Engineering: Related titles via multiple subject funds
- The analysis of Gothic architecture : studies in memory of Robert Mark and Andrew Tallon / edited by Robert Bork.. print book
- Beyond digital : design and automation at the end of modernity / Mario Carpo.. ebook
- Build : an unorthodox guide to making things worth making / Tony Fadell.. print book
- Concrete : from the ground up / Larissa Theule ; illustrated by Steve Light.. print book
- Designing our future : GIS for architecture, engineering & construction / edited by Kathleen Kewley, Micah Callough, Keith Mann.. print book
- Ergodesign methodology for the product design : a human-centered approach / Marcelo M. Soares.. ebook
- Historical perspectives on sustainable fashion : inspiration for change / Amy Twigger Holroyd, Jennifer Farley Gordon, and Colleen Hill.. ebook
- How was that built? : the stories behind awesome structures / Roma Agrawal ; illustrated by Katie Hickey.. print book
- Human factors and ergonomics in practice : improving system performance and human well-being in the real world / edited by Steven Shorrock, Claire Williams.. ebook
- Inventing mobility for all : mastering mobility-as-a-service with self-driving vehicles / Andreas Herrmann, Johann Jungwirth.. ebook
- A life electric : the story of Nikola Tesla / Azadeh Westergaard ; illustrated by Júlia Sardà.. print book
- Losing the precious few : how America fails to educate its minorities in science and engineering / Richard A. Tapia.. ebook
- The magic ring : systems thinking approach to control systems / Piero Mella.. ebook
- Off Grid House Plans / Anna Minguet, editor.. print book
- Principles of tissue engineering / edited by Robert Lanza, Robert Langer, Josph P. Vacanti, Anthony Atala. ebook
- Product design and development / Karl T. Ulrich, University of Pennsylvania, Steven D. Eppinger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Maria C. Yang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.. ebook
- Roadblock politics : the origins of violence in Central Africa / Peer Schouten.. print book
- The science of brass instruments / Murray Campbell, Joël Gilbert, Arnold Myers.. print book
- Think black : a memoir / Clyde W. Ford.. ebook
- Understanding and offsetting financial barriers for Black students in science, engineering, and medicine : programs, partnerships, and pathways : proceedings of a workshop / Gilda A. Barabino, Theodore J. Corbin, Jr. and Paula Whitacre, rapporteurs ; Cato. ebook
- Univariate stable distributions : models for heavy tailed data / John P. Nolan.. print book
- User experience research : discover what customers really want / Marty Gage and Spencer Murrell.. print book
- You've been played : how corporations, governments, and schools use games to control us all / Adrian Hon.. print book