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List of new books and media with clickable links and description for each title. Covers print and ebooks, as well as hardcopy and digital media. The site provides a master list, plus subject breakdown.

Hebrew.| Judaism: New fy2023

Hebrew & Judaic Studies titles via multiple subject funds

A - Z

  1. America and the Holocaust : a documentary history / Rafael Medoff.. University of Nebraska Press; The Jewish Publication Society. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  2. Americans and the Holocaust : a reader / edited by Daniel Greene and Edward Phillips ; published in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.. Rutgers University Press. ebook. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  3. Applying Jewish ethics : beyond the rabbinic tradition / edited by Jennifer A. Thompson and Allison B. Wolf.. Lexington Books. print book. Philosophy; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  4. Architecture and development : Israeli construction in Sub-Saharan Africa and the settler colonial imagination, 1958-1973 / Ayala Levin.. Duke University Press. print book. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  5. The art of Symeon Shimin / essays by Symeon Shimin, Josef Woodard, Charles Donelan ; edited and curated by Tonia Shimin.. Mercury Press International. print book. Art; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  6. Au revoir les enfants / ecrit et réalisé par Louis Malle ; une co-production, Nouvelles Editions de Films, M.K.2 Productions, Stella Film.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  7. Aviva vs. the Dybbuk / Mari Lowe.. Levine Querido. print book. Education; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  8. Before the holocaust : antisemitic violence and the reaction of German elites and institutions during the Nazi takeover / Hermann Beck.. Oxford University Press. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  9. Behind the angel of history : the Angelus Novus and its interleaf / Annie Bourneuf.. The University of Chicago Press. print book. Art; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  10. The books of Jacob : or: A fantastic journey across seven borders, five languages, and three major religions, not counting the minor sects. Told by the dead, supplemented by the author, drawing from a range of books, and aided by imagination, the which be. Riverhead Books. print book. Popular Reading Collection; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  11. Boris Lurie and Wolf Vostell : Art after the Shoah / edited by Eckhart J. Gillen, Daniel Koep, Kunstmuseum Den Haag ; in cooperation with Kunsthaus Dahlem, Ludwig Museum Koblenz, Ludwig Müzeum--Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest ; supported by Boris Lu. Hatje Cantz. print book. Art; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  12. But I live : three stories of child survivors of the Holocaust / Miriam Libicki and David Schaffer, Gilad Seliktar and Nico and Rolf Kamp, Barbara Yelin and Emmie Arbel ; editor: Charlotte Schallié.. New Jewish Press an imprint of University of Toronto Press. print book. Education; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  13. La cámara oscura = The camera obscura / CA, cine argentino ; Todo Cine Producciones ; Sophie Dulac Productions ; dirigida por María Victoria Menis ; productor, Héctor Menis ; guión, María Victoria Menis, Alejandro Fernández Murray.. National Center for Jewish Film. video DVD. Hispanic Studies; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  14. Changing light : for soprano and flute : (2005) / Kaija Saariaho.. exclusively distributed by Hal Leonard; Chester Music. music score (printed). Music; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  15. Communist Poland : a Jewish woman's experience / Sara Nomberg-Przytyk ; edited by Holli Levitsky and Justyna Włodarczyk ; translated by Paula Parsky.. Lexington Books. ebook. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  16. The crown and the courts : separation of powers in the early Jewish imagination / David C. Flatto.. Harvard University Press. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  17. Denaturalized : how thousands lost their citizenship and lives in Vichy France / Claire Zalc ; translated by Catherine Porter.. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  18. Die Unsichtbaren : wir wollen leben.. Kanopy Streaming; Films We Like. streaming video. Anthropology; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  19. Le dernier métro = The last metro / Janus Films ; MK2 Marin Karmitz ; une production Les Films du Carrosse, Sedif S.A., T.F. 1, Société française de production ; scénario de François Truffaut et Suzanne Schiffman ; dialogue de François Truffaut, Su. Kanopy Streaming; Janus Films. streaming video. French & Francophone Studies; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  20. Farewell my lovely / an Avco Embassy release ; Elliott Kastner presents a Dick Richards film.. Kanopy Streaming; Shout Factory. streaming video. English; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  21. Farewell my lovely / an Avco Embassy release ; Elliott Kastner presents a Dick Richards film.. Kanopy Streaming; Shout Factory. streaming video. Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  22. Feasting and fasting : the history and ethics of Jewish food / edited by Aaron S. Gross, Jody Myers, and Jordan D. Rosenblum ; with a foreword by Hasia Diner and an afterword by Jonathan Safran Foer.. New York University Press. ebook. English; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  23. The femininity puzzle : gender, orientalism and the "Jewish Other" / Ulrike Brunotte.. Transcript. print book. English; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  24. Forging ties, forging passports : migration and the modern Sephardi diaspora / Devi Mays.. Stanford University Press. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  25. Forgiveness : the story of Eva Kor, survivor of the Auschwitz twin experiments / Joe Lee.. Red Lightning Books. print book. Education; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  26. Genesis in late antique poetry / edited by Andrew Faulkner, Cillian O'Hogan, and Jeffrey Wickes.. The Catholic University of America Press. print book. English; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  27. German railroads, Jewish souls : the Reichsbahn, bureaucracy, and the final solution / Christopher R. Browning, Peter Hayes, and Raul Hilberg.. Berghahn. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  28. The girl at the Lion d'Or / Sebastian Faulks.. Vintage International. ebook. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  29. The golden door : (beginnings-1938) / a Florentine Films production ; .. Kanopy Streaming; PBS. streaming video. Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  30. The golden door : (beginnings-1938) / a Florentine Films production ; .. Kanopy Streaming; PBS. streaming video. Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  31. How to find what you're not looking for / Veera Hiranandani.. Kokila an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC. print book. Education; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  32. In Hitler's Munich : Jews, the revolution, and the rise of Nazism / Michael Brenner ; translated by Jeremiah Riemer.. Princeton University Press. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  33. In the shadow of the Caesars : Jewish life in Roman Italy / by Samuele Rocca.. Brill. ebook. Classical Studies; Hebrew & Judaic Studies; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  34. It's my life / Stacie Ramey.. Sourcebooks Fire. print book. Education; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  35. It's my life / Stacie Ramey.. Sourcebooks Fire. print book. Education; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  36. Jewish culture between Canon and Heresy / David Biale.. Stanford University Press. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  37. Jewish emigration, 1938-1940, Rublee negotiations, and Intergovernmental Committee / introduction by John Mendelsohn.. Garland Publishing Inc. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  38. Jewish emigration from 1933 to the Evian Conference of 1938 / introduction by John Mendelsohn.. Garland Pub. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  39. Jewish emigration : the S.S. St. Louis affair and other cases / introduction by John Mendelsohn.. Garland Publishing Inc. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  40. Jewish imaginaries of the Spanish Civil War : in search of poetic justice / edited by Cynthia Gabbay.. Bloomsbury Academic. print book. English; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  41. The Jews of summer : summer camp and Jewish culture in postwar America / Sandra Fox.. Stanford University Press. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  42. Just a girl : a true story of World War II / Lia Levi ; illustrations by Jess Mason ; translated by Sylvia Notini.. Harper an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers. print book. Education; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  43. Leo Strauss and the Theopolitics of culture / Philipp von Wussow.. State University of New York. print book. Philosophy; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  44. The life and crimes of Hoodie Rosen / by Isaac Blum.. Philomel Books. print book. Education; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  45. Martin Buber : a life of faith and dissent / Paul Mendes-Flohr.. Yale University Press. print book. Philosophy; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  46. Modernist diaspora : immigrant Jewish artists in Paris, 1900-1945 / Richard D. Sonn.. Bloomsbury Visual Arts. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  47. Morgenthau : power, privilege, and the rise of an American dynasty / Andrew Meier.. Random House. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  48. The musical tradition of the Eastern European synagogue / Sholom Kalib.. Syracuse University Press. music score (printed). Music; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  49. The Netanyahus : an account of a minor and ultimately even negligible episode in the history of a very famous family / Joshua Cohen.. New York Review Books. print book. Popular Reading Collection; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  50. New York's Yiddish theater : from the Bowery to Broadway / edited by Edna Nahshon.. Columbia University Press in association with the Museum of the City of New York. print book. Theatre & Dance; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  51. No return : Jews, Christian usurers, and the spread of mass expulsion in medieval Europe / Rowan Dorin.. Princeton University Press. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  52. Nuit et brouillard = Night and fog / une co-production Como Films, Argos Films, Cocinor [and] Janus Films ; producers, Anatole Dauman, Samy Halfon, Philippe Lifchitz ; text writer, Jean Cayrol ; director, Alain Resnais.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video. English; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  53. Nuit et brouillard = Night and fog / une co-production Como Films, Argos Films, Cocinor [and] Janus Films ; producers, Anatole Dauman, Samy Halfon, Philippe Lifchitz ; text writer, Jean Cayrol ; director, Alain Resnais.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video. Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  54. One step ahead of Hitler : a Jewish child's journey through France / Fred Gross.. Mercer University Press. print book. English; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  55. Ordinary people, turbulent times / Alice Dreifuss Goldstein.. AuthorHouse. print book. English; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  56. Osnat and her dove : the true story of the world's first female rabbi / written by Sigal Samuel ; illustrated by Vali Mintzi.. Levine Querido. print book. Education; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  57. Palestine 1936 : the great revolt and the roots of the Middle East conflict / Oren Kessler.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book. History; Arabic & Islamic Studies; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  58. The philosophical pathos of Susan Taubes : between nihilism and hope / Elliot R. Wolfson.. Stanford University Press. print book. English; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  59. Pow! Right in the eye! : thirty years behind the scenes of modern French painting / Berthe Weill ; edited by Lynn Gumpert ; translated from the French by William Rodarmor ; with research assistance from Marianne Le Morvan ; foreword by Julie Saul and Lynn. The University of Chicago Press. print book. Art; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  60. Recording history : Jews, Muslims, and music across twentieth-century North Africa / Christopher Silver.. Stanford University Press. print book. Music; Arabic & Islamic Studies; Hebrew & Judaic Studies; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  61. Resistance : the underground war against Hitler, 1939-1945 / Halik Kochanski.. Liveright Publishing Corporation a division of W W Norton & Company. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  62. Songs in dark times : Yiddish poetry of struggle from Scottsboro to Palestine / Amelia M. Glaser.. Harvard University Press. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  63. Survival on the margins : Polish Jewish refugees in the wartime Soviet Union / Eliyana R. Adler.. Harvard University Press. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  64. Tombeaux : autobiographie de ma famille / Annette Wieviorka.. Éditions du Seuil. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  65. The tower of life : how Yaffa Eliach rebuilt her town in stories and photographs / by Chana Stiefel ; illustrated by Susan Gal.. Scholastic Press. print book. Education; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  66. Undesirables : a Holocaust journey to North Africa / Aomar Boum ; illustrated by Nadjib Berber.. Stanford University Press. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  67. Voices on war and genocide : three accounts of the World Wars in a Galician town / edited and with an introduction by Omer Bartov.. Berghahn. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  68. When I grow up : the lost autobiographies of six Yiddish teenagers / Ken Krimstein.. Bloomsbury Publishing. print book. Education; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  69. When the angels left the old country / by Sacha Lamb.. Levine Querido. print book. Education; Hebrew & Judaic Studies
  70. Zelda Popkin : the life and times of an American Jewish woman writer / Jeremy D. Popkin.. Rowman & Littlefield. print book. History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies