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All new titles fy2023 master list
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- 1. Sonata in Mi minore : per violino e pianoforte / Giacomo Orefice.. music score (printed). Music
- 2D nanomaterials for CO2 conversion into chemicals and fuels / edited by Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni, Karthik Kannan, Aboubakr M. Abdullah, Bijandra Kumar.. ebook. Chemistry
- 4 by Agnès Varda [videorecording] / produced by Cini-Tamaris, Parc Film, Channel Four Films, Ministère de la Culture de la Republique Française; distributed by Criterion collection; directed by Agnès Varda.. video DVD. French & Francophone Studies
- 4 DIABLITOS. print book. Hispanic Studies
- 4 sketches : for brass quintet = pour quintette de cuivres = für Blechbläserquintett / Anthony Plog.. music score (printed). Music
- 5-Minute Clinical Consult 2023 / edited by Frank J. Domino [and four others].. ebook. Medicine
- 6 movements : for piano / Frederic Rzewski.. music score (printed). Music
- 6 trio concertans, op. 26 : for flute, violin and viola / Giuseppe Maria Cambini ; edited by Flavio Cappello.. music score (printed). Music
- 8 1/2 / Angelo Rizzoli presenta ; di Federico Fellini.. streaming video. Italian Studies
- 8 billion and counting : how sex, death, and migration shape our world / Jennifer D. Sciubba.. print book. Geography
- 12 études pour la main gauche seule = 12 etudes for the left hand for piano = 12 Etüden für die linke Hand : pour piano = for piano = für Klavier, opus 92 / Moritz Moszkowski ; edité par = edited by = herausgegeben von Philipp Marguerre.. music score (printed). Music
- The 12-hour art expert : everything you need to know about art in a dozen masterpieces / Noah Charney.. print book. Art
- 12 Lateinamerikanische Fantasien für Flöte solo = 12 Latin American fantasies for flute solo / Efrain Oscher.. music score (printed). Music
- 17 dream songs : for SAB choir / Heikki Sarmanto ; arranged by Risto Suurla.. music score (printed). Music
- 18 studies, opus 41, for flute solo / Andersen ; [edited by] Wummer.. music score (printed). Music
- 21st century monetary policy : the Federal Reserve from the great inflation to COVID-19 / Ben S. Bernanke.. print book. History
- 24 caprices-études : für Flöte solo op. 26 = 24 caprices-etudes : for flute solo / Theobald Boehm ; herausgegeben von Rien de Reede.. music score (printed). Music
- 25 essential skills & strategies for the professional behavior analysts [electronic resource] : expert tips for maximizing consulting effectiveness / by Jon S. Bailey & Mary R. Burch.. ebook. Psychology
- 25 million sparks : the untold story of refugee entrepreneurs / Andrew Leon Hanna ; art by Malak ; poetry by Asma.. print book. Business
- 25 Piazzolla tangos : for violin and piano / Astor Piazzolla.. music score (printed). Music
- 35 mélodies : for high voice and piano / Camille Saint-Saëns.. music score (printed). Music
- 37 words : Title IX and fifty years of fighting sex discrimination / Sherry Boschert.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- 43 bel canto studies : for tuba (or bass trombone) / Marco Bordogni ; [edited and compiled by Chester Roberts].. music score (printed). Music
- 60 selected studies for BB flat tuba / C. Kopprasch.. music score (printed). Music
- 70 acres in Chicago : Cabrini Green / Ronit Films presents ; producer/director, Ronit Bezalel ; writer/editor, Catherine Crouch ; executive producer, Judy Hoffman ; producer, Brenda Schumacher.. streaming video. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- 70 acres in Chicago : Cabrini Green / Ronit Films presents ; producer/director, Ronit Bezalel ; writer/editor, Catherine Crouch ; executive producer, Judy Hoffman ; producer, Brenda Schumacher.. streaming video. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- 73 advanced tuba studies / by Jaroslav Cimera.. music score (printed). Music
- The 99% invisible city : a field guide to the hidden world of everyday design / Roman Mars and Kurt Kohlstedt.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- 100 days.. streaming video. English
- 100% democracy : the case for universal voting / E.J. Dionne Jr. and Miles Rapoport ; with analysis by Cornell William Brooks, Allegra Chapman, Joshua Douglas, Amber Herrle, Cecily Hines, Janai Nelson, and Brenda Wright ; [with a foreword by Heather McGhe. print book. Law
- Der 100 psalm, op. 106 : for SATB chorus and orchestra / Max Reger ; edited by Christopher Grafschmidt and Claudia Seidl.. music score (printed). Music
- 100 small paintings Tomas Rajlich / concept Tomas Rajlich ; text Luuk Hoogewerf. print book. Art
- 250 things a landscape architect should know / B. Cannon Ivers (ed.).. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- 636 Yarmouk & al-Qadisiyyah—Islam Triumphs. ebook. Sociology
- 1000 chairs / Charlotte & Peter Fiell ; edited by Simone Philippi, Meike Nießen ; German translation, Klaus Binder, Jeremy Gaines ; French translation, Jacques Bosser.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- 1000 design classics / project editor, Josh Lee.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- 1368 : China and the making of the modern world / Ali Humayun Akhtar.. print book. History
- The 1960s cultural revolution : facts and fictions / Joel P. Rhodes.. ebook. History
- The 1960s in sports : a decade of change / Miles Coverdale Jr.. print book. History
- 2011 ≠ 1848 / Stan Douglas ; essays by Ma'an Abu Taleb, Erika Balsom, Samir Gandesha, George E. Lewis ; edited by Reid Shier = essais de Ma'an Abu Taleb, Erika Balsom, Samir Gandesha, George E. Lewis ; sous la direction de Reid Shier.. print book. Art
- 3000 years of analysis : mathematics in history and culture / Thomas Sonar ; translated by Patricia Morton and Keith William Morton.. ebook. Mathematics
A - Am
- A-B-A-B-A : a book of pattern play / by Brian P. Cleary ; illustrated by Brian Gable.. print book. Education
- À bout de souffle = Breathless / Janus Films ; Pretty Pictures ; directed by Jean-Luc Godard ; screenplay, Jean-Luc Godard ; produced by Georges de Beauregard.. streaming video. Philosophy
- À bout de souffle = Breathless / Janus Films ; Pretty Pictures ; directed by Jean-Luc Godard ; screenplay, Jean-Luc Godard ; produced by Georges de Beauregard.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- A is for Affrilachia / written by Frank X Walker ; illustrated by upfromsumdirt.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- A tres voces : for string trio / Tania León.. music score (printed). Music
- The ABC of modern biography / Nigel Hamilton and Hans Renders.. print book. History
- Abolition geography : essays towards liberation / Ruth Wilson Gilmore ; edited by Brenna Bhandar and Alberto Toscano.. print book. Geography
- The abominable crime / a film by Micah Fink.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
- ABOVE GROUND.. print book. Education
- The absolute realist : collected writings of Albert Renger-Patzsch, 1923-1967 / edited and translated by Daniel H. Magilow.. print book. Art
- Abstractions and embodiments : new histories of computing and society / edited by Janet Abbate and Stephanie Dick. print book. Mathematics
- Abusive policies : how the American child welfare system lost its way / Mical Raz.. ebook. Social Work
- The academic avant-garde : poetry and the American university / Kimberly Quiogue Andrews.. print book. English
- Academic librarian burnout : causes and responses / edited by Christina Holm, Ana Guimaraes, and Nashieli Marcano.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Academic librarian faculty status / compiled and written by Edgar Bailey and Melissa Becher.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Academic outsider : stories of exclusion and hope / Victoria Reyes.. print book. Education
- Academic publishing : processes and practices for aspiring researchers / David Coniam, Peter Falvey.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Accidental conflict : America, China, and the clash of false narratives / Stephen Roach. ebook. Political Science
- Ach, wer bringt die schönen Tage : for flute, voice, and piano or harp : 1932 / Otto Luening.. music score (printed). Music
- Achieving durable disease resistance in cereals / edited by Richard Oliver.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Achieving sustainable turfgrass management / edited by Michael Fidanza.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Acht Gedichte : Opus 10 : für Singstimme und Klavier = Eight poems : op. 10 : for voice and piano / Richard Strauss ; herausgegeben von Annette Oppermann = edited by Annette Oppermann.. music score (printed). Music
- Jackie Karuti / texts by Wanja Kimani, Bojana Cvejić, Rosie Olang ́, James Muriuki.. print book. Art
- Acquired tastes : stories about the origins of modern food / edited by Benjamin R. Cohen, Michael S. Kideckel, and Anna Zeide.. ebook. Anthropology
- ACT in Steps : a Transdiagnostic Manual for Learning Acceptance and Commitment Therapy / Michael P. Twohig.. ebook. Psychology
- Acting for the camera : back to one / Peter Allen Stone.. ebook. Theatre & Dance
- Acting for the camera : back to one / Peter Allen Stone.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Acting on cultural policy : arts practitioners, policy-making and civil society / Jane Woddis.. print book. Art
- Action! : how movies began / by Meghan McCarthy.. print book. Education
- Actions speak louder : a step-by-step guide to becoming an inclusive workplace / Deanna Singh.. ebook. Business
- Adagietto, SC 51 : for orchestra / Giacomo Puccini ; edited by Dieter Schickling.. music score (printed). Music
- Adaline Kent : the click of authenticity / edited by Apsara DiQuinzio ; contributions by Jeff Gunderson, Adaline Kent, Grace McCann Morley, Alexander Nemerov, and Elaine Y. Yau.. print book. Art
- Adam Smith's America : how a Scottish philosopher became an icon of American capitalism / Glory M. Liu.. print book. History
- Adam Smith's America : how a Scottish philosopher became an icon of American capitalism / Glory M. Liu.. ebook. Business
- Adapt as an architect : a mid-career companion / Randy Deutsch.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Adaptation strategies for interior architecture and design / Graeme Brooker.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Adapting performance between stage and screen / Victoria Lowe.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Adapting Spanish classics for the new millennium : the nineteenth-century novel remediated / Linda M. Willem.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
- Adelmann of Liège and the Eucharistic controversy / [texts edited, translated and introduced] by Hans Geybels ; with a musicological study of the Rhythmus alphabeticus by Pieter Mannaerts.. print book. Philosophy
- ADHD medication : does it work and is it safe? / Walt Karniski.. ebook. Social Work
- Adjö : for soprano, flute and guitar : 1982/1985 / Kaija Saariaho.. music score (printed). Music
- Adjust the level of the sea / David Horvitz.. print book. Art
- The administrative state before the Supreme Court : perspectives on the nondelegation doctrine / edited by Peter J. Wallison and John Yoo.. print book. Law
- Adorno, aesthetics, dissonance : on dialectics in modernity / William S. Allen.. print book. Philosophy
- Adorno and Marx : negative dialectics and the critique of political economy / edited by Werner Bonefeld, Chris O'Kane.. print book. Philosophy
- Advanced sampling methods / Raosaheb, Latpate, Jayant, Kshirsagar, Vinod Kumar Gupta, Girish Chandra.. print book. Statistics
- Advanced statistics for testing assumed casual relationships : multiple regression analysis path analysis logistic regression analysis / Hooshang Nayebi.. ebook. Statistics
- Advances in conservation agriculture. Volume 3, Adoption and spread / edited by Amir Kassam.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Advances in experimental political science / edited by James N. Druckman, Donald P. Green.. print book. Political Science
- Advances in integrated weed management / edited by Per Kudsk.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Advances in plant phenotyping for more sustainable crop production / edited by Achim Walter.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Advances in precision livestock farming / edited by Daniel Berckmans ; [contributions by Mark Trotter [and twelve others]].. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Advances in seed science and technology for more sustainable crop production / edited by Julia Buitink and Olivier Leprince.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- An adventure in statistics : the reality enigma / Andy Field ; [illustrated by James Iles].. print book. Statistics
- Adventurer : the life and times of Giacomo Casanova / Leo Damrosch.. print book. History
- Advertising at the Edge of the Apocalypse. ebook. Communication
- Aelbianische musenlust - zehn opitzianische lieder : für eine singstimme und basso continuo / Constantin Christian Dedekind ; edited by Eleni Ioannidou with Reiner Zimmermann.. music score (printed). Music
- Aelita Andre, prodigy of colour / edited by Rosa Maria Falvo.. print book. Art
- Aerial environments on the early modern stage : theatres of the air, 1576-1609 / Chloe Kathleen Preedy.. print book. English
- An aerial view of New York City : showing how easily the weary traveler may reach the Herald Square Hotel wherein he will find the rest, comfort & hospitality to which he is entitled, even in this day and age / drawn by Richard Edes Harrison.. print map. Geography
- The aesthetic cold war : decolonization and global literature / Peter J. Kalliney.. print book. English
- The aesthetic life of infrastructure : race, affect, environment / edited by Kelly Mee Rich, Nicole M Rizzuto, and Susan Zieger.. print book. English
- Aesthetics of care : practice in everyday life / Yuriko Saito.. print book. Philosophy
- Aesthetics of excess : the art and politics of Black and Latina embodiment / Jillian Hernandez.. print book. Art
- The affinity of neoconcretism : interdisciplinary collaborations in Brazilian modernism, 1954-1964 / Mariola V. Alvarez.. print book. Art
- Affirming LGBTQ+ students in higher education / edited by David P. Rivera, Roberto L. Abreu, Kirsten A. Gonzalez.. ebook. Psychology
- The affordable housing reader / edited by Elizabeth J. Mueller and J. Rosie Tighe.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Africa fashion / edited by Christine Checinska ; with contributions from Omoyemi Akerele, Amine Bendriouich, Gus Casely-Hayford, Summy Dolat, Bonnie Greer, Monica L. Miller, Elisabeth Murray, Njoki Ngumi, Hadeel Osman and Roslyn A. Walker.. print book. Art
- Africa is not a country : notes on a bright continent / Dipo Faloyin.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- African American family life [electronic resource] : ecological and cultural diversity / edited by Vonnie C. McLoyd, Nancy E. Hill, Kenneth A. Dodge.. ebook.
- African American literature in transition, 1980-1990 / edited by D. Quentin Miller and Rich Blint.. print book. English
- African American workers and the Appalachian coal industry / Joe William Trotter Jr.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- African Americans, death, and the new birth of freedom : dying free during the Civil War and Reconstruction / Ashley Towle.. print book. History
- The African diaspora : slavery, modernity, and globalization / Toyin Falola.. ebook. History
- African founders : how enslaved people expanded American ideals / David Hackett Fischer.. print book. History
- African interventions : state militaries, foreign powers, and rebel forces / Emizet F. Kisangani, Jeffrey Pickering.. print book. History
- African modernism and its afterlives / edited by Paul Wenzel Geissler, Nina Berre, Johan Lagae.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- African modernism in America / edited by Perrin M. Lathrop.. print book. Art
- African philosophy and enactivist cognition : the space of thought / Bruce Janz.. print book. Philosophy
- African rhythms for percussion : conga, tumba, djembe / Christian Bourdon.. music score (printed). Music
- African textiles / Duncan Clarke, Vanessa Drake Moraga, Sarah Fee ; foreword by MabatNgoup Ly Dumas.. print book. Art
- Afro-Atlantic Catholics : America's first Black Christians / Jeroen Dewulf.. print book. History
- Afro-Sweden : becoming Black in a color-blind country / Ryan Thomas Skinner ; foreword by Jason Timbuktu Diakité.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- After authoritarianism : transitional justice and democratic stability / Monika Nalepa.. ebook. Political Science
- After coal : adaptation & development in Wales and Appalachia / director, Tom Hansell ; producers, Patricia Beaver, Tom Hansell.. streaming video. History
- After dark / Liam Wong ; text by Evie Tarr.. print book. Art
- After Darwin : literature, theory, and criticism in the twenty-first century / edited by Devin Griffiths, Deana Kreisel.. print book. English
- After genocide : memory and reconciliation in Rwanda / Nicole Fox.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- After impressionism : inventing modern art / MaryAnne Stevens ; with contributions by Maria Alambritis [and seven others].. print book. Art
- After Marx : literature, theory and value in the twenty-first century / edited by Colleen Lye, University of California, Berkeley ; Christopher Nealon, Johns Hopkins University.. print book. English
- After midnight : Watchmen after Watchmen / edited by Drew Morton ; foreword by Henry Jenkins ; afterword by Suzanne Scott.. ebook.
- After one hundred winters : in search of reconciliation on America's stolen lands / Margaret D. Jacobs.. ebook. History
- After Steve : how Apple became a trillion-dollar company and lost its soul / Tripp Mickle.. print book. Business
- After the Bauhaus, before the Internet : a history of graphic design pedagogy / edited by Geoff Kaplan.. print book. Art
- After the ivory tower falls : how college broke the American dream and blew up our politics-- and how to fix it / Will Bunch.. print book. History
- After Thomas Kuhn : the structure of aesthetic revolutions / Oana Șerban.. print book. Philosophy
- AFTER UNIVERSAL DESIGN: THE DISABILITY DESIGN REVOLUTION. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- AfterGlow : new Nordic porcelain / edited by Catrine Danielsen, Bettina Køppe and Andreas Rishovd.. print book. Art
- Afterlives / Abdulrazak Gurnah.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Afterlives of data : life and debt under capitalist surveillance / Mary F. E. Ebeling.. ebook. Law
- Afterlives : recovering the lost stories of looted art / Darsie Alexander and Sam Sackeroff ; essays by Julie Voss and Mark Wasiuta.. print book. Art
- The aftermath : the last days of the baby boom and the future of power in America / Philip Bump.. print book. Education
- Against marginalization : convergences in Black and Latinx literatures / Jose O. Fernandez.. print book. English
- Against the commons : a radical history of urban planning / Álvaro Sevilla-Buitrago.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Against the current : paddling upstream on the Tennessee River / Kim Trevathan.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Against the uprooted word : giving language time in transatlantic Romanticism / Tristram Wolff.. print book. English
- Against the world : anti-globalism and mass politics between the world wars / Tara Zahra.. print book. History
- The age of algorithms / Serge Abiteboul, Gilles Dowek.. print book. Mathematics
- The age of the strongman : how the cult of the leader threatens democracy around the world / Gideon Rachman.. print book. History
- Agent Sniper : the Cold War superagent and the ruthless head of the CIA / Tim Tate.. print book. History
- Agents of change / California Newsreel presents ; Films with a Purpose ; a film by Frank Dawson & Abby Ginzberg ; produced and directed by Frank Dawson and Abby Ginzberg.. streaming video.
- Aging moderns : art, literature, and the experiment of later life / Scott Herring.. print book. English
- Agnes Martin : independence of mind / editing: Chelsea Weathers, Megan Mulry.. print book. Art
- Agrotopias : an American literary history of sustainability / Abby L. Goode.. print book. English
- Aguirre, the wrath of God / Werner Herzog Filmproduktion ; written, produced, and directed by Werner Herzog.. streaming video. German
- Aguirre, the wrath of God = Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes / Werner Herzog Filmproduktion ; written, produced, and directed by Werner Herzog.. streaming video. History
- Aguirre, the wrath of God = Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes / Werner Herzog Filmproduktion ; written, produced, and directed by Werner Herzog.. streaming video.
- Ahead of all parting : for mezzo-soprano, bassoon, and harp / music by Jenni Brandon ; poetry by Rainer Maria Rilke and E.E. Cummings, interpreted and curated by Darrel Hale. music score (printed). Music
- Ai Weiwei : in search of humanity / edited by Dieter Buchhart, Elsy Lahner, and Klaus Albrecht Schröder ; with contributions by Dieter Buchhart [and four others].. print book. Art
- Ai Weiwei : the liberty of doubt / edited by Andrew Nairne, Elizabeth Brown ; contributions by John Tancock, James J. Lally, Ai Weiwei ; interviewee, Ai Weiwei, Andrew Nairne.. print book. Art
- Ain't I an anthropologist : Zora Neale Hurston beyond the literary icon / Jennifer L. Freeman Marshall.. print book. English
- Air / Monica Roe.. print book. Education
- Akala bi-alwānu qawsu quzaḥi = Eating the rainbow.. print book. Education
- Akt / Nude / Herausgeber, Stefan Bachmann.. print book. Art
- Al naharot bawel - psalm 137 : für soli, chor und orgel / Jacob Bachmann ; edited by Wolfram Hader.. music score (printed). Music
- Alabaster sculpture in Europe 1300-1650 / edited by Marjan Debaene ; with essays by Jessica Barker [and 13 others].. print book. Art
- Alain Locke and the visual arts / Kobena Mercer.. print book. Art
- Alain Wolff architectes / Herausgeber, Heinz Wirz ; Textbeiträge, Christophe Joud [and three others].. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The alarmist : fifty years measuring climate change / Dave Lowe.. ebook. History
- Alasdair MacIntyre : an intellectual biography / Émile Perrau-Saussine; translated by Nathan J. Pinkoski; foreword by Pierre Manent.. print book. Philosophy
- Alberto Giacometti : toward the ultimate figure / edited by Émilie Bouvard.. print book. Art
- Albinéana / Cécile Huchard.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
- The Alcaic metre in the English imagination / John Talbot.. print book. English
- Alchemists of the future : Ars Electronica Futurelab : the first 25 years and beyond / Andreas J. Hirsch ; edited by Horst Hörtner, Roland Haring, Hideaki Ogawa.. print book. Art
- The alchemy of archiecture : memories and insights from Ken Tate / Ken Tate, Duke Tate.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Aleksandr Rodchenko : photography in the time of Stalin / Aglaya K. Glebova.. print book. Art
- Alex Da Corte : Mr. Remember / edited by Lærke Rydal Jørgensen, Mathias Ussing Seeberg, William Pym, and Alex Da Corte.. print book. Art
- Alex Katz : gathering / edited by Katherine Brinson with Levi Prombaum ; with contributions by David Breslin, Katherine Brinson, Jennifer Y. Chuong, David Max Horowitz, Arthur Jafa, Katie Kitamura, Wayne Koestenbaum, Ewa Lajer-Burcharth, Kevin Lotery, Pru. print book. Art
- Alexis Smith : the American way / Anthony Graham, curator ; contributions by Cécile Whiting, Ariel Evans, and Elliott Hundley.. print book. Art
- Alfred Kubin : confessions of a tortured soul / editor, Hans-Peter Wipplinger.. print book. Art
- Alia Ali : project series 53.. print book. Art
- Aline MacMahon : Hollywood, the blacklist, and the birth of method acting / John Stangeland.. print book.
- Alive at the end of the world : poems / Saeed Jones.. print book. Education
- All about hand percussion : everything you need to know to start playing now! / Kalani.. print book. Music
- All the king's horses : Vitruvius in an age of princes / Indra Kagis McEwen.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- All the lovers in the night / Mieko Kawakami ; translated from the Japanese by Sam Bett and David Boyd.. ebook. Asian Studies
- All the Queens houses : an architectural portrait of New York's largest and most diverse borough / Rafael Herrin-Ferri.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- All this could be different / Sarah Thankam Mathews.. print book. Education
- Allegory and the poetic self : first-person narration in late medieval literature / edited by R. Barton Palmer, Katharina Philipowski, and Julia Rü̈themann.. print book. English
- Alleluia variation : for brass choir and percussion / William Bolcom.. music score (printed). Music
- Allergic / Megan Wagner Lloyd and Michelle Mee Nutter.. print book. Education
- Allergic intimacies : food, disability, desire, and risk / Michael Gill.. print book. Law
- Allie all along / Sarah Lynne Reul.. print book. Education
- Alltagssprachliche Metakommunikation im Englischen und Deutschen / Werner Welte, Philipp Rosemann.. print book. Philosophy
- An alternative history of photography / Phillip Prodger ; with contributions by Michael Aird [and 31 others].. print book. Art
- Alvar Aalto and the art of landscape / Teija Isohauta.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Alvar Aalto and the future of architecture / Robert Cody and Angela Amoia.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Always reaching : the selected writings of Anne Truitt / edited by Alexandra Truitt ; foreword by Miguel de Baca.. print book. Art
- I am Cuba / a Milestone Film release.. streaming video. English
- Am I my brother's keeper? : educational opportunities and outcomes for black and brown boys / Adriana Villavicencio ; foreword by David E. Kirkland.. print book. Education
- Am I too African to be American? Too American to be African? / a film by Nadia Sasso ; produced by Patience Dennis and 54 others.. streaming video. African American and Africana Studies
- Am I too African to be American? Too American to be African? / a film by Nadia Sasso ; produced by Patience Dennis and 54 others.. streaming video.
- Amazon : for flute, clarinet in B♭, violin, cello, and piano / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
- Ambiguous territory : architecture, landscape and the postnatural / edited by Cathryn Dwyre, Chris Perry, David Salomon ; foreword by Catherine Ingraham ; afterword by Peder Anker.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- America and the Holocaust : a documentary history / Rafael Medoff.. print book. History
- America before 1787 : the unraveling of a colonial regime / Jon Elster.. print book. History
- America challenged : the new politics of race, education, and culture / Rosalie Pedalino Porter.. print book. Political Science
- America in the French imaginary, 1789 -1914 : music, revolution and race / edited by Diana R. Hallman and César A. Leal.. print book. Music
- America's frozen neighborhoods : the abuse of zoning / Robert C. Ellickson.. print book. Law
- America's frozen neighborhoods : the abuse of zoning / Robert C. Ellickson.. print book. Business
- America's national debt : examining the facts / Thomas Arndt.. ebook. Business
- America's philosopher : John Locke in American intellectual life / Claire Rydell Arcenas.. print book. Philosophy
- America's war on drugs.. streaming video.
- American by birth : Wong Kim Ark and the battle for citizenship / Carol Nackenoff and Julie Novkov.. print book. Law
- American eloquence : language and leadership in the twentieth century / Roderick P Hart.. print book. English
- American experience. Dinosaur wars.. streaming video. Earth & Environmental Science
- American foreign policy : past, present, and future / Glenn P. Hastedt, James Madison University.. print book. History
- American furniture designers : 1900-2020 / Oscar P. Fitzgerald ; [foreword by Christopher Long].. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- American graphic : disgust and data in contemporary literature / Rebecca B. Clark.. print book. English
- American Indian health disparities in the 21st century / edited by Cornelius M. Dyke, Donald K. Warne.. ebook. Social Work
- American isolationists : pro-Japan anti-interventionists and the FBI on the eve of the Pacific War, 1939-1941 / Roger B. Jeans.. print book. History
- American literature in transition, 1770-1828 / edited by William Huntting Howell and Greta LaFleur.. print book. English
- American literature in transition, 1876-1910 / edited by Lindsay V. Reckson.. print book. English
- American made : paintings and sculpture from the DeMell Jacobsen collection / Elizabeth Heuer, Ph.D., principal author ; Jonathan Stuhlman, Ph.D., editor ; introduction by Elizabeth Heuer, Ph.D. ; collector's statement by Diane DeMell Jacobsen, Ph.D. ; no. print book. Art
- American midnight : the Great War, a violent peace, and democracy's forgotten crisis / Adam Hochschild.. print book. Political Science
- American presidents and Israeli settlements since 1967 / Michael F. Cairo.. print book. History
- American rascal : how Jay Gould built Wall Street's biggest fortune / Greg Steinmetz.. print book. Business
- An American renaissance : beaux-arts architecture in New York City / Phillip James Dodd ; photography by Jonathan Wallen ; foreword by Julian Fellowes ; essay by Richard Guy Wilson.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- American republics : a continental history of the United States, 1783-1850 / Alan Taylor.. print book. History
- American spies : espionage against the US from the Cold War to the present / Michael J. Sulick.. ebook.
- An American story / Kwame Alexander ; art by Dare Coulter.. print book. Education
- Americans and the Holocaust : a reader / edited by Daniel Greene and Edward Phillips ; published in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.. ebook. History
- Americans in Paris : artists working in postwar France, 1946-1962 / edited by Lynn Gumpert and Debra Bricker Balken ; introduction by Lynn Gumpert ; essays by Debra Bricker Balken, Rashida K. Braggs, Elisa Capdevila, and J. English Cook ; interviews by Bi. print book. Art
- Amkoullel, the Fula boy / Amadou Hampâté Bâ ; translated and with an introduction by Jeanne Garane ; with a foreword by Ralph A. Austen.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Amor Mundi : the collection of Marguerite Steed Hoffman / edited by Gavin Delahunty.. print book. Art
- L'amour qui chante : mélodie : [pour] ténor / par Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
- Amoureux d'une étoile : chant et piano / Jules Massenet ; édition Jean-Christophe Branger.. music score (printed). Music
- Ampelmännchen stroll : for sextet : 2015 / Gilbert Galindo.. music score (printed). Music
An - Au
- Anacarnation and returning to the lived body with Richard Kearney / edited by Brian Treanor and James L. Taylor.. print book. Philosophy
- The analysis of Gothic architecture : studies in memory of Robert Mark and Andrew Tallon / edited by Robert Bork.. print book. History
- Analyzing US census data : methods, maps, and models in R / Kyle Walker.. ebook. Geography
- Anatomy of writing for publication for nurses / Cynthia Saver, MS, RN.. ebook. Medicine
- Ancient night / David Álvarez with David Bowles.. print book. Education
- Ancient Night. print book. Education
- And there was light : Abraham Lincoln and the American struggle / Jon Meacham.. print book. History
- Andante con espressione : for violin and piano / Florence Price ; edited by John Michael Cooper.. music score (printed). Music
- Andante e polacca : for bassoon and orchestra / Simplicio Gualco ; edited by Italo Vescovo.. music score (printed). Music
- Andante sostenuto e rondo à la zingarese, op. 23 : for flute and piano / Rudolf Tillmetz.. music score (printed). Music
- Andrea Cochran [electronic resource] : landscapes / Mary Myers ; foreword by Henry Urbach.. ebook.
- Angels in America at the British National Theatre : premiere, revival and transatlantic legacy, 1993-2018 / Emily Garside.. print book. English
- Angry me / words by Sandra V. Feder ; pictures by Rahele Jomepour Bell.. print book. Education
- Angry planet : decolonial fiction and the American third world / Anne Stewart.. print book. English
- Angst essen Seele auf = Ali, fear eats the soul / presented by Rainer Werner Fassbinder Foundation ; Tango-Film Produktion Nummer fünf ; ein Film von Rainer Werner Fassbinder.. streaming video. English
- Aniana del Mar jumps in / Jasminne Mendez.. print book. Education
- Anicka Yi : metaspore / edited by Fiammetta Griccioli and Vincente Todolí with Remina Greenfield.. print book. Art
- Animacies : biopolitics, racial mattering, and queer affect / Mel Y. Chen.. print book. English
- Animal liberation / Peter Singer.. print book. English
- Animals! here we grow / Shelley Rotner.. print book. Education
- Animals in the world : five essays on Aristotle's biology / Pierre Pellegrin ; translated by Anthony Preus.. print book. Philosophy
- Anita Klein : out of the ordinary : forty years of printmaking / with an appreciation by Hollie McNish ; poems contributed by Carol Ann Duffy, Hollie McNish, and Wendy Cope ; and texts by Rebecca and Vincent Eames and Mel Gooding.. print book. Art
- Anna Cassel : the saga of the rose / edited by Kurt Almqvist and Daniel Birnbaum ; essays, Kurt Almqvist and Hedvig Martin.. print book. Art
- Anne of West Philly : a modern graphic retelling of Anne of Green Gables / by Ivy Noelle Weir ; illustrated by Myisha Haynes.. print book. Education
- Années de pèlerinage, troisième année / Franz Liszt ; edited by Peter Jost.. music score (printed). Music
- Annie Morris : when a happy thing falls.. print book. Art
- Anniversary rag : for brass quintet / William Bolcom.. music score (printed). Music
- Anonymous people / a 4th Dimension production ; in association with The Morgan Le Fay Dreams Foundation & CT Community of Addiction Recovery ; produced and directed by Greg Williams ; written by Aaron Cohen, Greg Williams, Jeff Reilly, Bud Mikhitarian.. streaming video.
- Anonymous people / a 4th Dimension production ; in association with The Morgan Le Fay Dreams Foundation & CT Community of Addiction Recovery ; produced and directed by Greg Williams ; written by Aaron Cohen, Greg Williams, Jeff Reilly, Bud Mikhitarian.. streaming video.
- Another Appalachia : coming up queer and Indian in a mountain place / Neema Avashia.. ebook. Appalachian Studies
- Another day's begun : Thornton Wilder's Our Town in the 21st century / Howard Sherman.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Another way of living : the story of Reston, VA / directed and produced by Rebekah Wingert-Jabi ; a Storycatcher Productions Film in association with Reston Community Center.. streaming video.
- Anri Sala : day still night again / Herausgeber, Thomas D. Trummer, Kunsthaus Bregenz.. print book. Art
- Anselm's argument : divine necessity / Brian Leftow.. print book. Philosophy
- Anthems I / Johann Friedrich Peter ; edited by Ryan M. Malone. music score (printed). Music
- Anthropocene : the human epoch / produced by Nicholas de Pencier ; written by Jennifer Baichwal ; directed by Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier, Edward Burtynsky.. streaming video.
- Anthropocene : the human epoch / produced by Nicholas de Pencier ; written by Jennifer Baichwal ; directed by Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier, Edward Burtynsky.. streaming video.
- Anthropological theory for the twenty-first century : a critical approach / edited by A. Lynn Bolles, Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz, Bernard C. Perley, and Keri Vacanti Brondo.. ebook. Sociology
- Anti-racist leadership : how to transform corporate culture in a race-conscious world / James D. White ; with Krista White.. ebook. Business
- Anti-racist leadership : how to transform corporate culture in a race-conscious world / James D. White ; with Krista White.. print book. Business
- Anti-racist scholar-activism / Remi Joseph-Salisbury and Laura Connelly.. print book. Education
- Antimatter : what it is and why it's important in physics and everyday life / Beatriz Gato-Rivera.. ebook. Physics
- Antisocial, narcissistic, and borderline personality disorders : a new conceptualization of development, reinforcement, expression, and treatment / Daniel J. Fox.. ebook. Psychology
- Antonii Contii I.C. ed edictum sive orationem Henrici Sacratissimi et Christianissimi Francorum Regis, de clandestinis matrimonijs, & sine pare[n]tum consensu contractis, liber.. print book.
- Antonio Canova in the Veneto : a guide / by Elena Catra and Vittorio Pajusco ; foreword by Vittorio Sgarbi.. print book. Art
- APA style & citations / by Joe Giampalmi, EdD.. ebook.
- Aphrochic : celebrating the legacy of the Black family home / Bryan Mason and Jeanine Hays ; photographs by Patrick Cline.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Apocalypse ready : the manual of manuals, a century of panic prevention / Taras Young.. print book. Art
- Apocalyptic ruin and everyday wonder in Don DeLillo's America / Michael Naas.. print book. English
- Apollo's arrow : the profound and enduring impact of coronavirus on the way we live / Nicholas A. Christakis.. ebook. Sociology
- An apology for the life of Mr Colley Cibber, comedian and late patentee of the Theatre Royal : a modernized text / edited with an introduction by David Roberts.. print book. English
- Aporophobia : why we reject the poor instead of helping them / Adela Cortina ; translated by Adrian Nathan West.. ebook. Social Work
- Appalachia, a regional geography : land, people, and development / Karl B. Raitz and Richard Ulack ; with Thomas R. Leinbach.. ebook. Appalachian Studies
- Appalachia's alternative to mainstream America : a personal education / Paul Salstrom.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Appalachia's coal-mined landscapes : resources and communities in a new energy era / Carl E. Zipper, Jeff Skousen, editors.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Appalachia : the voices of sleeping birds / by Cynthia Rylant ; illustrated by Barry Moser.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Appalachian ecocriticism and the paradox of place / edited by Jessica Cory and Laura Wright.. print book. English
- Appalachian health : culture, challenges, and capacity / edited by F. Douglas Scutchfield and Randy Wykoff ; foreword by Alonzo Plough.. ebook.
- Appealing because he is appalling : black masculinities, colonialism, and erotic racism / Tamari Kitossa, editor.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- L'appel du printemps : mélodie : mezzo-soprano ou baryton / Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
- Apple and Magnolia / Laura Gehl and Patricia Metola.. print book. Education
- Applied geostatistics for reservoir characterization [electronic resource] / Mohan Kelkar, Godofredo Perez ; book editor, Anil Chopra.. ebook.
- Applied linear regression for longitudinal data : with an emphasis on missing observations / Frans E.S. Tan, Shahab Jolani.. print book. Physics
- Applied regression analysis and generalized linear models / John Fox.. print book. Statistics
- Applying Jewish ethics : beyond the rabbinic tradition / edited by Jennifer A. Thompson and Allison B. Wolf.. print book. Philosophy
- Approaching architecture : three fields, one discipline / edited by Miguel Guitart.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Appropriated interiors / edited by Deborah Schneiderman, Anca I. Lasc and Karin Tehve.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Apropos of something : a history of irrelevance and relevance / Elisa Tamarkin.. print book. Philosophy
- Aquí hay dragonas : la violencia contra las otras y los otros en narrativas transmedia / Rodrigo Pardo Fernández.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Arab national project in Youssef Chahine's cinema [electronic resource] / Malek Khouri.. ebook. Arabic & Islamic Studies
- The Arabic quilt : an immigrant story / written by Aya Khalil ; illustrated by Anait Semirdzhyan.. print book. Education
- Arbitrary lines : how zoning broke the American city and how to fix it / M. Nolan Gray.. ebook. Geography
- Archaeological perspectives on the Southern Appalachians : a multiscalar approach / edited by Ramie A. Gougeon and Maureen S. Meyers.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The archaeology of Harriet Tubman's life in freedom / Douglas V. Armstrong.. ebook.
- Archaeology, sexism, and scandal : the long-suppressed story of one woman's discoveries and the man who stole credit for them / Alan Kaiser.. ebook.
- The architect and the city : ideology, idealism, and pragmatism / Alfredo Brillembourg & Hubert Klumpner, Urban-Think Tank ; edited by Erika Rosenfeld.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Architects on dwelling / edited by Christopher Platt. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The architectural imagination at the digital turn / Nathalie Bredella.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Architectural terra cotta / Donald B. Corner and John Rowell.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Architectural type and character : a practical guide to a history of architecture / Samir Younés and Carroll William Westfall.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Architecture after COVID / Albena Yaneva.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Architecture and development : Israeli construction in Sub-Saharan Africa and the settler colonial imagination, 1958-1973 / Ayala Levin.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Architecture and film / edited by Mark Lamster.. ebook.
- Architecture and objects / Graham Harman.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Architecture and ornament : an illustrated dictionary / Margaret Maliszewski-Pickart.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Architecture and ugliness : anti-aesthetics and the ugly in postmodern architecture / edited by Wouter Van Acker and Thomas Mical.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Architecture as a living act : Leonardo Ricci / Maria Clara Ghia.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- ARCHITECTURE CONSTRUCTED: NOTES ON A DISCIPLINE.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Architecture for disquiet bodies / Didier Fiúza Faustino ; edited by Christope Le Gac ; copyediting and translations, Jane Michael.. print book. Art
- Architecture in abjection : bodies, spaces and their relations / Zuzana Kovar.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Architecture in digital culture : machines, networks, and computations / Socrates Yiannoudes.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Architecture in Mexico, 1900-2010 : the construction of modernity : works, design, art, and thought / Fernanda Canales.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Architecture in the age of artificial intelligence : an introduction to AI for architects / Neil Leach.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The architecture of modern Italy. Volume 1, The challenge of tradition, 1750-1900 [electronic resource] / Terry Kirk.. ebook.
- The architecture of modern Italy. Volume 2, Visions of Utopia, 1900 - present [electronic resource] / Terry Kirk.. ebook.
- Architecture of normal : the colonization of the American landscape / Daniel Kaven.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The architecture of social reform : housing, tradition, and German modernism / Isabel Rousset.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The architecture of suspense : the built world in the films of Alfred Hitchcock / Christine Madrid French ; foreword by Alan Hess.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Architecture of the everyday / editors, Steven Harris, Deborah Berke.. ebook.
- Architecture's new strangeness : a 21st century cult of peculiarity / Kenneth M. Moffett, AIA.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Architecture's theory / Catherine Ingraham.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Architectures of life and death : the eco-aesthetics of the built environment / edited by Andrej Radman and Stavros Kousoulas.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Architectures of spatial justice / Dana Cuff.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Archives, recordkeeping and social justice / edited by David A. Wallace, Wendy M. Duff, Renée Saucier, and Andrew Flinn.. print book.
- The Arctic : a barometer of global climate variability / Neloy Khare, Rajni Khare.. print book. Physics
- Are children reliable witnesses? / Ben F. Cotterill.. print book. Law
- Ariel's ecology : plantations, personhood, and colonialism in the American tropics / Monique Allewaert.. print book. English
- Aristotle's Physics : a critical guide / edited by Mariska Leunissen.. print book. Philosophy
- Armadillo antics / Bill Martin, Jr. and Michael Sampson ; illustrated by Nathalie Beauvois. print book. Education
- Arms across America : waging third world war / produced by War Resisters League ; research by Judy Kowalok, Michael Marsh ; design by Rick Bickhart.. print map. Geography
- Around the bend : for trumpet and trombone / Elizabeth Raum.. music score (printed). Music
- Arrangements und etuden : für cornet à pistons / von Wilhelm Wurm, solist S. Majestät des Kaisers von Russland und Chef der Musik der Kaiserlichen Garde.. music score (printed). Music
- Arrows against the wind / Bullfrog Films presents ; a Land Beyond production ; produced and directed by Tracey Groome ; written by Tracey Groome & Liz Thompson.. streaming video. Anthropology
- Ars componendi sermones / Ranulph Hidgen [i.e. Higden] ; translated by Margaret Jennings and Sally A. Wilson ; introduction and notes by Margaret Jennings.. print book. Philosophy
- Ars memoratiua: Ad commemorandu[m] Terminos, Questio[n]es, Argume[n]ta siue Sermones quottas.. print book.
- Ars memoratiua: Ad commemorandu[m] Terminos, Questio[n]es, Argume[n]ta siue Sermones quottas.. print book.
- ARS22 : Eläviä kohtaamisia = Living Encounters / curators: Leevi Haapala, João Laia ; editors: Leevi Haapala, João Laia, Jari-Pekka Vanhala.. print book. Art
- Art along the rivers : a bicentennial celebration / Amy Torbert and M. Melissa Wolfe ; with contributions by Beth Rubin.. print book. Art
- Art and climate change / Maja and Reuben Fowkes.. print book. Art
- Art and the formation of early medieval England / Catherine E. Karkov.. print book. Art
- The art and thought of the Beowulf poet / Leonard Neidorf.. print book. English
- Art, borders and belonging : on home and migration / edited by Maria Photiou and Marsha Meskimmon.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Art demonstration : Group material and the 1980s / Claire Grace.. print book. Art
- Art for coexistence : unlearning the way we see migration / Christine Ross.. print book. Art
- Art in motion : riding the Paris metro / Anaël Pigeat ; photographs by Philippe Garcia ; English translation (except for the Julian Opie interview), Chrisoula Petridis.. print book. Art
- Art maps and cities : contemporary artists explore urban spaces / Gloria Lanci.. print book. Art
- Art nouveau : art, architecture and design in transformation / Charlotte Ashby.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The art of activism and the activism of art / Gregory Sholette.. print book. Art
- The art of collaboration & innovation / Albert Kahn Associates ; [edited by] Caitlin Wunderlich.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The art of collaboration : Pickard Chilton / Michael J. Crosbie.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The art of colour : the history of art in 39 pigments / Kelly Grovier.. print book. Art
- The art of computer programming / Donald E. Knuth.. print book. Mathematics
- The art of copying art / Penelope Jackson.. print book. Art
- The art of making theatre : an arsenal of dreams in 12 scenes / Pamela Howard with Pavel Drábek.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- The art of statistics : how to learn from data / David Spiegelhalter.. ebook. Statistics
- The art of Symeon Shimin / essays by Symeon Shimin, Josef Woodard, Charles Donelan ; edited and curated by Tonia Shimin.. print book. Art
- The art of the reprint : nineteenth-century novels in twentieth-century editions / Rosalind Parry.. print book. English
- The art of trumpet playing : the Thiecke method / revised and edited by Mel Broiles and Charles Colin.. music score (printed). Music
- The art of useless : fashion, media, and consumer culture in contemporary China / Calvin Hui.. print book. Business
- Art's properties / David Joselit.. print book. Art
- Art, science and the body in early Romanticism / Stephanie O'Rourke, University of St Andrews, Scotland.. print book. Art
- The Art Tatum collection / transcribed by Brent Edstrom ; text by Ronny S. Schiff.. music score (printed). Music
- Art, theory, revolution : the turn to generality in contemporary literature / Mitchum Huehls.. print book. English
- Art X fashion : fashion inspired by art / Nancy Hall-Duncan.. print book. Art
- Arte programmata : freedom, control, and the computer in 1960s Italy / Lindsay Caplan.. print book. Art
- Artful subversion : Empress Dowager Cixi's image making / Ying-chen Peng.. print book. Art
- Artifacts : fascinating facts about art, artists, and the art world / Phaidon.. print book. Art
- Artificial intelligence and architecture : from research to practice / Stanislas Chaillou.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Artificial intelligence and data science in environmental sensing / edited by Mohsen Asadnia, Amir Razmjou, Amin Beheshti.. print book. Geography
- Artificial intelligence applied to satellite-based remote sensing data for earth observation / edited by Maria Pia Del Rosso, Alessandro Sebastianelli, and Silvia Liberata Ullo.. ebook. Geography
- The artist's studio : a century of the artist's studio, 1920-2020 / text by Dawn Ades, Iwona Blazwick, Inês Costa, Richard Dyer, Hammad Nassar, Candy Stobbs ; edited by Iwona Blazwick.. print book. Art
- Arts and crafts is cactus : the collection since 1945 / editors, Sabine Runde, Matthias Wagner K ; authors, Nora von Achenbach [and nine others].. print book. Art
- Arts and cultural management : sense and sensibilities in the state of the field / edited by Constance DeVereaux.. ebook. Arts Administration
- Arts entrepreneurship : creating a new venture in the arts / Richard S. Andrews. ebook. Arts Administration
- Arts entrepreneurship : creating a new venture in the arts / Richard S. Andrews.. print book. Arts Administration
- Arts management, cultural policy, & the African disaspora / Antonio C. Cuyler, editor.. ebook. Arts Administration
- Arts management, cultural policy, & the African disaspora / Antonio C. Cuyler, editor.. print book. Arts Administration
- Aru Shah and the city of gold / Roshani Chokshi.. print book. Education
- Aru Shah and the nectar of immortality / Roshani Chokshi.. print book. Education
- Aru Shah and the Tree of Wishes / Roshani Chokshi.. print book. Education
- As old as time : a twisted tale / Liz Braswell.. print book. Education
- As told by herself : women's childhood autobiography, 1845-1969 / Lorna Martens.. print book. History
- As we see it : artists redefining Black identity / Aida Amoako.. print book. Art
- Asanomusic : for solo bassoon (1968) / Paul Zonn.. music score (printed). Music
- Asia and postwar Japan : deimperialization, civic activism, and national identity / Simon Avenell.. print book. History
- Asian American histories of the United States / Catherine Ceniza Choy.. print book. History
- Asian American literature / Jinqi Ling.. print book. English
- Assuming asymmetries : conversations on curating public art in the 1980s and 1990s / edited by CuratorLab 2020/21, Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Anna Mikaela Ekstrand [and 11 others].. print book. Art
- Assuming responsibility : ecstatic eudaimonism and the call to live well / Jennifer A. Herdt.. print book. Philosophy
- L'Astrée. Trosième partie / Honoré d' Urfé ; Delphine Denis ; édition critique établie sous la direction de Delphine Denis ; par Jean-Marc Chatelain, Delphine Denis, Camille Esmein-Sarrazin, Laurence Giavarini, Frank Greiner, Françoise Lavocat et Sté. print book. French & Francophone Studies
- Astronomers and what they do. / Liesbet Slegers.. print book. Education
- Astrophysical magnetic fields : from galaxies to the early universe / Anvar Shukurov, Kandaswamy Subramanian.. ebook. Physics
- At Berkeley - Life At UC Berkeley. ebook. English
- At Berkeley - Life At UC Berkeley. ebook.
- At the center of all beauty : solitude and the creative life / Fenton Johnson.. print book.
- At the drop of a cat / written by Élise Fontenaille ; illustrations by Violeta Lópiz ; translated from French by Karin Snelson & Emilie Robert Wong.. print book. Education
- At the drop of a hat / Jon Huck.. print book. Art
- Atheism on trial : a lawyer examines the case for unbelief / W. Mark Lanier.. print book. Law
- Atheistic Platonism : a manifesto / Eric Charles Steinhart.. print book. Philosophy
- Athens on the frontier : Grecian-style architecture in the splendid valley of the West, 1820-1860 / Patrick Lee Lucas.. print book.
- Atlanta hip-hop / by Joseph Veazey.. print map. Geography
- The atlas of atlases / Philip Parker.. print book. Geography
- Atlas of design / NACIS ; edited by Timothy R. Wallace, Daniel P. Huffman.. print atlas. Geography
- Atlas of digital architecture : terminology, concepts, methods, tools, examples, phenomena / Ludger Hovestadt, Urs Hirschberg, Oliver Fritz (editors).. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Atlas of inherited metabolic diseases / William L. Nyhan, Georg F. Hoffmann ; with contributors from Aida I. Al-Aqeel and Bruce A. Barshop.. ebook. Medicine
- Atmospheres of projection : environmentality in art and screen media / Giuliana Bruno.. print book. Art
- Atmospheric architectures : the aesthetics of felt spaces / Gernot Böhme ; edited and translated by A.-Chr. Engels-Schwarzpaul.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Atmospheric rivers / F. Martin Ralph, Michael D. Dettinger, Jonathan J. Rutz, Duane E. Waliser, editors.. ebook. Physics
- Attachment : the fundamental questions / edited by Ross A. Thompson, Jeffry A. Simpson, Lisa J. Berlin.. ebook. Social Work
- Attack of the black rectangles / Amy Sarig King.. print book. Education
- Au revoir les enfants / ecrit et réalisé par Louis Malle ; une co-production, Nouvelles Editions de Films, M.K.2 Productions, Stella Film.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- Auden and the muse of history / Susannah Young-ah Gottlieb.. print book. English
- Augmented landscapes [electronic resource] / Smout Allen.. ebook.
- Augusta Savage : the shape of a sculptor's life / Marilyn Nelson ; afterword by Tammi Lawson.. print book. Education
- Aure : for violin and viola (2011) / Kaija Saariaho.. music score (printed). Music
- Aure : for violin and violoncello (2015) / Kaija Saariaho.. music score (printed). Music
- Austrian reconstruction and the collapse of global finance, 1921-1931 / Nathan Marcus.. print book. History
- Authorial personality and the making of Renaissance texts : the force of character / Douglas S. Pfeiffer.. print book. English
- Authority, cooperation, and accountability / Saba Bazargan-Forward.. print book. Philosophy
- Autistic intelligence : interaction, individuality, and the challenges of diagnosis / Douglas W. Maynard and Jason Turowetz.. print book. Education
- Autocracy rising : how Venezuela transitioned to authoritarianism / Javier Corrales.. print book. Political Science
- Autofiction and cultural memory / Hywel Dix.. print book. English
- Automated landscapes / edited by Merve Bedir, Ludo Groen, Marten Kuijpers, Víctor Muñoz Sanz, Marina Otero Verzier.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Automation is a myth / Luke Munn.. ebook. Business
Av - Az
- Avant-garde as method : Vkhutemas and the pedagogy of space, 1920-1930 / Anna Bokov ; [forewords by Kenneth Frampton and Alexander Lavrentiev].. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The avant-garde museum : muzei khudozhestvennoĭ kulʹtury, Kabinett der Abstrakten, Société Anonyme, grupa a.r. / editors, Agnieszka Pindera, Jarosław Suchan.. print book. Art
- Avartan : for chamber orchestra (2016) / Reena Esmail.. music score (printed). Music
- The avatar faculty : ecstatic transformations in religion and video games / Jeffrey G. Snodgrass.. ebook. Psychology
- Avian capriccio : (for brass quintet) / Augusta Read Thomas.. music score (printed). Music
- Aviva vs. the Dybbuk / Mari Lowe.. print book. Education
- The avoidable war : the dangers of a catastrophic conflict between the US and Xi Jinping's China / Kevin Rudd.. ebook. Business
- The avoidable war : the dangers of a catastrophic conflict between the US and Xi Jinping's China / Kevin Rudd.. print book. Business
- AWHONN's perinatal nursing / edited by Kathleen R. Simpson, Patricia A. Creehan.. ebook. Medicine
- AY-O: HAPPY RAINBOW HELL. print book. Art
B - Bie
- Babel : or, The necessity of violence : an arcane history of the Oxford Translators' Revolution / R.F. Kuang.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Baby animals.. print book. Education
- The baby on the fire escape : creativity, motherhood, and the mind-baby problem / Julie Phillips.. print book. Art
- Babylost : racism, survival, and the quiet politics of infant mortality, from A to Z / Monica J. Casper.. print book. Education
- Bach and tuning / Johnny Reinhard.. print book. Music
- Back to the moon : the next giant leap for humankind / Joseph Silk.. ebook. Physics
- Backfire : how sanctions reshape the world against U.S. interests / Agathe Demarais.. ebook. Business
- Backpacking Tennessee : overnight trail adventures from the Mississippi River to the Appalachian Mountains / Johnny Molloy.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Bacurau / uma co-produção Brasil-França Cinemascópio, SBS Productions ; em co-produção com Globo Filmes, Simio Filmes, Arte France Cinema, Telecine, Canal Brasil ; filme Kleber Mendonça Filho, Juliano Dornelles ; produzido por Emilie Lesclaux, Saï. streaming video. Hispanic Studies
- Bad blood : staging race between early modern England and Spain / Emily Weissbourd.. print book. English
- Bad Mexicans : race, empire, and revolution in the borderlands / Kelly Lytle Hernández.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Bad rabbit / Christopher Wool.. print book. Art
- Badiou by Badiou / Alain Badiou ; translated by Bruno Bosteels.. print book. Philosophy
- Ball of fire / Samuel Goldwyn presents.. streaming video.
- The ballad of Laurel Springs / Janet Beard.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Ballade, pour flûte, orchestre à cordes et piano : (1939, 1941) / Frank Martin.. music score (printed). Music
- The Ballantines : building community issue by issue / John Peel.. print book. History
- Ballroom : a people's history of dancing / Hilary French.. print book. Philosophy
- The Baltimore rowhouse [electronic resource] / Mary Ellen Hayward and Charles Belfoure ; foreword by James Marston Fitch.. ebook.
- Bamboo contemporary : green houses around the globe / William Richards.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Banal complexities = Tqydātādya : Kollaborative Kunst im öffentlichen Raum = collaborative art in public space / Margareta Klose & Nourhan Maayouf, Oscar Cueto & Bassem Yousri, Lisa Grosskopf & Soukaina Joual, Malek Gnaoui & Markus Hiesleitner ; Herausge. print book. Art
- Bande à part : on independent art institutions : essay, questionaire, statement / editing: Sarah Demeuse (managing editor), Rhea Dall, Prem Krishmanurthy, Chris Sharp.. print book. Art
- Bani Abidi : the artist who / [edited by Saira Ansari].. print book. Art
- Banjo Romantika : American bluegrass music and the Czech imagination / a film by Lee Bidgood and Shara K. Lange.. streaming video.
- Banjo Romantika : American bluegrass music and the Czech imagination / a film by Lee Bidgood and Shara K. Lange.. streaming video.
- Banksy / Alessandra Mattanza ; foreword by John Brandler.. print book. Art
- THE BAPTIST HARMONY / JASON RAY. print book. Music
- Barbara / a film by Christian Petzold.. streaming video. German
- Barbara Kasten : architecture & film (2015-2020) / edited by Stephanie Cristello.. print book. Art
- Bárbara Wagner [and] Benjamin de Burca : five times Brazil / edited by Margot Norton and Bernardo Mosqueira.. print book. Art
- Bård Breivik : war paint / Bård Breivik ; photographs by Anders Bergesen ; edited by Bård Breivik, Greger Ulf Nilson and Sune Nordgren.. print book. Art
- Bardengesang : aus der "Hermanns-Schlacht" von Klopstock : für Männerchor und Orchester = Bardic song : from "Hermanns-Schlacht" (Klopstock) : for men's chorus and orchestra : op. 55 / Richard Strauss.. music score (printed). Music
- Barn dances & jamborees across Kentucky / J. D. Wilkes; foreword by John Cohen.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Barravento / Petrobas apresenta ; distribuição, Versatil Home Video ; realização, Paloma Cinematográfica, Tempo Glauber ; Rex Schindler, Braga Neto apresentam ; roteiro de Glauber Rocha, José Telles de Magalhães ; diálogos de Glauber Rocha, Luiz P. streaming video. English
- Barravento / Petrobas apresenta ; distribuição, Versatil Home Video ; realização, Paloma Cinematográfica, Tempo Glauber ; Rex Schindler, Braga Neto apresentam ; roteiro de Glauber Rocha, José Telles de Magalhães ; diálogos de Glauber Rocha, Luiz P. streaming video.
- Barriers to rebuilding the African American community : understanding the issues facing today's African Americans from a social work perspective / Tywan Ajani.. ebook. Social Work
- Barrioquinto / Demetrio Paparoni.. print book. Art
- Barry Sampson : teaching + practice / Brian Carter and Annette LeCuyer, editors.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The baseball 100 / Joe Posnanski.. print book. Education
- Basics in jazz arranging / Paris Rutherford.. ebook. Music
- Basquiat Jaffe : crossroads / [text and photographs by Lee Jaffe ; foreword by Franklin Sirmans ; essay by J. Faith Almiron].. print book. Art
- Bassoon set : for solo bassoon / Adolphus Hailstork.. music score (printed). Music
- A bastard kind of reasoning : William Blake and geometry / Andrew M. Cooper.. print book. English
- En båt med blommor : för baryton och orkester, op. 44, 1925 / Hugo Alfvén ; text: Oscar Levertin.. music score (printed). Music
- La bataille d'Alger = The battle of Algiers / Casbah-Film présente ; un film de Gillo Pontecorvo ; scénario de Franco Solinas ; production Casbah Films, Igor Film ; produit par Yacef Saadi.. streaming video. English
- La bataille d'Alger = The battle of Algiers / Casbah-Film présente ; un film de Gillo Pontecorvo ; scénario de Franco Solinas ; production Casbah Films, Igor Film ; produit par Yacef Saadi.. streaming video.
- Bats : their biology and behavior / Tony Hutson.. print book. Biology
- Battle suite : for brass quintet / Samuel Scheidt ; edited and arranged by Philip Jones.. music score (printed). Music
- Battleship Potemkin / produced by the 1st Studio of Goskino ; supervised by J.M. Bliokh ; script by N.F. Agadzhanova-Shutko ; director, S.M. Eisenstein.. streaming video. Philosophy
- Bayes factors for forensic decision analyses with R / Silvia Bozza, Franco Taroni, Alex Biedermann.. print book. Statistics
- BAYESIAN COMPENDIUM.. print book. Statistics
- Bayesian hierarchical models : with applications using R / by Peter D. Congdon.. ebook. Statistics
- Bayesian methods in statistics : from concepts to practice / Mel Slater.. print book. Statistics
- Bayesian modeling of spatio-temporal data with R / Sujit K. Sahu.. print book. Statistics
- Bayesian networks : with examples in R / Marco Scutari, Jean-Baptiste Denis.. print book. Statistics
- Bayesian statistical modeling with Stan, R, and Python / Kentaro Matsuura.. ebook. Statistics
- Bayesian statistics for experimental scientists : a general introduction using distribution-free methods / Richard A. Chechile.. ebook. Statistics
- Be not afraid of life : in the words of William James / edited by John Kaag and Jonathan van Belle.. print book. Philosophy
- Bea Wolf / written by Zach Weinersmith ; art by Boulet.. print book. Education
- A bear, a bee, and a honey tree / words by Daniel Bernstrom ; art by Brandon James Scott.. print book. Education
- Bear is a bear / written by Jonathan Stutzman ; illustrated by Dan Santat.. print book. Education
- Beartown : a novel / Fredrik Backman ; translated by Neil Smith.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Beasts of burden : animal and disability liberation / Sunaura Taylor.. print book. English
- Beasts of burden : animal and disability liberation / Sunaura Taylor.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- Beating the bounds : excess and restraint in Joyce's later works / Roy Benjamin.. print book. English
- The Beatryce Prophecy. print book. Education
- Le beau Serge / Gaumont présente une production Ajym-Films ; un film produit, écrit et réalisé par Claude Chabrol.. streaming video.
- Le beau Serge / Gaumont présente une production Ajym-Films ; un film produit, écrit et réalisé par Claude Chabrol.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- Beau travail / une coproduction La Sept ARTE, Tanaïs Com, SM Films ; produit par Jérôme Minet et Patrick Grandperret ; avec la participation du Centre National de la Cinématographie ; scénario, Jean-Pol Fargeau et Claire Denis ; un film de Claire Den. streaming video. Philosophy
- Beau travail / une coproduction La Sept ARTE, Tanaïs Com, SM Films ; produit par Jérôme Minet et Patrick Grandperret ; avec la participation du Centre National de la Cinématographie ; scénario, Jean-Pol Fargeau et Claire Denis ; un film de Claire Den. streaming video.
- Beautiful Colorado : baritone solo with piano accompaniment / Joseph De Luca.. music score (printed). Music
- Beautiful economics : a guide to gentle world domination : how to reboot the world with a new economic narrative / by Howard Collinge.. print book. Business
- Beautiful useful things : what William Morris made / Beth Kephart & Melodie Stacey.. print book. Education
- Beautiful users : designing for people / Ellen Lupton with contributions by Thomas Carpentier and Tiffany Lambert.. ebook.
- Beauty and the beast : (solo contrabass) / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
- Bebop riddle : (for solo 5-octave marimba) / Augusta Read Thomas.. music score (printed). Music
- Bebop riddle II : for violoncello and piano (2022) / Augusta Read Thomas.. music score (printed). Music
- Becky Suss / [essays by Michelle Millar Fisher and Peter L'Official ; interview by Helen Molesworth].. print book. Art
- Becoming a therapist : what do I say, and why? / Suzanne Bender and Edward Messner ; foreword by Nhi-Ha Trinh.. ebook. Psychology
- Becoming an expert witness in health care and litigation : a beginner's guide / Jeff G. Konin, Mark S. Ramey.. print book. Law
- Becoming AppalAsian / Lisa Kwong.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Becoming great universities : small steps for sustained excellence / Richard J. Light and Allison Jegla.. print book. Education
- Becoming Hopi : a history / edited by Wesley Bernardini, Stewart B. Koyiyumptewa, Gregson Schachner, and Leigh Kuwanwisiwma.. ebook. Anthropology
- Becoming human : matter and meaning in an antiblack world / Zakiyyah Iman Jackson.. print book. English
- Becoming Pynchon : genetic narratology and V. / Luc Herman and John M. Krafft.. print book. English
- Bedae Venerabilis opera. Pars II, Opera exegetica. 3, In Lucae evangelium expositio ; In Marci evangelium expositio / cura et studio D. Hurst.. print book. Philosophy
- Bedtime for Bo / Kjersti Annesdatter Skomsvold & [illustrations by] Mari Kanstad Johnsen ; translated from Norwegian by Kari Dickson.. print book. Education
- Bee : a peek-through picture book / text by Patricia Hegarty ; illustrated by Britta Teckentrup.. print book. Education
- Beekeepers and what they do / Liesbet Slegers.. print book. Education
- Beer : a global journey through the past and present / John W. Arthur.. print book. History
- Beethoven the European : transcultural contexts of performance, interpretation and reception / edited by Malcolm Miller, Willam Kinderman.. print book. Music
- Before borders : a legal and literary history of naturalization / Stephanie DeGooyer.. print book. English
- Before Crips : fussin', cussin', and discussin' among South Los Angeles juvenile gangs / John C. Quicker and Akil S. Batani-Khalfani.. print book. Education
- Before modernism : inventing American lyric / Virginia Jackson.. print book. English
- Before the holocaust : antisemitic violence and the reaction of German elites and institutions during the Nazi takeover / Hermann Beck.. print book. History
- Beginning R 4 : from beginner to pro / Matt Wiley, Joshua F. Wiley.. ebook. Statistics
- Behavioral insights / Michael Hallsworth and Elspeth Kirkman.. ebook. Psychology
- Behemoth / ARTE France and INA present a film by Shao Liang.. streaming video.
- Behemoth / ARTE France and INA present a film by Shao Liang.. streaming video. Anthropology
- Behind the angel of history : the Angelus Novus and its interleaf / Annie Bourneuf.. print book. Art
- Behind their screens : what teens are facing (and adults are missing) / Emily Weinstein and Carrie James.. print book. Education
- Being Edie is hard today / written by Ben Brashares ; illustrated by Elizabeth Bergeland.. print book. Education
- Being human : philosophical anthropology through phenomenology / Robert E. Wood.. print book. Philosophy
- Being social : the philosophy of social human rights / edited by Kimberly Brownlee, David Jenkins and Adam Neal.. print book. Philosophy
- Belabored : a vindication of the rights of pregnant women / Lyz Lenz.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- Belief, agency and knowledge : essays on epistemic normativity / Matthew Chrisman.. print book. Philosophy
- Belly of the beast / Idle Wild Films presents a co-production with ITVS ; a film by Erika Cohn ; directed & produced by Erika Cohn ; produced by Angela Tucker, Christen Marquez, Nicole Docta.. streaming video.
- Belly of the beast / Idle Wild Films presents a co-production with ITVS ; a film by Erika Cohn ; directed & produced by Erika Cohn ; produced by Angela Tucker, Christen Marquez, Nicole Docta.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
- Beloved economies : transforming how we work / Jess Rimington, Joanna L. Cea.. print book. Business
- Ben Yokoyama and the cookies of chaos / by Matthew Swanson and Robbi Behr.. print book. Education
- Benchmarking library, information and education services : new strategic choices in challenging times / edited by David Baker, Lucy Ellis, Caroline Williams, Cliff Wragg.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Beneath / Cori Doerrfeld.. print book. Education
- Benji, the bad day, and me / by Sally J. Pla ; illustrated by Ken Min.. print book. Education
- Berceuse : for flute and piano / Camille Fontaine.. music score (printed). Music
- Berlin in the Cold War : the battle for the divided city / Thomas Flemming ; [translation, Penny Croucher].. ebook.
- Bernard Tschumi [electronic resource] : Zénith de Rouen, Rouen, France / Todd Gannon and Laurie A. Gunzelman, volume editors.. ebook.
- Bernd & Hilla Becher / Jeff L. Rosenheim ; essays by Gabriele Conrath-Scholl, Virginia Heckert, Lucy Sante ; interview with Max Becher ; translations from German by Elisabeth Lauffer.. print book. Art
- Bernoulli's fallacy : statistical illogic and the crisis of modern science / Aubrey Clayton.. ebook. Mathematics
- Berry song / Michaela Goade.. print book. Education
- Bertha Maxwell-Roddey : a modern-day race woman and the power of Black leadership / Sonya Y. Ramsey.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Best boy / designed and photographed by Tom McDonough ; a film by Ira Wohl ; an Only Child Motion Pictures Production.. streaming video.
- Best boy / designed and photographed by Tom McDonough ; a film by Ira Wohl ; an Only Child Motion Pictures Production.. streaming video. Social Work
- Best interests of the student : applying ethical constructs to legal cases in education / Jacqueline A. Stefkovich and William C. Frick.. print book. Law
- Best laid plans : women coming of age in uncertain times / Jessica Halliday Hardie.. print book. Education
- Best reading buddies / by Jane O'Connor ; cover illustration by Robin Preiss Glasser ; interior illustrations by Ted Enik.. print book. Education
- The best writing on mathematics 2021 / Mircea Pitici, editor.. print book. Mathematics
- The best years of our lives / Samuel Goldwyn presents ; screen play by Robert E. Sherwood ; produced by Samuel Goldwyn ; directed by William Wyler.. streaming video. English
- The best years of our lives / Samuel Goldwyn presents ; screen play by Robert E. Sherwood ; produced by Samuel Goldwyn ; directed by William Wyler.. streaming video.
- Bestiarium / Johan Creten ; sous la direction de Colin Lemoine.. print book. Art
- Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology / edited by Jame Abraham and James L. Gulley.. ebook. Medicine
- Better by design : an introduction to planning, designing and developing library buildings.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Between heaven and Russia : religious conversion and political apostasy in Appalachia / Sarah Riccardi-Swartz.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Between memory and invention : my journey in architecture / Robert A.M. Stern with Leopoldo Villardi.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Between the sea & the lagoon : an eco-social history of the Anlo of southeastern Ghana, c. 1850 to recent times / Emmanuel Kwaku Akyeampong.. print book. History
- Between the state and the schoolhouse : understanding the failure of Common Core / Tom Loveless.. print book. Education
- Betye Saar : serious moonlight / edited by Stephanie Seidel.. print book. Art
- Beverages and sandwiches for your husband's friends / by One who knows.. print book. Special Collections
- Beverly / by Nick Drnaso.. print book. Arts Administration
- Beware of the crocodile / Martin Jenkins ; illustrated by Satoshi Kitamura.. print book. Education
- Beyond baseball's color barrier : the story of African Americans in Major League Baseball, past, present, and future / Rocco Constantino.. print book. History
- Beyond digital : design and automation at the end of modernity / Mario Carpo.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Beyond pronouns : the essential guide for parents of trans children / Tammy Plunkett, foreword by Mitchell Plunkett.. print book. Education
- Beyond spreadsheets with R : a beginner's guide to R and RStudio / Dr. Jonathan Carroll.. ebook. Statistics
- Beyond the burrow / Jessica Meserve.. print book. Education
- Beyond the garden : designing home landscapes with natural systems / Dana Davidsen.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Beyond the icon : Asian American graphic narratives / edited by Eleanor Ty.. print book. English
- Beyond the Voting Rights Act : the untold story of the struggle to reform America's voter registration laws / Gregory T. Moore.. print book. Law
- Bi : the hidden culture, history, and science of bisexuality / Julia Shaw.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- The Bible after Deleuze : affects, assemblages, bodies without organs / Stephen D. Moore.. print book. Philosophy
- Biennials as sites of historical narration : thinking through Göteborg International Biennal for Contemporary Art / edited by Lisa Rosendahl.. print book. Art
- BIG : architektur und baudetails = architecture and construction details / Herausgeberin/editor: Sandra Hofmeister ; Autorinnen und Autern/Authors: Sabine Drey [and fifteen others].. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Big bang : imagining the universe / texts, Barbara Baert [and five others] ; translation, Helen Simpson, Sandy Logan.. print book. Art
- Big book of Ukrainian alphabet for kids : 130+ Ukrainian words with illustrations, translation, and pronunciation.. print book. Education
- The big con : how the consulting industry weakens our businesses, infantilizes our governments, and warps our economies / Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington.. ebook. Business
- The big con : how the consulting industry weakens our businesses, infantilizes our governments, and warps our economies / Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington.. print book. Business
- The big fix : 7 practical steps to save our planet / Hal Harvey and Justin Gillis, with Mark Silberg and Amanda Myers.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
- The big myth : how American business taught us to loathe government and love the free market / Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. Conway.. print book. Business
- The Big Myth : How American Business Taught Us to Loathe Government and Love the Free Market / Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. Conway.. ebook. Business
- Big picture perspectives on planetary flourishing / edited by Nicholas Hedlund and Sean Esbjörn-Hargens.. print book. Philosophy
- Big truck, little island / Chris Van Dusen.. print book. Education
- The big umbrella / Amy June Bates ; cowritten with Juniper Bates.. print book. Education
- The biggest little farm / a film by John Chester ; NEON and FarmLore Films present ; in association with Diamond Docs ; in association with Impact Partners and Artemis Rising.. streaming video.
- The biggest little farm / a film by John Chester ; NEON and FarmLore Films present ; in association with Diamond Docs ; in association with Impact Partners and Artemis Rising.. streaming video. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Bíilukaa / Wendy Red Star.. print book. Art
- The bill of obligations : the ten habits of good citizens / Richard Haass.. print book. Law
- Bill Viola : icons of light / a cura di Kira Perov.. print book. Art
- Bill Viola in dialogue : selected writings & lectures / Bill Viola ; edited by Otto Neumaier and Thorsten Sadowsky.. print book. Art
- A billion black Anthropocenes or none / Kathryn Yusoff.. print book. English
- Billy Wilder speaks : conversations with Billy Wilder by Volker Schlöndorff / a film by Volker Schlöndorff and Gisela Grischow.. streaming video.
- Bindu's Bindis / by Supriya Kelkar ; illustrated by Parvati Pillai.. print book. Education
- Binge times : inside Hollywood's furious billion-dollar battle to take down Netflix / Dade Hayes and Dawn Chmielewski.. print book. Business
- BIOLOGICAL COGNITION.. print book. Biology
- Biological water : physicochemical aspects / Gertz I. Likhtenshtein.. ebook. Chemistry
- Biopolitics after neuroscience : morality and the economy of virtue / Jeffrey P. Bishop, M. Therese Lysaught and Andrew A. Michel.. print book. Philosophy
- Bird house / Blanca Gómez.. print book. Education
- The birdcatcher / Gayl Jones.. print book. Education
- Birds.. print book. Education
- Birdsong / by Sebastian Faulks ; adapted by Rachel Wagstaff.. print book. History
- Birdsong, speech and poetry : the art of composition in the long nineteenth century / Francesca Mackenney, University of Leeds.. print book. English
- Birgit Brenner : Jemanden Fragen / Herausgeberin, Susanne Pfleger ; Autorinnen, Susanne Kleine, Susanne Pfleger, Anke Sterneborg ; redaktion, Corinna Wolfien.. print book. Art
- Birnam Wood / Eleanor Catton.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- The birth of a nation / Triangle Film Corporation presents D. W. Griffith's immortal spectacle.. streaming video. Sociology
- Birthing Black mothers / Jennifer C. Nash.. ebook. Social Work
- Bit of everything : for solo flute and electronics / Allison Loggins-Hull.. music score (printed). Music
- The bitter end : the 2020 presidential campaign and the challenge to American democracy / John Sides, Chris Tausanovitch, and Lynn Vavreck.. print book. History
Bl - Bz
- Black : a handbook / by Tia Blassingame.. print book. Special Collections
- Black aliveness, or a poetics of being / Kevin Quashie.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Black American portraits : from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art / edited by Christine Y. Kim and Myrtle Elizabeth Andrews ; texts by Hilton Als, Myrtle Elizabeth Andrews, Bridget R. Cooks, Ilene Susan Fort, Naima J. Keith, Christine Y. Kim, Dhyandra. print book. Art
- Black and female: essays / Tsitsi Dangarembga.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Black and queer on campus / Michael P. Jeffries.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- The Black athlete revolt : the sport justice movement in the age of #BlackLivesMatter / Shaun M. Anderson.. print book. History
- Black bodies, white gold : art, cotton, and commerce in the Atlantic world / Anna Arabindan-Kesson.. print book. Art
- Black boy joy / edited by Kwame Mbalia.. print book. Education
- Black boy smile : a memoir in moments / D. Watkins.. print book. Education
- Black cake : a novel / Charmaine Wilkerson.. print book. Education
- BLACK CINEMA & VISUAL CULTURE: ART AND POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Black dignity : the struggle against domination / Vincent W. Lloyd.. print book. Philosophy
- Black disability politics / Sami Schalk.. ebook. Sociology
- Black-eyed peas and hoghead cheese : a story of food, family, and freedom / by Glenda Armand ; illustrated by Steffi Walthall.. print book. Education
- Black female intellectuals in nineteenth century America : born to bloom unseen? / Rebecca J. Fraser.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Black fundamentalists : conservative Christianity and racial identity in the segregation era / Daniel R. Bare.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Black girls must die exhausted : a novel / Jayne Allen.. print book. Education
- The Black guy dies first : Black horror cinema from fodder to Oscar / Robin R. Means Coleman, PhD, and Mark H. Harris.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Black identity viewed from a barber's chair : nigrescence and eudaimonia / William E. Cross Jr.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Black Indians and freedmen : the African Methodist Episcopal Church and indigenous Americans, 1816-1916 / Christina Dickerson-Cousin.. print book. History
- Black liberation through the marketplace : hope, heartbreak, and the promise of America / Rachel S. Ferguson, Marcus M. Witcher.. print book. Business
- Black lives matter in US schools : race, education, and resistance / edited by Boni Wozolek.. ebook. Education
- Black lives matter vs. all lives matter : a multidisciplinary primer / edited by Abdul Karim Bangura.. ebook. Social Work
- Black mercuries : African American athletes, race, and the modern Olympic games / David K. Wiggins, Kevin B. Witherspoon, and Mark S. Dyreson.. print book. History
- The Black Monk.. streaming video. Russian Studies
- Black Moon : for bass voice and bass clarinet (2012) / Calliope Tsoupaki.. music score (printed). Music
- Black Orpheus : Jacob Lawrence and the Mbari Club / edited by Kimberli Gant and Ndubuisi Ezeluomba.. print book. Art
- Black Pedro Pan / Ricardo E. Gonzalez Zayas.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Black performance theory / Thomas F. DeFrantz and Anita Gonzalez, editors ; foreword by D. Soyini Madison.. ebook. Theatre & Dance
- The Black period : on personhood, race, and origin / Hafizah Augustus Geter.. print book. Education
- Black Shakespeare : reading and misreading race / Ian Smith (Lafayette College).. print book. English
- Black snow : Curtis LeMay, the firebombing of Tokyo, and the road to the atomic bomb / James M. Scott.. print book. History
- Black suffrage : Lincoln's last goal / Paul D. Escott.. print book. History
- Black windsongs / Leon J. Carter, III.. print book. Special Collections
- Black women and public health : strategies to name, locate, and change systems of power / edited by Stephanie Y. Evans, Sarita K. Davis, Leslie R. Hinkson, and Deanna J. Wathington ; afterword by Jasmine Ward.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- Black women in white : racial conflict and cooperation in the nursing profession, 1890-1950 / Darlene Clark Hine.. ebook. History
- Blacks & blackness in Central America : between race and place / edited by Lowell Gudmundson & Justin Wolfe.. ebook. African American and Africana Studies
- Blancaflor : la heroína con poderes secretos : un cuento de Latinoamérica / Nadja Spiegelman & Sergio García Sánchez ; [con intruducción de F. Isabel Campoy ; traducción, María E. Santana y José M. Méndez].. print book. Education
- Blancaflor : the hero with secret powers : a folktale from Latin America / Nadja Spiegelman & Sergio García Sánchez ; [with an introduction by F. Isabel Campoy].. print book. Education
- Der Blaue Engel / ein Film der F. W. Murnau.. streaming video. German
- Blinder Fleck Nordwestbahnhof : biographie eines innenstadtnahen Bahnhofsareals / Michael Hieslmair, Bernhard Hachleitner, Michael Zinganel.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Bliss montage / Ling Ma.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Blodhov (bloodhoof) : monodrama for mezzo-soprano and eight instruments (2016-19) / Karin Rehnqvist.. music score (printed). Music
- Blood and diamonds : Germany's imperial ambitions in Africa / Steven Press.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Blood at the root / by Dominique Morisseau.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Blood! not just a vampire drink / by Stacy McAnulty ; illustrated by Shawna J.C. Tenney.. print book. Education
- The blood of Jesus / Amegro Films presents Cathryn Caviness and Spencer Williams in.. streaming video. English
- The blood of Jesus / Amegro Films presents Cathryn Caviness and Spencer Williams in.. streaming video.
- Bloodbath nation / Paul Auster ; photographs by Spencer Ostrander.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
- Bloody tyrants & little pickles : stage roles of Anglo-American girls in the nineteenth century / Marlis Schweitzer.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Blooming fiascoes : poems / Ellen Hagan.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The Bloomsbury handbook to the digital humanities / edited by James O'Sullivan.. print book. History
- Blue / Britta Teckentrup.. print book. Education
- Blue : a history of the color as deep as the sea and as wide as the sky / by Nana Ekua Brew-Hammond ; illustrated by Daniel Minter.. print book. Education
- Blue architecture : water, design, and environmental futures / Brook Muller.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Blue Bison needs a haircut / written by Scott Rothman ; illustrated by Pete Oswald.. print book. Education
- A blue kind of day / by Rachel Tomlinson ; illustrated by Tori-Jay Mordey.. print book. Education
- The blue kite.. streaming video. Asian Studies
- BLUE LAKE FANTASIES. print book. Music
- Bluegrass paradise : Royal Spring and the birth of Georgetown, Kentucky / Gary A. O'Dell.. print book.
- Blueprints neurology / Frank W. Drislane, Alexandra Hovaguimian, Andrew W. Tarulli, Aimee K. Boegle, Courtney McIIduff, Louis R. Caplan.. print book. Medicine
- The Blunders : a counting catastrophe! / Christina Soontornvat ; illustrated by Colin Jack.. print book. Education
- Blur : for solo Bb clarinet and clarinet quartet (2021) / Lawrence Dillon.. music score (printed). Music
- Boaz Kaizman : Grünanlage = green area / Herausgeberin, Barbara Engelbach.. print book. Art
- Der Boden unter den Füssen = The ground beneath my feet / eine Produktion der Novotny & Novotny Filmproduktion ; ein Film von Marie Kreutzer ; Produzenten, Alexander Glehr, Franz Novotny ; Drehbuch und Regie, Marie Kreutzer.. streaming video. German
- Bodies are cool / by Tyler Feder.. print book. Education
- Body image and eating disorders : an anthropological and psychological overview / Fabio Gabrielli, Ludes University, Lugano, Floriana Irtelli, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan.. ebook. Psychology
- The boggart : folklore, history, place-names and dialect / Simon Young.. print book. Russian Studies
- Boîtes à valse : pour basson(s) et piano / Bruno Giner.. music score (printed). Music
- BON VENT: FOR SOLO VIOLIN (2018) / KAIJA SAARIAHO. print book. Music
- Bone music / Stephen Coates.. print book. Music
- BONE SOUP A SPOOKY TASTY TALE. print book. Education
- Bone soup : a spooky, tasty tale / Alyssa Satin Capucilli ; illustrated by Tom Knight.. print book. Education
- Book madness : a story of book collectors in America / Denise Gigante.. print book.
- The book of goose / Yiyun Li.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- The Book of imaginary beings : for two guitars / Leo Brouwer.. music score (printed). Music
- The book of minds : how to understand ourselves and other beings, from animals to AI to aliens / Philip Ball.. print book. Philosophy
- The book of the dead / Muriel Rukeyser ; with an introduction by Catherine Venable Moore.. print book. English
- The book proposal book : a guide for scholarly authors / Laura Portwood-Stacer.. ebook. Social Work
- The books of Jacob : or: A fantastic journey across seven borders, five languages, and three major religions, not counting the minor sects. Told by the dead, supplemented by the author, drawing from a range of books, and aided by imagination, the which be. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- The books that made the European enlightenment : a history in 12 case studies / Gary Kates.. print book. History
- Boomers / Bartolomé Seguí.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Bootstrapped : liberating ourselves from the American Dream / Alissa Quart.. print book. Business
- Borderlands resilience : transitions, adaptation and resistance at borders / Edited by Dorte Jagetic Andersen and Eeva-Kaisa Prokkola.. ebook. Geography
- Boredom, architecture and spatial experience / Christian Parreno.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Boris Lurie and Wolf Vostell : Art after the Shoah / edited by Eckhart J. Gillen, Daniel Koep, Kunstmuseum Den Haag ; in cooperation with Kunsthaus Dahlem, Ludwig Museum Koblenz, Ludwig Müzeum--Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest ; supported by Boris Lu. print book. Art
- Botanical poetics : early modern plant books and the husbandry of print / Jessica Rosenberg.. print book. English
- Botticelli and Renaissance Florence : masterworks from the Uffizi / edited by Cecilia Frosinini and Rachel McGarry.. print book. Art
- Botticelli's secret : the lost drawings and the rediscovery of the Renaissance / Joseph Luzzi.. print book. Art
- La boum 1 & 2 / Claude Pinoteau.. video DVD.
- Bound by convention : obligation and social rules / David Owens.. print book. Philosophy
- Bourbon 101 / Albert W. A. Schmid ; foreword by Chris Morris.. print book.
- Box broken open : the architecture of Ted Pappas / Tim Gilmore with Mark Pappas.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The box in the woods / Maureen Johnson.. print book. Education
- A boxing legacy : the life and works of writer and cartoonist Ted Carroll / edited by Ian Phimister, David Patrick.. print book. History
- The boy who tried to shrink his name / by Sandhya Parappukkaran ; illustrated by Michelle Pereira.. print book. Education
- Boyhood. ebook. English
- Boyhood. ebook.
- Boys, childhood domestic abuse, and gang involvement : violence at home, violence on-road / Jade Levell ; with a foreword by Marianne Hester.. print book. Education
- Braiding sweetgrass : Indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge and the teachings of plants / Robin Wall Kimmerer.. ebook.
- The brain on youth sports : the science, the myths, and the future / Julie M. Stamm, PhD.. print book. Education
- Brains! : not just a zombie snack / Stacy McAnulty ; illustrated by Matthew Rivera.. print book. Education
- Brave [Graphic Novel] / Svetlana Chmakova.. print book. Education
- Brave every day / by Trudy Ludwig ; illustrated by Patrice Barton.. print book. Education
- Brazilian art song anthology : 25 songs for voice and piano / edited by Flavio Mello and Carol McDavit = Antologia da canção brasileira : 25 obras para canto e piano / edição de Flavio Mello and Carol McDavit.. music score (printed). Music
- Brazilian folk tunes for flute & guitar / 15 pieces edited and arranged by Julian Byzantine ; with accompanying CD.. music score (printed). Music
- Brazilian piano collection : 19 pieces / edited by John Crawford De Cominges and Tim Richards.. music score (printed). Music
- Breadcrumb : art in your sandwich / edited by Eliot Z. Felde and Cristina Ramos.. print book. Art
- Breaking away : how to regain control over our data, privacy, and autonomy / Maurice E. Stucke.. print book. Law
- The breaking news / written & illustrated by Sarah Lynne Reul.. print book. Education
- Breaking silence : the story of the sisters at DeSales Heights / Silent Heart Productions ; writer/director, Susan Pointon ; producer, Tommie Dell Smith.. streaming video.
- Breaking silence : the story of the sisters at DeSales Heights / Silent Heart Productions ; writer/director, Susan Pointon ; producer, Tommie Dell Smith.. streaming video. Education
- Breaking the promise of Brown : the resegregation of America's schools / Stephen Breyer ; introduction by Thiru Vignarajah.. print book. Law
- Breasts and eggs / Mieko Kawakami ; translated from the Japanese by Sam Bett and David Boyd.. ebook. Asian Studies
- Breath better spent : living Black girlhood / DaMaris B. Hill.. print book. Education
- Breathe / Scott Magoon.. print book. Education
- Breathers : Paul Chan / edited by Pavel S. Pyś ; with contributions by Vic Brooks, Pvel S. Pyś, and Paul Chan.. print book. Art
- Breathing aesthetics / Jean-Thomas Tremblay.. print book. English
- Breathing makes it better : a book for sad days, mad days, glad days, and all the feelings in-between / Christopher Willard and Wendy O'Leary ; illustrated by Alea Marley.. print book. Education
- Breathless : the scientific race to defeat a deadly virus / David Quammen.. print book. Education
- Bremer Sinfonie : für Orchester / Harald Genzmer.. music score (printed). Music
- Brexitland : identity, diversity and the reshaping of British politics / Maria Sobolewska, Robert Ford.. print book. History
- Brick by brick : architecture and interiors built with bricks / this book was conceived, edited, and designed by Gestalten ; edited by Robert Klanten and Andrea Servert ; introduction by Natalia Torija ; feature texts by Natalia Torija.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- A brief literary history of disability / Fuson Wang.. print book. English
- Brilliant Bea / by Shaina Rudolph and Mary Vukadinovich ; illustrated by Fiona Lee.. print book. Education
- Brimset : for two flutes and two percussionists : 1965 / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
- Bring the war home : the white power movement and paramilitary America / Kathleen Belew.. ebook. Sociology
- Britain's black past / editor, Gretchen H. Gerzina.. ebook.
- British activist authors addressing children of colour / Karen Sands-O'Connor.. print book. English
C - Chi
- C is for country / Lil Nas X ; illustrated by Theodore Taylor III.. print book. Education
- C. S. Peirce and the Deconstruction of Tradition : Reality As a Sign / by Gheorghe Jurj.. print book. Philosophy
- C. Vann Woodward : America's historian / James C. Cobb.. ebook.
- The cabinet of Dr. Caligari.. streaming video. English
- CADAVRE EXQUIS. print book. Art
- Las cadenas de la identidad : poéticas del desarraigo y el viaje en la obra de Andrés Neuman / Javier Ferrer Calle.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
- Calamity Jack / Shannon Hale, Dean Hale and [illustrations by] Nathan Hale.. print book. Education
- ¡CALAVERA ZUMBONA! [CAPTION TITLE]. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Calices : for violin and piano / Kaija Saariaho.. music score (printed). Music
- California burning : the fall of Pacific Gas and Electric--and what it means for America's power grid / Katherine Blunt.. ebook. Business
- Call and response / Christian Marclay and Steve Beresford. print book. Art
- Call her by her name : poems / Bianca Lynne Spriggs.. print book.
- Called to the camera : Black American studio photographers / Brian Piper with John Edwin Mason, Carla Williams, and Russell Lord ; foreword by Susan Taylor.. print book. Art
- Calling for explanation / Dan Baras.. print book. Philosophy
- Calling the Moon : 16 period stories from BIPOC authors / edited by Aida Salazar and Yamile Saied Méndez.. print book. Education
- Calling the wind : a story of healing and hope / Trudy Ludwig ; [illustrated by] Kathryn Otoshi.. print book. Education
- La cámara oscura = The camera obscura / CA, cine argentino ; Todo Cine Producciones ; Sophie Dulac Productions ; dirigida por María Victoria Menis ; productor, Héctor Menis ; guión, María Victoria Menis, Alejandro Fernández Murray.. video DVD. Hispanic Studies
- The Cambridge companion to American literature and the body / edited by Travis M. Foster.. print book. English
- The Cambridge companion to Chomsky / edited by James McGilvray, McGill University, Montreal.. print book. Philosophy
- Cambridge companion to global literature and slavery / edited by Laura T. Murphy. print book. English
- The Cambridge companion to K-pop / edited by Suk-Young Kim.. print book. Music
- The Cambridge companion to literature and economics / edited by Paul Crosthwaite, Peter Knight, Nicky Marsh.. print book. English
- The Cambridge companion to Plato / edited by David Ebrey, Richard Kraut.. print book. Philosophy
- The Cambridge companion to Roman law / [edited by] David Johnston, Edinburgh Law School.. ebook. Classical Studies
- The Cambridge companion to the essay / edited by Kara Wittman, Evan Kindley.. print book. English
- The Cambridge companion to the literature of the American Civil War and Reconstruction / edited by Kathleen Diffley, Coleman Hutchison.. print book. English
- The Cambridge companion to twentieth century literature and politics / edited by Christos Hadjiyiannis, Rachel Potter.. print book. English
- The Cambridge edition of early Christian writings. Volume 4, Christ : Chalcedon and beyond / edited by Mark DelCogliano.. print book. Philosophy
- The Cambridge handbook of political psychology / edited by Danny Osborne, University of Auckland, Chris G. Sibley, University of Auckland.. ebook. Political Science
- The Cambridge handbook of stigma and mental health / edited by David L. Vogel, Iowa State University, Nathaniel G. Wade, Iowa State University.. ebook. Social Work
- The Cambridge Heidegger lexicon / edited by Mark A. Wrathall.. print book. Philosophy
- The Cambridge history of the American novel / general editor: Leonard Cassuto ; associated editors: Clare Virginia Eby and Benjamin Reiss.. print book. English
- The Cambridge Kant lexicon / edited by Julian Wuerth, Vanderbilt University.. print book. Philosophy
- Cameraperson / Form Films presents a Big Mouth production ; a film by Kirsten Johnson.. streaming video.
- Camille Claudel 1915 / un film de Bruno Dumont.. streaming video. English
- Campaigns, elections, and the threat to democracy : what everyone needs to know / Dennis W. Johnson.. ebook. Political Science
- Campus emergency preparedness : meeting ICS and NIMS compliance / Maureen Connolly.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Campus sexual violence : a state of institutionalized sexual terrorism / Sarah Prior and Brooke A. de Heer.. print book. Law
- Can college level the playing field? : higher education in an unequal society / Sandy Baum, Michael McPherson.. print book. Education
- Can legal weed win? : the blunt realities of Cannabis economics / Robin Goldstein and Daniel Sumner.. ebook. Business
- The Canadian pop music encyclopedia : a biographical index / by Jaimie Vernon.. print book. Music
- La canción artística argentina : obras completas para voz y piano = The Argentinian art song : complete works for voice and piano / Irma Urteaga ; prólogo, investigación y edición, Patricia Caicedo = prologue, research, and editing, Patricia Caicedo.. music score (printed). Music
- La canción artística Boliviana : Alquímia : ciclo de canciones / de Agustín Fernández = The Bolivian art song : Alquimia : a song cycle / by Agustín Fernández ; edited by Patricia Caicedo.. music score (printed). Music
- La canción artística colombiana : Jaime León : análisis y compilación de su obra vocal = The Colombian art song : Jaime León, analysis & compilation of his vocal works / [Jaime León] ; prólogo, investigación y edición = prologue, research, and e. music score (printed). Music
- La canción artística colombiana : Jaime León : análisis y compilación de su obra vocal = The Colombian art song : Jaime León, analysis & compilation of his vocal works / [Jaime León] ; prólogo, investigación y edición = prologue, research, and e. music score (printed). Music
- Canciones de amor : for soprano and string quartet (2019) / Roberto Sierra.. music score (printed). Music
- Cançons sentimentales : contralt, clarinet en si♭ i trio de corda = contralto, clarinet in B flat and string trio = contralto, clarinete en si♭ y trío de cuerda / Manuel Blancafort ; poemes i lletra, Octavi Saltor, Guerau de Liost = poems and lyrics, Oct. music score (printed). Music
- Cançons tradicionals catalanes : Veu i piano = Voice and piano = Voz y piano / Manuel Blancafort ; Lletra = Lyrics = Letra, Manuel Blancafort ; Revisió = Revision = Revisión, Miquel Villalba.. music score (printed). Music
- Caniba / a film by Verena Paravel and Lucien Castaing-Taylor.. streaming video.
- Caniba / a film by Verena Paravel and Lucien Castaing-Taylor.. streaming video. Art
- Cannibal capitalism : how our system is devouring democracy, care, and the planet - and what we can do about it / Nancy Fraser.. print book. Business
- Cannibal capitalism : how our system is devouring democracy, care, and the planet - and what we can do about it / Nancy Fraser.. ebook. Business
- Canti del sole : chamber orchestra / Bernard Rands.. music score (printed). Music
- Cantus omnis ecclesiasticus ad hebdomadæ maioris missas, passionem D.N.I.C., officia tenebrarum, lamentationes, benedictiones, processiones, &c. iuxta ritum S.R.E., collectus ad usum faciliorem cleri uniuersi cathedralium, collegiatarum, aliarumque eccles. music score (printed). Music
- Canzon per sonar A 4-5, II / Giovanni Gabrieli ; arranged by John Serry.. music score (printed). Music
- Canzona per sonare, no. 2 : from Canzoni per sonare con ogni sorte di stromenti (Venice, 1608), for four-part brass choir / Giovanni Gabrieli ; edited by Robert King.. music score (printed). Music
- The capital order : how economists invented austerity and paved the way to fascism / Clara E. Mattei.. print book. History
- The capital order : how economists invented austerity and paved the way to fascism / Clara E. Mattei.. ebook. Business
- Capitalism and the death drive / Byung-Chul Han ; translated by Daniel Steuer.. ebook. Business
- Capitalism : the story behind the word / Michael Sonenscher.. print book. History
- Capitalism : the story behind the word / Michael Sonenscher.. ebook. Business
- Capitalist peace : a history of American free-trade internationalism / Thomas W. Zeiler.. print book. History
- Capitalist pigs : pigs, pork, and power in America / J.L. Anderson.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Capriccio concertante, e. 106 : for orchestra / S. C. Eckhardt-Gramatté ; edited by Brian McDonagh.. music score (printed). Music
- Capriccio für Tuba solo, 1980 / Krzysztof Penderecki.. music score (printed). Music
- Caprice, JSV 29 / Johan S. Svendsen ; utgitt av = edited by Bjarte Engeset & Jørn Fossheim.. music score (printed). Music
- Captain starfish / Davina Bell ; with illustrations by Allison Colpoys.. print book. Education
- Capture the moment : an architect's guide to travel sketching / Jim Lammers, FAIA.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The carbon dioxide revolution : challenges and perspectives for a global society / Michele Aresta, Angela Dibenedetto.. ebook. Physics
- Cardiac Nursing : The Red Reference Book for Cardiac Nurses/ Elizabeth M. Perpetua DNP, Patricia Keegan.. ebook. Medicine
- Care aesthetics : for artful care and careful art / James Thompson.. print book. Philosophy
- Careful the spell you cast : how Stephen Sondheim extended the range of the American musical / Ben Francis.. print book. Music
- Caribbean art / Veerle Poupeye.. print book. Art
- The caring city : ethics of urban design / Juliet Davis.. ebook. Geography
- Carl vs. Karl : Jung and Marx, two icons for our age / by James P. Driscoll.. print book. Philosophy
- Carmageddon : how cars make life worse and what to do about it / Daniel Knowles.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
- Carmageddon : how cars make life worse and what to do about it / Daniel Knowles.. ebook. Public Policy & Administration
- Carnivals of ruin : Beckett, Ireland, and the festival form / Trish McTighe.. print book. English
- Carol Bove : collage sculptures / Catherine Craft.. print book. Art
- Carolee Schneemann : body politics / edited by Lotte Johnson with Chris Bayley.. print book. Art
- Carolyn Lazard : Hintertür / Kunstverein Braunschweig.. print book. Art
- Carrie Mae Weems : "a great turn in the possible" / Carrie Mae Weems ; [edited by Fundación MAPFRE].. print book. Art
- Carry you with me : ten years of portraits / LJ Roberts.. print book. Art
- Cartes et fictions (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle) / Roger Chartier.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
- Cas Walker : stories on his life and legend / edited by Joshua S. Hodge.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Casa Sabrosa / Sebastião Moreira.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Case formulation in emotion-focused therapy : co-creating clinical maps for change / Rhonda N. Goldman, Leslie S. Greenberg.. ebook. Education
- Cases in public relations management : the rise of social media and activism / by Patricia Swann.. print book.
- The cashless revolution [electronic resource] : China's reinvention of money and the end of America's domination in finance and technology / Martin Chorzempa.. ebook. Business
- The cashless revolution [electronic resource] : China's reinvention of money and the end of America's domination in finance and technology / Martin Chorzempa.. ebook. Business
- Casino life : psychology and culture of casino gambling / Dr. Phil Watts.. ebook.
- Cassiodorus : explanation of the Psalms / translated and annotated by P.G. Walsh.. print book. Philosophy
- Castaway modernism : Basel's acquisitions of "degenerate" art / editors, Eva Reifert, Tessa Rosebrock.. print book. Art
- Cat eyes and dog whistles : the five [crossed out] seven senses of humans and other animals / written by Cathy Evans ; illustrated by Becky Thorns.. print book. Education
- Cat eyes and dog whistles : the seven senses of humans and other animals / written by Cathy Evans ; illustrated by Becky Thorns.. print book. Education
- The Catalan art song = La canción artística en catalán : Signat l'amic del cor / a song cycle by Nicolás Gutiérrez ; on poetry by Carles Duarte i Montserrat and Màrius Sampere ; edited by Patricia Caicedo = ciclo de Nicolás Gutiérrez ; sobre poesi. music score (printed). Music
- Catalina incognito / by Jennifer Torres ; illustrated by Gladys Jose.. print book. Education
- Catch a cat burglar / Kate Temple, Jol Temple ; art by Shiloh Gordon.. print book. Education
- Categorical data analysis and multilevel modeling using R / Xing Liu.. print book. Statistics
- Category theory and applications : a textbook for beginners / Marco Grandis, Università di Genova, Italy.. print book. Statistics
- Caterpillar and bean / Martin Jenkins ; illustrated by Hannah Tolson.. print book. Education
- The Catholic Church and European state formation, AD 1000-1500 / Jørgen Møller, Jonathan Stavnskaer Doucette.. print book. History
- Catholicism : the pivotal players. Volume I / producer, Nanette Noffsinger ; director and editor, Matt Leonard ; a Word on Fire Catholic Ministries / Picture Show Films production.. video DVD.
- La Caula : sonata da camera : viola i piano = viola and piano = viola y piano / Jordi Cervelló. music score (printed). Music
- CB Hoyo : I didn't know how to name this / [texts by] Cesare Biasini Selvaggi and Jack Kyle Franklin.. print book. Art
- C.D. Broad : key unpublished writings / edited by Joel Walmsley ; with a foreword by Simon Blackburn.. print book. Philosophy
- Ce qui coule du geste : pour violon solo (2021) / Ondrej Adamek.. music score (printed). Music
- Celebrity 2.0 : the role of social media influencer marketing in building brands / Stacy Landreth Grau.. ebook. Business
- Celebrity fashion marketing : developing a human fashion brand / Fykaa Caan and Angela Lee.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Céline and Julie Go Boating - Céline et Julie vont en bateau. ebook.
- Celsus in his world : philosophy, polemic, and religion in the second century / edited by James Carleton Paget, University of Cambridge; Simon Gathercole, University of Cambridge.. print book. Philosophy
- Censored art today / Gareth Harris.. print book. Art
- A center for victims of domestic violence in New Haven / Turner Brooks and Jonathan Toews.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Certain concealments : Poe, Hawthorne, and early nineteenth-century abortion / Dana Medoro.. print book. English
- Certificate for the arrest of certain slaves. print book.
- Chagall / Ines Schlenker.. print book. Art
- Le chagrin et la pitie : chronique d'une ville franc̨aise sous l'occupation / un film de Marcel Ophuls ; a Milestone film release.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- Chains of being : infinite regress, circularity, and metaphysical explanation / Ross P. Cameron.. print book. Philosophy
- The challenge of right-wing nationalist populism for social work : a human rights approach / edited by Carolyn Noble and Goetz Ottmann.. ebook. Social Work
- Chance encounters : temporary street art / by David Zinn.. print book. Art
- Chance in physics, computer science and philosophy : chance as the foundation of the world / Walter Hehl.. ebook. Mathematics
- Chance, logic and intuition : an introduction to the counter-intuitive logic of chance / Steven Tijms.. print book. Mathematics
- The chance to fly / by Tony Award winner Ali Stroker & Stacy Davidowitz.. print book. Education
- Change is required : preparing for the post-pandemic museum / edited by Avi Y. Decter, Marsha L. Semmel, and Ken Yellis.. print book. Arts Administration
- Changhwa, Hongryŏn = A tale of two sisters.. streaming video. English
- Changing light : for soprano and flute : (2005) / Kaija Saariaho.. music score (printed). Music
- Changing the commons : stories about placemaking / John Northmore Roberts.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Changing the game : Title IX, gender, and college athletics / Kelly McFall and Abigail Perkiss.. print book. History
- Changing the way we die : compassionate end of life care and the hospice movement / Fran Smith and Sheila Himmel ; foreword by Joan Halifx, PhD.. ebook. Social Work
- The channeled image : art and media politics after television / Erica Levin.. print book. Art
- La chanson du printemps... : for string orchestra : 1999 / Marilyn Shrude.. music score (printed). Music
- Chant du cavalier. Paroles de Louis de Lyvron.. music score (printed). Music
- Chants d'Auvergne : a singer's guide to Auvergnat pronunciation / Elizabeth Brodovitch, Lori McCann.. print book. Music
- Les chants de Tyrtée et de Callinus / traduits en vers par Firmin Didot.. print book.
- The chaos machine : the inside story of how social media rewired our minds and our world / Max Fisher.. ebook. Psychology
- Chaos theory / Nic Stone.. print book. Education
- Chapters from Gödel's unfinished book on foundational research in mathematics / Jan von Plato.. ebook. Mathematics
- Chardonnay : for unaccompanied flute (2010) / Reena Esmail.. music score (printed). Music
- Charlemagne in Italy / edited by Jane E. Everson.. print book. History
- Charles Darwin, the Copley medal, and the rise of naturalism, 1862-1864 / Marsha Driscoll [and others] ; in consultation with Frederick H. Burkhardt.. print book. History
- Charles Howland letter. print book.
- Charles Peirce and modern science / T.L. Short.. print book. Philosophy
- Charlotte Gray : a novel / Sebastian Faulks.. ebook. History
- Charlotte Prodger : selected works / editors, Lynn Kost, Chris McCormack ; foreword, Konrad Bitterli ; essays, Jac Renée Bruneau [and six others].. print book. Art
- Charlotte the scientist finds a cure / by Camille Andros ; illustrated by Brianne Farley.. print book. Education
- Charred root of meaning : continuity, transgression, and the other in Christian tradition / Philipp W. Rosemann.. print book. Philosophy
- Chasing the ghost : nobelist Fred Reines and the neutrino / Leonard A Cole.. print book. Physics
- Le château du rêve : für Sopran & Klavier / Augusta Holmès ; herausgegeben von Christel Nies.. music score (printed). Music
- Chaucer in the eighteenth century : the father of English poetry / David Hopkins, Tom Mason.. print book. English
- Che : a revolutionary life / Jon Lee Anderson and José Hernández ; translated by Megan McDowell.. print book. History
- The chemical biology of nitrogen / Christopher T. Walsh.. ebook. Chemistry
- The chemical biology of phosphorus / Christopher T. Walsh.. ebook. Chemistry
- The chemical biology of sulfur / Christopher T. Walsh.. ebook. Chemistry
- Chemical information for chemists : a primer / edited by Judith N. Currano and Dana L. Roth.. print book. Chemistry
- CHERISH & PROTECT. print book. Special Collections
- A Cherokee encyclopedia / Robert J. Conley.. ebook. Anthropology
- Cherubino's leap : in search of the Enlightenment moment / Richard Kramer.. print book. Music
- Chester Himes : a rage in Harlem, internationally acclaimed writer.. streaming video.
- Chester Himes : a rage in Harlem, internationally acclaimed writer.. streaming video.
- Chester van Chime who forgot how to rhyme / by Avery Monsen ; illustrated by Abby Hanlon.. print book. Education
- Chetvŭrti kont︠s︡ert za piano i orkestŭr = Quatrie|me concerto pour piano et orchestre, [op. 48] / Pancho Vladigerov = Pantcho Vladiguerov ; prerabomka za dve piana om avmora = arrange| pour 2 pianos par l'auteur.. music score (printed). Music
- Les chevaux de Dieu / Les Films du nouveaux monde présentent une coproduction Ali n' productions, Les Films du nouveaux monde, Stone Angels, YC Aligator film, Artémis productions ; un film de Nabil Ayouch ; écrit par Jamal Belmahi ; produit par Nabil A. streaming video.
- Les chevaux de Dieu / Les Films du nouveaux monde présentent une coproduction Ali n' productions, Les Films du nouveaux monde, Stone Angels, YC Aligator film, Artémis productions ; un film de Nabil Ayouch ; écrit par Jamal Belmahi ; produit par Nabil A. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- The Chevron doctrine : its rise and fall, and the future of the administrative state / Thomas W. Merrill.. print book. History
- The Chevron doctrine : its rise and fall, and the future of the administrative state / Thomas W. Merrill.. print book. Law
- Chicago, 1968 : policy and protest at the Democractic National Convention / Nicolas W. Proctor.. print book. History
- Chichi to ran / Kawakami Mieko.. print book. Asian Studies
- The chicken who couldn't / by Jan Thomas.. print book. Education
- Chief sustainability officers at work : how CSO's build successful sustainability and ESG strategies / Chrissa Pagitsas.. ebook. Business
- Chiffre VI : für 8 spieler (1985) / Wolfgang Rihm.. music score (printed). Music
- Chiffre VIII : für acht Spieler (1985/1988) / Wolfgang Rihm.. music score (printed). Music
- The child as visual artist / Ellen Winner Boston College, Harvard Project Zero, Jennifer E. Drake Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York.. print book. Education
- Child care justice : transforming the system of care for young children / edited by Maurice Sykes and Kyra Ostendorf ; foreword by Barbara T. Bowman.. print book. Education
- Child-centered play therapy : a practical guide to therapeutic relationships with children / Nancy H. Cochran, William J. Nordling, Jeff L. Cochran.. ebook. Social Work
- Childhood 2.0.. streaming video.
- Childhood 2.0.. streaming video. Social Work
- Children and climate change / Ann V. Sanson, Karina V. Padilla Malca, Judith L. Van Hoorn and Susie E.L. Burke.. print book. Education
- Children crossing borders : Latin American migrant childhoods / edited by Alejandra J. Josiowicz and Irasema Coronado.. print book. Education
- Children in lockdown : learning the lessons of pandemic times / edited by Christopher Arnold and Brian Davis.. print book. Education
- Children of mercury : the lives of the painters / Spike Bucklow.. print book. Art
- Children of the state : stories of survival and hope in the juvenile justice system / Jeff Hobbs.. print book. Business
- Children's imagination / Paul L. Harris, Harvard University, Graduate School of Education.. print book. Education
- China and the International Astronomical Union : divorce, separation and reconciliation (1958-1982) / Thierry Montmerle, Yi Zhou.. ebook. Physics
- China and the Uyghurs : a concise introduction / Morris Rossabi.. print book. History
- China in revolution : history lessons / Joseph W. Esherick.. print book. History
- China's international communication and relationship building / edited by Xiaoling Zhang and Corey Schultz.. ebook. Political Science
- China's next act : how sustainability and technology are reshaping China's rise and the world's future / Scott M. Moore.. ebook. Business
- Chinese thought in a multi-cultural world : cross-cultural communication, comparative literature and beyond / written by Yue Daiyun ; translated by Meng Xiangchun, Ian Hunter, and Harry Kuoshu.. print book. English
- Chinese whispers : toward a transpacific poetics / Yunte Huang.. print book. English
- Chinua Achebe and the Igbo-African world : between fiction, fact, and historical representation / edited by Chima J. Korieh and Ijeoma C. Nwajiaku.. print book. History
- Chip War : the fight for the world's most critical technology / Chris Miller.. ebook. Business
- Chip War : the fight for the world's most critical technology / Chris Miller.. ebook. Business
- Chip war : the fight for the world's most critical technology / Chris Miller.. print book. Business
- The Chiwaya war : Malawians and the First World War / Melvin E. Page.. ebook. History
Chl - Com
- Chloe's Lunar New Year / by Lily LaMotte ; illustrated by Michelle Lee.. print book. Education
- Chocolate : a cultural encyclopedia / Ross F. Collins.. ebook. History
- Choices and remembrances : suite in one movement / Barbara Harbach.. music score (printed). Music
- Chokepoint capitalism : how big tech and big content captured creative labor markets and how we'll win them back / Rebecca Giblin and Cory Doctorow.. print book. Business
- Choosing brave : how Mamie Till-Mobley and Emmett Till sparked the civil rights movement / Angela Joy ; illustrated by Janelle Washington.. print book. Education
- Choosing well : the good, the bad, and the trivial / Chrisoula Andreou.. print book. Philosophy
- Choral works for TTBB voices / John Rutter.. music score (printed). Music
- The choreography of everyday life / by Annie-B Parson.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Chris Killip, 1946-2020 / edited by Ken Grant and Tracy Marshall-Grant.. print book. Art
- Christ : through the Nestorian controversy / edited by Mark DelCogliano, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota.. print book. Philosophy
- Christian Marclay / edited by Jean-Pierre Criqui.. print book. Art
- Christianity's American fate : how religion became more conservative and society more secular / David A. Hollinger.. ebook. History
- Christianity's American fate : how religion became more conservative and society more secular / David A. Hollinger.. print book. History
- Christina Fernandez : multiple exposures / curated by Joanna Szupinska ; edited by Rebecca Epstein.. print book. Art
- Christine Corday : works 2001-2022 / Christine Corday ; [with essays by Taney Roniger and Leah Ollman].. print book. Art
- Christopher Lehmfuhl : Schlossplatz im Wandel = Schlossplatz in transition / mit einem Essay von Thomas Gädeke.. print book. Art
- Chronorama : photographic treasures of the 20th century / Pinault Collection ; Condé Nast Archive.. print book. Art
- Chryssa & New York / edited by Megan Holly Witko, Sophia Larigakis, and Michelle White.. print book. Art
- El Chupacabras / Adam Rubin, Crash McCreery.. print book. Education
- CIEL D'HIVER: FOR ORCHESTRA (2013) / KAIJA SAARIAHO. print book. Music
- La ciénaga = The swamp / Janus Films ; Nippon Film Developement & Finance, Inc. ; Fundación Octubre ; Romikin S.A. ; Wanda Visión ; Riofilme ; TS Productions ; Lita Stantic y 4K Films S.A. presentan ; un film de Lucrecia Martel ; producido por Lita Sta. streaming video. English
- La ciénaga = The swamp / Janus Films ; Nippon Film Developement & Finance, Inc. ; Fundación Octubre ; Romikin S.A. ; Wanda Visión ; Riofilme ; TS Productions ; Lita Stantic y 4K Films S.A. presentan ; un film de Lucrecia Martel ; producido por Lita Sta. streaming video.
- Cindy Sherman : tapestries / editor and exhibition coordinator Anne Mette Thomsen.. print book. Art
- Cinema in the guts : Marine Hugonnier / curator, Marta Ponsa ; editorial coordinator Lætitia Moukouri.. print book. Art
- Cinemaps : an atlas of great movies / maps by Andrew DeGraff ; essays by A.D. Jameson.. print book. Geography
- Cinematic style : fashion, architecture and interior design on film / Jess Berry.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Circadian regulation : methods and protocols / edited by Guiomar Solanas, Patrick-Simon Welz.. print book. Biology
- Circe's lament : anthology of wild women poetry / edited by Bianca Lynne Spriggs and Katerina Stoykova-Klemer.. print book.
- Circle map : for orchestra and electronics / Kaija Saariaho.. music score (printed). Music
- The circles in the sky / Karl James Mountford.. print book. Education
- Circular narratives in modern European literature / Juan Luis Toribio Vazquez.. print book. English
- Circular : to the electors of the twelfth Congressional District of Kentucky.. print book.
- Círculos : (Circles) : for string quartet / Andersen Viana.. music score (printed). Music
- Citizenship on Catfish Row : race and nation in American popular culture / Geoffrey Galt Harpham.. print book. Music
- City forward : how innovation districts can embrace risk and strengthen community / Matt Enstice with Mike Gluck.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- City of the plague god / Sarwat Chadda.. print book. Education
- "Civil disorder is the disease of Ibadan" : chieftaincy & civic culture in a Yoruba city / Ruth Watson.. print book. History
- Civil procedure in a nutshell / Mary Kay Kane, Arthur R. Miller, Adam N. Steinman.. print book. Law
- Civil rights queen : Constance Baker Motley and the struggle for equality / Tomiko Brown-Nagin.. print book. Law
- Civil war in Guangxi : the Cultural Revolution on China's southern periphery / Andrew G. Walder.. print book. History
- Civil War torpedoes and the global development of landmine warfare / Earl J. Hess.. print book. History
- Clara Schumann studies / edited by Joe Davies.. print book. Music
- Class Notes of Jo McCown Ferguson.. print book. Law
- Classic kitchens for modern living : Sarah Blank Design Studio / Sarah Blank ; editorial, Georgia (Gina) Tsarouhas, Jeanette Wall, Rebecca Cross.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Classical electrodynamics / John David Jackson.. print book. Physics
- Classical houses / Thomas Proctor ; foreword by Marc Appleton.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Classical New York : discovering Greece and Rome in Gotham / Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis and Matthew M. McGowan, editors.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Classical treatment of collisions between ions and atoms or molecules / Francois Frémont.. ebook. Physics
- Claude McKay : the making of a Black Bolshevik / Winston James.. print book. History
- Claude Monet, Joan Mitchell / edited by Suzanne Pagé, Angeline Scherf, Marianne Mathieu.. print book. Art
- Clavecin : anthologie de la musique baroque française.. music score (printed). Music
- Clay pop / introduction by Alia Dahl ; essay by Michael Lobel.. print book. Art
- Clay singing : solo percussion theater (2017) / Stuart Saunders Smith.. music score (printed). Music
- Clearwater rhapsody = Qing shui yao : for piano trio and erhu / Bright Sheng.. music score (printed). Music
- Cléo de 5 à 7 / Janus Films ; Ciné Tamaris presents; Rome Paris Films ; Georges de Beauregard, Carlo Ponti ; scénario et réalisation Agnès Varda.. streaming video.
- Cléo de 5 à 7 / Janus Films ; Ciné Tamaris presents; Rome Paris Films ; Georges de Beauregard, Carlo Ponti ; scénario et réalisation Agnès Varda.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- Cléo de 5 à 7 / Janus Films ; Ciné Tamaris presents; Rome Paris Films ; Georges de Beauregard, Carlo Ponti ; scénario et réalisation Agnès Varda.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- Cleveland in 50 maps / edited by Dan Crissman ; cartography by Evan Tachovsky and David Wilson.. print book. Geography
- The climate book / created by Greta Thunberg.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
- The climate book : the facts and the solutions / Greta Thunberg.. ebook. Public Policy & Administration
- Climate change, interrupted : representation and the remaking of time / Barbara Leckie.. print book. English
- Climate change is racist : race, privilege and the struggle for climate justice / Jeremy Williams ; [foreword by Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu].. ebook. Sociology
- Climate-smart production of coffee : improving social and environmental sustainability / edited by Reinhold Muschler.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Climatenomics : Washington, Wall Street, and the economic battle to save our planet / Bob Keefe ; foreword by Tom Steyer.. ebook. Business
- Climax change! : how architecture must transform in the age of ecological emergency / Pedro Gadanho.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Clinical epidemiology : the essentials / Grant S. Fletcher.. ebook. Medicine
- The clocks are telling lies : science, society, and the construction of time / Scott Alan Johnston.. ebook. Physics
- Clocks : for guitar / Joan Tower ; [suggested fingering by Sharon Isbin].. music score (printed). Music
- Cloud and wallfish / Anne Nesbet.. print book. Education
- Cloud empires : how digital platforms are overtaking the state and how we can regain control / Vili Lehdonvirta.. ebook. Business
- Cloud ethics : algorithms and the attributes of ourselves and others / Louise Amoore.. print book. Philosophy
- Cloudmoney : cash, cards, crypto, and the war for our wallets / Brett Scott.. print book. Business
- Clovis keeps his cool / Katelyn Aronson ; illustrated by Eve Farb.. print book. Education
- Cluster analysis and applications / Rudolf Scitovski, Kristian Sabo, Francisco Martínez-Álvarez, Šime Ungar.. print book. Statistics
- Co-curating the city: universities and urban heritage past and future. / edited by Clare Melhuish, Henric Benesch, Ingrid Martins Holmberg and Dean Sully.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Co-production and co-creation : engaging citizens in public services / edited by Taco Brandsen, Trui Steen and Bram Verschuere.. print book. Arts Administration
- Co-production and public service management : citizenship, governance and public service management / Victor Pestoff.. print book. Arts Administration
- Coal, cages, crisis : the rise of the prison economy in Central Appalachia / Judah Schept.. ebook. African American and Africana Studies
- Coal, cages, crisis : the rise of the prison economy in Central Appalachia / Judah Schept.. print book. Law
- Cobalt red : how the blood of the Congo powers our lives / Siddharth Kara.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Code black / directed by Ryan McGarry ; written by Ryan McGarry, Joshua Altman ; producer, Linda Goldstein Knowlton ; produced by C-Booth, LLC.. streaming video.
- Code black / directed by Ryan McGarry ; written by Ryan McGarry, Joshua Altman ; producer, Linda Goldstein Knowlton ; produced by C-Booth, LLC.. streaming video. Medicine
- Code breaker, spy hunter : how Elizebeth Friedman changed the course of two world wars / by Laurie Wallmark ; illustrated by Brooke Smart.. print book. Education
- Coded : art enters the computer age, 1952-1982 / Leslie Jones ; with contributions by Bronaċ Ferran, Patrick Frank, Tiffany Funk, Hannah B Higgins, Meredith Hoy, Jennifer King, Lisa Gabrielle Mark, Joel McKim, Britt Salvesen, Edward Shanken, Staci Steinb. print book. Art
- Codes guidebook for interiors / Katherine E. Kennon.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The codes of gender : identity + performance in pop culture / produced by the Media Education Foundation ; written & directed by Sut Jhally.. streaming video. Education
- The codes of gender : identity + performance in pop culture / produced by the Media Education Foundation ; written & directed by Sut Jhally.. streaming video.
- Coffeehouse culture in the Atlantic world, 1650-1789 / E. Wesley Reynolds, III.. print book. History
- Cognition and practice : Li Zehou's philosophical aesthetics / Rafal Banka.. print book. Philosophy
- Cognitive development in infancy and childhood / Mary Gauvain.. print book. Education
- Coherentism / Erik J. Olsson.. print book. Philosophy
- Colchester fantasy / Eric Ewazen.. music score (printed). Music
- Cold war hothouses [electronic resource] : inventing postwar culture, from cockpit to playboy / Beatriz Colomina, AnnMarie Brennan, and Jeannie Kim, editors.. ebook.
- The cold war, the space race, and the law of outer space : space for peace / Albert K. Lai.. print book. Law
- Colin Rowe's gospel of modern architecture / Braden R. Engel.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Collaborations in architecture and engineering / Clare Olsen and Sinéad Mac Namara.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Collapse : the fall of the Soviet Union / Vladislav M. Zubok.. print book. History
- Collapse : the fall of the Soviet Union / Vladislav M. Zubok.. print book. History
- The collected writings of police chief August Vollmer : volume 1: 1914-1926 / August Vollmer ; edited by Willard M. Oliver.. print book. Geography
- Collective illusions : conformity, complicity, and the science of why we make bad decisions / Todd Rose.. print book. Education
- Collective memory of rural life in an original village in Mexico City / edited by Teresa Mora Vazquez.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Collective resistance to neoliberalism / Paul Almeida, University of California, Merced ; Amalia Pérez Martín, University of California, Merced.. ebook. Political Science
- The collector and the collected : decolonizing area studies librarianship / editors, Megan Browndorf, Erin Pappas, Anna Arays.. print book. Library & Information Science
- The college administrator's survival guide / C.K. Gunsalus. ebook. Education
- The college devaluation crisis : market disruption, diminishing ROI, and an alternative future of learning / Jason Wingard.. ebook. Education
- The college devaluation crisis : market disruption, diminishing ROI, and an alternative future of learning / Jason Wingard.. ebook. Business
- Colonial chaos in the southern Red Sea : a history of violence from 1830 to the twentieth century / Nicholas W. Stephenson Smith, [Northwestern University, Illinois].. print book. History
- The colonial public and the Parsi stage : the making of the theatre of empire (1853-1893) / Rashna Darius Nicholson.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Colonial racial capitalism / Susan Koshy, Lisa Marie Cacho, Jodi A. Byrd, and Brian Jordan Jefferson, editors.. print book. Business
- Color atlas of common oral diseases / Robert P. Langlais, Craig S. Miller, Jill S. Gehrig.. ebook. Medicine
- The color collector / by Nicholas Solis ; illustrated by Renia Metallinou.. print book. Education
- The color of crime : racial hoaxes, white crime, media messages, police violence, and other race-based harms / Katheryn Russell-Brown.. ebook. Sociology
- The color pynk : black femme art for survival / Omise'eke Natasha Tinsley.. ebook.
- Color the sky / words by David Elliott ; art by Evan Turk.. print book. Education
- Colorblind Tools [electronic resource] : Global Technologies of Racial Power.. ebook.
- Colsolatio solitudinis (the comfort of solitude) : for disklavier (2021) / Kyle Gann.. music score (printed). Music
- Come kingdom : poems / Derrick Harriell.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The comedy of survival : literary ecology and a play ethic / Joseph W. Meeker.. print book. English
- A commerce of knowledge : trade, religion, and scholarship between England and the Ottoman Empire, c.1600-1760 / Simon Mills.. print book. History
- The common camp : architecture of power and resistance in Israel-Palestine / Irit Katz.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Communist Poland : a Jewish woman's experience / Sara Nomberg-Przytyk ; edited by Holli Levitsky and Justyna Włodarczyk ; translated by Paula Parsky.. ebook. History
- Community and public health nutrition / Sari Edelstein, PhD, RDN, Professor, Retired, Nutrition and Dietetics Department, Simmons College.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- The community-based PhD : complexities and triumphs of conducting CBPR / edited by Sonya Atalay and Alexandra McCleary.. ebook. Anthropology
- Community economies in the Global South [electronic resource] : case studies of rotating savings credit associations and economic cooperation / edited by Caroline Shenaz Hossein and Christabell P.J.. ebook. Business
- Community engagement through collaborative writing : storytelling together / Lisa J. Hardy.. print book. English
- The community in avant-garde literature and politics / Zrinka Božić.. print book. Art
- Community in contemporary British fiction : from Blair to Brexit / edited by Sara Upstone and Peter Ely.. print book. English
- Community organizing and community building for health and social equity / edited by Meredith Minkler, Patricia Wakimoto.. ebook.
- A companion to American agricultural history / edited by R. Douglas Hurt, Purdue University West Lafayette, IN.. ebook. History
- A companion to the Abbey of Le Bec in the Central Middle Ages (11th-13th centuries) / edited by Benjamin Pohl and Laura L. Gathagan.. print book. History
- Comparative approaches to compassion : understanding nonviolence in world religions and politics / Ramin Jahanbegloo.. ebook. Political Science
- Compendium of terminology in analytical chemistry / edited by D. Brynn Hibbert.. ebook. Chemistry
- Complementary democracy : the art of deliberative listening / edited by Matt Qvortrup and Daniela Vancic.. ebook. Political Science
- The complete book of 2000s Broadway musicals / Dan Dietz.. print book. Music
- Complete flute works = Die Flötenwerke = Oeuvres complètes pur flute ; for flute and piano = für Querflöte und Klavier = pour flûte et piano / Lili Boulanger ; edited by / herausgegeben von Elisabeth Weinzierl and /und Edmund Wächter.. music score (printed). Music
- The complete guide to open scholarship / Victoria Martin.. ebook. History
- Complete method for the tuba / J.B. Arban ; transcribed and edited by Jerry Young & Wesley Jacobs.. music score (printed). Music
- The complete paintings / Frida Kahlo ; edited by Luis-Martín Lozano ; directed and produced by Benedikt Taschen.. print book. Art
- Complete songs. Volume 4, Four late song cycles : 26 songs for voice and piano = 26 mélodies pour chant et piano = 26 Lieder für Singstimme und Klavier / Gabriel Fauré.. music score (printed). Music
- Complete songs. Volume 4, Four late song cycles, La chanson d'Ève, Le jardin clos, Mirages, L'horizon chimérique : 26 songs for voice and piano = 26 mélodies pour chant et piano = 26 Lieder für Singstimme und Klavier / Gabriel Fauré.. music score (printed). Music
- Complicit : how we enable the unethical and how to stop / Max H. Bazerman.. ebook. Business
- Composite-based structural equation modeling : analyzing latent and emergent variables / Jörg Henseler.. print book. Statistics
- Composizioni pianistiche. Volume 2, "Hollywood" / Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco ; a cura di = edited by Angelo Gilardino.. music score (printed). Music
- Composizioni pianistiche. Volume 1, Firenze / Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco ; a cura di Angelo Gilardino.. music score (printed). Music
- The comprehensive guide : NFTS, digital artwork, blockchain technology / Marc Beckman.. ebook. Business
- The comprehensive guide : NFTS, digital artwork, blockchain technology / Marc Beckman.. ebook. Business
- The comprehensive plan : sustainable, resilient, and equitable communities for the 21st century / David Rouse and Rocky Piro.. print book. Geography
- Computational formalism : art history and machine learning / Amanda Wasielewski.. print book. Art
- Comrade sisters : women of the Black Panther party / [photographs by] Stephen Shames ; [text by] Ericka Huggins.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
Con - Cz
- Cooked. ebook. Anthropology
- Cooking for artists / Mina Stone.. print book. Art
- Coproduction : collaboration in music production / Robert Wilsmore and Christopher Johnson.. print book. Arts Administration
- The copy generic : how the nonspecific makes our social worlds / Scott MacLochlainn.. print book. Philosophy
- Copyright's broken promise : how to restore the law's ability to promote the progress of science / John Willinsky.. print book. Law
- Coquí in the city / Nomar Perez.. print book. Education
- Core data analysis : summarization, correlation, and visualization / Boris Mirkin.. print book. Statistics
- Cornelia Parker / edited by Andrea Schlieker ; with contributions by Jo Applin [and eleven others].. print book. Art
- Corona for strings (Corona II) : pour instruments à cordes (1962) / Toru Takemitsu.. music score (printed). Music
- Corpus Domini : dal corpo glorioso alle rovine dell'anima / a cura di Francesca Alfano Miglietti = Corpus Domini : from the glorified body to the ruins of the soul / curated by Francesca Alfano Miglietti.. print book. Art
- Corpus III : Cruor and other writings / Jean-Luc Nancy ; translated by Jeff Fort, Agnès Jacob, Robert St. Clair, Marie-Eve Morin, and Travis Holloway... print book. Philosophy
- Cosmic origins : science's long quest to understand how our universe began / M. Mitchell Waldrop.. ebook. Physics
- Cosplay : a history / Andrew Liptak.. ebook. Sociology
- A costume for Charly / by CK Malone ; illustrated by Alejandra Barajas.. print book. Education
- Cougar crossing : how Hollywood's celebrity cougar helped build a bridge for city wildlife / written by Meeg Pincus ; illustrated by Alexander Vidal.. print book. Education
- Councilwoman / a film by Margo Guernsey.. streaming video.
- Counseling in a gender-expansive world : resources to support therapeutic practice / Douglas Knutson, Chloë Goldbach, Julie M. Koch.. ebook. Psychology
- Countdown to Pearl Harbor : the twelve days to the attack / Steve Twomey.. ebook. History
- Counter gravity : the films of Heinz Emigholz / edited by Anselm Franke.. print book. Art
- Counter-texts : language in contemporary art / Kim Dhillon.. print book. Art
- Counting to bananas : a mostly rhyming fruit book / words by Carrie Tillotson ; pictures by Estrela Lourenço.. print book. Education
- Country capitalism : how corporations from the American South remade our economy and the planet / Bart Elmore.. ebook. Business
- Country capitalism : how corporations from the American South remade our economy and the planet / Bart Elmore.. print book. Business
- Courbet's landscapes : the origins of modern painting / Paul Galvez.. print book. Art
- La Courte paille : for medium/low voice and piano / Francis Poulenc.. music score (printed). Music
- COVID-19 and international political theory : assessing the potential for normative shift / Ruairidh Brown.. print book. Philosophy
- Crack-up capitalism : market radicals and the dream of a world without democracy / Quinn Slobodian.. print book. Business
- Crafting feminism from literary modernism to the multimedia present / Amy E. Elkins.. print book. English
- Crash landing : the inside story of how the world's biggest companies survived an economy on the brink / Liz Hoffman.. print book. Business
- Crash Landing : The Inside Story of How the World's Biggest Companies Survived an Economy on the Brink / Liz Hoffman.. ebook. Business
- Creating a character : the Moni Yakim legacy / Hominid Films.. streaming video. Theatre & Dance
- Creating a successful graphic design portfolio / Irina Lee.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Creating African fashion histories : politics, museums, and sartorial practices / edited by JoAnn McGregor, Heather Akou, and Nicola Stylianou.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Creating historic preservation in the 21st century / edited by Richard D. Wagner and de Teel Patterson Tiller.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Creating place in early modern European architecture / edited by Elizabeth Merrill.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Creating the urban dream : tackling the affordable housing crisis with compassion / Clay Grubb.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Creative and non-fiction writing during isolation and confinement : imaginative travel, prison, shipwrecks, pandemics, and war / Ben Stubbs.. print book. English
- Creative evolution / Henri Bergson ; translated by Donald A Landes, with a foreword by Elizabeth Grosz.. print book. Philosophy
- Creative practice inquiry in architecture / edited by Ashley Mason and Adam Sharr.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Creative product design with cultural codes / edited by Wang Ming-Feng.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The creative writer's mind / Nigel Krauth.. print book. English
- Creativity & innovation : theory, research, and practice / edited by Jonathan A. Plucker.. print book. Education
- Credit repair / attorneys Amy Loftsgordon & Cara O'Neill.. print book. Law
- Creepy crayon! / words by Aaron Reynolds ; pictures by Peter Brown.. print book. Education
- The Creole Archipelago : race and borders in the colonial Caribbean / Tessa Murphy.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Creole drama : theatre and society in Antebellum New Orleans / Juliane Braun.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Creolizing practices of freedom : recognition and dissonance / Michael J. Monahan.. print book. Philosophy
- Crestwood Hills : the chronicle of a modern utopia / Cory Buckner.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Crime, violence, and justice in Latin America / edited by Carlos Solar and Carlos A. Pérez Ricart.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
- Crimesploitation : crime, punishment, and pleasure on reality television / Paul Kaplan and Daniel LaChance.. ebook. Law
- Criminal cities : the postcolonial novel and cathartic crime / Molly Slavin.. print book. English
- Criminality and the common law imagination in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries / Erin Sheley.. print book. Law
- The crisis of democratic capitalism / Martin Wolf.. ebook. Business
- The crisis of democratic capitalism / Martin Wolf.. print book. Business
- Criss-cross : Daniel Buren / text, Giovanni Anselmo, Igor Antic, Anne Baldassari, Joël Benzakin [and thirty-nine others].. print book. Art
- Critical elitism : deliberation, democracy and the problem of expertise / Alfred Moore, University of Cambridge.. print book. History
- Critical phenomenology : an introduction / Elisa Magrì and Paddy McQueen.. print book. Philosophy
- Critical philosophy of race : essays / Robert Bernasconi.. print book. Philosophy
- Critical race studies across disciplines : resisting racism through scholactivism / edited by Jonathan Chism, Stacie Craft DeFreitas, Vida Robertson, and David Ryden.. print book. History
- Critical race theory : an introduction / Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic ; foreword by Angela Harris.. print book. Law
- Critical studies on Heidegger : the emerging body of understanding / David Michael Kleinberg-Levin.. print book. Philosophy
- Critical terms in Caribbean and Latin American thought : historical and institutional trajectories / edited by Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel, Ben. Sifuentes-Jáuregui, and Marisa Belausteguigoitia.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
- Critical theory and dystopia / Patrick McManus.. print book. English
- Critical thinking in biology and environmental education : facing challenges in a post-truth world / Blanca Puig, María Pilar Jiménez-Aleixandre, editors.. ebook. Biology
- Criticism and politics : a polemical introduction / Bruce Robbins.. print book. Philosophy
- Critique of critique / Roy Ben-Shai.. print book. Philosophy
- Crónicas de la conquista espiritual de América : antología / edición de Mercedes Serna y José Luis Villar.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Cross-border cosmopolitans : the making of a Pan-African North America / Wendell Nii Laryea Adjetey.. print book. History
- Crossing a line : laws, violence, and roadblocks to Palestinian political expression / Amahl A. Bishara.. print book.
- The crossroads at midnight / Abby Howard.. print book. Education
- Crossroads : drawing the Dutch landscape : selections from the Harvard Art Museum and the Maida and George Abrams Collection / editedby Joanna Sheers Seidenstein and Susan Anderson ; with contributions by Susan Anderson [and 5 others] ; afterword by Georg. print book. Art
- The crown and the courts : separation of powers in the early Jewish imagination / David C. Flatto.. print book. History
- The crucible = Die Hexenjagd : an opera in four acts / based on the play by Arthur Miller ; libretto by Bernard Stambler ; music by Robert Ward ; German translation by Thomas Martin.. music score (printed). Music
- Crucible : the long end of the Great War and the birth of a New World, 1917-1924 / Charles Emmerson.. print book. History
- Cruel optimism / Lauren Berlant.. print book. Political Science
- Cruise book of maps : an authoritative and up-to-date guide with accompanying maps to gay establishments nationwide.. print book.
- Crush [graphic novel] / Svetlana Chmakova.. print book. Education
- Crying out loud : for large ensemble / Mark-Anthony Turnage.. music score (printed). Music
- Cryptography : the key to digital security, how it works, and why it matters / Keith Martin.. print book. Mathematics
- The Cuban sandwich : a history in layers / Andrew T. Huse, Bárbara C. Cruz, and Jeff Houck.. ebook. Sociology
- Cubism and the trompe l'oeil tradition / Emily Braun, Elizabeth Cowling ; with essays by Claire Le Thomas and Rachel Mustalish.. print book. Art
- Culinary guide / First Presbyterian Church, Paducah, Kentucky.. print book. Special Collections
- Culinary guide / First Presbyterian Church, Paducah, Kentucky.. print book.
- CULTIVATE ABUNDANCE MANDRAKE. print book. Special Collections
- Cults : inside the world's most notorious groups and understanding the people who joined them / Parcast's Max Cutler ; with Kevin Conley.. ebook. Sociology
- The cultural and historical heritage of colonialism : interrogating the postcolony / edited by Kenneth Usongo.. print book. English
- Cultural, existential and phenomenological dimensions of grief experience / edited by Allan Køster and Ester Holte Kofod.. ebook. Psychology
- Cultural heritage and the future / edited by Cornelius Holtorf and Anders Högberg.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Cultural participation : the perpetuation of middle-class privilege in Dublin, Ireland / Kerry McCall Magan.. print book. Art
- Cultural policy / David Bell and Kate Oakley.. ebook. Arts Administration
- Cultural property : a legal research guide / by Rebecca Lutkenhaus.. print book. Law
- Culture and language at crossed purposes : the unsettled records of American settlement / Jerome McGann.. print book. English
- Culture and medicine : critical readings in the health and medical humanities / edited by Rishi Goyal and Arden Hegele.. print book. English
- The culture transplant : how migrants make the economies they move to a lot like the ones they left / Garett Jones.. ebook. Business
- Cultures and literatures in dialogue : the narrative construction of Russian cultural memory / Elena Bollinger.. print book. English
- Cultures colliding : American missionaries, Chinese resistance, and the rise of modern institutions in China / John R. Haddad.. print book. History
- Curating beyond the mainstream : the practices of Carlos Capelán, Elisabet Haglund, Gunilla Lundahl, and Jan-Erik Lundström / edited by CuratorLab 2020/2021 ; Anna Mikaela Ekstrand, Giulia Floris, Vasco Forconi, Edy Fung, Julius Lehmann, Maria Lind, Mar. print book. Art
- Curing season : artifacts / Kristine Langley Mahler.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The currency of politics : the political theory of money from Aristotle to Keynes / Stefan Eich.. print book. History
- The currency of politics : the political theory of money from Aristotle to Keynes / Stefan Eich.. ebook. Business
- Current controversies in the philosophy of memory / edited by André Sant'Anna, Christopher Jude McCarroll, and Kourken Michaelian.. print book. Philosophy
- Current research in biology education : selected papers from the ERIDOB Community / Konstantinos Korfiatis, Marcus Grace, editors.. ebook. Biology
- The cursed carnival and other calamities : new stories about mythic heroes / edited by Rick Riordan ; with stories by Carlos Hernandez, Roshani Chokshi, Jennifer Cervantes, Yoon Ha Lee, Kwame Mbalia, Rebecca Roanhorse, Tehlor Kay Mejia, Sarwat Chadda, Gra. print book. Education
- Curve & flow : the elegant vision of L.A. architect Paul R. Williams / written by Andrea J. Loney ; illustrated by Keith Mallett.. print book. Education
- Cyber defence in the age of AI, smart societies and augmented humanity / Hamid Jahankhani, Stefan Kendzierskyj, Nishan Chelvachandran, Jaime Ibarra, editors.. ebook. Mathematics
- Czech arias for soprano : an anthology / compiled and edited by Kylie T. Gougler.. music score (printed). Music
D - Dh
- Dad bakes / Katie Yamasaki.. print book. Education
- DADI'S FAMILY DSL. print book. Anthropology
- Daffodil dreams : an Appalachia-inspired short story collection.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Dakota modern : the art of Oscar Howe / general editors, Kathleen Ash-Milby and Bill Anthes.. print book. Art
- Dalí / Dawn Ades.. print book. Art
- Dali : une histoire de la peinture / directeurs d'ouvrage, Montse Aguer Teixidor et Laura Bartolomé Roviras.. print book. Art
- Damaged : childhood trauma, adult illness, and the need for a health care revolution / Robert Maunder, MD, and Jonathan Hunter, MD.. ebook. Psychology
- Dan Mitchell posters : pocket guide / texts by Dan Mitchell, Fredi Fischli, and Niels Olsen ; editing, Andreas Koller.. print book. Art
- Dance in the sun : for piano solo / Arnold Bax ; arranged by John Mitchell.. music score (printed). Music
- Dance pedagogy for a diverse world : culturally relevant teaching in theory, research, and practice / Nyama McCarthy-Brown ; foreword by Takiyah Nur Amin.. ebook. Theatre & Dance
- Dance pedagogy for a diverse world : culturally relevant teaching in theory, research and practice / Nyama McCarthy-Brown ; foreword by Takiyah Nur Amin.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Dance vision : dance through the eyes of today's artists / Joshua Teal.. print book. Art
- Dances for solo tuba (or baritone) and three tubas / John Stevens.. music score (printed). Music
- Dancing down the barricades : Sammy Davis Jr. and the long civil rights era : a cultural history / Matthew Frye Jacobson.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Dancing on bones : history and power in China, Russia and North Korea / Katie Stallard.. ebook. Political Science
- Dancing queen / by Kelly Starling Lyons ; illustrated by Nneka Myers. print book. Education
- Dancing : the pleasure, power, and art of movement / Gerald Jonas ; preface by Rhoda Grauer.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Danger in the path of chic : violence in fashion between the wars / Lucy Moyse Ferreira.. print book. Art
- Danger zone : the coming conflict with China / Hal Brands and Michael Beckley.. print book. Political Science
- A dangerous business / Jane Smiley.. print book. Education
- Dangerous children : on seven novels and a story / Kenneth Gross.. print book. English
- Dangerous ground : squatters, statesmen, and the antebellum rupture of American democracy / John Suval.. print book. History
- Daniel Bryan indenture of orphans. print book.
- Dans la maison = In the house / un film de François Ozon ; Mandarin Cinéma présente ; en coproduction avec Mars Films, France 2 Cinéma, FOZ.. streaming video.
- Dans la maison = In the house / un film de François Ozon ; Mandarin Cinéma présente ; en coproduction avec Mars Films, France 2 Cinéma, FOZ.. streaming video. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Danse d'Almées : pour chant & piano / Augusta Z. Holmès ; paroles de Louis de Lyvron.. music score (printed). Music
- Danses für Harfe und Streichorchester / Claude Debussy ; herausgegeben von Peter Jost.. music score (printed). Music
- Danton. ebook. History
- Danton. ebook.
- Daoist resonances in Heidegger : exploring a forgotten debt / edited by David Chai.. print book. Philosophy
- Daphnis et Chloé : ballet et suites pour chœur et orchestre = Ballett und Suiten für Chor und Orchester = ballet and suites for choir and orchestra / Maurice Ravel ; herausgegeben von = edited by = éditée par Jean-François Monnard ; Klavierauszug vom. music score (printed). Music
- Dara Birnbaum : reaction / edited by Karen Kelly and Barbara Schroeder.. print book. Art
- Dare to know : prints and drawings in the age of Enlightenment / edited by Edouard Kopp, Elizabeth M. Rudy, and Kristel Smentek.. print book. Art
- Dare to lead like a girl : how to survive and thrive in the corporate jungle / Dalia Feldheim.. ebook. Business
- Dare to lead like a girl : how to survive and thrive in the corporate jungle / Dalia Feldheim ; [foreword by Sheryl Sandberg].. print book. Business
- Dark data : why what you don't know matters / David J. Hand.. ebook. Statistics
- The darker angels of our nature : refuting the Pinker theory of history & violence / edited by Philip Dwyer and Mark Micale.. ebook. Psychology
- The darkness manifesto : on light pollution, night ecology, and the ancient rhythms that sustain life / Johan Eklöf ; translated from the Swedish by Elizabeth DeNoma.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
- Darrel Ellis : regeneration / Antonio Sergio Bessa, Leslie Cozzi ; with essays by Makeda Best [and four others] .. print book. Art
- Data and democracy at work : advanced information technologies, labor law, and the new working class / Brishen Rogers.. print book. Law
- Data cartels : the companies that control and monopolize our information / Sarah Lamdan.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Data cartels : the companies that control and monopolize our information / Sarah Lamdan.. print book. Law
- Data cartels : the companies that control and monopolize our information / Sarah Lamdan.. print book. Business
- Data driven : truckers, technology, and the new workplace surveillance / Karen Levy.. ebook. Business
- The Data Literacy Cookbook / edited by Kelly Getz and Meryl Brodsky.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Data literacy in academic libraries : teaching critical thinking with numbers / edited by Julia Bauder.. print book. History
- The daughter of Doctor Moreau : a novel / Silvia Moreno-Garcia.. print book. Education
- Daughters of the dust / American Playhouse Theatrical Films in association with WMG present a Geechee Girls production ; produced, written and directed by Julie Dash ; produced by Julie Dash, Arthur Jafa.. streaming video. English
- Daughters of the flower fragrant garden : two sisters separated by China's Civil War / Zhuqing Li.. print book. History
- Dave Brubeck and the performance of whiteness / Kelsey Klotz.. print book. Music
- David Baker's how to play bebop : for all instruments.. music score (printed). Music
- David Baker's how to play bebop : for all instruments.. music score (printed). Music
- David Baker's modern concepts in jazz improvisation : a comprehensive method for all musicians.. music score (printed). Music
- David Hartt : the histories / editor, Cole Akers.. print book. Art
- David Hockney : Joiner photographs.. streaming video. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- David Hockney : Joiner photographs.. streaming video.
- David Hovey / text David C. Hovey ; Cheryl Kent (editor); contributions by Helmet Jahn and Alec Marshall.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- David Manzur / Eugenio Viola.. print book. Art
- David Medalla : parables of friendship / edited by Steven Cairns, Fatima Hellberg, Bart van der Heide.. print book. Art
- David Yarrow : how i make photographs / David Yarrow. print book. Art
- Dawoud Bey & Carrie Mae Weems : in dialogue / Ron Platt and Kinshasha Holman Conwill.. print book. Art
- Day hiking the Daniel Boone National Forest : includes Natural Bridge and Cumberland Falls State Parks / Johnny Molloy.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Dayanita Singh : book building / texts edited by Nayantara Patel and Simar Puneet.. print book. Art
- Dayanita Singh : dancing with my camera / edited by Stephanie Rosenthal ; managing editor, Louisa Elderton.. print book. Art
- De aquí como el coquí / Nomar Perez ; traducido por Farah Perez.. print book. Education
- De periculis novissimorum temporum / edition, translation, and introduction by G. Geltner.. print book. Philosophy
- De unione Verbi incarnati / Thomas Aquinas ; translation, introduction and notes by Roger W. Nutt (Ave Maria University) ; Latin text [edited] by Walter Senner, O.P., Barbara Bartocci, and Klaus Obenauer ; with a foreword by John F. Boyle.. print book. Philosophy
- Dead in the water : a true story of hijacking, murder, and a global maritime conspiracy / Matthew Campbell and Kit Chellel.. print book. Business
- Dead in the water : a true story of hijacking, murder, and a global maritime conspiracy / Matthew Campbell and Kit Chellel.. ebook. Business
- Dead weight : a memoir in essays / Randall Horton.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The deadly truth : a history of disease in America / Gerald N. Grob.. ebook. History
- Dear Little One / Nina Laden ; illustrated by Melissa Castrillon.. print book. Education
- Dear Pyongyang.. streaming video. History
- Dear Zachary / an Oscilloscope Laboratories and MSNBC Films presentation.. streaming video. English
- Death and meaning / edited by Michael Hauskeller.. print book. Philosophy
- Death and the body in the eighteenth-century novel / Jolene Zigarovich.. print book. English
- Death by chance : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book.
- Death by chocolate : a Josiah Reynolds Mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book. Special Collections
- Death by deceit : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book. Special Collections
- Death by derby : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book. Special Collections
- Death by design : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book. Special Collections
- Death by drama : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book. Special Collections
- Death by haunting : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book. Special Collections
- Death by lotto : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book. Special Collections
- Death by magic : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book. Special Collections
- Death by malice : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book. Special Collections
- Death by poison : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book.
- Death by shock : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book.
- Death by stalking : a Josiah Reynolds mystery / Abigail Keam.. print book. Special Collections
- The death of demographics : valuegraphic marketing for a values-driven world / David Allison ; with a foreword by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers.. ebook. Business
- The death of Stalin / written and directed by Armando Iannucci.. video DVD.
- Debt, law, realism : Nigerian writers imagine the state at independence / Neil ten Kortenaar.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- A decade of upheaval : the Cultural Revolution in rural China / Dong Guoqiang, Andrew G. Walder.. ebook. History
- Decadent Literature in Twentieth-Century Japan : Spectacles of Idle Labor / by Ikuho Amano.. ebook. Asian Studies
- Dechový kvintet, op. 10 = Wind quintet = Bläserquintett / Haas ; k vydání připravil Robert Simon = edited by Robert Simon = herausgegeben von Robert Simon.. music score (printed). Music
- Dechový kvintet, op. 10 = Wind quintet = Bläserquintett / Haas ; k vydání připravil Robert Simon = edited by Robert Simon = herausgegeben von Robert Simon.. music score (printed). Music
- Decimus Burton : gentleman architect / Paul A. Rabbitts.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Decoded : the science behind why we buy / Phil Barden ; foreword by Rory Sutherland.. ebook. Business
- A decolonial ecology : thinking from the Caribbean world / Malcom Ferdinand ; translated by Anthony Paul Smith.. ebook. Anthropology
- Decolonizing African studies : knowledge production, agency, and voice / Toyin Falola.. print book. History
- Decolonizing design : a cultural justice guidebook / Elizabeth (Dori) Tunstall ; illustrated by Ene Agi.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Decolonizing methodologies : research and indigenous peoples / Linda Tuhiwai Smith.. ebook. Anthropology
- Deconstructive constitutionalism : Derrida reading Kant / Jacques De Ville.. print book. Philosophy
- Deep down : a story from the heart of coal country / directed by Jen Gilomen and Sally Rubin.. streaming video.
- Deep down : a story from the heart of coal country / directed by Jen Gilomen and Sally Rubin.. streaming video. Geography
- Deep mapping the literary Lake District : a geographical text analysis / Joanna E. Taylor, Ian N. Gregory.. print book. English
- Deep time : a literary history / Noah Heringman.. print book. English
- Defender of walls : kingdom of walls book one / Tanya Bird.. print book.
- Defuturing : a new design philosophy / Tony Fry.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Degas / Alexander Adams.. print book. Art
- Degenerations of democracy / Craig Calhoun, Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar, Charles Taylor.. print book. History
- Deifying a total darkness / upfromsumdirt.. print book.
- Deirdre Madden : new critical perspectives / edited by Anne Fogarty and Marisol Morales-Ladrón.. print book. English
- Déjà vu : for percussion quartet and orchestra / Michael Colgrass.. music score (printed). Music
- Deleuze and time / edited by Robert W. Luzecky and Daniel W. Smith.. print book. Philosophy
- Deliberately divided : inside the controversial study of twins and triplets adopted apart / Nancy L. Segal.. ebook. Psychology
- Deliberative agency : a study in modern African political philosophy / Uchenna Okeja.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Delinquent : inside America's debt machine / Elena Botella.. ebook. Business
- The demands of justice : enslaved women, capital crime, and clemency in early Virginia / Tamika Y. Nunley.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Democracy as discussion : civic education and the American forum movement / William M. Keith.. print book. History
- Democracy by petition : popular politics in transformation, 1790-1870 / Daniel Carpenter.. print book. History
- Democracy erodes from the top : leaders, citizens, and the challenge of populism in Europe / Larry M. Bartels.. print book. History
- Democracy in crisis : Weimar Germany, 1929-1932 / Robert Goodrich. print book. History
- Democracy's child : young people and the the politics of control, leverage, and agency / Alison L. Gash and Daniel J. Tichenor.. print book. Education
- Democracy's data : the hidden stories in the U.S. census and how to read them / Dan Bouk.. print book. History
- Democratic justice : Felix Frankfurter, the Supreme Court, and the making of the liberal establishment / Brad Snyder.. print book. History
- Democratization : a thematic approach / Stephen Noakes, Chris Wilson.. ebook. Political Science
- Democratize work : the case for reorganizing the economy / [edited by] Isabelle Ferreras, Julie Battilana, and Dominique Méda ; translated by Miranda Richmond Mouillot.. print book. Business
- Demography of transgender, nonbinary and gender minority populations / Amanda K. Baumle, Sonny Nordmarken, editors.. ebook. Sociology
- Demon Copperhead : a novel / Barbara Kingsolver.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- The demon in democracy : totalitarian temptations in free societies / Ryszard Legutko ; translated by Teresa Adelson.. print book. History
- Demystifying disability : what to know, what to say, and how to be an ally / Emily Ladau.. print book. Education
- Demystifying scholarly metrics : a practical guide / Marc W. Vinyard and Jaimie Beth Colvin.. ebook. History
- Denaturalized : how thousands lost their citizenship and lives in Vichy France / Claire Zalc ; translated by Catherine Porter.. print book. History
- Dentists and what they do / Liesbet Slegers ; English translation from the Dutch by Clavis Publishing, Inc.. print book. Education
- Depictions of home in African American literature / Trudier Harris.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- The deportation express : a history of America through forced removal / Ethan Blue.. print book. History
- The depth of the lake and the height of the sky / Jihyun Kim.. print book. Education
- Descartes et la question de la civilité : la philosophie de l'honnête homme / Frédéric Lelong.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
- Descartes in context : essays / Emanuela Scribano.. print book. Philosophy
- The deserted garden : for violin and piano / Florence Price.. music score (printed). Music
- Design and analysis of experiments and observational and studies using R / Nathan Taback.. print book. Statistics
- Design and the digital humanities : a handbook for mutual understanding / Milena Radzikowska and Stan Ruecker.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Design emergency : building a better future / Alice Rawsthorn and Paola Antonelli.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Design for a better world : meaningful, sustainable, humanity centered / Don Norman.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Design for how people think : using brain science to build better products / John Walen.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Design, history and time : new temporalities in a digital age / edited by Zoë Hendon, Anne Massey.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Design history beyond the canon / edited by Jennifer Kaufmann-Buhler, Victoria Rose Pass and Christopher S. Wilson.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Design in motion : film experiments at the Bauhaus / Laura A. Frahm.. print book. Art
- Design in the age of change / Gjoko Muratovski.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Designing coffee shops and cafés for community / Lisa K. Waxman.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Designing for interdependence : a poetics of relating / Martín Ávila.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Designing innovative sustainable neighborhoods / Avi Friedman.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Designing libraries for the 21st century / H. Thomas Hickerson, Joan K. Lippencott, and Leonora Crema, editors.. print book.
- Designing libraries for the 21st century / H. Thomas Hickerson, Joan K. Lippincott, and Leonora Crema, editors.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Designing modernity : architecture in the Arab world 1945-1973 / edited by George Arbid and Philipp Oswalt.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Designing our future : GIS for architecture, engineering & construction / edited by Kathleen Kewley, Micah Callough, Keith Mann.. print book. Geography
- Designing peace : building a better future now / Cynthia E. Smith.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Designing spaces for children : a child's eye view / baukind - Architecture for Children, Nathalie Dziobek-Bepler.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Designs for children : furniture, accessories & toys / Agata Toromanoff.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Desperately seeking Shah Rukh : India's lonely young women and the search for intimacy and independence / Shrayana Bhattacharya.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
- Destination elsewhere : displaced persons and their quest to leave postwar Europe / Ruth Balint.. print book. History
- Destruction, ethics, and intergalactic love : exploring Y: the last man and Saga / Peter Admirand.. print book. English
- The destructionists : the twenty-five year crack-up of the Republican Party / by Dana Milbank.. print book. Political Science
- Detachment : an adoption memoir / Maurice Mierau.. ebook.
- Detention empire : Reagan's war on immigrants and the seeds of resistance / Kristina Shull.. ebook.
- Determining sample size and power in research studies : a manual for researchers / J.P. Verma, Priyam Verma.. print book. Statistics
- Detours : a decolonial guide to Hawaiʻi / Hōkūlani K. Aikau and Vernadette Vicuña Gonzalez, editors.. print book. Geography
- Detroit in 50 maps / Alex B. Hill.. print book. Geography
- Deux nouvelles mélodies oubliées : pour voix et piano / Jules Massenet ; edited by Jean-Christophe Branger.. music score (printed). Music
- Developing animal feed products / edited by Navaratnam Partheeban.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Developing smart agri-food supply chains : using technology to improve safety and quality / edited by Professor Louise Manning, Royal Agricultural University, UK.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- The development century : a global history / edited by Stephen J. Macekura, Erez Manela.. print book. History
- Deviant design : the ad hoc, the illicit, the controversial / Craig Martin.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The Devil Never Sleeps: Learning to Live in an Age of Disasters.. ebook. Public Policy & Administration
- DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer : Principles & Practice of Oncology / Vincent T. DeVita, Steven A. Rosenberg, Theodore S. Lawrence.. ebook. Medicine
- Devoted to the truth : four brilliant investigators / Hugo G. Walter.. print book. English
- Devotion to the name of Jesus in medieval English literature, c.1100-c.1530 / Denis Renevey.. print book. English
- D.H. LAWRENCE AND ATTACHMENT. print book. English
Di - Dz
- Dialectología hispánica = The Routledge handbook of Spanish dialectology / editado por Francisco Moreno-Fernández y Rocío Caravedo.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
- The dialects of Spanish : a lexical introduction / Travis D. Sorenson.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
- Dialogue on the threshold : Heidegger and Trakl / Ian Alexander Moore.. print book. Philosophy
- Diamonds are a girl's best friend / Roadside Pictures ; Jo Films ; directed by Sarah Knight ; produced by Barbara Ghammashi and Sarah Knight.. streaming video.
- Diamonds are a girl's best friend / Roadside Pictures ; Jo Films ; directed by Sarah Knight ; produced by Barbara Ghammashi and Sarah Knight.. streaming video. Education
- Diamonds in the rough : Zeni and the legacy of Japanese-American baseball.. streaming video.
- Diamonds in the rough : Zeni and the legacy of Japanese-American baseball.. streaming video. Education
- Diana, Princess of the Amazons / written by Shannon Hale & Dean Hale ; illustrated by Victoria Ying ; colors by Lark Pien ; letters by Dave Sharpe.. print book. Education
- Dickens and democracy in the age of paper : representing the people / Carolyn Vellenga Berman.. print book. English
- Dickens and Victorian psychology: introspection, first-person narration, and the mind / Tyson Stolte.. print book. English
- The dictator's dilemma at the ballot box : electoral manipulation, economic maneuvering, and political order in autocracies / Masaaki Higashijima.. print book. Political Science
- Dictionary of Southern Appalachian English / Michael B. Montgomery & Jennifer K. N. Heinmiller ; foreword by Joan Houston Hall.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Die geistlichen Vokalkompositionen Johann Georg Albrechtsbergers / Dorothea Schroeder. print book. Music
- Die Unsichtbaren : wir wollen leben.. streaming video. Anthropology
- Different speeds, same furies : Powell, Proust, and other literary forms / Perry Anderson.. print book. English
- The digger and the duckling / Joseph Kuefler.. print book. Education
- Digital Black feminism / Catherine Knight Steele.. print book. History
- Digital dentistry : a step-by-step guide and case atlas / edited by Arthur R.G. Cortes.. ebook. Medicine
- Digital imaginaries : African positions beyond binaries / Richard Rottenburg, Oulimata Gueye, Julien McHardy, Philipp Ziegler (eds.).. print book. Art
- Digital influence mercenaries : profits and power through information warfare / James J. F. Forest.. ebook. Business
- Digital lethargy : dispatches from an age of disconnection / Tung-Hui Hu.. print book. Art
- Digital literature and critical theory / Annika Elstermann.. print book. English
- The digital mindset : what it really takes to thrive in the age of data, algorithms, and AI / Paul Leonardi & Tsedal Neeley.. ebook. Business
- Digital paper : a manual for research and writing with library and internet materials / Andrew Abbott.. ebook. Sociology
- Dignity in a digital age : making tech work for all of us / Ro Khanna.. ebook. Business
- Dim sum, here we come! / story and pictures by Maple Lam.. print book. Education
- A dios Momo = Good-bye Momo / producer, Raul Pochintesta, Fabrication Films ; screenwriter [and director], Leonardo Ricagni.. video DVD. Hispanic Studies
- Direct : the rise of the middleman economy and the power of going to the source / Kathryn Judge.. print book. Business
- Dirt cheap / Mark Hoffmann.. print book. Education
- Dirt persuasion : civic environmental populism and the heartland's pipeline fight / Derek Moscato.. ebook. Geography
- Disability as diversity : developing cultural competence / Erin E. Andrews.. ebook. Sociology
- Disability in medieval Christian philosophy and theology / edited by Scott M. Williams.. print book. Philosophy
- Disability in wonderland : health and normativity in speculative utopias / Amanda Martin Sandino.. print book. English
- Disability pride : dispatches from a post-ADA world / Ben Mattlin.. print book. Education
- Disability pride : dispatches from a post-ADA world / Ben Mattlin. ebook. Education
- Disappearing Appalachia in Tennessee : a picture of a vanished land and its people / Harry Moore & Fred Brown.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Disappearing rooms : the hidden theaters of immigration law / Michelle Castañeda ; with illustrations by Molly Crabapple.. print book. Law
- The discerning narrator : Conrad, Aristotle, and modernity / Alexia Hannis.. print book. English
- Discovering Dune : essays on Frank Herbert's epic saga / edited by Dominic J. Nardi and N. Trevor Brierly ; foreword by Timothy O'Reilly.. print book. English
- Dismantling everyday discrimination : microaggressions toward LGBTQ people / By Kevin Leo Yabut Nadal.. ebook. Psychology
- Disposable city : Miami's future on the shores of climate catastrophe / Mario Alejandro Ariza.. print book. Education
- Disproportionate minority contact and racism in the US : how we failed children of color / Paul R. Ketchum, B. Mitchell Peck.. print book. Education
- Disruptive space technologies and innovations : the next chapter / Scott Madry.. ebook. Physics
- Dissident practices : Brazilian women artists, 1960s-2020s / Claudia Calirman.. print book. Art
- The distance of Irish modernism : memory, narrative, representation / John Greaney.. print book. English
- The distracted couple : the impact of ADHD on adult relationships / edited by Larry Maucieri, PhD & Jon Carlson, PsyD, EdD ; [foreword by Pat Love, EdD].. ebook.
- Dityramb / Ture Rangström.. music score (printed). Music
- Divertimento D-Dur für Orchester = re maggiore per orchestra : Opus 20 / Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari.. music score (printed). Music
- Divertissement in es-dur op. 80 : for orchestra / Nikolai Miaskovsky.. music score (printed). Music
- The divided states : unraveling national identities in the twenty-first century / Edited by Laura J. Beard and Ricia Anne Chansky.. print book. English
- Divided we fall : why consensus matters / Alice M. Rivlin.. ebook. Political Science
- The divider : Trump in the White House, 2017-2021 / Peter Baker and Susan Glasser.. print book. History
- A divine language : learning algebra, geometry, and calculus at the edge of old age / Alec Wilkinson.. print book. Mathematics
- The divorce of King Lothar and Queen Theutberga : Hincmar of Rheims's De divortio / translated and annotated by Rachel Stone and Charles West.. print book. History
- DNA : a legal research guide / by Joel Fishman, Pamela Marshall.. print book. Law
- Do everything : the biography of Frances Willard / Christopher H. Evans.. print book. History
- Do police need guns? : policing and firearms : past, present and future / Richard Evans, Claire Farmer.. ebook. Sociology
- Do right by me : learning to raise black children in white spaces / Valerie I. Harrison and Kathryn Peach D'Angelo.. ebook.
- Do the work! [electronic resource] : zero hunger / Julie Knutson.. ebook.
- The doctrine of triangles : a history of modern trigonometry / Glen Van Brummelen.. ebook. Mathematics
- Documenting the future : navigating provenance metadata standards / Rhiannon Bettivia, Yi-Yun Cheng, Michael Robert Gryk.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Dog map of the world.. print map. Geography
- Dog says, cat says / written by Marilyn Singer ; illustrated by Sonia Sánchez. print book. Education
- Dog Squad / Chris Grabenstein ; illustrations by Beth Hughes.. print book. Education
- Doggerel life : stories of a Los Angeles griot / Ulysses Jenkins.. print book. Art
- Dogs / [text by Eva Steele-Saccio].. print book. Education
- Doing the word : Southern Baptists' Carver School of Church Social Work and its predecessors, 1907-1997 / T. Laine Scales and Melody Maxwell.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Domenico Gnoli / a book conceived by Germano Celant.. print book. Art
- Domesticity under siege : threatened spaces of the modern home / edited by Mark Taylor, Georgina Downey and Terry Meade.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Don't call me a hurricane / Ellen Hagan.. print book. Education
- Don't even think about it : why our brains are wired to ignore climate change / George Marshall.. ebook. Sociology
- Don't look away : art, nonviolence, and preventive publics in contemporary Europe / Brianne Cohen.. print book. Art
- Don't think for yourself : authority and belief in medieval philosophy / Peter Adamson.. print book. Philosophy
- Don't trust your gut : using data to get what you really want in life / Seth Stephens-Davidowitz.. print book. Education
- Donatello : the Renaissance / edited by Francesco Caglioti ; with Laura Cavazzini, Aldo Galli, Neville Rowley ; [exhibition curated by Francesco Caglioti ; texts, Francesco Caglioti, Laura Cavazzini, Aldo Galli [and three others]].. print book. Art
- Donna Haraway : story telling for earthly survival / Graphoui [and 5 others] ; a film by Fabrizio Terranova ; written & directed by Fabrizio Terranova ; producer, Ellen Meiresonne.. streaming video. Anthropology
- The door of no return / Kwame Alexander.. print book. Education
- Dopamine nation : finding balance in the age of indulgence / Anna Lembke, M.D.. ebook. Psychology
- Dorian unbound : transnational decadence and the Wilde archive / Sean O'Toole.. print book. English
- Dorit Margreiter : really! / edited by Matthias Michalka ; texts: Anette Baldauf [and nine others].. print book. Art
- Double plays and double crosses : the Black Sox and baseball in 1920 / Don Zminda.. print book. History
- Doubleplay : a concert etude for 2 marimba players on one instrument / Samuel Adler.. music score (printed). Music
- Doughnut economics : seven ways to think like a 21st century economist / Kate Raworth.. ebook. Public Policy & Administration
- The downfall of the American order? / edited by Peter J. Katzenstein and Jonathan Kirshner.. print book. History
- Dozens of doughnuts / written by Carrie Finison ; illustrated by Brianne Farley.. print book. Education
- Dr. No : a novel / Percival Everett.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Dragging away : queer abstraction in contemporary art / Lex Morgan Lancaster.. print book. Art
- Tea Dragon. 3, The Tea Dragon tapestry / written & illustrated by Kay O'Neill ; lettered by Crank! ; edited by Ari Yarwood ; designed by Kate Z. Stone.. print book. Education
- Dragones y tacos / por Adam Rubin ; ilustrado por Daniel Salmieri ; traducido por Teresa Mlawer.. print book. Education
- Dragons, heroes, myths & magic : the medieval art of storytelling / Chantry Westwell.. print book. English
- Drapa : sorgemusik för stor orkester : 1929 / Ture Rangström.. music score (printed). Music
- Draper touch : the high life and high style of Dorothy Draper / Carleton Varney.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Draping : art and craftsmanship in fashion design / Annette Duburg, Rixt van der Tol.. print book.
- Draussen : Hans Wewerka : Strassenszenen in Steinzeug = Outdoors : Hans Wewerka : Stoneware street scenes / editors: Nele van Wieringen, Norbert Pohlmann, Katharina Uhl ; authors: Norbert Eisold, Franziska Hell, Wolf Matthes, Katharina Uhl, Nele van Wieri. print book. Art
- Drawing architecture : conversations on contemporary practice / edited by Mark Dorrian, Riet Eeckhout and Arnaud Hendrickx.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Drawing attention : architecture in the age of social media / edited by Hamza Shaikh.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Drawing in the dark : Henry Moore's coalmining commission / Chris Owen.. print book. Art
- Drawing in the present tense / Claire Gilman and Roger Malbert ; with artist texts by Roger Malbert.. print book. Art
- Drawing the curtain : Cervantes's theatrical revelations / edited by Esther Fernández and Adrienne L. Martín.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
- Drawing thought : how drawing helps us observe, discover, and invent / Andrea Kantrowitz.. print book. Art
- Drawings / Tony Feher ; [essay by] Josh Pazda with Nancy Brooks Brody, Joy Episalla, Zoe Leonard, and Carrie Yamaoka.. print book. Art
- Dreadful desires : the uses of love in neoliberal China / Charlie Yi Zhang.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- A dream defaulted : the student loan crisis among black borrowers / Jason N. Houle, Fenaba R. Addo.. print book. Education
- Dream states : smart cities, technology, and the pursuit of urban utopias / John Lorinc.. ebook. Public Policy & Administration
- Dream street / written by Tricia Elam Walker ; collages by Ekua Holmes.. print book. Education
- Dreaming the land : aboriginal art from remote Australia / Marie Geissler.. print book. Art
- Dreamworlds 3 : desire, sex & power in music video / the Media Education Foundation presents ; written, narrated & edited by Sut Jhally.. streaming video.
- Dreamworlds 3 : desire, sex & power in music video / the Media Education Foundation presents ; written, narrated & edited by Sut Jhally.. streaming video. Sociology
- Drei duos, op. 1 : für viola und violoncello / Henry Griesbach ; edited by Yvonne Morgan.. music score (printed). Music
- Drei Etüden für Fagott und Klavier = Three etudes for bassoon with piano accompaniment / José Siqueira.. music score (printed). Music
- Drei Lieder nach Gedichten von Otto Julius Bierbaum : op. 29 (1895) / Richard Strauss ; englische Übersetzung von John Bernhoff. music score (printed). Music
- Drei melodisiche Klavierstücke = three melodic piano pieces, op. 15 / Mathilde Berendsen-Nathan ; herausgegeben von Isolde Weiermüller-Backes.. music score (printed). Music
- Dress-up day / Blanca Gómez.. print book. Education
- Dressing up : a history of fancy dress in Britain / Verity Wilson.. print book. Art
- Dreyfuss + Blackford : seventy years / project editor, Clare Jacobson.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Drift : choreographing the future / with contributions by Marina Abramović, Coraly von Bismarck [and 16 others].. print book. Art
- Drinking from graveyard wells : stories / Yvette Lisa Ndlovu.. print book.
- Drive my car / presented by Culture Entertainment, Bitters End ; production company, C&I Entertainment ; directed by Ryusuke Hamaguchi ; produced by Teruhisa Yamamoto ; screenplay by Ryusuke Hamaguchi and Takamasa Oe.. video DVD.
- Driving the Samburu bride : fieldwork among cattle keepers in Kenya / Diane C. Perlov.. print book. Anthropology
- Drought, flood, fire : how climate change contributes to catastrophes / Chris Funk, University of California, Santa Barbara.. print book. Physics
- Drugs in pregnancy and lactation : a reference guide to fetal and neonatal risk [electronic resource] / Gerald G. Briggs, Craig V. Towers, Alicia B. Forinash.. ebook. Medicine
- The Druze : a new cultural and historical appreciation / Abbas Halabi.. ebook.
- Dry hole / by David Thomson.. print book. Art
- Ducks : two years in the oil sands / Kate Beaton.. print book. Education
- Duet for flute and tuba / Walter S. Hartley.. music score (printed). Music
- Duetto di primvera : for 2 violins / Jordi Cervelló.. music score (printed). Music
- Duns Scotus's doctrine of categories and meaning / Martin Heidegger ; translated by Joydeep Bagchee and Jeffrey D. Gower.. print book. Philosophy
- Dúo Ami : for flute and piano / Efrain Amaya.. music score (printed). Music
- Duo concertante : for oboe and pianoforte / Antal Doráti.. music score (printed). Music
- Duo : for clarinet and bass clarinet / David Baker ; Adapted by K. Tod Kerstetter.. music score (printed). Music
- Duos for flutes, op. 34 / Robert Muczynski.. music score (printed). Music
- Dúos para dos violines : L 83 - L 91 / Cayetano Brunetti ; editición crítica by Raúl Angulo Díaz.. music score (printed). Music
- Duplex architects : rethinking housing / Anne Kaestle, Dan Schürch ; editors, Ludovic Balland, Nele Dechmann ; authors, Hubertus Adam [and six others].. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- DXA NYC : ten years of building on history / contributors, Patrick Cullina, Gregory Rogove, Russell Shorto, Cas Stachelberg, Robert Tierney, Gregory Wessner, Judith Zilczer.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Dying in the scarecrow's arms : poems / Mitchell L.H. Douglas.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The dynamic cosmos : movement, paradox, and experimentation in the anthropology of spirit possession / edited by Diana Espírito Santo and Matan Shapiro.. print book. Philosophy
- Dynamic democracy : public opinion, elections, and policymaking in the American states / Devin Caughey and Christopher Warshaw.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
- Dynamic time series models using R-INLA : an applied perspective / Nalini Ravishanker, Balaji Raman and Refik Soyer.. ebook. Statistics
- Dynamics of systems on the nanoscale / Ilia A. Solov'yov, Alexey V. Verkhovtsev, Andrei V. Korol, Andrey V. Solov'yov, editors.. ebook. Physics
- Dyslexia in higher education : anxiety and coping skills / Amanda T. Abbott-Jones.. print book. Education
E - Ew
- These are the plunderers : how private equity runs--and wrecks--America / Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner.. print book. Business
- Each tiny spark / Pablo Cartaya.. print book. Education
- Eames : the architect and the painter / narration written by Jason Cohn; produced by Jason Cohn and Bill Jersey.. streaming video.
- Early modern streets : a European perspective / edited by Danielle van den Heuvel.. print book. History
- Early modern women writers engendering descent : Mary Sidney Herbert, Mary Sidney Wroth, and their genealogical cultures / Marie H. Loughlin.. print book. English
- The early thrillers of Dean Koontz : essays on the evolution of a writer, 1966-1997 / edited by Gary Hoppenstand and Garyn G. Roberts.. print book. English
- Earthcare : women and the environment / Carolyn Merchant.. print book. English
- Eastward of Good Hope : early America in a dangerous world / Dane A. Morrison.. print book. History
- Eat it : a cookbook / by Dana Crumb and Shery Cohen ; art by R. Crumb.. print book.
- Eb & Flow / Kelly J. Baptist.. print book. Education
- The ECAL manual of style : how to best teach design today? / edited by Jonathan Olivares and Alexis Georgacopoulos.. print book. Art
- Echoing forest III : pour flûte et piano / Fuminori Tanada.. music score (printed). Music
- The eclipse of classical thought in China and the West / James Gordley.. print book. Philosophy
- L'eclisse / un film di coproduzione, Interopa Film-Cineriz, Paris Film Production ; soggetto e sceneggiatura, Michelangelo Antonioni, Tonino Guerra ; hanno collaborato alla sceneggiatura, Elio Bartolini, Ottiero Ottieri ; prodotto da Robert e Raymond Haki. streaming video. Philosophy
- Ecocriticism / Greg Garrard.. ebook.
- Ecocriticism and Chinese literature : imagined landscapes and real lived spaces / edited by Riccardo Moratto, Nicoletta Pesaro, Di-kai Chao.. ebook. Asian Studies
- Ecocriticism and the island : readings from the British-Irish archipelago / Pippa Marland.. print book. English
- Ecocriticism in Malayalam / edited by G. Madhusoodanan ; [commissioning translator, Rayson K. Alex].. print book. English
- Ecofeminism and the sacred / edited by Carol J. Adams.. print book. English
- The economic basis of public interest / by Rexford G. Tugwell.. print book. History
- Economics for a fragile planet / Edward B. Barbier.. print book. Business
- The economies of serious and popular art : how they diverged and reunited / Hans Abbing.. print book. Art
- The economist's craft : an introduction to research, publishing, and professional development / Michael S. Weisbach.. ebook. Business
- An economist's guide to economic history / Matthias Blum, Christopher L. Colvin, editors.. ebook. History
- The economy of religion in American literature : culture and the politics of redemption / Andrew Ball.. print book. English
- Ed Atkins : drawings for children / Ed Atkins.. print book. Art
- Eddie the elephant has something to say / written by Alison Johns; illustrated by Tara Put; with foreword by Chelsea Hagen.. print book. Education
- The edge of each other's battles : the vision of Audre Lorde.. streaming video.
- The edge of each other's battles : the vision of Audre Lorde.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
- Edible economics [electronic resource] : a hungry economist explains the world / Ha-Joon Chang.. ebook. Business
- Edible economics [electronic resource] : a hungry economist explains the world / Ha-Joon Chang.. ebook. Business
- Edible economics : a hungry economist explains the world / Ha-Joon Chang.. print book. Business
- Editer, traduire, interpréter : essais de méthodologie philosophique / par P. W. Rosemann ... [et al.] ; sous la direction de Steve G. Lofts et Philipp W. Rosemann.. print book. Philosophy
- The education myth : how human capital trumped social democracy / Jon Shelton.. ebook.
- Education of nuns, feast of fools, letters of love : medieval religious life in twelfth-century lyric anthologies from Regensburg, Ripoll and Chartres / edition, translation, and introduction by David A. Traill (University of California, Davis) and Justin. print book. Philosophy
- Edward Hopper's New York / Kim Conaty, with essays by Kirsty Bell, Darby English, David Hartt, and contributions from David Crane, Jennie Goldstein, Melinda Lang, and Farris Wahbeh.. print book. Art
- Eerie Appalachia : Smiling Man, Indrid Cold, the Jersey Devil, the legend of Mothman and more / Mark Muncy and Kari Schultz.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The effective museum : rethinking museum practices to increase impact / John W. Jacobsen.. print book. Art
- Effective treatments for PTSD : practice guidelines from the international society for traumatic stress studies / edited by David Forbes, Jonathan I. Bisson, Candice M. Monson, Lucy Berliner.. ebook. Psychology
- Egg marks the spot / by Amy Timberlake ; with pictures by Jon Klassen.. print book. Education
- Eggasaurus / written by Jennifer Wagh ; illustrated by Hallie Bateman.. print book. Education
- La règle du jeu = The rules of the game / fantasie dramatique de Jean Renoir.. streaming video.
- Die Ehe der Maria Braun = The Marriage of Maria Braun / Rainer Werner Fassbinder Foundation presents einen von Albatros-Produktion ; Michael Fengler und Trio-Film, Duisburg, sowie dem Westdeutschen Rundfunk produzierten Rainer Werner Fassbinder Film ; Dre. streaming video. German
- Eight saxophones : for double SATB saxophone quartet (2021) / Carter Pann.. music score (printed). Music
- Eighteenth-century art worlds : global and local geographies of art / edited by Stacey Sloboda and Michael Yonan.. print book. Art
- Eighth grade / A24 and IAC Films present ; a film by Bo Burnham ; produced by Scott Rudin, Eli Bush, Lila Yacoub, Christopher Storer ; written and directed by Bo Burnham.. streaming video.
- Eikoh Hosoe : pioneering post-1945 Japanese photography / edited by Yasufumi Nakamori ; translator (unless otherwise noted), Lili Selden ; text editor, Louis Rogers.. print book. Asian Studies
- Einstein's fridge : how the difference between hot and cold explains the universe / Paul Sen.. ebook. Physics
- Either/or / Elif Batuman.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- El Anatsui : the reinvention of sculpture / Okwui Enwezor, Chika Okeke-Agulu.. print book. Art
- El Sebou' : Egyptian birth ritual / a film by Fadwa El Guindi.. streaming video. English
- El Sebou' : Egyptian birth ritual / a film by Fadwa El Guindi.. streaming video.
- Elections in America : a reference handbook / Michael C. LeMay.. ebook. Political Science
- Elegant design : a designer's guide to harnessing aesthetics / Luca Iandoli and Giuseppe Zollo.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Elegie und Reigen : für kleines Orchester : Opus 45 / Hans Pfitzner.. music score (printed). Music
- Elements of architecture : assembling archaeology, atmosphere and the performance of building spaces / edited by Mikkel Bille and Tim Flohr Sørensen.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Elements of design: Rowena Reed Kostellow and the structure of visual relationships / Gail Greet Hannah.. ebook.
- The elements of graphic design : space, unity, page architecture & type / Alex W. White.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The elephant in the room / Holly Goldberg Sloan.. print book. Education
- The elephant in the universe : our hundred-year search for dark matter Govert Schilling. ebook. Physics
- Elf Sonaten für Flöte und Basso continuo = Eleven sonatas for flute and basso continuo / Händel ; herausgegeben von Hans-Peter Schmitz ; Continuo-Aussetzung, Max Schneider.. music score (printed). Music
- Elfentanz : for violin and piano / Florence Price.. music score (printed). Music
- Eliot's angels : George Eliot, René Girard, and mimetic desire / Bernadette Waterman Ward.. print book. English
- Elisabeth Haarr. print book. Art
- Eliseo Mattiacci : sculpture in action in Rome / edited by Lara Conte in dialogue with Studio Eliseo Mattiacci.. print book. Art
- Ellen outside the lines / A.J. Sass.. print book. Education
- The emancipation circuit : Black activism forging a culture of freedom / Thulani Davis.. print book. History
- Embrace of the serpent / producida por Cristina Gallego.. streaming video.
- Embrace of the serpent / producida por Cristina Gallego.. streaming video. Anthropology
- Embracing change : alternatives to traditional research writing assignments / edited by Silke Higgins and Ngoc-Yen Tran.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Embracing the Void [electronic resource] : Rethinking the Origin of the Sacred.. ebook.
- Embroidery : threads and stories from Alabama Chanin and the School of Making / Natalie Chanin ; with a foreword by Rosanne Cash.. print book. Art
- Emil Fischer's "From my life" : English translation of "Aus meinem Leben" / David M. Behrman, Edward J. Behrman.. ebook. Chemistry
- Emil von Sauer : Liszt's forgotten protégé / Anita Crocus.. print book. Music
- Emile and the field / words by Kevin Young ; art by Chioma Ebinama.. print book. Education
- Emily Dickinson's music book and the musical life of an American poet / George Boziwick.. print book. English
- Emily Dickinson songs : for high voice and piano / George Walker.. music score (printed). Music
- Emma Jane's souvenir cook book : and some old Virginia recipes / collected by Blanche Elbert Moncure.. print book.
- Emmy Noether : the most important mathematician you've never heard of / Helaine Becker ; [illustrations by] Kari Rust.. print book. Education
- The emoji story / Emojigeddon presents ; Unlimited Liability Productions.. streaming video. Sociology
- Emotion and the self in English Renaissance literature : reforming contentment / Paul Joseph Zajac.. print book. English
- Empathy economics : Janet Yellen's remarkable rise to power and her drive to spread prosperity to all / Owen Ullmann.. print book. Business
- The empire of effects : Industrial Light & Magic and the rendering of realism / Julie A. Turnock.. print book. Art
- Empire of eloquence : the classical rhetorical tradition in colonial Latin America and the Iberian world / Stuart M. McManus.. ebook. Classical Studies
- Empire unbound : France and the Muslim Mediterranean, 1880-1918 / Gavin Murray-Miller.. print book. History
- Empires of the Normans : conquerors of Europe / Levi Roach.. print book. History
- Empirical knowledge in the eighteenth-century novel : beyond realism / Aaron R. Hanlon.. print book. English
- An Employer's Guide to Kentucky Wage and Hour Issues / Frost, Brown, Todd LLC.. print book. Law
- Employment of persons with autism : a scoping review / Matthew Bennett, Emma Goodall.. ebook. Psychology
- Enchanted invocation : (for solo percussionist playing vibraphone and 5 crotales) / Augusta Read Thomas.. music score (printed). Music
- Enciclopédia da música brasileira : erudita, folclórica, popular / [editor, Marcos Antônio Marcondes].. print book. Music
- Encounters in the New World : Jesuit cartography of the Americas / Mirela Altic.. print book. Geography
- Encounters in video art in Latin America / edited by Elena Shtromberg and Glenn Phillips.. print book. Art
- Encounters with Euclid : how an ancient Greek geometry text shaped the world / Benjamin Wardhaugh.. print book. Mathematics
- The encyclopedia of American food and drink / John F. Mariani.. ebook. Anthropology
- Encyclopedia of body adornment / Margo DeMello.. ebook. Anthropology
- Encyclopedia of junk food and fast food / Andrew F. Smith.. ebook. Anthropology
- Encyclopedia of the American Indian Movement / Bruce E. Johansen.. ebook. Anthropology
- The end of ambition : the United States and the Third World in the Vietnam era / Mark Atwood Lawrence.. print book. History
- The end of genre : curations and experiments in intentional discourses / Brenton Faber.. print book. English
- The end of the world is just the beginning : mapping the collapse of globalization / Peter Zeihan.. print book. Business
- Ending checkbox diversity : rewriting the story of performative allyship in corporate America / Dannie Lynn Fountain.. ebook. Business
- Endlessly ever after : pick your path to countless fairy tale endings! : a story of Little Red Riding Hood, Jack, Hansel, Gretel, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, a wolf, a witch, a goose, a grandmother, some pigs, and endless variations / Laurel Snyder ; [il. print book. Education
- Endlos = endless : for flute solo (2022) / Tilmann Dehnhard.. music score (printed). Music
- The Enduring Struggle : the History of the U.S. Agency for International Development and America's Uneasy Transformation of the World / John Norris.. ebook. Business
- Enemies / Svetlana Chmakova.. print book. Education
- Energy-smart farming : efficiency, renewable energy and sustainability / edited by Ralph Sims.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Enfer : oratorio acousmatique d'après a divine comédie de Dante / Bernard Parmegiani.. music score (printed). Music
- Engaging Appalachia : a guidebook for building capacity and sustainability / edited by Rebecca Adkins Fletcher, Rebecca-Eli Long, and William R. Schumann.. print book.
- Engaging populism : democracy and the intellectual virtues / Gregory R. Peterson, Michael C. Berhow, George Tsakiridis, editors.. ebook. Political Science
- Engaging violence : civility and the reach of literature / David Simpson.. print book. English
- The English dictionary from Cawdrey to Johnson, 1604-1755.. print book. Education
- English lit : poems / by Bernard Clay.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Enigme de l'autodidacte = the self-taught riddle / conception et direction, Charlotte Laubard ; codirection éditoriale, Alexandre Quoi ; auteurs, Marie Applagnat [and eight others].. print book. Art
- Enlightened nightscapes : critical essays on the long eighteenth-century night / Pamela F. Phillips.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Enlistment : lists in medieval and early modern literature / edited by Eva von Contzen and James Simpson.. print book. English
- The Enormity of the slave-trade ; and the duty of seeking the moral and spiritual elevation of the colored race / Speeches of Wilberforce, and other documents and records.. print book. Special Collections
- Entertaining uncertainty in the early modern theater : stage spectacle and audience response / Lauren Robertson.. print book. English
- The entrepreneurs : the relentless quest for value / Derek Lidow.. ebook. Business
- Entrepreneurship for the creative and cultural industries / Bonita M. Kolb.. print book. Art
- Entrepreneurship for the creative and cultural industries / Bonita M. Kolb.. ebook. Arts Administration
- Environmental science and international politics : acid rain in Europe, 1979-1989, and climate change in Copenhagen, December 2009 / David E. Henderson and Susan K. Henderson.. ebook. History
- The environmental unconscious : ecological poetics from Spenser to Milton / Steven Swarbrick.. print book. English
- Epidemic invasions : yellow fever and the limits of Cuban independence, 1878-1930 / Mariola Espinosa.. print book. History
- Epidemic orientalism : race, capital, and the governance of infectious disease / Alexandre I. R. White.. print book. History
- Epiphanies : an ethics of experience / Sophie Grace Chappell.. print book. Philosophy
- Episode : für Violine und Klavier (2020) / Wolfgang Rihm.. music score (printed). Music
- The epistemic consequences of paradox / Bryan Frances.. print book. Philosophy
- Epistemic justice and creative agency : global perspectives on literature and film / edited by Sarah Colvin and Stephanie Galasso.. print book. English
- Epistemic risk and the demands of rationality / Richard Pettigrew.. print book. Philosophy
- Epitomic writing in late antiquity and beyond : forms of unabridged writing / edited by Paolo Felice Sacchi and Marco Formisano.. print book. English
- Equal natures : popular brain science and Victorian women's writing / Shalyn Claggett.. print book. English
- The equality machine : harnessing digital technology for a brighter, more inclusive future / Orly Lobel.. print book. Education
- Equity and inclusion in higher education : strategies for teaching / edited by Rita Kumar and Brenda Refaei.. print book. Education
- Ergodesign methodology for the product design : a human-centered approach / Marcelo M. Soares.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Erich Mendelsohn : buildings and projects / Carsten Krohn, Michele Stavagna ; translation from German, Julian Reisenberger, Weimar.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Ericka Beckman : fair game / herausgegeben von/edited by Ericka Beckman, Adam Budak ; texte/texts: Marie de Brugerolle [and three others].. print book. Art
- "Erlkönig" (nach Schubert) ; "The last rose of summer" : für Violine solo = "Erlkönig" (after Schubert) and "The last rose of summer" for violin solo / Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst ; herausgegeben von = edited by Ingolf Turban ; Fingersatz und Strichbezeichnung. music score (printed). Music
- Ernest Lehman : the sweet smell of success / Jon Krampner.. print book.
- Le dernier métro = The last metro / Janus Films ; MK2 Marin Karmitz ; une production Les Films du Carrosse, Sedif S.A., T.F. 1, Société française de production ; scénario de François Truffaut et Suzanne Schiffman ; dialogue de François Truffaut, Su. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- Ernst Schröder on algebra and logic / Stephen Pollard.. ebook. Mathematics
- Eros the bittersweet : an essay / Anne Carson.. ebook.
- Errancies of desire : monstrous masculinities across the Atlantic / Vartan P. Messier.. print book. English
- Erwin Blumenfeld / introduction by Emmanuelle de l'Écotais ; translated from the French by Ruth Taylor.. print book. Art
- Erwin Wurm - one minute forever / editors, writers: Maja Kolaric, Jérôme Sans.. print book. Art
- Escape, escapism, escapology : American novels of the early twenty-first century / John K. Limon.. print book. English
- Escape to the city : fugitive slaves in the antebellum urban South / Viola Franziska Müller.. print book. History
- Los Escoberos : pour 4 guitares ou ensemble / Máximo Diego Pujol.. music score (printed). Music
- Escrituras hispánicas desde el exocanon / Daniel Escandell Montiel (ed.).. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Esme's birthday conga line / words by Lourdes Heuer ; pictures by Marissa Valdez.. print book. Education
- Essays on Schopenhauer and Nietzsche : values and the will of life / Christopher Janaway.. print book. Philosophy
- The essential Gwendolyn Brooks / Gwendolyn Brooks, Elizabeth Alexander, editor.. print book. English
- Essential : how the pandemic transformed the long fight for worker justice / Jamie K. McCallum.. ebook. Business
- Essentially a mother : a feminist approach to the law of pregnancy and motherhood / Jennifer Hendricks.. print book. Law
- Essentials of followership : rethinking the leadership paradigm with purpose / Michael W. Linville, Mark A. Rennaker.. print book. Business
- Estudios sobre literatura contemporánea / Antonio Carreira.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Eternity in the ether : a Mormon media history / Gavin Feller.. ebook.
- Ethicality and imagination : on luminous abodes / John Salis.. print book. Philosophy
- Ethics in higher education : promoting equity and inclusion through case-based inquiry / edited by Rebecca M. Taylor and Ashley Floyd Kuntz.. print book. Education
- The ethics of consciousness / Walter Glannon (University of Calgary).. print book. Philosophy
- The ethics of tainted legacies : human flourishing after traumatic pasts / Karen V. Guth.. print book. Philosophy
- Ethics, practical reasoning, agency : Wilfrid Sellars's practical philosophy / edited by Jeremy Randel Koons and Ronald Loeffler.. print book. Philosophy
- Ethnic notions / produced, written & directed by Marlon Riggs.. streaming video.
- The ethos of Black motherhood in America : only White women get pregnant / Kimberly C. Harper.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- L'étoile du matin : mélodie / paroles et musique de Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
- Etude no. 1 : for violoncello and guitar / Frédéric Chopin ; transcribed and edited by Valter Dešpalj ; guitar part fingered by Darko Petrinjak.. music score (printed). Music
- Etudes de concert 1 : for solo recorder player (tenor, alto, soprano and sopranino) (2007-2021) / Brian Inglis.. music score (printed). Music
- Études modernes : pour flûte = Modern studies : for the flute = Moderne Etüden : für Flöte = Estudios modernos : para flauta / Paul Jeanjean.. music score (printed). Music
- Euphonium concerto / Philip Sparke.. music score (printed). Music
- Eurasian musical journeys : five tales / Gabriela Currie, Lars Christensen.. print book. Music
- Europe on the brink, 1914 : the July crisis / John E. Moser.. print book. History
- Europe views the world, c.1500-1700 / Larry Silver.. print book. Art
- European military rivalry, 1500-1750 : fierce pageant / Gregory Hanlon.. print book. History
- Eva Prats and Ricardo Flores / directors, Carlos Quintáns, Juan Rodríguez ; photography, Juan Rodríguez, Judith Casas, Adriá Goula ; texts, Carlos Quintáns.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Evaluating police uses of force / Seth W. Stoughton, Jeffrey J. Noble, and Geoffrey P. Alpert.. ebook. Sociology
- Evaluating the process to develop the dietary guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 : final report / Kathleen M. Rasmussen, Ann L. Yaktine, and Katherine M. Delaney, editors ; Committee on Evaluating the Process to Develop the Dietary Guidelines for America. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Evangelos Papadopoulos : flow / edited by Wiebke Siever.. print book. Art
- Evasión y realidad en Don Quijote / Benito Gómez Madrid.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Ever smaller : nature's elementary particles, from the atom to the neutrino and beyond / Antonio Ereditato ; translated from the Italian by Erica Segre and Simon Carnell ; foreword by Nigel Lockyer.. ebook. Physics
- Every body : a celebration of diverse abilities / Shelley Rotner.. print book. Education
- Every color soup / Jorey Hurley.. print book. Education
- Every day is Earth Day / by Jane O'Connor ; cover illustration by Robin Preiss Glasser ; interior illustrations by Aleksey Ivanov and Olga Ivanov.. print book. Education
- Every picture hides a story : the secret ways artists make their work more seductive / William Cane and Anna Gabrielle.. print book. Art
- The everyday life of memorials / Andrew M. Shanken.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Everyday metaphysical explanation / Kristie Miller and James Norton.. print book. Philosophy
- Everyday play / edited by Julian Rothenstein ; foreword by Andrey Kurkov.. print book. Art
- Everyone against us : public defenders and the making of American justice / Allen Goodman.. print book. Law
- Everyone loves lunchtime but Zia / written by Jenny Liao ; illustrated by Dream Chen.. print book. Education
- Everything all at once : the software, videos, and architecture of MOS / Michael Meredith and Hilary Sample.. ebook.
- Everything and nothing / Markus Gabriel, Graham Priest.. print book. Philosophy
- Everything is possible : antifascism and the left in the age of fascism / Joseph Fronczak.. ebook. Political Science
- Everything must go! / design by Jason Fulford ; editors Catherine Taylor, Nicholas Muellner.. print book. Art
- Everywhere home : a life in essays / Fenton Johnson.. print book.
- Evidence-based eating : the best scientific evidence for nutritional and lifestyle choices / by W. Kenneth Ward.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Evidence of things not seen : fantastical Blackness in genre fictions / Rhonda D. Frederick.. print book. English
- Evil : a history / edited by Andrew P. Chignell.. print book. Philosophy
- Evil and givenness : the thanatonic phenomenon / Brian W. Becker.. print book. Philosophy
- Evil in the modern world : international and interdisciplinary perspectives / Laura Dryjanska, Giorgio Pacifici, editors.. print book. Philosophy
- An evocation of the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi / Margaret Jean Pont ; edited by Rosa Maria Falvo.. print book. Art
- Evocations, II. Promise of Spring : for mixed chorus and orchestra / Norman Dello Joio.. music score (printed). Music
- Evolution, morality and the fabric of society / R. Paul Thompson, University of Toronto.. print book. Biology
- The evolution of mathematics : a rhetorical approach / G. Mitchell Reyes.. print book. Mathematics
- An evolving vision : the James Collection, 1997-2022 / [essays by] Marin F. Hanson, Carolyn Ducey, Penelope McMorris.. print book. Art
- Ewald quintet no. 1 : brass quintet / Victor Ewald ; edited by Tony Rickard.. music score (printed). Music
- Ewald quintet no. 2 : brass quintet / Victor Ewald ; edited by Tony Rickard.. music score (printed). Music
- Ewald quintet no. 3 : brass quintet / Victor Ewald ; edited by Tony Rickard.. music score (printed). Music
Ex - Ez
- Ex Libris : New York Public Library / directed, edited and produced by Frederick Wiseman.. streaming video.
- Ex Libris : New York Public Library / directed, edited and produced by Frederick Wiseman.. streaming video. Art
- Ex machina / a DNA Films production ; written and directed by Alex Garland ; produced by Andrew MacDonald and Allon Reich.. streaming video.
- The ex post facto clause : its history and role in a punitive society / Wayne A. Logan, Stephen M. Goldstein Professor, Florida State University College of Law.. print book. Law
- Excuse me : cartoons, complaints, and notes to self / Liana Finck.. print book. Arts Administration
- Executive reorganization and reform in the New Deal : the genesis of administrative management, 1900-1939 / Barry Dean Karl.. print book. History
- Exemplary England : historical inquiry and literary recompense in Pope, Gray, and Richardson / Sarabeth Grant.. print book. English
- Existentialism : a philosophical inquiry / Joel Smith.. print book. Philosophy
- Expand : stretching the future by design / Jens Martin Skibsted & Christian Bason.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Expanding field of architecture. Women in practice across the globe. Marcia Feuerstein; Jodi La Coe; Paola Zellner Bassett.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- La expansión y revisión de un mito : el Oeste norteamericano en la literatura española / David Río (ed.).. print book. Hispanic Studies
- The expelled law student : a case law survey / Robert M. Jarvis.. print book. Law
- Experience and empiricism : Hegel, Hume, and the early Deleuze / Russell Ford.. print book. Philosophy
- Experiencing American houses : understanding how domestic architecture works / Elizabeth Collins Cromley.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Experimental diagrams in architecture / edited by Lidia Gasperoni in collaboration with Sarah Gretsch.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Experimental thinking : a primer on social science experiments / James N. Druckman, Northwestern University.. ebook. Political Science
- Exploratory and descriptive statistics / Julie Scott Jones and John Goldring .. print book. Statistics
- Exporting capitalism private enterprise and US foreign policy / Ethan B. Kapstein. ebook. Business
- Exposed : 170 years of photography from the Møller Collection / translation Adam King. print book. Art
- Expressionismus in Kunst und Film = Expressionism in art and film / edited by Maximilian Letze ; texts by Wolf Eiermann, Kristina Jaspers, Lisa Felicitas Mattheis, Marek Zidowicz.. print book. Art
- The extended mind : the power of thinking outside the brain / Annie Murphy Paul.. print book. Education
- The extraordinary life of an ordinary man : a memoir / Paul Newman ; based on interviews and oral histories conducted by Stewart Stern ; compiled and edited by David Rosenthal ; foreword by Melissa Newman ; afterword by Clea Newman Soderlund.. print book. History
- Extreme cities : the peril and promise of urban life in the age of climate change / Ashley Dawson.. ebook. Geography
- An eye for an eye : a global history of crime and punishment / Mitchel P. Roth.. print book. History
- The eye of the poet : André Breton and the visual arts / Elza Adamowicz.. print book. Art
- Eyes of the city : architecture and urban space after artificial intelligence / edited by Valeria Federighi, Monica Naso, Daniele Belleri.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
F - Fl
- F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The beautiful and damned" : new critical essays / edited by William Blazek, David W. Ullrich, and Kirk Curnutt.. print book. English
- The fabulous lost & found and the little Ukrainian mouse / written by Mark Pallis ; illustrated by Peter Baynton.. print book. Education
- THE FACES OF VICTOR HAMMER. print book. Special Collections
- Facing China : truth and memory in portraiture / Richard Vinograd.. print book. Art
- The Fairchild Books dictionary of interior design / Mark Hinchman.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Fairy tales in contemporary American culture : how we hate to love them / Kate Christine Moore Koppy.. ebook. Russian Studies
- Faith, hope and carnage / Nick Cave, Seán O'Hagan.. print book. Education
- Faith Ringgold / editors, Melissa Blanchflower and Natalia Grabowska with Melissa Larner (edition 1); Nora Severson Cafritz and Fanna Gebreyesus (edition 2).. print book. Art
- Faith Ringgold : American people / edited by Massimiliano Gioni and Gary Carrion-Murayari.. print book. Art
- Fake it till they make it / Kate and Jol Temple ; art by Shiloh Gordon.. print book. Education
- The fall of Kentucky's rock : western Kentucky Democratic politics since the New Deal / George G. Humphreys.. print book.
- The fall of Robespierre : 24 hours in revolutionary Paris / Colin Jones.. print book. History
- A familiar wilderness : searching for home on Daniel Boone's road / S.J. Dahlman.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The families' Civil War : Black soldiers and the fight for racial justice / Holly A. Pinheiro Jr.. print book. History
- Families of the heart : surrogate relations in the eighteenth-century British novel / Ann Campbell.. print book. English
- Families we keep : LGBTQ people and their enduring bonds with parents / Rin Reczek and Emma Bosley-Smith.. ebook. Social Work
- The family Chao : a novel / Lan Samantha Chang.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Family hiking in the Smokies : time well spent / Hal Hubbs, Charles Maynard, and David Morris.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The family novel in Russia and England, 1800-1880 / Anna A. Berman.. print book. English
- Family portraits - Sylvia (wife) at 70 : for solo piano (2018) / Stuart Saunders Smith.. music score (printed). Music
- Family-run universities in Japan : sources of inbuilt resilience in the face of demographic pressure, 1992-2030 / Breaden Jeremy, Roger Goodman.. print book. Asian Studies
- Fanaticism : a political philosophical history / Zachary R. Goldsmith.. print book. Philosophy
- Fancy dances : for 3 bass tubas : 1972 / Walter Ross.. music score (printed). Music
- Fancy Nancy and the mean girl / by Jane O'Connor ; cover illustration by Robin Preiss Glasser ; interior illustrations by Ted Enik.. print book. Education
- Fancy Nancy and the mermaid ballet / written by Jane O'Connor ; illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser.. print book. Education
- Fancy Nancy's collection of fancy words : from accessories to zany / written by Jane O'Connor ; illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser.. print book. Education
- Fancy Nancy, stellar stargazer! / Jane O'Connor ; [illustrated by] Robin Preiss Glasser.. print book. Education
- Fanfare for the uncommon woman : no. 5 : trumpet quartet / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
- Fanfare for uncommon times : for brass and percussion ensemble (2021) / Coleman. music score (printed). Music
- Fanfares / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
- Fantaisie : pour quatuor a cordes et piano / Germaine Tailleferre.. music score (printed). Music
- Fantasia di concerto : (Sounds from the Riviera) : euphonium and piano / E. Boccalari.. music score (printed). Music
- FANTASIA: FOR SOLO PIANO (1966) / JOAN TOWER. print book. Music
- Fantasia for two sounds : for guitar (2015) / Daniele Venturi.. music score (printed). Music
- Fantasie nègre no. 2 : for piano solo / Florence Price ; edited by John Michael Cooper.. music score (printed). Music
- Fantasie nègre no. 4 : in B minor for piano / Florence B. Price ; edited by John Michael Cooper.. music score (printed). Music
- Fantasie no. 1 for violin and piano / Florence Price ; edited by John Michael Cooper.. music score (printed). Music
- Fantasies of the bookstore / Eben J. Muse.. print book. English
- The fantastic Bureau of Imagination / words by Brad Montague ; pictures by Brad and Kristi Montague.. print book. Education
- Fantastic numbers and where to find them : a cosmic quest from zero to infinity / Antonio Padilla.. print book. Physics
- Fantasy for clarinet and piano, 1983 : Those harbor lights / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
- Fantasy : for euphonium and piano / by Hiroshi Hoshina.. music score (printed). Music
- Fantasy : how it works / Brian Attebery.. print book. English
- Fantasy no. 2 for violin and piano / Florence Price.. music score (printed). Music
- Far out fairy tales : five full-color graphic novels / edited by Sean Tulien ; written by Otis Frampton, Joey Comeau, Louise Simonson, Benjamin Harper, and Sean Tulien ; illustrated by Fernando Cano, Jimena Sánchez, Otis Frampton, Omar Lozano.. print book. Education
- Far out folktales / authors: Benjamin Harper, Penelope Gruber, Stephanie True Peters ; illustrators: Alex Lopez, Otis Frampton, Berenice Muniz, Fern Cano ; designer: Hilary Wacholz ; editor: Abby Huff ; letterer: Jaymes Reed.. print book. Education
- Farewell my lovely / an Avco Embassy release ; Elliott Kastner presents a Dick Richards film.. streaming video. English
- Farewell my lovely / an Avco Embassy release ; Elliott Kastner presents a Dick Richards film.. streaming video.
- Farings : for sopranino recorder (or piccolo) and piano / Anthony Gilbert.. music score (printed). Music
- The farmer's lawyer : the North Dakota nine and the fight to save the family farm / Sarah Vogel.. print book. History
- Farmhouse / Sophie Blackall.. print book. Education
- Fascinating rhythms : Shakespeare, theory, culture, and the legacy of Terence Hawkes / edited by John Drakakis.. print book. English
- Fascination : trance, enchantment & American modernity / Patrick Kindig.. print book. English
- Fashion as creative economy : microenterprises in London, Berlin and Milan / Angela McRobbie, Daniel Strutt and Carolina Bandinelli. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Fashion heritage : narrative and knowledge creation / Isabel Cantista, Damien Delille, editors.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Fashion icons. 2, Fashion lives with Fern Mallis / Fern Mallis.. print book. Art
- Fashion, identity, image / Paul Jobling, Philippa Nesbitt and Angelene Wong.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Fashion narrative and translation : is vanity fair? / Rosanna Masiola.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Fashion theory and the visual semiotics of the body / edited by Žarko Paić.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Fashionable masculinities : queers, pimp daddies, and lumbersexuals / edited by Vicki Karaminas, Adam Geczy and Pamela Church Gibson.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Fashioning America : grit to glamour / edited by Michelle Tolini Finamore.. print book. Art
- Fashioning masculinities : the art of menswear / edited by Rosalind McKever & Claire Wilcox ; with Marta Franceschini.. print book. Art
- Fashioning politics and protests : new visual cultures of feminism in the United States / Emily L. Newman.. print book. Art
- Fast facts [electronic resource] : multiple sclerosis / George D. Perkin, Jerry S. Wolinsky.. ebook.
- Fast food and junk food : an encyclopedia of what we love to eat / Andrew F. Smith.. ebook. Anthropology
- Fast pitch / Nic Stone.. print book. Education
- The fastest girl on Earth! : meet Kitty O'Neil, daredevil driver! / written by Dean Robbins ; illustrated by Elizabeth Baddeley.. print book. Education
- Fat spy in Dubai : Infiltrating his fat harem: Billionaire fat fetish erotic story / F.S. Pate.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
- Fat spy in Dubai : Infiltrating his fat harem: Billionaire fat fetish erotic story / F.S. Pate.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
- Fata morgana, op. 6 : für tenor und klavierquintett (1923) / Pavel Haas.. music score (printed). Music
- The fate of phenomenology : Heidegger's legacy / William McNeill.. print book. Philosophy
- The fate of progress in British romanticism / Mark Canuel.. print book. English
- Fatherhood in the borderlands : a daughter's slow approach / Domino Renee Perez.. print book. English
- Fatima / Yasmina et Philippe Faucon présentent une co-production France-Canada, Istiqlal Films, Arte France cinéma, Rhône-Alpes cinéma, Possibles Média ; réalisé par Philippe Faucon ; scénario, adaptation et dialogue, Philippe Faucon ; producteurs. streaming video.
- Fattitude / written and directed by Lindsey Averill and Viridiana Lieberman.. streaming video. Medicine
- Faulknerista / Catherine Gunther Kodat.. print book. English
- FDR's gambit : the court packing fight and the rise of legal liberalism / Laura Kalman.. print book. Law
- Feast days and saints' days. Volume I / edition, translation, and introduction by Holly Johnson.. print book. Philosophy
- Feasting and fasting : the history and ethics of Jewish food / edited by Aaron S. Gross, Jody Myers, and Jordan D. Rosenblum ; with a foreword by Hasia Diner and an afterword by Jonathan Safran Foer.. ebook. English
- The fed unbound : central banking in a time of crisis / Lev Menand.. print book. History
- Federal anti-Indian law : the legal entrapment of indigenous peoples / Peter P. d'Errico.. ebook. History
- The Federal Reserve : a new history / Robert L. Hetzel.. print book. History
- The Federal Reserve : a new history / Robert L. Hetzel.. ebook. Business
- La Fée de la Fontaine : from Les rêves de Columbine, op. 65, no. 1 : for flute and piano / Beach ; arranged by Graham Bastable.. music score (printed). Music
- Feed-forward : on the future of twenty-first-century media / Mark B.N. Hansen.. print book. Philosophy
- Feed them silence / Lee Mandelo.. print book. Special Collections
- Feeding frenzy : the food Industry, obesity & the creation of a health crisis / Media Education Foundation production ; director, Kate Geis ; executive producer, Sut Jhally.. streaming video. English
- Feeling media : potentiality and the afterlife of art / Miryam Sas.. print book. Art
- The Feeling of remembering : solo music for one or four woowind and/or string players (2014) / Christopher Fox.. music score (printed). Music
- Feels good man / Wavelength Productions presents, in association with XTR ; in association with Ready Fictions ; in association with Secret Sauce Media and Whitewater Films ; in association with Museum & Crane ; producers, Giorgio Angelini, Caryn Capotost. streaming video.
- Female heroes in young adult fantasy fiction : reframing myths of adolescent girlhood / Leah Phillips.. print book. English
- Feminine singularity : the politics of subjectivity in nineteenth-century literature / Ronjaunee Chatterjee.. print book. English
- The femininity puzzle : gender, orientalism and the "Jewish Other" / Ulrike Brunotte.. print book. English
- Feminism and the mastery of nature / Val Plumwood.. print book. English
- Feminism as world literature / edited by Robin Truth Goodman.. print book. English
- Feminism in coalition : thinking with US women of color feminism / Liza Taylor.. print book. Philosophy
- Feminism or death / Françoise d'Eaubonne ; translated and edited by Ruth Hottell ; with a foreword by Carolyn Merchant ; and an introduction by Myriam Bahaffou and Julie Gorecki ; translated by Emma Ramadan.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- Feminist art in resistance : aesthetics, methods and politics of art in Turkey / Elif Dastarlı, F. Melis Cin.. print book. Art
- Feminist judgments : rewritten criminal law opinions / edited by Bennett Capers, Sarah Deer, Corey Rayburn Yung.. print book. Law
- Feminist judgments : rewritten criminal law opinions / edited by Bennett Capers, Sarah Deer, Corey Rayburn Yung.. print book. Law
- Feminist philosophy of mind / edited by Keya Maitra and Jennifer McWeeny.. print book. Philosophy
- Feminist scholars on the road to tenure : the personal is professional / Kate Richmond, Isis H. Settles, Stephanie A. Shields, and Alexandra I. Zelin, editors.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
- The feminist Shaw : Shaw and contemporary literary theories of feminism / Nishtha Mishra.. print book. English
- Feminist worldmaking and the moving image / edited by Erika Balsom, Hila Peleg, and Haus der Kulturen der Welt.. print book. Art
- Feminists, Insha'allah! : the story of Arab feminism / Drôle de Trame Productions, with participation of France Télévisions ; a film by Feriel Ben Mahmoud.. streaming video. Classical Studies
- Feminists, Insha'allah! : the story of Arab feminism / Drôle de Trame Productions, with participation of France Télévisions ; a film by Feriel Ben Mahmoud.. streaming video.
- Feminists, Insha'allah! : the story of Arab feminism / Drôle de Trame Productions, with participation of France Télévisions ; a film by Feriel Ben Mahmoud.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
- Fen, bog & swamp : a short history of peatland destruction and its role in the climate crisis / Annie Proulx.. ebook. Sociology
- Las ferias del libro como espacios de negociación cultural y económica / Marco Thomas Bosshard, Fernando García Naharro (eds.).. print book. Hispanic Studies
- The festival cities of Edinburgh and Adelaide / Sarah Thomasson.. print book. Art
- Festpreludium : 1944 / Ture Rangström.. music score (printed). Music
- Feuilles d'Automne : op. 89 : pour 2 flûtes et 1 flûte en sol = fur 2 Querflöten und 1 Altflöte = for 2 flutes and 1 alto flute / Florentine Mulsant.. music score (printed). Music
- A few good gays : the gendered compromises behind military inclusion / Cati Connell.. ebook. Psychology
- Fictionality / Karen Petroski.. print book. English
- Fictionality and literature : core concepts revisited / edited by Lasse R. Gammelgaard, Stefan Iversen, Louise Brix Jacobsen, James Phelan, Richard Walsh, Henrik Zetterberg-Nielsen, and Simona Zetterberg-Nielsen.. print book. English
- Fidelia Bridges : nature into art / Katherine Manthorne.. print book. Art
- A field guide to grad school : uncovering the hidden curriculum / Jessica McCrory Calarco.. ebook. Business
- A field guide to white supremacy / edited by Kathleen Belew and Ramón A. Gutiérrez.. print book. History
- Fieldnotes on ordinary love / Keith S. Wilson.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The fight for privacy : protecting dignity, identity, and love in the digital age / Danielle Keats Citron.. print book. Business
- Fight like hell : the untold history of American labor / Kim Kelly.. ebook. Business
- Fight like hell : the untold history of American labor / Kim Kelly ; [foreword by Sara Nelson].. print book. Business
- The fight to save the town : reimagining discarded America / Michelle Wilde Anderson.. print book. Business
- The fight to save the town : reimagining discarded America / Michelle Wilde Anderson.. ebook. Business
- The fight to vote / Michael Waldman.. print book. Political Science
- Fighting over there : U.S. war making and contemporary refugee literature / Alaina Kaus.. print book. English
- Fighting without fighting : Kung Fu cinema's journey to the West / Luke White.. print book. Philosophy
- Fighting words : the bold American journalists who brought the world home between the wars / Nancy F. Cott.. ebook. History
- Figures de la finitude chez Pascal : la fin et le passage / Pierre Lyraud.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
- Film studies : an introduction / Ed Sikov. ebook. History
- Filme paisagem = landscape film.. streaming video.
- Finally seen / Kelly Yang.. print book. Education
- The financial crisis of 2008 : a history of US financial markets 2000-2012 / Barrie A. Wigmore.. print book. History
- Finding Daniel Boone : his last days in Missouri & the strange fate of his remains / Ted Franklin Belue.. print book.
- Finding my dance / by Ria Thundercloud ; illustrated by Kalila J. Fuller.. print book. Education
- The finest place we know : a centennial history of Murray State University, 1922-2022 / Robert L. Jackson, Sean J. McLaughlin, and Sarah Marie Owens.. print book.
- Finishing the hat : collected lyrics (1954-1981) with attendant comments, principles, heresies, grudges, whines and anecdotes / Stephen Sondheim.. print book. Music
- Finn Juhl and his house / Per H. Hansen ; picture editor and afterword, Birgit Lyngbye Pedersen ; translated by Mark Mussari.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Fioriture e Giga : (2016) : für Saxophonquartett = for saxophone quartet / Vivienne Olive.. music score (printed). Music
- Fire Island : a century in the life of an American paradise / Jack Parlett.. print book. History
- The Fire Keeper / by J.C. Cervantes.. print book. Education
- Fired up! : for 5 trumpets : a tribute to master trumpet teacher Bill Adam on his 80th birthday / by David A. Roth.. music score (printed). Music
- First Amendment law in a nutshell / Jerome A. Barron, Harold H. Greene Professor of Law Emeritus, The George Washington University Law School ; C. Thomas Dienes, late Lyle T. Alverson Professor of Law Emeritus, The George Washington University Law School.. print book. Law
- The first blade of sweetgrass : a Native American story / story by Suzanne Greenlaw and Gabriel Frey ; illustrations by Nancy Baker.. print book. Education
- First book of practical studies for cornet and trumpet / by Robert W. Getchell ; edited by Nilo W. Hovey.. music score (printed). Music
- First book of sushi / Amy Wilson Sanger.. print book. Education
- The first Chief Justice : John Jay and the struggle of a new nation / Mark C. Dillon.. print book. Law
- The first days of school : how to be an effective teacher / Harry K. Wong, Rosemary T. Wong.. print book. Education
- The first days of school : how to be an effective teacher / by Harry K. Wong, Rosemary T. Wong.. print book. Education
- A first time for everything : a true story / by Dan Santat. print book. Education
- First view inside an atom : encounters with Gerhard Richter between art and science / Franz J. Gießibl.. print book. Art
- Fish and Wave / by Sergio Ruzzier.. print book. Education
- Fishing for chickens : a Smokies food memoir / Jim Casada.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Fitzgerald and the war between the sexes : essays / Scott Donaldson.. print book. English
- Five caprichos : for piano / Carlos Chávez.. music score (printed). Music
- Five Days, Five Nights (Funf Tage, Funf Nachte).. streaming video. Russian Studies
- Five folksongs in counterpoint : for string quartet / Florence B. Price.. music score (printed). Music
- The five obstructions / Zentropa Real ApS [and others] present ; a film by Jørgen Leth & Lars Von Trier ; idea, Lars Von Trier ; produced by Carsten Holst.. streaming video. English
- Five pieces for cello and piano / Amy Marcy Cheney Beach ; Amy Camus, editor ; Adrienne Fried Block, introduction.. music score (printed). Music
- Five stalks of grain / by Adrian Lysenko ; illustrated by Ivanka Theodosia Galadza.. ebook.
- Fixer-upper : how to repair America's broken housing systems / Jenny Schuetz.. print book. Education
- Fixing Social Security : the politics of reform in a polarized age / R. Douglas Arnold.. ebook. Business
- Fixing stories : local newsmaking and international media in Turkey and Syria / Noah Amir Arjomand, Indiana University.. print book. History
- The flag and the cross : white Christian nationalism and the threat to American democracy / Philip S. Gorski and Samuel L. Perry ; foreword by Jemar Tisby.. print book. Political Science
- Flash and gleam : light in our world / Sue Fliess ; illustrated by Khoa Le.. print book. Education
- Fledgling / Octavia E. Butler.. print book. Education
- Fleeing plague : medieval wisdom for a modern health crisis : based on Martin Luther's "Whether one may flee from a deadly plague" (1527) / introduction and annotations by Anna Marie Johnson.. print book. Philosophy
- Fleur de neige : chanson populaire / Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
- Flint is family in three acts / LaToya Ruby Frazier ; Shea S. Cobb, Amber N. Hasan, Douglas R. Smiley, community members of Flint, Michigan ; edited by Michal Raz-Russo ; with contributions by Michal Raz-Russo, Leigh Raiford, Peter W. Kunhardt, Jr.. print book. Art
- Flipping forward twisting backward / Alma Fullerton ; illustrated by Sarah Mensinga.. print book. Education
- FLORA OF THE CODEX CRUZ-BADIANUS.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Flora photographica : the flower in contemporary photography / William A. Ewing and Danáe Panchaud.. print book. Art
- Flora redux / Teresa Hubbard ; Alexander Birchler.. print book. Art
- Florence Nightingale : Mortality and health diagrams / edited by R.J. Andrews.. print book. Geography
- Flores para Lola : una mirada queer y feminista sobre la faraona / edición de Carlos Barea.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- The flow of illicit funds [electronic resource] : a case study approach to anti-money laundering compliance / Ola M. Tucker.. ebook. Business
- Flowers are pretty weird! / Rosemary Mosco ; illustrated by Jacob Souva.. print book. Education
- FLOWERS! in the art of the 20th and 21st centuries = Blumen in der Kunst des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts / herausgegeber*innen, Regina Selter, Stefanie Weißhorn-Ponert.. print book. Art
- Flung out of space : inspired by the indecent adventures of Patricia Highsmith / by Grace Ellis and Hannah Templer.. print book. Art
- Flute music by French composers : for flute and piano / edited by Louis Moyse.. music score (printed). Music
Fo - Fz
- Folk music in overdrive : a primer on traditional country and bluegrass artists / Ivan M. Tribe.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- La Follia : for violoncello and guitar / Arcangelo Corelli ; arranged and edited by Valter Dešpalj ; guitar part fingered by István Römer.. music score (printed). Music
- Follow the river : pour cor = for horn in F / Alexandre Ouzounoff.. music score (printed). Music
- Following : for solo bassoon : 2013 / Dai Fujikura.. music score (printed). Music
- Following in footsteps or marching alone? : how institutional differences influence renewable energy policy / Srinivas C. Parinandi.. print book. Law
- Following the tabby trail : where coastal history is captured in unique oyster-shell structures / Jingle Davis ; photographs by Benjamin Galland.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Food Choices - How Our Diet Affects the Environment -. ebook.
- Food culture in medieval Scandinavia / edited by Viktória Gyönkei and Andrea Maraschi.. ebook. History
- Food : delicious science.. streaming video.
- Food deserts and food insecurity in the UK [electronic resource] : exploring social inequality / Dianna Smith and Claire Thompson.. ebook.
- Food instagram : identity, influence, and negotiation / edited by Emily J. H. Contois and Zenia Kish.. print book. English
- Food matters / Permacology Productions ; a film by James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch.. streaming video. English
- Food matters / Permacology Productions ; a film by James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch.. streaming video.
- Food, science, and the human body. episode 35, Should we be powered by plants?.. streaming video. English
- Food, science, and the human body. episode 35, Should we be powered by plants?.. streaming video.
- Food security issues and challenges [electronic resource] / Adriana Fillol Mazo and Miguel Ángel Martín López.. ebook.
- Food security, poverty and nutrition policy analysis : statistical methods and policy applications.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Foolish / Sai Mecca.. print book. English
- For a dollar and a dream : state lotteries in modern America / Jonathan D. Cohen.. ebook. Business
- For Ahkeem / a Weissman Studio and Transient Pictures production; a co-production of Independent Television Service (ITVS); director, Jeremy S. Levine & Landon van Soest.. streaming video.
- For Ahkeem / a Weissman Studio and Transient Pictures production; a co-production of Independent Television Service (ITVS); director, Jeremy S. Levine & Landon van Soest.. streaming video. Education
- For profit : a history of corporations / William Magnuson.. print book. Law
- For profit : a history of corporations / William Magnuson.. ebook. Business
- For-profit democracy : why the government is losing the trust of rural America / Loka Ashwood.. print book. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- For the culture : the power behind what we buy, what we do, and who we want to be / Marcus Collins.. print book. Business
- For the first time in a long time = mundhu zaman baʻīd / editors: Tobias Peper, Kunstverein in Hamburg and Nora Razian, Art Jameel.. print book. Art
- For they know not what they do / a film by Daniel Karslake ; a DK Works Pictures Productions.. streaming video.
- For they know not what they do / a film by Daniel Karslake ; a DK Works Pictures Productions.. streaming video. Sociology
- Forces of education : Walter Benjamin and the politics of pedagogy / edited by Dennis Johannssen, Dominik Zechner.. print book. Philosophy
- Foreign policy analysis : classic and contemporary theory / Valerie M. Hudson and Benjamin S. Day.. ebook. Political Science
- Forensic anthropology : an introduction / edited by Natalie R. Langley and MariaTeresa A. Tersigni-Tarrant.. ebook.
- Foreshadowed : Malevich's Black Square and its precursors / Andrew Spira.. print book. Art
- The forest : a fable of America in the 1830s / Alexander Nemerov.. print book. Art
- Forest diplomacy : cultures in conflict on the Pennsylvania frontier, 1757 / Nicolas W. Proctor.. print book. History
- Forever crazy about the Cats : an improbable journey of a Kentucky sportswriter overcoming adversity / Jamie H. Vaught.. print book. Special Collections
- Forged in war : Roosevelt, Churchill, and the Second World War / Warren F. Kimball.. ebook. History
- Forget the Alamo : the rise and fall of an American myth / Bryan Burrough, Chris Tomlinson, and Jason Stanford.. print book. History
- Forging architectural tradition : national narratives, monument preservation and architectural work in the nineteenth century / edited by Dragan Damjanović and Aleksander Łupienko.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Forging ties, forging passports : migration and the modern Sephardi diaspora / Devi Mays.. print book. History
- Forgiveness : an alternative account / Matthew Ichihashi Potts.. print book. Philosophy
- Forgiveness : the story of Eva Kor, survivor of the Auschwitz twin experiments / Joe Lee.. print book. Education
- Forgotten ally : China's World War II, 1937-1945 / Rana Mitter.. print book. History
- Form and flow : the spatial politics of urban resilience and climate justice / Kian Goh.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Formidable : American women and the fight for equality, 1920-2020 / Elisabeth Griffith.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- Forty Years in the Kitchen : a Collection of Recipes / by Dorothy Shanklin Russey.. print book.
- Fossil fuel Faulkner : energy, modernity, and the US South / Jay Watson.. print book. English
- Foster care in America : a reference handbook / Christina G. Villegas.. ebook. Social Work
- Foundationalism / Richard Fumerton.. print book. Philosophy
- FOUNDING OF MODERN STATES.. print book. History
- The four agreements : a practical guide to personal freedom / Don Miguel Ruiz with Janet Mills.. print book.
- Four piano pieces / Nikolai Tcherepnin.. music score (printed). Music
- Four piano works / Teresa Carreño.. music score (printed). Music
- The four winds / Kristin Hannah.. print book.
- The fox in the dark / by Alison Green ; illustrated by Deborah Allwright.. print book. Education
- Fox in the night / Martin Jenkins ; illustrated by Richard Smythe.. print book. Education
- The foxes of Belair : Gallant Fox, Omaha, and the quest for the Triple Crown / Jennifer S. Kelly.. print book.
- Fragile victory : the making and unmaking of liberal order / James E. Cronin.. ebook. Political Science
- Fragmenting reality : an essay on passage, causality and time travel / Samuele Iaquinto, Giuliano Torrengo.. print book. Philosophy
- A frail liberty : probationary citizens in the French and Haitian revolutions / Tessie P. Liu.. print book. History
- Framers : Human Advantage in an Age of Technology and Turmoil [electronic resource].. ebook. Business
- Framing the valley : Maria Ogrydziak, houses / Maria Ogrydziak ; edited by Julia Ogrydziak ; introduction by Sam Lubell.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Frances Power Cobbe / Alison Stone.. print book. Philosophy
- Francisco de Goya and the art of critique / Anthony J. Cascardi.. print book. Art
- Frank Auerbach : drawings of people / edited by Mark Hallett and Catherine Lampert.. print book. Art
- Frank Bowling : sculpture / Sam Cornish.. print book. Art
- Frank L. Wright and the architects of Steinway Hall : a study in collaboration / by Stuart Cohen.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Frankish manuscripts : the seventh to the tenth century / Lawrence Nees.. print book. History
- El franquismo se fue de fiesta : ritos festivos y cultura popular durante la dictadura / Claudio Hernández Burgos, César Rina Simón (eds.).. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Frantz Fanon : black skin, white mask / Normal Films in association with the Arts Council of England presents ; a Normal Films production ; a film by Isaac Julien & Mark Nash ; script, Isaac Julien & Mark Nash ; producer, Mark Nash ; director, Isaac Julie. streaming video. English
- Frantz Fanon : black skin, white mask / Normal Films in association with the Arts Council of England presents ; a Normal Films production ; a film by Isaac Julien & Mark Nash ; script, Isaac Julien & Mark Nash ; producer, Mark Nash ; director, Isaac Julie. streaming video.
- Franz Kline : the artist's materials / Corina E. Rogge ; with contributions by Zahira Véliz Bomford and Julie Arslanoglu, Silvia A. Centeno, Isabelle Duvernois, Maite Martinez Leal.. print book. Art
- Franziska Maderthaner : Abstrock 2 / Texte, Christian Bauer, Alexandra Schantl.. print book. Art
- Frauds, myths, and mysteries : science and pseudoscience in archaeology / Kenneth L. Feder, Central Connecticut State University.. ebook. Anthropology
- Frauds, myths, and mysteries : science and pseudoscience in archaeology / Kenneth L. Feder, Central Connecticut State University.. ebook. Anthropology
- Frauds, myths, and mysteries : science and pseudoscience in archaeology / Kenneth L. Feder, Central Connecticut State University.. print book. Anthropology
- Fred Howe and George Moore cabinet card. print book. Special Collections
- Frederic Tuten : on a terrace in Tangier : works on cardboard / Frederic Tuten ; conversation with Hans Ulrich Obrist.. print book. Art
- Frederick Douglass in context / edited by Michaël Roy, Université Paris Nanterre.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Free : a child and a country at the end of history / Lea Ypi.. print book. History
- Free Berlin : art, urban politics, and everyday life / Briana J. Smith.. print book. Art
- Free market : the history of an idea / Jacob Soll.. print book. Business
- Free market : the history of an idea / Jacob Soll.. ebook. Business
- Freedom reread / L. Gibson.. print book. English
- Freedom, resentment, and the metaphysics of morals / Pamela Hieronymi.. print book. Philosophy
- Freedom's mirror : Cuba and Haiti in the age of revolution / Ada Ferrer.. ebook. African American and Africana Studies
- Freewater / Amina Luqman-Dawson.. print book. Education
- Fresh : sustainable food production in America / a Ripple Effect production.. streaming video.
- Frida Kahlo : the masterworks / Héctor Tajonar, Roxana Velásquez.. print book. Art
- Friday Night Wrestlefest. print book. Education
- Friedl Dicker-Brandeis : Bauhaus-Schülerin, Avantgarde-Malerin, Kunstpädagogin = Bauhaus student, Avant-Garde painter, art teacher / editors, Hemma Schmutz, Brigitte Reutner-Doneus.. print book. Art
- A friend in the music business : the ASCAP story : the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers / Bruce Pollock.. print book. Music
- Friendly encounters : for flute and guitar (2022) / Samuel Adler.. music score (printed). Music
- Friends beyond measure / Lalena Fisher.. print book. Education
- Friends of FNS cookbook.. print book.
- Friendship in the Merovingian kingdoms : Venantius Fortunatus and his contemporaries / by Hope Williard.. ebook.
- Frieze : for piano trio : (2020) / Diana Burrell.. music score (printed). Music
- Frizzy / written by Claribel A. Ortega ; art by Rose Bousamra.. print book. Education
- From a taller tower : the rise of the American mass shooter / Seamus McGraw.. ebook. Sociology
- From at-risk to at-promise : academic libraries supporting student success / Amy E. Vecchione and Cathlene E. McGraw.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- From breakthrough to blockbuster : the business of biotechnology / Donald L. Drakeman, Lisa N. Drakeman, Nektarios Oraiopoulos.. ebook. Business
- From Chinese cosmology to English romanticism : the intricate journey of a monistic idea / Yu Liu.. print book. English
- From data to quanta : Niels Bohr's vision of physics / Slobodan Perović.. print book. Physics
- From factories to palaces : architect Charles B. J. Snyder and the New York City public schools / Jean Arrington, with Cynthia Skeffington LaValle ; foreword by Peg Breen.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- From fiction to psychoanalysis : reimagining a relationship / Rosemary Rizq.. print book. English
- From great discoveries in number theory to applications / Michal Křížek, Lawrence Somer, Alena Šolcová.. ebook. Mathematics
- From idols to icons : the rise of the devotional image in early Christianity / Robin M. Jensen.. print book. Art
- From law and literature to legality and affect / Greta Olson.. print book. English
- From small wins to sweeping change : working together to foster equity, inclusion, and antiracism in museums / edited by Priya Frank and Theresa Sotto.. print book. Art
- From subjection to survival : the artistry of American women writers / Molly J. Freitas.. print book. English
- From the front lines of the Appalachian opioid crisis : healthcare providers discuss opioids, meth and recovery / edited by Wendy Welch ; foreword by Lauren Sisler. ebook. Appalachian Studies
- From the pocket of an overcoat / written and illustrated by R. Vincent. print book. Education
- From the pot to the earth at Rochester Square / edited by Francesca Anfossi ; foreword by Emily King.. print book. Art
- From the theater to the plaza : spectacle, protest, and urban space in twenty-first-century Madrid / Matthew I. Feinberg.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
- From the tops of the trees / Kao Kalia Yang ; illustrated by Rachel Wada.. print book. Education
- From the valley of bronze camels : a primer, some lectures, & a boondoggle on poetry / Jane Miller.. print book. English
- A front row seat : an intimate look at Broadway, Hollywood, and the age of glamour / Nancy Olson Livingston.. print book.
- Frühlingsboten : 12 Klavierstücke = Heralds of spring : 12 piano pieces : op. 55 / Joachim Raff ; edited by = herausgegeben von Ulrich Mahlert. music score (printed). Music
- Fugitive texts : slave narratives in antebellum print culture / Michaël Roy ; translated by Susan Pickford.. print book. English
- Full responsibility : on pragmatic, political, and other modes of sharing action / Steven G. Smith.. print book. Philosophy
- The funambulists : women poets of the Arab diaspora / Lisa Marchi.. print book. English
- Fundamental aspects and perspectives of MXenes / Mohammad Khalid, Andrews Nirmala Grace, Arunachalam Arulraj, Arshid Numan, editors.. ebook. Chemistry
- Fundamental painting (1975) : lessons in minimalist painting / Claudia Rajlich.. print book. Art
- Fundamentals of Bayesian epistemology / Michael G. Titelbaum.. print book. Statistics
- Fundamentals of Bayesian epistemology / Michael G. Titelbaum.. print book. Statistics
- Fundamentals of planning cities for healthy living / Avi Friedman and Alexandra Pollock.. ebook.
- Fundamentals of spatial analysis and modelling / Jay Gao.. print book. Geography
- Fundamentals of sustainable urban design / Avi Friedman.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Fundamentals success : NCLEX®-style Q&A review / Patricia M. Nugent, Barbara A. Vitale.. ebook. Medicine
- Funding bodies : five decades of dance making at the National Endowment for the Arts / Sarah Wilbur.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Fünf Ouverturen für 2 Oboen, Fagott, 2 Corni du Chasse, Violinen, Violen, Viola da Gamba, Violoncello, Violone, Cembalo, Basso continuo und Theorbe / Johann Christoph Schmidt ; herausgegeben von Reiner Zimmermann.. music score (printed). Music
- A furious sky : the five-hundred-year history of America's hurricanes / Eric Jay Dolin.. print book. Physics
- The furrows : an elegy : a novel / Namwali Serpell.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- The fury archives : female citizenship, human rights, and the international avant-gardes / Jill Richards.. print book. English
- Future bodies from a recent past : sculpture, technology, and the body since the 1950s / [Curators: Patrizia Dander with Franziska Linhardt]. print book. Art
- The Future : for soprano solo, chorus and orchestra / Ralph Vaughan Williams ; Completed and Orchestrated by Martin Yates.. music score (printed). Music
- The future is degrowth : a guide to a world beyond capitalism / Matthias Schmelzer, Andrea Vetter, Aaron Vansintjan.. print book. Business
- The future of humanity : from global civilization to great civilization / by Zhouying Jin ; translated by Lane Jennings and Ying Bai.. print book. Philosophy
- The future of medical device regulation : innovation and protection / edited by I. Glenn Cohen, Harvard Law School, Timo Minssen, University of Copenhagen, W. Nicholson Price II, University of Michigan, Christopher Robertson, Boston University, Carmel Sha. print book. Law
- The future of the book : images of reading in the American utopian novel / Kevin J. Hayes.. print book. English
- Futures of the architectural exhibition / Mario Ballesteros, Giovanna Borasi, Ann Lui, Ana Miljački, Zoë̈ Ryan, Martino Stierli, Shirley Surya in conversation with students ; edited by Reto Geiser and Michael Kubo.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- El futuro perfecto = The future perfect / Murillo Cine y Nele Wohlatz presentan ; en asociación con Gustavo Beck ; guión y dirección, Nele Wohlatz.. streaming video.
- El futuro perfecto = The future perfect / Murillo Cine y Nele Wohlatz presentan ; en asociación con Gustavo Beck ; guión y dirección, Nele Wohlatz.. streaming video. Hispanic Studies
- G-man : J. Edgar Hoover and the making of the American century / Beverly Gage.. print book. History
- The galaxy is a dance floor / Bianca Lynne Spriggs.. print book.
- Galen's epistemology : experience, reason, and method in ancient medicine / edited by R. J. Hankinson and Matyáš Havrda.. print book. Philosophy
- Galileo Galilei's "Two new sciences" for modern readers / Alessandro De Angelis.. ebook. Physics
- Gambling on development : why some countries win and others lose / Stefan Dercon.. ebook. Business
- Gaming sexism : gender and identity in the era of casual video games / Amanda C. Cote.. ebook. Psychology
- Gastronativism : food, identity, politics / Fabio Parasecoli.. print book. Anthropology
- Gather / Ager Meillier Films Inc., ; First Nations Development Institute.. streaming video.
- Gathering blossoms under fire : the journals of Alice Walker 1965-2000 / edited by Valerie Boyd.. print book. History
- Gay bar : why we went out / Jeremy Atherton Lin.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- Gay, Catholic, and American : my legal battle for marriage equality and inclusion / Greg Bourke.. print book. History
- GAY WHALES AGAINST RACISM. print book. Special Collections
- Gebet der hexe von endor : solo-kantate für sopran und violoncello (2021) / Wolfgang Rihm.. music score (printed). Music
- Geek girls : inequality and opportunity in Silicon Valley / France Winddance Twine.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- Geistliche concerti I : für soli, chor und instrumente / Johann Christoph Schmidt ; edited by Reiner Zimmermann.. music score (printed). Music
- Gen silent / Mad Stu Productions ; producers, Patricia Cornwell & Staci Gruber ; produced,directed and edited by Stu Maddux.. streaming video.
- Gen silent / Mad Stu Productions ; producers, Patricia Cornwell & Staci Gruber ; produced,directed and edited by Stu Maddux.. streaming video. Social Work
- Gender and security in digital space : navigating access, harassment, and disinformation / edited by Gulizar Haciyakupoglu and Yasmine Wong.. ebook. Mathematics
- Gender history in China / edited by Masako Kohama and Linda Grove.. print book. History
- Gender queer : a memoir / by Maia Kobabe ; colors by Phoebe Kobabe.. print book. Education
- Gender queer : a memoir / by Maia Kobabe ; colors by Phoebe Kobabe.. ebook. Education
- Gender, sex and sexuality in musical theatre : he/she/they could have danced all night / edited and curated by Kelly Kessler.. print book. Music
- Gender : the basics / Hilary M. Lips.. ebook. Social Work
- Gendered citizenship : the original conflict over the Equal Rights Amendment, 1920-1963 / Rebecca DeWolf.. print book. History
- A genealogy of terror in eighteenth-century France / Ronald Schechter.. print book. History
- The General : for marimba and Chinese percussion / Heng Liu.. music score (printed). Music
- Genesis in late antique poetry / edited by Andrew Faulkner, Cillian O'Hogan, and Jeffrey Wickes.. print book. English
- Genius loci : an essay on the meanings of place / John Dixon Hunt.. print book. Art
- The genius under the table : growing up behind the Iron Curtain / Eugene Yelchin.. print book. Education
- Genres of privacy in postwar America / Palmer Rampell.. print book. English
- Gentrification is inevitable and other lies / Leslie Kern.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- A geographical century : essays for the centenary of the international geographical union / edited by Vladimir Kolosov, Jacobo García-Álvarez, Michael Heffernan, Bruno Schelhaas.. print book. Geography
- Geographical guide to a man's heart with obstacles and entrances clearly marked ; and, Geographical guide to a woman's heart emphasizing points of interest to the romantic traveler / drawings by Jo Lowrey.. print map. Geography
- Geographical imaginations : literature and the 'spatial turn' / Indranil Acharya and Ujjwal Kumar Panda.. print book. English
- Geography of home : writings on where we live / Akiko Busch.. ebook.
- The geometries of Afro Asia : art beyond solidarity / Joan Kee.. print book. Art
- Georg Baselitz : collected writings and interviews / edited by Detlev Gretenkort ; with an introduction by Jill Lloyd.. print book. Art
- George A. Kubler and the shape of art history / Thomas F. Reese.. print book. Art
- George Berkeley and early modern philosophy / Stephen H. Daniel.. print book. Philosophy
- George Berkeley and romanticism : ghostly language / Chris Townsend.. print book. English
- George Christy's essence of old Kentucky : containing a choice collection of new and popular songs, interludes, dialogues, funny speeches, darkey jokes and plantation wit / by George Christy.. print book.
- George Ticknor y la fundación del hispanismo en Estados Unidos / José M. del Pino (ed.).. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Georgic literature and the environment : working land, reworking genre / edited by Sue Edney and Tess Somervell.. print book. English
- Gerhard Richter: 4 Decades - The Famous Painter's Early Work. ebook. Art
- Gerhard Richter painting / ein Film von Corinna Belz ; Zero One Film ; in koproducktion mit Terz Film, Westdeutscher Hundfunk, Mitteldeutscher Hundfunk.. streaming video. Art
- Gerhard Richter : painting after the subject of history / Benjamin H.D. Buchloh.. print book. Art
- German philosophy in the twentieth century. Dilthey to Honneth / Julian Young.. print book. Philosophy
- German railroads, Jewish souls : the Reichsbahn, bureaucracy, and the final solution / Christopher R. Browning, Peter Hayes, and Raul Hilberg.. print book. History
- German sports, doping, and politics : a history of performance enhancement / Michael Krüger, Christian Becker, Stefan Nielsen.. print book. History
- Geta Brătescu : Film und Video 1977-2018 / Herausgeber, Roland Wäspe, Lorenz Wiederkehr ; texte, Geta Brătescu [and seven others].. print book. Art
- Der geteilte Himmel / ein film der gruppe Heinrich Greif, DEFA-studio für Spielfilme ; script, Christa Wolf, Herhard Wolf, Konrad Wolf, Willi Brückner, Kurt Barthel ; directed by Konrad Wolf.. streaming video. German
- Getting over / Gravitas Ventures ; Upstart Film Collective in association with Franklin House.. streaming video.
- Getting over / Gravitas Ventures ; Upstart Film Collective in association with Franklin House.. streaming video.
- Getting to diversity : what works and what doesn't / Frank Dobbin, Alexandra Kalev.. print book. Business
- Getting to diversity : what works and what doesn't / Frank Dobbin, Alexandra Kalev. ebook. Business
- GGN : landscapes 1999-2018 / written with Thaïsa Way.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The ghost at the feast : America and the collapse of world order, 1900-1941 / Robert Kagan.. print book. History
- Ghost dance : solo bassoon / Ann K. Gebuhr.. music score (printed). Music
- A ghost story / Sailor Bear presents ; in association with Zero Trans Fat Productions and Ideaman Studios ; film maker, David Lowery.. streaming video. English
- Ghosting the news : local journalism and the crisis of American democracy / Margaret Sullivan. ebook. Public Policy & Administration
- Ghosts of Weirdwood : a William Shivering tale / Christian McKay Heidicker; illustrations by Anna Earley.. print book. Education
- Giant giant / words and pictures by Dylan Hewitt.. print book. Education
- Gibberish / Young Vo.. print book. Education
- Ginseng diggers : a history of root and herb gathering in Appalachia / Luke Manget.. ebook. History
- Giorgione / Giovanni Carlo Federico Villa ; translations, Sarah Elizabeth Cree, Cristina Pradella.. print book. Art
- Giotto's Arena Chapel and the triumph of humility / Henrike Christiane Lange, University of California, Berkeley.. print book. Art
- Giovanni's room / James Baldwin.. print book.
- The girl at the Lion d'Or / Sebastian Faulks.. ebook. History
- A girl From Hunan / directed by U Lan and Fei Xie.. streaming video. Asian Studies
- The Girl I Am, Was, and Never Will Be [electronic resource] : A Speculative Memoir of Transracial Adoption.. ebook.
- The girl who built an ocean : an artist, an argonaut, and the true story of the world's first aquarium / Jess Keating ; [illustrated by] Michelle Mee Nutter.. print book. Education
- A girlhood : letter to my transgender daughter / Carolyn Hays.. print book. Education
- Girls on the brink : helping our daughters thrive in an era of increased anxiety, depression, and social media / Donna Jackson Nakazawa.. print book. Education
- Giuseppe Tartini : fundamental questions / Gabriele Taschetti (ed.).. print book. Music
- Gladys the magic chicken / by Adam Rubin ; illustrated by Adam Rex.. print book. Education
- Les glaneurs et la glaneuse = The gleaners and I / Ciné Tamaris présente un film d'Agnès Varda ; réalisation et commentaire, Agnès Verda.. streaming video. English
- Les glaneurs et la glaneuse = The gleaners and I / Ciné Tamaris présente un film d'Agnès Varda ; réalisation et commentaire, Agnès Verda.. streaming video.
- Glass design innovations in architecture / Mick Eekhout.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Global child : children and families affected by war, displacement and migration / edited by Myriam Denov, Claudia Mitchell, and Marjorie Rabiau.. print book. Education
- The global history of Black girlhood / edited by Corinne T. Field and LaKisha Michelle Simmons.. print book. Education
- Global objects : toward a connected art history / Edward S. Cooke, Jr.. print book. Art
- The global rules of art : the emergence and divisions of a cultural world economy / Larissa Buchholz.. print book. Art
- Globalists : the end of empire and the birth of neoliberalism / Quinn Slobodian.. ebook. Business
- Globalizing fortune on the early modern stage / Jane Hwang Degenhardt.. print book. English
- The glory and the burden : the American presidency from the New Deal to the present / Robert Schmuhl. ebook. Political Science
- The glory and the sorrow : a Parisian and his world in the age of the French Revolution / Timothy Tackett.. print book. History
- Glyn Philpot : flesh and spirit / Simon Martin ; introduction by Alan Hollinghurst.. print book. Art
- GMO OMG / a Compeller Pictures production in association with Heartworn Pictures ; presented by Natures Path.. streaming video. English
- GMO OMG / a Compeller Pictures production in association with Heartworn Pictures ; presented by Natures Path.. streaming video.
- Go the distance : what if Meg had to become a Greek god? / Jen Calonita.. print book. Education
- Go U.S. 40 : the all year travel highway.. print map. Geography
- God / edited by Andrew Radde-Gallwitz (University of Notre Dame).. print book. Philosophy
- God's joust, God's justice : law and religion in the Western tradition / John Witte, Jr.. print book. Philosophy
- God save the USSR : Soviet Muslims and the Second World War / Jeff Eden.. print book. History
- Godefridus Schalcken : a late 17th-century Dutch painter in pursuit of fame and fortune / Wayne Franits.. print book. Art
- Gods of thunder : how climate change, travel, and spirituality reshaped precolonial America / Timothy R. Pauketat.. print book. History
- Going for cold : a biography of a great physicist, Kurt Mendelssohn / J.G. Weisend II, G. Terence Meaden.. ebook. Physics
- Going remote : how the flexible work economy can improve our lives and our cities / Matthew E. Kahn.. ebook. Geography
- Going underground : race, space, and the subterranean in the nineteenth-century United States / Lara Langer Cohen.. print book. English
- Gojira / seisaku Tanaka Tomoyuki ; gensaku Kayama Shigeru ; kyakuhon Murata Takeo, Honda Ishirō ; kantoku Honda Ishirō = Godzilla / produced by Tomoyuki Tanaka ; story by Shigeru Kayama ; screenplay by Takeo Murata and Ishiro Honda ; directed by Ishiro. streaming video. Asian Studies
- Gold, oil, and avocados : a recent history of Latin America in sixteen commodities / Andy Robinson.. ebook. Business
- The golden age of piracy in China, 1520-1810 : a short history with documents / Robert J. Antony.. print book. History
- The golden door : (beginnings-1938) / a Florentine Films production ; .. streaming video.
- The golden door : (beginnings-1938) / a Florentine Films production ; .. streaming video.
- The Golden goose, op. 45, no. 1 / Gustav Holst.. music score (printed). Music
- The golden thirteen : how Black men won the right to wear Navy gold / Dan C. Goldberg.. print book. History
- Goliyon Ki Rasleela-RamLeela / Eros International and Bhansali Productions present.. streaming video. English
- Goliyon Ki Rasleela-RamLeela / Eros International and Bhansali Productions present.. streaming video.
- Good for a girl : a woman running in a man's world / Lauren Fleshman.. print book. Education
- Good night, Oppy! / by James McGowan ; illustrated by Graham Carter.. print book. Education
- A good place / Lucy Cousins. print book. Education
- Good sex : transforming America through the new gender and sexual revolution / Catherine M. Roach, PhD.. ebook. Social Work
- Goodbye Gauley Mountain : an ecosexual love story / a film by Beth Stephens with Annie Sprinkle ; executive producer, Beth Stephens ; produced by Xandra Coe, Annie Sprinkle, Jordan Freeman ; directors, Beth Stephens with Annie Sprinkle ; Pollination Produ. video DVD. Appalachian Studies
- Goodbye, old house / Margaret Wild ; illustrated by Ann James.. print book. Education
- Googie modern : architectural drawings of Armet Davis Newlove / Michael Murphy ; text by Alan Hess; photography by Jens Lucking.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Google and the world brain / a Polar Star Films and BLTV Ltd film.. streaming video.
- Gordon Matta-Clark : an archival sourcebook / edited by Gwendolyn Owens and Philip Ursprung.. print book. Art
- The gospel of freedom : Black evangelicals and the Underground Railroad / Alicestyne Turley.. print book.
- The gospel of wellness : gyms, gurus, Goop, and the false promise of self-care / Rina Raphael.. print book. History
- Gothic manuscripts 1260-1320 / Alison Stones.. print book. Art
- Gothic manuscripts 1260-1320 / Alison Stones.. print book. Art
- Governing the EU in an age of division / Dalibor Rohac.. ebook. Political Science
- Grace and freedom in a secular age : contingency, vulnerability, and hospitality / Philip J. Rossi, SJ.. print book. Philosophy
- Grace and gravity : architectures of the figure / Lars Spuybroek.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The grace of the world : for high voice and organ / Gwyneth Walker.. music score (printed). Music
- The Gracelin O'Malley trilogy : Gracelin O'Malley ; Leaving Ireland ; and, 'Til morning light / Ann Moore.. ebook.
- Grafted arts : art making and taking in the struggle for western India : 1760-1910 / Holly Shaffer.. print book. Art
- Grammaire musicale; ou, Méthode analytique et raisonnée pour apprendre et enseigner la lecture de la musique; suivie d'observations sur les erreurs, préjugés et fa̧usses opinions concernant la musique; par P.L. Aubéry Du Boulley .... print book.
- The grammar of civil war : a Mexican case study, 1857-61 / Will Fowler.. print book. History
- Grammatology of images : a history of the a-visible / Sigrid Weigel and Chadwick Truscott Smith.. ebook.
- "Grand 4th of July Picnic on the 5th of July in the City Park Harrodsburg, Kentucky!" broadside. print book.
- Grand challenges for social work and society / [edited by] Richard P. Barth, Jill T. Messing, Trina R. Shanks, and James Herbert Williams.. ebook. Social Work
- Grand transitions : how the modern world was made / Vaclav Smil.. print book. Education
- Grandad's camper / Harry Woodgate.. print book. Education
- Grande concerto : per pianoforte con accompagnamento di due violini, viola, violoncello e basso, op. 83 / Disma Fumagalli ; riduzione per due pianoforti a cura di Ernesto Sparago.. music score (printed). Music
- Grande Sonate : für Klavier und Horn oder Viola, op. 29 = Grand sonata for piano and horn or viola / Friedrich Eugen Thurner ; herausgegeben von Kurt Meier = edited by Kurt Meier.. music score (printed). Music
- Grandma's tiny house : a counting story! / JaNay Brown-Wood ; illustrated by Priscilla Burris.. print book. Education
- The grant application writer's workbook. National Science Foundation, version / John D. Robertson, PhD, Stephen W. Russell, DVM, PhD, David C. Morrison, PhD. print book. Engineering
- Graphic design is (...) not innocent / Ingo Offermanns (ed.).. print book. Art
- Grass roots / Roscoe C. Martin.. print book. History
- The great displacement : climate change and the next American migration / Jake Bittle.. ebook. Education
- The great displacement : climate change and the next American migration / Jake Bittle.. print book. Education
- The great dissenter : the story of John Marshall Harlan, America's judicial hero / Peter S. Canellos.. print book. Law
- Great minds don't think alike : debates on consciousness, reality, intelligence, faith, time, AI, immortality, and the human / edited and with commentary by Marcelo Gleiser.. print book. Philosophy
- The great polarization : how ideas, power, and policies drive inequality edited by Rudiger L. Von Arnim and Joseph E. Stiglitz. ebook. Business
- The great reversal : how America gave up on free markets / Thomas Philippon.. ebook. Business
- The great stink : how Joseph Bazalgette solved London's poop pollution problem / Colleen Paeff ; illustrated by Nancy Carpenter.. print book. Education
- Greed and guns : imperial origins of the developing world / Atul Kohli, Princeton University.. ebook. Political Science
- Greek and Latin poetry of late antiquity : form, tradition and context / edited by Berenice Verhelst, Universiteit Gent, Belgium ; Tine Scheijnen, Universiteit Gent, Belgium.. ebook. Classical Studies
- The Greek trilogy of Luis Alfaro : Electricidad ; Oedipus El Rey ; Mojada / Luis Alfaro ; edited by Rosa Andújar.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Green roof [electronic resource] : a case study / Christian Werthmann.. ebook.
- The greening of America's building codes : promises and paradoxes / Aleksandra Jaeschke.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The greening of America's building codes : promises and paradoxes / Aleksandra Jaeschke.. print book. Law
- Greenwich Village, 1913 : suffrage, labor, and the new woman / Mary Jane Treacy.. print book. History
- A greeting of the spirit : selected poetry of John Keats with commentaries / Susan J. Wolfson.. print book. English
- Grid systems [electronic resource] : principles of organizing type / Kimberly Elam.. ebook.
- The Grimkes : the legacy of slavery in an American family / Kerri K. Greenidge.. print book. History
- Gropius : the man who built the Bauhaus / Fiona MacCarthy.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Gropius : the man who built the Bauhaus / Fiona MacCarthy.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Grounded in clay : the spirit of Pueblo pottery / Pueblo Pottery Collective, Elysia Poon, Rick Kinsel.. print book. Art
- Groundwork : a history of the Renaissance picture / David Young Kim.. print book. Art
- Group dynamics : collectives of the modernist period / edited by Karin Althaus, Susanne Böller, Sarah Louisa Henn, Eva Huttenlauch, Matthias Mühling, and Stephanie Weber ; Lenbachhaus.. print book. Art
- Group hug / written by Jean Reidy ; illustrated by Joey Chou.. print book. Education
- Growing architecture : how to design and build with trees / Ferdinad Ludwig, Daniel Schönle ; with a preface by Sonja Dümpelmann.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Growing Fairly [electronic resource] : How to Build Opportunity and Equity in Workforce Development / Stephen Goldsmith, Kate Markin Coleman.. ebook. Business
- Growing friendships : a kid's guide to making and keeping friends / Eileen Kennedy-Moore & Christine McLaughlin.. print book. Education
- Growing up human : the evolution of childhood / Brenna Hassett.. ebook. Education
- Growth for good : reshaping capitalism to save humanity from climate catastrophe / Alessio Terzi.. ebook. Business
- La Güera Rodríguez : the life and legends of a Mexican independence heroine / Silvia Marina Arrom.. print book. History
- La Guerra de Tres Años, 1857-1861 : el conflicto del que nació el estado laico mexicano / Will Fowler.. print book. History
- A guide to close binary systems / Edwin Budding and Osman Demircan.. ebook. Physics
- Guide to historic artists' homes & studios : a program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation / Valerie Balint.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Guide to intelligent data science : how to intelligently make use of real data / Michael R. Berthold, Christian Borgelt, Frank Höppner, Frank Klawonn, Rosaria Silipo.. print book. Statistics
- A guide to Kentucky birth, marriage and death records, 1852-1910 / compiled by Jeffrey Michael Duff.. print book. Special Collections
- Guide to standardized drumset notation / by Norman Weinberg.. print book. Music
- A guide to the historic architecture of Glen Rose, Texas : bypassed, forgotten, and preserved / T. Lindsay Baker ; photographs by Paul V. Chaplo.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Guide to the psychology of eating / Leighann R. Chaffee, Stephanie P. da Silva.. ebook. Psychology
- Guido Geelen : sculptuur = sculpture 2000-2022 / auteurs, Hendrik Driessen, Guido Geelen, Hans den Hartog Jager.. print book. Art
- Guido Reni in Rome : a guide / texts by Romeo Pio Cristofori and Lara Scanu ; foreword by Francesca Cappelletti ; introduction by Raffaella Morselli.. print book. Art
- Guido Reni : the divine / edited by Bastian Eclercy ; with contributions by Stefan Albl, Maria Aresin, Hans Aurenhammer, Lilly Becker, Babette Bohn, Aoife Brady, Heiko Damm, Corentin Dury, Sybille Ebert-Schifferer, Bastian Eclercy, Theresa Gatarski, Franc. print book. Art
- Guido's hand : five pieces for piano (1986) / George Walker.. music score (printed). Music
- Guido van der Werve: Palpable Futility / edited by Marente Bloemheuvel ; essays/texts: Marian Cousijn, Sara Crombach, Jaap Guldemond, Xander Karskens, Barbara London, Dirk van Weelden.. print book. Art
- Guo Pei : couture fantasy / Jill D'Alessandro ; with Anna Grasskamp, Sally Yu Leung, and Juanjuan Wu and with special contributions by Guo Pei.. print book. Art
H - Hi
- Habit forming : drug addiction in America, 1776-1914 / Elizabeth Kelly Gray.. print book. History
- Hafsids and Habsburgs in the early modern Mediterranean : facing Tunis / Cristelle L. Baskins.. print book. Art
- La haine = Hate / Les Productions Lazennec présentent ; en coproduction avec Le Studio Canal+, La Sept Cinéma, Kasso inc Productions ; produit par Christoph Rossignon ; écrit et réalisé par Mathieu Kassovitz ; scripte, Nathalie Vierny.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- Haishang chuanqi = I wish I knew / a film by Jia Zhangke.. streaming video.
- Haishang chuanqi = I wish I knew / a film by Jia Zhangke.. streaming video. Anthropology
- The Haitians : a decolonial history / Jean Casimir ; translated by Laurent Dubois ; with a foreword by Walter D. Mignolo.. print book. History
- HALF-BLOWN ROSE: A NOVEL.. print book. Education
- Half-life of a secret : reckoning with a hidden history / Emily Strasser.. ebook. Physics
- Hamlet's hereditary queen : performing Shakespeare's silent female power / Kerrie Roberts.. print book. English
- The hand on the wall / Maureen Johnson.. print book. Education
- Handbook for a post-roe America / Robin Marty.. ebook. Sociology
- Handbook of adolescent digital media use and mental health / edited by Jacqueline Nesi, Brown University, [Rhode Island], Eva H. Telzer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Mitchell J. Prinstein, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.. print book. Education
- Handbook of automata theory / edited by Jean-Éric Pin.. ebook. Mathematics
- The handbook of consensual non-monogamy : affirming mental health practices / edited by Michelle D. Vaughan, Wright State University, Theodore R. Burnes, Antioch University, Los Angeles.. ebook. Psychology
- Handbook of psychotherapy case formulation / edited by Tracy D. Eells.. ebook. Psychology
- Handbook of research ethics in psychological science / edited by Sangeeta Panicker & Barbara Stanley.. ebook. Psychology
- Handbook of research on methodologies for design and production practices in interior architecture / Ervin Garip, S. Banu Garip, [editors].. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The handbook of therapeutic care for children : evidence-informed approaches to working with traumatized children and adolescents in foster, relative and adoptive care / edited by Janise Mitchell, Joe Tucci, and Ed Tronick.. ebook.
- Hands-on time series analysis with Python : from basics to bleeding edge techniques / B.V. Vishwas, Ashish Patel.. print book. Statistics
- Hang on to your whiskers / Geronimo Stilton.. print book. Education
- The hangover : a literary and cultural history / Jonathon Shears. [electronic resource]. ebook.
- Hanna Nagel / herausgegeben von Inge Herold, Johan Holten.. print book. Art
- Hannah Arendt and politics / Maria Robaszkiewicz and Michael D. Weinman.. print book. Philosophy
- Hans G. Conrad : interaction of Albers / Herausgegeben von René Spitz.. print book. Art
- Hans-Herbert Kögler's critical hermeneutics / edited by L'ubomír Dunaj and Kurt C.M. Mertel.. print book. Philosophy
- Hao e de mao mao chong / wen tu, Airui Ka'er ; yi, Zheng Mingjin.. print book. Education
- Happiness / Tim Lomas.. ebook. Psychology
- The happiness of the British working class / Jamie L. Bronstein.. print book. English
- A happy birthday : for solo oboe (2021) / Thea Musgrave. music score (printed). Music
- The happy design toolkit : architecture for better mental wellbeing / Ben Channon.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The Hard Parts : A Memoir of Courage and Triumph.. ebook.
- Harlan County U.S.A.. streaming video. Philosophy
- The Harlan renaissance : stories of Black life in Appalachian coal towns / William H. Turner.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Harlem Grown : how one big idea transformed a neighborhood / written by Tony Hillery ; illustrated by Jessie Hartland.. print book. Education
- The Harlem Renaissance : an anthology / edited by Cary D. Wintz.. print book. English
- The Harlem renaissance and beyond.. streaming video.
- The Harlem renaissance and beyond.. streaming video.
- Harmonies du soir, op. 31; brabanconne / Eugène Ysaÿe.. music score (printed). Music
- Harpsichord concerto (Badley D1) / Leopold Hofmann ; edited by Allan Badley.. music score (printed). Music
- Harriet Tubman : a reference guide to her life and works / Kate Clifford Larson.. ebook. History
- Harrison County Kentucky : history & families.. print book.
- Harry Potter and the other : race, justice, and difference in the wizarding world / edited by Sarah Park Dahlen and Ebony Elizabeth Thomas.. print book. Education
- Harvard beats Yale 29-29 / Kevin Rafferty Productions presents ; a film by Kevin Rafferty .. streaming video.
- Harvard beats Yale 29-29 / Kevin Rafferty Productions presents ; a film by Kevin Rafferty .. streaming video. Education
- Harvard, Hollywood, hitmen, and holy men : a memoir / Paul W. Williams.. print book.
- Hate crime hoax : how the left is selling a fake race war / Wilfred Reilly.. print book.
- Hate crimes : a legal research guide / by Erin Gow.. print book. Law
- Hate groups : a reference handbook / David E. Newton.. ebook. Sociology
- Hate speech / Caitlin Ring Carlson.. ebook. Psychology
- Hats and headwear around the world : a cultural encyclopedia / Beverly Chico.. ebook. Anthropology
- The haunting of Hajji Hotak : and other stories / Jamil Jan Kochai.. print book. Education
- Havet sjunger = (Song of the sea) : symphonic poem for large orchestra / Ture Rangström.. music score (printed). Music
- Having their say : athletes and entertainers and the ethics of speaking out / Kristie Bunton.. print book. Philosophy
- Hawking women : falconry, gender, and control in medieval literary culture / Sara Petrosillo.. print book. English
- The hazards of love / writing, art, colors, and letters by Stan Stanley.. print book. Education
- Haze : for septet (2016) / Helen Caddick.. music score (printed). Music
- Hazel Hill is gonna win this one / Maggie Horne.. print book. Education
- HBR at 100 : the most influential and innovative articles from Harvard Business Review's first century.. ebook. Business
- The headless woman / Strand Releasing ; Cine Argentino ; Focus Features International.. streaming video.
- The headless woman / Strand Releasing ; Cine Argentino ; Focus Features International.. streaming video. Hispanic Studies
- Healing a divided nation : how the American Civil War revolutionized Western medicine / Carole Adrienne.. print book. History
- Healing knowledge in Atlantic Africa : medical encounters, 1500-1850 / Kalle Kananoja, University of Oulu.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Health Promotion: In A Public Context. ebook.
- Healthy buildings : how indoor spaces can make you sick--or keep you well / Joseph G. Allen, John D. Macomber.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Healthy cities? : design for well-being / Tim Townshend.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Hear me now : the black potters of Old Edgefield, South Carolina / edited by Adrienne Spinozzi.. print book. Art
- Hear my voice : the testimonies of children detained at the southern border of the United States / compiled by Warren Binford for Project Amplify ; foreword by Michael Garcia Bochenek of Human Rights Watch = Escucha mi voz : los testimonios de niños dete. print book. Education
- The Heart Broken In Half - Street Gangs in Urban America. ebook.
- The Heart Broken In Half - Street Gangs in Urban America. ebook.
- HEART LIKE A FAKIR : general sir james abbott and the fall of the east india company.. print book. History
- Heaven / Mieko Kawakami ; translated from the Japanese by Sam Bett and David Boyd.. ebook. Asian Studies
- Heaven is a muddy riverbed / Diedrick Brackens ; texts by Suzanne Isken, Holly Jerger, TK Smith, and Derrick Austin.. print book. Art
- Hebru Brantley / Hebru Brantley ; Hebru Brand Studios ; editor, Rhea Fernandez ; text contributions by Hebru Brantley, Michael "Killer Mike" Render, Carlo McCormick, Lupe Fiasco, Derrick Adams, Bisa Butler, Kevin "Coach K" Lee, Don C, Charles Shepard, Der. print book. Art
- HEGEL'S LOGIC AND METAPHYSICS.. print book. Philosophy
- Heidegger and the human / edited by Ingo Farin and Jeff Malpas.. print book. Philosophy
- Heidegger in ruins : between philosophy and ideology / Richard Wolin.. print book. Philosophy
- Heidegger on being self-concealing / Katherine Withy.. print book. Philosophy
- Heidegger on logic / edited by Filippo Casati, Daniel O. Dahlstrom.. print book. Philosophy
- Heidegger's being : the shimmering unfolding / Richard Capobianco.. print book. Philosophy
- Heinrich Schenker's conception of harmony / Robert W. Wason and Matthew Brown.. print book. Music
- Helios : for brass quintet / Stacy Garrop.. music score (printed). Music
- Hella town : Oakland's history of development and disruption / Mitchell Schwarzer.. print book. History
- Helmut Newton : legacy / edited by Matthias Harder ; texts by Philippe Garner and Matthias Harder.. print book. Art
- Helvetica : typography, graphic design and global visual culture / a Swiss Dot production in association with Veer ; a film by Gary Hustwit.. streaming video.
- Henry of Ghent's Summa : the questions on God's existence and essence, (articles 21-24) / translation by Jos Decorte and Roland J. Teske ; Latin text, introduction, and notes by Roland J. Teske.. print book. Philosophy
- Henry of Ghent's Summa : the questions on God's unity and simplicity (articles 25-30) / Latin text, introduction, translation, and notes by Roland J. Teske.. print book. Philosophy
- Henry of Ghent's "Summa" : the questions on human knowledge : (Articles 2-5) : text from the Leuven edition / translation, introduction, and notes by Juan Carlos Flores.. print book. Philosophy
- Henry Taylor : B side / edited by Bennett Simpson ; with contributions by Wanda Coleman, Karon Davis, Charles Gaines, Harmony Holiday, Bob Kaufman, Walter Price, Bennett Simpson, and Frances Stark, and a conversation between Henry Taylor and Hamza Walker.. print book. Art
- Henry van de Velde : selected essays, 1889-1914 / edited by Katherine M. Kuenzli ; translated by Elizabeth Tucker.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Henry VIII and the Reformation Parliament / John Patrick Coby.. ebook. History
- Her body can / Katie Crenshaw & Ady Meschke ; illustrated by Li Liu.. print book. Education
- Heralds : a fanfare for 4 trumpets in B♭, 3 trombones and bass trombone / Ulysses Kay.. music score (printed). Music
- Hereditary / A24 and Palmstar Media present ; a Kevin Frakes and Lars Knudsen production ; in association with Finch Entertainment and Windy Hill Pictures ; produced by Kevin Frakes ; produced by Lars Knudson ; produced by Buddy Patrick ; written and dire. streaming video. English
- Herejía y sociedad : la Inquisición en el mundo hispánico / Doris Moreno Martínez, Manuel Peña Díaz (coords.) ; prólogo de Ricardo García Cárcel.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Heritage, education and social justice / Veysel Apaydin.. print book. Art
- Heritage under socialism : preservation in Eastern and Central Europe, 1945-1991 / edited by Eszter Gantner, Corinne Geering, and Paul Vickers.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Hermès : straight from the horse's mouth / Luc Charbin ; illustrated by Alice Charbin ; foreword by Menehould du Chatelle ; translated from French by Hazel Duncan.. print book. Art
- Heroes of the fourth turning / by Will Arbery. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Heroes with a hundred names : mythology and folklore in the early fiction of Robert Penn Warren / Leverett Butts.. print book. English
- Un héros très discret / un film de Jacques Audiard ; Alicéleo et Lumiere présentent.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- A herstory of economics / Edith Kuiper.. print book. Business
- Hervé Télémaque : a hopscotch of the mind / editors : Joseph Constable and Elizabeth de Bertier.. print book. Art
- Hesiod and the beginnings of Greek philosophy / edited by Leopoldo Iribarren, Hugo Koning.. print book. Philosophy
- Hessians : German soldiers in the American Revolutionary War / Friederike Baer.. print book. History
- L'heure mauve / Nicolas Party sous la direction de Nicolas Party et Stéphane Aquin = edited by Nicolas Party and Stéphane Aquin.. print book. Art
- Hevun / Kawakami Mieko.. print book. Asian Studies
- HEXACORDS: FOR SOLO FLUTE (1972) / JOAN TOWER. print book. Music
- Hidden Berlin : a student guide to Berlin's history and memory culture / Richard Apgar and Reinhard Zachau.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Hidden geopolitics : governance in a globalized world / John Agnew.. ebook. Political Science
- Hidden in plain sight : politics and design in state-subsidized residential architecture / editors, Rui Jorge Garcia Ramos, Virgílio Borges Pereira, Marta Rocha Moreira, Sérgio Dias Silva ; photo essay by Tiago Casanova.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Hidden in plain sight : selected writings of Karin Higa / edited by Julie Ault.. print book. Art
- The hidden language of symbols / Matthew Wilson.. print book. Art
- Hidden letters / a co-production of Fish + Bear Pictures, ten thousand images & Independent Television Service (ITVS) ; directed & produced by Violet Du Feng ; co-directed by Zhao Qing ; written by Violet Du Feng, John Farbrother.. streaming video. Anthropology
- Hieronymus Bosch : time and transformation in The garden of earthly delights / Margaret D. Carroll.. print book. Art
- High minds : the Victorians and the birth of modern Britain / Simon Heffer.. print book. History
- High school / OSTI, Inc. ; produced and directed by Frederick Wiseman.. streaming video.
- High school / OSTI, Inc. ; produced and directed by Frederick Wiseman.. streaming video. Art
- High style / Ron Woodson & Jaime Rummerfield ; foreword by Sara Ruffin Costello ; photographs by Jonathan Shapiro.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- High tension : FDR's battle to power America / John A. Riggs.. print book. History
- Highway heist : America's crumbling infrastructure and the road forward / James T. Bennett.. ebook. Business
- The hiking Viking / by Laura Gehl ; illustrated by Timothy Banks.. print book. Education
- Hillslope evolution : for 11 percussionists and piano / John David Cope.. music score (printed). Music
- Hillsville remembered : public memory, historical silence, and Appalachia's most notorious shoot-out / Travis A. Rountree.. print book.
- Himawari house / Harmony Becker.. print book. Education
- Hip hop : beyond beats & rhymes / National Black Programming Consortia ; Independent Television Service ; Corporation for Public Broadcasting ; a film by Byron Hurt ; produced, directed and written by Byron Hurt ; co-produced by Sabrina Schmidt Gordon ; G. streaming video. Education
- The hips on the drag queen go swish, swish, swish / by Lil Miss Hot Mess ; illustrated by Olga de Dios.. print book. Education
- Hiroshige : famous places in the sixty-odd provinces / Anne Sefrioui.. print book. Art
- Hiroshige : thirty-six views of Mount Fuji / Jocelyn Bouquillard ; translation from French: David Rocher.. print book. Art
- Hiroshima mon amour (1959) / Argos Films, Como Films, Daiei, and Pathe Overseas Productions present ; directed by Alain Renais.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- Hirst-isms / Damien Hirst ; edited by Larry Warsh.. print book. Art
- His body can / Katie Crenshaw & Ady Meschke ; illustrated by Li Liu.. print book. Education
- His name is George Floyd : one man's life and the struggle for racial justice / Robert Samuels and Toluse Olorunnipa.. print book. Education
- Histoire de Jean-de-Calais, roi de Portugal, ou, la vertu récompensée.. print book.
- Historia / Francesco Bertocco.. print book. Art
- Historia de lo fantástico en las narrativas latinoamericanas I (1830-1940) / David Roas (dir.).. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Historic photos of Appalachia / text and captions by Kevin E. O'Donnell.. ebook. Appalachian Studies
- Historic preservation : an introduction to its history, principles, and practice / Norman Tyler, Ilene R. Tyler, Ted J. Ligibel.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Historic preservation theory : an anthology : readings from the 18th to the 21st century / edited by Jorge Otero-Pailos.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Historical dictionary of modern coups d'état / John J. Chin, Joseph Wright, David B. Carter.. ebook. Political Science
- Historical perspectives on sustainable fashion : inspiration for change / Amy Twigger Holroyd, Jennifer Farley Gordon, and Colleen Hill.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Historicising ancient slavery / Kostas Vlassopoulos.. print book. History
- Historie of fatigue : from the middle ages to the present / George, Vigarello. print book. History
- Histories / Nithard ; edition, translation, and introduction by Marco Conti ; with a foreword by Thomas F. X. Noble.. print book. Philosophy
- The history and achievements of the Islamic golden age / with Eamonn Gearon.. streaming video.
- The history and achievements of the Islamic golden age / with Eamonn Gearon.. streaming video. Sociology
- History by HBO : televising the American past / Rebecca Weeks.. print book.
- History from the bottom up and the inside out : ethnicity, race, and identity in working-class history / James R. Barrett.. print book. History
- A history of advertising : the first 300,000 years / Jef I. Richards.. print book. History
- A history of Africa : combined volume / Toyin Falola, Timothy Stapleton.. print book. History
- A history of African American autobiography / edited by Joycelyn K. Moody.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- A history of architectural conservation / Jukka Jokilehto.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- A history of data visualization and graphic communication / Michael Friendly, Howard Wainer. ebook. Mathematics
- A history of English georgic writing / edited by Paddy Bullard, University of Reading.. print book. English
- The history of evil / series editors: Chad Meister and Charles Taliaferro.. print book. Philosophy
- The history of evil in antiquity : 2000 BCE - 450 CE / edited by Tom Angier, Chad Meister, Charles Taliaferro.. ebook. Philosophy
- A history of Irish literature and the environment / edited by Malcolm Sen.. print book. English
- The history of money : from bartering to banking / Martin Jenkins ; illustrated by Satoshi Kitamura.. print book. Education
- A history of Navajo Nation education : disentangling our sovereign body / Wendy Shelly Greyeyes ; foreword by Kevin K. Washburn.. print book. Education
- A history of securities law in the Supreme Court / A.C. Pritchard and Robert B. Thompson.. print book. Law
- The history of the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, 1943-2016 : between the state and the arts / Lara Cuny.. print book. Art
- A history of the Harlem Renaissance / edited by Rachel Farebrother, Miriam Thaggert.. print book. English
- History of the plurality of worlds : the myths of extraterrestrials through the ages / Pierre Connes ; edited by James Lequeux.. ebook. Physics
- A history of the surrealist novel / edited by Anna Watz.. print book. English
- A history of the world (in dingbats) / drawings & words, David Byrne ; direction & design, Alex Kalman.. print book. Art
- A history of World War One poetry / edited by Jane Potter (Oxford Brookes University).. print book. English
- Hitler's foreign policy : the road to World War II, 1933-1939 / Gerhard L. Weinberg.. print book. History
- Hitler's girl : the British aristocracy and the Third Reich on the eve of WWII / Lauren Young.. print book. History
- Hitler's Hollywood : German cinema in the age of propaganda 1933 - 1945 / a film by Rüdiger Suchsland.. streaming video. German
- Hitler's soldiers : the German army in the Third Reich / Ben H. Shepherd.. print book. History
- HIWAR : Fateh - Adonis, Sense and Intuition / publication curated by Mouna and Shireen Atassi; editor Anna Wallace-Thompon [sic!].. print book. Art
Ho - Hz
- Hola! jalapeño / Amy Wilson Sanger.. print book. Education
- Holbein / Florian Heine.. print book. Art
- Holding wrongdoers responsible : on the complexities of blame and forgiveness / Jeffrey M. Blustein.. print book. Philosophy
- Hollis Frampton / edited by Michael Zryd ; essays and interviews by Hollis Frampton, Peter Gidal, Annette Michelson, Barry Goldensohn, Christopher Phillips, Bruce Jenkins, Allen S. Weiss, Brian Henderson, Federico Windhausen, Melissa Ragona, Michael Zryd,. print book. Art
- The hollow hope : can courts bring about social change? / Gerald N. Rosenberg.. print book. Law
- The Hollywood motion picture blacklist : seventy-five years later / Larry Ceplair.. print book.
- Holy War : the untold story of Catholic Italy's crusade against the Ethiopian Orthodox Church / Ian Campbell.. print book. History
- Home gardens for improved food security and livelihoods / edited by D. Hashini Galhena Dissanayake and Karimbhai M. Maredia.. ebook.
- The home place : memoirs of a colored man's love affair with nature / J. Drew Lanham.. print book. English
- Homecoming : the path to prosperity in a post-global world / Rana Foroohar.. print book. Education
- Homecoming : the path to prosperity in a post-global world / Rana Foroohar.. ebook. Business
- Homeless heritage : collaborative social archaeology as therapeutic practice / Rachael Kiddey.. ebook. Anthropology
- Homelessness in America : a reference handbook / Michele Wakin.. ebook. Social Work
- Homelessness in America : the history and tragedy of an intractable social problem / Stephen Eide.. ebook. Social Work
- Homework, organization, and planning skills (HOPS) interventions : a treatment manual / by Joshua M. Langberg.. print book. Education
- Homo Interior and Vita Socialis : patristic patterns and twelfth-century reflections / Ineke van 't Spijker.. print book. History
- Honestly Elliott / by Gillian McDunn ; illustrations by Marguerite Dabaie.. print book. Education
- The Honeys. print book. Education
- Hong Yan - Innermongolian folk song : capriccio for violoncello and harp / Jiang Wantong.. music score (printed). Music
- Honor, romanticism, and the hidden value of modernity / Jamison Kantor.. print book. English
- La honte est un sentiment révolutionnaire / Frédéric Gros.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
- Hoop dreams / Fine Line Features ; a production of Kartemquin Films and KTCA Public Television ; produced by Frederick Marx, Steve James, Peter Gilbert ; directed by Steve James.. streaming video. Philosophy
- Hope is an arrow : the story of Lebanese American poet Kahlil Gibran / Cory McCarthy ; illustrated by Ekua Holmes.. print book. Education
- Hope is of a different color : from the Global South to the Łódź Film School / edited by Magda Lipska, Monika Talarczyk.. print book. Art
- Horace Kephart : writings / edited by George Frizzell and Mae Miller Claxton.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Horn concerto no. 1 / Richard Strauss, arr. Craig Levesque.. music score (printed). Music
- Horn concerto no. 1 : for horn and symphony orchestra (2003) - piano reduction / Anthony Plog.. music score (printed). Music
- Horse / Geraldine Brooks.. print book. Special Collections
- Horse / Geraldine Brooks.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Hot dog / Doug Salati.. print book. Education
- Hotel Oblivion / Cynthia Cruz.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- A house / Kevin Henkes.. print book. Education
- House [electronic resource] : black swan theory / Steven Holl.. ebook.
- A house divided : structural therapy with a black family / Harry Aponte, LCSW.. streaming video.
- House gods : sustainable buildings and renegade builders / Jim Kristofic.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The house in the cerulean sea / TJ Klune.. print book. Education
- House in the fields / Kairos Films presents ; in association with Cactus World Films.. streaming video.
- House in the fields / Kairos Films presents ; in association with Cactus World Films.. streaming video. Anthropology
- House of champions : the story of Kentucky basketball's home courts / Kevin Cook.. print book.
- The House of God Inc. church history : it all started in "1863" / by Bishop Larry S. Sherrill, Sr.. print book. Special Collections
- Household servants and slaves : a visual history, 1300-1700 / Diane Wolfthal.. print book. Art
- Houses that can save the world / Courtenay Smith, Sean Topham.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Houses to die in : and other essays on art / Ina Blom.. print book. Art
- How antitrust failed workers / Eric A. Posner.. ebook. Business
- How architecture tells : 9 realities that will change the way you see / by Robert Tabin Steinberg, FAIA ; with Gerald Sindell ; designed by Hoop Design ; including material by Susan Wolfe ; foreword by The Hon. Penny Pritzker.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- How art can change your life / Susie Hodge.. print book. Art
- How big-tech barons smash innovation and how to strike back / Ariel Ezrachi and Maurice E. Stucke.. print book. Business
- How big things get done : the surprising factors that determine the fate of every project, from home renovations to space exploration and everything in between / Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner.. print book. Business
- How big things get done : the surprising factors that determine the fate of every project, from home renovations to space exploration and everything in between / Bent Flyvbjerg with Dan Gardner.. ebook. Business
- How cities learn : tracing bus rapid transit in South Africa / Astrid Wood.. print book. Geography
- (How) do we (want to) work (together) (as (socially engaged) designers (students and neighbors)) (in neoliberal times)? : Public Design support = Öffentliche Gestaltungsberatung 2016-2021 / edited by Jesko Fezer & Studio Experimentelles Design for the HF. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- How do you spell unfair? : MacNolia Cox and the National Spelling Bee / Carole Boston Weatherford ; illustrated by Frank Morrison.. print book. Education
- How I trained my dog in 10 days / by Norma Lewis ; illustrated by Tom Tinn-Disbury.. print book. Education
- How minds change : the surprising science of belief, opinion, and persuasion / David McRaney.. ebook. Psychology
- How minds change : the surprising science of belief, opinion, and persuasion / David McRaney.. print book. Business
- How nature matters : culture, identity, and environmental value / Simon P. James.. print book. Philosophy
- How not to exclude artist mothers (and other parents) / Hettie Judah.. print book. Art
- How plays work / David Edgar.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- How religion evolved : and why it endures / Robin Dunbar.. ebook. English
- How romantics and victorians organized information : commonplace books, scrapbooks, and albums / Jillian M. Hess.. print book. English
- How the clinic made gender : the medical history of a transformative idea / Sandra Eder.. ebook. Psychology
- How the Court became Supreme : the origins of American juristocracy / Paul D. Moreno.. print book. Law
- How the war was won : air-sea power and Allied victory in World War II / Phillips O'Brien.. print book. History
- How the world became rich : the historical origins of economic growth / Mark Koyama, Jared Rubin.. print book. History
- How the world really works : the science behind how we got here and where we're going / Vaclav Smil.. print book. Business
- How to be a lawyer : the path from law school to success / Jason Mendelson, Alex Paul.. print book. Law
- How to catch a clover thief / Elise Parsley.. print book. Education
- How to cheat with statistics - and get away with it : from data snooping over kitchen sink regression to "creative reporting" / Gunter Meissner.. print book. Statistics
- How to draw a happy cat / by Ethan T. Berlin ; drawn by Jimbo Matison.. print book. Education
- How to find what you're not looking for / Veera Hiranandani.. print book. Education
- How to live with objects : a modern guide to more meaningful interiors / Monica Khemsurov & Jill Singer ; photographs by Charlie Schuck.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- How to make a new Spain : the material worlds of colonial Mexico City / Enrique Rodríguez-Alegría.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
- How to make an entrepreneurial state : why innovation needs bureaucracy / Rainer Kattel, Wolfgang Drechsler and Erkki Karo. ebook. Business
- How to make friends with a ghost / written and illustrated by Rebecca Green.. print book. Education
- How to make slime / by Lori Shores.. print book. Education
- How to market the arts : a practical approach for the 21st century / Anthony Rhine and Jay Pension.. print book. Art
- How to paint without a brush : the art of Red Hong Yi / Red Hong Yi.. print book. Art
- How to raise an antiracist / Ibram X. Kendi.. print book. Education
- How to read now : essays / Elaine Castillo.. ebook. Education
- How to read now : essays / Elaine Castillo.. print book. Education
- How to say hello to a worm : a first guide to outside / Kari Percival.. print book. Education
- How to say no : an ancient guide to the art of cynicism / Diogenes and the Cynics ; selected, translated, and introduced by M.D. Usher.. print book. Philosophy
- How to Stop a Conspiracy : An Ancient Guide to Saving a Republic / Sallust.. ebook. Classical Studies
- How to Survive as a Child Welfare Social Worker.. ebook.
- How to swallow a pig : step-by-step advice from the animal kingdom / Steve Jenkins & Robin Page.. print book. Education
- How to teach a slug to read / by Susan Pearson ; illustrated by David Slonim.. print book. Education
- How to teach art? / Wiktoria Furrer, Carla Gabrí, Nastasia Louveau, Maria Ordóñez, and Artur Żmijewski.. print book. Art
- How to think about catastrophe : toward a theory of enlightened doomsaying / Jean-Pierre Dupuy ; translated by M. B. DeBevoise and Mark R. Anspach.. print book. Philosophy
- How to think like a lawyer--and why : a common-sense guide to everyday dilemmas / Kim Wehle.. print book. Law
- How to wash a woolly mammoth / Michelle Robinson, Kate Hindley.. print book. Education
- How to watch television / edited by Ethan Thompson and Jason Mittell.. print book. Journalism & Media
- How was that built? : the stories behind awesome structures / Roma Agrawal ; illustrated by Katie Hickey.. print book. Education
- How will capitalism end? : essays on a failing system / Wolfgang Streeck.. ebook. Business
- Howardena Pindell : reclaiming abstraction / Sarah Louise Cowan.. print book. Art
- Howie Tsui : from swelling shadows, we draw our bows.. print book. Art
- Hua yang nian hua / USA Films ; Chun guan ying hua, Paradis Films present a Jet Tone Films production ; bian ju, dao yen, Jian zhi, Wang Jiawei.. streaming video.
- The human condition / edited by Shannon Jackson.. print book. Art
- The human condition / edited by Shannon Jackson.. print book. Art
- Human diversity in education : an intercultural approach / Kenneth H. Cushner, Averil McClelland, Philip Safford, Hyla Cushner.. ebook. Education
- Human empire : mobility and demographic thought in the British Atlantic world, 1500-1800 / Ted McCormick.. print book. History
- Human factors and ergonomics in practice : improving system performance and human well-being in the real world / edited by Steven Shorrock, Claire Williams.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The human kaboom / Adam Rubin ; illustrated by Daniel Salmieri, Gracey Zhang, Rodolfo Montalvo, Daniel Gray-Barnett, Marta Altés, Adam de Souza.. print book. Education
- The human scale / Final Cut For Real presents ; a film by Andreas M. Dalsgaard.. streaming video.
- The human scale / Final Cut For Real presents ; a film by Andreas M. Dalsgaard.. streaming video.
- Human security : theory and action / David Andersen-Rodgers, California State University, Sacramento, Kerry F. Crawford, James Madison University.. ebook. Political Science
- Humanizing LIS education and practice : diversity by design / edited by Keren Dali and Nadia Caidi.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Humankind and the cosmos : early Christian representations / by Doru Costache.. print book. Philosophy
- HUME ON THE NATURE OF MORALITY.. print book. Philosophy
- Hume's imagination / Tito Magri.. print book. Philosophy
- Humoresque : for piano solo / Nikolai Tcherepnin.. music score (printed). Music
- Hungry for change / Permacology Productions presents a FoodMatters film ; a film by James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch ; directed by James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch.. streaming video. English
- The hungry road / Marita Conlon-McKenna.. print book.
- Hungry town : a novel / Jason Kapcala.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The hunting ground / Radius ; CNN Films ; Regina K. Scully, Paul Blavin presents, in association with CANAL+, Cuomo Cole Productions, Minerva Productions, ro*co Films, IMPACT Partners ; a film by Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering ; written & directed by Kirby Di. streaming video.
- Hurry up! : a book about slowing down / written by Kate Dopirak ; illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal.. print book. Education
- The hurting kind : poems / Ada Limón.. print book.
- The hurting kind : poems / Ada Limón.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Hurvin Anderson / introduction by Courtney J. Martin ; essay by Catherine Lampert ; poems by Roger Robinson ; chronology by Jeff Alford and Jordan Bosher.. print book. Art
- Hustle and gig : struggling and surviving in the sharing economy / Alexandrea J. Ravenelle.. print book. Business
- Hva vil folk si / Mer Film, presenter ; i samproduksjon med Rohfilm Factory, Film I Väst, Zentropa Sweden, ZDF/Das Kleine Fernsehspiel ; i samarbeid med Arte ; en film av Iram Haq ; manus & regi, Iram Haq ; produsent, Maria Ekerhovd.. streaming video. Anthropology
- Hybrid healing : Old English remedies and medical texts / Lori Ann Garner.. print book. History
- Hybridity in early modern art / edited by Ashley Elston and Madeline Rislow.. print book. Art
- Hymne à Apollõn : pour solo, chœurs et orchestre / Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
I- Ip
- I almost forgot : unpublished Colin Rowe / edited by Daniel Naegele with Zhengyang Hua.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- I always knew : a memoir / Barbara Chase-Riboud.. print book. Art
- I am a bird / Hope Lim ; illustrated by Hyewon Yum.. print book. Education
- I am here : home movies and everyday masterpieces.. print book. Art
- "I am myn owene woman, wel at ese" : in memory of Margaret Jennings / contributions by Francis P. Kilcoyne, Mary Florence Burns, C.S.J., Eugene Crook, Michael Haren, and Siegfried Wenzel ; with Margaret Jennings's essay "Eyewitness: Ranulf Higden and the. print book. Philosophy
- I am not your negro / Velvet Film, Inc. (USA), Velvet Film (France) present in coproduction with Artémis Productions, Close Up Films ; in coproduction with ARTE France, Independent Lens, RTS Radio Télévision Suisse, RTBF (Télévision belge), Sheffer P. streaming video.
- I am sparkling : N.V. Parekh and his portrait studio clients : Mombasa, Kenya, 1940-1980 / text by Isolde Brielmaier ; preface by Wangechi Mutu.. print book. Art
- I am wind, you are fire : the life and work of Rumi / Annemarie Schimmel.. print book.
- I am woman / by Yvonne M. Johnson.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- I'd like to be the window for a wise old dog / words and pictures by Philip Stead.. print book. Education
- I did it! / Michael Emberley.. print book. Education
- I forgive Alex : a simple story about understanding / Kerascoët.. print book. Education
- I have some questions for you / Rebecca Makkai.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- I'll be your mirror : art and the digital screen / edited by Alison Hearst ; with contributions by Alison Hearst, Omar Kholeif, Tina Rivers Ryan, and John Suler.. print book. Art
- I'll root for you and other poems / written by Edward van de Vendel ; illustrated by Wolf Erlbruch ; translated by David Colmer.. print book. Education
- I'll take care of you / Maria Loretta Giraldo, Nicoletta Bertelle ; translated by Johanna McCalmont.. print book. Education
- I love being me! / by Mechal Renee Roe.. print book. Education
- I love you, Blue / art and story by Barroux.. print book. Education
- I'm not small / Nina Crews.. print book. Education
- I'm terrified of bath time / Simon Rich ; illustrated by Tom Toro.. print book. Education
- I need a hug = Necesito un abrazo / Aaron Blabey ; translated by María Domínguez.. print book. Education
- I paint what I want to see / Philip Guston.. print book. Art
- I take my coffee black : reflections on Tupac, musical theater, faith, and being Black in America / Tyler Merritt with David Tieche ; foreword by Jimmy Kimmel.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- The Iberian world, 1450-1820 / edited by Fernando Bouza, Pedro Cardim, and Antonio Feros.. print book. History
- Ice / Meghann Riepenhoff.. print book. Art
- The ice cream machine / Adam Rubin ; illustrated by Daniel Salmieri, Charles Santoso, Liniers, Emily Hughes, Nicole Miles, Seaerra Miller.. print book. Education
- The Ickabog / J.K. Rowling ; with illustrations by the winners of The Ickabog illustration competition.. print book. Education
- The idea of world : public intellect and use of life / Paolo Virno ; translated by Lorenzo Chiesa.. print book. Philosophy
- Identity / Erica Shumener.. print book. Philosophy
- Identity and history in non-Anglophone comics / edited by Harriet E.H. Earle and Martin Lund.. print book. English
- Identity, home and writing elsewhere in contemporary Chinese diaspora poetry / Jennifer Wong.. print book. English
- Identity pitches / Stine Janvin, Cory Arcangel.. print book. Art
- Ideological fixation : from the Stone Age to today's culture wars / Azar Gat.. print book. Philosophy
- Idols & rivals : artistic competition in Antiquity and the Early Modern Era / edited by Gudrun Swoboda.. print book. Art
- If an Egyptian cannot speak English : a novel / Noor Naga.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- IF I HAD A HAMMER. print book. Art
- If I survive you / Jonathan Escoffery.. print book. Education
- If these apples should fall : Cézanne and the present / T.J. Clark.. print book. Art
- If you come softly / Jacqueline Woodson.. print book. Education
- If you live here / written by Kate Gardner ; illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal.. print book. Education
- If you lived here : houses of the world / Giles Laroche.. print book. Education
- If you want to knit some mittens / Laura Purdie Salas ; illustrated by Angela Matteson.. print book. Education
- If your monster won't go to bed / written by Denise Vega ; illustrated by Zachariah Ohora.. print book. Education
- Ignorance and moral responsibility / Michael J. Zimmerman.. print book. Philosophy
- Igor Mitoraj : Agrigento, Valle dei Templi / text by Francesco Buranelli ; photographs by Mario Ciampi ; [translation by Katy Hannan].. print book. Art
- Ilana Halperin : felt events / edited by Catriona McAra.. print book. Art
- Iljuwas Bill Reid : life & work / by Gerald McMaster.. print book. Art
- The Illusion of Control Why Financial Crises Happen, and What We Can (and Can't) Do about It Jón Daníelsson. ebook. Business
- Illusions of progress : business, poverty, and liberalism in the American century / Brent Cebul.. print book. History
- Im Yunjidang / Sungmoon Kim, City University of Hong Kong.. print book. Philosophy
- Image of God : the problem of evil and the problem of mourning / Eleonore Stump. print book. Philosophy
- Image : pour flûte seule / Eugène Bozza.. music score (printed). Music
- Image, text, music / Catherine Taylor.. print book. Art
- Imágenes transpacíficas : los descendientes del dragón en la literatura latinoamericana (2000-2020) / Tong Wu.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- The imagery and politics of sexual violence in early Renaissance Italy / Péter Bokody, University of Plymouth.. print book. Art
- Images of the present time, 2001-2004 / Alain Badiou ; translated by Susan Spitzer ; introduction by Kenneth Reinhard.. print book. Philosophy
- Imaginary empires : women writers and alternative futures in early US literature / Maria O'Malley.. print book. English
- Imagination and participation : next steps in public library architecture / Joyce Sternheim & Rob Bruijnzeels ; translation, Jane Tee.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Imagining Central America : short histories / Serena Cosgrove and Isabeau J. Belisle Dempsey.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Imagining Latinidad : digital diasporas and public engagement among Latin American migrants / edited by David S. Dalton, David Ramírez Plascencia.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
- Imagining the Celtic past in modern fantasy / edited by Dimitra Fimi and Alastair J.P. Sims.. print book. English
- Immaterial : rules in contemporary art / Sherri Irvin.. print book. Art
- An immense world : how animal senses reveal the hidden realms around us / Ed Yong.. ebook. Education
- An immense world : how animal senses reveal the hidden realms around us / Ed Yong.. print book. Education
- The impact of everyday language change on the practices of visual artists / Darryl Hocking.. print book. Art
- Impasse Ronsin : murder, love, and art in the heart of Paris / authors: Phyllida Barlow [and thirty-five others] ; artists: Eva Aeppli [and forty-three others] ; editor: Museum Tinguely ; editing: Giorgio Bloch, Adrian Dannatt, Andres Pardey ; translation. print book. Art
- Imperfectionist aesthetics in art and everyday life / edited by Peter Cheyne.. print book. Philosophy
- Impermanent blackness : the making and unmaking of interracial literary culture in modern America / Korey Garibaldi. print book. English
- Implementing excellence in diversity, equity, and inclusion : a handbook for academic libraries / edited by Corliss Lee and Brian Lym ; with Tatiana Bryant, Jonathan Cain, and Kenneth Schlesinger.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- The impossible office? : the history of the British prime minister / Anthony Seldon ; with Jonathan Meakin and Illias Thoms.. print book. History
- Impressing the earth : a nature printing workshop.. print book. Special Collections
- Improving integrated pest management in horticulture / Rosemary Collier.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Improving soil health / edited by William R. Horwath.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Improving the nutritional and nutraceutical properties of wheat and other cereals / edited by Trust Beta.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Improvisation and waltz : for flute and organ (2022) / Samuel Adler.. music score (printed). Music
- Improvisation for classical musicians : strategies for creativity and expression / Eugene Friesen with Wendy M. Friesen ; edited by Jonathan Feist.. print book. Music
- Improvisation : for piano solo / Nikolai Tcherepnin.. music score (printed). Music
- Improvisation matrix : for any instrument or combination of instruments (open length) (1978) / Robert Rodriguez.. music score (printed). Music
- Improvising the score : rethinking modern film music through jazz / Gretchen L. Carlson.. print book. Music
- In a jar / Deborah Marcero.. print book. Education
- In Asian waters : oceanic worlds from Yemen to Yokohama / Eric Tagliacozzo.. print book. History
- In camera : Francis Bacon : photography, film and the practice of painting / Martin Harrison.. print book. Art
- In common things : commerce, culture, and ecology in British Romantic literature / Matthew Rowney.. print book. English
- In consciousness we trust : the cognitive neuroscience of subjective experience / Hakwan Lau.. print book. Philosophy
- In conversation with Karen Barad : doings of agential realism / edited by Karin Murris and Vivienne Bozalek.. print book. Philosophy
- In emergency, break glass : what Nietzsche can teach us about joyful living in a tech-saturated world / Nate Anderson.. print book. Philosophy
- In Hitler's Munich : Jews, the revolution, and the rise of Nazism / Michael Brenner ; translated by Jeremiah Riemer.. print book. History
- In search of a theory of everything : the philosophy behind physics / Demetris Nicolaides.. ebook. Physics
- In search of Appalachia / Nancy Brown Diggs.. ebook. Appalachian Studies
- In search of liberty : African American internationalism in the nineteenth-century Atlantic world / edited by Ronald Angelo Johnson and Ousmane K. Power-Greene.. print book. History
- In search of our mothers' gardens : womanist prose / Alice Walker.. print book. English
- In Search of Perfect Harmony : Tartini's Music and Music Theory in Local and European Contexts / Nejc Sukljan, (ed.).. print book. Music
- In the aisles : = In den Gängen / ein Film der ??? Filmproduktion. streaming video. German
- In the best interests of the children / direction by Elizabeth Stevens, Cathy Zheutlin, Frances Reid ; an Iris Films/Iris Feminist Collective, Inc. production.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
- In the Black fantastic / Ekow Eshun.. print book. Art
- In the brightness of place : topological thinking with and after Heidegger / Jeff Malpas.. print book. Philosophy
- In the house of the serpent handler : a story of faith and fleeting fame in the age of social media / Julia C. Duin.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- In the key of us / Mariama J. Lockington.. print book. Education
- In the round / Angelica Mesiti ; editors Tessa Giblin and Melissa MacRobert.. print book. Art
- In the shadow of Auschwitz : German massacres against Polish civilians, 1939-1945 / Daniel Brewing ; translated by Alex Skinner.. print book. History
- In the shadow of the Caesars : Jewish life in Roman Italy / by Samuele Rocca.. ebook. Classical Studies
- Incantation and dance : for oboe and piano / William Grant Still.. music score (printed). Music
- Inclusions : Aesthetics of the Capitalocene / Nicolas Bourriaud.. print book. Art
- Income inequality in America : a reference handbook / Stacey M. Jones and Robert S. Rycroft.. ebook. Business
- Incomprehensible certainty : metaphysics and hermeneutics of the image / Thomas Pfau.. print book. Philosophy
- Incontro : for violin and piano / John Harbison.. music score (printed). Music
- Indexing of crystal diffraction patterns : from crystallography basics to methods of automatic indexing / Adam Morawiec.. ebook. Chemistry
- India is broken : a people betrayed, independence to today / Ashoka Mody.. ebook. Business
- Indigeneity and the decolonizing gaze : transnational imaginaries, media aesthetics, and social thought / Robert Stam.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Indigenous African popular music. Volume 2, Social crusades and the future / Abiodun Salawu, Israel A. Fadipe, editors.. print book. Music
- Indigenous African popular music. Volume I, Prophets and philosophers / Abiodun Salawu, Israel A. Fadipe, editors.. print book. Music
- Indigenous continent : the epic contest for North America / Pekka Hämäläinen.. print book. History
- The Indigenous paleolithic of the western hemisphere / Paulette F. C. Steeves.. ebook. Anthropology
- Indigenous public health : improvement through community-engaged interventions / edited by Linda Burhansstipanov and Kathryn L. Braun.. print book.
- Indigo dreaming / written by Dinah Johnson ; illustrated by Anna Cunha.. print book. Education
- Indoctrination to hate : recruitment techniques of hate groups and how to stop them / Edward W. Dunbar, editor.. ebook. Psychology
- The infinite / authors: Marie Brassard [and 10 others] ; co-editors: Marie Brassard, Phoebe Greenberg.. print book. Art
- Influence empire : inside the story of Tencent and China's tech ambition / Lulu Yilun Chen.. print book. Business
- Information regarding the Louisville tobacco market / compliments of the Tobacco Trade of Louisville.. print book.
- The information revolution in early modern Europe / Paul M. Dover, Kennesaw State University.. print book. History
- Information science : the basics / Judith Pintar and David Hopping.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Informing design / edited by Joan Dickinson, John P. Marsden.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Infrastructure and form : the global networks of Indian contemporary art, 1991-2008 / Karin Zitzewitz.. print book. Art
- Ink : a novel / Angela Woodward.. print book.
- Innovation in the arts : concepts, theories, and practices / Jason C. White.. ebook. Arts Administration
- Innovation in the arts : concepts, theories, and practices / Jason C. White.. print book. Arts Administration
- Inquiry-based practice in social studies education : understanding the inquiry design model / S.G. Grant, Kathy Swan, and John Lee.. print book. Education
- Inquiry-based practice in social studies education : understanding the inquiry design model / S.G. Grant, Kathy Swan, and John Lee.. ebook. Education
- Inscriptions : architecture before speech / [edited by] K. Michael Hays, Andrew Holder.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Inside Milan / Nicolò Castellini Baldissera ; photography Guido Taroni.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Insights on fashion journalism / edited by Rosie Findlay and Johannes Reponen.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Insolubilia / Thomas Bradwardine ; introduction, translation, and notes by Stephen Read.. print book. Philosophy
- Inspired : understanding creativity : a journey through art, science, and the soul / Matt Richtel.. print book. Education
- Institutional character : collectivity, individuality, and the modernist novel / Robert Higney.. print book. English
- Institutions & the city : the role of architecture / [authors, Delphine Dulong, Dietmar Eberle, Christian Gilot, Gérald Ledent, Sophia Psarra, Cécile Vandernoot ; editors, Gérald Ledent, Cécile Vandernoot].. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Instructional design essentials : a practical guide for librarians / Sean Cordes.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Instructional design for LIS professionals : a guide for teaching librarians and information science professionals / Melissa A. Wong.. print book. Library & Information Science
- The insurgent's dilemma : a struggle to prevail / David H. Ucko.. print book. Political Science
- Integrated design in contemporary architecture [electronic resource] / Kiel Moe.. ebook.
- Integrating meta-heuristics and machine learning for real-world optimization problems / Essam H. Houssein, Mohamed Abd Elaziz, Diego Oliva, Laith Abualigah, editors.. ebook. Mathematics
- Integrating pop culture into the academic library / edited by Melissa E. Johnson, Thomas Weeks, Jennifer Putnam-Davis.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Interactive architecture [electronic resource] / Michael Fox and Miles Kemp.. ebook.
- Interim leadership in libraries : building relationships, making decisions, and moving on / edited by Jennifer E. Knievel and Leslie J. Reynolds.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Interior design concept : critical practices, processes and explorations in interior architecture and design / Natalie Badenduck.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The interior design reference + specification book : everything interior designers need to know every day / Chris Grimley + Mimi Love.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Interior design research methods / Lily B. Robinson.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Interiors in the era of Covid-19 : interior design between the public and private realms / [edited by] Penny Sparke, Eris Ioannidou, Pat Kirkham, Stephen Knott, Jana Scholze.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Intermedia / edited by Ursula Frohne ; with an introduction by Rachael Z. DeLue, and essays by Anna Arabindan-Kesson, Maggie M. Cao, Sebastian Egenhofer, Eva Ehninger, Natilee Harren, Michelle Smiley.. print book. Art
- Intermezzo drammatico : (aus einem orientalischen Märchenspiel) : für kleines Orchester / Ture Rangström.. music score (printed). Music
- Intermezzo from the opera "Goyescas" : for violoncello and guitar / Enrique Granados ; transcribed and edited by Valter Dešpalj ; guitar part edited by Petrit Çeku.. music score (printed). Music
- International discourses of authoritarian populism : varieties and approaches / edited by Ludwig Deringer, Liane Ströbel.. ebook. Political Science
- International LGBTQ+ literature for children and young adults / edited by B.J. Epstein and Elizabeth L Chapman.. print book. Education
- International sales law--CISG in a nutshell / Franco Ferrari, Marco Torsello.. print book. Law
- International taxation in a nutshell / Mindy Herzfeld.. print book. Law
- Internet for the people : the fight for our digital future / Ben Tarnoff.. ebook. Business
- Internet for the people : the fight for our digital future / Ben Tarnoff.. print book. Business
- The Internet is not what you think it is : a history, a philosophy, a warning / Justin E.H. Smith.. print book. Philosophy
- The interpersonal theory of suicide : guidance for working with suicidal clients / Thomas E. Joiner Jr. [and others].. ebook. Psychology
- Interpreting art / Sam Rose.. print book. Art
- Intersecting film, music, and queerness / Jack Curtis Dubowsky.. print book. Music
- The intersection of class and space in British postwar writing : kitchen sink aesthetics / Simon Lee.. print book. English
- Intersectional tech : Black users in digital gaming / Kishonna L. Gray ; foreword by Anita Sarkeesian.. print book. Philosophy
- Intersections of open educational resources and information literacy / edited by Mary Ann Cullen and Elizabeth Dill. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Intertwining : selected projects 1989-1995 / Steven Holl.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- La Intervención : for piano (2002) / Angelica Negron.. music score (printed). Music
- Into the fantastical spaces of contemporary Japanese literature / edited by Mina Qiao.. ebook. Asian Studies
- Introduction a la vie deuote. Par François de Sales, Euesque de Geneue.. print book.
- Introduction, andante and allegro : for orchestra (2018) / Chen Yi.. music score (printed). Music
- An introduction to Black studies / Eric R. Jackson.. print book.
- An introduction to cold and ultracold chemistry : atoms, molecules, ions and Rydbergs / Jesús Pérez Ríos.. ebook. Chemistry
- Introduction to Concept Mapping in Nursing : Critical Thinking in Action / Patricia Schmehl.. ebook. Medicine
- Introduction to data science : data analysis and prediction algorithms with R / Rafael A. Irizarry.. print book. Physics
- Introduction to digital humanities : enhancing scholarship with the use of technology / Kathryn C. Wymer.. ebook. History
- Introduction to graphic design : a guide to thinking, process, and style / Aaris Sherin.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- An introduction to Hegel's lectures on the philosophy of religion : the issue of religious content in the enlightenment and romanticism / Jon Stewart.. print book. Philosophy
- Introduction to interrater agreement for nominal data / Roel Popping.. print book. Physics
- An Introduction to Japanese Society.. ebook.
- An introduction to poetic forms / edited by Patrick Gill.. print book. English
- An introduction to quantum mechanics : from facts to formalism / Tilak Sinha (Narasinha Dutt College, Howrah, India).. ebook. Physics
- An introduction to queer literary studies : reading queerly / Will Stockton.. print book. English
- Invasion of the unicorns / David Biedrzycki.. print book. Education
- Inventing mobility for all : mastering mobility-as-a-service with self-driving vehicles / Andreas Herrmann, Johann Jungwirth.. ebook. Geography
- Invention II : (trio for violin, viola & violoncello) / Carlos Chávez.. music score (printed). Music
- The invention of international order : remaking Europe after Napoleon / Glenda Sluga.. print book. History
- The invention of nature : the adventures of Alexander von Humboldt, the lost hero of science / Andrea Wulf.. print book. History
- The invention of the white race. Volume one, Racial oppression and social control / Theodore W. Allen.. ebook. Sociology
- The invention of the white race. Volume two, The origin of racial oppression in Anglo-America / Theodore W. Allen ; introduction by Jeffrey B. Perry.. ebook. Sociology
- Investigating Google's search engine : ethics, algorithms, and the machines built to read us / Rosie Graham.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Invisible / written by Christina Diaz Gonzalez ; illustrated by Gabriela Epstein ; with color by Lark Pien.. print book. Education
- Invisible founders : how two centuries of African American families transformed a plantation into a college / Lynn Rainville.. ebook. History
- The invisible kingdom : reimagining chronic illness / Meghan O'Rourke.. print book. Education
- Io : acte de ballet / Jean-Philippe Rameau ; edited by Thomas Soury.. music score (printed). Music
- Iphigenie auf Tauris / Christoph Willibald Ritter von Gluck ; Musikdrama in vier Augzugen von = musical drama in four acts by Nicolas-Franc̜ois Guillard ; Deutsche Fassung von = German version by Johann Baptist von Alxinger and Christoph Willibald Gluck ;. music score (printed). Music
Ir - Iz
- Iran Do Espirito Santo / edited by Samuel Titan.. print book. Art
- Iran : five millennia of art and culture / for the Museum für Islamische Kunst - Staatliche Museen zu Berlin ; edited by Ute Franke, Ina Sarikhani and Stefan Weber.. print book. Art
- Ireland, revolution, and the English modernist imagination / Eve Patten.. print book. English
- Ireland, slavery and the Caribbean : interdisciplinary perspectives / edited by Finola O'Kane and Ciarán O'Neill.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Irish culture and "the people" : populism and its discontents / Seamus O'Malley.. print book. English
- Irreversible damage : the transgender craze seducing our daughters / Abigail Shrier.. print book. Education
- Irvin family papers. print book. Special Collections
- Is it morning for you yet ?: 58th Carnegie International / organized by Sohrab Mohebbi, the Kathe and Jim Patrinos curator, and associate curator Rhyan Inouye with curatorial assistant Talia Heiman.. print book. Art
- Isabel and her colores go to school / written by Alexandra Alessandri ; illustrated by Courtney Dawson.. print book. Education
- Ishi's return / directed by Chris Eyre and Roberta Grossman, written by Sophie Sartain.. streaming video.
- Ishi's return / directed by Chris Eyre and Roberta Grossman, written by Sophie Sartain.. streaming video. Anthropology
- Islam and the trajectory of globalization : rational idealism and the structure of world history / Louay M. Safi.. print book. Philosophy
- The island of missing trees : a novel / Elif Shafak ; illustrations, Josie Staveley-Taylor.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- It came from the closet : queer reflections on horror / edited by Joe Vallese ; interior illustrations by Bishakh Som.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- It comes at night / A24 presents an Animal Kingdom production ; produced by David Kaplan and Andrea Roa ; written and directed by Trey Edwards Shults.. streaming video. English
- It's elementary : talking about gay issues in school / directed by Debra Chasnoff; produced by Helen S. Cohen and Debra Chasnoff.. streaming video.
- It's my life / Stacie Ramey.. print book. Education
- It's my life / Stacie Ramey.. print book. Education
- It's OK to be angry about capitalism / Bernie Sanders with John Nichols.. ebook. Business
- It's OK to be angry about capitalism / Bernie Sanders, with John Nichols.. print book. Business
- It's so difficult / written and illustrated by Guridi ; translated by Lawrence Schimel.. print book. Education
- It won't always be like this : a graphic memoir / Malaka Gharib ; colorist, Toby Leigh.. print book. Art
- Italian imprints on twentieth-century architecture / edited by Denise Costanzo and Andrew Leach.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Italian Threads : MITA Textile Design 1926-1976 / Exhibition curated by Matteo Fochessati, Gianni Franzone.. print book. Art
- Italy, Cyprus, and artistic exchange in the Medieval Mediterranean / Anthi Andronikou, University of St. Andrews.. print book. Art
- Ivan the Terrible, Part 2 : the boyars' plot / written and directed by Sergei Eisenstein.. streaming video.
- Ivo van Hove : from Shakespeare to David Bowie / edited by Susan Bennett and Sonia Massai.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Ixcanul = Volcáno / La Casa de Producción, Tu Vas Voir presentan ; una película de Jayro Bustamante ; productores, Marina Peralta, Pilar Peredo, Edgard Tenembaum, Jayro Bustamante ; guión, Jayro Bustamante.. streaming video.
- Ixcanul = Volcáno / La Casa de Producción, Tu Vas Voir presentan ; una película de Jayro Bustamante ; productores, Marina Peralta, Pilar Peredo, Edgard Tenembaum, Jayro Bustamante ; guión, Jayro Bustamante.. streaming video. Hispanic Studies
- J'accuse.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- J. S. Hughes letter. print book. Special Collections
- Jabari tries / Gaia Cornwall.. print book. Education
- Jack Horner : dinosaur hunter / written by Sophia Gholz ; illustrated by Dave Shephard.. print book. Education
- Jack London and the sea / Anita Duneer.. print book. English
- Jack Whitten : Cosmic soul / Richard Shiff.. print book. Art
- Jacqueline Humphries / Frances Guerin.. print book. Art
- Jacqueline Humphries : jH Omega 1:). print book. Art
- James Clarence Cooper correspondence. print book. Special Collections
- James Gillray : a revolution in satire / Tim Clayton.. print book. Art
- James Joyce and photography / Georgina Binnie-Wright.. print book. English
- James Joyce and the internal world of the replacement child / Mary Adams.. print book. English
- James Joyce and the Irish revolution : the Easter Rising as modern event / Luke Gibbons.. print book. English
- Jan Tinbergen (1903-1994) and the rise of economic expertise / Erwin Dekker (Erasmus University Rotterdam).. print book. History
- Jane : an abortion service / a documentary by Kate Kirtz and Nell Lundy.. streaming video.
- Jane : an abortion service / a documentary by Kate Kirtz and Nell Lundy.. streaming video. Sociology
- Jane Austen and other minds : ordinary language philosophy in literary fiction / Eric Reid Lindstrom, University of Vermont.. print book. English
- Jane Austen, sex, and romance : engaging with desire in the novels and beyond / Edited By Nora Nachumi And Stephanie Oppenheim.. print book. English
- Janeway's immunobiology / Kenneth Murphy, Casey Weaver, Leslie Berg ; with contribution by Gregory Barton.. print book. Medicine
- Jannis Kounellis in six acts / edited by Vincenzo de Bellis; with contributions by Michelle Coudray, Vincenzo de Bellis, Claire Gilman, Kit Hammonds, William Hernández Luege, Jannis Kounellis, Ara H. Merjian.. print book. Art
- Japan, 1941 : between Pan-Asianism and the West / John E. Moser.. print book. History
- Japan : arts and life : the Montgomery collection / edited by Francesco Paolo Campione ; in collaboration with Moira Luraschi.. print book. Art
- Japan in the Heisei era (1989-2019) : multidisciplinary perspectives / edited by Noriko Murai, Jeffrey Kingston, Tina Burrett.. ebook. Asian Studies
- The Japanese economy during the Great Depression : the emergence of macroeconomic policy in a small and open economy, 1931-1936 / Masato Shizume.. print book. History
- Jasmina Cibic - most favoured nation / text by Maja Fowkes, Reuben Fowkes, Tevž Logar, Marijana Schneider.. print book. Art
- Jason : a dramatic cantata : for solo voices, chorus, and orchestra : (op. 26) / the poem written by William Grist ; the music composed by A. C. Mackenzie.. music score (printed). Music
- The JASPER model for children with autism : promoting joint attention, symbolic play, engagement, and regulation / Connie Kasari, Amanda C. Gulsrud, Stephanie Y. Shire, and Christina Strawbridge.. print book. Education
- Jaune Quick-to-See Smith : memory map / Laura Phipps ; with contributions by Neal Ambrose-Smith [and 13 others].. print book. Art
- Jayden's impossible garden / Mélina Mangal ; illustrated by Ken Daley.. print book. Education
- Jayhawkers / 9th Street Studios presents ; a Through a Glass production ; in association with Audax Films ; a Kevin Willmott film.. streaming video. Education
- Jayhawkers / 9th Street Studios presents ; a Through a Glass production ; in association with Audax Films ; a Kevin Willmott film.. streaming video.
- Jazz Italian style : from its origins in New Orleans to fascist Italy and Sinatra / Anna Harwell Celenza.. print book. Music
- J.D. and the family business / written by J. Dillard ; illustrated by Akeem S. Roberts.. print book. Education
- J.D. and the great barber battle / written by J. Dillard ; illustrated by Akeem S. Roberts.. print book. Education
- J.D. and the hair show showdown / written by J. Dillard ; illustrated by Akeem S. Roberts.. print book. Education
- Je te veux : for medium/low voice and piano / Erik Satie.. music score (printed). Music
- Jean Gabin : the actor who was France / Joseph Harriss.. print book.
- Jean Jullien / [Jean Jullien].. print book. Art
- Jean-Michel Basquiat : king pleasure / by the family of Jean-Michel Basquiat ; Lisane Basquiat, Jeanine Heriveaux, Nora Fitzpatrick.. print book. Art
- Jeanne d'arc au bûcher : scène dramatique / Franz Liszt ; a cura di Mariateresa Storino.. music score (printed). Music
- Jeanne Dielman, 23 Commerce Quay, 1080 Brussels = Jeanne Dielman, 23, Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles / Paradise Films et Unite Trois présentent ; un film écrit et réalisé par Chantal Anne Akerman.. streaming video. Philosophy
- Jeanne Dielman, 23 Commerce Quay, 1080 Brussels = Jeanne Dielman, 23, Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles / Paradise Films et Unite Trois présentent ; un film écrit et réalisé par Chantal Anne Akerman.. streaming video.
- Jennifer Chan is not alone / Tae Keller.. print book. Education
- Jennifer West : media archaeology / edited by Andy Campbell and Chelsea Weathers.. print book. Art
- Jessica Lange : an adventurer's heart / Anthony Uzarowski.. print book.
- Jesus in art and literature / Pierre-Marie Dumont ; with the collaboration of Mario Choueiry ; preface by Edwart Vignot ; translated by Michael J. Miller.. print book. Art
- La jetée / Argos-Films présente ; avec la participation du Service de la Recherche de la R.T.F. ; un photo-roman de Chris Marker.. streaming video. Philosophy
- Le jeune Karl Marx = The young Karl Marx / réalisé par Raoul Peck ; scénario et dialogues, Pascal Bonitzer et Raoul Peck ; produit par Nicolas Blanc, Robert Guédiguian, Rémi Grellety, Raoul Peck ; produit par Agat Films & Cie et Velvet Film ; en copr. streaming video. German
- Jewish culture between Canon and Heresy / David Biale.. print book. History
- Jewish emigration, 1938-1940, Rublee negotiations, and Intergovernmental Committee / introduction by John Mendelsohn.. print book. History
- Jewish emigration from 1933 to the Evian Conference of 1938 / introduction by John Mendelsohn.. print book. History
- Jewish emigration : the S.S. St. Louis affair and other cases / introduction by John Mendelsohn.. print book. History
- Jewish imaginaries of the Spanish Civil War : in search of poetic justice / edited by Cynthia Gabbay.. print book. English
- The Jews of summer : summer camp and Jewish culture in postwar America / Sandra Fox.. print book. History
- Jill Magid : tender / edited by Karsten Lund.. print book. Art
- Jimmy DeSana : Submission / by Drew Sawyer ; epilogue Laurie Simmons.. print book. Art
- Jiri Hauschka / Martin Dostál, Edward Lucie-Smith.. print book. Art
- Joan Brown / edited by Janet Bishop and Nancy Lim.. print book. Art
- Joaquín Sorolla : painter of light / edited by Micol Forti and Consuelo Luca de Tena.. print book. Art
- Joel Sanders : writings and projects / foreword by Terence Riley ; introduction by Joseph Rosa.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Johann Gottfried Schadow : embracing forms / for the Nationalgalerie - Staatliche Museen zu Berlin edited by Yvette Deseyve in collaboration with Sintje Guericke.. print book. Art
- John J. Pershing and the American Expeditionary Forces in World War I, 1917-1919 / John T. Greenwood.. print book.
- John Luckey estate inventory and appraisal. print book.
- John Rawls and environmental justice : implementing a sustainable and socially just future / John Töns.. print book. Philosophy
- John Rawls and the common good / edited by Roberto Luppi.. print book. Philosophy
- John's turn / Mac Barnett ; illustrated by Kate Berube.. print book. Education
- The Johns Hopkins manual of gynecology and obstetrics / Betty Chou, editor.. ebook. Medicine
- Jollof Rice and other revolutions : a novel in interlocking stories / Omolola Ijeoma Ogunyemi.. print book. Education
- The Jorge Tacla archives / Florencia San Martín ; English translation, Kristina Cordero.. print book. Art
- Josef Albers : homage to the square, 1950-1976 ; towards a history of twentieth century art / edited by Heinz Liesbrock.. print book. Art
- Josef Albers, late modernism, and pedagogic form / Jeffrey Saletnik.. print book. Art
- Josef Hoffmann, 1870-1956 : progress through beauty : the guide to his oeuvre / edited by Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Matthias Boeckl, Rainald Franz, Christian Witt-Dörring.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Joseph Stella : visionary nature / contributions by Stephanie Mayer Heydt, Ellen E. Roberts, Karli Wurzelbacher, Ara H. Merjian, and Audrey Lewis. print book. Art
- Joueurs de flûte : quatre pieces pour flûte et piano, op. 27 = four pieces for flute and piano / Albert Roussel.. music score (printed). Music
- Journalism and the Russo-Japanese War : the end of the golden age of combat correspondence / Michael S. Sweeney and Natascha Toft Roelsgaard.. print book. History
- Journalism next : a practical guide to digital reporting and publishing / Mark Briggs ; foreword by John Clark.. print book. Journalism & Media
- Journey - a collection of 11 destinations : for solo snare drum / Michael Varner.. music score (printed). Music
- Joy and laughter in Nietzsche's philosophy : alternative liberatory politics / edited by Paul E. Kirkland and Michael J. McNeal.. print book. Philosophy
- Joy : Kim Utzon, architect / edited by Oscar Riera Ojeda.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The joy of statistics : a treasury of elementary statistical tools and their applications / Steve Selvin.. ebook. Statistics
- Joyce without borders : circulations, sciences, media, and mortal flesh / edited by James Ramey and Norman Cheadle ; foreword by Sebastian D. G. Knowles.. print book. English
- The joyful science ; Idylls from Messina ; Unpublished fragments from the period of The joyful science (Spring 1881-Summer 1882) / Friedrich Nietzsche ; translated, with an afterword, by Adrian Del Caro.. print book. Philosophy
- J.R. Williams "To the Voters of Madison County" broadside. print book.
- J.R.R. Tolkien's utopianism and the classics / Hamish Williams.. print book. English
- JSA: Joint Security Area.. streaming video. Asian Studies
- Juan Negrín / Francisco de Zárate, Fer Calvi.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Judgement and sense in modern French philosophy : a new reading of six thinkers / Henry Somers-Hall (Royal Holloway, University of London).. print book. Philosophy
- Judith Joy Ross : photographs, 1978-2015 / edited by Joshua Chuang.. print book. Art
- Jules et Jim = Jules and Jim / Les Films du carrosse et S.E.D.I.F. ; adaptation et dialogues, François Truffaut et Jean Gruault ; mise en scène, François Truffaut.. streaming video.
- Jules et Jim = Jules and Jim / Les Films du carrosse et S.E.D.I.F. ; adaptation et dialogues, François Truffaut et Jean Gruault ; mise en scène, François Truffaut.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- Julia Morgan : an intimate biography of the trailblazing architect / by Victoria Kastner with photography by Alexander Vertikoff.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Julije Knifer : collages for meanders / edited by Cay Sophie Rabinowitz ; essays by Christian Rattemeyer and Zvonko Maković.. print book. Art
- Junk food politics : how beverage and fast food industries are reshaping emerging economies / Eduardo J. Gómez.. ebook. Business
- Junot Díaz : on the half-life of love / José David Saldívar.. print book. English
- Just a girl : a true story of World War II / Lia Levi ; illustrations by Jess Mason ; translated by Sylvia Notini.. print book. Education
- Just an ordinary woman breathing / Julie Marie Wade.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
- Just for you / Francesca Pirrone.. print book. Education
- Just get on the pill : the uneven burden of reproductive politics / Krystale E. Littlejohn.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- Just health : treating structural racism to heal America / Dayna Bowen Matthew.. ebook. Social Work
- Just war and Christian traditions / edited by Eric Patterson and J. Daryl Charles ; foreword by John Ashcroft.. print book. Philosophy
- Justice statistics : an extended look at crime in the United States 2022 / edited by Shana Hertz Hattis.. ebook. Sociology
- Juvenile justice administration in a nutshell / Barry C. Feld (Centennial Professor of Law Emeritus, University of Minnesota), Perry L. Moriearty (Associate Professor of Law, University of Minnesota).. print book. Law
- Kaffe Fassett's sew simple quilts & patchworks : 17 designs using Kaffe Fassett's artisan fabrics / Kaffe Fassett ; photography by Steven Wooster.. print book. Art
- Kaffe Fassett : the artist's eye / edited by Dennis Nothdruft.. print book. Art
- Kanishka Raja : I and I / edited by Lisa Fischman.. print book. Art
- Kant and the naturalistic turn of 18th Century philosophy / Catherine Wilson.. print book. Philosophy
- Kant and the problem of morality : rethinking the contemporary world / edited by Luigi Caranti and Alessandro Pinzani.. print book. Philosophy
- Kant, liberalism, and the meaning of life / Jeffrey Church.. print book. Philosophy
- Kant's conception of freedom : a developmental and critical analysis / Henry E. Allison.. print book. Philosophy
- Kant's critique of taste : the feeling of life / Katalin Makkai.. print book. Philosophy
- Kant's deontological eudaimonism : the dutiful pursuit of virtue and happiness / Jeanine M. Grenberg.. print book. Philosophy
- Kant's grounded cosmopolitanism : original common possession and the right to visit / Jakob Huber.. print book. Philosophy
- Kant's Metaphysical foundations of natural science : a critical guide / edited by Michael Bennett McNulty.. print book. Philosophy
- Kant's rational religion and the radical enlightenment : from Spinoza to contemporary debates / Anna Tomaszewska.. print book. Philosophy
- Kant's will at the crossroads : an essay on the failings of practical rationality / Jens Timmermann.. print book. Philosophy
- Kapwani Kiwanga / editors Clément Dirié, Kapwani Kiwanga.. print book. Art
- Kara Walker / edited by Vanina Géré.. print book. Art
- KATE ATKINSON. print book. English
- Katharina Grosse : studio paintings 1988-2022 : returns, revisions, inventions / edited by Sabine Eckmann ; contributions by Graham Bader, Stephan Berg, Kathleen Bühler, Sabine Eckmann, Katharina Grosse, Gregory H. Williams.. print book. Art
- Katherine Choy : radical potter in 1950s New Orleans / Mel Buchanan, with essay by Winston Ho.. print book. Art
- Katherine Jackson French : Kentucky's forgotten ballad collector / Elizabeth DiSavino.. print book. Music
- Katherine Mansfeld : international approaches / edited by Janka Kascakova, Gerri Kimber and Wladyslaw Witalisz.. print book. English
- Keep dancing / by Cristina Oxtra ; illustrated by Seb Burnett.. print book. Education
- Keepunumuk : Weeâchumun's Thanksgiving story / Danielle Greendeer, Anthony Perry, and Alexis Bunten ; illustrated by Garry Meeches Sr.. print book. Education
- Keith Tyson : iterations & variations / text by Michael Archer, Ariane Koek, Mark Rappolt, Matthew Collings and Beatrix Ruf.. print book. Art
- Ken Burns : the war.. streaming video.
- Ken Matsubara / essay by Bettina Pelz ; designed by Takaaki Matsumoto.. print book. Art
- Ken Scott / in collaboration with Ken Scott Foundation ; photographs, Guido Taroni ; texts, Shahidha Bari, Federico Chiara, Pierre Léonforte, Renata Molho, Peter Smithers, Isa Tutino, Velasco Vercelloni.. print book. Art
- Kengo Kuma [electronic resource] : selected works / Botond Bognar.. ebook.
- Kenneth Burke's weed garden : refiguring the mythic grounds of modern rhetoric / Kyle Jensen.. print book. Philosophy
- The Kentucky constitution : text and history / Aaron J. Silletto.. print book. Law
- The Kentucky employer's guide to hiring and firing / authored by Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs.. print book. Law
- A Kentucky woman's handy cook book / by Jessie Henderson Colville.. print book.
- Kentucky Workers' Compensation Handbook / by JSB Attorneys, PLLC.. print book. Law
- Ketamine / Bita Moghaddam.. ebook. Psychology
- Key modern architects : 50 short histories of modern architecture / Andrew Higgott.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Key player / Kelly Yang.. print book. Education
- Keynes in action : truth and expediency in public policy / Peter Clarke.. print book. History
- Kick push / Frank Morrison.. print book. Education
- The kidnapping club : Wall Street, slavery, and resistance on the eve of the Civil War / Jonathan Daniel Wells.. print book. History
- Kierkegaard and the new nationalism : a contemporary reinterpretation of the attack upon Christendom / Thomas J. Millay.. print book. Philosophy
- Kierkegaard on woman, gender, and love / Sylvia Walsh.. print book. Philosophy
- Kiki Man Ray : art, love, and rivalry in 1920s Paris / Mark Braude.. print book. Art
- Killer of sheep / a Milestone Film release ; a film by Charles Burnett.. video DVD.
- Killing us softly : advertising's image of women / created by Jean Kilbourne ; producer, director, editor, Sut Jhally.. streaming video.
- Killswitch / a film by Akorn ; Cine City Pictures, Inc.. streaming video.
- Kin : a memoir / Shawna Kay Rodenberg.. print book.
- A kind of magic : the kaleidoscopic world of Luke Edward Hall / text and illustrations, Luke Edward Hall ; photography Billal Taright.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- A Kind of Spark / Elle McNicoll. print book. Education
- Kindred spirits : Chinua Achebe and Toni Morrison / Christopher N. Okonkwo.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- King & Kayla and the case of the cat hunt / written by Dori Hillestad Butler ; illustrated by Nancy Meyers.. print book. Education
- King & Kayla and the case of the gold ring / written by Dori Hillestad Butler ; illustrated by Nancy Meyers.. print book. Education
- King & Kayla and the case of the lost library book / written by Dori Hillestad Butler ; illustrated by Nancy Meyers.. print book. Education
- King & Kayla and the case of the mysterious mouse / written by Dori Hillestad Butler ; illustrated by Nancy Meyers.. print book. Education
- King & Kayla and the case of the secret code / written by Dori Hillestad Butler ; illustrated by Nancy Meyers.. print book. Education
- King & Kayla and the case of the unhappy neighbor / written by Dori Hillestad Butler ; illustrated by Nancy Meyers.. print book. Education
- King of the coop / Isabell Pethtel.. print book.
- The kingdom of darkness : Bayle, Newton, and the emancipation of the European mind from philosophy / Dmitri Levitin.. print book. Philosophy
- The kingdom of prep : the inside story of the rise and (near) fall of J.Crew / Maggie Bullock.. print book. Business
- The kingdom of rye : a brief history of Russian food / Darra Goldstein.. ebook. Russian Studies
- Kingfisher with lotus flower : birds of Japan by Hokusai, Hiroshige and other masters of the woodblock print / Anne Sefrioui ; translation, David Rocher.. print book. Art
- Kirikou et la sorcière / une film de Michel Ocelot en collaboration avec Raymond Burlet.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- Kitty / Rebecca Jordan-Glum.. print book. Education
- Klaviertrio d-Moll : Lange Fassung : für Violine, Violoncello und Klavier = for violin, violoncello and piano / Emilie Mayer ; herausgegeben von = edited by Katharina Sellheim ; mit Unterstützung von = supported by Łucja Madziar und Johannes Krebs.. music score (printed). Music
- Kleine Blume = little flower : for horn (2011) / Toshio Hosokawa.. music score (printed). Music
- Klimt / Angela Wenzel ; translation: Jane Michael.. print book. Art
- Klimt : inspired by Van Gogh, Rodin, Matisse / Markus Fellinger, Edwin Becker, Lisa Smit, Renske Suijver (eds.); Stephanie Auer and Marian Bisanz-Prakken.. print book. Art
- Knight of the cape / by Terry Catasús Jennings ; illustrated by Fátima Anaya.. print book. Education
- Knight Owl / Christopher Denise.. print book. Education
- The knights templar in Britain / Evelyn Lord.. ebook. History
- Knitting for dogs / by Laurel Molk.. print book. Education
- Knots, or the violence of desire in Renaissance Florence / Emanuele Lugli.. print book. Art
- Know your enemy : Japan / Information and Education Division, Army Service Forces ; produced by Army Pictorial Service, Signal Corps.. video DVD.
- Knowings & knots : methodologies and ecologies in research-creation / Natalie Loveless, editor.. ebook. Art
- Knowledge games : how playing games can solve problems, create insight, and make change / Karen Schrier.. ebook. Education
- Knowledge lost : a new view of early modern intellectual history / Martin Mulsow ; translated by H.C. Erik Midelfort.. print book. History
- Knowledge production in Mao-era China : learning from the masses / Marc Andre Matten and Rui Kunze.. print book. History
- Knoxville, Tennessee : a mountain city in the new South / William Bruce Wheeler.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Kol Simcha Suite : for chamber ensemble / Adam Gorb.. music score (printed). Music
- 'Kola is God's gift' : agricultural production, export initiatives & the kola industry in Asante & the Gold Coast c. 1820-1950 / Edmund Abaka.. print book. History
- Kolobok = (the small round bun) / Ukrainian folk tale retold and illustrated by Olha Tkachenko, in English and Ukrainian.. print book. Education
- Konzert für Bratsche und Orchester oder Ensemble (1993) / Friedrich Cerha.. music score (printed). Music
- Konzert : für clavier und orchester a-dur (fowv 136) / Johann Nikolaus Forkel ; edited by Carl-Philipp Kaptain.. music score (printed). Music
- Konzert für Violine und Orchester D-Dur = Concerto for violin and orchestra in D major, op. 77 / Johannes Brahms ; herausgegeben von / edited by Linda Correll Roesner, Michael Struck.. music score (printed). Music
- Konzert, op. 39 : für violine und kleines orchester / Hans Gál ; edited by Evan Fox-Gal and Anthony Fox.. music score (printed). Music
- Konzert-ouvertüre d-moll, op. 14 / August Winding ; edited by Johannes Volker Schmidt.. music score (printed). Music
- Konzertmusik : for violin solo and Small chamber orchestra / Hans Werner Henze ; Piano reduction by Claus-Dieter Ludwig.. music score (printed). Music
- Kumu Hina / a film by Dean Hamer and Joe Wilson.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
- Kunst für Keinen : 1933-1945 = Art for no one : 1933-1945 / herausgegeben von Ilka Voermann.. print book. Art
- Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien = Public art Vienna 2017-2019 / Herausgeber, Kunst im öffentlichen Raum GmbH.. print book. Art
- Kunstkammer : early modern art and curiosity cabinets in the Holy Roman Empire / Jeffrey Chipps Smith.. print book. Art
- Kuutamo Jupiterissa : fantastinen sävelrunoelma orkesterille = fantastisk tondikt för orkester = fantastic tone-poem for orchestra : op. 24, 1922-23 / Väinö Raitio.. music score (printed). Music
- Kuzyny Nazavzhdy = Cousins forever: bilingual! / by Elisavet & Charikleia Arkolaki ; [translated into Ukrainian by Tanya Pavlenko]. print book. Education
- Kynodontas = Dogtooth / mia paragōgē tēs Boo Productions ; se sumtaragōgē me tous Elleniko Kentro Kinematographou, Giōrgo Lanthimo, Horsefly Productions ; skēnothesia, Giōrgos Lanthimos & Euthumēs Philippou ; paragogōs, Giōrgos Tsourgiannēs.. streaming video.
L - Li
- Labor law in a nutshell / Michael Z. Green (professor of law and director, Workplace Law Program, Texas A & M University School of Law), Douglas L. Leslie (formerly Charles O. Gregory Professor of Law, University of Virginia School of Law).. print book. Law
- Laboratories against democracy : how national parties transformed state politics / Jacob M. Grumbach.. print book. History
- Lachrymae variations : for 15 solo strings (2014) / David Gorton.. music score (printed). Music
- The ladies of art : stories of women in the 16th and 17th centuries / edited and curated by Annamaria Bava, Gioia Mori, Alain Tapié.. print book. Art
- Ladri di biciclette = Bicycle thieves / The Criterion Collection; Janus Films; un film P.D.S. "Produzioni de Sica - S.A."; regia, Vittorio De Sica ; soggetto di Cesare Zavattini ; sceneggiato da Oreste Biancoli, Suso D'amico, Vittorio De Sica, Adolfo Fran. streaming video. Philosophy
- Ladri di biciclette = Bicycle thieves / The Criterion Collection; Janus Films; un film P.D.S. "Produzioni de Sica - S.A."; regia, Vittorio De Sica ; soggetto di Cesare Zavattini ; sceneggiato da Oreste Biancoli, Suso D'amico, Vittorio De Sica, Adolfo Fran. streaming video.
- Lady Bird / A24 and IAC Films present ; producers, Scott Rudin, Eli Bush, Evelyn O'Neill ; written & directed by Greta Gerwig.. streaming video.
- Lady Bird / A24 and IAC Films present ; producers, Scott Rudin, Eli Bush, Evelyn O'Neill ; written & directed by Greta Gerwig.. streaming video. Library & Information Science
- Lady Bird / A24 and IAC Films present ; producers, Scott Rudin, Eli Bush, Evelyn O'Neill ; written & directed by Greta Gerwig.. streaming video. Library & Information Science
- Lady justice : women, the law, and the battle to save America / Dahlia Lithwick.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
- Lady Romeo : the radical and revolutionary life of Charlotte Cushman, America's first celebrity / Tana Wojczuk.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
- Lagos/Koolhaas / a production by Pieter van Huystee and VPRO Television ; director, Bregtje van der Haak ; producer, Pieter van Huystee.. streaming video.
- Lake/Flato houses : respecting the land / foreword by Ed Mazria ; introduction and essays by Lake/Flato ; project texts by Helen Thompson ; edited by Oscar Riera Ojeda.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Lalan / project producer, Catherine Kwai ; editor-in-chief, Edward Fung.. print book. Art
- Lamentaciones de semana Santa, vol. 2 / José De Torres ; edited by Raúl Angulo Díaz.. music score (printed). Music
- Lana llama / by Lori Doody.. print book. Education
- Lana llama / by Lori Doody.. print book. Education
- Land surveying in Ireland, 1690-1830 / Finnian Ó Cionnaith.. print book. Geography
- Landaluce : the story of Seattle Slew's first champion / Mary Perdue ; foreword by Jon White.. print book.
- Landscape architecture as storytelling : learning design through analogy / Bob Scarfo.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Landscape architecture for sea level rise : innovative global solutions / edited by Galen D. Newman and Zixu Qiao.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Landscape of 21st century mathematics : selected advances, 2001-2020 / Bogdan Grechuk.. ebook. Mathematics
- Landscape patterns in a range of spatio-temporal scales / Alexander V. Khoroshev, Kirill N. Dyakonov, editors.. ebook. Geography
- Langston Hughes in context / edited by Vera M. Kutzinski, University of Vanderbilt ; Anthony Reed, University of Vanderbilt.. print book. English
- Language and the rise of the algorithm / Jeffrey M. Binder.. ebook. Mathematics
- La langue du ciel : le sublime en France au XVIIe siècle / Sophie Hache.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
- Lark ascending : a novel / by Silas House.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Larousse gastronomique : the world's greatest culinary encyclopedia / with the assistance of the Gastronomic Committee, President Joël Robuchon.. ebook. Anthropology
- Las que se atrevieron / Lucía Asué Mbomío Rubio ; prólogo de Marta Sofía López Rodríguez.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- The last beekeeper / Pablo Cartaya ; illustrations by Carlos Vélez Aguilera.. print book. Education
- Last call at the Hotel Imperial : the reporters who took on a world at war / Deborah Cohen.. print book. History
- The last chairlift : a novel / John Irving.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- The last fallen moon / by Graci Kim.. print book. Education
- The last fallen star : a Gifted clans novel / by Graci Kim.. print book. Education
- Last flight / by Kristen Mai Giang ; illustrations by Dow Phumiruk.. print book. Education
- Last gamer standing / Katie Zhao.. print book. Education
- The last gospel of the pagan babies : a queer Southern story / produced and directed by Jean Donohue.. video DVD. Gender & Women's Studies
- Last grave at Dimbaza / a film by Chris Curling, Pascoe Macfarlane ; produced by Nana Mahomo, Antonia Caccia, Andrew Tsehlana ; Morena Films, Ltd.. streaming video. History
- The last interview : Stuart Hall on the politics of cultural studies / Media Education Foundation ; producer & editor, Sut Jhally.. streaming video.
- The last interview : Stuart Hall on the politics of cultural studies / Media Education Foundation ; producer & editor, Sut Jhally.. streaming video. Education
- The last mapmaker / Christina Soontornvat.. print book. Education
- Last mountain dancer : hard-earned lessons in love, loss, and honky-tonk outlaw life / Chuck Kinder.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The last movie.. streaming video. English
- The last samurai reread / Lee Konstantinou.. print book. English
- The last stand of the tin can sailors : the extraordinary World War II story of the U.S. Navy's finest hour / by James D. Hornfischer ; adapted by Doug Murray ; drawn by Steven Sanders ; color by Matt Soffe ; lettered by Rob Steen.. print book. History
- The last straw : kids vs. plastics / written by Susan Hood ; illustrated by Christiane Engel.. print book. Education
- Last train home = Gui tu lie che / Telefilm Canada and the Rogers Group of Funds, through the Theatrical Documentary Program present ; an Eyesteelfilm production ; in association with ITVS International ; produced and developed in association with SuperCh. streaming video.
- The last White man / Mohsin Hamid.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- The late colonial Indian Army : from the Afghan Wars to the Second World War / Pradeep Barua.. print book. History
- The late modernist novel : a critique of global narrative reason / Seo Hee Im.. print book. English
- Late style / Adrian Silbernagel.. print book.
- A late style of fire : Larry Levis, American poet / 13 Ways Productions presents a film by Michele Poulos.. streaming video. English
- A late style of fire : Larry Levis, American poet / 13 Ways Productions presents a film by Michele Poulos.. streaming video.
- The latent world of architecture : selected essays / Dalibor Vesely ; edited by Alexandra Stara and Peter Carl.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Latin America's pink tide : breakthroughs and shortcomings / edited by Steve Ellner ; foreword by Boaventura de Sousa Santos. print book. Political Science
- Latin American literature in transition, 1800-1870 / edited by Ana Peluffo, University of California, Irvine; Ronald Briggs, Barnard College.. print book. English
- Latin American literature in transition, 1870-1930 / edited by Fernando Degiovanni, Javier Uriarte.. print book. English
- Latin American literature in transition 1930-1980 / edited by Amanda Holmes, McGill University, Par Kumaraswami, University of Nottingham.. print book. English
- Latin American literature in transition 1980-2018 / edited by Mónica Szurmuk, Debra A. Castillo.. print book. English
- Latin American literature in transition, pre-1492-1800 / edited by Rocío Quispe Agnoli ; Amber Brian.. print book. English
- Latinos beyond reel : challenging a media stereotype / a film by Miguel Picker and Chyng Sun.. streaming video.
- LATINX ACTOR TRAINING. print book. Hispanic Studies
- The Latinx guide to graduate school / Genevieve Negrón-Gonzales and Magdalena L. Barrera.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
- A laughable empire : the US imagines the Pacific world, 1840-1890 / Todd Nathan Thompson.. print book. English
- Laughter, literature, violence, 1840-1930 / Jonathan Taylor.. print book. English
- Launchpad republic : America's entrepreneurial edge and why it matters / Howard Wolk, John Landry.. ebook. Business
- Laura Aldridge : things that soak you / texts, Tina Fiske, Joe Scotland, Louise Shelley, Linsey Young.. print book. Art
- The Law and Policy of Sentencing and Corrections: |b in a Nutshell / by Lynn S. Branham.. print book. Law
- The law of the Colorado River : a legal research guide / by Tobe Liebert.. print book. Law
- Lawrence Tierney : Hollywood's real-life tough guy / Burt Kearns.. print book.
- Laws of UX : using psychology to design better products & services / Jon Yablonski.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Lawyer, jailer, ally, foe : complicity and conscience in America's World War II concentration camps / Eric L. Muller.. print book. Law
- The lawyer's conscience : a history of American lawyer ethics / Michael S. Ariens.. print book. Law
- Le Corbusier [electronic resource] : homme de lettres / M. Christine Boyer.. ebook.
- The leader's guide to unconscious bias : how to reframe bias, cultivate connection, and create high-performing teams / Pamela Fuller & Mark Murphy ; with Anne Chow.. print book. Business
- Leading dynamic information literacy programs : best practices and stories from instruction coordinators / edited by Anne C. Behler.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Leandro Valencia Locsin : Filipino architect / Jean-Claude Girard ; translation from French into English, Richard Palmer.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Learning about dance : dance as an art form & entertainment / Nora Ambrosio, Slippery Rock University.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Learning to live naturally : stoic ethics and its modern significance / Christopher Gill.. print book. Philosophy
- Leaving isn't the hardest thing : essays / Lauren Hough.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
- Lebanon, Kentucky, traffic guide : rules, regulation, mileage, church directory, city ordinances, fire alarm system, train and bus schedules / compiled by Hon. J.E. Edmonds, mayor, J. Walter Smith, R.F. Fishell.. print book.
- Las lectoras de Teresa : postmística femenina en la literatura latinoamericana del siglo XX / Almudena Vidorreta.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Legacies of departed African women writers : matrix of creativity and power / edited by Helen O. Chukwuma and Chioma Carol Opara.. print book. History
- Legal accounting : principles and applications / Douglas C. Michael.. print book. Law
- Legal ethics and social media : a practitioner's handbook / Jan L Jacobowitz and John G Browning.. print book. Law
- Legal negotiation in a nutshell / Larry L. Teply, Senator Allen A. Sekt Endowed Chair of Law and Professor of Law, School of Law and the Werner Institute, Creighton University.. print book. Law
- The legend of Hobart / Heather Mullaly.. print book. Education
- Die Legende von Paul und Paula / Icestorm International presents a DEFA Film ; a film by Heiner Carow.. streaming video. German
- The legitimacy clash challenges to democracy in multinational states / Alain-G. Gagnon.. ebook. Political Science
- Lemon law : cars in the courtroom / Cecil C. Kuhne III.. print book. Law
- Len Lye, motion composer.. print book. Art
- Leo Strauss and Islamic political thought / Rasoul Namazi.. print book. Philosophy
- Leo Strauss and the Theopolitics of culture / Philipp von Wussow.. print book. Philosophy
- Leonard Cohen : on a wire / Philippe Girard ; translated by Helge Dascher and Karen Houle.. print book. History
- Leonhard Euler and the foundations of celestial mechanics / Dora Musielak.. ebook. Physics
- Leopoldstadt / Tom Stoppard.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- The lesbiana's guide to Catholic school / Sonora Reyes.. print book. Education
- Das Lesen der schrift : vier stücke für orchester (2001/2002) / Wolfgang Rihm.. music score (printed). Music
- Leslie Thornton / edited by Natalie Bell, Dan Kidner and Milan Ther.. print book. Art
- Less is lost / Andrew Sean Greer.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Lesser living creatures of the Renaissance / edited by Keith Botelho and Joseph Campana.. print book. English
- Lesser living creatures of the Renaissance / edited by Keith Botelho and Joseph Campana.. print book. English
- Lessons in chemistry / Bonnie Garmus.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Lessons on expulsion : poems / Erika L. Sánchez.. print book. English
- Let's look at colors / Marion Deuchars.. print book. Education
- Let's look at numbers / Marion Deuchars.. print book. Education
- Let's look at shapes / Marion Deuchars.. print book. Education
- Let's make some great art : patterns / Marion Deuchars.. print book. Education
- Let's make some great fingerprint art / Marion Deuchars.. print book. Education
- Lethal injection and the false promise of humane execution / Austin Sarat ; with Mattea Denney, Greene Ko, Nicolas Graber-Mitchell, Rose Mroczka, Lauren Pelosi.. print book. History
- Letters and lives of the Tennyson women / Marion Sherwood and Rosalind Boyce.. print book. English
- Letters to a writer of color / edited by Deepa Anappara and Taymour Soomro.. print book. English
- Letters to live by : an alphabet book with intention / written by Lisa Frenkel Riddiough ; illustrated by Åsa Gilland.. print book. Education
- Letting play bloom : designing nature-based risky play for children / Lolly Tai ; with a foreword by Teri Hendy.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Levinas on the primacy of the ethical : philosophy as prophecy / Jeffrey Bloechl.. print book. Philosophy
- Lewis Carroll : formed by faith / Charlie Lovett.. print book. English
- Lexikon Progressive Rock : Musiker, Bands, Instrumente, Begriffe / Bernward Halbscheffel. print book. Music
- The LGBTQ+ comics studies reader : critical openings, future directions / edited by Alison Halsall and Jonathan Warren.. ebook.
- LGBTQ life in America : examining the facts / Melissa R. Michelson and Brian F. Harrison.. ebook. Social Work
- LGBTQIA+ inclusive children's librarianship : policies, programs, and practices / Lucy Santos Green, Jenna Spiering, Vanessa Lynn Kitzie, and Julia Erlanger ; foreword by Anastasia M. Collins.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Liars, damn liars, & storytellers : essays on traditional and contemporary storytelling / Joseph Sobol.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Libel and Lampoon : satire in the courts, 1670-1792 / Andrew Benjamin Bricker.. print book. English
- Liber contra Wolfelmum / Manegold of Lautenbach, translated with an introduction and notes by Robert Ziomkowski.. print book. Philosophy
- Liber de episcopis Mettensibus / Paul the Deacon ; edition, translation, and introduction by Damien Kempf.. print book. Philosophy
- Liberalism and American literature in the Clinton era / Ryan M. Brooks.. print book. English
- Liberalism and its discontents / Francis Fukuyama.. print book. Political Science
- Liberalism in dark times : the liberal ethos in the twentieth century / Joshua L. Cherniss.. print book. History
- Liberation day : stories / George Saunders.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Liberia under Samuel Doe, 1980-1985 : the politics of personal rule / Yekutiel Gershoni.. print book. History
- Liberty and the politics of the female voice in early Stuart England / Christina Luckyj.. print book. English
- Libraries as dysfunctional organizations and workplaces / edited by Spencer Acadia.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- The library as playground : how games and play are reshaping public culture / by Dale Leorke and Danielle Wyatt.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- The library book / photographs and afterword by Thomas R. Schiff ; introduction by Alberto Manguel.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The library of the future : how the heart of the campus is transforming / Scott Carlson.. print book.
- Licence to drum : for drumset solo / Nils Rohwer.. music score (printed). Music
- License to travel : a cultural history of the passport / Patrick Bixby.. print book. Law
- Lieder und tänze nach russischen und schwedischen volksmelodien, op. 79 : for violin and piano / Max Bruch.. music score (printed). Music
- The life and crimes of Hoodie Rosen / by Isaac Blum.. print book. Education
- Life and research : a survival guide for early-career biomedical scientists / Paris H. Grey and David G. Oppenheimer.. print book. Biology
- The life around us : selected poems on nature / Denise Levertov.. print book. English
- Life behind a veil : Blacks in Louisville, Kentucky, 1865-1930 / George C. Wright.. print book. History
- Life, death, and the western way of war / Lorenzo Zambernardi.. print book. Philosophy
- A life electric : the story of Nikola Tesla / Azadeh Westergaard ; illustrated by Júlia Sardà.. print book. Education
- The life of crime : detecting the history of mysteries and their creators / Martin Edwards.. print book. English
- The life of Herbert Hoover / George H. Nash. [3], Master of emergencies, 1917-1918.. print book. History
- The life of the mind : on the joys and travails of thinking / James V. Schall.. ebook.
- Life-stream : for symphonic winds and percussion / Frank Ticheli.. music score (printed). Music
- A life together : Lucas Alamán and Mexico, 1792-1853 / Eric Van Young.. print book. History
- Light + space / curated by Marie Nipper [and five others].. print book. Art
- The light that we can hear / Jennifer Higdon ; piano reduction by the composer.. music score (printed). Music
- The light we carry : overcoming in uncertain times / Michelle Obama.. print book. Education
- The lighthouse / directed by Robert Eggers.. streaming video.
- Lightning symbol and snake dance : Aby Warburg and Pueblo art / edited by Christine Chávez, Uwe Fleckner ; with contributions by Bruce Bernstein, Christine Chávez, Lindsey Drury, Adam Duran, Uwe Fleckner, Rainer Hatoum, Kelley Hays-Gilpin, Lea S. McChes. print book. Art
- Like a dandelion / Huy Voun Lee.. print book. Education
- Like a fish in water : how to grow abroad when you go abroad / Rich Kurtzman.. print book. Education
- Like a little dog : Andy Warhol's queer ecologies / Anthony E. Grudin.. print book. Art
- Like ability : the truth about popularity / Lori Getz, MA & Mitch Prinstein, PHD, ABPP.. print book. Education
- Like, comment, subscribe [electronic resource] : how YouTube drives Google's dominance and controls our culture / Mark Bergen.. ebook. Business
- Like, comment, subscribe : inside YouTube's chaotic rise to world domination / Mark Bergen.. print book. Business
- Like light, like music / Lana K. W. Austin.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Like this : natural intelligence as seeing by art / Chus Martínez.. print book. Art
- Limitless : the Federal Reserve takes on a new age of crisis / Jeanna Smialek.. ebook. Business
- Limitless : the Federal Reserve takes on a new age of crisis / Jeanna Smialek.. print book. Business
- The limits of familiarity : authorship and romantic readers / Lindsey Eckert.. print book. English
- Limits of the numerical : the abuses and uses of quantification / edited by Christopher Newfield, Anna Alexandrova, and Stephen John.. print book. History
- Lincoln County bill of sale for enslaved women and children. print book. Special Collections
- The line : poverty in America / producer/director Linda Midgett.. streaming video.
- The line : poverty in America / producer/director Linda Midgett.. streaming video. Sociology
- Lineages of state fragility : rural civil society in Guinea-Bissau / Joshua B. Forrest.. print book. History
- Linear regression : an introduction to statistical models / Peter Martin.. print book. Physics
- Linear regression models : applications in R / John P. Hoffman.. print book. Statistics
- The lion of Mars / Jennifer L. Holm.. print book. Education
- Lisa Klein : ich schau es mir schön = (I look until it looks beautiful) / Herausgeberin, Lisa Klein ; essay by Anton Herzl.. print book. Art
- Listen : how Evelyn Glennie, a deaf girl, changed percussion / written by Shannon Stocker ; illustrated by Devon Holzwarth.. print book. Education
- Listening to artists / editor, Ines Goldbach.. print book. Art
- Listening to clay : conversations with contemporary Japanese ceramic artists / Alice North, Halsey North, and Louise Allison Cort ; principal photography by Taya Mariko and Richard Goodbody.. print book. Art
- Lit-rock : literary capital in popular music / edited by Ryan Hibbett.. print book. Philosophy
- Litcomix : literary theory and the graphic novel / Adam Geczy and Jonathan McBurnie.. print book. English
- Literacy theory as practice : connecting theory and instruction in K-12 classrooms / Lara J. Handsfield ; foreword by Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar.. ebook. Education
- Literary authority : an eighteenth-century genealogy / Claude Willan.. print book. English
- Literary beginnings in the European Middle Ages / edited by Mark Chinca, Christopher Young.. print book. English
- A literary life of Sutton E. Griggs : the man on the firing line / John Cullen Gruesser.. print book. English
- LITERARY MEDITATIONS FOR PANDEMIC TIMES : reflections on plague classics.. print book. English
- Literary representations of pandemics, epidemics and pestilence / edited by Nishi Pulugurtha.. print book. English
- Literary studies and human flourishing / edited by James F. English and Heather Love.. print book. English
- Literature and revolution : British responses to the Paris Commune of 1871 / Owen Holland.. print book. English
- Literature and the War on Terror : nation, democracy and liberalisation / edited by Sk Sagir Ali.. print book. English
- Literature, learning, and social hierarchy in early modern Europe / edited by Neil Kenny.. print book. English
- Literature, social wisdom, and global justice : developing systems thinking through literary study / Mark Bracher.. print book. English
- La littérature est une affaire politique : enquête autour de 26 écrivains français / Alexandre Gefen ; Aurélien Bellanger [and twenty-five others].. print book. French & Francophone Studies
- The little book of whiskey cocktails / Bryan Paiement.. print book.
- Little bunny, big germs / Rosemary Wells.. print book. Education
- Little cabbage : for clarinet duet / Bright Sheng.. music score (printed). Music
- Little family / Ishmael Beah.. print book.
- The Little Green Jacket. print book. Education
- Little houses / by Kevin Henkes ; illustrated by Laura Dronzek.. print book. Education
- The little match girl passion : version for small chorus and 4 solo singers (SATB) who also play simple percussion / David Lang.. music score (printed). Music
- Little princes : one man's promise to bring home the lost children of Nepal / Conor Grennan.. print book.
- A little round panda on the big blue earth / by Tory Christie ; illustrated by Luciana Navarro Powell.. print book. Education
- Little sixty : a memoir of growing up Italian-American in Appalachia / by Lena Pellegrino Derosa.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The little street : the neighborhood in seventeenth-century Dutch art and culture / Linda Stone-Ferrier.. print book. Art
- Little suite in f : for violin and piano (2019) / Adolphus Hailstork.. music score (printed). Music
- Live artefacts : literature in a cognitive environment / Terence Cave.. print book. English
- Liven up your library : design engaging and inclusive programs for tweens and teens / Valerie Tagoe and Julia E.Torres.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- The lives of fungi : a natural history of our planet's decomposers / Britt A. Bunyard.. ebook. Biology
- Lives of the gods : divinity in Maya art / edited by Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos, James A. Doyle, and Joanne Pillsbury.. print book. Art
- Living accountably : accountability as a virtue / C. Stephen Evans.. print book. Philosophy
- Living toward virtue : practical ethics in the spirit of Socrates / Paul Woodruff.. print book. Philosophy
- Living with Viola / Rosena Fung.. print book. Education
- Liza Lou / Glenn Adamson, Julia Bryan-Wilson, Cathleen Chaffee, Elisabeth Sherman, Carrie Mae Weems.. print book. Art
- Lizzy and the cloud / The Fan Brothers.. print book. Education
Lo - Lz
- Lo que yo iba escribiendo : las mujeres de la Generación del 98 / Carmen Estirado ; prólogo de Layla Martínez.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Logan lucky / Fingerprint Releasing presents ; in association with Bleecker Street and Amazon ; written by Rebecca Blunt ; produced by Gregory Jacobs, Mark Johnson, Channing Tatum, Reid Carolin ; directed by Steven Soderbergh.. streaming video.
- Logan lucky / Fingerprint Releasing presents ; in association with Bleecker Street and Amazon ; written by Rebecca Blunt ; produced by Gregory Jacobs, Mark Johnson, Channing Tatum, Reid Carolin ; directed by Steven Soderbergh.. streaming video. Sociology
- The logic of love in The Canterbury tales / Manish Sharma.. print book. English
- Logical consequence / Gila Sher, University of California, San Diego.. print book. Philosophy
- Londoner skizzenbuch 1764, band I : für kammerorchester / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; edited by Hans-Udo Kreuls.. music score (printed). Music
- The long arc of legality : Hobbes, Kelsen, Hart / David Dyzenhaus.. print book. Law
- Long days, short years : a cultural history of modern parenting / Andrew Bomback.. ebook. Social Work
- A long essay on the long poem : modern and contemporary poetics and practices / Rachel Blau DuPlessis.. print book. English
- A Long time man : for orchestra with piano (1975) / Frederic Rzewski.. music score (printed). Music
- The longing for less : living with minimalism / Kyle Chayka.. print book. Art
- LONGING FOR TOTAL REVOLUTION RECONSIDERED : rousseau, marx, nietzsche, and.. print book. Philosophy
- LOOK AT LOVE WITH LOVE.. print book. Art
- Look, I made a hat : collected lyrics (1981-2011) with attendant comments, amplifications, dogmas, harangues, digressions, anecdotes and miscellany / Stephen Sondheim.. print book. Music
- Look & learn patterns!.. print book. Education
- Look to your left : a feminist poetics of spectacle / Kristina Marie Darling.. print book. English
- Look up! / Jung Jin-ho ; English translation by My Hyun Kim.. print book. Education
- Looking for a jumbie / written by Tracey Baptiste ; illustrated by Amber Ren.. print book. Education
- Looking for an enemy : 8 essays on antisemitism / edited by Jo Glanville.. print book. History
- Lords of Chaos. ebook.
- The lords of night / J.C. Cervantes.. print book. Education
- Loreley's solitude : for guitar / Leo Brouwer.. music score (printed). Music
- Lorquianas : para violoncello y guitarra / Leo Brouwer.. music score (printed). Music
- Losing the precious few : how America fails to educate its minorities in science and engineering / Richard A. Tapia.. ebook. Biology
- Lost : a novel : a haunting in Appalachia / John Braxton Sparks.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The lost architecture of Jean Welz / Peter Wyeth.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Lost in transition : removing, resettling, and renewing Appalachia / edited by Aaron D. Purcell.. print book. History
- Lothar Meyer : modern theories and pathways to periodicity / Gisela Boeck, Alan J. Rocke.. ebook. Chemistry
- Louis Vuitton : Tambour / Fabienne Reybaud.. print book. Art
- Louisville diamonds : the Louisville major-league reader, 1876-1899 / Philip Von Borries.. print book.
- Lourenço da Silva Mendonça and the Black Atlantic abolitionist movement in the seventeenth century / José Lingna Nafafé.. ebook. History
- Love : a visual history of the grantLOVE project / by Alexandra Grant ; foreword by Roxane Gay ; with contributions by Eman Alami, Cassandra Coblentz, and Alma Ruiz.. print book. Art
- Love and freedom : transcending monogamy and polyamory / Jorge N. Ferrer.. ebook. Psychology
- Love and sex in the time of the plague : a Decameron renaissance / Guido Ruggiero.. print book. History
- Love Child's hotbed of occasional poetry : poems & artifacts / Nikky Finney.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Love, friendship, and narrative form after Bloomsbury : the progress of intimacy in history / Jesse Wolfe.. print book. English
- Love is the vaccine / Halim A. Flowers ; Ted Vassilev, Eleanor Heartney, and Lilly Wei ; book curator and editor, Ghia Truesdale,. print book. Art
- Love Lucian : the letters of Lucian Freud, 1939-1954 / David Dawson and Martin Gayford.. print book. Art
- Love makes a garden grow / written and illustrated by Taeeun Yoo.. print book. Education
- Love radio / Ebony LaDelle.. print book. Education
- Love song : for voice and any solo instrument / Frederic Rzewski.. music score (printed). Music
- Love, Violet / words by Charlotte Sullivan Wild ; pictures by Charlene Chua.. print book. Education
- The love witch.. streaming video. English
- Loving fanfiction : exploring the role of emotion in online fandoms / Brit Kelley.. ebook. Psychology
- Lowest White boy / Greg Bottoms.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- LUCAS CRANACH (GERMAN EDITION) : a-z.. print book. Art
- Lucas's garden : for clarinet in B♭, violin, cello, and piano / Amanda Harberg. music score (printed). Music
- Lucian Freud : new perspectives / edited by Daniel Herrmann.. print book. Art
- Lucky / Christy Mandin.. print book. Education
- The lucky daughter / poems by Mariama J. Lockington.. print book.
- Lucky wreck : poems / Ada Limón.. print book.
- Lucy Hutchinson and the English revolution : gender, genre, and history writing / Claire Gheeraert-Graffeuille.. print book. English
- Lucy's light / Margarita del Mazo, Silvia Álvarez ; English translation by Jon Brokenbrow.. print book. Education
- Luli and the language of tea / Andrea Wang ; pictures by Hyewon Yum.. print book. Education
- Lumen : Sutapa Biswas / by Sutapa Biswas, text by Anna Arabindan-Kesson [and six others], edited by Amy Tobin.. print book. Art
- Lumumba / Jacques Bidou présente ; une production JBA Production [and others] ; scénario, Raoul Peck, Pascal Bonitzer ; produit par Jacques Bidou ; un film de Raoul Peck.. streaming video.
- Luna Luna / André Heller ; enabled by Neue Revue ; photo documentation by Sabina Sarnitz ; essay by Hilde Spiel.. print book. Art
- Lunch from home / words by Joshua David Stein ; art by Jing Li ; with contributions from Niki Russ Federman, Ray Garcia, Preeti Mistry, and Mina Park.. print book. Education
- Luso-tropicalism and its discontents : the making and unmaking of racial exceptionalism / edited by Warwick Anderson, Ricardo Roque, and Ricardo Ventura Santos.. print book. History
- Eine Lustspiel-Ouverture : für grosses Orchester, op. 50 / componirt von Hans Huber.. music score (printed). Music
- Lux : pour piano / Matthieu Stefanelli.. music score (printed). Music
- À Lydie : Horace : Ode IX livre III : pour soprano et baryton ou tenor / traduction d' Alfred de Musset ; musique de A.Z. Holmés.. music score (printed). Music
- Lygia Pape : the skin of all / text by Pauline Bachmann ; edited by Susanne Gaensheimer, Isabelle Malz.. print book. Art
- The lying king / Alex Beard.. print book. Education
- Lyman Trumbull and the second founding of the United States / Paul M. Rego.. print book. History
- Lynda Benglis / Andrew Bonacina, Bibiana Obler, Nora Lawrence.. print book. Art
- Lyotard and Critical Practice / edited by Kiff Bamford and Margret Grebowicz.. print book. Philosophy
- Lyric and liberalism in the age of American empire / Hugh Foley.. print book. English
- Lyrical studies for trumpet or horn / Giuseppe Concone ; transcribed by John F. Sawyer.. music score (printed). Music
- M.. streaming video. German
- Macbeth / a co-production of Thirteen and Illuminations, and the BBC in association with streaming video. English
- Macbeth / a co-production of Thirteen and Illuminations, and the BBC in association with streaming video.
- Macbeth in Harlem : Black theater in America from the beginning to Raisin in the sun / Clifford Mason.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Machiavelli for women : defend your worth, grow your ambition, and win the workplace / Stacey Vanek Smith.. ebook. Business
- Machine learning : architecture in the age of artificial intelligence / Phil Bernstein.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Machines that think! / Don Brown.. print book. Education
- Madalena Santos Reinbolt : uma cabeça cheia de planetas = Madalena Santos Reinbolt : a head full of planets / Adriano Pedrosa, Amanda Carneiro, André Mesquita (org.) ; text : Adriano Pedrosa [and others].. print book. Art
- Made in Madagascar : sapphires, ecotourism, and the global bazaar / Andrew Walsh.. ebook.
- Madison's militia : the hidden history of the Second Amendment / Carl T. Bogus.. print book. Law
- Madness, language, literature / Michel Foucault ; translated by Robert Bononno ; edited by Henri-Paul Fruchaud, Daniele Lorenzini, and Judith Revel ; introduction by Judith Revel.. print book. English
- Magic box : for string quartet or string orchestra and percussion quartet (2019) / Augusta Read Thomas.. music score (printed). Music
- The magic lantern : the revolution of '89 witnessed in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin, and Prague / Timothy Garton Ash.. ebook. History
- The magic pill / Health Everyday presents a film by Pete Evans and Rob Tate.. streaming video. English
- The magic pill / Health Everyday presents a film by Pete Evans and Rob Tate.. streaming video.
- The magic ring : systems thinking approach to control systems / Piero Mella.. ebook. Mathematics
- Magic words, magic worlds : form and style in epic fantasy / Matthew Oliver.. print book. English
- Magnificat a 4 : per soprano, contralto, tenore, basso, archi e basso continuo / Giuseppe Aldrovandini ; edited by Paolo Rosini.. music score (printed). Music
- Magnificat Nr. 3 Es-Dur für Sopran solo, Chor, 2 Traversflöten, 2 Oboen, Streicher und Basso continuo, 1724 / Johann David Heinichen ; herausgegeben von Claudia Lubkoll.. music score (printed). Music
- Magnolia flower / by Zora Neale Hurston ; adapted by Ibram X. Kendi ; illustrated by Loveis Wise.. print book. Education
- Magritte / Alexander Adams.. print book. Art
- Maĭska simfonii︠a︡ za strunen orkestŭr = Symphonie du Mai pour orchestre à corde / Pancho Vladigerov = Pantcho Vladiguerov. music score (printed). Music
- Le Maître du Roman de la Rose de Vienne / Mireia Castaño.. print book. Special Collections
- Maizy Chen's last chance / Lisa Yee.. print book. Education
- Make food, not waste / created by Brian Greene, Stett Holbrook, Greg Roden.. streaming video. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Make food, not waste / created by Brian Greene, Stett Holbrook, Greg Roden.. streaming video.
- Make it modern : a history of art in the 20th century / Brandon Taylor.. print book. Art
- Making a collection count : a holistic approach to library collection management / Holly Hibner and Mary Kelly.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Making Black girls count in math education : a Black feminist vision for transformative teaching / Nicole M. Joseph.. ebook. Mathematics
- Making Broadway dance / Liza Gennaro.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Making gender salient : from gender quota laws to policy / Ana Catalano Weeks.. print book. Law
- Making healthy places : designing and building for well-being, equity, and sustainability / edited by Nisha Botchwey, Andrew L. Dannenberg, and Howard Frumkin.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Making history : the storytellers who shaped the past / Richard Cohen.. print book. History
- Making it : manufacturing techniques for product design / Chris Lefteri. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Making medicine : surprising stories from the history of drug discovery / Keith Veronese.. print book. History
- Making modernism : Paula Modersohn-Becker, Käthe Kollwitz, Gabriele Münter and Marianne Werefkin / curated by Dorothy Price [and three others].. print book. Art
- The making of an American : the autobiography of a Hungarian immigrant, Appalachian entrepreneur, and OSS officer / Martin Himler ; edited by Cathy Cassady Corbin, with an introduction by Doug Cantrell, and a foreword by Charles Fenyvesi.. print book. English
- The making of contemporary Indian philosophy : Krishnachandra Bhattacharyya / edited by Daniel Raveh and Elise Coquereau-Saouma.. print book. Philosophy
- Making our future : visionary folklore and everyday culture in Appalachia / Emily Hilliard.. ebook. Education
- Making our future : visionary folklore and everyday culture in Appalachia / Emily Hilliard.. print book. Education
- Making the Irish American [electronic resource] : history and heritage of the Irish in the United States / edited by J.J. Lee and Marion R. Casey.. ebook.
- Making trouble : design and material activism / Otto von Busch.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The makings and unmakings of Americans : indians and immigrants in American literature and culture, 1879-1924 / Cristina Stanciu.. print book. English
- Maladies of empire : how colonialism, slavery, and war transformed medicine / Jim Downs.. print book. History
- Maladies of the will : the American novel and the modernity problem / Jennifer L. Fleissner.. print book. English
- The Malmariée in the thirteenth-century motet / Dolores Pesce.. print book. Music
- Mama in Congress : Rashida Tlaib's journey to Washington / Rashida and Adam Tlaib with Miranda Paul ; illustrated by Olivia Aserr.. print book. Education
- Mama's home / written by Shay Youngblood ; illustrated by Lo Harris.. print book. Education
- The man from the future : the visionary life of John von Neumann / Ananyo Bhattacharya.. print book. Mathematics
- The man in the dog park : coming up close to homelessness / Cathy A. Small ; with Jason Kordosky and Ross Moore.. ebook. Social Work
- "Man muss einsteigen in die Malerei mit beiden Füßen" : Hans Ulrich Obrist, interviews mit Maria Lassnig = "You have to jump into painting with both feet" : Hans Ulrich Obrist, interviews with Maria Lassnig / Hans Ulrich Obrist, Peter Pakesch, Hans Werne. print book. Art
- The man who broke capitalism : how Jack Welch gutted the heartland and crushed the soul of corporate America--and how to undo his legacy / David Gelles.. print book. Business
- The man who could move clouds : a memoir / Ingrid Rojas Contreras.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- The man who understood democracy : the life of Alexis de Tocqueville / Olivier Zunz.. print book. History
- Man with a movie camera / VUFKU ; directed and written by Dziga Vertov.. streaming video.
- Managing arts in times of pandemics and beyond / A. Damodaran.. print book. Art
- Managing the arts and culture : cultivating a practice / edited by Constance DeVereaux.. print book. Arts Administration
- Mangoes, mischief, and tales of friendship : stories from india / Chitra Soundar ; illustrated by Uma Krishnaswamy.. print book. Education
- De manicomios a instituciones psiquiátricas : experiencias en Iberoamérica, siglos XIX y XX / Andrés Ríos Molina, Mariano Ruperthuz Honorato (coords.).. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Manual of biogenic house sections / Paul Lewis, Marc Tsurumaki, David J. Lewis.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Manuel, or, A hint of evil / Armin Lorenz Gerold.. print book. Art
- The many lives of the first emperor of China / Anthony J. Barbieri-Low.. print book. History
- The many resurrections of Henry Box Brown / Martha J. Cutter.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Mao and markets : the communist roots of Chinese enterprise / Christopher Marquis and Kunyuan Qiao. ebook. Business
- Mapping artistic networks : eighteenth-century Italian theatre and opera across Europe / edited by Tatiana Korneeva. print book. Music
- Mapping community health : GIS for health and human services / edited by Christopher Thomas, Shannon Valdizon, Matt Artz.. ebook. Geography
- Mapping historical Las Vegas : a cartographic journey / Joe Weber.. print book. Geography
- Maqamat : for solo quarter-tone alto flute : (2002 rev. 2021) / Patrick Nunn.. music score (printed). Music
- March rhapsody : (on original themes) : for full orchestra / composed by Edward German.. music score (printed). Music
- Marcha y galope : para las Parejas de Aranjuez en el año 1779 : piano / Gaetano Brunetti.. music score (printed). Music
- Margaret and Christine Wertheim : value and transformation of corals / edited by Udo Kittelmann for the Frieder Burda Foundation and by Christine Wertheim and Margaret Wertheim.. print book. Art
- Margaret Garner : opera in two acts / Richard Danielpour ; libretto by Toni Morrison.. music score (printed). Music
- Margaret Mead : a portrait by a friend / a film by Jean Rouch with John Marshall.. streaming video.
- Margaret Mead : a portrait by a friend / a film by Jean Rouch with John Marshall.. streaming video. Anthropology
- Maria Domenica Rapicavoli : surface tension / texts by Sarah Lookofsky, Liz Park and Kristina Scepanski, Sara Reisman, and Wendy Vogel.. print book. Art
- Mariah, an enslaved girl, bill of sale. print book. Special Collections
- Marighella / coproduction Globo Filmes, Maria Da Fé ; production O2 Filmes ; dirigido por Wagner Moura ; escrito por Felipe Braga, Wagner Moura ; produzido por Bel Berlinck, Andrea Barata Ribeiro, Wagner Moura.. streaming video.
- Marighella / coproduction Globo Filmes, Maria Da Fé ; production O2 Filmes ; dirigido por Wagner Moura ; escrito por Felipe Braga, Wagner Moura ; produzido por Bel Berlinck, Andrea Barata Ribeiro, Wagner Moura.. streaming video. Hispanic Studies
- Marijuana in America : cultural, political, and medical controversies / James Hawdon, Matthew Costello, and Bryan Lee Miller, editors.. ebook. History
- Marijuana law : a legal research guide / by Carol A. Fichtelman.. print book. Law
- Marilynne Robinson's worldly gospel : a philosophical account of her Christian vision / Ryan S. Kemp, Jordan Rodgers.. print book. English
- Marina Abramović / Ward, Ossian.. print book. Art
- Marina Perez Simão / [texts by Diana Campbell and Osman Can Yerebakan].. print book. Art
- Marina Perez Simão / texts, Osman Can Yerebakan ; translation, Adriana Francisco.. print book. Art
- Mario Barradas and Son Jarocho : the journey of a Mexican regional music / Yolanda Broyles-González, Rafael Figueroa Hernández, and Francisco González.. print book. Music
- Mark Foster Gage : architecture in high resolution / [Mark Foster Gage] ; foreword by Graham Harman.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Marketing and social media : a guide for libraries, archives, and museums / Lorri Mon and Christie Koontz.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Marketing the arts [electronic resource] : challenging conventions / edited by Daragh O'Reilly and Finola Kerrigan.. ebook.
- The marriage portrait / Maggie O'Farrell.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Marruecos, panteón del Imperio español (1859-1931) / Alfonso Iglesias Amorín.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Marshmallow & Jordan / Alina Chau.. print book. Education
- Marta & Slava : selected projects 2009-2020 / text, Yves Randaxhe [and six others].. print book. Art
- Martha Graham : when dance became modern : a life / Neil Baldwin.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Martin Buber : a life of faith and dissent / Paul Mendes-Flohr.. print book. Philosophy
- Martin Crimp's power plays : intertextuality, sexuality, desire / authored by Vicky Angelaki.. print book. English
- Martin Luther King : a religious life / Paul Harvey.. print book. History
- Martin Luther King : a religious life / Paul Harvey.. ebook. History
- Martin Wong : malicious mischief / edited by Krist Gruijthuijsen and Agustín Pérez Rubio ; texts, Julie Ault [and nine others].. print book. Art
- Martine Syms - neural swamp : the future fields commission in time-based media / edited by Irene Calderoni, Amanda Sroka.. print book. Art
- Marx in the 21st century : a critical introduction / Sebastiano Maffettone.. print book. Business
- Marxist politics / Md. Ayub Mallick.. ebook. Political Science
- Mary Ann Waters is a free Black woman.. print book.
- Mary Cassatt : painter of modern women / Griselda Pollock.. print book. Art
- Mary Heilmann : the all night movie / designed by Mark Magill and Mary Heilmann ; with an essay by Jutta Koether.. print book. Art
- Mary Lou Williams : music for the soul / Deanna Witkowski.. print book. Music
- Mary Reid Kelley & Patrick Kelley / edited by Karen Patterson.. print book. Art
- Mary Shepherd / Antonia LoLordo, University of Virginia.. print book. Philosophy
- Mary Shepherd : a guide / Deborah Boyle.. print book. Philosophy
- Maryam's magic : the story of mathematician Maryam Mirzakhani / by Megan Reid ; illustrations by Aaliya Jaleel.. print book. Education
- Masculine figures : fashioning men and the novel in nineteenth-century Spain / Nicholas Wolters.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- The masculinities of John Milton : cultures and constructs of manhood in the major works / Elizabeth Hodgson.. print book. English
- The mask you live in / the Representation Project presents, in association with Regina K. Scully, a Jennifer Siebel Newsom film ; produced by Jessica Anthony ; written, produced, and edited by Jessica Congdon ; written, produced, and directed by Jennifer. streaming video.
- The mask you live in / the Representation Project presents, in association with Regina K. Scully, a Jennifer Siebel Newsom film ; produced by Jessica Anthony ; written, produced, and edited by Jessica Congdon ; written, produced, and directed by Jennifer. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
- Masque, pour deux flutes.. music score (printed). Music
- Masque, Incidental II : pour deux flûtes / Toru Takemitsu.. music score (printed). Music
- Mass : a theatre piece for singers, players and dancers / Leonard Bernstein ; Pandream ; Enrico Castiglione presents ; text from the Roman liturgy with additional texts by Stephen Schwartz and Leonard Bernstein.. video DVD. Music
- The master in bondage : factory workers in China, 1949-2019 / Huaiyin Li.. print book. History
- Master of the two left feet : Morris Hirshfield rediscovered / Richard Meyer.. print book. Art
- Master slave, husband wife : an epic journey from slavery to freedom / Ilyon Woo.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Mastering Shiny : build interactive apps, reports, and dashboards powered by R / Hadley Wickham.. ebook. Statistics
- Mastering Spark with R : the complete guide to large-scale analysis and modeling / Javier Luraschi, Kevin Kuo, and Edgar Ruiz.. ebook. Statistics
- Mastering the revels : the regulation and censorship of early modern drama / Richard Dutton.. print book. English
- Mastery of your anxiety and panic : therapist guide / Michelle G. Craske, David H. Barlow.. ebook. Social Work
- Match!.. print book. Education
- Material : 22 interviews with artists / Sandra Danicke.. print book. Art
- The material kinship reader / edited by Clementine Edwards and Kris Dittel ; authors: Sara Ahmed [and sixteen others].. print book. Art
- The material limits of energy transition : thanatia / Alicia Valero, Antonio Valero, Guiomar Calvo.. ebook. Chemistry
- Materializing Englishness in early medieval texts / Jacqueline Fay.. print book. English
- Math makers : the lives and works of 50 famous mathematicians / Alfred S. Posamentier and Christian Spreitzer.. ebook. Mathematics
- Mathematical methods of physics [by] Jon Mathews [and] R.L. Walker.. print book. Mathematics
- The mathematics of the gods and the algorithms of men : a cultural history / Paolo Zellini ; translated by Simon Carnell and Erica Segre.. ebook. Mathematics
- Mathematics : sonata for bassoon & piano / Alyssa Morris.. music score (printed). Music
- Mathis Gasser : heroes and ghosts / [Samuel Luterbacher and James Trafford].. print book. Art
- Matisse / Eckhard Hollmann.. print book. Art
- Matisse and the joy of drawing / Christopher Lloyd.. print book. Art
- Matter, affect, antinormativity : theory beyond dualism / Caroline Braunmühl.. print book. Philosophy
- The matter of everything : how curiosity, physics, and improbable experiments changed the world / Suzie Sheehy.. ebook. Physics
- MAX BECKMANN: DEPARTURE. print book. Art
- Maximum est unum : für alt, 4 soprane, 2 gemischte chöre, orchester und orgel (1996) / Wolfgang Rihm.. music score (printed). Music
- May tomorrow be awake : on poetry, autism, and our neurodiverse future / Chris Martin.. print book. Education
- May your life be deliciosa / Michael Genhart ; Loris Lora.. print book. Education
- The Maya and climate change : human-environmental relationships in the classic period lowlands / Kenneth E. Seligson.. print book. History
- The Maya apocalypse and its western roots / Matthew Restall and Amara Solari.. print book. History
- Maybe... / Chris Haughton.. print book. Education
- MD Anderson Surgical Oncology Manual / Barry W. Feig [and four others], editor.. ebook. Medicine
- Me and the boss : a story about mending and love / Michelle Edwards & April Harrison.. print book. Education
- The meaning of mourning : perspectives on death, loss, and grief / edited by Mikołaj Sławkowski-Rode.. print book. Philosophy
- Measurement in health behavior : methods for research and education / Colleen Konicki Di Iorio.. print book. Education
- Mechanisms in science : method or metaphysics? / Stavros Ioannidis, University of Athens, Greece, Stathis Psillos, University of Athens.. print book. Philosophy
- Med-surg success : NCLEX-style Q&A review / Christi D. Doherty.. ebook. Medicine
- Medellín v. Texas : international justice, federalism, and the execution of José Medellín / Alan Mygatt-Tauber.. print book. Law
- Media and gender adaptation : regendering, critical creation and the fans / Lucy Irene Baker.. print book. English
- Media Literacy: Media Ethics. ebook.
- The mediated construction of reality / Nick Couldry and Andreas Hepp.. print book. Philosophy
- The mediated construction of reality / Nick Couldry and Andreas Hepp.. print book. Philosophy
- Mediating Alzheimer's : cognition and personhood / Scott Selberg.. ebook. Psychology
- The medieval devil : a reader / edited by Richard Raiswell and David R. Winter.. print book. Philosophy
- Medieval fare : food and culture in medieval Iberia / Martha M. Daas.. print book. History
- Medieval marvels and fictions in the Latin West and Islamic world / Michelle Karnes.. print book. English
- Mediterranean ARTivism : art, activism, and migration in Europe / Elvira Pulitano.. print book. Art
- Mediterrani : per a orquestra simfonica / Juli Garreta.. music score (printed). Music
- Medium design : knowing how to work on the world / Keller Easterling.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Meet me by the fountain : an inside history of the mall / Alexandra Lange.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Meet Me by the Fountain : An Inside History of the Mall / Alexandra Lange.. ebook. Business
- Megathreats : ten dangerous trends that imperil our future, and how to survive them / Nouriel Roubini.. ebook. Business
- Melancholic modalities : affect, Islam, and Turkish classical musicians / by Denise Gill.. print book. Music
- Melodie nell'opera Un ballo in maschera del M° Verdi : divertimento per corno inglese e pianoforte / Filippo Fasanotti.. music score (printed). Music
- La mélomanie : opera comique en un acte en vers mêlé d'ariettes / mis en musique par M.S. Champein ; Représenté pour la premiere fois sur le Théâtre de l'Opera Comique National, le 23 Janvier 1781.. music score (printed). Music
- Melville's democracy : radical figuration and political form / Jennifer Greiman.. print book. English
- Melville's other lives : bodies on trial in The piazza tales / Christopher Sten.. print book. English
- Membrane computing models : implementations / Gexiang Zhang, Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez, Agustín Riscos-Núñez, Sergey Verlan, Savas Konur, Thomas Hinze, Marian Gheorghe.. ebook. Mathematics
- Mémoires d'une bergère : pour piano / Germaine Tailleferre.. music score (printed). Music
- Memoirs of the life, religious experience, ministerial travels, and labours of Mrs. Elaw / by Zilpha Elaw ; edited by Kimberly D. Blockett.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Memorias del subdesarrollo = Memories of underdevelopment / El Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos presenta ; realización, Tomás Gutiérrez Alea ; producción, Miguel Mendoza.. streaming video.
- Memorias del subdesarrollo = Memories of underdevelopment / El Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos presenta ; realización, Tomás Gutiérrez Alea ; producción, Miguel Mendoza.. streaming video. Hispanic Studies
- The memory of the Second World War in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia / edited by David L. Hoffmann.. print book. History
- Memory: swells : for two guitars / Augusta Read Thomas.. music score (printed). Music
- Menstruation matters : challenging the law's silence on periods / Bridget J. Crawford and Emily Gold Waldman.. print book. Law
- Mental health practice with LGBTQ+ children, adolescents, and emerging adults in multiple systems of care / edited by Cristina L. Magalhães, PhD, LMHC California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University, Richard A. Sprott, Ph. ebook. Psychology
- Merchants of style : art and fashion after Warhol / Natasha Degen.. print book. Art
- Mercury Pictures presents : a novel / Anthony Marra.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- A mere Kentucky of a place : the Elkhorn Association and the commonwealth's first Baptists / Keith Harper.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- A mermaid girl / by Sana Rafi ; illustrated by Olivia Aserr.. print book. Education
- Messa a 4 con strumenti / Giuseppe Maria Orlandini ; edizione critica a cura di = critical edition by Umberto Cerini ; con un saggio introduttivo di = with an introductory essay by Elena Abbado.. music score (printed). Music
- Message d'amour : baryton ou mezzo-soprano / paroles et musique par Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
- The messenger : Moderna, the vaccine, and the business gamble that changed the world / Peter Loftus.. ebook. Business
- Metabolic ecology : a scaling approach / edited by Richard M. Sibly, James H. Brown, and Astrid Kodric-Brown.. ebook. Biology
- Metabolic ecology : a scaling approach / edited by Richard M. Sibly, James H. Brown, and Astrid Kodric-Brown.. print book. Biology
- Metamorphoses. Book II : ten fantasy-pieces (after celebrated paintings) : for amplified piano / George Crumb.. music score (printed). Music
- The metamorphosis of Mr. Samsa : from a story by Franz Kafka / design, animation, direction Caroline Leaf ; made in part with a production grant from the American Film Institute ; in association with The National Endownment for the Arts.. streaming video.
- The metamorphosis of Mr. Samsa : from a story by Franz Kafka / design, animation, direction Caroline Leaf ; made in part with a production grant from the American Film Institute ; in association with The National Endownment for the Arts.. streaming video. Russian Studies
- Metaphysical realism and anti-realism / J.T.M. Miller.. print book. Philosophy
- Metaphysics. Book [lambda] / Aristotle ; translated with an introduction and commentary by Lindsay Judson.. print book. Philosophy
- The metaphysics of laws of nature : the rules of the game / Walter Ott.. print book. Philosophy
- The metaverse : and how it will revolutionize everything / Matthew Ball.. print book. Business
- Methods and data analysis for cross-cultural research / Fons J.R. van de Vijver, Kwok Leung ; editors, Velichko H. Fetvadjiev, Jia He, Johnny R.J. Fontaine.. ebook.
- The methods and skills of history : a practical guide / Michael J. Salevouris with Conal Furay.. print book. History
- #MeToo and beyond : perspectives on a global movement / edited by M. Cristina Alcalde and Paula-Irene Villa.. print book.
- Metropolis / an Ufa production, distributed by Parufamet.. streaming video. Philosophy
- Mexico in revolution, 1912-1920 Jonathan Truitt and Stephany Slaughter.. print book. History
Mi - Mz
- Mi to kokoro no isō : Genji monogatari o kiten to shite : 2020-nen kokusai onrain raundo tēburu / Terada Sumie;Jinno Hidenori;Kimura Saeko hen = Instances du sujet dans le Roman du Genji et au-delà : table ronde international en ligne 2020 / sous la dir. print book.
- Michael Tedja : the color guide series and more / contributors, Gean Moreno [and 8 others].. print book. Art
- Mickey Mouse monopoly / Media Education Foundation ; producer and writer, Chyng Feng Sun ; director and co-producer, Miguel Picker.. streaming video.
- Mickey Mouse monopoly / Media Education Foundation ; producer and writer, Chyng Feng Sun ; director and co-producer, Miguel Picker.. streaming video. Sociology
- Mickey Mouse monopoly : Disney, childhood & corporate power / Media Education Foundation ; produced and written by Chyng Feng Sun.. streaming video. Sociology
- Microbial bioprotectants for plant disease management / edited by Dr. Jürgen Köhl and Dr. Willem J. Ravensberg.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Mid-century modern furniture / Dominic Bradbury.. print book. Art
- Mid-century modern : visionary furniture design from Vienna / Caroline Wohlgemuth ; translations and copyediting, Douglas Deitemyer.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The middle out : the rise of progressive economics and a return to shared prosperity / Michael Tomasky.. print book. Education
- The middle out : the rise of progressive economics and a return to shared prosperity / Michael Tomasky.. ebook. Business
- Middle school matters : the 10 key skills kids need to thrive in middle school and beyond--and how parents can help / Phyllis L. Fagell.. print book. Education
- Mies van der Rohe : the collective housing collection / Fernando Casqueiro.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Mika Rottenberg : bowls balls souls holes / edited by Laerke Rydal Jørgensen and Anders Kold.. print book. Art
- Miklós Onucsán : prin urmare, albul este un negru uzat definitiv, iar negrul este un alb uzat definitiv = therefore, white is black worn out for good and black is white worn out for good / editori, Mǎdǎlina Brașoveanu, Mihnea Mircan ; autor, Miklós. print book. Art
- Milestones in Asian American theatre / edited by Josephine Lee.. print book. English
- Milestones in dance in the USA / edited by Elizabeth McPherson.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Milestones in dance in the USA / Edited by Elizabeth McPherson.. ebook. Theatre & Dance
- Military law in a nutshell / L. Lynn Hogue, Professor of Law Emeritus, Georgia State University College of Law; Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army Reserve, Judge Advocate General's Corps (Ret.).. print book. Law
- Milked : how an American crisis brought together Midwestern dairy farmers and Mexican workers / Ruth Conniff.. ebook. Business
- Milloo's mind : the story of Maryam Faruqi, trailblazer for women's education / written by Reem Faruqi ; illustrated by Hoda Hadadi.. print book. Education
- Milton and the resources of the line / John Creaser.. print book. English
- Milton Diltz Holton papers. print book. Special Collections
- Milton's late poems : forms of modernity / Lee Morrissey, Clemson University, South Carolina.. print book. English
- Min yaʻīsh hunā? Pets = Who lives here? Pets / taʼlīf Kāthlīn Rizī = by Kathleen Rizzi.. print book. Education
- Mina / Matthew Forsythe.. print book. Education
- Mind and world in Aristotle's De anima / Sean Kelsey.. print book. Philosophy
- Mind/Game: The Unquiet Journey of Chamique Holdsclaw.. streaming video.
- The mindful photographer / Sophie Howarth.. print book. Art
- Mindhunter : inside the FBI's elite serial crime unit / John Douglas and Mark Olshaker.. print book. Psychology
- Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory [electronic resource] / traditional ; arr. Michael McDonough.. electronic music score.
- A minor revolution : how prioritizing kids benefits us all / Adam Benforado.. print book. Business
- Mira Lehr : arc of nature : the complete monograph / design and editing, Joel Suissa ; [essays by Eleanor Heartney and Joseph B. Treaster ; introduction by Mira Lehr ; interviews by Jose Lima, Bill Spring, Irving Sandler].. print book. Art
- Miró / Roland Penrose.. print book. Art
- A mirror mended / Alix E. Harrow ; [Edited by Jonathan Strahan].. print book. Special Collections
- Mirror, mirror : a twisted tale / Jen Calonita.. print book. Education
- Misa a 5 : omnis spiritus laudet dominum (1725) / José De Torres ; edited by Raúl Angulo Díaz.. music score (printed). Music
- Misanthropy in the age of reason : hating humanity from Shakespeare to Schiller / Joseph Harris.. print book. English
- Misconceiving merit : paradoxes of excellence and devotion in academic science and engineering / Mary Blair-Loy and Erin A. Cech.. print book. Education
- Misfits : LGBT teens coming out in the bible belt / Sonntag Pictures presents in coproduction with Mantaray Film.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
- Mismatch : how inclusion shapes design / Kat Holmes.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Miss Peregrine's museum of wonders : an indispensable guide to the dangers and delights of the peculiar world for the instruction of new arrivals / Ransom Riggs.. print book. Education
- Miss representation / Girls Club Entertainment presents a Jennifer Siebel Newsom & Regina Kulik Scully production ; edited & co-written by Jessica Congdon ; executive producer, Geralyn Dreyfous, Sarah Johnson Redlich, Regina Kulik Scully ; written, direct. streaming video.
- Missa brevis : for SATB choir and organ / John Rutter.. music score (printed). Music
- Missa Dessus le marché d'Arras / Jean de Bournonville ; édition, Matthias Lakits.. music score (printed). Music
- Missa Gratias agimus tibi : ZWV 13 : soli (SSAATB), coro (SATB), 2 flauti, 2 oboi, 4 trombe (o 2 trombe), timpani, 2 violini, viola e basso continuo / Jan Dismas Zelenka ; herausgegeben von Thomas Kohlhase = edited by Thomas Kohlhase. music score (printed). Music
- The Mississippi Valley's great yellow fever epidemic of 1878 / Khaled J. Bloom.. print book. History
- Mitos e Imaginarios de España (1831-1879) / Marieta Cantos Casanave, editor.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
- Mixed : a colorful story / Arree Chung.. print book. Education
- Mixed methods research [electronic resource] : merging theory with practice / Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber.. ebook.
- Mlima's tale / Lynn Nottage.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Mock ritual in the modern era / Reginald McGinnis and John Vignaux Smyth.. print book. English
- Model machines : a history of the Asian as automaton / Long T. Bui.. print book. History
- Models and world making : bodies, buildings, black boxes / Annabel Jane Wharton.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The modern concert snare drum roll : a comprehensive guide / William J. James.. music score (printed). Music
- Modern epidemiology / Timothy L. Lash [and three others].. ebook. Medicine
- Modern heritage : reuse, renovation, restoration / Ana Tostões (ed.).. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Modern insurgencies and counterinsurgencies : a global history / Kaushik Roy.. ebook. Political Science
- Modern literatures in Spain / Jo Labanyi and Luisa Elena Delgado with Helena Buffery, Kirsty Hooper, and Mari Jose Olaziregi.. print book. English
- Modern optimization with R / Paulo Cortez.. print book. Physics
- The modern presidency : six debates that define the institution / Michael Genovese.. ebook. Political Science
- Modern sculpture : artists in their own words / edited by Douglas Dreishpoon.. print book. Art
- The modern superhero in film and television : popular genre and American culture / Jeffrey A. Brown.. print book. Music
- Modern techniques in neuroscience research / Uwe Windhorst, Hakan Johansson, (Eds.).. ebook. Medicine
- Modern times / written and directed by Charlie Chaplin ; assistant director, Carter DeHaven.. streaming video. English
- Modern virtue : Mary Wollstonecraft and a tradition of dissent / Emily Dumler-Winckler.. print book. Philosophy
- Modernism at the beach : queer ecologies and the coastal commons / Hannah Freed-Thall.. print book. English
- Modernism versus Traditionalism : Art in Paris, 1888-1889 / Gretchen K. McKay ; Nicolas W. Proctor, and Michael A. Marlais.. print book. History
- Modernist diaspora : immigrant Jewish artists in Paris, 1900-1945 / Richard D. Sonn.. print book. History
- Modernist literary collaborations between women and men / Russell McDonald.. print book. English
- Modernités portugaises = Modernidades Portuguesas = Portuguese modernities / commissariat et co-direction du catalogue, Anne Bonnin ; textes de Joana Baião [and four others].. print book. Art
- Modernity, community, & place in Brian Friel's drama / Richard Rankin Russell.. print book. English
- Modigliani : the primitivist revolution / edited by Marc Restellini ; with a foreword by Klaus Albrecht Schröder ; and essays by Friedrich Teja Bach, Juliette Pozzo, and Marc Restellini.. print book. Art
- Modigliani up close / edited by Barbara Buckley, Simonetta Fraquelli, Nancy Ireson, and Annette King.. print book. Art
- Mohammed Ali et les beaux-arts; centenaire de Mohammed Ali.. print book.
- Molecular mixed crystals / Miquel Àngel Cuevas-Diarte, Harry A.J. Oonk, editors.. ebook. Chemistry
- Molly on the moon / written by Mary Robinette Kowal ; illustrated by Diana Mayo.. print book. Education
- Molokai : the story of "Father Damien" / Jos Stelling Films ; produced by Tharsi Vanhuysse, Grietje Lammertyn ; screenplay by John Briley ; directed by Paul Cox.. video DVD.
- Moments of capital : world theory, world literature / Eli Jelly-Schapiro.. print book. English
- Mon oncle / Panoramic Films présente une production Specta-Gray-Alter Films ; coproduction franco-italienne Film del Centauro et Cady-Films ; collaboration artistique Jacques Lagrange, assisté de Jean L'Hôte ; un film de Jacques Tati.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- Mondrian : evolution / edited by Sam Keller and Ulf Küster for the Fondation Beyeler as well as Susanne Gaensheimer, Kathrin Beßen, and Susanne Meyer-Büser for the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen ; translations, James Hannan, John Ormrod.. print book. Art
- A monetary and fiscal history of Latin America, 1960-2017 / Timothy J. Kehoe and Juan Pablo Nicolini, editors.. ebook. Business
- A monetary and fiscal history of the United States, 1961-2021 / Alan S. Blinder.. ebook. History
- A monetary and fiscal history of the United States, 1961-2021 / Alan S. Blinder.. print book. History
- Money and empire : Charles P. Kindleberger and the dollar system / Perry Mehrling, Boston University.. print book. History
- Money code space : hidden power in bitcoin, blockchain, and decentralisation / Jack Parkin.. print book. Business
- The money minders : the parables, trade-offs and lags of central banking / Jagjit S. Chadha, National Institute for Economic and Social Research.. print book. History
- Monsieur Lazhar / Les Films Christal présente ; une production micro_scope ; un film de Philippe Falardeau ; produit par Luc Déry, Kim McCraw.. streaming video.
- Monster friends / Kaeti Vandorn.. print book. Education
- Monster problems / Victor Piñeiro.. print book. Education
- Monuments and memory-making : the debate over the vietnam veterans memorial, 1981-1982.. print book. History
- Moon : a peek-through picture book / illustrated by Britta Teckentrup ; text by Patricia Hagarty.. print book. Education
- Moon pops / by Heena Baek ; [translated by Jieun Kiaer].. print book. Education
- Moonlight / A24 ; Plan B ; Pastel ; director and screenwriter, Barry Jenkins ; story by Tarell Alvin McCraney ; produced by Adele Romanski, Dede Gardner and Jeremy Kleiner.. streaming video.
- The moral epistemology of intuitionism : neuroethics and seeming states / Hossein Dabbagh.. print book. Philosophy
- Moral philosophy / edited Anthony O'Hear, University of Buckingham ; with a foreword by Rachael Wiseman, University of Liverpool.. print book. Philosophy
- Moral responsibility reconsidered / Gregg D. Caruso, Derk Pereboom.. print book. Philosophy
- Moralistics and psychomoralistics : a unified cognitive science of moral intuition / Graham Wood.. print book. Philosophy
- More far out fairy tales : five full-color graphic novels / authors Stephanie True Peters, Carl Bowen, Laurie S. Sutton, Alberto Rayo, Martin Powell ; illustrators Alex Lopez, Omar Lozano, C.S. Jennings ; designer Hilary Wacholz ; editor Abby Huff ; lette. print book. Education
- More judgment than data : data literacy and decision-making / Michael Jones.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- More posthuman glossary / edited by Rosi Braidotti, Emily Jones and Goda Klumbytė.. print book. Philosophy
- More than marriage : forming families after marriage equality / John G. Culhane.. print book. Law
- More than the Great Wall : the northern frontier and Ming national security, 1368-1644 / John W. Dardess.. print book. History
- The more the merrier / David Martin ; illustrated by Raissa Figueroa.. print book. Education
- The more we get together / written by Celeste Cortright ; illustrated by Betania Zacarias ; sung by Audra Mariel & Kena Anae.. print book. Education
- Morgenthau : power, privilege, and the rise of an American dynasty / Andrew Meier.. print book. History
- The morning song : tuba & piano / Roger Kellaway.. music score (printed). Music
- Moros, Moras y Morerias de letras : de Benito Perez Galdos a Said El Kadaoui / Mohamed Abrighach.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- The moth keeper / K. O'Neill.. print book. Education
- Mother / a Barunson production.. streaming video. English
- Mother country : a novel / Jacinda Townsend.. print book.
- Mothercoin : the stories of immigrant nannies / Elizabeth Cummins Muñoz.. print book. Education
- Motherhood after incarceration : community reintegration for mothers in the criminal legal system / Melissa Thompson and Summer Newell.. ebook. Sociology
- Mothers of Bedford / directed & produced by Jenifer McShane.. streaming video.
- Motion design toolkit : principles, practice, and techniques / Austin Shaw, John Colette ; edited Danielle Shaw.. print book. English
- Motivational interviewing in social work practice / Melinda Hohman.. ebook. Social Work
- Motivos de son no. 2 : para guitarra (2021) / Leo Brouwer.. music score (printed). Music
- Mottetti a quattro voci di scuola romana / Orazio Benevoli, Giuseppe Ottavio Pitoni, Pompeo Cannicciari, Giovanni Giorgi ; edizione critica di Roberto Gianotti ; con un saggio di Marco Gozzi. music score (printed). Music
- Mouchette / Argos Films et Parc Film présentent ; un film de Robert Bresson.. streaming video. Philosophy
- The Moundbuilders : ancient peoples of eastern North America / George R. Milner.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Movement : for woodwinds / Johanna Beyer ; edited by Sara Fraker.. music score (printed). Music
- A movement in every direction : legacies of the Great Migration / edited by Jessica Bell Brown, Ryan N. Dennis.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Four movements for five brass / Collier Jones.. music score (printed). Music
- Moving forward : GIS for transportation / edited by Terry Bills, Keith Mann.. ebook. Geography
- Moving history / dancing cultures : a dance history reader / edited by Ann Dils & Ann Cooper Albright.. ebook. Theatre & Dance
- The multicultural modernism of Winold Reiss, 1886-1953 : (trans)national approaches to his work / Frank Mehring (ed.).. print book. Art
- Multimodalidad e intermedialidad : mestizajes en la narración gráfica contemporánea ibérica y latinoamericana / Jorge Catalá, Benoît Mitaine, Lisa Maya Quaianni Manuzzato, José Manuel Trabado (eds.).. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Mummies around the world : an encyclopedia of mummies in history, religion, and popular culture / Matt Cardin, editor.. ebook. Anthropology
- Muppets in Moscow : the unexpected crazy true story of making Sesame Street in Russia / Natasha Lance Rogoff.. ebook. Education
- Murder in Amsterdam : liberal Europe, Islam and the limits of tolerance / Ian Buruma.. ebook. History
- Murder in the rainforest : the Yanomami, the gold miners and Amazon / Jan Rocha.. ebook. Anthropology
- The murder of Emmett Till / Karlos K. Hill, David Dodson.. print book. History
- The Murderers are Among Us = (Die Mörder sind unter uns).. streaming video. German
- Murillo : from heaven to earth / Guillaume Kientz.. print book. Art
- Le Muse italiane Della tastiera : musiche per ogano o clavicembalo di compositrici del settecento / edited by Maurizio Machella.. music score (printed). Music
- Musette : for violoncello and guitar / Jacques Offenbach ; transcribed and edited by Valter Dešpalj.. music score (printed). Music
- Museum finance : issues, challenges, and successes / Brian Alexander.. print book. Art
- Museums and wealth : the politics of contemporary art collections / Nizan Shaked.. print book. Arts Administration
- Mushroom rain / Laura K. Zimmermann ; illustrated by Jamie Green.. print book. Education
- Music copyright law / David J. Moser, Cheryl L. Slay.. print book. Music
- Music for brass : (sacred and profane) : (1975/1998) / George Walker.. music score (printed). Music
- Music for piano / Teresa Carreño ; Carmen Rodriguez-Peralta, editor.. music score (printed). Music
- Music in the westward expansion : songs of heart and place on the American frontier / Laura Dean.. print book. Music
- Music kitchen interplay : for violin and bass voice / Ellen Taaffe Zwilich.. music score (printed). Music
- The music of Nobuo Uematsu in the Final fantasy series / edited by Richard Anatone.. print book. Music
- Music to drama performances / V. A. Gavrilin.. music score (printed). Music
- Musical humor and Antonín Dvořák's comic operas / Julia R. Adams.. print book. Music
- Musical sincerity and transcendence in film : reflexive fictions / Timothy B. Cochran.. print book. Music
- The musical tradition of the Eastern European synagogue / Sholom Kalib.. music score (printed). Music
- Mute compulsion : a Marxist theory of the economic power of capital / Søren Mau ; foreword by Michael Heinrich.. print book. Philosophy
- Mutinous women : how French convicts became founding mothers of the Gulf Coast / Joan DeJean.. print book. History
- Mutual influence in situations of Spanish language contact in the Americas / edited by Mark Waltermire and Kathryn Bove.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
- MUXES: Authentic, Intrepid Seekers of Danger / by Alejandra Islas. streaming video. Hispanic Studies
- My American girls : a Dominican story / by Aaron Matthews.. streaming video. History
- My autobiography of Carson McCullers / Jenn Shapland.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
- My Baba's garden / Jordan Scott ; [illustrations by] Sydney Smith.. print book. Education
- My body, their choice / a film by Lucy D'Cruz and Andrew Gold.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
- My Brooklyn / a documentary by Kelly Anderson and Allison Lirish Dean ; director, Kelly Anderson ; producers, Allison Lirish Dean and Kelly Anderson.. streaming video.
- My brother is away / by Sara Greenwood ; illustrated by Luisa Uribe.. print book. Education
- My brother, Muhammad Ali : the definitive biography / Rahaman Ali ; with Fiaz Rafiq ; [foreword by NFL legend Jim Brown].. print book. History
- My brother, my shadow / Fabiana Rocha ; illustrated by Bruna Assis Brasil.. print book. Education
- My cat is blue / written by Sarah Sommer ; illustrated by Bulankina Ka.. print book. Education
- My crayons talk / Patricia Hubbard ; illustrations by G. Brian Karas.. print book. Education
- My day with the panye / Tami Charles ; illustrated by Sara Palacios.. print book. Education
- My face book.. print book. Education
- My first 100 words : Arabic-English bilingual book for toddlers.. print book. Education
- MY FIRST ARABIC BOOK OF NUMBERS. print book. Education
- My first day / written and illustrated by Phùng Nguyên Quang & Huỳnh Kim Liên.. print book. Education
- My first picture book : English Arabic : 250 words of everyday life.. print book. Education
- My first Ukrainian alphabet book : Ukrainian-English book for bilingual children / by Anna Young.. print book. Education
- My first Ukrainian animal book : poems about animals in Ukrainian language / Anna Young.. print book. Education
- My first Ukrainian book : Ukrainian-English book for bilingual children / Anna Young.. print book. Education
- My fourth time, we drowned : seeking refuge on the world's deadliest migration route / Sally Hayden.. ebook. Political Science
- My government means to kill me / Rasheed Newson.. print book. Education
- My heart is a compass / by Deborah Marcero.. print book. Education
- My last innocent year : a novel / Daisy Alpert Florin.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- My name is an address / Ekuwah [Mends] Moses.. print book. Education
- My old Kentucky home : the astonishing life and reckoning of an iconic American song / Emily Bingham.. print book. Music
- My secret bully / story by Trudy Ludwig ; illustrations by Abigail Marble.. print book. Education
- My trade is mystery [electronic resource] : seven meditations from a life in writing.. ebook.
- My Ukrainian American story / Adrianna Bamber.. print book. Education
- MYP : new directions / edited by Mary Hayden, Jeff Thompson and Judith Fabian.. ebook.
- The mysterious Etruscans : Etruscan sports and spectacles.. streaming video.
- The mysterious Etruscans : Etruscan sports and spectacles.. streaming video. Education
- Mystery cults, theatre and Athenian politics : a reading of Euripides' Bacchae and Aristophanes' Frogs / Luigi Barzini.. ebook. Classical Studies
- Mystery cults, theatre and Athenian politics : a reading of Euripides' Bacchae and Aristophanes' Frogs / Luigi Barzini.. print book. Classical Studies
- The mystical presence of Christ : the exceptional and the ordinary in late medieval religion / Richard Kieckhefer.. print book. History
- Mystical theology : the glosses by Thomas Gallus and the Commentary of Robert Grosseteste on De mystica theologia / edition, translation, and introduction by James McEvoy.. print book. Philosophy
- Myth America : historians take on the biggest legends and lies about our past / edited by Kevin M. Kruse and Julian E. Zelizer.. print book. History
- Myth America : historians take on the biggest legends and lies about our past / edited by Kevin M. Kruse and Julian E. Zelizer.. ebook. History
- Myth and authority : Giambattista Vico's early modern critique of aristocratic sovereignty / Alexander U. Bertland.. print book. Philosophy
- The myth of American inequality : how government biases policy debate / Phil Gramm, Robert Ekelund, and John Early.. ebook. Business
- The myth of bureaucratic neutrality : an examination of merit and representation / Shannon K. Portillo, Nicole Humphrey and Domonic A. Bearfield.. ebook. Political Science
- The myth of race : the troubling persistence of an unscientific idea / Robert Wald Sussman.. ebook. Sociology
- The myth of statistical inference / Michael C. Acree.. ebook. Mathematics
- N!ai : the story of a!Kung woman / produced by John Marshall and Sue Marshall-Cabezas ; directed and edited by Adrienne Miesmer and John Marshall ; a co-production of Documentary Educational Resources and Public Broadcasting Associates.. streaming video. English
- NACHUME MILLER.. print book. Art
- Naeem Mohaiemen : what we found after you left / [editor, Gaëtane Verna].. print book. Art
- The nail in the skull and other Victorian urban legends / Simon Young.. print book. Russian Studies
- Nano : the spectacular science of the very (very) small / Dr. Jess Wade ; illustrated by Melissa Castrillón.. print book. Education
- Nanohertz gravitational wave astronomy / Stephen R. Taylor.. ebook. Physics
- Napoleon : a life told in gardens and shadows / Ruth Scurr.. print book. History
- The narcissist in you and everyone else : recognizing the 27 types of narcissism / Sterlin L. Mosley.. ebook. Social Work
- Narrating medicine in Middle English poetry : poets, practitioners, and the plague / Eve Salisbury.. print book. English
- Narrativas del miedo : terror en obras literarias, cinemáticas y televisivas de Latinoamérica / [edited by] Marco Ramírez, David Rozotto, y Karem Langer.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
- Narrative and its nonevents : the unwritten plots that shaped Victorian realism / Carra Glatt.. print book. English
- The narrative grotesque in medieval Scottish poetry / Caitlin Flynn.. print book. English
- Narrative performances of mothering in South Asian diasporic fiction / Sarah Knor.. print book. English
- Narratives of (dis)enfranchisement : reckoning with the history of libraries and the Black and African American experience / Tracey Overbey and Amanda L. Folk.. print book. History
- Narratives of (dis)engagement : exploring Black and African American students' experiences in libraries / Amanda L. Folk and Tracey Overbey.. print book. History
- Narrow : piece for snare drum solo (2022) / Mikko Kervinen.. music score (printed). Music
- National affects : the everyday atmospheres of being political / Angharad Closs Stephens.. ebook. Political Science
- The National Historic Preservation Act : past, present, and future / edited by Kimball M. Banks and Ann M. Scott.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- National identity and partisan polarization / Eric M. Uslaner.. ebook. Political Science
- Native Americans in central Appalachia : a bibliography / by Timothy Collins ; foreword by Albert J. Fritsch.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The natural laws of plot : how things happen in realist novels / Yoon Sun Lee.. print book. English
- Natural palettes : inspiration from plant-based color / Sasha Duerr.. ebook.
- Natural philosophy : on retrieving a lost disciplinary imaginary / Alister E. McGrath.. print book. Philosophy
- Natural trumpet basics : a practical guide to playing early music on the natural trumpet / Anna Freeman.. music score (printed). Music
- Naturalismo : la metafísica de la ciencia / Martin Manher ; traducción de Francisco José Poveda.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Nature and literary studies / edited by Peter Remien, Lewis-Clark State College and Scott Slovic, University of Idaho.. print book. English
- The nature of slavery : environment and plantation labor in the Anglo-Atlantic world / Katherine Johnston.. print book. History
- Nature prose : writing in ecological crisis / Dominic Head.. print book. English
- Nature swagger : stories and visions of Black joy in the outdoors / Rue Mapp.. ebook. History
- Nature swagger : stories and visions of Black joy in the outdoors / Rue Mapp.. print book. History
- Navajoland, U.S.A. / cartograph map by Don Bloodgood ; prepared and distributed by KC Publications.. print map. Geography
- Navigating the metaverse : a guide to limitless possibilities in a WEB 3.0 world / Cathy Hackl, Dirk Lueth, Tommaso Di Bartolo.. ebook. Business
- Nayantara Sahgal : a century of political insights / Maninder Sidhu.. print book. English
- The Nazi menace : Hitler, Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin, and the road to war / Benjamin Carter Hett.. print book. History
- Nazis of Copley Square : the forgotten story of the Christian Front / Charles R. Gallagher.. print book. History
- The near-death of the author : creativity in the internet age / John Potts.. print book. English
- The near future in twenty-first-century fiction : climate, retreat and revolution / David Sergeant.. print book. English
- The necromantics : reanimation, the historical imagination, and Victorian British and Irish literature / Renée Fox.. print book. English
- The needs of others : human rights, international organizations, and intervention in Rwanda, 1994 / Kelly McFall.. print book. History
- Negative cat / Sophie Blackall.. print book. Education
- Negotiating patriarchy and gender in Africa : discourses, practices, and policies / edited by Egodi Uchendu and Ngozi Edeagu.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Negotiation and resistance : peasant agency in high Medieval France / Constance Brittain Bouchard.. print book. History
- Negro poetry in America / by Lena Beatrice Morton.. print book. Special Collections
- Neoliberalism and subjectivity in Latin America / Valerie Walkerdine, editor.. ebook. Political Science
- Nerp! / Sarah Lynne Reul.. print book. Education
- Net gains : inside the beautiful games analytics revolution / Ryan O'Hanlon.. print book. Education
- The Netanyahus : an account of a minor and ultimately even negligible episode in the history of a very famous family / Joshua Cohen.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Netflix and streaming video : the business of subscriber-funded video on demand / Amanda D. Lotz.. ebook. Business
- Nets of hyphae : Diana Policarpo / [editor] Stefanie Hessler.. print book. Art
- Neun tänze : für klavier / Emilie Mayer ; edited by Isolde Weiermüller-Backes.. music score (printed). Music
- The neuroethics of biomarkers : what the development of bioprediction means for moral responsibility, justice, and the nature of mental disorder / by Matthew L. Baum.. ebook. Psychology
- Neurointerventions and the law : regulating human mental capacity / edited by Nicole A Vincent, Thomas Nadelhoffer, and Allan McCay.. ebook. Psychology
- Neurolinguistics / Giosuè Baggio.. ebook. Psychology
- Neuromorphic computing and beyond : parallel, approximation, near memory, and quantum / Khaled Salah Mohamed.. ebook. Mathematics
- Neuropedia : a brief compendium of brain phenomena / Eric H. Chudler ; illustrations by Kelly Chudler.. ebook. Psychology
- Neuropsychology of everyday functioning / edited by Thomas D. Marcotte, Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe, Igor Grant.. ebook. Psychology
- The neutrino story : one tiny particle's grand role in the cosmos / Rabindra N. Mohapatra.. ebook. Physics
- Never turn back : China and the forbidden history of the 1980s / Julian Gewirtz.. print book. History
- Neverending stories : the popular emergence of digital fiction / R. Lyle Skains.. print book. English
- A new anatomy of storyworlds : what is, what if, as if / Marie-Laure Ryan.. print book. English
- The new best of Wayne Shorter / [Wayne Shorter].. music score (printed). Music
- The new Cambridge companion to Aquinas / edited by Eleonore Stump, Thomas Joseph White.. print book. Philosophy
- The new Cambridge companion to Coleridge / edited by Tim Fulford.. print book. English
- The new Cambridge companion to Plotinus / edited by Lloyd P. Gerson, University of Toronto, James Wilberding, Humboldt University Berlin.. print book. Philosophy
- The new Cambridge companion to Samuel Johnson / edited by Greg Clingham.. print book. English
- The new constructivism in international relations theory / David M. McCourt.. print book. Philosophy
- New directions in print culture studies : archives, materiality, and modern American culture / edited by Jesse W. Schwartz and Daniel Worden.. print book. English
- New England elegy : for solo violin and narrator, opus 109 / Richard Pantcheff.. music score (printed). Music
- New forms of environmental writing : gleaning and fragmentation / Timothy C. Baker.. print book. English
- The new friend fix / by Jennifer Torres ; illustrated by Gladys Jose.. print book. Education
- New from here / Kelly Yang.. print book. Education
- New frontiers for design of interior lighting products / Andrea Siniscalco.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- New frontiers in popular romance : essays on the genre in the 21st century / edited by Susan Fanetti.. print book. English
- The new goliaths : how corporations use software to dominate industries, kill innovation, and undermine regulation / James Bessen.. print book. Law
- The new goliaths : how corporations use software to dominate industries, kill innovation, and undermine regulation / James Bessen. ebook. Business
- New growth : the art and texture of black hair / Jasmine Nichole Cobb.. print book. Art
- New Haiti villages : Steven Holl Architects, Guy Nordenson and Associates, Matthias Schuler, Transsolar, Jean Henock Beauchamps & Araby Smyth / [Steven Holl ; with essays from Guy Nordenson and Rebecca Nixon of Guy Nordenson and Associates, Matthias Schul. ebook.
- New handbook for a post-Roe America : the complete guide to abortion legality, access, and practical support / Robin Marty ; introduction by Amanda Palmer.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- A new history of Greek mathematics / Reviel Netz.. print book. Mathematics
- New horizons in Schenkerian research / edited by Allen Cadwallader, Karen M. Bottge, Oliver Schwab-Felisch.. print book. Music
- New ideas from dead economists : the introduction to modern economic thought / Todd G. Buchholz.. ebook. Business
- The new Joyce studies / edited by Catherine Flynn.. print book. English
- The new life : a novel / by Orhan Pamuk ; translated from the Turkish by Güneli Gün.. print book. Education
- A new literary history of the long twelfth century : language and literature between Old and Middle English / Mark Faulkner.. print book. English
- The new megatrends : seeing clearly in the age of disruption / Marian Salzman.. print book. Education
- The new nationalism in America and beyond : the deep roots of ethnic nationalism in the digital age / Robert Schertzer and Eric Taylor Woods.. print book. Political Science
- #New paintings / Richard Prince.. print book. Art
- New pieces / Jack Pierson.. print book. Art
- The new rooster / Rilla Alexander.. print book. Education
- The new sex wars : sexual harm in the #MeToo era / Brenda Cossman.. ebook. Social Work
- The new view from Cane River : critical essays on Kate Chopin's At fault / edited by Heather Ostman.. print book. English
- The new William Faulkner studies / edited by Sarah Gleeson-White, Pardis Dabashi.. print book. English
- New world maker : radical poetics, Black internationalism and the translations of Langston Hughes / Ryan James Kernan ; foreword by Robin D.G. Kelley.. print book. English
- New York, 1962-1964 / conceived, curated, and edited by Germano Celant.. print book. Art
- New York's Yiddish theater : from the Bowery to Broadway / edited by Edna Nahshon.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Newsroom confidential : lessons (and worries) from an ink-stained life / Margaret Sullivan.. print book. Education
- The next civil war : dispatches from the American future / Stephen Marche.. print book. Political Science
- The nexus : augmented thinking for a complex world, the new convergence of art, technology, and science / Julio Mario Ottino with Bruce Mau.. print book. Art
- Nick Cave : forothermore / edited by Naomi Beckwith.. print book. Art
- Nicolas Frey's monsters in suits / Bilder: Nicolas Frey.. print book. Art
- Nicolas Party / Stéphane Aquin, Stefan Banz, Ali Subotnick, Melissa Hyde.. print book. Art
- Niels Bohr : on the constitution of atoms and molecules / Helge Kragh, editor.. ebook. Physics
- Nietzche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra : a critical guide / edited by Keith Ansell-Pearson and Paul S. Loeb.. print book. Philosophy
- Nietzsche et la vie : une nouvelle histoire de la philosophie / Barbara Stiegler.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
- Nietzsche on conflict, struggle and war / James S. Pearson.. print book. Philosophy
- Nietzsche on morality and the affirmation of life / edited by Daniel Came.. print book. Philosophy
- Night fields : string quartet / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
- Night lunch / words by Eric Fan ; pictures by Dena Seiferling.. print book. Education
- Night of the living rez / Morgan Talty.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Nightcrawling / Leila Mottley.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Nighttime symphony / Timbaland ; feat. Christopher Myers ; illustrated by Christopher Myers and Kaa Illustration.. print book. Education
- Niina Lehtonen Braun : Mädchen lass los = let go girl / editor, Niina Lehtonen Braun ; text, Christine Nippe.. print book. Art
- Nika Zupanc : breaking the rules : design for tomorrow / texts, Agata Toromanoff ; preface, Domitilla Dardi.. print book. Art
- Niki de Saint Phalle : the retrospective / editors: Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft / Kunsthaus Zürich and Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt.. print book. Art
- Nina Malterud : material statements / editor, Jorunn Veiteberg ; translation from Norwegian, The Wordwrights, Peter Cripps.. print book. Art
- Nina Soni, former best friend / written by Kashmira Sheth ; illustrated by Jenn Kocsmiersky.. print book. Education
- Nina Soni, master of the garden / written by Kashmira Sheth ; illustrated by Jenn Kocsmiersky.. print book. Education
- Nina Soni, sister fixer / written by Kashmira Sheth ; illustrated by Jenn Kocsmiersky.. print book. Education
- Nine liars / Maureen Johnson.. print book. Education
- The nineties : a book / Chuck Klosterman.. print book. Education
- Nitrate handbook : environmental, agricultural, and health effects / edited by Christos Tsadilas.. ebook. Chemistry
- Nnedi Okorafor : magic, myth, morality and the future / Sandra J. Lindow.. print book. English
- No blank check : the origins and consequences of public antipathy towards presidential power / Andrew Reeves, Jon C. Rogowski.. ebook. Political Science
- No choice : the destruction of Roe v. Wade and the fight to protect a fundamental American right / Becca Andrews.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- The No Club : putting a stop to women's dead-end work / Linda Babcock, Brenda Peyser, Lise Vesterlund, and Laurie Weingart.. print book. Business
- The No Club : putting a stop to women's dead-end work / Linda Babcock, Brenda Peyser, Lise Vesterlund, and Laurie Weingart.. ebook. Business
- No esperes de mí los mapas : las derivas del viaje en la literatura hispánica del siglo XXI / Sheila Pastor.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- "No man knows this country better" : the frontier life of John Gibson / Gary S. Williams.. print book. History
- No more police : a case for abolition / Mariame Kaba and Andrea J. Ritchie ; with a foreword by Kandace Montgomery and Miski Noor for Black Visions.. ebook. Sociology
- No ordinary woman! : for soprano, clarinet and piano / Gwyneth Walker.. music score (printed). Music
- No professor's lectures can save us : William James's pragmatism, radical empiricism, and pluralism / John J. Stuhr.. print book. Philosophy
- No return : Jews, Christian usurers, and the spread of mass expulsion in medieval Europe / Rowan Dorin.. print book. History
- No tea, no shade : new writings in Black queer studies / edited by E. Patrick Johnson.. print book. Education
- No, you shut up : speaking truth to power and reclaiming America / Symone D. Sanders.. print book. Political Science
- Noah and his wagon / written by Jerry Ruff ; illustrated by Katrijn Jacobs.. print book. Education
- Les noces de Prométhée : op. 19 (1867) / Camille Saint-Saëns.. music score (printed). Music
- Noël / paroles et musique de Augusta Holmès ; avec orgue ad libitum.. music score (printed). Music
- Noirs et Blancs contre l'esclavage : une alliance antiesclavagiste ambiguë aux États-Unis 1754-1830 / Marie-Jeanne Rossignol.. print book. History
- Nomad century : how climate migration will reshape our world / Gaia Vince.. print book. Business
- Non-literary fiction : art of the Americas under neoliberalism / Esther Gabara.. print book. Art
- Non-things : upheaval in the lifeworld / Byung-Chul Han ; translated by Daniel Steuer.. print book. Philosophy
- Nonideal social ontology : the power view / Åsa Burman.. print book. Philosophy
- Noon dance : for chamber ensemble / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
- A NORMAL PIG BY K-FAI STEELE.. print book. Education
- Normal : real stories from the sex industry / a film by Nicola Mai.. streaming video.
- Normative pluralism : resolving conflicts between moral and prudential reasons / Mathea Slåttholm Sagdahl.. print book. Philosophy
- Normative reasons : between reasoning and explanation / Artürs Logins.. print book. Philosophy
- Normativity and agency : themes from the philosophy of Christine M. Korsgaard / edited by Tamar Schapiro, Kyla Ebels-Duggan, and Sharon Street.. print book. Philosophy
- North Face.. streaming video. German
- The northern silence : journeys in Nordic music and culture / Andrew Mellor.. print book. Music
- Nosotros means us : un cuento bilingüe = a bilingual story / Paloma Valdivia.. print book. Education
- Not an easy win / Chrystal D. Giles.. print book. Education
- Not enough lollipops / by Megan Maynor ; art by Micah Player.. print book. Education
- Not-forgetting : contemporary art and the interrogation of mastery / Rosalyn Deutsche.. print book. Art
- Not too late : changing the climate story from despair to possibility / edited by Rebecca Solnit & Thelma Young Lutunatabua ; with illustrations by David Solnit.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
- Notelets of filth : a companion reader to Morgan Lloyd Malcolm's Emilia / edited by Laura Kressly, Aida Patient, and Kimberly A. Williams ; foreword by Morgan Lloyd Malcolm.. print book. English
- Notes from another Los Angeles : Gregory Ain and the construction of a social landscape / edited by Anthony Fontenot.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Notes on footnotes : annotating eighteenth-century literature / edited by Melvyn New and Anthony W. Lee.. print book. English
- The notions of George Berkeley : self, substance, unity and power / James Hill.. print book. Philosophy
- The notory art of shorthand (Ars notoria notarie) : a curious chapter in the history of writing in the West / edition, translation and introduction by John Haines (University of Toronto).. print book. Philosophy
- Nourish : food + community.. streaming video. English
- Nourish : food + community.. streaming video.
- Nouveau traité de la civilité qui se pratique en France parmi les honnêtes gens / Antoine de Courtin ; Marie-Claire Grassi.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
- Now is not the time to panic : a novel / Kevin Wilson.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Now you see me [Videorecording (DVD)].. video DVD.
- The nowhere office : reinventing work and the workplace of the future / Julia Hobsbawm.. print book. Education
- Nox-- amor : mélodie / Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
- Nox-- Silentium / Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
- Nubia. Real one / written by L.L. McKinney ; illustrated by Robyn Smith ; cover color by Bex Glendining ; interior color by Brie Henderson with Robyn Smith and Bex Glendining ; lettered by Ariana Maher.. print book. Education
- Nuclear folly : a history of the Cuban Missile Crisis / Serhii Plokhy.. print book. History
- Nudging / Riccardo Viale.. ebook. Business
- El Nuevo Mundo y Andalucía : culturas y libros / Carlos Alberto González Sánchez.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Nuit et brouillard = Night and fog / une co-production Como Films, Argos Films, Cocinor [and] Janus Films ; producers, Anatole Dauman, Samy Halfon, Philippe Lifchitz ; text writer, Jean Cayrol ; director, Alain Resnais.. streaming video. English
- Nuit et brouillard = Night and fog / une co-production Como Films, Argos Films, Cocinor [and] Janus Films ; producers, Anatole Dauman, Samy Halfon, Philippe Lifchitz ; text writer, Jean Cayrol ; director, Alain Resnais.. streaming video.
- Number theory and combinatorics : a collection in honor of the mathematics of Ronald Graham / edited by Bruce M. Landman, Florian Luca, Melvyn B. Nathanson, Jaroslav Nešetřil, and Aaron Robertson.. ebook. Mathematics
- Numbers in motion : Sofie Kowalevski, queen of mathematics / by Laurie Wallmark ; illustrated by Yevgenia Nayberg.. print book. Education
- The numerate leader : how to pull game-changing insights from statistical data / Thomas A. King.. ebook. Statistics
- Nurses and what they do / Liesbet Slegers.. print book. Education
- NURTURE QUEER NATURE. print book. Special Collections
- Nutrition in clinical practice / David L. Katz [and five others].. ebook. Medicine
- Nutrition management of inherited metabolic diseases : lessons from Metabolic University / Laurie E. Bernstein, Fran Rohr, Sandy van Calcar, editors.. ebook. Medicine
- Nutrition research : concepts and applications / Karen Eich Drummond, Alison Murphy-Reyes, Natalie K. Cooke, Virginia C. Stage, L. Suzanne Goodell.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- O say can you hear? : a cultural biography of "The Star-spangled banner" / Mark Clague.. print book. Music
- Obedience is freedom / Jacob Phillips.. print book. Philosophy
- Object-event-performance : art, materiality, and continuity since the 1960s / edited by Hanna B. Hölling.. print book. Art
- An object of seduction : Chinese silk in the early modern transpacific trade, 1500-1700 / Xiaolin Duan.. print book. History
- Objectified / produced and directed by Gary Hustwit.. streaming video.
- Objectified / produced and directed by Gary Hustwit.. streaming video. Art
- Objections : forms of abstraction. Vol. 1 / Sven Lütticken.. print book. Art
- Objective Imperatives : an exploration of Kant's moral philosophy / Ralph C.S. Walker.. print book. Philosophy
- An oblique autobiography / Yve-Alain Bois ; [edited by Jordan Kantor].. print book. Art
- Obscene gestures : counter-narratives of sex and race in the twentieth century / Patrick S. Lawrence.. ebook. Psychology
- An occasionally happy family / Cliff Burke.. print book. Education
- Occupation: boundary : art, architecture, and culture at the water / Cathy Simon with Carrie Eastman ; essays by Laurie Olin, John King, Justine Shapiro-Kline ; drawings by Bárbara Miglietti ; edited by Ashley Simone.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Ocean bound women : sisters sailing around the world in the 1880s - the adventures - the ship - the people / Anders Hallengren.. print book. History
- OCEAN : exploring the marine world.. print book. Art
- Octopuses have zero bones / Anne Richardson ; illustrated by Andrea Antinori.. print book. Education
- Oeuvres choises pour orgue, vol. 2 / Josse Francois Joseph Benaut ; edited by Maurizio Machella.. music score (printed). Music
- Œuvres complètes / Guillaume de Machaut ; éd. commémorative établie par S. Leguy.. music score (printed). Music
- Of an alien homecoming : reading Heidegger's "Hölderlin" / Charles Bambach.. print book. Philosophy
- Of boys and men : why the modern male is struggling, why it matters, and what to do about It / Richard V. Reeves.. ebook. Sociology
- Of reminiscences and reflections : for orchestra / Gunther Schuller.. music score (printed). Music
- Off Grid House Plans / Anna Minguet, editor.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Off the edge : flat Earthers, conspiracy culture, and why people will believe anything / Kelly Weill. ebook. Sociology
- Offecct + Luca Nichetto / text, Yoko Choy, Luca Nichetto, Maria Olofsson Karemyr.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Offerings of desire : poems / Kelly Norman Ellis.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The office of good intentions : human(s) work / Florian Idenburg, LeeAnn Suen ; photography by Iwan Baan ; with Zoë Ritts, Duncan Scovil and Sean Yendrys.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- L'Officiel 100 : one hundred people and ideas from a century in fashion / Stefano Tonchi.. print book. Art
- Ohero:Kon : under the husk : a Native American rite of passage / a film by Katsitsionni Fox.. streaming video.
- Oil, the state, and war : the foreign policies of petrostates / Emma Ashford.. print book. Business
- OK millenials! : puritanisme, victimisation, identitarisme, censure... : l'enquête d'un baby-boomer sur les mythes de la génération « woke » / Brice Couturier.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
- Old-fashioned modernism : rural masculinity and Midwestern literature / Andy Oler.. print book. English
- The old man and the penguin : a true story of true friendship / written by Julie Abery ; illustrated by Pierre Pratt.. print book. Education
- OLGA DE AMARAL. print book. Art
- Olu & Greta / Diana Ejaita.. print book. Education
- Olympic pride, American prejudice / directed by Deborah Riley Draper ; narrated and executive produced by Blair Underwood.. streaming video. History
- Omaggio a Bellini : for violoncello and guitar / Pavle Dešpalj ; transcribed and edited by Valter Dešpalj.. music score (printed). Music
- Omne ens est aliquid : introduction à la lecture du "système" philosophique de saint Thomas d'Aquin / Philipp W. Rosemann ; préface de J. Etienne.. print book. Philosophy
- Omnicompetent modernists : poetry, politics, and the public sphere / Matthew Hofer.. print book. English
- On a rainy day / Sarah Luann Perkins.. print book. Education
- On account of sex : Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the making of gender equality law / Philippa Strum.. print book. Law
- On account of the gum / written and illustrated by Adam Rex.. print book. Education
- On believing : being right in a world of possibilities / David Hunter.. print book. Philosophy
- On Bramante / Pier Paolo Tamburelli ; with photographs by Bas Princen ; translated from the Italian by Huw Evans.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- On dark and bloody ground : an oral history of the West Virginia mine wars / Anne T. Lawrence ; with a foreword by Catherine Venable Moore.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- On John Stuart Mill / Philip Kitcher.. print book. Philosophy
- On justice : philosophy, history, foundations / Mathias Risse, Lucius N. Littauer Professor of Philosophy and Public Administration, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.. print book. Philosophy
- On life : cells, genes, and the evolution of complexity / Franklin M. Harold.. ebook. Biology
- On paradox : the claims of theory / Elizabeth S. Anker.. print book. English
- On Peter Friedl / editor, Krist Gruijthuijsen.. print book. Art
- On petrocultures : globalization, culture, and energy / Imre Szeman.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- On regular life, freedom, modernity, and Augustinian communitarianism / Guillermo M. Jodra.. print book. Philosophy
- On the black hand side / Gerald L. Coleman.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- "On the ecclesiastical hierarchy" : the thirteenth-century Paris textbook edition / introduction, translation, and notes by L. Michael Harrington.. print book. Philosophy
- On the Eucharist (commentary on the Sentences, Book IV, dist. 8-13) : edition, translation, and introduction / Bonaventure ; by Junius Johnson.. print book. Philosophy
- On the frontiers of the Indian Ocean world : a history of Lake Tanganyika, c.1830-1890 / Philip Gooding, McGill University, [Montréal].. print book. History
- On the line : documents of risk and faith / curated by Makeda Best and Kevin Moore ; edited by Lucy Flint.. print book. Art
- On the rocks : straight talk about women and drinking / Susan D. Stewart.. print book. History
- On the scale of the world : the formation of black anticolonial thought / Musab Younis.. ebook. Political Science
- On the town : a performa compendium 2016-2021 / Roselee Goldberg ; edited by Charles Aubin ; photographs by Paula Court.. print book. Art
- On this day in history sh!t went down / James Fell.. print book. Sociology
- On this day in history sh!t went down. Number 2 / James Fell.. print book. Sociology
- On transits and transitions : trans migrants and U.S. immigration law / Tristan Josephson.. print book. Law
- Once in a lifetime (repeat) / João Onofre ; curated by Delfim Sardo.. print book. Art
- Once upon a time... : for clarinet, cello & piano : 2014 / Tobias Broström.. music score (printed). Music
- Once upon a time in Anatolia : = Bir Zamanlar Anadolu'da / Zeyno Film.. streaming video.
- Once upon a time in the academic library : storytelling skills for librarians / edited by Maria Barefoot, Sara Parme, and Elin Woods.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Once you know / Pulp Films presents.. streaming video. English
- Once you know / Pulp Films presents.. streaming video.
- Onde vive a arte na América Latina = Donde vive el arte en América Latina = Where art lives in Latin America / organização : Fernando Ticoulat, João Paulo Siqueira Lopes ; ensaio : Julieta González.. print book. Art
- One hundred and sixty minutes : the race to save the RMS Titanic / William Hazelgrove.. print book. History
- One hundred years of Surrealist poetry : theory and practice / Willard Bohn.. print book. English
- One million trees : a true story / Kristen Balouch.. print book. Education
- One rainy day / Shobha Viswanath ; Ashwathy P.S. and Anusha Sundar.. print book. Education
- One rainy day / Shobha Viswanath ; Ashwathy P.S. and Anusha Sundar.. print book. Education
- One step ahead of Hitler : a Jewish child's journey through France / Fred Gross.. print book. English
- One true logic : a monist manifesto / Owen Griffiths and A.C. Paseau.. print book. Philosophy
- Online instruction : a practical guide for librarians / Emily Mroczek.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Only EKG Book You'll Ever Need. ebook. Medicine
- Only in Africa : the ecology of human evolution / Norman Owen-Smith, University of Witwatersrand.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Only natural : gender, knowledge, and humankind / Louise Antony.. print book. Philosophy
- The only plane in the sky : an oral history of 9/11 / Garrett M. Graff.. print book. Education
- The Only way through is slow : for solo violin (2022) / Libby Larsen.. music score (printed). Music
- The only woman / Immy Humes.. print book. Art
- Open educational resources / compiled and written by Mary Francis. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Operas in German : a dictionary / Margaret Ross Griffel.. print book. Music
- Operational images : from the visual to the invisual / Jussi Parikka.. print book. Art
- The opium business : a history of crime and capitalism in maritime China / Peter Thilly.. print book. History
- Opium's orphans : the 200-year history of the war on drugs / P. E. Caquet.. print book. History
- Opposites!.. print book. Education
- Opposites : two contrasting movements for seven flutes / Samuel Adler.. music score (printed). Music
- Optimal Bayesian classification / Lori A. Dalton and Edward R. Dougherty.. ebook. Statistics
- Optimising pig herd health and production / edited by Dominiek Maes, Joaquim Segales.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Optimising poultry folk health / edited by Sjaak de Wit.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Optimization of behavioral, biobehavioral, and biomedical interventions : the Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST) / Linda M. Collins.. ebook. Medicine
- Optometrists and what they do / Liesbet Slegers.. print book. Education
- Orality, form, and lyric unity : poetics of Michael Donaghy and Don Paterson / Beverley Nadin.. print book. English
- Orange-collar labor : work and inequality in prison / Michael Gibson-Light.. ebook. Sociology
- Ordinary people, turbulent times / Alice Dreifuss Goldstein.. print book. English
- Le ore d'Apollo : op. 111 : for guitar / Mauro Giuliani ; edited and fingered by Riccardo Del Prete ; foreword by Angelo Gilardino.. music score (printed). Music
- Orfeu Negro = Black Orpheus / Janus Films ; un production Sacha Gordine ; directed by Marcel Camus ; original screenplay by Jacques Viot.. streaming video.
- ORGAN SYMPHONY / [ELFRIDA] ANDREE. print book. Music
- Orientation in European Romanticism : the art of falling upwards / Paul Hamilton.. print book. English
- Orienting virtue : civic identity and orientalism in Britain's global eighteenth century / Bethany Williamson.. print book. English
- The origins of Russian literary theory : folklore, philology, form / Jessica Merrill.. print book. English
- An Orkney sketchbook : four pieces for piano / Peter Maxwell Davies.. music score (printed). Music
- Orwell and empire / Douglas Kerr.. print book. English
- Osnat and her dove : the true story of the world's first female rabbi / written by Sigal Samuel ; illustrated by Vali Mintzi.. print book. Education
- Other monasticisms : studies in the history and architecture of religious communities outside the canon, 11th-15th centuries / edited by Sheila Bonde and Clark Maines.. print book. History
- The other of climate change : racial futurism, migration, humanism / Andrew Baldwin.. print book. Philosophy
- The other rights revolution : conservative lawyers and the remaking of American government / Jefferson Decker.. print book. History
- Otherwise than the binary : new feminist readings in ancient philosophy and culture / edited by Jessica Elbert Decker, Danielle A. Layne, and Monica Vilhauer.. print book. Philosophy
- Otl Aicher : design. type. thinking / edited by Winfried Nerdinger and Wilhelm Vossenkuhl ; in collaboration with Fritz Frenkler, Hannes Gumpp, Hans Hermann Wetcke and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) ; translation (German to English): Gerard A. G. print book. Art
- Otto fogli : per trombone solo (2018/2019) / Friedrich Cerha.. music score (printed). Music
- Otto Wood, the bandit : the freighthopping thief, bootlegger, and convicted murderer behind the Appalachian ballads / Trevor McKenzie ; foreword by David Holt.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Our children are your students : LGBTQ families speak out / by Tara Goldstein ; with contributions by Pam Baer, benjamin lee hicks, Yasmin Owis, Kate Reid, and Jenny Salisbury.. ebook. Social Work
- Our children are your students : LGBTQ families speak out / by Tara Goldstein ; with contributions by Pam Baer, benjamin lee hicks, Yasmin Owis, Kate Reid, and Jenny Salisbury.. print book. Education
- Our fight has just begun : hate crimes and justice in Native America / Cheryl Redhorse Bennett.. print book. Law
- Our man in Tokyo : an American ambassador and the countdown to Pearl Harbor / Steve Kemper.. print book. History
- Our missing hearts : a novel / Celeste Ng.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Our spirits don't speak English : Indian boarding school / Rich-Heape Films presents ; direction, Chip Richie ; producers, Chip Richie, Steven R. Heape ; screen writer, Dan Agent.. streaming video.
- Our spirits don't speak English : Indian boarding school / Rich-Heape Films presents ; direction, Chip Richie ; producers, Chip Richie, Steven R. Heape ; screen writer, Dan Agent.. streaming video. Anthropology
- Ousmane Sembène and the politics of culture / edited by Lifongo Vetinde and Amadou T. Fofana.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Out in the night / ITVS ; a production of The Fire This Time, Fork Films, G6 Pictures, Promised Land Films ; producer, Giovanna Chesler, Mridu Chandra, Yoruba Richen ; a film by Blair Dorosh-Walther.. streaming video.
- Out of a jar / Deborah Marcero.. print book. Education
- Out of breath : vulnerability of air in contemporary art / Caterina Albano.. print book. Art
- Out of order : stories from the history of the Supreme Court / Sandra Day O'Connor.. print book. Political Science
- Out of time : a philosophical study of timelessness / Sam Baron, Kristie Miller, Jonathan Tallant.. print book. Philosophy
- OUT OF YOUR BROOM CLOSET AND ONTO YOUR BROOM. print book. Special Collections
- Out run / a film by S. Leo Chiang and Johnny Symons.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
- Outside before beyond : Alicia Frankovich / texts, Karen Archey, Eva Birkenstock, Rosi Braidotti, Daniel Falb, Hannah Mathews ; edited by Eva Birkenstock ; coproduced with Monash University Museum of Art.. print book. Art
- Outsider art : art brut and its affinities / Colin Rhodes.. print book. Art
- Ouvertüre - cariolan, op. 62 : für orchester / Ludwig Van Beethoven ; edited by Jonathan Del Mar.. music score (printed). Music
- Ouverture d-Moll : für Orchester = for orchestra / Emilie Mayer.. music score (printed). Music
- Ouverture pastorale a-dur nr. 8, op. 108 / Johann Wenzel Kalliwoda ; edited by Michael Goldbach.. music score (printed). Music
- Ouvertüre (Sinfonia) zur Oper Angiolina / Antonio Salieri ; herausgegeben von Michael Goldbach.. music score (printed). Music
- Ouvertüre zu Othello / Wilhelm Taubert ; herausgegeben von Michael Goldbach. music score (printed). Music
- Ouverture zur Oper Ein Traum in der Christnacht / Ferdinand Hiller ; herausgegeben von Michael Goldbach.. music score (printed). Music
- Over 18: The Question is Not Enough.. streaming video.
- Overcome : Stories of Women Who Grew Up In The Child Welfare System.. ebook.
- Overlooking damage : art, display, and loss in a time of crisis / Jonah Siegel.. print book. Philosophy
- Overshadowed : Leonardo da Vinci and Bernardino Luini / David Alan Brown. print book. Art
- Overtime : America's aging workforce and the future of working longer / edited by Lisa F. Berkman and Beth C. Truesdale.. ebook. Business
- Overtourism : lessons for a better future / edited by Martha Honey and Kelsey Frenkiel.. ebook. Business
- Overture to Shakespeare's comedy "Twelfth night" : op. 40 / Alexander Campbell Mackenzie.. music score (printed). Music
- Overture to the opera 'The legend of Teignmouth,' op. 47 : for piano duet / Elias Parish-Alvars.. music score (printed). Music
- The owls are not what they seem : artist as ethologist / Arnaud Gerspacher.. print book. Art
- Owning the masters : a history of sound recording copyright / Richard Osborne.. print book. Music
- The Oxford encyclopedia of politics and religion / edited by Paul A. Djupe, Mark J. Rozell, and Ted G. Jelen.. ebook. Political Science
- Oxford handbook of positive psychology and work / edited by P. Alex Linley, Susan Harrington, Nicola Garcea.. ebook. Political Science
- Oxford studies in philosophy of mind. Volume 2 / edited by Uriah Kriegel.. print book. Philosophy
P - Pi/span>
- Pa negre / Isona Passola presenta ; una pelicula d'Austí Villaronga.. streaming video. Hispanic Studies
- Padre Pio / Mediatrade presenta un film di Carlo Carlei ; prodotto da Angelo Rizzoli ; diretto da Carlo Carlei.. video DVD.
- Pagine di guerra : (1915-1918) : cinque "films" musicali per grande orchestra / Alfredo Casella.. music score (printed). Music
- Pahua and the soul stealer / by Lori M. Lee.. print book. Education
- Painting and presence : why paintings matter / Anthony Rudd.. print book. Art
- Painting dissent : art, ethics, and the American Pre-Raphaelites / Sophie Lynford.. print book. Art
- Palestine 1936 : the great revolt and the roots of the Middle East conflict / Oren Kessler.. print book. History
- Paletero man! = ¡Qué paletero tan cool! / by Latin Grammy winner/escrito por al ganador del Premio Grammy Latino Lucky Diaz ; illustrated by/ilustrado por Micah Player ; translated by/traducido por Carmen Tafolla.. print book. Education
- Paletó and me : memories of my Indigenous father / Aparecida Vilaça ; translated by David Rodgers.. ebook. Anthropology
- The Palgrave handbook of imposter syndrome in higher education / Michelle Addison, Maddie Breeze, Yvette Taylor, editors.. ebook. Arts Administration
- The Palgrave handbook of imposter syndrome in higher education / edited by Michelle Addison, Maddie Breeze, Yvette Taylor.. print book. Arts Administration
- The Palgrave handbook of race and the arts in education / Amelia M. Kraehe, Rubén Gaztambide-Fernández, B. Stephen Carpenter, II, editors.. ebook. Art
- The Palgrave handbook of sexual ethics / David Boonin, editor.. print book. English
- Palimpsests of themselves : logic and commentary in postclassical Muslim South Asia / Asad Q. Ahmed.. print book. Philosophy
- Pallidetta viola : chamber cantata : for alto and basso continuo / Francesco Antonio Mamiliano Pistocchi ; edited by Alejandra Béjar Bartolo and Fabrizio Ammetto.. music score (printed). Music
- Palo Alto : a history of California, capitalism, and the world / Malcolm Harris.. print book. Business
- Palo Alto : a history of California, capitalism, and the world / Malcolm Harris.. ebook. Business
- Panama in Black : Afro-Caribbean world making in the twentieth century / Kaysha Corinealdi.. print book. History
- The Panama papers.. streaming video. Philosophy
- The pandemic divide : how COVID increased inequality in America / edited by Gwendolyn L. Wright, Lucas Hubbard, and William A. Darity Jr.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
- The pandemic effect : ninety experts on immunizing the built environment / Blaine Brownell.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Pandemic politics : the deadly toll of partisanship in the age of COVID / Shana Kushner Gadarian, Sara Wallace Goodman, Thomas B. Pepinsky.. ebook. Political Science
- Pandora's box.. streaming video. German
- Pandora's box : a history of the First World War / Jörn Leonhard ; translated by Patrick Camiller.. print book. History
- Pantomime : (euphonium solo) / by Philip Sparke.. music score (printed). Music
- Paola Pivi / by Paola Pivi ; contributing editor, Justine Ludwig.. print book. Art
- Paola Santiago and the forest of nightmares / Tehlor Kay Mejia.. print book. Education
- The paper boat / Thao Lam.. print book. Education
- Paper Dolls : a Filipino trans community in Israel / Strand Releasing presents a documentary by Tomer Heymann ; Strand Releasing ; Claudius Films ; Heymann Brothers Films ; produced and directed by Tomer Heymann.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
- Papyrus : the invention of books in the ancient world / Irene Vallejo ; translated from the Spanish by Charlotte Whittle.. print book. History
- Parable : for solo English horn : Parable XV : op. 128 / Vincent Persichetti.. music score (printed). Music
- Parachute infantry : an American paratrooper's memoir of D-day and the fall of the Third Reich / David Kenyon Webster.. ebook. History
- Paradise camp / by Yuki Kihara ; edited by Natalie King.. print book. Art
- Paradise understood : new philosophical essays about Heaven / edited by T. Ryan Byerly and Eric J. Silverman.. print book. Philosophy
- The paradox of democracy : free speech, open media, and perilous persuasion / Zac Gershberg and Sean Illing.. print book. History
- The paradox of urban revitalization : progress and poverty in America's postindustrial era / Howard Gillette, Jr.. print book. Geography
- Paradoxes of nostalgia : Cold War triumphalism and global disorder since 1989 / Penny M. Von Eschen.. print book. History
- Paragraph 175 / a Telling Pictures production ; a Rob Epstein/Jeffrey Friedman film ; produced and directed by Rob Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman ; director of research/associate producer, Klaus Müller ; producers, Michael Ehrenzweig, Janet Cole ; writer, Sh. streaming video.
- Paragraph 175 / a Telling Pictures production ; a Rob Epstein/Jeffrey Friedman film ; produced and directed by Rob Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman ; director of research/associate producer, Klaus Müller ; producers, Michael Ehrenzweig, Janet Cole ; writer, Sh. streaming video. Law
- Parallel agile : faster delivery, fewer defects, lower cost / Doug Rosenberg, Barry Boehm, Matt Stephens, Charles Suscheck, Shobha Rani Dhalipathi, Bo Wang.. ebook. Mathematics
- The parallel philosophies of Sartre and Nietzsche : ethics, ontology and the self / Nike Farrell Fox.. print book. Philosophy
- Parametric experiments in architecture : a connection joint design for sustainable structures in bamboo / Francesco Di Paola, Andrea Mercurio.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Parametric methods for beginners : architecture applications / Umut Toker.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Paranoia TV : Steirischer Herbst '20, 24.9.-18.10.20 / edited by Ekaterina Degot and David Riff.. print book. Art
- Parasite. ebook.
- Parasite. ebook.
- Parenting with an accent : how immigrants honor their heritage, navigate setbacks, and chart new paths for their children / Masha Rumer.. ebook. Social Work
- Parergon zur Sinfonia per Giovani : für Saxophon-Orchester und Schlagzeug : GeWV 126 (1992) / Harald Genzmer.. music score (printed). Music
- Paris and her cathedrals / R. Howard Bloch.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Paris is burning / produced and directed by Jennie Livingston ; a production of Off White Productions, Inc.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
- Paris was a woman / Jezebel Productions & Cicada Films in association with Salzgeber Medien ; written and researched by Andrea Weiss ; produced by Greta Schiller, Andrea Weiss, and Frances Berrigan ; directed by Greta Schiller.. streaming video.
- Paris was a woman / Jezebel Productions & Cicada Films in association with Salzgeber Medien ; written and researched by Andrea Weiss ; produced by Greta Schiller, Andrea Weiss, and Frances Berrigan ; directed by Greta Schiller.. streaming video.
- Park cities : knaves / concept and design: Magali Reus ; editing and production: Julia Mullié ; text: Kathryn Scanlan.. print book. Art
- Park rangers and what they do / Liesbet Slegers.. print book. Education
- Participatory design and social transformation : images and narratives of crisis and change / John A. Bruce.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Particle and philosophy in crisis : towards mode of information / Anil Rajimwale.. print book. Philosophy
- The parting of ways : a personal account of the thirties / Shiela Grant Duff.. print book. History
- The partisan next door : stereotypes of party supporters and consequences for polarization in America / Ethan C. Busby, Adam J. Howat, Jacob E. Rothschild, Richard M. Shafranek.. ebook. Political Science
- Partisans : the conservative revolutionaries who remade American politics in the 1990s / Nicole Hemmer.. print book. History
- Partita for euphonium and piano / Walter Ross.. music score (printed). Music
- Partita for solo timpani / Carlos Chávez.. music score (printed). Music
- Partita h-moll für Violine & kleines Orchester (1933) / Ture Rangström.. music score (printed). Music
- Partition de L'italienne à Alger / musique de Rossini ; arrangée pour le piano forte.. music score (printed). Music
- Partly cloudy / Tanita S. Davis.. print book. Education
- Passacaglia and fugue ; Short organ works / [Florence Beatrice Price] ; edited by Calvert Johnson.. music score (printed). Music
- The passenger / Cormac McCarthy.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- La passion de Jeanne d'Arc = Passion of Joan of Arc / Criterion Collection ; Janus Films ; Gaumont present ; Centre national du cinema et de l'image animée ; Société Générale de Films présente un film de Carl Theodor Dreyer.. streaming video. Philosophy
- La passion de Jeanne d'Arc = Passion of Joan of Arc / Criterion Collection ; Janus Films ; Gaumont present ; Centre national du cinema et de l'image animée ; Société Générale de Films présente un film de Carl Theodor Dreyer.. streaming video.
- The Passionate Shepherd to his love : for voice and piano / John Corigliano.. music score (printed). Music
- Past Titan Rock : journeys into an Appalachian valley / Ellesa Clay High ; with a foreword by Travis D. Stimeling.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Pastoral care and community in late medieval Germany : Albert of Diessen's Mirror of priests / Deeana Copeland Klepper.. print book. History
- Patchwork / Matt de la Peña ; [illustrated by] Corinna Luyken.. print book. Education
- Patchwork : a world tour / Catherine Legrand.. print book. Art
- The path to mass evil : Hannah Arendt and totalitarianism today / Michael Hardiman.. print book. Philosophy
- The patriarchs : the origins of inequality / Angela Saini.. ebook. Sociology
- Patriarchy, honour, and violence : masculinities in premodern Europe / edited by Jacqueline Murray.. print book. History
- Patriot and priest : Jean-Baptiste Volfius and the constitutional church in the Côte-d'Or / Annette Chapman-Adisho.. print book. History
- Patriots, loyalists, and revolution in New York City, 1775-1776 / Bill Offutt.. print book. History
- Pattern bugs / Trudy Harris ; illustrated by Anne Canevari Green.. print book. Education
- Pattern fish / Trudy Harris ; illustrated by Anne Canevari Green.. print book. Education
- Patterns of plague : changing ideas about plague in England and France, 1348-1750 / Lori Jones.. print book. History
- Paul Laurence Dunbar : the life and times of a caged bird / Gene Andrew Jarrett.. print book. History
- Paul of Venice : Logica magna, the treatise on insolubles / edited with an introduction, English translation, and commentary by Stephen Read and Barbara Bartocci.. print book. Philosophy
- Paula Rego / edited by Elena Crippa ; with contributions by Elena Crippa, Zuzana Flašková, Maria Manuel Lisboa, Minna Moore Ede, Giulia Smith, Laura Stamps and Marina Warner.. print book. Art
- Pay attention, Carter Jones / Gary D. Schmidt.. print book. Education
- Le pays de rêves : duo pour soprano et baryton / par Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
- Peace / by Baptiste Paul & Miranda Paul ; illustrated by Estelí Meza.. print book. Education
- Peace in the mountains : northern Appalachian students protest the Vietnam War / Thomas Weyant.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The peaceful transfer of power : an oral history of America's presidential transitions / David Marchick and Alexander Tippett ; with A.J. Wilson.. print book. Political Science
- Peggy Ahwesh : vision machines / editors, Erika Balsom and Robert Leckie ; texts by Erika Balsom [and 4 others].. print book. Art
- The Penguin book of Japanese short stories / introduced by Haruki Murakami ; edited and with notes by Jay Rubin.. print book. Asian Studies
- Pensar lo real : autoficción y discurso crítico / Ana Casas, Anna Forné (eds.).. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Pensées / Blaise Pascal.. print book. Philosophy
- Pentagons and pentagrams : an illustrated history / text by Eli Maor ; illustrations by Eugen Jost.. ebook. Mathematics
- THE PEONY. print book. Special Collections
- People are wild / Margaux Meganck.. print book. Education
- People like us : social class in America / a film by Andrew Kolker and Louis Alvarez ; The Center for New American Media and WETA Washington, D.C., in association with ITVS presents.. streaming video.
- People like us : social class in America / a film by Andrew Kolker and Louis Alvarez ; The Center for New American Media and WETA Washington, D.C., in association with ITVS presents.. streaming video. Education
- Perception : first form of mind / Tyler Burge.. print book. Philosophy
- Perceptual experience / Christopher S. Hill.. print book. Philosophy
- Percussion instruments : purchasing, maintenance, troubleshooting, and more / Stephen Primatic.. print book. Music
- Perfect black / Crystal Wilkinson ; illustrated by Ronald W. Davis ; foreword by Nikky Finney.. ebook. Appalachian Studies
- Perfect black / Crystal Wilkinson ; illustrated by Ronald W. Davis ; foreword by Nikky Finney.. print book. English
- Perfect copies : reproduction and the contemporary comic / Shiamin Kwa.. print book. English
- Perfect example / by John Percellino.. print book. Arts Administration
- A perfect mistake / Melanie Conklin.. print book. Education
- The Perfect Sushi. print book. Education
- The perfect sushi / words by Emily Satoko Seo ; art by Mique Moriuchi.. print book. Education
- The performance of video games : enacting identity, history and culture through play / Kelly I. Aliano.. ebook. Psychology
- A performer's guide to transcribing, editing, and arranging early music / Alon Schab.. print book. Music
- Performing arts center management / edited by Patricia Dewey Lambert and Robyn Williams.. ebook. Arts Administration
- Performing collaboration in solo performance : A duet without you and practice as research / edited by Chloé Déchery.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Performing racial uplift : E. Azalia Hackley and African American activism in the postbellum to pre-Harlem era / Juanita Karpf.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Performing Restoration Shakespeare / edited by Amanda Eubanks Winkler, Claude Fretz, Richard Schoch.. print book. English
- Perfumed nightmare. streaming video. English
- Perfumed nightmare. streaming video.
- Perilous bounty : the looming collapse of American farming and how to prevent it / Tom Philpott.. print book. History
- Perimeters : for clarinet and piano / George Walker.. music score (printed). Music
- Period : the real story of menstruation / Kate Clancy.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- Permanent distortion : how the financial markets abandoned the real economy forever / Nomi Prins. ebook. Business
- Perpetuum mobile : para clarinete y guitarra / Leo Brouwer.. music score (printed). Music
- Persephone : Musik für Orchester in zwei Sätzen : nach dem griechischen Mythus von der ewigen Wiederkehr des Frühlings : op. 38 / Pierre Maurice.. music score (printed). Music
- Persia : ancient Iran and the classical world / edited by Jeffrey Spier, Timothy Potts, and Sara E. Cole.. print book. Art
- Persistence / Kristie Miller.. print book. Philosophy
- The persistence of realism in modernist fiction / Paul Stasi.. print book. English
- Persistent memory : for chamber orchestra (1996/97) / David Rakowski.. music score (printed). Music
- A persistent revolution : history, nationalism, and politics in Mexico since 1968 / Randal Sheppard.. ebook. History
- Persona / Janus Films; Svensk Filmindustri ; en film av Ingmar Bergman.. streaming video. Philosophy
- Personality disorders and pathology : integrating clinical assessment and practice in the DSM-5 and ICD-11 era / edited by Steven K. Huprich.. ebook.
- Personation plots : identity fraud in Victorian sensation fiction / Clayton Carlyle Tarr.. print book. English
- The persuaders : at the frontlines of the fight for hearts, minds, and democracy / Anand Giridharadas.. print book. Political Science
- Persuading the Supreme Court : the significance of briefs in judicial decision-making / Morgan L.W. Hazelton and Rachael K. Hinkle.. print book. Political Science
- Persuasion in parallel : how information changes minds about politics / Alexander Coppock.. ebook. Political Science
- The pervert's guide to ideology / Zeitgeist Films ; Rooks Nest Entertainment ; Irish Film Board ; British Film Institute and Film4 present ; a P Guide Production ; in association with Blinder Films ; a film by Sophie Fiennes ; featuring Slavoj Žižek ; p. streaming video. Philosophy
- Pesni strannika : dli︠a︡ baritona i fortepiano / Georgiĭ Sviridov ; na slova kitaĭskikh poėtov ; v perevodakh na russkiĭ i︠a︡zyk I︠U︡lliana Shchut︠s︡kogo = Songs of the wanderer : for baritone with piano accompaniment / Georgy Sviridov ; on words by C. music score (printed). Music
- Peter and the starcatcher : a play / by Rick Elice ; based on the novel by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Peter Eisenman : University of Phoenix Stadium for the Arizona Cardinals.. streaming video.
- Peter Eisenman : University of Phoenix Stadium for the Arizona Cardinals.. streaming video. Education
- Petite suite : op. 111 no 3 : pour flûte et piano = for flute and piano / Nicolas Bacri.. music score (printed). Music
- Petrarchan love and the English Renaissance / Gordon Braden.. print book. English
- PF11 : Michael in black by Nicole Miller / edited by Lauren Mackler & Nicole Miller.. print book. Art
- The phantom public / Walter Lippmann.. ebook. History
- Phenomenology of Black spirit / Biko Mandela Gray and Ryan J. Johnson.. print book. Philosophy
- The Philadelphia Negro [electronic resource] : a social study / W.E.B. DuBois ; with a new introduction by Elijah Anderson ; together with a special report on domestic service by Isabel Eaton.. ebook.
- Phillip Lai / [text by Jan Verwoert].. print book. Art
- Philosopher of the heart : the restless life of Søren Kierkegaard / Clare Carlisle.. print book. Philosophy
- The philosophical pathos of Susan Taubes : between nihilism and hope / Elliot R. Wolfson.. print book. English
- Philosophical perspectives on memory and imagination / edited by Anja Berninger and Íngrid Vendrell Ferran.. print book. Philosophy
- Philosophical perspectives on moral certainty / edited by Cecilie Eriksen, Julia Hermann, Neil O'Hara, and Nigel Pleasants.. print book. Philosophy
- Philosophie du triathlon / Raphaël Verchère ; préface, Georges Vigarello.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
- Philosophy and human flourishing / edited by John J. Stuhr.. print book. Philosophy
- Philosophy and psychedelics : frameworks for exceptional experience / edited by Christine Hauskeller and Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes.. print book. Philosophy
- Philosophy as dialogue / Hilary Putnam ; edited by Mario De Caro and David Macarthur.. print book. Philosophy
- A philosophy of beauty : Shaftesbury on nature, virtue, and art / Michael B. Gill.. print book. Philosophy
- A philosophy of fashion through film : on the body, style, and identity / Laura T. Di Summa.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- The philosophy of Mario Perniola : from aesthetics to dandyism / Enea Bianchi.. print book. Philosophy
- The philosophy of mind / edited by Anthony O'Hear ; with a foreword by Tim Crane.. print book. Philosophy
- The philosophy of the Brahma-sūtra : an introduction / Aleksandar Uskokov.. print book. Philosophy
- PHOENIX ECONOMY.. print book. Business
- Phoenix kingdoms : the last splendor of China's Bronze Age / edited by Fan J. Zhang and Jay Xu ; with contributions by I-fen Huang, Guolong Lai, Colin Mackenzie, John S. Major, Haicheng Wang, Jay Xu, and Fan J. Zhang.. print book. Art
- Phone Swap. streaming video. English
- Phone Swap. streaming video.
- Photographies en guerre / sous la direction de Mathilde Benoistel, Sylvie Le Ray-Burimi et Anthony Petiteau.. print book. History
- Photography and resistance : anticolonialist photography in the Americas / Claire Raymond.. print book. Art
- Phyllis George : shattering the ceiling / Paul Volponi and Lenny Shulman.. print book.
- Physics and evolution of supernova remnants / Jacco Vink.. ebook. Physics
- Physics and the modernist avant-garde : quantum modernisms and modernist relativities / Rachel Fountain Eames.. print book. English
- Physics in crisis : from multiverses to fake news / Bruno Mansoulié ; translated from the French by Nanette McGuinness.. print book. Physics
- Physics of spin-orbit-coupled oxides / Gang Cao, Lance E. DeLong.. ebook. Chemistry
- Physiognomie der Macht = The physiognomy of power : Harun Farocki, Florentina Pakosta / herausgegeben von Thorsten Sadowsky für die Sammlung Generali Foundation - Dauerleihgabe am Museum der Moderne Salzburg.. print book. Art
- Piano quintet in E minor / Elfride Andrée ; Susan Pickett, editor.. music score (printed). Music
- Piano sonata no. 11 / Roberto Sierra.. music score (printed). Music
- Piano trio no. 1 : for violin, cello and piano (2020) / Lewis Spratlan.. music score (printed). Music
- Picasso - El Greco / edited by Carmen Giménez and Josef Helfenstein ; with essays by Gabriel Dette, Carmen Giménez, Javier Portús, and Richard Shiff.. print book. Art
- Picasso : selected essays / Leo Steinberg ; edited by Sheila Schwartz.. print book. Art
- Picasso : the self-portraits / Pascal Bonafoux ; translated from the French by Bethany Wright.. print book. Art
- Picking presidents : how to make the most consequential decision in the world / Gautam Mukunda.. ebook. Political Science
- Pico della Mirandola on trial : heresy, freedom, and philosophy / Brian P. Copenhaver.. print book. Philosophy
- A picture held us captive / text Danielle Dutton ; Catherine Taylor and Nicholas Muellner, editors.. print book. Art
- Pictured worlds : masterpieces of children's book art by 101 essential illustrators from around the world / Leonard S. Marcus.. print book. Art
- Picturing ecology : photography and the birth of a new science / Damian Hughes.. print book. Art
- Picturing the Ottoman Armenian world : photography in Erzurum, Harput, Van and beyond / David Low.. print book. Art
- Piero : inspirations / Tess Jaray.. print book. Art
- Pierre Macherey and the case of literary production / edited by Warren Montag and Audrey Wasser.. print book. English
- Piet Mondrian A-Z / Ulf Küster.. print book. Art
- Pig business : the cost of cheap food / produced by Price of Progress Productions, LTD ; in association with Channel 4.. streaming video. English
- Pig business : the cost of cheap food / produced by Price of Progress Productions, LTD ; in association with Channel 4.. streaming video.
- The pigeon will ride the roller coaster! / words and pictures by Mo Willems.. print book. Education
- Pink flamingos & the yellow pages : the stories behind the colors of our world / Bob Hambly.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Piranesi and the modern age / Victor Plahte Tschudi.. print book. Art
- Pitter pattern / Joyce Hesselberth.. print book. Education
- PIXINGUINHA NA PAUTA. print book. Music
Pl - Pz
- Places of childhood fancy : essays on space and speculation in children's book series / edited by Michael G. Cornelius and Marybeth Ragsdale-Richards.. print book. English
- Plagues in the nation : how epidemics shaped America / Polly J. Price.. ebook. Sociology
- Plagues & pencils : a year of pandemic sketches / Edward Carey ; foreword by Max Porter.. print book. Art
- Plagues upon the earth : disease and the course of human history / Kyle Harper.. print book. History
- Plaintes des israélites : pour solistes (Bb), choeur (SATB) et orchestre / César Franck ; edited by Danielle Deheselle.. music score (printed). Music
- Plastic planet / Neue Sentimental Film, Brainstorm Entertainment, and Gine Cartoon present ; a Werner Boote film.. streaming video.
- Plastic planet / Neue Sentimental Film, Brainstorm Entertainment, and Gine Cartoon present ; a Werner Boote film.. streaming video. Geography
- The plastic turn / Ranjan Ghosh.. print book. Philosophy
- The playbook : how to deny science, sell lies, and make a killing in the corporate world / Jennifer Jacquet.. ebook. Business
- Playgrounds : urban theatrical culture in Shakespeare's England and Golden Age Spain / by David J. Amelang.. print book. English
- Playing with the guys : masculinity and relationships in video games / Marc A. Ouellette.. ebook. Psychology
- Playtime / The Criterion Collection ; Janus Films ; Studiocanal ; Les Films de Mon Oncle ; une production Specta, Bernard Maurice ; scénario original de Jacques Tati avec la collaboration artistique de Jacques Lagrange.. streaming video. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Playtime / The Criterion Collection ; Janus Films ; Studiocanal ; Les Films de Mon Oncle ; une production Specta, Bernard Maurice ; scénario original de Jacques Tati avec la collaboration artistique de Jacques Lagrange.. streaming video.
- Pleading out : how plea bargaining creates a permanent criminal class / Dan Canon.. print book. Law
- Please scream quietly : a story of kink / Julie Fennell, Gallaudet University.. ebook. Psychology
- Pledge and promise : celebrating the bond and heritage of fraternity, sorority, and cooperative life at Purdue University / Angie Klink.. ebook.
- Plotting Hitler's death : the story of the German resistance / Joachim Fest ; translated by Bruce Little.. print book. History
- Plundered skulls and stolen spirits : inside the fight to reclaim native America's culture / Chip Colwell.. ebook. Anthropology
- Pluralist politics, relational worlds : vulnerability and care of the earth / Didier Zúñiga.. print book. Philosophy
- A pocket guide to writing in history / Mary Lynn Rampolla.. print book. History
- Poe and women : recognition and revision / edited by Amy Branam Armiento, Travis Montgomery.. print book. English
- The poem and the garden in early modern England : rival media in the process of poetic invention / Deborah Solomon.. print book. English
- The poem, the garden, and the world : poetry and performativity in Elizabethan England / Jim Ellis.. print book. English
- Poème, 2me sonate : pour piano et violon, op. 20 / G Catoire.. music score (printed). Music
- Poet of the medieval modern : reading the early medieval library with David Jones / Francesca Brooks.. print book. English
- Poetic creation : language and the unsayable in the late poetry of Robert Penn Warren / John C. Van Dyke.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- A poetic philosophy of language : Nietzsche and Wittgenstein's expressivism / Philip Mills.. print book. English
- Poetic priesthood in the seventeenth century : reformed ministry and radical verse / Tessie Prakas.. print book. English
- Poéticas de lo fantástico en la cuentística española actual / Ana Abello Verano.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- The poetics and ethics of (un)grievability in contemporary Anglophone fiction / edited by Susana Onega and Jean-Michel Ganteau.. print book. English
- A poetics of Handel's operas / Nathan Link.. print book. Music
- The poetry deal : a film with Diane di Prima.. streaming video.
- The poetry deal : a film with Diane di Prima.. streaming video.
- Poetry, politics, and the law in modern Ireland / Adam Hanna.. print book. English
- The poets laureate of the long eighteenth century, 1668-1813 : courting the public / Leo Shipp.. print book. English
- La Pointe-Courte / Janus Films ; Ciné-Tamaris présente ; scénario et réalisation, Agnès Varda.. streaming video.
- La Pointe-Courte / Janus Films ; Ciné-Tamaris présente ; scénario et réalisation, Agnès Varda.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- Points de mire : Blockflötenquartett : S A T GB / Jean Boisvert.. music score (printed). Music
- Pokot / producent, Studio Filmowe TOR ; reżyseria, Agnieszka Holland, Kasia Adamik ; scenariusz, Olga Tokarczuk, Agnieszka Holland ; producenci, Krzysztof Zanussi, Janusz Wąchała.. video DVD. German
- Policing the racial divide : urban growth politics and the remaking of segregation / Daanika Gordon.. print book. Geography
- Political animal : the life and times of Stewart Butler / Frank Perez ; foreword by Robert W. Fieseler.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
- The political body : stories on art, feminism, and emancipation in Latin America / Andrea Giunta ; translated by Jane Brodie.. print book. Art
- Political disappointment : a cultural history from Reconstruction to the AIDS crisis / Sara Marcus.. print book. English
- Political ecology : an integrative approach to geography and environment-development studies / edited by by Karl S. Zimmerer and Thomas J. Bassett.. ebook.
- The political economy of agricultural and food policies / Johan Swinnen.. ebook. History
- The political logic of experience : expression in phenomenology / Neal DeRoo.. print book. Philosophy
- Politics and literature at the dawn of World War II / James A. W. Hefferman.. print book. English
- Politics in the marketplace : work, gender, and citizenship in revolutionary France / Katie Jarvis.. print book. History
- The politics of art, death and refuge : the turning tide / Helen Hintjens.. print book. Art
- The politics of beauty : a study of Kant's critique of taste / Susan Meld Shell, Boston College.. print book. Philosophy
- The politics of everybody : feminism, queer theory, and Marxism at the intersection / Holly Lewis.. print book. Philosophy
- The politics of surviving : how women navigate domestic violence and its aftermath / Paige L. Sweet.. ebook. Social Work
- POLOGNE / AUGUSTA HOLMES. print book. Music
- Polyamory : a clinical toolkit for therapists (and their clients) / Martha Kauppi.. ebook. Psychology
- Pontormo and the art of devotion in Renaissance Italy / Jessica A. Maratsos, Pembroke College, Cambridge.. print book. Art
- Pool party / by Amy Duchêne & Elisa Parhad ; art by Anne Bentley.. print book. Education
- Pop : an illustrated novel / Robert Gipe.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Popular magazines and fiction in Shanghai, 1914-1925 : modernity, the cultural imaginary, and the middle society / Peijie Mao.. print book. History
- Populism, eco-populism, and the future of environmentalism / James R. Stone Jr.. print book. Political Science
- Populist parties and democratic resilience : a cross-national analysis of populist parties' impact on democratic pluralism in Europe / edited by Ben Crum and Alvaro Oleart.. ebook. Political Science
- Porcelain masterpieces : Copenhagen 1890-1930 / Chris van Otterloo.. print book. Art
- The Porn Factor.. streaming video.
- The portable universe = El universo en tus manos : thought and splendor of Indigenous Colombia / Julia Burtenshaw, Héctor García Botero, Diana Magaloni, María Alicia Uribe Villegas ; with contributions by Luis Cayón, Francisco Chimontero Nuibita Dingu. print book. Art
- Portal : Do Ho Suh.. print book. Art
- Portrait de la jeune fille en feu = Portrait of a lady on fire / Neon presents ; en coproduction avec Arte France Cinema et Hold-up Films & Productions ; un film de Céline Sciamma ; un film écrit et réalisé par Céline Sciamma ; produit par Bénédict. streaming video. Philosophy
- Portrait de la jeune fille en feu = Portrait of a lady on fire / Neon presents ; en coproduction avec Arte France Cinema et Hold-up Films & Productions ; un film de Céline Sciamma ; un film écrit et réalisé par Céline Sciamma ; produit par Bénédict. streaming video.
- Portrait of an artist : conversations with trailblazing creative women / Hugo Huerta Marin.. print book. Art
- Positive affect treatment for depression and anxiety : therapist guide / edited by Michelle G. Craske, Halina J. Dour, Michael Treanor, Alicia E. Meuret.. ebook. Psychology
- Positive affect treatment for depression and anxiety : workbook / Alicia E. Meuret, Halina J. Dour, Amanda G. Loerinc Guinyard, Michelle G. Craske.. ebook. Psychology
- Possessions : indigenous art, colonial culture, decolonization / Nicholas Thomas.. print book. Art
- Possible knowledge : the literary forms of early modern science / Debapriya Sarkar.. print book. English
- Post-automobility futures : technology, power, and imaginaries / Robert Braun and Richard Randell.. print book. Philosophy
- Post-craft / editor in chief: Alex Coles ; volume editors: Alex Coles, Catharine Rossi.. print book. Art
- The post-pandemic world : sustainable living on a wounded planet / John Erik Meyer.. print book. Geography
- Post-performance video, Prospective 1 : Los Angeles : Coleman Collins, Rodney McMillian, Nathaniel Mellors, Anna Wittenberg / edited by Marie de Brugerolle.. print book. Art
- Post-postmodernist fiction and the rise of digital epitexts / Virginia Pignagnoli.. print book. English
- The postcolonial condition of architecture in Asia : a lead from display-ness / Francis Chia-Hui Lin.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Postcolonial realms of memory : sites and symbols in modern France / Etienne Achille, Charles Forsdick, Lydie Moudileno.. ebook.
- Postcommodity : time holds all the answers / curated by Dr. Gerald McMaster ; exhibition and publication coordinated by Rose Bouthillier ; David Yanguas, translator.. print book. Art
- The postmodern joy of role-playing games : agency, ritual and meaning in the medium / René Reinhold Schallegger.. ebook. Sociology
- The postsecular restoration and the making of literary conservatism / Corrinne Harol.. print book. English
- Posttraumatic growth : theory, research and applications / Richard G. Tedeschi [and three others].. ebook. Sociology
- Postwar modern : new art in Britain 1945-65 / edited by Jane Alison with Hilary Floe and Charlotte Flint.. print book. Art
- Pour le sport : physical culture in French and francophone literature / edited by Roxanna Curto and Rebecca Wines.. ebook. French & Francophone Studies
- Poverty, by America / Matthew Desmond.. print book. Business
- Poverty, by America / Matthew Desmond.. ebook. Business
- The poverty of ethics / Anat Matar.. print book. Philosophy
- The poverty paradox : understanding economic hardship amid American prosperity / Mark Robert Rank.. ebook. Business
- The poverty paradox : understanding economic hardship amid American prosperity / Mark Robert Rank.. print book. Business
- Pow! Right in the eye! : thirty years behind the scenes of modern French painting / Berthe Weill ; edited by Lynn Gumpert ; translated from the French by William Rodarmor ; with research assistance from Marianne Le Morvan ; foreword by Julie Saul and Lynn. print book. Art
- Power and perspective : early photography in China / edited by Karina H. Corrigan and Stephanie H. Tung ; with Bing Wang and Tingting Xu.. print book. Art
- Power and prediction [electronic resource] : the disruptive economics of artificial intelligence / Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, Avi Goldfarb.. ebook. Business
- Power and prediction : the disruptive economics of artificial intelligence / Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, Avi Goldfarb.. print book. Business
- Power and resistance : Foucault, Deleuze, Derrida, Althusser / Yoshiyuki Sato.. print book. Philosophy
- Power failure : the rise and fall of an American icon / William D. Cohan.. print book. Business
- The power law : venture capital and the making of the new future / Sebastian Mallaby.. ebook. Business
- The power of Adrienne Rich : a biography / Hilary Holladay.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
- The power of crisis : how three threats--and our response--will change the world / Ian Bremmer.. ebook. Public Policy & Administration
- The power of plus : inside fashion's size-inclusivity revolution / Gianluca Russo.. ebook. Business
- The power of regret : how looking backward moves us forward / Daniel H. Pink.. ebook. Psychology
- The power of regret : how looking backward moves us forward / Daniel H. Pink.. print book. Business
- The power of scarcity : leveraging urgency and demand to influence customer decisions / Mindy Weinstein.. ebook. Business
- The power of scarcity : leveraging urgency and demand to influence customer decisions / Mindy Weinstein.. ebook. Business
- The power of the jury : transforming citizens into jurors / Nancy S. Marder.. print book. Law
- Power shifts : Congress and presidential representation / John A. Dearborn.. print book. History
- Practical data science with R / Nina Zumel and John Mount.. ebook. Statistics
- A practical guide to competitive intelligence / edited by Zena Applebaum, Philp Britton, Alysse Nocklels.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- A practical guide to using econometrics / A.H. Studenmund, Occidental College ; with the assistance of Bruce K. Johnson, Centre College.. print book. Business
- Practical marketing for the academic library / Stephanie Espinoza Villamor and Kimberly Shotick.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Practical R 4 : applying R to data manipulation, processing and integration / Jon Westfall.. ebook. Statistics
- Practical statistics for data scientists : 50+ essential concepts using R and Python / Peter Bruce, Andrew Bruce, and Peter Gedeck.. ebook. Statistics
- Practice / edited by Ellen Muehlberger, University of Michigan.. print book. Philosophy
- The practice of clinical supervision [electronic resource] / Nadine Pelling, John Barletta, Philip Armstrong.. ebook.
- Practicing social justice in libraries / edited by Alyssa Brissett and Diana Moronta.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Pragmatic philosophy of religion : melioristic case studies / Ulf Zackariasson.. print book. Philosophy
- Pragmática histórica del español : formas de tratamiento, actos de habla y construcción del diálogo / coord., Silvia Iglesias Recuero.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- The pragmatist imagination [electronic resource] : thinking about "things in the making" / edited by Joan Ockman ; with a general introduction by John Rajchman and an afterword by Casey Nelson Blake.. ebook.
- Pragmatist quietism : a meta-ethical system / Andrew Sepielli.. print book. Philosophy
- Praxis II art, content and analysis (5135) exam secrets : study guide : your key to exam success / written and edited by the Mometrix Media LLC.. print book. Education
- Precarious protections : unaccompanied minors seeking asylum in the United States / Chiara Galli.. print book. Law
- Precious Knowledge - Fighting for Mexican American Studies in Arizona Schools. ebook.
- Precious Knowledge - Fighting for Mexican American Studies in Arizona Schools. ebook. Education
- Precise poetry : Lina Bo Bardi's architecture / a film by Belinda Rukschcio.. streaming video.
- Precise poetry : Lina Bo Bardi's architecture / a film by Belinda Rukschcio.. streaming video. Asian Studies
- Prediction machines : the simple economics of artificial intelligence / Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, Avi Goldfarb.. ebook. Business
- Prediction machines : the simple economics of artificial intelligence / Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, Avi Goldfarb.. print book. Business
- Un pregón de frutas / Margarita Engle ; ilustrado por Sara Palacios ; traducción de Alexis Romay.. print book. Education
- Prelude in D minor (1933) ; Thema con variazioni in D-flat (1941) : for piano / Daniel Jones.. music score (printed). Music
- Prélude = Prelude / direction éditoriale: Vassilis Oikonomopoulos.. print book. Art
- Prelude to Pearl Harbor : ideology and culture in US-Japan relations, 1919-1941 / John Gripentrog.. print book. History
- Préludes et fugues; 3 fugues pour le temps Pascal / Johann Albrechtsberger ; edited by Jean-Luc Perrot.. music score (printed). Music
- Preludio de La nostalgia : para guitarra (2020) / Leo Brouwer.. music score (printed). Music
- The preparator's handbook : a practical guide for preparing and installing collection objects / Andrew Saluti.. print book. Art
- Preposterous Virgil : reading through Stoppard, Auden, Wordsworth, Heaney / Juan Christian Pellicer.. print book. Classical Studies
- The presidency of Donald J. Trump : a first historical assessment / Julian E. Zelizer, editor.. ebook. History
- Presidential leadership in political time : reprise and reappraisal / Stephen Skowronek.. print book. History
- The presidents of American fiction : fashioning the U.S. political imagination / Michael J. Blouin.. print book. English
- Pressing onward : the imperative resilience of Latina migrant mothers / Jessica P. Cerdeña.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
- Preston Morgan Bolton, Texas architect and civic leader / Lillian C. Woo.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The prettiest star / Carter Sickels.. print book.
- Preventing child maltreatment in the U.S. : American Indian and Alaska Native perspectives / Royleen J. Ross, Julii M. Green, and Milton A. Fuentes.. print book. Education
- Preventing child maltreatment in the U.S. : multicultural considerations / Milton A. Fuentes, Rachel R. Singer, and Renee L. DeBoard-Lucas.. print book. Education
- Preventing child maltreatment in the US : the Black community perspective / Melissa Phillips, Shavonne J. Moore-Lobban, and Milton A. Fuentes.. print book. Education
- Preventing child maltreatment in the US : the Latinx community perspective / Esther J. Calzada, Monica Faulkner, Catherine LaBrenz, and Milton A. Fuentes.. print book. Education
- The price of sex / Violeu Films and A Moment in time productions present a film by Mimi Chakarova.. streaming video. Political Science
- The price of slavery : capitalism and revolution in the Caribbean / Nick Nesbitt.. print book. History
- The price of time : the real story of interest / Edward Chancellor.. print book. History
- The price of time : the real story of interest / Edward Chancellor.. ebook. Business
- Priced out / SydHonda Media in association with Northwest Documentary presents ; a Cornelius Swart film.. streaming video.
- Pride in modesty : modernist architecture and the vernacular tradition in Italy / Michelangelo Sabatino.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Primary care medicine : office evaluation and management of the adult patient / Allan H. Goroll, Albert G. Mulley, Jr.. ebook. Medicine
- The primary that made a president : John F. Kennedy and West Virginia / Robert Rupp.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Prime : art's next generation / commissioning editor, Rebecca Morrill ; project editor, Simon Hunegs.. print book. Art
- A primer for teaching digital history : ten design principles / Jennifer Guiliano.. print book. History
- A primer in biological data analysis and visualization using R / Gregg Hartvigsen.. print book. Statistics
- Principles of neurobiology / Liqun Luo.. ebook. Medicine
- Principles of tissue engineering / edited by Robert Lanza, Robert Langer, Josph P. Vacanti, Anthony Atala. ebook. Medicine
- Printing the classical text / Howard Jones.. ebook. Classical Studies
- Prison recipes / Jeremy Paden.. print book.
- Privacy is hard and seven other myths : achieving privacy through careful design / Jaap-Henk Hoepman.. print book. Mathematics
- The private life of William Shakespeare / Lena Cowen Orlin.. print book. English
- The private lives of pictures : art at home in Britain,1800-1940 / Nicholas Tromans.. print book. Art
- Private views : a high-rise panorama of Manhattan / Andi Schmied.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Probably Ruby : a novel / Lisa Bird-Wilson.. ebook.
- Proben der Schriften, welche in der Cottaischen Schriftgiesserei in Stuttgart zu haben sind.. print book.
- The problem of blame : making sense of moral anger / Kelly McCormick, Texas Christian University.. print book. Philosophy
- The problem of democracy : America, the Middle East, and the rise and fall of an idea / Shadi Hamid.. ebook. Political Science
- Proceedings of topical issues in international political geography / Radomir Bolgov, Vadim Atnashev, Yury Gladkiy, Art Leete, Alexey Tsyb, Sergey Pogodin, Andrei Znamenski, editors.. ebook. Political Science
- Process mysticism / Daniel A. Dombrowski.. print book. Philosophy
- Product design and development / Karl T. Ulrich, University of Pennsylvania, Steven D. Eppinger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Maria C. Yang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.. ebook. Engineering
- Product design and the role of representation : foundations for design thinking in practice / Eujin Pei, James Andrew Self.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Products liability in a nutshell / by David G. Owen.. print book. Law
- Professing criticism : essays on the organization of literary study / John Guillory.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
- The progress illusion : reclaiming our future from the fairytale of economics / Jon D. Erickson... ebook. Business
- Project-based R companion to introductory statistics / Chelsea Myers.. print book. Statistics
- Project without form : OMA, Rem Koolhaas, and the Laboratory of 1989 / Holger Schurk.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Promenade, statues et La fille : for piano (2021) / Daan Manneke.. music score (printed). Music
- Promise, witness, remembrance : April 7-June 13, 2021 / Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky.. print book.
- Promise, witness, remembrance : April 7-June 13, 2021 / Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky.. print book. Art
- Promise, witness, remembrance : April 7-June 13, 2021 / Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky.. print book. Art
- Promoting African American writers : library partnerships for outreach, programming, and literacy / Grace M. Jackson-Brown.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Promoting pollination and pollinators in farming / edited by Peter Kevan, Susan Willis Chan.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- The proof : uses of evidence in law, politics, and everything else / Frederick Schauer.. print book. Law
- The prop building guidebook : for theatre, film, and tv / Eric Hart.. ebook. Theatre & Dance
- The propagandists' playbook : how conservative elites manipulate search and threaten democracy / Francesca Bolla Tripodi.. print book. Political Science
- Propagazioni : Giuseppe Penone at Sèvres / Giulio Dalvit and Xavier F. Salomon.. print book. Art
- Properties / Anna-Sofia Maurin.. print book. Philosophy
- Propositions : ontology and logic / Robert Stalnaker.. print book. Philosophy
- Prosecuting poverty, criminalizing care / Wendy A. Bach, University of Tennessee College of Law.. print book. Law
- Protecting children from domestic violence [electronic resource] : strategies for community intervention / edited by Peter G. Jaffe, Linda L. Baker, Alison J. Cunningham.. ebook.
- The protest and the recuperation / edited by Betti-Sue Hertz and Sreshta Rit Premnath.. print book. Art
- Proving ground : the untold story of the six women who programmed the world's first modern computer / Kathy Kleiman.. print book. History
- Proving pregnancy : gender, law, and medical knowledge in nineteenth-century America / Felicity M. Turner.. print book. History
- Provisions : the roots of Caribbean cooking / Michelle Rousseau and Suzanne Rousseau.. ebook. Sociology
- The Pruitt-Igoe myth / Unicorn Stencil presents ; in association with The Missouri History Museum ; directed by Chad Freidrichs ; produced by Chad Freidrichs, Jaime Freidrichs, Paul Fehler, Brian Woodman ; script by Chad & Jaime Freidrichs.. streaming video. English
- The Pruitt-Igoe myth / Unicorn Stencil presents ; in association with The Missouri History Museum ; directed by Chad Freidrichs ; produced by Chad Freidrichs, Jaime Freidrichs, Paul Fehler, Brian Woodman ; script by Chad & Jaime Freidrichs.. streaming video.
Ps - Pz
- Psalm 150, op. 127 : for double chorus of mixed voices with orchestra and organ / Camille Saint-Saëns.. music score (printed). Music
- Psalm of peace : for mixed chorus (SATB), trumpet, French horn and organ (or piano) / Norman Dello Joio.. music score (printed). Music
- Psychoanalytic memoirs / Jeffrey Berman.. print book. English
- The psychological legacy of slavery : essays on trauma, healing and the living past / edited by Benjamin P. Bowser and Aimé Charles-Nicolas ; foreword by Ali Moussa Iye.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- A psychological perspective on folk moral objectivism / Jennifer Cole Wright.. print book. Philosophy
- The psychology of belonging / Kelly-Ann Allen.. ebook. Psychology
- The psychology of climate change / Geoffrey Beattie and Laura McGuire.. ebook. Psychology
- The psychology of comedy / G. Neil Martin.. ebook. Psychology
- The psychology of conspiracy theories / Jan-Willem van Prooijen.. ebook. Psychology
- The psychology of dog ownership / Theresa Barlow and Craig Roberts.. ebook. Psychology
- The psychology of gardening / Harriet Gross.. ebook. Psychology
- The psychology of social media / Ciarán Mc Mahon.. ebook. Psychology
- The psychology of technology : social science research in the age of big data / edited by Sandra C. Matz.. ebook. Psychology
- The psychology of vampires / David Cohen.. ebook. Psychology
- The psychology of video games / Celia Hodent.. ebook. Psychology
- Puberty / Laurence Philomène.. print book. Art
- Public art for public life : Observatorium : in which the artists explore the magic of the ordinary, find ways to harbour it in public works of art and introduce the imaginative in the design of cities and landscapes / Geert van de Camp, Andre Dekker, Lie. print book. Art
- Public housing.. streaming video.
- Public housing.. streaming video. Art
- Public housing works : Karakusevic Carson Architects / [Paul Karakusevic, Abigail Batchelor and Mike Althorpe].. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The public interior as idea and project / Mark Pimlott.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Public memory, public art : reflections on monuments and memorial art today / Annika Enqvist, Rebecka Katz Thor, Karolina Modig, Joanna Zawieja, editors.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Public space : notes on why it matters, what we should know, and how to realize its potential / Vikas Mehta.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Public space reader / edited by Miodrag Mitrašinović and Vikas Mehta.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Publications of the Anvil Press.. print book.
- Publishing plates : stereotyping and electrotyping in nineteenth-century US print culture / Jeffrey M. Makala.. print book. Special Collections
- PULP POWER : the shadow, doc savage, and the art of the street & smith universe.. print book. Art
- Punishing the black body : marking social and racial structures in Barbados and Jamaica / Dawn P. Harris.. print book. History
- Purple : for orchestra / Michael Torke.. music score (printed). Music
- The pursuit of excellence : Kentucky State University, 1886-2020 / by John A. Hardin.. print book. Special Collections
- The pursuit of style in early modern drama : forms of talk on the London stage / Matthew Hunter.. print book. English
- Pushout : the criminalization of black girls in schools / Women in the Room Productions presents ; a film by Monique W. Morris & Jacoba Atlas ; director, Jacoba Atlas ; writers, Monique W.Morris & Jacoba Atlas ; executive producer, Denise Pines ; executiv. streaming video.
- Pushout : the criminalization of black girls in schools / Women in the Room Productions presents ; a film by Monique W. Morris & Jacoba Atlas ; director, Jacoba Atlas ; writers, Monique W.Morris & Jacoba Atlas ; executive producer, Denise Pines ; executiv. streaming video. Education
- Puta life : seeing Latinas, working sex / Juana María Rodríguez.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
- Putting properties first : a platonic metaphysics for natural modality / Matthew Tugby.. print book. Philosophy
- Python for Geospatial Data Analysis : theory, tools, and practice for location intelligence / Bonny P. McClain.. ebook. Geography
- Q & A : voices from queer Asian North America / edited by Martin F. Manalansan IV, Alice Y. Hom, and Kale Bantigue Fajardo ; preface by David L. Eng.. ebook. Sociology
- QCA with R : a comprehensive resource / Adrian Duşa.. print book. Physics
- Qiu Jin = Autumn gem / Adam & Rae Productions.. streaming video.
- Qiu Jin = Autumn gem / Adam & Rae Productions.. streaming video. Asian Studies
- Quadro in F-Dur : für oboe, 2 violinen und basso continuo, CSWV D:8 / Christoph Schaffrath ; herausgegeben von = edited by Harry Joelson ; Continuo-Aussetzung von = with a realization of the continuo by Wolfgang Kostujak.. music score (printed). Music
- Quaestiones circa logicam = (Twenty-five disputed questions on logic) / Albert of Saxony ; introduction, translation, and notes by Michael J. Fitzgerald.. print book. Philosophy
- Quand l'esprit vient aux plantes : botanique sensible et subversion libertine (XVIe-XVIIe siecles) / Dominique Brancher.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
- Quand l'esprit vient aux plantes : botanique sensible et subversion libertine (XVIe-XVIIe siecles) / Dominique Brancher.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
- Quantum marketing : mastering the new marketing mindset for tomorrow's consumers / Raja Rajamannar.. ebook. Business
- The quarantine atlas : mapping global life under COVID-19 / Laura Bliss [& Bloomberg CityLab].. print book. Geography
- Quartet in c major, op. 12 nr. 1 : for bassoon obbligato, violin, viola and basso continuo / Ernesto Eichner ; edited by Alejanddro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
- Quartet no. 2, op. 92, for two violins, viola and cello.. music score (printed). Music
- Quartett für 2 Violinen, Viola und Violoncello (1861) = Quartet for two violins, viola, and violoncello (1861) / Elfrida Andrée ; [herausgegeben von] Patrick Meadows.. music score (printed). Music
- Quartetto in Mi minore / Saverio Mercadante ; a cura di Mariateresa Dellaborra. music score (printed). Music
- Quartetto in Sol : (primo quartetto d'archi) = Quartet in G : (1st string quartet) : op. 58 / Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco ; a cura di Angelo Gilardino.. music score (printed). Music
- Quartetto no. 10 in fa diesis minore per flauto e archi / Saverio Mercadante ; edited by Mariateresa Dellaborra.. music score (printed). Music
- Les quatre cents coups = 400 blows / scénario de François Truffaut ; adaptation de M. Moussy et F. Truffaut ; dialogues de Marcel Moussy ; mise in scène de François Truffaut ; une co-production S.E.D.I.F., Les Films du carrosse.. streaming video.
- The queen of Technicolor : Maria Montez in Hollywood / Tom Zimmerman.. print book.
- The queen of Versailles / a Lauren Greenfield film ; Evergreen Pictures presents in association with BBC Storyville, Impact Partners, Candescent Films.. streaming video. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Queer adolescence : understanding the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual youth / Charlie McNabb.. ebook. Psychology
- Queer African cinemas / Lindsey B. Green-Simms.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Queer economic dissonance and Victorian literature / Meg Dobbins.. print book. English
- Queer kinship after Wilde : transnational decadence and the family / Kristin Mahoney.. print book. English
- Queer spaces : an atlas of LGBTQIA+ places and stories / edited by Adam Nathaniel Furman and Joshua Mardell.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Queer youth histories / Daniel Marshall, editor.. ebook. Education
- Queering architecture : methods, practices, spaces, pedagogies / Marko Jobst and Naomi Stead.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The Quentin Blake book : with more than 300 illustrations / Jenny Uglow.. print book. Art
- The question of the aesthetic / edited by George Levine.. print book. English
- Quinoa : food politics and agrarian life in the Andean highlands / Linda J. Seligmann.. ebook.
- Quintet : for wind instruments / Grazyna Bacewicz.. music score (printed). Music
- Quintet in G minor for piano and strings = Quintett in g-Moll für Klavier und Streicher (1893) / Samuel Coleridge-Taylor.. music score (printed). Music
- Quintetos Vol. 1 : a due violini, due violoncelli e viola obbligata, Opera I (1771), L 202 - L 207 / Cayetano Brunetti ; edición crítica, Raúl Angulo Díaz.. music score (printed). Music
- Quintett : für pianoforte, 2 violinen, viola und violoncell, op. 39 / Hugo Kaun.. music score (printed). Music
- Quintett II d-dur : für 2 violinen, 2 violen und violoncello / Emilie Mayer ; edited by Barbara Gabler.. music score (printed). Music
- Quintetto no. 1 in B-flat major for 2 violins, 2 violas and cello : (1903) / Marco Anzoletti ; prepared by Kenneth Martinson. music score (printed). Music
- Quit [electronic resource] : the power of knowing when to walk away / Annie Duke.. ebook. Business
R - Ri
- R. Buckminster Fuller : world man / Daniel López-Pérez, editor, with contributions by Alejandro Zaera-Polo and Stan Allen.. ebook.
- R data science quick reference : a pocket guide to APIs, libraries, and packages / Thomas Mailund.. ebook. Statistics
- R for conservation and development projects : a primer for practitioners / Nathan Whitmore.. print book. Statistics
- R for marketing research and analytics / Chris Chapman, Elea McDonnell Feit.. ebook. Statistics
- R graphics cookbook : practical recipes for visualizing data / Winston Chang.. ebook. Statistics
- R in action : data analysis and graphics with R and Tidyverse / Robert I. Kabacoff.. ebook. Statistics
- R markdown cookbook / Yihui Xie, Christophe Dervieux, Emily Riederer.. print book. Statistics
- R quick syntax reference : a pocket guide to the language, APIs and library / Margot Tollefson.. ebook. Statistics
- Rabbit, Duck, and Big Bear / Nadine Brun-Cosme & Olivier Tallec.. print book. Education
- The rabbit hutch / Tess Gunty.. print book. Education
- Rabih Mroué : interviews / edited by Nadim Samman.. print book. Art
- Race and art education / by Amelia M. Kraehe and Joni B. Acuff.. print book. Art
- Race and nation in the age of emancipations / edited by Whitney Nell Stewart, John Garrison Marks.. print book. History
- Race and real estate / edited by Adrienne Brown and Valerie Smith.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Race and reckoning : from founding fathers to today's disruptors / Ellis Cose.. print book. History
- Race for tomorrow : survival, innovation and profit on the front lines of the climate crisis / Simon Mundy.. print book. Business
- Race in American literature and culture / edited by John Ernest.. print book. English
- Race, politics, and Irish America : a gothic history / Mary M. Burke.. print book. English
- Race, power & American sports : featuring Dave Zirin / a Media Education Foundation Production ; producers, Sut Jhally and Jeremy Earp ; editors, Sut Jhally and Jason Young ; director of photograpy, Daniel Mar racino ; additional camera, Andrew Killoy ; p. streaming video.
- Race : the power of an illusion / produced by California Newsreel ; in association with the Independent Television Service ; series creator /executive producer, Larry Adelman ; series co-producer, Jean Cheng.. streaming video.
- RaceLens : vintage thoroughbred racing images / Philip Von Borries ; foreword by Bill Mooney.. print book.
- Racial innocence : unmasking Latino anti-Black bias and the struggle for equality / Tanya Katerí Hernández.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- The racial unfamiliar : illegibility in Black literature and culture / John Brooks.. print book. English
- Racism, not race : answers to frequently asked questions / Joseph L. Graves, Jr. and Alan H. Goodman.. ebook. Social Work
- Radical care : leading for justice in urban schools / Rosa L. Rivera-McCutchen ; foreword by Jamaal A. Bowman.. print book. Education
- Radical care : leading for justice in urban schools / Rosa L. Rivera-McCutchen ; foreword by Jamaal A. Bowman.. ebook. Education
- Radical decadence : excess in contemporary feminist textiles and craft / Julia Skelly.. ebook. Art
- Radical form : modernist abstraction in South America / Megan A. Sullivan.. print book. Art
- Radical pedagogies / edited by Beatriz Colomina, Ignacio G. Galán, Evangelos Kotsioris, Anna-Maria Meister.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Radical practice : the work of Marlon Blackwell Architects / Peter MacKeith, Jonathan Boelkins, editors.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Radical vision : a biography of Lorraine Hansberry / Soyica Diggs Colbert.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- The radical vision of Edward Burne-Jones / Andrea Wolk Rager.. print book. Art
- Radium girls : a play in two acts / by D.W. Gregory.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Rådjur vid jämmertuna : för solo-klarinett (2022) / Tomas Winter.. music score (printed). Music
- Rafi and Rosi : music! / Lulu Delacre.. print book. Education
- Rafi y Rosi : ¡Música! / Lulu Delacre.. print book. Education
- RAFI Y ROSI MUSICA!. print book. Education
- RAINBOW RAINBOW: STORIES.. print book. Education
- Rainbow shopping / by Qing Zhuang.. print book. Education
- Raising Lazarus : hope, justice, and the future of America's overdose crisis / Beth Macy.. print book. Education
- The raising of America : early childhood and the future of our nation.. streaming video.
- Ralph Ellison : invisible man, celebrated writer.. streaming video.
- Ralph Ellison : invisible man, celebrated writer.. streaming video.
- Ramen for everyone / written by Patricia Tanumihardja ; illustrated by Shiho Pate.. print book. Education
- Ramesh / edited by Jaklyn Babington.. print book. Art
- Rams / [a Film First production ; directed by Gary Hustwit ; director of photography, Luke Geissbühler ; original music by Brian Eno]. streaming video.
- Rams / [a Film First production ; directed by Gary Hustwit ; director of photography, Luke Geissbühler ; original music by Brian Eno]. streaming video. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Randomness and elements of decision theory applied to signals / Monica Borda, Romulus Terebes, Raul Malutan, Ioana Ilea, Mihaela Cislariu, Andreia Miclea, Stefania Barburiceanu.. ebook. Statistics
- Randy Wood : the lore of the luthier / Daniel Wile.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Rank-based methods for shrinkage and selection : with application to machine learning / A. K. Md. Ehsanes Saleh, Mohammad Arashi, Resve A. Saleh, Mina Norouzirad.. ebook. Statistics
- Raphael / David Ekserdjian and Tom Henry with Matthias Wivel ; and contributions by Caroline Elam, Arnold Nesselrath and Thomas P. Campbell.. print book. Art
- Raphael / Paul Joannides.. print book. Art
- Rashōmon / Daiei Kabushiki Kaisha seisaku ; seisaku Minoura Jingo ; gensaku Akutagawa Ryūnosuke ; kyakuhon Kurosawa Akira, Hashimoto Shinobu ; kantoku Kurosawa Akira.. streaming video. Philosophy
- Rashōmon / Daiei Kabushiki Kaisha seisaku ; seisaku Minoura Jingo ; gensaku Akutagawa Ryūnosuke ; kyakuhon Kurosawa Akira, Hashimoto Shinobu ; kantoku Kurosawa Akira.. streaming video.
- The rat queen / Pete Hautman.. print book. Education
- Rats, cats, rogues, and heroes : glimpses of China's hidden past / Robert J. Antony.. print book. History
- Rautavaara's journey in music / Barbara Blanchard Hong.. print book. Music
- Rave / Jessica Campbell.. print book. Art
- Raw deal : hidden corruption, corporate greed, and the fight for the future of meat / Chloe Sorvino.. ebook. Business
- Re-understanding media : feminist extensions of Marshall Mcluhan / Sarah Sharma and Rianka Singh.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- Reading John Milton : how to persist in troubled times / Stephen B. Dobranski.. print book. English
- Reading pleasures : everyday Black living in early America / Tara A. Bynum.. print book. English
- Reading territory : Indigenous and Black freedom, removal, and the nineteenth-century state / Kathryn Walkiewicz.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Reading underwater wreckage : an encrusting ocean / Killian Quigley.. print book. English
- Real / Carol Cujec, Peyton Goddard.. print book. Education
- The real Dada Mother Goose : a treasury of complete nonsense / Jon Scieszka ; illustrated by Julia Rothman.. print book. Education
- Real estate finance in a nutshell / by Vada Waters Lindsey, Professor of Law, Marquette University Law School.. ebook. Law
- The real Riley Mayes / Rachel Elliott.. print book. Special Collections
- The real slam dunk / by Charisse K. Richardson ; illustrated by Kadir Nelson.. print book. Education
- Realigners : partisan hacks, political visionaries, and the struggle to rule American democracy / Timothy Shenk.. print book. History
- Realism and the climate crisis : hope for life / John Foster.. print book. Philosophy
- Reality and waves : a quantum physics cosmology, philosophy of religion, and ethic / Mark Ellingsen.. print book. Philosophy
- Realizing the values of art : making space for cultural civil society / Erwin Dekker, Valeria Morea.. print book. Art
- Reason in nature : new essays on themes from John McDowell / edited by Matthew Boyle and Evgenia Mylonaki.. print book. Philosophy
- Reasonableness and risk : right and responsibility in the law of torts / Gregory C. Keating.. print book. Law
- Rebuilding expertise : creating effective and trustworthy regulation in an age of doubt / William D. Araiza.. print book. Law
- Reckonings and reconstructions : Southern photography from the Do Good Fund / edited by Jeffrey Richmond-Moll ; essays by Jasmine Amussen, Rosalind Bentley, W. Ralph Eubanks, Grace Elizabeth Hale, Lauren Henkin, Jeffrey Richmond-Moll, RaMell Ross, Alan F.. print book. Art
- Reclaiming the Americas : Latinx art and the politics of territory / Tatiana Reinoza.. print book. Art
- Reclaiming Two-Spirits : sexuality, spiritual renewal & sovereignty in Native America / Gregory D. Smithers ; foreword by Raven E. Heavy Runner.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- Recognising adoptee relationships / Christine A. Lewis.. ebook.
- Recognition and the self in Hegel's Phenomenology of spirit / Timothy L. Brownlee.. print book. Philosophy
- Recollections of a former slave / James L. Smith ; with an introduction by Rosalyn Howard.. print book. History
- Reconstructing satyr drama / edited by Andreas P. Antonopoulos, Menelaos M. Christopoulos, George W.M. Harrison.. ebook. Classical Studies
- Recording history : Jews, Muslims, and music across twentieth-century North Africa / Christopher Silver.. print book. Music
- Recovering reputation : Plato and demotic power / Andreas Avgousti.. print book. Philosophy
- Recurrent visions : the architecture of Marshall Brown projects / Marshall Brown and Karen Kice.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Red Clay, 1835 : Cherokee removal and the meaning of sovereignty / Jace Weaver and Laura Adams Weaver.. print book. History
- Red clay & Mississippi Delta : for wind quintet / Valerie Coleman.. music score (printed). Music
- The red pyramid / Rick Riordan.. print book. Education
- Redefining geek : bias and the five hidden habits of tech-savvy teens / Cassidy Puckett.. print book. Education
- Redesigning work : how to transform your organization and make hybrid work for everyone / Lynda Gratton.. ebook. Business
- Redistributing the poor : jails, hospitals, and the crisis of law and fiscal austerity / Armando Lara-Millán.. ebook. Sociology
- Redlocks and the three bears / Claudia Rueda.. print book. Education
- Reel bad Arabs : how Hollywood vilifies a people / a Media Education Foundation production ; directed by Sut Jhally ; produced by Jeremy Earp. streaming video.
- Reel bad Arabs : how Hollywood vilifies a people / a Media Education Foundation production ; directed by Sut Jhally ; produced by Jeremy Earp. streaming video.
- Reference and information sources and services for children and young adults / Lesley S.J. Farmer.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Refining nature : the landscape architecture of Peter Walker / Scott Melbourne.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Reflection : a twisted tale / Elizabeth Lim.. print book. Education
- Reflections - Scott Joplin reconsidered : for solo piano / Scott Joplin ; edited by Lara Downes.. music score (printed). Music
- Refocusing academic libraries through learning and discourse : the idea of a library / Mary K. Bolin.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Regeneration : Black cinema 1898-1971 / edited by Doris Berger, Rhea L. Combs ; contributions by Donald Bogle, Cara Caddoo, Terri Simone Francis, Michael Boyce Gillespie, J. Raúl Guzmán, Shola Lynch, Ron Magliozzi, Ellen C. Scott, Jacqueline Stewart. ; fo. print book. Art
- Regina : Regina Cassolo Bracchi / a cura di Lorenzo Giusti.. print book. Art
- Reginald Rose and the journey of 12 angry men / Phil Rosenzweig.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Regional integration in West Africa : is there a role for a single currency? / Eswar S. Prasad, Vera Songwe.. ebook. Business
- Regola per l'apprendimento del basso continuo = rule for learning the basso continuo / Paolo Cherici.. music score (printed). Music
- Regression and other stories / Andrew Gelman, Columbia University, New York, Jennifer Hill, New York University, Aki Vehtari, Aalto University, Finland.. print book. Statistics
- Reimagining design : unlocking strategic innovation / Kevin Bethune ; foreword by John Maeda.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Reimagining money : Kenya in the digital finance revolution / Sibel Kusimba.. print book. Sociology
- Reimagining sustainable cities : strategies for designing greener, healthier, more equitable communities / Stephen M. Wheeler and Christina D. Rosan.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Reimagining the library of the future : public buildings and civic space for tomorrow's knowledge society / Steffen Lehmann ; with a foreword by Kelvin Watson ; a prologue by Michelle Jeffrey Delk ; an epilogue by Keith Webster ; and a photo series by Cid. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Reinventing fashion retailing : digitalising, gamifying, entrepreneuring / Eirini Bazaki, Vanissa Wanick, editors.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Relations : an anthology of African and diaspora voices / [Edited By] Nana Ekua Brew-Hammond.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Relativity principles and theories from Galileo to Einstein / Olivier Darrigol.. ebook. Physics
- Religion around Walter Benjamin / Brian Britt.. print book. Philosophy
- The reluctant storyteller / Art Coulson ; illustrated by Carlin Bear Don't Walk.. print book. Education
- Remaking Appalachia : ecosocialism, ecofeminism, and law / Nicholas F. Stump.. ebook. History
- Remaking Appalachia : ecosocialism, ecofeminism, and law / Nicholas F. Stump.. print book. History
- The remaking of the Medieval world, 1204 : the fourth Crusade / John J. Giebfried and Kyle C. Lincoln.. print book. History
- Remaking the exceptional : tea, torture, and reparations : Chicago to Guantánamo / curated by Aaron Hughes and Amber Ginsburg, edited by Amber Ginsburg, Aaron Hughes, Aliya Hussain, and Audrey Petty.. print book. Art
- Rembrandt / Christopher White.. print book. Art
- Remember / poem by Joy Harjo ; illustrations by Goade.. print book. Education
- Remember their sacrifice : stories of unheralded athletes of color / Arif Khatib, Pete Elman.. print book. History
- Renaissance illuminators in Paris : artists & artisans 1500-1715 / Richard H. Rouse & Mary A. Rouse.. print book. Art
- Renaissance secrets : a lifetime working with wall paintings by Michelangelo, Raphael, and others at the Vatican / Maurizio De Luca ; translated from Italian by Jason Cardone.. print book. Art
- Renegade rhymes : rap music, narrative, and knowledge in Taiwan / Meredith Schweig.. print book. Music
- Renoir : rococo revival / edited by Alexander Eiling in collaboration with Juliane Betz & Fabienne Ruppen ; translations from German, Rebecca van Dyck [and four others].. print book. Art
- Renzo Piano Building Workshop : space - detail - light / Edgar Stach.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Repensar la vivienda suburbana = Rethinking surburban housing / Juan Carral, Juan O'Gorman, Pablo Gutiérrez de la Peza, Victor Ebergenyi.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Replanting cultures : community-engaged scholarship in Indian country / edited by Chief Benjamin J. Barnes and Stephen Warren.. print book. Anthropology
- Represent yourself in court : prepare & try a winning civil case / Paul Bergman & Sara J. Berman ; cartoons by Mike Twohy.. print book. Law
- Representing childhood and atrocity / edited by Victoria Nesfield and Philip Smith.. print book. English
- Representing post-revolutionary Iran : captivity, neo-orientalism, and resistance in Iranian-American life writing / Hossein Nazari.. print book. English
- Representing vulnerabilities in contemporary literature / edited by Miriam Fernández-Santiago, Cristina M. Gámez-Fernández.. print book. English
- Reproductive rights as human rights : women of color and the fight for reproductive justice / Zakiya Luna.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- The Republican evolution : from governing party to antigovernment party, 1860-2020 / Kenneth Janda.. ebook. Political Science
- Requiem / W. A. Mozart ; vervollständigt und herausgegeben von = completed and edited by Michael Ostrzyga.. music score (printed). Music
- Requiem for the massacre : a Black history on the conflict, hope, and fallout of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre / RJ Young.. print book. History
- Requiem in b / Johann Adolph Hasse ; edited by Wolfgang Hochstein.. music score (printed). Music
- Required reading for the disenfranchised freshman / Kristen R. Lee.. print book. Education
- Research and writing in international relations / Laura Roselle, Sharon Spray and Joel T. Shelton.. print book.
- Research handbook on the sociology of organizations / edited by Mary Godwyn, Professor of Sociology, History and Society Division, Babson College, USA.. print book. Arts Administration
- Research methods in deliberative democracy / edited by Selen A. Ercan, Hans Asenbaum, Nicole Curato, Ricardo F. Mendonça.. ebook. Political Science
- Resilient city : landscape architecture for climate change / Elke Mertens ; [translated by Julian Reisenberger].. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Resist, organize, build : feminist and queer activism in Britain and the United States during the long 1980s / edited by Sarah Crook and Charlie Jeffries.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- RESISTANCE ANEW.. print book. Art
- Resistance : the underground war against Hitler, 1939-1945 / Halik Kochanski.. print book. History
- Resisting backsliding : opposition strategies against the erosion of democracy / Laura Gamboa.. ebook. Political Science
- Responsible pedagogy : moving beyond authority and mastery in higher education / Eric Detweiler.. print book. English
- Restarting the future : how to fix the intangible economy / Jonathan Haskel and Stian Westlake.. ebook. Business
- Le reste est ombre = The rest is shadow : Pedro Costa, Rui Chafes, Paulo Nozolino / commissariat de l'exposition, Philippe-Alain Michaud, Jonathan Pouthier.. print book. Art
- Restless reason and other variations on Kantian themes / Amihud Gilead.. print book. Philosophy
- Restoring the world, 1945 : security and empire at Yalta / Nicolas W. Proctor and John E. Moser.. print book. History
- Restraining air power : escalation management between peer air forces / Robert C. Owen [and four others].. print book.
- Restraining air power : escalation management between peer air forces / Robert C. Owen [and four others].. print book.
- Retail in a new world : recovering from the pandemic that changed the world / by Eleonora Pantano and Kim Willems.. ebook. Business
- Retail inequality : reframing the food desert debate / Kenneth H. Kolb.. print book. Business
- Rethinking communication geographies : geomedia, digital logistics and the human condition / André Jansson.. ebook. Geography
- Rethinking dwelling : Heidegger, place, architecture / Jeff Malpas.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Rethinking global value chains and corporate social responsibility / Peter Lund-Thomsen, Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing Countries, Center for Business and Development Studies, Department of Management, Communication and Society. ebook. Business
- Rethinking life : Italian philosophy in precarious times / edited by Silvia Benso.. print book. Philosophy
- Le retour de Martin Guerre / fun film de Daniel Vigne.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- The return of resentment : the rise and decline and rise again of a political emotion / Robert A. Schneider.. print book. Philosophy
- The return of Sara Baartman / narration written ... by Gail Smith ; produced and directed by Zola Maseko ; Black Roots Pictures.. streaming video. History
- Reversing sail : a history of the African diaspora / Michael A. Gomez.. print book. History
- Reversing the arrow of time / Bryan W. Roberts, London School of Economics and Political Science.. print book. Physics
- Revisiting modern British art / edited by Jo Baring.. print book. Art
- Revolution and dictatorship : the violent origins of durable authoritarianism / Steven Levitsky, Lucan Way.. ebook. Political Science
- Revolution? : architecture and the anthropocene / Susannah Hagan.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- A revolution on canvas : the rise of women artists in London and Paris, 1760-1830 / Paris A. Spies-Gans.. print book. Art
- Revolutionary hope after nihilism : marginalized voices and dissent / Saladdin Ahmed.. print book. Philosophy
- Revolutionary poetics : the rhetoric of the Black Arts Movement / Sarah RudeWalker.. print book. English
- The revolutionary : Samuel Adams / Stacy Schiff.. print book. History
- Rhapsodie "Vadar" : für Orchester (1922/28) / Pantcho Vladigerov.. music score (printed). Music
- The rhetoric of exemplarity in early modern England / Michael Ullyot.. print book. English
- Rhetorica divina, seu ars oratoria eloquentiae divinae / William of Auvergne ; introduction, text, translation, and notes by Roland J. Teske.. print book. Philosophy
- Rhythms of feeling in Edward Lear, T.S. Eliot, and Stevie Smith / Jasmine Jagger.. print book. English
- Rich thanks to racism : how the ultra-wealthy profit from racial injustice / Jim Freeman.. print book. Business
- Richard Hunt / LeRonn P. Brooks, Jordan Carter, Adrienne L. Childs, Jon Ott, John Yau ; foreword by Courtney J. Martin.. print book. Art
- Richard III / a London Film ; Laurence Olivier presents ; by William Shakespeare ; with some interpolations by David Garrick, Colley Cibber, etc. ; produced and directed by Laurence Olivier ; London Film Productions Ltd.. streaming video. English
- Richard III / a London Film ; Laurence Olivier presents ; by William Shakespeare ; with some interpolations by David Garrick, Colley Cibber, etc. ; produced and directed by Laurence Olivier ; London Film Productions Ltd.. streaming video.
- Richard III's bodies from medieval England to modernity : Shakespeare and disability history / Jeffrey R. Wilson.. print book. English
- Richard Long : many rivers to cross / Richard Long.. print book. Art
- RICHARD RORTY : a short introduction.. print book. Philosophy
- Ricoeur at the limits of philosophy : God, creation, and evil / Barnabas Aspray.. print book. Philosophy
- Un ricordo : violí i piano = violin and piano = violín y piano / Jordi Cervelló.. music score (printed). Music
- The right place : how national competitiveness makes or breaks companies / Arturo Bris.. ebook. Business
- The right : the hundred-year war for American conservatism / Matthew Continetti.. print book. Political Science
- Right to harm / Hourglass Films presents ; a film by Matt Wechsler and Annie Speicher.. streaming video.
- Right where we belong : how refugee teachers and students are changing the future of education / Sarah Dryden-Peterson.. ebook. Education
- Rip Van Winkle's republic : Washington Irving in history and memory / edited by Andrew Burstein and Nancy Isenberg.. print book. English
- Riparian : poetry, short prose, and photographs inspired by the Ohio River / Sherry Cook Stanforth, managing editor ; Richard Hague, co-editor.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The rise and fall of modern Japanese literature / John Whittier Treat.. ebook. Asian Studies
- The rise and triumph of the modern self : cultural amnesia, expressive individualism, and the road to sexual revolution / Carl R. Trueman ; foreword by Rod Dreher.. print book. Philosophy
- The rise of China, Inc. : how the Chinese Communist Party transformed China into a giant corporation / Shaomin Li, Old Dominion University.. print book. Business
- The rise of Christian theology and the end of ancient metaphysics : patristic philosophy from the Cappadocian Fathers to John of Damascus / Johannes Zachhuber.. print book. Philosophy
- The rise of the African novel : politics of language, identity, and ownership / Mukoma Wa Ngugi.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- The rise of the halfling king / by David Bowles ; illustrated by Charlene Bowles.. print book. Education
- Rising : for flute and string quartet / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
- Rising together : how we can bridge divides and create a more inclusive workplace / Sally Helgesen.. ebook. Business
- Risky business : why insurance markets fail and what to do about it / Liran Einav, Amy Finkelstein, and Ray Fisman.. ebook. Business
- Rissolty rossolty : for orchestra / Ruth Crawford ; edited by Douglas Adams and Ryan Carson.. music score (printed). Music
- Rites of passage, liminality, and community in Octavia E. Butler's science fiction novels / Lin Knutson.. print book. English
- Ritmos de Cuba : Cuban rhythms for percussion and drumset = Ritmos de Cuba para percusión y batería = Kubanische Rhythmen für Perkussion und Drumset / Ruy López-Nussa Lekszycki.. music score (printed). Music
- Ritual : Baptiste Brossard, Helen Dowling, Sara-Lena Maierhofer / Madeleine Frey, Hg. ; Camille Bouaud, Natasha Christia, Zeynep Kubat.. print book. Art
- Riverbend Gap / Denise Hunter.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Riverblue / a David McIlvride film ; a Roger Williams production ; written by David McIlvride ; directed by David McIlvride and Roger Williams ; produced by Roger Williams and Lisa Mazzotta.. streaming video.
- Riverblue / a David McIlvride film ; a Roger Williams production ; written by David McIlvride ; directed by David McIlvride and Roger Williams ; produced by Roger Williams and Lisa Mazzotta.. streaming video. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- RiverRun / Stephen Albert.. music score (printed). Music
Ro - Rz
- Road atlas 2023 : EasyFinder : 35% larger maps than the Midsize Road Atlas maps / Rand McNally.. print atlas. Geography
- Roadblock politics : the origins of violence in Central Africa / Peer Schouten.. print book. History
- The robber : = Der Räuber / a film by Bejamin Heisenberg ; Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion, Peter Heilrath Filmproduktion.. streaming video. German
- Robbery : the tipping point between theft and violence / Amy Burrell.. ebook. Law
- Robert Grosseteste at Munich : the Abbreviatio by Frater Andreas, O.F.M., of the commentaries by Robert Grosseteste on the Pseudo-Dionysius / edition, translation, and introduction by James McEvoy [d.] ; prepared for publication by Philipp W. Rosemann.. print book. Philosophy
- Robert L. Thompson : TVA Architects / Robert L. Thompson ; introductions by Randy Gragg ; foreword by Michael J. Crosbie.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Robert Morgan : essays on the life and work / edited by Robert M. West and Jesse Graves.. print book. English
- Robert Motherwell drawings : a catalogue raisonné / Katy Rogers.. print book. Art
- Robert Penn Warren, shadowy autobiography, and other makers of American literature / Joseph R. Millichap.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Robin Boyd : late works / Peter Raisbeck, Christine Marie Phillips.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Robinson Crusoe lantern slides. print book.
- Robust nonlinear regression : with application using R / Hossein Riazoshams, Habshah Midi, Gebrenegus Ghilagaber.. ebook. Statistics
- Rock and roll, desegregation movements, and racism in the post-Civil Rights era : an "integrated effort" / Beth Fowler.. print book. History
- Rockitecture : the symphony of river rocks and the men who listened to their music : indigenous architecture in California 1885-1935 / Barry Schweiger, AIAE.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Rodin in the United States : confronting the modern / edited by Antoinette Le Normand-Romain ; with essays by Christina Buley-Uribe, Patrick R. Crowley, C.D. Dickerson III, Antoinette Le Normand-Romain, Laure de Margerie, Véronique Mattiussi, Elyse Nelson. print book. Art
- Rogue sexuality in early modern English literature : desire, status, biopolitics / Ari Friedlander.. print book. English
- The role of citation in the law : a Yale Law School symposium / edited by Michael Chiorazzi.. print book. Law
- Roman law in context [electronic resource] / David Johnston.. ebook. Classical Studies
- Roman legends brought to life / Robert Garland.. ebook. Classical Studies
- Romans in a New World : classical models in sixteenth-century Spanish America / David A. Lupher.. print book. Classical Studies
- Romantic empiricism : nature, art, and ecology from Herder to Humboldt. / Dalia Nassar.. print book. English
- The Romantic rhetoric of accumulation / Lenora Hanson.. print book. English
- Romanticism, republicanism, and the Swiss myth / Patrick Vincent, University of Neuchâtel.. print book. English
- Rome : strategy of empire / James Lacey.. print book. History
- The Ronald S. Lauder collection : selections of Greek and Roman antiquities, Medieval art, arms and armor, Italian gold-ground and Old Master paintings, Austrian and German art and design / edited by Elizabeth Szancer ; preface by Ronald S. Lauder ; forew. print book. Art
- Ronde de nuit : pour orchestre / Marie Grandval.. music score (printed). Music
- Rondò dal Concerto no. 1 op. 6 per due chitarre : basato sul manoscritto "Rondò von Paganini" della Rischel & Birket-Smith Collection / Niccolò Paganini ; edizione critica, revisione e diteggiatura a cura di Carmelo Imbesi e Carmen Zangarà ; prefazione. music score (printed). Music
- A room of one's own : for eight string instruments : 2020 / Britta Byström.. music score (printed). Music
- Room to dream / Kelly Yang.. print book. Education
- Roosevelt and the Hundred Days : struggle for the early New Deal / James E. Sargent.. print book. History
- Rooted jazz dance : Africanist aesthetics and equity in the twenty-first century / edited by Lindsay Guarino, Carlos R. A. Jones, and Wendy Oliver.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Rooted jazz dance : Africanist aesthetics and equity in the twenty-first century / edited by Lindsay Guarino, Carlos R. A. Jones, and Wendy Oliver.. ebook. Theatre & Dance
- Roots music in America : collected writings of Joe Wilson / edited by Fred Bartenstein.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The roots of American individualism : political myth in the age of Jackson / Alex Zakaras. ebook. Political Science
- Rosamond Purcell : nature stands aside / edited by Gordon Wilkins ; with texts by Mark Dion, Christoph Irmscher, Errol Morris, Belinda Rathbone, Gordon Wilkins, and Rosamond Purcell.. print book. Art
- Rossiniana no. 2, opus 120 : pour guitare seule = per chitarra sola = for solo guitar / Mauro Giuliani ; édition de = edizione di = edition by Frédéric Zigante.. music score (printed). Music
- Rossiniana no. 4, op. 122 : pour guitare seule = per chittara sola = for solo guitar / Mauro Giuliani ; [edited by] Frédéric Zigante.. music score (printed). Music
- Rough draft of history : a century of US social movements in the news / Edwin Amenta, Neal Caren.. ebook. Sociology
- Rough sleepers / Tracy Kidder.. print book. Business
- ROUSSEAU, BURKE, AND REVOLUTION IN FRANCE, 1791.. print book. History
- The Routledge companion to architectural drawings and models : from translating to archiving, collecting and displaying / edited by Federica Goffi.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Routledge companion to audiences and the performing arts / edited by Matthew Reason, Lynne Conner, Katya Johanson, and Ben Walmsley.. print book. Arts Administration
- The Routledge companion to Black women's cultural histories / edited by Janell Hobson.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- The Routledge companion to ecological design thinking : healthful ecotopian visions for architecture and urbanism / edited by Mitra Kanaani.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The Routledge companion to musical theatre / edited by Laura MacDonald and Ryan Donovan with William A. Everett.. print book. Music
- The Routledge companion to the American landscape / edited by Chris W. Post, Alyson L. Greiner, and Geoffrey L. Buckley.. ebook. Geography
- Routledge encyclopedia of translation studies / edited by Mona Baker and Gabriela Saldanha.. ebook. Classical Studies
- Routledge handbook of Asian music : cultural intersections / edited by Lee Tong Soon.. print book. Music
- The Routledge handbook of comparative territorial autonomies / edited by Brian C.H. Fong and Atsuko Ichijo.. ebook. Political Science
- Routledge handbook of conspiracy theories / edited by Michael Butter and Peter Knight.. ebook. English
- The Routledge handbook of health communication / edited by Teresa L. Thompson, Nancy Grant Harrington.. ebook. Medicine
- The Routledge handbook of methodologies in human geography / Sarah Lovell, Stephanie E. Coen and Mark W. Rosenberg.. ebook. Geography
- Routledge international handbook of financialization / edited by Philip Mader.. ebook. Business
- The Rowman & Littlefield handbook of philosophy and religion / edited by Mark A. Lamport.. print book. Philosophy
- Rudolph de Harak, graphic designer : rational simplicity / Richard Poulin.. print book. Art
- Rumble and roar : sound around the world / Sue Fliess ; illustrated by Khoa Le.. print book. Education
- Run. Book one / written by John Lewis and Andrew Aydin ; art by L. Fury with Nate Powell ; lettering by Chris Ross and Nate Powell.. print book. Education
- Running a small library : a how-to-do-it manual for librarians / edited by John A. Moorman.. print book. Library & Information Science
- Running sideways : the Olympic champion who made track and field history / Pauline Davis with T. R. Todd.. print book. History
- RURAL QUEER. print book. Special Collections
- Ruth Asawa: citizen of the universe / edited by Emma Ridgway and Vibece Salthe ; [texts by Emma Ridgway, John R. Blakinger, Sigrun Åsebø, Vibece Salthe, Emily Pringle].. print book. Art
- Ruth Asawa: citizen of the universe / edited by Emma Ridgway and Vibece Salthe ; [texts by Emma Ridgway, John R. Blakinger, Sigrun Åsebø, Vibece Salthe, Emily Pringle].. print book. Art
S - Sh
- S'una sol lagrima di pentimento : aria des Gesù aus dem Oratorio "Gesù al Calvario" (ZWV 62) : für Alt-Solo, 2 Oboen, 2 Fagotte, Streicher und Basso continuo / Jan Dismas Zelenka ; herausgegeben von Claudia Lubkoll.. music score (printed). Music
- Sachlexikon Rockmusik : Instrumente, Technik, Industrie--A-K / Bernward Halbscheffel. print book. Music
- Sachlexikon Rockmusik : Instrumente, Technik, Industrie--L-Z / Bernward Halbscheffel. print book. Music
- The sack of Detroit : General Motors and the end of American enterprise / Kenneth Whyte.. print book. Business
- The sacred depths of nature : how life has emerged and evolved / Ursula Goodenough.. ebook. Biology
- Sacred engagements : interfaith marriage, religious toleration, and the British novel, 1750-1820 / Alison Conway.. print book. English
- The sacred life of modernist literature : immanence, occultism, and the making of the modern world / Allan Kilner-Johnson.. print book. English
- THE SACRED MELODEON / A. S. HAYDEN. print book. Music
- Sacred stick / director and producer, Michelle Danforth ; co-producer Patty Loew.. streaming video.
- Sacred stick / director and producer, Michelle Danforth ; co-producer Patty Loew.. streaming video. Education
- Sacrilegion / L. Lamar Wilson.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Safe area Goražde / by Joe Sacco.. print book. History
- Safe as houses : the more-than-human home / Rachel Armstrong.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The safe library : keeping users, staff, and collections secure / Steve Albrecht.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Said-songs : essays on poetry and place / Jesse Graves.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Saigo no aisatsu / Kobayashi Erika.. print book. Asian Studies
- Saints and soldiers : inside internet-age terrorism, from Syria to the Capitol siege / Rita Katz.. ebook. Political Science
- Sal & Gabi fix the universe / Carlos Hernandez.. print book. Education
- Salafism and political order in Africa / Sebastian Elischer.. print book. History
- Sales and leases of goods in a nutshell / Anne Lawton.. print book. Law
- Sallie Bee writes a thank-you note / words by Courtney Sheinmel and Susan Verde ; pictures by Heather Ross.. print book. Education
- Salman Rushdie in context / edited by Florian Stadtler, University of Bristol.. print book. English
- Salvador Luria : an immigrant biologist in Cold War America / Rena Selya.. print book. Biology
- Salvator Rosa : paint and performance / Helen Langdon.. print book. Art
- Salve a dos voces con violines y bajo / Antonio Corvi y Morotti ; edicion critica: Antoni Pons Segui.. music score (printed). Music
- Sam's super seats / by Keah Brown ; illustrated by Sharee Miller.. print book. Education
- Samakat qaws qazah.. print book. Education
- Samba for Susan : for cello and piano / Ricky Ian Gordon.. music score (printed). Music
- Ṣamt al-quṣūr = Les silences du palais = The silences of the palace ; a flim / by Moufida Tlatli.. video DVD. French & Francophone Studies
- Samuel Beckett and cultural nationalism / Shane Weller.. print book. English
- Samuel Beckett and the theatre of the witness : pain in postwar Francophone drama / Hannah Simpson (St Anne's College, University of Oxford).. print book. English
- Samuel Beckett's poetry / edited by James Brophy, William Davies.. print book. English
- Sancti Aurelii Augustini Enarrationes in Psalmos / post Maurinos textum edendum curaverunt E. Dekkers et I. Fraipont.. print book. Philosophy
- Sanctions : what everyone needs to know / Bruce W. Jentleson.. print book. Business
- Sanctions : what everyone needs to know / Bruce W. Jentleson.. ebook. Business
- Sandy Hook : an American tragedy and the battle for truth / Elizabeth Williamson.. ebook. Sociology
- Sans toit ni loi = Vagabond / Janus Films ; Ciné-Tamaris présente un film de Agnès Varda ; production, Ciné-Tamaris, Films A 2 ; régie, Oury Milshtein ; cinécrit et réalisé par Agnès Varda.. streaming video.
- Sans toit ni loi = Vagabond / Janus Films ; Ciné-Tamaris présente un film de Agnès Varda ; production, Ciné-Tamaris, Films A 2 ; régie, Oury Milshtein ; cinécrit et réalisé par Agnès Varda.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- Sansho dayu = Sansho the bailiff / Daiei Motion Picture Company presents ; produced by Masaichi Nagata ; screenplay, Fuji Yahiro and Yoshikata Yoda ; directed by Kenji Mizoguchi.. streaming video. Asian Studies
- Sanxia haoren = Still life / Xihe xinghui chupin ; Shanghai dianying zhipianchang lianhe shezhi ; Jia Zhangke zuopin ; zhuyan Zhao Tao, Han Sanming ; youqing kechuan Wang Hongwei.. streaming video.
- Sanxia haoren = Still life / Xihe xinghui chupin ; Shanghai dianying zhipianchang lianhe shezhi ; Jia Zhangke zuopin ; zhuyan Zhao Tao, Han Sanming ; youqing kechuan Wang Hongwei.. streaming video. Anthropology
- Saoko : for brass quintet / Tania León.. music score (printed). Music
- Sara Greenberger Rafferty : studio visit / editor, Eugenia Bell ; image descriptions, Kate Nesin.. print book. Art
- Sarai and the meaning of awesome / Sarai Gonzalez and Monica Brown ; illustrations by Christine Almeda.. print book. Education
- Sarai in the spotlight / Sarai Gonzalez and Monica Brown ; [illustrations by Christine Almeda].. print book. Education
- Sartre's Existential Psychoanalysis : knowing others / Mary L. Edwards.. print book. Philosophy
- THE SASSOONS. print book. Art
- The savage eye / text by Emil Leth Meilvang, Allison Morehead, Gavin Parkinson, Jamieson Webster, David Lomas ; contributions by Lars Toft-Eriksen ; edited by Kate Bell.. print book. Art
- Saving Main Street : small business in the time of COVID-19 / Gary Rivlin.. print book. Business
- Say that geography is destiny : for clarinet and piano (2022) / Beth Wiemann.. music score (printed). Music
- Scanners / Pierre David and Victor Solnicki present ; a David Cronenberg film ; produced by Claude Heroux ; written and directed by David Cronenberg ; a Filmplan International production... streaming video. Philosophy
- Scarcity : a history from the origins of capitalism to the climate crisis / Fredrik Albritton Jonsson and Carl Wennerlind.. ebook. Business
- Scary stories for young foxes : the City / Christian McKay Heidicker ; illustrations by Junyi Wu.. print book. Education
- Scènes poétiques, op. 46 : for orchestra / Benjamin Godard.. music score (printed). Music
- Schelling and Spinoza : realism, idealism, and the absolute / Benjamin Norris.. print book. Philosophy
- Schelling's late philosophy in confrontation with Hegel / Peter Dews.. print book. Philosophy
- Scherzo / John Cheetham. print book. Music
- SCHERZO / JOHN CHEETHAM. print book. Music
- Schizoanalysis and Asia : Deleuze, Guattari and postmedia / Joff P. N. Bradley ; foreword by Toshiya Ueno.. print book. Philosophy
- The scholarly communications cookbook / edited by Brianna Buljung and Emily Bongiovanni.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- SCHOOL FOR GOOD MOTHERS.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Schools of fiction : literature and the making of the American educational system / Morgan Day Frank.. print book. English
- Schools of magic : learning in children's and young adult fantasy fiction / Megan H. Suttie.. print book. English
- Schule für bassposaune = method for bass trombone / Branimir Slokar ; Armin Bachmann.. music score (printed). Music
- Science and the Bible [electronic resource] : evidence-based Christian belief / Ted Burge.. ebook.
- Science fiction and narrative form / David Roberts, Andrew Milner, and Peter Murphy.. print book. English
- The science of brass instruments / Murray Campbell, Joël Gilbert, Arnold Myers.. print book. Music
- The science of marijuana.. streaming video.
- The science of marijuana.. streaming video. Social Work
- The scientific guide to health and happiness. episode 7, Which diet is best for happiness?.. streaming video. English
- The scientific guide to health and happiness. episode 7, Which diet is best for happiness?.. streaming video.
- The scientific imagination in South Africa : 1700 to the present / William Beinart, University of Oxford, Saul Dubow, University of Cambridge.. print book. History
- Scorched earth : beyond the digital age to a post-capitalist world / Jonathan Crary.. print book. Business
- Scotland, PA / a film by Billy Morrissette ; Abandon Pictures presents ; in association with Veto Chip Productions and Paddy Wagon Productions.. streaming video. English
- Scotland, PA / a film by Billy Morrissette ; Abandon Pictures presents ; in association with Veto Chip Productions and Paddy Wagon Productions.. streaming video.
- Scourge of hyacinths : an opera in twelve scenes / based on the radio play "A scourge of hyacinths" by Wole Soyinka ; music and libretto by Tania León.. music score (printed). Music
- Scramble for the skies : the great power competition to control the resources of outer space / Namrata Goswami and Peter A. Garretson.. print book. Business
- Screen damage : the dangers of digital media for children / Michel Desmurget ; translated by Andrew Brown.. print book. Education
- Screening #MeToo : rape culture in Hollywood / edited by Lisa Funnell and Ralph Beliveau.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- Sculpture at the ends of slavery / Caitlin Meehye Beach.. print book. Art
- SCUMB manifesto / Justine Kurland.. print book. Art
- SEA : contemporary art in Southeast Asia / edited by Ute Meta Bauer, Karin G. Oen, Boon Hui Tan, Calvin.. print book. Art
- A Sea symphony : for soprano and baritone solo, chorus and orchestra / Ralph Vaughan Williams ; edited by David Matthews.. music score (printed). Music
- Searching for trust : blockchain technology in an age of disinformation / Victoria L. Lemieux, University of British Columbia.. print book. Mathematics
- Searching for trust in the global economy / Jeanne M. Brett, Tyree D. Mitchell.. ebook. Business
- Seashells : more than a home / Melissa Stewart ; illustrated by Sarah S. Brannen.. print book. Education
- The seasons / Edward German.. music score (printed). Music
- Seaweed and microalgae as alternative sources of protein / edited by Xingen Lei.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Secession and state creation : what everyone needs to know / James Ker-Lindsay and Mikulas Fabry.. ebook. Political Science
- Second book of practical studies for cornet and trumpet / by Robert W. Getchell ; edited by Nilo W. Hovey.. music score (printed). Music
- Second-class daughters : Black Brazilian women and informal adoption as modern slavery / Elizabeth Hordge-Freeman, University of South Florida.. print book. Education
- Second nature : comic performance and philosophy / edited by Josephine Gray and Lisa Trahair.. print book. Philosophy
- The Second : race and guns in a fatally unequal America / Carol Anderson.. print book. Law
- Secondary data in mixed methods research / Daphne C. Watkins.. ebook. Social Work
- Secret city : the hidden history of gay Washington / James Kirchick.. print book. History
- The Secret Explorers and the plant poachers / SJ King ; illustrated by Ellie O'Shea.. print book. Education
- The secret garden on 81st street : a modern graphic retelling of The secret garden / by Ivy Noelle Weir ; illustrated by Amber Padilla.. print book. Education
- The secret language of maps : how to tell visual stories with data / Carissa Carter ; illustrations by Jeremy Nguyen & Michael Hirshon.. print book. Geography
- Secrets to good health.. streaming video. English
- Secrets to good health.. streaming video.
- Secularism : the basics / Jacques Berlinerblau.. print book. Philosophy
- Securing social networks in cyberspace / edited by Al-Sakib Khan Pathan.. ebook. Mathematics
- A seed grows / Antoinette Portis.. print book. Education
- Seeding the tradition : musical creativity in southern Vietnam / Alexander M. Cannon.. print book. Music
- Seeing loud : Basquiat and music / edited by Mary-Dailey Desmarais, Dieter Buchhart, Vincent Bessières ; exhibition curators, Vincent Bessières (guest curator), Dieter Buchhart (guest curator), Mary-Dailey Desmarais (chief curator, The Montreal Museum o. print book. Art
- Seeing red : Indigenous land, American expansion, and the political economy of plunder in North America / Michael John Witgen.. print book. History
- Seeing red : Indigenous land, American expansion, and the political economy of plunder in North America / Michael John Witgen.. ebook. Anthropology
- Seeing science : the art of making the invisible visible / Jack Challoner.. print book. Biology
- Seeing us in them : social divisions and the politics of group empathy / Cigdem V. Sirin, Nicholas A. Valentino, José D. Villalobos.. ebook. Political Science
- Seek and hide : the tangled history of the right to privacy / Amy Gajda.. print book. Education
- Seek you : a journey through American loneliness / Kristen Radtke.. print book.
- Seeking home : marginalization and representation in Appalachian literature and song / edited by Leslie Harper Worthington and Jürgen E. Grandt.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Seen and not heard : why children's voices matter / Jana Mohr Lone.. print book. Education
- Seen and unseen : what Dorothea Lange, Toyo Miyatake, and Ansel Adams's photographs reveal about the Japanese American incarceration / Elizabeth Partridge, Lauren Tamaki.. print book. Education
- Sei duetti per flauti : edizione critica per le classi di flauti dei Conservatori e delle Scuole di musica / Saverio Mercadante ; a cura di Mariateresa Dellaborra.. music score (printed). Music
- Sei sestetti : a tre violini, viola e due violoncelli obbligati / Cayetano Brunetti ; edited by Raúl Angulo Díaz.. music score (printed). Music
- Selected duets for flute / compiled and edited by H. Voxman.. music score (printed). Music
- Self-care for new and student nurses / Dorrie K. Fontaine, Tim Cunningham, Natalie May.. ebook. Medicine
- Self-care in social work : a guide for practitioners, supervisors, and administrators / Kathleen Cox and Sue Steiner.. ebook. Social Work
- Self-cultivation in early China / Paul Fischer.. print book. Philosophy
- Self-knowledge in ancient philosophy : the Eighth Keeling Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy / edited by Fiona Leigh.. ebook. Education
- Self-portrait as an iguana / Jeremy Paden.. print book.
- Self-reflective fiction and 4E cognition : an enactive approach to literary artifice / Merja Polvinen.. print book. English
- Selfhood and rationality in ancient Greek philosophy : from Heraclitus to Plotinus / A.A. Long.. print book. Philosophy
- Selfie aesthetics : seeing trans feminist futures in self-representational art / Nicole Erin Morse.. print book. Art
- The semantics of knowledge attributions / Michael Blome-Tillman.. print book. Philosophy
- Sense / Ann Hamilton.. print book. Art
- The sensible and intelligible worlds : new essays on Kant's metaphysics and epistemology / edited by Karl Schafer and Nicholas F. Stang.. print book. Philosophy
- Sensing spaces : architecture reimagined / [curated by] Kate Goodwin ; [text by] Philip Ursprung.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- A sensory history manifesto / Mark M. Smith.. print book. History
- Les Sept Ivresses : pour chant & piano / Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
- Sequences / Adam of Saint-Victor ; introduction, text, translation and notes by Juliet Mousseau ; with a foreword by Hugh Feiss.. print book. Philosophy
- Serena says / Tanita S. Davis.. print book. Education
- Serenade : for cello and guitar / Ruggiero Leoncavallo ; transcribed and edited by Valter Dešpalj.. music score (printed). Music
- Serien : Druckgraphik von Warhol bis Wool = Series : prints from Warhol to Wool / herausgegeben von Petra Roettig für die Hamburger Kunsthalle ; Texte, Leona Marie Ahrens [and eight others].. print book. Art
- The serpent's shadow / Rick Riordan.. print book. Education
- Servants of the damned : giant law firms, Donald Trump, and the corruption of justice / David Enrich.. print book. Law
- Serving herself : the life and times of Althea Gibson / Ashley Brown.. print book. History
- Setting slavery's limits : physical confrontations in Antebellum Virginia, 1801-1860 / Christopher H. Bouton.. print book. History
- Seul en double : d'après La Partita no. 1 BWV 1002 de J.-S. Bach : pour violon = from the Partita no. 1 BWV 1002 by J. S. Bach : for violin / Karol Beffa ; Doigtés et coups d'archet: = fingerings and bowings: Bruno Garlej.. music score (printed). Music
- Seven golden rings : a tale of music and math / by Rajani LaRocca ; illustrated by Archana Sreenivasan.. print book. Education
- The seven moons of Maali Almeida / Shehan Karunatilaka.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Seven samurai / Janus Films ; Toho Co. Ltd. ; [directed by Akira Kurosawa] ; [screenplay by Akira Kurosawa, Shinobu Hashimoto and Hideo Oguni] ; [produced by Sojiro Motoki]. streaming video.
- Seven tunes heard in China : for solo cello / Bright Sheng ; edited by Yo-Yo Ma.. music score (printed). Music
- The seventh seal / The Criterion Collection ; Janus Films ; Svensk Filmindustri presents ; a film by Ingmar Bergman ; producer, Allan Ekelund ; directed and written by Ingmar Bergman.. streaming video. Philosophy
- Several fanfares : for solo trumpet : 2020 / Erika Fox.. music score (printed). Music
- Sex is as sex does : governing transgender identity / Paisley Currah.. print book. Law
- Sexual ethics in a secular age : is there still a virtue of chastity? / edited by Eric J. Silverman.. print book. Philosophy
- Sexual futures, queer gestures, and other Latina longings / Juana María Rodríguez.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
- Sexuality and slavery : reclaiming intimate histories in the Americas / edited by Daina Ramey Berry and Leslie M. Harris.. ebook. History
- Sexuality and slavery : reclaiming intimate histories in the Americas / edited by Daina Ramey Berry and Leslie M. Harris.. print book. History
- Sexuality in emerging adulthood / edited by Elizabeth M. Morgan and Manfred H. M. van Dulmen.. ebook. Social Work
- Sexuality in Greek and Roman society and literature [electronic resource] : a sourcebook / Marguerite Johnson.. ebook. Classical Studies
- The Shadow Crosser / J.C. Cervantes.. print book. Education
- The shadow drawing : how science taught Leonardo how to paint / Francesca Fiorani.. print book. Physics
- Shadow migration : mapping a life / Suzanne Ohlmann.. ebook.
- [Shaker manuscript hymnal].. music score (printed). Music
- [Shaker manuscript hymnal].. music score (printed). Music
- Shakespeare and Beckett : restless echoes / Claudia Olk, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich.. print book. English
- Shakespeare and the idea of Western civilization / R.V. Young.. print book. English
- Shakespeare and the theater of pity / Shawn Smith.. print book. English
- Shakespeare behind bars / produced in association with the Independent Television Service and the BBC ; produced by Philomath Films ; a film by Hank Rogerson and Jilann Spitzmiller.. streaming video.
- Shakespeare beyond the green world : drama and ecopolitics in Jacobean Britain / Todd Andrew Borlik.. print book. English
- Shakespeare, Elizabeth and Ivan : the role of English-Russian relations in Love's Labours Lost / Rima Greenhill.. print book. English
- Shakespeare in love / based on the screenplay by Marc Norman & Tom Stoppard ; adapted for the stage by Lee Hall ; music by Paddy Cunneen.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Shakespeare in the present : political lessons under Biden / Philip Goldfarb Styrt.. print book. English
- Shakespeare on consent / Amanda Bailey.. print book. English
- Shakespeare's blank verse : an alternative history / Robert Stagg.. print book. English
- Shakespeare's dialectic of hope : from the political to the utopian / Hugh Grady, Arcadia University.. print book. English
- Shakespeare's mad men : a crisis of authority / Richard van Oort.. print book. English
- Shakespeare's tutor : the influence of Thomas Kyd / Darren Freebury-Jones.. print book. English
- Shakespearean issues : agency, skepticism, and other puzzles / Richard Strier.. print book. English
- The shame machine : who profits in the new age of humiliation / Cathy O'Neil ; with Stephen Baker.. ebook. Psychology
- Shandean psychoanalysis : Tristram Shandy, madness and trauma / Françoise Davoine ; translated by Agnès Jacob.. print book. English
- The shape of freedom : international abstraction after 1945 / exhibition and catalog, Daniel Zamani ; edited by Ortrud Westheider, Michael Philipp, Daniel Zamani ; with contributions by Jeremy Lewison, Gražina Subelytė, Daniel Zamani.. print book. Art
- The shape of sex : nonbinary gender from Genesis to the Renaissance / Leah DeVun.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- Shape up, construction trucks! / Victoria Allenby.. print book. Education
- The shapes of stories : sentiment analysis for narrative / Katherine Elkins.. print book. English
- Shapeshifter : Ran Slavin / edited by Franco Spampinato.. print book. Art
- Shaping the surface : materiality and the history of British architecture 1840-2000 / Stephen Kite.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Shared sisterhood : how to take collective action for racial and gender equity at work / Dr. Tina Opie, Dr. Beth A. Livingston.. print book. Business
- Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop : the team that changed children's television / Nat Segaloff and Mallory Lewis ; foreword by David Copperfield.. print book.
- The Shark King : a Toon book / by R. Kikuo Johnson.. print book. Education
- She persisted in science : brilliant women who made a difference / by Chelsea Clinton.. print book. Education
- She's a Boy I Knew.. streaming video.
- She's Beautiful When She's Angry - The History of the Women’s Liberation Movement. ebook.
- Sheepish : (wolf under cover) / Helen Yoon.. print book. Education
- SHELTER: AN ATLAS. print book. Geography
- Shen Wei : painting in motion / text and essays by Pieranna Cavalchini [and three others].. print book. Art
- Shielded : how the police became untouchable / Joanna Schwartz.. print book. Law
- Shielded : how the police became untouchable / Joanna Schwartz.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
- Shigeru Ban : the Swatch/Omega campus / Philip Jodidio.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Shine on, Luz Véliz! / Rebecca Balcárcel.. print book. Education
- Shining a light : celebrating 40 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders who changed the world / Veeda Bybee ; illustrated by Victo Ngai.. print book. Education
- Shirley Chisholm : champion of Black feminist power politics / Anastasia C. Curwood.. print book. Sociology
- Shirley Chisholm : champion of Black feminist power politics / Anastasia C. Curwood.. ebook. Sociology
- Shirley Jaffe / sous la direction de Frédéric Paul.. print book. Art
- Shona Illingworth : topologies of air / edited by Anthony Downey ; contributors, Caterina Albano [and 15 others].. print book. Art
- The shores of Bohemia : a Cape Cod story, 1910-1960 / John Taylor Williams.. print book. Art
- The short writings of Nelson Algren : a study of his stories, essays, articles, reviews, poems and other literature / Richard F. Bales ; foreword by Kenneth G. McCollum.. print book. English
- Shorter works for piano. Vol. 3, Piano pieces / Charles E. Ives ; edited by James B. Sinclair and Thomas M. Brodhead.. music score (printed). Music
- A shot in the arm! / Don Brown.. print book. Education
- Shrines of gaiety : a novel / Kate Atkinson.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Shutter / Ramona Emerson.. print book. Education
Si - So
- Sibylle Bergemann : Stadt Land Hund, Fotografien, 1966-2010 / herausgegeben von Thomas Köhler und Katia Reich ; [Texte von] Susanne Altmann, Bertram Kaschek, Anne Pfautsch, Katia Reich, Jan Wenzel, Frieda von Wild, Lily von Wild = Sibylle Bergemann : tow. print book. Art
- Sidelights on Negro soldiers, by Charles H. Williams ... with an introduction by Benjamin Brawley.. print book. Special Collections
- Sienese painting : the art of a city-republic (1278-1477) / Timothy Hyman.. print book. Art
- The signature in law : from the thirteenth century to the facsimile / Stephen Mason.. print book. Law
- The significant lawyer : the pursuit of purpose and professionalism / William S. Duffey, Jr.. print book. Law
- Sikh philosophy : exploring gurmat concepts in a decolonizing world / Arvind-Pal Singh Mandair.. print book. Philosophy
- Silence, civility, and sanity : hope for humanity in a digital age / Stephanie Bennett.. print book. Philosophy
- Silent rebels : Polish symbolism around 1900 / edited by Roger Diederen, Albert Godetzky, and Nerina Santorius ; with essays by Agnieszka Bagińska [and six others].. print book. Art
- Silent spring / Rachel Carson ; introduction by Linda Lear ; afterword by Edward O. Wilson ; [drawings by Lois and Louis Darling].. ebook. Sociology
- Silk : the thread that tied the world / Anthony Burton.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Simon at the art museum / Christina Soontornvat ; art by Christine Davenier.. print book. Education
- Simon Hantaï : the centenary exhibition : Fondation Louis Vuitton, May 18 - August 29, 2022 : exhibition catalogue / edited by Anne Baldassari.. print book. Art
- Simplifying statistics for graduate students : making the use of data simple and user-friendly / Susan Rovezzi Carroll and David J. Carroll.. print book. Statistics
- Simulating antiquity in boys' adventure fiction : maps and ink stains / Thomas Vranken.. print book. English
- Sinfonia a 4 strumenti (HH.27 n. 11) in Si♭ magg. : per archi e basso continuo / Giovanni Battista Martini.. music score (printed). Music
- Sinfonia F-Dur (SeiH 209) / Johann David Heinichen ; herausgegeben von Michael Goldbach. music score (printed). Music
- Sinfonia in C : 2 flutes, 2 oboes, bassoon, strings, continuo / Franz Benda.. music score (printed). Music
- Sinfonie in C = Symphony in C major : Hob. I:69 "Laudon" / J. Haydn ; herausgegeben von / edited by Wolfgang Stockmeier ; In Verbindung mit / in collaboration with Sonja Gerlach.. music score (printed). Music
- Sinfonie nr. 1 b-dur / Friedrich Witt ; edited by Bert Hagels.. music score (printed). Music
- Sinfonie nr. 1, op. 29 / Emil Hartmann.. music score (printed). Music
- Sinfonie Nr. 18 F-Dur / Friedrich Witt ; herausgegeben von Bert Hagels.. music score (printed). Music
- Sinfonie nr. 7 c-dur / Friedrich Witt ; edited by Bert Hagels.. music score (printed). Music
- Sins invalid : An unshamed claim to beauty in the face of invisibility.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
- Sir John in love : an opera in two acts - study score in 2 volumes / Ralph Vaughan Williams ; edited by David Lloyd-Jones.. music score (printed). Music
- Sir, just a normal guy / a film by Melanie La Rosa, with Jay D. Snider and Kari.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
- La sirène : mélodie / paroles de Henri Cazalis ; musique de A. Z. Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
- The sirens of Mars : searching for life on another world / Sarah Stewart Johnson.. ebook. Physics
- Sirko : a Ukrainian folk tale, a dual language book in English and Ukrainian / retold and illustrated by Olha Tkachenko.. print book. Education
- Sister Goat = Cecmpa koza / written, translated, illlustrated and designed by Antonina Novarese.. print book. Education
- Sisters of the Neversea / Cynthia Leitich Smith.. print book. Education
- Situating poetry : covenant and genre in American modernism / Joshua Logan Wall.. print book. English
- Six concertante quartets / Joseph Boulogne, chevalier de Saint-Georges ; edited by Allan Badley.. music score (printed). Music
- Six contes moraux. III, Ma nuit chez Maud = Six moral tales. III, My night at Maud's / Les films du losange, Barbet Schroeder et Pierre Cottrell présentent ; [written and directed by] Éric Rohmer.. streaming video.
- Six contes moraux. III, Ma nuit chez Maud = Six moral tales. III, My night at Maud's / Les films du losange, Barbet Schroeder et Pierre Cottrell présentent ; [written and directed by] Éric Rohmer.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- Six contes moraux. IV, La collectionneuse = Six moral tales. IV, La collectionneuse / une coproduction Les Films du Losange, Rome-Paris Films ; Georges de Beauregard, Barbet Schroeder présentent ; [written and directed by] Eric Rohmer.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- Six études pour la main gauche seule, op. 135 (R 54) / Saint-Saëns ; éditées par = edited by = herausgegeben von Catherine Massip.. music score (printed). Music
- Six metamorphoses after Ovid : op. 49 : oboe solo / Benjamin Britten.. music score (printed). Music
- Six sonatas for flute and basso continuo, op. 2 / Philip Peter Eiffert ; edited by Michael Talbot. music score (printed). Music
- Six sonatas, op. 47 : for two flutes (1733) / Joseph Bodin Boismortier ; edited by Michael Elphinstone.. music score (printed). Music
- Six string quartets, op. 8 : WK 62 in B-flat major for 2 violins, viola and violoncello / Carl Friedrich Abel ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
- Six string quintets : quintet in d major, nr. 6 / Johann Baptist Vanhal ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
- Six string symphonies, op. 5 : in 3 volumes, Nr. 3 and Nr. 4 : for strings & basso continuo / Johann A. Hasse ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
- Six studies in English folk-song : arranged for euphonium and piano : with alternative versions for B♭ tenor saxophone and B♭ bass clarinet / R. Vaughan Williams ; arranged by Paul Droste.. music score (printed). Music
- The skeptic's guide to health, medicine, and the media. episode 20, Diet, health, and the power of words.. streaming video. English
- The skeptic's guide to health, medicine, and the media. episode 20, Diet, health, and the power of words.. streaming video.
- The skeptic's guide to health, medicine, and the media. episode 24, the media's role in improving health.. streaming video.
- Skepticism / Annalisa Coliva and Duncan Pritchard.. print book. Philosophy
- The skeptics' guide to the future : what yesterday's science and science fiction tell us about the world of tomorrow / Dr. Steven Novella with Bob Novella & Jay Novella.. print book. Education
- Skunk and Badger / by Amy Timberlake ; with pictures by Jon Klassen.. print book. Education
- Skunk on a string / written and illustrated by Thao Lam.. print book. Education
- Skyrmions : a theory of nuclei / Nicholas S. Manton, University of Cambridge, UK.. print book. Physics
- Slavery and freedom in the Bluegrass State : revisiting My Old Kentucky Home / edited by Gerald L. Smith.. ebook. History
- Slavery and freedom in the Bluegrass State : revisiting My Old Kentucky Home / edited by Gerald L. Smith.. print book. History
- Slavery by another name / produced and directed by Sam Pollard ; written by Sheila Curran Bernard ; a production of tpt National Productions in association with Two Dollars & a Dream, Inc.. streaming video. History
- Slavery by another name / produced and directed by Sam Pollard ; written by Sheila Curran Bernard ; a production of tpt National Productions in association with Two Dollars & a Dream, Inc.. streaming video.
- Slavery, surveillance, and genre in Antebellum United States literature / Kelly Ross.. print book. English
- Sloth & Squirrel in a pickle / written by Cathy Ballou Mealey ; illustrated by Kelly Collier.. print book. Education
- Slouching towards Utopia : an economic history of the twentieth century / J. Bradford DeLong.. print book. History
- Slouching towards utopia [electronic resource] : an economic history of the twentieth century / J. Bradford DeLong.. ebook. Business
- Slovakian suite, op. 32 : version for piano (1903) / Vitezslav Novak.. music score (printed). Music
- Slow violence in contemporary American environmental literature / by Erden El. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Smallpox in Washington's Army : disease, war, and society during the Revolutionary War / Ann M. Becker.. print book. History
- The smallpox report : vaccination and the Romantic illness narrative / Fuson Wang.. print book. English
- Smashy town / by Andrea Zimmerman and David Clemesha ; illustrated by Dan Yaccarino.. print book. Education
- Smitten with kittens / Florence Minor ; illustrated by Wendell Minor.. print book. Education
- Smokin' fish.. streaming video.
- A Smoky Mountain boyhood : memories, musings, and more / Jim Casada.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Smooth operating and other social acts / Roland Leander Williams, Jr.. print book. English
- Smugglers, secessionists & loyal citizens on the Ghana-Togo frontier : the life of the borderlands since 1914 / Paul Nugent.. print book. History
- Snow haze, moonlight : for violin and harp (2020) / Libby Larsen.. music score (printed). Music
- Snow White / Matt Phelan.. print book. Education
- So long a letter / Mariama Bâ ; translated from the French by Modupé Bodé-Thomas ; introduction by Kenneth W. Harrow.. print book. History
- So much to be angry about : Appalachian Movement Press and radical DIY publishing, 1969-1979 / Shaun Slifer.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- So not ghoul / Karen Yin ; illustrated by Bonnie Lui.. print book. Education
- So simple a beginning : how four physical principles shape our living world / Raghuveer Parthasarathy.. ebook. Biology
- So this is love : a twisted tale / Elizabeth Lim.. print book. Education
- Sociability and society : literature and the symposium / K. Ludwig Pfeiffer.. print book. English
- Social future of academic libraries : new perspectives on communities, networks, and engagement / edited by Tim Schlak, Sheila Corrall, Paul J. Bracke.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Social identity and literary form in the Victorian novel : race, class, gender and the uses of genre / Jill Franks.. print book. English
- Social laser / edited by Andrei Khrennikov.. ebook. Mathematics
- The social origins of thought : Durkheim, Mauss, and the category project / edited by Johannes F.M. Schick, Mario Schmidt, and Martin Zillinger.. print book. Philosophy
- Social work practice with transgender and gender expansive youth / edited by Jama Shelton and Gerald P. Mallon.. ebook. Social Work
- Social work speaks : National Association of Social Workers policy statements, 2021-2023 / Mildred C. Joyner, DPS, LCSW, President ; Angelo McClain, PhD, LICSW, Chief Executive Officer.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- Social work speaks : National Association of Social Workers policy statements, 2021-2023 / Mildred C. Joyner, DPS, LCSW, President ; Angelo McClain, PhD, LICSW, Chief Executive Officer.. ebook. Social Work
- Social workers' desk reference / edited by Lisa Rapp-McCall, Kevin Corcoran, Albert R. Roberts.. ebook. Social Work
- Socializing architecture : top-down, bottom-up / Teddy Cruz and Fonna Forman.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Sociology in government : the Galpin-Taylor years in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1919-1953 / Olaf F. Larson and Julie N. Zimmerman ; assisted by Edward O. Moe.. print book. History
- The sociology of W.E.B. Du Bois : racialized modernity and the global color line / José Itzigsohn and Karida L. Brown.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Sofie Thorsen : chalk lines / Herausgeberin, Sofie Thorsen.. print book. Art
- Software for artists book. #002, Untethering the web / edited by Willa Koerner & Tommy Martinez.. print book. Art
- Sol Lewitt's studio drawings in the Vecchia Torre / Rye Dag Holmboe ; photographs by Joschi Herczeg.. print book. Art
- Un solar abandonado / Mohamed El Morabet.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Sold out : how broken supply chains, surging inflation, and political instability will sink the global economy / James Rickards.. print book. Business
- Sold out : how broken supply chains, surging inflation, and political instability will sink the global economy / James Rickards.. ebook. Business
- Soli : for oboe, clarinet, trumpet, and bassoon / Carlos Chávez.. music score (printed). Music
- Soli︠a︡ris = Solaris / kinostudii︠a︡ "Mosfilʹm" ; st︠s︡enariĭ, F. Gorenshteĭna, Andrei︠a︡ Tarkovskogo ; postanovka, A. Tarkovskogo = Janus Films ; Kinostudio "Mosfilm" ; screenplay, F. Gorenshtein, A. Tarkovsky ; director, Andrei Tarkovsky.. streaming video.
- Solid state batteries. Volume 1, Emerging materials and applications / Ram K. Gupta, editor.. ebook. Chemistry
- Solid state batteries. Volume 2, Materials and advanced devices / Ram K. Gupta, editor.. ebook. Chemistry
- Solitary animals : introverts of the wild / by Joshua David Stein ; art by Dominique Ramsey.. print book. Education
- Solito : a memoir / Javier Zamora.. print book. Education
- Solo de concert, op. 32 : for cornet a Piston avec accompagnement de piano / Paul Agricole Genin ; edited by Gabriele Mendolicchio.. music score (printed). Music
- Solo de concert : pour cornet à piston avec accompagnement de piano : op. 32 / Paul Agricole Génin.. music score (printed). Music
- Solo de Concert pour le Cor anglais : für Englischhorn Solo und großes Orchester / Gustave Vogt ; Rekonstruktion und Klavierauszug von Michel Rosset.. music score (printed). Music
- Solo to Anthony Cirone : for D major tenor bells (in just intonation) (1972) / Lou Harrison ; edited by Jarrad Powell.. music score (printed). Music
- Solo XVII for clavichord (2020) / Kalevi Aho.. music score (printed). Music
- Solutions and other problems / Allie Brosh.. print book. Arts Administration
- O som ao redor = Neighboring sounds / produção, CinemaScópio ; filme, Kleber Mendonça Filho ; roteiro e direção, Kleber Mendonça Filho ; produção, Emilie Lesclaux.. streaming video.
- O som ao redor = Neighboring sounds / produção, CinemaScópio ; filme, Kleber Mendonça Filho ; roteiro e direção, Kleber Mendonça Filho ; produção, Emilie Lesclaux.. streaming video. Hispanic Studies
- La sombrilla grande / Amy June Bates ; escrito en colaboración con Juniper Bates ; traducción de Alexis Romay con la ayuda de Milo Romay.. print book. Education
- Some rockin : Dan Graham interviews / edited by Gregor Stemmrich.. print book. Art
- Something cold and hard like winter / Shelley Niro.. print book. Art
- Something doesn't add up : surviving statistics in a post-truth age / Paul Goodwin.. print book. Statistics
- A something else reader / edited by Dick Higgins ; assembled by Alice Centamore.. print book. Art
- Sometimes, all I need is me / Juliana Perdomo.. print book. Education
- Sometimes amazing things happen : heartbreak and hope on the Bellevue Hospital psychiatric prison ward / Elizabeth Ford, MD.. ebook. Psychology
- Somewhere / Robie H. Harris ; art by Armando Mariño.. print book. Education
- Somewhere sisters [electronic resource] : a story of adoption, identity, and the meaning of family / Erika Hayasaki.. ebook.
- Somewhere sisters : a story of adoption, identity, and the meaning of family / Erika Hayasaki.. print book. Education
- Somewhere south. Season 1 [DVD] / produced by Cynthia Hill, Vivian Howard, Jenn Cromling, Andrea Weigl, Shirlette Ammons [and others] ; written by Vivian Howard ; directed by Cynthia Hill.. video DVD. Gender & Women's Studies
- Sona Sharma, very best big sister? / Chitra Soundar ; illustrated by Jen Khatun.. print book. Education
- Sonata a-Moll = Sonata in A minor / Johann Michael Nicolai. Ciaccona D-Dur = Ciaccona in D major / Samuel Capricornus ; Generalbassaussetzung von Dankwart von Zadow ; herausgegeben von Günter und Leonore von Zadow.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonata : for cello and piano / George Dyson ; edited by Joseph Spooner.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonata from Die Bankelsangerlieder / anonymous ; arranged by David Marlatt [for 6 flutes].. music score (printed). Music
- Sonata in A major : for violoncello and guitar, G. 13 / Luigi Boccherini ; arranged and edited by Valter Dešpalj ; guitar part fingered by Darko Petrinjak.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonata in A major : for violoncello and guitar, G. 13 / Luigi Boccherini ; arranged and edited by Valter Dešpalj ; guitar part fingered by Darko Petrinjak.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonata in A major : for violoncello and guitar, KV. 331 / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; transcribed and edited by Valter Dešpalj ; guitar part fingered by István Römer.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonata in A minor "Arpeggione" : for violoncello and guitar, D 821 / Franz Schubert ; transcribed and edited by Valter Dešpalj ; guitar part edited by Petrit Çeku.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonata in C major for bassoon & piano / Johann Friedrich Fasch ; edited by Trevor Cramer.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonata in G major : for violoncello and guitar, G. 5 / Luigi Boccherini ; transcribed and edited by Valter Dešpalj ; guitar part edited by Petrit Çeku.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonata in G minor : ('Dresden') : TWV 41:g10 : for oboe and keyboard / Georg Philipp Telemann ; edited and realized by Helmut Schlövogt.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonata in mi bemolle : per clavicembalo o fortepiano / Marianna d' Auenbrugg ; edited by Francesco Passadore.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonata : per a flauta I piano / Albert Guinovart.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonatas para violín y bajo Vol. 7 / Cayetano Brunetti ; edición crítica, Raúl Angulo Díaz.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonatas para violín y bajo, vol. 8 / Cayetano Brunetti ; edited by Raúl Angulo Díaz.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonate D-Dur Oboe oder Querflöte oder Violine und Basso continuo, Cembalo (Pianoforte), Violoncello (Viola da gamba, Fagotto) ad lib. / Alessandro Besozzi ; hersausgegeben von Hugo Ruf.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonate for tuba og klaver, op. 34 = sonata for tuba and piano / Trygve Madsen.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonate : for violin and piano / Philippe Gaubert.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonate für Violine und Klavier = sonata for violin and piano / Elfrida Andrée ; bearbeitet von = arranged by Patrick Meadows.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonate no 1 en ré mineur, pour violon et piano = Sonata no. 1 in D minor, for violin and piano = Sonate Nr. 1 in d-Moll, für Violine und Klavier, op. 75 / Camille Saint-Saens ; éditée par Fabien Guilloux, François de Médicis = edited by Fabien Guillo. music score (printed). Music
- Sonate no 2 en mi♭ majeur : pour violon et piano, op. 102 = Sonata no. 2 in E-flat major for violin and piano, op. 102 = Sonate Nr. 2 in Es-Dur für Violine und Klavier, op. 102 / Saint-Saëns ; éditée par = edited by = herausgegeben von Fabien Guilloux. music score (printed). Music
- Sonate, op. 60 : for piano solo / Emanuel Moór.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonate sauvage : (1922) : for piano / George Antheil.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonatina for bassoon solo / Allen Gibel.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonatina for flute & piano / Malcolm Arnold.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonatina for oboe solo / Ernst Krenek.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonatina : [for] trumpet and piano / Anthony Plog.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonatina, op. 57, per tuba e pianoforte / Jan Koetsier.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonatine, h 42 : pour clarinette en La et piano / Arthur Honegger.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonatine (in canon style) : for two flutes / Paul Hindemith.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonatine : op. 100 : pour clarinette en si ♭& piano / Darius Milhaud.. music score (printed). Music
- Sondra Perry : a terrible thing / [edited by Sarah Stephenson.. print book. Art
- A song of frutas / Margarita Engle ; illustrated by Sara Palacios.. print book. Education
- Song of spring : for string quartet / Chen Yi.. music score (printed). Music
- The song of the cell : an exploration of medicine and the new human / Siddhartha Mukherjee.. ebook. Education
- The song of the cell : an exploration of medicine and the new human / Siddhartha Mukherjee.. print book. Education
- Song without words : for violoncello and guitar, Op. 109 / Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy ; transcribed and edited by Valter Dešpalj ; guitar part fingered by István Römer.. music score (printed). Music
- Songs in dark times : Yiddish poetry of struggle from Scottsboro to Palestine / Amelia M. Glaser.. print book. History
- Songs of slavery and emancipation / Mat Callahan ; introductIon by Robin D.G. Kelley ; afterword by Kali Akuno.. print book. History
- Songs of the sea, op. 91 / Charles Villiers Stanford.. music score (printed). Music
- Sonia Delaunay / edited by Lærke Rydal Jørgensen and Tine Colstrup ; translations, Glen Garner, Adam King.. print book. Art
- Sonsbeek 20-24 catalogue '21 : force times distance : on labour and its sonic ecologies / Antonia Alampi [and five others].. print book. Art
- Soon, your hands / by Jonathan Stutzman ; illustrated by Elizabeth Lilly.. print book. Education
- Sophie Calle / introduction by Clément Chéroux ; introduction translated from the French by Ruth Taylor.. print book. Art
- Soul culture : Black poets, books, and questions that grew me up / Remica Bingham-Risher.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Soul food Sunday / written by Winsome Bingham ; illustrated by C. G. Esperanza.. print book. Education
- Soul miner : a collection of poetry and prose / by Emily Jones Hudson.. print book. Special Collections
- The soul of care : the moral education of a husband and a doctor / Arthur Kleinman.. ebook. Psychology
- Sound practices in the Global South : co-listening to resounding plurilogues / Budhaditya Chattopadhyay.. print book. Art
- Sounds of tohi : Cherokee health and well-being in Southern Appalachia / Lisa J. Lefler and Thomas N. Belt (Cherokee) ; foreword by Pamela Duncan ; foreword by T.J. Holland (Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians) ; afterword by Tom Hatley.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The sour grape / Jory John and Pete Oswald.. print book. Education
- Southern Appalachian farm cooking : a memoir of food and family / Robert G. Netherland.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Southern progressivism : the reconciliation of progress and tradition / Dewey W. Grantham.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The southern way of life : meanings of culture and civilization in the American South / Charles Reagan Wilson.. print book. Sociology
- Souvenir à Albert et Lil : für violoncello und klavier = for violoncello and piano = pour violoncelle et piano (1950) / Hans Werner Henze.. music score (printed). Music
- Souvenir program, 1887-1963 : Relocation entry, cornerstone laying and dedication.. print book. Special Collections
- Sown in the stars : planting by the signs / Sarah L. Hall ; photographs by Meg Wilson ; foreword by Ronni Lundy.. print book.
- Sown in the stars : planting by the signs / Sarah L. Hall ; photographs by Meg Wilson ; foreword by Ronni Lundy.. print book. Art
Sp - Sz
- Squire Boone family legal documents. print book. Special Collections
- Squirrel in the house / by Vivian Vande Velde ; illustrated by Steve Björkman.. print book. Education
- Squirrel in the museum / by Vivian Vande Velde ; illustrated by Steve Björkman.. print book. Education
- Squirrel on stage / by Vivian Vande Velde ; illustrated by Steve Björkman.. print book. Education
- Squished / Megan Wagner Lloyd and Michelle Mee Nutter.. print book. Education
- St. Paul's blues : for solo flute (2020) / Adolphus Hailstork.. music score (printed). Music
- Stagecoach / Walter Wanger presents ; directed by John Ford.. streaming video.
- Stages of power : Marlowe and Shakespeare, 1592 / Eric S. Mallin and Paul V. Sullivan.. ebook. History
- Staging indigeneity : salvage tourism and the performance of Native American history / Katrina M. Phillips.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Stalin's architect : power and survival in Moscow, Boris Iofan (1891-1976) / Deyan Sudjic.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Stalin's architect : the rise and fall of Boris Iofan / Vladimir Sedov ; translation, Desmond Tumulty, Nicky Brown.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Stalker / Janus Films ; Mosfilm ; Second Artists' Assocation ; scenario, Arkady Strugatsky and Boris Strugatsky ; director, Andrei Tarkovsky ; assistant director, L. Tarkovskaya.. streaming video.
- Stalker / Jon Hoel. [electronic resource]. ebook.
- Stan Lee : a life / Bob Batchelor.. print book. History
- Standing in the need of prayer : a modern retelling of the classic spiritual / written by Carole Boston Weatherford ; illustrated by Frank Morrison... print book. Education
- Standing room only : marketing insights for engaging performing arts audiences / Joanne Scheff Bernstein.. ebook. Arts Administration
- Standoff : race, policing, and a deadly assault that gripped a nation / Jamie Thompson.. print book. Sociology
- A star in the east : soprano and brass quintet, percussion, and organ / Gwyneth Walker. music score (printed). Music
- A star song : lyric rhapsody for solo quartet, chorus and orchestra : op. 54 / the music by Horatio Parker ; the text by Henry Bernard Carpenter.. music score (printed). Music
- Star wars / Will Brooker.. ebook.
- State of innovation : the U.S. government's role in technology development / edited by Fred Block and Matthew R. Keller ; foreword by Peter Evans.. ebook. History
- The state of music & other writings / Virgil Thomson ; Tim Page, editor.. print book. Music
- Statecraft and the political economy of capitalism / Scott G. Nelson, Joel T. Shelton.. ebook. Political Science
- States of confusion : how our voter ID laws fail democracy and what to do about it / Don Waisanen, Sonia R. Jarvis, and Nicole A. Gordon.. ebook. Political Science
- Statistical computing with R / Maria L. Rizzo.. print book. Physics
- Statistical hypothesis testing in context : reproducibility, inference, and science / Michael P. Fay, Erica H. Brittain.. print book. Statistics
- Statistical learning from a regression perspective / Richard A. Berk.. print book. Statistics
- Statistics with R : a beginner's guide / Robert Stinerock.. print book. Statistics
- Status and culture : how our desire for social rank creates taste, identity, art, fashion, and constant change / W. David Marx.. print book. Education
- Status and culture : how our desire for social rank creates taste, identity, art, fashion, and constant change / W. David Marx.. ebook. Sociology
- Stay true : a memoir / Hua Hsu.. print book. Art
- Stealing : a novel / Margaret Verble.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Stealing my religion : not just any cultural appropriation / Liz Bucar.. print book. Education
- Steinbeck's imaginarium : essays on writing, fishing, and other critical matters / Robert DeMott.. print book. English
- Stella / McCall Hoyle.. print book. Education
- Stella Maris / Cormac McCarthy.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Step aside, pops : a Hark! A vagrant collection / Kate Beaton.. print book. Arts Administration
- A step-by-step guide to exploratory factor analysis with R and Rstudio / Marley W. Watkins.. print book. Statistics
- Stephen L. Garrad estate appraisal and allotment. print book.
- Stepping out! : female identities in Chinese contemporary art / text by Feng Boyi [and six others] ; edited by Kunstmuseum Lillehammer, Museum der Moderne Salzburg & Kunstforeningen.. print book. Art
- Stepping stones : a ballet : for two pianos / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
- Steve McQueen : sunshine state / edited by Vicente Todolí ; with contributions by Paul Gilroy, Cora Gilroy-Ware, Steve McQueen, Solveig Nelson, Vicente Todoli, Hamza Walker.. print book. Art
- Steve the dung beetle on a roll / words by Susan R. Stoltz ; pictures by Melissa Bailey.. print book. Education
- Steven Holl/Simmons Hall [electronic resource] : MIT undergraduate residence / Todd Gannon and Michael Denison, volume editors.. ebook.
- Stevie Smith and the aphorism : hard language / Noreen Masud.. print book. English
- The Stiglitz report : reforming the international monetary and financial systems in the wake of the global crisis / Joseph E. Stiglitz and Members of a United Nations Commission of Financial Experts ; with an introduction by Miguel d'Escoto Brockman.. ebook. Business
- Stigma and social support on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program / Laura Blount Carper.. ebook. Social Work
- Still broke : Walmart's remarkable transformation and the limits of socially conscious capitalism / Rick Wartzman.. ebook. Business
- Stolen blood antiquities / a Babel Press production with the participation of France Télévisions.. streaming video.
- Stolen blood antiquities / a Babel Press production with the participation of France Télévisions.. streaming video. Anthropology
- Stolen focus : why you can't pay attention, and how to think deeply again / Johann Hari.. ebook. Business
- Stolen focus : why you can't pay attention--and how to think deeply again / Johann Hari.. print book. Business
- The stolen year : how COVID changed children's lives, and where we go now / Anya Kamenetz.. print book. Education
- Stony the road : Reconstruction, white supremacy, and the rise of Jim Crow / Henry Louis Gates, Jr.. ebook. History
- The store / directed, produced and edited by Frederick Wiseman ; a Zipporah Films release.. streaming video.
- The store / directed, produced and edited by Frederick Wiseman ; a Zipporah Films release.. streaming video. Art
- Stories we tell / Roadside Attractions ; the National Film Board of Canada presents ; written and directed by Sarah Polley ; produced by Anita Lee.. streaming video. English
- Stories we tell / Roadside Attractions ; the National Film Board of Canada presents ; written and directed by Sarah Polley ; produced by Anita Lee.. streaming video.
- Stories within stories : Bouchra Khalili / editor, Sofia Johansson ; contributing authors, Joachim Ben Yakoub [and five others].. print book. Art
- The storm runner / J.C. Cervantes.. print book. Education
- Stormy passage : Mexico from colony to republic, 1750-1850 / Eric Van Young.. print book. History
- Story boat / words by Kyo Maclear ; pictures by Rashin Kheiriyeh.. print book. Education
- Story machines : how computers have become creative writers / Mike Sharples and Rafael Pérez y Pérez.. print book. English
- The story of architecture / Witold Rybczynski.. ebook.
- The story of architecture / Witold Rybczynski.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The story of art without men / Katy Hessel.. print book. Art
- The story of fictional truth : realism from the death to the rise of the novel / Paul Dawson.. print book. English
- The story of NFTs : artists, technology, and democracy / Amy Whitaker & Nora Burnett Abrams.. print book. Art
- The story of proof : logic and the history of mathematics / John Stillwell.. ebook. Mathematics
- The story of the dulcimer / Ralph Lee Smith.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The story of Ukraine : an anthem of glory and freedom / Olena Kharchenko and Michael Sampson ; illustrated by Polina Doroshenko = Rozpovidʹ pro Ukrayinu : himn slavy ta svobody / Olena Kharchenko i Maĭkl Sempson ; illustrated by Polina Doroshenko.. print book. Education
- Storytelling in museums / edited by Adina Langer.. print book. Art
- Straight on till morning : a twisted tale / Liz Braswell.. print book. Education
- Straight talk about ADHD in girls : how to help your daughter thrive / Stephen P. Hinshaw, PhD.. print book. Education
- Straight talk about professional ethics / Kim Strom-Gottfried.. ebook.
- Strange cargo : essays on art / Ashraf Jamal ; edited by Sven Christian.. print book. Art
- Strange clay : ceramics in contemporary art / edited by Ralph Rugoff.. print book. Art
- Strange objects, new solids, and massive things : Archi-Tectonics / [author, Winka Dubbeldam].. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- A strange whim of the sea : the wreck of the USS Macaw / Tim Loughman.. print book.
- Strategic science communication : a guide to setting the right objectives for more effective public engagement / John C. Besley and Anthony Dudo.. print book. Biology
- Strategies, techniques, & approaches to critical thinking : a clinical reasoning workbook for nurses / Sandra Luz Martinez de Castillo.. ebook. Medicine
- The stream flows : for solo viola / Bright Sheng.. music score (printed). Music
- Street food around the world : an encyclopedia of food and culture / Bruce Kraig and Colleen Taylor Sen, editors.. ebook. Anthropology
- Street life and morals : German philosophy in Hitler's lifetime / Lesley Chamberlain.. print book. Philosophy
- Street of shame = Akasen chitai / Daiei Kabushiki Kaisha seisaku ; seisaku Nagata Masaichi ; kyakuhon Narizawa Masashige ; kantoku Mizoguchi Kenji = Daiei Motion Picture Company presents ; produced by Masaichi Nagata ; screenplay by Masashige Nakamura ; d. streaming video.
- Street of shame = Akasen chitai / Daiei Kabushiki Kaisha seisaku ; seisaku Nagata Masaichi ; kyakuhon Narizawa Masashige ; kantoku Mizoguchi Kenji = Daiei Motion Picture Company presents ; produced by Masaichi Nagata ; screenplay by Masashige Nakamura ; d. streaming video. Asian Studies
- StreetLife : die Straße in der Kunst von Kirchner bis Streuli = the street in art from Kirchner to Streuli / herausgegeben von Astrid Ihle und René Zechlin, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum ; Autor:innen, Elisabeth Bohnet [and eight others].. print book. Art
- Streets of gold : America's untold story of immigrant success / Ran Abramitzky, Leah Boustan.. print book. History
- Streets of gold : America's untold story of immigrant success / Ran Abramitzky, Leah Boustan.. ebook. Business
- Streichquartett nr. 2 mit sopranstimme, op. 10 / Arnold Schoenberg ; edited by Ullrich Scheideler.. music score (printed). Music
- Streichquartett Nr. 2, mit Sopranstimme, Opus 10 = String quartet no. 2, op. 10, with soprano part / Arnold Schönberg ; herausgegeben von Ullrich Scheideler = edited by Ullrich Scheideler.. music score (printed). Music
- Streichquartett nr. 2, op. 17 / Béla Bartók ; edited by Laszlo Somfai.. music score (printed). Music
- Streichquartette, opus 59, 74, 95 / Beethoven ; herausgegeben von Paul Mies.. music score (printed). Music
- A strength-based cognitive behaviour therapy approach to recovery : from trapped to liberated self / Daniel Wong Fu Keung, Rose Yu Wai Man and Viola Chan Yuk Ching.. ebook. Psychology
- Strike.. streaming video. English
- String quartet no. 12 in f major, op. 96 (American quartet) / Antonin Dvorák ; edited by Michael Kube.. music score (printed). Music
- String quartet no. 12 in f major, op. 96 (American quartet) / Antonin Dvorák ; edited by Michael Kube.. music score (printed). Music
- String quartet no. 2 : 1968 / George Walker.. music score (printed). Music
- String quartet no. 8 : "what the light was like" (2018) / Richard Danielpour.. music score (printed). Music
- String trio in A major, op. 17, nr. 6 : for 2 violins and violoncello / Anton Stamitz ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
- String trio in C major, op. 17 nr. 1 : for 2 violins and violoncello / Anton Stamitz ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
- The stringed instruments of the Middle Ages, their evolution and development; a detailed and comprehensive history, with illustrations, of the evolution of the mediaeval stringed musical instruments from their first appearance in the records of the earlie. print book. Music
- Strongmen saviours : a political economy of populism in India, Turkey, Russia, and Brazil / Deepanshu Mohan, Abhinav Padmanabhan.. ebook. Political Science
- Stuck in the middle with you : parenthood in three genders a memoir / Jennifer Finney Boylan ; with an afterword by Anna Quindlen.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
- Stuck with tourism : space, power, and labor in contemporary Yucatan / Matilde Córdoba Azcárate. ebook. Anthropology
- A student handbook for writing in biology / Karin Knisely.. ebook. Biology
- Students first : equity, access, and opportunity in higher education / Paul LeBlanc, Foreword by Bridget Terry Long. print book. Education
- Studio thinking from the start : the K-8 art educator's handbook / Jillian Hogan, Lois Hetland, Diane B. Jaquith, Ellen Winner ; foreword by David P. Nelson ; illustrations by Nicole Gsell.. print book. Art
- Studying a study & testing a test : reading evidence-based health research / Richard K. Riegelman, Benjamin A. Nelson. ebook. Medicine
- The stuff of science fiction : hardware, settings, characters / Gary Westfahl.. print book. English
- Sturdevant's art and science of operative dentistry.. ebook. Medicine
- Styx. ebook. German
- Suad Al-Attar / Nesma Shubber ; with a foreword by Venitia Porter.. print book. Art
- Suave mechanicals : essays on the history of bookbinding / Julia Miller, editor.. print book. Special Collections
- Subarashiki sekai/ seisaku "Subarashiki sekai" Seisaku Iinkai ; purodyūsā Nishikawa Asako, Itō Taichi, Kitahara Eiji ; kyakuhon, kantoku Nishikawa Miwa.. video DVD. Asian Studies
- Subete mayonaka no koibitotachi / Kawakami Mieko.. print book. Asian Studies
- Subsurface / Karen Pinkus.. print book. English
- Successful Black entrepreneurs : hidden histories, inspirational stories, and extraordinary business achievements : case studies by Harvard Business School / Steven S. Rogers, Harvard Business School, retired.. ebook. Business
- Suffer the little children : child migration and the geopolitics of compassion in the United States / Anita Casavantes Bradford.. ebook. Public Policy & Administration
- The suitcase / Chris Naylor-Ballesteros.. print book. Education
- Suite compostelana : pour guitare = for guitar = per chitarra / Frederic Mompou ; édition de = edition by = edizione di Frédéric Zigante.. music score (printed). Music
- Suite : for three violas in 5 movements / Kenneth Harding ; edited by Ian Gammie.. music score (printed). Music
- Suite for violin and orchestra / William Grant Still ; violin part edited by Louis Kaufman. music score (printed). Music
- Suite from the Monteregian Hills : for brass quintet / by Morley Calvert.. music score (printed). Music
- Suite from the soldier's tale (Histoire du soldat) / Igor Stravinsky ; arranged by Paul Hanna.. music score (printed). Music
- Suite in B for oboe and piano / Ulysses Kay ; edited by Bruce Gbur.. music score (printed). Music
- Suite no. 1 for horn, tuba, and piano / Alec Wilder ; [edited by Gunther Schuller].. music score (printed). Music
- Suite romantique : for violin and piano (1916) / António Fragoso.. music score (printed). Music
- Suite ukrainienne : pour piano (1948) / Igor Naumovich Shamo.. music score (printed). Music
- Sulfur-containing polymers : from synthesis to functional materials / edited by Xinghong Zhang, Patrick Theato.. ebook. Chemistry
- Summer moon : for piano / Florence Price ; edited by John Michael Cooper.. music score (printed). Music
- Summertime sleepers : animals that estivate / Melissa Stewart ; illustrated by Sarah S. Brannen.. print book. Education
- Sun strider : for violin and harp (2022) / Libby Larsen.. music score (printed). Music
- Sunburst : for orchestra (2022) / Augusta Read Thomas.. music score (printed). Music
- The super age : decoding our demographic destiny / Bradley Schurman.. print book. Education
- Super simple baking for kids : learn to bake with over 55 easy recipes for cookies, muffins, cupcakes & more! / Charity Mathews ; photography by Evi Abeler.. print book. Education
- Superabundance : the story of population growth, innovation, and human flourishing on an infinitely bountiful planet / Marian L. Tupy and Gale L. Pooley.. ebook. Business
- Superconductivity and electromagnetism / Teruo Matsushita.. ebook. Physics
- SuperMutant Magic Academy / Jillian Tamaki.. print book. Arts Administration
- Supertall : how the world's tallest buildings are reshaping our cities and our lives / Stefan Al.. print book. Education
- Supertall - megatall : how high can we go? / Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Supervillain etudes, vol. 1 : for piano (2021) / Vincent Ho.. music score (printed). Music
- Supporting people to live well with dementia : a guide for library services / Sarah McNicol.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Supreme injustice : slavery in the nation's highest court / Paul Finkelman.. print book. History
- Surface relations : queer forms of Asian American inscrutability / Vivian L. Huang.. print book. Art
- Surveillance state : inside China's quest to launch a new era of social control / Josh Chin and Liza Lin.. print book. Political Science
- Survival kit for overseas living : for Americans planning to live and work abroad / L. Robert Kohls.. ebook. Education
- Survival kit for overseas living : for Americans planning to live and work abroad / L. Robert Kohls.. print book. Education
- Survival of the richest : escape fantasies of the tech billionaires / Douglas Rushkoff.. print book. Business
- Survival on the margins : Polish Jewish refugees in the wartime Soviet Union / Eliyana R. Adler.. print book. History
- Surviving Southampton : African American women and resistance in Nat Turner's community / Vanessa M. Holden.. print book. Special Collections
- Survivors / Mirabel Pictures ; WeOwnTV ; a film by WeOwnTV ; director, Arthur Pratt ; producers, Anna Fitch, Arthur Pratt, Banker White, Barmmy Boy, Samantha Grant, Sara Dosa ; a co-production of WeOwnTV and American Documentary, POV, and Independent Tele. streaming video. Geography
- Susie M. Barstow : redefining the Hudson River School / Nancy Siegel.. print book. Art
- Sustainability : a history / Jeremy L. Caradonna.. ebook. Business
- Sustainability and the African American farm : redirecting the commodities of freedom back to the Black community / Valerie Grimes ; illustrated by Sophia Banks and Rebecca Banks.. print book. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- The sustainability myth : environmental gentrification and the politics of justice / Melissa Checker.. ebook. Anthropology
- Sustainable architecture : contemporary architecture in detail / edited by The Plan ; translators, Kieren Edward Bailey [and 3 others].. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The sustainable intensification of smallholder farming systems / edited by Dr. Dominik Klauser and Dr. Mike Robinson.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Sustainable : moving beyond ESG to impact investing / Terrence Keeley.. ebook. Business
- Sustainable online library services and resources : learning from the pandemic / Mou Chakraborty, Samantha Harlow, and Heather Moorefield-Lang, editors.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Sustainable, resilient, free : the future of public higher education / John Warner. ebook. Education
- Suzuki : the man and his dream to teach the children of the world / Eri Hotta.. ebook. Education
- Svanen = Swan : for voice, violin and piano or harp / Elfrida Andrée ; Susan Pickett, editor.. music score (printed). Music
- The Swahili novel / Xavier Garnier.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Swan & Maclaren : a story of Singapore architecture / Julian Davison.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Swans : for two alto flutes and piano (2021) / Daniel Dorff.. music score (printed). Music
- Sweat : a history of exercise / Bill Hayes.. print book. Education
- Sweet, soft, plenty rhythm / Laura Warrell.. print book. Education
- Sweet treats around the world : an encyclopedia of food and culture / Timothy G. Roufs and Kathleen Smyth Roufs.. ebook. Anthropology
- Sweetgrass.. streaming video.
- Sweetgrass.. streaming video. Art
- The swifts : a dictionary of scoundrels / Beth Lincoln ; with illustrations by Claire Powell.. print book. Education
- Swim team / Johnnie Christmas.. print book. Education
- Swimming upriver : coming of age in Appalachia / Judy Harwood.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Sylvia and Marsha start a revolution! : the story of the trans women of color who made LGBTQ+ history / Joy Michael Ellison and Teshika Silver ; illustrated by Teshika Silver.. print book. Education
- Symbiopsychotaxiplasm : take one / Take One Productions LTD presents ; produced, directed, and edited by William Greaves.. streaming video. English
- Symbiopsychotaxiplasm : take one / Take One Productions LTD presents ; produced, directed, and edited by William Greaves.. streaming video.
- Symmetry and physical properties of crystals / Cécile Malgrange, Christian Ricolleau, Michel Schlenker.. ebook. Engineering
- Symphonic variants : for euphonium and piano / James Curnow.. music score (printed). Music
- Symphonie h-moll, op. 24 : polonia / Ignacy Jan Paderewski.. music score (printed). Music
- Symphonie no. 1 en ré majeur / Charles Gounod.. music score (printed). Music
- Symphonie Noël V : für 2 Violinen (Flöte und Violine), Viola und Basso continuo a-moll / Michel Corrette ; nach dem Erstruck herausgegeben und mit Continuo-Aussetzung von = edited from the first edition and with a realization of the continuo by Harry Joel. music score (printed). Music
- Symphonie Noël VI : für zwei Violinen (Flöte und Violine), Viola und Basso continuo = Noël symphony VI : for two violins (flute and violin), viola and basso continuo / Michel Corrette ; nach dem Erstdruck herausgegeben und mit Continuo-Aussetzung von = e. music score (printed). Music
- Symphonie nr. 24 f-moll, op. 63 / Nikolai Miaskovsky.. music score (printed). Music
- Symphonie Romane : op. 73 / Charles-Marie Widor ; herausgegeben von = edited by Georg Koch.. music score (printed). Music
- Symphonies for brass band : five explorations in sound for twenty-five brass players and four percussionists : 2005/21 / Mats Larsson Gothe.. music score (printed). Music
- Symphonische fantasie über psalm 130, op. 38 : für orgel / Horace Wadham Nicholl.. music score (printed). Music
- Symphonische Phantasie : für grosses Orchester, Op. 12 / von Iwan Knorr.. music score (printed). Music
- Symphony no. 12 (1957) / Havergal Brian.. music score (printed). Music
- Symphony no. 13 in C major (1959) / Havergal Brian.. music score (printed). Music
- Symphony no. 15 / Havergal Brian.. music score (printed). Music
- Symphony no. 16 (1960) / Havergal Brian.. music score (printed). Music
- Symphony no. 29 in E flat (1967) / Havergal Brian.. music score (printed). Music
- Symphony no. 4 : Gateway Festival Symphony / Barbara Harbach.. music score (printed). Music
- Symphony no. 5 : "Jubilee symphony" / Barbara Harbach.. music score (printed). Music
- Symphony no. 7 : "O pioneers!" / Barbara Harbach. music score (printed). Music
- Symphony no. 8 : the scarlet letter / Barbara Harbach.. music score (printed). Music
T - Ti/span>
- T'ain't nobody's bizness : queer blues divas of the 1920s.. streaming video.
- T'ain't nobody's bizness : queer blues divas of the 1920s.. streaming video. Sociology
- Tabla for all : a complete learning method for Indian tabla percussion set = tabla para todos : método completeo de aprendizaje para set de tabla de la India / Ricardo Hambra.. print book. Music
- Taboo : 10 facts you can't talk about / Wilfred Reilly.. print book.
- Tacit racism / Anne Warfield Rawls & Waverly Duck.. ebook. Sociology
- Tacita Dean / Direktor, Thomas D. Trummer ; Kurator, Rudolf Sagmeister.. print book. Art
- Tactics of hope in Latinx children's and young adult literature / Jesus Montaño and Regan Postma-Montaño.. print book. Education
- Take back the block / Chrystal D. Giles.. print book. Education
- Take back the game : how money and mania are ruining kids' sports--and why it matters / Linda Flanagan.. print book. Education
- Take off your brave : the world through the eyes of a preschool poet / Nadim (age 4) ; illustrated by Yasmeen Ismail.. print book. Education
- Taken at birth [electronic resource] : stolen babies, hidden lies, and my journey to finding home / Jane Blasio.. ebook.
- Taking the fear out of data analysis : completely revised, significantly extended and still fun / Adamantios Diamantopoulos, Bodo B. Schlegelmilch, Georgios Halkias... print book. Statistics
- Tala Madani : biscuits / edited by Rebecca Skafsgaard Lowery and Ali Subotnick.. print book. Art
- The tale of Genji : a new translation, contexts, criticism / Murasaki Shikibu ; translated and edited by Dennis Washburn, Dartmouth College.. print book. Asian Studies
- Talent : how to identify energizers, creatives, and winners around the world / Tyler Cowen and Daniel Gross.. print book. Business
- Tales from the briar patch, part 1 - briar patch : for vocal soloists and piano / Nkeiru Okoye.. music score (printed). Music
- Tales of the city : drawing in the Netherlands from Bosch to Bruegel / Emily J. Peters and Laura M. Ritter ; with forewords by William M. Griswold and Klaus Albrecht Schröder ; with contributions by Koenraad Jonckheere, Stephanie Porras, and Annemarie St. print book. Art
- The talk / Alicia D. Williams ; illustrated by Briana Mukodiri Uchendu.. print book. Education
- Talking about : an intentionalist theory of reference / Elmar Unnsteinsson.. print book. Philosophy
- Tangerine / Magnolia Pictures ; Duplass Brothers Productions and Through Films present, in association with Cre Film and Freestyle Picture Co., a film by Sean Baker ; producers, Marcus Cox & Karrie Cox ; producers, Darren Dean , Shih-Ching Tsou ; written. streaming video.
- Tango With Me.. streaming video. English
- Tapio Wirkkala at Venini / edited by Marino Barovier and Carla Sonego.. print book. Art
- Tatiana Trouvé : the great atlas of disorientation / Jean-Pierre Criqui ; Laura Hoptman.. print book. Art
- Taxpayers in revolt : tax resistance during the Great Depression / David T. Beito.. print book. History
- Teach us all / presented by the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes ; written and directed by Sonia Lowman.. streaming video.
- Teach us all / presented by the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes ; written and directed by Sonia Lowman.. streaming video. Education
- Teachable monuments : using public art to spark dialogue and confront controversy / edited by Sierra Rooney, Jennifer Wingate and Harriet F. Senie.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Teaching fear : how we learn to fear crime and why it matters / Nicole E. Rader.. print book. Education
- Teaching Haiti : strategies for creating new narratives / edited by Cécile Accilien and Valérie K. Orlando.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Teaching Latin : contexts, theories, practices / Steven Hunt.. ebook. Classical Studies
- Teaching machines : the history of personalized learning / Audrey Watters.. print book. Education
- Teaching music theory : new voices and approaches / Jennifer Snodgrass.. print book. Music
- Teaching postwar Japanese fiction / edited by Alex Bates.. print book. Asian Studies
- Teaching undergraduate political methodology / edited by Mitchell Brown, Shane Nordyke and Cameron G. Thies.. ebook. Political Science
- Tears, fire, and blood : the United States and the decolonization of Africa / James H. Meriwether.. print book. History
- Technical management for the performing arts : utilizing time, talent, and money / Mark Shanda, Dennis Dorn.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Techno worlds / [edited by] Mathilde Weh, Justin Hoffman, Creamcake.. print book. Art
- Technology and death.. streaming video.
- Technology in Irish literature and culture / edited by Margaret Kelleher, University College Dublin ; James O'Sullivan, University College Cork.. print book. English
- Ted Shawn : his life, writings, and dances / Paul A. Scolieri.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Teddy bear patterns / Barbara Barbieri McGrath ; illustrated by Tim Nihoff.. print book. Education
- The teenage brain : a neuroscientist's survival guide to raising adolescents and young adults / Frances E. Jensen, MD with Amy Ellis Nutt.. print book. Education
- Teenage dreams : girlhood sexualities in the U.S. culture wars / Charlie Jeffries.. print book. Education
- Teien bijutsukan e yōkoso : kyū asakanomiyatei o meguru muttsu no monogatari / Asabuki Mariko ; Fukuda Rika ; Kobayashi Erika ; Hoshi Yoriko ; Mamoru ; Abe Umitarō.. print book. Asian Studies
- Teke : ritual figures / editor, Henricus Simonis, author, Gerd Korinthenberg, photograph, Joerg Schanze.. print book. Art
- Teleology : a history / edited by Jeffrey K. McDonough.. print book. Philosophy
- Tell someone / Debra Kempf Shumaker ; illustrated by Tristan Yuvienco.. print book. Education
- Tell them we are rising.. streaming video.
- Tell them we are rising.. streaming video. Education
- Telling America's story to the world : literature, internationalism, cultural diplomacy / Harilaos Stecopoulos.. print book. English
- Telling stories wrong / Gianni Rodari ; illustrated by Beatrice Alemagna ; translated from the Italian by Antony Shugaar.. print book. Education
- Tema e variações = (Theme and variations) : for solo guitar / Andersen Viana.. music score (printed). Music
- Tempête dans le bocal : la nouvelle civilisation du poisson rouge / Bruno Patino.. print book. French & Francophone Studies
- Temples & towns : the form, elements, and principles of planned towns / Michael Dennis ; foreword by Steven K. Peterson.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- The ten equations that rule the world : and how you can use them too / David Sumpter.. print book. Mathematics
- Tennessee Delta quiltmaking / Teri Klassen.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Teoría de la novela corta : deslindes y reflexiones / coordinación, Gustavo Jiménez Aguirre y Gabriel M. Enríquez Hernández ; edición, Elsa R. Brondo y José Cardona-López.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Terence : the man who invented design / Stephen Bayley and Roger Mavity.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Terra forma : a book of speculative maps / Frédérique Aït-Touati, Alexandra Arènes, and Axelle Grégoire ; foreword by Bruno Latour ; translated by Amanda DeMarco.. print book. Geography
- The terra incognita reader : early writings from the Great Smoky Mountains / edited by Anne Bridges, Russell Clement, and Ken Wise.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Territorializing Manchuria : the transnational frontier and literatures of East Asia / Miya Qiong Xie.. print book. English
- The terrorist image : decoding the Islamic state's photo-propaganda / Charlie Winter.. print book. Art
- Terzetto : per corni da caccia / Giuseppe Belloli ; edited by Antonio Fracchiolla.. music score (printed). Music
- Test success : test-taking techniques for beginning nursing students / Patricia M. Nugent, Barbara A. Vitale.. ebook. Medicine
- Tête à tête / Annette Messager ; [interviewer, Hans Ulrich Obrist].. print book. Art
- Texas Government in a Nutshell / by Randy Erben.. print book. Law
- Text VIII : für Saxophon = for saxophone / Vivienne Olive.. music score (printed). Music
- Textile design theory in the making / edited by Elaine Igoe.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Textile orientalisms : Cashmere and Paisley shawls in British literature and culture / Suchitra Choudhury.. print book. English
- Thank you for your servitude : Donald Trump's Washington and the price of submission / Mark Leibovich.. print book. Education
- Thao / by Thao Lam.. print book. Education
- Thao Nguyen Phan / edited by Anne Barlow and Giles Jackson.. print book. Art
- That damned fence : the literature of the Japanese American prison camps / Heather Hathaway.. print book. History
- That's not my name! / Anoosha Syed.. print book. Education
- Theater of Lockdown : Digital and Distanced Performance in a Time of Pandemic / Barbara Fuchs.. ebook. Arts Administration
- Theatre and archival memory : Irish drama and marginalised histories 1951-1977 / Barry Houlihan.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- Theatres of melancholy : the Neo-Romantics in Paris and beyond / Patrick Mauriès.. print book. Art
- Theatrical scenic art / Emma Troubridge.. ebook. Theatre & Dance
- Thematic mapping : 101 inspiring ways to visualise empirical data / Kenneth Field.. print book. Geography
- Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke von Johann Sebastian Bach : Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis (BWV³) / bearbeitet von Christine Blanken, Christoph Wolff, Peter Wollny.. print book. Music
- Theological determinism : new perspectives / edited Peter Furlong, Valencia College, Florida, Leigh Vicens, Augustana University.. print book. Philosophy
- Theorizing race in the Americas : Douglass, Sarmiento, Du Bois, and Vasconcelos / Juliet Hooker.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
- Theory of agglomerative hierarchical clustering / Sadaaki Miyamoto.. ebook. Statistics
- The theory of electric and magnetic susceptibilities.. print book. Physics
- Theory of form : Gerhard Richter and art in the pragmatist age / Florian Klinger.. print book. Art
- Theory of racelessness : a case for antirace(ism) / Sheena Michele Mason.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Theory of the solitary sailor / Gilles Grelet ; translated by Amy Ireland and Robin Mackay.. print book. Philosophy
- There are no accidents : the deadly rise of injury and disaster--who profits and who pays the price / Jessie Singer.. print book. Business
- There are no facts : attentive algorithms, extractive data practices, and the quantification of everyday life / Mark Shepard.. print book. Philosophy
- There is an alternative : with Herbert Marcuse and Mark Fisher towards a political aesthetics of neoliberalism / Lukas Schutzbach.. print book. English
- There is no society? : individuals and community in pandemic times / edited by Ekaterina Degot and David Riff.. print book. Art
- There's a skeleton inside you! / Idan Ben-Barak and Julian Frost.. print book. Education
- There's nothing micro about a billion women : making finance work for women / Mary Ellen Iskenderian.. ebook. Business
- There was always sun shining someplace : life in the Negro baseball leagues / narrated by James Earl Jones.. streaming video.
- There was always sun shining someplace : life in the Negro baseball leagues / narrated by James Earl Jones.. streaming video. Education
- Thermally active surfaces in architecture [electronic resource] / Kiel Moe.. ebook.
- They call her Fregona : a border kid's poems / David Bowles.. print book. Education
- They call it love : the politics of emotional life / Alva Gotby.. print book. Philosophy
- The thick dark fog / a film by Randy Vasquez ; produced by Jonathan Skurnik ; written and edited by Paul Freedman ; produced by Jonathan Skurnik, Randy Vasquez ; executive producer, Brian Wescott ; directed by Randy Vasquez ; a co-production of High Valle. streaming video. Social Work
- Thicker than water : the quest for solutions to the plastic crisis / Erica Cirino.. ebook. Sociology
- Thieves of Weirdwood / William Shivering ; illustrations by Anna Earley.. print book. Education
- Things are never so bad that they can't get worse : inside the collapse of Venezuela / William Neuman.. print book. History
- Think Bayes : Bayesian statistics in Python / Allen B. Downey.. print book. Statistics
- Think black : a memoir / Clyde W. Ford.. ebook. Mathematics
- Thinking the photobook : a practical guide / Bettina Lockemann.. print book. Art
- Thinking with type : a critical guide for designers, writers, editors, & students / Ellen Lupton.. ebook.
- The Third Reich in power, 1933-1939 / Richard J. Evans.. print book. History
- Thirst / Varsha Bajaj.. print book. Education
- A thirteenth-century textbook of mystical theology at the University of Paris : the Mystical theology of Dionysius the Areopagite in Eriugena's Latin translation, with the scholia translated by Anastasius the Librarian, and excerpts from Eriugena's Periph. print book. Philosophy
- The thirties : an intimate history / Juliet Gardiner.. print book. History
- Thirty million words : building a child's brain : tune in, talk more, take turns / Dana Suskind, MD, Beth Suskind, Leslie Lewinter-Suskind.. print book. Education
- The thirty names of night : a novel / Zeyn Joukhadar.. print book.
- This contested land : the storied past and uncertain future of America's national monuments / McKenzie Long.. print book. History
- This great allegory : on world-decay and world-opening in the work of art / Gerhard Richter.. print book. Art
- This is a classic : translators on making writers global / edited by Regina Galasso.. print book. English
- This is a school / words by John Schu ; illustrated by Veronica Miller Jamison.. print book. Education
- This is major : notes on Diana Ross, dark girls, and being dope / Shayla Lawson.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- This is not a personal statement / Tracy Badua.. print book. Education
- This is not my home / by Eugenia Yoh and Vivienne Chang.. print book. Education
- This is tomorrow : twentieth-century Britain and its artists / Michael Bird.. print book. Art
- This magical, musical night / words by Rhonda Gowler Greene ; pictures by James Rey Sanchez.. print book. Education
- This present moment : crafting a better world / Mary Savig with Nora Atkinson and Anya Montiel ; foreword by Stephanie Stebich and contributions by several artists.. print book. Art
- This story is not about a kitten / written by Randall de Sève ; illustrated by Carson Ellis.. print book. Education
- This strange idea of the beautiful / François Jullien.. print book. Philosophy
- This will not pass : Trump, Biden and the battle for America's future / Jonathan Martin & Alexander Burns.. print book. History
- Thomas Aquinas on virtue / Thomas M. Osborne Jr.. print book. Philosophy
- Thomas Demand : the stutter of history / curated by Douglas Fogle.. print book. Art
- Thomas Holcroft's revolutionary drama : reception and afterlives / Amy Garnai.. print book. English
- Thoreau's axe : distraction and discipline in American culture / Caleb Smith.. print book. English
- Thought poems : a translation of Heidegger's verse / Martin Heidegger ; translated by Eoghan Walls.. print book. Philosophy
- Thought's wilderness : romanticism and the apprehension of nature / Greg Ellermann.. print book. English
- Threads of power : lace from the Textilmuseum St. Gallen / edited by Emma Cormack and Michele Majer. print book. Art
- The three authentic sonatas : for oboe and basso continuo / George Frideric Handel ; [edited by David Lasocki].. music score (printed). Music
- The three billy goats gruff / retold by Mac Barnett ; illustrated by Jon Klassen.. print book. Education
- Three cameos, op. 56 : for solo piano (1904) / Samuel Coleridge-Taylor.. music score (printed). Music
- Three centuries of travel writing by Muslim women / Siobhan Lambert-Hurley, Daniel Majchrowicz, and Sunil Sharma, editors.. print book. History
- Three Chinese poems for mezzo-soprano and piano, 1982-1992 / Bright Sheng.. music score (printed). Music
- Three fours : valse-suite, op. 71 : 6 waltzes for piano = 6 Waltzer für Klavier / Samuel Coleridge-Taylor.. music score (printed). Music
- Three identical strangers / Neon and CNN Films present ; a Raw production ; in association with Channel 4 ; directed by Tim Wardle ; produced by Becky Read ; producer, and developed by Grace Hughes-Hallett.. streaming video. English
- Three identical strangers / Neon and CNN Films present ; a Raw production ; in association with Channel 4 ; directed by Tim Wardle ; produced by Becky Read ; producer, and developed by Grace Hughes-Hallett.. streaming video.
- Three medieval chants : for saxophone quartet / Barbara Kolb.. music score (printed). Music
- Three miniatures : (1990) for tuba and piano = pour tuba et piano = für Tuba und Klavier / Anthony Plog.. music score (printed). Music
- Three motets : for TrTTTB viols / Marc'Antonio Ingegneri ; arranged by Patrice Connelly.. music score (printed). Music
- Three piece suite : oboe & piano / Madeleine Dring.. music score (printed). Music
- Three pieces : for three violins (1967) / Halsey Stevens.. music score (printed). Music
- Three Shakespeare songs : for mixed voices unaccompanied / John Rutter.. music score (printed). Music
- Three short songs : for voice and piano / Florence Price.. music score (printed). Music
- Three sonatas for viola and piano / Bach, J.S. ; [edited by] Milton Katims [and] Béla Siki.. music score (printed). Music
- Three songs : for low voice / Liza Lehmann.. music score (printed). Music
- Three studies : for piano (1973) / Elizabeth Vercoe.. music score (printed). Music
- The threefold struggle : pursuing ecological, social, and personal wellbeing in the spirit of Daniel Quinn / Andrew Frederick Smith.. print book. English
- Threesome ventures : for violin, viola and cello / Samuel Adler.. music score (printed). Music
- Thriving with Stone Age minds : evolutionary psychology, Christian faith, and the quest for human flourishing / Justin L. Barret with Pamela Ebstyne King.. ebook. Psychology
- Through the forest / Yijing Li.. print book. Education
- Through the mountains : the French Broad River and time / John E. Ross.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Through the prism of an intellectual life / Media Education Foundation ; editor, Sut Jhally ; video & audio mastering, Rikk Desgres.. streaming video.
- Through the prism of an intellectual life / Media Education Foundation ; editor, Sut Jhally ; video & audio mastering, Rikk Desgres.. streaming video. Education
- Throwing gestures : protest, economy and the imperceptible / edited by Florian Bettel, Irina Kaldrack, Konrad Strutz ; with contributions from Florian Bettel [and fourteen others].. print book. Art
- Tibet as I knew it : the memoir of Dr. Tsewang Yishey Pemba / Tsewang Yishey Pemba ; foreword by the Dalai Lama.. print book. History
- Ticking power into performing acts of love : how tricksters through history have changed the world / Shepherd Siegel, PhD... print book. History
- Tidesong / Wendy Xu.. print book. Education
- Tiger honor / Yoon Ha Lee ; illustrations by Vivienne To.. print book. Education
- Tiger milk : = Tigermilch / Constantin Film presents eine akzente Film produktion ; eine Film von Ute Wieland.. streaming video. German
- Time for bed, old house / Janet Costa Bates ; illustrated by AG Ford.. print book. Education
- Time : for chamber ensemble / Michael Torke.. music score (printed). Music
- A time of one's own : histories of feminism in contemporary art / Catherine Grant.. print book. Art
- Time out / Csaba Fürjesi.. print book. Art
- Time series : a data analysis approach using R / Robert H. Shumway, David S. Stoffer.. print book. Statistics
- The time-travelling economist : why education, electricity and fertility are key to escaping poverty / Charlie Robertson.. ebook. Business
- Time villains / Victor Piñeiro. print book. Education
- Timeless Mexico : the photographs of Hugo Brehme / Susan Toomey Frost ; with a foreword by Stella de Sá Rego.. print book. History
- The times of Harvey Milk / Black Sand Productions presents ; a film by Robert Epstein and Richard Schmiechen.. streaming video.
- Tin-glaze and image culture : the MAK Maiolica Collection in its wider context / edited by, Lilli Hollein, Rainald Franz, Timothy Wilson ; catalogue by Timothy Wilson ; with contributions by Rainald Franz, Michael Göbl, Nikolaus Hofer ; and with the coll. print book. Art
- The tinkering mind : agency, cognition, and the extended mind / Tillmann Vierkant.. print book. Philosophy
- A tiny brown monkey on the big blue Earth / by Tory Christie ; illustrated by Luciana Navarro Powell.. print book. Education
- Tiny Cedric / Sally Lloyd-Jones ; illustrated by Rowboat Watkins.. print book. Education
- Tiny tales : shell quest / by Steph Waldo.. print book. Education
- El titán y la flecha : nueve ensayos de literatura española / Alfonso Castro.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Titian's vision of women : beauty - love - poetry / concept Sylvia Ferino-Pagden ; edited by Sylvia Ferino-Pagden, Francesca Del Torre Scheuch and Wencke Deiters.. print book. Art
- Titicut Follies.. streaming video. Art
To - Tz
- To begin again : artists and childhood / edited by Jeffrey De Blois and Ruth Erickson.. print book. Art
- To Emit Teal : poems / upfromsumdirt.. print book.
- To Emit Teal : poems / upfromsumdirt.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- To err is human / a documentary film by 3759 Films ; in association with Tall Tale Productions ; director, writer, editor, Mike Eisenberg ; producer, Kailey Brackett ; producers, Mike Eisenberg, Matt Downe.. streaming video. German
- To love this earth : musical settings of the journals of Henry David Thoreau : for baritone solo, SATB chorus, clarinet and string quartet / Gwyneth Walker ; texts by Henry David Thoreau, adapted by Gwyneth Walker.. music score (printed). Music
- To make Negro literature : writing, literary practice & African American authorship / Elizabeth McHenry.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- To photograph is to learn how to die : an essay with digressions / Tim Carpenter.. print book. Art
- To reach the nation's ear : a history of African American public speaking / Richard W. Leeman.. print book. History
- To tell a Black story of Miami / Tatiana D. McInnis.. ebook.
- Tobias Rehberger, 1993-2022 / Herausgeber, Ulrike Groos ; Texte, Ulrike Groos, Jesi Khadivi, Niklas Maak, Tobias Rehberger.. print book. Art
- Tobias Zielony : the fall / Tobias Zielony, Sophia Eisenhut, Joshua Gross, Dora Koderhold, Enis Maci [und weitere].. print book. Art
- Together we ride / written by Valerie Bolling ; illustrated by Kaylani Juanita.. print book. Education
- Tokyo before Tokyo : power and magic in the Shogun 's city of Edo / Timon Screech.. ebook. Asian Studies
- Tōkyō monogatari = Tokyo story / Shōshiku Eiga ; kyakuhon, Noda Kōgo, Ozu Yasujirō ; seisaku, Yamamoto Takeshi ; kantoku, Ozu Yasujirō.. streaming video. Philosophy
- Tōkyō monogatari = Tokyo story / Shōshiku Eiga ; kyakuhon, Noda Kōgo, Ozu Yasujirō ; seisaku, Yamamoto Takeshi ; kantoku, Ozu Yasujirō.. streaming video.
- Tōkyō monogatari = Tokyo story / Shōshiku Eiga ; kyakuhon, Noda Kōgo, Ozu Yasujirō ; seisaku, Yamamoto Takeshi ; kantoku, Ozu Yasujirō.. streaming video. Philosophy
- Tokyoids : the robotic face of architecture / François Blanciak.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Tolkien's hidden pictures : anthroposophy and the enchantment in Middle-earth / Mark McGivern.. print book. English
- Tomashi Jackson : Slow Jamz / with contributions by Tomashi Jacson, Rebecca Uchill, Janiva Ellis and Kandis Williams.. print book. Art
- Tombeaux : autobiographie de ma famille / Annette Wieviorka.. print book. History
- Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow / Gabrielle Zevin.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Toni Morrison and the natural world : an ecology of color / Anissa Janine Wardi.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Toni Morrison : imagining freedom / Lawrie Balfour.. print book. English
- Tony Oursler : specular / Herausgeber: Kunstraum Dornbirn, Thomas Häusle ; Texte: Noam Elcott, Alice Ko, Tony Oursler.. print book. Art
- Tony Tasset : works 1985-2022.. print book. Art
- Too big for a single mind : how the greatest generation of physicists uncovered the quantum world / Tobias Hürter ; translated by David Shaw.. ebook. Physics
- Too many pigs and one big bad wolf / Davide Cali ; illustrated by Marianna Balducci.. print book. Education
- Too small Tola / Atinuke ; illustrated by Onyinye Iwu.. print book. Education
- Too small Tola and the three fine girls / Atinuke ; illustrated by Onyinye Iwu.. print book. Education
- Too-small Tyson / JaNay Brown-Wood ; illustrated by Anastasia Magloire Williams.. print book. Education
- Too smart : how digital capitalism is extracting data, controlling our lives, and taking over the world / Jathan Sadowski.. print book. Business
- Top register studies for flute : 90 melodious studies / by Thomas J. Filas. music score (printed). Music
- Topics of thought : the logic of knowledge, belief, imagination / Francesco Berto.. print book. Philosophy
- Touching architecture : affective atmospheres and embodied encounters / Anthony Richard Brand.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Tough guise 2 : violence, manhood & American culture / a Media Education Foundation production ; produced and directed by Jeremy Earp ; written by Jackson Katz and Jeremy Earp ; executive producer, Sut Jhally ; co-producer, Jason Young.. streaming video.
- Tough guise 2 : violence, manhood & American culture / a Media Education Foundation production ; produced and directed by Jeremy Earp ; written by Jackson Katz and Jeremy Earp ; executive producer, Sut Jhally ; co-producer, Jason Young.. streaming video. Social Work
- Tough guise : violence, media and the crisis in masculinity / directed by Sut Jhally ; produced by Susan Ericsson, Sanjay Talreja.. streaming video.
- Toward a new interior [electronic resource] : an anthology of interior design theory / Lois Weinthal, editor.. ebook.
- Toward the critique of violence : a critical edition / Walter Benjamin ; edited by Peter Fenves and Julia Ng.. print book. Philosophy
- Towards an architecture of responsibility / Marc Thorpe.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Tower.. streaming video. English
- Tower.. streaming video.
- The tower of life : how Yaffa Eliach rebuilt her town in stories and photographs / by Chana Stiefel ; illustrated by Susan Gal.. print book. Education
- The town of Babylon : a novel / Alejandro Varela.. print book. Education
- Toyo Ito : forces of nature / Jessie Turnbull, editor.. ebook.
- Traces : a novel / Patricia L. Hudson.. print book.
- Traces of the trade : a story from the deep north.. streaming video. English
- Traces of the trade : a story from the deep north.. streaming video.
- Tracing old Norse cosmology : the world tree, middle earth, and the sun from archaeological perspectives / Anders Andrén.. ebook. Classical Studies
- The trackers a novel Charles Frazier. print book. Education
- Tracy Flick can't win : a novel / Tom Perrotta.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Trading and exchanges : market microstructure for practitioners / Larry Harris.. print book. Law
- Trafficking data : how China is winning the battle for digital sovereignty / Aynne Kokas.. ebook. Business
- The tragic science : how economists cause harm (even as they aspire to do good) / George F. DeMartino.. print book. History
- The tragic science : how economists cause harm (even as they aspire to do good) / George F. DeMartino.. ebook. Business
- The train home / by Dan-ah Kim.. print book. Education
- Training and supervision in specialized cognitive behavior therapy : methods, settings, and populations / edited by Eric A. Storch, Jonathan S. Abramowitz, and Dean McKay.. ebook.
- Trans men in the south : becoming men / Baker A. Rogers.. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies
- TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS 2022 EDITION. print book. Special Collections
- Transatlantic antifascisms : from the Spanish Civil War to the end of World War II / Michael Seidman.. ebook. History
- Transatlantic antifascisms : from the Spanish Civil War to the end of World War II / Michael Seidman.. print book. History
- The transatlantic materials of American literature : publishing US writing in Britain, 1830-1860 / Katie McGettigan.. print book. English
- The transcendent vision of mythopoeic fantasy / David S. Hogsette.. print book. English
- Transcultural Italies : mobility, memory and translation / edited by Charles Burdett, Loredana Polezzi, and Barbara Spadaro. [electronic resource]. ebook.
- The transferring of America's youth / edited by Sheri Jenkins Keenan.. ebook. Education
- The transformative cinema of Alejandro Jodorowsky / George Melnyk.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
- Transformative fictions : world literature and personal change / Daniel Just.. print book. English
- Transformative language learning and teaching / edited by Betty Lou Leaver, Dan E. Davidson, Christine Campbell.. ebook. Russian Studies
- The transformative potential of LGBTQ+ children's picture books / Jennifer Miller.. print book. Education
- Transforming girls : the work of nineteenth-century adolescence / Julie Pfeiffer.. print book. Education
- Transforming Hispanic-serving institutions for equity and justice / Gina Ann Garcia.. ebook. Hispanic Studies
- Transforming inclusion in museums : the power of collaborative inquiry / Porchia Moore, Rose Paquet, and Aletheia Wittman.. print book. Art
- Transforming Inner Mongolia : commerce, migration, and colonization on the Qing frontier / Yi Wang.. print book. History
- Transgression and deviance in the ancient world / Lennart Gilhaus, Anja Dorn, Imogen Herrad, Michael Meurer, editors.. print book. Philosophy
- Transient magnetic fields / Neil R. Sheeley, Jr.. ebook. Physics
- Transit / Schramm Film Koerner & Weber ; in Coproduktion mit Neon Productions und ZDF, Arte, Arte France Cinéma ; Regie, Christian Petzold ; Drehbuch, Christian Petzold ; Produzenten, Florian Koerner von Gustorf, Michael Weber.. streaming video.
- Transit / Schramm Film Koerner & Weber ; in Coproduktion mit Neon Productions und ZDF, Arte, Arte France Cinéma ; Regie, Christian Petzold ; Drehbuch, Christian Petzold ; Produzenten, Florian Koerner von Gustorf, Michael Weber.. streaming video. German
- Transitional object : poems / Adrian Silbernagel.. print book.
- Translation as citation : Zhuangzi inside out / Haun Saussy.. ebook. Asian Studies
- Transmaterial 2 [electronic resource] : a catalog of materials that redefine our physical environment / edited by Blaine Brownell.. ebook.
- Transmedial character studies / Tobias Kunz and Lukas R.A. Wilde.. ebook. English
- Transmissions from the pleroma / edited by Lawrence Kumpf and Tyler Maxin.. print book. Art
- The transmutations of chymistry : Wilhelm Homberg and the Académie royale des sciences / Lawrence M. Principe.. ebook. Chemistry
- Transpacific correspondence : dispatches from japan's black studies / Yuichiro Onishi, Fumiko Sakashita, editors.. ebook. Asian Studies
- Transportation and the culture of climate change : accelerating ride to global crisis / edited by Tatiana Prorokova-Konrad.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Trash talk : anti-Obama lore and racism in the twenty-first century / Patricia A. Turner.. ebook. Russian Studies
- Trashy town / Andrea Zimmerman and David Clemesha ; illustrated by Dan Yaccarino.. print book. Education
- Traum durch die Dämmerung, op. 29/1 / Richard Strauss ; arr. Lukas Haselböck. music score (printed). Music
- Trauma and expressive arts therapy : brain, body, and imagination in the healing process / Cathy A. Malchiodi.. ebook. Social Work
- Trauma and mental health social work with urban populations : African-centered clinical interventions / edited by Rhonda Wells-Wilbon and Anthony Estreet.. ebook. Social Work
- Travelers and Magicians. ebook. English
- Traveling artist : Christian Jankowski / edited by Nicole Fritz, Christian Jankowski ; essays, Karen van den Berg, Oobah Butler.. print book. Art
- Travellers in the Third Reich : the rise of fascism seen through the eyes of everyday people / Julia Boyd.. ebook. History
- Travellers in the Third Reich : the rise of fascism through the eyes of everyday people / Julia Boyd.. print book. History
- Treasures of Herat : two manuscripts of the Khamsah of Nizami in the British Library / Barbara Brend.. print book. Art
- Treating survivors of childhood abuse and interpersonal trauma : STAIR narrative therapy / Marylene Cloitre [and four others].. ebook. Social Work
- The tree climbing cure : finding wellbeing in trees in European and North American literature and art / Andy Brown.. print book. English
- Tree hole homes : and the animals that live in them / Melissa Stewart, Amy Hevron.. print book. Education
- Tree of strangers / Barbara Sumner.. ebook.
- Tree thieves : crime and survival in North America's woods / Lyndsie Bourgon.. ebook. Sociology
- Trends in teaching experimentation in the life sciences : putting research into practice to drive institutional change / Nancy J. Pelaez, Stephanie M. Gardner, Trevor R. Anderson, editors.. ebook. Biology
- Tres insultos : para dos violines (2004) / Angelica Negron.. music score (printed). Music
- Tres madres : structural therapy with an Anglo/Hispanic family / Golden Triad Films, Inc. presents ; featuring Harry Aponte, ACSW.. streaming video.
- Treti kont︠s︡ert za piano i orkestŭr = Troisième concerto : pour piano et orchestre, [op. 31] / Pancho Vladigerov = Pantcho Vladiguerov.. music score (printed). Music
- The Trial.. streaming video. Art
- The trial of Anne Hutchinson : liberty, law, and intolerance in puritan New England / Michael P. Winship and Mark C. Carnes.. print book. History
- The trial of Galileo : Aristotelianism, the "new cosmology", and the Catholic Church, 1616-1633 / Michael S. Pettersen, Frederick Purnell Jr., and Mark C. Carnes.. print book. History
- Tricolon C : for multi-percussion and tape / Maximillian Wolfgang Schwarz.. music score (printed). Music
- Trio for flute, alto saxophone and piano, op. 137 / Lowell Liebermann.. music score (printed). Music
- Trio in a minor, js 207 (havträsk-trio) : for violin, violoncello and piano / Jean Sibelius ; edited by Folke Gräsbeck and Anna Pulkkis.. music score (printed). Music
- Trio in d major, js 209 (korpo-trio) : for violin, violoncello and piano / Jean Sibelius ; edited by Folke Gräsbeck and Anna Pulkkis.. music score (printed). Music
- Trio, op. 50 : per a violi, violoncel I piano / Enrique Granados ; edited by Trio Rodin.. music score (printed). Music
- Trio, op. 56 : für oboe (flöte oder klarinette) und zwei hörner / Friederich Eugen Thurner ; edited by Kurt Meier.. music score (printed). Music
- Trio sonata in B-flat major, Op. 11, Nr. 3 for violin, viola and basso continuo / Georg Anton Kreusser ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
- Trio sonata in b flat major, op. 3 nr. 1 : for 2 violins and violoncello / Christian Cannabich ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
- Trio sonata in C major, op. 3, nr. 6 : for 2 violins and basso continuo / Johann Christoph Pepusch ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
- Trio sonata in D major (op. 11, nr. 6), for transverse flute, violin & basso continuo / Georg Anton Kreusser ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
- Trio sonata in D major (op. 3, nr. 1), for 2 violins, violoncello & basso continuo / Johann Philipp Küchler ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
- Trio sonata in G major (op. 9, nr. 3), for 2 violins & basso continuo / Gaetano Pugnani ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
- Trio sonata in G minor, op. 6 no. 5 (Paris, 1722) : violin, violoncello (or bass viol) and basso continuo / Michele Mascitti ; edited by Michael Talbot.. music score (printed). Music
- Trio toccata : for oboe, bassoon and piano / Valerie Coleman.. music score (printed). Music
- Tristan Strong keeps punching / Kwame Mbalia.. print book. Education
- Tristia : für Chor und Orchester : op. 18 / Hector Berlioz.. music score (printed). Music
- Triumph & catastrophe : Morten Løbner Espersen / with an introduction by Jan de Bruijn, a text by Morten Løbner Espersen, and an essay by Glenn Adamson.. print book. Art
- The triumph of broken promises : the end of the Cold War and the rise of neoliberalism / Fritz Bartel.. print book. History
- The triumph of broken promises : the end of the Cold War and the rise of neoliberalism / Fritz Bartel.. ebook. History
- Trois berceuses, op. 8 : pour piano / Robert Casadesus.. music score (printed). Music
- Trois duos brillants : pour deux flutes, op. 102 / Fr. Kuhlau.. music score (printed). Music
- Trois études de concert / Franz Liszt ; herausgegeben von Peter Jost = edited by Peter Jost ; Fingersatz von Michael Schneidt = fingering by Michael Schneidt.. music score (printed). Music
- Trois petites pièces : pour flûte et piano / par Augusta Holmès.. music score (printed). Music
- The Trojan women / a Josef Shaftel production ; a Michael Cacoyannis film ; screenplay by Michael Cacoyannis ; produced by Michael Cacoyannis, Anis Nohra ; directed by Michael Cacoyannis.. streaming video.
- The trolley problem / edited by Hallvard Lillehammer, Birkbeck, University of London.. print book. Philosophy
- A troop of kangaroos : a book of animal group names / written and illustrated by Lisa Mundorff.. print book. Education
- The trouble with penguins / Rebecca Jordan-Glum.. print book. Education
- The troubled girls of Dragomir Academy / Anne Ursu.. print book. Education
- Troubling late modernism : ethics, feeling, and the novel form / Doug Battersby.. print book. English
- Truck art project / coordinación editorial, Miriam Querol ; textos, Javier Díaz-Guardiola.. print book. Art
- Trudno bytʹ bogom = Hard to be a god / Studii︠a︡ "Sever" ; prodi︠u︡ser, R. Nasibulin, V. Izvekov ; st︠s︡enariĭ, S. Karmalita, A. I︠U︡ German ; postanovka, A. I︠U︡ German.. streaming video.
- The true cost / Life is My Movie Entertainment ; an Untold production ; a film by Andrew Morgan ; producer, Michael Ross ; director Andrew Morgan.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
- The true meaning of pictures : Shelby Lee Adams' Appalachia / Mercury Films presents ; produced by Nick de Pencier and Jennifer Baichwal ; directed by Jennifer Baichwal ; produced in association with TV Ontario and Bravo! Canada, a division of Chum Limite. streaming video.
- The true meaning of pictures : Shelby Lee Adams' Appalachia / Mercury Films presents ; produced by Nick de Pencier and Jennifer Baichwal ; directed by Jennifer Baichwal ; produced in association with TV Ontario and Bravo! Canada, a division of Chum Limite. streaming video. Appalachian Studies
- Trumpets and other high brass : a history inspired by the Joe R. and Joella F. Utley Collection / Sabine Katharina Klaus ; principal photographer, Mark Olencki.. print book. Music
- Trumpets and other high brass : a history inspired by the Joe R. and Joella F. Utley Collection / Sabine Katharina Klaus ; principal photographer, Mark Olencki.. print book. Music
- Trust me / Wadi Rum Films.. streaming video.
- Trust me / Wadi Rum Films.. streaming video. Library & Information Science
- Trusting True North / Gina Linko.. print book. Education
- Truth and lies in architecture / Richard Francis-Jones ; foreword by Kenneth Frampton.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Tse go La - at the threshold of this life : a cantata on rites of passage (2012, rev. 2013) / Andrea Clearfield.. music score (printed). Music
- Tuba concerto / Edward Gregson ; arranged for tuba and piano by the composer.. music score (printed). Music
- Tuba suite for solo tuba & 3 French horns in F / by Morton Gould.. music score (printed). Music
- Tuckaleechee Cove : a passage through time / Boyce N. Driskell and Robert J. Norrell.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Tudor liveliness : vivid art in post-Reformation England / Christina J. Faraday.. print book. Art
- The Tudors : art and majesty in Renaissance England / Elizabeth Cleland and Adam Eaker ; with contributions by Marjorie E. Wieseman and Sarah Bochicchio. print book. Art
- Tunisia since the Arab conquest [electronic resource] : the saga of a westernized muslim state / Jacob Abadi.. ebook.
- Turfgrass insects of the United States and Canada / Patricia J. Vittum.. print book. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Turning points : clarinet and string quartet / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
- Turtles of the midnight moon / María José Fitzgerald ; [map art by Jennifer Thermes].. print book. Education
- Turumba / a film by Kidlat Tahimik.. streaming video. English
- Turumba / a film by Kidlat Tahimik.. streaming video.
- The tusk that did the damage / Tania James.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The Tuskegee Syphilis Study : the real story and beyond / Fred D. Gray.. ebook. History
- Twentieth-century architecture and modernity : our past, our present / Patrizia Mello.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Twenty-first century Arab and African diasporas in Spain, Portugal and Latin America / edited by Cristián H. Ricci.. print book. English
- Twenty-four eyes / Shochiku Co. ; Janus Films ; a Keisuke Kinoshita film ; written and directed by Keisuke Kinoshita ; produced by Ryotaro Kuwata.. video DVD.
- Twenty-two cents an hour : disability rights and the fight to end subminimum wages / Doug Crandell.. print book. Law
- Twenty years of school-based mass shootings in the United States : Columbine to Santa Fe / Angelyn Spaulding Flowers and Cotina Lane Pixley.. print book. History
- Twilight in Hazard : an Appalachian reckoning / Alan Maimon.. print book. Education
- Twisted : the tangled history of Black hair culture / Emma Dabiri.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Two and twenty : how the masters of private equity always win / Sachin Khajuria.. print book. Business
- Two and twenty troubles / Vivid Docs & Nicu's Spoon Theater present in association with School of Visual Arts ; a film by Victor Ilyukhin.. streaming video.
- Two and twenty troubles / Vivid Docs & Nicu's Spoon Theater present in association with School of Visual Arts ; a film by Victor Ilyukhin.. streaming video.
- Two arguments for the identity of indiscernibles / Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra.. print book. Philosophy
- Two brown dots : poems / by Danni Quintos ; foreword by Aimee Nezhukumatathil.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- The Two chamber cantatas for alto on texts by Pietro metastasio, vol. 1 : la scusa (1780) / Baldassare Galuppi ; edited by Fabrizio Ammetto and Alvise De Piero.. music score (printed). Music
- Two dogs on a trike / by Gabi Snyder ; illustrated by Robin Rosenthal.. print book. Education
- Two hagiographies / Hildegard of Bingen ; introduction and English translation by Hugh Feiss ; Latin edition by Christopher P. Evans.. print book. Philosophy
- Two hundred years at the falls of the Ohio : a history of Louisville and Jefferson County / George H. Yater.. print book. History
- Two pieces from the wreckers / Ethel Smyth.. music score (printed). Music
- Type specimens : a visual history of typesetting and printing / Dori Griffin.. print book. Special Collections
- Tyto Alba - avian study no. 2 : for solo alto flute (2022) / Robert Peate.. music score (printed). Music
- Tzigane rêverie : für Klavier / Augusta Holmès ; herausgegeben von Christel Nies.. music score (printed). Music
- The u-nique Lou Fox / Jodi Carmichael.. print book. Education
- Ugetsu / Daiē Kabushiki Kaisha seisaku ; seisaku, Nagata Masaichi ; kyakuhon, Kawatuchi Matsutarō, Yoda Yoshikata ; kantoku, Mizoguchi Kenji.. streaming video. Asian Studies
- Ugliness and judgment : on architecture in the public eye / Timothy Hyde.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Ugo Rondinone / Laura Hoptman, Erik Verhagen, Nicholas Baume, Jason Schmidt.. print book. Art
- Ultimate gig : flexibility, freedom, rewards / by John T. Fleming ; with Lauren Lawley Head.. ebook. Business
- Umoja : anthem of unity : for orchestra / Valerie Coleman.. music score (printed). Music
- Umoja : the first day of Kwanzaa : for woodwind quintet / Valerie Coleman.. music score (printed). Music
- Unannounced voices : curatorial practice and changing institutions / Zdenka Badovinac ; edited by Steven Henry Madoff.. print book. Art
- Uncertain ground : citizenship in an age of endless, invisible war / Phil Klay.. print book. Political Science
- Uncertainties in numerical weather prediction / edited by Haraldur Ólafsson, Jian-Wen Bao.. print book. Physics
- Uncommon sense : aesthetics after Marcuse / Craig Leonard ; foreword by Nathifa Greene.. print book. Philosophy
- Under the aegis of a winged mind / Makalani Bandele.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Under the heavens : a journey to a new world / Ruth Fox.. print book. Education
- UNDER THE OCELOT SUN. print book.
- Under the skin : the hidden toll of racism on American lives and on the health of our nation / Linda Villarosa.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
- Under the skin [electronic resource] : the hidden toll of racism on American lives and the health of a nation / Linda Villarosa.. ebook. Sociology
- The underdogs serve it up / Kate and Jol Temple ; art by Shiloh Gordon.. print book. Education
- Undergraduate research & the academic librarian : case studies and best practices. Volume 2 / co-edited by Merinda Kaye Hensley, Hailley Fargo, and Stephanie Davis-Kahl.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Understandable economics : because understanding our economy is easier than you think and more important than you know / Howard Yaruss.. ebook. Business
- Understanding and fostering soil carbon sequestration / edited by Cornelia Rumpel.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Understanding and improving crop photosynthesis / edited by Robert Sharwood.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Understanding and improving the functional and nutritional properties of milk / edited by Thom Huppertz, Todor Vasiljevic.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Understanding and offsetting financial barriers for Black students in science, engineering, and medicine : programs, partnerships, and pathways : proceedings of a workshop / Gilda A. Barabino, Theodore J. Corbin, Jr. and Paula Whitacre, rapporteurs ; Cato. ebook. Biology
- Understanding and optimising the nutraceutical properties of fruit and vegetables / edited by Victor R. Preedy and Vinood B. Patel.. ebook. Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Understanding chipped stone tools / Brian Hayden.. ebook. Anthropology
- Understanding complex trauma and post-traumatic growth in survivors of sex trafficking : foregrounding women's voices for effective care and prevention / Heather Evans.. ebook. Social Work
- Understanding contracts / by Jeffrey Ferriell.. print book. Law
- Understanding Kristeva, understanding modernism / edited by Maria Margaroni.. print book. Philosophy
- Understanding scholastic thought with foucault / Philipp W. Rosemann.. print book. Philosophy
- Understanding search engines / Dirk Lewandowski.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Understanding the private-public divide : markets, governments, and time horizons / Avner Offer, University of Oxford.. print book. History
- Understanding values in skin tones and painting facial features / North Light Media presents an production ; F+W Media.. video DVD. Art
- Understanding Žižek, understanding modernism / edited by Jeffrey R. Di Leo and Zahi Zalloua.. print book. Philosophy
- Undesirables : a Holocaust journey to North Africa / Aomar Boum ; illustrated by Nadjib Berber.. print book. History
- Undrowned : Black feminist lessons from marine mammals / Alexis Pauline Gumbs ; foreword by adrienne maree brown.. print book. Education
- Unearthed : a Jessica Cruz story / written by Lilliam Rivera ; art by Steph C. ; letters by Gabriela Downie.. print book. Education
- Unearthing Fermi's geophysics : based on Enrico Fermi's geophysics lectures of 1941 / Gino Segrè and John Stack.. print book. Physics
- Uneven futures : strategies for community survival from speculative fiction / edited by Ida Yoshinaga, Sean Guynes, and Gerry Canavan.. print book. English
- Unfadeable / Maurice Broaddus.. print book. Education
- Unfinished spirit : Muriel Rukeyser's twentieth century / Rowena Kennedy-Epstein.. print book. English
- The unforgettables : expanding the history of American art / Charles C. Eldredge, editor ; introduction by Kirsten Pai Buick.. print book. Art
- A union for Appalachian healthcare workers : the radical roots and hard fights of Local 1199 / John Hennen.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- United in anger : a history of ACT UP.. ebook.
- United States Post Office : a legal research guide / by Joel Fishman, Ph.D., M.L.S.. print book. Law
- The United States vs. China : the quest for global economic leadership / C. Fred Bergsten.. print book. Business
- Univariate stable distributions : models for heavy tailed data / John P. Nolan.. print book. Statistics
- Universal design studio : inside out / [authors: Jason Holley and Paul Gulati].. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Universal food security [electronic resource] : how to end hunger while protecting the planet / Glenn Denning.. ebook.
- Universal localities : the languages of world literature / Galin Tihanov (ed.).. print book. English
- The universe and you / written by Suzanne Slade ; illustrated by Stephanie Fizer Coleman.. print book. Education
- The universe of quadrics / Boris Odehnal, Hellmuth Stachel, Georg Glaeser.. print book. Mathematics
- Universities on fire : higher education in the climate crisis / Bryan Alexander.. print book. Education
- El universo de Lola Flores / Juan Luis Álvarez [and 24 others].. print book.
- El universo de Lola Flores / Juan Luis Álvarez [and 24 others].. print book. Hispanic Studies
- Unnatural causes series.. streaming video.
- Unraveling : remaking personhood in a neurodiverse age / Matthew J. Wolf-Meyer.. ebook. Psychology
- Unreasonable : Black lives, police power, and the fourth amendment / Devon W. Carbado.. print book. Law
- Unsaid : analyzing harmful silences / Lois Presser.. print book. Philosophy
- Unscripted : the epic battle for a media empire and the Redstone family legacy / James B. Stewart and Rachel Abrams.. print book. Business
- Unseen Enemies - The Deadliest Infectious Diseases in Human History. ebook. Medicine
- Unsettled land : from revolution to Republic, the struggle for Texas / Sam W. Haynes.. print book. History
- Unsettling nature : ecology, phenomenology, and the settler colonial imagination / Taylor Eggan.. print book. Philosophy
- Unsilencing slavery : telling truths about Rose Hall Plantation, Jamaica / Celia E. Naylor.. print book. History
- Unstuck : an OCD kids movie / Realistic Pictures presents ; a documentary by Kelly Anderson & Chris Baier.. streaming video. Psychology
- Untangling the knot : queer voices on marriage, relationships & identity / edited by Carter Sickels.. print book.
- Until Friday night / by Abbi Glines.. print book.
- Until I am free : Fannie Lou Hamer's enduring message to America / Keisha N. Blain.. print book. History
- Untimely passages : dossiers from the other shore / by Jerry Zaslove ; foreword by Samir Gandesha.. print book. English
- Untitled II : for piano duet or pianist and pianist/dancer / Dorothy Hindman. music score (printed). Music
- The unusual story of the Pocket Veto Case, 1926-1929 / Jonathan Lurie.. print book. Law
- Unworking : the reinvention of the modern office.. ebook. Business
- The unwritten law of corporate reorganizations / Douglas G. Baird.. print book. Law
- The unwritten law of corporate reorganizations / Douglas G. Baird.. print book. Law
- Up against the law : radical lawyers and social movements, 1960s-1970s / Luca Falciola.. print book. Law
- Uprooted : the journey of jazz dance / LDR Creative in association with On the Rocks Films ; directed by Khadifa Wong ; produced by Lisa Donmall-Reeve ; original concept by Zak Nemorin.. video DVD. Theatre & Dance
- The upside down hat / written by Stephen Barr ; illustrated by Gracey Zhang.. print book. Education
- Urban play : make-believe, technology, and space / Fábio Duarte and Ricardo Álvarez.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Urbanisms [electronic resource] : working with doubt / Steven Holl.. ebook.
- Urbanized.. streaming video.
- Urbanized.. streaming video.
- Ursa's light / Deborah Marcero.. print book. Education
- US public opinion since the 1930s : Galluping through history / Richard Seltzer.. ebook. History
- The used-to-be best friend / Dawn Quigley ; illustrated by Tara Audibert.. print book. Education
- User experience research : discover what customers really want / Marty Gage and Spencer Murrell.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Using AI for dialoguing with texts : from psychology to cinema and literature / [edited by] Yair Neuman, Marcel Danesi, and Dan Vilenchik.. print book. English
- Using ROI for strategic planning of online education : a process for institutional transformation / Kathleen S. Ives, Deborah M. Seymour.. ebook. Education
- Value and unequal exchange in international trade : the geography of global capitalist exploitation / Andrea Ricci.. ebook. Business
- Value in modernity : the philosophy of existential modernism in Nietzsche, Scheler, Sartre, Musil / Peter Poellner.. print book. Philosophy
- The value of a whale : on the illusions of green capitalism / Adrienne Buller.. print book. Business
- The value of the world and of oneself : philosophical optimism and pessimism from Aristotle to modernity / Mor Segev.. print book. Philosophy
- Van Dyck and the making of English portraiture / Adam Eaker.. print book. Art
- The vanishing stair / Maureen Johnson.. print book. Education
- Variation on a theme by Anton Diabelli : for piano (2019) / Rodion Shchedrin.. music score (printed). Music
- Variationen für kleines orchester über ein thema von Franz Schubert, op. 2 / Adolf Busch.. music score (printed). Music
- The varnish & the glaze : painting splendor with oil, 1100-1500 / Marjolijn Bol.. print book. Art
- Varsha = Varshā : for unaccompanied violin (2019) / Reena Esmail.. music score (printed). Music
- Vaulting ambition : FDR's campaign to pack the Supreme Court / Michael Nelson.. print book. Law
- Vaux-hall : 12.12.1937 / av Ture Rangström.. music score (printed). Music
- Vedic mathematics : a mathematical tale from the ancient Veda to modern times / Giuseppe Dattoli, Silvia Licciardi, Marcello Artioli, ENEA, Italy.. print book. Mathematics
- Vegan art : a book of visual protest / designed by Tommy Kane and Sylvia Ugga.. print book. Art
- Vegetal sex : philosophy of plants / Stella Sandford.. print book. Philosophy
- Vegucated / Kind Green Planet presents.. streaming video. English
- Vegucated / Kind Green Planet presents.. streaming video.
- Velázquez / Richard Verdi.. print book. Art
- The Venice Arsenal : between history, heritage, and re-use / edited by Luca Zan.. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Les vêpres siciliennes : opéra en cinq actes / Giuseppe Verdi ; libretto di Eugène Scribe e Charles Duveyrier = libretto by Eugène Scribe and Charles Duveyrier ; riduzione per canto e pianoforte condotta in base alla revisione sulle fonte originali della. music score (printed). Music
- Verify in field : projects and conversations : Höweler + Yoon / Eric Höweler and J. Meejin Yoon. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Vermeer and the art of love / Aneta Georgievska-Shine.. print book. Art
- Vermeer's maps / Rozemarijn Landsman.. print book. Geography
- Vernacular knowledge : contesting authority, expressing beliefs / edited by Ülo Valk and Marion Bowman.. print book. Russian Studies
- Very good hats / Emma Straub ; illustrated by Blanca Gómez.. print book. Education
- Verzweiflung und Ergebung : op. 41 : Nachkomponierter Satz zur Turandot-Suite / Ferruccio Busoni.. music score (printed). Music
- Vesta and Ceres : insights from the Dawn mission for the origin of the solar system / edited by Simone Marchi, Carol A. Raymond, Christopher T. Russell.. ebook. Physics
- Victoria.. streaming video. German
- Victorian metafiction / Tabitha Sparks.. print book. English
- Victorian paper art and craft : writers and their materials / Deborah Lutz.. print book. English
- Victorian women writers and the other Germany : cross-cultural freedoms and female opportunity / Linda Hughes.. print book. English
- Victory city : a novel / Salman Rushdie.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Victory. Stand! : raising my fist for justice / Tommie Smith, Derrick Barnes, Dawud Anyabwile.. print book. Education
- Vieira Da Silva : L'œil du labyrinthe / [edited by Guillaume Theulière and Naïs Lefrançois].. print book. Art
- Vier Lieder Opus 27 für Singstimme und Klavier = Four songs op. 27 for voice and piano / Richard Strauss ; herausgegeben von = edited by Annette Oppermann.. music score (printed). Music
- Vietnam combat : firefights and writing history / by Robin Bartlett.. print book. History
- Vietnamerica : a family's journey / written and illustrated by GB Tran.. print book. History
- Vietnamese musical instruments : a monographic lexicon / Terry Moran ; [illustrations by Luke Agati]. print book. Music
- The view from the very best house in town / Meera Trehan ; illustrations by Nicole Miles.. print book. Education
- Viking attacks on Paris : the Bella Parisiacae urbis of Abbo of Saint-Germain-des-Prés / edition, translation and introduction by Nirmal Dass.. print book. Philosophy
- A village in the Third Reich : how ordinary lives were transformed by the rise of fascism / Julia Boyd & Angelika Patel.. print book. History
- Villas of Lucca : the delights of the countryside / Maria Adriana Giusti ; descriptions by Maria Adriana Giusti, Gilberto Bedini ; photographs by Luca Lupi.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Vincent Valdez : in memory.. print book. Art
- Violence against LGBTQ+ persons : research, practice, and advocacy / Emily M. Lund, Claire Burgess, Andy J. Johnson, editors.. ebook. Social Work
- Violent appetites : hunger in the early Northeast / Carla Cevasco.. ebook.
- Violet & Jobie in the wild / Lynne Rae Perkins.. print book. Education
- Violin concerto / Joan Tower ; piano reduction.. music score (printed). Music
- Violin concerto in a (badley a1) / Leopold Hofmann ; edited by Allan Badley.. music score (printed). Music
- Violin concerto no. 1 in D major / Florence B. Price.. music score (printed). Music
- Violin sonata in A major (Op. 12, Nr. 1) : for violin and basso continuo / Nicola Porpora ; edited by Alejandro Garri.. music score (printed). Music
- VIRAL / Aldo Giannotti.. print book. Art
- Viral justice : how we grow the world we want / Ruha Benjamin.. ebook. Sociology
- Viral justice : how we grow the world we want / Ruha Benjamin.. print book. Sociology
- The viral underclass : the human toll when inequality and disease collide / Steven W. Thrasher ; [foreword by Jonathan M. Metzl].. print book. Sociology
- Virtual and augmented reality for architecture and design / editors, Elisângela Vilar, Faculty of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal; Ernesto Filgueiras, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal; Francisco Rebelo, Faculty of A. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Virtual storytimes : a practical guide for librarians / Rebecca Ogle.. ebook. Library & Information Science
- Virus : the day of resurrection / Sakyō Komatsu ; translated by Daniel Huddleston.. print book. Asian Studies
- Visible silence = Sīangphūt nai čhai / Marea Media and Art Ensemble Pictures present ; director, producer, cinematographer, Ruth Gumnit ; producer, Marguerite Salmon, Siribenja Khowadhana ; written by Philly Archa, Elizabeth Finlayson, Ruth Gumnit, Mar. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
- Vision of a garden / music by Richard Blackford ; libretto by Peter Johnstone.. music score (printed). Music
- Visions of terror and wonder : for mezzo-soprano and orchestra / Richard Wernick.. music score (printed). Music
- Visual Data Insights Using SAS ODS Graphics : a Guide to Communication-Effective Data Visualization / LeRoy Bessler.. ebook. Statistics
- A visual dictionary of decorative and domestic arts / Nancy Odegaard and Gerry Wagner Crouse.. print book. Art
- Visual philosophy : thoughts on I and we / Ruida Si ; foreword, Kenya Hara.. print book. Art
- Visual thinking : the hidden gifts of people who think in pictures, patterns, and abstractions / Temple Grandin ; with Betsy Lerner.. print book. Education
- Vital strife : sleep, insomnia, and the early modern ethics of care / Benjamin Parris.. print book. English
- Vitamin C+ : collage in contemporary art / introduction by Yuval Etgar.. print book. Art
- Viva Laldjerie.. streaming video.
- Viva Laldjerie.. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- Vivre pauvre : quelques enseignements tirés de l'Europe des Lumières / Laurence Fontaine.. print book. History
- Vocal art of Armenian composers, vol. IV : dispersal / compiled by Hasmig Injejikian.. music score (printed). Music
- Voice for the hollers : a journey into solitude and solidarity in Appalachia / Jeanne McNulty.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Voice-over : Zineb Sedira / guest curated [and edited] by Dr. Natasha Boas.. print book. Art
- Voices from the hills : selected readings of southern Appalachia / edited by Robert J. Higgs and Ambrose N. Manning ; afterword by Jim Wayne Miller.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Voices of the Korean comfort women : history rewritten from memories / edited and translated by Chungmoo Choi and Hyunah Yang.. print book. History
- Voices of the people / Joseph Bruchac ; [editor/curator, Wiley Blevins].. print book. Education
- Voices on war and genocide : three accounts of the World Wars in a Galician town / edited and with an introduction by Omer Bartov.. print book. History
- Voices worth the listening : three women of Appalachia / Thomas Burton.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Volcker : the triumph of persistence / William L. Silber.. print book. History
- The vortex : a true story of history's deadliest storm, an unspeakable war, and liberation / Scott Carney and Jason Miklian.. print book. History
- Voyage of the Sparrowhawk / Natasha Farrant.. print book. Education
- Vtori kont︠s︡ert za piano i orkestŭr = Deuxieme concerto pour piano et orchestre, [op. 22] / Pancho Vladigerov = Pantcho Vladiguerov ; prerabomka za dve piana om admora = reduction pour deux pianos par l'auteur.. music score (printed). Music
- Vtori kontsert za piano i orkestur = Deuxieme concerto pour piano et orchestre, [op. 22] / Pancho Vladigerov ; prerabotka za dve piana ot avtora. print book. Music
- Vulytsya shchastya = Happiness Street / by Elisavet & Charikleia Arkolaki ; translated into Ukrainian by Tanya Pavlenko.. print book. Education
- Waiting for mama / Gianna Marino.. print book. Education
- Waiting place : when home is lost and a new on is not yet found / Dina Nayeri ; photographs by Anna Bosch Miralpeix.. print book. Education
- Wakon'da-Ho Mineral Springs promotional brochure. print book.
- Walk the barrio : the streets of twenty-first-century transnational Latinx literature / Cristina Rodriguez.. print book. English
- Walk the walk how three police departments defied the odds and changed police culture Neil Gross. print book. Sociology
- Wallet activism : how to use every dollar you spend, earn, and save as a force for change / Tanja Hester.. ebook. Business
- Wallpaper / by Thao Lam.. print book. Education
- The Walls manual of emergency airway management / Calvin A. Brown [and four others].. ebook. Medicine
- Walter Benjamin and the critique of political economy : a new historical materialism / Duy Lap Nguyen.. print book. Philosophy
- Walter Benjamin at the Spanish border, circa 1940 : for cello and piano / Frank Abbinanti.. music score (printed). Music
- Walter Pater's European imagination / Lene Østermark-Johansen.. print book. English
- Walter Sickert / edited by Emma Chambers.. print book. Art
- Waltharius / edition, translation, and introduction by Abram Ring (Battle Ground Academy).. print book. Philosophy
- War : a genealogy of western ideas and practices / Beatrice Heuser.. print book. Philosophy
- War and literary studies / edited by Anders Engberg-Pedersen, University of Southern Denmark ; Neil Ramsey, University of New South Wales, Sydney.. print book. English
- A war born family : African American adoption in the wake of the Korean War / Kori Graves.. ebook.
- War & homecoming : veteran identity and the post-9/11 generation / Travis L. Martin.. print book.
- The war in court : inside the long fight against torture / Lisa Hajjar.. print book. Law
- The war on neighborhoods : policing, prison, and punishment in a divided city / Ryan Lugalia-Hollon and Daniel Cooper.. ebook. Sociology
- War photographer : photojournalist James Nachtwey / Christian Frei Filmproductions.. streaming video.
- War photographer : photojournalist James Nachtwey / Christian Frei Filmproductions.. streaming video. Journalism & Media
- The war room / Pennebaker Associates Inc. and McEttinger Films present ; a film by by Chris Hegedus, D.A. Pennebaker ; producers, R.J. Cutler, Wendy Ettinger, Frazer Pennebaker.. streaming video. English
- The war room / Pennebaker Associates Inc. and McEttinger Films present ; a film by by Chris Hegedus, D.A. Pennebaker ; producers, R.J. Cutler, Wendy Ettinger, Frazer Pennebaker.. streaming video.
- Warhol-isms / Andy Warhol ; edited by Larry Warsh.. print book. Art
- Warhol : the textiles / Geoffrey Rayner and Richard Chamberlain ; [foreword by Zandra Rhodes].. print book. Art
- Warring genealogies : race, kinship, and the Korean War / Joo Ok Kim.. print book. History
- Washington's Iron Butterfly : Bess Clements Abell, an oral history / Donald A. Ritchie and Terry L. Birdwhistell ; foreword by Richard Norton Smith.. print book.
- Wasn't that a mighty day : African American blues and gospel songs on disaster / Luigi Monge.. ebook.
- Waste land : an art collaboration in the world's largest garbage dump / Almega Projects presents an Almega Projects and O2 Filmes production ; directed by Lucy Walker ; co-directed by João Jardim, Karen Harley ; produced by Angus Aynsley ; produced by Ha. streaming video. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Waste land : an art collaboration in the world's largest garbage dump / Almega Projects presents an Almega Projects and O2 Filmes production ; directed by Lucy Walker ; co-directed by João Jardim, Karen Harley ; produced by Angus Aynsley ; produced by Ha. streaming video.
- The Water Lady : how Darlene Arviso helps a thirsty Navajo Nation / by Alice B. McGinty ; illustrations by Shonto Begay.. print book. Education
- Waterloo sunrise : London from the sixties to Thatcher / John Davis.. ebook. History
- The watermelon woman / a film by Cheryl Dunye.. streaming video.
- The way I used to be / Amber Smith.. print book. Education
- The way we eat : what food means / the Learning Seed.. streaming video. English
- The way we eat : what food means / the Learning Seed.. streaming video.
- The wayfinding handbook [electronic resource] : information design for public places / David Gibson ; foreword by Christopher Pullman.. ebook.
- Wayne Thiebaud / curator, Ulf Küster. print book. Art
- Wayward Lives.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
- W.B. Yeats and the language of sculpture / Jack Quin.. print book. English
- We all play = Kimêtawânaw / Julie Flett.. print book. Education
- We are a garden : a story of how diversity took root in America / by Lisa Westberg Peters ; illustrated by Victoria Tentler-Krylov.. print book. Education
- We are all monsters : how deviant organisms came to define us / Andrew Mangham.. print book. English
- We are made of stories : self-taught artists in the Robson family collection / Leslie Umberger ; introduction by Douglas O. Robson.. print book. Art
- We are never never other : Aram Han Sifuentes / editor and curator, Kendra Paitz.. print book. Art
- We are the shapes / Kevin Jenner.. print book. Education
- We carry their bones : the search for justice at the Dozier School for Boys / Erin Kimmerle.. print book. Education
- We deserve monuments / Jas Hammonds.. print book. Education
- We don't know ourselves : a personal history of modern Ireland / Fintan O'Toole.. print book. History
- We need to talk about inflation : 14 urgent lessons from the last 2,000 years / Stephen D. King.. ebook. Business
- We need to talk about inflation : 14 urgent lessons from the last 2,000 years / Stephen D. King.. print book. Business
- We're not ok : Black faculty experiences and higher education strategies / Edited by Antija M. Allen, Pellisippi State Community College, Justin T. Stewart, Allen Ivy Prep Consulting.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- We shall overcome : for soprano solo, SATB chorus, tambourine and bongo / Margaret Bonds ; John Michael Cooper, editor.. music score (printed). Music
- We the gamers : how games teach ethics and civics / Karen Schrier.. print book. Education
- We want to go to school! : the fight for disability rights / by Maryann Cocca-Leffler & Janine Leffler.. print book. Education
- Weathering : the extraordinary stress of ordinary life in an unjust society / Arline T. Geronimus.. print book. Public Policy & Administration
- Weathers Smith estate sale inventory. print book.
- W.E.B Du Bois's data portraits : visualizing Black America / Whitney Battle-Baptiste and Britt Rusert, editors.. ebook.
- Wednesday Wilson gets down to business / written by Bree Galbraith ; illustrated by Morgan Goble.. print book. Education
- Wendy / Walter Scott.. print book. Arts Administration
- Were you there? : for medium voice and piano / Gwyneth Walker.. music score (printed). Music
- West African challenge to empire : culture and history in the Volta-Bani anticolonial war / by Mahir Şaul and Patrick Royer.. print book. History
- What are preschoolers thinking? : insights from early learners' misunderstandings / Judith A. Schickedanz, Molly F. Collins, Catherine Marchant.. print book. Education
- What climate justice means and why we should care / Elizabeth Cripps.. print book. Education
- What goes without saying : navigating political discussion in America / Taylor N. Carlson, Washington University in St. Louis and Jaime E. Settle, College of William and Mary.. print book. Political Science
- What happened to civility : the promise and failure of Montaigne's modern project / Ann Hartle.. print book. Philosophy
- What happened to the vital center? : presidentialism, populist revolt, and the fracturing of America / Nicholas F. Jacobs and Sidney M. Milkis.. print book. History
- What I am / Divya Srinivasan.. print book. Education
- What if? : twenty-two scenarios in search of images / Vilém Flusser ; translated by Anke Finger and Kenneth Kronenberg ; introduction by Anke Finger ; afterword by Kenneth Goldsmith.. print book. Philosophy
- What is a museum? : perspectives from national and international museum leaders / edited by Kate Quinn and Alejandra Peña Gutiérrez ; for the United States National Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM-US).. print book. Art
- What is African art? : a short history / Peter Probst.. print book. Art
- What is dark matter? / Peter Fisher.. ebook. Physics
- What is now known was once only imagined : an (auto)biography of Niki de Saint Phalle / by Nicole Rudick.. print book. Art
- What kind of a thing is a Middle English lyric? / edited by Cristina Maria Cervone and Nicholas Watson.. print book. English
- What pornography knows : sex and social protest since the eighteenth century / Kathleen Lubey.. print book. English
- What Rosalind likes : pastoral, gender, and the founding of English verse / Paul J. Hecht.. print book. English
- What's prison for? : punishment and rehabilitation in the age of mass incarceration / Bill Keller.. ebook. Public Policy & Administration
- What's the use of philosophy? / Philip Kitcher.. print book. Philosophy
- What's your zip code story? : understanding and overcoming class bias in the workplace / CJ Gross ; foreword by Howard J. Ross.. ebook. Business
- What shall we have to eat? / Ladies Aid Society of the Central Christian Church, Lexington, Kentucky.. print book. Special Collections
- What the thunder said : how the Waste Land made poetry modern / Jed Rasula.. print book. English
- What things cost : an anthology for the people / edited by Rebecca Gayle Howell & Ashley M. Jones ; Emily Jalloul, associate editor.. print book.
- What this awl means : feminist archaeology at a Wahpeton Dakota village / Janet D. Spector ; with essential contributions by Chris C. Cavender [and others].. ebook. Anthropology
- What this awl means : feminist archaeology at a Wahpeton Dakota village / Janet D. Spector ; with essential contributions by Chris C. Cavender [and others].. print book. Anthropology
- What we owe the future / William MacAskill.. print book. Education
- What we value : public health, social justice, and educating for democracy / Lynn Pasquerella.. print book. Education
- What world is this? : a pandemic phenomenology / Judith Butler.. print book. Philosophy
- Wheeling's Polonia : reconstructing Polish community in a West Virginia steel town / William Hal Gorby.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- When banana ruled / Quark & ARTE France present ; a film by Mathilde Damoisel ; un film écrit et réalisé par Mathilde Damoisel ; produit par Juliette Guigon & Patrick Winocour.. streaming video. Hispanic Studies
- When Cloud became a cloud / Rob Hodgson.. print book. Education
- When good government meant big government : the quest to expand federal power, 1913-1933 / Jesse Tarbert.. print book. History
- When I breathe deeply = Cuando respiro profundo / by/por Jill Guerra ; translated by/traducción de Morelia Rivas.. print book. Education
- When I grow up : the lost autobiographies of six Yiddish teenagers / Ken Krimstein.. print book. Education
- When innocence is not enough : hidden evidence and the failed promise of the Brady rule / Thomas L. Dybdahl.. print book. Law
- When McKinsey Comes to Town: The Hidden Influence of the World's Most Powerful Consulting Firm.. ebook. Business
- When McKinsey comes to town : the hidden influence of the world's most powerful consulting firm / Walt Bogdanich and Michael Forsythe.. print book. Business
- When Molly ate the stars / Joyce Hesselberth.. print book. Education
- When mortals play God : eugenics and one family's story of tragedy, loss, and perseverance / John Erickson.. print book. History
- When Spinoza met Marx : experiments in nonhumanist activity / Tracie Matysik.. print book. Philosophy
- When the angels left the old country / by Sacha Lamb.. print book. Education
- When the bough breaks / a Point of View Pictures production.. streaming video.
- When the bough breaks / a Point of View Pictures production.. streaming video.
- When the sky falls / Phil Earle.. print book. Education
- WHEN THEY TELL YOU TO BE GOOD: A MEMOIR.. print book. Education
- When we rise : my life in the movement / Cleve Jones.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
- When we were sisters : a novel / Fatimah Asghar.. print book. Education
- When women lead : what they achieve, why they succeed, and how we can learn from them / Julia Boorstin.. print book. Business
- When women lead : what they achieve, why they succeed, and how we can learn from them / Julia Boorstin.. ebook. Business
- When you wish upon a star : a twisted tale : What if the Blue Fairy wasn't supposed to help Pinocchio? / Elizabeth Lim.. print book. Education
- Where is Bina Bear? / Mike Curato.. print book. Education
- Where the children take us : how one family achieved the unimaginable / Zain E. Asher.. print book. Education
- Where wonder grows / by Xelena González ; illustrated by Adriana M. Garcia.. print book. Education
- Wherever I go / Mary Wagley Copp ; illustrated by Munir D. Mohammed.. print book. Education
- Which fork do I use with my bourbon? : setting the table for tastings, food pairings, dinners, and cocktail parties / Peggy Noe Stevens & Susan Reigler ; foreword by Fred Minnick.. print book.
- Which side are you on : a novel / Ryan Lee Wong.. print book. Education
- White devils, black gods : race, masculinity, and religious codependency / Christopher M. Driscoll.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- A white house of stone : building America's first ideal in architecture / William Seale.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- White like me : race, racism & white privilege in America / Media Education Foundation Production.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
- White trash : the 400-year untold history of class in America / Nancy Isenberg.. print book. History
- The white wall : how big finance bankrupts Black America / Emily Flitter.. print book. Business
- The white wall : how big finance bankrupts black America / Emily Flitter.. ebook. Business
- The white wall : how big finance bankrupts black America / Emily Flitter. print book. Business
- White water : (string quartet no. 5) / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
- White women : everything you already know about your own racism and how to do better / Regina Jackson and Saira Rao.. print book. Gender & Women's Studies
- Whiteness / Martin Lund.. ebook. Psychology
- Whiteness and antiracism : beyond white privilege pedagogy / Kevin Lally ; foreword by Samuel Jaye Tanner.. print book. African American and Africana Studies
- Whiteout : how racial capitalism changed the color of opioids in America / Helena Hansen, Jules Netherland, and David Herzberg.. print book. History
- Whitfield Lovell : passages / edited by Michèle Wije ; essays by Cheryl Finley, Bridget R. Cooks.. print book. Art
- Who am I to stop it : a story of three artists with brain injury / Eleusis Films & StoryMinders presents.. streaming video.
- Who cares : the social safety net in America / Christopher Howard.. ebook. Social Work
- Who lives in the wood ? = Khto zhyve v lisi?. print book. Education
- Who moved my neighborhood? : leading congregations through gentrification and economic change / Mark E. Strong ; foreword by Harold Calvin Ray.. ebook. Geography
- Who's Black and why? : a hidden chapter from the eighteenth-century invention of race / edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and Andrew S. Curran.. print book. History
- Who's raising the kids? : big tech, big business, and the lives of children / Susan Linn.. print book. Education
- The whole mystery of Christ : creation as Incarnation in Maximus Confessor / Jordan Daniel Wood; foreword by John Behr.. print book. Philosophy
- Whose America? : culture wars in the public schools / Jonathan Zimmerman.. print book. Education
- Whose streets? / Presented by Magnolia Pictures ; Directed by Sabaah Folayan, Damon Davis ; Written by Sabaah Folayan.. streaming video. Library & Information Science
- Why American prisons fail : how to fix them without spending more money (maybe less) / Peyton Paxson, George H. Watson.. print book. Sociology
- Why art criticism? : a reader / Beate Söntgen and Julia Voss, eds.. print book. Art
- Why design matters : conversations with the world's most creative people / Debbie Millman ; foreword by Roxane Gay ; introduction by Tim Ferriss.. print book. Education
- Why governments get it wrong : and how they can get it right / Dennis C. Grube.. print book. History
- Why humans build up : the rise of towers, temples and skyscrapers / Gregor Craigie ; illustrated by Kathleen Fu.. print book. Education
- Why I make art : contemporary artists' stories about life & work / editor, Ananda Pellerin ; foreword by Hrishikesh Hirway.. print book. Art
- Why me? : the sociocultural evolution of a self-reflective mind / Radu J. Bogdan, Tulane University, New Orleans.. print book. Philosophy
- Why men win at work : and how we can make inequality history / Gill Whitty-Collins ; foreword by Andy Burnham.. ebook. Business
- Why modern manuscripts matter / Kathryn Sutherland.. print book. English
- Why the innocent plead guilty and the guilty go free : and other paradoxes of our broken legal system / Jed S. Rakoff.. print book. Law
- Why those who shovel are silent : a history of local archaeological knowledge and labor / Allison Mickel.. ebook. Anthropology
- Why we can't have nice things : social media's influence on fashion, ethics, and property / Minh-Ha T. Pham.. print book. Art
- Why we kill : understanding violence across cultures and disciplines / edited by Nancy Loucks, Sally Smith Holt, and Joanna Adler.. ebook. Sociology
- Why White liberals fail : race and Southern politics from FDR to Trump / Anthony J. Badger.. print book. History
- The Wife of Bath : a biography / Marion Turner.. print book. English
- The wife of Willesden : incorporating: The wife of Willesden's tale, which tale is preceded by The general lock-in and The wife of Willesden's prologue and followed by A retraction, told in verse couplets ; translated from the Chaucerian into North Weezia. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Wild seed / Octavia E. Butler.. print book. Education
- Wild Style.. streaming video. History
- Wild summer : string quartet / Joan Tower. music score (printed). Music
- Wild things are happening : the art of Maurice Sendak / edited by Jonathan Weinberg ; with an analysis by Thomas Crow.. print book. Art
- Wildflowers : a Toon book / by Liniers.. print book. Education
- Wildoak / C.C. Harrington ; drawings by Diana Sudyka.. print book. Education
- William Faulkner and the materials of writing / Jonathan Berliner.. print book. English
- William Griffin manumission. print book. Special Collections
- William Harnett's curious objects : still-life painting after the American Civil War / Nika Elder.. print book. Art
- William James, Essays in radical empiricism : a critical edition / edited and introduced by H.G. Callaway.. print book. Philosophy
- William James's pluralism : an antidote for contemporary extremism and absolutism / Wayne Viney.. print book. Philosophy
- William Kentridge / Stephen Clingman.. print book. Art
- William Kentridge : in praise of shadows / organized by Ed Schad ; with essays by Ed Schad, Zakes Mda, Ann McCoy ; William Kentridge in conversation with Walter Murch ; lecture by William Kentridge.. print book. Art
- William Wegman : writing by artist / William Wegman ; edited by Andrew Lampert.. print book. Art
- Willodeen / By Katherine Applegate ; illustrations by Charles Santoso.. print book. Education
- Wills and trusts in a nutshell / Sherri L. Burr, Dickason Chair and Regents Professor of Law Emirita, University of New Mexico.. print book. Law
- Wind conversations : for flute, oboe, clarinet in b-flat, horn in f and bassoon (2020) / Samuel Adler.. music score (printed). Music
- The Windeby puzzle : history and story / Lois Lowry.. print book. Education
- Windows : for orchestra / Jacob Druckman.. music score (printed). Music
- Wine wars II : the global battle for the soul of wine / Mike Veseth.. ebook. Business
- Wings : for solo alto saxophone / Joan Tower.. music score (printed). Music
- The winners : a novel / Fredrik Backman ; translated by Neil Smith.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- Winter's bone / Roadside Attractions, Anonymous Content and Winter's Bone Productions ; director, Debra Granik ; adapted for the screen by Debra Granik & Anne Rosellini ; producers, Anne Rosellini, Alix Madigan-Yorkin.. streaming video. Philosophy
- Wishes / by Mu̕ọ̕n Thị Văn ; illustrations by Victo Ngai.. print book. Education
- The Witch / a film by Robert Eggers.. streaming video. English
- Witch Hazel / written and illustrated by Molly Idle.. print book. Education
- Witchcraft and paganism in midcentury women's detective fiction / Jem Bloomfield.. print book. English
- With lots of love / written by Jenny Torres Sanchez ; illustrated by André Ceolin.. print book. Education
- With observation and imagination : still lifes, genre scenes, portraits, and landscapes from the Saunders Collection / Arthur K. Wheelock Jr. ; contributions by Sylvain Cordier, Robert Evren, Molly R. Harrington and Colleen Yarger.. print book. Art
- Within our gates / written, directed, and produced by Oscar Micheaux.. streaming video. English
- Within our gates / written, directed, and produced by Oscar Micheaux.. streaming video.
- Within the fourth wall = Entre la cuarta pared : for string quartet (2020) / James Diaz.. music score (printed). Music
- Witness to the age of revolution : the odyssey of Juan Bautista Tupac Amaru / Charles F. Walker, Liz Clarke.. print book. History
- Wittgenstein on rules : justification, grammar, and agreement / James R. Shaw.. print book. Philosophy
- Wittgenstein on sense and grammar / Silver Bronzo.. print book. Philosophy
- The Xicano genome / Steven Alvarez.. print book.
- XXY.. streaming video.
- Yanomami : a forest people / William Milliken and Bruce Albert with Gale Goodwin Gomez ; illustrations by Jane Rutherford.. print book. Anthropology
- Yanomami in the Amazon : toward a more ethical anthropology beyond othering / Leslie E. Sponsel.. print book. Anthropology
- Yayoi Kusama : 1945-now / edited by Doryun Chong and Mika Yoshitake.. print book. Art
- A year in the field / a film by George Gmelch & Dennis Lanson ; produced by George Gmelch ; directed and edited by Dennis Lanson.. streaming video.
- A year without months / Charles Dodd White.. print book. Appalachian Studies
- Yellen : the trailblazing economist who navigated an era of upheaval / Jon Hilsenrath.. print book. Business
- Yellow fever, race, and ecology in nineteenth-century New Orleans / Urmi Engineer Willoughby.. print book. History
- Yes to the city : millennials and the fight for affordable housing / Max Holleran.. print book. Geography
- Yes to the city : millennials and the fight for affordable housing / Max Holleran.. ebook. Public Policy & Administration
- Yiddish empire : the Vilna Troupe, Jewish theater, and the art of itinerancy / Debra Caplan.. print book. Theatre & Dance
- "Yo nací libre" : tras los pasos de Marcela en el Quijote / Ivette Martí Caloca.. print book. Hispanic Studies
- You are here : connecting flights / edited by Ellen Oh.. print book. Education
- You made a fool of death with your beauty : a novel / Akwaeke Emezi.. print book. Popular Reading Collection
- You might go to prison, even though you're innocent / Justin Brooks.. print book. Education
- You've been played : how corporations, governments, and schools use games to control us all / Adrian Hon.. print book. Business
- Young Foucault : the Lille manuscripts on psychopathology, phenomenology, and anthropology, 1952-1955 / Elisabetta Basso ; translated by Marie Satya McDonough ; foreword by Bernard E. Harcourt.. print book. Philosophy
- Young, gifted and diverse : origins of the new Black elite / Camille Z. Charles, Rory Kramer, Douglas S. Massey, Kimberly C. Torres.. print book. Education
- Young Lakota / produced and directed by Marion Lipschutz & Rose Rosenblatt.. streaming video.
- Young Lakota / produced and directed by Marion Lipschutz and Rose Rosenblatt.. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies
- Young Lakota / produced and directed by Marion Lipschutz & Rose Rosenblatt.. streaming video. Anthropology
- Young Projects : figure, cast, frame / Bryan Young, Nader Tehrani.. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design
- Your computer is on fire / edited by Thomas S. Mullaney, Benjamin Peters, Mar Hicks, and Kavita Philip.. ebook. Mathematics
- Your data, their billions : unraveling and simplifying big tech / Jane S. Hoffman.. print book. Business
- Yours for humanity : new essays on Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins / edited by JoAnn Pavletich.. print book. English
- Yours in sisterhood : Ms. magazine and the promise of popular feminism / Amy Erdman Farrell. [electronic resource]. ebook. English
- Youth without family to lean on : global challenges and local interventions / edited by Shula Mozes and Moshe Israelashvili.. ebook.
- Yum yum dim sum / [text and illustrations ... by Amy Wilson Sanger].. print book. Education
- YWY, searching for a character between future worlds : gender, ecology, science fiction / edited by Pedro Neves Marques.. print book. Art
- Zach Blas : unknown ideals / edited by Edit Molnár and Marcel Schwierin ; contributions by Zach Blas [and nine others].. print book. Art
- Zama / Rei Cine ; Bananeira Filmes ; en coproducción con El Deseo, Patagonik, MPM Film, Canana, Lemming Film, Telecine Productions, KNM, O Som e a Fúria, Louverture Films, Schortcut Films, Bertha Foundation, Perdomo Productions, Punta colorada de cinema. streaming video. English
- Zama / Rei Cine ; Bananeira Filmes ; en coproducción con El Deseo, Patagonik, MPM Film, Canana, Lemming Film, Telecine Productions, KNM, O Som e a Fúria, Louverture Films, Schortcut Films, Bertha Foundation, Perdomo Productions, Punta colorada de cinema. streaming video. English
- Zama / Rei Cine ; Bananeira Filmes ; en coproducción con El Deseo, Patagonik, MPM Film, Canana, Lemming Film, Telecine Productions, KNM, O Som e a Fúria, Louverture Films, Schortcut Films, Bertha Foundation, Perdomo Productions, Punta colorada de cinema. streaming video.
- Zebrafish model for biomedical research / edited by Prasan R. Bhandari, Kala Kumar Bharani, Amit Khurana.. print book. Biology
- Zelda Popkin : the life and times of an American Jewish woman writer / Jeremy D. Popkin.. print book. History
- Zero zebras : a counting book about what's not there / by Bruce Goldstone ; illustrated by Julien Chung.. print book. Education
- Zhu xi : basic writings / translated by Daniel K. Gardner.. print book. Philosophy
- Zizou and the Arab Spring / une film de Férid Boughedir ; une coproduction franco-tunisienne Mille et Une Productions Cinares & Marsa Films ; un coproduction avec France 3 Cinéma, Abbout Productions ; avec la participation de Canal+, France Télévision. streaming video.
- Zizou and the Arab Spring / une film de Férid Boughedir ; une coproduction franco-tunisienne Mille et Une Productions Cinares & Marsa Films ; un coproduction avec France 3 Cinéma, Abbout Productions ; avec la participation de Canal+, France Télévision. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies
- Zora Neale Hurston : jump at the sun / California Newsreel presents.. streaming video.
- Zoroastre : symphonies - versions de 1749 et 1756 / Jean-Philippe Rameau ; edited by Graham Sadler.. music score (printed). Music
- Zukunft Museum / herausgegeben von Leonhard Emmerling und Latika Gupta, Luiza Proença und Memory Biwa.. print book. History
- Zweites trio, op. 58 : für pianoforte, violine und violoncell / Hugo Kaun.. music score (printed). Music
- Zwölf Etüden, Opus 8 = Twelve etudes, op. 8 / Alexander Skrjabin ; herausgegeben von Valentina Rubcova = edited by Valentina Rubcova ; Fingersatz von Boris Giltburg = fingering by Boris Giltburg.. music score (printed). Music