.. music score (printed). Music
  63. Elfentanz : for violin and piano / Florence Price.. music score (printed). Music
  64. Eliot's angels : George Eliot, René Girard, and mimetic desire / Bernadette Waterman Ward.. print book. English
  65. Elisabeth Haarr. print book. Art
  66. Eliseo Mattiacci : sculpture in action in Rome / edited by Lara Conte in dialogue with Studio Eliseo Mattiacci.. print book. Art
  67. Ellen outside the lines / A.J. Sass.. print book. Education
  68. The emancipation circuit : Black activism forging a culture of freedom / Thulani Davis.. print book. History
  69. Embrace of the serpent / producida por Cristina Gallego.. streaming video.
  70. Embrace of the serpent / producida por Cristina Gallego.. streaming video. Anthropology
  71. Embracing change : alternatives to traditional research writing assignments / edited by Silke Higgins and Ngoc-Yen Tran.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  72. Embracing the Void [electronic resource] : Rethinking the Origin of the Sacred.. ebook.
  73. Embroidery : threads and stories from Alabama Chanin and the School of Making / Natalie Chanin ; with a foreword by Rosanne Cash.. print book. Art
  74. Emil Fischer's "From my life" : English translation of "Aus meinem Leben" / David M. Behrman, Edward J. Behrman.. ebook. Chemistry
  75. Emil von Sauer : Liszt's forgotten protégé / Anita Crocus.. print book. Music
  76. Emile and the field / words by Kevin Young ; art by Chioma Ebinama.. print book. Education
  77. Emily Dickinson's music book and the musical life of an American poet / George Boziwick.. print book. English
  78. Emily Dickinson songs : for high voice and piano / George Walker.. music score (printed). Music
  79. Emma Jane's souvenir cook book : and some old Virginia recipes / collected by Blanche Elbert Moncure.. print book.
  80. Emmy Noether : the most important mathematician you've never heard of / Helaine Becker ; [illustrations by] Kari Rust.. print book. Education
  81. The emoji story / Emojigeddon presents ; Unlimited Liability Productions.. streaming video. Sociology
  82. Emotion and the self in English Renaissance literature : reforming contentment / Paul Joseph Zajac.. print book. English
  83. Empathy economics : Janet Yellen's remarkable rise to power and her drive to spread prosperity to all / Owen Ullmann.. print book. Business
  84. The empire of effects : Industrial Light & Magic and the rendering of realism / Julie A. Turnock.. print book. Art
  85. Empire of eloquence : the classical rhetorical tradition in colonial Latin America and the Iberian world / Stuart M. McManus.. ebook. Classical Studies
  86. Empire unbound : France and the Muslim Mediterranean, 1880-1918 / Gavin Murray-Miller.. print book. History
  87. Empires of the Normans : conquerors of Europe / Levi Roach.. print book. History
  88. Empirical knowledge in the eighteenth-century novel : beyond realism / Aaron R. Hanlon.. print book. English
  89. An Employer's Guide to Kentucky Wage and Hour Issues / Frost, Brown, Todd LLC.. print book. Law
  90. Employment of persons with autism : a scoping review / Matthew Bennett, Emma Goodall.. ebook. Psychology
  91. Enchanted invocation : (for solo percussionist playing vibraphone and 5 crotales) / Augusta Read Thomas.. music score (printed). Music
  92. Enciclopédia da música brasileira : erudita, folclórica, popular / [editor, Marcos Antônio Marcondes].. print book. Music
  93. Encounters in the New World : Jesuit cartography of the Americas / Mirela Altic.. print book. Geography
  94. Encounters in video art in Latin America / edited by Elena Shtromberg and Glenn Phillips.. print book. Art
  95. Encounters with Euclid : how an ancient Greek geometry text shaped the world / Benjamin Wardhaugh.. print book. Mathematics
  96. The encyclopedia of American food and drink / John F. Mariani.. ebook. Anthropology
  97. Encyclopedia of body adornment / Margo DeMello.. ebook. Anthropology
  98. Encyclopedia of junk food and fast food / Andrew F. Smith.. ebook. Anthropology
  99. Encyclopedia of the American Indian Movement / Bruce E. Johansen.. ebook. Anthropology
  100. The end of ambition : the United States and the Third World in the Vietnam era / Mark Atwood Lawrence.. print book. History
  101. The end of genre : curations and experiments in intentional discourses / Brenton Faber.. print book. English
  102. The end of the world is just the beginning : mapping the collapse of globalization / Peter Zeihan.. print book. Business
  103. END OF WHITE POLITICS: HOW TO HEAL OUR LIBERAL DIVIDE.. print book. Political Science
  104. Ending checkbox diversity : rewriting the story of performative allyship in corporate America / Dannie Lynn Fountain.. ebook. Business
  105. Endlessly ever after : pick your path to countless fairy tale endings! : a story of Little Red Riding Hood, Jack, Hansel, Gretel, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, a wolf, a witch, a goose, a grandmother, some pigs, and endless variations / Laurel Snyder ; [il. print book. Education
  106. Endlos = endless : for flute solo (2022) / Tilmann Dehnhard.. music score (printed). Music
  107. The Enduring Struggle : the History of the U.S. Agency for International Development and America's Uneasy Transformation of the World / John Norris.. ebook. Business
  108. Enemies / Svetlana Chmakova.. print book. Education
  109. Energy-smart farming : efficiency, renewable energy and sustainability / edited by Ralph Sims.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  110. Enfer : oratorio acousmatique d'après a divine comédie de Dante / Bernard Parmegiani.. music score (printed). Music
  111. Engaging Appalachia : a guidebook for building capacity and sustainability / edited by Rebecca Adkins Fletcher, Rebecca-Eli Long, and William R. Schumann.. print book.
  112. Engaging populism : democracy and the intellectual virtues / Gregory R. Peterson, Michael C. Berhow, George Tsakiridis, editors.. ebook. Political Science
  113. Engaging violence : civility and the reach of literature / David Simpson.. print book. English
  114. The English dictionary from Cawdrey to Johnson, 1604-1755.. print book. Education
  116. English lit : poems / by Bernard Clay.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  117. Enigme de l'autodidacte = the self-taught riddle / conception et direction, Charlotte Laubard ; codirection éditoriale, Alexandre Quoi ; auteurs, Marie Applagnat [and eight others].. print book. Art
  118. Enlightened nightscapes : critical essays on the long eighteenth-century night / Pamela F. Phillips.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  119. Enlistment : lists in medieval and early modern literature / edited by Eva von Contzen and James Simpson.. print book. English
  120. The Enormity of the slave-trade ; and the duty of seeking the moral and spiritual elevation of the colored race / Speeches of Wilberforce, and other documents and records.. print book. Special Collections
  121. Entertaining uncertainty in the early modern theater : stage spectacle and audience response / Lauren Robertson.. print book. English
  123. The entrepreneurs : the relentless quest for value / Derek Lidow.. ebook. Business
  124. Entrepreneurship for the creative and cultural industries / Bonita M. Kolb.. print book. Art
  125. Entrepreneurship for the creative and cultural industries / Bonita M. Kolb.. ebook. Arts Administration
  126. Environmental science and international politics : acid rain in Europe, 1979-1989, and climate change in Copenhagen, December 2009 / David E. Henderson and Susan K. Henderson.. ebook. History
  127. The environmental unconscious : ecological poetics from Spenser to Milton / Steven Swarbrick.. print book. English
  128. Epidemic invasions : yellow fever and the limits of Cuban independence, 1878-1930 / Mariola Espinosa.. print book. History
  129. Epidemic orientalism : race, capital, and the governance of infectious disease / Alexandre I. R. White.. print book. History
  130. Epiphanies : an ethics of experience / Sophie Grace Chappell.. print book. Philosophy
  131. Episode : für Violine und Klavier (2020) / Wolfgang Rihm.. music score (printed). Music
  132. The epistemic consequences of paradox / Bryan Frances.. print book. Philosophy
  133. Epistemic justice and creative agency : global perspectives on literature and film / edited by Sarah Colvin and Stephanie Galasso.. print book. English
  134. Epistemic risk and the demands of rationality / Richard Pettigrew.. print book. Philosophy
  135. Epitomic writing in late antiquity and beyond : forms of unabridged writing / edited by Paolo Felice Sacchi and Marco Formisano.. print book. English
  136. Equal natures : popular brain science and Victorian women's writing / Shalyn Claggett.. print book. English
  137. The equality machine : harnessing digital technology for a brighter, more inclusive future / Orly Lobel.. print book. Education
  138. Equity and inclusion in higher education : strategies for teaching / edited by Rita Kumar and Brenda Refaei.. print book. Education
  139. Ergodesign methodology for the product design : a human-centered approach / Marcelo M. Soares.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  140. Erich Mendelsohn : buildings and projects / Carsten Krohn, Michele Stavagna ; translation from German, Julian Reisenberger, Weimar.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  141. Ericka Beckman : fair game / herausgegeben von/edited by Ericka Beckman, Adam Budak ; texte/texts: Marie de Brugerolle [and three others].. print book. Art
  142. "Erlkönig" (nach Schubert) ; "The last rose of summer" : für Violine solo = "Erlkönig" (after Schubert) and "The last rose of summer" for violin solo / Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst ; herausgegeben von = edited by Ingolf Turban ; Fingersatz und Strichbezeichnung. music score (printed). Music
  143. Ernest Lehman : the sweet smell of success / Jon Krampner.. print book.
  144. Le dernier métro = The last metro / Janus Films ; MK2 Marin Karmitz ; une production Les Films du Carrosse, Sedif S.A., T.F. 1, Société française de production ; scénario de François Truffaut et Suzanne Schiffman ; dialogue de François Truffaut, Su. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  145. Ernst Schröder on algebra and logic / Stephen Pollard.. ebook. Mathematics
  146. Eros the bittersweet : an essay / Anne Carson.. ebook.
  147. Errancies of desire : monstrous masculinities across the Atlantic / Vartan P. Messier.. print book. English
  148. Erwin Blumenfeld / introduction by Emmanuelle de l'Écotais ; translated from the French by Ruth Taylor.. print book. Art
  149. Erwin Wurm - one minute forever / editors, writers: Maja Kolaric, Jérôme Sans.. print book. Art
  150. Escape, escapism, escapology : American novels of the early twenty-first century / John K. Limon.. print book. English
  151. Escape to the city : fugitive slaves in the antebellum urban South / Viola Franziska Müller.. print book. History
  152. Los Escoberos : pour 4 guitares ou ensemble / Máximo Diego Pujol.. music score (printed). Music
  153. Escrituras hispánicas desde el exocanon / Daniel Escandell Montiel (ed.).. print book. Hispanic Studies
  154. Esme's birthday conga line / words by Lourdes Heuer ; pictures by Marissa Valdez.. print book. Education
  155. Essays on Schopenhauer and Nietzsche : values and the will of life / Christopher Janaway.. print book. Philosophy
  156. The essential Gwendolyn Brooks / Gwendolyn Brooks, Elizabeth Alexander, editor.. print book. English
  157. Essential : how the pandemic transformed the long fight for worker justice / Jamie K. McCallum.. ebook. Business
  158. Essentially a mother : a feminist approach to the law of pregnancy and motherhood / Jennifer Hendricks.. print book. Law
  159. Essentials of followership : rethinking the leadership paradigm with purpose / Michael W. Linville, Mark A. Rennaker.. print book. Business
  161. Estudios sobre literatura contemporánea / Antonio Carreira.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  162. Eternity in the ether : a Mormon media history / Gavin Feller.. ebook.
  163. Ethicality and imagination : on luminous abodes / John Salis.. print book. Philosophy
  164. Ethics in higher education : promoting equity and inclusion through case-based inquiry / edited by Rebecca M. Taylor and Ashley Floyd Kuntz.. print book. Education
  165. The ethics of consciousness / Walter Glannon (University of Calgary).. print book. Philosophy
  166. The ethics of tainted legacies : human flourishing after traumatic pasts / Karen V. Guth.. print book. Philosophy
  167. Ethics, practical reasoning, agency : Wilfrid Sellars's practical philosophy / edited by Jeremy Randel Koons and Ronald Loeffler.. print book. Philosophy
  168. Ethnic notions / produced, written & directed by Marlon Riggs.. streaming video.
  169. The ethos of Black motherhood in America : only White women get pregnant / Kimberly C. Harper.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  170. L'étoile du matin : mélodie / paroles et musique de Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
  171. Etude no. 1 : for violoncello and guitar / Frédéric Chopin ; transcribed and edited by Valter Dešpalj ; guitar part fingered by Darko Petrinjak.. music score (printed). Music
  172. Etudes de concert 1 : for solo recorder player (tenor, alto, soprano and sopranino) (2007-2021) / Brian Inglis.. music score (printed). Music
  173. Études modernes : pour flûte = Modern studies : for the flute = Moderne Etüden : für Flöte = Estudios modernos : para flauta / Paul Jeanjean.. music score (printed). Music
  174. Euphonium concerto / Philip Sparke.. music score (printed). Music
  175. Eurasian musical journeys : five tales / Gabriela Currie, Lars Christensen.. print book. Music
  176. Europe on the brink, 1914 : the July crisis / John E. Moser.. print book. History
  177. Europe views the world, c.1500-1700 / Larry Silver.. print book. Art
  178. European military rivalry, 1500-1750 : fierce pageant / Gregory Hanlon.. print book. History
  179. Eva Prats and Ricardo Flores / directors, Carlos Quintáns, Juan Rodríguez ; photography, Juan Rodríguez, Judith Casas, Adriá Goula ; texts, Carlos Quintáns.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  180. Evaluating police uses of force / Seth W. Stoughton, Jeffrey J. Noble, and Geoffrey P. Alpert.. ebook. Sociology
  181. Evaluating the process to develop the dietary guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 : final report / Kathleen M. Rasmussen, Ann L. Yaktine, and Katherine M. Delaney, editors ; Committee on Evaluating the Process to Develop the Dietary Guidelines for America. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  182. Evangelos Papadopoulos : flow / edited by Wiebke Siever.. print book. Art
  183. Evasión y realidad en Don Quijote / Benito Gómez Madrid.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  184. Ever smaller : nature's elementary particles, from the atom to the neutrino and beyond / Antonio Ereditato ; translated from the Italian by Erica Segre and Simon Carnell ; foreword by Nigel Lockyer.. ebook. Physics
  185. Every body : a celebration of diverse abilities / Shelley Rotner.. print book. Education
  186. Every color soup / Jorey Hurley.. print book. Education
  187. Every day is Earth Day / by Jane O'Connor ; cover illustration by Robin Preiss Glasser ; interior illustrations by Aleksey Ivanov and Olga Ivanov.. print book. Education
  188. Every picture hides a story : the secret ways artists make their work more seductive / William Cane and Anna Gabrielle.. print book. Art
  189. The everyday life of memorials / Andrew M. Shanken.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  190. Everyday metaphysical explanation / Kristie Miller and James Norton.. print book. Philosophy
  191. Everyday play / edited by Julian Rothenstein ; foreword by Andrey Kurkov.. print book. Art
  192. Everyone against us : public defenders and the making of American justice / Allen Goodman.. print book. Law
  193. Everyone loves lunchtime but Zia / written by Jenny Liao ; illustrated by Dream Chen.. print book. Education
  194. Everything all at once : the software, videos, and architecture of MOS / Michael Meredith and Hilary Sample.. ebook.
  195. Everything and nothing / Markus Gabriel, Graham Priest.. print book. Philosophy
  196. Everything is possible : antifascism and the left in the age of fascism / Joseph Fronczak.. ebook. Political Science
  197. Everything must go! / design by Jason Fulford ; editors Catherine Taylor, Nicholas Muellner.. print book. Art
  198. Everywhere home : a life in essays / Fenton Johnson.. print book.
  199. Evidence-based eating : the best scientific evidence for nutritional and lifestyle choices / by W. Kenneth Ward.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  200. Evidence of things not seen : fantastical Blackness in genre fictions / Rhonda D. Frederick.. print book. English
  201. Evil : a history / edited by Andrew P. Chignell.. print book. Philosophy
  202. Evil and givenness : the thanatonic phenomenon / Brian W. Becker.. print book. Philosophy
  203. Evil in the modern world : international and interdisciplinary perspectives / Laura Dryjanska, Giorgio Pacifici, editors.. print book. Philosophy
  204. An evocation of the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi / Margaret Jean Pont ; edited by Rosa Maria Falvo.. print book. Art
  205. Evocations, II. Promise of Spring : for mixed chorus and orchestra / Norman Dello Joio.. music score (printed). Music
  206. Evolution, morality and the fabric of society / R. Paul Thompson, University of Toronto.. print book. Biology
  207. The evolution of mathematics : a rhetorical approach / G. Mitchell Reyes.. print book. Mathematics
  208. An evolving vision : the James Collection, 1997-2022 / [essays by] Marin F. Hanson, Carolyn Ducey, Penelope McMorris.. print book. Art
  209. Ewald quintet no. 1 : brass quintet / Victor Ewald ; edited by Tony Rickard.. music score (printed). Music
  210. Ewald quintet no. 2 : brass quintet / Victor Ewald ; edited by Tony Rickard.. music score (printed). Music
  211. Ewald quintet no. 3 : brass quintet / Victor Ewald ; edited by Tony Rickard.. music score (printed). Music

Ex - Ez

  1. Ex Libris : New York Public Library / directed, edited and produced by Frederick Wiseman.. streaming video.
  2. Ex Libris : New York Public Library / directed, edited and produced by Frederick Wiseman.. streaming video. Art
  3. Ex machina / a DNA Films production ; written and directed by Alex Garland ; produced by Andrew MacDonald and Allon Reich.. streaming video.
  4. The ex post facto clause : its history and role in a punitive society / Wayne A. Logan, Stephen M. Goldstein Professor, Florida State University College of Law.. print book. Law
  5. Excuse me : cartoons, complaints, and notes to self / Liana Finck.. print book. Arts Administration
  6. Executive reorganization and reform in the New Deal : the genesis of administrative management, 1900-1939 / Barry Dean Karl.. print book. History
  7. Exemplary England : historical inquiry and literary recompense in Pope, Gray, and Richardson / Sarabeth Grant.. print book. English
  8. Existentialism : a philosophical inquiry / Joel Smith.. print book. Philosophy
  9. Expand : stretching the future by design / Jens Martin Skibsted & Christian Bason.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  10. Expanding field of architecture. Women in practice across the globe. Marcia Feuerstein; Jodi La Coe; Paola Zellner Bassett.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  11. La expansión y revisión de un mito : el Oeste norteamericano en la literatura española / David Río (ed.).. print book. Hispanic Studies
  12. The expelled law student : a case law survey / Robert M. Jarvis.. print book. Law
  13. Experience and empiricism : Hegel, Hume, and the early Deleuze / Russell Ford.. print book. Philosophy
  14. Experiencing American houses : understanding how domestic architecture works / Elizabeth Collins Cromley.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  15. Experimental diagrams in architecture / edited by Lidia Gasperoni in collaboration with Sarah Gretsch.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  16. Experimental thinking : a primer on social science experiments / James N. Druckman, Northwestern University.. ebook. Political Science
  17. Exploratory and descriptive statistics / Julie Scott Jones and John Goldring .. print book. Statistics
  18. Exporting capitalism private enterprise and US foreign policy / Ethan B. Kapstein. ebook. Business
  19. Exposed : 170 years of photography from the Møller Collection / translation Adam King. print book. Art
  20. Expressionismus in Kunst und Film = Expressionism in art and film / edited by Maximilian Letze ; texts by Wolf Eiermann, Kristina Jaspers, Lisa Felicitas Mattheis, Marek Zidowicz.. print book. Art
  21. The extended mind : the power of thinking outside the brain / Annie Murphy Paul.. print book. Education
  22. The extraordinary life of an ordinary man : a memoir / Paul Newman ; based on interviews and oral histories conducted by Stewart Stern ; compiled and edited by David Rosenthal ; foreword by Melissa Newman ; afterword by Clea Newman Soderlund.. print book. History
  23. Extreme cities : the peril and promise of urban life in the age of climate change / Ashley Dawson.. ebook. Geography
  24. An eye for an eye : a global history of crime and punishment / Mitchel P. Roth.. print book. History
  25. The eye of the poet : André Breton and the visual arts / Elza Adamowicz.. print book. Art
  26. Eyes of the city : architecture and urban space after artificial intelligence / edited by Valeria Federighi, Monica Naso, Daniele Belleri.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design

F - Fl

  1. F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The beautiful and damned" : new critical essays / edited by William Blazek, David W. Ullrich, and Kirk Curnutt.. print book. English
  2. The fabulous lost & found and the little Ukrainian mouse / written by Mark Pallis ; illustrated by Peter Baynton.. print book. Education
  4. THE FACES OF VICTOR HAMMER. print book. Special Collections
  5. Facing China : truth and memory in portraiture / Richard Vinograd.. print book. Art
  6. The Fairchild Books dictionary of interior design / Mark Hinchman.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  7. Fairy tales in contemporary American culture : how we hate to love them / Kate Christine Moore Koppy.. ebook. Russian Studies
  8. Faith, hope and carnage / Nick Cave, Seán O'Hagan.. print book. Education
  9. Faith Ringgold / editors, Melissa Blanchflower and Natalia Grabowska with Melissa Larner (edition 1); Nora Severson Cafritz and Fanna Gebreyesus (edition 2).. print book. Art
  10. Faith Ringgold : American people / edited by Massimiliano Gioni and Gary Carrion-Murayari.. print book. Art
  11. Fake it till they make it / Kate and Jol Temple ; art by Shiloh Gordon.. print book. Education
  12. The fall of Kentucky's rock : western Kentucky Democratic politics since the New Deal / George G. Humphreys.. print book.
  14. The fall of Robespierre : 24 hours in revolutionary Paris / Colin Jones.. print book. History
  15. A familiar wilderness : searching for home on Daniel Boone's road / S.J. Dahlman.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  16. The families' Civil War : Black soldiers and the fight for racial justice / Holly A. Pinheiro Jr.. print book. History
  17. Families of the heart : surrogate relations in the eighteenth-century British novel / Ann Campbell.. print book. English
  18. Families we keep : LGBTQ people and their enduring bonds with parents / Rin Reczek and Emma Bosley-Smith.. ebook. Social Work
  19. The family Chao : a novel / Lan Samantha Chang.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  20. Family hiking in the Smokies : time well spent / Hal Hubbs, Charles Maynard, and David Morris.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  21. The family novel in Russia and England, 1800-1880 / Anna A. Berman.. print book. English
  22. Family portraits - Sylvia (wife) at 70 : for solo piano (2018) / Stuart Saunders Smith.. music score (printed). Music
  23. Family-run universities in Japan : sources of inbuilt resilience in the face of demographic pressure, 1992-2030 / Breaden Jeremy, Roger Goodman.. print book. Asian Studies
  24. Fanaticism : a political philosophical history / Zachary R. Goldsmith.. print book. Philosophy
  25. Fancy dances : for 3 bass tubas : 1972 / Walter Ross.. music score (printed). Music
  26. Fancy Nancy and the mean girl / by Jane O'Connor ; cover illustration by Robin Preiss Glasser ; interior illustrations by Ted Enik.. print book. Education
  27. Fancy Nancy and the mermaid ballet / written by Jane O'Connor ; illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser.. print book. Education
  28. Fancy Nancy's collection of fancy words : from accessories to zany / written by Jane O'Connor ; illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser.. print book. Education
  29. Fancy Nancy, stellar stargazer! / Jane O'Connor ; [illustrated by] Robin Preiss Glasser.. print book. Education
  31. Fanfare for the uncommon woman : no. 5 : trumpet quartet / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
  32. Fanfare for uncommon times : for brass and percussion ensemble (2021) / Coleman. music score (printed). Music
  34. Fanfares / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
  35. Fantaisie : pour quatuor a cordes et piano / Germaine Tailleferre.. music score (printed). Music
  36. Fantasia di concerto : (Sounds from the Riviera) : euphonium and piano / E. Boccalari.. music score (printed). Music
  37. FANTASIA: FOR SOLO PIANO (1966) / JOAN TOWER. print book. Music
  38. Fantasia for two sounds : for guitar (2015) / Daniele Venturi.. music score (printed). Music
  39. Fantasie nègre no. 2 : for piano solo / Florence Price ; edited by John Michael Cooper.. music score (printed). Music
  40. Fantasie nègre no. 4 : in B minor for piano / Florence B. Price ; edited by John Michael Cooper.. music score (printed). Music
  41. Fantasie no. 1 for violin and piano / Florence Price ; edited by John Michael Cooper.. music score (printed). Music
  42. Fantasies of the bookstore / Eben J. Muse.. print book. English
  43. The fantastic Bureau of Imagination / words by Brad Montague ; pictures by Brad and Kristi Montague.. print book. Education
  44. Fantastic numbers and where to find them : a cosmic quest from zero to infinity / Antonio Padilla.. print book. Physics
  45. Fantasy for clarinet and piano, 1983 : Those harbor lights / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
  46. Fantasy : for euphonium and piano / by Hiroshi Hoshina.. music score (printed). Music
  47. Fantasy : how it works / Brian Attebery.. print book. English
  48. Fantasy no. 2 for violin and piano / Florence Price.. music score (printed). Music
  49. Far out fairy tales : five full-color graphic novels / edited by Sean Tulien ; written by Otis Frampton, Joey Comeau, Louise Simonson, Benjamin Harper, and Sean Tulien ; illustrated by Fernando Cano, Jimena Sánchez, Otis Frampton, Omar Lozano.. print book. Education
  50. Far out folktales / authors: Benjamin Harper, Penelope Gruber, Stephanie True Peters ; illustrators: Alex Lopez, Otis Frampton, Berenice Muniz, Fern Cano ; designer: Hilary Wacholz ; editor: Abby Huff ; letterer: Jaymes Reed.. print book. Education
  51. Farewell my lovely / an Avco Embassy release ; Elliott Kastner presents a Dick Richards film.. streaming video. English
  52. Farewell my lovely / an Avco Embassy release ; Elliott Kastner presents a Dick Richards film.. streaming video.
  53. Farings : for sopranino recorder (or piccolo) and piano / Anthony Gilbert.. music score (printed). Music
  54. The farmer's lawyer : the North Dakota nine and the fight to save the family farm / Sarah Vogel.. print book. History
  56. Farmhouse / Sophie Blackall.. print book. Education
  57. Fascinating rhythms : Shakespeare, theory, culture, and the legacy of Terence Hawkes / edited by John Drakakis.. print book. English
  58. Fascination : trance, enchantment & American modernity / Patrick Kindig.. print book. English
  59. Fashion as creative economy : microenterprises in London, Berlin and Milan / Angela McRobbie, Daniel Strutt and Carolina Bandinelli. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  60. Fashion heritage : narrative and knowledge creation / Isabel Cantista, Damien Delille, editors.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  61. Fashion icons. 2, Fashion lives with Fern Mallis / Fern Mallis.. print book. Art
  62. Fashion, identity, image / Paul Jobling, Philippa Nesbitt and Angelene Wong.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  63. Fashion narrative and translation : is vanity fair? / Rosanna Masiola.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  64. Fashion theory and the visual semiotics of the body / edited by Žarko Paić.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  65. Fashionable masculinities : queers, pimp daddies, and lumbersexuals / edited by Vicki Karaminas, Adam Geczy and Pamela Church Gibson.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  66. Fashioning America : grit to glamour / edited by Michelle Tolini Finamore.. print book. Art
  67. Fashioning masculinities : the art of menswear / edited by Rosalind McKever & Claire Wilcox ; with Marta Franceschini.. print book. Art
  68. Fashioning politics and protests : new visual cultures of feminism in the United States / Emily L. Newman.. print book. Art
  69. Fast facts [electronic resource] : multiple sclerosis / George D. Perkin, Jerry S. Wolinsky.. ebook.
  70. Fast food and junk food : an encyclopedia of what we love to eat / Andrew F. Smith.. ebook. Anthropology
  71. Fast pitch / Nic Stone.. print book. Education
  72. The fastest girl on Earth! : meet Kitty O'Neil, daredevil driver! / written by Dean Robbins ; illustrated by Elizabeth Baddeley.. print book. Education
  73. Fat spy in Dubai : Infiltrating his fat harem: Billionaire fat fetish erotic story / F.S. Pate.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
  74. Fat spy in Dubai : Infiltrating his fat harem: Billionaire fat fetish erotic story / F.S. Pate.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
  75. Fata morgana, op. 6 : für tenor und klavierquintett (1923) / Pavel Haas.. music score (printed). Music
  76. The fate of phenomenology : Heidegger's legacy / William McNeill.. print book. Philosophy
  77. The fate of progress in British romanticism / Mark Canuel.. print book. English
  78. Fatherhood in the borderlands : a daughter's slow approach / Domino Renee Perez.. print book. English
  79. Fatima / Yasmina et Philippe Faucon présentent une co-production France-Canada, Istiqlal Films, Arte France cinéma, Rhône-Alpes cinéma, Possibles Média ; réalisé par Philippe Faucon ; scénario, adaptation et dialogue, Philippe Faucon ; producteurs. streaming video.
  80. Fattitude / written and directed by Lindsey Averill and Viridiana Lieberman.. streaming video. Medicine
  81. Faulknerista / Catherine Gunther Kodat.. print book. English
  82. FDR's gambit : the court packing fight and the rise of legal liberalism / Laura Kalman.. print book. Law
  83. Feast days and saints' days. Volume I / edition, translation, and introduction by Holly Johnson.. print book. Philosophy
  84. Feasting and fasting : the history and ethics of Jewish food / edited by Aaron S. Gross, Jody Myers, and Jordan D. Rosenblum ; with a foreword by Hasia Diner and an afterword by Jonathan Safran Foer.. ebook. English
  85. The fed unbound : central banking in a time of crisis / Lev Menand.. print book. History
  86. Federal anti-Indian law : the legal entrapment of indigenous peoples / Peter P. d'Errico.. ebook. History
  87. The Federal Reserve : a new history / Robert L. Hetzel.. print book. History
  88. The Federal Reserve : a new history / Robert L. Hetzel.. ebook. Business
  89. La Fée de la Fontaine : from Les rêves de Columbine, op. 65, no. 1 : for flute and piano / Beach ; arranged by Graham Bastable.. music score (printed). Music
  90. Feed-forward : on the future of twenty-first-century media / Mark B.N. Hansen.. print book. Philosophy
  91. Feed them silence / Lee Mandelo.. print book. Special Collections
  92. Feeding frenzy : the food Industry, obesity & the creation of a health crisis / Media Education Foundation production ; director, Kate Geis ; executive producer, Sut Jhally.. streaming video. English
  93. Feeling media : potentiality and the afterlife of art / Miryam Sas.. print book. Art
  94. The Feeling of remembering : solo music for one or four woowind and/or string players (2014) / Christopher Fox.. music score (printed). Music
  95. Feels good man / Wavelength Productions presents, in association with XTR ; in association with Ready Fictions ; in association with Secret Sauce Media and Whitewater Films ; in association with Museum & Crane ; producers, Giorgio Angelini, Caryn Capotost. streaming video.
  96. Female heroes in young adult fantasy fiction : reframing myths of adolescent girlhood / Leah Phillips.. print book. English
  97. Feminine singularity : the politics of subjectivity in nineteenth-century literature / Ronjaunee Chatterjee.. print book. English
  98. The femininity puzzle : gender, orientalism and the "Jewish Other" / Ulrike Brunotte.. print book. English
  99. Feminism and the mastery of nature / Val Plumwood.. print book. English
  100. Feminism as world literature / edited by Robin Truth Goodman.. print book. English
  101. Feminism in coalition : thinking with US women of color feminism / Liza Taylor.. print book. Philosophy
  102. Feminism or death / Françoise d'Eaubonne ; translated and edited by Ruth Hottell ; with a foreword by Carolyn Merchant ; and an introduction by Myriam Bahaffou and Julie Gorecki ; translated by Emma Ramadan.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  103. Feminist art in resistance : aesthetics, methods and politics of art in Turkey / Elif Dastarlı, F. Melis Cin.. print book. Art
  104. Feminist judgments : rewritten criminal law opinions / edited by Bennett Capers, Sarah Deer, Corey Rayburn Yung.. print book. Law
  105. Feminist judgments : rewritten criminal law opinions / edited by Bennett Capers, Sarah Deer, Corey Rayburn Yung.. print book. Law
  106. Feminist philosophy of mind / edited by Keya Maitra and Jennifer McWeeny.. print book. Philosophy
  107. Feminist scholars on the road to tenure : the personal is professional / Kate Richmond, Isis H. Settles, Stephanie A. Shields, and Alexandra I. Zelin, editors.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
  108. The feminist Shaw : Shaw and contemporary literary theories of feminism / Nishtha Mishra.. print book. English
  109. Feminist worldmaking and the moving image / edited by Erika Balsom, Hila Peleg, and Haus der Kulturen der Welt.. print book. Art
  110. Feminists, Insha'allah! : the story of Arab feminism / Drôle de Trame Productions, with participation of France Télévisions ; a film by Feriel Ben Mahmoud.. streaming video. Classical Studies
  111. Feminists, Insha'allah! : the story of Arab feminism / Drôle de Trame Productions, with participation of France Télévisions ; a film by Feriel Ben Mahmoud.. streaming video.
  112. Feminists, Insha'allah! : the story of Arab feminism / Drôle de Trame Productions, with participation of France Télévisions ; a film by Feriel Ben Mahmoud.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
  113. Fen, bog & swamp : a short history of peatland destruction and its role in the climate crisis / Annie Proulx.. ebook. Sociology
  114. Las ferias del libro como espacios de negociación cultural y económica / Marco Thomas Bosshard, Fernando García Naharro (eds.).. print book. Hispanic Studies
  115. The festival cities of Edinburgh and Adelaide / Sarah Thomasson.. print book. Art
  116. Festpreludium : 1944 / Ture Rangström.. music score (printed). Music
  117. Feuilles d'Automne : op. 89 : pour 2 flûtes et 1 flûte en sol = fur 2 Querflöten und 1 Altflöte = for 2 flutes and 1 alto flute / Florentine Mulsant.. music score (printed). Music
  119. A few good gays : the gendered compromises behind military inclusion / Cati Connell.. ebook. Psychology
  120. Fictionality / Karen Petroski.. print book. English
  121. Fictionality and literature : core concepts revisited / edited by Lasse R. Gammelgaard, Stefan Iversen, Louise Brix Jacobsen, James Phelan, Richard Walsh, Henrik Zetterberg-Nielsen, and Simona Zetterberg-Nielsen.. print book. English
  122. Fidelia Bridges : nature into art / Katherine Manthorne.. print book. Art
  123. A field guide to grad school : uncovering the hidden curriculum / Jessica McCrory Calarco.. ebook. Business
  124. A field guide to white supremacy / edited by Kathleen Belew and Ramón A. Gutiérrez.. print book. History
  125. Fieldnotes on ordinary love / Keith S. Wilson.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  126. The fight for privacy : protecting dignity, identity, and love in the digital age / Danielle Keats Citron.. print book. Business
  127. Fight like hell : the untold history of American labor / Kim Kelly.. ebook. Business
  128. Fight like hell : the untold history of American labor / Kim Kelly ; [foreword by Sara Nelson].. print book. Business
  129. The fight to save the town : reimagining discarded America / Michelle Wilde Anderson.. print book. Business
  130. The fight to save the town : reimagining discarded America / Michelle Wilde Anderson.. ebook. Business
  131. The fight to vote / Michael Waldman.. print book. Political Science
  132. Fighting over there : U.S. war making and contemporary refugee literature / Alaina Kaus.. print book. English
  133. Fighting without fighting : Kung Fu cinema's journey to the West / Luke White.. print book. Philosophy
  134. Fighting words : the bold American journalists who brought the world home between the wars / Nancy F. Cott.. ebook. History
  135. Figures de la finitude chez Pascal : la fin et le passage / Pierre Lyraud.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
  136. Film studies : an introduction / Ed Sikov. ebook. History
  137. Filme paisagem = landscape film.. streaming video.
  138. Finally seen / Kelly Yang.. print book. Education
  139. The financial crisis of 2008 : a history of US financial markets 2000-2012 / Barrie A. Wigmore.. print book. History
  141. Finding Daniel Boone : his last days in Missouri & the strange fate of his remains / Ted Franklin Belue.. print book.
  142. Finding my dance / by Ria Thundercloud ; illustrated by Kalila J. Fuller.. print book. Education
  143. The finest place we know : a centennial history of Murray State University, 1922-2022 / Robert L. Jackson, Sean J. McLaughlin, and Sarah Marie Owens.. print book.
  144. Finishing the hat : collected lyrics (1954-1981) with attendant comments, principles, heresies, grudges, whines and anecdotes / Stephen Sondheim.. print book. Music
  145. Finn Juhl and his house / Per H. Hansen ; picture editor and afterword, Birgit Lyngbye Pedersen ; translated by Mark Mussari.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  146. Fioriture e Giga : (2016) : für Saxophonquartett = for saxophone quartet / Vivienne Olive.. music score (printed). Music
  147. Fire Island : a century in the life of an American paradise / Jack Parlett.. print book. History
  148. The Fire Keeper / by J.C. Cervantes.. print book. Education
  149. Fired up! : for 5 trumpets : a tribute to master trumpet teacher Bill Adam on his 80th birthday / by David A. Roth.. music score (printed). Music
  150. First Amendment law in a nutshell / Jerome A. Barron, Harold H. Greene Professor of Law Emeritus, The George Washington University Law School ; C. Thomas Dienes, late Lyle T. Alverson Professor of Law Emeritus, The George Washington University Law School.. print book. Law
  151. The first blade of sweetgrass : a Native American story / story by Suzanne Greenlaw and Gabriel Frey ; illustrations by Nancy Baker.. print book. Education
  152. First book of practical studies for cornet and trumpet / by Robert W. Getchell ; edited by Nilo W. Hovey.. music score (printed). Music
  153. First book of sushi / Amy Wilson Sanger.. print book. Education
  154. The first Chief Justice : John Jay and the struggle of a new nation / Mark C. Dillon.. print book. Law
  156. The first days of school : how to be an effective teacher / Harry K. Wong, Rosemary T. Wong.. print book. Education
  157. The first days of school : how to be an effective teacher / by Harry K. Wong, Rosemary T. Wong.. print book. Education
  159. A first time for everything : a true story / by Dan Santat. print book. Education
  160. First view inside an atom : encounters with Gerhard Richter between art and science / Franz J. Gießibl.. print book. Art
  161. Fish and Wave / by Sergio Ruzzier.. print book. Education
  162. Fishing for chickens : a Smokies food memoir / Jim Casada.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  163. Fitzgerald and the war between the sexes : essays / Scott Donaldson.. print book. English
  164. Five caprichos : for piano / Carlos Chávez.. music score (printed). Music
  165. Five Days, Five Nights (Funf Tage, Funf Nachte).. streaming video. Russian Studies
  166. Five folksongs in counterpoint : for string quartet / Florence B. Price.. music score (printed). Music
  167. The five obstructions / Zentropa Real ApS [and others] present ; a film by Jørgen Leth & Lars Von Trier ; idea, Lars Von Trier ; produced by Carsten Holst.. streaming video. English
  168. Five pieces for cello and piano / Amy Marcy Cheney Beach ; Amy Camus, editor ; Adrienne Fried Block, introduction.. music score (printed). Music
  170. Five stalks of grain / by Adrian Lysenko ; illustrated by Ivanka Theodosia Galadza.. ebook.
  171. Fixer-upper : how to repair America's broken housing systems / Jenny Schuetz.. print book. Education
  172. Fixing Social Security : the politics of reform in a polarized age / R. Douglas Arnold.. ebook. Business
  173. Fixing stories : local newsmaking and international media in Turkey and Syria / Noah Amir Arjomand, Indiana University.. print book. History
  174. The flag and the cross : white Christian nationalism and the threat to American democracy / Philip S. Gorski and Samuel L. Perry ; foreword by Jemar Tisby.. print book. Political Science
  175. Flash and gleam : light in our world / Sue Fliess ; illustrated by Khoa Le.. print book. Education
  176. Fledgling / Octavia E. Butler.. print book. Education
  177. Fleeing plague : medieval wisdom for a modern health crisis : based on Martin Luther's "Whether one may flee from a deadly plague" (1527) / introduction and annotations by Anna Marie Johnson.. print book. Philosophy
  178. Fleur de neige : chanson populaire / Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
  179. Flint is family in three acts / LaToya Ruby Frazier ; Shea S. Cobb, Amber N. Hasan, Douglas R. Smiley, community members of Flint, Michigan ; edited by Michal Raz-Russo ; with contributions by Michal Raz-Russo, Leigh Raiford, Peter W. Kunhardt, Jr.. print book. Art
  180. Flipping forward twisting backward / Alma Fullerton ; illustrated by Sarah Mensinga.. print book. Education
  181. FLORA OF THE CODEX CRUZ-BADIANUS.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  182. Flora photographica : the flower in contemporary photography / William A. Ewing and Danáe Panchaud.. print book. Art
  183. Flora redux / Teresa Hubbard ; Alexander Birchler.. print book. Art
  184. Florence Nightingale : Mortality and health diagrams / edited by R.J. Andrews.. print book. Geography
  185. Flores para Lola : una mirada queer y feminista sobre la faraona / edición de Carlos Barea.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  186. The flow of illicit funds [electronic resource] : a case study approach to anti-money laundering compliance / Ola M. Tucker.. ebook. Business
  187. Flowers are pretty weird! / Rosemary Mosco ; illustrated by Jacob Souva.. print book. Education
  188. FLOWERS! in the art of the 20th and 21st centuries = Blumen in der Kunst des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts / herausgegeber*innen, Regina Selter, Stefanie Weißhorn-Ponert.. print book. Art
  189. Flung out of space : inspired by the indecent adventures of Patricia Highsmith / by Grace Ellis and Hannah Templer.. print book. Art
  190. Flute music by French composers : for flute and piano / edited by Louis Moyse.. music score (printed). Music

Fo - Fz

  1. Folk music in overdrive : a primer on traditional country and bluegrass artists / Ivan M. Tribe.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  2. La Follia : for violoncello and guitar / Arcangelo Corelli ; arranged and edited by Valter Dešpalj ; guitar part fingered by István Römer.. music score (printed). Music
  3. Follow the river : pour cor = for horn in F / Alexandre Ouzounoff.. music score (printed). Music
  4. Following : for solo bassoon : 2013 / Dai Fujikura.. music score (printed). Music
  5. Following in footsteps or marching alone? : how institutional differences influence renewable energy policy / Srinivas C. Parinandi.. print book. Law
  6. Following the tabby trail : where coastal history is captured in unique oyster-shell structures / Jingle Davis ; photographs by Benjamin Galland.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  7. Food Choices - How Our Diet Affects the Environment -. ebook.
  8. Food culture in medieval Scandinavia / edited by Viktória Gyönkei and Andrea Maraschi.. ebook. History
  9. Food : delicious science.. streaming video.
  10. Food deserts and food insecurity in the UK [electronic resource] : exploring social inequality / Dianna Smith and Claire Thompson.. ebook.
  11. Food instagram : identity, influence, and negotiation / edited by Emily J. H. Contois and Zenia Kish.. print book. English
  12. Food matters / Permacology Productions ; a film by James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch.. streaming video. English
  13. Food matters / Permacology Productions ; a film by James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch.. streaming video.
  14. Food, science, and the human body. episode 35, Should we be powered by plants?.. streaming video. English
  15. Food, science, and the human body. episode 35, Should we be powered by plants?.. streaming video.
  16. Food security issues and challenges [electronic resource] / Adriana Fillol Mazo and Miguel Ángel Martín López.. ebook.
  17. Food security, poverty and nutrition policy analysis : statistical methods and policy applications.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  18. Foolish / Sai Mecca.. print book. English
  19. For a dollar and a dream : state lotteries in modern America / Jonathan D. Cohen.. ebook. Business
  20. For Ahkeem / a Weissman Studio and Transient Pictures production; a co-production of Independent Television Service (ITVS); director, Jeremy S. Levine & Landon van Soest.. streaming video.
  21. For Ahkeem / a Weissman Studio and Transient Pictures production; a co-production of Independent Television Service (ITVS); director, Jeremy S. Levine & Landon van Soest.. streaming video. Education
  22. For profit : a history of corporations / William Magnuson.. print book. Law
  23. For profit : a history of corporations / William Magnuson.. ebook. Business
  24. For-profit democracy : why the government is losing the trust of rural America / Loka Ashwood.. print book. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  25. For the culture : the power behind what we buy, what we do, and who we want to be / Marcus Collins.. print book. Business
  26. For the first time in a long time = mundhu zaman baʻīd / editors: Tobias Peper, Kunstverein in Hamburg and Nora Razian, Art Jameel.. print book. Art
  27. For they know not what they do / a film by Daniel Karslake ; a DK Works Pictures Productions.. streaming video.
  28. For they know not what they do / a film by Daniel Karslake ; a DK Works Pictures Productions.. streaming video. Sociology
  29. Forces of education : Walter Benjamin and the politics of pedagogy / edited by Dennis Johannssen, Dominik Zechner.. print book. Philosophy
  30. Foreign policy analysis : classic and contemporary theory / Valerie M. Hudson and Benjamin S. Day.. ebook. Political Science
  31. Forensic anthropology : an introduction / edited by Natalie R. Langley and MariaTeresa A. Tersigni-Tarrant.. ebook.
  32. Foreshadowed : Malevich's Black Square and its precursors / Andrew Spira.. print book. Art
  33. The forest : a fable of America in the 1830s / Alexander Nemerov.. print book. Art
  34. Forest diplomacy : cultures in conflict on the Pennsylvania frontier, 1757 / Nicolas W. Proctor.. print book. History
  35. Forever crazy about the Cats : an improbable journey of a Kentucky sportswriter overcoming adversity / Jamie H. Vaught.. print book. Special Collections
  36. Forged in war : Roosevelt, Churchill, and the Second World War / Warren F. Kimball.. ebook. History
  37. Forget the Alamo : the rise and fall of an American myth / Bryan Burrough, Chris Tomlinson, and Jason Stanford.. print book. History
  38. Forging architectural tradition : national narratives, monument preservation and architectural work in the nineteenth century / edited by Dragan Damjanović and Aleksander Łupienko.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  39. Forging ties, forging passports : migration and the modern Sephardi diaspora / Devi Mays.. print book. History
  40. Forgiveness : an alternative account / Matthew Ichihashi Potts.. print book. Philosophy
  41. Forgiveness : the story of Eva Kor, survivor of the Auschwitz twin experiments / Joe Lee.. print book. Education
  42. Forgotten ally : China's World War II, 1937-1945 / Rana Mitter.. print book. History
  43. Form and flow : the spatial politics of urban resilience and climate justice / Kian Goh.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  44. Formidable : American women and the fight for equality, 1920-2020 / Elisabeth Griffith.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  45. Forty Years in the Kitchen : a Collection of Recipes / by Dorothy Shanklin Russey.. print book.
  46. Fossil fuel Faulkner : energy, modernity, and the US South / Jay Watson.. print book. English
  47. Foster care in America : a reference handbook / Christina G. Villegas.. ebook. Social Work
  48. Foundationalism / Richard Fumerton.. print book. Philosophy
  49. FOUNDING OF MODERN STATES.. print book. History
  50. The four agreements : a practical guide to personal freedom / Don Miguel Ruiz with Janet Mills.. print book.
  51. Four piano pieces / Nikolai Tcherepnin.. music score (printed). Music
  52. Four piano works / Teresa Carreño.. music score (printed). Music
  53. The four winds / Kristin Hannah.. print book.
  54. The fox in the dark / by Alison Green ; illustrated by Deborah Allwright.. print book. Education
  55. Fox in the night / Martin Jenkins ; illustrated by Richard Smythe.. print book. Education
  56. The foxes of Belair : Gallant Fox, Omaha, and the quest for the Triple Crown / Jennifer S. Kelly.. print book.
  57. Fragile victory : the making and unmaking of liberal order / James E. Cronin.. ebook. Political Science
  58. Fragmenting reality : an essay on passage, causality and time travel / Samuele Iaquinto, Giuliano Torrengo.. print book. Philosophy
  59. A frail liberty : probationary citizens in the French and Haitian revolutions / Tessie P. Liu.. print book. History
  60. Framers : Human Advantage in an Age of Technology and Turmoil [electronic resource].. ebook. Business
  62. Framing the valley : Maria Ogrydziak, houses / Maria Ogrydziak ; edited by Julia Ogrydziak ; introduction by Sam Lubell.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  63. Frances Power Cobbe / Alison Stone.. print book. Philosophy
  64. Francisco de Goya and the art of critique / Anthony J. Cascardi.. print book. Art
  65. Frank Auerbach : drawings of people / edited by Mark Hallett and Catherine Lampert.. print book. Art
  66. Frank Bowling : sculpture / Sam Cornish.. print book. Art
  67. Frank L. Wright and the architects of Steinway Hall : a study in collaboration / by Stuart Cohen.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  69. Frankish manuscripts : the seventh to the tenth century / Lawrence Nees.. print book. History
  70. El franquismo se fue de fiesta : ritos festivos y cultura popular durante la dictadura / Claudio Hernández Burgos, César Rina Simón (eds.).. print book. Hispanic Studies
  71. Frantz Fanon : black skin, white mask / Normal Films in association with the Arts Council of England presents ; a Normal Films production ; a film by Isaac Julien & Mark Nash ; script, Isaac Julien & Mark Nash ; producer, Mark Nash ; director, Isaac Julie. streaming video. English
  72. Frantz Fanon : black skin, white mask / Normal Films in association with the Arts Council of England presents ; a Normal Films production ; a film by Isaac Julien & Mark Nash ; script, Isaac Julien & Mark Nash ; producer, Mark Nash ; director, Isaac Julie. streaming video.
  73. Franz Kline : the artist's materials / Corina E. Rogge ; with contributions by Zahira Véliz Bomford and Julie Arslanoglu, Silvia A. Centeno, Isabelle Duvernois, Maite Martinez Leal.. print book. Art
  74. Franziska Maderthaner : Abstrock 2 / Texte, Christian Bauer, Alexandra Schantl.. print book. Art
  75. Frauds, myths, and mysteries : science and pseudoscience in archaeology / Kenneth L. Feder, Central Connecticut State University.. ebook. Anthropology
  76. Frauds, myths, and mysteries : science and pseudoscience in archaeology / Kenneth L. Feder, Central Connecticut State University.. ebook. Anthropology
  77. Frauds, myths, and mysteries : science and pseudoscience in archaeology / Kenneth L. Feder, Central Connecticut State University.. print book. Anthropology
  78. Fred Howe and George Moore cabinet card. print book. Special Collections
  79. Frederic Tuten : on a terrace in Tangier : works on cardboard / Frederic Tuten ; conversation with Hans Ulrich Obrist.. print book. Art
  80. Frederick Douglass in context / edited by Michaël Roy, Université Paris Nanterre.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  81. Free : a child and a country at the end of history / Lea Ypi.. print book. History
  82. Free Berlin : art, urban politics, and everyday life / Briana J. Smith.. print book. Art
  83. Free market : the history of an idea / Jacob Soll.. print book. Business
  84. Free market : the history of an idea / Jacob Soll.. ebook. Business
  86. Freedom reread / L. Gibson.. print book. English
  87. Freedom, resentment, and the metaphysics of morals / Pamela Hieronymi.. print book. Philosophy
  88. Freedom's mirror : Cuba and Haiti in the age of revolution / Ada Ferrer.. ebook. African American and Africana Studies
  89. Freewater / Amina Luqman-Dawson.. print book. Education
  91. Fresh : sustainable food production in America / a Ripple Effect production.. streaming video.
  92. Frida Kahlo : the masterworks / Héctor Tajonar, Roxana Velásquez.. print book. Art
  93. Friday Night Wrestlefest. print book. Education
  94. Friedl Dicker-Brandeis : Bauhaus-Schülerin, Avantgarde-Malerin, Kunstpädagogin = Bauhaus student, Avant-Garde painter, art teacher / editors, Hemma Schmutz, Brigitte Reutner-Doneus.. print book. Art
  95. A friend in the music business : the ASCAP story : the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers / Bruce Pollock.. print book. Music
  96. Friendly encounters : for flute and guitar (2022) / Samuel Adler.. music score (printed). Music
  97. Friends beyond measure / Lalena Fisher.. print book. Education
  98. Friends of FNS cookbook.. print book.
  99. Friendship in the Merovingian kingdoms : Venantius Fortunatus and his contemporaries / by Hope Williard.. ebook.
  100. Frieze : for piano trio : (2020) / Diana Burrell.. music score (printed). Music
  101. Frizzy / written by Claribel A. Ortega ; art by Rose Bousamra.. print book. Education
  102. From a taller tower : the rise of the American mass shooter / Seamus McGraw.. ebook. Sociology
  103. From at-risk to at-promise : academic libraries supporting student success / Amy E. Vecchione and Cathlene E. McGraw.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  104. From breakthrough to blockbuster : the business of biotechnology / Donald L. Drakeman, Lisa N. Drakeman, Nektarios Oraiopoulos.. ebook. Business
  105. From Chinese cosmology to English romanticism : the intricate journey of a monistic idea / Yu Liu.. print book. English
  106. From data to quanta : Niels Bohr's vision of physics / Slobodan Perović.. print book. Physics
  107. From factories to palaces : architect Charles B. J. Snyder and the New York City public schools / Jean Arrington, with Cynthia Skeffington LaValle ; foreword by Peg Breen.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  108. From fiction to psychoanalysis : reimagining a relationship / Rosemary Rizq.. print book. English
  109. From great discoveries in number theory to applications / Michal Křížek, Lawrence Somer, Alena Šolcová.. ebook. Mathematics
  110. From idols to icons : the rise of the devotional image in early Christianity / Robin M. Jensen.. print book. Art
  111. From law and literature to legality and affect / Greta Olson.. print book. English
  112. From small wins to sweeping change : working together to foster equity, inclusion, and antiracism in museums / edited by Priya Frank and Theresa Sotto.. print book. Art
  113. From subjection to survival : the artistry of American women writers / Molly J. Freitas.. print book. English
  114. From the front lines of the Appalachian opioid crisis : healthcare providers discuss opioids, meth and recovery / edited by Wendy Welch ; foreword by Lauren Sisler. ebook. Appalachian Studies
  115. From the pocket of an overcoat / written and illustrated by R. Vincent. print book. Education
  116. From the pot to the earth at Rochester Square / edited by Francesca Anfossi ; foreword by Emily King.. print book. Art
  117. From the theater to the plaza : spectacle, protest, and urban space in twenty-first-century Madrid / Matthew I. Feinberg.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
  118. From the tops of the trees / Kao Kalia Yang ; illustrated by Rachel Wada.. print book. Education
  119. From the valley of bronze camels : a primer, some lectures, & a boondoggle on poetry / Jane Miller.. print book. English
  120. A front row seat : an intimate look at Broadway, Hollywood, and the age of glamour / Nancy Olson Livingston.. print book.
  121. Frühlingsboten : 12 Klavierstücke = Heralds of spring : 12 piano pieces : op. 55 / Joachim Raff ; edited by = herausgegeben von Ulrich Mahlert. music score (printed). Music
  122. Fugitive texts : slave narratives in antebellum print culture / Michaël Roy ; translated by Susan Pickford.. print book. English
  123. Full responsibility : on pragmatic, political, and other modes of sharing action / Steven G. Smith.. print book. Philosophy
  124. The funambulists : women poets of the Arab diaspora / Lisa Marchi.. print book. English
  125. Fundamental aspects and perspectives of MXenes / Mohammad Khalid, Andrews Nirmala Grace, Arunachalam Arulraj, Arshid Numan, editors.. ebook. Chemistry
  126. Fundamental painting (1975) : lessons in minimalist painting / Claudia Rajlich.. print book. Art
  127. Fundamentals of Bayesian epistemology / Michael G. Titelbaum.. print book. Statistics
  128. Fundamentals of Bayesian epistemology / Michael G. Titelbaum.. print book. Statistics
  129. Fundamentals of planning cities for healthy living / Avi Friedman and Alexandra Pollock.. ebook.
  130. Fundamentals of spatial analysis and modelling / Jay Gao.. print book. Geography
  131. Fundamentals of sustainable urban design / Avi Friedman.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  132. Fundamentals success : NCLEX®-style Q&A review / Patricia M. Nugent, Barbara A. Vitale.. ebook. Medicine
  133. Funding bodies : five decades of dance making at the National Endowment for the Arts / Sarah Wilbur.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  134. Fünf Ouverturen für 2 Oboen, Fagott, 2 Corni du Chasse, Violinen, Violen, Viola da Gamba, Violoncello, Violone, Cembalo, Basso continuo und Theorbe / Johann Christoph Schmidt ; herausgegeben von Reiner Zimmermann.. music score (printed). Music
  135. A furious sky : the five-hundred-year history of America's hurricanes / Eric Jay Dolin.. print book. Physics
  136. The furrows : an elegy : a novel / Namwali Serpell.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  137. The fury archives : female citizenship, human rights, and the international avant-gardes / Jill Richards.. print book. English
  138. Future bodies from a recent past : sculpture, technology, and the body since the 1950s / [Curators: Patrizia Dander with Franziska Linhardt]. print book. Art
  139. The Future : for soprano solo, chorus and orchestra / Ralph Vaughan Williams ; Completed and Orchestrated by Martin Yates.. music score (printed). Music
  140. The future is degrowth : a guide to a world beyond capitalism / Matthias Schmelzer, Andrea Vetter, Aaron Vansintjan.. print book. Business
  141. The future of humanity : from global civilization to great civilization / by Zhouying Jin ; translated by Lane Jennings and Ying Bai.. print book. Philosophy
  142. The future of medical device regulation : innovation and protection / edited by I. Glenn Cohen, Harvard Law School, Timo Minssen, University of Copenhagen, W. Nicholson Price II, University of Michigan, Christopher Robertson, Boston University, Carmel Sha. print book. Law
  143. The future of the book : images of reading in the American utopian novel / Kevin J. Hayes.. print book. English
  144. Futures of the architectural exhibition / Mario Ballesteros, Giovanna Borasi, Ann Lui, Ana Miljački, Zoë̈ Ryan, Martino Stierli, Shirley Surya in conversation with students ; edited by Reto Geiser and Michael Kubo.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  145. El futuro perfecto = The future perfect / Murillo Cine y Nele Wohlatz presentan ; en asociación con Gustavo Beck ; guión y dirección, Nele Wohlatz.. streaming video.
  146. El futuro perfecto = The future perfect / Murillo Cine y Nele Wohlatz presentan ; en asociación con Gustavo Beck ; guión y dirección, Nele Wohlatz.. streaming video. Hispanic Studies


  1. G-man : J. Edgar Hoover and the making of the American century / Beverly Gage.. print book. History
  3. The galaxy is a dance floor / Bianca Lynne Spriggs.. print book.
  4. Galen's epistemology : experience, reason, and method in ancient medicine / edited by R. J. Hankinson and Matyáš Havrda.. print book. Philosophy
  5. Galileo Galilei's "Two new sciences" for modern readers / Alessandro De Angelis.. ebook. Physics
  6. Gambling on development : why some countries win and others lose / Stefan Dercon.. ebook. Business
  7. Gaming sexism : gender and identity in the era of casual video games / Amanda C. Cote.. ebook. Psychology
  8. Gastronativism : food, identity, politics / Fabio Parasecoli.. print book. Anthropology
  9. Gather / Ager Meillier Films Inc., ; First Nations Development Institute.. streaming video.
  10. Gathering blossoms under fire : the journals of Alice Walker 1965-2000 / edited by Valerie Boyd.. print book. History
  11. Gay bar : why we went out / Jeremy Atherton Lin.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  12. Gay, Catholic, and American : my legal battle for marriage equality and inclusion / Greg Bourke.. print book. History
  13. GAY WHALES AGAINST RACISM. print book. Special Collections
  14. Gebet der hexe von endor : solo-kantate für sopran und violoncello (2021) / Wolfgang Rihm.. music score (printed). Music
  15. Geek girls : inequality and opportunity in Silicon Valley / France Winddance Twine.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  16. Geistliche concerti I : für soli, chor und instrumente / Johann Christoph Schmidt ; edited by Reiner Zimmermann.. music score (printed). Music
  17. Gen silent / Mad Stu Productions ; producers, Patricia Cornwell & Staci Gruber ; produced,directed and edited by Stu Maddux.. streaming video.
  18. Gen silent / Mad Stu Productions ; producers, Patricia Cornwell & Staci Gruber ; produced,directed and edited by Stu Maddux.. streaming video. Social Work
  19. Gender and security in digital space : navigating access, harassment, and disinformation / edited by Gulizar Haciyakupoglu and Yasmine Wong.. ebook. Mathematics
  20. Gender history in China / edited by Masako Kohama and Linda Grove.. print book. History
  21. Gender queer : a memoir / by Maia Kobabe ; colors by Phoebe Kobabe.. print book. Education
  22. Gender queer : a memoir / by Maia Kobabe ; colors by Phoebe Kobabe.. ebook. Education
  23. Gender, sex and sexuality in musical theatre : he/she/they could have danced all night / edited and curated by Kelly Kessler.. print book. Music
  24. Gender : the basics / Hilary M. Lips.. ebook. Social Work
  25. Gendered citizenship : the original conflict over the Equal Rights Amendment, 1920-1963 / Rebecca DeWolf.. print book. History
  26. A genealogy of terror in eighteenth-century France / Ronald Schechter.. print book. History
  27. THE GENERAL BAPTIST HYMN BOOK /H. A. GRIGGS. print book. Music
  28. The General : for marimba and Chinese percussion / Heng Liu.. music score (printed). Music
  29. Genesis in late antique poetry / edited by Andrew Faulkner, Cillian O'Hogan, and Jeffrey Wickes.. print book. English
  30. Genius loci : an essay on the meanings of place / John Dixon Hunt.. print book. Art
  31. The genius under the table : growing up behind the Iron Curtain / Eugene Yelchin.. print book. Education
  32. Genres of privacy in postwar America / Palmer Rampell.. print book. English
  33. Gentrification is inevitable and other lies / Leslie Kern.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  34. A geographical century : essays for the centenary of the international geographical union / edited by Vladimir Kolosov, Jacobo García-Álvarez, Michael Heffernan, Bruno Schelhaas.. print book. Geography
  35. Geographical guide to a man's heart with obstacles and entrances clearly marked ; and, Geographical guide to a woman's heart emphasizing points of interest to the romantic traveler / drawings by Jo Lowrey.. print map. Geography
  36. Geographical imaginations : literature and the 'spatial turn' / Indranil Acharya and Ujjwal Kumar Panda.. print book. English
  37. Geography of home : writings on where we live / Akiko Busch.. ebook.
  38. The geometries of Afro Asia : art beyond solidarity / Joan Kee.. print book. Art
  39. Georg Baselitz : collected writings and interviews / edited by Detlev Gretenkort ; with an introduction by Jill Lloyd.. print book. Art
  40. George A. Kubler and the shape of art history / Thomas F. Reese.. print book. Art
  41. George Berkeley and early modern philosophy / Stephen H. Daniel.. print book. Philosophy
  42. George Berkeley and romanticism : ghostly language / Chris Townsend.. print book. English
  43. George Christy's essence of old Kentucky : containing a choice collection of new and popular songs, interludes, dialogues, funny speeches, darkey jokes and plantation wit / by George Christy.. print book.
  44. George Ticknor y la fundación del hispanismo en Estados Unidos / José M. del Pino (ed.).. print book. Hispanic Studies
  45. Georgic literature and the environment : working land, reworking genre / edited by Sue Edney and Tess Somervell.. print book. English
  46. Gerhard Richter: 4 Decades - The Famous Painter's Early Work. ebook. Art
  47. Gerhard Richter painting / ein Film von Corinna Belz ; Zero One Film ; in koproducktion mit Terz Film, Westdeutscher Hundfunk, Mitteldeutscher Hundfunk.. streaming video. Art
  48. Gerhard Richter : painting after the subject of history / Benjamin H.D. Buchloh.. print book. Art
  49. German philosophy in the twentieth century. Dilthey to Honneth / Julian Young.. print book. Philosophy
  50. German railroads, Jewish souls : the Reichsbahn, bureaucracy, and the final solution / Christopher R. Browning, Peter Hayes, and Raul Hilberg.. print book. History
  51. German sports, doping, and politics : a history of performance enhancement / Michael Krüger, Christian Becker, Stefan Nielsen.. print book. History
  52. Geta Brătescu : Film und Video 1977-2018 / Herausgeber, Roland Wäspe, Lorenz Wiederkehr ; texte, Geta Brătescu [and seven others].. print book. Art
  53. Der geteilte Himmel / ein film der gruppe Heinrich Greif, DEFA-studio für Spielfilme ; script, Christa Wolf, Herhard Wolf, Konrad Wolf, Willi Brückner, Kurt Barthel ; directed by Konrad Wolf.. streaming video. German
  54. Getting over / Gravitas Ventures ; Upstart Film Collective in association with Franklin House.. streaming video.
  55. Getting over / Gravitas Ventures ; Upstart Film Collective in association with Franklin House.. streaming video.
  56. Getting to diversity : what works and what doesn't / Frank Dobbin, Alexandra Kalev.. print book. Business
  57. Getting to diversity : what works and what doesn't / Frank Dobbin, Alexandra Kalev. ebook. Business
  58. GGN : landscapes 1999-2018 / written with Thaïsa Way.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  59. The ghost at the feast : America and the collapse of world order, 1900-1941 / Robert Kagan.. print book. History
  60. Ghost dance : solo bassoon / Ann K. Gebuhr.. music score (printed). Music
  61. A ghost story / Sailor Bear presents ; in association with Zero Trans Fat Productions and Ideaman Studios ; film maker, David Lowery.. streaming video. English
  62. Ghosting the news : local journalism and the crisis of American democracy / Margaret Sullivan. ebook. Public Policy & Administration
  63. Ghosts of Weirdwood : a William Shivering tale / Christian McKay Heidicker; illustrations by Anna Earley.. print book. Education
  64. Giant giant / words and pictures by Dylan Hewitt.. print book. Education
  65. Gibberish / Young Vo.. print book. Education
  66. Ginseng diggers : a history of root and herb gathering in Appalachia / Luke Manget.. ebook. History
  67. Giorgione / Giovanni Carlo Federico Villa ; translations, Sarah Elizabeth Cree, Cristina Pradella.. print book. Art
  68. Giotto's Arena Chapel and the triumph of humility / Henrike Christiane Lange, University of California, Berkeley.. print book. Art
  69. Giovanni's room / James Baldwin.. print book.
  70. The girl at the Lion d'Or / Sebastian Faulks.. ebook. History
  71. A girl From Hunan / directed by U Lan and Fei Xie.. streaming video. Asian Studies
  72. The Girl I Am, Was, and Never Will Be [electronic resource] : A Speculative Memoir of Transracial Adoption.. ebook.
  73. The girl who built an ocean : an artist, an argonaut, and the true story of the world's first aquarium / Jess Keating ; [illustrated by] Michelle Mee Nutter.. print book. Education
  74. A girlhood : letter to my transgender daughter / Carolyn Hays.. print book. Education
  75. Girls on the brink : helping our daughters thrive in an era of increased anxiety, depression, and social media / Donna Jackson Nakazawa.. print book. Education
  76. Giuseppe Tartini : fundamental questions / Gabriele Taschetti (ed.).. print book. Music
  77. Gladys the magic chicken / by Adam Rubin ; illustrated by Adam Rex.. print book. Education
  78. Les glaneurs et la glaneuse = The gleaners and I / Ciné Tamaris présente un film d'Agnès Varda ; réalisation et commentaire, Agnès Verda.. streaming video. English
  79. Les glaneurs et la glaneuse = The gleaners and I / Ciné Tamaris présente un film d'Agnès Varda ; réalisation et commentaire, Agnès Verda.. streaming video.
  80. Glass design innovations in architecture / Mick Eekhout.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  81. Global child : children and families affected by war, displacement and migration / edited by Myriam Denov, Claudia Mitchell, and Marjorie Rabiau.. print book. Education
  82. The global history of Black girlhood / edited by Corinne T. Field and LaKisha Michelle Simmons.. print book. Education
  83. Global objects : toward a connected art history / Edward S. Cooke, Jr.. print book. Art
  84. The global rules of art : the emergence and divisions of a cultural world economy / Larissa Buchholz.. print book. Art
  85. Globalists : the end of empire and the birth of neoliberalism / Quinn Slobodian.. ebook. Business
  86. Globalizing fortune on the early modern stage / Jane Hwang Degenhardt.. print book. English
  87. The glory and the burden : the American presidency from the New Deal to the present / Robert Schmuhl. ebook. Political Science
  88. The glory and the sorrow : a Parisian and his world in the age of the French Revolution / Timothy Tackett.. print book. History
  89. Glyn Philpot : flesh and spirit / Simon Martin ; introduction by Alan Hollinghurst.. print book. Art
  90. GMO OMG / a Compeller Pictures production in association with Heartworn Pictures ; presented by Natures Path.. streaming video. English
  91. GMO OMG / a Compeller Pictures production in association with Heartworn Pictures ; presented by Natures Path.. streaming video.
  92. Go the distance : what if Meg had to become a Greek god? / Jen Calonita.. print book. Education
  93. Go U.S. 40 : the all year travel highway.. print map. Geography
  94. God / edited by Andrew Radde-Gallwitz (University of Notre Dame).. print book. Philosophy
  95. God's joust, God's justice : law and religion in the Western tradition / John Witte, Jr.. print book. Philosophy
  96. God save the USSR : Soviet Muslims and the Second World War / Jeff Eden.. print book. History
  97. Godefridus Schalcken : a late 17th-century Dutch painter in pursuit of fame and fortune / Wayne Franits.. print book. Art
  98. Gods of thunder : how climate change, travel, and spirituality reshaped precolonial America / Timothy R. Pauketat.. print book. History
  99. Going for cold : a biography of a great physicist, Kurt Mendelssohn / J.G. Weisend II, G. Terence Meaden.. ebook. Physics
  100. Going remote : how the flexible work economy can improve our lives and our cities / Matthew E. Kahn.. ebook. Geography
  101. Going underground : race, space, and the subterranean in the nineteenth-century United States / Lara Langer Cohen.. print book. English
  102. Gojira / seisaku Tanaka Tomoyuki ; gensaku Kayama Shigeru ; kyakuhon Murata Takeo, Honda Ishirō ; kantoku Honda Ishirō = Godzilla / produced by Tomoyuki Tanaka ; story by Shigeru Kayama ; screenplay by Takeo Murata and Ishiro Honda ; directed by Ishiro. streaming video. Asian Studies
  103. Gold, oil, and avocados : a recent history of Latin America in sixteen commodities / Andy Robinson.. ebook. Business
  104. The golden age of piracy in China, 1520-1810 : a short history with documents / Robert J. Antony.. print book. History
  105. The golden door : (beginnings-1938) / a Florentine Films production ; .. streaming video.
  106. The golden door : (beginnings-1938) / a Florentine Films production ; .. streaming video.
  107. The Golden goose, op. 45, no. 1 / Gustav Holst.. music score (printed). Music
  108. The golden thirteen : how Black men won the right to wear Navy gold / Dan C. Goldberg.. print book. History
  109. Goliyon Ki Rasleela-RamLeela / Eros International and Bhansali Productions present.. streaming video. English
  110. Goliyon Ki Rasleela-RamLeela / Eros International and Bhansali Productions present.. streaming video.
  111. Good for a girl : a woman running in a man's world / Lauren Fleshman.. print book. Education
  112. Good night, Oppy! / by James McGowan ; illustrated by Graham Carter.. print book. Education
  113. A good place / Lucy Cousins. print book. Education
  114. Good sex : transforming America through the new gender and sexual revolution / Catherine M. Roach, PhD.. ebook. Social Work
  115. Goodbye Gauley Mountain : an ecosexual love story / a film by Beth Stephens with Annie Sprinkle ; executive producer, Beth Stephens ; produced by Xandra Coe, Annie Sprinkle, Jordan Freeman ; directors, Beth Stephens with Annie Sprinkle ; Pollination Produ. video DVD. Appalachian Studies
  116. Goodbye, old house / Margaret Wild ; illustrated by Ann James.. print book. Education
  117. Googie modern : architectural drawings of Armet Davis Newlove / Michael Murphy ; text by Alan Hess; photography by Jens Lucking.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  118. Google and the world brain / a Polar Star Films and BLTV Ltd film.. streaming video.
  119. Gordon Matta-Clark : an archival sourcebook / edited by Gwendolyn Owens and Philip Ursprung.. print book. Art
  120. The gospel of freedom : Black evangelicals and the Underground Railroad / Alicestyne Turley.. print book.
  121. The gospel of wellness : gyms, gurus, Goop, and the false promise of self-care / Rina Raphael.. print book. History
  122. Gothic manuscripts 1260-1320 / Alison Stones.. print book. Art
  123. Gothic manuscripts 1260-1320 / Alison Stones.. print book. Art
  124. Governing the EU in an age of division / Dalibor Rohac.. ebook. Political Science
  125. Grace and freedom in a secular age : contingency, vulnerability, and hospitality / Philip J. Rossi, SJ.. print book. Philosophy
  126. Grace and gravity : architectures of the figure / Lars Spuybroek.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  127. The grace of the world : for high voice and organ / Gwyneth Walker.. music score (printed). Music
  128. The Gracelin O'Malley trilogy : Gracelin O'Malley ; Leaving Ireland ; and, 'Til morning light / Ann Moore.. ebook.
  129. Grafted arts : art making and taking in the struggle for western India : 1760-1910 / Holly Shaffer.. print book. Art
  130. Grammaire musicale; ou, Méthode analytique et raisonnée pour apprendre et enseigner la lecture de la musique; suivie d'observations sur les erreurs, préjugés et fa̧usses opinions concernant la musique; par P.L. Aubéry Du Boulley .... print book.
  131. The grammar of civil war : a Mexican case study, 1857-61 / Will Fowler.. print book. History
  132. Grammatology of images : a history of the a-visible / Sigrid Weigel and Chadwick Truscott Smith.. ebook.
  133. "Grand 4th of July Picnic on the 5th of July in the City Park Harrodsburg, Kentucky!" broadside. print book.
  134. Grand challenges for social work and society / [edited by] Richard P. Barth, Jill T. Messing, Trina R. Shanks, and James Herbert Williams.. ebook. Social Work
  135. Grand transitions : how the modern world was made / Vaclav Smil.. print book. Education
  136. Grandad's camper / Harry Woodgate.. print book. Education
  137. Grande concerto : per pianoforte con accompagnamento di due violini, viola, violoncello e basso, op. 83 / Disma Fumagalli ; riduzione per due pianoforti a cura di Ernesto Sparago.. music score (printed). Music
  138. Grande Sonate : für Klavier und Horn oder Viola, op. 29 = Grand sonata for piano and horn or viola / Friedrich Eugen Thurner ; herausgegeben von Kurt Meier = edited by Kurt Meier.. music score (printed). Music
  139. Grandma's tiny house : a counting story! / JaNay Brown-Wood ; illustrated by Priscilla Burris.. print book. Education
  140. The grant application writer's workbook. National Science Foundation, version / John D. Robertson, PhD, Stephen W. Russell, DVM, PhD, David C. Morrison, PhD. print book. Engineering
  141. Graphic design is (...) not innocent / Ingo Offermanns (ed.).. print book. Art
  142. Grass roots / Roscoe C. Martin.. print book. History
  143. The great displacement : climate change and the next American migration / Jake Bittle.. ebook. Education
  144. The great displacement : climate change and the next American migration / Jake Bittle.. print book. Education
  145. The great dissenter : the story of John Marshall Harlan, America's judicial hero / Peter S. Canellos.. print book. Law
  146. Great minds don't think alike : debates on consciousness, reality, intelligence, faith, time, AI, immortality, and the human / edited and with commentary by Marcelo Gleiser.. print book. Philosophy
  147. The great polarization : how ideas, power, and policies drive inequality edited by Rudiger L. Von Arnim and Joseph E. Stiglitz. ebook. Business
  148. The great reversal : how America gave up on free markets / Thomas Philippon.. ebook. Business
  149. The great stink : how Joseph Bazalgette solved London's poop pollution problem / Colleen Paeff ; illustrated by Nancy Carpenter.. print book. Education
  150. Greed and guns : imperial origins of the developing world / Atul Kohli, Princeton University.. ebook. Political Science
  151. Greek and Latin poetry of late antiquity : form, tradition and context / edited by Berenice Verhelst, Universiteit Gent, Belgium ; Tine Scheijnen, Universiteit Gent, Belgium.. ebook. Classical Studies
  152. The Greek trilogy of Luis Alfaro : Electricidad ; Oedipus El Rey ; Mojada / Luis Alfaro ; edited by Rosa Andújar.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  153. Green roof [electronic resource] : a case study / Christian Werthmann.. ebook.
  154. The greening of America's building codes : promises and paradoxes / Aleksandra Jaeschke.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  155. The greening of America's building codes : promises and paradoxes / Aleksandra Jaeschke.. print book. Law
  156. Greenwich Village, 1913 : suffrage, labor, and the new woman / Mary Jane Treacy.. print book. History
  157. A greeting of the spirit : selected poetry of John Keats with commentaries / Susan J. Wolfson.. print book. English
  158. Grid systems [electronic resource] : principles of organizing type / Kimberly Elam.. ebook.
  159. The Grimkes : the legacy of slavery in an American family / Kerri K. Greenidge.. print book. History
  160. Gropius : the man who built the Bauhaus / Fiona MacCarthy.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  161. Gropius : the man who built the Bauhaus / Fiona MacCarthy.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  162. Grounded in clay : the spirit of Pueblo pottery / Pueblo Pottery Collective, Elysia Poon, Rick Kinsel.. print book. Art
  163. Groundwork : a history of the Renaissance picture / David Young Kim.. print book. Art
  164. Group dynamics : collectives of the modernist period / edited by Karin Althaus, Susanne Böller, Sarah Louisa Henn, Eva Huttenlauch, Matthias Mühling, and Stephanie Weber ; Lenbachhaus.. print book. Art
  165. Group hug / written by Jean Reidy ; illustrated by Joey Chou.. print book. Education
  167. Growing architecture : how to design and build with trees / Ferdinad Ludwig, Daniel Schönle ; with a preface by Sonja Dümpelmann.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  168. Growing Fairly [electronic resource] : How to Build Opportunity and Equity in Workforce Development / Stephen Goldsmith, Kate Markin Coleman.. ebook. Business
  169. Growing friendships : a kid's guide to making and keeping friends / Eileen Kennedy-Moore & Christine McLaughlin.. print book. Education
  170. Growing up human : the evolution of childhood / Brenna Hassett.. ebook. Education
  171. Growth for good : reshaping capitalism to save humanity from climate catastrophe / Alessio Terzi.. ebook. Business
  172. La Güera Rodríguez : the life and legends of a Mexican independence heroine / Silvia Marina Arrom.. print book. History
  173. La Guerra de Tres Años, 1857-1861 : el conflicto del que nació el estado laico mexicano / Will Fowler.. print book. History
  174. A guide to close binary systems / Edwin Budding and Osman Demircan.. ebook. Physics
  175. Guide to historic artists' homes & studios : a program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation / Valerie Balint.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  176. Guide to intelligent data science : how to intelligently make use of real data / Michael R. Berthold, Christian Borgelt, Frank Höppner, Frank Klawonn, Rosaria Silipo.. print book. Statistics
  177. A guide to Kentucky birth, marriage and death records, 1852-1910 / compiled by Jeffrey Michael Duff.. print book. Special Collections
  178. Guide to standardized drumset notation / by Norman Weinberg.. print book. Music
  179. A guide to the historic architecture of Glen Rose, Texas : bypassed, forgotten, and preserved / T. Lindsay Baker ; photographs by Paul V. Chaplo.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  180. Guide to the psychology of eating / Leighann R. Chaffee, Stephanie P. da Silva.. ebook. Psychology
  181. Guido Geelen : sculptuur = sculpture 2000-2022 / auteurs, Hendrik Driessen, Guido Geelen, Hans den Hartog Jager.. print book. Art
  182. Guido Reni in Rome : a guide / texts by Romeo Pio Cristofori and Lara Scanu ; foreword by Francesca Cappelletti ; introduction by Raffaella Morselli.. print book. Art
  183. Guido Reni : the divine / edited by Bastian Eclercy ; with contributions by Stefan Albl, Maria Aresin, Hans Aurenhammer, Lilly Becker, Babette Bohn, Aoife Brady, Heiko Damm, Corentin Dury, Sybille Ebert-Schifferer, Bastian Eclercy, Theresa Gatarski, Franc. print book. Art
  184. Guido's hand : five pieces for piano (1986) / George Walker.. music score (printed). Music
  185. Guido van der Werve: Palpable Futility / edited by Marente Bloemheuvel ; essays/texts: Marian Cousijn, Sara Crombach, Jaap Guldemond, Xander Karskens, Barbara London, Dirk van Weelden.. print book. Art
  186. Guo Pei : couture fantasy / Jill D'Alessandro ; with Anna Grasskamp, Sally Yu Leung, and Juanjuan Wu and with special contributions by Guo Pei.. print book. Art

H - Hi

  1. Habit forming : drug addiction in America, 1776-1914 / Elizabeth Kelly Gray.. print book. History
  3. Hafsids and Habsburgs in the early modern Mediterranean : facing Tunis / Cristelle L. Baskins.. print book. Art
  4. La haine = Hate / Les Productions Lazennec présentent ; en coproduction avec Le Studio Canal+, La Sept Cinéma, Kasso inc Productions ; produit par Christoph Rossignon ; écrit et réalisé par Mathieu Kassovitz ; scripte, Nathalie Vierny.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  5. Haishang chuanqi = I wish I knew / a film by Jia Zhangke.. streaming video.
  6. Haishang chuanqi = I wish I knew / a film by Jia Zhangke.. streaming video. Anthropology
  7. The Haitians : a decolonial history / Jean Casimir ; translated by Laurent Dubois ; with a foreword by Walter D. Mignolo.. print book. History
  8. HALF-BLOWN ROSE: A NOVEL.. print book. Education
  9. Half-life of a secret : reckoning with a hidden history / Emily Strasser.. ebook. Physics
  10. Hamlet's hereditary queen : performing Shakespeare's silent female power / Kerrie Roberts.. print book. English
  11. The hand on the wall / Maureen Johnson.. print book. Education
  12. Handbook for a post-roe America / Robin Marty.. ebook. Sociology
  13. Handbook of adolescent digital media use and mental health / edited by Jacqueline Nesi, Brown University, [Rhode Island], Eva H. Telzer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Mitchell J. Prinstein, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.. print book. Education
  14. Handbook of automata theory / edited by Jean-Éric Pin.. ebook. Mathematics
  15. The handbook of consensual non-monogamy : affirming mental health practices / edited by Michelle D. Vaughan, Wright State University, Theodore R. Burnes, Antioch University, Los Angeles.. ebook. Psychology
  16. Handbook of psychotherapy case formulation / edited by Tracy D. Eells.. ebook. Psychology
  17. Handbook of research ethics in psychological science / edited by Sangeeta Panicker & Barbara Stanley.. ebook. Psychology
  18. Handbook of research on methodologies for design and production practices in interior architecture / Ervin Garip, S. Banu Garip, [editors].. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  19. The handbook of therapeutic care for children : evidence-informed approaches to working with traumatized children and adolescents in foster, relative and adoptive care / edited by Janise Mitchell, Joe Tucci, and Ed Tronick.. ebook.
  20. Hands-on time series analysis with Python : from basics to bleeding edge techniques / B.V. Vishwas, Ashish Patel.. print book. Statistics
  21. Hang on to your whiskers / Geronimo Stilton.. print book. Education
  22. The hangover : a literary and cultural history / Jonathon Shears. [electronic resource]. ebook.
  23. Hanna Nagel / herausgegeben von Inge Herold, Johan Holten.. print book. Art
  24. Hannah Arendt and politics / Maria Robaszkiewicz and Michael D. Weinman.. print book. Philosophy
  25. Hans G. Conrad : interaction of Albers / Herausgegeben von René Spitz.. print book. Art
  26. Hans-Herbert Kögler's critical hermeneutics / edited by L'ubomír Dunaj and Kurt C.M. Mertel.. print book. Philosophy
  27. Hao e de mao mao chong / wen tu, Airui Ka'er ; yi, Zheng Mingjin.. print book. Education
  28. Happiness / Tim Lomas.. ebook. Psychology
  29. The happiness of the British working class / Jamie L. Bronstein.. print book. English
  30. A happy birthday : for solo oboe (2021) / Thea Musgrave. music score (printed). Music
  31. The happy design toolkit : architecture for better mental wellbeing / Ben Channon.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  32. The Hard Parts : A Memoir of Courage and Triumph.. ebook.
  33. Harlan County U.S.A.. streaming video. Philosophy
  34. The Harlan renaissance : stories of Black life in Appalachian coal towns / William H. Turner.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  35. Harlem Grown : how one big idea transformed a neighborhood / written by Tony Hillery ; illustrated by Jessie Hartland.. print book. Education
  36. The Harlem Renaissance : an anthology / edited by Cary D. Wintz.. print book. English
  37. The Harlem renaissance and beyond.. streaming video.
  38. The Harlem renaissance and beyond.. streaming video.
  39. Harmonies du soir, op. 31; brabanconne / Eugène Ysaÿe.. music score (printed). Music
  40. Harpsichord concerto (Badley D1) / Leopold Hofmann ; edited by Allan Badley.. music score (printed). Music
  41. Harriet Tubman : a reference guide to her life and works / Kate Clifford Larson.. ebook. History
  42. Harrison County Kentucky : history & families.. print book.
  43. Harry Potter and the other : race, justice, and difference in the wizarding world / edited by Sarah Park Dahlen and Ebony Elizabeth Thomas.. print book. Education
  44. Harvard beats Yale 29-29 / Kevin Rafferty Productions presents ; a film by Kevin Rafferty .. streaming video.
  45. Harvard beats Yale 29-29 / Kevin Rafferty Productions presents ; a film by Kevin Rafferty .. streaming video. Education
  46. Harvard, Hollywood, hitmen, and holy men : a memoir / Paul W. Williams.. print book.
  47. Hate crime hoax : how the left is selling a fake race war / Wilfred Reilly.. print book.
  48. Hate crimes : a legal research guide / by Erin Gow.. print book. Law
  49. Hate groups : a reference handbook / David E. Newton.. ebook. Sociology
  50. Hate speech / Caitlin Ring Carlson.. ebook. Psychology
  51. Hats and headwear around the world : a cultural encyclopedia / Beverly Chico.. ebook. Anthropology
  52. The haunting of Hajji Hotak : and other stories / Jamil Jan Kochai.. print book. Education
  53. Havet sjunger = (Song of the sea) : symphonic poem for large orchestra / Ture Rangström.. music score (printed). Music
  54. Having their say : athletes and entertainers and the ethics of speaking out / Kristie Bunton.. print book. Philosophy
  55. Hawking women : falconry, gender, and control in medieval literary culture / Sara Petrosillo.. print book. English
  57. The hazards of love / writing, art, colors, and letters by Stan Stanley.. print book. Education
  58. Haze : for septet (2016) / Helen Caddick.. music score (printed). Music
  59. Hazel Hill is gonna win this one / Maggie Horne.. print book. Education
  60. HBR at 100 : the most influential and innovative articles from Harvard Business Review's first century.. ebook. Business
  61. The headless woman / Strand Releasing ; Cine Argentino ; Focus Features International.. streaming video.
  62. The headless woman / Strand Releasing ; Cine Argentino ; Focus Features International.. streaming video. Hispanic Studies
  63. Healing a divided nation : how the American Civil War revolutionized Western medicine / Carole Adrienne.. print book. History
  64. Healing knowledge in Atlantic Africa : medical encounters, 1500-1850 / Kalle Kananoja, University of Oulu.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  66. Health Promotion: In A Public Context. ebook.
  67. Healthy buildings : how indoor spaces can make you sick--or keep you well / Joseph G. Allen, John D. Macomber.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  68. Healthy cities? : design for well-being / Tim Townshend.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  69. Hear me now : the black potters of Old Edgefield, South Carolina / edited by Adrienne Spinozzi.. print book. Art
  70. Hear my voice : the testimonies of children detained at the southern border of the United States / compiled by Warren Binford for Project Amplify ; foreword by Michael Garcia Bochenek of Human Rights Watch = Escucha mi voz : los testimonios de niños dete. print book. Education
  71. The Heart Broken In Half - Street Gangs in Urban America. ebook.
  72. The Heart Broken In Half - Street Gangs in Urban America. ebook.
  73. HEART LIKE A FAKIR : general sir james abbott and the fall of the east india company.. print book. History
  74. Heaven / Mieko Kawakami ; translated from the Japanese by Sam Bett and David Boyd.. ebook. Asian Studies
  75. Heaven is a muddy riverbed / Diedrick Brackens ; texts by Suzanne Isken, Holly Jerger, TK Smith, and Derrick Austin.. print book. Art
  76. Hebru Brantley / Hebru Brantley ; Hebru Brand Studios ; editor, Rhea Fernandez ; text contributions by Hebru Brantley, Michael "Killer Mike" Render, Carlo McCormick, Lupe Fiasco, Derrick Adams, Bisa Butler, Kevin "Coach K" Lee, Don C, Charles Shepard, Der. print book. Art
  77. HEGEL'S LOGIC AND METAPHYSICS.. print book. Philosophy
  78. Heidegger and the human / edited by Ingo Farin and Jeff Malpas.. print book. Philosophy
  79. Heidegger in ruins : between philosophy and ideology / Richard Wolin.. print book. Philosophy
  80. Heidegger on being self-concealing / Katherine Withy.. print book. Philosophy
  81. Heidegger on logic / edited by Filippo Casati, Daniel O. Dahlstrom.. print book. Philosophy
  82. Heidegger's being : the shimmering unfolding / Richard Capobianco.. print book. Philosophy
  83. Heinrich Schenker's conception of harmony / Robert W. Wason and Matthew Brown.. print book. Music
  84. Helios : for brass quintet / Stacy Garrop.. music score (printed). Music
  85. Hella town : Oakland's history of development and disruption / Mitchell Schwarzer.. print book. History
  86. Helmut Newton : legacy / edited by Matthias Harder ; texts by Philippe Garner and Matthias Harder.. print book. Art
  87. Helvetica : typography, graphic design and global visual culture / a Swiss Dot production in association with Veer ; a film by Gary Hustwit.. streaming video.
  88. Henry of Ghent's Summa : the questions on God's existence and essence, (articles 21-24) / translation by Jos Decorte and Roland J. Teske ; Latin text, introduction, and notes by Roland J. Teske.. print book. Philosophy
  89. Henry of Ghent's Summa : the questions on God's unity and simplicity (articles 25-30) / Latin text, introduction, translation, and notes by Roland J. Teske.. print book. Philosophy
  90. Henry of Ghent's "Summa" : the questions on human knowledge : (Articles 2-5) : text from the Leuven edition / translation, introduction, and notes by Juan Carlos Flores.. print book. Philosophy
  91. Henry Taylor : B side / edited by Bennett Simpson ; with contributions by Wanda Coleman, Karon Davis, Charles Gaines, Harmony Holiday, Bob Kaufman, Walter Price, Bennett Simpson, and Frances Stark, and a conversation between Henry Taylor and Hamza Walker.. print book. Art
  92. Henry van de Velde : selected essays, 1889-1914 / edited by Katherine M. Kuenzli ; translated by Elizabeth Tucker.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  93. Henry VIII and the Reformation Parliament / John Patrick Coby.. ebook. History
  94. Her body can / Katie Crenshaw & Ady Meschke ; illustrated by Li Liu.. print book. Education
  95. Heralds : a fanfare for 4 trumpets in B♭, 3 trombones and bass trombone / Ulysses Kay.. music score (printed). Music
  96. Hereditary / A24 and Palmstar Media present ; a Kevin Frakes and Lars Knudsen production ; in association with Finch Entertainment and Windy Hill Pictures ; produced by Kevin Frakes ; produced by Lars Knudson ; produced by Buddy Patrick ; written and dire. streaming video. English
  97. Herejía y sociedad : la Inquisición en el mundo hispánico / Doris Moreno Martínez, Manuel Peña Díaz (coords.) ; prólogo de Ricardo García Cárcel.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  98. Heritage, education and social justice / Veysel Apaydin.. print book. Art
  99. Heritage under socialism : preservation in Eastern and Central Europe, 1945-1991 / edited by Eszter Gantner, Corinne Geering, and Paul Vickers.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  100. Hermès : straight from the horse's mouth / Luc Charbin ; illustrated by Alice Charbin ; foreword by Menehould du Chatelle ; translated from French by Hazel Duncan.. print book. Art
  101. Heroes of the fourth turning / by Will Arbery. print book. Theatre & Dance
  102. Heroes with a hundred names : mythology and folklore in the early fiction of Robert Penn Warren / Leverett Butts.. print book. English
  103. Un héros très discret / un film de Jacques Audiard ; Alicéleo et Lumiere présentent.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  104. A herstory of economics / Edith Kuiper.. print book. Business
  105. Hervé Télémaque : a hopscotch of the mind / editors : Joseph Constable and Elizabeth de Bertier.. print book. Art
  106. Hesiod and the beginnings of Greek philosophy / edited by Leopoldo Iribarren, Hugo Koning.. print book. Philosophy
  107. Hessians : German soldiers in the American Revolutionary War / Friederike Baer.. print book. History
  108. L'heure mauve / Nicolas Party sous la direction de Nicolas Party et Stéphane Aquin = edited by Nicolas Party and Stéphane Aquin.. print book. Art
  109. Hevun / Kawakami Mieko.. print book. Asian Studies
  110. HEXACORDS: FOR SOLO FLUTE (1972) / JOAN TOWER. print book. Music
  111. Hidden Berlin : a student guide to Berlin's history and memory culture / Richard Apgar and Reinhard Zachau.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  112. Hidden geopolitics : governance in a globalized world / John Agnew.. ebook. Political Science
  113. Hidden in plain sight : politics and design in state-subsidized residential architecture / editors, Rui Jorge Garcia Ramos, Virgílio Borges Pereira, Marta Rocha Moreira, Sérgio Dias Silva ; photo essay by Tiago Casanova.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  114. Hidden in plain sight : selected writings of Karin Higa / edited by Julie Ault.. print book. Art
  115. The hidden language of symbols / Matthew Wilson.. print book. Art
  116. Hidden letters / a co-production of Fish + Bear Pictures, ten thousand images & Independent Television Service (ITVS) ; directed & produced by Violet Du Feng ; co-directed by Zhao Qing ; written by Violet Du Feng, John Farbrother.. streaming video. Anthropology
  117. Hieronymus Bosch : time and transformation in The garden of earthly delights / Margaret D. Carroll.. print book. Art
  118. High minds : the Victorians and the birth of modern Britain / Simon Heffer.. print book. History
  119. High school / OSTI, Inc. ; produced and directed by Frederick Wiseman.. streaming video.
  120. High school / OSTI, Inc. ; produced and directed by Frederick Wiseman.. streaming video. Art
  121. High style / Ron Woodson & Jaime Rummerfield ; foreword by Sara Ruffin Costello ; photographs by Jonathan Shapiro.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  122. High tension : FDR's battle to power America / John A. Riggs.. print book. History
  123. Highway heist : America's crumbling infrastructure and the road forward / James T. Bennett.. ebook. Business
  124. The hiking Viking / by Laura Gehl ; illustrated by Timothy Banks.. print book. Education
  125. Hillslope evolution : for 11 percussionists and piano / John David Cope.. music score (printed). Music
  126. Hillsville remembered : public memory, historical silence, and Appalachia's most notorious shoot-out / Travis A. Rountree.. print book.
  127. Himawari house / Harmony Becker.. print book. Education
  128. Hip hop : beyond beats & rhymes / National Black Programming Consortia ; Independent Television Service ; Corporation for Public Broadcasting ; a film by Byron Hurt ; produced, directed and written by Byron Hurt ; co-produced by Sabrina Schmidt Gordon ; G. streaming video. Education
  129. The hips on the drag queen go swish, swish, swish / by Lil Miss Hot Mess ; illustrated by Olga de Dios.. print book. Education
  130. Hiroshige : famous places in the sixty-odd provinces / Anne Sefrioui.. print book. Art
  131. Hiroshige : thirty-six views of Mount Fuji / Jocelyn Bouquillard ; translation from French: David Rocher.. print book. Art
  132. Hiroshima mon amour (1959) / Argos Films, Como Films, Daiei, and Pathe Overseas Productions present ; directed by Alain Renais.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  133. Hirst-isms / Damien Hirst ; edited by Larry Warsh.. print book. Art
  134. His body can / Katie Crenshaw & Ady Meschke ; illustrated by Li Liu.. print book. Education
  135. His name is George Floyd : one man's life and the struggle for racial justice / Robert Samuels and Toluse Olorunnipa.. print book. Education
  136. Histoire de Jean-de-Calais, roi de Portugal, ou, la vertu récompensée.. print book.
  137. Historia / Francesco Bertocco.. print book. Art
  138. Historia de lo fantástico en las narrativas latinoamericanas I (1830-1940) / David Roas (dir.).. print book. Hispanic Studies
  139. Historic photos of Appalachia / text and captions by Kevin E. O'Donnell.. ebook. Appalachian Studies
  140. Historic preservation : an introduction to its history, principles, and practice / Norman Tyler, Ilene R. Tyler, Ted J. Ligibel.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  141. Historic preservation theory : an anthology : readings from the 18th to the 21st century / edited by Jorge Otero-Pailos.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  142. Historical dictionary of modern coups d'état / John J. Chin, Joseph Wright, David B. Carter.. ebook. Political Science
  143. Historical perspectives on sustainable fashion : inspiration for change / Amy Twigger Holroyd, Jennifer Farley Gordon, and Colleen Hill.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  144. Historicising ancient slavery / Kostas Vlassopoulos.. print book. History
  145. Historie of fatigue : from the middle ages to the present / George, Vigarello. print book. History
  146. Histories / Nithard ; edition, translation, and introduction by Marco Conti ; with a foreword by Thomas F. X. Noble.. print book. Philosophy
  147. The history and achievements of the Islamic golden age / with Eamonn Gearon.. streaming video.
  148. The history and achievements of the Islamic golden age / with Eamonn Gearon.. streaming video. Sociology
  149. History by HBO : televising the American past / Rebecca Weeks.. print book.
  150. History from the bottom up and the inside out : ethnicity, race, and identity in working-class history / James R. Barrett.. print book. History
  151. A history of advertising : the first 300,000 years / Jef I. Richards.. print book. History
  152. A history of Africa : combined volume / Toyin Falola, Timothy Stapleton.. print book. History
  153. A history of African American autobiography / edited by Joycelyn K. Moody.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  154. A history of architectural conservation / Jukka Jokilehto.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  155. A history of data visualization and graphic communication / Michael Friendly, Howard Wainer. ebook. Mathematics
  156. A history of English georgic writing / edited by Paddy Bullard, University of Reading.. print book. English
  157. The history of evil / series editors: Chad Meister and Charles Taliaferro.. print book. Philosophy
  158. The history of evil in antiquity : 2000 BCE - 450 CE / edited by Tom Angier, Chad Meister, Charles Taliaferro.. ebook. Philosophy
  159. A history of Irish literature and the environment / edited by Malcolm Sen.. print book. English
  160. The history of money : from bartering to banking / Martin Jenkins ; illustrated by Satoshi Kitamura.. print book. Education
  161. A history of Navajo Nation education : disentangling our sovereign body / Wendy Shelly Greyeyes ; foreword by Kevin K. Washburn.. print book. Education
  162. A history of securities law in the Supreme Court / A.C. Pritchard and Robert B. Thompson.. print book. Law
  163. The history of the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, 1943-2016 : between the state and the arts / Lara Cuny.. print book. Art
  164. A history of the Harlem Renaissance / edited by Rachel Farebrother, Miriam Thaggert.. print book. English
  165. History of the plurality of worlds : the myths of extraterrestrials through the ages / Pierre Connes ; edited by James Lequeux.. ebook. Physics
  166. A history of the surrealist novel / edited by Anna Watz.. print book. English
  167. A history of the world (in dingbats) / drawings & words, David Byrne ; direction & design, Alex Kalman.. print book. Art
  168. A history of World War One poetry / edited by Jane Potter (Oxford Brookes University).. print book. English
  169. Hitler's foreign policy : the road to World War II, 1933-1939 / Gerhard L. Weinberg.. print book. History
  170. Hitler's girl : the British aristocracy and the Third Reich on the eve of WWII / Lauren Young.. print book. History
  171. Hitler's Hollywood : German cinema in the age of propaganda 1933 - 1945 / a film by Rüdiger Suchsland.. streaming video. German
  172. Hitler's soldiers : the German army in the Third Reich / Ben H. Shepherd.. print book. History
  173. HIWAR : Fateh - Adonis, Sense and Intuition / publication curated by Mouna and Shireen Atassi; editor Anna Wallace-Thompon [sic!].. print book. Art

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  2. Hola! jalapeño / Amy Wilson Sanger.. print book. Education
  3. Holbein / Florian Heine.. print book. Art
  4. Holding wrongdoers responsible : on the complexities of blame and forgiveness / Jeffrey M. Blustein.. print book. Philosophy
  5. Hollis Frampton / edited by Michael Zryd ; essays and interviews by Hollis Frampton, Peter Gidal, Annette Michelson, Barry Goldensohn, Christopher Phillips, Bruce Jenkins, Allen S. Weiss, Brian Henderson, Federico Windhausen, Melissa Ragona, Michael Zryd,. print book. Art
  6. The hollow hope : can courts bring about social change? / Gerald N. Rosenberg.. print book. Law
  7. The Hollywood motion picture blacklist : seventy-five years later / Larry Ceplair.. print book.
  8. Holy War : the untold story of Catholic Italy's crusade against the Ethiopian Orthodox Church / Ian Campbell.. print book. History
  9. Home gardens for improved food security and livelihoods / edited by D. Hashini Galhena Dissanayake and Karimbhai M. Maredia.. ebook.
  10. The home place : memoirs of a colored man's love affair with nature / J. Drew Lanham.. print book. English
  11. Homecoming : the path to prosperity in a post-global world / Rana Foroohar.. print book. Education
  12. Homecoming : the path to prosperity in a post-global world / Rana Foroohar.. ebook. Business
  13. Homeless heritage : collaborative social archaeology as therapeutic practice / Rachael Kiddey.. ebook. Anthropology
  14. Homelessness in America : a reference handbook / Michele Wakin.. ebook. Social Work
  15. Homelessness in America : the history and tragedy of an intractable social problem / Stephen Eide.. ebook. Social Work
  16. Homework, organization, and planning skills (HOPS) interventions : a treatment manual / by Joshua M. Langberg.. print book. Education
  17. Homo Interior and Vita Socialis : patristic patterns and twelfth-century reflections / Ineke van 't Spijker.. print book. History
  18. Honestly Elliott / by Gillian McDunn ; illustrations by Marguerite Dabaie.. print book. Education
  19. The Honeys. print book. Education
  20. Hong Yan - Innermongolian folk song : capriccio for violoncello and harp / Jiang Wantong.. music score (printed). Music
  21. Honor, romanticism, and the hidden value of modernity / Jamison Kantor.. print book. English
  22. La honte est un sentiment révolutionnaire / Frédéric Gros.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
  23. Hoop dreams / Fine Line Features ; a production of Kartemquin Films and KTCA Public Television ; produced by Frederick Marx, Steve James, Peter Gilbert ; directed by Steve James.. streaming video. Philosophy
  24. Hope is an arrow : the story of Lebanese American poet Kahlil Gibran / Cory McCarthy ; illustrated by Ekua Holmes.. print book. Education
  25. Hope is of a different color : from the Global South to the Łódź Film School / edited by Magda Lipska, Monika Talarczyk.. print book. Art
  26. Horace Kephart : writings / edited by George Frizzell and Mae Miller Claxton.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  27. Horn concerto no. 1 / Richard Strauss, arr. Craig Levesque.. music score (printed). Music
  28. Horn concerto no. 1 : for horn and symphony orchestra (2003) - piano reduction / Anthony Plog.. music score (printed). Music
  29. Horse / Geraldine Brooks.. print book. Special Collections
  30. Horse / Geraldine Brooks.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  31. Hot dog / Doug Salati.. print book. Education
  32. Hotel Oblivion / Cynthia Cruz.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  33. A house / Kevin Henkes.. print book. Education
  34. House [electronic resource] : black swan theory / Steven Holl.. ebook.
  35. A house divided : structural therapy with a black family / Harry Aponte, LCSW.. streaming video.
  36. House gods : sustainable buildings and renegade builders / Jim Kristofic.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  37. The house in the cerulean sea / TJ Klune.. print book. Education
  38. House in the fields / Kairos Films presents ; in association with Cactus World Films.. streaming video.
  39. House in the fields / Kairos Films presents ; in association with Cactus World Films.. streaming video. Anthropology
  40. House of champions : the story of Kentucky basketball's home courts / Kevin Cook.. print book.
  41. The House of God Inc. church history : it all started in "1863" / by Bishop Larry S. Sherrill, Sr.. print book. Special Collections
  42. Household servants and slaves : a visual history, 1300-1700 / Diane Wolfthal.. print book. Art
  43. Houses that can save the world / Courtenay Smith, Sean Topham.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  44. Houses to die in : and other essays on art / Ina Blom.. print book. Art
  45. How antitrust failed workers / Eric A. Posner.. ebook. Business
  46. How architecture tells : 9 realities that will change the way you see / by Robert Tabin Steinberg, FAIA ; with Gerald Sindell ; designed by Hoop Design ; including material by Susan Wolfe ; foreword by The Hon. Penny Pritzker.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  47. How art can change your life / Susie Hodge.. print book. Art
  48. How big-tech barons smash innovation and how to strike back / Ariel Ezrachi and Maurice E. Stucke.. print book. Business
  49. How big things get done : the surprising factors that determine the fate of every project, from home renovations to space exploration and everything in between / Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner.. print book. Business
  50. How big things get done : the surprising factors that determine the fate of every project, from home renovations to space exploration and everything in between / Bent Flyvbjerg with Dan Gardner.. ebook. Business
  51. How cities learn : tracing bus rapid transit in South Africa / Astrid Wood.. print book. Geography
  53. (How) do we (want to) work (together) (as (socially engaged) designers (students and neighbors)) (in neoliberal times)? : Public Design support = Öffentliche Gestaltungsberatung 2016-2021 / edited by Jesko Fezer & Studio Experimentelles Design for the HF. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  54. How do you spell unfair? : MacNolia Cox and the National Spelling Bee / Carole Boston Weatherford ; illustrated by Frank Morrison.. print book. Education
  55. How I trained my dog in 10 days / by Norma Lewis ; illustrated by Tom Tinn-Disbury.. print book. Education
  56. How minds change : the surprising science of belief, opinion, and persuasion / David McRaney.. ebook. Psychology
  57. How minds change : the surprising science of belief, opinion, and persuasion / David McRaney.. print book. Business
  58. How nature matters : culture, identity, and environmental value / Simon P. James.. print book. Philosophy
  59. How not to exclude artist mothers (and other parents) / Hettie Judah.. print book. Art
  60. How plays work / David Edgar.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  61. How religion evolved : and why it endures / Robin Dunbar.. ebook. English
  62. How romantics and victorians organized information : commonplace books, scrapbooks, and albums / Jillian M. Hess.. print book. English
  63. How the clinic made gender : the medical history of a transformative idea / Sandra Eder.. ebook. Psychology
  64. How the Court became Supreme : the origins of American juristocracy / Paul D. Moreno.. print book. Law
  65. How the war was won : air-sea power and Allied victory in World War II / Phillips O'Brien.. print book. History
  66. How the world became rich : the historical origins of economic growth / Mark Koyama, Jared Rubin.. print book. History
  67. How the world really works : the science behind how we got here and where we're going / Vaclav Smil.. print book. Business
  68. How to be a lawyer : the path from law school to success / Jason Mendelson, Alex Paul.. print book. Law
  69. How to catch a clover thief / Elise Parsley.. print book. Education
  70. How to cheat with statistics - and get away with it : from data snooping over kitchen sink regression to "creative reporting" / Gunter Meissner.. print book. Statistics
  71. How to draw a happy cat / by Ethan T. Berlin ; drawn by Jimbo Matison.. print book. Education
  72. How to find what you're not looking for / Veera Hiranandani.. print book. Education
  73. How to live with objects : a modern guide to more meaningful interiors / Monica Khemsurov & Jill Singer ; photographs by Charlie Schuck.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  74. How to make a new Spain : the material worlds of colonial Mexico City / Enrique Rodríguez-Alegría.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
  75. How to make an entrepreneurial state : why innovation needs bureaucracy / Rainer Kattel, Wolfgang Drechsler and Erkki Karo. ebook. Business
  76. How to make friends with a ghost / written and illustrated by Rebecca Green.. print book. Education
  77. How to make slime / by Lori Shores.. print book. Education
  78. How to market the arts : a practical approach for the 21st century / Anthony Rhine and Jay Pension.. print book. Art
  79. How to paint without a brush : the art of Red Hong Yi / Red Hong Yi.. print book. Art
  80. How to raise an antiracist / Ibram X. Kendi.. print book. Education
  81. How to read now : essays / Elaine Castillo.. ebook. Education
  82. How to read now : essays / Elaine Castillo.. print book. Education
  83. How to say hello to a worm : a first guide to outside / Kari Percival.. print book. Education
  84. How to say no : an ancient guide to the art of cynicism / Diogenes and the Cynics ; selected, translated, and introduced by M.D. Usher.. print book. Philosophy
  85. How to Stop a Conspiracy : An Ancient Guide to Saving a Republic / Sallust.. ebook. Classical Studies
  86. How to Survive as a Child Welfare Social Worker.. ebook.
  87. How to swallow a pig : step-by-step advice from the animal kingdom / Steve Jenkins & Robin Page.. print book. Education
  88. How to teach a slug to read / by Susan Pearson ; illustrated by David Slonim.. print book. Education
  89. How to teach art? / Wiktoria Furrer, Carla Gabrí, Nastasia Louveau, Maria Ordóñez, and Artur Żmijewski.. print book. Art
  90. How to think about catastrophe : toward a theory of enlightened doomsaying / Jean-Pierre Dupuy ; translated by M. B. DeBevoise and Mark R. Anspach.. print book. Philosophy
  91. How to think like a lawyer--and why : a common-sense guide to everyday dilemmas / Kim Wehle.. print book. Law
  92. How to wash a woolly mammoth / Michelle Robinson, Kate Hindley.. print book. Education
  93. How to watch television / edited by Ethan Thompson and Jason Mittell.. print book. Journalism & Media
  94. How was that built? : the stories behind awesome structures / Roma Agrawal ; illustrated by Katie Hickey.. print book. Education
  95. How will capitalism end? : essays on a failing system / Wolfgang Streeck.. ebook. Business
  96. Howardena Pindell : reclaiming abstraction / Sarah Louise Cowan.. print book. Art
  97. Howie Tsui : from swelling shadows, we draw our bows.. print book. Art
  98. Hua yang nian hua / USA Films ; Chun guan ying hua, Paradis Films present a Jet Tone Films production ; bian ju, dao yen, Jian zhi, Wang Jiawei.. streaming video.
  99. The human condition / edited by Shannon Jackson.. print book. Art
  100. The human condition / edited by Shannon Jackson.. print book. Art
  101. Human diversity in education : an intercultural approach / Kenneth H. Cushner, Averil McClelland, Philip Safford, Hyla Cushner.. ebook. Education
  102. Human empire : mobility and demographic thought in the British Atlantic world, 1500-1800 / Ted McCormick.. print book. History
  103. Human factors and ergonomics in practice : improving system performance and human well-being in the real world / edited by Steven Shorrock, Claire Williams.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  104. The human kaboom / Adam Rubin ; illustrated by Daniel Salmieri, Gracey Zhang, Rodolfo Montalvo, Daniel Gray-Barnett, Marta Altés, Adam de Souza.. print book. Education
  105. The human scale / Final Cut For Real presents ; a film by Andreas M. Dalsgaard.. streaming video.
  106. The human scale / Final Cut For Real presents ; a film by Andreas M. Dalsgaard.. streaming video.
  107. Human security : theory and action / David Andersen-Rodgers, California State University, Sacramento, Kerry F. Crawford, James Madison University.. ebook. Political Science
  108. Humanizing LIS education and practice : diversity by design / edited by Keren Dali and Nadia Caidi.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  109. Humankind and the cosmos : early Christian representations / by Doru Costache.. print book. Philosophy
  110. HUME ON THE NATURE OF MORALITY.. print book. Philosophy
  111. Hume's imagination / Tito Magri.. print book. Philosophy
  112. Humoresque : for piano solo / Nikolai Tcherepnin.. music score (printed). Music
  113. Hungry for change / Permacology Productions presents a FoodMatters film ; a film by James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch ; directed by James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch.. streaming video. English
  114. The hungry road / Marita Conlon-McKenna.. print book.
  115. Hungry town : a novel / Jason Kapcala.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  116. The hunting ground / Radius ; CNN Films ; Regina K. Scully, Paul Blavin presents, in association with CANAL+, Cuomo Cole Productions, Minerva Productions, ro*co Films, IMPACT Partners ; a film by Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering ; written & directed by Kirby Di. streaming video.
  117. Hurry up! : a book about slowing down / written by Kate Dopirak ; illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal.. print book. Education
  118. The hurting kind : poems / Ada Limón.. print book.
  119. The hurting kind : poems / Ada Limón.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  120. Hurvin Anderson / introduction by Courtney J. Martin ; essay by Catherine Lampert ; poems by Roger Robinson ; chronology by Jeff Alford and Jordan Bosher.. print book. Art
  121. Hustle and gig : struggling and surviving in the sharing economy / Alexandrea J. Ravenelle.. print book. Business
  122. Hva vil folk si / Mer Film, presenter ; i samproduksjon med Rohfilm Factory, Film I Väst, Zentropa Sweden, ZDF/Das Kleine Fernsehspiel ; i samarbeid med Arte ; en film av Iram Haq ; manus & regi, Iram Haq ; produsent, Maria Ekerhovd.. streaming video. Anthropology
  123. Hybrid healing : Old English remedies and medical texts / Lori Ann Garner.. print book. History
  124. Hybridity in early modern art / edited by Ashley Elston and Madeline Rislow.. print book. Art
  125. Hymne à Apollõn : pour solo, chœurs et orchestre / Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music

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  1. I almost forgot : unpublished Colin Rowe / edited by Daniel Naegele with Zhengyang Hua.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  2. I always knew : a memoir / Barbara Chase-Riboud.. print book. Art
  3. I am a bird / Hope Lim ; illustrated by Hyewon Yum.. print book. Education
  4. I am here : home movies and everyday masterpieces.. print book. Art
  5. "I am myn owene woman, wel at ese" : in memory of Margaret Jennings / contributions by Francis P. Kilcoyne, Mary Florence Burns, C.S.J., Eugene Crook, Michael Haren, and Siegfried Wenzel ; with Margaret Jennings's essay "Eyewitness: Ranulf Higden and the. print book. Philosophy
  6. I am not your negro / Velvet Film, Inc. (USA), Velvet Film (France) present in coproduction with Artémis Productions, Close Up Films ; in coproduction with ARTE France, Independent Lens, RTS Radio Télévision Suisse, RTBF (Télévision belge), Sheffer P. streaming video.
  7. I am sparkling : N.V. Parekh and his portrait studio clients : Mombasa, Kenya, 1940-1980 / text by Isolde Brielmaier ; preface by Wangechi Mutu.. print book. Art
  8. I am wind, you are fire : the life and work of Rumi / Annemarie Schimmel.. print book.
  9. I am woman / by Yvonne M. Johnson.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  10. I'd like to be the window for a wise old dog / words and pictures by Philip Stead.. print book. Education
  11. I did it! / Michael Emberley.. print book. Education
  12. I forgive Alex : a simple story about understanding / Kerascoët.. print book. Education
  13. I have some questions for you / Rebecca Makkai.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  14. I'll be your mirror : art and the digital screen / edited by Alison Hearst ; with contributions by Alison Hearst, Omar Kholeif, Tina Rivers Ryan, and John Suler.. print book. Art
  15. I'll root for you and other poems / written by Edward van de Vendel ; illustrated by Wolf Erlbruch ; translated by David Colmer.. print book. Education
  16. I'll take care of you / Maria Loretta Giraldo, Nicoletta Bertelle ; translated by Johanna McCalmont.. print book. Education
  17. I love being me! / by Mechal Renee Roe.. print book. Education
  18. I love you, Blue / art and story by Barroux.. print book. Education
  19. I'm not small / Nina Crews.. print book. Education
  20. I'm terrified of bath time / Simon Rich ; illustrated by Tom Toro.. print book. Education
  21. I need a hug = Necesito un abrazo / Aaron Blabey ; translated by María Domínguez.. print book. Education
  22. I paint what I want to see / Philip Guston.. print book. Art
  23. I take my coffee black : reflections on Tupac, musical theater, faith, and being Black in America / Tyler Merritt with David Tieche ; foreword by Jimmy Kimmel.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  24. The Iberian world, 1450-1820 / edited by Fernando Bouza, Pedro Cardim, and Antonio Feros.. print book. History
  25. Ice / Meghann Riepenhoff.. print book. Art
  26. The ice cream machine / Adam Rubin ; illustrated by Daniel Salmieri, Charles Santoso, Liniers, Emily Hughes, Nicole Miles, Seaerra Miller.. print book. Education
  27. The Ickabog / J.K. Rowling ; with illustrations by the winners of The Ickabog illustration competition.. print book. Education
  28. The idea of world : public intellect and use of life / Paolo Virno ; translated by Lorenzo Chiesa.. print book. Philosophy
  29. Identity / Erica Shumener.. print book. Philosophy
  30. Identity and history in non-Anglophone comics / edited by Harriet E.H. Earle and Martin Lund.. print book. English
  31. Identity, home and writing elsewhere in contemporary Chinese diaspora poetry / Jennifer Wong.. print book. English
  32. Identity pitches / Stine Janvin, Cory Arcangel.. print book. Art
  33. Ideological fixation : from the Stone Age to today's culture wars / Azar Gat.. print book. Philosophy
  34. Idols & rivals : artistic competition in Antiquity and the Early Modern Era / edited by Gudrun Swoboda.. print book. Art
  35. If an Egyptian cannot speak English : a novel / Noor Naga.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  36. IF I HAD A HAMMER. print book. Art
  37. If I survive you / Jonathan Escoffery.. print book. Education
  38. If these apples should fall : Cézanne and the present / T.J. Clark.. print book. Art
  39. If you come softly / Jacqueline Woodson.. print book. Education
  40. If you live here / written by Kate Gardner ; illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal.. print book. Education
  41. If you lived here : houses of the world / Giles Laroche.. print book. Education
  42. If you want to knit some mittens / Laura Purdie Salas ; illustrated by Angela Matteson.. print book. Education
  43. If your monster won't go to bed / written by Denise Vega ; illustrated by Zachariah Ohora.. print book. Education
  44. Ignorance and moral responsibility / Michael J. Zimmerman.. print book. Philosophy
  45. Igor Mitoraj : Agrigento, Valle dei Templi / text by Francesco Buranelli ; photographs by Mario Ciampi ; [translation by Katy Hannan].. print book. Art
  46. Ilana Halperin : felt events / edited by Catriona McAra.. print book. Art
  47. Iljuwas Bill Reid : life & work / by Gerald McMaster.. print book. Art
  48. The Illusion of Control Why Financial Crises Happen, and What We Can (and Can't) Do about It Jón Daníelsson. ebook. Business
  49. Illusions of progress : business, poverty, and liberalism in the American century / Brent Cebul.. print book. History
  50. Im Yunjidang / Sungmoon Kim, City University of Hong Kong.. print book. Philosophy
  51. Image of God : the problem of evil and the problem of mourning / Eleonore Stump. print book. Philosophy
  52. Image : pour flûte seule / Eugène Bozza.. music score (printed). Music
  53. Image, text, music / Catherine Taylor.. print book. Art
  54. Imágenes transpacíficas : los descendientes del dragón en la literatura latinoamericana (2000-2020) / Tong Wu.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  55. The imagery and politics of sexual violence in early Renaissance Italy / Péter Bokody, University of Plymouth.. print book. Art
  56. Images of the present time, 2001-2004 / Alain Badiou ; translated by Susan Spitzer ; introduction by Kenneth Reinhard.. print book. Philosophy
  57. Imaginary empires : women writers and alternative futures in early US literature / Maria O'Malley.. print book. English
  58. Imagination and participation : next steps in public library architecture / Joyce Sternheim & Rob Bruijnzeels ; translation, Jane Tee.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  59. Imagining Central America : short histories / Serena Cosgrove and Isabeau J. Belisle Dempsey.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  60. Imagining Latinidad : digital diasporas and public engagement among Latin American migrants / edited by David S. Dalton, David Ramírez Plascencia.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
  61. Imagining the Celtic past in modern fantasy / edited by Dimitra Fimi and Alastair J.P. Sims.. print book. English
  62. Immaterial : rules in contemporary art / Sherri Irvin.. print book. Art
  63. An immense world : how animal senses reveal the hidden realms around us / Ed Yong.. ebook. Education
  64. An immense world : how animal senses reveal the hidden realms around us / Ed Yong.. print book. Education
  65. The impact of everyday language change on the practices of visual artists / Darryl Hocking.. print book. Art
  66. Impasse Ronsin : murder, love, and art in the heart of Paris / authors: Phyllida Barlow [and thirty-five others] ; artists: Eva Aeppli [and forty-three others] ; editor: Museum Tinguely ; editing: Giorgio Bloch, Adrian Dannatt, Andres Pardey ; translation. print book. Art
  67. Imperfectionist aesthetics in art and everyday life / edited by Peter Cheyne.. print book. Philosophy
  68. Impermanent blackness : the making and unmaking of interracial literary culture in modern America / Korey Garibaldi. print book. English
  69. Implementing excellence in diversity, equity, and inclusion : a handbook for academic libraries / edited by Corliss Lee and Brian Lym ; with Tatiana Bryant, Jonathan Cain, and Kenneth Schlesinger.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  70. The impossible office? : the history of the British prime minister / Anthony Seldon ; with Jonathan Meakin and Illias Thoms.. print book. History
  71. Impressing the earth : a nature printing workshop.. print book. Special Collections
  72. Improving integrated pest management in horticulture / Rosemary Collier.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  73. Improving soil health / edited by William R. Horwath.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  74. Improving the nutritional and nutraceutical properties of wheat and other cereals / edited by Trust Beta.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  75. Improvisation and waltz : for flute and organ (2022) / Samuel Adler.. music score (printed). Music
  76. Improvisation for classical musicians : strategies for creativity and expression / Eugene Friesen with Wendy M. Friesen ; edited by Jonathan Feist.. print book. Music
  77. Improvisation : for piano solo / Nikolai Tcherepnin.. music score (printed). Music
  78. Improvisation matrix : for any instrument or combination of instruments (open length) (1978) / Robert Rodriguez.. music score (printed). Music
  79. Improvising the score : rethinking modern film music through jazz / Gretchen L. Carlson.. print book. Music
  80. In a jar / Deborah Marcero.. print book. Education
  81. In Asian waters : oceanic worlds from Yemen to Yokohama / Eric Tagliacozzo.. print book. History
  82. In camera : Francis Bacon : photography, film and the practice of painting / Martin Harrison.. print book. Art
  83. In common things : commerce, culture, and ecology in British Romantic literature / Matthew Rowney.. print book. English
  84. In consciousness we trust : the cognitive neuroscience of subjective experience / Hakwan Lau.. print book. Philosophy
  85. In conversation with Karen Barad : doings of agential realism / edited by Karin Murris and Vivienne Bozalek.. print book. Philosophy
  86. In emergency, break glass : what Nietzsche can teach us about joyful living in a tech-saturated world / Nate Anderson.. print book. Philosophy
  87. In Hitler's Munich : Jews, the revolution, and the rise of Nazism / Michael Brenner ; translated by Jeremiah Riemer.. print book. History
  88. In search of a theory of everything : the philosophy behind physics / Demetris Nicolaides.. ebook. Physics
  89. In search of Appalachia / Nancy Brown Diggs.. ebook. Appalachian Studies
  90. In search of liberty : African American internationalism in the nineteenth-century Atlantic world / edited by Ronald Angelo Johnson and Ousmane K. Power-Greene.. print book. History
  91. In search of our mothers' gardens : womanist prose / Alice Walker.. print book. English
  92. In Search of Perfect Harmony : Tartini's Music and Music Theory in Local and European Contexts / Nejc Sukljan, (ed.).. print book. Music
  93. In the aisles : = In den Gängen / ein Film der ??? Filmproduktion. streaming video. German
  94. In the best interests of the children / direction by Elizabeth Stevens, Cathy Zheutlin, Frances Reid ; an Iris Films/Iris Feminist Collective, Inc. production.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
  95. In the Black fantastic / Ekow Eshun.. print book. Art
  96. In the brightness of place : topological thinking with and after Heidegger / Jeff Malpas.. print book. Philosophy
  97. In the house of the serpent handler : a story of faith and fleeting fame in the age of social media / Julia C. Duin.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  98. In the key of us / Mariama J. Lockington.. print book. Education
  99. In the round / Angelica Mesiti ; editors Tessa Giblin and Melissa MacRobert.. print book. Art
  100. In the shadow of Auschwitz : German massacres against Polish civilians, 1939-1945 / Daniel Brewing ; translated by Alex Skinner.. print book. History
  101. In the shadow of the Caesars : Jewish life in Roman Italy / by Samuele Rocca.. ebook. Classical Studies
  102. Incantation and dance : for oboe and piano / William Grant Still.. music score (printed). Music
  103. Inclusions : Aesthetics of the Capitalocene / Nicolas Bourriaud.. print book. Art
  104. Income inequality in America : a reference handbook / Stacey M. Jones and Robert S. Rycroft.. ebook. Business
  105. Incomprehensible certainty : metaphysics and hermeneutics of the image / Thomas Pfau.. print book. Philosophy
  106. Incontro : for violin and piano / John Harbison.. music score (printed). Music
  107. Indexing of crystal diffraction patterns : from crystallography basics to methods of automatic indexing / Adam Morawiec.. ebook. Chemistry
  108. India is broken : a people betrayed, independence to today / Ashoka Mody.. ebook. Business
  109. Indigeneity and the decolonizing gaze : transnational imaginaries, media aesthetics, and social thought / Robert Stam.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  110. Indigenous African popular music. Volume 2, Social crusades and the future / Abiodun Salawu, Israel A. Fadipe, editors.. print book. Music
  111. Indigenous African popular music. Volume I, Prophets and philosophers / Abiodun Salawu, Israel A. Fadipe, editors.. print book. Music
  112. Indigenous continent : the epic contest for North America / Pekka Hämäläinen.. print book. History
  113. The Indigenous paleolithic of the western hemisphere / Paulette F. C. Steeves.. ebook. Anthropology
  114. Indigenous public health : improvement through community-engaged interventions / edited by Linda Burhansstipanov and Kathryn L. Braun.. print book.
  115. Indigo dreaming / written by Dinah Johnson ; illustrated by Anna Cunha.. print book. Education
  116. Indoctrination to hate : recruitment techniques of hate groups and how to stop them / Edward W. Dunbar, editor.. ebook. Psychology
  117. The infinite / authors: Marie Brassard [and 10 others] ; co-editors: Marie Brassard, Phoebe Greenberg.. print book. Art
  118. Influence empire : inside the story of Tencent and China's tech ambition / Lulu Yilun Chen.. print book. Business
  119. Information regarding the Louisville tobacco market / compliments of the Tobacco Trade of Louisville.. print book.
  120. The information revolution in early modern Europe / Paul M. Dover, Kennesaw State University.. print book. History
  121. Information science : the basics / Judith Pintar and David Hopping.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  122. Informing design / edited by Joan Dickinson, John P. Marsden.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  123. Infrastructure and form : the global networks of Indian contemporary art, 1991-2008 / Karin Zitzewitz.. print book. Art
  124. Ink : a novel / Angela Woodward.. print book.
  125. Innovation in the arts : concepts, theories, and practices / Jason C. White.. ebook. Arts Administration
  126. Innovation in the arts : concepts, theories, and practices / Jason C. White.. print book. Arts Administration
  127. Inquiry-based practice in social studies education : understanding the inquiry design model / S.G. Grant, Kathy Swan, and John Lee.. print book. Education
  128. Inquiry-based practice in social studies education : understanding the inquiry design model / S.G. Grant, Kathy Swan, and John Lee.. ebook. Education
  129. Inscriptions : architecture before speech / [edited by] K. Michael Hays, Andrew Holder.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  130. Inside Milan / Nicolò Castellini Baldissera ; photography Guido Taroni.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  131. Insights on fashion journalism / edited by Rosie Findlay and Johannes Reponen.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  132. Insolubilia / Thomas Bradwardine ; introduction, translation, and notes by Stephen Read.. print book. Philosophy
  133. Inspired : understanding creativity : a journey through art, science, and the soul / Matt Richtel.. print book. Education
  134. Institutional character : collectivity, individuality, and the modernist novel / Robert Higney.. print book. English
  135. Institutions & the city : the role of architecture / [authors, Delphine Dulong, Dietmar Eberle, Christian Gilot, Gérald Ledent, Sophia Psarra, Cécile Vandernoot ; editors, Gérald Ledent, Cécile Vandernoot].. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  136. Instructional design essentials : a practical guide for librarians / Sean Cordes.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  137. Instructional design for LIS professionals : a guide for teaching librarians and information science professionals / Melissa A. Wong.. print book. Library & Information Science
  138. The insurgent's dilemma : a struggle to prevail / David H. Ucko.. print book. Political Science
  139. Integrated design in contemporary architecture [electronic resource] / Kiel Moe.. ebook.
  140. Integrating meta-heuristics and machine learning for real-world optimization problems / Essam H. Houssein, Mohamed Abd Elaziz, Diego Oliva, Laith Abualigah, editors.. ebook. Mathematics
  141. Integrating pop culture into the academic library / edited by Melissa E. Johnson, Thomas Weeks, Jennifer Putnam-Davis.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  142. Interactive architecture [electronic resource] / Michael Fox and Miles Kemp.. ebook.
  143. Interim leadership in libraries : building relationships, making decisions, and moving on / edited by Jennifer E. Knievel and Leslie J. Reynolds.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  144. Interior design concept : critical practices, processes and explorations in interior architecture and design / Natalie Badenduck.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  145. The interior design reference + specification book : everything interior designers need to know every day / Chris Grimley + Mimi Love.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  146. Interior design research methods / Lily B. Robinson.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  147. Interiors in the era of Covid-19 : interior design between the public and private realms / [edited by] Penny Sparke, Eris Ioannidou, Pat Kirkham, Stephen Knott, Jana Scholze.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  148. Intermedia / edited by Ursula Frohne ; with an introduction by Rachael Z. DeLue, and essays by Anna Arabindan-Kesson, Maggie M. Cao, Sebastian Egenhofer, Eva Ehninger, Natilee Harren, Michelle Smiley.. print book. Art
  149. Intermezzo drammatico : (aus einem orientalischen Märchenspiel) : für kleines Orchester / Ture Rangström.. music score (printed). Music
  150. Intermezzo from the opera "Goyescas" : for violoncello and guitar / Enrique Granados ; transcribed and edited by Valter Dešpalj ; guitar part edited by Petrit Çeku.. music score (printed). Music
  151. International discourses of authoritarian populism : varieties and approaches / edited by Ludwig Deringer, Liane Ströbel.. ebook. Political Science
  152. International LGBTQ+ literature for children and young adults / edited by B.J. Epstein and Elizabeth L Chapman.. print book. Education
  153. International sales law--CISG in a nutshell / Franco Ferrari, Marco Torsello.. print book. Law
  154. International taxation in a nutshell / Mindy Herzfeld.. print book. Law
  155. Internet for the people : the fight for our digital future / Ben Tarnoff.. ebook. Business
  156. Internet for the people : the fight for our digital future / Ben Tarnoff.. print book. Business
  157. The Internet is not what you think it is : a history, a philosophy, a warning / Justin E.H. Smith.. print book. Philosophy
  158. The interpersonal theory of suicide : guidance for working with suicidal clients / Thomas E. Joiner Jr. [and others].. ebook. Psychology
  159. Interpreting art / Sam Rose.. print book. Art
  160. Intersecting film, music, and queerness / Jack Curtis Dubowsky.. print book. Music
  161. The intersection of class and space in British postwar writing : kitchen sink aesthetics / Simon Lee.. print book. English
  162. Intersectional tech : Black users in digital gaming / Kishonna L. Gray ; foreword by Anita Sarkeesian.. print book. Philosophy
  163. Intersections of open educational resources and information literacy / edited by Mary Ann Cullen and Elizabeth Dill. ebook. Library & Information Science
  164. Intertwining : selected projects 1989-1995 / Steven Holl.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  165. La Intervención : for piano (2002) / Angelica Negron.. music score (printed). Music
  166. Into the fantastical spaces of contemporary Japanese literature / edited by Mina Qiao.. ebook. Asian Studies
  167. Introduction a la vie deuote. Par François de Sales, Euesque de Geneue.. print book.
  169. Introduction, andante and allegro : for orchestra (2018) / Chen Yi.. music score (printed). Music
  170. An introduction to Black studies / Eric R. Jackson.. print book.
  171. An introduction to cold and ultracold chemistry : atoms, molecules, ions and Rydbergs / Jesús Pérez Ríos.. ebook. Chemistry
  172. Introduction to Concept Mapping in Nursing : Critical Thinking in Action / Patricia Schmehl.. ebook. Medicine
  173. Introduction to data science : data analysis and prediction algorithms with R / Rafael A. Irizarry.. print book. Physics
  174. Introduction to digital humanities : enhancing scholarship with the use of technology / Kathryn C. Wymer.. ebook. History
  175. Introduction to graphic design : a guide to thinking, process, and style / Aaris Sherin.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  176. An introduction to Hegel's lectures on the philosophy of religion : the issue of religious content in the enlightenment and romanticism / Jon Stewart.. print book. Philosophy
  177. Introduction to interrater agreement for nominal data / Roel Popping.. print book. Physics
  178. An Introduction to Japanese Society.. ebook.
  179. An introduction to poetic forms / edited by Patrick Gill.. print book. English
  180. An introduction to quantum mechanics : from facts to formalism / Tilak Sinha (Narasinha Dutt College, Howrah, India).. ebook. Physics
  181. An introduction to queer literary studies : reading queerly / Will Stockton.. print book. English
  182. INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICAL CONCEPTS.. print book. Statistics
  183. Invasion of the unicorns / David Biedrzycki.. print book. Education
  184. Inventing mobility for all : mastering mobility-as-a-service with self-driving vehicles / Andreas Herrmann, Johann Jungwirth.. ebook. Geography
  185. Invention II : (trio for violin, viola & violoncello) / Carlos Chávez.. music score (printed). Music
  186. The invention of international order : remaking Europe after Napoleon / Glenda Sluga.. print book. History
  187. The invention of nature : the adventures of Alexander von Humboldt, the lost hero of science / Andrea Wulf.. print book. History
  188. The invention of the white race. Volume one, Racial oppression and social control / Theodore W. Allen.. ebook. Sociology
  189. The invention of the white race. Volume two, The origin of racial oppression in Anglo-America / Theodore W. Allen ; introduction by Jeffrey B. Perry.. ebook. Sociology
  190. Investigating Google's search engine : ethics, algorithms, and the machines built to read us / Rosie Graham.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  191. Invisible / written by Christina Diaz Gonzalez ; illustrated by Gabriela Epstein ; with color by Lark Pien.. print book. Education
  192. Invisible founders : how two centuries of African American families transformed a plantation into a college / Lynn Rainville.. ebook. History
  193. The invisible kingdom : reimagining chronic illness / Meghan O'Rourke.. print book. Education
  194. Io : acte de ballet / Jean-Philippe Rameau ; edited by Thomas Soury.. music score (printed). Music
  195. Iphigenie auf Tauris / Christoph Willibald Ritter von Gluck ; Musikdrama in vier Augzugen von = musical drama in four acts by Nicolas-Franc̜ois Guillard ; Deutsche Fassung von = German version by Johann Baptist von Alxinger and Christoph Willibald Gluck ;. music score (printed). Music

Ir - Iz

  1. Iran Do Espirito Santo / edited by Samuel Titan.. print book. Art
  2. Iran : five millennia of art and culture / for the Museum für Islamische Kunst - Staatliche Museen zu Berlin ; edited by Ute Franke, Ina Sarikhani and Stefan Weber.. print book. Art
  3. Ireland, revolution, and the English modernist imagination / Eve Patten.. print book. English
  4. Ireland, slavery and the Caribbean : interdisciplinary perspectives / edited by Finola O'Kane and Ciarán O'Neill.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  5. Irish culture and "the people" : populism and its discontents / Seamus O'Malley.. print book. English
  6. Irreversible damage : the transgender craze seducing our daughters / Abigail Shrier.. print book. Education
  7. Irvin family papers. print book. Special Collections
  8. Is it morning for you yet ?: 58th Carnegie International / organized by Sohrab Mohebbi, the Kathe and Jim Patrinos curator, and associate curator Rhyan Inouye with curatorial assistant Talia Heiman.. print book. Art
  9. Isabel and her colores go to school / written by Alexandra Alessandri ; illustrated by Courtney Dawson.. print book. Education
  10. Ishi's return / directed by Chris Eyre and Roberta Grossman, written by Sophie Sartain.. streaming video.
  11. Ishi's return / directed by Chris Eyre and Roberta Grossman, written by Sophie Sartain.. streaming video. Anthropology
  12. Islam and the trajectory of globalization : rational idealism and the structure of world history / Louay M. Safi.. print book. Philosophy
  13. The island of missing trees : a novel / Elif Shafak ; illustrations, Josie Staveley-Taylor.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  14. It came from the closet : queer reflections on horror / edited by Joe Vallese ; interior illustrations by Bishakh Som.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  15. It comes at night / A24 presents an Animal Kingdom production ; produced by David Kaplan and Andrea Roa ; written and directed by Trey Edwards Shults.. streaming video. English
  16. It's elementary : talking about gay issues in school / directed by Debra Chasnoff; produced by Helen S. Cohen and Debra Chasnoff.. streaming video.
  17. It's my life / Stacie Ramey.. print book. Education
  18. It's my life / Stacie Ramey.. print book. Education
  19. It's OK to be angry about capitalism / Bernie Sanders with John Nichols.. ebook. Business
  20. It's OK to be angry about capitalism / Bernie Sanders, with John Nichols.. print book. Business
  21. It's so difficult / written and illustrated by Guridi ; translated by Lawrence Schimel.. print book. Education
  22. It won't always be like this : a graphic memoir / Malaka Gharib ; colorist, Toby Leigh.. print book. Art
  23. Italian imprints on twentieth-century architecture / edited by Denise Costanzo and Andrew Leach.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  24. Italian Threads : MITA Textile Design 1926-1976 / Exhibition curated by Matteo Fochessati, Gianni Franzone.. print book. Art
  25. Italy, Cyprus, and artistic exchange in the Medieval Mediterranean / Anthi Andronikou, University of St. Andrews.. print book. Art
  26. Ivan the Terrible, Part 2 : the boyars' plot / written and directed by Sergei Eisenstein.. streaming video.
  27. Ivo van Hove : from Shakespeare to David Bowie / edited by Susan Bennett and Sonia Massai.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  28. Ixcanul = Volcáno / La Casa de Producción, Tu Vas Voir presentan ; una película de Jayro Bustamante ; productores, Marina Peralta, Pilar Peredo, Edgard Tenembaum, Jayro Bustamante ; guión, Jayro Bustamante.. streaming video.
  29. Ixcanul = Volcáno / La Casa de Producción, Tu Vas Voir presentan ; una película de Jayro Bustamante ; productores, Marina Peralta, Pilar Peredo, Edgard Tenembaum, Jayro Bustamante ; guión, Jayro Bustamante.. streaming video. Hispanic Studies


  1. J'accuse.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  2. J. S. Hughes letter. print book. Special Collections
  3. Jabari tries / Gaia Cornwall.. print book. Education
  4. Jack Horner : dinosaur hunter / written by Sophia Gholz ; illustrated by Dave Shephard.. print book. Education
  5. Jack London and the sea / Anita Duneer.. print book. English
  6. Jack Whitten : Cosmic soul / Richard Shiff.. print book. Art
  7. Jacqueline Humphries / Frances Guerin.. print book. Art
  8. Jacqueline Humphries : jH Omega 1:). print book. Art
  9. James Clarence Cooper correspondence. print book. Special Collections
  10. James Gillray : a revolution in satire / Tim Clayton.. print book. Art
  11. James Joyce and photography / Georgina Binnie-Wright.. print book. English
  12. James Joyce and the internal world of the replacement child / Mary Adams.. print book. English
  13. James Joyce and the Irish revolution : the Easter Rising as modern event / Luke Gibbons.. print book. English
  14. Jan Tinbergen (1903-1994) and the rise of economic expertise / Erwin Dekker (Erasmus University Rotterdam).. print book. History
  15. Jane : an abortion service / a documentary by Kate Kirtz and Nell Lundy.. streaming video.
  16. Jane : an abortion service / a documentary by Kate Kirtz and Nell Lundy.. streaming video. Sociology
  17. Jane Austen and other minds : ordinary language philosophy in literary fiction / Eric Reid Lindstrom, University of Vermont.. print book. English
  18. Jane Austen, sex, and romance : engaging with desire in the novels and beyond / Edited By Nora Nachumi And Stephanie Oppenheim.. print book. English
  19. Janeway's immunobiology / Kenneth Murphy, Casey Weaver, Leslie Berg ; with contribution by Gregory Barton.. print book. Medicine
  20. Jannis Kounellis in six acts / edited by Vincenzo de Bellis; with contributions by Michelle Coudray, Vincenzo de Bellis, Claire Gilman, Kit Hammonds, William Hernández Luege, Jannis Kounellis, Ara H. Merjian.. print book. Art
  21. Japan, 1941 : between Pan-Asianism and the West / John E. Moser.. print book. History
  22. Japan : arts and life : the Montgomery collection / edited by Francesco Paolo Campione ; in collaboration with Moira Luraschi.. print book. Art
  23. Japan in the Heisei era (1989-2019) : multidisciplinary perspectives / edited by Noriko Murai, Jeffrey Kingston, Tina Burrett.. ebook. Asian Studies
  24. The Japanese economy during the Great Depression : the emergence of macroeconomic policy in a small and open economy, 1931-1936 / Masato Shizume.. print book. History
  25. Jasmina Cibic - most favoured nation / text by Maja Fowkes, Reuben Fowkes, Tevž Logar, Marijana Schneider.. print book. Art
  26. Jason : a dramatic cantata : for solo voices, chorus, and orchestra : (op. 26) / the poem written by William Grist ; the music composed by A. C. Mackenzie.. music score (printed). Music
  27. The JASPER model for children with autism : promoting joint attention, symbolic play, engagement, and regulation / Connie Kasari, Amanda C. Gulsrud, Stephanie Y. Shire, and Christina Strawbridge.. print book. Education
  28. Jaune Quick-to-See Smith : memory map / Laura Phipps ; with contributions by Neal Ambrose-Smith [and 13 others].. print book. Art
  29. Jayden's impossible garden / Mélina Mangal ; illustrated by Ken Daley.. print book. Education
  30. Jayhawkers / 9th Street Studios presents ; a Through a Glass production ; in association with Audax Films ; a Kevin Willmott film.. streaming video. Education
  31. Jayhawkers / 9th Street Studios presents ; a Through a Glass production ; in association with Audax Films ; a Kevin Willmott film.. streaming video.
  32. Jazz Italian style : from its origins in New Orleans to fascist Italy and Sinatra / Anna Harwell Celenza.. print book. Music
  33. J.D. and the family business / written by J. Dillard ; illustrated by Akeem S. Roberts.. print book. Education
  34. J.D. and the great barber battle / written by J. Dillard ; illustrated by Akeem S. Roberts.. print book. Education
  35. J.D. and the hair show showdown / written by J. Dillard ; illustrated by Akeem S. Roberts.. print book. Education
  36. Je te veux : for medium/low voice and piano / Erik Satie.. music score (printed). Music
  37. Jean Gabin : the actor who was France / Joseph Harriss.. print book.
  38. Jean Jullien / [Jean Jullien].. print book. Art
  39. Jean-Michel Basquiat : king pleasure / by the family of Jean-Michel Basquiat ; Lisane Basquiat, Jeanine Heriveaux, Nora Fitzpatrick.. print book. Art
  40. Jeanne d'arc au bûcher : scène dramatique / Franz Liszt ; a cura di Mariateresa Storino.. music score (printed). Music
  41. Jeanne Dielman, 23 Commerce Quay, 1080 Brussels = Jeanne Dielman, 23, Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles / Paradise Films et Unite Trois présentent ; un film écrit et réalisé par Chantal Anne Akerman.. streaming video. Philosophy
  42. Jeanne Dielman, 23 Commerce Quay, 1080 Brussels = Jeanne Dielman, 23, Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles / Paradise Films et Unite Trois présentent ; un film écrit et réalisé par Chantal Anne Akerman.. streaming video.
  43. Jennifer Chan is not alone / Tae Keller.. print book. Education
  44. Jennifer West : media archaeology / edited by Andy Campbell and Chelsea Weathers.. print book. Art
  45. Jessica Lange : an adventurer's heart / Anthony Uzarowski.. print book.
  46. Jesus in art and literature / Pierre-Marie Dumont ; with the collaboration of Mario Choueiry ; preface by Edwart Vignot ; translated by Michael J. Miller.. print book. Art
  47. La jetée / Argos-Films présente ; avec la participation du Service de la Recherche de la R.T.F. ; un photo-roman de Chris Marker.. streaming video. Philosophy
  48. Le jeune Karl Marx = The young Karl Marx / réalisé par Raoul Peck ; scénario et dialogues, Pascal Bonitzer et Raoul Peck ; produit par Nicolas Blanc, Robert Guédiguian, Rémi Grellety, Raoul Peck ; produit par Agat Films & Cie et Velvet Film ; en copr. streaming video. German
  49. Jewish culture between Canon and Heresy / David Biale.. print book. History
  50. Jewish emigration, 1938-1940, Rublee negotiations, and Intergovernmental Committee / introduction by John Mendelsohn.. print book. History
  51. Jewish emigration from 1933 to the Evian Conference of 1938 / introduction by John Mendelsohn.. print book. History
  52. Jewish emigration : the S.S. St. Louis affair and other cases / introduction by John Mendelsohn.. print book. History
  53. Jewish imaginaries of the Spanish Civil War : in search of poetic justice / edited by Cynthia Gabbay.. print book. English
  54. The Jews of summer : summer camp and Jewish culture in postwar America / Sandra Fox.. print book. History
  55. Jill Magid : tender / edited by Karsten Lund.. print book. Art
  56. Jimmy DeSana : Submission / by Drew Sawyer ; epilogue Laurie Simmons.. print book. Art
  57. Jiri Hauschka / Martin Dostál, Edward Lucie-Smith.. print book. Art
  58. Joan Brown / edited by Janet Bishop and Nancy Lim.. print book. Art
  59. Joaquín Sorolla : painter of light / edited by Micol Forti and Consuelo Luca de Tena.. print book. Art
  60. Joel Sanders : writings and projects / foreword by Terence Riley ; introduction by Joseph Rosa.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  61. Johann Gottfried Schadow : embracing forms / for the Nationalgalerie - Staatliche Museen zu Berlin edited by Yvette Deseyve in collaboration with Sintje Guericke.. print book. Art
  62. John J. Pershing and the American Expeditionary Forces in World War I, 1917-1919 / John T. Greenwood.. print book.
  63. John Luckey estate inventory and appraisal. print book.
  64. John Rawls and environmental justice : implementing a sustainable and socially just future / John Töns.. print book. Philosophy
  65. John Rawls and the common good / edited by Roberto Luppi.. print book. Philosophy
  66. John's turn / Mac Barnett ; illustrated by Kate Berube.. print book. Education
  67. The Johns Hopkins manual of gynecology and obstetrics / Betty Chou, editor.. ebook. Medicine
  68. Jollof Rice and other revolutions : a novel in interlocking stories / Omolola Ijeoma Ogunyemi.. print book. Education
  69. The Jorge Tacla archives / Florencia San Martín ; English translation, Kristina Cordero.. print book. Art
  70. Josef Albers : homage to the square, 1950-1976 ; towards a history of twentieth century art / edited by Heinz Liesbrock.. print book. Art
  71. Josef Albers, late modernism, and pedagogic form / Jeffrey Saletnik.. print book. Art
  72. Josef Hoffmann, 1870-1956 : progress through beauty : the guide to his oeuvre / edited by Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Matthias Boeckl, Rainald Franz, Christian Witt-Dörring.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  73. Joseph Stella : visionary nature / contributions by Stephanie Mayer Heydt, Ellen E. Roberts, Karli Wurzelbacher, Ara H. Merjian, and Audrey Lewis. print book. Art
  74. Joueurs de flûte : quatre pieces pour flûte et piano, op. 27 = four pieces for flute and piano / Albert Roussel.. music score (printed). Music
  75. Journalism and the Russo-Japanese War : the end of the golden age of combat correspondence / Michael S. Sweeney and Natascha Toft Roelsgaard.. print book. History
  76. Journalism next : a practical guide to digital reporting and publishing / Mark Briggs ; foreword by John Clark.. print book. Journalism & Media
  77. Journey - a collection of 11 destinations : for solo snare drum / Michael Varner.. music score (printed). Music
  78. Joy and laughter in Nietzsche's philosophy : alternative liberatory politics / edited by Paul E. Kirkland and Michael J. McNeal.. print book. Philosophy
  79. Joy : Kim Utzon, architect / edited by Oscar Riera Ojeda.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  80. The joy of statistics : a treasury of elementary statistical tools and their applications / Steve Selvin.. ebook. Statistics
  81. Joyce without borders : circulations, sciences, media, and mortal flesh / edited by James Ramey and Norman Cheadle ; foreword by Sebastian D. G. Knowles.. print book. English
  82. The joyful science ; Idylls from Messina ; Unpublished fragments from the period of The joyful science (Spring 1881-Summer 1882) / Friedrich Nietzsche ; translated, with an afterword, by Adrian Del Caro.. print book. Philosophy
  83. J.R. Williams "To the Voters of Madison County" broadside. print book.
  84. J.R.R. Tolkien's utopianism and the classics / Hamish Williams.. print book. English
  85. JSA: Joint Security Area.. streaming video. Asian Studies
  86. Juan Negrín / Francisco de Zárate, Fer Calvi.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  87. Judgement and sense in modern French philosophy : a new reading of six thinkers / Henry Somers-Hall (Royal Holloway, University of London).. print book. Philosophy
  88. Judith Joy Ross : photographs, 1978-2015 / edited by Joshua Chuang.. print book. Art
  89. Jules et Jim = Jules and Jim / Les Films du carrosse et S.E.D.I.F. ; adaptation et dialogues, François Truffaut et Jean Gruault ; mise en scène, François Truffaut.. streaming video.
  90. Jules et Jim = Jules and Jim / Les Films du carrosse et S.E.D.I.F. ; adaptation et dialogues, François Truffaut et Jean Gruault ; mise en scène, François Truffaut.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  91. Julia Morgan : an intimate biography of the trailblazing architect / by Victoria Kastner with photography by Alexander Vertikoff.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  93. Julije Knifer : collages for meanders / edited by Cay Sophie Rabinowitz ; essays by Christian Rattemeyer and Zvonko Maković.. print book. Art
  94. Junk food politics : how beverage and fast food industries are reshaping emerging economies / Eduardo J. Gómez.. ebook. Business
  95. Junot Díaz : on the half-life of love / José David Saldívar.. print book. English
  96. Just a girl : a true story of World War II / Lia Levi ; illustrations by Jess Mason ; translated by Sylvia Notini.. print book. Education
  97. Just an ordinary woman breathing / Julie Marie Wade.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
  98. Just for you / Francesca Pirrone.. print book. Education
  99. Just get on the pill : the uneven burden of reproductive politics / Krystale E. Littlejohn.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  100. Just health : treating structural racism to heal America / Dayna Bowen Matthew.. ebook. Social Work
  101. Just war and Christian traditions / edited by Eric Patterson and J. Daryl Charles ; foreword by John Ashcroft.. print book. Philosophy
  102. Justice statistics : an extended look at crime in the United States 2022 / edited by Shana Hertz Hattis.. ebook. Sociology
  103. Juvenile justice administration in a nutshell / Barry C. Feld (Centennial Professor of Law Emeritus, University of Minnesota), Perry L. Moriearty (Associate Professor of Law, University of Minnesota).. print book. Law


  1. Kaffe Fassett's sew simple quilts & patchworks : 17 designs using Kaffe Fassett's artisan fabrics / Kaffe Fassett ; photography by Steven Wooster.. print book. Art
  2. Kaffe Fassett : the artist's eye / edited by Dennis Nothdruft.. print book. Art
  3. Kanishka Raja : I and I / edited by Lisa Fischman.. print book. Art
  4. Kant and the naturalistic turn of 18th Century philosophy / Catherine Wilson.. print book. Philosophy
  5. Kant and the problem of morality : rethinking the contemporary world / edited by Luigi Caranti and Alessandro Pinzani.. print book. Philosophy
  6. Kant, liberalism, and the meaning of life / Jeffrey Church.. print book. Philosophy
  7. Kant's conception of freedom : a developmental and critical analysis / Henry E. Allison.. print book. Philosophy
  8. Kant's critique of taste : the feeling of life / Katalin Makkai.. print book. Philosophy
  9. Kant's deontological eudaimonism : the dutiful pursuit of virtue and happiness / Jeanine M. Grenberg.. print book. Philosophy
  10. Kant's grounded cosmopolitanism : original common possession and the right to visit / Jakob Huber.. print book. Philosophy
  11. Kant's Metaphysical foundations of natural science : a critical guide / edited by Michael Bennett McNulty.. print book. Philosophy
  12. Kant's rational religion and the radical enlightenment : from Spinoza to contemporary debates / Anna Tomaszewska.. print book. Philosophy
  13. Kant's will at the crossroads : an essay on the failings of practical rationality / Jens Timmermann.. print book. Philosophy
  14. Kapwani Kiwanga / editors Clément Dirié, Kapwani Kiwanga.. print book. Art
  15. Kara Walker / edited by Vanina Géré.. print book. Art
  16. KATE ATKINSON. print book. English
  17. Katharina Grosse : studio paintings 1988-2022 : returns, revisions, inventions / edited by Sabine Eckmann ; contributions by Graham Bader, Stephan Berg, Kathleen Bühler, Sabine Eckmann, Katharina Grosse, Gregory H. Williams.. print book. Art
  18. Katherine Choy : radical potter in 1950s New Orleans / Mel Buchanan, with essay by Winston Ho.. print book. Art
  19. Katherine Jackson French : Kentucky's forgotten ballad collector / Elizabeth DiSavino.. print book. Music
  20. Katherine Mansfeld : international approaches / edited by Janka Kascakova, Gerri Kimber and Wladyslaw Witalisz.. print book. English
  21. Keep dancing / by Cristina Oxtra ; illustrated by Seb Burnett.. print book. Education
  22. Keepunumuk : Weeâchumun's Thanksgiving story / Danielle Greendeer, Anthony Perry, and Alexis Bunten ; illustrated by Garry Meeches Sr.. print book. Education
  23. Keith Tyson : iterations & variations / text by Michael Archer, Ariane Koek, Mark Rappolt, Matthew Collings and Beatrix Ruf.. print book. Art
  24. Ken Burns : the war.. streaming video.
  25. Ken Matsubara / essay by Bettina Pelz ; designed by Takaaki Matsumoto.. print book. Art
  26. Ken Scott / in collaboration with Ken Scott Foundation ; photographs, Guido Taroni ; texts, Shahidha Bari, Federico Chiara, Pierre Léonforte, Renata Molho, Peter Smithers, Isa Tutino, Velasco Vercelloni.. print book. Art
  27. Kengo Kuma [electronic resource] : selected works / Botond Bognar.. ebook.
  28. Kenneth Burke's weed garden : refiguring the mythic grounds of modern rhetoric / Kyle Jensen.. print book. Philosophy
  29. The Kentucky constitution : text and history / Aaron J. Silletto.. print book. Law
  30. The Kentucky employer's guide to hiring and firing / authored by Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs.. print book. Law
  31. A Kentucky woman's handy cook book / by Jessie Henderson Colville.. print book.
  32. Kentucky Workers' Compensation Handbook / by JSB Attorneys, PLLC.. print book. Law
  33. Ketamine / Bita Moghaddam.. ebook. Psychology
  34. Key modern architects : 50 short histories of modern architecture / Andrew Higgott.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  35. Key player / Kelly Yang.. print book. Education
  36. Keynes in action : truth and expediency in public policy / Peter Clarke.. print book. History
  37. Kick push / Frank Morrison.. print book. Education
  38. The kidnapping club : Wall Street, slavery, and resistance on the eve of the Civil War / Jonathan Daniel Wells.. print book. History
  39. Kierkegaard and the new nationalism : a contemporary reinterpretation of the attack upon Christendom / Thomas J. Millay.. print book. Philosophy
  40. Kierkegaard on woman, gender, and love / Sylvia Walsh.. print book. Philosophy
  41. Kiki Man Ray : art, love, and rivalry in 1920s Paris / Mark Braude.. print book. Art
  42. Killer of sheep / a Milestone Film release ; a film by Charles Burnett.. video DVD.
  43. Killing us softly : advertising's image of women / created by Jean Kilbourne ; producer, director, editor, Sut Jhally.. streaming video.
  44. Killswitch / a film by Akorn ; Cine City Pictures, Inc.. streaming video.
  45. Kin : a memoir / Shawna Kay Rodenberg.. print book.
  46. A kind of magic : the kaleidoscopic world of Luke Edward Hall / text and illustrations, Luke Edward Hall ; photography Billal Taright.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  47. A Kind of Spark / Elle McNicoll. print book. Education
  48. Kindred spirits : Chinua Achebe and Toni Morrison / Christopher N. Okonkwo.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  49. King & Kayla and the case of the cat hunt / written by Dori Hillestad Butler ; illustrated by Nancy Meyers.. print book. Education
  50. King & Kayla and the case of the gold ring / written by Dori Hillestad Butler ; illustrated by Nancy Meyers.. print book. Education
  51. King & Kayla and the case of the lost library book / written by Dori Hillestad Butler ; illustrated by Nancy Meyers.. print book. Education
  52. King & Kayla and the case of the mysterious mouse / written by Dori Hillestad Butler ; illustrated by Nancy Meyers.. print book. Education
  53. King & Kayla and the case of the secret code / written by Dori Hillestad Butler ; illustrated by Nancy Meyers.. print book. Education
  54. King & Kayla and the case of the unhappy neighbor / written by Dori Hillestad Butler ; illustrated by Nancy Meyers.. print book. Education
  55. King of the coop / Isabell Pethtel.. print book.
  56. The kingdom of darkness : Bayle, Newton, and the emancipation of the European mind from philosophy / Dmitri Levitin.. print book. Philosophy
  57. The kingdom of prep : the inside story of the rise and (near) fall of J.Crew / Maggie Bullock.. print book. Business
  58. The kingdom of rye : a brief history of Russian food / Darra Goldstein.. ebook. Russian Studies
  59. Kingfisher with lotus flower : birds of Japan by Hokusai, Hiroshige and other masters of the woodblock print / Anne Sefrioui ; translation, David Rocher.. print book. Art
  60. Kirikou et la sorcière / une film de Michel Ocelot en collaboration avec Raymond Burlet.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  61. Kitty / Rebecca Jordan-Glum.. print book. Education
  62. Klaviertrio d-Moll : Lange Fassung : für Violine, Violoncello und Klavier = for violin, violoncello and piano / Emilie Mayer ; herausgegeben von = edited by Katharina Sellheim ; mit Unterstützung von = supported by Łucja Madziar und Johannes Krebs.. music score (printed). Music
  63. Kleine Blume = little flower : for horn (2011) / Toshio Hosokawa.. music score (printed). Music
  64. Klimt / Angela Wenzel ; translation: Jane Michael.. print book. Art
  65. Klimt : inspired by Van Gogh, Rodin, Matisse / Markus Fellinger, Edwin Becker, Lisa Smit, Renske Suijver (eds.); Stephanie Auer and Marian Bisanz-Prakken.. print book. Art
  66. Knight of the cape / by Terry Catasús Jennings ; illustrated by Fátima Anaya.. print book. Education
  67. Knight Owl / Christopher Denise.. print book. Education
  68. The knights templar in Britain / Evelyn Lord.. ebook. History
  69. Knitting for dogs / by Laurel Molk.. print book. Education
  70. Knots, or the violence of desire in Renaissance Florence / Emanuele Lugli.. print book. Art
  71. Know your enemy : Japan / Information and Education Division, Army Service Forces ; produced by Army Pictorial Service, Signal Corps.. video DVD.
  72. Knowings & knots : methodologies and ecologies in research-creation / Natalie Loveless, editor.. ebook. Art
  73. Knowledge games : how playing games can solve problems, create insight, and make change / Karen Schrier.. ebook. Education
  74. Knowledge lost : a new view of early modern intellectual history / Martin Mulsow ; translated by H.C. Erik Midelfort.. print book. History
  75. Knowledge production in Mao-era China : learning from the masses / Marc Andre Matten and Rui Kunze.. print book. History
  76. Knoxville, Tennessee : a mountain city in the new South / William Bruce Wheeler.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  77. Kol Simcha Suite : for chamber ensemble / Adam Gorb.. music score (printed). Music
  78. 'Kola is God's gift' : agricultural production, export initiatives & the kola industry in Asante & the Gold Coast c. 1820-1950 / Edmund Abaka.. print book. History
  79. Kolobok = (the small round bun) / Ukrainian folk tale retold and illustrated by Olha Tkachenko, in English and Ukrainian.. print book. Education
  80. Konzert für Bratsche und Orchester oder Ensemble (1993) / Friedrich Cerha.. music score (printed). Music
  81. Konzert : für clavier und orchester a-dur (fowv 136) / Johann Nikolaus Forkel ; edited by Carl-Philipp Kaptain.. music score (printed). Music
  82. Konzert für Violine und Orchester D-Dur = Concerto for violin and orchestra in D major, op. 77 / Johannes Brahms ; herausgegeben von / edited by Linda Correll Roesner, Michael Struck.. music score (printed). Music
  83. Konzert, op. 39 : für violine und kleines orchester / Hans Gál ; edited by Evan Fox-Gal and Anthony Fox.. music score (printed). Music
  84. Konzert-ouvertüre d-moll, op. 14 / August Winding ; edited by Johannes Volker Schmidt.. music score (printed). Music
  85. Konzertmusik : for violin solo and Small chamber orchestra / Hans Werner Henze ; Piano reduction by Claus-Dieter Ludwig.. music score (printed). Music
  86. Kumu Hina / a film by Dean Hamer and Joe Wilson.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
  87. Kunst für Keinen : 1933-1945 = Art for no one : 1933-1945 / herausgegeben von Ilka Voermann.. print book. Art
  88. Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien = Public art Vienna 2017-2019 / Herausgeber, Kunst im öffentlichen Raum GmbH.. print book. Art
  89. Kunstkammer : early modern art and curiosity cabinets in the Holy Roman Empire / Jeffrey Chipps Smith.. print book. Art
  90. Kuutamo Jupiterissa : fantastinen sävelrunoelma orkesterille = fantastisk tondikt för orkester = fantastic tone-poem for orchestra : op. 24, 1922-23 / Väinö Raitio.. music score (printed). Music
  91. Kuzyny Nazavzhdy = Cousins forever: bilingual! / by Elisavet & Charikleia Arkolaki ; [translated into Ukrainian by Tanya Pavlenko]. print book. Education
  92. Kynodontas = Dogtooth / mia paragōgē tēs Boo Productions ; se sumtaragōgē me tous Elleniko Kentro Kinematographou, Giōrgo Lanthimo, Horsefly Productions ; skēnothesia, Giōrgos Lanthimos & Euthumēs Philippou ; paragogōs, Giōrgos Tsourgiannēs.. streaming video.

L - Li

  1. Labor law in a nutshell / Michael Z. Green (professor of law and director, Workplace Law Program, Texas A & M University School of Law), Douglas L. Leslie (formerly Charles O. Gregory Professor of Law, University of Virginia School of Law).. print book. Law
  2. Laboratories against democracy : how national parties transformed state politics / Jacob M. Grumbach.. print book. History
  3. Lachrymae variations : for 15 solo strings (2014) / David Gorton.. music score (printed). Music
  4. The ladies of art : stories of women in the 16th and 17th centuries / edited and curated by Annamaria Bava, Gioia Mori, Alain Tapié.. print book. Art
  5. Ladri di biciclette = Bicycle thieves / The Criterion Collection; Janus Films; un film P.D.S. "Produzioni de Sica - S.A."; regia, Vittorio De Sica ; soggetto di Cesare Zavattini ; sceneggiato da Oreste Biancoli, Suso D'amico, Vittorio De Sica, Adolfo Fran. streaming video. Philosophy
  6. Ladri di biciclette = Bicycle thieves / The Criterion Collection; Janus Films; un film P.D.S. "Produzioni de Sica - S.A."; regia, Vittorio De Sica ; soggetto di Cesare Zavattini ; sceneggiato da Oreste Biancoli, Suso D'amico, Vittorio De Sica, Adolfo Fran. streaming video.
  7. Lady Bird / A24 and IAC Films present ; producers, Scott Rudin, Eli Bush, Evelyn O'Neill ; written & directed by Greta Gerwig.. streaming video.
  8. Lady Bird / A24 and IAC Films present ; producers, Scott Rudin, Eli Bush, Evelyn O'Neill ; written & directed by Greta Gerwig.. streaming video. Library & Information Science
  9. Lady Bird / A24 and IAC Films present ; producers, Scott Rudin, Eli Bush, Evelyn O'Neill ; written & directed by Greta Gerwig.. streaming video. Library & Information Science
  10. Lady justice : women, the law, and the battle to save America / Dahlia Lithwick.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
  11. Lady Romeo : the radical and revolutionary life of Charlotte Cushman, America's first celebrity / Tana Wojczuk.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
  12. Lagos/Koolhaas / a production by Pieter van Huystee and VPRO Television ; director, Bregtje van der Haak ; producer, Pieter van Huystee.. streaming video.
  13. Lake/Flato houses : respecting the land / foreword by Ed Mazria ; introduction and essays by Lake/Flato ; project texts by Helen Thompson ; edited by Oscar Riera Ojeda.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  14. Lalan / project producer, Catherine Kwai ; editor-in-chief, Edward Fung.. print book. Art
  15. Lamentaciones de semana Santa, vol. 2 / José De Torres ; edited by Raúl Angulo Díaz.. music score (printed). Music
  16. Lana llama / by Lori Doody.. print book. Education
  17. Lana llama / by Lori Doody.. print book. Education
  18. Land surveying in Ireland, 1690-1830 / Finnian Ó Cionnaith.. print book. Geography
  19. Landaluce : the story of Seattle Slew's first champion / Mary Perdue ; foreword by Jon White.. print book.
  20. Landscape architecture as storytelling : learning design through analogy / Bob Scarfo.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  21. Landscape architecture for sea level rise : innovative global solutions / edited by Galen D. Newman and Zixu Qiao.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  22. Landscape of 21st century mathematics : selected advances, 2001-2020 / Bogdan Grechuk.. ebook. Mathematics
  23. Landscape patterns in a range of spatio-temporal scales / Alexander V. Khoroshev, Kirill N. Dyakonov, editors.. ebook. Geography
  24. Langston Hughes in context / edited by Vera M. Kutzinski, University of Vanderbilt ; Anthony Reed, University of Vanderbilt.. print book. English
  25. Language and the rise of the algorithm / Jeffrey M. Binder.. ebook. Mathematics
  26. La langue du ciel : le sublime en France au XVIIe siècle / Sophie Hache.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
  28. Lark ascending : a novel / by Silas House.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  29. Larousse gastronomique : the world's greatest culinary encyclopedia / with the assistance of the Gastronomic Committee, President Joël Robuchon.. ebook. Anthropology
  30. Las que se atrevieron / Lucía Asué Mbomío Rubio ; prólogo de Marta Sofía López Rodríguez.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  31. The last beekeeper / Pablo Cartaya ; illustrations by Carlos Vélez Aguilera.. print book. Education
  32. Last call at the Hotel Imperial : the reporters who took on a world at war / Deborah Cohen.. print book. History
  33. The last chairlift : a novel / John Irving.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  34. The last fallen moon / by Graci Kim.. print book. Education
  35. The last fallen star : a Gifted clans novel / by Graci Kim.. print book. Education
  36. Last flight / by Kristen Mai Giang ; illustrations by Dow Phumiruk.. print book. Education
  37. Last gamer standing / Katie Zhao.. print book. Education
  38. The last gospel of the pagan babies : a queer Southern story / produced and directed by Jean Donohue.. video DVD. Gender & Women's Studies
  39. Last grave at Dimbaza / a film by Chris Curling, Pascoe Macfarlane ; produced by Nana Mahomo, Antonia Caccia, Andrew Tsehlana ; Morena Films, Ltd.. streaming video. History
  40. The last interview : Stuart Hall on the politics of cultural studies / Media Education Foundation ; producer & editor, Sut Jhally.. streaming video.
  41. The last interview : Stuart Hall on the politics of cultural studies / Media Education Foundation ; producer & editor, Sut Jhally.. streaming video. Education
  42. The last mapmaker / Christina Soontornvat.. print book. Education
  43. Last mountain dancer : hard-earned lessons in love, loss, and honky-tonk outlaw life / Chuck Kinder.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  44. The last movie.. streaming video. English
  46. The last samurai reread / Lee Konstantinou.. print book. English
  47. The last stand of the tin can sailors : the extraordinary World War II story of the U.S. Navy's finest hour / by James D. Hornfischer ; adapted by Doug Murray ; drawn by Steven Sanders ; color by Matt Soffe ; lettered by Rob Steen.. print book. History
  48. The last straw : kids vs. plastics / written by Susan Hood ; illustrated by Christiane Engel.. print book. Education
  49. Last train home = Gui tu lie che / Telefilm Canada and the Rogers Group of Funds, through the Theatrical Documentary Program present ; an Eyesteelfilm production ; in association with ITVS International ; produced and developed in association with SuperCh. streaming video.
  50. The last White man / Mohsin Hamid.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  51. The late colonial Indian Army : from the Afghan Wars to the Second World War / Pradeep Barua.. print book. History
  52. The late modernist novel : a critique of global narrative reason / Seo Hee Im.. print book. English
  53. Late style / Adrian Silbernagel.. print book.
  54. A late style of fire : Larry Levis, American poet / 13 Ways Productions presents a film by Michele Poulos.. streaming video. English
  55. A late style of fire : Larry Levis, American poet / 13 Ways Productions presents a film by Michele Poulos.. streaming video.
  56. The latent world of architecture : selected essays / Dalibor Vesely ; edited by Alexandra Stara and Peter Carl.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  57. Latin America's pink tide : breakthroughs and shortcomings / edited by Steve Ellner ; foreword by Boaventura de Sousa Santos. print book. Political Science
  58. Latin American literature in transition, 1800-1870 / edited by Ana Peluffo, University of California, Irvine; Ronald Briggs, Barnard College.. print book. English
  59. Latin American literature in transition, 1870-1930 / edited by Fernando Degiovanni, Javier Uriarte.. print book. English
  60. Latin American literature in transition 1930-1980 / edited by Amanda Holmes, McGill University, Par Kumaraswami, University of Nottingham.. print book. English
  61. Latin American literature in transition 1980-2018 / edited by Mónica Szurmuk, Debra A. Castillo.. print book. English
  62. Latin American literature in transition, pre-1492-1800 / edited by Rocío Quispe Agnoli ; Amber Brian.. print book. English
  63. Latinos beyond reel : challenging a media stereotype / a film by Miguel Picker and Chyng Sun.. streaming video.
  64. LATINX ACTOR TRAINING. print book. Hispanic Studies
  65. The Latinx guide to graduate school / Genevieve Negrón-Gonzales and Magdalena L. Barrera.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
  66. A laughable empire : the US imagines the Pacific world, 1840-1890 / Todd Nathan Thompson.. print book. English
  67. Laughter, literature, violence, 1840-1930 / Jonathan Taylor.. print book. English
  68. Launchpad republic : America's entrepreneurial edge and why it matters / Howard Wolk, John Landry.. ebook. Business
  69. Laura Aldridge : things that soak you / texts, Tina Fiske, Joe Scotland, Louise Shelley, Linsey Young.. print book. Art
  70. The Law and Policy of Sentencing and Corrections: |b in a Nutshell / by Lynn S. Branham.. print book. Law
  71. The law of the Colorado River : a legal research guide / by Tobe Liebert.. print book. Law
  72. Lawrence Tierney : Hollywood's real-life tough guy / Burt Kearns.. print book.
  73. Laws of UX : using psychology to design better products & services / Jon Yablonski.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  74. Lawyer, jailer, ally, foe : complicity and conscience in America's World War II concentration camps / Eric L. Muller.. print book. Law
  75. The lawyer's conscience : a history of American lawyer ethics / Michael S. Ariens.. print book. Law
  76. Le Corbusier [electronic resource] : homme de lettres / M. Christine Boyer.. ebook.
  77. The leader's guide to unconscious bias : how to reframe bias, cultivate connection, and create high-performing teams / Pamela Fuller & Mark Murphy ; with Anne Chow.. print book. Business
  78. Leading dynamic information literacy programs : best practices and stories from instruction coordinators / edited by Anne C. Behler.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  79. Leandro Valencia Locsin : Filipino architect / Jean-Claude Girard ; translation from French into English, Richard Palmer.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  80. Learning about dance : dance as an art form & entertainment / Nora Ambrosio, Slippery Rock University.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  81. Learning to live naturally : stoic ethics and its modern significance / Christopher Gill.. print book. Philosophy
  82. Leaving isn't the hardest thing : essays / Lauren Hough.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
  83. Lebanon, Kentucky, traffic guide : rules, regulation, mileage, church directory, city ordinances, fire alarm system, train and bus schedules / compiled by Hon. J.E. Edmonds, mayor, J. Walter Smith, R.F. Fishell.. print book.
  84. Las lectoras de Teresa : postmística femenina en la literatura latinoamericana del siglo XX / Almudena Vidorreta.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  85. Legacies of departed African women writers : matrix of creativity and power / edited by Helen O. Chukwuma and Chioma Carol Opara.. print book. History
  86. Legal accounting : principles and applications / Douglas C. Michael.. print book. Law
  87. Legal ethics and social media : a practitioner's handbook / Jan L Jacobowitz and John G Browning.. print book. Law
  88. Legal negotiation in a nutshell / Larry L. Teply, Senator Allen A. Sekt Endowed Chair of Law and Professor of Law, School of Law and the Werner Institute, Creighton University.. print book. Law
  89. The legend of Hobart / Heather Mullaly.. print book. Education
  90. Die Legende von Paul und Paula / Icestorm International presents a DEFA Film ; a film by Heiner Carow.. streaming video. German
  91. The legitimacy clash challenges to democracy in multinational states / Alain-G. Gagnon.. ebook. Political Science
  92. Lemon law : cars in the courtroom / Cecil C. Kuhne III.. print book. Law
  93. Len Lye, motion composer.. print book. Art
  95. Leo Strauss and Islamic political thought / Rasoul Namazi.. print book. Philosophy
  96. Leo Strauss and the Theopolitics of culture / Philipp von Wussow.. print book. Philosophy
  97. Leonard Cohen : on a wire / Philippe Girard ; translated by Helge Dascher and Karen Houle.. print book. History
  98. Leonhard Euler and the foundations of celestial mechanics / Dora Musielak.. ebook. Physics
  99. Leopoldstadt / Tom Stoppard.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  100. The lesbiana's guide to Catholic school / Sonora Reyes.. print book. Education
  101. Das Lesen der schrift : vier stücke für orchester (2001/2002) / Wolfgang Rihm.. music score (printed). Music
  102. Leslie Thornton / edited by Natalie Bell, Dan Kidner and Milan Ther.. print book. Art
  103. Less is lost / Andrew Sean Greer.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  104. Lesser living creatures of the Renaissance / edited by Keith Botelho and Joseph Campana.. print book. English
  105. Lesser living creatures of the Renaissance / edited by Keith Botelho and Joseph Campana.. print book. English
  106. Lessons in chemistry / Bonnie Garmus.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  107. Lessons on expulsion : poems / Erika L. Sánchez.. print book. English
  108. Let's look at colors / Marion Deuchars.. print book. Education
  109. Let's look at numbers / Marion Deuchars.. print book. Education
  110. Let's look at shapes / Marion Deuchars.. print book. Education
  111. Let's make some great art : patterns / Marion Deuchars.. print book. Education
  112. Let's make some great fingerprint art / Marion Deuchars.. print book. Education
  113. Lethal injection and the false promise of humane execution / Austin Sarat ; with Mattea Denney, Greene Ko, Nicolas Graber-Mitchell, Rose Mroczka, Lauren Pelosi.. print book. History
  114. Letters and lives of the Tennyson women / Marion Sherwood and Rosalind Boyce.. print book. English
  115. Letters to a writer of color / edited by Deepa Anappara and Taymour Soomro.. print book. English
  116. Letters to live by : an alphabet book with intention / written by Lisa Frenkel Riddiough ; illustrated by Åsa Gilland.. print book. Education
  117. Letting play bloom : designing nature-based risky play for children / Lolly Tai ; with a foreword by Teri Hendy.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  118. Levinas on the primacy of the ethical : philosophy as prophecy / Jeffrey Bloechl.. print book. Philosophy
  119. Lewis Carroll : formed by faith / Charlie Lovett.. print book. English
  120. Lexikon Progressive Rock : Musiker, Bands, Instrumente, Begriffe / Bernward Halbscheffel. print book. Music
  121. The LGBTQ+ comics studies reader : critical openings, future directions / edited by Alison Halsall and Jonathan Warren.. ebook.
  122. LGBTQ life in America : examining the facts / Melissa R. Michelson and Brian F. Harrison.. ebook. Social Work
  123. LGBTQIA+ inclusive children's librarianship : policies, programs, and practices / Lucy Santos Green, Jenna Spiering, Vanessa Lynn Kitzie, and Julia Erlanger ; foreword by Anastasia M. Collins.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  124. Liars, damn liars, & storytellers : essays on traditional and contemporary storytelling / Joseph Sobol.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  125. Libel and Lampoon : satire in the courts, 1670-1792 / Andrew Benjamin Bricker.. print book. English
  126. Liber contra Wolfelmum / Manegold of Lautenbach, translated with an introduction and notes by Robert Ziomkowski.. print book. Philosophy
  127. Liber de episcopis Mettensibus / Paul the Deacon ; edition, translation, and introduction by Damien Kempf.. print book. Philosophy
  128. Liberalism and American literature in the Clinton era / Ryan M. Brooks.. print book. English
  129. Liberalism and its discontents / Francis Fukuyama.. print book. Political Science
  130. Liberalism in dark times : the liberal ethos in the twentieth century / Joshua L. Cherniss.. print book. History
  131. Liberation day : stories / George Saunders.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  132. Liberia under Samuel Doe, 1980-1985 : the politics of personal rule / Yekutiel Gershoni.. print book. History
  133. Liberty and the politics of the female voice in early Stuart England / Christina Luckyj.. print book. English
  134. Libraries as dysfunctional organizations and workplaces / edited by Spencer Acadia.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  135. The library as playground : how games and play are reshaping public culture / by Dale Leorke and Danielle Wyatt.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  136. The library book / photographs and afterword by Thomas R. Schiff ; introduction by Alberto Manguel.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  137. The library of the future : how the heart of the campus is transforming / Scott Carlson.. print book.
  138. Licence to drum : for drumset solo / Nils Rohwer.. music score (printed). Music
  139. License to travel : a cultural history of the passport / Patrick Bixby.. print book. Law
  142. Lieder und tänze nach russischen und schwedischen volksmelodien, op. 79 : for violin and piano / Max Bruch.. music score (printed). Music
  143. The life and crimes of Hoodie Rosen / by Isaac Blum.. print book. Education
  144. Life and research : a survival guide for early-career biomedical scientists / Paris H. Grey and David G. Oppenheimer.. print book. Biology
  145. The life around us : selected poems on nature / Denise Levertov.. print book. English
  146. Life behind a veil : Blacks in Louisville, Kentucky, 1865-1930 / George C. Wright.. print book. History
  147. Life, death, and the western way of war / Lorenzo Zambernardi.. print book. Philosophy
  148. A life electric : the story of Nikola Tesla / Azadeh Westergaard ; illustrated by Júlia Sardà.. print book. Education
  149. The life of crime : detecting the history of mysteries and their creators / Martin Edwards.. print book. English
  150. The life of Herbert Hoover / George H. Nash. [3], Master of emergencies, 1917-1918.. print book. History
  151. The life of the mind : on the joys and travails of thinking / James V. Schall.. ebook.
  152. Life-stream : for symphonic winds and percussion / Frank Ticheli.. music score (printed). Music
  153. A life together : Lucas Alamán and Mexico, 1792-1853 / Eric Van Young.. print book. History
  154. Light + space / curated by Marie Nipper [and five others].. print book. Art
  155. The light that we can hear / Jennifer Higdon ; piano reduction by the composer.. music score (printed). Music
  156. The light we carry : overcoming in uncertain times / Michelle Obama.. print book. Education
  157. The lighthouse / directed by Robert Eggers.. streaming video.
  158. Lightning symbol and snake dance : Aby Warburg and Pueblo art / edited by Christine Chávez, Uwe Fleckner ; with contributions by Bruce Bernstein, Christine Chávez, Lindsey Drury, Adam Duran, Uwe Fleckner, Rainer Hatoum, Kelley Hays-Gilpin, Lea S. McChes. print book. Art
  159. Like a dandelion / Huy Voun Lee.. print book. Education
  160. Like a fish in water : how to grow abroad when you go abroad / Rich Kurtzman.. print book. Education
  161. Like a little dog : Andy Warhol's queer ecologies / Anthony E. Grudin.. print book. Art
  162. Like ability : the truth about popularity / Lori Getz, MA & Mitch Prinstein, PHD, ABPP.. print book. Education
  163. Like, comment, subscribe [electronic resource] : how YouTube drives Google's dominance and controls our culture / Mark Bergen.. ebook. Business
  164. Like, comment, subscribe : inside YouTube's chaotic rise to world domination / Mark Bergen.. print book. Business
  165. Like light, like music / Lana K. W. Austin.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  166. Like this : natural intelligence as seeing by art / Chus Martínez.. print book. Art
  168. Limitless : the Federal Reserve takes on a new age of crisis / Jeanna Smialek.. ebook. Business
  169. Limitless : the Federal Reserve takes on a new age of crisis / Jeanna Smialek.. print book. Business
  170. The limits of familiarity : authorship and romantic readers / Lindsey Eckert.. print book. English
  171. Limits of the numerical : the abuses and uses of quantification / edited by Christopher Newfield, Anna Alexandrova, and Stephen John.. print book. History
  172. Lincoln County bill of sale for enslaved women and children. print book. Special Collections
  173. The line : poverty in America / producer/director Linda Midgett.. streaming video.
  174. The line : poverty in America / producer/director Linda Midgett.. streaming video. Sociology
  175. Lineages of state fragility : rural civil society in Guinea-Bissau / Joshua B. Forrest.. print book. History
  176. Linear regression : an introduction to statistical models / Peter Martin.. print book. Physics
  177. Linear regression models : applications in R / John P. Hoffman.. print book. Statistics
  178. The lion of Mars / Jennifer L. Holm.. print book. Education
  179. Lisa Klein : ich schau es mir schön = (I look until it looks beautiful) / Herausgeberin, Lisa Klein ; essay by Anton Herzl.. print book. Art
  180. Listen : how Evelyn Glennie, a deaf girl, changed percussion / written by Shannon Stocker ; illustrated by Devon Holzwarth.. print book. Education
  181. Listening to artists / editor, Ines Goldbach.. print book. Art
  182. Listening to clay : conversations with contemporary Japanese ceramic artists / Alice North, Halsey North, and Louise Allison Cort ; principal photography by Taya Mariko and Richard Goodbody.. print book. Art
  183. Lit-rock : literary capital in popular music / edited by Ryan Hibbett.. print book. Philosophy
  184. Litcomix : literary theory and the graphic novel / Adam Geczy and Jonathan McBurnie.. print book. English
  185. Literacy theory as practice : connecting theory and instruction in K-12 classrooms / Lara J. Handsfield ; foreword by Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar.. ebook. Education
  186. Literary authority : an eighteenth-century genealogy / Claude Willan.. print book. English
  187. Literary beginnings in the European Middle Ages / edited by Mark Chinca, Christopher Young.. print book. English
  188. LITERARY FIELD GUIDE TO SOUTHERN APPALACHIA. print book. Appalachian Studies
  189. A literary life of Sutton E. Griggs : the man on the firing line / John Cullen Gruesser.. print book. English
  190. LITERARY MEDITATIONS FOR PANDEMIC TIMES : reflections on plague classics.. print book. English
  191. Literary representations of pandemics, epidemics and pestilence / edited by Nishi Pulugurtha.. print book. English
  192. Literary studies and human flourishing / edited by James F. English and Heather Love.. print book. English
  193. Literature and revolution : British responses to the Paris Commune of 1871 / Owen Holland.. print book. English
  194. Literature and the War on Terror : nation, democracy and liberalisation / edited by Sk Sagir Ali.. print book. English
  195. Literature, learning, and social hierarchy in early modern Europe / edited by Neil Kenny.. print book. English
  196. Literature, social wisdom, and global justice : developing systems thinking through literary study / Mark Bracher.. print book. English
  197. La littérature est une affaire politique : enquête autour de 26 écrivains français / Alexandre Gefen ; Aurélien Bellanger [and twenty-five others].. print book. French & Francophone Studies
  198. The little book of whiskey cocktails / Bryan Paiement.. print book.
  199. Little bunny, big germs / Rosemary Wells.. print book. Education
  200. Little cabbage : for clarinet duet / Bright Sheng.. music score (printed). Music
  201. Little family / Ishmael Beah.. print book.
  202. The Little Green Jacket. print book. Education
  203. Little houses / by Kevin Henkes ; illustrated by Laura Dronzek.. print book. Education
  204. The little match girl passion : version for small chorus and 4 solo singers (SATB) who also play simple percussion / David Lang.. music score (printed). Music
  205. Little princes : one man's promise to bring home the lost children of Nepal / Conor Grennan.. print book.
  206. A little round panda on the big blue earth / by Tory Christie ; illustrated by Luciana Navarro Powell.. print book. Education
  207. Little sixty : a memoir of growing up Italian-American in Appalachia / by Lena Pellegrino Derosa.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  208. The little street : the neighborhood in seventeenth-century Dutch art and culture / Linda Stone-Ferrier.. print book. Art
  209. Little suite in f : for violin and piano (2019) / Adolphus Hailstork.. music score (printed). Music
  210. Live artefacts : literature in a cognitive environment / Terence Cave.. print book. English
  211. Liven up your library : design engaging and inclusive programs for tweens and teens / Valerie Tagoe and Julia E.Torres.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  212. The lives of fungi : a natural history of our planet's decomposers / Britt A. Bunyard.. ebook. Biology
  213. Lives of the gods : divinity in Maya art / edited by Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos, James A. Doyle, and Joanne Pillsbury.. print book. Art
  214. Living accountably : accountability as a virtue / C. Stephen Evans.. print book. Philosophy
  215. Living toward virtue : practical ethics in the spirit of Socrates / Paul Woodruff.. print book. Philosophy
  216. Living with Viola / Rosena Fung.. print book. Education
  217. Liza Lou / Glenn Adamson, Julia Bryan-Wilson, Cathleen Chaffee, Elisabeth Sherman, Carrie Mae Weems.. print book. Art
  218. Lizzy and the cloud / The Fan Brothers.. print book. Education

Lo - Lz

  1. Lo que yo iba escribiendo : las mujeres de la Generación del 98 / Carmen Estirado ; prólogo de Layla Martínez.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  2. Logan lucky / Fingerprint Releasing presents ; in association with Bleecker Street and Amazon ; written by Rebecca Blunt ; produced by Gregory Jacobs, Mark Johnson, Channing Tatum, Reid Carolin ; directed by Steven Soderbergh.. streaming video.
  3. Logan lucky / Fingerprint Releasing presents ; in association with Bleecker Street and Amazon ; written by Rebecca Blunt ; produced by Gregory Jacobs, Mark Johnson, Channing Tatum, Reid Carolin ; directed by Steven Soderbergh.. streaming video. Sociology
  4. The logic of love in The Canterbury tales / Manish Sharma.. print book. English
  5. Logical consequence / Gila Sher, University of California, San Diego.. print book. Philosophy
  6. Londoner skizzenbuch 1764, band I : für kammerorchester / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; edited by Hans-Udo Kreuls.. music score (printed). Music
  7. The long arc of legality : Hobbes, Kelsen, Hart / David Dyzenhaus.. print book. Law
  8. Long days, short years : a cultural history of modern parenting / Andrew Bomback.. ebook. Social Work
  9. A long essay on the long poem : modern and contemporary poetics and practices / Rachel Blau DuPlessis.. print book. English
  10. A Long time man : for orchestra with piano (1975) / Frederic Rzewski.. music score (printed). Music
  11. The longing for less : living with minimalism / Kyle Chayka.. print book. Art
  12. LONGING FOR TOTAL REVOLUTION RECONSIDERED : rousseau, marx, nietzsche, and.. print book. Philosophy
  13. LOOK AT LOVE WITH LOVE.. print book. Art
  14. Look, I made a hat : collected lyrics (1981-2011) with attendant comments, amplifications, dogmas, harangues, digressions, anecdotes and miscellany / Stephen Sondheim.. print book. Music
  15. Look & learn patterns!.. print book. Education
  16. Look to your left : a feminist poetics of spectacle / Kristina Marie Darling.. print book. English
  17. Look up! / Jung Jin-ho ; English translation by My Hyun Kim.. print book. Education
  18. Looking for a jumbie / written by Tracey Baptiste ; illustrated by Amber Ren.. print book. Education
  19. Looking for an enemy : 8 essays on antisemitism / edited by Jo Glanville.. print book. History
  20. Lords of Chaos. ebook.
  21. The lords of night / J.C. Cervantes.. print book. Education
  22. Loreley's solitude : for guitar / Leo Brouwer.. music score (printed). Music
  23. Lorquianas : para violoncello y guitarra / Leo Brouwer.. music score (printed). Music
  24. Losing the precious few : how America fails to educate its minorities in science and engineering / Richard A. Tapia.. ebook. Biology
  25. Lost : a novel : a haunting in Appalachia / John Braxton Sparks.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  26. The lost architecture of Jean Welz / Peter Wyeth.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  27. Lost in transition : removing, resettling, and renewing Appalachia / edited by Aaron D. Purcell.. print book. History
  28. Lothar Meyer : modern theories and pathways to periodicity / Gisela Boeck, Alan J. Rocke.. ebook. Chemistry
  29. Louis Vuitton : Tambour / Fabienne Reybaud.. print book. Art
  30. Louisville diamonds : the Louisville major-league reader, 1876-1899 / Philip Von Borries.. print book.
  31. Lourenço da Silva Mendonça and the Black Atlantic abolitionist movement in the seventeenth century / José Lingna Nafafé.. ebook. History
  32. Love : a visual history of the grantLOVE project / by Alexandra Grant ; foreword by Roxane Gay ; with contributions by Eman Alami, Cassandra Coblentz, and Alma Ruiz.. print book. Art
  33. Love and freedom : transcending monogamy and polyamory / Jorge N. Ferrer.. ebook. Psychology
  34. Love and sex in the time of the plague : a Decameron renaissance / Guido Ruggiero.. print book. History
  35. Love Child's hotbed of occasional poetry : poems & artifacts / Nikky Finney.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  36. Love, friendship, and narrative form after Bloomsbury : the progress of intimacy in history / Jesse Wolfe.. print book. English
  37. Love is the vaccine / Halim A. Flowers ; Ted Vassilev, Eleanor Heartney, and Lilly Wei ; book curator and editor, Ghia Truesdale,. print book. Art
  38. Love Lucian : the letters of Lucian Freud, 1939-1954 / David Dawson and Martin Gayford.. print book. Art
  39. Love makes a garden grow / written and illustrated by Taeeun Yoo.. print book. Education
  40. Love radio / Ebony LaDelle.. print book. Education
  41. Love song : for voice and any solo instrument / Frederic Rzewski.. music score (printed). Music
  42. Love, Violet / words by Charlotte Sullivan Wild ; pictures by Charlene Chua.. print book. Education
  43. The love witch.. streaming video. English
  44. Loving fanfiction : exploring the role of emotion in online fandoms / Brit Kelley.. ebook. Psychology
  45. Lowest White boy / Greg Bottoms.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  46. LUCAS CRANACH (GERMAN EDITION) : a-z.. print book. Art
  47. Lucas's garden : for clarinet in B♭, violin, cello, and piano / Amanda Harberg. music score (printed). Music
  48. Lucian Freud : new perspectives / edited by Daniel Herrmann.. print book. Art
  49. Lucky / Christy Mandin.. print book. Education
  50. The lucky daughter / poems by Mariama J. Lockington.. print book.
  51. Lucky wreck : poems / Ada Limón.. print book.
  52. Lucy Hutchinson and the English revolution : gender, genre, and history writing / Claire Gheeraert-Graffeuille.. print book. English
  53. Lucy's light / Margarita del Mazo, Silvia Álvarez ; English translation by Jon Brokenbrow.. print book. Education
  54. Luli and the language of tea / Andrea Wang ; pictures by Hyewon Yum.. print book. Education
  55. Lumen : Sutapa Biswas / by Sutapa Biswas, text by Anna Arabindan-Kesson [and six others], edited by Amy Tobin.. print book. Art
  56. Lumumba / Jacques Bidou présente ; une production JBA Production [and others] ; scénario, Raoul Peck, Pascal Bonitzer ; produit par Jacques Bidou ; un film de Raoul Peck.. streaming video.
  57. Luna Luna / André Heller ; enabled by Neue Revue ; photo documentation by Sabina Sarnitz ; essay by Hilde Spiel.. print book. Art
  58. Lunch from home / words by Joshua David Stein ; art by Jing Li ; with contributions from Niki Russ Federman, Ray Garcia, Preeti Mistry, and Mina Park.. print book. Education
  59. Luso-tropicalism and its discontents : the making and unmaking of racial exceptionalism / edited by Warwick Anderson, Ricardo Roque, and Ricardo Ventura Santos.. print book. History
  60. Eine Lustspiel-Ouverture : für grosses Orchester, op. 50 / componirt von Hans Huber.. music score (printed). Music
  61. Lux : pour piano / Matthieu Stefanelli.. music score (printed). Music
  62. À Lydie : Horace : Ode IX livre III : pour soprano et baryton ou tenor / traduction d' Alfred de Musset ; musique de A.Z. Holmés.. music score (printed). Music
  63. Lygia Pape : the skin of all / text by Pauline Bachmann ; edited by Susanne Gaensheimer, Isabelle Malz.. print book. Art
  64. The lying king / Alex Beard.. print book. Education
  65. Lyman Trumbull and the second founding of the United States / Paul M. Rego.. print book. History
  66. Lynda Benglis / Andrew Bonacina, Bibiana Obler, Nora Lawrence.. print book. Art
  67. Lyotard and Critical Practice / edited by Kiff Bamford and Margret Grebowicz.. print book. Philosophy
  68. Lyric and liberalism in the age of American empire / Hugh Foley.. print book. English
  69. Lyrical studies for trumpet or horn / Giuseppe Concone ; transcribed by John F. Sawyer.. music score (printed). Music

  1. M.. streaming video. German
  2. Macbeth / a co-production of Thirteen and Illuminations, and the BBC in association with streaming video. English
  3. Macbeth / a co-production of Thirteen and Illuminations, and the BBC in association with streaming video.
  4. Macbeth in Harlem : Black theater in America from the beginning to Raisin in the sun / Clifford Mason.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  5. Machiavelli for women : defend your worth, grow your ambition, and win the workplace / Stacey Vanek Smith.. ebook. Business
  6. Machine learning : architecture in the age of artificial intelligence / Phil Bernstein.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  7. Machines that think! / Don Brown.. print book. Education
  8. Madalena Santos Reinbolt : uma cabeça cheia de planetas = Madalena Santos Reinbolt : a head full of planets / Adriano Pedrosa, Amanda Carneiro, André Mesquita (org.) ; text : Adriano Pedrosa [and others].. print book. Art
  9. Made in Madagascar : sapphires, ecotourism, and the global bazaar / Andrew Walsh.. ebook.
  10. Madison's militia : the hidden history of the Second Amendment / Carl T. Bogus.. print book. Law
  11. Madness, language, literature / Michel Foucault ; translated by Robert Bononno ; edited by Henri-Paul Fruchaud, Daniele Lorenzini, and Judith Revel ; introduction by Judith Revel.. print book. English
  12. Magic box : for string quartet or string orchestra and percussion quartet (2019) / Augusta Read Thomas.. music score (printed). Music
  13. The magic lantern : the revolution of '89 witnessed in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin, and Prague / Timothy Garton Ash.. ebook. History
  14. The magic pill / Health Everyday presents a film by Pete Evans and Rob Tate.. streaming video. English
  15. The magic pill / Health Everyday presents a film by Pete Evans and Rob Tate.. streaming video.
  16. The magic ring : systems thinking approach to control systems / Piero Mella.. ebook. Mathematics
  17. Magic words, magic worlds : form and style in epic fantasy / Matthew Oliver.. print book. English
  18. Magnificat a 4 : per soprano, contralto, tenore, basso, archi e basso continuo / Giuseppe Aldrovandini ; edited by Paolo Rosini.. music score (printed). Music
  19. Magnificat Nr. 3 Es-Dur für Sopran solo, Chor, 2 Traversflöten, 2 Oboen, Streicher und Basso continuo, 1724 / Johann David Heinichen ; herausgegeben von Claudia Lubkoll.. music score (printed). Music
  20. Magnolia flower / by Zora Neale Hurston ; adapted by Ibram X. Kendi ; illustrated by Loveis Wise.. print book. Education
  21. Magritte / Alexander Adams.. print book. Art
  22. Maĭska simfonii︠a︡ za strunen orkestŭr = Symphonie du Mai pour orchestre à corde / Pancho Vladigerov = Pantcho Vladiguerov. music score (printed). Music
  23. Le Maître du Roman de la Rose de Vienne / Mireia Castaño.. print book. Special Collections
  24. Maizy Chen's last chance / Lisa Yee.. print book. Education
  25. Make food, not waste / created by Brian Greene, Stett Holbrook, Greg Roden.. streaming video. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  26. Make food, not waste / created by Brian Greene, Stett Holbrook, Greg Roden.. streaming video.
  27. Make it modern : a history of art in the 20th century / Brandon Taylor.. print book. Art
  28. Making a collection count : a holistic approach to library collection management / Holly Hibner and Mary Kelly.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  29. Making Black girls count in math education : a Black feminist vision for transformative teaching / Nicole M. Joseph.. ebook. Mathematics
  30. Making Broadway dance / Liza Gennaro.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  31. Making gender salient : from gender quota laws to policy / Ana Catalano Weeks.. print book. Law
  32. Making healthy places : designing and building for well-being, equity, and sustainability / edited by Nisha Botchwey, Andrew L. Dannenberg, and Howard Frumkin.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  33. Making history : the storytellers who shaped the past / Richard Cohen.. print book. History
  34. Making it : manufacturing techniques for product design / Chris Lefteri. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  36. Making medicine : surprising stories from the history of drug discovery / Keith Veronese.. print book. History
  37. Making modernism : Paula Modersohn-Becker, Käthe Kollwitz, Gabriele Münter and Marianne Werefkin / curated by Dorothy Price [and three others].. print book. Art
  38. The making of an American : the autobiography of a Hungarian immigrant, Appalachian entrepreneur, and OSS officer / Martin Himler ; edited by Cathy Cassady Corbin, with an introduction by Doug Cantrell, and a foreword by Charles Fenyvesi.. print book. English
  39. The making of contemporary Indian philosophy : Krishnachandra Bhattacharyya / edited by Daniel Raveh and Elise Coquereau-Saouma.. print book. Philosophy
  40. Making our future : visionary folklore and everyday culture in Appalachia / Emily Hilliard.. ebook. Education
  41. Making our future : visionary folklore and everyday culture in Appalachia / Emily Hilliard.. print book. Education
  42. Making the Irish American [electronic resource] : history and heritage of the Irish in the United States / edited by J.J. Lee and Marion R. Casey.. ebook.
  43. Making trouble : design and material activism / Otto von Busch.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  44. The makings and unmakings of Americans : indians and immigrants in American literature and culture, 1879-1924 / Cristina Stanciu.. print book. English
  45. MAKOTO FUJIWARA - STONE AND MAKOTO.. print book. Art
  46. Maladies of empire : how colonialism, slavery, and war transformed medicine / Jim Downs.. print book. History
  47. Maladies of the will : the American novel and the modernity problem / Jennifer L. Fleissner.. print book. English
  48. The Malmariée in the thirteenth-century motet / Dolores Pesce.. print book. Music
  49. Mama in Congress : Rashida Tlaib's journey to Washington / Rashida and Adam Tlaib with Miranda Paul ; illustrated by Olivia Aserr.. print book. Education
  50. Mama's home / written by Shay Youngblood ; illustrated by Lo Harris.. print book. Education
  51. The man from the future : the visionary life of John von Neumann / Ananyo Bhattacharya.. print book. Mathematics
  52. The man in the dog park : coming up close to homelessness / Cathy A. Small ; with Jason Kordosky and Ross Moore.. ebook. Social Work
  53. "Man muss einsteigen in die Malerei mit beiden Füßen" : Hans Ulrich Obrist, interviews mit Maria Lassnig = "You have to jump into painting with both feet" : Hans Ulrich Obrist, interviews with Maria Lassnig / Hans Ulrich Obrist, Peter Pakesch, Hans Werne. print book. Art
  54. The man who broke capitalism : how Jack Welch gutted the heartland and crushed the soul of corporate America--and how to undo his legacy / David Gelles.. print book. Business
  55. The man who could move clouds : a memoir / Ingrid Rojas Contreras.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  56. The man who understood democracy : the life of Alexis de Tocqueville / Olivier Zunz.. print book. History
  57. Man with a movie camera / VUFKU ; directed and written by Dziga Vertov.. streaming video.
  58. Managing arts in times of pandemics and beyond / A. Damodaran.. print book. Art
  59. Managing the arts and culture : cultivating a practice / edited by Constance DeVereaux.. print book. Arts Administration
  60. Mangoes, mischief, and tales of friendship : stories from india / Chitra Soundar ; illustrated by Uma Krishnaswamy.. print book. Education
  61. De manicomios a instituciones psiquiátricas : experiencias en Iberoamérica, siglos XIX y XX / Andrés Ríos Molina, Mariano Ruperthuz Honorato (coords.).. print book. Hispanic Studies
  62. Manual of biogenic house sections / Paul Lewis, Marc Tsurumaki, David J. Lewis.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  63. Manuel, or, A hint of evil / Armin Lorenz Gerold.. print book. Art
  64. The many lives of the first emperor of China / Anthony J. Barbieri-Low.. print book. History
  65. The many resurrections of Henry Box Brown / Martha J. Cutter.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  66. Mao and markets : the communist roots of Chinese enterprise / Christopher Marquis and Kunyuan Qiao. ebook. Business
  68. Mapping artistic networks : eighteenth-century Italian theatre and opera across Europe / edited by Tatiana Korneeva. print book. Music
  69. Mapping community health : GIS for health and human services / edited by Christopher Thomas, Shannon Valdizon, Matt Artz.. ebook. Geography
  70. Mapping historical Las Vegas : a cartographic journey / Joe Weber.. print book. Geography
  71. Maqamat : for solo quarter-tone alto flute : (2002 rev. 2021) / Patrick Nunn.. music score (printed). Music
  72. March rhapsody : (on original themes) : for full orchestra / composed by Edward German.. music score (printed). Music
  73. Marcha y galope : para las Parejas de Aranjuez en el año 1779 : piano / Gaetano Brunetti.. music score (printed). Music
  75. Margaret and Christine Wertheim : value and transformation of corals / edited by Udo Kittelmann for the Frieder Burda Foundation and by Christine Wertheim and Margaret Wertheim.. print book. Art
  76. Margaret Garner : opera in two acts / Richard Danielpour ; libretto by Toni Morrison.. music score (printed). Music
  77. Margaret Mead : a portrait by a friend / a film by Jean Rouch with John Marshall.. streaming video.
  78. Margaret Mead : a portrait by a friend / a film by Jean Rouch with John Marshall.. streaming video. Anthropology
  79. Maria Domenica Rapicavoli : surface tension / texts by Sarah Lookofsky, Liz Park and Kristina Scepanski, Sara Reisman, and Wendy Vogel.. print book. Art
  80. Mariah, an enslaved girl, bill of sale. print book. Special Collections
  81. Marighella / coproduction Globo Filmes, Maria Da Fé ; production O2 Filmes ; dirigido por Wagner Moura ; escrito por Felipe Braga, Wagner Moura ; produzido por Bel Berlinck, Andrea Barata Ribeiro, Wagner Moura.. streaming video.
  82. Marighella / coproduction Globo Filmes, Maria Da Fé ; production O2 Filmes ; dirigido por Wagner Moura ; escrito por Felipe Braga, Wagner Moura ; produzido por Bel Berlinck, Andrea Barata Ribeiro, Wagner Moura.. streaming video. Hispanic Studies
  83. Marijuana in America : cultural, political, and medical controversies / James Hawdon, Matthew Costello, and Bryan Lee Miller, editors.. ebook. History
  84. Marijuana law : a legal research guide / by Carol A. Fichtelman.. print book. Law
  85. Marilynne Robinson's worldly gospel : a philosophical account of her Christian vision / Ryan S. Kemp, Jordan Rodgers.. print book. English
  86. Marina Abramović / Ward, Ossian.. print book. Art
  87. Marina Perez Simão / [texts by Diana Campbell and Osman Can Yerebakan].. print book. Art
  88. Marina Perez Simão / texts, Osman Can Yerebakan ; translation, Adriana Francisco.. print book. Art
  89. Mario Barradas and Son Jarocho : the journey of a Mexican regional music / Yolanda Broyles-González, Rafael Figueroa Hernández, and Francisco González.. print book. Music
  90. Mark Foster Gage : architecture in high resolution / [Mark Foster Gage] ; foreword by Graham Harman.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  91. Marketing and social media : a guide for libraries, archives, and museums / Lorri Mon and Christie Koontz.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  92. Marketing the arts [electronic resource] : challenging conventions / edited by Daragh O'Reilly and Finola Kerrigan.. ebook.
  93. The marriage portrait / Maggie O'Farrell.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  94. Marruecos, panteón del Imperio español (1859-1931) / Alfonso Iglesias Amorín.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  95. Marshmallow & Jordan / Alina Chau.. print book. Education
  96. Marta & Slava : selected projects 2009-2020 / text, Yves Randaxhe [and six others].. print book. Art
  97. Martha Graham : when dance became modern : a life / Neil Baldwin.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  98. Martin Buber : a life of faith and dissent / Paul Mendes-Flohr.. print book. Philosophy
  99. Martin Crimp's power plays : intertextuality, sexuality, desire / authored by Vicky Angelaki.. print book. English
  100. Martin Luther King : a religious life / Paul Harvey.. print book. History
  101. Martin Luther King : a religious life / Paul Harvey.. ebook. History
  102. Martin Wong : malicious mischief / edited by Krist Gruijthuijsen and Agustín Pérez Rubio ; texts, Julie Ault [and nine others].. print book. Art
  103. Martine Syms - neural swamp : the future fields commission in time-based media / edited by Irene Calderoni, Amanda Sroka.. print book. Art
  104. Marx in the 21st century : a critical introduction / Sebastiano Maffettone.. print book. Business
  105. Marxist politics / Md. Ayub Mallick.. ebook. Political Science
  106. Mary Ann Waters is a free Black woman.. print book.
  107. Mary Cassatt : painter of modern women / Griselda Pollock.. print book. Art
  108. Mary Heilmann : the all night movie / designed by Mark Magill and Mary Heilmann ; with an essay by Jutta Koether.. print book. Art
  109. Mary Lou Williams : music for the soul / Deanna Witkowski.. print book. Music
  110. Mary Reid Kelley & Patrick Kelley / edited by Karen Patterson.. print book. Art
  111. Mary Shepherd / Antonia LoLordo, University of Virginia.. print book. Philosophy
  112. Mary Shepherd : a guide / Deborah Boyle.. print book. Philosophy
  113. Maryam's magic : the story of mathematician Maryam Mirzakhani / by Megan Reid ; illustrations by Aaliya Jaleel.. print book. Education
  114. Masculine figures : fashioning men and the novel in nineteenth-century Spain / Nicholas Wolters.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  115. The masculinities of John Milton : cultures and constructs of manhood in the major works / Elizabeth Hodgson.. print book. English
  116. The mask you live in / the Representation Project presents, in association with Regina K. Scully, a Jennifer Siebel Newsom film ; produced by Jessica Anthony ; written, produced, and edited by Jessica Congdon ; written, produced, and directed by Jennifer. streaming video.
  117. The mask you live in / the Representation Project presents, in association with Regina K. Scully, a Jennifer Siebel Newsom film ; produced by Jessica Anthony ; written, produced, and edited by Jessica Congdon ; written, produced, and directed by Jennifer. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
  118. Masque, pour deux flutes.. music score (printed). Music
  119. Masque, Incidental II : pour deux flûtes / Toru Takemitsu.. music score (printed). Music
  120. Mass : a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers / Leonard Bernstein ; Pandream ; Enrico Castiglione presents ; text from the Roman liturgy with additional texts by Stephen Schwartz and Leonard Bernstein.. video DVD. Music
  121. The master in bondage : factory workers in China, 1949-2019 / Huaiyin Li.. print book. History
  122. Master of the two left feet : Morris Hirshfield rediscovered / Richard Meyer.. print book. Art
  123. Master slave, husband wife : an epic journey from slavery to freedom / Ilyon Woo.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  124. Mastering Shiny : build interactive apps, reports, and dashboards powered by R / Hadley Wickham.. ebook. Statistics
  125. Mastering Spark with R : the complete guide to large-scale analysis and modeling / Javier Luraschi, Kevin Kuo, and Edgar Ruiz.. ebook. Statistics
  126. Mastering the revels : the regulation and censorship of early modern drama / Richard Dutton.. print book. English
  127. Mastery of your anxiety and panic : therapist guide / Michelle G. Craske, David H. Barlow.. ebook. Social Work
  128. Match!.. print book. Education
  129. Material : 22 interviews with artists / Sandra Danicke.. print book. Art
  130. The material kinship reader / edited by Clementine Edwards and Kris Dittel ; authors: Sara Ahmed [and sixteen others].. print book. Art
  131. The material limits of energy transition : thanatia / Alicia Valero, Antonio Valero, Guiomar Calvo.. ebook. Chemistry
  132. Materializing Englishness in early medieval texts / Jacqueline Fay.. print book. English
  133. Math makers : the lives and works of 50 famous mathematicians / Alfred S. Posamentier and Christian Spreitzer.. ebook. Mathematics
  134. Mathematical methods of physics [by] Jon Mathews [and] R.L. Walker.. print book. Mathematics
  136. The mathematics of the gods and the algorithms of men : a cultural history / Paolo Zellini ; translated by Simon Carnell and Erica Segre.. ebook. Mathematics
  137. Mathematics : sonata for bassoon & piano / Alyssa Morris.. music score (printed). Music
  138. Mathis Gasser : heroes and ghosts / [Samuel Luterbacher and James Trafford].. print book. Art
  139. Matisse / Eckhard Hollmann.. print book. Art
  140. Matisse and the joy of drawing / Christopher Lloyd.. print book. Art
  141. Matter, affect, antinormativity : theory beyond dualism / Caroline Braunmühl.. print book. Philosophy
  142. The matter of everything : how curiosity, physics, and improbable experiments changed the world / Suzie Sheehy.. ebook. Physics
  143. MAX BECKMANN: DEPARTURE. print book. Art
  144. Maximum est unum : für alt, 4 soprane, 2 gemischte chöre, orchester und orgel (1996) / Wolfgang Rihm.. music score (printed). Music
  145. May tomorrow be awake : on poetry, autism, and our neurodiverse future / Chris Martin.. print book. Education
  146. May your life be deliciosa / Michael Genhart ; Loris Lora.. print book. Education
  147. The Maya and climate change : human-environmental relationships in the classic period lowlands / Kenneth E. Seligson.. print book. History
  148. The Maya apocalypse and its western roots / Matthew Restall and Amara Solari.. print book. History
  149. Maybe... / Chris Haughton.. print book. Education
  150. MD Anderson Surgical Oncology Manual / Barry W. Feig [and four others], editor.. ebook. Medicine
  151. Me and the boss : a story about mending and love / Michelle Edwards & April Harrison.. print book. Education
  152. The meaning of mourning : perspectives on death, loss, and grief / edited by Mikołaj Sławkowski-Rode.. print book. Philosophy
  153. Measurement in health behavior : methods for research and education / Colleen Konicki Di Iorio.. print book. Education
  154. Mechanisms in science : method or metaphysics? / Stavros Ioannidis, University of Athens, Greece, Stathis Psillos, University of Athens.. print book. Philosophy
  155. Med-surg success : NCLEX-style Q&A review / Christi D. Doherty.. ebook. Medicine
  156. Medellín v. Texas : international justice, federalism, and the execution of José Medellín / Alan Mygatt-Tauber.. print book. Law
  157. Media and gender adaptation : regendering, critical creation and the fans / Lucy Irene Baker.. print book. English
  158. Media Literacy: Media Ethics. ebook.
  159. The mediated construction of reality / Nick Couldry and Andreas Hepp.. print book. Philosophy
  160. The mediated construction of reality / Nick Couldry and Andreas Hepp.. print book. Philosophy
  161. Mediating Alzheimer's : cognition and personhood / Scott Selberg.. ebook. Psychology
  162. The medieval devil : a reader / edited by Richard Raiswell and David R. Winter.. print book. Philosophy
  163. Medieval fare : food and culture in medieval Iberia / Martha M. Daas.. print book. History
  164. Medieval marvels and fictions in the Latin West and Islamic world / Michelle Karnes.. print book. English
  165. Mediterranean ARTivism : art, activism, and migration in Europe / Elvira Pulitano.. print book. Art
  166. Mediterrani : per a orquestra simfonica / Juli Garreta.. music score (printed). Music
  167. Medium design : knowing how to work on the world / Keller Easterling.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  168. Meet me by the fountain : an inside history of the mall / Alexandra Lange.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  169. Meet Me by the Fountain : An Inside History of the Mall / Alexandra Lange.. ebook. Business
  170. Megathreats : ten dangerous trends that imperil our future, and how to survive them / Nouriel Roubini.. ebook. Business
  171. Melancholic modalities : affect, Islam, and Turkish classical musicians / by Denise Gill.. print book. Music
  172. Melodie nell'opera Un ballo in maschera del M° Verdi : divertimento per corno inglese e pianoforte / Filippo Fasanotti.. music score (printed). Music
  173. La mélomanie : opera comique en un acte en vers mêlé d'ariettes / mis en musique par M.S. Champein ; Représenté pour la premiere fois sur le Théâtre de l'Opera Comique National, le 23 Janvier 1781.. music score (printed). Music
  174. Melville's democracy : radical figuration and political form / Jennifer Greiman.. print book. English
  175. Melville's other lives : bodies on trial in The piazza tales / Christopher Sten.. print book. English
  176. Membrane computing models : implementations / Gexiang Zhang, Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez, Agustín Riscos-Núñez, Sergey Verlan, Savas Konur, Thomas Hinze, Marian Gheorghe.. ebook. Mathematics
  177. Mémoires d'une bergère : pour piano / Germaine Tailleferre.. music score (printed). Music
  178. Memoirs of the life, religious experience, ministerial travels, and labours of Mrs. Elaw / by Zilpha Elaw ; edited by Kimberly D. Blockett.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  179. Memorias del subdesarrollo = Memories of underdevelopment / El Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos presenta ; realización, Tomás Gutiérrez Alea ; producción, Miguel Mendoza.. streaming video.
  180. Memorias del subdesarrollo = Memories of underdevelopment / El Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos presenta ; realización, Tomás Gutiérrez Alea ; producción, Miguel Mendoza.. streaming video. Hispanic Studies
  181. The memory of the Second World War in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia / edited by David L. Hoffmann.. print book. History
  182. Memory: swells : for two guitars / Augusta Read Thomas.. music score (printed). Music
  183. Menstruation matters : challenging the law's silence on periods / Bridget J. Crawford and Emily Gold Waldman.. print book. Law
  184. Mental health practice with LGBTQ+ children, adolescents, and emerging adults in multiple systems of care / edited by Cristina L. Magalhães, PhD, LMHC California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University, Richard A. Sprott, Ph. ebook. Psychology
  185. Merchants of style : art and fashion after Warhol / Natasha Degen.. print book. Art
  186. Mercury Pictures presents : a novel / Anthony Marra.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  187. A mere Kentucky of a place : the Elkhorn Association and the commonwealth's first Baptists / Keith Harper.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  188. A mermaid girl / by Sana Rafi ; illustrated by Olivia Aserr.. print book. Education
  189. Messa a 4 con strumenti / Giuseppe Maria Orlandini ; edizione critica a cura di = critical edition by Umberto Cerini ; con un saggio introduttivo di = with an introductory essay by Elena Abbado.. music score (printed). Music
  190. Message d'amour : baryton ou mezzo-soprano / paroles et musique par Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
  191. The messenger : Moderna, the vaccine, and the business gamble that changed the world / Peter Loftus.. ebook. Business
  192. Metabolic ecology : a scaling approach / edited by Richard M. Sibly, James H. Brown, and Astrid Kodric-Brown.. ebook. Biology
  193. Metabolic ecology : a scaling approach / edited by Richard M. Sibly, James H. Brown, and Astrid Kodric-Brown.. print book. Biology
  194. Metamorphoses. Book II : ten fantasy-pieces (after celebrated paintings) : for amplified piano / George Crumb.. music score (printed). Music
  195. The metamorphosis of Mr. Samsa : from a story by Franz Kafka / design, animation, direction Caroline Leaf ; made in part with a production grant from the American Film Institute ; in association with The National Endownment for the Arts.. streaming video.
  196. The metamorphosis of Mr. Samsa : from a story by Franz Kafka / design, animation, direction Caroline Leaf ; made in part with a production grant from the American Film Institute ; in association with The National Endownment for the Arts.. streaming video. Russian Studies
  197. Metaphysical realism and anti-realism / J.T.M. Miller.. print book. Philosophy
  198. Metaphysics. Book [lambda] / Aristotle ; translated with an introduction and commentary by Lindsay Judson.. print book. Philosophy
  199. The metaphysics of laws of nature : the rules of the game / Walter Ott.. print book. Philosophy
  200. The metaverse : and how it will revolutionize everything / Matthew Ball.. print book. Business
  201. Methods and data analysis for cross-cultural research / Fons J.R. van de Vijver, Kwok Leung ; editors, Velichko H. Fetvadjiev, Jia He, Johnny R.J. Fontaine.. ebook.
  202. The methods and skills of history : a practical guide / Michael J. Salevouris with Conal Furay.. print book. History
  203. #MeToo and beyond : perspectives on a global movement / edited by M. Cristina Alcalde and Paula-Irene Villa.. print book.
  204. Metropolis / an Ufa production, distributed by Parufamet.. streaming video. Philosophy
  205. Mexico in revolution, 1912-1920 Jonathan Truitt and Stephany Slaughter.. print book. History

Mi - Mz

  1. Mi to kokoro no isō : Genji monogatari o kiten to shite : 2020-nen kokusai onrain raundo tēburu / Terada Sumie;Jinno Hidenori;Kimura Saeko hen = Instances du sujet dans le Roman du Genji et au-delà : table ronde international en ligne 2020 / sous la dir. print book.
  2. Michael Tedja : the color guide series and more / contributors, Gean Moreno [and 8 others].. print book. Art
  3. Mickey Mouse monopoly / Media Education Foundation ; producer and writer, Chyng Feng Sun ; director and co-producer, Miguel Picker.. streaming video.
  4. Mickey Mouse monopoly / Media Education Foundation ; producer and writer, Chyng Feng Sun ; director and co-producer, Miguel Picker.. streaming video. Sociology
  5. Mickey Mouse monopoly : Disney, childhood & corporate power / Media Education Foundation ; produced and written by Chyng Feng Sun.. streaming video. Sociology
  6. Microbial bioprotectants for plant disease management / edited by Dr. Jürgen Köhl and Dr. Willem J. Ravensberg.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  7. Mid-century modern furniture / Dominic Bradbury.. print book. Art
  8. Mid-century modern : visionary furniture design from Vienna / Caroline Wohlgemuth ; translations and copyediting, Douglas Deitemyer.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  9. The middle out : the rise of progressive economics and a return to shared prosperity / Michael Tomasky.. print book. Education
  10. The middle out : the rise of progressive economics and a return to shared prosperity / Michael Tomasky.. ebook. Business
  11. Middle school matters : the 10 key skills kids need to thrive in middle school and beyond--and how parents can help / Phyllis L. Fagell.. print book. Education
  12. Mies van der Rohe : the collective housing collection / Fernando Casqueiro.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  13. Mika Rottenberg : bowls balls souls holes / edited by Laerke Rydal Jørgensen and Anders Kold.. print book. Art
  14. Miklós Onucsán : prin urmare, albul este un negru uzat definitiv, iar negrul este un alb uzat definitiv = therefore, white is black worn out for good and black is white worn out for good / editori, Mǎdǎlina Brașoveanu, Mihnea Mircan ; autor, Miklós. print book. Art
  15. Milestones in Asian American theatre / edited by Josephine Lee.. print book. English
  16. Milestones in dance in the USA / edited by Elizabeth McPherson.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  17. Milestones in dance in the USA / Edited by Elizabeth McPherson.. ebook. Theatre & Dance
  18. Military law in a nutshell / L. Lynn Hogue, Professor of Law Emeritus, Georgia State University College of Law; Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army Reserve, Judge Advocate General's Corps (Ret.).. print book. Law
  19. Milked : how an American crisis brought together Midwestern dairy farmers and Mexican workers / Ruth Conniff.. ebook. Business
  20. Milloo's mind : the story of Maryam Faruqi, trailblazer for women's education / written by Reem Faruqi ; illustrated by Hoda Hadadi.. print book. Education
  21. Milton and the resources of the line / John Creaser.. print book. English
  22. Milton Diltz Holton papers. print book. Special Collections
  23. Milton's late poems : forms of modernity / Lee Morrissey, Clemson University, South Carolina.. print book. English
  24. Min yaʻīsh hunā? Pets = Who lives here? Pets / taʼlīf Kāthlīn Rizī = by Kathleen Rizzi.. print book. Education
  25. Mina / Matthew Forsythe.. print book. Education
  26. Mind and world in Aristotle's De anima / Sean Kelsey.. print book. Philosophy
  27. Mind/Game: The Unquiet Journey of Chamique Holdsclaw.. streaming video.
  28. The mindful photographer / Sophie Howarth.. print book. Art
  29. Mindhunter : inside the FBI's elite serial crime unit / John Douglas and Mark Olshaker.. print book. Psychology
  30. Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory [electronic resource] / traditional ; arr. Michael McDonough.. electronic music score.
  31. A minor revolution : how prioritizing kids benefits us all / Adam Benforado.. print book. Business
  33. Mira Lehr : arc of nature : the complete monograph / design and editing, Joel Suissa ; [essays by Eleanor Heartney and Joseph B. Treaster ; introduction by Mira Lehr ; interviews by Jose Lima, Bill Spring, Irving Sandler].. print book. Art
  34. Miró / Roland Penrose.. print book. Art
  35. A mirror mended / Alix E. Harrow ; [Edited by Jonathan Strahan].. print book. Special Collections
  36. Mirror, mirror : a twisted tale / Jen Calonita.. print book. Education
  37. Misa a 5 : omnis spiritus laudet dominum (1725) / José De Torres ; edited by Raúl Angulo Díaz.. music score (printed). Music
  38. Misanthropy in the age of reason : hating humanity from Shakespeare to Schiller / Joseph Harris.. print book. English
  39. Misconceiving merit : paradoxes of excellence and devotion in academic science and engineering / Mary Blair-Loy and Erin A. Cech.. print book. Education
  41. Misfits : LGBT teens coming out in the bible belt / Sonntag Pictures presents in coproduction with Mantaray Film.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
  42. Mismatch : how inclusion shapes design / Kat Holmes.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  43. Miss Peregrine's museum of wonders : an indispensable guide to the dangers and delights of the peculiar world for the instruction of new arrivals / Ransom Riggs.. print book. Education
  44. Miss representation / Girls Club Entertainment presents a Jennifer Siebel Newsom & Regina Kulik Scully production ; edited & co-written by Jessica Congdon ; executive producer, Geralyn Dreyfous, Sarah Johnson Redlich, Regina Kulik Scully ; written, direct. streaming video.
  45. Missa brevis : for SATB choir and organ / John Rutter.. music score (printed). Music
  46. Missa Dessus le marché d'Arras / Jean de Bournonville ; édition, Matthias Lakits.. music score (printed). Music
  47. Missa Gratias agimus tibi : ZWV 13 : soli (SSAATB), coro (SATB), 2 flauti, 2 oboi, 4 trombe (o 2 trombe), timpani, 2 violini, viola e basso continuo / Jan Dismas Zelenka ; herausgegeben von Thomas Kohlhase = edited by Thomas Kohlhase. music score (printed). Music
  48. The Mississippi Valley's great yellow fever epidemic of 1878 / Khaled J. Bloom.. print book. History
  49. Mitos e Imaginarios de España (1831-1879) / Marieta Cantos Casanave, editor.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
  50. Mixed : a colorful story / Arree Chung.. print book. Education
  51. Mixed methods research [electronic resource] : merging theory with practice / Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber.. ebook.
  52. Mlima's tale / Lynn Nottage.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  53. Mock ritual in the modern era / Reginald McGinnis and John Vignaux Smyth.. print book. English
  54. Model machines : a history of the Asian as automaton / Long T. Bui.. print book. History
  55. Models and world making : bodies, buildings, black boxes / Annabel Jane Wharton.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  56. The modern concert snare drum roll : a comprehensive guide / William J. James.. music score (printed). Music
  57. Modern epidemiology / Timothy L. Lash [and three others].. ebook. Medicine
  58. Modern heritage : reuse, renovation, restoration / Ana Tostões (ed.).. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  59. Modern insurgencies and counterinsurgencies : a global history / Kaushik Roy.. ebook. Political Science
  60. Modern literatures in Spain / Jo Labanyi and Luisa Elena Delgado with Helena Buffery, Kirsty Hooper, and Mari Jose Olaziregi.. print book. English
  61. Modern optimization with R / Paulo Cortez.. print book. Physics
  62. The modern presidency : six debates that define the institution / Michael Genovese.. ebook. Political Science
  63. Modern sculpture : artists in their own words / edited by Douglas Dreishpoon.. print book. Art
  64. The modern superhero in film and television : popular genre and American culture / Jeffrey A. Brown.. print book. Music
  65. Modern techniques in neuroscience research / Uwe Windhorst, Hakan Johansson, (Eds.).. ebook. Medicine
  66. Modern times / written and directed by Charlie Chaplin ; assistant director, Carter DeHaven.. streaming video. English
  67. Modern virtue : Mary Wollstonecraft and a tradition of dissent / Emily Dumler-Winckler.. print book. Philosophy
  68. Modernism at the beach : queer ecologies and the coastal commons / Hannah Freed-Thall.. print book. English
  69. Modernism versus Traditionalism : Art in Paris, 1888-1889 / Gretchen K. McKay ; Nicolas W. Proctor, and Michael A. Marlais.. print book. History
  70. Modernist diaspora : immigrant Jewish artists in Paris, 1900-1945 / Richard D. Sonn.. print book. History
  71. Modernist literary collaborations between women and men / Russell McDonald.. print book. English
  72. Modernités portugaises = Modernidades Portuguesas = Portuguese modernities / commissariat et co-direction du catalogue, Anne Bonnin ; textes de Joana Baião [and four others].. print book. Art
  73. Modernity, community, & place in Brian Friel's drama / Richard Rankin Russell.. print book. English
  74. Modigliani : the primitivist revolution / edited by Marc Restellini ; with a foreword by Klaus Albrecht Schröder ; and essays by Friedrich Teja Bach, Juliette Pozzo, and Marc Restellini.. print book. Art
  75. Modigliani up close / edited by Barbara Buckley, Simonetta Fraquelli, Nancy Ireson, and Annette King.. print book. Art
  76. Mohammed Ali et les beaux-arts; centenaire de Mohammed Ali.. print book.
  77. Molecular mixed crystals / Miquel Àngel Cuevas-Diarte, Harry A.J. Oonk, editors.. ebook. Chemistry
  78. Molly on the moon / written by Mary Robinette Kowal ; illustrated by Diana Mayo.. print book. Education
  79. Molokai : the story of "Father Damien" / Jos Stelling Films ; produced by Tharsi Vanhuysse, Grietje Lammertyn ; screenplay by John Briley ; directed by Paul Cox.. video DVD.
  80. Moments of capital : world theory, world literature / Eli Jelly-Schapiro.. print book. English
  81. Mon oncle / Panoramic Films présente une production Specta-Gray-Alter Films ; coproduction franco-italienne Film del Centauro et Cady-Films ; collaboration artistique Jacques Lagrange, assisté de Jean L'Hôte ; un film de Jacques Tati.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  82. Mondrian : evolution / edited by Sam Keller and Ulf Küster for the Fondation Beyeler as well as Susanne Gaensheimer, Kathrin Beßen, and Susanne Meyer-Büser for the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen ; translations, James Hannan, John Ormrod.. print book. Art
  83. A monetary and fiscal history of Latin America, 1960-2017 / Timothy J. Kehoe and Juan Pablo Nicolini, editors.. ebook. Business
  84. A monetary and fiscal history of the United States, 1961-2021 / Alan S. Blinder.. ebook. History
  85. A monetary and fiscal history of the United States, 1961-2021 / Alan S. Blinder.. print book. History
  86. Money and empire : Charles P. Kindleberger and the dollar system / Perry Mehrling, Boston University.. print book. History
  87. Money code space : hidden power in bitcoin, blockchain, and decentralisation / Jack Parkin.. print book. Business
  88. The money minders : the parables, trade-offs and lags of central banking / Jagjit S. Chadha, National Institute for Economic and Social Research.. print book. History
  89. Monsieur Lazhar / Les Films Christal présente ; une production micro_scope ; un film de Philippe Falardeau ; produit par Luc Déry, Kim McCraw.. streaming video.
  90. Monster friends / Kaeti Vandorn.. print book. Education
  91. Monster problems / Victor Piñeiro.. print book. Education
  92. Monuments and memory-making : the debate over the vietnam veterans memorial, 1981-1982.. print book. History
  93. Moon : a peek-through picture book / illustrated by Britta Teckentrup ; text by Patricia Hagarty.. print book. Education
  94. Moon pops / by Heena Baek ; [translated by Jieun Kiaer].. print book. Education
  95. Moonlight / A24 ; Plan B ; Pastel ; director and screenwriter, Barry Jenkins ; story by Tarell Alvin McCraney ; produced by Adele Romanski, Dede Gardner and Jeremy Kleiner.. streaming video.
  96. The moral epistemology of intuitionism : neuroethics and seeming states / Hossein Dabbagh.. print book. Philosophy
  97. Moral philosophy / edited Anthony O'Hear, University of Buckingham ; with a foreword by Rachael Wiseman, University of Liverpool.. print book. Philosophy
  98. Moral responsibility reconsidered / Gregg D. Caruso, Derk Pereboom.. print book. Philosophy
  99. Moralistics and psychomoralistics : a unified cognitive science of moral intuition / Graham Wood.. print book. Philosophy
  100. More far out fairy tales : five full-color graphic novels / authors Stephanie True Peters, Carl Bowen, Laurie S. Sutton, Alberto Rayo, Martin Powell ; illustrators Alex Lopez, Omar Lozano, C.S. Jennings ; designer Hilary Wacholz ; editor Abby Huff ; lette. print book. Education
  101. More judgment than data : data literacy and decision-making / Michael Jones.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  102. More posthuman glossary / edited by Rosi Braidotti, Emily Jones and Goda Klumbytė.. print book. Philosophy
  103. More than marriage : forming families after marriage equality / John G. Culhane.. print book. Law
  104. More than the Great Wall : the northern frontier and Ming national security, 1368-1644 / John W. Dardess.. print book. History
  105. The more the merrier / David Martin ; illustrated by Raissa Figueroa.. print book. Education
  106. The more we get together / written by Celeste Cortright ; illustrated by Betania Zacarias ; sung by Audra Mariel & Kena Anae.. print book. Education
  107. Morgenthau : power, privilege, and the rise of an American dynasty / Andrew Meier.. print book. History
  108. The morning song : tuba & piano / Roger Kellaway.. music score (printed). Music
  109. Moros, Moras y Morerias de letras : de Benito Perez Galdos a Said El Kadaoui / Mohamed Abrighach.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  110. The moth keeper / K. O'Neill.. print book. Education
  111. Mother / a Barunson production.. streaming video. English
  112. Mother country : a novel / Jacinda Townsend.. print book.
  113. Mothercoin : the stories of immigrant nannies / Elizabeth Cummins Muñoz.. print book. Education
  114. Motherhood after incarceration : community reintegration for mothers in the criminal legal system / Melissa Thompson and Summer Newell.. ebook. Sociology
  115. Mothers of Bedford / directed & produced by Jenifer McShane.. streaming video.
  116. Motion design toolkit : principles, practice, and techniques / Austin Shaw, John Colette ; edited Danielle Shaw.. print book. English
  117. Motivational interviewing in social work practice / Melinda Hohman.. ebook. Social Work
  118. Motivos de son no. 2 : para guitarra (2021) / Leo Brouwer.. music score (printed). Music
  119. Mottetti a quattro voci di scuola romana / Orazio Benevoli, Giuseppe Ottavio Pitoni, Pompeo Cannicciari, Giovanni Giorgi ; edizione critica di Roberto Gianotti ; con un saggio di Marco Gozzi. music score (printed). Music
  120. Mouchette / Argos Films et Parc Film présentent ; un film de Robert Bresson.. streaming video. Philosophy
  121. The Moundbuilders : ancient peoples of eastern North America / George R. Milner.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  122. Movement : for woodwinds / Johanna Beyer ; edited by Sara Fraker.. music score (printed). Music
  123. A movement in every direction : legacies of the Great Migration / edited by Jessica Bell Brown, Ryan N. Dennis.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  124. Four movements for five brass / Collier Jones.. music score (printed). Music
  125. Moving forward : GIS for transportation / edited by Terry Bills, Keith Mann.. ebook. Geography
  126. Moving history / dancing cultures : a dance history reader / edited by Ann Dils & Ann Cooper Albright.. ebook. Theatre & Dance
  128. The multicultural modernism of Winold Reiss, 1886-1953 : (trans)national approaches to his work / Frank Mehring (ed.).. print book. Art
  129. Multimodalidad e intermedialidad : mestizajes en la narración gráfica contemporánea ibérica y latinoamericana / Jorge Catalá, Benoît Mitaine, Lisa Maya Quaianni Manuzzato, José Manuel Trabado (eds.).. print book. Hispanic Studies
  130. Mummies around the world : an encyclopedia of mummies in history, religion, and popular culture / Matt Cardin, editor.. ebook. Anthropology
  131. Muppets in Moscow : the unexpected crazy true story of making Sesame Street in Russia / Natasha Lance Rogoff.. ebook. Education
  132. Murder in Amsterdam : liberal Europe, Islam and the limits of tolerance / Ian Buruma.. ebook. History
  133. Murder in the rainforest : the Yanomami, the gold miners and Amazon / Jan Rocha.. ebook. Anthropology
  134. The murder of Emmett Till / Karlos K. Hill, David Dodson.. print book. History
  135. The Murderers are Among Us = (Die Mörder sind unter uns).. streaming video. German
  136. Murillo : from heaven to earth / Guillaume Kientz.. print book. Art
  137. Le Muse italiane Della tastiera : musiche per ogano o clavicembalo di compositrici del settecento / edited by Maurizio Machella.. music score (printed). Music
  138. Musette : for violoncello and guitar / Jacques Offenbach ; transcribed and edited by Valter Dešpalj.. music score (printed). Music
  139. Museum finance : issues, challenges, and successes / Brian Alexander.. print book. Art
  140. Museums and wealth : the politics of contemporary art collections / Nizan Shaked.. print book. Arts Administration
  141. Mushroom rain / Laura K. Zimmermann ; illustrated by Jamie Green.. print book. Education
  142. Music copyright law / David J. Moser, Cheryl L. Slay.. print book. Music
  143. Music for brass : (sacred and profane) : (1975/1998) / George Walker.. music score (printed). Music
  144. Music for piano / Teresa Carreño ; Carmen Rodriguez-Peralta, editor.. music score (printed). Music
  145. Music in the westward expansion : songs of heart and place on the American frontier / Laura Dean.. print book. Music
  146. Music kitchen interplay : for violin and bass voice / Ellen Taaffe Zwilich.. music score (printed). Music
  147. The music of Nobuo Uematsu in the Final fantasy series / edited by Richard Anatone.. print book. Music
  148. Music to drama performances / V. A. Gavrilin.. music score (printed). Music
  150. Musical humor and Antonín Dvořák's comic operas / Julia R. Adams.. print book. Music
  151. Musical sincerity and transcendence in film : reflexive fictions / Timothy B. Cochran.. print book. Music
  152. The musical tradition of the Eastern European synagogue / Sholom Kalib.. music score (printed). Music
  153. Mute compulsion : a Marxist theory of the economic power of capital / Søren Mau ; foreword by Michael Heinrich.. print book. Philosophy
  154. Mutinous women : how French convicts became founding mothers of the Gulf Coast / Joan DeJean.. print book. History
  155. Mutual influence in situations of Spanish language contact in the Americas / edited by Mark Waltermire and Kathryn Bove.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
  156. MUXES: Authentic, Intrepid Seekers of Danger / by Alejandra Islas. streaming video. Hispanic Studies
  157. My American girls : a Dominican story / by Aaron Matthews.. streaming video. History
  158. My autobiography of Carson McCullers / Jenn Shapland.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
  159. My Baba's garden / Jordan Scott ; [illustrations by] Sydney Smith.. print book. Education
  160. My body, their choice / a film by Lucy D'Cruz and Andrew Gold.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
  161. My Brooklyn / a documentary by Kelly Anderson and Allison Lirish Dean ; director, Kelly Anderson ; producers, Allison Lirish Dean and Kelly Anderson.. streaming video.
  162. My brother is away / by Sara Greenwood ; illustrated by Luisa Uribe.. print book. Education
  163. My brother, Muhammad Ali : the definitive biography / Rahaman Ali ; with Fiaz Rafiq ; [foreword by NFL legend Jim Brown].. print book. History
  164. My brother, my shadow / Fabiana Rocha ; illustrated by Bruna Assis Brasil.. print book. Education
  165. My cat is blue / written by Sarah Sommer ; illustrated by Bulankina Ka.. print book. Education
  166. My crayons talk / Patricia Hubbard ; illustrations by G. Brian Karas.. print book. Education
  167. My day with the panye / Tami Charles ; illustrated by Sara Palacios.. print book. Education
  168. My face book.. print book. Education
  169. My first 100 words : Arabic-English bilingual book for toddlers.. print book. Education
  170. MY FIRST ARABIC BOOK OF NUMBERS. print book. Education
  171. My first day / written and illustrated by Phùng Nguyên Quang & Huỳnh Kim Liên.. print book. Education
  172. My first picture book : English Arabic : 250 words of everyday life.. print book. Education
  173. My first Ukrainian alphabet book : Ukrainian-English book for bilingual children / by Anna Young.. print book. Education
  174. My first Ukrainian animal book : poems about animals in Ukrainian language / Anna Young.. print book. Education
  175. My first Ukrainian book : Ukrainian-English book for bilingual children / Anna Young.. print book. Education
  176. My fourth time, we drowned : seeking refuge on the world's deadliest migration route / Sally Hayden.. ebook. Political Science
  177. My government means to kill me / Rasheed Newson.. print book. Education
  178. My heart is a compass / by Deborah Marcero.. print book. Education
  179. My last innocent year : a novel / Daisy Alpert Florin.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  180. My name is an address / Ekuwah [Mends] Moses.. print book. Education
  181. My old Kentucky home : the astonishing life and reckoning of an iconic American song / Emily Bingham.. print book. Music
  182. My secret bully / story by Trudy Ludwig ; illustrations by Abigail Marble.. print book. Education
  183. My trade is mystery [electronic resource] : seven meditations from a life in writing.. ebook.
  184. My Ukrainian American story / Adrianna Bamber.. print book. Education
  185. MYP : new directions / edited by Mary Hayden, Jeff Thompson and Judith Fabian.. ebook.
  186. The mysterious Etruscans : Etruscan sports and spectacles.. streaming video.
  187. The mysterious Etruscans : Etruscan sports and spectacles.. streaming video. Education
  188. Mystery cults, theatre and Athenian politics : a reading of Euripides' Bacchae and Aristophanes' Frogs / Luigi Barzini.. ebook. Classical Studies
  189. Mystery cults, theatre and Athenian politics : a reading of Euripides' Bacchae and Aristophanes' Frogs / Luigi Barzini.. print book. Classical Studies
  190. The mystical presence of Christ : the exceptional and the ordinary in late medieval religion / Richard Kieckhefer.. print book. History
  191. Mystical theology : the glosses by Thomas Gallus and the Commentary of Robert Grosseteste on De mystica theologia / edition, translation, and introduction by James McEvoy.. print book. Philosophy
  192. Myth America : historians take on the biggest legends and lies about our past / edited by Kevin M. Kruse and Julian E. Zelizer.. print book. History
  193. Myth America : historians take on the biggest legends and lies about our past / edited by Kevin M. Kruse and Julian E. Zelizer.. ebook. History
  195. Myth and authority : Giambattista Vico's early modern critique of aristocratic sovereignty / Alexander U. Bertland.. print book. Philosophy
  196. The myth of American inequality : how government biases policy debate / Phil Gramm, Robert Ekelund, and John Early.. ebook. Business
  197. The myth of bureaucratic neutrality : an examination of merit and representation / Shannon K. Portillo, Nicole Humphrey and Domonic A. Bearfield.. ebook. Political Science
  198. The myth of race : the troubling persistence of an unscientific idea / Robert Wald Sussman.. ebook. Sociology
  199. The myth of statistical inference / Michael C. Acree.. ebook. Mathematics


  1. N!ai : the story of a!Kung woman / produced by John Marshall and Sue Marshall-Cabezas ; directed and edited by Adrienne Miesmer and John Marshall ; a co-production of Documentary Educational Resources and Public Broadcasting Associates.. streaming video. English
  2. NACHUME MILLER.. print book. Art
  3. Naeem Mohaiemen : what we found after you left / [editor, Gaëtane Verna].. print book. Art
  4. The nail in the skull and other Victorian urban legends / Simon Young.. print book. Russian Studies
  5. Nano : the spectacular science of the very (very) small / Dr. Jess Wade ; illustrated by Melissa Castrillón.. print book. Education
  6. Nanohertz gravitational wave astronomy / Stephen R. Taylor.. ebook. Physics
  7. Napoleon : a life told in gardens and shadows / Ruth Scurr.. print book. History
  8. The narcissist in you and everyone else : recognizing the 27 types of narcissism / Sterlin L. Mosley.. ebook. Social Work
  9. Narrating medicine in Middle English poetry : poets, practitioners, and the plague / Eve Salisbury.. print book. English
  10. Narrativas del miedo : terror en obras literarias, cinemáticas y televisivas de Latinoamérica / [edited by] Marco Ramírez, David Rozotto, y Karem Langer.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
  11. Narrative and its nonevents : the unwritten plots that shaped Victorian realism / Carra Glatt.. print book. English
  12. The narrative grotesque in medieval Scottish poetry / Caitlin Flynn.. print book. English
  13. Narrative performances of mothering in South Asian diasporic fiction / Sarah Knor.. print book. English
  14. Narratives of (dis)enfranchisement : reckoning with the history of libraries and the Black and African American experience / Tracey Overbey and Amanda L. Folk.. print book. History
  15. Narratives of (dis)engagement : exploring Black and African American students' experiences in libraries / Amanda L. Folk and Tracey Overbey.. print book. History
  16. Narrow : piece for snare drum solo (2022) / Mikko Kervinen.. music score (printed). Music
  17. National affects : the everyday atmospheres of being political / Angharad Closs Stephens.. ebook. Political Science
  18. The National Historic Preservation Act : past, present, and future / edited by Kimball M. Banks and Ann M. Scott.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  19. National identity and partisan polarization / Eric M. Uslaner.. ebook. Political Science
  20. Native Americans in central Appalachia : a bibliography / by Timothy Collins ; foreword by Albert J. Fritsch.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  21. The natural laws of plot : how things happen in realist novels / Yoon Sun Lee.. print book. English
  22. Natural palettes : inspiration from plant-based color / Sasha Duerr.. ebook.
  23. Natural philosophy : on retrieving a lost disciplinary imaginary / Alister E. McGrath.. print book. Philosophy
  24. Natural trumpet basics : a practical guide to playing early music on the natural trumpet / Anna Freeman.. music score (printed). Music
  25. Naturalismo : la metafísica de la ciencia / Martin Manher ; traducción de Francisco José Poveda.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  26. Nature and literary studies / edited by Peter Remien, Lewis-Clark State College and Scott Slovic, University of Idaho.. print book. English
  27. The nature of slavery : environment and plantation labor in the Anglo-Atlantic world / Katherine Johnston.. print book. History
  28. Nature prose : writing in ecological crisis / Dominic Head.. print book. English
  29. Nature swagger : stories and visions of Black joy in the outdoors / Rue Mapp.. ebook. History
  30. Nature swagger : stories and visions of Black joy in the outdoors / Rue Mapp.. print book. History
  31. Navajoland, U.S.A. / cartograph map by Don Bloodgood ; prepared and distributed by KC Publications.. print map. Geography
  32. Navigating the metaverse : a guide to limitless possibilities in a WEB 3.0 world / Cathy Hackl, Dirk Lueth, Tommaso Di Bartolo.. ebook. Business
  33. Nayantara Sahgal : a century of political insights / Maninder Sidhu.. print book. English
  34. The Nazi menace : Hitler, Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin, and the road to war / Benjamin Carter Hett.. print book. History
  35. Nazis of Copley Square : the forgotten story of the Christian Front / Charles R. Gallagher.. print book. History
  36. The near-death of the author : creativity in the internet age / John Potts.. print book. English
  38. The near future in twenty-first-century fiction : climate, retreat and revolution / David Sergeant.. print book. English
  40. The necromantics : reanimation, the historical imagination, and Victorian British and Irish literature / Renée Fox.. print book. English
  41. The needs of others : human rights, international organizations, and intervention in Rwanda, 1994 / Kelly McFall.. print book. History
  42. Negative cat / Sophie Blackall.. print book. Education
  43. Negotiating patriarchy and gender in Africa : discourses, practices, and policies / edited by Egodi Uchendu and Ngozi Edeagu.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  44. Negotiation and resistance : peasant agency in high Medieval France / Constance Brittain Bouchard.. print book. History
  46. Negro poetry in America / by Lena Beatrice Morton.. print book. Special Collections
  47. Neoliberalism and subjectivity in Latin America / Valerie Walkerdine, editor.. ebook. Political Science
  48. Nerp! / Sarah Lynne Reul.. print book. Education
  49. Net gains : inside the beautiful games analytics revolution / Ryan O'Hanlon.. print book. Education
  50. The Netanyahus : an account of a minor and ultimately even negligible episode in the history of a very famous family / Joshua Cohen.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  51. Netflix and streaming video : the business of subscriber-funded video on demand / Amanda D. Lotz.. ebook. Business
  52. Nets of hyphae : Diana Policarpo / [editor] Stefanie Hessler.. print book. Art
  53. Neun tänze : für klavier / Emilie Mayer ; edited by Isolde Weiermüller-Backes.. music score (printed). Music
  54. The neuroethics of biomarkers : what the development of bioprediction means for moral responsibility, justice, and the nature of mental disorder / by Matthew L. Baum.. ebook. Psychology
  55. Neurointerventions and the law : regulating human mental capacity / edited by Nicole A Vincent, Thomas Nadelhoffer, and Allan McCay.. ebook. Psychology
  56. Neurolinguistics / Giosuè Baggio.. ebook. Psychology
  57. Neuromorphic computing and beyond : parallel, approximation, near memory, and quantum / Khaled Salah Mohamed.. ebook. Mathematics
  58. Neuropedia : a brief compendium of brain phenomena / Eric H. Chudler ; illustrations by Kelly Chudler.. ebook. Psychology
  59. Neuropsychology of everyday functioning / edited by Thomas D. Marcotte, Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe, Igor Grant.. ebook. Psychology
  60. The neutrino story : one tiny particle's grand role in the cosmos / Rabindra N. Mohapatra.. ebook. Physics
  61. Never turn back : China and the forbidden history of the 1980s / Julian Gewirtz.. print book. History
  62. Neverending stories : the popular emergence of digital fiction / R. Lyle Skains.. print book. English
  63. A new anatomy of storyworlds : what is, what if, as if / Marie-Laure Ryan.. print book. English
  64. The new best of Wayne Shorter / [Wayne Shorter].. music score (printed). Music
  65. The new Cambridge companion to Aquinas / edited by Eleonore Stump, Thomas Joseph White.. print book. Philosophy
  66. The new Cambridge companion to Coleridge / edited by Tim Fulford.. print book. English
  67. The new Cambridge companion to Plotinus / edited by Lloyd P. Gerson, University of Toronto, James Wilberding, Humboldt University Berlin.. print book. Philosophy
  68. The new Cambridge companion to Samuel Johnson / edited by Greg Clingham.. print book. English
  69. The new constructivism in international relations theory / David M. McCourt.. print book. Philosophy
  70. New directions in print culture studies : archives, materiality, and modern American culture / edited by Jesse W. Schwartz and Daniel Worden.. print book. English
  71. New England elegy : for solo violin and narrator, opus 109 / Richard Pantcheff.. music score (printed). Music
  72. New forms of environmental writing : gleaning and fragmentation / Timothy C. Baker.. print book. English
  73. The new friend fix / by Jennifer Torres ; illustrated by Gladys Jose.. print book. Education
  74. New from here / Kelly Yang.. print book. Education
  75. New frontiers for design of interior lighting products / Andrea Siniscalco.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  76. New frontiers in popular romance : essays on the genre in the 21st century / edited by Susan Fanetti.. print book. English
  77. The new goliaths : how corporations use software to dominate industries, kill innovation, and undermine regulation / James Bessen.. print book. Law
  78. The new goliaths : how corporations use software to dominate industries, kill innovation, and undermine regulation / James Bessen. ebook. Business
  79. New growth : the art and texture of black hair / Jasmine Nichole Cobb.. print book. Art
  80. New Haiti villages : Steven Holl Architects, Guy Nordenson and Associates, Matthias Schuler, Transsolar, Jean Henock Beauchamps & Araby Smyth / [Steven Holl ; with essays from Guy Nordenson and Rebecca Nixon of Guy Nordenson and Associates, Matthias Schul. ebook.
  81. New handbook for a post-Roe America : the complete guide to abortion legality, access, and practical support / Robin Marty ; introduction by Amanda Palmer.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  82. A new history of Greek mathematics / Reviel Netz.. print book. Mathematics
  83. New horizons in Schenkerian research / edited by Allen Cadwallader, Karen M. Bottge, Oliver Schwab-Felisch.. print book. Music
  84. New ideas from dead economists : the introduction to modern economic thought / Todd G. Buchholz.. ebook. Business
  85. The new Joyce studies / edited by Catherine Flynn.. print book. English
  86. The new life : a novel / by Orhan Pamuk ; translated from the Turkish by Güneli Gün.. print book. Education
  87. A new literary history of the long twelfth century : language and literature between Old and Middle English / Mark Faulkner.. print book. English
  88. The new megatrends : seeing clearly in the age of disruption / Marian Salzman.. print book. Education
  89. The new nationalism in America and beyond : the deep roots of ethnic nationalism in the digital age / Robert Schertzer and Eric Taylor Woods.. print book. Political Science
  90. #New paintings / Richard Prince.. print book. Art
  91. New pieces / Jack Pierson.. print book. Art
  92. The new rooster / Rilla Alexander.. print book. Education
  93. The new sex wars : sexual harm in the #MeToo era / Brenda Cossman.. ebook. Social Work
  94. The new view from Cane River : critical essays on Kate Chopin's At fault / edited by Heather Ostman.. print book. English
  95. The new William Faulkner studies / edited by Sarah Gleeson-White, Pardis Dabashi.. print book. English
  96. New world maker : radical poetics, Black internationalism and the translations of Langston Hughes / Ryan James Kernan ; foreword by Robin D.G. Kelley.. print book. English
  97. New York, 1962-1964 / conceived, curated, and edited by Germano Celant.. print book. Art
  98. New York's Yiddish theater : from the Bowery to Broadway / edited by Edna Nahshon.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  99. Newsroom confidential : lessons (and worries) from an ink-stained life / Margaret Sullivan.. print book. Education
  100. The next civil war : dispatches from the American future / Stephen Marche.. print book. Political Science
  101. The nexus : augmented thinking for a complex world, the new convergence of art, technology, and science / Julio Mario Ottino with Bruce Mau.. print book. Art
  102. Nick Cave : forothermore / edited by Naomi Beckwith.. print book. Art
  103. Nicolas Frey's monsters in suits / Bilder: Nicolas Frey.. print book. Art
  104. Nicolas Party / Stéphane Aquin, Stefan Banz, Ali Subotnick, Melissa Hyde.. print book. Art
  105. Niels Bohr : on the constitution of atoms and molecules / Helge Kragh, editor.. ebook. Physics
  106. Nietzche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra : a critical guide / edited by Keith Ansell-Pearson and Paul S. Loeb.. print book. Philosophy
  107. Nietzsche et la vie : une nouvelle histoire de la philosophie / Barbara Stiegler.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
  108. Nietzsche on conflict, struggle and war / James S. Pearson.. print book. Philosophy
  109. Nietzsche on morality and the affirmation of life / edited by Daniel Came.. print book. Philosophy
  110. NIETZSCHE'S THUS SPOKE ZARATHUSTRA:. print book. Philosophy
  111. Night fields : string quartet / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
  112. Night lunch / words by Eric Fan ; pictures by Dena Seiferling.. print book. Education
  113. Night of the living rez / Morgan Talty.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  114. Nightcrawling / Leila Mottley.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  115. Nighttime symphony / Timbaland ; feat. Christopher Myers ; illustrated by Christopher Myers and Kaa Illustration.. print book. Education
  116. Niina Lehtonen Braun : Mädchen lass los = let go girl / editor, Niina Lehtonen Braun ; text, Christine Nippe.. print book. Art
  117. Nika Zupanc : breaking the rules : design for tomorrow / texts, Agata Toromanoff ; preface, Domitilla Dardi.. print book. Art
  118. Niki de Saint Phalle : the retrospective / editors: Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft / Kunsthaus Zürich and Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt.. print book. Art
  119. Nina Malterud : material statements / editor, Jorunn Veiteberg ; translation from Norwegian, The Wordwrights, Peter Cripps.. print book. Art
  120. Nina Soni, former best friend / written by Kashmira Sheth ; illustrated by Jenn Kocsmiersky.. print book. Education
  121. Nina Soni, master of the garden / written by Kashmira Sheth ; illustrated by Jenn Kocsmiersky.. print book. Education
  122. Nina Soni, sister fixer / written by Kashmira Sheth ; illustrated by Jenn Kocsmiersky.. print book. Education
  123. Nine liars / Maureen Johnson.. print book. Education
  124. The nineties : a book / Chuck Klosterman.. print book. Education
  125. Nitrate handbook : environmental, agricultural, and health effects / edited by Christos Tsadilas.. ebook. Chemistry
  126. Nnedi Okorafor : magic, myth, morality and the future / Sandra J. Lindow.. print book. English
  127. No blank check : the origins and consequences of public antipathy towards presidential power / Andrew Reeves, Jon C. Rogowski.. ebook. Political Science
  128. No choice : the destruction of Roe v. Wade and the fight to protect a fundamental American right / Becca Andrews.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  129. The No Club : putting a stop to women's dead-end work / Linda Babcock, Brenda Peyser, Lise Vesterlund, and Laurie Weingart.. print book. Business
  130. The No Club : putting a stop to women's dead-end work / Linda Babcock, Brenda Peyser, Lise Vesterlund, and Laurie Weingart.. ebook. Business
  131. No esperes de mí los mapas : las derivas del viaje en la literatura hispánica del siglo XXI / Sheila Pastor.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  132. "No man knows this country better" : the frontier life of John Gibson / Gary S. Williams.. print book. History
  133. No more police : a case for abolition / Mariame Kaba and Andrea J. Ritchie ; with a foreword by Kandace Montgomery and Miski Noor for Black Visions.. ebook. Sociology
  134. No ordinary woman! : for soprano, clarinet and piano / Gwyneth Walker.. music score (printed). Music
  135. No professor's lectures can save us : William James's pragmatism, radical empiricism, and pluralism / John J. Stuhr.. print book. Philosophy
  136. No return : Jews, Christian usurers, and the spread of mass expulsion in medieval Europe / Rowan Dorin.. print book. History
  137. No tea, no shade : new writings in Black queer studies / edited by E. Patrick Johnson.. print book. Education
  138. No, you shut up : speaking truth to power and reclaiming America / Symone D. Sanders.. print book. Political Science
  139. Noah and his wagon / written by Jerry Ruff ; illustrated by Katrijn Jacobs.. print book. Education
  140. Les noces de Prométhée : op. 19 (1867) / Camille Saint-Saëns.. music score (printed). Music
  141. Noël / paroles et musique de Augusta Holmès ; avec orgue ad libitum.. music score (printed). Music
  142. Noirs et Blancs contre l'esclavage : une alliance antiesclavagiste ambiguë aux États-Unis 1754-1830 / Marie-Jeanne Rossignol.. print book. History
  143. Nomad century : how climate migration will reshape our world / Gaia Vince.. print book. Business
  144. Non-literary fiction : art of the Americas under neoliberalism / Esther Gabara.. print book. Art
  145. Non-things : upheaval in the lifeworld / Byung-Chul Han ; translated by Daniel Steuer.. print book. Philosophy
  146. Nonideal social ontology : the power view / Åsa Burman.. print book. Philosophy
  147. Noon dance : for chamber ensemble / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
  148. A NORMAL PIG BY K-FAI STEELE.. print book. Education
  149. Normal : real stories from the sex industry / a film by Nicola Mai.. streaming video.
  150. Normative pluralism : resolving conflicts between moral and prudential reasons / Mathea Slåttholm Sagdahl.. print book. Philosophy
  151. Normative reasons : between reasoning and explanation / Artürs Logins.. print book. Philosophy
  152. Normativity and agency : themes from the philosophy of Christine M. Korsgaard / edited by Tamar Schapiro, Kyla Ebels-Duggan, and Sharon Street.. print book. Philosophy
  153. North Face.. streaming video. German
  154. The northern silence : journeys in Nordic music and culture / Andrew Mellor.. print book. Music
  155. Nosotros means us : un cuento bilingüe = a bilingual story / Paloma Valdivia.. print book. Education
  156. Not an easy win / Chrystal D. Giles.. print book. Education
  157. Not enough lollipops / by Megan Maynor ; art by Micah Player.. print book. Education
  158. Not-forgetting : contemporary art and the interrogation of mastery / Rosalyn Deutsche.. print book. Art
  159. Not too late : changing the climate story from despair to possibility / edited by Rebecca Solnit & Thelma Young Lutunatabua ; with illustrations by David Solnit.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
  160. Notelets of filth : a companion reader to Morgan Lloyd Malcolm's Emilia / edited by Laura Kressly, Aida Patient, and Kimberly A. Williams ; foreword by Morgan Lloyd Malcolm.. print book. English
  161. Notes from another Los Angeles : Gregory Ain and the construction of a social landscape / edited by Anthony Fontenot.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  162. Notes on footnotes : annotating eighteenth-century literature / edited by Melvyn New and Anthony W. Lee.. print book. English
  163. The notions of George Berkeley : self, substance, unity and power / James Hill.. print book. Philosophy
  164. The notory art of shorthand (Ars notoria notarie) : a curious chapter in the history of writing in the West / edition, translation and introduction by John Haines (University of Toronto).. print book. Philosophy
  166. Nourish : food + community.. streaming video. English
  167. Nourish : food + community.. streaming video.
  168. Nouveau traité de la civilité qui se pratique en France parmi les honnêtes gens / Antoine de Courtin ; Marie-Claire Grassi.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
  169. Now is not the time to panic : a novel / Kevin Wilson.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  170. Now you see me [Videorecording (DVD)].. video DVD.
  171. The nowhere office : reinventing work and the workplace of the future / Julia Hobsbawm.. print book. Education
  172. Nox-- amor : mélodie / Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
  173. Nox-- Silentium / Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
  174. Nubia. Real one / written by L.L. McKinney ; illustrated by Robyn Smith ; cover color by Bex Glendining ; interior color by Brie Henderson with Robyn Smith and Bex Glendining ; lettered by Ariana Maher.. print book. Education
  175. Nuclear folly : a history of the Cuban Missile Crisis / Serhii Plokhy.. print book. History
  176. Nudging / Riccardo Viale.. ebook. Business
  177. El Nuevo Mundo y Andalucía : culturas y libros / Carlos Alberto González Sánchez.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  178. Nuit et brouillard = Night and fog / une co-production Como Films, Argos Films, Cocinor [and] Janus Films ; producers, Anatole Dauman, Samy Halfon, Philippe Lifchitz ; text writer, Jean Cayrol ; director, Alain Resnais.. streaming video. English
  179. Nuit et brouillard = Night and fog / une co-production Como Films, Argos Films, Cocinor [and] Janus Films ; producers, Anatole Dauman, Samy Halfon, Philippe Lifchitz ; text writer, Jean Cayrol ; director, Alain Resnais.. streaming video.
  180. Number theory and combinatorics : a collection in honor of the mathematics of Ronald Graham / edited by Bruce M. Landman, Florian Luca, Melvyn B. Nathanson, Jaroslav Nešetřil, and Aaron Robertson.. ebook. Mathematics
  181. Numbers in motion : Sofie Kowalevski, queen of mathematics / by Laurie Wallmark ; illustrated by Yevgenia Nayberg.. print book. Education
  182. The numerate leader : how to pull game-changing insights from statistical data / Thomas A. King.. ebook. Statistics
  183. Nurses and what they do / Liesbet Slegers.. print book. Education
  184. NURTURE QUEER NATURE. print book. Special Collections
  185. Nutrition in clinical practice / David L. Katz [and five others].. ebook. Medicine
  186. Nutrition management of inherited metabolic diseases : lessons from Metabolic University / Laurie E. Bernstein, Fran Rohr, Sandy van Calcar, editors.. ebook. Medicine
  187. Nutrition research : concepts and applications / Karen Eich Drummond, Alison Murphy-Reyes, Natalie K. Cooke, Virginia C. Stage, L. Suzanne Goodell.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment


  1. O say can you hear? : a cultural biography of "The Star-spangled banner" / Mark Clague.. print book. Music
  2. Obedience is freedom / Jacob Phillips.. print book. Philosophy
  3. Object-event-performance : art, materiality, and continuity since the 1960s / edited by Hanna B. Hölling.. print book. Art
  4. An object of seduction : Chinese silk in the early modern transpacific trade, 1500-1700 / Xiaolin Duan.. print book. History
  5. Objectified / produced and directed by Gary Hustwit.. streaming video.
  6. Objectified / produced and directed by Gary Hustwit.. streaming video. Art
  7. Objections : forms of abstraction. Vol. 1 / Sven Lütticken.. print book. Art
  8. Objective Imperatives : an exploration of Kant's moral philosophy / Ralph C.S. Walker.. print book. Philosophy
  9. An oblique autobiography / Yve-Alain Bois ; [edited by Jordan Kantor].. print book. Art
  11. Obscene gestures : counter-narratives of sex and race in the twentieth century / Patrick S. Lawrence.. ebook. Psychology
  12. An occasionally happy family / Cliff Burke.. print book. Education
  13. Occupation: boundary : art, architecture, and culture at the water / Cathy Simon with Carrie Eastman ; essays by Laurie Olin, John King, Justine Shapiro-Kline ; drawings by Bárbara Miglietti ; edited by Ashley Simone.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  14. Ocean bound women : sisters sailing around the world in the 1880s - the adventures - the ship - the people / Anders Hallengren.. print book. History
  15. OCEAN : exploring the marine world.. print book. Art
  16. Octopuses have zero bones / Anne Richardson ; illustrated by Andrea Antinori.. print book. Education
  17. Oeuvres choises pour orgue, vol. 2 / Josse Francois Joseph Benaut ; edited by Maurizio Machella.. music score (printed). Music
  18. Œuvres complètes / Guillaume de Machaut ; éd. commémorative établie par S. Leguy.. music score (printed). Music
  19. Of an alien homecoming : reading Heidegger's "Hölderlin" / Charles Bambach.. print book. Philosophy
  20. Of boys and men : why the modern male is struggling, why it matters, and what to do about It / Richard V. Reeves.. ebook. Sociology
  21. Of reminiscences and reflections : for orchestra / Gunther Schuller.. music score (printed). Music
  22. Off Grid House Plans / Anna Minguet, editor.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  23. Off the edge : flat Earthers, conspiracy culture, and why people will believe anything / Kelly Weill. ebook. Sociology
  24. Offecct + Luca Nichetto / text, Yoko Choy, Luca Nichetto, Maria Olofsson Karemyr.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  25. Offerings of desire : poems / Kelly Norman Ellis.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  26. The office of good intentions : human(s) work / Florian Idenburg, LeeAnn Suen ; photography by Iwan Baan ; with Zoë Ritts, Duncan Scovil and Sean Yendrys.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  27. L'Officiel 100 : one hundred people and ideas from a century in fashion / Stefano Tonchi.. print book. Art
  28. Ohero:Kon : under the husk : a Native American rite of passage / a film by Katsitsionni Fox.. streaming video.
  29. Oil, the state, and war : the foreign policies of petrostates / Emma Ashford.. print book. Business
  30. OK millenials! : puritanisme, victimisation, identitarisme, censure... : l'enquête d'un baby-boomer sur les mythes de la génération « woke » / Brice Couturier.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
  31. Old-fashioned modernism : rural masculinity and Midwestern literature / Andy Oler.. print book. English
  32. The old man and the penguin : a true story of true friendship / written by Julie Abery ; illustrated by Pierre Pratt.. print book. Education
  33. OLGA DE AMARAL. print book. Art
  34. Olu & Greta / Diana Ejaita.. print book. Education
  35. Olympic pride, American prejudice / directed by Deborah Riley Draper ; narrated and executive produced by Blair Underwood.. streaming video. History
  36. Omaggio a Bellini : for violoncello and guitar / Pavle Dešpalj ; transcribed and edited by Valter Dešpalj.. music score (printed). Music
  39. Omne ens est aliquid : introduction à la lecture du "système" philosophique de saint Thomas d'Aquin / Philipp W. Rosemann ; préface de J. Etienne.. print book. Philosophy
  40. Omnicompetent modernists : poetry, politics, and the public sphere / Matthew Hofer.. print book. English
  41. On a rainy day / Sarah Luann Perkins.. print book. Education
  42. On account of sex : Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the making of gender equality law / Philippa Strum.. print book. Law
  43. On account of the gum / written and illustrated by Adam Rex.. print book. Education
  44. On believing : being right in a world of possibilities / David Hunter.. print book. Philosophy
  45. On Bramante / Pier Paolo Tamburelli ; with photographs by Bas Princen ; translated from the Italian by Huw Evans.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  46. On dark and bloody ground : an oral history of the West Virginia mine wars / Anne T. Lawrence ; with a foreword by Catherine Venable Moore.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  47. On John Stuart Mill / Philip Kitcher.. print book. Philosophy
  48. On justice : philosophy, history, foundations / Mathias Risse, Lucius N. Littauer Professor of Philosophy and Public Administration, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.. print book. Philosophy
  49. On life : cells, genes, and the evolution of complexity / Franklin M. Harold.. ebook. Biology
  50. On paradox : the claims of theory / Elizabeth S. Anker.. print book. English
  51. On Peter Friedl / editor, Krist Gruijthuijsen.. print book. Art
  52. On petrocultures : globalization, culture, and energy / Imre Szeman.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  53. On regular life, freedom, modernity, and Augustinian communitarianism / Guillermo M. Jodra.. print book. Philosophy
  54. On the black hand side / Gerald L. Coleman.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  56. "On the ecclesiastical hierarchy" : the thirteenth-century Paris textbook edition / introduction, translation, and notes by L. Michael Harrington.. print book. Philosophy
  57. On the Eucharist (commentary on the Sentences, Book IV, dist. 8-13) : edition, translation, and introduction / Bonaventure ; by Junius Johnson.. print book. Philosophy
  58. On the frontiers of the Indian Ocean world : a history of Lake Tanganyika, c.1830-1890 / Philip Gooding, McGill University, [Montréal].. print book. History
  59. On the line : documents of risk and faith / curated by Makeda Best and Kevin Moore ; edited by Lucy Flint.. print book. Art
  60. On the rocks : straight talk about women and drinking / Susan D. Stewart.. print book. History
  61. On the scale of the world : the formation of black anticolonial thought / Musab Younis.. ebook. Political Science
  62. On the town : a performa compendium 2016-2021 / Roselee Goldberg ; edited by Charles Aubin ; photographs by Paula Court.. print book. Art
  63. On this day in history sh!t went down / James Fell.. print book. Sociology
  64. On this day in history sh!t went down. Number 2 / James Fell.. print book. Sociology
  65. On transits and transitions : trans migrants and U.S. immigration law / Tristan Josephson.. print book. Law
  66. Once in a lifetime (repeat) / João Onofre ; curated by Delfim Sardo.. print book. Art
  67. Once upon a time... : for clarinet, cello & piano : 2014 / Tobias Broström.. music score (printed). Music
  68. Once upon a time in Anatolia : = Bir Zamanlar Anadolu'da / Zeyno Film.. streaming video.
  69. Once upon a time in the academic library : storytelling skills for librarians / edited by Maria Barefoot, Sara Parme, and Elin Woods.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  70. Once you know / Pulp Films presents.. streaming video. English
  71. Once you know / Pulp Films presents.. streaming video.
  72. Onde vive a arte na América Latina = Donde vive el arte en América Latina = Where art lives in Latin America / organização : Fernando Ticoulat, João Paulo Siqueira Lopes ; ensaio : Julieta González.. print book. Art
  73. One hundred and sixty minutes : the race to save the RMS Titanic / William Hazelgrove.. print book. History
  74. One hundred years of Surrealist poetry : theory and practice / Willard Bohn.. print book. English
  75. One million trees : a true story / Kristen Balouch.. print book. Education
  76. One rainy day / Shobha Viswanath ; Ashwathy P.S. and Anusha Sundar.. print book. Education
  77. One rainy day / Shobha Viswanath ; Ashwathy P.S. and Anusha Sundar.. print book. Education
  78. One step ahead of Hitler : a Jewish child's journey through France / Fred Gross.. print book. English
  79. One true logic : a monist manifesto / Owen Griffiths and A.C. Paseau.. print book. Philosophy
  80. Online instruction : a practical guide for librarians / Emily Mroczek.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  81. Only EKG Book You'll Ever Need. ebook. Medicine
  82. Only in Africa : the ecology of human evolution / Norman Owen-Smith, University of Witwatersrand.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  83. Only natural : gender, knowledge, and humankind / Louise Antony.. print book. Philosophy
  84. The only plane in the sky : an oral history of 9/11 / Garrett M. Graff.. print book. Education
  85. The Only way through is slow : for solo violin (2022) / Libby Larsen.. music score (printed). Music
  86. The only woman / Immy Humes.. print book. Art
  87. Open educational resources / compiled and written by Mary Francis. ebook. Library & Information Science
  88. Operas in German : a dictionary / Margaret Ross Griffel.. print book. Music
  89. Operational images : from the visual to the invisual / Jussi Parikka.. print book. Art
  90. The opium business : a history of crime and capitalism in maritime China / Peter Thilly.. print book. History
  92. Opium's orphans : the 200-year history of the war on drugs / P. E. Caquet.. print book. History
  93. Opposites!.. print book. Education
  94. Opposites : two contrasting movements for seven flutes / Samuel Adler.. music score (printed). Music
  95. Optimal Bayesian classification / Lori A. Dalton and Edward R. Dougherty.. ebook. Statistics
  96. Optimising pig herd health and production / edited by Dominiek Maes, Joaquim Segales.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  97. Optimising poultry folk health / edited by Sjaak de Wit.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  98. Optimization of behavioral, biobehavioral, and biomedical interventions : the Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST) / Linda M. Collins.. ebook. Medicine
  99. Optometrists and what they do / Liesbet Slegers.. print book. Education
  100. Orality, form, and lyric unity : poetics of Michael Donaghy and Don Paterson / Beverley Nadin.. print book. English
  101. Orange-collar labor : work and inequality in prison / Michael Gibson-Light.. ebook. Sociology
  102. Ordinary people, turbulent times / Alice Dreifuss Goldstein.. print book. English
  103. Le ore d'Apollo : op. 111 : for guitar / Mauro Giuliani ; edited and fingered by Riccardo Del Prete ; foreword by Angelo Gilardino.. music score (printed). Music
  104. Orfeu Negro = Black Orpheus / Janus Films ; un production Sacha Gordine ; directed by Marcel Camus ; original screenplay by Jacques Viot.. streaming video.
  105. ORGAN SYMPHONY / [ELFRIDA] ANDREE. print book. Music
  106. Orientation in European Romanticism : the art of falling upwards / Paul Hamilton.. print book. English
  107. Orienting virtue : civic identity and orientalism in Britain's global eighteenth century / Bethany Williamson.. print book. English
  108. The origins of Russian literary theory : folklore, philology, form / Jessica Merrill.. print book. English
  109. An Orkney sketchbook : four pieces for piano / Peter Maxwell Davies.. music score (printed). Music
  110. Orwell and empire / Douglas Kerr.. print book. English
  111. Osnat and her dove : the true story of the world's first female rabbi / written by Sigal Samuel ; illustrated by Vali Mintzi.. print book. Education
  112. Other monasticisms : studies in the history and architecture of religious communities outside the canon, 11th-15th centuries / edited by Sheila Bonde and Clark Maines.. print book. History
  113. The other of climate change : racial futurism, migration, humanism / Andrew Baldwin.. print book. Philosophy
  114. The other rights revolution : conservative lawyers and the remaking of American government / Jefferson Decker.. print book. History
  115. Otherwise than the binary : new feminist readings in ancient philosophy and culture / edited by Jessica Elbert Decker, Danielle A. Layne, and Monica Vilhauer.. print book. Philosophy
  116. Otl Aicher : design. type. thinking / edited by Winfried Nerdinger and Wilhelm Vossenkuhl ; in collaboration with Fritz Frenkler, Hannes Gumpp, Hans Hermann Wetcke and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) ; translation (German to English): Gerard A. G. print book. Art
  117. Otto fogli : per trombone solo (2018/2019) / Friedrich Cerha.. music score (printed). Music
  118. Otto Wood, the bandit : the freighthopping thief, bootlegger, and convicted murderer behind the Appalachian ballads / Trevor McKenzie ; foreword by David Holt.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  119. Our children are your students : LGBTQ families speak out / by Tara Goldstein ; with contributions by Pam Baer, benjamin lee hicks, Yasmin Owis, Kate Reid, and Jenny Salisbury.. ebook. Social Work
  120. Our children are your students : LGBTQ families speak out / by Tara Goldstein ; with contributions by Pam Baer, benjamin lee hicks, Yasmin Owis, Kate Reid, and Jenny Salisbury.. print book. Education
  121. Our fight has just begun : hate crimes and justice in Native America / Cheryl Redhorse Bennett.. print book. Law
  122. Our man in Tokyo : an American ambassador and the countdown to Pearl Harbor / Steve Kemper.. print book. History
  123. Our missing hearts : a novel / Celeste Ng.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  124. Our spirits don't speak English : Indian boarding school / Rich-Heape Films presents ; direction, Chip Richie ; producers, Chip Richie, Steven R. Heape ; screen writer, Dan Agent.. streaming video.
  125. Our spirits don't speak English : Indian boarding school / Rich-Heape Films presents ; direction, Chip Richie ; producers, Chip Richie, Steven R. Heape ; screen writer, Dan Agent.. streaming video. Anthropology
  126. Ousmane Sembène and the politics of culture / edited by Lifongo Vetinde and Amadou T. Fofana.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  127. Out in the night / ITVS ; a production of The Fire This Time, Fork Films, G6 Pictures, Promised Land Films ; producer, Giovanna Chesler, Mridu Chandra, Yoruba Richen ; a film by Blair Dorosh-Walther.. streaming video.
  128. Out of a jar / Deborah Marcero.. print book. Education
  129. Out of breath : vulnerability of air in contemporary art / Caterina Albano.. print book. Art
  130. Out of order : stories from the history of the Supreme Court / Sandra Day O'Connor.. print book. Political Science
  131. Out of time : a philosophical study of timelessness / Sam Baron, Kristie Miller, Jonathan Tallant.. print book. Philosophy
  132. OUT OF YOUR BROOM CLOSET AND ONTO YOUR BROOM. print book. Special Collections
  133. Out run / a film by S. Leo Chiang and Johnny Symons.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
  134. Outside before beyond : Alicia Frankovich / texts, Karen Archey, Eva Birkenstock, Rosi Braidotti, Daniel Falb, Hannah Mathews ; edited by Eva Birkenstock ; coproduced with Monash University Museum of Art.. print book. Art
  135. Outsider art : art brut and its affinities / Colin Rhodes.. print book. Art
  136. Ouvertüre - cariolan, op. 62 : für orchester / Ludwig Van Beethoven ; edited by Jonathan Del Mar.. music score (printed). Music
  137. Ouverture d-Moll : für Orchester = for orchestra / Emilie Mayer.. music score (printed). Music
  138. Ouverture pastorale a-dur nr. 8, op. 108 / Johann Wenzel Kalliwoda ; edited by Michael Goldbach.. music score (printed). Music
  139. Ouvertüre (Sinfonia) zur Oper Angiolina / Antonio Salieri ; herausgegeben von Michael Goldbach.. music score (printed). Music
  140. Ouvertüre zu Othello / Wilhelm Taubert ; herausgegeben von Michael Goldbach. music score (printed). Music
  141. Ouverture zur Oper Ein Traum in der Christnacht / Ferdinand Hiller ; herausgegeben von Michael Goldbach.. music score (printed). Music
  142. Over 18: The Question is Not Enough.. streaming video.
  143. Overcome : Stories of Women Who Grew Up In The Child Welfare System.. ebook.
  144. Overlooking damage : art, display, and loss in a time of crisis / Jonah Siegel.. print book. Philosophy
  145. Overshadowed : Leonardo da Vinci and Bernardino Luini / David Alan Brown. print book. Art
  146. Overtime : America's aging workforce and the future of working longer / edited by Lisa F. Berkman and Beth C. Truesdale.. ebook. Business
  147. Overtourism : lessons for a better future / edited by Martha Honey and Kelsey Frenkiel.. ebook. Business
  148. Overture to Shakespeare's comedy "Twelfth night" : op. 40 / Alexander Campbell Mackenzie.. music score (printed). Music
  149. Overture to the opera 'The legend of Teignmouth,' op. 47 : for piano duet / Elias Parish-Alvars.. music score (printed). Music
  150. The owls are not what they seem : artist as ethologist / Arnaud Gerspacher.. print book. Art
  151. Owning the masters : a history of sound recording copyright / Richard Osborne.. print book. Music
  152. The Oxford encyclopedia of politics and religion / edited by Paul A. Djupe, Mark J. Rozell, and Ted G. Jelen.. ebook. Political Science
  153. Oxford handbook of positive psychology and work / edited by P. Alex Linley, Susan Harrington, Nicola Garcea.. ebook. Political Science
  154. Oxford studies in philosophy of mind. Volume 2 / edited by Uriah Kriegel.. print book. Philosophy

P - Pi/span>

  1. Pa negre / Isona Passola presenta ; una pelicula d'Austí Villaronga.. streaming video. Hispanic Studies
  2. Padre Pio / Mediatrade presenta un film di Carlo Carlei ; prodotto da Angelo Rizzoli ; diretto da Carlo Carlei.. video DVD.
  3. Pagine di guerra : (1915-1918) : cinque "films" musicali per grande orchestra / Alfredo Casella.. music score (printed). Music
  4. Pahua and the soul stealer / by Lori M. Lee.. print book. Education
  5. Painting and presence : why paintings matter / Anthony Rudd.. print book. Art
  6. Painting dissent : art, ethics, and the American Pre-Raphaelites / Sophie Lynford.. print book. Art
  7. Palestine 1936 : the great revolt and the roots of the Middle East conflict / Oren Kessler.. print book. History
  8. Paletero man! = ¡Qué paletero tan cool! / by Latin Grammy winner/escrito por al ganador del Premio Grammy Latino Lucky Diaz ; illustrated by/ilustrado por Micah Player ; translated by/traducido por Carmen Tafolla.. print book. Education
  9. Paletó and me : memories of my Indigenous father / Aparecida Vilaça ; translated by David Rodgers.. ebook. Anthropology
  10. The Palgrave handbook of imposter syndrome in higher education / Michelle Addison, Maddie Breeze, Yvette Taylor, editors.. ebook. Arts Administration
  11. The Palgrave handbook of imposter syndrome in higher education / edited by Michelle Addison, Maddie Breeze, Yvette Taylor.. print book. Arts Administration
  12. The Palgrave handbook of race and the arts in education / Amelia M. Kraehe, Rubén Gaztambide-Fernández, B. Stephen Carpenter, II, editors.. ebook. Art
  13. The Palgrave handbook of sexual ethics / David Boonin, editor.. print book. English
  14. Palimpsests of themselves : logic and commentary in postclassical Muslim South Asia / Asad Q. Ahmed.. print book. Philosophy
  15. Pallidetta viola : chamber cantata : for alto and basso continuo / Francesco Antonio Mamiliano Pistocchi ; edited by Alejandra Béjar Bartolo and Fabrizio Ammetto.. music score (printed). Music
  16. Palo Alto : a history of California, capitalism, and the world / Malcolm Harris.. print book. Business
  17. Palo Alto : a history of California, capitalism, and the world / Malcolm Harris.. ebook. Business
  18. Panama in Black : Afro-Caribbean world making in the twentieth century / Kaysha Corinealdi.. print book. History
  19. The Panama papers.. streaming video. Philosophy
  20. The pandemic divide : how COVID increased inequality in America / edited by Gwendolyn L. Wright, Lucas Hubbard, and William A. Darity Jr.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
  21. The pandemic effect : ninety experts on immunizing the built environment / Blaine Brownell.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  22. Pandemic politics : the deadly toll of partisanship in the age of COVID / Shana Kushner Gadarian, Sara Wallace Goodman, Thomas B. Pepinsky.. ebook. Political Science
  23. Pandora's box.. streaming video. German
  24. Pandora's box : a history of the First World War / Jörn Leonhard ; translated by Patrick Camiller.. print book. History
  25. Pantomime : (euphonium solo) / by Philip Sparke.. music score (printed). Music
  26. Paola Pivi / by Paola Pivi ; contributing editor, Justine Ludwig.. print book. Art
  27. Paola Santiago and the forest of nightmares / Tehlor Kay Mejia.. print book. Education
  28. The paper boat / Thao Lam.. print book. Education
  29. Paper Dolls : a Filipino trans community in Israel / Strand Releasing presents a documentary by Tomer Heymann ; Strand Releasing ; Claudius Films ; Heymann Brothers Films ; produced and directed by Tomer Heymann.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
  30. Papyrus : the invention of books in the ancient world / Irene Vallejo ; translated from the Spanish by Charlotte Whittle.. print book. History
  31. Parable : for solo English horn : Parable XV : op. 128 / Vincent Persichetti.. music score (printed). Music
  32. Parachute infantry : an American paratrooper's memoir of D-day and the fall of the Third Reich / David Kenyon Webster.. ebook. History
  33. Paradise camp / by Yuki Kihara ; edited by Natalie King.. print book. Art
  34. Paradise understood : new philosophical essays about Heaven / edited by T. Ryan Byerly and Eric J. Silverman.. print book. Philosophy
  35. The paradox of democracy : free speech, open media, and perilous persuasion / Zac Gershberg and Sean Illing.. print book. History
  36. The paradox of urban revitalization : progress and poverty in America's postindustrial era / Howard Gillette, Jr.. print book. Geography
  37. Paradoxes of nostalgia : Cold War triumphalism and global disorder since 1989 / Penny M. Von Eschen.. print book. History
  38. Paragraph 175 / a Telling Pictures production ; a Rob Epstein/Jeffrey Friedman film ; produced and directed by Rob Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman ; director of research/associate producer, Klaus Müller ; producers, Michael Ehrenzweig, Janet Cole ; writer, Sh. streaming video.
  39. Paragraph 175 / a Telling Pictures production ; a Rob Epstein/Jeffrey Friedman film ; produced and directed by Rob Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman ; director of research/associate producer, Klaus Müller ; producers, Michael Ehrenzweig, Janet Cole ; writer, Sh. streaming video. Law
  40. Parallel agile : faster delivery, fewer defects, lower cost / Doug Rosenberg, Barry Boehm, Matt Stephens, Charles Suscheck, Shobha Rani Dhalipathi, Bo Wang.. ebook. Mathematics
  41. The parallel philosophies of Sartre and Nietzsche : ethics, ontology and the self / Nike Farrell Fox.. print book. Philosophy
  42. Parametric experiments in architecture : a connection joint design for sustainable structures in bamboo / Francesco Di Paola, Andrea Mercurio.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  43. Parametric methods for beginners : architecture applications / Umut Toker.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  44. Paranoia TV : Steirischer Herbst '20, 24.9.-18.10.20 / edited by Ekaterina Degot and David Riff.. print book. Art
  45. Parasite. ebook.
  46. Parasite. ebook.
  47. Parenting with an accent : how immigrants honor their heritage, navigate setbacks, and chart new paths for their children / Masha Rumer.. ebook. Social Work
  48. Parergon zur Sinfonia per Giovani : für Saxophon-Orchester und Schlagzeug : GeWV 126 (1992) / Harald Genzmer.. music score (printed). Music
  49. Paris and her cathedrals / R. Howard Bloch.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  50. Paris is burning / produced and directed by Jennie Livingston ; a production of Off White Productions, Inc.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
  51. Paris was a woman / Jezebel Productions & Cicada Films in association with Salzgeber Medien ; written and researched by Andrea Weiss ; produced by Greta Schiller, Andrea Weiss, and Frances Berrigan ; directed by Greta Schiller.. streaming video.
  52. Paris was a woman / Jezebel Productions & Cicada Films in association with Salzgeber Medien ; written and researched by Andrea Weiss ; produced by Greta Schiller, Andrea Weiss, and Frances Berrigan ; directed by Greta Schiller.. streaming video.
  53. Park cities : knaves / concept and design: Magali Reus ; editing and production: Julia Mullié ; text: Kathryn Scanlan.. print book. Art
  54. Park rangers and what they do / Liesbet Slegers.. print book. Education
  55. Participatory design and social transformation : images and narratives of crisis and change / John A. Bruce.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  56. Particle and philosophy in crisis : towards mode of information / Anil Rajimwale.. print book. Philosophy
  57. The parting of ways : a personal account of the thirties / Shiela Grant Duff.. print book. History
  58. The partisan next door : stereotypes of party supporters and consequences for polarization in America / Ethan C. Busby, Adam J. Howat, Jacob E. Rothschild, Richard M. Shafranek.. ebook. Political Science
  59. Partisans : the conservative revolutionaries who remade American politics in the 1990s / Nicole Hemmer.. print book. History
  60. Partita for euphonium and piano / Walter Ross.. music score (printed). Music
  61. Partita for solo timpani / Carlos Chávez.. music score (printed). Music
  62. Partita h-moll für Violine & kleines Orchester (1933) / Ture Rangström.. music score (printed). Music
  63. Partition de L'italienne à Alger / musique de Rossini ; arrangée pour le piano forte.. music score (printed). Music
  64. Partly cloudy / Tanita S. Davis.. print book. Education
  65. Passacaglia and fugue ; Short organ works / [Florence Beatrice Price] ; edited by Calvert Johnson.. music score (printed). Music
  66. The passenger / Cormac McCarthy.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  67. La passion de Jeanne d'Arc = Passion of Joan of Arc / Criterion Collection ; Janus Films ; Gaumont present ; Centre national du cinema et de l'image animée ; Société Générale de Films présente un film de Carl Theodor Dreyer.. streaming video. Philosophy
  68. La passion de Jeanne d'Arc = Passion of Joan of Arc / Criterion Collection ; Janus Films ; Gaumont present ; Centre national du cinema et de l'image animée ; Société Générale de Films présente un film de Carl Theodor Dreyer.. streaming video.
  69. The Passionate Shepherd to his love : for voice and piano / John Corigliano.. music score (printed). Music
  70. Past Titan Rock : journeys into an Appalachian valley / Ellesa Clay High ; with a foreword by Travis D. Stimeling.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  71. Pastoral care and community in late medieval Germany : Albert of Diessen's Mirror of priests / Deeana Copeland Klepper.. print book. History
  73. Patchwork / Matt de la Peña ; [illustrated by] Corinna Luyken.. print book. Education
  74. Patchwork : a world tour / Catherine Legrand.. print book. Art
  75. The path to mass evil : Hannah Arendt and totalitarianism today / Michael Hardiman.. print book. Philosophy
  76. The patriarchs : the origins of inequality / Angela Saini.. ebook. Sociology
  77. Patriarchy, honour, and violence : masculinities in premodern Europe / edited by Jacqueline Murray.. print book. History
  78. Patriot and priest : Jean-Baptiste Volfius and the constitutional church in the Côte-d'Or / Annette Chapman-Adisho.. print book. History
  79. Patriots, loyalists, and revolution in New York City, 1775-1776 / Bill Offutt.. print book. History
  80. Pattern bugs / Trudy Harris ; illustrated by Anne Canevari Green.. print book. Education
  81. Pattern fish / Trudy Harris ; illustrated by Anne Canevari Green.. print book. Education
  82. Patterns of plague : changing ideas about plague in England and France, 1348-1750 / Lori Jones.. print book. History
  83. Paul Laurence Dunbar : the life and times of a caged bird / Gene Andrew Jarrett.. print book. History
  84. Paul of Venice : Logica magna, the treatise on insolubles / edited with an introduction, English translation, and commentary by Stephen Read and Barbara Bartocci.. print book. Philosophy
  85. Paula Rego / edited by Elena Crippa ; with contributions by Elena Crippa, Zuzana Flašková, Maria Manuel Lisboa, Minna Moore Ede, Giulia Smith, Laura Stamps and Marina Warner.. print book. Art
  86. Pay attention, Carter Jones / Gary D. Schmidt.. print book. Education
  87. Le pays de rêves : duo pour soprano et baryton / par Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
  88. Peace / by Baptiste Paul & Miranda Paul ; illustrated by Estelí Meza.. print book. Education
  89. Peace in the mountains : northern Appalachian students protest the Vietnam War / Thomas Weyant.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  90. The peaceful transfer of power : an oral history of America's presidential transitions / David Marchick and Alexander Tippett ; with A.J. Wilson.. print book. Political Science
  91. Peggy Ahwesh : vision machines / editors, Erika Balsom and Robert Leckie ; texts by Erika Balsom [and 4 others].. print book. Art
  92. The Penguin book of Japanese short stories / introduced by Haruki Murakami ; edited and with notes by Jay Rubin.. print book. Asian Studies
  93. Pensar lo real : autoficción y discurso crítico / Ana Casas, Anna Forné (eds.).. print book. Hispanic Studies
  94. Pensées / Blaise Pascal.. print book. Philosophy
  95. Pentagons and pentagrams : an illustrated history / text by Eli Maor ; illustrations by Eugen Jost.. ebook. Mathematics
  96. THE PEONY. print book. Special Collections
  97. People are wild / Margaux Meganck.. print book. Education
  98. People like us : social class in America / a film by Andrew Kolker and Louis Alvarez ; The Center for New American Media and WETA Washington, D.C., in association with ITVS presents.. streaming video.
  99. People like us : social class in America / a film by Andrew Kolker and Louis Alvarez ; The Center for New American Media and WETA Washington, D.C., in association with ITVS presents.. streaming video. Education
  100. Perception : first form of mind / Tyler Burge.. print book. Philosophy
  101. Perceptual experience / Christopher S. Hill.. print book. Philosophy
  102. Percussion instruments : purchasing, maintenance, troubleshooting, and more / Stephen Primatic.. print book. Music
  103. Perfect black / Crystal Wilkinson ; illustrated by Ronald W. Davis ; foreword by Nikky Finney.. ebook. Appalachian Studies
  104. Perfect black / Crystal Wilkinson ; illustrated by Ronald W. Davis ; foreword by Nikky Finney.. print book. English
  105. Perfect copies : reproduction and the contemporary comic / Shiamin Kwa.. print book. English
  106. Perfect example / by John Percellino.. print book. Arts Administration
  107. A perfect mistake / Melanie Conklin.. print book. Education
  108. The Perfect Sushi. print book. Education
  109. The perfect sushi / words by Emily Satoko Seo ; art by Mique Moriuchi.. print book. Education
  110. The performance of video games : enacting identity, history and culture through play / Kelly I. Aliano.. ebook. Psychology
  111. A performer's guide to transcribing, editing, and arranging early music / Alon Schab.. print book. Music
  112. Performing arts center management / edited by Patricia Dewey Lambert and Robyn Williams.. ebook. Arts Administration
  113. Performing collaboration in solo performance : A duet without you and practice as research / edited by Chloé Déchery.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  114. Performing racial uplift : E. Azalia Hackley and African American activism in the postbellum to pre-Harlem era / Juanita Karpf.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  115. Performing Restoration Shakespeare / edited by Amanda Eubanks Winkler, Claude Fretz, Richard Schoch.. print book. English
  116. Perfumed nightmare. streaming video. English
  117. Perfumed nightmare. streaming video.
  118. Perilous bounty : the looming collapse of American farming and how to prevent it / Tom Philpott.. print book. History
  119. Perimeters : for clarinet and piano / George Walker.. music score (printed). Music
  120. Period : the real story of menstruation / Kate Clancy.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  121. Permanent distortion : how the financial markets abandoned the real economy forever / Nomi Prins. ebook. Business
  122. PERMUTATION STATISTICAL METHODS WITH R.. print book. Statistics
  123. Perpetuum mobile : para clarinete y guitarra / Leo Brouwer.. music score (printed). Music
  124. Persephone : Musik für Orchester in zwei Sätzen : nach dem griechischen Mythus von der ewigen Wiederkehr des Frühlings : op. 38 / Pierre Maurice.. music score (printed). Music
  125. Persia : ancient Iran and the classical world / edited by Jeffrey Spier, Timothy Potts, and Sara E. Cole.. print book. Art
  126. Persistence / Kristie Miller.. print book. Philosophy
  127. The persistence of realism in modernist fiction / Paul Stasi.. print book. English
  128. Persistent memory : for chamber orchestra (1996/97) / David Rakowski.. music score (printed). Music
  129. A persistent revolution : history, nationalism, and politics in Mexico since 1968 / Randal Sheppard.. ebook. History
  130. Persona / Janus Films; Svensk Filmindustri ; en film av Ingmar Bergman.. streaming video. Philosophy
  131. Personality disorders and pathology : integrating clinical assessment and practice in the DSM-5 and ICD-11 era / edited by Steven K. Huprich.. ebook.
  132. Personation plots : identity fraud in Victorian sensation fiction / Clayton Carlyle Tarr.. print book. English
  133. The persuaders : at the frontlines of the fight for hearts, minds, and democracy / Anand Giridharadas.. print book. Political Science
  134. Persuading the Supreme Court : the significance of briefs in judicial decision-making / Morgan L.W. Hazelton and Rachael K. Hinkle.. print book. Political Science
  135. Persuasion in parallel : how information changes minds about politics / Alexander Coppock.. ebook. Political Science
  136. The pervert's guide to ideology / Zeitgeist Films ; Rooks Nest Entertainment ; Irish Film Board ; British Film Institute and Film4 present ; a P Guide Production ; in association with Blinder Films ; a film by Sophie Fiennes ; featuring Slavoj Žižek ; p. streaming video. Philosophy
  137. Pesni strannika : dli︠a︡ baritona i fortepiano / Georgiĭ Sviridov ; na slova kitaĭskikh poėtov ; v perevodakh na russkiĭ i︠a︡zyk I︠U︡lliana Shchut︠s︡kogo = Songs of the wanderer : for baritone with piano accompaniment / Georgy Sviridov ; on words by C. music score (printed). Music
  138. Peter and the starcatcher : a play / by Rick Elice ; based on the novel by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  139. PETER CALLAS: AN ENDURING LEGACY. print book. Art
  140. Peter Eisenman : University of Phoenix Stadium for the Arizona Cardinals.. streaming video.
  141. Peter Eisenman : University of Phoenix Stadium for the Arizona Cardinals.. streaming video. Education
  142. Petite suite : op. 111 no 3 : pour flûte et piano = for flute and piano / Nicolas Bacri.. music score (printed). Music
  143. Petrarchan love and the English Renaissance / Gordon Braden.. print book. English
  144. PF11 : Michael in black by Nicole Miller / edited by Lauren Mackler & Nicole Miller.. print book. Art
  145. The phantom public / Walter Lippmann.. ebook. History
  147. Phenomenology of Black spirit / Biko Mandela Gray and Ryan J. Johnson.. print book. Philosophy
  148. The Philadelphia Negro [electronic resource] : a social study / W.E.B. DuBois ; with a new introduction by Elijah Anderson ; together with a special report on domestic service by Isabel Eaton.. ebook.
  149. Phillip Lai / [text by Jan Verwoert].. print book. Art
  150. Philosopher of the heart : the restless life of Søren Kierkegaard / Clare Carlisle.. print book. Philosophy
  151. The philosophical pathos of Susan Taubes : between nihilism and hope / Elliot R. Wolfson.. print book. English
  152. Philosophical perspectives on memory and imagination / edited by Anja Berninger and Íngrid Vendrell Ferran.. print book. Philosophy
  153. Philosophical perspectives on moral certainty / edited by Cecilie Eriksen, Julia Hermann, Neil O'Hara, and Nigel Pleasants.. print book. Philosophy
  154. Philosophie du triathlon / Raphaël Verchère ; préface, Georges Vigarello.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
  155. Philosophy and human flourishing / edited by John J. Stuhr.. print book. Philosophy
  156. Philosophy and psychedelics : frameworks for exceptional experience / edited by Christine Hauskeller and Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes.. print book. Philosophy
  157. Philosophy as dialogue / Hilary Putnam ; edited by Mario De Caro and David Macarthur.. print book. Philosophy
  158. A philosophy of beauty : Shaftesbury on nature, virtue, and art / Michael B. Gill.. print book. Philosophy
  159. A philosophy of fashion through film : on the body, style, and identity / Laura T. Di Summa.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  160. The philosophy of Mario Perniola : from aesthetics to dandyism / Enea Bianchi.. print book. Philosophy
  161. The philosophy of mind / edited by Anthony O'Hear ; with a foreword by Tim Crane.. print book. Philosophy
  162. The philosophy of the Brahma-sūtra : an introduction / Aleksandar Uskokov.. print book. Philosophy
  163. PHOENIX ECONOMY.. print book. Business
  164. Phoenix kingdoms : the last splendor of China's Bronze Age / edited by Fan J. Zhang and Jay Xu ; with contributions by I-fen Huang, Guolong Lai, Colin Mackenzie, John S. Major, Haicheng Wang, Jay Xu, and Fan J. Zhang.. print book. Art
  165. Phone Swap. streaming video. English
  166. Phone Swap. streaming video.
  167. Photographies en guerre / sous la direction de Mathilde Benoistel, Sylvie Le Ray-Burimi et Anthony Petiteau.. print book. History
  168. Photography and resistance : anticolonialist photography in the Americas / Claire Raymond.. print book. Art
  169. Phyllis George : shattering the ceiling / Paul Volponi and Lenny Shulman.. print book.
  170. Physics and evolution of supernova remnants / Jacco Vink.. ebook. Physics
  171. Physics and the modernist avant-garde : quantum modernisms and modernist relativities / Rachel Fountain Eames.. print book. English
  172. Physics in crisis : from multiverses to fake news / Bruno Mansoulié ; translated from the French by Nanette McGuinness.. print book. Physics
  173. Physics of spin-orbit-coupled oxides / Gang Cao, Lance E. DeLong.. ebook. Chemistry
  174. Physiognomie der Macht = The physiognomy of power : Harun Farocki, Florentina Pakosta / herausgegeben von Thorsten Sadowsky für die Sammlung Generali Foundation - Dauerleihgabe am Museum der Moderne Salzburg.. print book. Art
  175. Piano quintet in E minor / Elfride Andrée ; Susan Pickett, editor.. music score (printed). Music
  176. Piano sonata no. 11 / Roberto Sierra.. music score (printed). Music
  177. PIANO TRIO IN G MINOR - VIOLIN/VC/PIANO / E. ANDREE. print book. Music
  178. Piano trio no. 1 : for violin, cello and piano (2020) / Lewis Spratlan.. music score (printed). Music
  179. Picasso - El Greco / edited by Carmen Giménez and Josef Helfenstein ; with essays by Gabriel Dette, Carmen Giménez, Javier Portús, and Richard Shiff.. print book. Art
  180. Picasso : selected essays / Leo Steinberg ; edited by Sheila Schwartz.. print book. Art
  181. Picasso : the self-portraits / Pascal Bonafoux ; translated from the French by Bethany Wright.. print book. Art
  182. Picking presidents : how to make the most consequential decision in the world / Gautam Mukunda.. ebook. Political Science
  183. Pico della Mirandola on trial : heresy, freedom, and philosophy / Brian P. Copenhaver.. print book. Philosophy
  184. A picture held us captive / text Danielle Dutton ; Catherine Taylor and Nicholas Muellner, editors.. print book. Art
  185. Pictured worlds : masterpieces of children's book art by 101 essential illustrators from around the world / Leonard S. Marcus.. print book. Art
  186. Picturing ecology : photography and the birth of a new science / Damian Hughes.. print book. Art
  187. Picturing the Ottoman Armenian world : photography in Erzurum, Harput, Van and beyond / David Low.. print book. Art
  188. Piero : inspirations / Tess Jaray.. print book. Art
  189. Pierre Macherey and the case of literary production / edited by Warren Montag and Audrey Wasser.. print book. English
  190. Piet Mondrian A-Z / Ulf Küster.. print book. Art
  191. Pig business : the cost of cheap food / produced by Price of Progress Productions, LTD ; in association with Channel 4.. streaming video. English
  192. Pig business : the cost of cheap food / produced by Price of Progress Productions, LTD ; in association with Channel 4.. streaming video.
  193. The pigeon will ride the roller coaster! / words and pictures by Mo Willems.. print book. Education
  194. Pink flamingos & the yellow pages : the stories behind the colors of our world / Bob Hambly.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  195. Piranesi and the modern age / Victor Plahte Tschudi.. print book. Art
  196. Pitter pattern / Joyce Hesselberth.. print book. Education
  197. PIXINGUINHA NA PAUTA. print book. Music

Pl - Pz

  1. Places of childhood fancy : essays on space and speculation in children's book series / edited by Michael G. Cornelius and Marybeth Ragsdale-Richards.. print book. English
  2. Plagues in the nation : how epidemics shaped America / Polly J. Price.. ebook. Sociology
  3. Plagues & pencils : a year of pandemic sketches / Edward Carey ; foreword by Max Porter.. print book. Art
  4. Plagues upon the earth : disease and the course of human history / Kyle Harper.. print book. History
  5. Plaintes des israélites : pour solistes (Bb), choeur (SATB) et orchestre / César Franck ; edited by Danielle Deheselle.. music score (printed). Music
  6. Plastic planet / Neue Sentimental Film, Brainstorm Entertainment, and Gine Cartoon present ; a Werner Boote film.. streaming video.
  7. Plastic planet / Neue Sentimental Film, Brainstorm Entertainment, and Gine Cartoon present ; a Werner Boote film.. streaming video. Geography
  8. The plastic turn / Ranjan Ghosh.. print book. Philosophy
  9. The playbook : how to deny science, sell lies, and make a killing in the corporate world / Jennifer Jacquet.. ebook. Business
  10. Playgrounds : urban theatrical culture in Shakespeare's England and Golden Age Spain / by David J. Amelang.. print book. English
  11. Playing with the guys : masculinity and relationships in video games / Marc A. Ouellette.. ebook. Psychology
  12. Playtime / The Criterion Collection ; Janus Films ; Studiocanal ; Les Films de Mon Oncle ; une production Specta, Bernard Maurice ; scénario original de Jacques Tati avec la collaboration artistique de Jacques Lagrange.. streaming video. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  13. Playtime / The Criterion Collection ; Janus Films ; Studiocanal ; Les Films de Mon Oncle ; une production Specta, Bernard Maurice ; scénario original de Jacques Tati avec la collaboration artistique de Jacques Lagrange.. streaming video.
  14. Pleading out : how plea bargaining creates a permanent criminal class / Dan Canon.. print book. Law
  15. Please scream quietly : a story of kink / Julie Fennell, Gallaudet University.. ebook. Psychology
  16. Pledge and promise : celebrating the bond and heritage of fraternity, sorority, and cooperative life at Purdue University / Angie Klink.. ebook.
  17. Plotting Hitler's death : the story of the German resistance / Joachim Fest ; translated by Bruce Little.. print book. History
  19. Plundered skulls and stolen spirits : inside the fight to reclaim native America's culture / Chip Colwell.. ebook. Anthropology
  20. Pluralist politics, relational worlds : vulnerability and care of the earth / Didier Zúñiga.. print book. Philosophy
  21. A pocket guide to writing in history / Mary Lynn Rampolla.. print book. History
  22. Poe and women : recognition and revision / edited by Amy Branam Armiento, Travis Montgomery.. print book. English
  23. The poem and the garden in early modern England : rival media in the process of poetic invention / Deborah Solomon.. print book. English
  24. The poem, the garden, and the world : poetry and performativity in Elizabethan England / Jim Ellis.. print book. English
  25. Poème, 2me sonate : pour piano et violon, op. 20 / G Catoire.. music score (printed). Music
  26. Poet of the medieval modern : reading the early medieval library with David Jones / Francesca Brooks.. print book. English
  27. Poetic creation : language and the unsayable in the late poetry of Robert Penn Warren / John C. Van Dyke.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  28. A poetic philosophy of language : Nietzsche and Wittgenstein's expressivism / Philip Mills.. print book. English
  29. Poetic priesthood in the seventeenth century : reformed ministry and radical verse / Tessie Prakas.. print book. English
  30. Poéticas de lo fantástico en la cuentística española actual / Ana Abello Verano.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  31. The poetics and ethics of (un)grievability in contemporary Anglophone fiction / edited by Susana Onega and Jean-Michel Ganteau.. print book. English
  32. A poetics of Handel's operas / Nathan Link.. print book. Music
  33. The poetry deal : a film with Diane di Prima.. streaming video.
  34. The poetry deal : a film with Diane di Prima.. streaming video.
  35. Poetry, politics, and the law in modern Ireland / Adam Hanna.. print book. English
  36. The poets laureate of the long eighteenth century, 1668-1813 : courting the public / Leo Shipp.. print book. English
  37. La Pointe-Courte / Janus Films ; Ciné-Tamaris présente ; scénario et réalisation, Agnès Varda.. streaming video.
  38. La Pointe-Courte / Janus Films ; Ciné-Tamaris présente ; scénario et réalisation, Agnès Varda.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  39. Points de mire : Blockflötenquartett : S A T GB / Jean Boisvert.. music score (printed). Music
  40. Pokot / producent, Studio Filmowe TOR ; reżyseria, Agnieszka Holland, Kasia Adamik ; scenariusz, Olga Tokarczuk, Agnieszka Holland ; producenci, Krzysztof Zanussi, Janusz Wąchała.. video DVD. German
  41. Policing the racial divide : urban growth politics and the remaking of segregation / Daanika Gordon.. print book. Geography
  42. Political animal : the life and times of Stewart Butler / Frank Perez ; foreword by Robert W. Fieseler.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
  43. The political body : stories on art, feminism, and emancipation in Latin America / Andrea Giunta ; translated by Jane Brodie.. print book. Art
  44. Political disappointment : a cultural history from Reconstruction to the AIDS crisis / Sara Marcus.. print book. English
  45. Political ecology : an integrative approach to geography and environment-development studies / edited by by Karl S. Zimmerer and Thomas J. Bassett.. ebook.
  46. The political economy of agricultural and food policies / Johan Swinnen.. ebook. History
  47. The political logic of experience : expression in phenomenology / Neal DeRoo.. print book. Philosophy
  48. Politics and literature at the dawn of World War II / James A. W. Hefferman.. print book. English
  49. Politics in the marketplace : work, gender, and citizenship in revolutionary France / Katie Jarvis.. print book. History
  50. The politics of art, death and refuge : the turning tide / Helen Hintjens.. print book. Art
  51. The politics of beauty : a study of Kant's critique of taste / Susan Meld Shell, Boston College.. print book. Philosophy
  52. The politics of everybody : feminism, queer theory, and Marxism at the intersection / Holly Lewis.. print book. Philosophy
  53. The politics of surviving : how women navigate domestic violence and its aftermath / Paige L. Sweet.. ebook. Social Work
  54. POLOGNE / AUGUSTA HOLMES. print book. Music
  55. Polyamory : a clinical toolkit for therapists (and their clients) / Martha Kauppi.. ebook. Psychology
  56. Pontormo and the art of devotion in Renaissance Italy / Jessica A. Maratsos, Pembroke College, Cambridge.. print book. Art
  57. Pool party / by Amy Duchêne & Elisa Parhad ; art by Anne Bentley.. print book. Education
  58. Pop : an illustrated novel / Robert Gipe.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  59. Popular magazines and fiction in Shanghai, 1914-1925 : modernity, the cultural imaginary, and the middle society / Peijie Mao.. print book. History
  60. Populism, eco-populism, and the future of environmentalism / James R. Stone Jr.. print book. Political Science
  61. Populist parties and democratic resilience : a cross-national analysis of populist parties' impact on democratic pluralism in Europe / edited by Ben Crum and Alvaro Oleart.. ebook. Political Science
  62. Porcelain masterpieces : Copenhagen 1890-1930 / Chris van Otterloo.. print book. Art
  63. The Porn Factor.. streaming video.
  64. The portable universe = El universo en tus manos : thought and splendor of Indigenous Colombia / Julia Burtenshaw, Héctor García Botero, Diana Magaloni, María Alicia Uribe Villegas ; with contributions by Luis Cayón, Francisco Chimontero Nuibita Dingu. print book. Art
  65. Portal : Do Ho Suh.. print book. Art
  66. Portrait de la jeune fille en feu = Portrait of a lady on fire / Neon presents ; en coproduction avec Arte France Cinema et Hold-up Films & Productions ; un film de Céline Sciamma ; un film écrit et réalisé par Céline Sciamma ; produit par Bénédict. streaming video. Philosophy
  67. Portrait de la jeune fille en feu = Portrait of a lady on fire / Neon presents ; en coproduction avec Arte France Cinema et Hold-up Films & Productions ; un film de Céline Sciamma ; un film écrit et réalisé par Céline Sciamma ; produit par Bénédict. streaming video.
  68. Portrait of an artist : conversations with trailblazing creative women / Hugo Huerta Marin.. print book. Art
  69. Positive affect treatment for depression and anxiety : therapist guide / edited by Michelle G. Craske, Halina J. Dour, Michael Treanor, Alicia E. Meuret.. ebook. Psychology
  70. Positive affect treatment for depression and anxiety : workbook / Alicia E. Meuret, Halina J. Dour, Amanda G. Loerinc Guinyard, Michelle G. Craske.. ebook. Psychology
  72. Possessions : indigenous art, colonial culture, decolonization / Nicholas Thomas.. print book. Art
  73. Possible knowledge : the literary forms of early modern science / Debapriya Sarkar.. print book. English
  74. Post-automobility futures : technology, power, and imaginaries / Robert Braun and Richard Randell.. print book. Philosophy
  75. Post-craft / editor in chief: Alex Coles ; volume editors: Alex Coles, Catharine Rossi.. print book. Art
  76. The post-pandemic world : sustainable living on a wounded planet / John Erik Meyer.. print book. Geography
  77. Post-performance video, Prospective 1 : Los Angeles : Coleman Collins, Rodney McMillian, Nathaniel Mellors, Anna Wittenberg / edited by Marie de Brugerolle.. print book. Art
  78. Post-postmodernist fiction and the rise of digital epitexts / Virginia Pignagnoli.. print book. English
  79. The postcolonial condition of architecture in Asia : a lead from display-ness / Francis Chia-Hui Lin.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  80. Postcolonial realms of memory : sites and symbols in modern France / Etienne Achille, Charles Forsdick, Lydie Moudileno.. ebook.
  81. Postcommodity : time holds all the answers / curated by Dr. Gerald McMaster ; exhibition and publication coordinated by Rose Bouthillier ; David Yanguas, translator.. print book. Art
  82. The postmodern joy of role-playing games : agency, ritual and meaning in the medium / René Reinhold Schallegger.. ebook. Sociology
  83. The postsecular restoration and the making of literary conservatism / Corrinne Harol.. print book. English
  84. Posttraumatic growth : theory, research and applications / Richard G. Tedeschi [and three others].. ebook. Sociology
  85. Postwar modern : new art in Britain 1945-65 / edited by Jane Alison with Hilary Floe and Charlotte Flint.. print book. Art
  86. Pour le sport : physical culture in French and francophone literature / edited by Roxanna Curto and Rebecca Wines.. ebook. French & Francophone Studies
  87. Poverty, by America / Matthew Desmond.. print book. Business
  88. Poverty, by America / Matthew Desmond.. ebook. Business
  89. The poverty of ethics / Anat Matar.. print book. Philosophy
  90. The poverty paradox : understanding economic hardship amid American prosperity / Mark Robert Rank.. ebook. Business
  91. The poverty paradox : understanding economic hardship amid American prosperity / Mark Robert Rank.. print book. Business
  92. Pow! Right in the eye! : thirty years behind the scenes of modern French painting / Berthe Weill ; edited by Lynn Gumpert ; translated from the French by William Rodarmor ; with research assistance from Marianne Le Morvan ; foreword by Julie Saul and Lynn. print book. Art
  93. Power and perspective : early photography in China / edited by Karina H. Corrigan and Stephanie H. Tung ; with Bing Wang and Tingting Xu.. print book. Art
  94. Power and prediction [electronic resource] : the disruptive economics of artificial intelligence / Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, Avi Goldfarb.. ebook. Business
  95. Power and prediction : the disruptive economics of artificial intelligence / Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, Avi Goldfarb.. print book. Business
  96. Power and resistance : Foucault, Deleuze, Derrida, Althusser / Yoshiyuki Sato.. print book. Philosophy
  97. Power failure : the rise and fall of an American icon / William D. Cohan.. print book. Business
  98. The power law : venture capital and the making of the new future / Sebastian Mallaby.. ebook. Business
  99. The power of Adrienne Rich : a biography / Hilary Holladay.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
  100. The power of crisis : how three threats--and our response--will change the world / Ian Bremmer.. ebook. Public Policy & Administration
  101. The power of plus : inside fashion's size-inclusivity revolution / Gianluca Russo.. ebook. Business
  102. The power of regret : how looking backward moves us forward / Daniel H. Pink.. ebook. Psychology
  103. The power of regret : how looking backward moves us forward / Daniel H. Pink.. print book. Business
  104. The power of scarcity : leveraging urgency and demand to influence customer decisions / Mindy Weinstein.. ebook. Business
  105. The power of scarcity : leveraging urgency and demand to influence customer decisions / Mindy Weinstein.. ebook. Business
  106. The power of the jury : transforming citizens into jurors / Nancy S. Marder.. print book. Law
  107. Power shifts : Congress and presidential representation / John A. Dearborn.. print book. History
  108. Practical data science with R / Nina Zumel and John Mount.. ebook. Statistics
  109. A practical guide to competitive intelligence / edited by Zena Applebaum, Philp Britton, Alysse Nocklels.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  110. A practical guide to using econometrics / A.H. Studenmund, Occidental College ; with the assistance of Bruce K. Johnson, Centre College.. print book. Business
  111. Practical marketing for the academic library / Stephanie Espinoza Villamor and Kimberly Shotick.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  112. Practical R 4 : applying R to data manipulation, processing and integration / Jon Westfall.. ebook. Statistics
  113. Practical statistics for data scientists : 50+ essential concepts using R and Python / Peter Bruce, Andrew Bruce, and Peter Gedeck.. ebook. Statistics
  114. Practice / edited by Ellen Muehlberger, University of Michigan.. print book. Philosophy
  115. The practice of clinical supervision [electronic resource] / Nadine Pelling, John Barletta, Philip Armstrong.. ebook.
  116. Practicing social justice in libraries / edited by Alyssa Brissett and Diana Moronta.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  117. Pragmatic philosophy of religion : melioristic case studies / Ulf Zackariasson.. print book. Philosophy
  118. Pragmática histórica del español : formas de tratamiento, actos de habla y construcción del diálogo / coord., Silvia Iglesias Recuero.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  119. The pragmatist imagination [electronic resource] : thinking about "things in the making" / edited by Joan Ockman ; with a general introduction by John Rajchman and an afterword by Casey Nelson Blake.. ebook.
  120. Pragmatist quietism : a meta-ethical system / Andrew Sepielli.. print book. Philosophy
  121. Praxis II art, content and analysis (5135) exam secrets : study guide : your key to exam success / written and edited by the Mometrix Media LLC.. print book. Education
  122. Precarious protections : unaccompanied minors seeking asylum in the United States / Chiara Galli.. print book. Law
  123. Precious Knowledge - Fighting for Mexican American Studies in Arizona Schools. ebook.
  124. Precious Knowledge - Fighting for Mexican American Studies in Arizona Schools. ebook. Education
  125. Precise poetry : Lina Bo Bardi's architecture / a film by Belinda Rukschcio.. streaming video.
  126. Precise poetry : Lina Bo Bardi's architecture / a film by Belinda Rukschcio.. streaming video. Asian Studies
  127. Prediction machines : the simple economics of artificial intelligence / Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, Avi Goldfarb.. ebook. Business
  128. Prediction machines : the simple economics of artificial intelligence / Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, Avi Goldfarb.. print book. Business
  129. Un pregón de frutas / Margarita Engle ; ilustrado por Sara Palacios ; traducción de Alexis Romay.. print book. Education
  130. Prelude in D minor (1933) ; Thema con variazioni in D-flat (1941) : for piano / Daniel Jones.. music score (printed). Music
  131. Prélude = Prelude / direction éditoriale: Vassilis Oikonomopoulos.. print book. Art
  132. Prelude to Pearl Harbor : ideology and culture in US-Japan relations, 1919-1941 / John Gripentrog.. print book. History
  133. Préludes et fugues; 3 fugues pour le temps Pascal / Johann Albrechtsberger ; edited by Jean-Luc Perrot.. music score (printed). Music
  134. Preludio de La nostalgia : para guitarra (2020) / Leo Brouwer.. music score (printed). Music
  135. The preparator's handbook : a practical guide for preparing and installing collection objects / Andrew Saluti.. print book. Art
  136. Preposterous Virgil : reading through Stoppard, Auden, Wordsworth, Heaney / Juan Christian Pellicer.. print book. Classical Studies
  138. The presidency of Donald J. Trump : a first historical assessment / Julian E. Zelizer, editor.. ebook. History
  139. Presidential leadership in political time : reprise and reappraisal / Stephen Skowronek.. print book. History
  140. The presidents of American fiction : fashioning the U.S. political imagination / Michael J. Blouin.. print book. English
  141. Pressing onward : the imperative resilience of Latina migrant mothers / Jessica P. Cerdeña.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
  142. Preston Morgan Bolton, Texas architect and civic leader / Lillian C. Woo.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  143. The prettiest star / Carter Sickels.. print book.
  144. Preventing child maltreatment in the U.S. : American Indian and Alaska Native perspectives / Royleen J. Ross, Julii M. Green, and Milton A. Fuentes.. print book. Education
  145. Preventing child maltreatment in the U.S. : multicultural considerations / Milton A. Fuentes, Rachel R. Singer, and Renee L. DeBoard-Lucas.. print book. Education
  146. Preventing child maltreatment in the US : the Black community perspective / Melissa Phillips, Shavonne J. Moore-Lobban, and Milton A. Fuentes.. print book. Education
  147. Preventing child maltreatment in the US : the Latinx community perspective / Esther J. Calzada, Monica Faulkner, Catherine LaBrenz, and Milton A. Fuentes.. print book. Education
  148. The price of sex / Violeu Films and A Moment in time productions present a film by Mimi Chakarova.. streaming video. Political Science
  149. The price of slavery : capitalism and revolution in the Caribbean / Nick Nesbitt.. print book. History
  150. The price of time : the real story of interest / Edward Chancellor.. print book. History
  151. The price of time : the real story of interest / Edward Chancellor.. ebook. Business
  152. Priced out / SydHonda Media in association with Northwest Documentary presents ; a Cornelius Swart film.. streaming video.
  153. Pride in modesty : modernist architecture and the vernacular tradition in Italy / Michelangelo Sabatino.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  154. Primary care medicine : office evaluation and management of the adult patient / Allan H. Goroll, Albert G. Mulley, Jr.. ebook. Medicine
  155. The primary that made a president : John F. Kennedy and West Virginia / Robert Rupp.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  156. Prime : art's next generation / commissioning editor, Rebecca Morrill ; project editor, Simon Hunegs.. print book. Art
  157. A primer for teaching digital history : ten design principles / Jennifer Guiliano.. print book. History
  158. A primer in biological data analysis and visualization using R / Gregg Hartvigsen.. print book. Statistics
  159. Principles of neurobiology / Liqun Luo.. ebook. Medicine
  161. Principles of tissue engineering / edited by Robert Lanza, Robert Langer, Josph P. Vacanti, Anthony Atala. ebook. Medicine
  162. Printing the classical text / Howard Jones.. ebook. Classical Studies
  163. Prison recipes / Jeremy Paden.. print book.
  164. Privacy is hard and seven other myths : achieving privacy through careful design / Jaap-Henk Hoepman.. print book. Mathematics
  165. The private life of William Shakespeare / Lena Cowen Orlin.. print book. English
  166. The private lives of pictures : art at home in Britain,1800-1940 / Nicholas Tromans.. print book. Art
  167. Private views : a high-rise panorama of Manhattan / Andi Schmied.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  168. Probably Ruby : a novel / Lisa Bird-Wilson.. ebook.
  169. Proben der Schriften, welche in der Cottaischen Schriftgiesserei in Stuttgart zu haben sind.. print book.
  170. The problem of blame : making sense of moral anger / Kelly McCormick, Texas Christian University.. print book. Philosophy
  171. The problem of democracy : America, the Middle East, and the rise and fall of an idea / Shadi Hamid.. ebook. Political Science
  172. Proceedings of topical issues in international political geography / Radomir Bolgov, Vadim Atnashev, Yury Gladkiy, Art Leete, Alexey Tsyb, Sergey Pogodin, Andrei Znamenski, editors.. ebook. Political Science
  173. Process mysticism / Daniel A. Dombrowski.. print book. Philosophy
  174. Product design and development / Karl T. Ulrich, University of Pennsylvania, Steven D. Eppinger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Maria C. Yang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.. ebook. Engineering
  175. Product design and the role of representation : foundations for design thinking in practice / Eujin Pei, James Andrew Self.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  176. Products liability in a nutshell / by David G. Owen.. print book. Law
  177. Professing criticism : essays on the organization of literary study / John Guillory.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
  178. The progress illusion : reclaiming our future from the fairytale of economics / Jon D. Erickson... ebook. Business
  179. Project-based R companion to introductory statistics / Chelsea Myers.. print book. Statistics
  180. Project without form : OMA, Rem Koolhaas, and the Laboratory of 1989 / Holger Schurk.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  181. Promenade, statues et La fille : for piano (2021) / Daan Manneke.. music score (printed). Music
  182. Promise, witness, remembrance : April 7-June 13, 2021 / Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky.. print book.
  183. Promise, witness, remembrance : April 7-June 13, 2021 / Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky.. print book. Art
  184. Promise, witness, remembrance : April 7-June 13, 2021 / Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky.. print book. Art
  185. Promoting African American writers : library partnerships for outreach, programming, and literacy / Grace M. Jackson-Brown.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  186. Promoting pollination and pollinators in farming / edited by Peter Kevan, Susan Willis Chan.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  187. The proof : uses of evidence in law, politics, and everything else / Frederick Schauer.. print book. Law
  188. The prop building guidebook : for theatre, film, and tv / Eric Hart.. ebook. Theatre & Dance
  189. The propagandists' playbook : how conservative elites manipulate search and threaten democracy / Francesca Bolla Tripodi.. print book. Political Science
  190. Propagazioni : Giuseppe Penone at Sèvres / Giulio Dalvit and Xavier F. Salomon.. print book. Art
  191. Properties / Anna-Sofia Maurin.. print book. Philosophy
  192. Propositions : ontology and logic / Robert Stalnaker.. print book. Philosophy
  193. Prosecuting poverty, criminalizing care / Wendy A. Bach, University of Tennessee College of Law.. print book. Law
  194. Protecting children from domestic violence [electronic resource] : strategies for community intervention / edited by Peter G. Jaffe, Linda L. Baker, Alison J. Cunningham.. ebook.
  195. The protest and the recuperation / edited by Betti-Sue Hertz and Sreshta Rit Premnath.. print book. Art
  196. Proving ground : the untold story of the six women who programmed the world's first modern computer / Kathy Kleiman.. print book. History
  197. Proving pregnancy : gender, law, and medical knowledge in nineteenth-century America / Felicity M. Turner.. print book. History
  198. Provisions : the roots of Caribbean cooking / Michelle Rousseau and Suzanne Rousseau.. ebook. Sociology
  199. The Pruitt-Igoe myth / Unicorn Stencil presents ; in association with The Missouri History Museum ; directed by Chad Freidrichs ; produced by Chad Freidrichs, Jaime Freidrichs, Paul Fehler, Brian Woodman ; script by Chad & Jaime Freidrichs.. streaming video. English
  200. The Pruitt-Igoe myth / Unicorn Stencil presents ; in association with The Missouri History Museum ; directed by Chad Freidrichs ; produced by Chad Freidrichs, Jaime Freidrichs, Paul Fehler, Brian Woodman ; script by Chad & Jaime Freidrichs.. streaming video.

Ps - Pz

  1. Psalm 150, op. 127 : for double chorus of mixed voices with orchestra and organ / Camille Saint-Saëns.. music score (printed). Music
  2. Psalm of peace : for mixed chorus (SATB), trumpet, French horn and organ (or piano) / Norman Dello Joio.. music score (printed). Music
  3. Psychoanalytic memoirs / Jeffrey Berman.. print book. English
  4. The psychological legacy of slavery : essays on trauma, healing and the living past / edited by Benjamin P. Bowser and Aimé Charles-Nicolas ; foreword by Ali Moussa Iye.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  5. A psychological perspective on folk moral objectivism / Jennifer Cole Wright.. print book. Philosophy
  6. The psychology of belonging / Kelly-Ann Allen.. ebook. Psychology
  7. The psychology of climate change / Geoffrey Beattie and Laura McGuire.. ebook. Psychology
  8. The psychology of comedy / G. Neil Martin.. ebook. Psychology
  9. The psychology of conspiracy theories / Jan-Willem van Prooijen.. ebook. Psychology
  10. The psychology of dog ownership / Theresa Barlow and Craig Roberts.. ebook. Psychology
  11. The psychology of gardening / Harriet Gross.. ebook. Psychology
  12. The psychology of social media / Ciarán Mc Mahon.. ebook. Psychology
  13. The psychology of technology : social science research in the age of big data / edited by Sandra C. Matz.. ebook. Psychology
  14. The psychology of vampires / David Cohen.. ebook. Psychology
  15. The psychology of video games / Celia Hodent.. ebook. Psychology
  16. Puberty / Laurence Philomène.. print book. Art
  17. Public art for public life : Observatorium : in which the artists explore the magic of the ordinary, find ways to harbour it in public works of art and introduce the imaginative in the design of cities and landscapes / Geert van de Camp, Andre Dekker, Lie. print book. Art
  18. Public housing.. streaming video.
  19. Public housing.. streaming video. Art
  20. Public housing works : Karakusevic Carson Architects / [Paul Karakusevic, Abigail Batchelor and Mike Althorpe].. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  21. The public interior as idea and project / Mark Pimlott.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  22. Public memory, public art : reflections on monuments and memorial art today / Annika Enqvist, Rebecka Katz Thor, Karolina Modig, Joanna Zawieja, editors.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  23. Public space : notes on why it matters, what we should know, and how to realize its potential / Vikas Mehta.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  24. Public space reader / edited by Miodrag Mitrašinović and Vikas Mehta.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  25. Publications of the Anvil Press.. print book.
  26. Publishing plates : stereotyping and electrotyping in nineteenth-century US print culture / Jeffrey M. Makala.. print book. Special Collections
  27. PULP POWER : the shadow, doc savage, and the art of the street & smith universe.. print book. Art
  28. Punishing the black body : marking social and racial structures in Barbados and Jamaica / Dawn P. Harris.. print book. History
  29. Purple : for orchestra / Michael Torke.. music score (printed). Music
  30. The pursuit of excellence : Kentucky State University, 1886-2020 / by John A. Hardin.. print book. Special Collections
  31. The pursuit of style in early modern drama : forms of talk on the London stage / Matthew Hunter.. print book. English
  32. Pushout : the criminalization of black girls in schools / Women in the Room Productions presents ; a film by Monique W. Morris & Jacoba Atlas ; director, Jacoba Atlas ; writers, Monique W.Morris & Jacoba Atlas ; executive producer, Denise Pines ; executiv. streaming video.
  33. Pushout : the criminalization of black girls in schools / Women in the Room Productions presents ; a film by Monique W. Morris & Jacoba Atlas ; director, Jacoba Atlas ; writers, Monique W.Morris & Jacoba Atlas ; executive producer, Denise Pines ; executiv. streaming video. Education
  34. Puta life : seeing Latinas, working sex / Juana María Rodríguez.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
  35. Putting properties first : a platonic metaphysics for natural modality / Matthew Tugby.. print book. Philosophy
  36. Python for Geospatial Data Analysis : theory, tools, and practice for location intelligence / Bonny P. McClain.. ebook. Geography


  1. Q & A : voices from queer Asian North America / edited by Martin F. Manalansan IV, Alice Y. Hom, and Kale Bantigue Fajardo ; preface by David L. Eng.. ebook. Sociology
  2. QCA with R : a comprehensive resource / Adrian Duşa.. print book. Physics
  3. Qiu Jin = Autumn gem / Adam & Rae Productions.. streaming video.
  4. Qiu Jin = Autumn gem / Adam & Rae Productions.. streaming video. Asian Studies
  5. Quadro in F-Dur : für oboe, 2 violinen und basso continuo, CSWV D:8 / Christoph Schaffrath ; herausgegeben von = edited by Harry Joelson ; Continuo-Aussetzung von = with a realization of the continuo by Wolfgang Kostujak.. music score (printed). Music
  6. Quaestiones circa logicam = (Twenty-five disputed questions on logic) / Albert of Saxony ; introduction, translation, and notes by Michael J. Fitzgerald.. print book. Philosophy
  7. Quand l'esprit vient aux plantes : botanique sensible et subversion libertine (XVIe-XVIIe siecles) / Dominique Brancher.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
  8. Quand l'esprit vient aux plantes : botanique sensible et subversion libertine (XVIe-XVIIe siecles) / Dominique Brancher.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
  9. Quantum marketing : mastering the new marketing mindset for tomorrow's consumers / Raja Rajamannar.. ebook. Business
  10. The quarantine atlas : mapping global life under COVID-19 / Laura Bliss [& Bloomberg CityLab].. print book. Geography
  11. Quartet in c major, op. 12 nr. 1 : for bassoon obbligato, violin, viola and basso continuo / Ernesto Eichner ; edited by Alejanddro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
  12. Quartet no. 2, op. 92, for two violins, viola and cello.. music score (printed). Music
  13. Quartett für 2 Violinen, Viola und Violoncello (1861) = Quartet for two violins, viola, and violoncello (1861) / Elfrida Andrée ; [herausgegeben von] Patrick Meadows.. music score (printed). Music
  14. Quartetto in Mi minore / Saverio Mercadante ; a cura di Mariateresa Dellaborra. music score (printed). Music
  15. Quartetto in Sol : (primo quartetto d'archi) = Quartet in G : (1st string quartet) : op. 58 / Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco ; a cura di Angelo Gilardino.. music score (printed). Music
  16. Quartetto no. 10 in fa diesis minore per flauto e archi / Saverio Mercadante ; edited by Mariateresa Dellaborra.. music score (printed). Music
  17. Les quatre cents coups = 400 blows / scénario de François Truffaut ; adaptation de M. Moussy et F. Truffaut ; dialogues de Marcel Moussy ; mise in scène de François Truffaut ; une co-production S.E.D.I.F., Les Films du carrosse.. streaming video.
  18. The queen of Technicolor : Maria Montez in Hollywood / Tom Zimmerman.. print book.
  19. The queen of Versailles / a Lauren Greenfield film ; Evergreen Pictures presents in association with BBC Storyville, Impact Partners, Candescent Films.. streaming video. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  20. Queer adolescence : understanding the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual youth / Charlie McNabb.. ebook. Psychology
  21. Queer African cinemas / Lindsey B. Green-Simms.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  22. Queer economic dissonance and Victorian literature / Meg Dobbins.. print book. English
  23. Queer kinship after Wilde : transnational decadence and the family / Kristin Mahoney.. print book. English
  24. Queer spaces : an atlas of LGBTQIA+ places and stories / edited by Adam Nathaniel Furman and Joshua Mardell.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  25. Queer youth histories / Daniel Marshall, editor.. ebook. Education
  26. Queering architecture : methods, practices, spaces, pedagogies / Marko Jobst and Naomi Stead.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  27. The Quentin Blake book : with more than 300 illustrations / Jenny Uglow.. print book. Art
  28. The question of the aesthetic / edited by George Levine.. print book. English
  29. Quinoa : food politics and agrarian life in the Andean highlands / Linda J. Seligmann.. ebook.
  30. Quintet : for wind instruments / Grazyna Bacewicz.. music score (printed). Music
  31. Quintet in G minor for piano and strings = Quintett in g-Moll für Klavier und Streicher (1893) / Samuel Coleridge-Taylor.. music score (printed). Music
  32. Quintetos Vol. 1 : a due violini, due violoncelli e viola obbligata, Opera I (1771), L 202 - L 207 / Cayetano Brunetti ; edición crítica, Raúl Angulo Díaz.. music score (printed). Music
  33. Quintett : für pianoforte, 2 violinen, viola und violoncell, op. 39 / Hugo Kaun.. music score (printed). Music
  34. Quintett II d-dur : für 2 violinen, 2 violen und violoncello / Emilie Mayer ; edited by Barbara Gabler.. music score (printed). Music
  35. Quintetto no. 1 in B-flat major for 2 violins, 2 violas and cello : (1903) / Marco Anzoletti ; prepared by Kenneth Martinson. music score (printed). Music
  36. Quit [electronic resource] : the power of knowing when to walk away / Annie Duke.. ebook. Business
  37. QUIT: THE POWER OF KNOWING WHEN TO WALK AWAY.. print book. Business

R - Ri

  2. R. Buckminster Fuller : world man / Daniel López-Pérez, editor, with contributions by Alejandro Zaera-Polo and Stan Allen.. ebook.
  4. R data science quick reference : a pocket guide to APIs, libraries, and packages / Thomas Mailund.. ebook. Statistics
  6. R for conservation and development projects : a primer for practitioners / Nathan Whitmore.. print book. Statistics
  7. R for marketing research and analytics / Chris Chapman, Elea McDonnell Feit.. ebook. Statistics
  8. R graphics cookbook : practical recipes for visualizing data / Winston Chang.. ebook. Statistics
  9. R in action : data analysis and graphics with R and Tidyverse / Robert I. Kabacoff.. ebook. Statistics
  10. R markdown cookbook / Yihui Xie, Christophe Dervieux, Emily Riederer.. print book. Statistics
  11. R quick syntax reference : a pocket guide to the language, APIs and library / Margot Tollefson.. ebook. Statistics
  12. Rabbit, Duck, and Big Bear / Nadine Brun-Cosme & Olivier Tallec.. print book. Education
  13. The rabbit hutch / Tess Gunty.. print book. Education
  14. Rabih Mroué : interviews / edited by Nadim Samman.. print book. Art
  15. Race and art education / by Amelia M. Kraehe and Joni B. Acuff.. print book. Art
  16. Race and nation in the age of emancipations / edited by Whitney Nell Stewart, John Garrison Marks.. print book. History
  17. Race and real estate / edited by Adrienne Brown and Valerie Smith.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  18. Race and reckoning : from founding fathers to today's disruptors / Ellis Cose.. print book. History
  19. Race for tomorrow : survival, innovation and profit on the front lines of the climate crisis / Simon Mundy.. print book. Business
  20. Race in American literature and culture / edited by John Ernest.. print book. English
  21. Race, politics, and Irish America : a gothic history / Mary M. Burke.. print book. English
  22. Race, power & American sports : featuring Dave Zirin / a Media Education Foundation Production ; producers, Sut Jhally and Jeremy Earp ; editors, Sut Jhally and Jason Young ; director of photograpy, Daniel Mar racino ; additional camera, Andrew Killoy ; p. streaming video.
  23. Race : the power of an illusion / produced by California Newsreel ; in association with the Independent Television Service ; series creator /executive producer, Larry Adelman ; series co-producer, Jean Cheng.. streaming video.
  24. RaceLens : vintage thoroughbred racing images / Philip Von Borries ; foreword by Bill Mooney.. print book.
  25. Racial innocence : unmasking Latino anti-Black bias and the struggle for equality / Tanya Katerí Hernández.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  26. The racial unfamiliar : illegibility in Black literature and culture / John Brooks.. print book. English
  27. Racism, not race : answers to frequently asked questions / Joseph L. Graves, Jr. and Alan H. Goodman.. ebook. Social Work
  28. Radical care : leading for justice in urban schools / Rosa L. Rivera-McCutchen ; foreword by Jamaal A. Bowman.. print book. Education
  29. Radical care : leading for justice in urban schools / Rosa L. Rivera-McCutchen ; foreword by Jamaal A. Bowman.. ebook. Education
  30. Radical decadence : excess in contemporary feminist textiles and craft / Julia Skelly.. ebook. Art
  31. Radical form : modernist abstraction in South America / Megan A. Sullivan.. print book. Art
  32. Radical pedagogies / edited by Beatriz Colomina, Ignacio G. Galán, Evangelos Kotsioris, Anna-Maria Meister.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  33. Radical practice : the work of Marlon Blackwell Architects / Peter MacKeith, Jonathan Boelkins, editors.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  34. Radical vision : a biography of Lorraine Hansberry / Soyica Diggs Colbert.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  35. The radical vision of Edward Burne-Jones / Andrea Wolk Rager.. print book. Art
  36. Radium girls : a play in two acts / by D.W. Gregory.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  37. Rådjur vid jämmertuna : för solo-klarinett (2022) / Tomas Winter.. music score (printed). Music
  38. Rafi and Rosi : music! / Lulu Delacre.. print book. Education
  39. Rafi y Rosi : ¡Música! / Lulu Delacre.. print book. Education
  40. RAFI Y ROSI MUSICA!. print book. Education
  41. RAINBOW RAINBOW: STORIES.. print book. Education
  42. Rainbow shopping / by Qing Zhuang.. print book. Education
  43. Raising Lazarus : hope, justice, and the future of America's overdose crisis / Beth Macy.. print book. Education
  44. The raising of America : early childhood and the future of our nation.. streaming video.
  45. Ralph Ellison : invisible man, celebrated writer.. streaming video.
  46. Ralph Ellison : invisible man, celebrated writer.. streaming video.
  47. Ramen for everyone / written by Patricia Tanumihardja ; illustrated by Shiho Pate.. print book. Education
  48. Ramesh / edited by Jaklyn Babington.. print book. Art
  49. Rams / [a Film First production ; directed by Gary Hustwit ; director of photography, Luke Geissbühler ; original music by Brian Eno]. streaming video.
  50. Rams / [a Film First production ; directed by Gary Hustwit ; director of photography, Luke Geissbühler ; original music by Brian Eno]. streaming video. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  51. Randomness and elements of decision theory applied to signals / Monica Borda, Romulus Terebes, Raul Malutan, Ioana Ilea, Mihaela Cislariu, Andreia Miclea, Stefania Barburiceanu.. ebook. Statistics
  52. Randy Wood : the lore of the luthier / Daniel Wile.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  53. Rank-based methods for shrinkage and selection : with application to machine learning / A. K. Md. Ehsanes Saleh, Mohammad Arashi, Resve A. Saleh, Mina Norouzirad.. ebook. Statistics
  54. Raphael / David Ekserdjian and Tom Henry with Matthias Wivel ; and contributions by Caroline Elam, Arnold Nesselrath and Thomas P. Campbell.. print book. Art
  55. Raphael / Paul Joannides.. print book. Art
  56. Rashōmon / Daiei Kabushiki Kaisha seisaku ; seisaku Minoura Jingo ; gensaku Akutagawa Ryūnosuke ; kyakuhon Kurosawa Akira, Hashimoto Shinobu ; kantoku Kurosawa Akira.. streaming video. Philosophy
  57. Rashōmon / Daiei Kabushiki Kaisha seisaku ; seisaku Minoura Jingo ; gensaku Akutagawa Ryūnosuke ; kyakuhon Kurosawa Akira, Hashimoto Shinobu ; kantoku Kurosawa Akira.. streaming video.
  58. The rat queen / Pete Hautman.. print book. Education
  59. Rats, cats, rogues, and heroes : glimpses of China's hidden past / Robert J. Antony.. print book. History
  60. Rautavaara's journey in music / Barbara Blanchard Hong.. print book. Music
  61. Rave / Jessica Campbell.. print book. Art
  62. Raw deal : hidden corruption, corporate greed, and the fight for the future of meat / Chloe Sorvino.. ebook. Business
  63. Re-understanding media : feminist extensions of Marshall Mcluhan / Sarah Sharma and Rianka Singh.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  64. Reading John Milton : how to persist in troubled times / Stephen B. Dobranski.. print book. English
  65. Reading pleasures : everyday Black living in early America / Tara A. Bynum.. print book. English
  66. Reading territory : Indigenous and Black freedom, removal, and the nineteenth-century state / Kathryn Walkiewicz.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  67. Reading underwater wreckage : an encrusting ocean / Killian Quigley.. print book. English
  68. Real / Carol Cujec, Peyton Goddard.. print book. Education
  69. The real Dada Mother Goose : a treasury of complete nonsense / Jon Scieszka ; illustrated by Julia Rothman.. print book. Education
  70. Real estate finance in a nutshell / by Vada Waters Lindsey, Professor of Law, Marquette University Law School.. ebook. Law
  71. The real Riley Mayes / Rachel Elliott.. print book. Special Collections
  72. The real slam dunk / by Charisse K. Richardson ; illustrated by Kadir Nelson.. print book. Education
  73. Realigners : partisan hacks, political visionaries, and the struggle to rule American democracy / Timothy Shenk.. print book. History
  74. Realism and the climate crisis : hope for life / John Foster.. print book. Philosophy
  75. Reality and waves : a quantum physics cosmology, philosophy of religion, and ethic / Mark Ellingsen.. print book. Philosophy
  76. Realizing the values of art : making space for cultural civil society / Erwin Dekker, Valeria Morea.. print book. Art
  77. Reason in nature : new essays on themes from John McDowell / edited by Matthew Boyle and Evgenia Mylonaki.. print book. Philosophy
  78. Reasonableness and risk : right and responsibility in the law of torts / Gregory C. Keating.. print book. Law
  79. Rebuilding expertise : creating effective and trustworthy regulation in an age of doubt / William D. Araiza.. print book. Law
  80. Reckonings and reconstructions : Southern photography from the Do Good Fund / edited by Jeffrey Richmond-Moll ; essays by Jasmine Amussen, Rosalind Bentley, W. Ralph Eubanks, Grace Elizabeth Hale, Lauren Henkin, Jeffrey Richmond-Moll, RaMell Ross, Alan F.. print book. Art
  81. RECLAIMING HER TIME: THE POWER OF MAXINE WATERS.. print book. Political Science
  82. Reclaiming the Americas : Latinx art and the politics of territory / Tatiana Reinoza.. print book. Art
  83. Reclaiming Two-Spirits : sexuality, spiritual renewal & sovereignty in Native America / Gregory D. Smithers ; foreword by Raven E. Heavy Runner.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  84. Recognising adoptee relationships / Christine A. Lewis.. ebook.
  85. Recognition and the self in Hegel's Phenomenology of spirit / Timothy L. Brownlee.. print book. Philosophy
  86. Recollections of a former slave / James L. Smith ; with an introduction by Rosalyn Howard.. print book. History
  87. Reconstructing satyr drama / edited by Andreas P. Antonopoulos, Menelaos M. Christopoulos, George W.M. Harrison.. ebook. Classical Studies
  88. Recording history : Jews, Muslims, and music across twentieth-century North Africa / Christopher Silver.. print book. Music
  89. Recovering reputation : Plato and demotic power / Andreas Avgousti.. print book. Philosophy
  90. Recurrent visions : the architecture of Marshall Brown projects / Marshall Brown and Karen Kice.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  91. Red Clay, 1835 : Cherokee removal and the meaning of sovereignty / Jace Weaver and Laura Adams Weaver.. print book. History
  92. Red clay & Mississippi Delta : for wind quintet / Valerie Coleman.. music score (printed). Music
  93. The red pyramid / Rick Riordan.. print book. Education
  94. Redefining geek : bias and the five hidden habits of tech-savvy teens / Cassidy Puckett.. print book. Education
  95. Redesigning work : how to transform your organization and make hybrid work for everyone / Lynda Gratton.. ebook. Business
  96. Redistributing the poor : jails, hospitals, and the crisis of law and fiscal austerity / Armando Lara-Millán.. ebook. Sociology
  97. Redlocks and the three bears / Claudia Rueda.. print book. Education
  98. Reel bad Arabs : how Hollywood vilifies a people / a Media Education Foundation production ; directed by Sut Jhally ; produced by Jeremy Earp. streaming video.
  99. Reel bad Arabs : how Hollywood vilifies a people / a Media Education Foundation production ; directed by Sut Jhally ; produced by Jeremy Earp. streaming video.
  100. Reference and information sources and services for children and young adults / Lesley S.J. Farmer.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  101. Refining nature : the landscape architecture of Peter Walker / Scott Melbourne.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  102. Reflection : a twisted tale / Elizabeth Lim.. print book. Education
  103. Reflections - Scott Joplin reconsidered : for solo piano / Scott Joplin ; edited by Lara Downes.. music score (printed). Music
  104. Refocusing academic libraries through learning and discourse : the idea of a library / Mary K. Bolin.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  105. Regeneration : Black cinema 1898-1971 / edited by Doris Berger, Rhea L. Combs ; contributions by Donald Bogle, Cara Caddoo, Terri Simone Francis, Michael Boyce Gillespie, J. Raúl Guzmán, Shola Lynch, Ron Magliozzi, Ellen C. Scott, Jacqueline Stewart. ; fo. print book. Art
  106. Regina : Regina Cassolo Bracchi / a cura di Lorenzo Giusti.. print book. Art
  107. Reginald Rose and the journey of 12 angry men / Phil Rosenzweig.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  108. Regional integration in West Africa : is there a role for a single currency? / Eswar S. Prasad, Vera Songwe.. ebook. Business
  109. Regola per l'apprendimento del basso continuo = rule for learning the basso continuo / Paolo Cherici.. music score (printed). Music
  110. Regression and other stories / Andrew Gelman, Columbia University, New York, Jennifer Hill, New York University, Aki Vehtari, Aalto University, Finland.. print book. Statistics
  111. Reimagining design : unlocking strategic innovation / Kevin Bethune ; foreword by John Maeda.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  112. Reimagining money : Kenya in the digital finance revolution / Sibel Kusimba.. print book. Sociology
  113. Reimagining sustainable cities : strategies for designing greener, healthier, more equitable communities / Stephen M. Wheeler and Christina D. Rosan.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  114. Reimagining the library of the future : public buildings and civic space for tomorrow's knowledge society / Steffen Lehmann ; with a foreword by Kelvin Watson ; a prologue by Michelle Jeffrey Delk ; an epilogue by Keith Webster ; and a photo series by Cid. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  115. Reinventing fashion retailing : digitalising, gamifying, entrepreneuring / Eirini Bazaki, Vanissa Wanick, editors.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  116. Relations : an anthology of African and diaspora voices / [Edited By] Nana Ekua Brew-Hammond.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  117. Relativity principles and theories from Galileo to Einstein / Olivier Darrigol.. ebook. Physics
  118. Religion around Walter Benjamin / Brian Britt.. print book. Philosophy
  119. The reluctant storyteller / Art Coulson ; illustrated by Carlin Bear Don't Walk.. print book. Education
  120. Remaking Appalachia : ecosocialism, ecofeminism, and law / Nicholas F. Stump.. ebook. History
  121. Remaking Appalachia : ecosocialism, ecofeminism, and law / Nicholas F. Stump.. print book. History
  122. The remaking of the Medieval world, 1204 : the fourth Crusade / John J. Giebfried and Kyle C. Lincoln.. print book. History
  123. Remaking the exceptional : tea, torture, and reparations : Chicago to Guantánamo / curated by Aaron Hughes and Amber Ginsburg, edited by Amber Ginsburg, Aaron Hughes, Aliya Hussain, and Audrey Petty.. print book. Art
  124. Rembrandt / Christopher White.. print book. Art
  125. Remember / poem by Joy Harjo ; illustrations by Goade.. print book. Education
  126. Remember their sacrifice : stories of unheralded athletes of color / Arif Khatib, Pete Elman.. print book. History
  127. Renaissance illuminators in Paris : artists & artisans 1500-1715 / Richard H. Rouse & Mary A. Rouse.. print book. Art
  128. Renaissance secrets : a lifetime working with wall paintings by Michelangelo, Raphael, and others at the Vatican / Maurizio De Luca ; translated from Italian by Jason Cardone.. print book. Art
  129. Renegade rhymes : rap music, narrative, and knowledge in Taiwan / Meredith Schweig.. print book. Music
  130. Renoir : rococo revival / edited by Alexander Eiling in collaboration with Juliane Betz & Fabienne Ruppen ; translations from German, Rebecca van Dyck [and four others].. print book. Art
  131. Renzo Piano Building Workshop : space - detail - light / Edgar Stach.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  132. Repensar la vivienda suburbana = Rethinking surburban housing / Juan Carral, Juan O'Gorman, Pablo Gutiérrez de la Peza, Victor Ebergenyi.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  133. Replanting cultures : community-engaged scholarship in Indian country / edited by Chief Benjamin J. Barnes and Stephen Warren.. print book. Anthropology
  134. Represent yourself in court : prepare & try a winning civil case / Paul Bergman & Sara J. Berman ; cartoons by Mike Twohy.. print book. Law
  135. Representing childhood and atrocity / edited by Victoria Nesfield and Philip Smith.. print book. English
  136. Representing post-revolutionary Iran : captivity, neo-orientalism, and resistance in Iranian-American life writing / Hossein Nazari.. print book. English
  137. Representing vulnerabilities in contemporary literature / edited by Miriam Fernández-Santiago, Cristina M. Gámez-Fernández.. print book. English
  138. Reproductive rights as human rights : women of color and the fight for reproductive justice / Zakiya Luna.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  139. The Republican evolution : from governing party to antigovernment party, 1860-2020 / Kenneth Janda.. ebook. Political Science
  140. Requiem / W. A. Mozart ; vervollständigt und herausgegeben von = completed and edited by Michael Ostrzyga.. music score (printed). Music
  141. Requiem for the massacre : a Black history on the conflict, hope, and fallout of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre / RJ Young.. print book. History
  142. Requiem in b / Johann Adolph Hasse ; edited by Wolfgang Hochstein.. music score (printed). Music
  143. Required reading for the disenfranchised freshman / Kristen R. Lee.. print book. Education
  144. Research and writing in international relations / Laura Roselle, Sharon Spray and Joel T. Shelton.. print book.
  145. Research handbook on the sociology of organizations / edited by Mary Godwyn, Professor of Sociology, History and Society Division, Babson College, USA.. print book. Arts Administration
  146. Research methods in deliberative democracy / edited by Selen A. Ercan, Hans Asenbaum, Nicole Curato, Ricardo F. Mendonça.. ebook. Political Science
  147. Resilient city : landscape architecture for climate change / Elke Mertens ; [translated by Julian Reisenberger].. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  148. Resist, organize, build : feminist and queer activism in Britain and the United States during the long 1980s / edited by Sarah Crook and Charlie Jeffries.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  149. RESISTANCE ANEW.. print book. Art
  150. Resistance : the underground war against Hitler, 1939-1945 / Halik Kochanski.. print book. History
  151. Resisting backsliding : opposition strategies against the erosion of democracy / Laura Gamboa.. ebook. Political Science
  152. Responsible pedagogy : moving beyond authority and mastery in higher education / Eric Detweiler.. print book. English
  153. Restarting the future : how to fix the intangible economy / Jonathan Haskel and Stian Westlake.. ebook. Business
  154. Le reste est ombre = The rest is shadow : Pedro Costa, Rui Chafes, Paulo Nozolino / commissariat de l'exposition, Philippe-Alain Michaud, Jonathan Pouthier.. print book. Art
  155. Restless reason and other variations on Kantian themes / Amihud Gilead.. print book. Philosophy
  156. Restoring the world, 1945 : security and empire at Yalta / Nicolas W. Proctor and John E. Moser.. print book. History
  157. Restraining air power : escalation management between peer air forces / Robert C. Owen [and four others].. print book.
  158. Restraining air power : escalation management between peer air forces / Robert C. Owen [and four others].. print book.
  159. Retail in a new world : recovering from the pandemic that changed the world / by Eleonora Pantano and Kim Willems.. ebook. Business
  160. Retail inequality : reframing the food desert debate / Kenneth H. Kolb.. print book. Business
  161. Rethinking communication geographies : geomedia, digital logistics and the human condition / André Jansson.. ebook. Geography
  162. Rethinking dwelling : Heidegger, place, architecture / Jeff Malpas.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  163. Rethinking global value chains and corporate social responsibility / Peter Lund-Thomsen, Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing Countries, Center for Business and Development Studies, Department of Management, Communication and Society. ebook. Business
  164. Rethinking life : Italian philosophy in precarious times / edited by Silvia Benso.. print book. Philosophy
  165. Le retour de Martin Guerre / fun film de Daniel Vigne.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  166. The return of resentment : the rise and decline and rise again of a political emotion / Robert A. Schneider.. print book. Philosophy
  167. The return of Sara Baartman / narration written ... by Gail Smith ; produced and directed by Zola Maseko ; Black Roots Pictures.. streaming video. History
  168. Reversing sail : a history of the African diaspora / Michael A. Gomez.. print book. History
  169. Reversing the arrow of time / Bryan W. Roberts, London School of Economics and Political Science.. print book. Physics
  170. Revisiting modern British art / edited by Jo Baring.. print book. Art
  171. Revolution and dictatorship : the violent origins of durable authoritarianism / Steven Levitsky, Lucan Way.. ebook. Political Science
  172. Revolution? : architecture and the anthropocene / Susannah Hagan.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  173. A revolution on canvas : the rise of women artists in London and Paris, 1760-1830 / Paris A. Spies-Gans.. print book. Art
  174. Revolutionary hope after nihilism : marginalized voices and dissent / Saladdin Ahmed.. print book. Philosophy
  175. Revolutionary poetics : the rhetoric of the Black Arts Movement / Sarah RudeWalker.. print book. English
  176. The revolutionary : Samuel Adams / Stacy Schiff.. print book. History
  177. Rhapsodie "Vadar" : für Orchester (1922/28) / Pantcho Vladigerov.. music score (printed). Music
  178. The rhetoric of exemplarity in early modern England / Michael Ullyot.. print book. English
  179. Rhetorica divina, seu ars oratoria eloquentiae divinae / William of Auvergne ; introduction, text, translation, and notes by Roland J. Teske.. print book. Philosophy
  180. Rhythms of feeling in Edward Lear, T.S. Eliot, and Stevie Smith / Jasmine Jagger.. print book. English
  181. Rich thanks to racism : how the ultra-wealthy profit from racial injustice / Jim Freeman.. print book. Business
  182. Richard Hunt / LeRonn P. Brooks, Jordan Carter, Adrienne L. Childs, Jon Ott, John Yau ; foreword by Courtney J. Martin.. print book. Art
  183. Richard III / a London Film ; Laurence Olivier presents ; by William Shakespeare ; with some interpolations by David Garrick, Colley Cibber, etc. ; produced and directed by Laurence Olivier ; London Film Productions Ltd.. streaming video. English
  184. Richard III / a London Film ; Laurence Olivier presents ; by William Shakespeare ; with some interpolations by David Garrick, Colley Cibber, etc. ; produced and directed by Laurence Olivier ; London Film Productions Ltd.. streaming video.
  185. Richard III's bodies from medieval England to modernity : Shakespeare and disability history / Jeffrey R. Wilson.. print book. English
  186. Richard Long : many rivers to cross / Richard Long.. print book. Art
  187. RICHARD RORTY : a short introduction.. print book. Philosophy
  188. Ricoeur at the limits of philosophy : God, creation, and evil / Barnabas Aspray.. print book. Philosophy
  189. Un ricordo : violí i piano = violin and piano = violín y piano / Jordi Cervelló.. music score (printed). Music
  190. The right place : how national competitiveness makes or breaks companies / Arturo Bris.. ebook. Business
  191. The right : the hundred-year war for American conservatism / Matthew Continetti.. print book. Political Science
  192. Right to harm / Hourglass Films presents ; a film by Matt Wechsler and Annie Speicher.. streaming video.
  193. Right where we belong : how refugee teachers and students are changing the future of education / Sarah Dryden-Peterson.. ebook. Education
  194. Rip Van Winkle's republic : Washington Irving in history and memory / edited by Andrew Burstein and Nancy Isenberg.. print book. English
  195. Riparian : poetry, short prose, and photographs inspired by the Ohio River / Sherry Cook Stanforth, managing editor ; Richard Hague, co-editor.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  196. The rise and fall of modern Japanese literature / John Whittier Treat.. ebook. Asian Studies
  197. The rise and triumph of the modern self : cultural amnesia, expressive individualism, and the road to sexual revolution / Carl R. Trueman ; foreword by Rod Dreher.. print book. Philosophy
  198. The rise of China, Inc. : how the Chinese Communist Party transformed China into a giant corporation / Shaomin Li, Old Dominion University.. print book. Business
  199. The rise of Christian theology and the end of ancient metaphysics : patristic philosophy from the Cappadocian Fathers to John of Damascus / Johannes Zachhuber.. print book. Philosophy
  200. The rise of the African novel : politics of language, identity, and ownership / Mukoma Wa Ngugi.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  201. The rise of the halfling king / by David Bowles ; illustrated by Charlene Bowles.. print book. Education
  202. Rising : for flute and string quartet / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
  203. Rising together : how we can bridge divides and create a more inclusive workplace / Sally Helgesen.. ebook. Business
  204. Risky business : why insurance markets fail and what to do about it / Liran Einav, Amy Finkelstein, and Ray Fisman.. ebook. Business
  205. Rissolty rossolty : for orchestra / Ruth Crawford ; edited by Douglas Adams and Ryan Carson.. music score (printed). Music
  206. Rites of passage, liminality, and community in Octavia E. Butler's science fiction novels / Lin Knutson.. print book. English
  207. Ritmos de Cuba : Cuban rhythms for percussion and drumset = Ritmos de Cuba para percusión y batería = Kubanische Rhythmen für Perkussion und Drumset / Ruy López-Nussa Lekszycki.. music score (printed). Music
  208. Ritual : Baptiste Brossard, Helen Dowling, Sara-Lena Maierhofer / Madeleine Frey, Hg. ; Camille Bouaud, Natasha Christia, Zeynep Kubat.. print book. Art
  209. Riverbend Gap / Denise Hunter.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  210. Riverblue / a David McIlvride film ; a Roger Williams production ; written by David McIlvride ; directed by David McIlvride and Roger Williams ; produced by Roger Williams and Lisa Mazzotta.. streaming video.
  211. Riverblue / a David McIlvride film ; a Roger Williams production ; written by David McIlvride ; directed by David McIlvride and Roger Williams ; produced by Roger Williams and Lisa Mazzotta.. streaming video. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  212. RiverRun / Stephen Albert.. music score (printed). Music

Ro - Rz

  1. Road atlas 2023 : EasyFinder : 35% larger maps than the Midsize Road Atlas maps / Rand McNally.. print atlas. Geography
  2. Roadblock politics : the origins of violence in Central Africa / Peer Schouten.. print book. History
  3. The robber : = Der Räuber / a film by Bejamin Heisenberg ; Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion, Peter Heilrath Filmproduktion.. streaming video. German
  4. Robbery : the tipping point between theft and violence / Amy Burrell.. ebook. Law
  5. Robert Grosseteste at Munich : the Abbreviatio by Frater Andreas, O.F.M., of the commentaries by Robert Grosseteste on the Pseudo-Dionysius / edition, translation, and introduction by James McEvoy [d.] ; prepared for publication by Philipp W. Rosemann.. print book. Philosophy
  6. Robert L. Thompson : TVA Architects / Robert L. Thompson ; introductions by Randy Gragg ; foreword by Michael J. Crosbie.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  7. Robert Morgan : essays on the life and work / edited by Robert M. West and Jesse Graves.. print book. English
  8. Robert Motherwell drawings : a catalogue raisonné / Katy Rogers.. print book. Art
  9. Robert Penn Warren, shadowy autobiography, and other makers of American literature / Joseph R. Millichap.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  10. Robin Boyd : late works / Peter Raisbeck, Christine Marie Phillips.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  11. Robinson Crusoe lantern slides. print book.
  12. Robust nonlinear regression : with application using R / Hossein Riazoshams, Habshah Midi, Gebrenegus Ghilagaber.. ebook. Statistics
  13. Rock and roll, desegregation movements, and racism in the post-Civil Rights era : an "integrated effort" / Beth Fowler.. print book. History
  14. Rockitecture : the symphony of river rocks and the men who listened to their music : indigenous architecture in California 1885-1935 / Barry Schweiger, AIAE.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  15. Rodin in the United States : confronting the modern / edited by Antoinette Le Normand-Romain ; with essays by Christina Buley-Uribe, Patrick R. Crowley, C.D. Dickerson III, Antoinette Le Normand-Romain, Laure de Margerie, Véronique Mattiussi, Elyse Nelson. print book. Art
  16. Rogue sexuality in early modern English literature : desire, status, biopolitics / Ari Friedlander.. print book. English
  17. The role of citation in the law : a Yale Law School symposium / edited by Michael Chiorazzi.. print book. Law
  18. Roman law in context [electronic resource] / David Johnston.. ebook. Classical Studies
  19. Roman legends brought to life / Robert Garland.. ebook. Classical Studies
  20. Romans in a New World : classical models in sixteenth-century Spanish America / David A. Lupher.. print book. Classical Studies
  21. Romantic empiricism : nature, art, and ecology from Herder to Humboldt. / Dalia Nassar.. print book. English
  22. The Romantic rhetoric of accumulation / Lenora Hanson.. print book. English
  23. Romanticism, republicanism, and the Swiss myth / Patrick Vincent, University of Neuchâtel.. print book. English
  24. Rome : strategy of empire / James Lacey.. print book. History
  25. The Ronald S. Lauder collection : selections of Greek and Roman antiquities, Medieval art, arms and armor, Italian gold-ground and Old Master paintings, Austrian and German art and design / edited by Elizabeth Szancer ; preface by Ronald S. Lauder ; forew. print book. Art
  26. Ronde de nuit : pour orchestre / Marie Grandval.. music score (printed). Music
  27. Rondò dal Concerto no. 1 op. 6 per due chitarre : basato sul manoscritto "Rondò von Paganini" della Rischel & Birket-Smith Collection / Niccolò Paganini ; edizione critica, revisione e diteggiatura a cura di Carmelo Imbesi e Carmen Zangarà ; prefazione. music score (printed). Music
  28. A room of one's own : for eight string instruments : 2020 / Britta Byström.. music score (printed). Music
  29. Room to dream / Kelly Yang.. print book. Education
  30. Roosevelt and the Hundred Days : struggle for the early New Deal / James E. Sargent.. print book. History
  31. Rooted jazz dance : Africanist aesthetics and equity in the twenty-first century / edited by Lindsay Guarino, Carlos R. A. Jones, and Wendy Oliver.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  32. Rooted jazz dance : Africanist aesthetics and equity in the twenty-first century / edited by Lindsay Guarino, Carlos R. A. Jones, and Wendy Oliver.. ebook. Theatre & Dance
  33. Roots music in America : collected writings of Joe Wilson / edited by Fred Bartenstein.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  34. The roots of American individualism : political myth in the age of Jackson / Alex Zakaras. ebook. Political Science
  35. Rosamond Purcell : nature stands aside / edited by Gordon Wilkins ; with texts by Mark Dion, Christoph Irmscher, Errol Morris, Belinda Rathbone, Gordon Wilkins, and Rosamond Purcell.. print book. Art
  36. Rossiniana no. 2, opus 120 : pour guitare seule = per chitarra sola = for solo guitar / Mauro Giuliani ; édition de = edizione di = edition by Frédéric Zigante.. music score (printed). Music
  37. Rossiniana no. 4, op. 122 : pour guitare seule = per chittara sola = for solo guitar / Mauro Giuliani ; [edited by] Frédéric Zigante.. music score (printed). Music
  38. Rough draft of history : a century of US social movements in the news / Edwin Amenta, Neal Caren.. ebook. Sociology
  39. Rough sleepers / Tracy Kidder.. print book. Business
  40. ROUSSEAU, BURKE, AND REVOLUTION IN FRANCE, 1791.. print book. History
  41. The Routledge companion to architectural drawings and models : from translating to archiving, collecting and displaying / edited by Federica Goffi.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  42. Routledge companion to audiences and the performing arts / edited by Matthew Reason, Lynne Conner, Katya Johanson, and Ben Walmsley.. print book. Arts Administration
  43. The Routledge companion to Black women's cultural histories / edited by Janell Hobson.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  44. The Routledge companion to ecological design thinking : healthful ecotopian visions for architecture and urbanism / edited by Mitra Kanaani.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  45. The Routledge companion to musical theatre / edited by Laura MacDonald and Ryan Donovan with William A. Everett.. print book. Music
  46. The Routledge companion to the American landscape / edited by Chris W. Post, Alyson L. Greiner, and Geoffrey L. Buckley.. ebook. Geography
  47. Routledge encyclopedia of translation studies / edited by Mona Baker and Gabriela Saldanha.. ebook. Classical Studies
  48. Routledge handbook of Asian music : cultural intersections / edited by Lee Tong Soon.. print book. Music
  49. The Routledge handbook of comparative territorial autonomies / edited by Brian C.H. Fong and Atsuko Ichijo.. ebook. Political Science
  50. Routledge handbook of conspiracy theories / edited by Michael Butter and Peter Knight.. ebook. English
  51. The Routledge handbook of health communication / edited by Teresa L. Thompson, Nancy Grant Harrington.. ebook. Medicine
  52. The Routledge handbook of methodologies in human geography / Sarah Lovell, Stephanie E. Coen and Mark W. Rosenberg.. ebook. Geography
  53. Routledge international handbook of financialization / edited by Philip Mader.. ebook. Business
  54. The Rowman & Littlefield handbook of philosophy and religion / edited by Mark A. Lamport.. print book. Philosophy
  57. Rudolph de Harak, graphic designer : rational simplicity / Richard Poulin.. print book. Art
  58. Rumble and roar : sound around the world / Sue Fliess ; illustrated by Khoa Le.. print book. Education
  59. Run. Book one / written by John Lewis and Andrew Aydin ; art by L. Fury with Nate Powell ; lettering by Chris Ross and Nate Powell.. print book. Education
  60. Running a small library : a how-to-do-it manual for librarians / edited by John A. Moorman.. print book. Library & Information Science
  61. Running sideways : the Olympic champion who made track and field history / Pauline Davis with T. R. Todd.. print book. History
  62. RURAL QUEER. print book. Special Collections
  63. Ruth Asawa: citizen of the universe / edited by Emma Ridgway and Vibece Salthe ; [texts by Emma Ridgway, John R. Blakinger, Sigrun Åsebø, Vibece Salthe, Emily Pringle].. print book. Art
  64. Ruth Asawa: citizen of the universe / edited by Emma Ridgway and Vibece Salthe ; [texts by Emma Ridgway, John R. Blakinger, Sigrun Åsebø, Vibece Salthe, Emily Pringle].. print book. Art

S - Sh

  1. S'una sol lagrima di pentimento : aria des Gesù aus dem Oratorio "Gesù al Calvario" (ZWV 62) : für Alt-Solo, 2 Oboen, 2 Fagotte, Streicher und Basso continuo / Jan Dismas Zelenka ; herausgegeben von Claudia Lubkoll.. music score (printed). Music
  2. Sachlexikon Rockmusik : Instrumente, Technik, Industrie--A-K / Bernward Halbscheffel. print book. Music
  3. Sachlexikon Rockmusik : Instrumente, Technik, Industrie--L-Z / Bernward Halbscheffel. print book. Music
  4. The sack of Detroit : General Motors and the end of American enterprise / Kenneth Whyte.. print book. Business
  5. The sacred depths of nature : how life has emerged and evolved / Ursula Goodenough.. ebook. Biology
  6. Sacred engagements : interfaith marriage, religious toleration, and the British novel, 1750-1820 / Alison Conway.. print book. English
  7. The sacred life of modernist literature : immanence, occultism, and the making of the modern world / Allan Kilner-Johnson.. print book. English
  8. THE SACRED MELODEON / A. S. HAYDEN. print book. Music
  9. Sacred stick / director and producer, Michelle Danforth ; co-producer Patty Loew.. streaming video.
  10. Sacred stick / director and producer, Michelle Danforth ; co-producer Patty Loew.. streaming video. Education
  11. Sacrilegion / L. Lamar Wilson.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  12. Safe area Goražde / by Joe Sacco.. print book. History
  13. Safe as houses : the more-than-human home / Rachel Armstrong.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  14. The safe library : keeping users, staff, and collections secure / Steve Albrecht.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  15. Said-songs : essays on poetry and place / Jesse Graves.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  16. Saigo no aisatsu / Kobayashi Erika.. print book. Asian Studies
  17. Saints and soldiers : inside internet-age terrorism, from Syria to the Capitol siege / Rita Katz.. ebook. Political Science
  18. Sal & Gabi fix the universe / Carlos Hernandez.. print book. Education
  19. Salafism and political order in Africa / Sebastian Elischer.. print book. History
  20. Sales and leases of goods in a nutshell / Anne Lawton.. print book. Law
  21. Sallie Bee writes a thank-you note / words by Courtney Sheinmel and Susan Verde ; pictures by Heather Ross.. print book. Education
  22. Salman Rushdie in context / edited by Florian Stadtler, University of Bristol.. print book. English
  23. Salvador Luria : an immigrant biologist in Cold War America / Rena Selya.. print book. Biology
  24. Salvator Rosa : paint and performance / Helen Langdon.. print book. Art
  25. Salve a dos voces con violines y bajo / Antonio Corvi y Morotti ; edicion critica: Antoni Pons Segui.. music score (printed). Music
  26. Sam's super seats / by Keah Brown ; illustrated by Sharee Miller.. print book. Education
  27. Samakat qaws qazah.. print book. Education
  28. Samba for Susan : for cello and piano / Ricky Ian Gordon.. music score (printed). Music
  29. Ṣamt al-quṣūr = Les silences du palais = The silences of the palace ; a flim / by Moufida Tlatli.. video DVD. French & Francophone Studies
  30. Samuel Beckett and cultural nationalism / Shane Weller.. print book. English
  31. Samuel Beckett and the theatre of the witness : pain in postwar Francophone drama / Hannah Simpson (St Anne's College, University of Oxford).. print book. English
  32. Samuel Beckett's poetry / edited by James Brophy, William Davies.. print book. English
  33. Sancti Aurelii Augustini Enarrationes in Psalmos / post Maurinos textum edendum curaverunt E. Dekkers et I. Fraipont.. print book. Philosophy
  34. Sanctions : what everyone needs to know / Bruce W. Jentleson.. print book. Business
  35. Sanctions : what everyone needs to know / Bruce W. Jentleson.. ebook. Business
  36. Sandy Hook : an American tragedy and the battle for truth / Elizabeth Williamson.. ebook. Sociology
  37. Sans toit ni loi = Vagabond / Janus Films ; Ciné-Tamaris présente un film de Agnès Varda ; production, Ciné-Tamaris, Films A 2 ; régie, Oury Milshtein ; cinécrit et réalisé par Agnès Varda.. streaming video.
  38. Sans toit ni loi = Vagabond / Janus Films ; Ciné-Tamaris présente un film de Agnès Varda ; production, Ciné-Tamaris, Films A 2 ; régie, Oury Milshtein ; cinécrit et réalisé par Agnès Varda.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  39. Sansho dayu = Sansho the bailiff / Daiei Motion Picture Company presents ; produced by Masaichi Nagata ; screenplay, Fuji Yahiro and Yoshikata Yoda ; directed by Kenji Mizoguchi.. streaming video. Asian Studies
  40. Sanxia haoren = Still life / Xihe xinghui chupin ; Shanghai dianying zhipianchang lianhe shezhi ; Jia Zhangke zuopin ; zhuyan Zhao Tao, Han Sanming ; youqing kechuan Wang Hongwei.. streaming video.
  41. Sanxia haoren = Still life / Xihe xinghui chupin ; Shanghai dianying zhipianchang lianhe shezhi ; Jia Zhangke zuopin ; zhuyan Zhao Tao, Han Sanming ; youqing kechuan Wang Hongwei.. streaming video. Anthropology
  42. Saoko : for brass quintet / Tania León.. music score (printed). Music
  43. Sara Greenberger Rafferty : studio visit / editor, Eugenia Bell ; image descriptions, Kate Nesin.. print book. Art
  44. Sarai and the meaning of awesome / Sarai Gonzalez and Monica Brown ; illustrations by Christine Almeda.. print book. Education
  45. Sarai in the spotlight / Sarai Gonzalez and Monica Brown ; [illustrations by Christine Almeda].. print book. Education
  46. Sartre's Existential Psychoanalysis : knowing others / Mary L. Edwards.. print book. Philosophy
  47. THE SASSOONS. print book. Art
  48. The savage eye / text by Emil Leth Meilvang, Allison Morehead, Gavin Parkinson, Jamieson Webster, David Lomas ; contributions by Lars Toft-Eriksen ; edited by Kate Bell.. print book. Art
  49. Saving Main Street : small business in the time of COVID-19 / Gary Rivlin.. print book. Business
  50. Say that geography is destiny : for clarinet and piano (2022) / Beth Wiemann.. music score (printed). Music
  51. Scanners / Pierre David and Victor Solnicki present ; a David Cronenberg film ; produced by Claude Heroux ; written and directed by David Cronenberg ; a Filmplan International production... streaming video. Philosophy
  52. Scarcity : a history from the origins of capitalism to the climate crisis / Fredrik Albritton Jonsson and Carl Wennerlind.. ebook. Business
  53. Scary stories for young foxes : the City / Christian McKay Heidicker ; illustrations by Junyi Wu.. print book. Education
  54. Scènes poétiques, op. 46 : for orchestra / Benjamin Godard.. music score (printed). Music
  55. Schelling and Spinoza : realism, idealism, and the absolute / Benjamin Norris.. print book. Philosophy
  56. Schelling's late philosophy in confrontation with Hegel / Peter Dews.. print book. Philosophy
  57. Scherzo / John Cheetham. print book. Music
  58. SCHERZO / JOHN CHEETHAM. print book. Music
  59. Schizoanalysis and Asia : Deleuze, Guattari and postmedia / Joff P. N. Bradley ; foreword by Toshiya Ueno.. print book. Philosophy
  60. The scholarly communications cookbook / edited by Brianna Buljung and Emily Bongiovanni.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  61. SCHOOL FOR GOOD MOTHERS.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  62. Schools of fiction : literature and the making of the American educational system / Morgan Day Frank.. print book. English
  63. Schools of magic : learning in children's and young adult fantasy fiction / Megan H. Suttie.. print book. English
  64. Schule für bassposaune = method for bass trombone / Branimir Slokar ; Armin Bachmann.. music score (printed). Music
  65. Science and the Bible [electronic resource] : evidence-based Christian belief / Ted Burge.. ebook.
  66. Science fiction and narrative form / David Roberts, Andrew Milner, and Peter Murphy.. print book. English
  67. The science of brass instruments / Murray Campbell, Joël Gilbert, Arnold Myers.. print book. Music
  68. The science of marijuana.. streaming video.
  69. The science of marijuana.. streaming video. Social Work
  70. The scientific guide to health and happiness. episode 7, Which diet is best for happiness?.. streaming video. English
  71. The scientific guide to health and happiness. episode 7, Which diet is best for happiness?.. streaming video.
  72. The scientific imagination in South Africa : 1700 to the present / William Beinart, University of Oxford, Saul Dubow, University of Cambridge.. print book. History
  73. Scorched earth : beyond the digital age to a post-capitalist world / Jonathan Crary.. print book. Business
  74. Scotland, PA / a film by Billy Morrissette ; Abandon Pictures presents ; in association with Veto Chip Productions and Paddy Wagon Productions.. streaming video. English
  75. Scotland, PA / a film by Billy Morrissette ; Abandon Pictures presents ; in association with Veto Chip Productions and Paddy Wagon Productions.. streaming video.
  76. Scourge of hyacinths : an opera in twelve scenes / based on the radio play "A scourge of hyacinths" by Wole Soyinka ; music and libretto by Tania León.. music score (printed). Music
  77. Scramble for the skies : the great power competition to control the resources of outer space / Namrata Goswami and Peter A. Garretson.. print book. Business
  78. Screen damage : the dangers of digital media for children / Michel Desmurget ; translated by Andrew Brown.. print book. Education
  79. Screening #MeToo : rape culture in Hollywood / edited by Lisa Funnell and Ralph Beliveau.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  80. Sculpture at the ends of slavery / Caitlin Meehye Beach.. print book. Art
  81. SCUMB manifesto / Justine Kurland.. print book. Art
  82. SEA : contemporary art in Southeast Asia / edited by Ute Meta Bauer, Karin G. Oen, Boon Hui Tan, Calvin.. print book. Art
  83. A Sea symphony : for soprano and baritone solo, chorus and orchestra / Ralph Vaughan Williams ; edited by David Matthews.. music score (printed). Music
  85. Searching for trust : blockchain technology in an age of disinformation / Victoria L. Lemieux, University of British Columbia.. print book. Mathematics
  86. Searching for trust in the global economy / Jeanne M. Brett, Tyree D. Mitchell.. ebook. Business
  87. Seashells : more than a home / Melissa Stewart ; illustrated by Sarah S. Brannen.. print book. Education
  88. The seasons / Edward German.. music score (printed). Music
  89. Seaweed and microalgae as alternative sources of protein / edited by Xingen Lei.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  90. Secession and state creation : what everyone needs to know / James Ker-Lindsay and Mikulas Fabry.. ebook. Political Science
  91. Second book of practical studies for cornet and trumpet / by Robert W. Getchell ; edited by Nilo W. Hovey.. music score (printed). Music
  92. Second-class daughters : Black Brazilian women and informal adoption as modern slavery / Elizabeth Hordge-Freeman, University of South Florida.. print book. Education
  93. Second nature : comic performance and philosophy / edited by Josephine Gray and Lisa Trahair.. print book. Philosophy
  94. The Second : race and guns in a fatally unequal America / Carol Anderson.. print book. Law
  96. Secondary data in mixed methods research / Daphne C. Watkins.. ebook. Social Work
  97. Secret city : the hidden history of gay Washington / James Kirchick.. print book. History
  98. The Secret Explorers and the plant poachers / SJ King ; illustrated by Ellie O'Shea.. print book. Education
  99. The secret garden on 81st street : a modern graphic retelling of The secret garden / by Ivy Noelle Weir ; illustrated by Amber Padilla.. print book. Education
  100. The secret language of maps : how to tell visual stories with data / Carissa Carter ; illustrations by Jeremy Nguyen & Michael Hirshon.. print book. Geography
  101. Secrets to good health.. streaming video. English
  102. Secrets to good health.. streaming video.
  103. Secularism : the basics / Jacques Berlinerblau.. print book. Philosophy
  104. Securing social networks in cyberspace / edited by Al-Sakib Khan Pathan.. ebook. Mathematics
  105. A seed grows / Antoinette Portis.. print book. Education
  106. Seeding the tradition : musical creativity in southern Vietnam / Alexander M. Cannon.. print book. Music
  107. Seeing loud : Basquiat and music / edited by Mary-Dailey Desmarais, Dieter Buchhart, Vincent Bessières ; exhibition curators, Vincent Bessières (guest curator), Dieter Buchhart (guest curator), Mary-Dailey Desmarais (chief curator, The Montreal Museum o. print book. Art
  108. Seeing red : Indigenous land, American expansion, and the political economy of plunder in North America / Michael John Witgen.. print book. History
  109. Seeing red : Indigenous land, American expansion, and the political economy of plunder in North America / Michael John Witgen.. ebook. Anthropology
  110. Seeing science : the art of making the invisible visible / Jack Challoner.. print book. Biology
  111. Seeing us in them : social divisions and the politics of group empathy / Cigdem V. Sirin, Nicholas A. Valentino, José D. Villalobos.. ebook. Political Science
  112. Seek and hide : the tangled history of the right to privacy / Amy Gajda.. print book. Education
  113. Seek you : a journey through American loneliness / Kristen Radtke.. print book.
  114. Seeking home : marginalization and representation in Appalachian literature and song / edited by Leslie Harper Worthington and Jürgen E. Grandt.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  115. Seen and not heard : why children's voices matter / Jana Mohr Lone.. print book. Education
  116. Seen and unseen : what Dorothea Lange, Toyo Miyatake, and Ansel Adams's photographs reveal about the Japanese American incarceration / Elizabeth Partridge, Lauren Tamaki.. print book. Education
  117. Sei duetti per flauti : edizione critica per le classi di flauti dei Conservatori e delle Scuole di musica / Saverio Mercadante ; a cura di Mariateresa Dellaborra.. music score (printed). Music
  118. Sei sestetti : a tre violini, viola e due violoncelli obbligati / Cayetano Brunetti ; edited by Raúl Angulo Díaz.. music score (printed). Music
  119. Selected duets for flute / compiled and edited by H. Voxman.. music score (printed). Music
  120. Self-care for new and student nurses / Dorrie K. Fontaine, Tim Cunningham, Natalie May.. ebook. Medicine
  121. Self-care in social work : a guide for practitioners, supervisors, and administrators / Kathleen Cox and Sue Steiner.. ebook. Social Work
  122. Self-cultivation in early China / Paul Fischer.. print book. Philosophy
  123. Self-knowledge in ancient philosophy : the Eighth Keeling Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy / edited by Fiona Leigh.. ebook. Education
  124. Self-portrait as an iguana / Jeremy Paden.. print book.
  125. Self-reflective fiction and 4E cognition : an enactive approach to literary artifice / Merja Polvinen.. print book. English
  126. Selfhood and rationality in ancient Greek philosophy : from Heraclitus to Plotinus / A.A. Long.. print book. Philosophy
  127. Selfie aesthetics : seeing trans feminist futures in self-representational art / Nicole Erin Morse.. print book. Art
  128. The semantics of knowledge attributions / Michael Blome-Tillman.. print book. Philosophy
  129. Sense / Ann Hamilton.. print book. Art
  130. The sensible and intelligible worlds : new essays on Kant's metaphysics and epistemology / edited by Karl Schafer and Nicholas F. Stang.. print book. Philosophy
  131. Sensing spaces : architecture reimagined / [curated by] Kate Goodwin ; [text by] Philip Ursprung.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  132. A sensory history manifesto / Mark M. Smith.. print book. History
  133. Les Sept Ivresses : pour chant & piano / Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
  134. Sequences / Adam of Saint-Victor ; introduction, text, translation and notes by Juliet Mousseau ; with a foreword by Hugh Feiss.. print book. Philosophy
  135. Serena says / Tanita S. Davis.. print book. Education
  136. Serenade : for cello and guitar / Ruggiero Leoncavallo ; transcribed and edited by Valter Dešpalj.. music score (printed). Music
  137. Serien : Druckgraphik von Warhol bis Wool = Series : prints from Warhol to Wool / herausgegeben von Petra Roettig für die Hamburger Kunsthalle ; Texte, Leona Marie Ahrens [and eight others].. print book. Art
  138. The serpent's shadow / Rick Riordan.. print book. Education
  139. Servants of the damned : giant law firms, Donald Trump, and the corruption of justice / David Enrich.. print book. Law
  140. Serving herself : the life and times of Althea Gibson / Ashley Brown.. print book. History
  141. Setting slavery's limits : physical confrontations in Antebellum Virginia, 1801-1860 / Christopher H. Bouton.. print book. History
  142. Seul en double : d'après La Partita no. 1 BWV 1002 de J.-S. Bach : pour violon = from the Partita no. 1 BWV 1002 by J. S. Bach : for violin / Karol Beffa ; Doigtés et coups d'archet: = fingerings and bowings: Bruno Garlej.. music score (printed). Music
  143. Seven golden rings : a tale of music and math / by Rajani LaRocca ; illustrated by Archana Sreenivasan.. print book. Education
  144. The seven moons of Maali Almeida / Shehan Karunatilaka.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  145. Seven samurai / Janus Films ; Toho Co. Ltd. ; [directed by Akira Kurosawa] ; [screenplay by Akira Kurosawa, Shinobu Hashimoto and Hideo Oguni] ; [produced by Sojiro Motoki]. streaming video.
  146. Seven tunes heard in China : for solo cello / Bright Sheng ; edited by Yo-Yo Ma.. music score (printed). Music
  147. The seventh seal / The Criterion Collection ; Janus Films ; Svensk Filmindustri presents ; a film by Ingmar Bergman ; producer, Allan Ekelund ; directed and written by Ingmar Bergman.. streaming video. Philosophy
  148. Several fanfares : for solo trumpet : 2020 / Erika Fox.. music score (printed). Music
  149. Sex is as sex does : governing transgender identity / Paisley Currah.. print book. Law
  150. Sexual ethics in a secular age : is there still a virtue of chastity? / edited by Eric J. Silverman.. print book. Philosophy
  151. Sexual futures, queer gestures, and other Latina longings / Juana María Rodríguez.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
  152. Sexuality and slavery : reclaiming intimate histories in the Americas / edited by Daina Ramey Berry and Leslie M. Harris.. ebook. History
  153. Sexuality and slavery : reclaiming intimate histories in the Americas / edited by Daina Ramey Berry and Leslie M. Harris.. print book. History
  154. Sexuality in emerging adulthood / edited by Elizabeth M. Morgan and Manfred H. M. van Dulmen.. ebook. Social Work
  155. Sexuality in Greek and Roman society and literature [electronic resource] : a sourcebook / Marguerite Johnson.. ebook. Classical Studies
  156. The Shadow Crosser / J.C. Cervantes.. print book. Education
  157. The shadow drawing : how science taught Leonardo how to paint / Francesca Fiorani.. print book. Physics
  158. Shadow migration : mapping a life / Suzanne Ohlmann.. ebook.
  159. [Shaker manuscript hymnal].. music score (printed). Music
  160. [Shaker manuscript hymnal].. music score (printed). Music
  161. Shakespeare and Beckett : restless echoes / Claudia Olk, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich.. print book. English
  162. Shakespeare and the idea of Western civilization / R.V. Young.. print book. English
  163. Shakespeare and the theater of pity / Shawn Smith.. print book. English
  164. Shakespeare behind bars / produced in association with the Independent Television Service and the BBC ; produced by Philomath Films ; a film by Hank Rogerson and Jilann Spitzmiller.. streaming video.
  165. Shakespeare beyond the green world : drama and ecopolitics in Jacobean Britain / Todd Andrew Borlik.. print book. English
  166. Shakespeare, Elizabeth and Ivan : the role of English-Russian relations in Love's Labours Lost / Rima Greenhill.. print book. English
  167. Shakespeare in love / based on the screenplay by Marc Norman & Tom Stoppard ; adapted for the stage by Lee Hall ; music by Paddy Cunneen.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  168. Shakespeare in the present : political lessons under Biden / Philip Goldfarb Styrt.. print book. English
  169. Shakespeare on consent / Amanda Bailey.. print book. English
  170. Shakespeare's blank verse : an alternative history / Robert Stagg.. print book. English
  171. Shakespeare's dialectic of hope : from the political to the utopian / Hugh Grady, Arcadia University.. print book. English
  172. Shakespeare's mad men : a crisis of authority / Richard van Oort.. print book. English
  173. Shakespeare's tutor : the influence of Thomas Kyd / Darren Freebury-Jones.. print book. English
  174. Shakespearean issues : agency, skepticism, and other puzzles / Richard Strier.. print book. English
  175. The shame machine : who profits in the new age of humiliation / Cathy O'Neil ; with Stephen Baker.. ebook. Psychology
  176. Shandean psychoanalysis : Tristram Shandy, madness and trauma / Françoise Davoine ; translated by Agnès Jacob.. print book. English
  177. The shape of freedom : international abstraction after 1945 / exhibition and catalog, Daniel Zamani ; edited by Ortrud Westheider, Michael Philipp, Daniel Zamani ; with contributions by Jeremy Lewison, Gražina Subelytė, Daniel Zamani.. print book. Art
  178. The shape of sex : nonbinary gender from Genesis to the Renaissance / Leah DeVun.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  179. Shape up, construction trucks! / Victoria Allenby.. print book. Education
  180. The shapes of stories : sentiment analysis for narrative / Katherine Elkins.. print book. English
  181. Shapeshifter : Ran Slavin / edited by Franco Spampinato.. print book. Art
  182. Shaping the surface : materiality and the history of British architecture 1840-2000 / Stephen Kite.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  183. Shared sisterhood : how to take collective action for racial and gender equity at work / Dr. Tina Opie, Dr. Beth A. Livingston.. print book. Business
  184. Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop : the team that changed children's television / Nat Segaloff and Mallory Lewis ; foreword by David Copperfield.. print book.
  185. The Shark King : a Toon book / by R. Kikuo Johnson.. print book. Education
  186. She persisted in science : brilliant women who made a difference / by Chelsea Clinton.. print book. Education
  187. She's a Boy I Knew.. streaming video.
  188. She's Beautiful When She's Angry - The History of the Women’s Liberation Movement. ebook.
  189. Sheepish : (wolf under cover) / Helen Yoon.. print book. Education
  190. SHELTER: AN ATLAS. print book. Geography
  191. Shen Wei : painting in motion / text and essays by Pieranna Cavalchini [and three others].. print book. Art
  192. Shielded : how the police became untouchable / Joanna Schwartz.. print book. Law
  193. Shielded : how the police became untouchable / Joanna Schwartz.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
  194. Shigeru Ban : the Swatch/Omega campus / Philip Jodidio.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  195. Shine on, Luz Véliz! / Rebecca Balcárcel.. print book. Education
  196. Shining a light : celebrating 40 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders who changed the world / Veeda Bybee ; illustrated by Victo Ngai.. print book. Education
  197. Shirley Chisholm : champion of Black feminist power politics / Anastasia C. Curwood.. print book. Sociology
  198. Shirley Chisholm : champion of Black feminist power politics / Anastasia C. Curwood.. ebook. Sociology
  199. Shirley Jaffe / sous la direction de Frédéric Paul.. print book. Art
  200. Shona Illingworth : topologies of air / edited by Anthony Downey ; contributors, Caterina Albano [and 15 others].. print book. Art
  201. The shores of Bohemia : a Cape Cod story, 1910-1960 / John Taylor Williams.. print book. Art
  202. The short writings of Nelson Algren : a study of his stories, essays, articles, reviews, poems and other literature / Richard F. Bales ; foreword by Kenneth G. McCollum.. print book. English
  203. Shorter works for piano. Vol. 3, Piano pieces / Charles E. Ives ; edited by James B. Sinclair and Thomas M. Brodhead.. music score (printed). Music
  204. A shot in the arm! / Don Brown.. print book. Education
  205. Shrines of gaiety : a novel / Kate Atkinson.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  206. Shutter / Ramona Emerson.. print book. Education

Si - So

  1. Sibylle Bergemann : Stadt Land Hund, Fotografien, 1966-2010 / herausgegeben von Thomas Köhler und Katia Reich ; [Texte von] Susanne Altmann, Bertram Kaschek, Anne Pfautsch, Katia Reich, Jan Wenzel, Frieda von Wild, Lily von Wild = Sibylle Bergemann : tow. print book. Art
  2. Sidelights on Negro soldiers, by Charles H. Williams ... with an introduction by Benjamin Brawley.. print book. Special Collections
  3. Sienese painting : the art of a city-republic (1278-1477) / Timothy Hyman.. print book. Art
  4. The signature in law : from the thirteenth century to the facsimile / Stephen Mason.. print book. Law
  5. The significant lawyer : the pursuit of purpose and professionalism / William S. Duffey, Jr.. print book. Law
  7. Sikh philosophy : exploring gurmat concepts in a decolonizing world / Arvind-Pal Singh Mandair.. print book. Philosophy
  8. Silence, civility, and sanity : hope for humanity in a digital age / Stephanie Bennett.. print book. Philosophy
  9. Silent rebels : Polish symbolism around 1900 / edited by Roger Diederen, Albert Godetzky, and Nerina Santorius ; with essays by Agnieszka Bagińska [and six others].. print book. Art
  10. Silent spring / Rachel Carson ; introduction by Linda Lear ; afterword by Edward O. Wilson ; [drawings by Lois and Louis Darling].. ebook. Sociology
  11. Silk : the thread that tied the world / Anthony Burton.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  12. Simon at the art museum / Christina Soontornvat ; art by Christine Davenier.. print book. Education
  13. Simon Hantaï : the centenary exhibition : Fondation Louis Vuitton, May 18 - August 29, 2022 : exhibition catalogue / edited by Anne Baldassari.. print book. Art
  14. Simplifying statistics for graduate students : making the use of data simple and user-friendly / Susan Rovezzi Carroll and David J. Carroll.. print book. Statistics
  15. Simulating antiquity in boys' adventure fiction : maps and ink stains / Thomas Vranken.. print book. English
  16. Sinfonia a 4 strumenti (HH.27 n. 11) in Si♭ magg. : per archi e basso continuo / Giovanni Battista Martini.. music score (printed). Music
  17. Sinfonia F-Dur (SeiH 209) / Johann David Heinichen ; herausgegeben von Michael Goldbach. music score (printed). Music
  18. Sinfonia in C : 2 flutes, 2 oboes, bassoon, strings, continuo / Franz Benda.. music score (printed). Music
  19. Sinfonie in C = Symphony in C major : Hob. I:69 "Laudon" / J. Haydn ; herausgegeben von / edited by Wolfgang Stockmeier ; In Verbindung mit / in collaboration with Sonja Gerlach.. music score (printed). Music
  20. Sinfonie nr. 1 b-dur / Friedrich Witt ; edited by Bert Hagels.. music score (printed). Music
  21. Sinfonie nr. 1, op. 29 / Emil Hartmann.. music score (printed). Music
  22. Sinfonie Nr. 18 F-Dur / Friedrich Witt ; herausgegeben von Bert Hagels.. music score (printed). Music
  23. Sinfonie nr. 7 c-dur / Friedrich Witt ; edited by Bert Hagels.. music score (printed). Music
  24. Sins invalid : An unshamed claim to beauty in the face of invisibility.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
  25. Sir John in love : an opera in two acts - study score in 2 volumes / Ralph Vaughan Williams ; edited by David Lloyd-Jones.. music score (printed). Music
  26. Sir, just a normal guy / a film by Melanie La Rosa, with Jay D. Snider and Kari.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
  27. La sirène : mélodie / paroles de Henri Cazalis ; musique de A. Z. Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
  28. The sirens of Mars : searching for life on another world / Sarah Stewart Johnson.. ebook. Physics
  29. Sirko : a Ukrainian folk tale, a dual language book in English and Ukrainian / retold and illustrated by Olha Tkachenko.. print book. Education
  30. Sister Goat = Cecmpa koza / written, translated, illlustrated and designed by Antonina Novarese.. print book. Education
  31. Sisters of the Neversea / Cynthia Leitich Smith.. print book. Education
  32. Situating poetry : covenant and genre in American modernism / Joshua Logan Wall.. print book. English
  33. Six concertante quartets / Joseph Boulogne, chevalier de Saint-Georges ; edited by Allan Badley.. music score (printed). Music
  34. Six contes moraux. III, Ma nuit chez Maud = Six moral tales. III, My night at Maud's / Les films du losange, Barbet Schroeder et Pierre Cottrell présentent ; [written and directed by] Éric Rohmer.. streaming video.
  35. Six contes moraux. III, Ma nuit chez Maud = Six moral tales. III, My night at Maud's / Les films du losange, Barbet Schroeder et Pierre Cottrell présentent ; [written and directed by] Éric Rohmer.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  36. Six contes moraux. IV, La collectionneuse = Six moral tales. IV, La collectionneuse / une coproduction Les Films du Losange, Rome-Paris Films ; Georges de Beauregard, Barbet Schroeder présentent ; [written and directed by] Eric Rohmer.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  37. Six études pour la main gauche seule, op. 135 (R 54) / Saint-Saëns ; éditées par = edited by = herausgegeben von Catherine Massip.. music score (printed). Music
  38. Six metamorphoses after Ovid : op. 49 : oboe solo / Benjamin Britten.. music score (printed). Music
  39. Six sonatas for flute and basso continuo, op. 2 / Philip Peter Eiffert ; edited by Michael Talbot. music score (printed). Music
  40. Six sonatas, op. 47 : for two flutes (1733) / Joseph Bodin Boismortier ; edited by Michael Elphinstone.. music score (printed). Music
  41. Six string quartets, op. 8 : WK 62 in B-flat major for 2 violins, viola and violoncello / Carl Friedrich Abel ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
  42. Six string quintets : quintet in d major, nr. 6 / Johann Baptist Vanhal ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
  43. Six string symphonies, op. 5 : in 3 volumes, Nr. 3 and Nr. 4 : for strings & basso continuo / Johann A. Hasse ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
  44. Six studies in English folk-song : arranged for euphonium and piano : with alternative versions for B♭ tenor saxophone and B♭ bass clarinet / R. Vaughan Williams ; arranged by Paul Droste.. music score (printed). Music
  46. The skeptic's guide to health, medicine, and the media. episode 20, Diet, health, and the power of words.. streaming video. English
  47. The skeptic's guide to health, medicine, and the media. episode 20, Diet, health, and the power of words.. streaming video.
  48. The skeptic's guide to health, medicine, and the media. episode 24, the media's role in improving health.. streaming video.
  49. Skepticism / Annalisa Coliva and Duncan Pritchard.. print book. Philosophy
  50. The skeptics' guide to the future : what yesterday's science and science fiction tell us about the world of tomorrow / Dr. Steven Novella with Bob Novella & Jay Novella.. print book. Education
  51. Skunk and Badger / by Amy Timberlake ; with pictures by Jon Klassen.. print book. Education
  52. Skunk on a string / written and illustrated by Thao Lam.. print book. Education
  53. Skyrmions : a theory of nuclei / Nicholas S. Manton, University of Cambridge, UK.. print book. Physics
  54. Slavery and freedom in the Bluegrass State : revisiting My Old Kentucky Home / edited by Gerald L. Smith.. ebook. History
  55. Slavery and freedom in the Bluegrass State : revisiting My Old Kentucky Home / edited by Gerald L. Smith.. print book. History
  56. Slavery by another name / produced and directed by Sam Pollard ; written by Sheila Curran Bernard ; a production of tpt National Productions in association with Two Dollars & a Dream, Inc.. streaming video. History
  57. Slavery by another name / produced and directed by Sam Pollard ; written by Sheila Curran Bernard ; a production of tpt National Productions in association with Two Dollars & a Dream, Inc.. streaming video.
  58. Slavery, surveillance, and genre in Antebellum United States literature / Kelly Ross.. print book. English
  59. Sloth & Squirrel in a pickle / written by Cathy Ballou Mealey ; illustrated by Kelly Collier.. print book. Education
  60. Slouching towards Utopia : an economic history of the twentieth century / J. Bradford DeLong.. print book. History
  61. Slouching towards utopia [electronic resource] : an economic history of the twentieth century / J. Bradford DeLong.. ebook. Business
  62. Slovakian suite, op. 32 : version for piano (1903) / Vitezslav Novak.. music score (printed). Music
  63. Slow violence in contemporary American environmental literature / by Erden El. print book. Appalachian Studies
  64. Smallpox in Washington's Army : disease, war, and society during the Revolutionary War / Ann M. Becker.. print book. History
  65. The smallpox report : vaccination and the Romantic illness narrative / Fuson Wang.. print book. English
  66. Smashy town / by Andrea Zimmerman and David Clemesha ; illustrated by Dan Yaccarino.. print book. Education
  67. Smitten with kittens / Florence Minor ; illustrated by Wendell Minor.. print book. Education
  68. Smokin' fish.. streaming video.
  69. A Smoky Mountain boyhood : memories, musings, and more / Jim Casada.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  70. Smooth operating and other social acts / Roland Leander Williams, Jr.. print book. English
  71. Smugglers, secessionists & loyal citizens on the Ghana-Togo frontier : the life of the borderlands since 1914 / Paul Nugent.. print book. History
  72. SNOW DREAMS: FOR FLUTE & GUITAR / JOAN TOWER. print book. Music
  73. Snow haze, moonlight : for violin and harp (2020) / Libby Larsen.. music score (printed). Music
  74. Snow White / Matt Phelan.. print book. Education
  75. So long a letter / Mariama Bâ ; translated from the French by Modupé Bodé-Thomas ; introduction by Kenneth W. Harrow.. print book. History
  76. So much to be angry about : Appalachian Movement Press and radical DIY publishing, 1969-1979 / Shaun Slifer.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  77. So not ghoul / Karen Yin ; illustrated by Bonnie Lui.. print book. Education
  78. So simple a beginning : how four physical principles shape our living world / Raghuveer Parthasarathy.. ebook. Biology
  79. So this is love : a twisted tale / Elizabeth Lim.. print book. Education
  80. Sociability and society : literature and the symposium / K. Ludwig Pfeiffer.. print book. English
  81. Social future of academic libraries : new perspectives on communities, networks, and engagement / edited by Tim Schlak, Sheila Corrall, Paul J. Bracke.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  82. Social identity and literary form in the Victorian novel : race, class, gender and the uses of genre / Jill Franks.. print book. English
  83. Social laser / edited by Andrei Khrennikov.. ebook. Mathematics
  84. The social origins of thought : Durkheim, Mauss, and the category project / edited by Johannes F.M. Schick, Mario Schmidt, and Martin Zillinger.. print book. Philosophy
  85. Social work practice with transgender and gender expansive youth / edited by Jama Shelton and Gerald P. Mallon.. ebook. Social Work
  86. Social work speaks : National Association of Social Workers policy statements, 2021-2023 / Mildred C. Joyner, DPS, LCSW, President ; Angelo McClain, PhD, LICSW, Chief Executive Officer.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  87. Social work speaks : National Association of Social Workers policy statements, 2021-2023 / Mildred C. Joyner, DPS, LCSW, President ; Angelo McClain, PhD, LICSW, Chief Executive Officer.. ebook. Social Work
  88. Social workers' desk reference / edited by Lisa Rapp-McCall, Kevin Corcoran, Albert R. Roberts.. ebook. Social Work
  89. Socializing architecture : top-down, bottom-up / Teddy Cruz and Fonna Forman.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  90. Sociology in government : the Galpin-Taylor years in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1919-1953 / Olaf F. Larson and Julie N. Zimmerman ; assisted by Edward O. Moe.. print book. History
  91. The sociology of W.E.B. Du Bois : racialized modernity and the global color line / José Itzigsohn and Karida L. Brown.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  92. Sofie Thorsen : chalk lines / Herausgeberin, Sofie Thorsen.. print book. Art
  93. Software for artists book. #002, Untethering the web / edited by Willa Koerner & Tommy Martinez.. print book. Art
  94. Sol Lewitt's studio drawings in the Vecchia Torre / Rye Dag Holmboe ; photographs by Joschi Herczeg.. print book. Art
  95. Un solar abandonado / Mohamed El Morabet.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  96. Sold out : how broken supply chains, surging inflation, and political instability will sink the global economy / James Rickards.. print book. Business
  97. Sold out : how broken supply chains, surging inflation, and political instability will sink the global economy / James Rickards.. ebook. Business
  98. Soli : for oboe, clarinet, trumpet, and bassoon / Carlos Chávez.. music score (printed). Music
  99. Soli︠a︡ris = Solaris / kinostudii︠a︡ "Mosfilʹm" ; st︠s︡enariĭ, F. Gorenshteĭna, Andrei︠a︡ Tarkovskogo ; postanovka, A. Tarkovskogo = Janus Films ; Kinostudio "Mosfilm" ; screenplay, F. Gorenshtein, A. Tarkovsky ; director, Andrei Tarkovsky.. streaming video.
  100. Solid state batteries. Volume 1, Emerging materials and applications / Ram K. Gupta, editor.. ebook. Chemistry
  101. Solid state batteries. Volume 2, Materials and advanced devices / Ram K. Gupta, editor.. ebook. Chemistry
  102. Solitary animals : introverts of the wild / by Joshua David Stein ; art by Dominique Ramsey.. print book. Education
  103. Solito : a memoir / Javier Zamora.. print book. Education
  104. Solo de concert, op. 32 : for cornet a Piston avec accompagnement de piano / Paul Agricole Genin ; edited by Gabriele Mendolicchio.. music score (printed). Music
  105. Solo de concert : pour cornet à piston avec accompagnement de piano : op. 32 / Paul Agricole Génin.. music score (printed). Music
  106. Solo de Concert pour le Cor anglais : für Englischhorn Solo und großes Orchester / Gustave Vogt ; Rekonstruktion und Klavierauszug von Michel Rosset.. music score (printed). Music
  107. Solo to Anthony Cirone : for D major tenor bells (in just intonation) (1972) / Lou Harrison ; edited by Jarrad Powell.. music score (printed). Music
  108. Solo XVII for clavichord (2020) / Kalevi Aho.. music score (printed). Music
  109. Solutions and other problems / Allie Brosh.. print book. Arts Administration
  110. O som ao redor = Neighboring sounds / produção, CinemaScópio ; filme, Kleber Mendonça Filho ; roteiro e direção, Kleber Mendonça Filho ; produção, Emilie Lesclaux.. streaming video.
  111. O som ao redor = Neighboring sounds / produção, CinemaScópio ; filme, Kleber Mendonça Filho ; roteiro e direção, Kleber Mendonça Filho ; produção, Emilie Lesclaux.. streaming video. Hispanic Studies
  112. La sombrilla grande / Amy June Bates ; escrito en colaboración con Juniper Bates ; traducción de Alexis Romay con la ayuda de Milo Romay.. print book. Education
  113. Some rockin : Dan Graham interviews / edited by Gregor Stemmrich.. print book. Art
  114. Something cold and hard like winter / Shelley Niro.. print book. Art
  115. Something doesn't add up : surviving statistics in a post-truth age / Paul Goodwin.. print book. Statistics
  116. A something else reader / edited by Dick Higgins ; assembled by Alice Centamore.. print book. Art
  117. Sometimes, all I need is me / Juliana Perdomo.. print book. Education
  118. Sometimes amazing things happen : heartbreak and hope on the Bellevue Hospital psychiatric prison ward / Elizabeth Ford, MD.. ebook. Psychology
  119. Somewhere / Robie H. Harris ; art by Armando Mariño.. print book. Education
  120. Somewhere sisters [electronic resource] : a story of adoption, identity, and the meaning of family / Erika Hayasaki.. ebook.
  121. Somewhere sisters : a story of adoption, identity, and the meaning of family / Erika Hayasaki.. print book. Education
  122. Somewhere south. Season 1 [DVD] / produced by Cynthia Hill, Vivian Howard, Jenn Cromling, Andrea Weigl, Shirlette Ammons [and others] ; written by Vivian Howard ; directed by Cynthia Hill.. video DVD. Gender & Women's Studies
  123. Sona Sharma, very best big sister? / Chitra Soundar ; illustrated by Jen Khatun.. print book. Education
  124. Sonata a-Moll = Sonata in A minor / Johann Michael Nicolai. Ciaccona D-Dur = Ciaccona in D major / Samuel Capricornus ; Generalbassaussetzung von Dankwart von Zadow ; herausgegeben von Günter und Leonore von Zadow.. music score (printed). Music
  125. Sonata : for cello and piano / George Dyson ; edited by Joseph Spooner.. music score (printed). Music
  126. Sonata from Die Bankelsangerlieder / anonymous ; arranged by David Marlatt [for 6 flutes].. music score (printed). Music
  127. Sonata in A major : for violoncello and guitar, G. 13 / Luigi Boccherini ; arranged and edited by Valter Dešpalj ; guitar part fingered by Darko Petrinjak.. music score (printed). Music
  128. Sonata in A major : for violoncello and guitar, G. 13 / Luigi Boccherini ; arranged and edited by Valter Dešpalj ; guitar part fingered by Darko Petrinjak.. music score (printed). Music
  129. Sonata in A major : for violoncello and guitar, KV. 331 / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; transcribed and edited by Valter Dešpalj ; guitar part fingered by István Römer.. music score (printed). Music
  130. Sonata in A minor "Arpeggione" : for violoncello and guitar, D 821 / Franz Schubert ; transcribed and edited by Valter Dešpalj ; guitar part edited by Petrit Çeku.. music score (printed). Music
  131. Sonata in C major for bassoon & piano / Johann Friedrich Fasch ; edited by Trevor Cramer.. music score (printed). Music
  133. Sonata in G major : for violoncello and guitar, G. 5 / Luigi Boccherini ; transcribed and edited by Valter Dešpalj ; guitar part edited by Petrit Çeku.. music score (printed). Music
  134. Sonata in G minor : ('Dresden') : TWV 41:g10 : for oboe and keyboard / Georg Philipp Telemann ; edited and realized by Helmut Schlövogt.. music score (printed). Music
  135. Sonata in mi bemolle : per clavicembalo o fortepiano / Marianna d' Auenbrugg ; edited by Francesco Passadore.. music score (printed). Music
  136. Sonata : per a flauta I piano / Albert Guinovart.. music score (printed). Music
  137. Sonatas para violín y bajo Vol. 7 / Cayetano Brunetti ; edición crítica, Raúl Angulo Díaz.. music score (printed). Music
  138. Sonatas para violín y bajo, vol. 8 / Cayetano Brunetti ; edited by Raúl Angulo Díaz.. music score (printed). Music
  139. Sonate D-Dur Oboe oder Querflöte oder Violine und Basso continuo, Cembalo (Pianoforte), Violoncello (Viola da gamba, Fagotto) ad lib. / Alessandro Besozzi ; hersausgegeben von Hugo Ruf.. music score (printed). Music
  140. Sonate for tuba og klaver, op. 34 = sonata for tuba and piano / Trygve Madsen.. music score (printed). Music
  141. Sonate : for violin and piano / Philippe Gaubert.. music score (printed). Music
  142. Sonate für Violine und Klavier = sonata for violin and piano / Elfrida Andrée ; bearbeitet von = arranged by Patrick Meadows.. music score (printed). Music
  143. Sonate no 1 en ré mineur, pour violon et piano = Sonata no. 1 in D minor, for violin and piano = Sonate Nr. 1 in d-Moll, für Violine und Klavier, op. 75 / Camille Saint-Saens ; éditée par Fabien Guilloux, François de Médicis = edited by Fabien Guillo. music score (printed). Music
  144. Sonate no 2 en mi♭ majeur : pour violon et piano, op. 102 = Sonata no. 2 in E-flat major for violin and piano, op. 102 = Sonate Nr. 2 in Es-Dur für Violine und Klavier, op. 102 / Saint-Saëns ; éditée par = edited by = herausgegeben von Fabien Guilloux. music score (printed). Music
  145. Sonate, op. 60 : for piano solo / Emanuel Moór.. music score (printed). Music
  146. Sonate sauvage : (1922) : for piano / George Antheil.. music score (printed). Music
  148. Sonatina for bassoon solo / Allen Gibel.. music score (printed). Music
  149. Sonatina for flute & piano / Malcolm Arnold.. music score (printed). Music
  150. Sonatina for oboe solo / Ernst Krenek.. music score (printed). Music
  151. Sonatina : [for] trumpet and piano / Anthony Plog.. music score (printed). Music
  152. Sonatina, op. 57, per tuba e pianoforte / Jan Koetsier.. music score (printed). Music
  153. Sonatine, h 42 : pour clarinette en La et piano / Arthur Honegger.. music score (printed). Music
  154. Sonatine (in canon style) : for two flutes / Paul Hindemith.. music score (printed). Music
  155. Sonatine : op. 100 : pour clarinette en si ♭& piano / Darius Milhaud.. music score (printed). Music
  156. Sondra Perry : a terrible thing / [edited by Sarah Stephenson.. print book. Art
  157. A song of frutas / Margarita Engle ; illustrated by Sara Palacios.. print book. Education
  158. Song of spring : for string quartet / Chen Yi.. music score (printed). Music
  159. The song of the cell : an exploration of medicine and the new human / Siddhartha Mukherjee.. ebook. Education
  160. The song of the cell : an exploration of medicine and the new human / Siddhartha Mukherjee.. print book. Education
  161. Song without words : for violoncello and guitar, Op. 109 / Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy ; transcribed and edited by Valter Dešpalj ; guitar part fingered by István Römer.. music score (printed). Music
  162. Songs in dark times : Yiddish poetry of struggle from Scottsboro to Palestine / Amelia M. Glaser.. print book. History
  163. Songs of slavery and emancipation / Mat Callahan ; introductIon by Robin D.G. Kelley ; afterword by Kali Akuno.. print book. History
  164. Songs of the sea, op. 91 / Charles Villiers Stanford.. music score (printed). Music
  165. Sonia Delaunay / edited by Lærke Rydal Jørgensen and Tine Colstrup ; translations, Glen Garner, Adam King.. print book. Art
  166. Sonsbeek 20-24 catalogue '21 : force times distance : on labour and its sonic ecologies / Antonia Alampi [and five others].. print book. Art
  167. Soon, your hands / by Jonathan Stutzman ; illustrated by Elizabeth Lilly.. print book. Education
  168. Sophie Calle / introduction by Clément Chéroux ; introduction translated from the French by Ruth Taylor.. print book. Art
  169. Soul culture : Black poets, books, and questions that grew me up / Remica Bingham-Risher.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  170. Soul food Sunday / written by Winsome Bingham ; illustrated by C. G. Esperanza.. print book. Education
  171. Soul miner : a collection of poetry and prose / by Emily Jones Hudson.. print book. Special Collections
  172. The soul of care : the moral education of a husband and a doctor / Arthur Kleinman.. ebook. Psychology
  173. Sound practices in the Global South : co-listening to resounding plurilogues / Budhaditya Chattopadhyay.. print book. Art
  174. Sounds of tohi : Cherokee health and well-being in Southern Appalachia / Lisa J. Lefler and Thomas N. Belt (Cherokee) ; foreword by Pamela Duncan ; foreword by T.J. Holland (Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians) ; afterword by Tom Hatley.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  175. The sour grape / Jory John and Pete Oswald.. print book. Education
  176. Southern Appalachian farm cooking : a memoir of food and family / Robert G. Netherland.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  177. Southern progressivism : the reconciliation of progress and tradition / Dewey W. Grantham.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  179. The southern way of life : meanings of culture and civilization in the American South / Charles Reagan Wilson.. print book. Sociology
  180. Souvenir à Albert et Lil : für violoncello und klavier = for violoncello and piano = pour violoncelle et piano (1950) / Hans Werner Henze.. music score (printed). Music
  181. Souvenir program, 1887-1963 : Relocation entry, cornerstone laying and dedication.. print book. Special Collections
  182. Sown in the stars : planting by the signs / Sarah L. Hall ; photographs by Meg Wilson ; foreword by Ronni Lundy.. print book.
  183. Sown in the stars : planting by the signs / Sarah L. Hall ; photographs by Meg Wilson ; foreword by Ronni Lundy.. print book. Art

Sp - Sz

  1. Squire Boone family legal documents. print book. Special Collections
  2. Squirrel in the house / by Vivian Vande Velde ; illustrated by Steve Björkman.. print book. Education
  3. Squirrel in the museum / by Vivian Vande Velde ; illustrated by Steve Björkman.. print book. Education
  4. Squirrel on stage / by Vivian Vande Velde ; illustrated by Steve Björkman.. print book. Education
  5. Squished / Megan Wagner Lloyd and Michelle Mee Nutter.. print book. Education
  6. St. Paul's blues : for solo flute (2020) / Adolphus Hailstork.. music score (printed). Music
  7. Stagecoach / Walter Wanger presents ; directed by John Ford.. streaming video.
  8. Stages of power : Marlowe and Shakespeare, 1592 / Eric S. Mallin and Paul V. Sullivan.. ebook. History
  9. Staging indigeneity : salvage tourism and the performance of Native American history / Katrina M. Phillips.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  10. Stalin's architect : power and survival in Moscow, Boris Iofan (1891-1976) / Deyan Sudjic.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  11. Stalin's architect : the rise and fall of Boris Iofan / Vladimir Sedov ; translation, Desmond Tumulty, Nicky Brown.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  12. Stalker / Janus Films ; Mosfilm ; Second Artists' Assocation ; scenario, Arkady Strugatsky and Boris Strugatsky ; director, Andrei Tarkovsky ; assistant director, L. Tarkovskaya.. streaming video.
  13. Stalker / Jon Hoel. [electronic resource]. ebook.
  14. Stan Lee : a life / Bob Batchelor.. print book. History
  15. Standing in the need of prayer : a modern retelling of the classic spiritual / written by Carole Boston Weatherford ; illustrated by Frank Morrison... print book. Education
  16. Standing room only : marketing insights for engaging performing arts audiences / Joanne Scheff Bernstein.. ebook. Arts Administration
  17. Standoff : race, policing, and a deadly assault that gripped a nation / Jamie Thompson.. print book. Sociology
  18. A star in the east : soprano and brass quintet, percussion, and organ / Gwyneth Walker. music score (printed). Music
  19. A star song : lyric rhapsody for solo quartet, chorus and orchestra : op. 54 / the music by Horatio Parker ; the text by Henry Bernard Carpenter.. music score (printed). Music
  20. Star wars / Will Brooker.. ebook.
  21. State of innovation : the U.S. government's role in technology development / edited by Fred Block and Matthew R. Keller ; foreword by Peter Evans.. ebook. History
  22. The state of music & other writings / Virgil Thomson ; Tim Page, editor.. print book. Music
  23. Statecraft and the political economy of capitalism / Scott G. Nelson, Joel T. Shelton.. ebook. Political Science
  24. States of confusion : how our voter ID laws fail democracy and what to do about it / Don Waisanen, Sonia R. Jarvis, and Nicole A. Gordon.. ebook. Political Science
  25. Statistical computing with R / Maria L. Rizzo.. print book. Physics
  26. Statistical hypothesis testing in context : reproducibility, inference, and science / Michael P. Fay, Erica H. Brittain.. print book. Statistics
  28. Statistical learning from a regression perspective / Richard A. Berk.. print book. Statistics
  32. Statistics with R : a beginner's guide / Robert Stinerock.. print book. Statistics
  33. Status and culture : how our desire for social rank creates taste, identity, art, fashion, and constant change / W. David Marx.. print book. Education
  34. Status and culture : how our desire for social rank creates taste, identity, art, fashion, and constant change / W. David Marx.. ebook. Sociology
  35. Stay true : a memoir / Hua Hsu.. print book. Art
  36. Stealing : a novel / Margaret Verble.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  37. Stealing my religion : not just any cultural appropriation / Liz Bucar.. print book. Education
  38. Steinbeck's imaginarium : essays on writing, fishing, and other critical matters / Robert DeMott.. print book. English
  39. Stella / McCall Hoyle.. print book. Education
  40. Stella Maris / Cormac McCarthy.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  41. Step aside, pops : a Hark! A vagrant collection / Kate Beaton.. print book. Arts Administration
  42. A step-by-step guide to exploratory factor analysis with R and Rstudio / Marley W. Watkins.. print book. Statistics
  43. Stephen L. Garrad estate appraisal and allotment. print book.
  44. Stepping out! : female identities in Chinese contemporary art / text by Feng Boyi [and six others] ; edited by Kunstmuseum Lillehammer, Museum der Moderne Salzburg & Kunstforeningen.. print book. Art
  45. Stepping stones : a ballet : for two pianos / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
  46. STEPS (HOMAGE TO DEBUSSY): FOR PIANO SOLO (2011) / JOAN TOWER. print book. Music
  47. Steve McQueen : sunshine state / edited by Vicente Todolí ; with contributions by Paul Gilroy, Cora Gilroy-Ware, Steve McQueen, Solveig Nelson, Vicente Todoli, Hamza Walker.. print book. Art
  48. Steve the dung beetle on a roll / words by Susan R. Stoltz ; pictures by Melissa Bailey.. print book. Education
  49. Steven Holl/Simmons Hall [electronic resource] : MIT undergraduate residence / Todd Gannon and Michael Denison, volume editors.. ebook.
  50. Stevie Smith and the aphorism : hard language / Noreen Masud.. print book. English
  51. The Stiglitz report : reforming the international monetary and financial systems in the wake of the global crisis / Joseph E. Stiglitz and Members of a United Nations Commission of Financial Experts ; with an introduction by Miguel d'Escoto Brockman.. ebook. Business
  52. Stigma and social support on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program / Laura Blount Carper.. ebook. Social Work
  53. Still broke : Walmart's remarkable transformation and the limits of socially conscious capitalism / Rick Wartzman.. ebook. Business
  54. Stolen blood antiquities / a Babel Press production with the participation of France Télévisions.. streaming video.
  55. Stolen blood antiquities / a Babel Press production with the participation of France Télévisions.. streaming video. Anthropology
  56. Stolen focus : why you can't pay attention, and how to think deeply again / Johann Hari.. ebook. Business
  57. Stolen focus : why you can't pay attention--and how to think deeply again / Johann Hari.. print book. Business
  59. The stolen year : how COVID changed children's lives, and where we go now / Anya Kamenetz.. print book. Education
  60. Stony the road : Reconstruction, white supremacy, and the rise of Jim Crow / Henry Louis Gates, Jr.. ebook. History
  61. The store / directed, produced and edited by Frederick Wiseman ; a Zipporah Films release.. streaming video.
  62. The store / directed, produced and edited by Frederick Wiseman ; a Zipporah Films release.. streaming video. Art
  63. Stories we tell / Roadside Attractions ; the National Film Board of Canada presents ; written and directed by Sarah Polley ; produced by Anita Lee.. streaming video. English
  64. Stories we tell / Roadside Attractions ; the National Film Board of Canada presents ; written and directed by Sarah Polley ; produced by Anita Lee.. streaming video.
  65. Stories within stories : Bouchra Khalili / editor, Sofia Johansson ; contributing authors, Joachim Ben Yakoub [and five others].. print book. Art
  66. The storm runner / J.C. Cervantes.. print book. Education
  67. Stormy passage : Mexico from colony to republic, 1750-1850 / Eric Van Young.. print book. History
  68. Story boat / words by Kyo Maclear ; pictures by Rashin Kheiriyeh.. print book. Education
  69. Story machines : how computers have become creative writers / Mike Sharples and Rafael Pérez y Pérez.. print book. English
  70. The story of architecture / Witold Rybczynski.. ebook.
  71. The story of architecture / Witold Rybczynski.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  72. The story of art without men / Katy Hessel.. print book. Art
  73. The story of fictional truth : realism from the death to the rise of the novel / Paul Dawson.. print book. English
  74. The story of NFTs : artists, technology, and democracy / Amy Whitaker & Nora Burnett Abrams.. print book. Art
  75. The story of proof : logic and the history of mathematics / John Stillwell.. ebook. Mathematics
  76. The story of the dulcimer / Ralph Lee Smith.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  77. The story of Ukraine : an anthem of glory and freedom / Olena Kharchenko and Michael Sampson ; illustrated by Polina Doroshenko = Rozpovidʹ pro Ukrayinu : himn slavy ta svobody / Olena Kharchenko i Maĭkl Sempson ; illustrated by Polina Doroshenko.. print book. Education
  78. Storytelling in museums / edited by Adina Langer.. print book. Art
  79. Straight on till morning : a twisted tale / Liz Braswell.. print book. Education
  80. Straight talk about ADHD in girls : how to help your daughter thrive / Stephen P. Hinshaw, PhD.. print book. Education
  81. Straight talk about professional ethics / Kim Strom-Gottfried.. ebook.
  82. Strange cargo : essays on art / Ashraf Jamal ; edited by Sven Christian.. print book. Art
  83. Strange clay : ceramics in contemporary art / edited by Ralph Rugoff.. print book. Art
  84. Strange objects, new solids, and massive things : Archi-Tectonics / [author, Winka Dubbeldam].. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  85. A strange whim of the sea : the wreck of the USS Macaw / Tim Loughman.. print book.
  86. Strategic science communication : a guide to setting the right objectives for more effective public engagement / John C. Besley and Anthony Dudo.. print book. Biology
  87. Strategies, techniques, & approaches to critical thinking : a clinical reasoning workbook for nurses / Sandra Luz Martinez de Castillo.. ebook. Medicine
  88. The stream flows : for solo viola / Bright Sheng.. music score (printed). Music
  89. Street food around the world : an encyclopedia of food and culture / Bruce Kraig and Colleen Taylor Sen, editors.. ebook. Anthropology
  90. Street life and morals : German philosophy in Hitler's lifetime / Lesley Chamberlain.. print book. Philosophy
  91. Street of shame = Akasen chitai / Daiei Kabushiki Kaisha seisaku ; seisaku Nagata Masaichi ; kyakuhon Narizawa Masashige ; kantoku Mizoguchi Kenji = Daiei Motion Picture Company presents ; produced by Masaichi Nagata ; screenplay by Masashige Nakamura ; d. streaming video.
  92. Street of shame = Akasen chitai / Daiei Kabushiki Kaisha seisaku ; seisaku Nagata Masaichi ; kyakuhon Narizawa Masashige ; kantoku Mizoguchi Kenji = Daiei Motion Picture Company presents ; produced by Masaichi Nagata ; screenplay by Masashige Nakamura ; d. streaming video. Asian Studies
  93. StreetLife : die Straße in der Kunst von Kirchner bis Streuli = the street in art from Kirchner to Streuli / herausgegeben von Astrid Ihle und René Zechlin, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum ; Autor:innen, Elisabeth Bohnet [and eight others].. print book. Art
  94. Streets of gold : America's untold story of immigrant success / Ran Abramitzky, Leah Boustan.. print book. History
  95. Streets of gold : America's untold story of immigrant success / Ran Abramitzky, Leah Boustan.. ebook. Business
  96. Streichquartett nr. 2 mit sopranstimme, op. 10 / Arnold Schoenberg ; edited by Ullrich Scheideler.. music score (printed). Music
  97. Streichquartett Nr. 2, mit Sopranstimme, Opus 10 = String quartet no. 2, op. 10, with soprano part / Arnold Schönberg ; herausgegeben von Ullrich Scheideler = edited by Ullrich Scheideler.. music score (printed). Music
  98. Streichquartett nr. 2, op. 17 / Béla Bartók ; edited by Laszlo Somfai.. music score (printed). Music
  99. Streichquartette, opus 59, 74, 95 / Beethoven ; herausgegeben von Paul Mies.. music score (printed). Music
  100. A strength-based cognitive behaviour therapy approach to recovery : from trapped to liberated self / Daniel Wong Fu Keung, Rose Yu Wai Man and Viola Chan Yuk Ching.. ebook. Psychology
  101. Strike.. streaming video. English
  103. String quartet no. 12 in f major, op. 96 (American quartet) / Antonin Dvorák ; edited by Michael Kube.. music score (printed). Music
  104. String quartet no. 12 in f major, op. 96 (American quartet) / Antonin Dvorák ; edited by Michael Kube.. music score (printed). Music
  105. String quartet no. 2 : 1968 / George Walker.. music score (printed). Music
  106. String quartet no. 8 : "what the light was like" (2018) / Richard Danielpour.. music score (printed). Music
  107. String trio in A major, op. 17, nr. 6 : for 2 violins and violoncello / Anton Stamitz ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
  108. String trio in C major, op. 17 nr. 1 : for 2 violins and violoncello / Anton Stamitz ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
  109. The stringed instruments of the Middle Ages, their evolution and development; a detailed and comprehensive history, with illustrations, of the evolution of the mediaeval stringed musical instruments from their first appearance in the records of the earlie. print book. Music
  110. Strongmen saviours : a political economy of populism in India, Turkey, Russia, and Brazil / Deepanshu Mohan, Abhinav Padmanabhan.. ebook. Political Science
  111. Stuck in the middle with you : parenthood in three genders a memoir / Jennifer Finney Boylan ; with an afterword by Anna Quindlen.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
  112. Stuck with tourism : space, power, and labor in contemporary Yucatan / Matilde Córdoba Azcárate. ebook. Anthropology
  113. A student handbook for writing in biology / Karin Knisely.. ebook. Biology
  114. Students first : equity, access, and opportunity in higher education / Paul LeBlanc, Foreword by Bridget Terry Long. print book. Education
  115. Studio thinking from the start : the K-8 art educator's handbook / Jillian Hogan, Lois Hetland, Diane B. Jaquith, Ellen Winner ; foreword by David P. Nelson ; illustrations by Nicole Gsell.. print book. Art
  116. Studying a study & testing a test : reading evidence-based health research / Richard K. Riegelman, Benjamin A. Nelson. ebook. Medicine
  117. The stuff of science fiction : hardware, settings, characters / Gary Westfahl.. print book. English
  118. Sturdevant's art and science of operative dentistry.. ebook. Medicine
  119. Styx. ebook. German
  120. Suad Al-Attar / Nesma Shubber ; with a foreword by Venitia Porter.. print book. Art
  121. Suave mechanicals : essays on the history of bookbinding / Julia Miller, editor.. print book. Special Collections
  122. Subarashiki sekai/ seisaku "Subarashiki sekai" Seisaku Iinkai ; purodyūsā Nishikawa Asako, Itō Taichi, Kitahara Eiji ; kyakuhon, kantoku Nishikawa Miwa.. video DVD. Asian Studies
  123. Subete mayonaka no koibitotachi / Kawakami Mieko.. print book. Asian Studies
  124. Subsurface / Karen Pinkus.. print book. English
  125. Successful Black entrepreneurs : hidden histories, inspirational stories, and extraordinary business achievements : case studies by Harvard Business School / Steven S. Rogers, Harvard Business School, retired.. ebook. Business
  126. Suffer the little children : child migration and the geopolitics of compassion in the United States / Anita Casavantes Bradford.. ebook. Public Policy & Administration
  127. The suitcase / Chris Naylor-Ballesteros.. print book. Education
  128. Suite compostelana : pour guitare = for guitar = per chitarra / Frederic Mompou ; édition de = edition by = edizione di Frédéric Zigante.. music score (printed). Music
  129. Suite : for three violas in 5 movements / Kenneth Harding ; edited by Ian Gammie.. music score (printed). Music
  130. Suite for violin and orchestra / William Grant Still ; violin part edited by Louis Kaufman. music score (printed). Music
  131. Suite from the Monteregian Hills : for brass quintet / by Morley Calvert.. music score (printed). Music
  132. Suite from the soldier's tale (Histoire du soldat) / Igor Stravinsky ; arranged by Paul Hanna.. music score (printed). Music
  133. Suite in B for oboe and piano / Ulysses Kay ; edited by Bruce Gbur.. music score (printed). Music
  134. Suite no. 1 for horn, tuba, and piano / Alec Wilder ; [edited by Gunther Schuller].. music score (printed). Music
  135. Suite romantique : for violin and piano (1916) / António Fragoso.. music score (printed). Music
  136. Suite ukrainienne : pour piano (1948) / Igor Naumovich Shamo.. music score (printed). Music
  137. Sulfur-containing polymers : from synthesis to functional materials / edited by Xinghong Zhang, Patrick Theato.. ebook. Chemistry
  138. Summer moon : for piano / Florence Price ; edited by John Michael Cooper.. music score (printed). Music
  139. Summertime sleepers : animals that estivate / Melissa Stewart ; illustrated by Sarah S. Brannen.. print book. Education
  140. Sun strider : for violin and harp (2022) / Libby Larsen.. music score (printed). Music
  141. Sunburst : for orchestra (2022) / Augusta Read Thomas.. music score (printed). Music
  142. The super age : decoding our demographic destiny / Bradley Schurman.. print book. Education
  143. Super simple baking for kids : learn to bake with over 55 easy recipes for cookies, muffins, cupcakes & more! / Charity Mathews ; photography by Evi Abeler.. print book. Education
  144. Superabundance : the story of population growth, innovation, and human flourishing on an infinitely bountiful planet / Marian L. Tupy and Gale L. Pooley.. ebook. Business
  145. Superconductivity and electromagnetism / Teruo Matsushita.. ebook. Physics
  146. SuperMutant Magic Academy / Jillian Tamaki.. print book. Arts Administration
  147. Supertall : how the world's tallest buildings are reshaping our cities and our lives / Stefan Al.. print book. Education
  148. Supertall - megatall : how high can we go? / Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  149. Supervillain etudes, vol. 1 : for piano (2021) / Vincent Ho.. music score (printed). Music
  150. Supporting people to live well with dementia : a guide for library services / Sarah McNicol.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  151. Supreme injustice : slavery in the nation's highest court / Paul Finkelman.. print book. History
  152. Surface relations : queer forms of Asian American inscrutability / Vivian L. Huang.. print book. Art
  153. Surveillance state : inside China's quest to launch a new era of social control / Josh Chin and Liza Lin.. print book. Political Science
  154. Survival kit for overseas living : for Americans planning to live and work abroad / L. Robert Kohls.. ebook. Education
  155. Survival kit for overseas living : for Americans planning to live and work abroad / L. Robert Kohls.. print book. Education
  156. Survival of the richest : escape fantasies of the tech billionaires / Douglas Rushkoff.. print book. Business
  157. Survival on the margins : Polish Jewish refugees in the wartime Soviet Union / Eliyana R. Adler.. print book. History
  158. Surviving Southampton : African American women and resistance in Nat Turner's community / Vanessa M. Holden.. print book. Special Collections
  159. Survivors / Mirabel Pictures ; WeOwnTV ; a film by WeOwnTV ; director, Arthur Pratt ; producers, Anna Fitch, Arthur Pratt, Banker White, Barmmy Boy, Samantha Grant, Sara Dosa ; a co-production of WeOwnTV and American Documentary, POV, and Independent Tele. streaming video. Geography
  160. Susie M. Barstow : redefining the Hudson River School / Nancy Siegel.. print book. Art
  161. Sustainability : a history / Jeremy L. Caradonna.. ebook. Business
  162. Sustainability and the African American farm : redirecting the commodities of freedom back to the Black community / Valerie Grimes ; illustrated by Sophia Banks and Rebecca Banks.. print book. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  163. The sustainability myth : environmental gentrification and the politics of justice / Melissa Checker.. ebook. Anthropology
  164. Sustainable architecture : contemporary architecture in detail / edited by The Plan ; translators, Kieren Edward Bailey [and 3 others].. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  165. The sustainable intensification of smallholder farming systems / edited by Dr. Dominik Klauser and Dr. Mike Robinson.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  166. Sustainable : moving beyond ESG to impact investing / Terrence Keeley.. ebook. Business
  167. Sustainable online library services and resources : learning from the pandemic / Mou Chakraborty, Samantha Harlow, and Heather Moorefield-Lang, editors.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  168. Sustainable, resilient, free : the future of public higher education / John Warner. ebook. Education
  169. Suzuki : the man and his dream to teach the children of the world / Eri Hotta.. ebook. Education
  170. Svanen = Swan : for voice, violin and piano or harp / Elfrida Andrée ; Susan Pickett, editor.. music score (printed). Music
  171. The Swahili novel / Xavier Garnier.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  172. Swan & Maclaren : a story of Singapore architecture / Julian Davison.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  173. Swans : for two alto flutes and piano (2021) / Daniel Dorff.. music score (printed). Music
  174. Sweat : a history of exercise / Bill Hayes.. print book. Education
  175. Sweet, soft, plenty rhythm / Laura Warrell.. print book. Education
  176. Sweet treats around the world : an encyclopedia of food and culture / Timothy G. Roufs and Kathleen Smyth Roufs.. ebook. Anthropology
  177. Sweetgrass.. streaming video.
  178. Sweetgrass.. streaming video. Art
  179. The swifts : a dictionary of scoundrels / Beth Lincoln ; with illustrations by Claire Powell.. print book. Education
  180. Swim team / Johnnie Christmas.. print book. Education
  181. Swimming upriver : coming of age in Appalachia / Judy Harwood.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  182. Sylvia and Marsha start a revolution! : the story of the trans women of color who made LGBTQ+ history / Joy Michael Ellison and Teshika Silver ; illustrated by Teshika Silver.. print book. Education
  183. Symbiopsychotaxiplasm : take one / Take One Productions LTD presents ; produced, directed, and edited by William Greaves.. streaming video. English
  184. Symbiopsychotaxiplasm : take one / Take One Productions LTD presents ; produced, directed, and edited by William Greaves.. streaming video.
  185. Symmetry and physical properties of crystals / Cécile Malgrange, Christian Ricolleau, Michel Schlenker.. ebook. Engineering
  186. Symphonic variants : for euphonium and piano / James Curnow.. music score (printed). Music
  187. Symphonie h-moll, op. 24 : polonia / Ignacy Jan Paderewski.. music score (printed). Music
  188. Symphonie no. 1 en ré majeur / Charles Gounod.. music score (printed). Music
  189. Symphonie Noël V : für 2 Violinen (Flöte und Violine), Viola und Basso continuo a-moll / Michel Corrette ; nach dem Erstruck herausgegeben und mit Continuo-Aussetzung von = edited from the first edition and with a realization of the continuo by Harry Joel. music score (printed). Music
  190. Symphonie Noël VI : für zwei Violinen (Flöte und Violine), Viola und Basso continuo = Noël symphony VI : for two violins (flute and violin), viola and basso continuo / Michel Corrette ; nach dem Erstdruck herausgegeben und mit Continuo-Aussetzung von = e. music score (printed). Music
  191. Symphonie nr. 24 f-moll, op. 63 / Nikolai Miaskovsky.. music score (printed). Music
  192. Symphonie Romane : op. 73 / Charles-Marie Widor ; herausgegeben von = edited by Georg Koch.. music score (printed). Music
  193. Symphonies for brass band : five explorations in sound for twenty-five brass players and four percussionists : 2005/21 / Mats Larsson Gothe.. music score (printed). Music
  194. Symphonische fantasie über psalm 130, op. 38 : für orgel / Horace Wadham Nicholl.. music score (printed). Music
  195. Symphonische Phantasie : für grosses Orchester, Op. 12 / von Iwan Knorr.. music score (printed). Music
  196. Symphony no. 12 (1957) / Havergal Brian.. music score (printed). Music
  197. Symphony no. 13 in C major (1959) / Havergal Brian.. music score (printed). Music
  198. Symphony no. 15 / Havergal Brian.. music score (printed). Music
  199. Symphony no. 16 (1960) / Havergal Brian.. music score (printed). Music
  200. Symphony no. 29 in E flat (1967) / Havergal Brian.. music score (printed). Music
  201. Symphony no. 4 : Gateway Festival Symphony / Barbara Harbach.. music score (printed). Music
  202. Symphony no. 5 : "Jubilee symphony" / Barbara Harbach.. music score (printed). Music
  203. Symphony no. 7 : "O pioneers!" / Barbara Harbach. music score (printed). Music
  204. Symphony no. 8 : the scarlet letter / Barbara Harbach.. music score (printed). Music

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  1. T'ain't nobody's bizness : queer blues divas of the 1920s.. streaming video.
  2. T'ain't nobody's bizness : queer blues divas of the 1920s.. streaming video. Sociology
  3. Tabla for all : a complete learning method for Indian tabla percussion set = tabla para todos : método completeo de aprendizaje para set de tabla de la India / Ricardo Hambra.. print book. Music
  4. Taboo : 10 facts you can't talk about / Wilfred Reilly.. print book.
  5. Tacit racism / Anne Warfield Rawls & Waverly Duck.. ebook. Sociology
  6. Tacita Dean / Direktor, Thomas D. Trummer ; Kurator, Rudolf Sagmeister.. print book. Art
  7. Tactics of hope in Latinx children's and young adult literature / Jesus Montaño and Regan Postma-Montaño.. print book. Education
  8. Take back the block / Chrystal D. Giles.. print book. Education
  9. Take back the game : how money and mania are ruining kids' sports--and why it matters / Linda Flanagan.. print book. Education
  10. Take off your brave : the world through the eyes of a preschool poet / Nadim (age 4) ; illustrated by Yasmeen Ismail.. print book. Education
  11. Taken at birth [electronic resource] : stolen babies, hidden lies, and my journey to finding home / Jane Blasio.. ebook.
  12. Taking the fear out of data analysis : completely revised, significantly extended and still fun / Adamantios Diamantopoulos, Bodo B. Schlegelmilch, Georgios Halkias... print book. Statistics
  13. Tala Madani : biscuits / edited by Rebecca Skafsgaard Lowery and Ali Subotnick.. print book. Art
  14. The tale of Genji : a new translation, contexts, criticism / Murasaki Shikibu ; translated and edited by Dennis Washburn, Dartmouth College.. print book. Asian Studies
  15. Talent : how to identify energizers, creatives, and winners around the world / Tyler Cowen and Daniel Gross.. print book. Business
  16. Tales from the briar patch, part 1 - briar patch : for vocal soloists and piano / Nkeiru Okoye.. music score (printed). Music
  17. Tales of the city : drawing in the Netherlands from Bosch to Bruegel / Emily J. Peters and Laura M. Ritter ; with forewords by William M. Griswold and Klaus Albrecht Schröder ; with contributions by Koenraad Jonckheere, Stephanie Porras, and Annemarie St. print book. Art
  18. The talk / Alicia D. Williams ; illustrated by Briana Mukodiri Uchendu.. print book. Education
  19. Talking about : an intentionalist theory of reference / Elmar Unnsteinsson.. print book. Philosophy
  20. Tangerine / Magnolia Pictures ; Duplass Brothers Productions and Through Films present, in association with Cre Film and Freestyle Picture Co., a film by Sean Baker ; producers, Marcus Cox & Karrie Cox ; producers, Darren Dean , Shih-Ching Tsou ; written. streaming video.
  21. Tango With Me.. streaming video. English
  22. Tapio Wirkkala at Venini / edited by Marino Barovier and Carla Sonego.. print book. Art
  23. Tatiana Trouvé : the great atlas of disorientation / Jean-Pierre Criqui ; Laura Hoptman.. print book. Art
  24. Taxpayers in revolt : tax resistance during the Great Depression / David T. Beito.. print book. History
  25. Teach us all / presented by the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes ; written and directed by Sonia Lowman.. streaming video.
  26. Teach us all / presented by the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes ; written and directed by Sonia Lowman.. streaming video. Education
  27. Teachable monuments : using public art to spark dialogue and confront controversy / edited by Sierra Rooney, Jennifer Wingate and Harriet F. Senie.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  28. Teaching fear : how we learn to fear crime and why it matters / Nicole E. Rader.. print book. Education
  29. Teaching Haiti : strategies for creating new narratives / edited by Cécile Accilien and Valérie K. Orlando.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  30. Teaching Latin : contexts, theories, practices / Steven Hunt.. ebook. Classical Studies
  31. Teaching machines : the history of personalized learning / Audrey Watters.. print book. Education
  32. Teaching music theory : new voices and approaches / Jennifer Snodgrass.. print book. Music
  33. Teaching postwar Japanese fiction / edited by Alex Bates.. print book. Asian Studies
  34. Teaching undergraduate political methodology / edited by Mitchell Brown, Shane Nordyke and Cameron G. Thies.. ebook. Political Science
  35. Tears, fire, and blood : the United States and the decolonization of Africa / James H. Meriwether.. print book. History
  36. Technical management for the performing arts : utilizing time, talent, and money / Mark Shanda, Dennis Dorn.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  37. Techno worlds / [edited by] Mathilde Weh, Justin Hoffman, Creamcake.. print book. Art
  38. Technology and death.. streaming video.
  39. Technology in Irish literature and culture / edited by Margaret Kelleher, University College Dublin ; James O'Sullivan, University College Cork.. print book. English
  40. Ted Shawn : his life, writings, and dances / Paul A. Scolieri.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  41. Teddy bear patterns / Barbara Barbieri McGrath ; illustrated by Tim Nihoff.. print book. Education
  42. The teenage brain : a neuroscientist's survival guide to raising adolescents and young adults / Frances E. Jensen, MD with Amy Ellis Nutt.. print book. Education
  43. Teenage dreams : girlhood sexualities in the U.S. culture wars / Charlie Jeffries.. print book. Education
  44. Teien bijutsukan e yōkoso : kyū asakanomiyatei o meguru muttsu no monogatari / Asabuki Mariko ; Fukuda Rika ; Kobayashi Erika ; Hoshi Yoriko ; Mamoru ; Abe Umitarō.. print book. Asian Studies
  45. Teke : ritual figures / editor, Henricus Simonis, author, Gerd Korinthenberg, photograph, Joerg Schanze.. print book. Art
  46. Teleology : a history / edited by Jeffrey K. McDonough.. print book. Philosophy
  47. Tell someone / Debra Kempf Shumaker ; illustrated by Tristan Yuvienco.. print book. Education
  48. Tell them we are rising.. streaming video.
  49. Tell them we are rising.. streaming video. Education
  50. Telling America's story to the world : literature, internationalism, cultural diplomacy / Harilaos Stecopoulos.. print book. English
  51. Telling stories wrong / Gianni Rodari ; illustrated by Beatrice Alemagna ; translated from the Italian by Antony Shugaar.. print book. Education
  52. Tema e variações = (Theme and variations) : for solo guitar / Andersen Viana.. music score (printed). Music
  53. Tempête dans le bocal : la nouvelle civilisation du poisson rouge / Bruno Patino.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
  54. Temples & towns : the form, elements, and principles of planned towns / Michael Dennis ; foreword by Steven K. Peterson.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  55. The ten equations that rule the world : and how you can use them too / David Sumpter.. print book. Mathematics
  56. Tennessee Delta quiltmaking / Teri Klassen.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  57. Teoría de la novela corta : deslindes y reflexiones / coordinación, Gustavo Jiménez Aguirre y Gabriel M. Enríquez Hernández ; edición, Elsa R. Brondo y José Cardona-López.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  58. Terence : the man who invented design / Stephen Bayley and Roger Mavity.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  59. Terra forma : a book of speculative maps / Frédérique Aït-Touati, Alexandra Arènes, and Axelle Grégoire ; foreword by Bruno Latour ; translated by Amanda DeMarco.. print book. Geography
  60. The terra incognita reader : early writings from the Great Smoky Mountains / edited by Anne Bridges, Russell Clement, and Ken Wise.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  61. Territorializing Manchuria : the transnational frontier and literatures of East Asia / Miya Qiong Xie.. print book. English
  62. The terrorist image : decoding the Islamic state's photo-propaganda / Charlie Winter.. print book. Art
  63. Terzetto : per corni da caccia / Giuseppe Belloli ; edited by Antonio Fracchiolla.. music score (printed). Music
  64. Test success : test-taking techniques for beginning nursing students / Patricia M. Nugent, Barbara A. Vitale.. ebook. Medicine
  65. Tête à tête / Annette Messager ; [interviewer, Hans Ulrich Obrist].. print book. Art
  66. Texas Government in a Nutshell / by Randy Erben.. print book. Law
  67. Text VIII : für Saxophon = for saxophone / Vivienne Olive.. music score (printed). Music
  68. Textile design theory in the making / edited by Elaine Igoe.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  69. Textile orientalisms : Cashmere and Paisley shawls in British literature and culture / Suchitra Choudhury.. print book. English
  70. Thank you for your servitude : Donald Trump's Washington and the price of submission / Mark Leibovich.. print book. Education
  71. Thao / by Thao Lam.. print book. Education
  72. Thao Nguyen Phan / edited by Anne Barlow and Giles Jackson.. print book. Art
  73. That damned fence : the literature of the Japanese American prison camps / Heather Hathaway.. print book. History
  74. That's not my name! / Anoosha Syed.. print book. Education
  75. Theater of Lockdown : Digital and Distanced Performance in a Time of Pandemic / Barbara Fuchs.. ebook. Arts Administration
  76. Theatre and archival memory : Irish drama and marginalised histories 1951-1977 / Barry Houlihan.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  77. Theatres of melancholy : the Neo-Romantics in Paris and beyond / Patrick Mauriès.. print book. Art
  78. Theatrical scenic art / Emma Troubridge.. ebook. Theatre & Dance
  79. Thematic mapping : 101 inspiring ways to visualise empirical data / Kenneth Field.. print book. Geography
  80. Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke von Johann Sebastian Bach : Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis (BWV³) / bearbeitet von Christine Blanken, Christoph Wolff, Peter Wollny.. print book. Music
  81. Theological determinism : new perspectives / edited Peter Furlong, Valencia College, Florida, Leigh Vicens, Augustana University.. print book. Philosophy
  82. Theorizing race in the Americas : Douglass, Sarmiento, Du Bois, and Vasconcelos / Juliet Hooker.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
  83. Theory of agglomerative hierarchical clustering / Sadaaki Miyamoto.. ebook. Statistics
  84. The theory of electric and magnetic susceptibilities.. print book. Physics
  85. Theory of form : Gerhard Richter and art in the pragmatist age / Florian Klinger.. print book. Art
  86. Theory of racelessness : a case for antirace(ism) / Sheena Michele Mason.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  87. Theory of the solitary sailor / Gilles Grelet ; translated by Amy Ireland and Robin Mackay.. print book. Philosophy
  88. There are no accidents : the deadly rise of injury and disaster--who profits and who pays the price / Jessie Singer.. print book. Business
  89. There are no facts : attentive algorithms, extractive data practices, and the quantification of everyday life / Mark Shepard.. print book. Philosophy
  90. There is an alternative : with Herbert Marcuse and Mark Fisher towards a political aesthetics of neoliberalism / Lukas Schutzbach.. print book. English
  91. There is no society? : individuals and community in pandemic times / edited by Ekaterina Degot and David Riff.. print book. Art
  92. There's a skeleton inside you! / Idan Ben-Barak and Julian Frost.. print book. Education
  93. There's nothing micro about a billion women : making finance work for women / Mary Ellen Iskenderian.. ebook. Business
  94. There was always sun shining someplace : life in the Negro baseball leagues / narrated by James Earl Jones.. streaming video.
  95. There was always sun shining someplace : life in the Negro baseball leagues / narrated by James Earl Jones.. streaming video. Education
  96. Thermally active surfaces in architecture [electronic resource] / Kiel Moe.. ebook.
  97. They call her Fregona : a border kid's poems / David Bowles.. print book. Education
  98. They call it love : the politics of emotional life / Alva Gotby.. print book. Philosophy
  99. The thick dark fog / a film by Randy Vasquez ; produced by Jonathan Skurnik ; written and edited by Paul Freedman ; produced by Jonathan Skurnik, Randy Vasquez ; executive producer, Brian Wescott ; directed by Randy Vasquez ; a co-production of High Valle. streaming video. Social Work
  100. Thicker than water : the quest for solutions to the plastic crisis / Erica Cirino.. ebook. Sociology
  101. Thieves of Weirdwood / William Shivering ; illustrations by Anna Earley.. print book. Education
  102. Things are never so bad that they can't get worse : inside the collapse of Venezuela / William Neuman.. print book. History
  103. Think Bayes : Bayesian statistics in Python / Allen B. Downey.. print book. Statistics
  104. Think black : a memoir / Clyde W. Ford.. ebook. Mathematics
  105. Thinking the photobook : a practical guide / Bettina Lockemann.. print book. Art
  106. Thinking with type : a critical guide for designers, writers, editors, & students / Ellen Lupton.. ebook.
  107. The Third Reich in power, 1933-1939 / Richard J. Evans.. print book. History
  108. Thirst / Varsha Bajaj.. print book. Education
  109. A thirteenth-century textbook of mystical theology at the University of Paris : the Mystical theology of Dionysius the Areopagite in Eriugena's Latin translation, with the scholia translated by Anastasius the Librarian, and excerpts from Eriugena's Periph. print book. Philosophy
  110. The thirties : an intimate history / Juliet Gardiner.. print book. History
  111. Thirty million words : building a child's brain : tune in, talk more, take turns / Dana Suskind, MD, Beth Suskind, Leslie Lewinter-Suskind.. print book. Education
  112. The thirty names of night : a novel / Zeyn Joukhadar.. print book.
  113. This contested land : the storied past and uncertain future of America's national monuments / McKenzie Long.. print book. History
  114. This great allegory : on world-decay and world-opening in the work of art / Gerhard Richter.. print book. Art
  115. This is a classic : translators on making writers global / edited by Regina Galasso.. print book. English
  116. This is a school / words by John Schu ; illustrated by Veronica Miller Jamison.. print book. Education
  117. This is major : notes on Diana Ross, dark girls, and being dope / Shayla Lawson.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  118. This is not a personal statement / Tracy Badua.. print book. Education
  119. This is not my home / by Eugenia Yoh and Vivienne Chang.. print book. Education
  120. This is tomorrow : twentieth-century Britain and its artists / Michael Bird.. print book. Art
  121. This magical, musical night / words by Rhonda Gowler Greene ; pictures by James Rey Sanchez.. print book. Education
  122. This present moment : crafting a better world / Mary Savig with Nora Atkinson and Anya Montiel ; foreword by Stephanie Stebich and contributions by several artists.. print book. Art
  123. This story is not about a kitten / written by Randall de Sève ; illustrated by Carson Ellis.. print book. Education
  124. This strange idea of the beautiful / François Jullien.. print book. Philosophy
  125. This will not pass : Trump, Biden and the battle for America's future / Jonathan Martin & Alexander Burns.. print book. History
  126. Thomas Aquinas on virtue / Thomas M. Osborne Jr.. print book. Philosophy
  127. Thomas Demand : the stutter of history / curated by Douglas Fogle.. print book. Art
  128. Thomas Holcroft's revolutionary drama : reception and afterlives / Amy Garnai.. print book. English
  129. Thoreau's axe : distraction and discipline in American culture / Caleb Smith.. print book. English
  130. Thought poems : a translation of Heidegger's verse / Martin Heidegger ; translated by Eoghan Walls.. print book. Philosophy
  131. Thought's wilderness : romanticism and the apprehension of nature / Greg Ellermann.. print book. English
  132. Threads of power : lace from the Textilmuseum St. Gallen / edited by Emma Cormack and Michele Majer. print book. Art
  133. The three authentic sonatas : for oboe and basso continuo / George Frideric Handel ; [edited by David Lasocki].. music score (printed). Music
  134. The three billy goats gruff / retold by Mac Barnett ; illustrated by Jon Klassen.. print book. Education
  135. Three cameos, op. 56 : for solo piano (1904) / Samuel Coleridge-Taylor.. music score (printed). Music
  136. Three centuries of travel writing by Muslim women / Siobhan Lambert-Hurley, Daniel Majchrowicz, and Sunil Sharma, editors.. print book. History
  137. Three Chinese poems for mezzo-soprano and piano, 1982-1992 / Bright Sheng.. music score (printed). Music
  138. Three fours : valse-suite, op. 71 : 6 waltzes for piano = 6 Waltzer für Klavier / Samuel Coleridge-Taylor.. music score (printed). Music
  139. Three identical strangers / Neon and CNN Films present ; a Raw production ; in association with Channel 4 ; directed by Tim Wardle ; produced by Becky Read ; producer, and developed by Grace Hughes-Hallett.. streaming video. English
  140. Three identical strangers / Neon and CNN Films present ; a Raw production ; in association with Channel 4 ; directed by Tim Wardle ; produced by Becky Read ; producer, and developed by Grace Hughes-Hallett.. streaming video.
  141. Three medieval chants : for saxophone quartet / Barbara Kolb.. music score (printed). Music
  142. Three miniatures : (1990) for tuba and piano = pour tuba et piano = für Tuba und Klavier / Anthony Plog.. music score (printed). Music
  143. Three motets : for TrTTTB viols / Marc'Antonio Ingegneri ; arranged by Patrice Connelly.. music score (printed). Music
  144. Three piece suite : oboe & piano / Madeleine Dring.. music score (printed). Music
  145. Three pieces : for three violins (1967) / Halsey Stevens.. music score (printed). Music
  146. Three Shakespeare songs : for mixed voices unaccompanied / John Rutter.. music score (printed). Music
  147. Three short songs : for voice and piano / Florence Price.. music score (printed). Music
  148. Three sonatas for viola and piano / Bach, J.S. ; [edited by] Milton Katims [and] Béla Siki.. music score (printed). Music
  149. Three songs : for low voice / Liza Lehmann.. music score (printed). Music
  150. Three studies : for piano (1973) / Elizabeth Vercoe.. music score (printed). Music
  151. The threefold struggle : pursuing ecological, social, and personal wellbeing in the spirit of Daniel Quinn / Andrew Frederick Smith.. print book. English
  152. Threesome ventures : for violin, viola and cello / Samuel Adler.. music score (printed). Music
  153. Thriving with Stone Age minds : evolutionary psychology, Christian faith, and the quest for human flourishing / Justin L. Barret with Pamela Ebstyne King.. ebook. Psychology
  154. Through the forest / Yijing Li.. print book. Education
  155. Through the mountains : the French Broad River and time / John E. Ross.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  156. Through the prism of an intellectual life / Media Education Foundation ; editor, Sut Jhally ; video & audio mastering, Rikk Desgres.. streaming video.
  157. Through the prism of an intellectual life / Media Education Foundation ; editor, Sut Jhally ; video & audio mastering, Rikk Desgres.. streaming video. Education
  158. Throwing gestures : protest, economy and the imperceptible / edited by Florian Bettel, Irina Kaldrack, Konrad Strutz ; with contributions from Florian Bettel [and fourteen others].. print book. Art
  159. Tibet as I knew it : the memoir of Dr. Tsewang Yishey Pemba / Tsewang Yishey Pemba ; foreword by the Dalai Lama.. print book. History
  160. Ticking power into performing acts of love : how tricksters through history have changed the world / Shepherd Siegel, PhD... print book. History
  161. Tidesong / Wendy Xu.. print book. Education
  162. Tiger honor / Yoon Ha Lee ; illustrations by Vivienne To.. print book. Education
  163. Tiger milk : = Tigermilch / Constantin Film presents eine akzente Film produktion ; eine Film von Ute Wieland.. streaming video. German
  164. Time for bed, old house / Janet Costa Bates ; illustrated by AG Ford.. print book. Education
  165. Time : for chamber ensemble / Michael Torke.. music score (printed). Music
  166. A time of one's own : histories of feminism in contemporary art / Catherine Grant.. print book. Art
  167. Time out / Csaba Fürjesi.. print book. Art
  168. Time series : a data analysis approach using R / Robert H. Shumway, David S. Stoffer.. print book. Statistics
  169. The time-travelling economist : why education, electricity and fertility are key to escaping poverty / Charlie Robertson.. ebook. Business
  170. Time villains / Victor Piñeiro. print book. Education
  171. Timeless Mexico : the photographs of Hugo Brehme / Susan Toomey Frost ; with a foreword by Stella de Sá Rego.. print book. History
  172. The times of Harvey Milk / Black Sand Productions presents ; a film by Robert Epstein and Richard Schmiechen.. streaming video.
  173. Tin-glaze and image culture : the MAK Maiolica Collection in its wider context / edited by, Lilli Hollein, Rainald Franz, Timothy Wilson ; catalogue by Timothy Wilson ; with contributions by Rainald Franz, Michael Göbl, Nikolaus Hofer ; and with the coll. print book. Art
  174. The tinkering mind : agency, cognition, and the extended mind / Tillmann Vierkant.. print book. Philosophy
  175. A tiny brown monkey on the big blue Earth / by Tory Christie ; illustrated by Luciana Navarro Powell.. print book. Education
  176. Tiny Cedric / Sally Lloyd-Jones ; illustrated by Rowboat Watkins.. print book. Education
  177. Tiny tales : shell quest / by Steph Waldo.. print book. Education
  178. El titán y la flecha : nueve ensayos de literatura española / Alfonso Castro.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  179. Titian's vision of women : beauty - love - poetry / concept Sylvia Ferino-Pagden ; edited by Sylvia Ferino-Pagden, Francesca Del Torre Scheuch and Wencke Deiters.. print book. Art
  180. Titicut Follies.. streaming video. Art

To - Tz

  1. To begin again : artists and childhood / edited by Jeffrey De Blois and Ruth Erickson.. print book. Art
  2. To Emit Teal : poems / upfromsumdirt.. print book.
  3. To Emit Teal : poems / upfromsumdirt.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  4. To err is human / a documentary film by 3759 Films ; in association with Tall Tale Productions ; director, writer, editor, Mike Eisenberg ; producer, Kailey Brackett ; producers, Mike Eisenberg, Matt Downe.. streaming video. German
  6. To love this earth : musical settings of the journals of Henry David Thoreau : for baritone solo, SATB chorus, clarinet and string quartet / Gwyneth Walker ; texts by Henry David Thoreau, adapted by Gwyneth Walker.. music score (printed). Music
  7. To make Negro literature : writing, literary practice & African American authorship / Elizabeth McHenry.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  8. To photograph is to learn how to die : an essay with digressions / Tim Carpenter.. print book. Art
  9. To reach the nation's ear : a history of African American public speaking / Richard W. Leeman.. print book. History
  10. To tell a Black story of Miami / Tatiana D. McInnis.. ebook.
  11. Tobias Rehberger, 1993-2022 / Herausgeber, Ulrike Groos ; Texte, Ulrike Groos, Jesi Khadivi, Niklas Maak, Tobias Rehberger.. print book. Art
  12. Tobias Zielony : the fall / Tobias Zielony, Sophia Eisenhut, Joshua Gross, Dora Koderhold, Enis Maci [und weitere].. print book. Art
  13. Together we ride / written by Valerie Bolling ; illustrated by Kaylani Juanita.. print book. Education
  14. Tokyo before Tokyo : power and magic in the Shogun 's city of Edo / Timon Screech.. ebook. Asian Studies
  15. Tōkyō monogatari = Tokyo story / Shōshiku Eiga ; kyakuhon, Noda Kōgo, Ozu Yasujirō ; seisaku, Yamamoto Takeshi ; kantoku, Ozu Yasujirō.. streaming video. Philosophy
  16. Tōkyō monogatari = Tokyo story / Shōshiku Eiga ; kyakuhon, Noda Kōgo, Ozu Yasujirō ; seisaku, Yamamoto Takeshi ; kantoku, Ozu Yasujirō.. streaming video.
  17. Tōkyō monogatari = Tokyo story / Shōshiku Eiga ; kyakuhon, Noda Kōgo, Ozu Yasujirō ; seisaku, Yamamoto Takeshi ; kantoku, Ozu Yasujirō.. streaming video. Philosophy
  18. Tokyoids : the robotic face of architecture / François Blanciak.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  19. Tolkien's hidden pictures : anthroposophy and the enchantment in Middle-earth / Mark McGivern.. print book. English
  20. Tomashi Jackson : Slow Jamz / with contributions by Tomashi Jacson, Rebecca Uchill, Janiva Ellis and Kandis Williams.. print book. Art
  21. Tombeaux : autobiographie de ma famille / Annette Wieviorka.. print book. History
  22. Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow / Gabrielle Zevin.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  23. Toni Morrison and the natural world : an ecology of color / Anissa Janine Wardi.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  24. Toni Morrison : imagining freedom / Lawrie Balfour.. print book. English
  25. Tony Oursler : specular / Herausgeber: Kunstraum Dornbirn, Thomas Häusle ; Texte: Noam Elcott, Alice Ko, Tony Oursler.. print book. Art
  26. Tony Tasset : works 1985-2022.. print book. Art
  27. Too big for a single mind : how the greatest generation of physicists uncovered the quantum world / Tobias Hürter ; translated by David Shaw.. ebook. Physics
  28. Too many pigs and one big bad wolf / Davide Cali ; illustrated by Marianna Balducci.. print book. Education
  29. Too small Tola / Atinuke ; illustrated by Onyinye Iwu.. print book. Education
  30. Too small Tola and the three fine girls / Atinuke ; illustrated by Onyinye Iwu.. print book. Education
  31. Too-small Tyson / JaNay Brown-Wood ; illustrated by Anastasia Magloire Williams.. print book. Education
  32. Too smart : how digital capitalism is extracting data, controlling our lives, and taking over the world / Jathan Sadowski.. print book. Business
  33. Top register studies for flute : 90 melodious studies / by Thomas J. Filas. music score (printed). Music
  34. Topics of thought : the logic of knowledge, belief, imagination / Francesco Berto.. print book. Philosophy
  35. Touching architecture : affective atmospheres and embodied encounters / Anthony Richard Brand.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  36. Tough guise 2 : violence, manhood & American culture / a Media Education Foundation production ; produced and directed by Jeremy Earp ; written by Jackson Katz and Jeremy Earp ; executive producer, Sut Jhally ; co-producer, Jason Young.. streaming video.
  37. Tough guise 2 : violence, manhood & American culture / a Media Education Foundation production ; produced and directed by Jeremy Earp ; written by Jackson Katz and Jeremy Earp ; executive producer, Sut Jhally ; co-producer, Jason Young.. streaming video. Social Work
  38. Tough guise : violence, media and the crisis in masculinity / directed by Sut Jhally ; produced by Susan Ericsson, Sanjay Talreja.. streaming video.
  39. Toward a new interior [electronic resource] : an anthology of interior design theory / Lois Weinthal, editor.. ebook.
  40. Toward the critique of violence : a critical edition / Walter Benjamin ; edited by Peter Fenves and Julia Ng.. print book. Philosophy
  41. Towards an architecture of responsibility / Marc Thorpe.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  42. Tower.. streaming video. English
  43. Tower.. streaming video.
  44. The tower of life : how Yaffa Eliach rebuilt her town in stories and photographs / by Chana Stiefel ; illustrated by Susan Gal.. print book. Education
  45. The town of Babylon : a novel / Alejandro Varela.. print book. Education
  46. Toyo Ito : forces of nature / Jessie Turnbull, editor.. ebook.
  47. Traces : a novel / Patricia L. Hudson.. print book.
  48. Traces of the trade : a story from the deep north.. streaming video. English
  49. Traces of the trade : a story from the deep north.. streaming video.
  50. Tracing old Norse cosmology : the world tree, middle earth, and the sun from archaeological perspectives / Anders Andrén.. ebook. Classical Studies
  51. The trackers a novel Charles Frazier. print book. Education
  52. Tracy Flick can't win : a novel / Tom Perrotta.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  53. Trading and exchanges : market microstructure for practitioners / Larry Harris.. print book. Law
  54. Trafficking data : how China is winning the battle for digital sovereignty / Aynne Kokas.. ebook. Business
  55. The tragic science : how economists cause harm (even as they aspire to do good) / George F. DeMartino.. print book. History
  56. The tragic science : how economists cause harm (even as they aspire to do good) / George F. DeMartino.. ebook. Business
  57. The train home / by Dan-ah Kim.. print book. Education
  58. Training and supervision in specialized cognitive behavior therapy : methods, settings, and populations / edited by Eric A. Storch, Jonathan S. Abramowitz, and Dean McKay.. ebook.
  59. Trans men in the south : becoming men / Baker A. Rogers.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
  60. TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS 2022 EDITION. print book. Special Collections
  61. Transatlantic antifascisms : from the Spanish Civil War to the end of World War II / Michael Seidman.. ebook. History
  62. Transatlantic antifascisms : from the Spanish Civil War to the end of World War II / Michael Seidman.. print book. History
  63. The transatlantic materials of American literature : publishing US writing in Britain, 1830-1860 / Katie McGettigan.. print book. English
  64. The transcendent vision of mythopoeic fantasy / David S. Hogsette.. print book. English
  65. Transcultural Italies : mobility, memory and translation / edited by Charles Burdett, Loredana Polezzi, and Barbara Spadaro. [electronic resource]. ebook.
  66. The transferring of America's youth / edited by Sheri Jenkins Keenan.. ebook. Education
  67. The transformative cinema of Alejandro Jodorowsky / George Melnyk.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
  68. Transformative fictions : world literature and personal change / Daniel Just.. print book. English
  69. Transformative language learning and teaching / edited by Betty Lou Leaver, Dan E. Davidson, Christine Campbell.. ebook. Russian Studies
  70. The transformative potential of LGBTQ+ children's picture books / Jennifer Miller.. print book. Education
  71. Transforming girls : the work of nineteenth-century adolescence / Julie Pfeiffer.. print book. Education
  72. Transforming Hispanic-serving institutions for equity and justice / Gina Ann Garcia.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
  73. Transforming inclusion in museums : the power of collaborative inquiry / Porchia Moore, Rose Paquet, and Aletheia Wittman.. print book. Art
  74. Transforming Inner Mongolia : commerce, migration, and colonization on the Qing frontier / Yi Wang.. print book. History
  75. Transgression and deviance in the ancient world / Lennart Gilhaus, Anja Dorn, Imogen Herrad, Michael Meurer, editors.. print book. Philosophy
  76. Transient magnetic fields / Neil R. Sheeley, Jr.. ebook. Physics
  77. Transit / Schramm Film Koerner & Weber ; in Coproduktion mit Neon Productions und ZDF, Arte, Arte France Cinéma ; Regie, Christian Petzold ; Drehbuch, Christian Petzold ; Produzenten, Florian Koerner von Gustorf, Michael Weber.. streaming video.
  78. Transit / Schramm Film Koerner & Weber ; in Coproduktion mit Neon Productions und ZDF, Arte, Arte France Cinéma ; Regie, Christian Petzold ; Drehbuch, Christian Petzold ; Produzenten, Florian Koerner von Gustorf, Michael Weber.. streaming video. German
  79. Transitional object : poems / Adrian Silbernagel.. print book.
  80. Translation as citation : Zhuangzi inside out / Haun Saussy.. ebook. Asian Studies
  81. Transmaterial 2 [electronic resource] : a catalog of materials that redefine our physical environment / edited by Blaine Brownell.. ebook.
  82. Transmedial character studies / Tobias Kunz and Lukas R.A. Wilde.. ebook. English
  83. Transmissions from the pleroma / edited by Lawrence Kumpf and Tyler Maxin.. print book. Art
  84. The transmutations of chymistry : Wilhelm Homberg and the Académie royale des sciences / Lawrence M. Principe.. ebook. Chemistry
  85. Transpacific correspondence : dispatches from japan's black studies / Yuichiro Onishi, Fumiko Sakashita, editors.. ebook. Asian Studies
  86. Transportation and the culture of climate change : accelerating ride to global crisis / edited by Tatiana Prorokova-Konrad.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  87. Trash talk : anti-Obama lore and racism in the twenty-first century / Patricia A. Turner.. ebook. Russian Studies
  88. Trashy town / Andrea Zimmerman and David Clemesha ; illustrated by Dan Yaccarino.. print book. Education
  89. Traum durch die Dämmerung, op. 29/1 / Richard Strauss ; arr. Lukas Haselböck. music score (printed). Music
  90. Trauma and expressive arts therapy : brain, body, and imagination in the healing process / Cathy A. Malchiodi.. ebook. Social Work
  91. Trauma and mental health social work with urban populations : African-centered clinical interventions / edited by Rhonda Wells-Wilbon and Anthony Estreet.. ebook. Social Work
  92. Travelers and Magicians. ebook. English
  93. Traveling artist : Christian Jankowski / edited by Nicole Fritz, Christian Jankowski ; essays, Karen van den Berg, Oobah Butler.. print book. Art
  94. Travellers in the Third Reich : the rise of fascism seen through the eyes of everyday people / Julia Boyd.. ebook. History
  95. Travellers in the Third Reich : the rise of fascism through the eyes of everyday people / Julia Boyd.. print book. History
  96. Treasures of Herat : two manuscripts of the Khamsah of Nizami in the British Library / Barbara Brend.. print book. Art
  97. Treating survivors of childhood abuse and interpersonal trauma : STAIR narrative therapy / Marylene Cloitre [and four others].. ebook. Social Work
  98. The tree climbing cure : finding wellbeing in trees in European and North American literature and art / Andy Brown.. print book. English
  99. Tree hole homes : and the animals that live in them / Melissa Stewart, Amy Hevron.. print book. Education
  100. Tree of strangers / Barbara Sumner.. ebook.
  101. Tree thieves : crime and survival in North America's woods / Lyndsie Bourgon.. ebook. Sociology
  102. Trends in teaching experimentation in the life sciences : putting research into practice to drive institutional change / Nancy J. Pelaez, Stephanie M. Gardner, Trevor R. Anderson, editors.. ebook. Biology
  103. Tres insultos : para dos violines (2004) / Angelica Negron.. music score (printed). Music
  104. Tres madres : structural therapy with an Anglo/Hispanic family / Golden Triad Films, Inc. presents ; featuring Harry Aponte, ACSW.. streaming video.
  105. Treti kont︠s︡ert za piano i orkestŭr = Troisième concerto : pour piano et orchestre, [op. 31] / Pancho Vladigerov = Pantcho Vladiguerov.. music score (printed). Music
  106. The Trial.. streaming video. Art
  107. The trial of Anne Hutchinson : liberty, law, and intolerance in puritan New England / Michael P. Winship and Mark C. Carnes.. print book. History
  108. The trial of Galileo : Aristotelianism, the "new cosmology", and the Catholic Church, 1616-1633 / Michael S. Pettersen, Frederick Purnell Jr., and Mark C. Carnes.. print book. History
  109. Tricolon C : for multi-percussion and tape / Maximillian Wolfgang Schwarz.. music score (printed). Music
  110. Trio for flute, alto saxophone and piano, op. 137 / Lowell Liebermann.. music score (printed). Music
  111. Trio in a minor, js 207 (havträsk-trio) : for violin, violoncello and piano / Jean Sibelius ; edited by Folke Gräsbeck and Anna Pulkkis.. music score (printed). Music
  112. Trio in d major, js 209 (korpo-trio) : for violin, violoncello and piano / Jean Sibelius ; edited by Folke Gräsbeck and Anna Pulkkis.. music score (printed). Music
  113. Trio, op. 50 : per a violi, violoncel I piano / Enrique Granados ; edited by Trio Rodin.. music score (printed). Music
  114. Trio, op. 56 : für oboe (flöte oder klarinette) und zwei hörner / Friederich Eugen Thurner ; edited by Kurt Meier.. music score (printed). Music
  115. Trio sonata in B-flat major, Op. 11, Nr. 3 for violin, viola and basso continuo / Georg Anton Kreusser ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
  116. Trio sonata in b flat major, op. 3 nr. 1 : for 2 violins and violoncello / Christian Cannabich ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
  117. Trio sonata in C major, op. 3, nr. 6 : for 2 violins and basso continuo / Johann Christoph Pepusch ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
  118. Trio sonata in D major (op. 11, nr. 6), for transverse flute, violin & basso continuo / Georg Anton Kreusser ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
  119. Trio sonata in D major (op. 3, nr. 1), for 2 violins, violoncello & basso continuo / Johann Philipp Küchler ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
  120. Trio sonata in G major (op. 9, nr. 3), for 2 violins & basso continuo / Gaetano Pugnani ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
  121. Trio sonata in G minor, op. 6 no. 5 (Paris, 1722) : violin, violoncello (or bass viol) and basso continuo / Michele Mascitti ; edited by Michael Talbot.. music score (printed). Music
  122. Trio toccata : for oboe, bassoon and piano / Valerie Coleman.. music score (printed). Music
  123. Tristan Strong keeps punching / Kwame Mbalia.. print book. Education
  124. Tristia : für Chor und Orchester : op. 18 / Hector Berlioz.. music score (printed). Music
  125. Triumph & catastrophe : Morten Løbner Espersen / with an introduction by Jan de Bruijn, a text by Morten Løbner Espersen, and an essay by Glenn Adamson.. print book. Art
  126. The triumph of broken promises : the end of the Cold War and the rise of neoliberalism / Fritz Bartel.. print book. History
  127. The triumph of broken promises : the end of the Cold War and the rise of neoliberalism / Fritz Bartel.. ebook. History
  128. Trois berceuses, op. 8 : pour piano / Robert Casadesus.. music score (printed). Music
  129. Trois duos brillants : pour deux flutes, op. 102 / Fr. Kuhlau.. music score (printed). Music
  130. Trois études de concert / Franz Liszt ; herausgegeben von Peter Jost = edited by Peter Jost ; Fingersatz von Michael Schneidt = fingering by Michael Schneidt.. music score (printed). Music
  131. Trois petites pièces : pour flûte et piano / par Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
  132. The Trojan women / a Josef Shaftel production ; a Michael Cacoyannis film ; screenplay by Michael Cacoyannis ; produced by Michael Cacoyannis, Anis Nohra ; directed by Michael Cacoyannis.. streaming video.
  133. The trolley problem / edited by Hallvard Lillehammer, Birkbeck, University of London.. print book. Philosophy
  134. A troop of kangaroos : a book of animal group names / written and illustrated by Lisa Mundorff.. print book. Education
  135. The trouble with penguins / Rebecca Jordan-Glum.. print book. Education
  136. The troubled girls of Dragomir Academy / Anne Ursu.. print book. Education
  137. Troubling late modernism : ethics, feeling, and the novel form / Doug Battersby.. print book. English
  138. Truck art project / coordinación editorial, Miriam Querol ; textos, Javier Díaz-Guardiola.. print book. Art
  139. Trudno bytʹ bogom = Hard to be a god / Studii︠a︡ "Sever" ; prodi︠u︡ser, R. Nasibulin, V. Izvekov ; st︠s︡enariĭ, S. Karmalita, A. I︠U︡ German ; postanovka, A. I︠U︡ German.. streaming video.
  140. The true cost / Life is My Movie Entertainment ; an Untold production ; a film by Andrew Morgan ; producer, Michael Ross ; director Andrew Morgan.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
  141. The true meaning of pictures : Shelby Lee Adams' Appalachia / Mercury Films presents ; produced by Nick de Pencier and Jennifer Baichwal ; directed by Jennifer Baichwal ; produced in association with TV Ontario and Bravo! Canada, a division of Chum Limite. streaming video.
  142. The true meaning of pictures : Shelby Lee Adams' Appalachia / Mercury Films presents ; produced by Nick de Pencier and Jennifer Baichwal ; directed by Jennifer Baichwal ; produced in association with TV Ontario and Bravo! Canada, a division of Chum Limite. streaming video. Appalachian Studies
  143. Trumpets and other high brass : a history inspired by the Joe R. and Joella F. Utley Collection / Sabine Katharina Klaus ; principal photographer, Mark Olencki.. print book. Music
  144. Trumpets and other high brass : a history inspired by the Joe R. and Joella F. Utley Collection / Sabine Katharina Klaus ; principal photographer, Mark Olencki.. print book. Music
  145. Trust me / Wadi Rum Films.. streaming video.
  146. Trust me / Wadi Rum Films.. streaming video. Library & Information Science
  147. Trusting True North / Gina Linko.. print book. Education
  148. Truth and lies in architecture / Richard Francis-Jones ; foreword by Kenneth Frampton.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  149. Tse go La - at the threshold of this life : a cantata on rites of passage (2012, rev. 2013) / Andrea Clearfield.. music score (printed). Music
  150. Tuba concerto / Edward Gregson ; arranged for tuba and piano by the composer.. music score (printed). Music
  151. Tuba suite for solo tuba & 3 French horns in F / by Morton Gould.. music score (printed). Music
  152. Tuckaleechee Cove : a passage through time / Boyce N. Driskell and Robert J. Norrell.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  153. Tudor liveliness : vivid art in post-Reformation England / Christina J. Faraday.. print book. Art
  154. The Tudors : art and majesty in Renaissance England / Elizabeth Cleland and Adam Eaker ; with contributions by Marjorie E. Wieseman and Sarah Bochicchio. print book. Art
  155. Tunisia since the Arab conquest [electronic resource] : the saga of a westernized muslim state / Jacob Abadi.. ebook.
  156. Turfgrass insects of the United States and Canada / Patricia J. Vittum.. print book. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  157. Turning points : clarinet and string quartet / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
  158. Turtles of the midnight moon / María José Fitzgerald ; [map art by Jennifer Thermes].. print book. Education
  159. Turumba / a film by Kidlat Tahimik.. streaming video. English
  160. Turumba / a film by Kidlat Tahimik.. streaming video.
  161. The tusk that did the damage / Tania James.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  162. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study : the real story and beyond / Fred D. Gray.. ebook. History
  163. Twentieth-century architecture and modernity : our past, our present / Patrizia Mello.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  164. Twenty-first century Arab and African diasporas in Spain, Portugal and Latin America / edited by Cristián H. Ricci.. print book. English
  165. Twenty-four eyes / Shochiku Co. ; Janus Films ; a Keisuke Kinoshita film ; written and directed by Keisuke Kinoshita ; produced by Ryotaro Kuwata.. video DVD.
  166. Twenty-two cents an hour : disability rights and the fight to end subminimum wages / Doug Crandell.. print book. Law
  167. Twenty years of school-based mass shootings in the United States : Columbine to Santa Fe / Angelyn Spaulding Flowers and Cotina Lane Pixley.. print book. History
  168. Twilight in Hazard : an Appalachian reckoning / Alan Maimon.. print book. Education
  169. Twisted : the tangled history of Black hair culture / Emma Dabiri.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  170. Two and twenty : how the masters of private equity always win / Sachin Khajuria.. print book. Business
  171. Two and twenty troubles / Vivid Docs & Nicu's Spoon Theater present in association with School of Visual Arts ; a film by Victor Ilyukhin.. streaming video.
  172. Two and twenty troubles / Vivid Docs & Nicu's Spoon Theater present in association with School of Visual Arts ; a film by Victor Ilyukhin.. streaming video.
  173. Two arguments for the identity of indiscernibles / Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra.. print book. Philosophy
  174. Two brown dots : poems / by Danni Quintos ; foreword by Aimee Nezhukumatathil.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  175. The Two chamber cantatas for alto on texts by Pietro metastasio, vol. 1 : la scusa (1780) / Baldassare Galuppi ; edited by Fabrizio Ammetto and Alvise De Piero.. music score (printed). Music
  176. Two dogs on a trike / by Gabi Snyder ; illustrated by Robin Rosenthal.. print book. Education
  177. Two hagiographies / Hildegard of Bingen ; introduction and English translation by Hugh Feiss ; Latin edition by Christopher P. Evans.. print book. Philosophy
  178. Two hundred years at the falls of the Ohio : a history of Louisville and Jefferson County / George H. Yater.. print book. History
  179. Two pieces from the wreckers / Ethel Smyth.. music score (printed). Music
  182. Type specimens : a visual history of typesetting and printing / Dori Griffin.. print book. Special Collections
  183. Tyto Alba - avian study no. 2 : for solo alto flute (2022) / Robert Peate.. music score (printed). Music
  185. Tzigane rêverie : für Klavier / Augusta Holmès ; herausgegeben von Christel Nies.. music score (printed). Music


  1. The u-nique Lou Fox / Jodi Carmichael.. print book. Education
  2. Ugetsu / Daiē Kabushiki Kaisha seisaku ; seisaku, Nagata Masaichi ; kyakuhon, Kawatuchi Matsutarō, Yoda Yoshikata ; kantoku, Mizoguchi Kenji.. streaming video. Asian Studies
  3. Ugliness and judgment : on architecture in the public eye / Timothy Hyde.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  4. Ugo Rondinone / Laura Hoptman, Erik Verhagen, Nicholas Baume, Jason Schmidt.. print book. Art
  7. Ultimate gig : flexibility, freedom, rewards / by John T. Fleming ; with Lauren Lawley Head.. ebook. Business
  8. Umoja : anthem of unity : for orchestra / Valerie Coleman.. music score (printed). Music
  9. Umoja : the first day of Kwanzaa : for woodwind quintet / Valerie Coleman.. music score (printed). Music
  10. Unannounced voices : curatorial practice and changing institutions / Zdenka Badovinac ; edited by Steven Henry Madoff.. print book. Art
  11. Uncertain ground : citizenship in an age of endless, invisible war / Phil Klay.. print book. Political Science
  12. Uncertainties in numerical weather prediction / edited by Haraldur Ólafsson, Jian-Wen Bao.. print book. Physics
  13. Uncommon sense : aesthetics after Marcuse / Craig Leonard ; foreword by Nathifa Greene.. print book. Philosophy
  14. Under the aegis of a winged mind / Makalani Bandele.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  15. Under the heavens : a journey to a new world / Ruth Fox.. print book. Education
  16. UNDER THE OCELOT SUN. print book.
  17. Under the skin : the hidden toll of racism on American lives and on the health of our nation / Linda Villarosa.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
  18. Under the skin [electronic resource] : the hidden toll of racism on American lives and the health of a nation / Linda Villarosa.. ebook. Sociology
  19. The underdogs serve it up / Kate and Jol Temple ; art by Shiloh Gordon.. print book. Education
  20. Undergraduate research & the academic librarian : case studies and best practices. Volume 2 / co-edited by Merinda Kaye Hensley, Hailley Fargo, and Stephanie Davis-Kahl.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  21. Understandable economics : because understanding our economy is easier than you think and more important than you know / Howard Yaruss.. ebook. Business
  22. Understanding and fostering soil carbon sequestration / edited by Cornelia Rumpel.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  23. Understanding and improving crop photosynthesis / edited by Robert Sharwood.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  24. Understanding and improving the functional and nutritional properties of milk / edited by Thom Huppertz, Todor Vasiljevic.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  25. Understanding and offsetting financial barriers for Black students in science, engineering, and medicine : programs, partnerships, and pathways : proceedings of a workshop / Gilda A. Barabino, Theodore J. Corbin, Jr. and Paula Whitacre, rapporteurs ; Cato. ebook. Biology
  26. Understanding and optimising the nutraceutical properties of fruit and vegetables / edited by Victor R. Preedy and Vinood B. Patel.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
  27. Understanding chipped stone tools / Brian Hayden.. ebook. Anthropology
  28. Understanding complex trauma and post-traumatic growth in survivors of sex trafficking : foregrounding women's voices for effective care and prevention / Heather Evans.. ebook. Social Work
  29. Understanding contracts / by Jeffrey Ferriell.. print book. Law
  30. Understanding Kristeva, understanding modernism / edited by Maria Margaroni.. print book. Philosophy
  33. Understanding scholastic thought with foucault / Philipp W. Rosemann.. print book. Philosophy
  34. Understanding search engines / Dirk Lewandowski.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  35. Understanding the private-public divide : markets, governments, and time horizons / Avner Offer, University of Oxford.. print book. History
  36. Understanding values in skin tones and painting facial features / North Light Media presents an production ; F+W Media.. video DVD. Art
  37. Understanding Žižek, understanding modernism / edited by Jeffrey R. Di Leo and Zahi Zalloua.. print book. Philosophy
  38. Undesirables : a Holocaust journey to North Africa / Aomar Boum ; illustrated by Nadjib Berber.. print book. History
  39. Undrowned : Black feminist lessons from marine mammals / Alexis Pauline Gumbs ; foreword by adrienne maree brown.. print book. Education
  40. Unearthed : a Jessica Cruz story / written by Lilliam Rivera ; art by Steph C. ; letters by Gabriela Downie.. print book. Education
  41. Unearthing Fermi's geophysics : based on Enrico Fermi's geophysics lectures of 1941 / Gino Segrè and John Stack.. print book. Physics
  42. Uneven futures : strategies for community survival from speculative fiction / edited by Ida Yoshinaga, Sean Guynes, and Gerry Canavan.. print book. English
  43. Unfadeable / Maurice Broaddus.. print book. Education
  44. Unfinished spirit : Muriel Rukeyser's twentieth century / Rowena Kennedy-Epstein.. print book. English
  45. The unforgettables : expanding the history of American art / Charles C. Eldredge, editor ; introduction by Kirsten Pai Buick.. print book. Art
  46. A union for Appalachian healthcare workers : the radical roots and hard fights of Local 1199 / John Hennen.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  47. United in anger : a history of ACT UP.. ebook.
  48. United States Post Office : a legal research guide / by Joel Fishman, Ph.D., M.L.S.. print book. Law
  49. The United States vs. China : the quest for global economic leadership / C. Fred Bergsten.. print book. Business
  50. Univariate stable distributions : models for heavy tailed data / John P. Nolan.. print book. Statistics
  51. Universal design studio : inside out / [authors: Jason Holley and Paul Gulati].. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  52. Universal food security [electronic resource] : how to end hunger while protecting the planet / Glenn Denning.. ebook.
  53. Universal localities : the languages of world literature / Galin Tihanov (ed.).. print book. English
  54. The universe and you / written by Suzanne Slade ; illustrated by Stephanie Fizer Coleman.. print book. Education
  55. The universe of quadrics / Boris Odehnal, Hellmuth Stachel, Georg Glaeser.. print book. Mathematics
  56. Universities on fire : higher education in the climate crisis / Bryan Alexander.. print book. Education
  57. El universo de Lola Flores / Juan Luis Álvarez [and 24 others].. print book.
  58. El universo de Lola Flores / Juan Luis Álvarez [and 24 others].. print book. Hispanic Studies
  59. Unnatural causes series.. streaming video.
  60. Unraveling : remaking personhood in a neurodiverse age / Matthew J. Wolf-Meyer.. ebook. Psychology
  61. Unreasonable : Black lives, police power, and the fourth amendment / Devon W. Carbado.. print book. Law
  62. Unsaid : analyzing harmful silences / Lois Presser.. print book. Philosophy
  63. Unscripted : the epic battle for a media empire and the Redstone family legacy / James B. Stewart and Rachel Abrams.. print book. Business
  64. Unseen Enemies - The Deadliest Infectious Diseases in Human History. ebook. Medicine
  65. Unsettled land : from revolution to Republic, the struggle for Texas / Sam W. Haynes.. print book. History
  66. Unsettling nature : ecology, phenomenology, and the settler colonial imagination / Taylor Eggan.. print book. Philosophy
  67. Unsilencing slavery : telling truths about Rose Hall Plantation, Jamaica / Celia E. Naylor.. print book. History
  68. Unstuck : an OCD kids movie / Realistic Pictures presents ; a documentary by Kelly Anderson & Chris Baier.. streaming video. Psychology
  69. Untangling the knot : queer voices on marriage, relationships & identity / edited by Carter Sickels.. print book.
  70. Until Friday night / by Abbi Glines.. print book.
  71. Until I am free : Fannie Lou Hamer's enduring message to America / Keisha N. Blain.. print book. History
  72. Untimely passages : dossiers from the other shore / by Jerry Zaslove ; foreword by Samir Gandesha.. print book. English
  73. Untitled II : for piano duet or pianist and pianist/dancer / Dorothy Hindman. music score (printed). Music
  74. The unusual story of the Pocket Veto Case, 1926-1929 / Jonathan Lurie.. print book. Law
  75. Unworking : the reinvention of the modern office.. ebook. Business
  76. The unwritten law of corporate reorganizations / Douglas G. Baird.. print book. Law
  77. The unwritten law of corporate reorganizations / Douglas G. Baird.. print book. Law
  78. Up against the law : radical lawyers and social movements, 1960s-1970s / Luca Falciola.. print book. Law
  79. Uprooted : the journey of jazz dance / LDR Creative in association with On the Rocks Films ; directed by Khadifa Wong ; produced by Lisa Donmall-Reeve ; original concept by Zak Nemorin.. video DVD. Theatre & Dance
  80. The upside down hat / written by Stephen Barr ; illustrated by Gracey Zhang.. print book. Education
  81. Urban play : make-believe, technology, and space / Fábio Duarte and Ricardo Álvarez.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  82. Urbanisms [electronic resource] : working with doubt / Steven Holl.. ebook.
  83. Urbanized.. streaming video.
  84. Urbanized.. streaming video.
  85. Ursa's light / Deborah Marcero.. print book. Education
  86. US public opinion since the 1930s : Galluping through history / Richard Seltzer.. ebook. History
  87. The used-to-be best friend / Dawn Quigley ; illustrated by Tara Audibert.. print book. Education
  88. User experience research : discover what customers really want / Marty Gage and Spencer Murrell.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  89. Using AI for dialoguing with texts : from psychology to cinema and literature / [edited by] Yair Neuman, Marcel Danesi, and Dan Vilenchik.. print book. English
  90. Using ROI for strategic planning of online education : a process for institutional transformation / Kathleen S. Ives, Deborah M. Seymour.. ebook. Education


  1. VALSE: FOR VIOLA SOLO / IVAN F. KARABYTS. print book. Music
  2. Value and unequal exchange in international trade : the geography of global capitalist exploitation / Andrea Ricci.. ebook. Business
  3. Value in modernity : the philosophy of existential modernism in Nietzsche, Scheler, Sartre, Musil / Peter Poellner.. print book. Philosophy
  4. The value of a whale : on the illusions of green capitalism / Adrienne Buller.. print book. Business
  5. The value of the world and of oneself : philosophical optimism and pessimism from Aristotle to modernity / Mor Segev.. print book. Philosophy
  6. Van Dyck and the making of English portraiture / Adam Eaker.. print book. Art
  7. The vanishing stair / Maureen Johnson.. print book. Education
  8. Variation on a theme by Anton Diabelli : for piano (2019) / Rodion Shchedrin.. music score (printed). Music
  9. Variationen für kleines orchester über ein thema von Franz Schubert, op. 2 / Adolf Busch.. music score (printed). Music
  12. The varnish & the glaze : painting splendor with oil, 1100-1500 / Marjolijn Bol.. print book. Art
  13. Varsha = Varshā : for unaccompanied violin (2019) / Reena Esmail.. music score (printed). Music
  14. Vaulting ambition : FDR's campaign to pack the Supreme Court / Michael Nelson.. print book. Law
  15. Vaux-hall : 12.12.1937 / av Ture Rangström.. music score (printed). Music
  16. Vedic mathematics : a mathematical tale from the ancient Veda to modern times / Giuseppe Dattoli, Silvia Licciardi, Marcello Artioli, ENEA, Italy.. print book. Mathematics
  17. Vegan art : a book of visual protest / designed by Tommy Kane and Sylvia Ugga.. print book. Art
  18. Vegetal sex : philosophy of plants / Stella Sandford.. print book. Philosophy
  19. Vegucated / Kind Green Planet presents.. streaming video. English
  20. Vegucated / Kind Green Planet presents.. streaming video.
  21. Velázquez / Richard Verdi.. print book. Art
  22. The Venice Arsenal : between history, heritage, and re-use / edited by Luca Zan.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  23. Les vêpres siciliennes : opéra en cinq actes / Giuseppe Verdi ; libretto di Eugène Scribe e Charles Duveyrier = libretto by Eugène Scribe and Charles Duveyrier ; riduzione per canto e pianoforte condotta in base alla revisione sulle fonte originali della. music score (printed). Music
  24. Verify in field : projects and conversations : Höweler + Yoon / Eric Höweler and J. Meejin Yoon. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  25. Vermeer and the art of love / Aneta Georgievska-Shine.. print book. Art
  26. Vermeer's maps / Rozemarijn Landsman.. print book. Geography
  27. Vernacular knowledge : contesting authority, expressing beliefs / edited by Ülo Valk and Marion Bowman.. print book. Russian Studies
  28. Very good hats / Emma Straub ; illustrated by Blanca Gómez.. print book. Education
  29. Verzweiflung und Ergebung : op. 41 : Nachkomponierter Satz zur Turandot-Suite / Ferruccio Busoni.. music score (printed). Music
  30. Vesta and Ceres : insights from the Dawn mission for the origin of the solar system / edited by Simone Marchi, Carol A. Raymond, Christopher T. Russell.. ebook. Physics
  31. Victoria.. streaming video. German
  32. Victorian metafiction / Tabitha Sparks.. print book. English
  33. Victorian paper art and craft : writers and their materials / Deborah Lutz.. print book. English
  34. Victorian women writers and the other Germany : cross-cultural freedoms and female opportunity / Linda Hughes.. print book. English
  35. Victory city : a novel / Salman Rushdie.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  36. Victory. Stand! : raising my fist for justice / Tommie Smith, Derrick Barnes, Dawud Anyabwile.. print book. Education
  37. Vieira Da Silva : L'œil du labyrinthe / [edited by Guillaume Theulière and Naïs Lefrançois].. print book. Art
  38. Vier Lieder Opus 27 für Singstimme und Klavier = Four songs op. 27 for voice and piano / Richard Strauss ; herausgegeben von = edited by Annette Oppermann.. music score (printed). Music
  39. Vietnam combat : firefights and writing history / by Robin Bartlett.. print book. History
  40. Vietnamerica : a family's journey / written and illustrated by GB Tran.. print book. History
  41. Vietnamese musical instruments : a monographic lexicon / Terry Moran ; [illustrations by Luke Agati]. print book. Music
  42. The view from the very best house in town / Meera Trehan ; illustrations by Nicole Miles.. print book. Education
  43. Viking attacks on Paris : the Bella Parisiacae urbis of Abbo of Saint-Germain-des-Prés / edition, translation and introduction by Nirmal Dass.. print book. Philosophy
  44. A village in the Third Reich : how ordinary lives were transformed by the rise of fascism / Julia Boyd & Angelika Patel.. print book. History
  45. Villas of Lucca : the delights of the countryside / Maria Adriana Giusti ; descriptions by Maria Adriana Giusti, Gilberto Bedini ; photographs by Luca Lupi.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  46. Vincent Valdez : in memory.. print book. Art
  47. Violence against LGBTQ+ persons : research, practice, and advocacy / Emily M. Lund, Claire Burgess, Andy J. Johnson, editors.. ebook. Social Work
  48. Violent appetites : hunger in the early Northeast / Carla Cevasco.. ebook.
  49. Violet & Jobie in the wild / Lynne Rae Perkins.. print book. Education
  50. Violin concerto / Joan Tower ; piano reduction.. music score (printed). Music
  51. Violin concerto in a (badley a1) / Leopold Hofmann ; edited by Allan Badley.. music score (printed). Music
  52. Violin concerto no. 1 in D major / Florence B. Price.. music score (printed). Music
  53. Violin sonata in A major (Op. 12, Nr. 1) : for violin and basso continuo / Nicola Porpora ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
  54. VIRAL / Aldo Giannotti.. print book. Art
  55. Viral justice : how we grow the world we want / Ruha Benjamin.. ebook. Sociology
  56. Viral justice : how we grow the world we want / Ruha Benjamin.. print book. Sociology
  57. The viral underclass : the human toll when inequality and disease collide / Steven W. Thrasher ; [foreword by Jonathan M. Metzl].. print book. Sociology
  59. Virtual and augmented reality for architecture and design / editors, Elisângela Vilar, Faculty of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal; Ernesto Filgueiras, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal; Francisco Rebelo, Faculty of A. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  60. Virtual storytimes : a practical guide for librarians / Rebecca Ogle.. ebook. Library & Information Science
  61. Virus : the day of resurrection / Sakyō Komatsu ; translated by Daniel Huddleston.. print book. Asian Studies
  62. Visible silence = Sīangphūt nai čhai / Marea Media and Art Ensemble Pictures present ; director, producer, cinematographer, Ruth Gumnit ; producer, Marguerite Salmon, Siribenja Khowadhana ; written by Philly Archa, Elizabeth Finlayson, Ruth Gumnit, Mar. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
  63. Vision of a garden / music by Richard Blackford ; libretto by Peter Johnstone.. music score (printed). Music
  64. Visions of terror and wonder : for mezzo-soprano and orchestra / Richard Wernick.. music score (printed). Music
  65. Visual Data Insights Using SAS ODS Graphics : a Guide to Communication-Effective Data Visualization / LeRoy Bessler.. ebook. Statistics
  66. A visual dictionary of decorative and domestic arts / Nancy Odegaard and Gerry Wagner Crouse.. print book. Art
  67. Visual philosophy : thoughts on I and we / Ruida Si ; foreword, Kenya Hara.. print book. Art
  68. Visual thinking : the hidden gifts of people who think in pictures, patterns, and abstractions / Temple Grandin ; with Betsy Lerner.. print book. Education
  69. Vital strife : sleep, insomnia, and the early modern ethics of care / Benjamin Parris.. print book. English
  70. Vitamin C+ : collage in contemporary art / introduction by Yuval Etgar.. print book. Art
  71. Viva Laldjerie.. streaming video.
  72. Viva Laldjerie.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  73. Vivre pauvre : quelques enseignements tirés de l'Europe des Lumières / Laurence Fontaine.. print book. History
  74. Vocal art of Armenian composers, vol. IV : dispersal / compiled by Hasmig Injejikian.. music score (printed). Music
  75. Voice for the hollers : a journey into solitude and solidarity in Appalachia / Jeanne McNulty.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  76. Voice-over : Zineb Sedira / guest curated [and edited] by Dr. Natasha Boas.. print book. Art
  77. Voices from the hills : selected readings of southern Appalachia / edited by Robert J. Higgs and Ambrose N. Manning ; afterword by Jim Wayne Miller.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  78. Voices of the Korean comfort women : history rewritten from memories / edited and translated by Chungmoo Choi and Hyunah Yang.. print book. History
  79. Voices of the people / Joseph Bruchac ; [editor/curator, Wiley Blevins].. print book. Education
  80. Voices on war and genocide : three accounts of the World Wars in a Galician town / edited and with an introduction by Omer Bartov.. print book. History
  81. Voices worth the listening : three women of Appalachia / Thomas Burton.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  82. Volcker : the triumph of persistence / William L. Silber.. print book. History
  83. The vortex : a true story of history's deadliest storm, an unspeakable war, and liberation / Scott Carney and Jason Miklian.. print book. History
  84. Voyage of the Sparrowhawk / Natasha Farrant.. print book. Education
  85. Vtori kont︠s︡ert za piano i orkestŭr = Deuxieme concerto pour piano et orchestre, [op. 22] / Pancho Vladigerov = Pantcho Vladiguerov ; prerabomka za dve piana om admora = reduction pour deux pianos par l'auteur.. music score (printed). Music
  86. Vtori kontsert za piano i orkestur = Deuxieme concerto pour piano et orchestre, [op. 22] / Pancho Vladigerov ; prerabotka za dve piana ot avtora. print book. Music
  87. Vulytsya shchastya = Happiness Street / by Elisavet & Charikleia Arkolaki ; translated into Ukrainian by Tanya Pavlenko.. print book. Education

  1. Waiting for mama / Gianna Marino.. print book. Education
  2. Waiting place : when home is lost and a new on is not yet found / Dina Nayeri ; photographs by Anna Bosch Miralpeix.. print book. Education
  3. Wakon'da-Ho Mineral Springs promotional brochure. print book.
  4. Walk the barrio : the streets of twenty-first-century transnational Latinx literature / Cristina Rodriguez.. print book. English
  5. Walk the walk how three police departments defied the odds and changed police culture Neil Gross. print book. Sociology
  6. Wallet activism : how to use every dollar you spend, earn, and save as a force for change / Tanja Hester.. ebook. Business
  7. Wallpaper / by Thao Lam.. print book. Education
  8. The Walls manual of emergency airway management / Calvin A. Brown [and four others].. ebook. Medicine
  9. Walter Benjamin and the critique of political economy : a new historical materialism / Duy Lap Nguyen.. print book. Philosophy
  10. Walter Benjamin at the Spanish border, circa 1940 : for cello and piano / Frank Abbinanti.. music score (printed). Music
  11. Walter Pater's European imagination / Lene Østermark-Johansen.. print book. English
  12. Walter Sickert / edited by Emma Chambers.. print book. Art
  13. Waltharius / edition, translation, and introduction by Abram Ring (Battle Ground Academy).. print book. Philosophy
  14. WANGECHI MUTU: INTERTWINED. print book. Art
  15. War : a genealogy of western ideas and practices / Beatrice Heuser.. print book. Philosophy
  16. War and literary studies / edited by Anders Engberg-Pedersen, University of Southern Denmark ; Neil Ramsey, University of New South Wales, Sydney.. print book. English
  17. A war born family : African American adoption in the wake of the Korean War / Kori Graves.. ebook.
  18. War & homecoming : veteran identity and the post-9/11 generation / Travis L. Martin.. print book.
  19. The war in court : inside the long fight against torture / Lisa Hajjar.. print book. Law
  20. The war on neighborhoods : policing, prison, and punishment in a divided city / Ryan Lugalia-Hollon and Daniel Cooper.. ebook. Sociology
  21. War photographer : photojournalist James Nachtwey / Christian Frei Filmproductions.. streaming video.
  22. War photographer : photojournalist James Nachtwey / Christian Frei Filmproductions.. streaming video. Journalism & Media
  23. The war room / Pennebaker Associates Inc. and McEttinger Films present ; a film by by Chris Hegedus, D.A. Pennebaker ; producers, R.J. Cutler, Wendy Ettinger, Frazer Pennebaker.. streaming video. English
  24. The war room / Pennebaker Associates Inc. and McEttinger Films present ; a film by by Chris Hegedus, D.A. Pennebaker ; producers, R.J. Cutler, Wendy Ettinger, Frazer Pennebaker.. streaming video.
  25. Warhol-isms / Andy Warhol ; edited by Larry Warsh.. print book. Art
  26. Warhol : the textiles / Geoffrey Rayner and Richard Chamberlain ; [foreword by Zandra Rhodes].. print book. Art
  27. Warring genealogies : race, kinship, and the Korean War / Joo Ok Kim.. print book. History
  29. Washington's Iron Butterfly : Bess Clements Abell, an oral history / Donald A. Ritchie and Terry L. Birdwhistell ; foreword by Richard Norton Smith.. print book.
  30. Wasn't that a mighty day : African American blues and gospel songs on disaster / Luigi Monge.. ebook.
  31. Waste land : an art collaboration in the world's largest garbage dump / Almega Projects presents an Almega Projects and O2 Filmes production ; directed by Lucy Walker ; co-directed by João Jardim, Karen Harley ; produced by Angus Aynsley ; produced by Ha. streaming video. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  32. Waste land : an art collaboration in the world's largest garbage dump / Almega Projects presents an Almega Projects and O2 Filmes production ; directed by Lucy Walker ; co-directed by João Jardim, Karen Harley ; produced by Angus Aynsley ; produced by Ha. streaming video.
  33. The Water Lady : how Darlene Arviso helps a thirsty Navajo Nation / by Alice B. McGinty ; illustrations by Shonto Begay.. print book. Education
  34. Waterloo sunrise : London from the sixties to Thatcher / John Davis.. ebook. History
  35. The watermelon woman / a film by Cheryl Dunye.. streaming video.
  36. The way I used to be / Amber Smith.. print book. Education
  37. The way we eat : what food means / the Learning Seed.. streaming video. English
  38. The way we eat : what food means / the Learning Seed.. streaming video.
  39. The wayfinding handbook [electronic resource] : information design for public places / David Gibson ; foreword by Christopher Pullman.. ebook.
  40. Wayne Thiebaud / curator, Ulf Küster. print book. Art
  41. Wayward Lives.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
  42. W.B. Yeats and the language of sculpture / Jack Quin.. print book. English
  43. We all play = Kimêtawânaw / Julie Flett.. print book. Education
  44. We are a garden : a story of how diversity took root in America / by Lisa Westberg Peters ; illustrated by Victoria Tentler-Krylov.. print book. Education
  45. We are all monsters : how deviant organisms came to define us / Andrew Mangham.. print book. English
  46. We are made of stories : self-taught artists in the Robson family collection / Leslie Umberger ; introduction by Douglas O. Robson.. print book. Art
  47. We are never never other : Aram Han Sifuentes / editor and curator, Kendra Paitz.. print book. Art
  48. We are the shapes / Kevin Jenner.. print book. Education
  49. We carry their bones : the search for justice at the Dozier School for Boys / Erin Kimmerle.. print book. Education
  50. We deserve monuments / Jas Hammonds.. print book. Education
  51. We don't know ourselves : a personal history of modern Ireland / Fintan O'Toole.. print book. History
  52. We need to talk about inflation : 14 urgent lessons from the last 2,000 years / Stephen D. King.. ebook. Business
  53. We need to talk about inflation : 14 urgent lessons from the last 2,000 years / Stephen D. King.. print book. Business
  54. We're not ok : Black faculty experiences and higher education strategies / Edited by Antija M. Allen, Pellisippi State Community College, Justin T. Stewart, Allen Ivy Prep Consulting.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  55. We shall overcome : for soprano solo, SATB chorus, tambourine and bongo / Margaret Bonds ; John Michael Cooper, editor.. music score (printed). Music
  56. We the gamers : how games teach ethics and civics / Karen Schrier.. print book. Education
  57. We want to go to school! : the fight for disability rights / by Maryann Cocca-Leffler & Janine Leffler.. print book. Education
  58. Weathering : the extraordinary stress of ordinary life in an unjust society / Arline T. Geronimus.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
  59. Weathers Smith estate sale inventory. print book.
  60. W.E.B Du Bois's data portraits : visualizing Black America / Whitney Battle-Baptiste and Britt Rusert, editors.. ebook.
  61. Wednesday Wilson gets down to business / written by Bree Galbraith ; illustrated by Morgan Goble.. print book. Education
  62. Wendy / Walter Scott.. print book. Arts Administration
  63. Were you there? : for medium voice and piano / Gwyneth Walker.. music score (printed). Music
  64. West African challenge to empire : culture and history in the Volta-Bani anticolonial war / by Mahir Şaul and Patrick Royer.. print book. History
  65. What are preschoolers thinking? : insights from early learners' misunderstandings / Judith A. Schickedanz, Molly F. Collins, Catherine Marchant.. print book. Education
  66. What climate justice means and why we should care / Elizabeth Cripps.. print book. Education
  67. What goes without saying : navigating political discussion in America / Taylor N. Carlson, Washington University in St. Louis and Jaime E. Settle, College of William and Mary.. print book. Political Science
  68. What happened to civility : the promise and failure of Montaigne's modern project / Ann Hartle.. print book. Philosophy
  69. What happened to the vital center? : presidentialism, populist revolt, and the fracturing of America / Nicholas F. Jacobs and Sidney M. Milkis.. print book. History
  70. What I am / Divya Srinivasan.. print book. Education
  71. What if? : twenty-two scenarios in search of images / Vilém Flusser ; translated by Anke Finger and Kenneth Kronenberg ; introduction by Anke Finger ; afterword by Kenneth Goldsmith.. print book. Philosophy
  72. What is a museum? : perspectives from national and international museum leaders / edited by Kate Quinn and Alejandra Peña Gutiérrez ; for the United States National Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM-US).. print book. Art
  73. What is African art? : a short history / Peter Probst.. print book. Art
  74. What is dark matter? / Peter Fisher.. ebook. Physics
  75. What is now known was once only imagined : an (auto)biography of Niki de Saint Phalle / by Nicole Rudick.. print book. Art
  76. What kind of a thing is a Middle English lyric? / edited by Cristina Maria Cervone and Nicholas Watson.. print book. English
  77. What pornography knows : sex and social protest since the eighteenth century / Kathleen Lubey.. print book. English
  78. What Rosalind likes : pastoral, gender, and the founding of English verse / Paul J. Hecht.. print book. English
  79. What's prison for? : punishment and rehabilitation in the age of mass incarceration / Bill Keller.. ebook. Public Policy & Administration
  80. What's the use of philosophy? / Philip Kitcher.. print book. Philosophy
  81. What's your zip code story? : understanding and overcoming class bias in the workplace / CJ Gross ; foreword by Howard J. Ross.. ebook. Business
  82. What shall we have to eat? / Ladies Aid Society of the Central Christian Church, Lexington, Kentucky.. print book. Special Collections
  83. What the thunder said : how the Waste Land made poetry modern / Jed Rasula.. print book. English
  84. What things cost : an anthology for the people / edited by Rebecca Gayle Howell & Ashley M. Jones ; Emily Jalloul, associate editor.. print book.
  85. What this awl means : feminist archaeology at a Wahpeton Dakota village / Janet D. Spector ; with essential contributions by Chris C. Cavender [and others].. ebook. Anthropology
  86. What this awl means : feminist archaeology at a Wahpeton Dakota village / Janet D. Spector ; with essential contributions by Chris C. Cavender [and others].. print book. Anthropology
  87. What we owe the future / William MacAskill.. print book. Education
  88. What we value : public health, social justice, and educating for democracy / Lynn Pasquerella.. print book. Education
  89. What world is this? : a pandemic phenomenology / Judith Butler.. print book. Philosophy
  90. Wheeling's Polonia : reconstructing Polish community in a West Virginia steel town / William Hal Gorby.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  91. When banana ruled / Quark & ARTE France present ; a film by Mathilde Damoisel ; un film écrit et réalisé par Mathilde Damoisel ; produit par Juliette Guigon & Patrick Winocour.. streaming video. Hispanic Studies
  92. When Cloud became a cloud / Rob Hodgson.. print book. Education
  93. When good government meant big government : the quest to expand federal power, 1913-1933 / Jesse Tarbert.. print book. History
  94. When I breathe deeply = Cuando respiro profundo / by/por Jill Guerra ; translated by/traducción de Morelia Rivas.. print book. Education
  95. When I grow up : the lost autobiographies of six Yiddish teenagers / Ken Krimstein.. print book. Education
  96. When innocence is not enough : hidden evidence and the failed promise of the Brady rule / Thomas L. Dybdahl.. print book. Law
  97. When McKinsey Comes to Town: The Hidden Influence of the World's Most Powerful Consulting Firm.. ebook. Business
  98. When McKinsey comes to town : the hidden influence of the world's most powerful consulting firm / Walt Bogdanich and Michael Forsythe.. print book. Business
  99. When Molly ate the stars / Joyce Hesselberth.. print book. Education
  100. When mortals play God : eugenics and one family's story of tragedy, loss, and perseverance / John Erickson.. print book. History
  101. When Spinoza met Marx : experiments in nonhumanist activity / Tracie Matysik.. print book. Philosophy
  102. When the angels left the old country / by Sacha Lamb.. print book. Education
  103. When the bough breaks / a Point of View Pictures production.. streaming video.
  104. When the bough breaks / a Point of View Pictures production.. streaming video.
  105. When the sky falls / Phil Earle.. print book. Education
  106. WHEN THEY TELL YOU TO BE GOOD: A MEMOIR.. print book. Education
  107. When we rise : my life in the movement / Cleve Jones.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
  109. When we were sisters : a novel / Fatimah Asghar.. print book. Education
  110. When women lead : what they achieve, why they succeed, and how we can learn from them / Julia Boorstin.. print book. Business
  111. When women lead : what they achieve, why they succeed, and how we can learn from them / Julia Boorstin.. ebook. Business
  112. When you wish upon a star : a twisted tale : What if the Blue Fairy wasn't supposed to help Pinocchio? / Elizabeth Lim.. print book. Education
  113. Where is Bina Bear? / Mike Curato.. print book. Education
  114. Where the children take us : how one family achieved the unimaginable / Zain E. Asher.. print book. Education
  115. Where wonder grows / by Xelena González ; illustrated by Adriana M. Garcia.. print book. Education
  116. Wherever I go / Mary Wagley Copp ; illustrated by Munir D. Mohammed.. print book. Education
  117. Which fork do I use with my bourbon? : setting the table for tastings, food pairings, dinners, and cocktail parties / Peggy Noe Stevens & Susan Reigler ; foreword by Fred Minnick.. print book.
  118. Which side are you on : a novel / Ryan Lee Wong.. print book. Education
  119. White devils, black gods : race, masculinity, and religious codependency / Christopher M. Driscoll.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  121. A white house of stone : building America's first ideal in architecture / William Seale.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  122. White like me : race, racism & white privilege in America / Media Education Foundation Production.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
  123. White trash : the 400-year untold history of class in America / Nancy Isenberg.. print book. History
  124. The white wall : how big finance bankrupts Black America / Emily Flitter.. print book. Business
  125. The white wall : how big finance bankrupts black America / Emily Flitter.. ebook. Business
  126. The white wall : how big finance bankrupts black America / Emily Flitter. print book. Business
  127. White water : (string quartet no. 5) / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
  128. White women : everything you already know about your own racism and how to do better / Regina Jackson and Saira Rao.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
  129. Whiteness / Martin Lund.. ebook. Psychology
  130. Whiteness and antiracism : beyond white privilege pedagogy / Kevin Lally ; foreword by Samuel Jaye Tanner.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
  131. Whiteout : how racial capitalism changed the color of opioids in America / Helena Hansen, Jules Netherland, and David Herzberg.. print book. History
  132. Whitfield Lovell : passages / edited by Michèle Wije ; essays by Cheryl Finley, Bridget R. Cooks.. print book. Art
  133. Who am I to stop it : a story of three artists with brain injury / Eleusis Films & StoryMinders presents.. streaming video.
  134. Who cares : the social safety net in America / Christopher Howard.. ebook. Social Work
  135. Who lives in the wood ? = Khto zhyve v lisi?. print book. Education
  136. Who moved my neighborhood? : leading congregations through gentrification and economic change / Mark E. Strong ; foreword by Harold Calvin Ray.. ebook. Geography
  137. Who's Black and why? : a hidden chapter from the eighteenth-century invention of race / edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and Andrew S. Curran.. print book. History
  138. Who's raising the kids? : big tech, big business, and the lives of children / Susan Linn.. print book. Education
  139. The whole mystery of Christ : creation as Incarnation in Maximus Confessor / Jordan Daniel Wood; foreword by John Behr.. print book. Philosophy
  140. Whose America? : culture wars in the public schools / Jonathan Zimmerman.. print book. Education
  141. Whose streets? / Presented by Magnolia Pictures ; Directed by Sabaah Folayan, Damon Davis ; Written by Sabaah Folayan.. streaming video. Library & Information Science
  142. Why American prisons fail : how to fix them without spending more money (maybe less) / Peyton Paxson, George H. Watson.. print book. Sociology
  143. Why art criticism? : a reader / Beate Söntgen and Julia Voss, eds.. print book. Art
  144. Why design matters : conversations with the world's most creative people / Debbie Millman ; foreword by Roxane Gay ; introduction by Tim Ferriss.. print book. Education
  145. Why governments get it wrong : and how they can get it right / Dennis C. Grube.. print book. History
  146. Why humans build up : the rise of towers, temples and skyscrapers / Gregor Craigie ; illustrated by Kathleen Fu.. print book. Education
  147. Why I make art : contemporary artists' stories about life & work / editor, Ananda Pellerin ; foreword by Hrishikesh Hirway.. print book. Art
  148. Why me? : the sociocultural evolution of a self-reflective mind / Radu J. Bogdan, Tulane University, New Orleans.. print book. Philosophy
  149. Why men win at work : and how we can make inequality history / Gill Whitty-Collins ; foreword by Andy Burnham.. ebook. Business
  150. Why modern manuscripts matter / Kathryn Sutherland.. print book. English
  151. Why the innocent plead guilty and the guilty go free : and other paradoxes of our broken legal system / Jed S. Rakoff.. print book. Law
  152. Why those who shovel are silent : a history of local archaeological knowledge and labor / Allison Mickel.. ebook. Anthropology
  153. Why we can't have nice things : social media's influence on fashion, ethics, and property / Minh-Ha T. Pham.. print book. Art
  154. Why we kill : understanding violence across cultures and disciplines / edited by Nancy Loucks, Sally Smith Holt, and Joanna Adler.. ebook. Sociology
  155. Why White liberals fail : race and Southern politics from FDR to Trump / Anthony J. Badger.. print book. History
  156. The Wife of Bath : a biography / Marion Turner.. print book. English
  157. The wife of Willesden : incorporating: The wife of Willesden's tale, which tale is preceded by The general lock-in and The wife of Willesden's prologue and followed by A retraction, told in verse couplets ; translated from the Chaucerian into North Weezia. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  158. Wild seed / Octavia E. Butler.. print book. Education
  159. Wild Style.. streaming video. History
  160. Wild summer : string quartet / Joan Tower. music score (printed). Music
  161. Wild things are happening : the art of Maurice Sendak / edited by Jonathan Weinberg ; with an analysis by Thomas Crow.. print book. Art
  162. Wildflowers : a Toon book / by Liniers.. print book. Education
  163. Wildoak / C.C. Harrington ; drawings by Diana Sudyka.. print book. Education
  164. William Faulkner and the materials of writing / Jonathan Berliner.. print book. English
  165. William Griffin manumission. print book. Special Collections
  166. William Harnett's curious objects : still-life painting after the American Civil War / Nika Elder.. print book. Art
  167. William James, Essays in radical empiricism : a critical edition / edited and introduced by H.G. Callaway.. print book. Philosophy
  168. William James's pluralism : an antidote for contemporary extremism and absolutism / Wayne Viney.. print book. Philosophy
  169. William Kentridge / Stephen Clingman.. print book. Art
  170. William Kentridge : in praise of shadows / organized by Ed Schad ; with essays by Ed Schad, Zakes Mda, Ann McCoy ; William Kentridge in conversation with Walter Murch ; lecture by William Kentridge.. print book. Art
  171. William Wegman : writing by artist / William Wegman ; edited by Andrew Lampert.. print book. Art
  172. Willodeen / By Katherine Applegate ; illustrations by Charles Santoso.. print book. Education
  173. Wills and trusts in a nutshell / Sherri L. Burr, Dickason Chair and Regents Professor of Law Emirita, University of New Mexico.. print book. Law
  174. Wind conversations : for flute, oboe, clarinet in b-flat, horn in f and bassoon (2020) / Samuel Adler.. music score (printed). Music
  176. The Windeby puzzle : history and story / Lois Lowry.. print book. Education
  177. Windows : for orchestra / Jacob Druckman.. music score (printed). Music
  178. Wine wars II : the global battle for the soul of wine / Mike Veseth.. ebook. Business
  179. Wings : for solo alto saxophone / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
  180. The winners : a novel / Fredrik Backman ; translated by Neil Smith.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  181. Winter's bone / Roadside Attractions, Anonymous Content and Winter's Bone Productions ; director, Debra Granik ; adapted for the screen by Debra Granik & Anne Rosellini ; producers, Anne Rosellini, Alix Madigan-Yorkin.. streaming video. Philosophy
  182. Wishes / by Mu̕ọ̕n Thị Văn ; illustrations by Victo Ngai.. print book. Education
  183. The Witch / a film by Robert Eggers.. streaming video. English
  184. Witch Hazel / written and illustrated by Molly Idle.. print book. Education
  185. Witchcraft and paganism in midcentury women's detective fiction / Jem Bloomfield.. print book. English
  186. With lots of love / written by Jenny Torres Sanchez ; illustrated by André Ceolin.. print book. Education
  187. With observation and imagination : still lifes, genre scenes, portraits, and landscapes from the Saunders Collection / Arthur K. Wheelock Jr. ; contributions by Sylvain Cordier, Robert Evren, Molly R. Harrington and Colleen Yarger.. print book. Art
  188. Within our gates / written, directed, and produced by Oscar Micheaux.. streaming video. English
  189. Within our gates / written, directed, and produced by Oscar Micheaux.. streaming video.
  190. Within the fourth wall = Entre la cuarta pared : for string quartet (2020) / James Diaz.. music score (printed). Music
  191. Witness to the age of revolution : the odyssey of Juan Bautista Tupac Amaru / Charles F. Walker, Liz Clarke.. print book. History
  192. Wittgenstein on rules : justification, grammar, and agreement / James R. Shaw.. print book. Philosophy
  193. Wittgenstein on sense and grammar / Silver Bronzo.. print book. Philosophy


  1. The Xicano genome / Steven Alvarez.. print book.
  2. XXY.. streaming video.


  1. Yanomami : a forest people / William Milliken and Bruce Albert with Gale Goodwin Gomez ; illustrations by Jane Rutherford.. print book. Anthropology
  2. Yanomami in the Amazon : toward a more ethical anthropology beyond othering / Leslie E. Sponsel.. print book. Anthropology
  3. Yayoi Kusama : 1945-now / edited by Doryun Chong and Mika Yoshitake.. print book. Art
  4. A year in the field / a film by George Gmelch & Dennis Lanson ; produced by George Gmelch ; directed and edited by Dennis Lanson.. streaming video.
  5. A year without months / Charles Dodd White.. print book. Appalachian Studies
  6. Yellen : the trailblazing economist who navigated an era of upheaval / Jon Hilsenrath.. print book. Business
  7. Yellow fever, race, and ecology in nineteenth-century New Orleans / Urmi Engineer Willoughby.. print book. History
  8. Yes to the city : millennials and the fight for affordable housing / Max Holleran.. print book. Geography
  9. Yes to the city : millennials and the fight for affordable housing / Max Holleran.. ebook. Public Policy & Administration
  10. Yiddish empire : the Vilna Troupe, Jewish theater, and the art of itinerancy / Debra Caplan.. print book. Theatre & Dance
  11. "Yo nací libre" : tras los pasos de Marcela en el Quijote / Ivette Martí Caloca.. print book. Hispanic Studies
  12. You are here : connecting flights / edited by Ellen Oh.. print book. Education
  13. You made a fool of death with your beauty : a novel / Akwaeke Emezi.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
  14. You might go to prison, even though you're innocent / Justin Brooks.. print book. Education
  15. You've been played : how corporations, governments, and schools use games to control us all / Adrian Hon.. print book. Business
  16. Young Foucault : the Lille manuscripts on psychopathology, phenomenology, and anthropology, 1952-1955 / Elisabetta Basso ; translated by Marie Satya McDonough ; foreword by Bernard E. Harcourt.. print book. Philosophy
  17. Young, gifted and diverse : origins of the new Black elite / Camille Z. Charles, Rory Kramer, Douglas S. Massey, Kimberly C. Torres.. print book. Education
  18. Young Lakota / produced and directed by Marion Lipschutz & Rose Rosenblatt.. streaming video.
  19. Young Lakota / produced and directed by Marion Lipschutz and Rose Rosenblatt.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
  20. Young Lakota / produced and directed by Marion Lipschutz & Rose Rosenblatt.. streaming video. Anthropology
  21. Young Projects : figure, cast, frame / Bryan Young, Nader Tehrani.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
  22. Your computer is on fire / edited by Thomas S. Mullaney, Benjamin Peters, Mar Hicks, and Kavita Philip.. ebook. Mathematics
  23. Your data, their billions : unraveling and simplifying big tech / Jane S. Hoffman.. print book. Business
  24. Yours for humanity : new essays on Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins / edited by JoAnn Pavletich.. print book. English
  25. Yours in sisterhood : Ms. magazine and the promise of popular feminism / Amy Erdman Farrell. [electronic resource]. ebook. English
  26. Youth without family to lean on : global challenges and local interventions / edited by Shula Mozes and Moshe Israelashvili.. ebook.
  27. Yum yum dim sum / [text and illustrations ... by Amy Wilson Sanger].. print book. Education
  28. YWY, searching for a character between future worlds : gender, ecology, science fiction / edited by Pedro Neves Marques.. print book. Art


  1. Zach Blas : unknown ideals / edited by Edit Molnár and Marcel Schwierin ; contributions by Zach Blas [and nine others].. print book. Art
  2. Zama / Rei Cine ; Bananeira Filmes ; en coproducción con El Deseo, Patagonik, MPM Film, Canana, Lemming Film, Telecine Productions, KNM, O Som e a Fúria, Louverture Films, Schortcut Films, Bertha Foundation, Perdomo Productions, Punta colorada de cinema. streaming video. English
  3. Zama / Rei Cine ; Bananeira Filmes ; en coproducción con El Deseo, Patagonik, MPM Film, Canana, Lemming Film, Telecine Productions, KNM, O Som e a Fúria, Louverture Films, Schortcut Films, Bertha Foundation, Perdomo Productions, Punta colorada de cinema. streaming video. English
  4. Zama / Rei Cine ; Bananeira Filmes ; en coproducción con El Deseo, Patagonik, MPM Film, Canana, Lemming Film, Telecine Productions, KNM, O Som e a Fúria, Louverture Films, Schortcut Films, Bertha Foundation, Perdomo Productions, Punta colorada de cinema. streaming video.
  5. Zebrafish model for biomedical research / edited by Prasan R. Bhandari, Kala Kumar Bharani, Amit Khurana.. print book. Biology
  6. Zelda Popkin : the life and times of an American Jewish woman writer / Jeremy D. Popkin.. print book. History
  7. Zero zebras : a counting book about what's not there / by Bruce Goldstone ; illustrated by Julien Chung.. print book. Education
  8. Zhu xi : basic writings / translated by Daniel K. Gardner.. print book. Philosophy
  9. Zizou and the Arab Spring / une film de Férid Boughedir ; une coproduction franco-tunisienne Mille et Une Productions Cinares & Marsa Films ; un coproduction avec France 3 Cinéma, Abbout Productions ; avec la participation de Canal+, France Télévision. streaming video.
  10. Zizou and the Arab Spring / une film de Férid Boughedir ; une coproduction franco-tunisienne Mille et Une Productions Cinares & Marsa Films ; un coproduction avec France 3 Cinéma, Abbout Productions ; avec la participation de Canal+, France Télévision. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
  11. Zora Neale Hurston : jump at the sun / California Newsreel presents.. streaming video.
  12. Zoroastre : symphonies - versions de 1749 et 1756 / Jean-Philippe Rameau ; edited by Graham Sadler.. music score (printed). Music
  13. Zukunft Museum / herausgegeben von Leonhard Emmerling und Latika Gupta, Luiza Proença und Memory Biwa.. print book. History
  14. Zweites trio, op. 58 : für pianoforte, violine und violoncell / Hugo Kaun.. music score (printed). Music
  15. Zwölf Etüden, Opus 8 = Twelve etudes, op. 8 / Alexander Skrjabin ; herausgegeben von Valentina Rubcova = edited by Valentina Rubcova ; Fingersatz von Boris Giltburg = fingering by Boris Giltburg.. music score (printed). Music