Public Policy & Administration: New fy2023
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- The big fix : 7 practical steps to save our planet / Hal Harvey and Justin Gillis, with Mark Silberg and Amanda Myers.. Simon & Schuster. print book
- Bloodbath nation / Paul Auster ; photographs by Spencer Ostrander.. Grove Press. print book
- Carmageddon : how cars make life worse and what to do about it / Daniel Knowles.. Abrams Press. print book
- Carmageddon : how cars make life worse and what to do about it / Daniel Knowles.. Abrams Press. ebook
- The climate book / created by Greta Thunberg.. Penguin Press. print book
- The climate book : the facts and the solutions / Greta Thunberg.. Penguin Press. ebook
- The darkness manifesto : on light pollution, night ecology, and the ancient rhythms that sustain life / Johan EkloĢf ; translated from the Swedish by Elizabeth DeNoma.. Scribner an imprint of Simon & Schuster Inc. print book
- The Devil Never Sleeps: Learning to Live in an Age of Disasters.. PublicAffairs; Hachette Book Group (eBook). ebook
- Doughnut economics : seven ways to think like a 21st century economist / Kate Raworth.. Chelsea Green Publishing. ebook
- Dream states : smart cities, technology, and the pursuit of urban utopias / John Lorinc.. Coach House Books. ebook
- Dynamic democracy : public opinion, elections, and policymaking in the American states / Devin Caughey and Christopher Warshaw.. The University of Chicago Press. print book
- Ghosting the news : local journalism and the crisis of American democracy / Margaret Sullivan. Columbia Global Reports. ebook
- Lady justice : women, the law, and the battle to save America / Dahlia Lithwick.. Penguin Press. print book
- Not too late : changing the climate story from despair to possibility / edited by Rebecca Solnit & Thelma Young Lutunatabua ; with illustrations by David Solnit.. Haymarket Books. print book
- The pandemic divide : how COVID increased inequality in America / edited by Gwendolyn L. Wright, Lucas Hubbard, and William A. Darity Jr.. Duke University Press. print book
- The power of crisis : how three threats--and our response--will change the world / Ian Bremmer.. Simon & Schuster. ebook
- The Pruitt-Igoe myth / Unicorn Stencil presents ; in association with The Missouri History Museum ; directed by Chad Freidrichs ; produced by Chad Freidrichs, Jaime Freidrichs, Paul Fehler, Brian Woodman ; script by Chad & Jaime Freidrichs.. First Run Features; Unicorn Stencil. streaming video
- Shielded : how the police became untouchable / Joanna Schwartz.. Viking. print book
- Suffer the little children : child migration and the geopolitics of compassion in the United States / Anita Casavantes Bradford.. University of North Carolina Press. ebook
- Under the skin : the hidden toll of racism on American lives and on the health of our nation / Linda Villarosa.. Doubleday a division of Penguin Random House LLC. print book
- Weathering : the extraordinary stress of ordinary life in an unjust society / Arline T. Geronimus.. Little Brown Spark. print book
- What's prison for? : punishment and rehabilitation in the age of mass incarceration / Bill Keller.. Columbia Global Reports. ebook
- Yes to the city : millennials and the fight for affordable housing / Max Holleran.. Princeton University Press. ebook