Communication purchased with multiple subject funds
- Advertising at the Edge of the Apocalypse. . ebook. Communication
- Chemical information for chemists : a primer / edited by Judith N. Currano and Dana L. Roth.. Royal Society of Chemistry. print book. Chemistry; Communication
- China's international communication and relationship building / edited by Xiaoling Zhang and Corey Schultz.. Routledge. ebook. Political Science; Communication
- The codes of gender : identity + performance in pop culture / produced by the Media Education Foundation ; written & directed by Sut Jhally.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video. Education; Communication
- Content production for digital media : an introduction / Jay Daniel Thompson, John Weldon.. Imprint Springer; Springer Singapore. print book. Mathematics; Communication
- Dreamworlds 3 : desire, sex & power in music video / the Media Education Foundation presents ; written, narrated & edited by Sut Jhally.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video. Sociology; Communication
- The emoji story / Emojigeddon presents ; Unlimited Liability Productions.. Kanopy Streaming; Utopia. streaming video. Sociology; Communication
- Ethnic notions / produced, written & directed by Marlon Riggs.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video. Sociology; Communication
- Feeling media : potentiality and the afterlife of art / Miryam Sas.. Duke University Press. print book. Art; Communication
- Ghosting the news : local journalism and the crisis of American democracy / Margaret Sullivan. Columbia Global Reports. ebook. Public Policy & Administration; Communication; Journalism
- Handbook of adolescent digital media use and mental health / edited by Jacqueline Nesi, Brown University, [Rhode Island], Eva H. Telzer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Mitchell J. Prinstein, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.. Cambridge University Press. print book. Education; Communication
- Jennifer West : media archaeology / edited by Andy Campbell and Chelsea Weathers.. Editoriale Bortolazzi-Stei; DAP/Distributed Art Publishers; Radius Books with the support of the Thoma Foundation. print book. Art; Communication
- Killing us softly : advertising's image of women / created by Jean Kilbourne ; producer, director, editor, Sut Jhally.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video. Communication
- Knowledge production in Mao-era China : learning from the masses / Marc Andre Matten and Rui Kunze.. Lexington Books an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc. print book. History; Communication
- The mediated construction of reality / Nick Couldry and Andreas Hepp.. Polity Press. print book. Philosophy; Communication
- Miss representation / Girls Club Entertainment presents a Jennifer Siebel Newsom & Regina Kulik Scully production ; edited & co-written by Jessica Congdon ; executive producer, Geralyn Dreyfous, Sarah Johnson Redlich, Regina Kulik Scully ; written, direct. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video. Gender & Women's Studies; Communication
- Neverending stories : the popular emergence of digital fiction / R. Lyle Skains.. Bloomsbury Academic. print book. English; Communication
- The paradox of democracy : free speech, open media, and perilous persuasion / Zac Gershberg and Sean Illing.. University of Chicago Press. print book. History; Communication
- The playbook : how to deny science, sell lies, and make a killing in the corporate world / Jennifer Jacquet.. Pantheon Books. ebook. Business; Communication
- The Porn Factor.. Kanopy Streaming; Rendered Visible. streaming video. Sociology; Communication
- The propagandists' playbook : how conservative elites manipulate search and threaten democracy / Francesca Bolla Tripodi.. Yale University Press. print book. Political Science; Communication
- Re-understanding media : feminist extensions of Marshall Mcluhan / Sarah Sharma and Rianka Singh.. Duke University Press. ebook. Gender & Women's Studies; Communication
- Rethinking communication geographies : geomedia, digital logistics and the human condition / AndreĢ Jansson.. Edward Elgar Publishing. ebook. Geography; Communication
- The Routledge handbook of health communication / edited by Teresa L. Thompson, Nancy Grant Harrington.. Routledge. ebook. Medicine; Communication
- Screen damage : the dangers of digital media for children / Michel Desmurget ; translated by Andrew Brown.. Polity Press. print book. Education; Communication
- The skeptic's guide to health, medicine, and the media. episode 24, the media's role in improving health.. Kanopy Streaming; The Great Courses. streaming video. Medicine; Communication
- Stories we tell / Roadside Attractions ; the National Film Board of Canada presents ; written and directed by Sarah Polley ; produced by Anita Lee.. Samuel Goldwyn Films; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video. English; Communication
- Strategic science communication : a guide to setting the right objectives for more effective public engagement / John C. Besley and Anthony Dudo.. Johns Hopkins University Press. print book. Biology; Communication
- Taboo : 10 facts you can't talk about / Wilfred Reilly.. Regnery Publishing a division of Salem Media Group. print book. Communication; Political Science; Sociology
- Through the prism of an intellectual life / Media Education Foundation ; editor, Sut Jhally ; video & audio mastering, Rikk Desgres.. Kanopy Streaming; Media Education Foundation. streaming video. Education; Communication; Political Science; Sociology
- Tough guise 2 : violence, manhood & American culture / a Media Education Foundation production ; produced and directed by Jeremy Earp ; written by Jackson Katz and Jeremy Earp ; executive producer, Sut Jhally ; co-producer, Jason Young.. Kanopy Streaming. streaming video. Social Work; Communication; Sociology
- Tough guise : violence, media and the crisis in masculinity / directed by Sut Jhally ; produced by Susan Ericsson, Sanjay Talreja.. Media Education Foundation; Kanopy Streaming. streaming video. Communication; Social Work; Sociology
- Transmedial character studies / Tobias Kunz and Lukas R.A. Wilde.. Routledge. ebook. English; Communication
- Trash talk : anti-Obama lore and racism in the twenty-first century / Patricia A. Turner.. University of California Press. ebook. Russian Studies; Communication; Journalism, Political Science; Sociology
- Universities on fire : higher education in the climate crisis / Bryan Alexander.. Johns Hopkins University Press. print book. Education; Communication
- Unscripted : the epic battle for a media empire and the Redstone family legacy / James B. Stewart and Rachel Abrams.. Penguin Press. print book. Business; Communication
- The wayfinding handbook [electronic resource] : information design for public places / David Gibson ; foreword by Christopher Pullman.. Princeton Architectural Press. ebook. Architecture, Historic Preservation, Interior Design, Product Design; Communication
- What goes without saying : navigating political discussion in America / Taylor N. Carlson, Washington University in St. Louis and Jaime E. Settle, College of William and Mary.. Cambridge University Press. print book. Political Science; Communication