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New Books & Media at UK Libraries

List of new books and media with clickable links and description for each title. Covers print and ebooks, as well as hardcopy and digital media. The site provides a master list, plus subject breakdown.

Engineering: New fy2023

Engineering: Related titles via multiple subject funds

  1. The analysis of Gothic architecture : studies in memory of Robert Mark and Andrew Tallon / edited by Robert Bork.. print book
  2. Beyond digital : design and automation at the end of modernity / Mario Carpo.. ebook
  3. Build : an unorthodox guide to making things worth making / Tony Fadell.. print book
  4. Concrete : from the ground up / Larissa Theule ; illustrated by Steve Light.. print book
  5. Designing our future : GIS for architecture, engineering & construction / edited by Kathleen Kewley, Micah Callough, Keith Mann.. print book
  6. Ergodesign methodology for the product design : a human-centered approach / Marcelo M. Soares.. ebook
  7. Historical perspectives on sustainable fashion : inspiration for change / Amy Twigger Holroyd, Jennifer Farley Gordon, and Colleen Hill.. ebook
  8. How was that built? : the stories behind awesome structures / Roma Agrawal ; illustrated by Katie Hickey.. print book
  9. Human factors and ergonomics in practice : improving system performance and human well-being in the real world / edited by Steven Shorrock, Claire Williams.. ebook
  10. Inventing mobility for all : mastering mobility-as-a-service with self-driving vehicles / Andreas Herrmann, Johann Jungwirth.. ebook
  11. A life electric : the story of Nikola Tesla / Azadeh Westergaard ; illustrated by Júlia Sardà.. print book
  12. Losing the precious few : how America fails to educate its minorities in science and engineering / Richard A. Tapia.. ebook
  13. The magic ring : systems thinking approach to control systems / Piero Mella.. ebook
  14. Off Grid House Plans / Anna Minguet, editor.. print book
  15. Principles of tissue engineering / edited by Robert Lanza, Robert Langer, Josph P. Vacanti, Anthony Atala. ebook
  16. Product design and development / Karl T. Ulrich, University of Pennsylvania, Steven D. Eppinger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Maria C. Yang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.. ebook
  17. Roadblock politics : the origins of violence in Central Africa / Peer Schouten.. print book
  18. The science of brass instruments / Murray Campbell, Joël Gilbert, Arnold Myers.. print book
  19. Think black : a memoir / Clyde W. Ford.. ebook
  20. Understanding and offsetting financial barriers for Black students in science, engineering, and medicine : programs, partnerships, and pathways : proceedings of a workshop / Gilda A. Barabino, Theodore J. Corbin, Jr. and Paula Whitacre, rapporteurs ; Cato. ebook
  21. Univariate stable distributions : models for heavy tailed data / John P. Nolan.. print book
  22. User experience research : discover what customers really want / Marty Gage and Spencer Murrell.. print book
  23. You've been played : how corporations, governments, and schools use games to control us all / Adrian Hon.. print book